Soldiers' Pay-Debate in the State On the 30th of - March last, Mr. nee- LikienbMittedztlitifCaldWhigr- • . Resolved, That the Committee on Feder al Relations be bring, *x joint resolution instructingiur and requesting our Repreikntati.eii Congress . to vote for a, ler! Allu,itla, the ,patruientof non,commissioned era and , privates inthe service of the! a • 4ifites in coin or its equivalent.- - A long debatif_eaiiiid: is the speech of Senator CLIZAtalt : amrs. I did not know, sir, that tlialknuttor freesVttshington. (Mr sop. ztria) waS about ter ego.' 4 iteata.tlo of thit,kindt had I bean aware the I nil& have : been Able :'to fora% it more correct• judgment as-to :his intentions in so doing. . I presume he designed to per form an act of simplejustice to those who, on the tented,field, aro strw,gling_for the a:Ontario - es , : - ger - OutPtit: himself avows hie Mention to place this teetitoriotukelass of fellow-citizens,. 69.,.fpr aaseliteti to their pay, upon a faatlag with those sleek, well paid, well fed; truly loyal, and most discreet gentlemen who, in this time of trial, are idling - Satiny hours in the courts of Europe as our for eign' ministers, , while the soldier, is endur ing thepains,lhe trials and the ro of a campaign. Contemplate thi3 - puithitiT the one class clothed in purple ruidpaid in gold,llie other °ladle homespun and paid in greenbacks ! The one surroended by all the luxury which -gold -can -buy, the otberiu their ',individual persons and- in their-families, enduring all the 'magi: and, misery which pacer money ever entails An unprejudiced observer; sir, would not, it seems to me; be likely to attribute soy sinister cir ituproper motive AO Ono! who attempts to equalize in some degree the condition of these 'two ewes. - laurelyi; sii 4 ,lhe' disparity between -one ' 'hundred acid sixty dollars a year, the wages of the soldier; paid in greenbacks;. and : the sit; Aries of our foreign ministers, Trilling from seven to twenty ; thou:quid t a year, paid in gold , is of inch a magaittide that it should not be "dialcird" to attempt to ' ' - To me, Sir, it is strange, passing strange, that those who profess so _much love for the soldier, who are eternally parading themselfes as the " soldiers' friend;" who would - make the soldier believe that every one outside the pale of political cominun,, lonia' his enemy, whose whole stock in trade is to yell that they are " and to boast that they love the soldier better, then wifeorchild should herwto-clay resist; a proposition so fairr and just. By your deeds you shall be tried. Honeyed words of flattery cost nothing. To sustain this resolution and the enactment of its purpose into a law might impese some slight ad ditional taxation upon your." loyal" gen tleman and that would cost something 2 —_ You carnet, afford that.. Oh, no.! .Ful some praise; laudation without stint, that you can give ; it is in your line ;but when the soldier asks for the means wherewith, , to supply his wife and little ones with the bare necessaries of life which, owing to, the vicious system of finance- inaugurated by the Republican rulers. have been raised to fabulous prices, you turn your backS upon him and brand as " disloyal" every man wbo dares to advocate hie,ciainis.— That is-a species of disloyalty of which I, for one, am neither ashamed or-afraid.— If it be " disloyal" to stand by, guard, protect and defend the poor rind - bumble against the rich and powerful; to be in favor of the Soldier rather than of the: shoddy contractor, then I am disloyal.—, It is a kind of disloyalty of which Iron, gentlemen on the Republican side, will nererbisicesed by those. who know you. Where the spoils:•are, there will your henna be also. Possibly sir, the Senator from Washing ton offered the resolution - with an ad. ditianamotive..:ooi • - Self; suid those who act with him politically from the base and unfounded charge that we areopposed to. an increase of the pay of the soldier. When this Senate' -was, unorgs ry 1 , as we then believed, 'and as you subsequently admitted by fortreCad= wig to elects Speaker, a resolution Wail offered on the opposite side of thin cham ber, lei - greeting our Senators , and request ing our Represntatiiies in Congress to vote fora bill increasing the pay of the soldiers. We then voted against it, as nu" der similar circumstances we would to. , day. We told you.then that by . no vote of ours would we ever recognize your high-handed act of usurpation. We told you we would vote against any and every resolution, even should von offer one assert. log .the divinity . of God We stood ` up fora principle, and we tdsmph. eit - r . You.effered the resolution as you offered others, fOr the . purpose of making claptrap *capital 'against us . amongst the soldiers and Qthera--. -Yea Paraded 0 , 117 vote throughout the Siateaa a high crime and aisio, whin iayenehilarti yo n; that ev . ery Tepresentation yen made, as to our position, waif - simply false. But the rmolutiou of the Senator,HUM - Winibing. ton has ; u nearthed" .It 'stirred up fearful-tonal:lotion ot' lie faithful .---.Nou . gnash your .teeth: irepotent,mAr,: and are, 'swollen up with undischarAQbile.- Yot • raye - and fume. andsweati all:tone- parptrie; * gentleMen.4: We intend to expose lour duplicity and we - have done it.' „Hence those ;ears: Another time I advise yoti -- -tei - .Over your intentions in some more skillful, Toy, or I ,sttalt;'.4ignia draw. aside the ttinisy, which; sheilds jrou'frem open emaenipt.:,, Itit4iiir, what will be the effect of to resolution shoild Congress, enact.* law in accordance withits,virit- . ?-- Will it- not: be precisildyitlint'' yew. forced usto VelertilvlWYPtt 44 1 / 04 Wpackbi Stalfir iSe equivalent.; 'that tA . sa4;ol - bAPPP.4,01444.F*110/IW-jfigtna,*. moat is silty_: per. =ceni: Nang t r=gl l a•=3l ei g hty s u 04.4 ' , tL I ifAtltleii*:.l4tiimi youi proposition to increase his pay, how catgottobject ,:he entered the !servae,ibla , intyitaks thlrtken dollars per month in gold Tor - think gold was not alkoxopar,,, ,regiolutista pro iiebucteep btu, t ! lighteut 0.0140 the %bat with him who deteads our homes an ti itte,:teetieffivetli7were you honest or dishonest in your proposition f You shall not evade an answer by calling woe disloyal. Igor& haw : sto terrors 'Prlot, - .1 111 11. - r 4 frs'ar - Y?w:rht...4 ( !', lOrewn.tainioteiWOopv. 6 4v9giterin: : goldl WV ° , P4Attltq l -Pft .!: , ; O) SP pay, king the smileiof loyalty, and refuse it to him, who amid the roar of cannon and a storm of ballets„ is battling in _your defence ? Answer is&ition dirt;.' to liilttittt, be deterred` from making tie inquiry by threats or Idertanciations. 1. We on thus Aldo m of the chamber ; claim . i'or odiselve .an uch interest in laid debiltionji r.oi-- ernment fOunded upon . the Constitution as yon':Cittim to pogiacjaa; 'llre do dot ,impugn your motives; you shalinot ours. We are tiotitoibe , enjojed or intimidated here or elseadmre.n-'Wei are rur • Ca , and our - rights and-will maintain them. We will statid - tb - .Potistkotion Aod .:111*3 of these States, and we tell - Yon, tile we charvit opon:7o44hat l'oulga the 441 y, men Tiho-tvould , destiroy both. , Charges' are- constantly made against tutor owantof fidelity to the Government; of Sympathrwith troasoiti . otai Of, aiding. the rebellion. *Wbi defy /Oa to them goolf , Thifilinattorclad letter be understood and .settied , here . anal true It is that fie a Ktf not the - 44ves slang Adgtinistraiion: }. , Ton' shall` net set -the bla4i'Vee and . 013104 white -hien. WO keep no GOV, which j9130t based ei‘M.tfo.,Constitution*,-atid wowill_ncit,k, er iiliey . ticir .mylatignige stalleiently precise ?is clear,/ do_not wish_to be misunder stood:- , I,cia nal 4 c, toyoi" to any Admidis. ttution; I am iveittrto - titie government, founded upon and. actn accordance with,* cOpatitto46, - ; which it - 4 the 'mere creature andaxponenf.-- More than this, yilt.nor any living man "roan: demand of any - one:'To4oo6 its - u• matte yourrairei eiastera and, thoso . of whom, you Rake the demand ilaves. -Wt.-wish-ion to fully un derstand that- you shall never exercise any such power over us. The history of the past _Should mat you that the.raci which-we belong may peseihly , be ester minted, but 'never enslaved. . Mr LOWRY. I would :ask the Senator frorOßerlie,ifthis - - body, - - mil ihcother branch of the , legislature, bas not already passed; . r ; &•• Plat:ion . to increase the' pay 'of the -Soldier', Mr.-CtAnann. Is the amount of.increase designated in that resolution I*_ You may increase it to eighteen dollars per month, but if the premium on gold shouldirise t4' one hundred per cent, as is likely :to be the case, the soldier would not in effect recievean increase 'of pay, and so your resolution meaningless. . I4RA .. . ... .. , ERILWAY. c"Nazargrfizogg',..churrdzi,,,,:it....= r040 , ba...-.lz:-.=. ,- , 1 iirTSTW Altii iiol.*M: ' ' EASTWARD iietiii. 1. Buffalo Itkpret p.M 2. N.Y. Express, las p.m 3, Night Ihrpresa,lZBB.o! 6, Steamboat" ' tet4 pm 5, MMI, at - -' 7:42 p.ta 16, Cincinnati " - 6:56 a.m 17, Way Fre, 1 Id, Tk.B7 pan SO., Way Freight; IMM am ' 91, A= Ada a.m - Train 2, rune every day. , No. 16 rune Sundays, but does - not= Motidaye. Train 3of Saturdays, frog' get 'York, rune tknrUgh to Breda but doearrot run toMbni kirk. , • •- - 11111.13 MINOT, Gen. Sept: - • r$ • r N f I i‘ Anti IL.** raY 1 JandandgOed - - laairgalci. imam of lair Gana* wrr, will give prompt attention to all claims intmar ted to Wawa. - No charge magas aucceasenl. klontrose.l4 , llV suizotiAnCl 4 t*.;'‘iegraleareiiiite, icioropezzaama,„ 6 t 1 ,4 3 ; PRNSIONkIIOUNTL . ANt _ isfenaI.VANNJED AGM'. orm6ffif• .I_I3IINYM . ~ littlre _proMtt at*lttOn t 9 claims entruste d WO care. &Charges low. and Infor mation OFTPREE.: " !Mal. Montroaaaiti.l4. 1484. - S2P-& , HOSE`. AI opt 161110 19 / 6 :49llBNme i . 449 1 9epaiw479941r• ATEW, =WIG= , e441.4,1111.319T98T54. *JP &Hetes% improvement., - -- - Tidirti___-_”41,=1:..-witalibtdmo— itftslorimpgruf intsblems tool' tor-Chettla e - itbtretrungstuitii' tirh:e. -Our;' telvedtbe; MghOt.sersrd et the World's Fair. - sniffer tee etteeteeive sew NA the Amaicin .Zuttitute. Was: rented tire -stare' Timm % Cal et deadlier liel.crVt4ter c • • ni,k62:041,„ lent - it • .1 Xis; • Tkomptonts "Blatt Iftar"ljae, of 'On Pliffhiltg iV"P° W teammate p • , -paw) ticketphy the shore ihteliten the • • Alogr;DretteAr her{ ,• It oieaft. zoo- , • • n. • * -.• ATIO_ ikastftattemWtten ',! 4l 7g l MS o2 .o l . l 7 4 4ll_aiinflaalatr .. , ALLAUIDITTNINTW - 1 , • XMLIELSS" CHERRY -PECTORA.A insivirodirKfivo AfxmOyfor 4s l ;* Co. Idirliatigezatiienimptiozi,:and the relief str Consumptive, '-ltatientiptc'Advandisit beiii•sc; (wig .known, that " 1 * 6l . 'no P*4 l s- thaw imam the puithe,Shak * keit-Up thu 4.07E4 siiiii,hegOtad Ann . tatitti be IW& L' ' • - .#!; 1 4N4410.kii.0.' . • '.144140i4 r- f "7r: fl i The rle s il e a t Se r . ' iming e t nun or the -coin * unity with regards to theiroteetion of tlwiro l 34%*anfilii9P 73ll ;i!-• fieerns , to , pl4s3 - 01 .- averywherpon high as weiburimlow planes; Thomelarged ~sn is thetigVatlresponsibledatise:oftnytentu in . f . t49lo o l in t i OirinisteHrit: - Opt klinifiruni:iTeteliet in Oil -Pelforaiminn'it heir Attune. That strictinipartiality.and• grtleitible integrity it( the adiainiStration• aftbalasetilOrwkiith dye tfieree "fOriapii • die:n NtiOtitri4lllo 'PO :041 1 4iiii%*otly itrithe,ol nencei4iit Putt:el:thel'4;4lons: end-decisions of many of our public officers , and tboltetlthat a man i helengsto-ibia or. inoivta do *11,11146 , 14t..§40g-041 10 0. at-thg, kr4P:afAki 64 0 4 1 ;81 9g tile Jaw ago ..mecio-. of his. I -hritint wonder. that -thelentde are grof4: tnW'OW-Teeth:4f of in.: Wait) , tirtheir ftriijcierty, repiiiitilie and` liyes-? 4-k wai sttOnder- -that Ahoy are beginning tO wliethdetliereis any longer any hop' left for • vroteetien, save in'tlieir own : defeiid tlietn§elVes a salient; queatiOn; Involving the dearest inweata apttriekt4 of every man, 410,,ehird tti?...qstugnunity, and sAqulCAnagathe RtteAten,; *Very well-wisher of 144;4)14.- (wow P4rPP * Oaver tllklng /oue.— us cider .. -refeimpex. penetee.wnaveCeplaotel. Altoirtroseollay. DIVING'S STROUD' t ROBItRANCI3 ACISIVr. Mee In tti X bn aid end tit Brick BloCk. lohli abeeism 'bassinets stthe office *lll be trended:elm/ C. MR : • Atentrose. 1.864.—tf peculiar, tiMitor infeo. which we cull &stor klike in,.ihe .conititn, 'of inultitudea ofinen. ither produce* or is wed by an enfeebled; suite of 'the* bleed, . that fluid becomes ipetent to sustain di? Curcio in their vigonins end leaves- the i fall ,- Into disorder maw. - The scrofulous - nination .is -vitrittaskt by. mentniut: dis-- WIT living, disordered impute air, filth and a -“a arnallainilaril tte . and. aboYo by . menial infection. ver be its eight. it uilierediiiiiy hi the ioestitti fi cin, descending , hum parents to children unto the third. and fourth gen aeration ; " indeed'. it mew to to' the 'red of Irun who se m" I - trill visit 'the - inhinitleit cif the fathers upon their thiltiren." The disputes which-it orig inates take-rations =toes. standing- te'thii•organs it akiiits, :111 the litrigs;StiOrtki: preiaticUs ;air and dually Censumption; in„the_glsrads, swell ings sahtclt sapptuate and beceme ulcerous sprat; ut the stomach and botrels,, der-augments' which, , i'rodnee lutligesticm, dirspepsie, ea emnrilaints; - in the 'Ain, - eruptive and' attanemis sens. Theta all haY.4ll7.thn same Prizin,*nite,the same -entedy,-riz:. - pertflostion • and invigoration -Cift the %toad. Purify the blood, and them dangerous - tfis -lupine team you. 'With feeble, foul, or •' , OOl cannot ban health • with thar= ore flesh .hoalthy, you cannot 'have. Icrefalous Ayer'a Eiarevaralls mt . cfpo u nded from m o st effectual antidotal ist Midi* Omni has diskovezed for this as(ict- distem_per, Mtd for the - cnierat the disordeti it entails. That it is far superior to any other rem dy yet devised, is known by all . who have given That it dom 'Combine latrines truly,: ex tra9rdinlry in their effect upon this .class of rem plaints, is indisputably proven by the great multi tude of publicly known and. remarkable cures it has, made of the following, diseases : King's Tunkora,llizOtiana,' .Funp)aa, Slatclies awl. Bares,. Bump:des, Site of AntheinVis Bin. Salt liluainn; Scald Hopi, Conti _a kap. tnberenlona datoa its in en 1. Eppallint Debility, • ,„ : I 7 doht ion . 7.1 Merifirial bil0)11q0 Wealrrieept_as, nirt.lndeq-111e1 whale - aeries& itiniplehtm that:intim from of the - blind. Minute leportirOf width =is furnished , to thm.drirtgists -for grithitom distributive, wherein ; may, lie 'learned the dinviem for its die', and Ode ofilirreifiertidde4ureitirtii.l it has made when 1111. other renedies,bafaikd to Wren! relief. Tfwvit cases are pnrposriy taken from eII seereiftew the watts* , in onto 713(e-Teiy reader may ha v e `semis" tersonter one sib:testi Speak to him of as basits4 from. - persvnal experience. Scrofula depresses the tital energes. and thus leaves its time Di titorit subitiet to tlisease Sind Wand midi: than are he 4 dg.eqneirittinfel- tendtin shorten, and - does grentlr stiortait,ihe streragednii -Priaimmt life;, fr .Tbe ust . intpottte cousidemtions hes_led.tis4o spend .eaente r ing 4 let444`itiCts acreivu . 44 t5 - iti we now Offer to the pnbhe Under Ike Amrne of ATEllet /EI4I.ILSAPARIIILA, although it is composed of ingredients, smut otlitieeall , :the bencof Sarsaporitka-inl-altetatire O sier.r'its idd you *nay-protect yourself from the suffering and - danger 'oftisesa disorders. - .turgo , cput- the-four Corruptionii that 'sot and-Older le pet.' b 10 0(4 purge 'Oat -the , arise s' of Alsesiti. rind 'vigor* leak : Fill fella: Br its pectdiar virtues retnedr stininlates the ming- functions, and 'One Ortgels the distemper}, which-huh irid;dtt the arse* or bait oat on say part lt. Wrs know tixt tutdit,latebea t dtteletel by blizy - .‘ compounds Hof: .arifkr,- that -promised muck and 11# nothing; bas.they neither be deceived' nee •dusgrPoultsti IttiL. its Tirana _bare- been me? -ay : abundant end • there teMiliar ear 4 19 - aiccits..swpwing-.:enenence fetlhe Team et the eitrt.tieS dtteetes 4. intesulett. or. melr.: AteiciaialCunAer. ttlo, 4l *o- nque. 41 3 Tg7 -1 /it' feral .niedfil44: Oone_nny.: Omer 'milk*. luta 'beat' before '-thei:mppre,,:ind ihr mere effietuat dad lair ober *Mob lisis'areelietest te therat . . .; :.•ii.-. :-'.:: i , ;;.....%i-4 . - .' •;v: . t.. , z.r..Pi.: ,- ,, i ?.;.-Lt 1- . ' ',I argb;.;:t.r.: , . , a I, _ _ , ~ , ,.. .Rl, : •.f- . ."- . ," .. 1.. , :21 - l iM , 14.., 1)C iffi'AlLLEN;:,AilAtil I ~.. v_ ..._ „.,...,;.,..,...,„,..,.,:._,;.. ~,.,.,,..„ ;,L.,{,,4,.,,‘,iiiiiii,:fiipiciii,itrizio.4 ~ '',..-. -, - :'; , '-,p,_... ;:rtf!. -_,.l' ci :, 1 , ' --:, -.:.:.., H O -11: 1 t , :::: ;, SATir.,. i r ,„,,,„,....„,.....„,...,..,...„.,, _,......„.P05t5-literiVeitiblyss, • Imp -", ~- - ,ii- ., - ,iab1,014404' 10 #`9!- --, L-: , .! , 1 tz-• - . L • Syrups, Molasses , iiiit iFfiagars; • TrAS;VOFRIM, 5P10.848110041143 . . .o Ai r . o . ,:r ~::::::: • ...,.- ;:: ~ -' eitii/ pad-.4ii*tsi.T.-1;•,,,, A. BALDWIN, , . _ ' ~, wit. : ''llatiirtobiWAt titirlti 1881 • '--. It .i i , , , 'e - • 4.' . _ :-` 11HE AMOIS' AIPRIV V. Famous Barbeicliter - orlisysk-i • 7:;. k t a r y ttin a nti r e z wi . Find.tue staving -and ettempMiigir, :: • Plod me mirth* hair to Mitt - yon, 4-year senriaw.: „Atyper service, Pa.; • , •. , • P. GEO' 2 P LITTLE . Ge , enhaca 4gig for colftiiefi - „ gle.:ol~rife AIPCIP • 'Agit PMPENSION - CIAMA & C 41101Mmelotrusted to my uo-70111 be *Moda d to P r Ylootro mytty. to,•Marth 10, • , 1111 charge ulOO4. lowenommitok, • • --,Bm. WiraosiClat) canaleirobitycifl ibe.• ?mein Weed. NVaient., 011 BALE py . BA OMNI AMltratlimm, Montrose, Penn's. STRIIVINGIEVAILI4IOtOfiIA. for retiorifilloir tor sareby - • -- ) ABEL TITERELL. _ _ -- T11144610138 1 3102N-ANfVErPERIEN --- - - OP - AN INVALlD.—Publithed for the benefit, and ea • arming end a tendon toyenag men-who stiffer from herwous De- Witty.; premature decay of Manhood, etc..- eassobiat the samethac the meat:mot aelf•eare. By one who has cared himself after being put togreat ightry and ex pense through medical-bamboo and - gnaekery. By epeteat postimid addressed er•elope. alagte goplea may h ead of the author. ' • : • -NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Egg. mayltd:7lylc •• Bedford. EingeCounty,N. , Y. . . SOLDIE R S'BOSJ) y PAY, AND OFFICE;- 9ver Poft-Office, macerazti.o4l.4i.,.rikri3O init re ttof necesealyppaa pere t0r.41 applications for Soldiers. and the wid oweiparente, helps agil:chltdten of del*!tee4holdlere,fos Bounty,. Beek-pay lit' - Pensions, ',FL:Rotund to,ei a tlnie Iness fdr . o4 *ma 6f 1307.17.11.".1‘15" for each claim—this to cover all enemies, including Jusltceefees;Clerk!aCertlficatea. and Postage. This Isabela one-third theism nattally-chistged for the bnetnees. _ All - perwinsintereited will please take notice and goy era thetdarvekt Attortio;iutil ton t siiienorat LawiZrtillarligent. Montrose, Oct. MI, 1863. Wholwater&Zetan - Daderiilrr sdratimurvl 2: E. nf xi: j...lerticao*rie,7,,,cl ;$l.-Ta , NAILS- Mit BAIL, COUP TERBUNI if I! RAIL SPIKES. RAILRGAEA JIMITG,BIIMLIRS. CARRIAGE 8PRIZIOS; ;AllEtir. SKEINS AND BOERS, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PATrE7) altdmatlierialtiit IRONS, BUBB, SPORES ' AllaitSOLERLIA 6 Aftgi Qa `ANVILS, VICE% „STOCKS and Din% ItEltl4?, &c. -- - , AZT R4I;•LBANO,AIowna9. ritclazio. . 4po :m s. nom pAius. 1116tanctirt i ,nora anmsTorrsiS,,,, 121TH 4 WIISTIND' W 88. LEATHER 1, BIN DINGS. yeraamme Max& seranton.lsamb 24. bitgL 27 EXaMinia . apßlZanbaeriber haviagtmenLalsoLate 'L missioner of Pensione4 1117.111CAIrat: large to examine an re eeruthaites to all entitled to PeneOltill attend saappliesticreeitbet ma be ores :9 WI, lit Eboatat J. B. Tar belleotel. E. PATRICK. „• A: . lafinClUßß= , , . -..7 -- - • IDr AB reeentl7 rewired, aPdAi. P1W0111441410141 R ins s., .." ~s limo U.mew smile, of 2...,, :, ,„ ,-, : , . 2 . AVIR OMR - '+J • • r ir, - j • ARTUIDgES, qtq,,• r, • 3 ~..) 1 . g i ro bY ' . 14997 9Mit V i atitta " 4 , I, -- . ,---/ -J:. ~. -..) , ! eramitalitr.Aaw'ri*Z-1 - -,ii)::.„r,7l:'-.,, f:' in - lbe respeettioitipamentiWetWhio th nl+ll;4l4' rithWthiottilthiiiiinititit i V iii: ezgagetief .bisciad Wit /OW. few onlerifloos, 'Miaow ottboNowtomptoug olotOrft • Hoke OticomistateMtbasslisr - 16 these Who bay' Wm. systemp-p WM* lipeul-4o rti og ' OdtdoOrlib their. • • •liohlologovnotlidpho Wig - atilt salt. NOWILIID o 4-•wontwinsill I SW* Comm oftheirlivam t .aho poNlcol*-• , leeertvga * w Zgl i t . .., 410 71 .,ur e ui l m Them Gal sib% atom sad howalos qualtwo mion- - -Efo 1 i . . , —, ;Ira' 7,-77.7•••- .•-• ,giNtll o 4l. !r*- , 1. , `71-I`a!r'... -, Ptif .:1 A . Pal it ~ , -,, !, -01 , .4.1 _. •owslits . • . ... r ....._ . . - 4"-• ''''• - - • 7.1 ° t woe:loote iflviektthe lanai 't . . liar i litEiblErit .4411 IN.-. - -,,tit.:!- - in.,i•rt,.. .: -.- :cm. - A ;-- :- , --- " N ~ i - i - N. , • i •—• \ „.... ,',, , ..,.,..._ l . „..i.,.....,„,. : , ).,.„ ,Ever offered in,Sesquehaulpipqopty,,istid probablycm, 'ruing thogreatest,variety or most different articles 'Or; , any StoretutheNertheroyart olPoilritylvatia,andper. L . h aps .o f etw,tetice : Mate; ltri assortment is kept in about GilllolEo . ml branches Of trade, and the nice,- dons are made froM - aboritleilyndlhe best Houses in New York, and more than My Dealdirean.riggant s or Curers out of New York. A large 'propartloribf the' Goodifirre ludowdireict frorsteer ittanufiietiwrs,,,thea insuring. gnakteartieles....Vastomers On loitering the. Store not expect tellnd everyNting to sight: brit • nearly elreryirtielemptife4.WElN Pro bleed Some idea, f the Stock may be formed'bY the Mowing priers! Outline hutetintneratferitslitapractkable it .• : Aroggi EtelicineNE*lntstandAlls. Groceries. Liquors, Zrockery., Mess 'Vire,' will Mu' WiedowPiiber, Jewelry,Eftver Waree,Perfamery/ Roney: WbluslcalAtuit ekts.,Efurliet,MPlidaolawkot, es; Table Vutlelina tinter Plated are. 1 .*14101 - PterithlbrUghln: nlware; HedtCordeo B o4§Trwee s, pry Opods./dirrir Window Glass. Lithographs. Yftr.: niihes. 'Ca est'S..aelerS ma' Lasilete - Nroome. Guns. P stole. Ammunilfult.lXONCelqir" pal and Surgical Instnimentp,Salt, rotaiih. in= brellas,Porcelein Teeth;Tifsticirtatearly everything,to restore the sick, to please the.reSteitedeillrke-eiel togrptify the fancy, and also to - conduce to t !Wind erintialcOmfints t , r. ••• • Eheetiontion °Eche public is respectfully. invited to mystoCkoEl3oode. bought exeltudvslyfor cash' demi* andieMbe sold on the same principlefoelow prices. APEP'TPX44I I .. Vontrose, - Janlia ry - • ' N1EV:7,._.(,)',0 . OM A PULL ASSARTMENt or Nlt& ORR GOODS, Er MST lIECKINTA .414," ana win b.ta ' AT WOE REDUCTXON . ;OW APrq Price/ rirThlsttednetion will include the ENTIRE STOCK , . which will tie togni ptrre iirtls92ll, and Win tie 591 d 90 TiffEST.VIERWIERMS • 1' _ 30 -11 4= , - - ati.A.ELlttit ON TIME, or for '; 8. 17n niTT,'' Nov, 1863. - ,NeYir Milford. KEYSTONE F.IOTEL., At. Montrosti . • . HATCII, , Itropetertolii IRIS riew sad commodious Hotel fe sitnatedon I tiblic Avenue. near the Court house,-and nearly in centre of the business portion of Montrose. The Proprieteris confident that he is-prepared to entertain guest s inn way teat cannot fail tolFise 21•NTIRE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no eapensebas been spared to render it equal Wrier superior to any in this pastor the State. It Is well supplied with an recent improvements anitoaniforte.lin.d obliging waiters always bet ready to respond. to the call of eustotners.- - The. Stables connected with this honse,; are new And contenlent . The Proprietor respectfally solicits the patronage*, hie old friendsitravellers, and the public generally. Jana tf WM. - K. HATCH DEL um 6 ESN Ettxl.l-3roEsell• THE. PASSENGER TRAIN • LRAVES Great Bend at 7.40 a. in., anti the anivalat GAO a. in., of the Cinch:maid' Express from the weal. connectingat Scranton,.where it arrives at 10.10 rat. In., with a train onthe Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail road, for Pittston, Wyoming Valley, Kingston and Wilkesbarre„ and by omnibus with ,the Delaware and Badman railroad at Piovidance,' for Olyph.ant and Car bondale. At Hope station. this trOn connects. by *mel bas with the Belvidere •Delaware Railroad for Phillips burg, Trenton and Philadelphia. At New BampWn Junction, where It arrives at -2:45 p. to. the same train connects with trains on the Central Roa d of New Jersey tor-Elizabeth. Newark, New - York, Easton: Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. Beadingand Harrisburg: Pairatengers by this testa arrive in New York at 5.50, in pirailadOphla at 8.00, and in Harrisburg at &ID. The train leaving loot of Cortland street, flew York, at &00 a. m., and foot of Walnut street, Phßedelphia; at 6a. uti,;' connecting with the Passenger train of rain road, leaving New Brampton Junction at 11.40 a. in., and erriv intat Scratiten at 4.0 e p. m., where it coi.neeta with a train on thotackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, and with the omnibus running to the Delaware and Antigen Railroad. • Rbie trainarrives at Great:Bendut 0.10 p. tasking a (Tose connection with the mail train going West on the-Tale Bathes . aSZt A 43 Anrreiscrantorvit 10.10 a, m., connectin g _it Great Bend with the Da y pepteso traig welt Ain the Brie Itailwaz.—, this train Paleengerb hrride at Ithaca, Syracase; Ba fan, S e . the tame day. Returning: : this , trier teaveq Great Bend at 0.20 von., on the arrival of. the Neni Toth Repress going Eastietrid , Baffalo'Extilidet going Weest f ittigarrivea atAcquittin at &BO 111.. 11:1 ' Join; inixirtsw, slyt; • ; . • A. 11111 TRY. Gen') Ticket Agent. . • • fieranton4ley 20, MEL tiCKANANisIA & BLOOMSB44. I • wwlLvcalistc:xfas.zi "Wand antriApril TO, Ism Passenger Trans, sell ‘ 4 .2. run as follows: !I • _ MOVING SOUTH. " Passenger. Aeec Leave Scranton; at.` 'a2.Bosan. 11.99a..2i.: •• , Kingston. / 2 4 0 . P: ED. Rupert oa f :•`..•!855 • 4! Danville, at 9.24 a. in. Antra atNorthumberlarl, 9.65-.movioriaiitu. Leive Ncirthemberland '4.30 p. m.. " Danville, 4.10 4. MPevt, 5.45 4 . - . _ - ' .§ Kingston, ;8 05 7.45 p.m. Arrivest t3crant •a, . .9.10 p.m. 3.30 p.m.- A passenger trahralan lisVeiltiegstcm at RAO M. for, Bearden toconttect pith thin for lien , Nark., ;111e.arti, Ins. leaver ficranfon on artival tof train from Now Yqck; m.' '' , • .:. 1 , eistakliig 71%113'8m:1th from Bminkat at . 5.1717 Uk., via. Northpmrlandi • reach Hauviebyg_l2.3o p,m. Baltlmere ch 8130 p: m.. Viraahingten 10 p. ta..' Vfainapett i , UM* rea niMdeptilit at 2.10 12. =4::-- ~, : , r,. •-, , 1 , gi ngs t an ;. - 4 1 , r i 1 18 ,, 1 863 : . G *, 9. -',i B ::i l i tti k 7 4 ,_ 1 .. 6 : 1, 0' •-- ‘- taribbillieelesuree-rileareti hit the /At l i A 4 IifOST 4illtiable and wonderful publication. A ' mi!of 400tifell, and 80 Wlored engravings., Deakin ' 14Ws Veda cum. an original and popular treatiu.9l l /lensed Wdmon. their physiology, ructions, and IM.' alrers pt:every kind, , with never•falling renthdleni for air spuoy cure. Tho practice of Dr. Taunter bit, oil been, and still is, unbounded, bat atibetintest so- UciMikm of munertnispierenps, be hattbeett indn44 40 - nate:46ls medical diefalitesa through 'themedient - of, Vet' Veda Id6cdm." It is art•olume tltatfould UM the blinds o revery family bribe infol• as a native Ai' secret vices : Ur as a guidolbv the alleviat on ordtie.of OM Most awfniand destructive scouges.thatreJ,Bl.llo; titl, tnankind.:. One copy. sectlfelY ackvil h oßt? , Inn o( ttgr• wetted freebirpostago to any put of a Aid States reeconts inip;?o.japeloca copies for $l. Adtireosl id. Dr Hunter, So. 4 pjvielon sttoot k privicTorlt., Suiten. 1003-Ir , ', ';'' - ' -,, ~! • t :., ', : , i: ~- , , „,4191 . ,loti..o4m4wc , 7 Allighly.)Conamtraud •• • •••,;,- _ • • - "15041)TAX141 ;11 11 XTItA • . .••.:•• • - 4 - mopp , #oy47"Tho •• . DOCTOR ;.:..Wfp.,,-,5,,t71,0:YS Girerman Bitters, . • ••• • , - liinPosiqp -sir •'• *14 01 4“.0, 5 1*, T19440,001111Paq gitFi!VrtriLLY , Myra" cliswilatirr, 4%44 3*l:ol.ttatAs Chaintier Name.WM* Disown ottidasys, wainOlasises origin boa* aultdirredi • • 4 011 ;4 0 0• • AlOnJuwarof PUN, • • . Fulness or Blood to the • . 'gad, acidity Of the stmitsch. Musa, Beigthaff, DliglitifOrgoc4l, Itniaes or weight" in the stomach, abut eras. tationt, Bo mschsw a im nk miningoo ft theHa g d a .h t it h t e ri o p se he Btai , ing, li F ititteringatthelieart:chokingor tni• • • fasting sensations when in 4111pgpatorli; Dimness of Vision,'.dote web, afore the sight, _Pear end doll Ps In In the • Had, —deficiency ototripiratlon, rellosiness of the skin and •Bmilain .in the. side. Chest, iambi.: • „oho.. • `. It • lifloshes:ot ' • • „Hod. Tininiarin the Ptah,- ;„: . sadPt" Epti r re l tad positive]: prerrentlrelloir Pena, se . 1 4 1 .T 04 40 1 ! , No Alcohol or Bad Whiskey! Euxt.t,hoibaxtusetp9 was 91% et /OE6 DO TOW WANT BOBLEMBUITOATREDGTHEN YOUI A 000 D APPETITE 1 • . TO BUILD UP YOUR c6iitrintoBl • To PERE :WELL.? - • 1 ' TO GET KID OF NIIIIVOIISNES f ENERGY f TO SLEEP *ELL . A BRISK AND VIGOROUS irll4lfit; If YondO. use 1100FLAND's GEradAN BintitiC • From Rev. ti:Netitrin Brown'lJ. L ' , ofihe Eneyclopedia'ofßeligjoitifliibtOttdpe. Although not disposed to . fa'aor or recointnend.Patent Medicinesin general, thro' distrustolthelrisgredienlh and effects I, yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believe' himself to have received from any siniple_Peeparathin in the hope that he may thus contribute to the beteLt of others. I do thin the more readily In'tegard to Hoofiand's Gr r man Shiers, preparedby Dr. CAL Jackson, of this city because I.was prejudiced igalastabern for many years, under tr oimuretr4un Omithey were chiefiyan alcoholic mixture. I am iudebt ed to my Mend &ben Shoemaker, Esq. for the remora! of this prejudice by 'proper tests, and for encouragerunt Wiry tnem; when suffering floe great andlong cautioned debility. The use of 8 bottles of therada t era, at the beginning of the present year, wasfollow evident relief, and restoration to a deg. roe of bodily and mental-vigor which I had not felt for 6 months before. and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thaidtl and my friend for directing me to the use of Mein. J. 'NEWTON BROWN. PunAea, June 1861. ATTENIIIONI SOLD! Rasi And the rr!iends of Sol diers. We call the attentiOn of ail having. relations or friends in the army to the fact that .", 1100PLABDI German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the dieesees induced by exposures and privations incident to camp In the lists, published almost daily in the nee • papers, on arrival af the sick, It will be noticed that a very la portion 'are suffering from' debility. Every ease of that kind can be readily cured by Boodand's German Bitters. Diseases Moulting from disoidtrs of the digestive organsare speedily removed. We have no hesitation in saying that if these Bitters were freellused among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will. be lost. We Call attention to the followingreniiikable and well authenticated mire of one of the nation. heroes, abuse life, to use hit own language, " has been saved by the Bitters:" . • Pnarazgrata, August 2341, Het ' Yew*. Amu istano-Aveil,gentlemett.'your Moot land's German Bitters hatoweed m Ufa. Vier* is no mistake in this. le is touched for ;y numbers of my comrades, knee of whose names if() sprpended, and who were cogiaLnant of all the circumahmces.of : my ears. I AM, and' bare - been; for the laat , four year.. a =tuber of Shertaaa'a celebratedhattary; and emder the immediate command of poptain B,ll,Ayres. ;Through the enact. attendant lon my arehteas duties, 1' was 0440 „b! fifir i dM %LIU m c m n i x l lff: d If; weal Witty, heightenedl4 am Week. ordyientery. iwas then renthrafifrom the Whitehoure. ind 'mato this city on board the Steamer "State of lifsine.'.'.where I Weal GA theillthaf Mane. •151nalthst time 1 hare been shout as low fill anr-Ono cimplattand still retains awl of Out, ity. Pors'weet OrMore I was' scarcellabie to swallow ItilYtking.and , if laato Rage &morsel ftwn. , It was im. mediately thrown up amity: _ I could not meta keep agleam of grater on sitystemseb. Lira mold not/ast under these circsmutinmea;Autd, ac c*Ordintly. thePhysichina Who 'had.been Working filth. ftilly.thottet tuntstmeaseullyile rowr mefrom thesis/it cline dread archer, fraollyteld me ;they. could so morelbr mb, a:Wallet:lid me lases a clagg. men, trod to make imcirdleposition oftuy limited Amide as ociterdted me. - Anacqualutauce who risittd me at the bonito; 11.1 P'rederick Eitelnboni,-of 6th below Areb 'nett/01 lied me. IS Q feeletth Rope. 00.113,100 r Bitters, avatino. ty procured d bottle. ,Promthe time lattomerced taking them the giodul e shadote of death rented. andel= row thank God for gettitg better... Thop 1 .bare tales "Jot two bottl tarbgained ten - pcnMid feel sea ChreettWinA_PenWittcdtb Moth to M ite'Odd:matter, Ut tubas a pare beard no of for mon th s: for.yea Omen; lam a loyalVitgiviaat. lrOft- Vicinity of ftost litayal. , TO your inealgable Bitters- lonm the certainty of life wbiskhan taken theplatte of vague fate-to your Bitters Irina awe the cloth:am privilege of train elop ing to my, bottom.thosowha ere deareet to roo faille. Ve 1 1 31 1 11 77 01 4 1 14 ' ISAAC 'MALONE. • We hair entice! , in:the above statement, as are bad dosPoire4 ,4 4nnebni eue.gousrade,.llr.. restored to Want. • Tan dudfiebaqe,-iisti It: Y. Rath?. OW: 441% 1 Co C, 11th-ifoine. Iltlteis t7letiatieii 92d Nero York. I. R. Spell" BOttery F. B. Fateroeli,-- ego ;B , - 3d Vermont. Henry B. Ittemeie, Nen*2 Afo Donal d, oth Mt, iiik Moine, is , ::-.lTeirmatiltoeli,l39, 11;72d ,411: -, T. ArovOmitiellß, , Thettnere, .f; ; 88th Pam, ' Andrew d, Emboli, 4, &I :Vermont. Araukirekimi loft Petits. BirFARE Or CO .IfIMPFBM• ass Metals allitultaie et" C. N. .14.4007/4" 1114 the WRAPPER °Coach bottle. 41 /0 7 40 01 sheiumrvnemodniitilagt hseethe IttittLa. i .,dch hot bo pa by, any Of t he, ntaxhaithrPftrnqu'ucl' th s um , oftettili Itophkee, bat lend tome, sad ire. Iv • Origin% tecuri 3 l , RtaWtbZ aPreits , -P#nofpal 01866 mutlibiteek . , Ora N0..634.4111101111, . $0:01.0i10 At; Erititailltoi omeamor to 0.11,4*0000 O.) • • • •7 • 4 77 - ra . OPTMOIV Laitlis b La illolklik belarleVeifit; 4110 0 I r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers