Pridiori for Pm* ' The President lute appointed Thursday the 4th dap of iturutt a day of " prayer .to Pxoridencei that the effusion of blood may be stayed and peach establiaffed hroUghout our borders.' Cleigresstraud Address. tie indebted to Senator Buckidew lbrivcopy of the address issued to the people by several members of Congress. Is a most complete and convincing re view of national affairs, and should be read by every citizen. We shall insert it in a week opus°. , • To lilikont it My Cowen, - Saab of onr patrons as choose to pay all arrearages, and also a year in advance, inan do so at $1,50 per annum ; while all who neglect to do so till after the end of this month, will be held liable to the old advertised- rate of 82,50 per year. We are now paying about , three times the old rates for our white paper and marry other articles, and would be justified in raising our terms to 44 per year in advance, for 'Greenbacks are not worth 40 cents on the so-called "dollar" raj , * the Veterans. r Montrose was saved from the last draft by getting credit for veterans whom they promised to pay, but have not, as yet. Cher towns had to furnish both men and mousy; Recently, when the Borough* Council were preparing to fulfil the con tract with the veterans, a "pressure" was made to deprive them and their widows and orphans of the bard earned money, so that this intense " war to the end" community might &eafie either fighting or paying to sn .rt this " glorious war for freedom." " e have not the names of these white-feather patriots, but shall un earth the whole facts, and let the public take an inside-view of patent-patriotism. Draft Questions Answered. • Those who paid commutation on the draft oflast year, under the act of March 1863, are exempt from draft for three years. Those who pay commutation on the draft of this year, or its pending supple pleats, can at most be exempt only one year, are liable for the coming draft of 300,000, and may even be liable for defi ciencies on present quota, if the wheel be exhausted of all others. , On the September draft for half a mil- Eon nothing can save sound men from service but a substitute who is not liable to draft. Thus a man who paid $3OO last month might be obliged, to pay the same this month, and still be, forced to go next month, or pay an untold sum for a substi, tate. " Moos Going Down." Such has been the song of the shoddy organs for the last month? We have been waiting to see it, and have seen it thuti: Sugar has gone down from 28 to 35 cents; printing paper has gone down from 18 to 28 yenta. So much for the truth in the shOddy sheets. The fact was Lincoln stock was falling rapidly, and the poor zanies didn't knoW what ailed them ; but like the drunkard imagined that the whole city_was dancing a jig around them. If you want to know just what is NOT the truth, consult.stioddy. N. T. Wholesale Prices of Produce, Reported for the Montrose Democrat by Josue Csertorren, Commission merch ant, No. 32 Jay street, New York, to whom shipments of produce may be made. Two thirds of the market value will be advanced on the receipt of the goods if desired, and a quick return made for the balance. Full directions and a weekly market report sent free of charge by mail tothese making shipments. 444ctifor the weekending July 30, '64. _Beans, white sound, per bu., 240 290 Butter in tubs, per pound, 40 48 a* firkins, 37 47 44. ro u e , 44 38 46 Cheese, choice, " , 19 25 " common, " 14 18 Dried Apples if 10 12 Eggs, fresh, per dozen,24 25 Flour, wheat, per barrl, 900 14 00 tia rye , SI 10 00 14 00 Feathers, _ five geese, per lb., 84 , 87 WSides, " 10 .T"'. 14 Mutton in carcass, " 9 16 Veal, " 7 12 Pork, dressed, " 14 16 Wheat, per bushel, 225 260 Rye, .. 2 00. 210 Oats, gi 100 103 Corn, if i 59 162 , Efidee, dry, per rand, 25 30 " green, 12 14 Lard, common to best, per lb., 19 20 Beef, mess, per barrel,l6 00 ' go po, if rime, 900 24 00 Pal*, mesa, " 34 00 40 00 " "me, " 38 oo ss oo Halts, smoked, per lb. 19 22 Shoulders. smoked, " 18 20 Timothy Seed, per bushel, 460 480 , pee r lb.. , 19 20 Wool, washed, " 95 120 " unwashed, " 60 70 per barrel, 600 100 to Sugar, per pound, 17 20 wri,—Afull report of the New York Market can be seen at the office of the Montrose Democrat, corrected up to last Saturday... We have on file a weekly PrimoCarrent of Produce, for the use of our (Amnia who tray call to examine it. In the above thst the ld,west and: highest prices' whith are. governed by, quality and csouditipn. • Many articles that are not spentionedA4lo,csmbelikmd on the report In tbi* ofßoet• Volgatsera wanted for 60 'year., In-:, quire at thie cdoe for the naineof . thapar. ttei *Ming to pay bonntial. 'The fond .gis alist of the nonsiaripts drawn to mike up for exemptions, Jae., fromthe June draft. This is - for double the nuniber pow required; and if the re spective quotas are , not now fillekaddi twits' supplements:Will be drawn, if nec essary, till the " last man" is drafted, and then the women will be let a10ne.... And then for the next 500,000, &c. a.*. APOLLCON-41. Lorenzo Clifford James Ragan Francis Wilbur Daniel Cronan Wm E Bolles Evan Evans PBARA.T-6. Horace , ,P Dunn Chauncey Avery Harrison Hinds Danforth Hinds Asahel W Tucker Falmer Walker vtawsaartr-14. Thos Quigley Samuel P Halsey Z B Sutton Robert Seamans Wm Hannegan Isaac Crane Andrew Banks Jas R Snow Henry S ,Hitchcock Henry Webster Harvey Summers Conger Smith Chindler Stevens Jeremiah Banks GREAT BEND Bono--22. Patrick Curly E F • Wilmot Thos Garnson, Franklin Thomas Sylvester Mason Wm H Brown Hugh P Doran Patrick Driscol Wm N Spalding T D Eastabrook Pat Gilroe John Sullivan Wm H Wade Ma Guernsey Beni F Honiss• Seymour Rockwell Daniel A Baldwin Guilford H Read Michael Mealon Wm Lanham Leonard Dudley E S Lenbeim aDazucx-12. Thos Daily Dwight Franix Charles Churchell Philip P Dunn Alvin A Tucker James Clew Daniel D Entrott Samuel Myers Chas A Harding Dennis Meyher Wm W Norton Geo E Burdick " LITTLE xiLtnows-4. Lewis W Barton . Rodney William Luther .1 Smith Patrick Mullin LEROX-f-313. Geo H Allen Milo B Hartley Otis Williams Jr Judson Davis Geo,H.Peluie Jas K Utley Gaylord. Pickering Jonathan Hartley Nathaniel PickenngJacob F Brundage Francis Sheridan Geo T Tingle)? Nasr,Nooran Henry GWhitt Daniel C Oakley Hazard Card Chas Wilson Ira Cox Martin W Rude Patrick Wino= Jae H Gerold Curtis Platt John Sullivan John Robinson Collins Lott Samuel A Miller John Millard Patrick Russell Wm Barber' _ Jas Clarkson Wm Stepbe4 4th Thomas West Henry W Conrad Jobn S Whiting Samuel A Williams Ezra Smith LIBERTY-14. James Hill James Davis Wm Wilbur Daniel Mahoney Thos 31 Webster Wm &anon Kirby Marsh Parker W Gage Wm Shields Jonathan Robbins R S Fish Henry W Howard James Barra Wm B Fish NEW xruronD-2. Henry Mead Franklin Bensehell John Hilbnni Leroy Whittaker Wm Thompson Gaylord Curtis Geo Westfall Henry Taylor ,Frank Keens Fred Hoffman Fernando Brush Wilbur Stoddard Fernando Curtis Michael Tooha James H Waid Hampton Canfield Jonas Florence Joseph Lindsey Russell S Bronson David Many John Elliot, Nich'las Vanantwerp SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT.-85. Geo S Roberta Daniel Lunacy Edward Stamp Deforest Kingsley Edward Lilly Timothy Green Lewis Luce Matthew Blake Geo McDaniels Martin Corey Philip Dakin - Pat Shawnessy Wpi Marlins Warren Stafford Francis P Lynch Josiah Mills ,Francis Reynolds Elisha 0 Wilson John Ambrose Chas Bensinger Thos Ahern Gilbert Wheat Cornelius Maloney Edward Ryan Jas Maloney Joel Bravo r Tas McCarty Isaiah Bradley Jos Cummings John O'Connell Lovelace Win Skinner Edward Reed . Ales Illig John &elf W M Ingstrum Warren N EdwardsE W Smith Wm Straney John Lyn ch John Mclntyre Saphrons Dow a Charles Park Michael Daley Teter Curran John Keener Sditdel Falkenbnry Windsor Aylesworth Thos Lines Michael Millard Wm Hull , C S Bennett John Graham Hugh Smith Henri N . Howell M Atwood Morris Sherman Mark Sweet Wm 0 Donnell Daniel Dunlay Michael Tooke John Winded:lan Antbon,yr Blake Charles Griffin • ' LebnP Hinds Nelson Mclntosh John :Smith Jos IC More Washington Shesff Bartholomew Clancy Edgar Tompkins Thos Ctags_n Widter Barber Irusm-G Williams Timothy O'Rourke Thos Lannan 'as-Murky Roger Holloran Lewis Freeman Daniel Odes 0 W Foote Icu Griswold Daniel F Sullivan Writ Gimia Pat Heft°, i • Ttrompsw—.2o. Wm Tricker Geo W Whitcomb Samuel H Lewis Francis 0 !Otter Job° W Cargill Sidney Lows Waal) Messenger John 0. Wrigbter Jacob Van Horn Francis 0 Crozier John Drift= Edward Whams Mos Johnsen- - Erna/ Badge Frank N 4jlett John Lamb_ jaw' Clappo I abioner , Luther.SAldria Cyrus-Dues Hiram (iDni ly Solkinpton' Michael Spearbeck Edward D Mayo William" Knapp Giles A Dayton John Allen Gaylon Newman George XI Furman :Or4ndo Bowag f „ . - .. joint Oiterbout Reabei Evart. • Nelson W Fox - Evan Gregg Willard Arnold Prank D Case Micbaetßwrdon Wm C Mclnt-nati t ', Julius D Brown Elias P Decker •1 -- Wn3 N Watson Julius M Chamberlin.. Wm Clark Johd Randall List of Strom Drawn.for. Augnstl'erm, A . :on:lmo:Wage Monday Aug. ibtli. ' , BRAND =ROES, Ararat: Thos. - Bowell, Wm. Carpenter. Auburn : Thos. Newman. Bridgewater: T. C. Hickox. Clifford : W. R. Coleman. Choconnt : Samuel T. Lee. Dimock : William Graves, L A. Main: Herrick : T. H. B. Harford Dalton P. Tiffany. Jackson : A. C. Norris, L. D. Benson. Jessup : John Blaisdell. Lenox : Chapman Harding. Lathrop : Hiram Rockwell. Middletown: Egbert StedwelL New Milford : I. Burlingame. Rush: Wm: W. Whiting. Sail's Depot-: C. 0. Vedder, Win. R. Greeley, MAnderson, Wm. Smith. Springville : Caleb Fish. Thomson : W. S. Pickering. TRAVERSE JURORS-FIRST WERE. Apolacon : Patrick Hickey. Auburn : J. W. Benscoter, A. Bunnell. Bridgewater : J. Ayres, C. M. Crandall. BOoklyn : E. Goodrich, R. F. Breed, Christopher Rodgers. Choconnt ; Thos. O'Kief, H. Porter. Clifford : Lewis N. Beagle. Dirnock : E. T. Wilbur, P. S. Babcock. Franklin : H. L. Blowers. Great Bend boro : Frederick Aldrich, Vincent Reckhow. Gibson : Wm. T. Case. • Harford : Henry Tyler, Urbane Ting ley, Ovid Follett. Herrick : Sandford Burns, Eugene Ly on, Burritt Burns. Harmony : Jacob &liege!: Liberty : Bela J, - eraser. Lenox : Jno. Hartley. Montrose: Jerome Bash, H. Sherman. New Wilford : James Van Cott, Wads worth Tyler , A. B. Smith. Oakland E. Shuns. Rush : David Goodwin. ,. Sum`a Depot : Thos. Ingstrum, Geo. Kirk. Silver Lake : John North. • SECOND WE= Ararat : B. F. Slocum. Brooklyn : S. B. Eldredge. Bridgewater : Apo4a Stone, Peter C. Guernsey, Wm. Baldwin. Choconut : Lewis L Chamberlin. Clifford : Joel Stevens, jr. Friendsville : Samuel Horton. Forest Lake : H. Birdsall, Eli Warner. Gibson : Seth Abel,, Chester Bills, Oli ver Potter, Stephen Potter. , Great Bend : 0. E. Chamberlin. Great Bend boro : John H. Dusenbury, Henry McKinney. Harmony: Richard qt. Webb, D. B. Cook, Harvey Bryant. Jackson : Wm. Slocum. Lenox : Wm. 0. Miller. Liberty : Calvin Stanford. Middletown : C. Wells, I. C. Dodge. New Milford : Wm. C. Hendrick, Jno. Williams, 0. P. Tallman, John Leebody, John F. Adams. Oakland : Samuel Brush. 1 Rush: Loren Hewen, Daniel Garey. Susquehanna Depot : Nicholas Hawks, Arthur Back. Silver Lake : Thomas Rogers, 2.d. rErA Candid Statement. You can procure of any Druggist in this city and vicinity, Dr. Tobias' Van. Rain Liniment. It is a sure and speedy cure for sore throat, head cher. toothache, chronic rheumatism, colic, croups and pains lo the limbs. We advise every one to give it • trial. The expense is a mere trifle—ha cents-- and we are confident no person will ever be without it. Every family shouid have a bottle in the house in case of sudden accidents, such as cuts, blares, scalds, &c,— Ite qualities are miraculous. As for croup. Rhos saved hundreds ;we have th e certificates to_prove Sold by all Druggists. Office, No. 50 Cortlaudt street, New-York. [Aug. 1 lea V'yliouipr qaoarieVO4e/, At KINGSTON, Luzerae County, Pa. A FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL OF TRADE• E373.14T2:1 for a C7X33.0 Ang.lll,aiii. W. 8. SMYTH, Principal Register's Notice. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all persona eon. corned In the following Eat ate, to wit Estate of ANDREW R. ROSE, dee'd, Wm. Zeman, one of the Executors t , That the accountants hare settled their aeeonate in the Register's Ofilte In s md for the pout. tp .of Eclogue. imns, and that the sante will be presented to the Judg ite of the Orphon'sOmart of mild Cotinty on Wednesdar, the Ititb dog of August next, for coltdomitlon and al. loranse. J. R. *WAIN, Reenter. ,Register's Ofdee, Montrose, duly SO, lax FARM FOR SALE. T u ut anderst up ed or r er tmr =:til l ehts,Tmgotumea, rill. Um:dabs A.oreß ofiaadak of which ere Improved. %Mks turer Musk good to Bars,4ol. k or is we s d aiatand with Dying wings, sad Tau eftv.m f Dimt,ll,_ GRAlli FAQ . Whitler. lOa. OMe purchase mow be raspdred 'mad tbehalaucetti yinseste. 14 Possesdou PISS us!) Slum. GP** , if 4 0 4 ma* My 23, SOS 4. de• r'-i ' '"lll. lThrnn e rittnilar t flyi ti ate4ti6MnciibilfraUktitof Odes num Pima of Susquehanna county, and to we di nsta:_inta.Vli expose-to saki . public vendee at the ..In Montrose. on Saturday, Au& lath.DMl, ZTrtl'ernock.. " the Melting described Piccee tlr percektotland,m t &that certaiiipiece or mistier)! fand 'situate MAO'. toomaldrat3ornon4 COUnt r Y ofeaOnnitl in A M, of Peonsylsaniti, bounded atur calormaa wiresnowicler wit: ;-0a the north by lands old. L.;-Jeffere, -MM landeafgoseph.Dennett.. west !whin& at W. WM , Gran, south !Viands afttilah*Bellt Can. • Ding abet% E, acres, with the appurtenancei, two , dwelling.tiommot„ one barn,. one carn.bousecrwe car.bk: sada, MA eliont Mamie Mantra, Ottitatolnw 1 1 44 1 47 1 . 101 tir_dnkt. - f .6.tatl ti :utt certain place or parcel... - olland late be township of Limos, ammty al Este afore folftdaimbediatollol4.l il i Aby t N o nt Freeni—in %It'l mat; cY,Wilit. Of Citaimakt, .southby o anetOWega Lite: and estbylau linelphrerMincy; containingnixim - 11 afresailmad,. MOM en leak - With the nmontensintes, one Wiled lIMNIAIy one to; some frult trees, sdfl mosflyintprnyed. of P. carpenter vs: & 11..1ut1ita1. , • ,, 11100—All that certain Meator parcel of land. Minato in the township of BrooklytWannity afid state eforMaid, bounded and described as Mows, to wit : On the Barth by lands of Modish Ballgand Orlando Wright. east Orlando lauds Of Orlando Wag south by lands of Orlando Wright, Charles Penny an d Stephen Garit‘and westby kande OM Whipple: containlngabout flicres,lotore or less, With the appurtenances; male fruit trees, arid abouteli acres improved. [Snit of Orlando Wright vs. lhaneello Wright. . . died—adlthat certain pleas or parcel of bind land, in the township of Franklin, earmtrand state 'foresee bounded and described as fo llows, to wit too the north oy lands of J. P. Tingley, on the east bylands of Eras. tot Smith and Gould Smith, on the math by lands of fing_h Dugan oath° north by lands fohoerly occupied by Howard kart; containing about 100 acres,' be the same more or less with the appurtenances, 1 Warned dwelling house. 1 taira. 1 wagon house l blacksmith's shop. I orchard, and about WI acres improved. {Taken In execution at the wilt of John F. Dunmore re. Charles Werner. cAtoo—All that certain pieeeor parcel of land situate in Greet Bend borough, county and state aforesaid, bounded as .follows, to wit: Beginning at II point on the tionherly side of the Great Bend and Choebectrut turnpike that was, but now called Main street in Raid borough, at the westerly cormr °riot formerly conveyed to Barmen Guernsey, now occupied by Margeret Mont. sou, thence north Yr west along the northerly side,of said Bain street 60 feet to the lot of Christopher tillA lin. thence north 63' east along the easterly line of said lot 120 feet, thence south 211' east 60feet tothe northerly corner of said 3forrlson's lot, thence south Br west along the !Me of said Morrison's lot 120 feet to said Main street, the place of beginning : with the appurtenances, 1 Bemis dwelling- house. I barn, some fruit beat. linden improved. {Suitt/IC:Br-Bennett vs. B. W. Beckwith. Auo—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Great Bend, county and Mate afore. said, bounded and described as follows, to wit : tsfgin ninif at a point on the northeasterly side of the Great Bend and Cochecton turnpllce at the corner of the lot of Isaac Reckhow, thence north 63' along the line of Isaac Reckhow's lot 128 feet thence north - Sr west, 60 feet to Pine street ; one hundred and twenty feet to the line of saidUrnpike ; thence south, 27' along the line s Bald turnpike sixty feet to the place of beginning, and Is lot No. 5; with the apptutenances, one bnildingnsed RS SUM, Also apiece of Land south ofand adjoining the New York & Erie Railroad, purchased of Wm. Dayton, and containing about one and three.fonrths acres (except CO much- as ban been cold to A. A 1.. Carpenter isfeaid Thomas) and all improved. [Taken In execution at the nit of Charles W. Sanford and Henry Mather Assignees of Elfish X. Storrs, vs. David Thomas and Jane A. Thcr maa, his wife. Nefircx ro PtatcnASSILL—To preventufrunderstand the, notice is hereby given that inirChasere at Sheriff's Sallee will be required to pay the amount bid at the lime the lend was sold.' It hails come imperatively ne masers to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly na ttered lb except where the purchaser la • liencr •• , tor, and la er titled to the fund as provided in the first sec tion of the act of Assembly, approved At ril 90,1848. DAVID 81Thi11ticit8, ; 19340144. Sheltie Mc!, liontroae. July 18i1864. Administrator's Notice. 9TWIL Is hereby' elven Ao all persona Indebted to N the caste of dif .",ETTA. HO'LLENBACK, late of Auburn Opirnablp, deceased, JUL Immediate payment =sibe wade to the undersigned, and all persona hav ing de for mi settlem against wad estate will present them duty Usual ent. E. J. Nowarr. Adm'r. Auburn, July 29,18114. tiw• Executoi's Notice. 1a1.... mis eN hereby given that letters testamentary , - watt the estate of THOS. NORRIS/Mate of Cho. co at townablp, deceased , bays been granted toed ts, and all persona baying claims against said estate are requested to present the same, duly attested, or settlement, and those Indebted to same are required 'M thatobasmediateissyment. - • itATTELEW KELLY, Forest Lake, t yr.... PATRICK - GRIFFIN, Forest Lake, 1 '''''''' ' July 2,8 two. avr• - Adininieratrix's Nis hereby. given to all persons indebted to 1,71 W. g.Thiag, lateaDtdoelc township;deceased, to make Immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said decedent, will present the same to the endersigned for settlement A I.3SINA A. tuaLeTox, Admin't. Dlmock, June 9th. 1881.-6 w Manufa,ottae of Woolen Goods. 073...11,,WorrJEUEL , TBB MANUFACTURE OF WOOLEN GOODS, both in the boueehold and the factories, has becomeof great importance on account of Deforming at present our principal article of clothing. The nature of our cli mate makes ii necessary. and the scarcity (deepen has gmt- increased the value of wool and fabrics made from DI and being engaged in the business of making Cloth and Flannel, and also Roll Carding, and Cloth Dressing, we have thought that a few remarks with re to handling Weal: and the properprocess of mann te, might be of service to the country, and a bene- Et The drat process with the Canner who hi tends to makq his wool Into rolls for spinning and weaving at home, after washing and sheseng, is assorting the qualities. • his we do not expect a 'Liner to do as perfectlyae a regalia manufacturer, but by t ry ing he will approximate towards It, and be amply paid for the little pains re quired, brimming an even thread and smoother fabric. The liemees should be Whole and should be spread out on a table—the coarsest wool will be found on the skirts of the fleece, and can easily be distinguished by looking closely to the fibre. Two qualities from each fleece wil• perhaps be close enough for ordinary purpos es, bat as the sheep in our country differ much in their grades of wool—the coarse pan of one may do to go with the doer part of another and thus make three or I four qualities °snot the lot. If it is going to the msna factory or to market,the fleece should not be torn, but after removing the tag-locks, should be tolled op cam tly, skin side out. Not less than one pound of lard. fresh butter oroil should be sent with every ten pounds of wool going to the cardachine. The next thing of im portan ce is of course to be well carded, for which we w Ibe entirely responsible; but in the matter of spinning and weaving, we have another caution to add. Unless the yarn is evenly twisted, and beat op evenly in the loom, the cloth shrinks unevenly Ia falling—making some places wide and others nar row. and If the finisher succeeds in pressing out the wrinkles, thelibth will resume Its contortions again when made Into a garment, and the mechanic Is some. times wrongfally blamed for a coat's becoming lantern jawed on a man's back. It is easilyavoided by giving the wheel an equal number of EOM s tO a given leng th ththreaddrawn out. We find this ditnenitY Increased ol ef gate years, and have come to the conclusion that if some of the spinners do notkeep better time on their pianos than on their spinning wheels, we should hate dreudinl ly to listen to th eir mimic. _ As every moment of labor abbald be employed beat advantage, sod areryounce of material appropria ted to tb e beat purpose. ouatteonnt of our war, we *re pose to write some other chaptcts on our branch of bus- Inns after this Is read tondelently to be remambered,and shall endeavor to do our work Mee cram for • balmo rat skirt ors doctor'. that and peeks troirsers nice en ough to last& fanner throush a rear's CIMIDI121) at least. . VGlLtid Howe PACTORT.Ciutown. Bradford co. liar 1 1864. A. G. :EYNOLDS, WOOL CARDING; Eli 1881-4 inalia.4l4. Eli 1884-4 unoomarw, Pa. SOMERS" ?BOUNTY, PENSIONS; tik e5at, 4 1 3.A 3 1 6 ) 0 3*-3P, etkwr. obtainetge o f to g ri cu r• ti r d wr o pmtiozz ei galaims 141034. 11177". ,11717i3V Dirtzwise. yugisto:lo44l.llol, TVG coats hsto o fits 11 . . to moo to roam. fat putleolastst Ob. tt. tßotysl.. - - 41 22EIBIT3PILLIMMEr - , 7,27. cr5..7---46,941u. r-0• 06b93ARGAttS ; bilmai attloriitorear lIMMAIThtIaIO: H al rA tartlrio have at bold t ,Jm irquAy. xdowanst soosonobte g ok oou oatorn, 'ion Fe no! inns d i at ai m, tioaniutAtto lOW 4 We IWO aellitut •oulth FOR VAUCAS • Egeeediziey LOW Priept. i tokit i ft Curlytoloti ww•alii w at , 7 a s intAito 't h 4 git Wil will try to sav o lit soot 46 - NI, intvarsagnewirtacautiaa ix° :to cbeap 4 40 irtp,7 Tip sil= .stul - vro Win Cbtopeeifierlri ' oiallisr4m 7.,; - zsif.,:; - - - 931".. 4 . 1113 . 3 .1 , pil 7 . WIZ a 004474 e , F." l'• • , ".; inali ea . ra ses , ooon . s; itt • . . •'' . , elLtz366 1 f.-.--' ' •: . -T- ifv-; .c..c MPH4IR.S, • LUSTRES, ALPACCAS, PLAIDS, DeLAINES, CHALLIES, • :LAWNS, die., ch., kirgt. CHOICE PO ti [MO iNODA . ;xid iubie=nerjeales" =Calicoes and Glingbanna of that tenike,Da Ticks, Checks, Stapes, &a. Manna% all colors old winch& . PIECE GOODS. HOOP-SHIRTS and CORSETS, the largest stork and of superior make and quality. MILLINERY GOODS. Wa keep generally a Peru. Lam of all goods used for millinery purposes, and offer suchat Now-Yorkjobblng prices: • _ - E ADY MADE CLOTHING. Our assortment in this branch of trade can not be ex celled. and as our facilffles are gush dhat. we are num . tdactnring everygiument we selL, We re :marts' at I ali bied to sell them much cheaper than those who are not. We still continue to !Make np Oannents to Order, and would ask all those who would like to have their clothing TASTY and,WAr3HIOISIABLIr made, arr./01as to secure a perfect FIT, to try cm as we are confident of being able togimrsortejactkm to the mcmelutrilcular. The Notes and Books ofthe F,Yrin formerly In the hands of Me. Rosenbaum are now left with Mr. MX.SINLIILII, one Of the parillers of therbia, and who bat dyne of said business., Be would respectfully requestalf these that art indebted to the dun e° tall and settle up as the Books must be closed. Guttenberg, Rosenbaum b. Co, Moatrose, Way 16th, 188{,- WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY! One of the oldest end most tellable remedlea• In the world• for-' Ccill et Ccl eg l a ih atg li ". =l l = ti gk Bore Throat, Croup, out every affection 1. OF THE THROAT, LUNGS & CHEST, acp=v3l73**ra*,*(;)* : . :y . : : . " C : • fto general has Las use of alb remedy beaten*, and;io; popular ',kit everywhere. that U is unneentary to recinini its virtues. Its work, speakfor it, and ita utteeanee in the abundant. and van i:dant testimony of as many who from long offering and settled disease hare by its vu been restored to prUtine cigar and ?web. We can pro- Erwin:mass of ercidenee in proof of our assertions, that known and much respite . ted among the. GierUtan population of thls country, makes the followlog state ment for the benefit of the afflicted : IlanOviat, Ps., Feb. 10. 186 e. . . Dear bite ;—.oaving realised In my family important benefits from the nee of your valuableraratkm— Wistar'sAtalsain of Wild Cherry—it affo me pleasure to recommend It to the public. dome-a ght years ago one of my daughters seemed to be In a decline, and little hopes of her recovery werer entertained; .1 theitprO, cured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and befard slier had taken the whole oftbe contents of the bottle these was a great Improvement In her health. I have, in my Individual case, made frequent use of your valtudakt medicine, and have always been btmedtted hff It. • : JACOB SECHLE/11., • From Jessie Elmith t lsq. Preeldent of the kforris,Cotul ttatnlt, IfiortistoWn.. New Jersey. " Raving ['Sell*. ikistar's Eta Team olWildCherry for about fifteen - yefirs, and having realized Its beneficial results in my family, It affords me great pleasure to re commend It to the public as a valuable remedy In cases of weak kings, colds, caliphs, &c., and a remedy which I consider to be entirely Innocent. and may be taken in perfect safety by the most delicate In health. From Hon. Jobn E. smite, adittiNtiletted lawytr in I have on several occasions aged Dr. Wistar's Balm= of Wild Cherry for colds, and always with decided bone. fit. I know of no preparation that is more ediaudinui or more deserving of general nee. _ The Balsam tow also been need with excellent effect big. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads Md. Wistar'e Basun of Wild Cherry. None genuine =less signed "1. 11172111," on the wrapper. FO* SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Dioadway, New York S. W. BOWL& a CO., Proprietors, Roston. And by all Dranista. Reading's Russia Salve. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Has fully establfahod the superiority of REDDING'S RUSSIA - SALVE, Over all other healing preparitiditiC' • " It cures all kinds of 808E8, CUTS SCALbS. BOILS, ULCERS. BALT EIVIB SLAB. STIES, PILES. CUENB, SORE LI PS, BORE EYES. Ac Ac., removing the pain at once, and reducing the moat awry looting swellings sad tudatnation as Übr magic. . ONLY CENTS A BOX. son lIAL3 ET J. P. DrasMOrq4,l l 9,4 9l Sroadwis. Narita*, 8. WAYOWLE & CO.i No. IS Tremoutet. Easton.' And by all Dragysta. Jana 9, lIEL lyeow D. BREWSTER, AUCTIONEER FOR. ROSPA CO. Address, Biontrose,llll,l E. a. W. MAOI, , rYt3iCIAIT arid 8171 b 11102 T, ilrociblyn, Pa. Mb Imams dente. Limo tormeeiyaceupbed by tbe let/ : II jeiredtt ROI 11 =e.rinutenily at -Brooklyn ,Oenteri be , Ilyteudere bts_pmfesatestal owlets to Cie de. to= al SuKuOlupla gn" on i tenne wlthes Mu. , t 1 wookrya, June= . . . _... o ll Vrittrest i exyl linTi lyr 4 sp. at litti ngiai: • CANNOT BE DISCREDITED The Rev. Jacob Seehlen, Westminster, Md ;:tt,47. 4 65thri•1 15iiiii4§103.'Ittanntte'' . 1tROf moan OF THE LIVER Auspagg*Hrtm gamattat r '-'• ;wog Bi . • •., • . !"*. Se i tttitill . B it t e rsl ' . ' 4 .:.'dralita IR anitlietieitittat Not* &no 1.. Brrtaki4 'de -oiE'Btittei- 130Isfaction pevi restiorstisithilirtb*Y*l • 11 4 '4 5 1 4P1k 0 1 * Al44* is the corket wipwr sal On 4MM:aft& 01.* 410.- • -4 111IrOtr i PM44 PAT $l,OOO azq oriii *to 1411 *tit, a cintsami p,14110.111 • d i r bat *tot thatraira. ' upost.wor-oznatas striestiks . Nirgtair, was case et Chronic or NervoOsDebility, plusses of' - the Kidneys, Mid diseases wising from a disordered stomach, ceszavg mtz yetsostino sein*ars, itazdting from Disorders of the ttigestioe Oros, COlitt e rits Pnekrultness of Blood to th. If Monty *Me Stomach, Nausea, ileartbaels. Disgust tot roolL Fullness or Weight in the Stomach. Sonr Ernctatlons, Sinling_orlfrato• !erring at the afro( the 'Stomach, ' ming of the Ifftd,flerried and . call breathing. Fluttering at tits Heart. Choking or Sebes. • • Ong Sensations When In a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the , . Sight, Fever and DWI Pain In the •i Head,Deficieney of Ferslttmtion,liellow- Peas of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, ~ .Chest, • lambs, &e.. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Donau:. in the Flesh, Constant, l e w things. of Ern, - Ind great Depression of W. THAT THIS INICITEIRS 12 Not Atilcscrki.colicr, CONTAINS NO RIM OR WHISKEY. AO Can't Ji ake pruithalts I BE; T IS THE BEST TONIC In Ms World BREAD WHO aera so From the Bev. Levi 0. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Bap Gat Church, Philadelphia: • • • • 0000000 / have known Iloodand's German Bitters lir varably for a number of years. I have used them In my own family,And have been so pleased with their abets that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and Irma thattbey have operated in a strikingly bona final manner: I take great pleasant In thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of thou &Dittod with the diseases for which they are reconitramo ded, to these Bittete, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as Ifoolland'p Bitters is intended to benelt the afflicted, and is "not a rum drink." Tours Truly, LEVI 4. rases. Froth Rev. Z. NewtOn Brown, D. D., Editor of the NA cyclopt* aladelpilla. t/Wigtos Knowledge, and ChrtetlanChron yhi Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredi ents and effecta;l yet know of no sultlcient reasons arli a man may not testify to the benefits hebelievea hlmaslt to have received from any simple preparation, in Um hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of oth ers. . I do this the:more readily hi lewd Waco/lead's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. Jackson, of thfaCity,be• cause I. was prejudiced against them for many yeare,on• der the imprevalon that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker Eaq. for the removal of this prejudice by testa, and for encouragement to try them, when Wir 'r - leg from great and long eonttlYnerrdebillty. The use of three bottles of these bitters. at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relletandrestors tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not•felf for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend tor directing me to the use of them. J. 'NEWTON BROWN, Philara. Prom the Rev. Jos. H. Renaud, Pastor of the 10th Bop- Rat s Church. Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir:-1 have been frequently rso qdtated to Connect my name with commendations of &Berme. kinds of medicines, but regartitng the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all pad de clined ; but with a dear proof in various lastatessa,atid mrticularly Awl trugli..of usefulness of Dr. Rod landl Getman Bitters, depart for once frommy egad course, to =Kegs my fall conviction that, • tor metal debility of the system and especially for - Macy .Com. it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some ea ses It may hil t but usually, I doubt not,'lt- will be nay tp these,whoandcr from thoebove cense. Yours, very respectfall J. B. Wt HARD, Eighth below Coates street, Philsdelptde. ;11 .. . Prom the Rev. 'Timms Whiter, Pastor t of Rename' Baptist Church. " Dr. laekson SW —I feel It due to your excel• lent preparation, Boodantre German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation Rhea obtained. I have for yea's, at times, been troubled with trom i t e gg , der in my head and nervous system, I was edit Mend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. I did so, and have experienced great and unexpected maid; my health has been vary materially benititted. I couldn't ly recommend the article where I meet with eases MM. filar to my own, and have been assured by many at tiodr ood effects. Respect. fall,ys. 101+4 (07:,.W , itoskarongh, Pao Prom the Der. J. D. Beinan, ottbe Oen= Belonned Church, Redman, Saks county, Pa. Dr. 17. 'IC 'Jackson I—Reepected Sir :—I bawl been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly .twonty yowl, and haw hover • used any mialleine th at did me as much good e. Dnotiand`s BMus b es ot very much improved to bail& • alter having taken - five tles. boors, with respect, J. S. mougut 3PX;ILZCIZIO. Large e tPe! al M tg ra dc i a ra= Bnalisizri - Iqts o .3 .-t*,lo-t4 4 00 .21 , BEWAlirrOr COTAttinter& see quAksiiit k riataroit:44loloEMl kr is ask the WKAMIII at each. bottle, • ng Ve t W i tgy e ar anT that may be offered !albs plapt, %asp jks, ok Ire ~wtAforwarA, ~rinoipal Office aitirgOtitfitotor 631L1311011i phusidsiods. 3 4 7,03.4400, inrcrioagsv 0;01 , 0 0, to c,X.Jgboll SI CO - - • Nviitors. x.
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