Far#K4Ailmre?i,itm! The following tire some ; of the Setups find shreds daw,n.. atelarM,as.titaql 3 4 3 m the digeuergons'ikflfie =Wapping • Farmers' Club :- 1. By less hard work. Farmers - often undertake more than they can do well, and ettsequently work too early and• too late. late. ; By more system. The,-fam' bri; phould have a,time to begiikiiid_4ll9loa ' 4:4f; , ey : shoUtd ..hut ,More-tutcuriiit,il rlslehincry:_iatn:-th 4 iir work.; :They ~` sent . theorize as Zi - t - 4T - as practice, :in let, both: go together.' Farming isli n alt t e and respectable; in theiptig'' _ Farmers should keep i c , o 4 1 36 out of aO 4 . The farmls, thelkitl Ptiee to begin and eiel life, hni:f'heilea - 'so renkti.Y, is the-cities and in profesiiointlAfe ibovet a rural - , - • ' • 3. 'By taking care of health, Farmers have a liOthy• - variettorcterCise,bfit too often negleot omit bithink,,. eat irregularly and - bOrriedlY,' sleep !iii-111. ventilated apartments, and expose 'them- ' selves tcl•Cold.7 Nine-todtliS of th . e.hduihf! diseases arise from colds orinfemperance. Frequent bathing is profitable,: so stfresh airoleliberation at the , dinner. ;table, and: rest after a meal. • , i ;.• ,; 4. By adorning the home. Nothin g lost.by_a•pleasant home. Books, papers, murtotd - ileailin#,.`thould - altbe loro,ught to bear upon the in 7 door thirdly entertain ment ;''and neatness, "order,-comfort, shrebbery, flowers and- fruit-shonld,,har magic all Without. Home Shouhl 'bo a sanctuary so happy and holy . that chjyren willfo, it, Women; delight in ma,* hood - crave it, and old age enjoy There would be fewer desertions of homesteads if pains were ealienqto , Ingie them. agreeable. Ease, order, health 'and blmnty are compatible with farm life, and were ordained to go with it. •• Pt LaFayetto itad Howard; the Forger. - • Howard will never be permitted to see, as a forger;-the inside of a States Prison as other, forgers do. He will be kept comfortably, forSa few mouths, in that convenient , inatitution, Fort Larayette, and finally let loose upon the community with a purse ariffi el* itty 'filled* frOni 'he thevecret service fund to compen sate him for all his confinement. • Fort LaFayette is equally convenient .as a shelter for the crimmai friends of the Administration and as*. punishment for *opponents. : Holy. and knows too much of the. House, and perhaps of the BiallorY*nd Krn oclaa. Lion hoaxes, to super any real punishment without its ample 'secret seryiee :'recom. pence. 'Notwithstanding Howard's asatitaptioa of alt exclusive responsibility, dins, any One doubt the complicity of partici at Washington ? Or thavas. the Xallory hoax was perpetrated to arrest the sailing for tho rams, tlux proolarnation Lotis is perpetrated to intimidate 'the press Let Howard's future fate answer ! Form The Syracuse Courier. Misstis, just look at these nice white clothes. I never hadisuch soap to Wash with beforeonad as long .as you., are my mistress, I hope you will never bay any other but the Gold Medal Soap, it is so nice and pure, and washes so easy, just think of it—l ant three hou4nhead of the nsnal time, niy clothes nevi. begun to look half.so well before , and thanks, to the J. Monroe Taylor Gold Medal Soap. Tell all your frieniis to ,try it And they, will never use any other. Molt all the • .• grocers have it to.seri:. .independ . . eat, a leading , Republican paper, of a. re-1, cent date , Says : We biie% reached-a point 7 4ll;4ini affairs when we are. • willing to greet the bhick tnan.as a soldier. We mast advance, to that inevitable goal when we shalE meet him as an officer, a general, a nil wheti• wet shall Win uniniudfla of color as wo are noiv of language." - LAF - Tner Abolition . ktitingfes - ont West are cormitted.even upon ladies. A Young lady living near Bellville,lllinoisr urns out horseback riding, not long since, when the horse was 'stopped , by a Lincolnito - who ordered her to 'thumb for Abe Lincoln, or else he ....tuft! cnt-ofF -h .hnL-2 3 : -- , -- This she tefoincl4O:dci, - wiion'theicciitardly -vil lain forcibly seized her and. - with his4OuTti aCtually cut the heir-front her Iteadl iL What a free country: , ern e Washington correspondent, of tlie - N - .4;Commercial f (Republican) 't } has 7 7 4tC 1- ; -- I :',,AYIV of tie . 7pr . ess are semi-ef4cially Cautiokied not to criticise the recent news psiiet *seizuresin New Yciric. It is iery easy to write about the liberty of .the press, but one's' pericmal liberty is more desirable these broiling days. Discretion is the better. :part of-valpfl—rataa'S the - America, or AMtria? /MU Republiean papers are aiscus, , sing Ihe, !"one term priumple,"; - fir4 di:4 c on si,i Tim quarrel is a pretty ono, mini hav no,wiiit to intermeddle, but; nature' , Las hots that grew fyils t la,,4yuges and lump =Cis, 'snail as small-pph scarlet fa,- ' wer, amps, & c, ara:all directed; eli the one term priucilite,and we htipii,Vietafotei, that; the:pestilexiCe -Of. .13Eiik Itepablican. isin - wilr . joiiorer is.attpr italr4,VitttAl. tioni , without the - possibility: of:tt Vour.i . fence.— - le useless to deny that the, impreis. 4/%6 12011V4hAraliS .aniCing a laigcl imam of friendN.:thgti- 018,Baltimc1P-CW ientiou has heedimecime sense forced• 14)- 64` Party . ; ttlit .4:j6is, 'been brought alionvly mere - partyinOageittent3 and that the Peru= man Wined in itstrfi rt e 124 aaw,forl°ollol,*XrPatioleir,- • T. Atil.'l4l,,AANPlllololllla =am ' -- ;11,gratlart , t1 7' ihb -A- t o ess o goo o . . . Oera 1 p , ty INd political. orgamza . • ny age ercountry can show so gloriq:. ' pfd -..-no'ifeee, ffinni,blinders anel,-entitb ' ‘iiii4l so rich in voltaic achievelT . .71 1 qt unexampled progress of or o ry wealth and over: and lute I, pros -peroat and happy ' conditiln# , w years i t V , 6 l lretallie.restilt oft - tiV'and patri pile, . #4ri:!--: - .;*l - , -4 o'cltiefriiitrit oPthatliti cy consisted l'initiettiikikss of/fts •• Asa res. It was 'itOti4v-latible4o/ao t• • 'Oa eh. With a S . Ottrieniid Vig o rous c. iit i q , an ambitious t a w". e f i a r tiridat, e• .I,t :d a Constitu 'idea as'xiearlYt . : 4 asp - man wisdom cetildfiaineT.--tin I•__.4leS; ed to be done cu i ,esslipt te'ditba . ,Leciii, caul develop mentS-Offonr.-Ir .b . ‘,.,...* safe constitu- 1 tional - chintolli t iltol ,„ 4;o9Blsta-the great ' 'Merit 0tth0.4..ke.!. • 1.113 party—that it true always . ..rationa and' „ezustitutional. Ilefaa. Choate 410.4 ; 4 DentOcrat ; yet, ere he calletibbaself suCli,:lie.faiti a most el liquent-iiibute-tolfic...uttiforifrand inflexi ble Naziowsury of the Democratic par ty.,-..it ztbal , ihma; , e7ql in ,T Ele p fro f the detaild Of its tfeasnres ; 'yet 'We - think it -was never alleged,that it sought : .rtAk' vitt late the.eational- charter; and' rwe• , . refer with : pride to the, ptnminent,•_eXents of its history,. a,s.they are seettiu thevlight of a mature experience. .. „ . •, , , If theDemocratio-party: • had remained in power this war would not have been. Thedtigrifetitin)f thelTnijihttV , ed violations of the Constitution—the tranlilindufidet, font 0f,eivi11164.6-and the learnt! Carnage and' descilatien of the last two years arc the conseittences of our defeat. And the end, ier:tipt, yet. The dreg ethe bitl9 . c...Aust'q*vil- „war are Y e t A. ti*V-ratuV;Pea*E iireiPeßP.V 3 ) maielltaiilVei-criefiiie-adWatif•dn.y‘lnn is 82 1 -4 - .,:tnif.'o Allisleitajribeif . , the Dentocititia - parlyntia*ie.it.' .; '-: . _:-.; It is apparent.nowileit 'the idtainistia tion does not k3t4a.thArt-bsdi,lie.llnion and the Conniption shall ~ survive this war. 1 Zhu; itdrainistratiOu „ineaoio,i) ides -1 troy'sl.sverYl' ihilti ,we Mean ‘.hat' the rights of the State...4'oml, remain precisely as; they'tire,',defiri64 ; by,the Constitution. We are determined, ,that such miscreants aS Steniter, - Wilsciiiiid -Phillips, shall' not drag us into n. desolating war, to be - tiros; ecuted under the pretense of restoring the Union, but' reidly,jor-' the stibvelsion of the Constittition. 4 The time is. coming when-, the Demo erotic party Will' be wantetr---every titan'. Therenre gi e ,ans c Atitit the administration intends to breakdown the sovereignty of the loyal' States, and provoke an armed , issue .with tlie)Den:tooratiepaltyi attbeing a hairier in Vde way of its abolitabdpoliey. Democrats condemn that policy as uneon% stitutional, unwise and wicked . . They will, never support it,for its success, if attains... l bie, would defeat_ the great,object of their ambition---the restoratierk of the Union of equal and so v ereign States. They desire to oppose it by the penand ballot only; and we hope they, wilt take very good care that _that they are not involved in any false issue. There is some Along - of this; bat safety, "loyaity, and siccessConsists in patience, prudence and peace, until we cat! again Keine th."6_4iieotiellititour i fully mismanaged affairs.—lfancAester (211; H.) Den:051%4._ "• . ' Mr Brief and • Pointed.—T.he outrage upon theliew York papers bps , been con demned by aear/Y the respectable-or, gans, of Lincoln;bnt we'bxvF,/ not seen the, vihnle story to well atia 10/illy-told . by any one, as by the :Albany Siakonan, as abli3l#4.ubliman paper, which says': What eartllly. object (except to shoW, the boasted. power of Mr. Seward's little bell) had the:Government in suppressing the New roil:dailies that were imposed upon by the • bogus . 'ptociaritation, after they explained ? There is absolutely no safety for anybody, if the authorities may with impunity arrest without cause and punish withoht trial. It may all appear excusable. eyes c.f opthiaking or sanguine inen, 414 the . inAloiity7mast put astop to this 484 :44 to our ay:sten:of tiot,ermitent. 31 1 0011 an and Grant. Aftelellan'ti ripest is interesting ing just now, Walt foreibirmniieniit. ; self to the reader's ,hoW Gfatit: would get along, lulls present. operathmx .iffn were --harassed, as McClellan tvas, with contionua ordersiinquiribit_midjaug gestions:- from Washington f, and:what could have been the result of his' tai few operations-if, Tending them, .I.:,nrnside's ,troops had'heen withdrawn fronaexii as McDowelPs Were from Meelellail:' that 31.cele1467=Orilkritifo captnioniielinkind iwn ft , artiaggartad.heF been sop ported and trusted as Grant is now, Olt T140'1 . 144 nrilbidaMll; Or !Ives, and 110121,, n "ffi,3tisf iiif,46ll4l3:ftould have 'bee sas:e4l:l4 it: It is to tln; wretch 4laquiPetetngranli "s9r.aciJhwitmotn; petenny, of Adinialltration that the prolongationl4.4)4 warp tI4 its conctiesp, costs is dne. craven apology to the,reuph pippffor for, t,) - ,to,n,etion stfour braaDualrode ofltepresataffieit iA4 a, butntiba rev cy bonoribLiZtizen Anna. **ply feel; 'aciAAo go. r poptiLir tract - of 'coliOessiwiff ak ttiat. l : o o.o l our.O . PtozoPt-. tf t: P• : ifit;:wcrtaii;aaikaitt reifiloit4zif its.onstitliente: 1,, = h .4.1473 - 0,A48,11a10,4 •••• O ~fI L : , thensitoceow is .! _!wii,l4lo !..11.1%00d ILSZVXI !lise.fs, 01, X1M1C04.32116..-lat ! L INIBM - 3- • • !Olte7 " i v !. • T 1 . . • e .414,1 t. THAtM , 4'614 1 ; I" t r liPit t El •.1 fw ~v iT tititikati; ipslta •,;1: • xv , ro Gestarielk)BOtatil • • ;CRANE 'BC" FERdtRSON . t, Tv cbovaave : 9'iquolitt catztudve stock s• tr I'7 :GROCERIES,, PROVISIONS, aqa which they ete selling cheap tor,resuly pay toNFEcTiQxg.uz. gall sorts, and at th,3'paal, varipPr i . , • , Fresh Supplies constantly rec'd • lril — Remeteber the place. - Give tie a call. Cash pfil i d for Veal & Deacon Skim; O. M. CRANK. .r. T. FiIIGEILSON ' • 't Nontrone, April 18.61.. 1 • ;I:ST 3EI W '"" 3Ftlikir- 7 • - -AND ; - ", • ,' • NEW GOODS. MITER unfterafpred Itarfrig enured Intoticiftiens der thozarno and etylo of • • : ' WEBB . -,DUTTERFIELD bet , leave to Inform the public that they are now re ceiving from. New York a large and wall selected Mork Of Goode of every descripttonj contdsting'of 'the Weil atjlea of Spring and Summer 1 . Prints, Shallies, .. Delanes, C: , extes.eopreas, o•orttC623.El44.eds. MkkLprlctrls. A LOT OP GROCERIES, I otanklar: A goodarsortment of droc:lir3r, Glass VCrare, Wooden Ware, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOtS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLSMECK ' TIES, GLOVES, DRESS TRIMMING&SCARFS: cou,A4s, &c. &a: ilea a good assortment oZ . AR:E; ~,FRlaeletiva of Shovels, Spades, Hose, Forks, Scythes, Pruning•hCoksi J 11 57-,MI kinds' of iSsirscostriloiN't tk*OiVin rs ctioggq. lime see us 4t.lllebb'a old tad of i Pato Ac'enuo. A. ii . .11171 4 7 1 11T1F1EL.1). /Lie iiorktroso f April 28, 1R14:,: 4 NI ,;(11.01 - :' Billi,..lASSfOl 33 9 5 P tC:7ll2.fgetiesE333. STUDY ECONOMY soOlo6Tiiiii9ooBi 11E REGULAMI i:iG.EO.ItGE_ -HAYDEN As Snetieeet4ed lirgoinitettreOrd itoadf, H _ fir NEW - GOODS' - canslatiziof Boots tutd.--ntresr, MATS . .Ntlfr gibtrristow ®oast; ar.ozyziNG7A 7 s_r fl fe y 4 „ e, ,,,, :t „ MINKS; ;ii""TitiiiiilllNGßags, WIIITEand Colored 5.177RT9, . LTNDEZZAVP:PrfrawnOgre4-11 8.eg.11, tolistrollgo4 ler% ' ••• HandkireftilyW•Umbrettair,dC., rte. I have lots and Meeks of (;Dods, to stilt Old & Young, Great and Small, at prices very cheap for as time. • - c - i;:srßtMeintar, , tbc6PlafeArr.Jz,, North wing of the bonding lately oepapled by llatden 4 1 ,FPOPKI• •'; CT.2 -7 ' • " " 4.44,1014/4)1"4 • • . -GitocEß r !. 1. • 4VILD L e 1 VARIETY STORE'rf imiseribe; would inform Ids old Meade 'Mid public. generally. net he hesieet.retoweetrOm New York Oft With ft well iselected'alkortmerit AMR INICouf indiadanallther) orilelee:Siektretier tweet fasoUy„ - VoektkeS the willhereolfisforamine jog prime:m conamt taillazOt; PleareEmnsutemiliffie; •_;.; #144421:6 ogoropkvatlyffeve r o:o-o. * :-.4 4: =tlponitaitiis We nib) aftrlktnvl„,. . T • • • ;;EOE ..TAEW ' t OG - F N T 1' tiA n?lin; ta t tris ]aeL ‘tti.ff Ltg.t . t*:•:44./ KErwrc V vistriZtai . rlf" rIVT iFor7OASltlit Read? Fargo : _ • ITAV e N Juit Annie(' ho i b the Whew' alla' ZL Val selcitedetbehbf •*, r V, •A' •i:LC e jr 34 .:Itte.Ditessia4ttro;ost approval Ptilkli••• i• ) CLOTHS 4ND CASSINEDS:" PrX lol P l lp,;m l q.,XlaS)t- Of • • 30 71111 1, - CP 'Cr y • <. the' eitaleellh :breed," in ietelstated rt-i- bri.nd• JI,• - 1W Fish,- Dairy Salt, Teasii ICoffeea: SpicesivSttpra . , Molasses, At very; Lair pricEs - for CASH' rercsai eke sea ter • o ao .paid Pr ., o#l,th, Butte tier 2,000,0001 oz: Egga v.-anted.; perTi4ai4.befoveafiri'Webste/4etirberifts the Store Coeted4Yeabsyled by N. I. Post.. • . ' • G. L. !ZONA ! , Prl4:W#s•B, Montrose, "Apilllst„ tt F ; ,t; JA.IIIEB' DtWriT, DEALER,• DRIGOODS IBU HMS CEEQICE FAMILY IBMOVEIitIEZn 411 , BOOTS AND Sli0t8: "-Ms #nd Capst„, PLC,' C3Erb. MR.'S' GLASS - W Liknvg- 10113 4' • Ir.; Egol:=o*LEl , kaB.A.T23IMINti .49/0 , C3 • , Produce taken in ExCluange,( Moptrose, Feb;'.4.4. .. $225- - sevEN ItcTAVE; ,, ;S226 - i ..„ R 054401111 GROVESTIrENik CO. 449 ItroadmiyOft. . ENLAtiais SCALE Pti.IFO-FORVES,'With 11 an latest iirilirlimbuts, Thirty je4re-experienc e,..with greatly Inernied theil• 'ties for manufacturitrg, truhble us to so:lintr -CASIII at the above unusaany.,low trice. Our lustrutlactrts. tVe• ceived the hi,gliest auttrtrtit the World'itEuir, and ty n y five sacerssive-years at-ttid. Amertuarailrettirdte, Wad ranted Ilvp . ,suars, T.T.zraß s 4"; c4sa. _call ficudfctr descriptirceircoare • "•" tifaith'l7 • • —"zrc . CIIt ise .- rusits;tigp,' 4'attw.ti-s, 'AT IfOXTUOSP,, 'fitth;o77l6.lC:lA'tOUNTi', - PA., tcT . = .f - iC ar-1 14 , !.z i f4xFp..,.-:. AT si,so PEEAIIgIIbt •Taid•riT, Whcrc payment 15 vet made In advance, $2, end all accortutscofiected,rrill be's! tbe rate of $2,:30 a eta. ADV472TIFEZEATS.Inberted at themte pftainT each sqvate'cirten 11;144 or lOss. solid spic.. three ttniml, sod e ent* ft/ready:subsequent insertion..; - rerdiy advertisers al loned.runral i nangesi a $49 fiii.cacs4 , 9 l 7 BLANKS It.4i.roi rind prin ted orAdr: .7 OD' iskrIVID(O . tre6elf good' ;op BltteTi.ntip4q rintramderdgnaLucrilaiaArmsi OF THE COW ' A. EENMENT, wlB. glvit,proppt _nttscHqrk. gir ttpp, all clamei cult:aced Mri t errldre...and Infor mation ,FREE.: . • Vs Mantenso s Jan: 1 , 1; 1141. ' • " " "pl.A.VrATiPg,Afrrmi.;. doiAiiialtn t 4Wmf enbers-Dren te ~r Bpi*, - • c'.'EL:-VVEEKStNCO, 2 H AVE rs gTOCK • 131)0T.5, Igcik: fiat' ,':CAP,S, • C.ltsktiOtijaite.a-, GENTS': . FURNISHING • GOODS, eadalsiing of : n 701 411/thgtin Genie' line of apparel, • , from ;Boole to lint, 'I4OW Fine fiprimililmorgda imaginer/4 31en's Fine and Coarse Rehr, chewier thatranyamter Ileum this ;Bldelat New-York., Come , and nee ,for iourfelvee. _Ants In AtteaMide. id order! .- 10 9 tr q u e l gt /7 . 3 .944 47- 4,,Y*4484,9,9)-- 4r, iNG . I I2 E.A#E. ! kV4 7 1447 # 2474 P-*• W ---alt- LEN : GOODS "' Camptosin, on WTalaaing Creek, Bradford Co. Pa. aouir, flaw alotiverlaiiked. i g 4f"";' a? t kM"'Zl ° lp t pro l g a te s gla orateitalVcrilh a i r Ms Ole= Orgy and mixed cassimeicti. - 40C4. weeds, St cents. • Commonyjdted Clott&ictsi White Fittnnyl.22 cents. Madder BOMM.',Zictiiet 4:3rat - Immo re eta. _ The Gray Fianna made with taste, and very suitab le • rogiVUe - wit„T, 4.pliaatisy,lpontdelsr oilkeln4 10x saw -a CHA LE 0 OTM ar. 1 .1-iper-.4pEanzrtireiass6) PPeaszi 841r1r,A4O f BpritAhalano . S99T, kDozmasiali. NE w Ftßmi.-3 .°7 -LT. „, rfaf-1-0A iLtiViat Avatt mAtift. . • ;'3e7 bfg* S eW I N C4' A I T 444OA Ii F i r / V A, ii: a: 4 4 .,14 ~,e 4 .,: itiacges§);l44 "r Jt. .• . Wheat! ClovprilTinOttesei! Etc; pla r 11. c 4 ; 3' ,1=5 e'r OUT SULU= abut oAli; a - AND Cash -1 o aldlbr' ;Doter: B.411?*lli, ; ft 4.. , R t • t ° THE:FAMOUS; ARPER.'" Co.. Me. All 6 sett_thefamous 13Aiber, ; • • niter, late 'of 'Hayti. , • • •-- • 3 6 ::11. 1 k a VV1 w eiVE.Z9a,..;, , „' trio ghtving . liziti r sitithlaimlng. • od tacrequipg bAir to suit yon, ; IDS trta *silk ur yor fiervlce:' Atvont ZeITICO:27 CILARLEZIIOItaLS. troze. o,ct. 15, IS6O. • Zr SOLDIERS'IIOUNri.• 'PAY, .AID PENSION OFFICE, . Ovet .;the• - ..Pc" , t,4ofrtee, • .111Ecozi.trassiD. ~ 1 1„ralIG duly 'tiathoriccedlci prepare tho ciecnasaryps pore for all applieltlons for Soldiers, and the wid -0 mareatn,hetradrid childreit Of deceased Sol dlers,for. un y ack-pay PenEu'on 'l3. • will *tend:to that htisinets for the at= of 1., • ... • `. . i 4. .1:14;),XeXA.426.15 ,, for each - el4.lm—AblEt , 'cover all . exp,r.nbes, tc.cluding! ifildle•&"' flare. Clerk'S Ceitltleites. and Postage. • Thha.l4 pliont ouc-third - the : sani jtusnakly charged fOr! the • All portrait& I ateresled.calll please take: notlic And goy crluPs;'4ll44cF°rfil ViAllELfle'S i fek • Attoznegand Counsellor at Law, anti Claim Agent. Montrt.c. 0ct,02, , „ ; • 't7 713,' le Pf ev , 3. R.. DoWITA 2 . 4=11), R r 3E1..,c) . STEEL.--NAILS • .1 %PIICKIt ":4110 1 311 : t g 4 . 5. s' A .3IEVE RAM'COD*TITIACSK R T RAILSPIiCKS: CARRIAGE SAP IXOS, Ax.r.es, SKEIXS AND BOXES, i'OI;TS,'XITTS and IVAS/TERS, ALLEARIX Z. Led= lizitaßroKEB,l f - : • z4z,filE t so SEAT SRIXDLESi KOWA • ANVILS, VICES, 'STOCKS and DIES, 8w..pw,13; HAMMERS, SLEDGES, FILES, &c:.&c. CIRCULAR AZZID MIrggANITSAIVLTUNG. PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS. PLAtIPEB(AAICIS,- CEMENT, BAHL & GRINDSTONES. rEarkrat WLNDOIV GLASS . ; ItatilEß ta FINDINGS. __ ir4PANN's SCALES Scranton, au= si,.zep. ~1 wanErAtiss ic:•4 ' Examuung Surgeon mu, eabscriber bar*: triji.p2Ohlted by Rao Com. I.nalselancuotPeiniWwa EXAMINER at /art. to*ezalaile it 1 41(itAIT000ttillcatos to OlLootlttod to I t onFlonr, , otill , attenit ot. all applicatigni that • may be t" seated Pa. ROMS AV I TTaII ell'' , Hopi. E ik, KE. Montratis:6iddiMlSlZAl ~,, t , , TTRRELL: (?, IrrAs.toss.fir r.stard. , ossid is COlll s eigtirreeehing I_l new supplies of TY , 1 1 9 09 . , in the ieiik l tivoifeiarttrients of trade in Which }tale lenguvd.quitireciWoyerylhing, rritiaew`eseeptionr.-- Me tenders his sincere thanks to those 'trim have tar or. fed Mtn with their Vstrofutee, and hopes • id 'lthrit aeon= ltinuance Dither favurit. , Fttikputtliqrabtospectfully :sea of !Ar vited to'car at Ws : Store:Ana examine 01.111 the and yd. , go:fire 1 • . : . , - 1;SOLI) rittg? BOUNTY , Pk/NS ON An(l Back Patt QE undalitgra tat:lndio r iir"iit (Mara xxvr.willgta.prorpinparendon riaia!sintray i•ted to We are. 'lCrr charge 'blue sticasen” • - *ontasc.-Atlg."so.Na. :1 J. a itWatIMILT, Tr :IT CONg44 X• 1,41 i limusirtgwoWgroWDE:ll4TlTAt9o"44 k sa WLPApiaM : f'••: 'i , r!3L ; 1,1 1) f.,:i , 41 11 ,46 km: v14 . - 7rici ll.htrizvovftllp.zgfrrttrVfrVr4. l'rew-Wr;t o 44r, TYLER, Now-York 8.0. AWIOLD, y auto. L. • • r' i;Th pro s ideot i liVelfinifiOna 5r.3(01, llovernit, of Col= dbl r.. 11;; VicaT r agMrtf i git u . 0R,,) , !.1j9R0 Trees BiscretaW. , - Ili , CUB sheet Now:Yorit. tt;ckiiii.fers' ... „. . _ IRBRETEIII.IIELL Now offers for sale one of the largest and benteiSsetfoas lot.` ••- ': % • -r:% ' !''•. • '' - ~..)4 " - - •"' .ir ": _-)....) " !to;i4l4l4'6`,:itiAirei i nic 6o 4ty. aid iroubry tom. priming the greatest variety or woes eileetnettnttleles of any S tore in therNOrtbSlZPart•all'ettnativanla,uhd per , haps pf thf retire State. 'Warn orttnatit, Is kept In aln^et ua ral ..pftnt lirancht:6_dtreatirt; tizir_tigtoclet- LtiSitt ffiffinniaboot : forty attire., hest. /Anew, Itt Nett:_ '4:suid - driore than' arty Dialcie and' Illanufac enrerdont pfl , keyir Yprki "Ar> ttrretitirop.ittloti of the ,ro.OF are hrought, direct from the manefacti.rers thus trllatilir,t *nuffiktitileran: • 06BU:oilers Onlouttritig the StoMpaget not expect to and. durrhlng. 112 si ght, bat nearly elder. article wanted Will be prolneed by in unit?, Some idea of the Stoerittf trd'haTmed by the following general outnee, but enu ru ntiricapre , ti , ^Ne, • Drug. and Medicine.: 'rand - Oils. 'Dye qttrffs. Grocerffie.Linunra,•L'rockery,, 'Gless..l.Vute, . wan and Wlnilphr Picpw, To recliv. Silver VlreWrerftimery.! Ell Il cy Gilkiidel, Mt .: eel Idstrutitents - ,Draahes, hinenticart Pocket it v -fl'i I ' A I N P L 'Car ii:All„bigeßroAcllw.,V...!Vie: Gisod,,,,Klrrole,Wlhdow. Ginsea.lithogrufba. Var. A 11/bCS . filKti .1.4 1 g,c, , Spectaclms. .IN hlps.. and Lashes, proppti. , ollfif.`Blstolf. Ammar& tbe, Tohaecol Medi ia. Istrtklantl Itartrumenta.dialt,sretp. Potash. Um. brellas,Pornejain Teeth. In short. nearly ererything. to festorekte sick. torplkse the taste. to delieht the eye, tograti the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and anhataniial eine fem. of Sae The attention 'Of theffutilkfarespectfelly Invited to my clock of Goode, bought.enclitsfeely.forr gash 'down ; inad 1111 be sold on the name fee low pilafs: i ' ADEL TUILRELL.• Montrose, January Ist, 1863. 0a.0. , :...0p0zba !Tall . thsownawr or { Mt& WIRTH GOODS, far JUST RECEIVED, and will be sold AT AS LARGE REDUCTION /mm April prices virTlds Medti cilon will include the ENTIRE STOCK which Will be found aslarge as usual, aria will be sold on TOE MOST lilliiihrTEßMS Wacior 40.11-tISSME ON 11*'; or for . PRODUCE . H. - DIT HAIM Tip Nov, 18e3.' • New Milford KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Pa: mairent, Proprie.ter. nevrrind cora modione Rotel !limited : on italic -A.:Al:cane; near the Caere llonac, and nearly In centre 01 dhe ba,eneel portion oplontrore. 'The Proprietoria cdnEdent that he le preF ,,, red to entertain g teats In away tluttCannot fail waive. 'TIRE SAVE:FACTION. The 'Rite] and Fornl are arc new. and no parenaebaa i*eriatmfoil to render It equal if not snperior to any In tido part of the Stale. It la well anppliedwlth all recent improve:46Mo and comforts, and - obliging Walter* will alwaya bet ready to respond to theca)] of cnttotneta. . The Stables connected with this /muse are new and convenient. • ThriProprietor reapectfully aolleita the patronage of his old friends, traveileta„and the public , generally JanG3 if WTI. K. LIAT&II DE & L c ELd. :!I'IIi'PASENGEI3, TRAIN F.A.NTZS Great Benda; 7.40 a. m., alter the itnriral at 11.1:6.50 tit., far the'Oincinnati Eaorcsa from the west. *eiratientink at Sdranton; ishece It arrives at 10.10 a. wltlra train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg !tail thrht' 'Pittston, tryorriling, Valley., Rlnnaton and wgtreeleirre r -, and by uranlbua with the Delaware and Llutiken railroad at Prrddence, (Or Olyphant and Car bondale. • ?it Gone matierl . this train connect by Pauli buawith thogclvidero Oda ware Railroad for Pluilipt. bait. Trenton and Philadelphia. At Now llnnapton Junction,oobert It ertlace at t_2s p. m.. the tame train count:eta with tininlnn the Central Road of New !eery ter Elirribet Ne Wark, (ow York, Ea.,ton. fiethlt hem, Allentown.. Stanch Chunk. !trading, and liarriebusg.— Pt:mangers Dy t hitv'train arrivelp licw . York at 5.50, in khiladelplala at n.OO, and in Garriejnirg at 8.10. •Tliktrain fearing toot of Cortlasrd orrast, N'69o Tort. at B,6o.a.m.;ntlfeeter iridnat street, Vbflndelpdhla„ at 6a. m, connectlit2 with the Passenger train of tide mad. kitting Near lfacaptotOntsb.tron at 11.20 and =iv in 2. nt Scranton at 4.02 is. m., where it cornectaty/th a train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg' Railroad, 'and with the omnibus intrnitir„ - Gstite-Delaware and Undson Railroad. , Thlh tr(n arrives at Oieitt iteticat hJ.O p.: ter.cliukkitis a i Lime ..conneetion )vith the mall train going West on • • AN •AC C 011110 D ATIO N TRAIN leavii &mitten al !Dien. m.,Colitltettra at Great Bend with.t he Day. Moms trAity wet .on the Nrid Naileray.— DV this train Pad. enircrs iirrtv at IthiCai Syrachise, fratt,dt.:thd Nan: day; Returalpg; this train haws Great Bowl at:LW p. m., on the arrival of the Now York EXTITC4III East, end Batista Eivrese going West, and arrives at Scranton at 5.31 p. m. BIN, Supl. FL A. tiSgfrr,' beri'llicket Agent. Scranton, Mss te64. LACKAWANNA R BLOOMSBURG O " ‘- RiatLiTZAVir,CPAIL.73. znfter 1868, Passenger ?tains ,ill run as follow : MOVING SOUTH. jhaaeager. Amtom. Leers deraittotust ,*. • m.:. a. m. litugaton,at. i ., • 6.40 AM1T0 • 11.2.50p.15. • Rupert; at • • " 8.53' . ' DanTEle..st n. 41gIve• nt Northumberland, , p. 33 • Mot RIG rO3rin; 2.eseo • Nornennbarland • 4.331;4 11t. • • .t. -Danville; •., • L 10,•• Raphrt, 5,45 " lOng.stani 2:45 p. m. Art:eat Scanlan, • 9,10.p.m. /kW p.m. 4 Passenger train. deb leaves 'Kingston at B.NI a.' tn. for Scranton to &Insect with trate for - New York: Return. f ng.l.cacea Scanlon on arrival' of train from New 'York, Passetigere taking , train floith tram. Scranton at 620 a. m.. eta. Notthninherland, wmcb-Herrisbnig23.lo p.m. Baltimore 8.50 p. m.; Washington 1.0 p. Via Rupert they reach Philade; phis at 7.011 p. m. GEO. B. HUNT. Sup't. Elogetnit; 4PitilB, 1803. HOWAUD Associalton4 Mi 11446101164 Pa. Dike see of theNersulia; StUISIIIII, Urinary and sex nal ayntema—new and rellablo trait:lent-4o Report, of tint .nowpau ASSOCIATION Lent by mall to scaled le4er curetop.s,freobf chatgo.' I , l6ressDr. J. Swami Flouourow.Muinclatiolai NO. 3 South 1 1 th street, P 1416600113, re. . 06118 '63 . 1.4 0 1 t0...... . Arialicrx3oo7 cumbefie;tamileattsmpollotc.i - all - Pettengill EL CO., im's". $7 PARE ROW, New York. and 8 State Stria 1.1 Boston, are dwgents fan the-Ara/rose Democrat those cities, antra:is nuthOrlied: to take adreitholnan 'an t 881388riptIons for 88At ourtovint nun- • , . , . --; AVM. H. MOPE& it CO. - AGENTS FOE Thonveffin't ti Black s SOO" Line of isp lifOopfsiitefifitittieedd fit elr Mends In the old r eduntry,eutpareheep Resnegn tickets by the above neftept the enbecribers, - Wu, Oratts-oti IMMO; Mr ids (aims to OM NV/L-0. O P OPREt COi WWI& Nontsose,lalViti 11308: '!'mill's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers