ocrirzvi i ise Take Clant 0114UVCOWili "4.41`71 . Norins. 7 ,-o,yrnern of, cattle, please tillgemitifee'lbartbegh-"-:0i-- aivance prohibiting Cows, Ote., from run - D i n g at, Wife - in - We stinks of Montrose, will be entorced. Virat.-Garr; constable.' important LocarSrewk',. Citizens . o f *Larose nicb - p., 6 a407( *heir foes, dogs, eto.; to visitztheirtn'eiglitat . s' gardens ihould remember at they—the dogs and fowla—are Halle to come to grief and Ast.early.gnivey.'"ucoorf)ing to raw." Also that COWS liielirohibited from running at .Aargeltit any.sthet or' road at any tintAby,a Statelaw;:i.n.addi tion to , thd, Borough teratilatki,.- BorOugatoiditaitie;' s ;“, That4usb4l4ol4/e.liptfut for any neat cattle, Iniristisf-Sititie;:" sheep, -geese, or other domesticated animals- of a mischie vons-ntiturei 4Ci go at , large in said bore' (of Montrose);' and' if any-such < , animal shall be found at large within said boro', it shall be the duty of the Sigh Constable forthwith,to, take up and impound the same;. -or if Miy of the said anunsla shall be found in any or dose, it shall be the duty of theAigh Constable agile:request of the owner or occupant of-said dose, to take up and impound the saline: ~ That if any dog, turkey, duck, hen - or fowl, shall be found in any cellar, barn, outhouse, GARDEN, 'or close, in said boro', it shall be LAWFUL for the owner or occupant thereof to KILL, take and carry away such dog, turkey, duck, hen or other yowl. Correspondence- Stopped. It may ibe proper' for those ,eipecang letters from the army, to know that an or: der of Gen. Grant prohibits all-CoireSpo'n dence from the Potomac Army for sixty days. Infanticide. , . The body of an unkmiwn. infant was found this morning near, the. mouth of the Drinker Creek, in this (Susquehanna) borough. An inquest was held• and the conclusion arrived at that the child, came to its death by first being , strangled and then drowned. The age of the child was evidently about ten days, and had been in the water two or three days.--:-Penn'an. Advance Payment. Now when all prices have so advanced that a . paper dollar is worth hardly 55 cents in purchasing our materials, &0., we must notify our slow-paying subscri bers that none but, those who pay strictly IN ADVANCE, will be entitled to their papers at $1.50. pet annum. During the month of, May any subscriber who pays all in arrears and a year in advance , will be charged only the advance rats; but. after May 31st those who neglect payment will be liable to pay $2, and if put, into collection, $2,50 la year. This is no, more than justice to us, and with frill notice our patrons should not blame us if they _lose half a dollar through neglect. A Capital Hint. • The Lancaster Express express a very general opinion, which we quote below, with the explanation that the paper and members admonished all belong to the same political party: "The question of removing' the State Capital to Philadelphia is notoriously a question ' with money in it.' There is but one way the members from Lancaster co. can keep themselves clear of suspicion in the_ public mind, and that is by voting squarelpagainst the scheme. Each mem ber has his own reputation in his own kee ping, and he should remember that the eyes;of his constituents are upon him." Boron ti 0111Mance: -' it ordained by the Town Coinwit of the Borough. of Montrose, and 41 is hereby or dained 'by t .he authority of the same, That the boundary•linesaf the said Borough of Montrose be extended asfollowa Beginning at a point sixteen rodsnorth-. easterly from the present north corner of the Borough, in range : with the norihweit line thereof, thence due - east - about 250 perches so as to include:the houiroof F. Jameson, thence duo south abont one mile to a point east of the old : . " Dunn house," them* west 'about 214,perches to a point at or near the south corner of the Borough, thence west far enough to make one mile, taking in the houses °fit, Gilli han, John B. Ilaileton, and F. ItCoon, thence north one mile and thence east i to the place of beginning, making the north line also one mile, and the whole one mile square.. , IL F.Tuanexj., Buitess. I'. A. LTON/3 4 B. S. Binrnarri - Secretary. Pres't of-Council. Montrose, April 20, 1864. 8w Teachers' , Examinations, &oh - applicant will tleike write at the beginning of a sheet of toolieap, her name, post - Office, place of. 'residence, what works on teaching she hai. read; and how many .terms she hail taught.' -Iniraft dm. do not.' interfere, exmnina tions: will be. held as f9lloars : Raffoid, at - Village Sehootiouse; kap 2. Jackson, at-No. 2 do - " 3. Oakland, Harmony iialleSooro, 4. and 'Sitsifts, Gt Bend & ; iro, West side river " 5. N. Milford Jr ro, Boro' S.-H. " 6. Lenox, at Gleowood School:honse, " 9. .Clifford daDziiidag cit9; 4 o 2 " Herrick, at Thiloio.lji ' . d 0,.. " 11. Ararat &Thomson; Arirat 0064- , 12., Gihsop,,,at, Union Hilt Sclio4boass.", Bridgewatel4 . Montraie Lathrop, at thllsdale • " 17. Brooklyx), at,Centre do - 46 18. Extunniatiorks saint treglnnat***l4 .• A.. Wseros, &VC Brooklyn, April 22,.13.64. saw,l~,er~~~c.+~.~t~x~:..ywwsc-+r~s.~![~eg~p~ 41 _ Treats' t•er'sjr,spOr, ofthe Ladies society, 1864 6 1 115-261,14 - .ESpehses for the ntosth, as • 11 1 / 4 alanen on band, - 200,00-4261,32 . 11103. 1 H. j. Wan, Treas.—. • `Th -110111 I " .t e , railroad to which weal- Indealaiikiweek:-=between :Montkose ned - , (,4EillV:i3end, is to bo a locomotive road, and would be en, action tigO to xbia, place and "vielnity, Web walleye not dared to hope; for ; but often felt the need cir ,The aeeratalle passed a bill , to incorporate la 'o9 o ifkriyOlba it will , doubtlesirbeviinOa, laitr.7 , 2t rota* dovin EinsikeereAr. la said to be availaale. - - The Draft dieniag. . . • Conclade Trani the advides wv Italie on the stthj§it; that a draft will be made as soon as,e f orivenieilt , for all deficiencies of quotas .in each - town. We print the quotas on the last- call—for 200,000: ' Quoto: 7 % Tow . nt. • - t giota. Auburn - , . Ap01ac0n,......:. 4 3 JacksOn; 10, 8 Bridge iyatir, l ..A.slLibirty,..t, 8 ' 7 , Choconut,..„ 3itAttle M.eadows,.. 1 Montrose,.. ... .12 Dundatr, ..... 2dßiddletown, 5 Fotcst. . OiNt3.w Milford, . Frinklin 611§P. --- Milford Boro. '4 F.iendsvilZe': Oakland, 6' Gibson, • ;11 Great ,Depd,. 9Stta9tea. Depot,— , 25 Gt/Bend', Bow:: . 6,Springville . . ;11 Harford, ii',Bllver Lake,, . 7 Herrick, BiThomson, 6 ,- The number, of reer,u is received at• the bfirehara office- at `Scranton since Feb. 25th, from this county ig 402. No Sleighing in Nay ? - -- • On Tuesday . - morning, May 3d, snow fell in this' iieutiry‘to the'depth of more than an inch. Owing to the warmth of die Weathei much of . the snow melted as it fell ;atidilre'get - nO sleighing.' • ' N. Y. VAtolesale Prices ,of-Produce i Reported for the Montrose Democrat by JOSIAH ICAIIPENTEH, Commission merch ant, No. . 32 Jay street, ;New York,: to whom shipments of produce may be made. Two thirds of the market value will be adVanced on the receipt of the goods if desired, and a :quick return made for the balance. Full directions 'and a weekly market report sent free of charg e by mail to those making shipments. Remark - riji the _week cnellp2 April 30,'04. .driea ea -peaches, plums, eherriesorasplieiries, black x,furs hides,; 'isedthi pork, poultry, tipples, beef eg , gs,. wanted. ' Wool, lard, firm., Corn, beans; -peas, 'Cheese; 66in meal, Flour, buckwheat, feathers, fresh meats, wheat, rye, cars, hops, steady. • Butter advancing. , Beeswax, pure, per polled,' 8 50®8 58 " impure, " 40 42 Beans, white sound, per be., 240 3 01) Pens, ,per bushel, 110 140 Butter in tubs, per pound, 25 31 " firkins, " 23 28 " 41 23 28 Cheese, choice, " 66 comn3on, 66 Dried Apples " " Peaches; (.4 " Burns, " Cherries, 44 27 30 • " Raspberries, 27 3 t ) 46 Blackberries, al 17 E7F-X'- ""11- whell4-11P"-r-4inzejl—r I larrel ' 44 0et iri7v21 -1 nu . - - Corn, meal,. , per hundred lbs., 150 3VO Flax; per pound, 19' 24 Furs and SkinS, see Price Current, for list. Feathers, live geese, per lb.; 85 -" • -70 Beef Sides, ". - 10 14 Mutton in carcass, "' - 8 14 Veal , 4' - 8 . 14 Pont,' dressed, ' ' ' '"- 9 '-- 11- Wheat, :-:. - -- per buBhei,x— . .'l 40 185 Rye,- I : " - 120 1 40. Oats, go 85 91 Cori!, • go . 120 140 Vemsott, , per pound, , 9 . - 11 Gantt., see Price' Current for full report. Pigeons, ' per dozen,: - 2 50 Hides, dry, per pound, " green, • Hops, prune, 23 26 ' 11. - 12,1 20'; 30 4 14 Lard, eintnnon to hest.„ pet lb., 13 ' ,14 Beef, mesa,- per barrel, 900 29 90 prime,' . 800 14 00 Pork,4ess,.- • " " 1600 ,26 00 prime, • " 10 00 20091 Hams, smoked, • per lb. 16 18 Shonldent, tmoked, u 12 1,3 Bacon, ;; " lc 14 ' ' " Turkeyti, -; Geeie; _ Ducks,. • - " - -20 Clover Seed,, ",.• 12" -13 Thnolbrßeedo blehel, • 8 . 3 50, Flax Seed - • ' 40 .3 60 ' 'Fallow, ° ' per lir; 13 ',14 Wool, washed, " •' 68- 82 '0 unwashed, "_ 40„ 45 - 4 Apples, - per, barrel, 900, 84}0, Maple Sugar, per,pound,, /5 20 NCrte.-4. - 4 fall report of the Nal-ark] Market tan' te;"seen • itt •ttifeAxi; bribe montaise Der east, corrected pp'ta fair Kulltday.! l •/-Wer have '• oir• filets: lifeehiy - Price Current of Prodnee, them* , :whP-01aY,4411,;50. 3 0, 1 *44 4 41. - - abcrie gweit the . ' kiwelit/ and: Nightst „-• pricis - whlob.- - rafee.galieniedAit• quality aud , conditien. • Kant inticieouit annipti,itientioand ittinve, - 4uilte tbereport in this °Moe. lacc,c•Vaftc4)oll , 4”,i'.wr . t IDr. -Tab • - • 1 • • IF - . r4(01101 I'ESTOIOII ill "Tb1410.41.P.47 Oat WINt yeste Aunts um ID, Amami offal* t Netnittan Lniment, as in - everfinidsneeTui dilly evnitiohistoconusendations. I Save I' d Rte. give almost; instantineous relief in ditesof, toothache; crouP, bilious colic rovelbsoat, pain in 'the thest'ind back.end rtisenuOlsni.ead I eberfully yecommendßs triage' et., el inie affißta with 'lnv of the- stuiveLtuuned :Missies.' - " :e . ' •"-- • • ' ', JAIME, H. 'WARNER': - . . • Hartford, Coep4llo. letb,lBsl. • -, , Sold bull druglisi. Vides, illi pittliskit; RwYorli. 17 18 10 .14 9 11 27 30 17 19 , -t -• ;; - , - Toll6Plotteia,Teb. 2 4th; 6 4s / innit. Mintnati acin of Capt: AL ' , B. 'Merrill, in thal4Shfoarrof lga age; 4 At Lisle,liroome co. 17.1 r., On thp , 27th nit., after an illness of a fp'w days, of in flommatioa of—the,- lunge; WILLIAM C. WAnLia; - aked - 47` Year& At Ararat, April Bd, of consumption, ' Mrs. HARRIET W. Busman, widow of the latepAlhert.jiinahneltvAtlg.,"otSttsq'a Depot;Den.labeiTyler, of Ararat, aged' 4$ years. At Ararat on theAbining of April Sib, Des. JABEZ i i irLER, _aged IT sears: EXECUTOR'S SALE - , ICOTICE lebereby glean, Nat In ;Duman-04 An or /.1 der , ottbe,Qrpluins!Court et 13nsquetannscount7 to me dlrectcd..l mill expose to vblicosiOrrendue, .on tbe,pretnlsesin the --tannish of rireibliUbrd. In 'slid county:on 84.713RDAY, the IthdarofJotte nett st one o'clocklo tile unarm/on, thttfollowing ascribed Cers cu i. or parculot• land, p . Into tae veptti,c4 ,eft/tY NAN, dee!e; to wlte • All thatl-tettain' piece or parcel of land lying and be. fug in the said township of New Milford, bounded ai fotiows : Beginning at a - point 1139W-centre •of , the high May, adjoining lands of John Reynolds; thence north 481-9• west.llo perches to a-coimer; thence north 78* east 76 pergheste a.`beeete.sapling ; thence south 48 l-r east 114 perchea to the: highway;.thence south alonrtheosentre of the, hiubleay road 8 perches to the place of beginning; tontaining44 acres be the same mor*Viriets. with the exception, of about three acrestoff the ttert heist eornor, liarettettro eoltl to . Well man, by,deed. r" - • OP &Mt. One third Ortite two yearson confirmation. and the balance In one and two years with interest annaallyon'the Whole sum unpaid. ELLIOTT ALDRICH, Executor. - Aprii-21.-486 , 4. Atte-Vont/4e. girmotrat • rimusinn GN TfirAfipATS, AT AP:i7iTTIOSE, BUSQIJEIIANNi Willi*, PA., DT .7...421-3EIXIIIELITS3COAT, AT $1,50 PER ANNUM STRICTLY IN ADVANCE • Where Payment is rot made in advance. - Wand all accounts collected, will be at the rate of SilXo a year. • ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the rate,of $1 tor" each smmreof ten lines, or lees, solid space, three times and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Yearly advertisers allowed usual Changes,, as $4O for a equips'. BLANK'S kebtfor sale and printed to order, JOB PBIS T,YO done in good style on abortnotice. . . ...A.dranu.'stratoes . Sale.. ' B y yin" of an orderof sale leaned by the Orphan's - Coartof Susquehanna County, to me directed, will be exposed to Mobile sale, at auction, at the Forks of t* Snake Cre„rin Franklin; on - - SATURDAY,•MAY.2IIat, 1864, at 1 o'clock, p' M. all those two Atte of land satiate lit the towitship ot Liberty, Suegnebanna county, Peon'a, late the estate dr Joseph E. Wohster,dgceased,and described as' COUOWd.f tow itt • ' •••• The west half of lot No. 23 of NottorTs tract. cootata log 50 acres • and the southern half of lot NO. 14 of said Boood'Artract olsocOntatning liOacrda: • • ...- ' _ TERMS made Iniown on darof *ale. H. L. BLOWERS, Adts'e Franklin, April2S, Mt 4w - 7 -AbTI)-+ ‘ NEW_ V. 90D,S, 111111fearlessIgued having caramel into bartilesk GetthdPima:PaBt7teOf WEBB 111111ERFIELD, be leare,to.friform the:Dahlia that ther aft flew re' eervlng them New York • large mid well selected stock of Goods artier? description, acoullatlng of the latest styles of flpritig and Stormer - - Prints, Shallies, Delanes, •Cetagairn.erets, aottcoruatiesio girliistiarlis. deo; AIOT OIL GROCERIES: of all klails. A t dad assortment of Crooke7,,,,q*s_,Ware, ElTctoden . Ware, RATS & CAPS, BOOTS:k SHOES' indrivaLiAs,PAßAsords,NEct TIES;. GLOVES, ,:-DREas, • TRIMMINGS, SCARFS, • COIXAILit; Alto *goal asiortitteat of ' • • ' IiARDWARE es .*::‘.4( Castsl;l4 oi-; 4"." Vie". Si the P iiiiillo:l4ol3Akit; l6l: prate oi flat e: - .4116git ibangeß Cap,!uld co s twat tei!o; Morioka .:. - - - '.A. B. SIIT7II4IIIMEGD. , 11: 1 4:41ifit • Warta, Agrrn )14 •- • - Q u .r;>0.),34 , z. • - ".:. . -'"` {INN ;‘••'..l - ' ;• --'' WES'S Olitti artitsiliAlinia the Act of - Cos SA iiraicli: gm, itisit, 'wider *Mei thet ‘ all Sandi lit.- , Jittaitnnder Is au ann. be listmdfiT Tam' TAU ,petbrottaodesany -State; or:municipal :ant4Ori, IP!'' ,110 . 0 1 0: 1 41 4 A,U1q0 Bonda r rum # meived It? United intestooreatir holes of Nati ontd,littnjts, ' The 7 Install*, rediebied in 'coin, it'it'ci`plea,amotthe dtreethromd,iit' 'igneribli itkii'i.iiiallile rind iiiit*Oxiir iirarc Omni' anittiffreitiiheir ditteiandtmtilthelt redemptioit FlAtfi :ThIICENT.INTERBBI` MUNI PAIR 111 4001, tilt ' 139pds-ofant tlYst_htindred dollar* anutlall7 7 , s ad 004 otheraonds,send,iinnusill.., XII Interest-1s payable on the Ant days of Marchand Oepternhe'r in dimh year, , , liiilt"tilv :" i t ile e ied :l ?°lP 7ltiis,isreynsylretigisttriers' r corded on the books of the U. 8:4 Treasurer...and cen.be. transferred only on the.ovrner's order:: CooPott Roods its payables° bearer, and are more cooyenientfor corn' menial uses. -,. , . . • _ . t Suhicribeis ' to this lean rill ift4ifticrilitioit el itiv; tag theft Bitildstrau, `futerest frose'liemth Ist; pi pip trig the accrued interest in coin—(or in United ptattes notes, or the notes of National • Banka, tillilisft.firtY Per cent. Tor -Preademj ,or receive them diaisiiig• Interest Mint the dote of ImbsCription, and deporkt. A. these Bonds are - - . •"-• Exempt' from guniolpol` or State Tax ago'',, _... 0: - their value is Increased from one to three percent. per annum, according to the rate of tax levies , tp varier', pins of - the conntz7. •, At the present rate of premiere Mrtrold,they pay • Over Eight Per Cent. 'lnterest " . iff currency . and are of eked convudencersie a petnam. eat or temporary investment. It is believed than° securiti es offer to greet induce, meats to lenders as the. various descriptions of U. S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtednesi; the faith or ability of privatellariks Or stock eompanlekai septirute,. ehtemunities only is pledged for payment, while for OM debts of ther - tnitad States' the whole property. of be ceuntry is holden to Rewire the payment of both princi pal and interest in coin: ; 7 7 , ": r These Beads may be subscribed fqr . inns§ frump() up to any magnitude, on the sanidiernts, ind'are' • Inade equally n 4411010 to the smallest lender and the .largest capitalist. They can be converted into money' at any moment,. and the holder will have the benefit of the Interest. may, be useful to state In this connection that the t I Funded tie& of the United Statns..on which Inter- . , fit Is prlybble gold, on the 8d day of March, 1864 = ' was M 9,905,0 0 17: .The Interetiron this debt for the co:Wiz .4* 'year:will $45,937,1511; while the enstomireven tie In gold for the current fiscal year; endleg June fietb, has been 60 far at the rate of over $190,70P,0al pt 'ahem. will bit seen that even the present gold riennes of ihts Goverment:are largely in ct , scess of the *seta of the ateasurer . tor the.payment of gold Interest: while -the recent increase' of the. tariff. tell doehticsa 4ulte th".t annual receipts from customs, on the same . fiteount of ImAttlitions;tri $150,0120,030 perannute. lastreetleits to the National talks -acting as loan amittiwero not inset d from the tin tedlitates Treasury reptil March Sit but to the Drat three weeks of Al lit the .autticilptlons averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. , ' Wubscription will be'recelvcd tbo 1 :• Pint National tank of Philadelphia, Pa. • Second National,Bank of Philadolphia. Pa. Third - National Batik of Philadelphia, Pa. AND Ikl/ ALL NATIONAL BANKS , • Which are depositaries of Public money, and all • 'RESPECTABLE BANES AND BANKERS throaehout the country. (acting aa agents of the Nation. alpepositary Banks,) will furnish farther Information citi application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS May 5th.,1664 6 Sm GROCERY, ZLIST3D . PROVISION STORE ! Post's Old Corner, opposite Searle's Hotf)L CRANE & FERGERSON UOULD respectfully annepnce Me' public that they have on hand an extensive stock of _._-. GROGELIK: .PURIONR 291.1"1"a aO r Qs "Neb. they aro soiling cheap for ready pay. CONFECTIONERY, ,nf all sorts, and of the best varieties. Fresh Supplies constantly recd. ontemember the place. Give ad a salt. ash paid for Veal & Deacon Skins. O. at. cassis. P. T.FERGERSOR. Montrose, April 28. Mt. • • FARM FOR SALE slating 1 1 3 2 acre n s k o l i f n la t trO l f h tit l i r tfa t t i = li ff e e ') acres are Improved. with a good [lase, a small Barn, and twos Orchards. Is within a short distance of church. store, school•houseand blacksmithshop. _ • • References— W. K. HATCH:Wattage. .1. L. MERRIMAN. - Franklin., Apri114,.1801.74"; E. R. ,CLIA#I3IAB, Dttndaff. FErleßtfortant Co Venialeito7Dr. Cheese minds Ptlis.—The combination of ingredients in these PIUS is the result ors long and 'ostensive practice They ire mild in - their operation,audeannot do harm to, , the moat delicate; certain in correcting all irregularities Painfal Meastmationa, .'removing, all , obstrnetions,, whether fin= gold or otheririse, beadaebe, pain in the sid&,' palpitation or the - heart,' vbites, ? all tieftons affe eons, hysterics, fatigue, pain in tbit bath and limbs, 4e.. disturbed 1110 P, tuterrlitli d .l4 nature. DR. CHZESZAWB PILLS was the commencement pt a new,erottn the treatment of irregnlerittes and ohrtonctlans whlctrhsve cotylgned so many rt*rtriti or*O. lin female, can enjoy good health , unless eho to replay., end,whenover eh 'otator' takes place, the vitae' health begink LThese Pills to thii Snail prePsatton ever-pnt forward,wilt IMMEDIATE: and PERSISTENT, SEC. CESS. - 70coxiPt X/eockvaci. Take this adverasemouttP your,Draggist, and fell him tlva you want Ai DEVI' renagle medicine ditille , Wartd, which Is coMpttseditt that° ~ - • Dr: onassitawe rum ' 6 •= , -- , have heeri a Standard.lbinesdy for bier thirty Yea - A:and ,are the melamine' one aver Imufaurfor ail complaints peculiar to Females. ,To an clam s ll : T u rnable; brdociaspwW4, carlaitityiLperioalleal re y.. They I greiructratOttionliands, wholuive used t met dltereur ' IgithXuaililitint tlurcountry. having th e sanction of pm* the aaratomiumat Physicians in America. ._ directiaropp wherslaspanovid,naltarfsiO. Tiriiir eaciP;llexthilt 111.1etbOvot 8 hasesa: 10. frl4lulll.4nnuOilto . pills: , Pills senthyslatproulial., 7j - men. dWetftaros: tiMitug: tcctl"rtr:l. Ow ainid 1,44.41 1 71e i t t i i.- ii ro ilir o t a g .. .4inhilliliii 81 Cellar streat:lkew•Tor_ll4 , 11111r8018 in WW, ' rese by.AbelVturell; ln Tbukban no* by .7. W. W=lnrib l eraV* o4 t 1 7 1 !* Gligazt" ==EM=Mffil . :oft 4t.17•Al 6. U ll ;":33=ati * .4 ~ • • - ' ••:4 - It, • tIVI•14'1. a TMEET T_ `.-TR. of-BUSDIESSIO - - ATTENtION ~,. : •r 13'.i 'f ~~: EIESBB3.. UWE • Vivo: cOnduded and' are' defeitn,in'ed•trotn ',date to do. ..Isiti.italtt BI7BI:NgSS vend Anther slate that thuniervery declaims cif settllntup with their old-Mena and s cuitiiitisi t e,W=;:' We mould Ochs° them to come forward and pay pp their old maxima l either with cash orcettle by note. ':estilia we have to pity for everything we bay ; and.casb.l4a. Intuit have if we sell any Goats hereafter. We feel very Mate about initiating this rule as perhaps tdafty.castcipters of ours Will touched about being reused atreditV but peverthelesa thelntelligerM can see at onco.that the times hays changed, at d with it thibusinets. Thattribeed. we %voids& oar old etuttomeisand Mends inVeneralto (alike dna allowancelarthe abo,veatated reasons. F iS.' ~ i • GOODS..-COCAP .. • .•,_• . . . , We' also advise all who desire' to.bny, GOODS CTIENP, PORs.CASit to call and examine and rice our Stock. which le complete in all particular!, and we will aatisTiany - reilsonahle person thait cida;givs: purchases arc' glance different thing from a credit.' . •':: . • .•3•• ;: _::: • - - CASH - PRICES • FOR . . . Tliose'who are indebted to is Ilnd have so many excuses for notpavlng t we..WOOI advise to bring Grain. Datter,Lard, Dried Apples, Geese Feathers, Beeswax, Wool Stocklneltsro, Dr Soak sad we ‘711190w them the cub price for them and phicetho stsotiot to their cr e dit. . • . . . • ..• •,. '6l/T, TEN . B . ERG, ..ROSENBAUM & Q,94 - • MONTROUE, " . . . NEW - ...ARRANGEMENTS 1 i , Not tut fol::.200,101, .r•J.;.:-.T3m .&,;.c. ~.„_.....„ .! ~..,..„....,•,..,• :..,..„•\.,•, ••• • ),:. For CASH" or Ready Pay:- Cfr3llo. L. Blro*3El 0 0''ere.. RAlTueilusselealtinteacrlir the gnat with aview and . • .4,t4)31i...1,11 abe gintljtug Thoiatest and most approved Styles. - CLOTHS AND CASSIIIERS: .., 4w.i:t.scpyip.3o7st.-xmies . - Of every Veacripttor. .. • , ': , 39 LA iii) la 11. . . - Of tlid choicest - brands, Including flares celebrated Fish,. Dairy Salt, Teas, Coffees, -, Spices, Sugars;* Molasses, - • ‘t very Low prices for OtielT, talreaWtmd Bee for , yodTeelf. , ~ Gash paid for. Grain, Butter, Eggs,,llto; 2,000,000 doz. Eggs *anted.' '6V — Tcro doors below BoydJb •Wobslei's ebizier, is the Store formerly occupied by N. LPost. ' - ' 0. L. STONE, . -, • , . .E..L. WEEKS. Montrose, April let, 1883. tf , 'JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN - • , DRIGOODS AND NOTION S , CHOICE FAMILY Cra V1N27122 eal 9 BOOTS AND SIIOES, Mai -- and - 47 - Evo• - 07.;rt•-• GLASS-WARE,. ' liAlliP,s3 M 16 ID 011 A, . 0 AN - . NAR ILZIALTMEEFIFIL, eibo. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrcse;Feb. '64.- -.l:l,j,a.lieWlTT, 11110Tittu'CLOYER - SfEO , "Foie SALE BY .S. TIIRRELL, FOREST, LIME. `D. BREWSTER, 'AUCTIONEER: . FORIUSQ"UkiIIi : I 7 '',Latiiiiiii '- ;F; ',.- lioixtOiell'iii':. ;'•:,,i', ~ - ....,;..i.:-.. ';•r . •.` , '' l - ' , ' , ' '': ' •-':'';: 1 ''..l.'''.='4 " .• • •••••_. mint eeliartnarist . ip heretofore ,eilating_betWeen - the .1.7. subscribers, under Welt= of BALD WIN; ALLEN A BAILNIIART, is. tMe'day etlssidved by =anal Con sent, Ali notes And occbtinte Will be (wind et the old' 1544 1 1 .-- ' (VA?. VAIN, • goiltrOlit;•APald,lBB4. P. BABNIIAIIT. BALDWIN A. ALLEN. Into members of the above firm, having p_arehased.the interest off. - BABNEIART, lu the Flour,BeeiVand traced Dasine#, continuo the same In all its-hrariches.- f , • - Montrose April 21,111d1 S., BALDWIN & ALLEN. 041110 Lai . -VOA BALE B>t" : - . 7 EXECUTRIV •ViritiChoretwvlven 'thatlenge leAtampilitx,l the estate Or WILLIA74ItUARW/kulttpr, ' • d •Itavo'bon gristle° Ut• d e e rso attu ns e •hirtiog. criume naloWittitlip ' Votaffi tiettr:gtoest i • 4 to prcluint 'the ,Ilaato. duly *OOl7 • '.4 - . .loroottlom44 toilittdrolr i fe . l " . , 4 ' 1 7 e;ioi ljeeditl4oiptd . . oo4o o l El 4 iii , I. A AR l Anriitagew,.o4o44v. • , at a/144001'4' 1.0e4. , ' •• 71 11 CO ' ItVorttlrdireettoultrar -14 ‘ tte° t he m . for ~dbbr !LB lifillitiEßG. naccbrivirkraNz,ism.:,,-30, ENE= FOR. CAN. FARM kciiilubE.-. NEW:.i:GROCF4RY Avintzb VARIETY STORE BASEMENT OF .I.S.TARDELUS ROTEL • MITE subseriber - would inform bis old friends, and; the public generally, that be his just returned fro& lien prir City with a well selected assortment of FAMIII GROCERIES, and various other- artialei. each as are needed In "yeti family, and that they will be sold for anima' st priees that exattot fall to snit. Pleasemill'andexamtne. • A. N. BULLARD. , 'Montrose, Feb. 1,184: • FLOUR FLOUR - 1 ,- 17411010EFkilthFLOVit. 6y the load; bind,' istk .A.. 1 or pinta, forialo at 4volowert cash res b BI7TTEg: TALLOW, t CGS, bRIE.DAPPLES and. mnsn.kindo of produce wanted in exclunide foe Goode qrcfeery and Variety Sterner ' • A. N. BTILLAND. •-- - • . - JEW - GOODS I • A . gen MI assortment of GOODS, arrivrng at AM. _ e , TURKEL'S... iAE'.GUId' BILL HMO I 3137 - icicairestau. STUDY ECONOMY -btty ur SPIIIIIG a Iing GOOK TIM REGULATOR ! GEORGE HAYDEN H AS int t received a large and splendid stock of NEW EOODS, coneletlng of • • and Shoes,: , RATS AND CAPS, arOCPS; • Ready isaclo. CLOMP 7 G'for Atli and Boit. • _TRUIRIESLA 'VRAVELING-Bags, WHITEand • UNDER Shirt., Drawers,. NDCE Ties, --; - SCARFS, Collars,_Gloves, Iforfery. , ilandkerchfors, Umbrellasi`da.. t ' • I.have lota and arida of Node, to snit Old kifoung,'. Great and smalif taPriega verilatilaPior ( Ad aslfs• • - Remember the Place: North wing ofthO building lately occupied by Ilitydexti Ampler,. •' New Ddltfoid, April l lEdi, - • 110rE_GOLD lUNITS-L;."GOI.D i DIRT . : LODE" OILPER COUNTY.. • • • COLORADO. . _ Capitol 80,000 sharee, s2t ette.b. Titpyrzisei: , Jowl; tVAill, Colora - dd. Ozo. OnAirtTi.ll , BlHis P.- H. ADD, liese•York. • : Hinsarrir Ft:fax:so H. 8. CoUUd New-York. R. Consau.Wurrit, N. T. WY. Mouta, Ne'w-York. M. C. - TYLER u lgew-York.r _ .13.0. Arosiailh.r,M l 4B o o: 4 - '•••/ President—lne ExcellOty d 01104111,1203, Governor of Coloradp Territory. Vlco-Presidents--lion: 8.0. ADSOLD, Dr.F. U. Arno. Trestanrer=WAinza E. Lang.: . Secretary—J. P.kl)Avnta. (Ara ly .Tcaao.ll • Office No ; VVellif sheet , New -York. 'Administrators' Notidb. • war'CE is boreby even to .persons having demands again slthe.ettate ot Ouver,C, Kum*: Ist e ol Lenox . , toisneldvdeceased, that the same must be presentedto the'underalgued.int nrrangetoJnt, and all perabaltitsa. debted to.sald-estate.are .cquested to make lames:UM* ' , PaP - - ' , avnt- • WILLIAM MUM. . ; t!' REBECCA. RANSOM. Lmtoxvlllo, Aprll I,6*—Ceir Adntltdattators. N Executors:otice: _ , -worm is hereby. given to'penvine having demands 11. Against the Watts or CURISTOPRitIt WARD. late 01 Silver Lake township , . deeetteddithit the santeinust be presented to the undersigned Jar arraegemeat to .met t , all persona indebte&to fain estatemtiet listilesher if .withotit delaV = wiettain. elhahltutictl. April 14,180, !-• a. J',; 7,Exedutrix--,..-Notioe. , i (iTter tilljeset; OITA 05 VOCITIf 6ring demands , . • against tbaPitatlk ofSlieht l M l 4 8..c.1147 4 7L1N. late .: of .lbarty towntblp. deceased. that too ma statatt Da _ praiseatealo the antlaralgneil far _ arrapgamesit. and au - f. pentane -tadabtld plat4.attata•gmat Acttla tba Zama, 1 wit - bold dolay. *- ' - ' VAIMA, cillapF4N, 81x.' ,. I . Llbertn ,aptit140954.1 , ':1110..- . ; ,!:,,,, .:, • _.r~t Z. f~,{.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers