The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 30, 1864, Image 3

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    00 .p,
For the CamP,sign. -
Subscriptions will be' received for the '
Democrat, cottitnencing at any time in
the : month, ofJuli, to,. continue until the
Notrember election, atinicentkeuch, unk
one extra coprfor.every ten subscribeta;
cash always idvance.
Who will send the fret club? .
The 14ht P. V.
Col. Madill reports the following losses
in his regiment from the battle of' the
Wilderness up to June 4th:
Perry D. Sanders, May 5 . , killed. I .
Darnel Van Anken, May 5, hand, slight.
Chas. H. Tripp, May 5, hand, slight,.
John L. Riker, May 5, hand, slight.
A. DoughtyyMays, head, slight.
W. .T. Crandall, May 8, breast, severely,
Levi Moss, May 8, missing.
Geo. Corwin, May 5, wounded.
J. McSheve, May 5, wounded.
J. Harris, Sergeant, May 8, wounded.
A. Hobb, May 6, wounded.
J. Gary, May 8, wounded:
R. Marshall, May 6, wounded:
W. IL Peet, May 12, wounded.
1. BrOverfield, May, 12, wounded. r •
.1. Wiles, May 5, missilig..
D. Stilwell; May • 12, missing.
Thcf,pther companies lose a considers' -
ble'number. Lientenant-Colenel Guy H.
Watkins, of the regimen; has lately-been
BraftetireiVilee Here l
Your attention is particularly cal'ed to
the 22d section of the amended
.act, approved Febuary 24th; 164,
as fellows . .
" Sac.. 22. And .he it further enacted, that
the fees of agents and attorneys for snak
ing out causing to be ext anted any papers
in support of a claim for exemption froni
draft, or for any services that may be
rendered to - theolaimant, shallnot, in any
case exceed fi ve' JOlhsrir, and physicians or
surgeons furnishing certificates _ of dis
ibility to any claimant for exemption,
shall not be entitled to any fees or, com
pensation therefor. And any agent or
attorney, who shall, directly or indirectly,
demand or'receives any greatercompensa
non for his services _under this act, and
any physician or surgeon who -shall, di.
reedy or indirectly, demand or receive
any compensation for furnishing sob:Veer
tificates of disability, and any
. officer,
clerk, or deputy, connected with the
board of enrollment,- who shall receive
compensation from any drafted man for
sn y services, or obtaining the performance
of such services required from any mem
ber of said board by the provisions suf this
act, shall be deemed guilty of a high mis
demeanor, and upon conviction, shall, for
every such , offence, be fined not exceed
ing $5OO, to be recovered upon informa
tion or itidicitnent before- any court
of competent jurilkliction, one-half
for the use of informer who may Fine
cute for the same is the name/of the Unit
ed States, and shall also be subject to im
prisonment for a term not exceeding one
year, at the discretion of the court."
&Let all drafted men be shown thd
above, so they need not berobbed, neither
by outsiders nor insiders.
Terrific Hunicane,
On Thursday afternoon, _June 9tb, at
about 4 o'clock, a streak of a few rods in
width, of a terrifiegalctof wind, •swept
over West Rill, in Vesuil, complete)) , de-•
mashing the timber and everything in
its course, doing a larget amount of dam
age. We havn.heardoffennresidence
molisbed that Muni in its iionrse;and that,
vas the one belonging to C. R. Dingman;
The house and outbuildings were entirely
demolished, together with the furniture,
and everything they contained. The
house was mirned.eboin 20 feet against a
grove of trees; When it broke into frag
meats. Mrs. Dingman and two children
together with' Mrs. D',a mother;an old la!
dy 70 yearseseaped with some
bad bruises, bin' nothing serious. The
house parted where they were, and ;he
broken umbers came together and forrhed
&kind of pen around and over them. ' It
evidently was nothingkittit kind.hand
Providence that saved • their lives. Mr.
D. was not at home at. the' time.—Pr / Oen
ledlcal /
The Susquehanna Coanty Afetlical.
eiety will meet at the OfficegtE.L.fiattl. ,
ter, in Montrose on We dnesday July 1 . 3,'
1864.. AlYkegular:piaititionera ate -savi : ,
tai to attend.. .
L L asiwsze:, Sec"st •t
lona or quo YOsiival.•
•• - •
The'lleitesiatjaci wilt hold es' lee%
cream and- str,!berry festival at the ho
tel lieloson oil the afternoon and Oen
ill of ileFolortb, for the benefit 'of the
sounded soldiers. - .
Ali•aie invited—,-9111 wia young.
Ind*ounce Ball.
Bali ion_biiven At ,_ •
the 7 -131iTon Hotel of R: eui
Itilitire„„ Pa., on Monday ievening, July 4,
153134. _Good Music. Bill $3. (tjearf
A party will be given at.
4 e liotßiof N.D. Snyder,
irk , on 3donda7' evairdrrg;` , 4l4
1664. A garland•imaltation is respectful-
IY extended.
Joel {siitinp de "II eibeiiit
ful 'Cutting 4i:iiiinpika and
6 ingiaz in a Mind main onidlirfriiigiOs
lo'bftra r' hob . ;mac: : too iitooti„s•be
• 011 DRKOML4T.I
ThereititnOt anientiiatiteta . have passed
Over me. I have seen_the rise and fall of
funny; ,ehavb been -conversant with the va
riableness of 'the, affain Of' this transienl.
life, both in eenratereiatraidfinancial ups,
'and AlOwnstlrtive &Sabred - 1u melting the,
-wilderness- become a -fertile field ; have
enjnyed the blessingirof heayen and earth
F in a geed degr: 'eq,',firr Which I have reason_
to be thankful itwthe ,Giver of aligood.
Prosperity has crowned us as individn.
ids and as a'nation,' until the present ad
ministration of our government oom-:
mdieed. Since then` adoWn-hilrOoursebas
- crane upon us. The deatriction of human'
life end property, with a debt Sunknown.l
in the i history of the world in ,so•short a
time, and has been gloried by the ad.'
''ministration- party, both saint and sinner;
and for 'What?, Not _for liberty I—for
both North and South have . enjoyed more
than they cau.ever have again. A few po
litical aspirants 'at the Worth have been
agitating, the question of slavery to the
discomfort' s of the h ,
, South. Meddled with,
that which Avas ; none. of their_ business, as
slavery was not - a national affair farther
than — the District of Columbia. Each
state bad a right to regulate their own aft
Wm in that respect, and were accounta
ble if wrong were done. I have no faith
in fighting among brethren to settle dart
oulties. The party in power say there
could not be p compromise with the south.
Mater) , s t ill tella different story from
" A wise Omit foreseeth the evil and hi
deth himself - from it." No wisdom or
g oo 4, settee , about:it. The democrats have
been complained of by the republican par
ty in years gone by, for their enormous
expefditures. What inexperienced youth
left an independent fortune could have
been more reckless than the present, ad-,
ministration? Millions unborn will have
to suffer for it,beside being shy-word a
nrang, the 'nations of the earth, for our
reckless, inconsiderate management. As
Job said' when God left hit- to the rule of
Satan : "Let the day perish whereon I 1
as ,born," Sac. So let the day perish
when this administration was electet
I Let the day be darkness—let; not God re
gard it from above—neither let the light
shine upon it. It may well be said we
are a God-forsaken - peoplqt t for there has
been'xiothing like a Christian spirit mani
fested by a majority of the ruling party;
it is non - r—imoister and layman—both
north; and south. -
. The people are getting sick of it ; had
generally . , rather be at home, and I
lieve they bad better throw atfay., their
arms otiboth sides, north and south, and
let the officers fi,gbt it out. They are the
ringleaders in the mischief, with a few
hot-headed politicians.
Better have paid for the negro in their
weight' Of coin than have made cripples of
so many innocent men, and millions of I
white slaves in.consequence of the enor
mous debt incurred.. ; What generous
minded• Men can be in worse bondage
than be haunted with; taxes in conse
quence of a- profligate administration.—
Time was when gold via plenty, and bus
iness lively, but millions will not get up
high enough to withstand the great finan
cial reaction that is surely coming; many
will be rich; nrany more the poorer.
Where is the wise man. or man of re
flection, a well-wisher of the country, who
will ..not _look with wonder and surprise I
upon it; and see that we are swiftly pass
ing into a gulf from which no financial
geninaScan rescue us. If the south can be
conqi#red, they can't be subdued ; and
what mill be the north ? It %%01 be so
steeped t in. blood, that it will be
,a demon
to haunt- those enlisted in exciting this
great - national quarrel.
~ Ministers and men who have been pray
, ing to Abraham Lincoln bad better begin
; to pray to- the God pf Heaven and Earth
• that he would , grant them humility, of
, heart, and more ,olf patriotic spirit, than
.! has been manifat, th a t Christian disgrace
t may bogeyed.
- There is fra love of God, no love of hu
, manity, nor love of country, in the ruling
party of/our government; if there was
o they would desist from their disgraceful
to and Misguided course.
/ - - .Smuts TUCICEIL.
4ackson June 24,1864.
'Now' that' Mr. Vallandigham has
returned home, we hope the administra
tion wilt have the good sense to let him
alone, - In our opinion this whole system
of arbitrary, arrests and suppression of
newspapers hasbeen a wrong and a mis.
take. = We have no,doulit it was well in
tended,but t clear to us that it has Weak
ened rather ' than strengthened die ad.
ndnistration for its great work mid duty',
the shrititeSsion of the rebellion.—Carbon
daisildvance, (Republican.)
prWe sawa sight at the Lehigh Par
ley Depot on Friday fast, such as w.e nev
er eipectedLto'see ni this free' country,
AtV whiter flthy negro, both
said to bct Litisettet* item the army, were
chained tegether - by iron clasps around
the wriettb-z:3n this condition' they were
=relied' 'through;, the public streets of
Eiston, on theteway to the depot. That
is carrying out the abolition doctrine of
equality ot the races, withi .yengfiance.
,--lrattozi7Argus. •
Another Abolithnt-Ontrage.
a cowardly and disgraceful -attack was
made` uPon4 - tt)e Illinois/tate= Register
'prfriting otßeelyra ininifoeentatiolitiMi
ista, After having learwed".the ,nomina
ti.on of Lineoln t about % twelva4Aloolt:iik
night, fortifying:theinselyes With
- key, they Oollected 113, front of '
tot office And threw, liriokbats and stones
,threaghi ibe windows. The aoirardly ,
!Mans 'retreated 'niter finding prepara
ticine Were znadMig to receive them 'on
El i eat aoee to die building.
WY.:Wholesalellices ofProduee,
• Reported fel' thilfontrose'Dit by
Jostan csneurrrEn L commissien merch.
Ant, „No.( 32 Jay, street,: New, York, to
whom sldmenteof producemay be msdi,..
Two thir d s of the market value will' be
adranced on the receipt' •0! the &Mail'
desired, and'a quick return made for the
balance. ' Full directions and a weekly,'
market report sent free of charge by mail
to those making shipments.. .
Re - marks/or the week ending June 191 h, 434`
Wanted l — Beeswax, helms, peas, _dried
tipples, peaches, plums, , cherries, raspber
nes, blackberries, eggs,: flour,. corn meal,
"feathers, fresh meats, wheat, rye, oats,
corn, hides, hops, lard, bee - pork, poultry
wool, tallow.
Scarce—Apples. i •
Beeswax, pure, per pound, $ 60@$ 82
" impure, " 40 42
, Beans, white soiled, per be., 250 300
IPeas, per bushel, 110 140
Butter in tubs, per pound, 33 38
".. _ firitim4 , 3 - 1,1 4O
". . . rolls, " ' 30 38
Cheese, choice, ", : ~ .16 i lB
" common, " 10 14
Dried Apples "
' -
- -10- 12
" Peaches, " , 27 ~80
" Plums, ' st„ 17 'l6
" Cherries, " _ 27 - 36
. " Raspberries, " 27 26
" Blackberries " . 17 ' ' -16
lEggs r fresh, per dozen, , _ .._ 24 - - -23
Flour, wheat, per barrel, 800 12 00
" rye, It 000 800
Corn meal, per hundred lbs., 200 300
Flax, per 'pound, 20 f ' 24'
Furs and Skins, see Price Current, forlist.
Feathers, live geese, per lb., 70 75
Beef Sides, 14 13 - 15
Mutton in carcass, " 10 12
Veal, . " 10 .14
Irork, &rased,. " 11 fi
'Wheat, per bus hel,. 170 192
Rye, • ~1 70 • 1 75_
Oats, " 911 . 92
Corn, I, 140 156
Venison, per pound, 7 11
Game, see Price Current for full report.
Pigeons, per dozen, 2 00
Rides, dry, per pound, 2b 30
" ' green,
it ‘ 11 13_
Hops; prime, " 20 27
.. " 4 14
Lard, common to best, per lb., 15 16
Beef, mess, per barrel,lo 00 23 00
" prime, 44 600 20 00
Pork, mess, " 30 00 35 00
" prime, " 25 00 30 00
Hams, smoked, per lb. 14 18
Shoulders, smoked, " ll 13 I
&mon, - 44 Is 12
Chickens, " 22 , 24
Turkeys, - " 24 20 1
Geese, “ 13 15
Ducks, " ' ' 24 20 I
Clover Seed, - " 11 13
Timothy Seed, per bushel . , 3 3 401
Flax Seed, ig 320 360
Tallow, per lb. 15 - 16
Wool, washed, " _ 80 9 , 4
" unwashed, " '6O 55
Apples, per barrel, 300 600
Maple Sugas, per pound, 15 20
24 orE.—A full report of the New York'
Market can be , seen at the office of the
Moniroza Demorrat,,_ corrected up to last
Saturday; We have on file a weekly
Price Current of Produce, for the use of
our friends who may-c3ll to examine- it.
In the above list is given the lowest and
highest prices which are governed by
quality and condition. Many articles that
are not mentioned above, cad be found on
the report in this ()Mee.
nerTir. Tobias , Venetian Liniment alum
caotERA4 when first taken, in a row hours; Dygonaery
In half an hour; Toothache In five minutes. It is per
fectly Innocent to, take internally and le recommended
hy.Mo meet-eminent Physicians in Ma ratted States.
Price 25 and 50 cents.
- TOWANDA, Pa., Aug. G. 1839..
Dr. fr. - L Toldna.Sew-rork: Dear naed
Ivor Venetian Liniment with great success both as an
internal as well as an external medicine. in cases of
Bnlnne.Colic andtliolem Minims i regard heist sover
eign remedy. Your Venetian Florae Liniment stands
unrivalled aa a hor c medicine amongst farriers and
boatmen on this canal. Wyl. LEWIS,
Sap. North Branch Canal.
Sold by an Druggists. (Mee, LVO.6 Cortlandt street,
ritrlmportant to Females.—Dr. Cheese.
manta pills; ,- -Tbe - xotobination of inmedieuta in
these Pills tribe result oia long and extensive practice
They we mild in their operation, and atm:ado harm to
the most delicate; certain In correcting all Irregularities
Painful Atenstritatious, removing all obstractionP.
whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the
aide. palpitation of the heart, whiter. all nervous affec
tions, hysterics. fatigue, pain In the back and limbs.
Re.. disturbed sleep, which arise from Interruption of
was the eommeocement of :knew =Ala thetrentMent of
Irregularities and obstructions whichhave consignedso
many to e. PICIMIL•ruzz clure. No ferule cap enjoy
good health unless she is regular, and' whenever au ob•
etruction takes place the general health begins -rode.
dine: , Teese Pills form the West preparalon everpst
CESS. X,carLyt liche Mesoe•isrebe-04—
Tate ibis advertisement to your Drrnizi and tell him
that you want ids BEST and mast ABLUBLE Femaio
Medicine in the Iforid. which is comprised in these Pills.
'Dr. cansmars PILLS
, ,
I ,„have been w standard Itcmedy for over thirty nays, and,
,are the most effectual one ever known for all complainta
pet-altar to Periales..: To all clams they are invaluable,
Indacinvudth certainty, periodleal repaktrifp, They
are known to thousands, who have need them at different
periods - Throughout the country, having the Benetton of
some o #tbe most eminentPhyvicians in America.
E,epticirdircraoluo 4 tating when MT should ameba used.
with each Iltat4-tee price $1 per box ore boxes for $5,
coutai tans , from falito atom Plila sent by mall prompt
ly. ocean: from observetJon. by remitting to tne Yroprk.
etooN Druggists generally.
Bu csiriGßt lllLLYED,,,Proprietong, •
tnntGin • • - - • 81 Cedar street,„Few-Tork.
VrSold stoniinie bj''Abel Teruel% in Tunktuni;
noek by J. W. Lyman; in Great Bend by 1, Grittinaina.
I T. D. Eats:Apt** Co, ,
- , 411111D7
tare, Genshimagi of Norioiio Debility,
Ineompetency: Premature DecayoutdY.Youtbful'Errar,
nettuded by a desire to benefit others. will be bappyto
tarnish all who need it, (free of charge.) the recipe and
directions for making the simplerstgedy•Oluttlis
tato. .:ThOsewlabingto profit .by bier experlence4..,o4'
poasessa Valuable Eem,elly . will receive the ramp, by
tangl9 — 301IN'D:00D0t; GO liareatt4t,
Art'ATlOi tirrthit#,Votuititutlori Watet.inrat
cubing PMital7 l3 .7rop, 717)1112LL'S.
, ;
Deedu;— , Yery superior Depis'-are told
at4hie office. at ruoderate
On Wednesday, June..22,,fia the res.
idene.e of thi bride's parent% liy,Rev. J.
. MansulatLE:Wirarasin, 404;1131%We;
sad 'Extt,T M., daughter of 111 r. David
Wanki; of New Milford: Nii.Cards. _
'ln Ararat; Feb. 27,1864, Se.kari.UNT4
dankbter or N.J.-=and -Lucretia -West,
aged 10 years.
Fareetell;lOved' Sennie s ithou art . gene ,
AWayfrom paiti•in youth s fair morii
Thy pleasant voice, that used to ring,
re praising, how thy heavenly. -
Thy life departed like si-flower
It seemed to tarry but an hour ;
?Thy friends did , watch with tender, elm
But strove in),;ain thy life to hpare. •
Farewell, Eirewell, loved Jennie dear; '
For thee we need not shed , a tear;
,Since thou art now among the Mist,
There to enjoy a peaceful rest: [Com.
, Sheriff's Sale.
If virtue of sundry writs Issued by Ile Court of I
Commas Plate'of Susquehanna Cotu4y; and to me
directed, erlllespose to sale, by public , vendee. at the
Court-house, to 31ontrose, on &nudity, , 1904,
at I o'clock. p. In., the renewing described piece , Or
parceled lend, to nit :
MI thatlertaln piece or parent of land situate In lbe
townshiporackelon,,xounty of Susquebanua, and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow_ to
WO. the neat au,' southeast by lands of W. W. Bar
tabrooks, on the south and southeast by lands of T. Gal-
loway, on-the nest end northwest by lands Otlicheirilab
Miller. and on the northeast and west by lands of W.W.
Bastabrooks, containing about 18 acres, be the same
more or lest,. witathe appurtenances, one framedhouse,
one shed or barn, some fruit trees, end about SO acres
improved. (Solt of W. B. Payne to the tae. of .letua
Smiley vit. David Sinlth.
Sherßra Write, Montrose, Juno 20,1664.
. _
To PJWITACEr.s.—To prevent. hlranderstattd
tog, notice Is hereby given that purchasers at Sherif:Mr
Bales will be required to pay the amount bid at the
time the land was sold. It has tueome Imperatively 'm
emory to adopt this rule, and It will be strictly ad
bored to except wherethe porcbamf Ia Ellen creditor,
and Is entitled to the thud as provided in the Drat ace
don of the aajoif assembly, approved A 4 rll 20,184.0. .
Auditor's Notice.
XTOTICE hereby given that the undersigned. an
LI Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Picas
of Susquehanna County, to Make distribution of the
Lunde in the Lauds of thaSherilr arising from the sale of
real estate of ABEL CASSIDY. will attend to the du
ties of his appointment at his office in Montrose, on Fri
day the tit day of July i ext. at one o'clock to
noon, at which time and place all persons interested
will preeent their elitimabrhe- tow
debarred frOM
va....imo g . h .. r eereatorruna.
P. B. STREETIIEL. Auditor.
Montrose, dune 17, 1664.
Auditor's- Notice,
Iv oncre Is hereby - given that the undersigned, an
1.1 A editor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Sea.
quebenna Connty to make distribution of the fundslta
the hands of the administrators of NAHUM NEWTON,
deceased. will attend to the duties of his appointment
at 11181:11riCe In Montrose on Friday the led day of July
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and
place all persons Interested will present their claims or
be forever after debarred fronrcomi ogin upon said find.
P. B. STREICTER, - Auditor.
Montrose, June IT, 1054.
Time of Pa.sienger Trains, Jane 261 .1 1864
6.0 11 .1
, • L.lO
12:10 j
Y 7
I Accom.
s i °ja i
P• •
a 125
1 00
t 11.20
A 10.40
The Passenger Train Worth;
Leaves New Hampton on the arrival of the Mail 7`rain
which leaves New-York st Ft 10 a. m..and 31anunka
Chtinti on the arrival of the Train whi ch leaves Philad.
(Kensington Depot.) at 7.15 a. to. At Scranton, this
train makes close connections with trains on the Lack
awanla & Bloomsburg,. and Delaware & 'letdown Rail
roads, atd at Great Bend with the lisp 'Trait on the
Erie Railway going west.
The Passenger, Train South,
Leaves Great Bend after the arrival of the Cincinnati
Exp moll from the West, connecting at Scranton with
trains on the Laekanntinn .Bloonisherg. and Delaware
e lindson Railroads; at Thin mina Cann": with the
train f or Philadelphia, and at New liamptorivrith trains
for Ne*:Tork. the Lehigh Valley, Tlaritiburg, &e. - Pas
sen,gers by this train arrive In lgenr7York at
. 15.30. to
Philadelphia at 6.30, Ind in Gardening at 8.0:1 p.m.
The Accommodation Train,'
Northward. connecis at (Rest Bend With; the Day Ex
press going West,by which phstenters wive at Ithaca
and brans* the moo day. • • ;
southward, leaves great Bead atter the arrival edam
New-York Exprese going East.
re . -All Passenger Trans on the Erlerßaftwaystop at
Great Bend. WATTS COOSE, Supt.
It. A. HENRY, Gen. Tkt rigt.
Allanufaiattie of Woolen
Goods. .
' CriEICEL.I 3 MIEUR. 3.. i i
in thobon4hohland thafactories, has become Of
great importance on account of ..its forming at present
uur principal article of clothing. The nature of our cli
mate makes it necessary, and the scarcity of Cotton hao
greatly incretthed_ the value of wool atilt fabrics made
from It ; and being engaged in the business of making
Cloth and Flannel, and also Moll Carding, and Cloth
Dressing, we hive thought that a 'few romance with-re
gard to handling Wool, and rho proper process of maim•
facture, might : be of service to the country, and a belie.
ft to ourrenes. -
The Ant process With the farmer irho Oxide to make
Os wool Into rolls for spinning and•weeving at borne,
after washing and steering, Is assorting the qualities.
' I his we do not expects. farmer to do at perfectly -Asa
mobir manufacturer, but by trying be will approximate.
towards it. and be. amply paid for the link pains re
auired, by havingan even thread and smoother - fabric.
, The fleeces shoulld be whole and should be spread out
lon a table—the tomcat wool will to found on
the skirts of the fleece. and can mildly be distinguished
by looking closely to the fibre. Two qualities from each
fleets erth perhapa be close enough for ordlnary.pnrpm.
es, but as the sheep in our country-differ muctrin their
grades of wool—the coarse pan of one. may. do to go
with the finer part of another. and thus make three or
tour qualitiganut of the bet. If it la going to the mane
or to market, the deem should not be torn. but
ou r removing the taplocks, should be rolled up com
pactly, akin side ont. Not less than one pound of lard,
fresh better or oil should besenewith every ten pimnds
of wool going to the cueing machine. -.. •
The next thifigl'f iniportance is of course to'be well
carded, for which wo willtre entirely respo vele ; but in
the matter of spinning and weaving, we have another
Icaution to add. ;Unless - the yarn is evenly twisted, end
beat op evenly in the loom, thescloth shrieks unevenly
to felling—mukine ;some placed wide and; others nar
row. and if the finisher succeeds In pressing out the
writ:Ales, the cloth will resume its contortions again
when made; 'otos moment, Indite inectiente Is eosin-,
times wronglitilyliaine,l fora ,that's heti:Mang tante:t
imed one men's back. '' 'llls tidally avoided by giving
.-- the wheel en equal ntmtber oftorne to e given length of
thread drawn out. We find this dttucaltyJneteand of
late years. and have come to the conclusion that If some
of the aniline:ls4lo not keep better time on their pianos
than on their spinning wheels, we should hate dreadful. 1
-ly to listeuto their unnrien - ' r , „ t; r - 7.<. i:
As evtlY MAMMA Pf MO sh mild te , 'Proployed to the
best advantage: and everyotmets of materUl- appropris
led to tbetisavestrpose.. en acconnt tit our war. we pro
voss,to this ome othetchaptets on put braneltpf hue-.
loessafterta read sufficiently to be rememboeciAltnd .
. shall endeavorto do oncmcorli nice room for ti IMMO::
sat - skirt ors doctor's coat:1014 'Make dowsers flee eV.
ongh to' ast a Strata througka - et t r a ra tr k . can m i 3 Ons -st
lea a t . . TUG cif.-
-Hose Paeronv:C.torptcrenti t '- - - -
13 Didref t "l x i M frri 488 4' 4 4. " '-'''' "
Ci'~iH: ~.._
iMPI , IOi - rodicirooper l Co'soldll,4ldagßoase.
YoslToseaKagrurnig ra k piwileal==q#l, 4 01!,;-
.+ , t
", I) t r :N;rf.s.l,t't"stitosi., , d 274
D.IVID 8171!MEES,8herlif.
nwAna. . I
Pas;eri- -
STATIONS. tgirn.
, ____
Great 13en ,a 2.40
ew3filtokd, 2.59
Montrose, 8.00
IlopbottoB3, 8.43
1-181ebolson, 9.50
I Factoryvilio, 944
iG' t it i rUM'lt, 11 ' ..r.
Scranton, 10.20
l Btroudeburg. f 12.54
tanunkaChnnt. I . • 1.33
bllaira chan,, , •B4
7ew 1194884.08.
DYE:-: D.: £'LA
Art are again manufacturing this Mower, which has become so celebrated. through
fl' out the Country, for its •STRENGTH, EASY DRAFT, and', THOROUGH.
WORKIN ALL RINDS OF GRASS, and take pleasure in offering it to the farmers
of Saiquellantin and adjoining counties; Wo refer for further particulars to the
many fenders and others who have used• them. Send and get printed Circulars.
-MONTROSE, May 18th, 1884. S. EL SATRE di.
Atidreati, Matron, Pa.
CMANGE of boars, cocamencing Monday. May latb,
V 1364. frau. Willie:lvo Great Bead, Pa., at about. Lb*
following hoary, 'az:
P. M.
220 t
8.50 o
5.;A c
0.00 a
1, Erty Exprelili, 2= p.m 2,31. Y. Itcpreaa, 1:11p.m
8, Night Exprom,2:osa.m 6. Cincinna ti ••• 8.10 pan
6, Mail, at 7:Vlp.m 8, " 41:211a .m
sn, Way Freight, 1:09 p.m 28, Way Freight, 10:96
21, Emigrant, 6:13 a.m
'Erain 21, rana every day.
Mica not run )kt0134.1111. Ti
days Sad Mondays. C 7
rierrt".l.•C rearm,
MIMS article la pretwred with the greatest care upon
A. scientific prl nciptes, and warranted not to contain
anything In the slightest degree deleterious to the
Teeth or Gums. Some of our most eminent De.stal Sur
geons have given their sanction to. and cheerfully re.,.
commend It as a preparation of superior qualities for
cleansing, whitening And preserving the Teeth. It
cleans them readily. rendering • them beautifully White
and pearly, without the slightest injury to the enamel.
It b healing to the gums where they are ulcerated and
sore. It is also an excellent dislnfertor for °IA and de•
wed teeth, which arc often exceedingly offensive. It
gives a rich andUrmuny taste to the mouth. cleansing
it thoroughly, and imparting a delightful fragrance to
the breat
A. HAWLE' & CO.,
N. W. evr. 10th 1k Lombard Its.. PRILADBLRMA.
rizien 4S CENTS. • •
The following opinion of Dr. White, as to the high es
teem in sables he holds the Dental Cream, must be suf
ficient evidenceoftts value; to quote other testimoni
als in detail is neediest, contenting ourselves by simply
giving the names and Address - of persons who speak. of
Ds excellency for the teeth.
rIIIIIAISELI'IIiA. April 131b.1803.
Easing 4refally examined A. Marley's “ilolirlined"
Dental Cream." 4 hereby cheerfully recommend it to the
public generally. 10 I en exceilent preparation for
cleansing aria preserving the teeth, and can. be used by
all persons w l lh the utrnost confider:moo:is Its properties
are perfectly barmiest , . Vesiclee presening the teeth.
It promotes a healthy action to tLegnenClarurinapaceira
pleasantness to the breath.
Dr." W. It. WHITE, 1 ; h33 Are . street
TllOl. DISIDASI. X. n.. DORSISt. 491 401 St.'
.1. SIMMS, 254 I. Gth st.
E Vasnunsucs. Snrgeon Dentist, - 425 Mehl&
C. A. KisornsullT: Dentist. 1119 Walnut at.
S. Duaraotun. D. D. 8., 734 Arch at.
P. M. Dixon, 82'7 Arch et.
Enwann Tossataxso, Dentist. Ma N. 4th at.
A. DORM'S?, Dentist. 607 N. lOtb at. .
IL L. Um, Dentist. CRS N. oth
! lune 2. 1864. 17 . : .• .
7Glimso ores TfierimarL.
may s.
Nonezi.Attl6biriprep to all the Dealer. to Coeds.
Wareserclum sei Cowanodttles, or Effects, of
whateeerkind or nentre: Welding in the county of o rlus•
qachenna, that they are avulse, required tomho out a
lineage at theOface of the'Cotatty Treastuer, enncan, or be ,
fore thattrat day of July; teat. 'rbe rculatnl
paid after that day will be collected by law. . •
All pertione engaged In. the rale of MI% Beer. ftc,are
hereby noticed tbai th ey are severally required to take
oaf Iteermeatthe, Mace of the Connty Treasurer, for
Ma, ;object to the folloarbv 'restrictions I. Section , le
eltlut /...7-1; 0, Peyton who keep* in hie
*thoe OtWiiittOam tOT hogshead*. stand cailmor 11400 r
pipes, or who keeps a nweery stord. shall renew 11,
cense to vend Intoxicating ...linnet by We weaserethan
ono dean „' nod PaR stable* SLY heti:hirer/iced lowa°
retenfof perioni In tht Weer eptelectr,
elnomanattor browc4 'tenants' their erspectitO
pipebooluillbave to their places of baldness any of
the argitleasfettattillte inilasetbez sod the tomb= or
le* roweWse elattastfbustacis indlfan yeaCh Peri
seas *UN taVest MO's to vendetta liquors by a mis•
wawa thoneete'qued:the Const,(tesi.terterietlgior,
tkto molt° the itSMO.,,t
kie11it1PWV4411144414,4 -341 fllE.t . wr
• r-••
on be Ima, is at the store of
TfllllB Pima have hot been diseoura,qed by_the hair
advance to gouda, but have a LIMOS' arocg of
acasonabie goods on hand, and are receiving daily addi
tions to the same.
We are selling such WOE 0.1151/
Exceedingly LOW Prices. au
We respectfully request all who are making cash liss. •
awes to try us before all others, as we have reseimag.
on selling goods Mal mop only liereqfter, and have there-
fore marke2oer prices accordingly tow.
We will certainly try to sale a goad many the trouble-.
and expenses orienving the county and going a Mounta
in order to bay cheap; so we say spin. give ila a trial
and we- will convince you with the facts oroardeiten.ion.
Onr assortment to
600,102 4 ,
210.F1A IRS,
LAWNS, da., eke., is large. " '
Busllia, Mewled nail rildesched, light and bawl'
grades. Calicoes end Me Nilo. maks, Des
Lines, Ticks, Checks, Si ripen, dm. Finsinek, all colon,
and gaaltttee
I'o.B rune Bunctapo, bat
iu rdoea not ran on Sun.
• '2 NUNQT. aca. Erupt.
Broadcloth, CoestroefO, Ladles' Cloth, Cottonsdes,
%ha largcatotock, and, of swear make and quilt?.
We keep generally 6 FM!. 4,1 z of all goods used for
millinery porpoece, and offer sack at Nesr-Yorkjobbklif
Oar assortment In this branch of trade can not be ea , -
celled. and as our factlltles ant each that we are man.
ntactuting every gorntent we sell, we are certainly tas
'bled to sell them much cheaper thea time who are net.
We still coraintte to
• Make. up Garments to Order, •
and would ask all those who would like to base their -
clothing TASTY and FASIIIONASLY madf as well es
to seeme a perfect NIT, to try us as we are confidant e
being able to give satisfaction to the most particular.. ..
The Notes and Books of the Firm, •
formerly In tbo bands of Mr. Rosenbaum are now Idt.
with Mr. Dasastmn, one of thepameraoftheFirm ant
sheltie charge of said business. Be would res
request all those that are Indebttd to thefam to all
settle up as the Books mast be dosed.
Guttenberg, Resenbamti kliaiz • t
Montrose, May Nth, 1864.
NOTICZ ts hereby given to ell persons Indebted to
the estate of JEREMIAII CANFIELD. accessed,
Into or Middletown township, to nuke Immediate pep
ment, and all persons hay/nit demands spinet said is.,
tatd wlll ,:present them to the undersigned rOr
Seems. TAGGART, ;Zucatorip, ,
Middletown, May 12, 1931.—5 w•
where still
snub as DRESS GOODS, in,
Executors/ Notice.
Administrator's Notice.
woricE is hereby ViTen tO IkerVOMI Indebted tet
11l Estop of - ADRAAN &ma, lets of Bridgewater
tap;, to make immediate paymeni, and elk
personthaving claims solnet said notate win
them to the onderslzned for settlement. .„ •
11. WAIL and Varl WISH; -
arldgerraterillay 12, 184}1.--41‘.
• .•_ .
XTOTTCg la betel given tbs t letter testate:olam
1.11 upon the estate of WILLIAM REARDON. lids or
Franklin township, deceased. have been granted to the•
subscriber, and all persons having claims against , fait
estateere requested to present the tame, dal atte=
for eettlereentomd those indebted to same are roe, •
to make Immediate handout,
Franklin. April 21.1684. 6w•
Adtbinistratris'e Notice.
tyrics herebri eves lo all persona Waled*
n. a. arum, woof Ple2ock Woman*. 4 ecesoo4 4- ;
f make immediate 'payment. *addl. panne balmy,
thliannidelgain) ignaatedesi k dr elflßA "lttemen 'P I AIA t7I ZL 'iI Prese gTOß S , ° Moan . lalas- ts. g.;
Dlmaelc, June Otb. 1684.-45ar - • _!..f
• •
circa 313aels. •Sita.ller.
• .f - • - r
EMMEN Juiving obtained tbs oemessary fonal.!
Me, will gtvajwompt attention to all claims inawMoilF•
to bti duo; No thug* !tidos Meetlisfol.
3 `i • • • , ; 811114; JP. Virnallio“,.
INITSICTiaImI ttIRONCett Prtiotypi , M,
, eurttesldettatiittss formal cittup br, tit 1
:Itt:l3.*Rtttitshos.- . .--.- '' _ __.,,,' lw Wri t
dli r ingriVoctietWoninonlYal'Oeld Writ
tsspect tenders bisprstorstststiettist. 42 , 11/SCL:
•ttantin sinishasslycossWas tents eastnansans
f ll o.4thlffl" , 1 ..; JiMAlg4ll*lffs...4,lliikr4,74o.l4
. , . 1 / 4 -:.•, - .- - ,•:, ,14:•: