T=ritMle==lllX=EXM . . The ?'arms leattokthat •• • rub, are. Its k t s t ie t r mier Pl iZ i =roAre l Vin9 Penttentlury. by Posideirt VI tuna; reitiad. — Thll sameliti iliddit'l - 1 c. In satigbuithatlhia - 'l3Ers iforAP testimony mmia l Apyj,4ius, this Fish oil one oftheanust• unpripoW t r a -soonndrebr in the ociiintry.". He'vollec ' false bills otAtAreasuiliteceiletWlolll9a' -strile -private-- T. Wisng officially-through 148-haudkat e ulegovern ment borses . arld sold ,iluon, hiMtnally frequented disretontable betties dressed in his cmilbra, andinadeliaosmeand.otiffie a bymord.aDd ATTach- .• 40 L:' ~ : cail The Niaut,.does, all not.. the story. ,Ttus:lrkig u lOrkd was Oniet the ,moit IlataritloYaleaguera in the - oorrfitry. - 'He was a . londmonthavitriet, and manifest. Vi ed an intinse dislike . of The' '" i d: -He tried-to - injure our 'emulation." d et one time caned an order frticlffipg, e•Halti more 0040 from "Copy i ng jvticliis 'from 'our' Columns;-•this; Op, at a time whili he was Aendiegahroad confederate bondsfor sale. ' FidE this and ' klaiidielfaseri; it is pretty safe to pet down every fellow who basdatitntelf hoarse in denouncing Demo. crate, as disloyal assn unmitigriscound rel. • Lincoln's Supporter% W. Loyed Garrison, in t epee& in 1856, said : The Union is a lie. The American Constitution is an imposts:l3,4nd a coven. ant with death, an agreement with het.— I ant for its overthrow." _ This same Garrison is an' ardent sup porter of Lincoln's renominatkin and re election. " Show me the company you keep and I'll ten you what you are, IS a Spanish proverb peculiarly; applicable to this case. Another of old Abe's supporters isPred Douglas, a negro voter, who, ins inspeech over the hanging of that old murderer, Johh Brown, said : " Fromtbis time forth/ oorpeorste the labors of my life to the diSSOlntion of the Union, lind I don't care 'whether the bolt ;fiat rends it oases from heaven or rrom bell." And yet these creatures have the aud acity to eall themselves " Union men." Never a Good War-.Neveraßad Peace. . The following is the letter written by the illustrious Dr. Franklin, alluded to by Mr. Long in his speech in Con g ress. It was written to Sir Joseph Banks in 1789, after the termination of the Revolution : " DEA': Sza—l join with you most cor dially in rejoicing at the return of peace.— I hope it will be lengthy, as they call them selves reasonable creatures, hairs ;meson and sense enough to settle their differen oes without cutting throats, for in my opinion there never was a good war or a bad peace. What vast additions to the conveniences and comforts of the living mankind have acquired, if the moieriPant in wars bad been employed in works of Public utility t What an extension of agriculture, cs:en to the tops of our moun tains ; what rivers rendered navigable or joined by canals ; whatbridges,aqueducta, new roads, and other public works: edi fices and improvements, rendering Eng land a complete paradise,Might hivebeen obtained by spending those nnllions in do. ing good, which in the last war hive been in doing mischief, in bringing , misery in to thousands of families, and destroying the lives of so many , thousands 'of working people who might have performed this use ful labor." • ["Some Copperhead Basstsrted such -disloyal" questions as the , following : After a warofB4 years duration,Russia with a. population of 75,000,000, has at last 'subjugated Ciroassia, with a popula tiottof 400,000. If it takes 75,000,000 Russians 64 years to subjugate 400,000 Gircassians, how long it take 20,000 000 Americans to subjugate 8,000,000 Americans ? 10.000 WOOL WANTED AT THIS . Woolen Factory in On the Rock Bottom Data, . enienazreir, intooies, mart, it. T. lace. :Idiviierzmutergui.didiAtie. lam. beg leave to 01711 the pmde, that im tan' at:dm:mewl MaddatalAte7drel). to receive Wool otenetomers to be mast tato newels or Fulled 'Meth. of any color or style finish. Whet by Me yldd gr MP= elem, and upon staladiddik terms: Also Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing . We have two Double Machines fitted up ex pnWslytor,CusiontCroding, with arisr , cerds, Be.r;Ond laving had an at roMfesperitmee of overtittety'yetre:in thelmainemorsgallilltliee ta wba motavornewith their : . patronage, -that th eir Wool &hall be , airded is a weekmanWas manse; eelth promPWeo. and at as.reas• enable tr price 41441.1 odathrr Generally, those from a distance CID have th ei M cardedthe same day: if requested. 170 met= tel for customers to pay at this chop. All Vicrcarlz. Viriess•rassit€ o4 l2. urn you want to be sure of good work, go the Wool en Factory at the foot of Carroll abortion the finaotte henna river. • . .r. CASK PAID TOR WOOL — aaea,falba Bp[aiwilmworpo.thmw I*. _ - WM. IL_COOPER,/ . .ate"Ma Thordrillalel "Black earths of . Liverpool ra.0404. . NB wlildnitto nod for their Moms 'mine oia ,can ourabaserone dad. 4 ; 10 41 5" Alio, Pratt flikAleararal itctilAtiers. Ass, if - NI G. - W. BEACH, sin r l ife& 1 13 Vo r ettl i n,..tba ln al mehmege,,,, t f ii i liavivloc t ittaroaneo Censer, ue roopo=lly illo_protoodonal to thII CU UPI of Hogue leas Emit/. cm farm comsmensurato witb to ;Wm tgW l l, PR. PKAWItifft— voLLIITAIRM latente. Coal ts*Mrl owns imauffelettp. st Gria a n E , R y RACIV/SION : - STORE! '5:.40,,if...„ r, TiB ElearlWO HOW. 3.7 .".'" ;P:11' . ; •t• • ORIfkNE ERA E ROOF; iiiraltiVO-C=tiltoC-10at • ." : - _ GIOtERIEL - iIROVISIONS; . . coNFECtIONERY, (04 onflootet of et!, best !pieties. Fresh' Supplies 'constantly iee'd. rcrifomeisibertl . to placer , u asIL . or uagon . 4016041/10 . vata A •, 10 4 0. 31, C31,1141E. P. T. FEBGEREION. Ifootoo; Apra la 1864. • . 1;;;Ivr 3-1 3E24. NSW GOODS. Taud i t zie htnier hafarea tared tatdbaahteas pa dlieethe and atyle of 'WEBB '.& BUTTERFIELD, bee leleti to Witt:the public that Mei afetweriee• 1 1 1= f mlieir=e ob lerle . and n well r a n/ it a Zh t , Kyles orSpring and Sommer Prints, Shallies, Delanes, Claassimeres, 4121ceettc:3•33Leac51.ess. cfoo. I LOT OP GROCERIES, Mall Was. ♦ gtad mus4=si:uis:tt ist Crockery, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware, RATS; & fArs„ . • toofrs *Aotg, 17111BRELLAS;PARASOLii,ijECK TIPS, GLOVES, DRESS =WINGS, SCARPS, COLLARS, dizr. - Awe a good issmtmentof HARDWARE, • Camaisting, at - • Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Se*thes, Pruning-hooks, Ste. WWI kinds of 3F 6 •24csauteco taken In ex. ehangs. Call and sea as at Webb's old stand on Piddle ATCIIII6. A. B. BETTEMELD. B. J. WEBB. Montrose, April eir, 1884. NEW GROCERY VARATY STORE ! BASEMENTOF J. S. TABBILL'S HOTEL. Tsubserfber would inform his old Mandl , and the public generally, that he has just returned from Now York City with s well selected assortment of RIM GHOtERI!S, .111:14 varlons other- articles, bow're needed in every halt,. and that.they will ter Cleininas at , wpm tbst cannot, OW to salt Please cell sad examine. A. N. BULLARD. Al m, tab. 2,1884. DEL/WM!! LA9KAWANEA & -WtSTPOr BALI -ROAD ‹ me of Pa:meager Trains, Jana 2d, 1884. Ana. f =APS SO train. STATIONS. P. Ili. 6.40 Gres ,t Bend 6.21- - +NewMillbril, 6.00 Kontro44, 6.88 Hopbottom, iii 1 6.16 Nicho lson "4.16 FaetorrrA : 44A eh 4.88 Clatl4/3308'11., 4.10 Scrantonb,org; ! - 3411 ' ft tto 111.10 .c. an ankaChunknds r . '-, • - Macro change 11.20 Noy/ Auppton. 1 0 0 ism 11.50 moo., 10.141 10.40 10.10 i i ii - a454 '.". Ciage - /til l' ' ail ' tioTikit Leaves /test Hampton cm the =vat of 0.'2141 Teal; whiehdeAssatliew.Tark at e Id a. a.. and ,31sunn4a 1 Chntiltcw Ste amid of tb.e.Tmta which leaves Mit& fisel=ll!Detoot,) at 7.104* At i „,,,..... n .this si dlOseeenneetions With traiGirtateiaek ' &stadia. Blootasbittg; and Delaware d; Hudson Reil and st Greatitend with the !tall Train on the Weßallwaygoing w'sot.. , l .3,.. 1. _ ~ , heave Tali Ziatintek ' Tt i iiti lioiti, Great Bend after the Infra! of the Cincinnat i . raw from the West, eannectieti IN:Taman with u the Leekswanna It Blooms . and Delaware a lindsig aga /tailvoada I at- biaanntss auk ,with the Bain for Ighl;and of liird 00010:01i Pia trains far New-T k, the • : 0 Tait . Rareisbm, itc•._._Pw: 1 obi thirtswin to NeltlforKg p*pr. in blaat 11.110. and fit 8.109.ta. - • ' r The Atioomnicidation Tsai* Bosthwani,oonneetaaterattliend -with the - Delfts , . nd Oespslng W aift eappgrl y P'llll „47 6 " igna 7-I :s lellaSia4l-e—"el G-MaiGein i l * i ***fi d Me*. kr4Prelli $0.1140004:, , A 1 4 ,; 4 , BlTPassetrger Tutus onthoiltde way at Great__ . •WATTS . • nr`05i.1 1 .7, 1 EM .0 0411 2 441t.„. ~,, ...,, ,-;„;.•,,.,:, : ;";,f - T.DR;il64,: l ialtraijt, ' , " .,.. i - . - l ' • 11 1, 14*, -- Posk - Cooperaeohrtddllualtbewsse. halt- 4i - ,' • • ••• antis Isystsias r-.. toe, ' MI. • WO6L. - , CARDING • CLOTH 'DRESSING 1911 , olufaudjmed toorlfogoaabsed the poutattou of old standlnllszfe sod thoroughly thetuashlndoy, nOw'rtedir to =toles work, w " NVII I 1 -Itakeint. all' lattudadr.to his carsto heft:oil a good Ind irorktakalnut =near. ILLI/VEIrI3II3LLT. larford, May WO, 1864.—am CAL - UN - C. HALSEY For Pensioners, and, Applicants for• Pensions. - • Ottrotffee to Mlle 4temne, over the Carl (CELT* • • mai-Sou. liontrese, Pi., Way V, If • 'NW' . I'ARRANGEMENTS FOR 100,1001 & CHEAP t .3 " 9 For CASH or Ready Pay. . CklElo. Ma. EPPCINEI_ w 00. Ernest returned from the Bast - with anew and aleetc stock tab l -ntat glotting The Latest and moat approved StYlen. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS. 41:31-1=1.C)Cl7E11..1CMSEily Of every Description. 3F I La CO 17 NIL Of the choicest brands, inelnding Bart's celebrated brand. Fish, Dairy Salt, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, Atiery Low prime for CABO, Irir Call and see for yourself. Clash paid for Grain, Butter, Eggs, ay. 2,00Q,000 doz. Eggs wanted. theOrTwformerlyo doors Weis B ie o d yd Webster's corner, In Store occup by N. L Post. G. L. STONE, E. L. WEEKS. Montrose. April let. 1864. tf JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, CHOICE FAMILY 918003,221841 BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, CR.CI O CI3I.IM .IFIL GLASS-WARE, IL.kbIPB ittailEl mats, HARDWARE AND NAM, moo. Produce taken In Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. J. R.De111127. Gllil FURNISHING STORE. F. B. WEEKS &CO. fIAVB Just " SPRING STOCK BOOTS /SHOES, HATS, CAPS, C7Y_BCDI I 3Er "MFG, MINTS' TWINISMAG GOODS, consisting of everything in Gents' line of apparel. from Boots to Ilst. Ladies' Pine Spring Batmorals and Gaiters, Men's Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other house this side of New York. Come. and see for yourselves. Booth &Shoes made to order Montroee,May 10th. F. B. WEEKS & CO. Puna train. A. M. 7.40 7159 8.12 8.43 9.00 44 , 4 9.48 9.40 10.20 12.54 1.55 ISA 2, 4.45 8-15 Lao r ar 6.00 STUDY MONOMY ana bny your SPRIN UNE lONS TM RELATOR! GE '1 Bootwiliastal 14JiV:es, KITS: istra*O. 43146:6a/32 Ready 4 60/LOrldila INPS6 Ltaweriorizoa „..,Mattom(ilargr. Eatiays , etc. I have tote and 'hulk.' of Goodiitolain lb /Mtn; great aadiintali,-cdpritervenrellsofortAirtteur. Anninalkelliii Plait Ail !few IWI. MAI, 11014. 6116. BOOT, SHOE, wr. cESIME : 4 1 1 'MEL, , • 1, f 1 „Enc. 3..,W. 3Ell2:4llfielaB* Pel 21 ALAressmitiet o , • • 191011 4 6 1 1 / 4 7g roZT,V 4 bilkieiti:: Aug, kismi (4, • NEW FIRM. BALIRViN dL 'ALLEN,' AGAIN ! wire BIDE OP PUBLIC AV*IIB, DEALERS IN FLOUR, FEED, , SA.IIr 4 Garden Efebds, Wheat, Clover, Timothy & Flax Seed, . Peas,,Lard, Candles,. PORK, AMS, DREW BEEF, Fish, Smoked Halibut, Syrups, Molasses and Sugars, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, BROOMS AND NAILS. Cash Paid the *attar. A. BALDWIN, WM. L. ALLEN. Montrose, April 14, 1854 SOLDIERS" BOUNTY PAY,AND PENSION OFFICE, Over ,the Post-Office, 211Commts-cass43, BEING duly authorized to prepare the neeeamy pa pers for all applications for Soldiers, and thirwid owe, parents, heirs and children of deceased boldiere,fol Bounty, 'Back-pay & Pensions, I will attend to that !mine' e for the sum of " %rya-co 213crar....x..a_rtes,„ " for each claim—this to cover an expenses, lncluding Justicoa . fens, Clerk's Certificates, and Postage. This is about one-third the sum usually charged for the business. All persons interested will please take notice and gov ern themselves accordiny % I,II.A.NRLIN FRASER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Claim Agent. Montrose, Oct. Mt, PM& ' HUNT BROEf. & BLArR, g3cm.....06..Zr1t50ZT, imam, Wholesale & Retail pealera hi IULUIII YtLIIII ®N, STEEL, NAILS, 'AULOVEILS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK ,tT RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD & ELVIN° SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, . PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES 4 BQjIW, eft. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS arid DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES, &e. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. BOLTING, PACKMG, TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, LEATHERS FINDINGS. FAIRBANK'S SCALES, ScrantOniiMarel 21, ISIS. Ip. PIEINEOXCPIXr • ' Examining Surgeon ! rjstibscriber having been appointed by the CUM nfssioner of Penelope, a MEDICAL EXAMINER at large to examine and give certificates to nil entitled to Pensions, win attend to all applications that may be presented :o him, at Montrose, Pa. Rooms at J. S. rat ' bell's Hotel. R. PATRICK. Montrose. Apr 110,1863.-0 SOLDIERS' BOTINTY„ PENSIONS, And Back Pay! HS omierstgned Lamm = AGENT OT vine Gomm '. warm will give prompt attention to all claims barna ted to hie care. No charge unieen succeseini. liontr"Patuig,' 20, da,• J.; O. IticCOLIAMIL NIVE,OOp) COMPANY. MINE GOLD 'DIRT LODE," G11,P121 COLORADO °motif 65,1)0 so eschd TBUSTEIS : "Jomt Eyes.. ColUteda: O. W. GnAyirr.na, BARPM E. 11. JITOD, New-York. HIMMANTI PUREE, N. Y. N H. 8. Coax , ew-York. R. Comma. Wmvs, N. Y. Monnett, New-York. M. C. TYLER, Now-York. 8.0. ARNOLD, Providence, R. I. Preatdent—Sla ExaeSency JOHN EVANS, Goy : en - or of Colorado Territory. Vice-Preeldentsa-Do. S. GI. A 11301.1), Dr. F. If: ;Yuan. Treaaarer—Waurro E. Lawrois. ,t Secretary-3. P. Davila:_ (ap7l7 sosco.l2 Waco No. 23 imur street, New -York. ireTitar3ECslWZ & VerIFLZIAT4DII73C • , pratapliketurers and Dealers In WOOLEN - ..GOODS camptowir, on Wyelainir Creek, Bradford Co. ?a. . •• • • Rolls Carded and Cloth Finished. litertelhniiitaitniaelotft ihr Cantx‘eri titterei, atithulcalcoring.prieesaer yard : dikasheeteibeat WO, fine. 45 cents. Plain loth, beet finish, fine, 45e. an" told Idixed.Caealmeree 40 ets.- Tweeds; Deena: Common Fulled.Cloth,4o eta. White Flanneiret cents,- Madder Red Flannel, all eta. Gray Flannel, Wet*. ,• , The Gray Flannel made with ,taste, anAsencenitable 1 for We will card'lMlleibr - paraoils front a dirtanee to pike Some without delay, , HARVEY , INHELLU;;', , atvC• d.llOB WBBACII. - - 1 CartiptOwn, May 10th, Iss4.—tf Ad or pound, for sale st tho lowest caohllit . . . • . 1 , a OTT Eljazt Boas, DEEM 'Aiiiitartna $ add - nee wan= .e4,cheare fca Goode at the Grocer! Vartety of ~ ' '"-' - A. N. BULLARD. ABEL T .7E Lt NoirofferefOi sale Otityof the igrlceati Ana begselectibni Of,' ••• •.; ;• • .ffi • ,• • ' , lit LI4 ) ••••• . , • -'"-' -• ilveragtereAin S usgnehannaeonnty,and probably com rising 'the greatdst yarietror most different articles of any titorellithe Northern part.of ,a n d Penasyltrinht per hape,of the entire State., Act misortment s ..In about-thirty differeilt btatithes of trade; sot the Beier, Hone are made from 8001 g-forty , of the best Houses in New York, and mote than'My Dealers and Manufac turers out ,-ollfew Turk; A large'PreibirMelkof the Goode are brought ,direct Dom the manufacturers, thus insuring gaunter° artleleai Customers on • entering the Store must pot expect todnd everything in sight, but nearly every article wanted will be pro traced bY Inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the following general outline, but enumeration %impracticable, Drugs And Hedleines, Paints and s °llia Dye RUM, Groceries.Uquors, .crockery, Glass „Nitre, Wall and WindotrPaper; Jewelry, Silver Ware,Perfuntery, Haney Goods, Musical Instruments, Brusher, Atne,ricanPOcket Knives - , Table Cutlery tad Sliver PlatedllYare, Lampe, Materials for Lights,Bardware, Bed Corils,Stone Were, Dry Goods, Mirrors, WindOw Glass. Lithographs. Var nishes. Bird Cages, Spectacles. Whips„ and Lashes, Brooms. thins. Pistols, Ammunition, Tobacco, Medi cal and Surgical Instniments, Salt, Soap, Potash, Inn b relies, Porcelain Tee NO p short- seedy everlibing•t° restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight Hatay°, to gratify the fandy,r•and also to conduce to the rea and substanUal comforts _ Theattention of the publielsreapectfully invited to my stock of Goods, bought exclusively for cash down, and will be sold on the same prlncigkar low prices. . • Montrose, January let, 1863. HIEW 030,1)2 A PULL ASSOIIIII47OP fill & 'WINTER ',GOODS, lialr" JUST RgCtIVKIY, ;dm and will be sold AT A LARGE REDUCTION from April price!, ru—Tht e Reduction will include the ENTIRE STOCK width will Do fonsd Sa large as nasal, and alai:* sold on THE MOST LIBEN TERMS For CiALIMEICI ON TIME,, or for .I'P RODUCE 11. 111.1711111 T l r, Nov, 1 . 863. - New. Milfoid. KEYS - TONE HOTEL, At Montrose,, Pa. Wm. K HATCH, Proprietor. ins now and commodious Hotel Is situated on Public T Avenue. near the Court House, and nearly Ih:centre of the business portion of Montrose. The Proprietons contiderathat he Is prepared to entertain guests Ina way that cannot fall to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and ad expensebas been spared to render It equal If not stiperiorto any in this part of the State. It is well suppited with aU recent Improvements and contrails. and obliging muttons will always he ready to respond to the call of customers/ The Stable. connected with this house are new and convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patronagedi his old friends, travellers, and the public generally. Jetted tf WM. K. HATCH LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG PILELX.Tart.OI.49-7,71., VN asid aftcr April 20, 1811,3, Passenger Trains will ran a* Mown: MOVENG SOUTH ; Passenger. Accent. Leave Scranton, ' 5.30 ft. M. MOO a. 91. " Kingston, at 6.40 Arrive 12.80 p.m. " Rupert, at 8.55 • Danville, at 9.24 a. m. Arrive at Northumberland, 9.55 MOVING .NORTH. Leave Nortimmberisnd 4.30 p. m. " Danville, • 5.10 ellaP" 5.45 Ringefon, 805 1.45 p. m. Arrive at Scranton, . 9.10 p.m. 3.80 p. m. A passenger train also leaves Kingston a. in. for Scranton to connect with train for New York_ Return ing. leislasScranton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.20 p. in. Passengers taking train South from Scranton at 5.80 a. m., via. Northumberland. 'reach flarrisbarto 12.80 p.m. Baltimore 8.30_p.m., Washington 10 p. m.. Via Raper* they reach Philadelphia at 7,00 • GEO'. B. Minn, Stip't. • • Kingston, April 18, 1863. . , Manhood : How Lest, Row Reitored. TusT Pnbllshed;nevr edition of Dr. CulvertarePs Calebrated , Essay on the radicalcurelwithout medlchiej of Tsi uagarounntea. or seminal weakness, Involuntary se Ina! "lodges, Inrorzcr, Mental and physical incapacity,. Impediments to marriage. etc.;also. consumption, epilepey, and Ilta, induced by self- Indulgence or sexual extravagance. - Price.-ha lanceted envelope, only 6 genie- The celebratedfluthor In this admirable essay, clearly demonstrated from s thirty years successful practice, that the alarming eOnsequnees of self r aticole May be mid lnally cured without the dangerous use of Internal med. 'eine or the'ipplioation o the knifo.a.pointing out a mode of cure s stance simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what:hie con ditlon maybe,may cure himself eheaply.privately, mad radically. • . • gAY - This Lecture' ehernid• be the hands of every youth and every road in the land. Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any 'address post-paid, on receipt of -stir cent, I* two post stamps, Address the publishers. • CriAB..l. C.KL IME4b Jels y] • ID Bowery, lir„.lr., Post office boa, 4586. - . HOWARD .a.asoclatlon, Phltadejphts, Pa. Diseases of the.Nervellg; Seminal. Urinfariand systems—nbw and tellable treatment—la .fteporta of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION.,dent by rand in sealed - letter envelopes,_ free of oharga. Address Dr. .11.i.STaLt.nt ROUGUTON, idoward tteaotitto on. No. 2 South Rh-street; Philadelphia, Pa. ,0418 8. M. Patting'll It Co., ‘TO. 07. PARR ROW, Now York ,and State Street, BOvtan, aro onragents for the Ifonfrose Democrat!' thoseetties ‘ and are' atabotitett to take advertisements and enbeeriptlons for imat.on; lowest rates. . . , Das. PATRIOk l it GARDNER ? • . ' __. • . . . IatittIYSICIANI9 & IMIRGEONS, Montrose. Ps. Oftlee 1 over Webb's Store, on Public. Avadbit.' )e64 ERIE,RAILWAY. (IR/OWE cyf tunirs.cnntatenclitg_ Monday , Stay Mk 'V1804: Prunus vllll6OB Great Bend, Pa., af about the following noun!, la: i 1 'WESTWARD BOUND. IaSTWARD BOUND. 1, bay Expreas,-.. 1181p.ra • '2, N.Y . Aitcrirele. 1:17 Ma aa 8, Night EaPiv.2: ol Lin .6, Steamboat • 8:10p.m 6, Mail; at. t 41:11Ltil 'B, Cincinnati .. - &N OM 27, Way Preight,, 1:08 p.m 88, Way Freight, y0:00 a= 21, Emlgront;' 9:18 ams l Train 21, rune er 4 / 1 4 day: No. a runs Bunti L. aitt, but does not run Mondays- Train 7 doe* not run on Eon.- days and Mondays. Cad 'S MINOT, Gen. Stmt., , "THE FAMOUS BARBEL"! Come and setethaftononallafber s -F l N d a Q m t w d 13 Barber late • of Hayti. . . of:RAVI:of at Weeks'. ,; . • Bforo 1.49014. • _r r nhavfnga4d sham . pioetug,. *, ; Fin inaciuttillit Did enitnu:' , • %,9- l AVi la rgeegf i N,"r t iOlitill; M0n.41: 41 M.Y 0, .Arg4r.1 o'ce.ll riz. OTPlar 01111.0e.r•:ifit,,!. ;et's Irilt bma ttrA w s dor abeam tuitieh;ictibeit and Amt. *mins cause at., toyoeatl 'therefore! Mite .. , Wy petemilu atbo tteteMptt u dei on my scoomthatsj .o.ldipaillo de alter Ws date. . 311IIIPHY. equebanna Depot, July !0, 186!. dyes BUSINESS:O4HW ~• . . ~,-, . . „i , B, til4 l I T. 4 st x t it s 1 . AND Liitsl7la.Rap, Aoili. irs hoL 9d i a Lettrop's tmilding; ftst end of BrtoWM ' libistmeavtnabless st....irelice gribbo bi bl e. L. BRO WN. , .2dol. Rant 1, 1964.—ti ;al In S ta nk+ and rom a Dry Goods, ;al' • Haidariire, Iron; Stoves; Milks, 011t1 'ithi C l r ga Boots and Shoes, Hata. and. ItollaJo Robes. Crocerleg, Provisions, etc., New 11.111brd, April W. 1864. - • 7%. • , . Lictecriailekel 41.1.sciticoneoes, Auburn Pour Corner.; Vas • A. 'O. WARltkiii'`;';lW . A TTORNEY AT LAW. BolreV . ; Beck Pai;lWAsloq, j o s. andsaemptloo Claims attended to., , _ tat 1111r0121de first door below Boyd`e Store; Montrose, Pe N. C. SUTTON, LICENSED ,iUcTIONEHR. Prlondaville, Samm•s so Penu'a. Jan. '64. DOLT. E. L. HANDRICK, enantloi&N & SIOBOBON, reaped:ft:Brien6er, hi professional .serielcns to the citizens of Friends. Tulle and vicinity. PT - Office in the (Mee of Dr. Lan. Boards at J. Hosford'a. (July 80, 1863. 17: H. GARRATT, DEALER In Flour, Peed, and Meal, Barrell and Dairy Salt, Timothy and Clover Beed,GraCerimei Provis ions, Fruit, Fteh, Petroleum WcitidUntbd-Becine Ware, YankceNotione, &c. &c. ivrOppositernallroad Depot, New Milford, Pa. Mcb zept.—ly. A. LATUUOP, a. C. 771.1131, j. r.sw. Bair. LATHROP, TYLER. & RILEY,, : INHALERS in Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardewre, Handy 1./Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Bata & Com Wood & WriloW Ware, Iron. EARN Sole & Upper Leath er, Fish, ?lour and Salt,. all Of which they oiret at the very Flair .ILecretrerist Wwiricleash.all Lathropa Brick Building, Montrose, Pa. April et, 1883. y. WK. IIMITIINO:COOP118 WM. H. COOPER &C0.,-. ANKSlK—Mantrose. Pa. Succeasorsto.PastoCoopst B & Co. (Moe, Lathrops'new Dalldln6. Timpikan. J. B. ieaoz.Lug. McCOLLITM. SE A RT.I4-1 _ A TTORNEYS and Conneellon, at Law.—Montrosa, Pa. Otilce in Lathrop,' new hi:dial:NBos,er the BaAk.• DR. WM. SMITH, QIIRGEON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa.. Otlleola Latbrops' now baildtog, over the Dank. Ali Dental operations will be • his sa e . performed to good style and warranted. P. LINES, . I' ABRIONABLE TAILOR . -Monttote. Pa. ' Bbop In Phoenix Illoek, over store of Read, Watrotor Bs Foster. All work warranted, an to tit and tlntsYn,. Cutting done on abort notice. In beat style. Jan 'SW JOHN GROVES, EASITIONABLE TAlLOR—Montrose, PA. Shop near the Baptist Meeting Monne, on Turnpike trent. All orders tilled promptly. Iv Bost:rats style. Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to AL L. 8., LSBELL, REPAIRS Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry at. the shortest notice, and on reasonable.tectas. All work warranted. Shop In Chandler atnlZesraP .B 4ore, Musrrnoss., Pa. ; ' 0c25 tf WM. W. SMITH, G.AIHRIPT AND CHAIR MANHFACTURERS,—toot of Main street, Montrose, Pa. ant C. 0. FORMAI!, ]LrANIIPACTL - 1111R os44ors d-'Bll . o.Bl4 . llodiroe e, at Pre' Shop over Dewitt's ewe*. Alltinds of work made to order, and . reyndring done neatly. Jett 7 ABEL TURRELL,. DEALER In Drags, Medicines, Chesnicale. - 4•• • Midis, Glass are , Paints, Oils. Varnish, - doss Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Peltb c4i}Ri &C. —Ager4 o f n or all e tlajzaostpopular PATS= sag it FIRE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO, Of NORTH AMERICA AT. PHILADELPHIA. PL, Has Established an Agency in Montrose. The Oldest Insurance Co. Math. CASH CAPITAL PAID IN ASSETS OVER, rrrag rates are *slow as those of any good company la New York, or elsewhere, end Its Directors are among the first for honor Bud Integrity __. Cl/41/IZS Pt. Ar r, Seey. Anilirß G. COPPTLY, Pen. Montrose, Jalyls, '62. BILLM3S-BYROUDaIet. MX C 3) M 30 NSURANCE fONIPANY, wow-nrcm;li.: CASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. ASSIITIS lit Jan. 1864, $3,288,87027. 15,1103.82. S. Milton Smith, Sec•p. Chas:Y. %Limb), i'reiddeat John McGee, As 3 •• A. F. Wllmarth; Vice " Policies leaned and renewed, by the nndersigned - et hie office. In the Brick Block, Mentraws:Pll-• e novla y BILLINGS STROUD§ Apia. R. B.& GEO. P. Lrritt. Attontosm and Oonnsellowatlistw, AMA:3OI%7TR ofZ) 833, .IPeizumitea. l OFFICS *xi Main Street. .Partteular attention Oren to Convormelng. , declo '44 !ert4 4C:1 0. 1 . 3C " CM I • . nnlIE 'subscriber hereby respecthilly gives notlcsithat be has taken License to auctioneer In the MIST or gusquebanna, and attars hta sosvi dot to OR polgitte. Or Charges reasonable; and all tans wiltbept ly attended to. LOTIIIM•KUMED. Choconut, 'ducted. 180‘1, • . tt Attmat vim tEitOits, with di bias how q use them, for sale by ABEL • • „ The outrost gtemortat PCIILISTIED ON THUIPtDI,IfI3, LT DlONlitOtElf, , susquEmOntrA COUNTY,. PA., BT A. dr. ca-moxikair.wiscolcr, Ai' UN , piateravx alkali, Abuses. tibere petulant Is not made in advance, and ' all accounts eo teeted. Will be at the rate of $2,50 ADVEZITIBEJMNI's Inserted at the Me eta ear t h squarobften lines erten, solid sv three tlll3 and 25 cent& for „each. , subsequent insertlim:/ - ddrjrbient, tattuti C hanges, at iNd i fer,a column. BLANIrs °pude sale and printed to eEder. Plintrato done ht food PENsioNg.:BlENTy._:tig ~. I , " 11A C .PAY' I EaNdatrd_iM el S .16 0-ttteation to — 1 cAlms entrust -n tde Te r ...,94ames lqwg r itat Malian Orr ' " 1: V: • llig4looe. Jau.t4 .3844; ; EATERLllll69l9.liiiiiolniSour V•4104&h. QM: isle by • I moo,oor tajtomoo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers