El= tiefil44 l. - - v 44,14.7. ,,, 7 ,--, Triir. iju kol 11 .**- 11wbu * for plowing litaLsowing will Iran be here. Itikver was itset t nirookto the, eentitry„ that yee....c arma tes a ill unprove4t4 utmost of yei.:Akiti '"' 'Fedi. tho lwite ear yeae prig° el re*,-ft rodji iklzattnever bee 4 higkits DOC „ i i i ii. 44 was at* Iwherahe bid ' 1 to labor assidueusly in then. callingtyros so l greetalagifi noifiaIAILWARZ point of View. Now, if - ever, every con. _eider tion of interest must prompt hint to 'TAM 4- '"iiiiir4iiidtiiiimb Iftlisetwisheit 40, itiiiiit**ol3 l- ,a-*( 11 ,Nrtigg•'wjah grOi" :11khYlrabangitayiorgreirt :03100444k I , rii.ltiik i liiioko4lll l ). , W4tAlt'-'debtl%at4 wativeneigetunVotitfaiiii,inilitopiir• sue the same course, and the thing can be done. Bet r operadd.44 the 0 this reis another mi.naelo l 4 Pllbllif#/t g r e • 'sl% "It ought to`have.a powerful itte az„LIF Rue”,,,We are in the inidstekegig; eg.,whieh le - -ta4ne e t e tc l r 4l7 : UP ) resources of the cotintry. It has already: taken from our sources of labor, over one , millialirainethinia lie is itilliefaffmerii:' This large dram has borne, and will cBn hieitine-40.0bw,, more heavily; upon , the b"farrim - tig . interestslititt-iMsniyotherJ - 'N. r class othe of men in the 'Countrilias'yet et eeed -moto patriotismi if nrirotherphar evinced as idea, nii US the fiirtii6iis. t / Ile other class has given its blood more free it'llielfielrftintrty - thaftliey: - - lir shis 'they 1 1 W- al'AthY of ell raise , But the country &net more indented...to the ifankeralor the men to fight Ahehattles, than it is dei pendent on theinliktiApplies_l9 subsistits sirmiela 1 Without suppriiii t your minks: grititlaVtbeYare, Would, be itui. ?nettling ; and without the labor the-diligence, and Atliiiiaiiree*” A efthe far;no, f s pOlitis W,o'd 14 ivliolls u viantint S• ' - - • . i • Byerythingspring:in ica that there..za n. :..-i:slie:tionntry this spring : more :than cm or dinary seareity of farm-produce of every kind r ',Fhinroioni meal, ipottitoes, feed; fodder, me e t vegetables,, aid itnall mar keting (:.i . all kind`d. 'are bOureNlattyoud all ; rentde.nt- Nlietler . tlkid: -Be ,art l 9' l ie:to l .continue and grow- morcrestangi or tutu lie relieved, rests wholly with you .farmers. -- Yon have the whote - matter in your hands aid esti, withit al; you Wheth r' V-i,Air oak tit cps in the field are to list...welf j fed or - go hungry, depends upon yon you' "eati'settlel the question whichever way t, yon.will. Upon your plowing and sowing this `spring , the comfort , and well-beingef Ahesoldiera throughout the whole ensuing year, will dependAnore thaittiportany - and allqii,ings else: -.A7htingitilieefid: - man is etsf little acet.unt forany purpose, and the Usitirie le the dud iiith a , poorly ; fed army. If :ire wdif our armies do ni good fighting; we must take emethetthey have Mill rations of good; wholesoine food. To ? youadone can:they look settle soureefrom '' Which such rations are to be deriyed. '"-- If .:yairdo not produce them theyeannot get them. You must supply' the food or our - Irri" - mrlet etervO. -I'ittiotleinioni:tes - -with your owikinterete-to -stimulate yon. to tuie„yotietisinoit xi:anions aikkeep up the supply Ofeie'ry kind-of-feed.- By so ; doing -you will at the same time serve the : aunt iy - ;;Promote the interest of the. whole _.,hilman fauilly, and ; enrich yourselves.,- LI Begin year spring work betimes: Do note let. an hear of - gdor weedier. pass ty 1 -- ullielikrPred- naw-eal 4 Ts Ikali e now•garlY.. ~.Tlitileil first niontiniAliitikitea can- bit put into the grounctstith advantage t and 4 . zetkiminAn4gv whetTjtat niediiiiit. arrives, put it in.. „But t * carefulm.have ground welljiTiPir j el fie kt - Zlifirore - Yoc,/ilet 4 in ltotbiug else N se Ifirpottent. - Many' of _yo t, . est of you, doubtless, willbe scarce of ", there are mkniarkyymingz Mtn in s e - army. 'Do:not; oil that sow . . 6, r , Pteet l*tifall Yen' otherwise, would have' done. Replace theiriabor , by your .untrtvertra industry . ahis will involve a 4 zzegeOfite of c 6 14 41 14 rin;:iourpate;:linate . member; that in'times like thetie we must 'Tall ;imake sacrifices.,' How many of.` our -noble young mew t -your. Boni and iitira— fireisserPle4og their - lives : for our , toutitry? l 'Bluillive ,otrour ' This train arrives at Great Bend at 6.10 p. in., making a dose connection with the mail train going Weston thesfirio Railway," AN,IACCOMitODATIOTRA , I I I 4 • leaves Scranton at o.loa. m., connecting at Great Bend with the Dayt trifeititraiti w est on the Erie Railway.— By this train Passengers arrive at Ithaca, Syracuse, Buf falo; &c. 1.116 same, day. netnniing, dila .train. leaves z Great Beridat 2.20 p. m., an'the arrival of the Netv York Expreas going East. and,fluffala Experts going West, and arriveslitScranten fif 5.800,10. . I i . ' JOHN .BRBllitNi, Sinn. I R. A. HENRY . Geni,Ticket Agent. , Scninton,Hay W 1,1863. ' - • - LACKAWANNA4AILOOMSBUREI irc,--24=-41:0-4:xi. • O'and after April IV; .113138;raiienger !trains ntl N:" MO•1411/ follows: • t.. , • ••'. , MOVING. BOOTH. , Passenger. • • Aecom. Leavei ,Serinioni at • 15.86 a. -- 11.00 lan. " Kingston, ate Arrlye 12.30 .. llapert t at - crB.5S -rrN Danvilie. at-.. ,n:9:9lm! ~ • Arlive atNorthrimberland, F 9.6.5 • • Mthriniltrottitt. • " 17. 41:n111 2 I nt e. trian ' tiAit tig " 14tport, V 545,, ...npen, .-- . • , ....... f - .., Kingston; '.' 905 . 1.45 v .p. m. Aniteat &rant M. , . : ' ~ . ..r ; 9.10 p.m. •• • ' .8.10.• ip. m. & PasicrigPr.traiii4tlialoa4 ilingefoP 1t5.10, - P:3ll , tOr Scranton to connect with train for - Naw York. Haulm fl• ..ing'..leayes Scranton on arti pi oftrainfrom flew Tack, at 4.19 p. tn." - • . „ . • .., -" , Ptisaen i r n • 0 an ' - lalti i',liii - otittitriMi v iiiitii ' at .- K.BO 440.04 Iligorthkmberlioderamittlarriabargll,Bo P.m. Baltimore D. m,,Wattingion 10,p, r a ,. xia li apart they *cock hit - ado:pia at.7:09 p. nr. '-' " '' • •- - '!"- -......— 4 1 njici.,B, 41 - 11 . 7 T , Supn. Bligitaii,APril 19; 1991. • • ' ' • • • • REESE Torfibiell t CdOiol—rieirii . . .51081' *blind:46llld 'kwork of 400 pages. asda gotsi toltinakangsi /Pr. ter's.Vade.Mbcitta„ stiorigisal and popelar„trestise ott Mantra NVOnian; lose phydorogy, ftracitooktitid sex* al dloordersof every k1e.,41111 neVelAilill.TiVemedies for their sptedy - ettre: p aka of 'Dr. tinter tine long been. and sip! Is, Spbounded, bpi m tbe,earnept ep• liclutliontor nrmionnieperronc be Itasbeeniiidueed to extend his medlosinseinlseps ; through. the medium ' of •his VadellterAte i+;lt Is It'siilnfne that should be in* thastidscrirsryfaility,in:thelatuloisis; preyonlAvo of secret vleii , Pr se araids,fOr' the alleviation of one of the moots Olittid destitiotftlitourgtal that:ever vieltk_ e d r eeekied. ono copy. neenrely enveloped. will be ter wxapart&or poe4getio,mirpertofi,becUnitodl3btee for 50 ea net elikinoo:of 5010510,14,"Addrees, ;POlittPtild• r: Hunter; No. litfeet, NM , York. June 16 I.” t• , 9 t. hi :Hive vult,...,,,irlpistits , ; .. l iuthittriti -,, . .c' oatrote, : --• • • • • ~• . 0• s .: 3. '- ' lifilettsny rei tosisissturt tit s so h: tu t zt . 114111 - 11 - lem - s- it hrgaggill o o s tres e tz t n i r es oi di sof teit heh rl WA rt4=za. 1 . 31 . ative.nouthorithatrees. 1/11:441444 • ;- ' Nita VI -~ ~-~ Alingt4TOCrliCentrliteqc f.) A'ipURE =TONIC: ibocirepir tiCidrtAND's PREPARED By !•-.• 14 ,4 itinCtitfAtit'dtgit' mesrizitv voNILPILiIItT MEM==M 12111131Pgri4114 IMM:=l= ar.isiowpxcE, CUM& or NOTT.ool:lo l iitnikiesetecot Atidneys, , .ma andisekwit arpthg. tFora a. disordered LIFO' cr ,Stornaoh. . ~ • ; • - • :. • i -i , .i ' • • •. ' . - • - ..,. -: 'such tion s lw nd F l— e , e . Fulness'orßloodtothe , -i , :'• - ' 'de I 00" ' ' ey win tes ve eases n cares out et ICO. ANY VOICr 'WANT,. • , — BOAtETEING TO STEENOTEEDT YOIII OOOD APPETITE! • TO •BVILD UP YOUR CONSTITUTIOII • TOYEEIe WALL! TQ GET RID OF '. , TERVOIISNESS ~.Itliftft II" I TO SL I 'EP 'WELL? ADItISK AND.VIGOROUSTIIBLINO? Upon det, , usi'MOOFLA.i.siD'S BITTEMs. From .Retr. J. Ale totoyifirown,,D. D leittor of the Eneyiliii 4dict Knowledge. - Although not disposed td favor or rstotnnt end Patent nesiicines iogeneral, distrust of their ingredient' and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient nag* e 'shy a man maynot testify to the benefits he believes hilted( to have received from any simple preparation la the hopethat hemaythus contribute to the benefit ot others. I do this the more readily In renard.to nooftund's Ger. man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. hi. Jackson, of thin city because I was prejudiced against them folk many yeare, ander the impressiOn that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. Tenn indebted to my friend Robeit Shoemaker, Dag:for the removal of this prejudice b y proper tent, andfarencouragemnt tow try tnem, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The nee of 3 bottles of these bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a deg ree of bodily and mental vigor b erhich I had not fel l icg- , ' 6 months before: and hadialutostdespaleed of regaib T therefore thank cioa and my friend for dirocting, to .the woof them. •' • • J. NEWTOXBROWIL Fuman'a, Jun 0234,1661. 'ATTtIifinON;I:OLPIXELS! And the : Friends of Soldiers. We Call the attention of all having relations et friends in thwartuy. to the fact that -I.IOOFLAND'S German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the t 1 scues . induced by exposures and privation/it incident to camp life. In the lietr, published almost daily in the et e a Tapers, on arrival of the sick,lt will be noticed that a very large portion are nuffering from debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by Bootland's Germartßittere. Diseases resulting from dieozdero of 'thedigestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in saying that. If these Bitters were freely used among: onr soldiers, hundreds of lived might be sand that otherwise will be lost. .. We call .attent ion to the following reniarkable and sell authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, a bop e life, to use his own language, " ham been saved Digs Bitters:" •• • , ruts umbel Attgust 23d, Ileum .ionu ce Evans:— Well, gentlemen, your Hoof land's GermaiiSitters has' ired uty life. There is 00 mistake in, this. It is vouched foully tinmliers of my comrades, somaof whose Titmice are appctided. and a bo werecognizantof all tliescirctinittatices of My Mb, antAndhave been. for the last dubs years. a member of Sherman's celebratetbOttery, Mid - us:der the immediate Command'Ofcapbaid R. B.: Ayrett, Through the exponirc . attendantnpon mr ardiforis datlei, 1 has attacked in trithinfltimitintlem the lungs-and woofer 72 days, in,thehospital.. This was followril by great de bilitythelgtitetied - bylti - attack of dytentery. I was then ;remoredfrourtheiWbitilloure and smite this cis on board the Steather"State of Maine," where I lar? ed La the V3tlvitt Jtme...SinCethitt time 1' have been shoot se .low , art aby one , could beand still retain a sport Of vital ' Fora weekrit More I was scarcely able to swallow , anYllangrand Um -forces morsel down, it was int ! mediately.throin up- •- - ' - reorildnothven keep a' gliss of water on My starlet , . lAN could - not - last under these, dream/Mort*: ar , d. sc corditigy: the, physicians who, bad been straddle (Ob i diigh nnsurtessfnlie; to MC fry to Oren 'ofthe +dread reherjratilify told ineA try. , old aco Morefor,Meandadvlsed hie to sic *clergyman, gird to • !make such dispoiltion tam limited (bridges-yea rotted me. Alt acquaintance who. sloth d at the hospital , Mr. Frederick Stela:Oro, 'Of 6th below: Arch etreth Or el• ,ecdmea rte _63III•IVPC jci tr ar y.yotrißittt. cud tie d. -,Y.prucureettatiobtlct., rornibe Mei comuierterd tskine them' the giotiMyaliadovtOrdeaillYeceded• slid I am T " W thank - Rod for it,:gettlrg.betterl:i Thorch 1 bate Telco lint ttfotottica.:l have gained ten pounds, and feel sad guineofteingperreittedto reJohtmtsTift and dam bier, frbm whorolvdheardnothingfor Blptentbs: Amgen fletneti: ham a loyal tan. from vicinity of Front Mira L To your invaluable Ilitturikowe' the certainly of fife which has taken the place of vague fears—to ) tor Bitters will riavee We - glorious privilege of :lair Harp tug to my bosom thotte . :!ho?nro, Orate - et lretnelndifo: ' Very truly yoisre;, 1! iWe 611Y00pctirla ichtiabevO , Statenieut, aik'We hid s tlespairedoftecing our contrade i ldx. .2didobe, -restored toff john - Vuddebitek '1a r t 47. Yiksitery. Geti.A;i4oloy; r eq.. ' 0;41 tli-Naine, C4 a .: - . .. Lewis *lei,- 02d Netti , Toll. ,: 'II. , gig Oh 18t 41`rtilliri:Bottery F. J,. B. Fa iii i 11; Co.' B, 3 Viiinbnt. irenvy - ' - ' ,-. !.. e , wow ,- —: , do. 'ff "IV elf jrcDoniald,, CO C,, $ 114 Me. 'Aida 'lrard;Co ..31X Maine. Viiele; Co . 11,.7td N. Y. - - . . 1. .- .1;1%1th:drill/ --Rv- ; /Tomd4 4',: , dfit/iiPilis. '.uladititii.:J.lfitibp//, ,: ::4, 4l d , 'Viiii tnt. 'JO' ' .4T ' ki . ' ''''.B : 10608 .- ;- , -.:- 7 _ n en . , Ilti , i Penn. '.: l, ' , ' ~,, -.-: ~. l itiiii rl tolit# ( liat i E n% '2.lBestbiiiiiii'afgqiiiit.i!'eteiAgastoiv, is os •,141:1wiwrica . ok.bople. ,-:,. :i ; ~.t :.,. :.• - 6 ;Prim: per Bolik,lseenli, or sir for $4, 0 ;,, 113bobld pine niareWplrleincit:itive tbeireteelOo :mot bopet ezby.,anfbi I e into:toting, orepars *Ds that rosy be o ff end' In Ito On ce;.but vett& latio, „a.. `7.4#91 4ee.ClVOltiicked..b7:l4'!Tr 4at t i t- .6'• ,VI ,1..' Pniteitit aCIR d e li 44, toyacpay i - - ,-: • ::i N0...631 . ~ ST. 1 -OrOXidglii -41 0 - 311747(4 1 :0 , iii ..,....,;:,. : . !aiihio , w i. 0, .., it 441,tr .. ) i :. -.....,-,t.. „ . , ...: , ..,: - .., -egi`siteitititiiiiikinkiiiii#olo o, ln ll _ruted eta ._ t'XA . I !,1; ii ‘.;.. ~..4,.< , • Vh 6 VI - ' RAU 14241111L1. WA 4101 :J ;: P; L•: ..