The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 28, 1864, Image 3

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h ~~~~
ValunteetWißas t ted;': . • ' .
Volunteers .‘isiited., far o n e . year. ,Xn
qnire at WO Ulnae fiv,tlieini*e.oftlie
ties wishing to hnuntien• •
gin thotampaign, • • . •
Subsciiiitione tVill be' ieeeived for'
Democrat, einiuneicing at .any tiine in
the month. to..dontinno until 'the
November election, at 50 cents 'eacb,'And
one extra. copy for every ten' ;
`cash tilwaye in advance. • • ...
Reunion Pie-Mo.
The flonirose , Graded Sehooforilthold
,a pic-ninonthe • Fair Grenade 'Friday
-nett, ;July 29th.. A special invitation is
extended-to all students et rerious terms
Also to the patens and fnendsior educa
tion.. The students will meet at Academy
at -10 o'clock,a. ur.,and'mareh from there
to the Fair Grounds. There will be
speaking appropriate for the **vision.
Vonstitutional Ainendmciiits.
The proclamation of the'Sheriff gives' a
-611 explanation of the amendments' to be
voted upon next Tuesday. General ap
proval has been extended to them, but
-shameful conduct , of the Lincolnit, b a ss
created a belief that they ore playing a
false game on the first. Some weeks ago
that party adopted a most disgracefully
Wee and libellous address On the subject,
which they dared not make public, tben
but-which we are advised will appear this
week, when too lawforreibtation. '
Hundred Davi Bait.
Susquehanna County sent not one man
in response to Curtin 's call for tnilititCJA
majority of our county "voted for Curtin
to avoid a draft,"'antt will do no More for
him "or any other man" in that lino thin
they are forded to do tip military power.
The copperheads have disbanddd and all
joined the( Loyal Lincoln League to stay
at .home and him somebody else to fight.
(Let them make a united and vigorousef
fort, or somebody . will get caught.]
Some 2,000 men 'and boys. &ern the
copperhead and southern counties are
already inhaling-the old martial odors of
Camp Curtin; and recruits. should hurry
on as , bat 23,000 more, including the 1000
cavalry, will be accepted. They will be
ready for next invasion.
lEvery citizen ought to. read the
article commencing on , beaded
' 44 The Late National Humiliation." The
• high,independent character of the journ
al frau which it is taken gives it l a sofa
cient character to entitle it, to the cmbizad
-0 judgment of men of all partied. ~The
intelligencer leas not been identified with
any - party since the palmy days of its old
wbig party; but has recently been a Zeal-
CMS war and
_Union journal.
Lincoln's mall Robbers,
The openindof letteis by spies of the
Washington dynasty has become so corn.
mon a thing that prominent men 'of the
opposition 1002 upon it as a matter of
"course. Letters from or addressea 40
General likelellan, Governor Seymour,
General Fremont, or Mends of either of
these parties, or men well known in the
Democratic party, are regularly opened.
This is done to an extent so palpable mud
shameless that the fact l bas,bOome note.
lions throughout the,coltary.' hatT
become so - accustomed to the working of
the infimmus'machinery of despotism Put
in operation by this administration, that
we are prone" to, with 2 apathy neon
acts that at other times have set nations
ablaze with indignation.
N. Y. Wholesale Prices of Produce, •
Reported-for the ifontrate Democrat by
Josue Casmarrita, Commission merch
ant, No. 32 Jay street, New York, to
whom shipments of producemaybe made.
Two thirds of the market value Will be
advanced on the receipt of the goods if
desired, and a quick return 'made for the
balance. Fall directions and a weekly
market report sent free of charge by mail
to r thpse makit' lg shipments.
liicesfor thi tieekenduviiigy 23,'84.
netaut;:white sound, per bp., 250 280
Matter tUlre, per pound, 88, 44
is Satins, „ 43
" rOllB, u 35. ‘, 42
- Cheek!, 40 1 00._•,, , „ -
as comition,•_ !-, 7
Dried Apples 10: „
Eggs, fresh, per dozen, , 21 , ~ 22
Flour, *best, per barrel,: `` . 49 50' 13 00
47( * ), • . g V,., 800 10 00
Feathers,' live geese, Per 80, _B6
Sides, 9 . 'l4
iduttazi CaT6a5N
8. 10
Pork, dressed„ 1 ' JO ,15, Wheit • per bisbel, 2'2E 2 80,
aye, . 2 0,1 " , °Cs ,
Corn,' " ' 1
so 00 ..„/ (10
Hides, pe e r ' ego nna; ,
2 $ •
" green,
Lan% common to best, per •, 1 120 . ;
Beef, mess, per barrel,lB 90 - 4 0 100:
`" K '' ;Pim% •12.00 . 88 Q 0
" ' 38 _ 0 3;40. 00 -
" )
Hama, - 8 1noked2
Shoulders, 15.
;perlinsiiitt,; A 50: i ,,:4. 4•
tallow, — l, PO ib• 20
Mrool l wieweil," ,00` 10;
- 4 t - 60. ,65:
Ailire!t;: 1 1 - e,:tiaiie% 800 , 00
ma_ple Suglig • Per pound , ; - ,
Nark—A-full report ef the Neyr 'York
No: %0c a
ekti*lt 4 3 CP- 16 - 144
Saturday:, Ale : . raeekly
Price CarnYo use of
our friends isho'nia call3943;arrible it.
-143as- prices which . - airs, tineroosi by
Wbty and condition.
are nottpectiotoedabove s catilrii OVA air
thifiiipart ibis offies.v
coltapirtattfia63lll.lA.:Lifialtetzeor fivg
hl g i A re l itiroami w a re me n, f ont Jae° I
# olll 4rdr. Vino : K ( 4oi* an 4 d qt 3, 4 4
:40V- T *O i l; • 1 ~ i ) : ;
In Lathrop; Ottl-the Ith 'Bp B. W.
Teikablitt Vsq4 MeAutota.- . BWirlir !
ofLutbropi and
lifllicthohod' " ' ' 7 ,
.•• k •
611501,N; 1110 $OlOOl
Prot S. L I . IAWLEIT I , Principal.
It&T,Wt; ` Assistant.
. , .
Elan ions c6aimaneei6dneidy, jaws Slit. feet
Winter Tatra " ‘.‘ Ictircip, 1854.
Spring "
Rates ,ersaitiosa.
COMMODEtIeaI / 1 81rhiSie
Ingtuif Xatittnatlcs, , .
• SW advance. No deduction on
, SCCOIllit of absenceionlera on actbant of pomaded 1111.
nen of the .
Forall Dartionlara address rtuiprinxtral
• '43lbsonolalt 28, lima. evr
- • Administrator's IVoti "
ATOTICIe Whereby Oren to all petsOna indebted to
the estate of AMIREITA HOLLENBACK‘ tate of
Auburn township. deceased, that Immediate ,pturatent
mast be made to the tmderslghed, and all persona haw
!acclaims against said estate will present them dilly at
tested for settlement.
R. J. MOMIEY. 'Aiito'r. •
Aoprn, Jny 28,1886
Zxeetitor's Notice.—
upon the estate of THOAolloltalan,lstu of pio
alma; tOweship, deceased, have teten,trtu ul leal ,the
sitbsertherlf, nod : all persons Wirt chinas said
estate' are requested to present the same, d :attested,
for settlement, - *nd those indebted to same are required
to mate latmedlate_mment.
PATRICK eIpF,PI, Forest Wee, 1 . 4
• J.FIiNI IBC* . ` "tt
Administritibes Notice..
ivOTICE Is hereby given to all persona indebted to
IX E. STA,QE. late of Dimock township, deceased.
to tnake Immediate payment, and all: persons having
claims voting said decedent, will present the same to
the undersigned for settlement.
Dimoek. June oth, 1861.--ew
1 E7470t TOTI2.3&ISie.
WANTS°, a healthy woman to eosin - into a family
to nurse an infant. Inquire for pa/tic:Oars at this
mina Inderslgned ore for sale tile ?Mild situated In
the townetdp - Deg the ddndelet Saw
*ill. It contains
ao ..a.01•0113
of land, 60 of which - are Improved, with's new Rom.
la Bern, ite.
It le well watered with Heins wings,
end well adapted
~apecLeila the letter..
gib pneduieWritoned illgldOwn ,
Oiltudibarnall4OuttArtatin tatty
,' en - at Ittiltrlc Including crape, If d
ir iikititiOrstataiiiiiritt(sizielt by ttia opietailout-
JllOl-tiontlPlealof Bnaduelianna taunt , anffibirm di
rected, I Will ielpOse to sale by public "endue at the
Cuurt-bOuse. br,itrubmlue, ft.rtlayAuz.xatti, tem,
at I o'cloc k, v. In., the following desctiteces or
parcels of land, to wit
All that certain piece or parcel oi land situate in the
4.01M3/111P - Of logainacountyol Otumaxhanna, IMMO&
ofFennsybrinisebbanded deem- bed ak tollows,"to
wit; On the north by Janda of A. L. Jeffers, east by
binds of Joseph Bennett, west by land. of W. M. Ting
ley and 0. W. Green, south by lands of/Malta HeUreon-
Mining about 75 acres, 'with the appurtenances, two
dwelling-houses r one barn, one coru•tumse, two arch.
ardt i rld , about Warms improted, fEralt of prow Bros.
I 0 - - L
Aiso—All that certain pleas or parcel of land sit
uate In the torrnship of Lena*, county and state afore•
said hounded and described as fol l ows, to wit : on the
WU( PY AWN ofyritherlsigleraddatompbrsM
llNAloitY lands of Chspeoy 'Awes
South by MUord ilokol l ego t l / 1 13 14 1 gel and vvetiM
4.ol:itthipltre* Many, cantaltkrog about 11 luEresniland,
more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame: hones,
one baltnatiOU Mat trees, siarmoottrdmotind. [Snit
of 11. Gement& 'WA; Adams.
Area—All Oak certain piece or parcel or lirldrsitinda
in the tonne of Brooklyn, county audntate aforesaid,
. bounded ,and
.1 4eritras, tasrit : On the north
by lauds or Obaillaia antiOrlanSo Wright, east by
lands of Orlando Wrigh , south by lands of Ottando
Wright. ChneleaPeraty and Stephen Oasitt, turderenby
lands of P. Whipple: youtaintngsbout 67atursonoreer
less. —"it -Ors •ai;otrsmn: -- - - tit v =and
zighlSr4sl Qts rieo
Irrab To Wright.
thatliertatn_hlersillr pireerak. land situate
to thetownship ofFrantlinozranty and stateaforeaald
bilithdral and thweribed a.stollorke,Widt & Of thilkisill
ay lands of rp. Tingley on the ant by rands of Pio •
tnefimith and tikrahl Smith. on the *oath by binds of
suOi Dugan. on the north by lands formerly ooetrploa
by Howard Park; eontalning shoatloD - aeres, be the
samemore or lees, with the apyintenanem . 1 awned
dwelling benne, rbirn:l - wenon bonne I , blacksmith's
40.1 °rebut. and about 10 acres Improved. [Taken
if 3 execution at the twit of John F.Thrnmore vs. Mules
Warner. • I
asti-ali that certain pleceerfisedl *nand iltude_
st ,Grest Bend borough, county-and .state aforesaid,
bounded as followi, to wit: Begging at a point- on ,
*somberly aide of the Great Bend and Chocbecton
turnpike that win: but now called Main street in said,
borungbi it the westerly corn. r °not formerly conveyed
to HarnitniGtiernsey,now ocempied by Xargeret Moat
son, theocemorth gr west. along the northetly side o
said Efaindreeloo feegto the lot Of ;Cimino-Ad ages-i
M.:thence tooth er reit along the tasted limit:4ll3ldt
lot 120 feet. thence .I}l2Uk northerly
earner of siudiforriao let. t along
the line -of -said Morrison's lot -130 feetto- tald
sweet, the pisceof begMning: with the atomirtew.' eeNl
.I frame dwelling-house.* bark.eamehmit (red. and all
'improved. (Bolt of C. B. Bennett re. B. W. Beckwith.
Auto-Ail.that detain Ord or parcel of laze situate
.in the townaldpof fiteakEldbd, county and state afore
said, bounded and describedas follows, to wig: begin-
Ming at a point oaths. wortheuterly old:vet the Great
Bend and Cochecton torapikestthe earner of thsolot
abase iteckbow, themes north- 418', along the line of
Isaac Beekhowle lot ill fed wmth rexlsresl, Go
'led to Pine street,' onebundriefind tweata t ed to the
line of said turnpike ; e with; sr along Abe line
wild turnpike silty feet to the place of. beginning, and
iotLiX" . With the appurkouinces;onto buildinseed
- Abe a tdeedilf imidgosib dand,rl:4ollll - Nesi
York & Erlo Railroad, wnrettsidl Of , Win.-; Mai
caatainiegaboatattrazdthree-ftrattheieres egeewt So:
much as has been -sold to A. & L. Carpenter bg told
Thcanas)ontiall imwroseiL , Makes in eloootkra lathe
unit or Gbarles.WlSsitforel mud iltmlyhiathassaignees
oforisb ii:Skozem.David - Thamao oadJuie A. Tbo.
mss, kts wife. • • •- : • . :
&man so Pefoore- unte.—Tolifimatiantatneentatif.
inn, notice le herebygicett that ractieeers atlinerilr
es - Will be required pa_ the am t. -.31 ‘ .
tine the Una eb‘W ibibigaininifiefsti
Ito Aoloottlailthf,lllll Waif! be - eta
bared Waneept minuet tlat tattled? le *lien'
end Isectitlea,to the tprovi_acilla th e,* "
tbiacottlie act of it its , . eafilitllllsl;l,4o;
DAVID ankinatir; lbw*
intariffin Deloo.lflitrose, July la, 1864.. - - •
_ __,, , ,10 4 :.j .. : „Li 7- i • ',...,
f 7
7 TME , FANOUS BAME...-- - „ ::-.
. -._ coni,oodseeth.eitiote
. -, i- , -Tawas •-,.::.1.,' ,
4 . Late ttktgitttlior it ip .420.1 , % • ,
i _. . -.lslawas P.A.-Weeks' Et= Reasi- ---
, =ar d rg*
~ 2 0:
i .., Mame
PIO las,l
. mly• eft iir ,-- -; r
- Stitiose,Ott'l ,- 11 -9- 41111.
7,10 N , . N1 , .'..,::.•'' " ki ,_ il.
ANDRay t e,ouniv,_o9yernor 91 the Cotawcm,
wealth, vedlibilalthnibaltdisolaftwilt seal of the
41014.4 Wistheillstalaueo.
tolne 40 oab flerof the fieheral d =4 l 3
• ••• , Tugs, entitled "An Ad, lawactligalf elates*
weal sad , • •
MR I aellts
mean o
E , v A ,
• .
11111 t
that= the . .
fibß.talit t sitttbefileCra4Ca r t oa ilt
sue cOurar t width A Meth y trlll
ballot for or w italost=i= r araendinents tO
the Constittittatal .13 follows
Then shsubean additional, section tpthe thirdayll•
tbat llo . o2 4 bs 444 4 3 Zaltila Section finifXl
follows :
o . s toric a r .4., i mbenoteteenathevelned lector
aldadditiontli*th shap eftly
Off thn
triallOrtatitor ." :intlifirriiiWreotethon;
weel%Vtitenfelgift mt. atiruffrage
in all ons by . the el ens, ender regolationa
=Alt Shainiennundhea bfrlaWig 011114a!kskro
resent at th olenaval nisei of e ton:-
fhlwrpnell. There stun be tweed:Minna sectionsse:f
'the eleventh article of the CnnatltdUeln to be deldwts•
ted as sectionsdela enduing,. as follows:
.• Samos & tell shall be passed by the Wale
tare mustainingnmrs,thaft flAt.llll2aentOffllnll shell be
deal witiresser brae am; eZzeltrePlitoPlietlow
bills. r. i
":to bill /ha be sued by the tefglattire ,granting
any power or privileges Many case where the isethoslti
to went such -wryer, of privileges has been,or may
.tfft s el ai r.,c9prerrri,t l lntiST,c oll tplellble coluffiefi•
TB EleetioniwelthelielithronEhoni ibi bit&
ty, as folloWer
The electldtaltiliilAMM eannilied of the town.
Aloof epolszon, bebelkat the bonse , of,,losepb
liaq_bn.l4of4dAotetihrp7,_' I.: I ,
wne election ter the diStriet composed of the township
of ectln oL the Pres.
, 1863
• • ..... •••
hyterian church to said townsidp.
The election for the district compoied ef the toWdli . hIP '
of Auburn will be held at the image of.Jamet Lott - 1n
said tovrnahlp. -
The s i d*W ectipp forthe district composed ottbsitownshlP
- of Uri itter will beheld of lbw Court-Isothieln 'the
boroug of Montrose..., , . .
The election for the 'diatribe 'tampered of the town-
LUtillitritnatnes 0.
Do In wittowntrup.
' The election fror the district comprisied of the town
ehip of Cbcpconnt *Who held at the School-house near
- Edward Clarlr's in said township.
The election for the district composed of the town
'ship of Citlibrd will be held at the house late of John
Hewetson_loyald to wnship..
The election held istct composed of the borouga
Of Minded Will be at the Dtindaff hotel litoidd bor
The election for Diciest:let composed alba township
IT4inioek i WAP L • held'aS. the house of T. J.,Babcock in
'side. merman:pi.
The election for the sidatrletaripposed of the township
of Forest Lake wjlilbelield at,' , ooe house of John b.
Towne in said taignehlp..
The election for thet,4l;lbiAtilicnopiied of the town
ship of Franklin willhe held at the echo° I-house neat
Jacob Allarirein said township.
The election Voids district composed of the borough
of Friendifrille will be held at the'„e4icsil house in said
borough( ,, -
The Election for thedistrict anpiiiiita alba borough
of Great Bend will be bad at the house =opted by Da
vid Thomas In wild timnstdp. c•
TheelectiOn -tor the district composed of the town
shill:Treat Bend rill be blade:. thebowe occupied by
S. Theelection tor thedistricfrof the township
of Gibson will be held tn,the Andeag tettltheit le said
tre4 wnship _
lon for - . thedlittlet ' eoriposeidof etownship
of Raiford will beheld attlietionse late of N. W. Wel•
droitin saidloweablyn , , •
Tharelection rerttwi e Wilmiedofthe township
of see
the'eleiTicilifinthe dlitfileieW Mitutt4eitiM township
of Herrick. arab° heittiffitAtiliding am- pled by John
Miller initalfitownship :.,.-,,,', - -
_,- - ,,,,b ,
The elect:km teethe diattlet etramosed °Mho hip
of Jackson will te heist the Magee , C. C. a in
said township. ---. ..,. :,:4 ,-. ' , Y . ..,:,
The election far th e district composed ofthetownsbla.
of Jessup will be heldat the honsepfDanki Boff in WA
The election for the district composed of the town
ship of Lenox wilt beheget4hs pommel rowA Dro
thersintiald:towireldW - -
The election for the district ecenposed of the township
of Liberty will be held it the house of 13e/a Jones
l isi
1 saitturnah)n.., 6 '-,. -.', ,- ,' • •," ._ .."- ~...^ .. ,
._..'.:- •
Tint election mine 4 hitictcompareprofuratograarnp
:iiffielthroti.l6lll ha- heldeththeleowilsof-Elistra Ltirdln
Lid township.
The election MOM intritit ct - tedif the borough
of Little Meadows wi ll be tent "lichool-honse in
eaid borough. , 7 1 r ' ~
The fifteen tbr Ulle dtstrict composed tbk tewnship
of Mfddletolith will be held at elet,house Otis Boss in
1 14 , ...=p , i-i v i 1246,66 co tip,44atfeli4 43 - ilgh
or fi.,...7 111 ,1151daf the P 9 P u ff Aikrid her
c l t h% etielicin ier the diteAct e i Miosa t atifhorotifl i
officer Milford will be heldiethe mule ofß. 0. Vail
sa -
id borough, e . .
The election for th e district composed of the township
of New Milford will be held arthe house of ildlinder
rtinney in the borough of New Milford.
The election for the distrietcompotedof the township
of Oakland will be held at the house of Behest Nicol in
the borough of Susquehanna.
The election for the district composed of the town.
ship of Bash will be held at the haute of N. D. Snyder
in said township.
The election teethe district composed oithe township
otSpringville will be Uhl arthe house of Spencer Blo
kes In said township.
The election for the district compelled of the township
of Silver Lake Will be held at the houseof B. liceeriglo,
in said tbrambils . ' ' , •
The election for the district ecenprised ..,f the horough
of Susquehanna Depot will be held - at Mebane of Thos.
Canavan in said borough.
--The election for the district armposed of the town
ship of Ttiomsrill be tirritillit thatause of Chester
Stoddard in
*j ail ts kreaterttifth ittAitilrtti - 111 - Y '
paned thilehlrlay ll of April, Mt Militl e ed "en Act pre
scribing the time and manner of atibmittini) to the pep
pleAr their approval and ratifiettion or re ection. the
proposed amendments to the Constitution, wherein it
exc. 1.- That said election slab.csd, held and
close&npon the day aforesaid at the, p and with '
in Umbel:in at and within which the tea elections
of this Commonwealth are directed tote opened, held,
urldolotedidtabidtbe Abe durrpf thifibillies;AV
~to a dd de s, q[theaeltiftoweahipkiiormellis, -
-s,""preeincts and districts, to,receive st..the said
election, tickets - late:Menu ,thithumber of giroposed
amendment:eel:tither tiointeti dr` p4nted. Cr pat* writ
ten and panted, from ditcher the qualified voters of this
State who mageffer the same, an a ol iat riepostathem ins
box.- orjsoZesito be pro fa
Mrderma which MJ -sils be 7neCieet,Myt
on the outside, " First Amendment,".," Second.
Amendznent." and' "Third 'Artiendment;"' and those
whaare Womble tosald amendments. Or any of them;
- may express their approval by . voting: each, as Many
separate written , stid printed, or partly written and
• partly printed ballots, or tickets, as there are amend
eras anirof ed i nthathpaintaintex on theinsidatiere.
the sionte,.•-‘ tosiAmeaduient ;" slid - there who
are opposed to such amendment*, Veen ef,them.MMr:
i expresetheir opposition'by v'oting, ears, as many sep
i erste printed or written,' o f partly written and printed
ballots or tickematthereareamendmentanotapproved
by them, containing do the insidethereof the words s eA,
, gains% the Amendment ;' the" electors vain for% or.:
F agsinstlhatestamendment, shall be considerettiayo-•,
ern for re veinal. theproposed fotethsedicrii toe:oWe
three orthe Constitht. extend's": thevight otalf , '
fags to soldiers ode:tons voting far otegainst the set
and amendment; hall be considetedfdr - or against the
proposed eighth eection toseticie eleven of the consti
bitten t nattier:tare voting Serer 'mann, the third a.
mendment, shall be considered as voting for„or against,
titmtion. e propdted ninth' aectieri to Wilde elem. of theCiiiill.
Sir). it:VW theeksitienOntimpreitiosidatititidmenta
shall, In all respects, be conducted as!Waukee.
u ottftille.7 - 71nitit,
. ti et i of / , ve
counties, 00,.. urreefogh t i ..„ ,
Ce 11411111411 0.
iz rt ! fp ) ; .117 1,9
eschAt MI
minted Pllestes t ..Xea,t` j p7es in word/
atleagth, and not in figures only: Mientwhichretnutts
so made, shall bat - edged in the rrot.whOtarre office of
th o tt "=common=fge t tl: vilattlit7l,V r
i1d.0% o e
- Commonwealth. end byiniepftbe=dgelli .
forthwith in Mamma coirrenient ,ancet whitie
Pisilnividuerbefild 4 P.l# R 440 °ribs Goa* ,
' no. 4.1'11%141as "monist &SSW iiiiiiireilliibtillifer:
Inellbrheaherin. Condtdsilioners,,Constablai.%,
es, Instiectors,and all other efileers, whmer,i4lTh, i
a w ait s moo. elections 4 otthis ' Commonwealth,. )
shall be petiormed by enact:them, in and about' the le I
i m am hem e memo! fort "and all' persons, whither i
' tsfilcerterwthers;almllltellabletotheramenunishment
' for the neglect *My doh or tharcomminfon of .anil
Offense at, in. or about the addelection;utbey would,
fbr ollikednty,- or the commission - of like
. 0, , t thztmersil ififietfmit ,r 4 thp Ira,
-tnonw - ...i" k i.. 1 5..., ..-,.. .....
Bitlt Of - Via . bry ofJali S. IMS, it hails Mae
of *.vV.„.utLityssoff. Ald,
' irrintis_nelditstif elli =a. - tea ==' memo', Cone ,-
' tablealsiffirgeirli.etami.T, township or district within
thistOommanwealthewhaelivermilM ttpon by an officer
= of the Cite 43
thrt.linali Ztlfoc u4nilSed: MO= IMro4=allL
1 01alit=
tedinitOth&Ml7.o Sti
the SUN l'illau spa b r
e the duty et thrrlmx.
Vcciistt=?Afrprail&Mik or
%wear Oaf elections, Isle t : r ag
ranoOW the peace. as iforniald,"
Anrsttaitt gas provlsibne tontafted 4he 76 th silo
=the iforesaidithorJudgen ot thitbfareaald
shall respectively take chargi of the certlflcate
Grain= theateetion fthelt :respective diAtlcts,
andproduce thinner m o esting Crone ;clip from each
distiskirt tbri Clan Elmose, in the Borough aibtaut•
saw. nitthordefamretter.thirelectiomobelerthelpfes!
eilltriltiorafeldinyithandrilartlitt =We
to de Rea perform the difileerfq 1 21,4,.4 ex=e1,
.11‘ • AleothatwhersaJ
• . loianableto.attell - thibradOellied
afJ • lbliathe,tettlflcOe-er return eihMtle
be akar cute bill end of the Ihrpteterittecier
-the 'election ofthd dlstrrct. who stall do and perfbrui
the ibitilieteogebWfuldjedgs_tizablato Attend.
ALPO= Lathan:Mt On ofiisidext o gr cte4
tket , ".everf tMrel iiPeeill eleCtion e I open.
'ed berweentSigbt ariaverild 4 6 e Ante ' d shall
continuo without. Intemption or adjournment until
&Ma 04AM
..4the eyening x whea r .pe eltell:
_•• 1 . • I'4+ .4 .1.
Ina Miter dinmtedthat thirnmoting of the Henna
J j adtes, tithe Cleart follontrose, to, make out
ag Alma hoOn the firslini
ding the petialltlection, which will boon=
of August, ifes.
lolven er mita* it* Offitefiln thirliortni t g
offernertiewtomiyea - June, - -Ilancr-Detritnirt
Ind le iptiefqfifll Co pp
ft`glwiiOniceadontroie „ . one SOO. lOC ay”w
IfpiverAffir""gittraftVg =_°4
I will expose to sale, by public vendue, at the Coors Montrose, on tieturday,Jaly./Xlth , I
o'clock. 0. m,, the followlngpeal estate;; to witr-
Aratlet. eertalinpiecoor parcel of lard altopteingo
.loistishij of New. Milford, 'Magnetism county', ,
lionufteand described asfollows, town: on.theriertb
*by lands an:phased Buel, on east oy lands now or
formerly mined by O.Z. Ward, on the south by lan&
formerly owned by Lemuel Halting, dees'ad; and lands
onllootornd on fee west by tan4pliont4n
ottintli; onir hundred and lievetury Ore4 — or
therelbouta„ with theiinerui..eueltaxiind itMel-
Ilmfilduse, three bums - arta., and :thong on.
hundred acres Improved. [Takev_in execution nt th
Ault Of John Ilipley,va.Osmiirl Reed. •
1' ':DAVlColl42ll l 2,3,Bbaigf.
Administrator's Sale.
N7o9'iCgia beteby,glvenethat in porn:Lance of an or.
tee of ' the erplana' Conn of Bas bat=
noontycil•will nmract-ie sale attba Cparyhwas In
Saturday, the 80th- day , of July, 1 804,
at I c?" 1 K - Ar 2 ft,,611 7 fallen dr lat.
of said eataterde ed,lothe followteg-tleacrlbed real
eatata,Tizti. 1 -
Ailthat ti act of land situated in thelOainsbip of Bar
ford„ln sad connty,bounded as follows pn the north
of Henry Drinker; j!dlitionrn. patley and B.
Locals'; the east by land,' of Calwell; on the
south bElaadsoftraatua Brewater aed Osman 14.Loore•
la t tmd on the west by lands of Lewis D. Wilmattb,
Wilmarth,'"Nathan Hall and David Titus, nen.
taming 510 acres, or thereabouts—it being all that cep ,
Obi piece or petal tatted In,attO tolfilla8P• I:Pang- 8 0
'State' Libtmdifiof'whlch tltd 'Mai 'Hosea Idea
Belted. c
oiaay of We: and bit! ' " the titans-a on
final confirmation, an d the remainder in one Teas them
after; with interest.
aarford. Ali 7, 1864.
Manufacture of Woolen
• '
ti OCidSs "
'6114A.Mmr31111 , 1. 11':
in the household and the factories, has become of
gnat inwortancre on account of •intfortaintrf wxylweldlt
ottrstrinapill topple ofelotAnu f i b. e tt I ster ot ogAn i ii;
pmu rrcriUgir ' ieveibit orito , 'WsiiiVnarke
ro t; engaged In the business awaking
Cloth and , and also Doll Carding and Cloth
Dress ,we ve thought that a few remarks with re
handling Wail, and the properprocessof Alum-
M r jet:lE4h% Bo of itertiCe Wilt" country, itad b bone.
=lra first prit iesi with t7ie t r arriter trit - cfintarito make
his wool into roils fo r spinning and weaving at home,
alter washDlg asaortinethe qualities.
I his we do not =pea a er to do as perfectly as a
regular manalkrixtrer, brallsa,lbryinthe will approximate;
toward' lt,•":11hd het &MDT laaidaelthe Hai tains re
quired,hy baying an even thread and smoother fabric.
Thal= should ui be whol".s oafscsi Ztho w stile x, l a re it ad nd o i r n t
oeqq skirts Aitelle:Wandeameasily be dlitinguished
by looking didsely to the fibre. Two qualities from each
deem wilt perhaps be close enough for ordinary purpos
es, but as the sheep in war country differ, tuudlitttheir
grade& a wool—the coarse part of sum ta113 , -4oto go
witbUtelOner•patt of another gild tittlidutatethree or
four qualities out of the lot. If It is going to the mantiL
betory or to market, the fleece should not be torn, but
tter or oil should be sent e with every tenpounds
of wool going bathe carding machitle- "s . •
The next think of imptortancif itrofAttoo to be well
carded, fot'alitich wdwUl be entirely reap° slate ; but In
the matter of spinning and weaving, we have another
cautiorldo, Unless the yarn is evenly Sedated, and
beaten verily-in theleenn , the cloth siorialat unevenly
in ful ing—making some places wide and others nar
row, and if the finishes succeeds lapreeid a ma the
wrinkle", the cloth wiltresume tie gout again
when rude' Into a garment , sod the ameba*. I somd
times wrongfully bed fora rttatht beenlninglanterti-
Jawed one man's back. It is easily avoided by giving
the wheel an equal number of turns to a given length of
thread-drawn -o ArellattiltiO.lliticulryjnaegiterim
late years. and have come to the conclusion that if some
of the spinners do , not keep better time on their pianos
thAtteltaPhltirild`Wteelit,efe should bate *Dahl:oi
ly to ten to their'muslc.
As moment of labor should be employed to the
bensprainageortict 'every otmce of material appropria
ted to thebeat pttrpoSe, op account of our war, we pro
poseto write some otheribaptete on our branch of bw.
loess after this iaread safdcientlyto hercmatoberedind
'bail endeavortd do i eptwork ate nuottgajor a balmo
rali. skirt on doctor • coat. and make trowsers nice en
ough to last a fartueriatWetitjear's ettpli 'sfgn. at
110:04/cite. f aiddlithafirt 4 1,;„ I; .!
''/# l/ 4 °014:° • MO (1 7 t r,
tt WLEY'S t Pi - 5
304611. it
ritititt i cle fa iratiled ‘
. anyZ E N I g aVliiii e ter itWerp d fednot ti contain
'Teertt6FOnms. 1345Eittbfotimagt erninenilledinur
gatAnt two oven that; unction & wand eheertolkyr
commerittitas alireparittbnoY stintrlbr
eleanslng, whitening .. and, preacrying- the Teeth. It
'cleans them readily,. rendering them bft. atlfully white
and Reatl'aithent the slightest Whey to th 6 enamel.
It la nealMg.t(r.the Mlle where they are elceratill and
sore. las also an ;excellent 416MP:icier for old attd de
rettikaltr "e r t ile e ZttrZ li ngf e r e ellig t
lt tb= ll l, and Al:pacing a deUght;t4 *apatite to
imieeizED ONLY BY
Nollr.cor.lo.X.ombardttr.,o PDEurgrif.,
r 433(0910 at AL
ißicz sic alp's.
tirtPlZlloraitW , '
trv t i rtu. le lOU bigttste,
toltemonwzie I Creatn.ontdgb4s9.6
Wein eeidenne of 1 e, telsette , collet testirnonV
aisle detail is needless, contentin g ourselves by simply
gi vi l y c the names miir e aldrer;o 4, f . pmns Atiw uk of
el° '' 9 ' . ' 1 aprtlt Film
1 , 4
".... ch eerfully eatiell esitglg
Dental I arab, rep=
public generally. rlt is an excellen
_prepare_ on_ for
e i can idn a mnitiprwrettigt
f tWl Oersted! b3r
all paricrnaw4 atm en to Properties
are pirfettlr els. • ide ngthe teeth,
it promotessbeal y action to. th e game, 01 1- 1 41 , 00 5 es
Tal ' ilmt3* "lt i . s tV res . IP' " . WI . itt'D itAill''Areiiiirest. l
Tnas, lensed.- is, D., Pe014p.46/ N. 414 at. -- r 7,
E j. . 11 47412e5 i" ,8 6i mg s toViltif'" T tist,4lach"st? . " 7- -:
Q. A. lirsadinorr. unit. 1119 Walnut, st.
8. prian=l.B a ti24.4o.t., vo
..$ 15i
F. NOVlrrolts ' ita 1, , ' ,if, • e., 4 -, 4 i
End'esds , D ttit;ADYR. 4tb Ilt.,
1,,,A Dogyttunr tistrOOT DirtOtbste.... •.--t-- -:- . - 7. -
its M.-1,010 MON. etbdt.‘v *.--'" ".•
"n 2 2 . . • • - 2 !! ' ,-,--;:". •r: s'. Nv• :: ..
4w , o;.:REY3rem
akis :ICF
, 2141864-41 -11111A10101"r1; .
Address, diffiGrelft")
171 •
GO 0 Kt 'I iO . AM ' AINS
LO s ' fiartii had 1 1 . fir
uTTENßEßG,ltossripausi 00..
st innif o wi e za fuUintatlib9) . o . OS of
.seuoluibl TO= 14 1 41:
tlons to. Uxe loupe. ; -
A dlr." ire . _ a4 .A soie lle . MI Illn o . al t . 4.1911 ( Ft .% ; !
. Li
o44:oSinetitaly req4ekt 011,09,0 4114 ppi
;Rider Otrylie betlngrattothere, 0 14 4. 0 41,
otk genie ' ghetto** WV , 11d bite there
fore tel •Prfees lle o4llD g r Y 46 l4o iii * r
We tub , trite:NM a good r
end expellees oilinvlnglqyail_gotvg ill_d i le i lax g
In Otatnitarehellic; W th i r n a rlY °
iliA au! lzr. '
E l l sl v p ?i r
( IDES'I la y Id.
• .. ~ ,
VT\ it ,A 84 D141 ? 34 :9 144 P "'
'i r ti"? .
6 . '.-,'-' ,"'•:' C1 0 i.,,,e !;i', Y ...0 " i:f? . - 1 1 ,
< - 1 - '413 '1
'..- - 41444 ilit,g,i l :- f • ; l'
rrOftArD, LP44 I / tr 1 / 4 4 Ag i
tAidcf. , 411 din 404,,
Mndin l 6. BielLP
gz e t 4Vllo3.lWah l reakf
- GOOD y ,S.
lidtit-leiriltir and Cott,grig,
tho largest stock and at,alipierlo4e C1T971%-,
mirtittNEwittilo (Am
af used tor
milltairry es, frethr a at N Jobbing
Ourarasoranant tOrtibranch ottrudercan pot be ea
celfed.arki al our-facilities aretrush'that , -wa are-man: j
ulltcturing every garment we sell, we are certainly en. I
ebled to sell them much cheaper Mum/hose who are not, '
We still couttlO-f,tri 1 ' . .i: 'i" , ' n
Illake Up Garments to Order__,. `
.1 - ::Ciet&' '' i - It' r. ' 7 'II s-te
and word_ _i I if atifiltrbe eto ye air
clothing TIOTT.and.F.AIMALONIUM.Y. made, as well se
Jte.sectlre itpetfectOZl7.tortry ua Mr-where confident of
being able to ptre satiffaction to the most
. f r•l
e u , k li , r
- i ;
h -
fa .
rk •
s's r t
p A
tigp o ty w i
-e; 17 F 7 3- r —_
e n .
Thellotatraneloiks °file I, ilg* f flypswom k o Mr he l b r a s n rn
l d t
charge of said business. Be would respectfully
request all those that are Indebted to the dna to call and
settle up as the Book, must-bit cloaad:
#O -- UttfattleirryitalfOpkatUlLltafr)
1 .
• idOrifri ' se, Mai 16th,"1-85/.
rii m itoihlhii,
•• • - • ; r ,Tod. 7
. 0
itgo* xri - itior4p:soic
TLa a U tiow to thg iedTMl rofediTou that IRON
-A. is the vital principle en, Melo:ante! the blood.—
This is derived•printiip—sWittentheffied 'toe eat; but if
the food is not properly digested, or if, from-any Inns°
whatever, the necessary quantity of iron is tigktahezi in
to the dr:Merton, or thili whole Ve
tere suffers, Whe bad blpod ifritatettinkt*rt, will
clog upt thebratte, 'will 'tope litaih - , -- wAI - obstract
the fiver , and will send its dismal producing elements
to all parts of the system, and every one will slider ip
Yallite*reelPin may tte priptkosea s to &some t,
The great value of
Itoto 1/ it' - ii.dieme;..
firwellknownlanii4iiiiitaiitb, ail medical me4,--
Thedifflenlty has been' to obtaln such a reptration of it
as will enter the circulation and anelmllate it once with
thhblOod. This point, says Dr: -Ham htiondtchnsetts
State Chemist, has been attained lathe Peruvian Syrup,
by combination in a way before- unknown.
. The r,ertrvi_
I pylWrtedkolotlon ofttte pierfnxide of TOll7 - A new
discovery in Medicincithut strilr,es at the Root of Dis
ease by eupplyi , the-hlootPwithqta Vital Principle or
. 1.
ThV )Peruvian ,Syru a
Cures Dyspepsia Liver Complaint,Pronsv, Bever and
Ague; /° l ° drEr g:l,. ° OOt t fill
The Syrui) i
Wang strength, vigor, and new life into the system,
andindlds up as • ' iron Constitattlantr 'Jr I I
. . '
The -Pertivian:lyrup..,
Cures Chionic Diarrhees ficronals liolls,.#curey, Loss
) ;11;(192#,,ati ftor. *i
r. I fentlan
Corr Nervous AlfectionsPetualo Coosplainte r and ell
dlscaSee ed the Inidneys and madder,
. • ',Perttvian up,43yr •
Is a snecida for all diseases origthating lea bad state of
t h e Bl e w. or e,,,,,,,,trnted by Debility or a low-state of
the Bram.
PamplirefajaariltalnintliftactißitTottini4 eitand WPM
mentlatlonaltoni isomer tbcm eet
Clemymen, and others, will beeenafreeto any address.
Wlselects fewof the! Aii . so FlyinjianuAer,Of
thateitimordels. - -
predierrJa PltheHß K. •W/LbIARAII34I9.-,,,=
,Late editor Christian Advocates:o,3=nel.
• Rev. P. CHIIRC/I„__ . .
Editor Few York - Chronicle,: - e
Ref dblin Vierpont.; LewJl l loldisori,
Rev. 'Warren Burton, Re - Swell
Rev:Arthur B. Puller, 8. K. Kendall. D_
Rev. Gordon Robbins, -W. D. thisbalro, M. D. •
RevjElylytinns Cobh, Veneta Dsipa, ag. D.
Rev, l l , ,Starr Shur - ~-iferenitab Shine, K. _
Rife. Kea, Ji y e Joie Antonio ibinches TaL.D.
:Rev. Scseph o.4llncli. ~,Abratons Wendell, M.D. s_
'Rev. MarylliA.A. Hayes, at. D
Rev. P. C. - Deadley, Cbiltor4.ld.b. :1
Rev. John W.,9lmatead, /LE. Kinney:D. D. ;._
Pianos's& by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclusively foi 7
J. P. DbEISMORE, No. 491-Broadway, , Rew YoT
Hold by all Druggists. '
AeWi t t li i r o lt4cl4 ll t!. , T
" *fifties Maki. SB6oe
;, ".Canißarna . Bnldr , ad, L. , :
r , ‘ P
,RodainglsAtussie3Zaisre , :T
Aires 811.0.kgeo.t1721pelim.r.1
Redding's! Ruisia .'
twine; +L
litf44Pirtgarrak.arsarsottz. tr.; r
- • • • - --sus , - •
S. P. DINB3IO= No. 492„ Bro_iotiv; New Pitt.
poWLV NO. 18 Ystmont 81048t02.
And by a Dmig18t8,4211#4 . 8t4,4 1 014r 8 . •
e t t s gri *
&my seeosmi,s • re. •r rtft: •
Mgr tbis data.
ensqubanas Deriet, • Ow/
4 tx ) iti f •Afi
"::fiso"*ElC4.tlitt --- tat:-
, r,f` •••• , 3c.
• "4::".1`11.00111;441/0 tY 8 '- , ;=•f •••+
air 4:lsllltere
• 3;ite:cfstit t intaalci7Minrii,_
_ v_(
Ravir give , Betitirzi
BeN:g ntougtists?eciiiiilf 4;#44.***0.170/
, • • :
' PAY . Si 000'
To an one who *HI produce s et: Monte puilLiged
;Ss tAit !La" azs. • •
1100FLANWEI qqatotaN smithies
. • , eret7 CBteot
'Chrenio or ilervotufliebility, Discquipil of
1: the Kidpeye, and diseases Arlene
111.436 a Aisiirdered 'stointush,
Resultittivir'oin BDisorders of As Digutivs
Clact i M h3s in lawert•kehilallnees - of flood to the
of the, Stomaelt, Nuuses, Heutbarn.
Dint:tat for 1 , 66.1 - Falleess Or Weight in the
• etoreith, BertirErnetatlons, Sinking orFlet
tering at the plt of the Steetarb,l3vith.-
- , ming of the ileadjlorried and
eta' breathing, Fiatterlintet the ,
"J . " Heart, Choking or Bn3een
-2.• ting Seeastions .when to
, • /ping Posture. Dimness of ,
Vlslonots or Webepeforp the ,
• - t: a ht,' ?ever end Doll Pain in the
. zees of the Skin and Eyes, Pain la the 81d.,
Back, -Med, Limbs, &C.. Sadden Millais at
'Hear.;-- Hornier in the -Flesh; Coattail!. M s
Wags at Evil, and great Depression of •
Not AL1C4C013.0 011,43 ,
oal Can't Date ruukarlts I
BEST T_Ot4lo
•.:;-:,,--;tarticeD sAtikSeit
From the Rev; Uri G. Bea. Paster of the Be
Cherth, Petaberton, lQ J,torruertrot theNarth Bap.
Gat Church. rtilhuielphla : •
• • • „it, • • e • • ,• , • •
I have known Hoodand's Garman Bitten bi
vor ably fora Umnlyar of jean. - ;have used theteln my
own family; and have been - so pleased - with their effects
that I was Induced to recommend theme° meal ethers,
andltno • thaVincY nave 0 1 1,4 Ina
Acta! wormer. - I take great Dicasare thus p_annelg
proclaiming Welke., andcalling 'tbe gbh:tiara OKA&
adlieled m 101111,3 diseases for which they aresseconwpcm
ded,:to.thesaßigersAnowing from egpstivice 'LW lay
secommindation .wlli be arttstabia,,l do. tiga tpors
cheeriblly as HOOLland:e Bitten la lotended to benefit
she afflicted and is note ram drink."
. • tours Tray,
- 4
- FromlTNewton Brown, 8., Editor of the En.
eyel ofit 4o
llikomiwlodgeond Christienchron.
telt.; rid e rphlL;
hlthOttEirlitAddrnr)setto%VOX or Internimend Plant
Medicines In general, through distrust of their ingredi
entsandettetis,-Iyetknowofnosuipclentreasonslt y_
s man may nottestify ta, th ebendits hebeliemeehhnselL
to have received from toy simple preparation, in the
hope that he maythus contribute to the benefit of of&
I ao this the Mare readllAtin rerfdioThxdbula's Ger'
man Bitters, prepared by r. C. cireou,of this eity,be.
cause kwas prejudiced against them for many years,sn
der tho Irepressibn that they wereehiedy an alcoholic
mixture. Ism ...indebted to my friend,.Robertattoems
ter Esq., for the , removal of this prejudice by proper
tests, and for eneoumgemenL tot? them, when suar
log from great and long,continned debility. ...The nee of
three bottles of these the beginning of then
_year, was followed by evident relief and - restms-.
don too degree of bodity.and mentabvigor width timid.
not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired:
of regathing..ltherefore - thank. God end my friend for
directing nth to the use of them.
Front the Rey. - Jos., fE EcuthardiPastotottitts;lothilsgr
..4isteltimat.zt, : ... • • • .
- Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir have been frequently re
oe_ertsal Wit connect -my mane with .etenmendatjons of
'4 I AMISt Ind/soot Medicines. hut regardingtherywatabni
.as out of my appropriate sphere, I base In all cases de
el ineft ribiat irgli a deaf pro& In strides instances, and
particularly iteinyfifeilly. of the aseftdfiess,of Pr..Eloof
bod`s German Bitters,.l depart for onto from my usual
COnese to express my - fall ecrovietton - that, for generab
debtltt~y of the syrtmat arid/*tally for:liver Caw
plaint, itbs4 safewed yaluabl reptra 4 : insoms ea
.ses It may fall.;.but,ustettly, Quilt slot, 11. wwboyert
litrtteldal to Moils who surer front the Ootrufbaaa,.. ,
. Tolus,very respectful .
Illgrieb below wales street, Yhltadelpldsi
;From theativ. ,Thomas Winter, Pastor of Boxboreagb
Baptist Chtmeb.
Dr- Jaciokili leas air feel it dne to you awl
leot preparitloni oolbuid'a Germarailtters. to add aty
testimony to the deserved reptitiontt Wm obtained. 1
haw for years, at Moen, been troubled. with great dthar
derma my head end nervous system. I was advised by a
friend to try a bottle of yonr:German. Bitten. .1 did
and hare experiuced greet and unerpede-_ d relief r
health bee been very materially benedtted. !confident
ly reocumerili lb. artielewhere I eseateritb ewes Wei
ire tom_y own, and bare been slurred by maay of their
good e t, .
. _ . .
Fred:alio Ilermin,' - of the annum Befonnat
Cltureb, Kutztowri,lßerke 'county, Ps.
0:11:$tr,-1, bees'
troubled wtth Dyspepida nearly 'twenty years. and bays
never - used any idNikita that did me u much good as
tioonars Letter.. lam vary rnackbngrovt: din health.
attar harnglakew bott3e4 _ :
tours" al tlitueßect,-: "J. S. g amor;
LAW BLos. (i:Ka;*ig etrbdoogegolottito . . •
at per Bottle-bilt j6 0A
Eldon efte-7S dot
' , CotrittiviEths.
littei! Y 4 . 1 4CKISPV: on
the WitanitileAdatbotUtLi •.
Ethoidd your neatest droplet not limas Witte, do
IteCtlft BO_ tOrbponti of t .11110:tiostilts proporattoolg
that may tottfferod WitefA 01
ce, but C - tory and Iry
trill forward, topmq
No 6311ciantra' SSA
,470314.04V,` -3g l Nrinniliv
:7; 14
no SI
gritp i lits b tr ig* ,
1771NLIr. Irma
ii4CM I2O, BY
la th e .-.World: