The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 14, 1864, Image 4

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The following *Met the Bangor, Maine,
;Democrat, is a good mite off. It displays
full as much soundiienii 414 a'-great
more wit, than LinColn's"Proclarnatiari•
" Amnesty" and really, policssl t imoolnism
in muckbetter manner. thl'p;.taki4u
do it himself t•f'
Whereas, A dozen Or my "w ayward
Sisters" diA.9l 2- ,,k 0 T 1 - 3 0 4. 1 47, $5
la 1 1 _ 1 ). • "
y boarding 'house, with a-- wort
seamoAttnett Southern Confederaoy,_ (so
c ard) wtibcrift. prirrovatioPshavlr
in t tip house heating foy - tbetnaelver,'
ins rieketty abinty-eattited eoasth
ohll4ooBteat itT*; '
Whereat,- Thus. shafitY. my,
land, which I inherited from my old Pan
tan Father; and,
Wherea*Tlie tiomu . ild !„_‘„SiVue hay..
becamit greatly tiailoeld iicireOnstancett,
Insomuch as to be in want of certain ne
eV% Polly*. igh-ba#: 4o 4. aq4l Amity, ; ,
---......i.n5.L..:1.-..m.,.:-:- ._ -- -,.: .- . .
Whereas, This rebelllans spirit in a Or,
tion of these " Sisters" has become sub
dued, tberaiktifi °. tiq'' " . ti'd ott)ligriAlii
gressions and became converted to the
trWirAtrithatirfitith„: -. - - - r' Si- -- 7 ,---
sTlitiefertyli-bil-Vie' &aptness 'ilf`''W,
temper, awl in the magnyiirditY'cif my
. generoptvitpre, 'do: or:i Vrairilgiate,
set forth and ' let 0 hiy'conditiiini Om;
which they way be received again into my
baw r i:?-7- = ,- ,:- - =:r`-' - _- -- - , --' ,- - - .- - _ - L-7.7
TretC.T.hemt, rite,WAY femal,r9- above.
meationealire tiquired toipactritnemetir
rings bosom pinsAiiie r pplis, perfume bot
tles„,cori and saileFrs,satiale molds, and
all other (rpii - nloirits, ustilif 440midateT1
" hotise;keeping,"-incL-aelii4it-Ithii Leatile
within. thirty days at - -Fbelress-Monroe, in
We Ai r t 31,a10r GOientr BUtler, wbo'bii it
peenliareack' for the safe keeping of oth'er
paople:a property. - - „ ~
:Second, Every " Sister? iniing certain
chattles called negroes, mulattoes, gaud
roons, r° other' , plyppily ota.:thil i ed or
colored nature, lire:required, to .. paate;over
their t p eyed a postareurrelicyj i iit - a de
nThign Joked 'Svc cents; and - in : such a
manner. I's, to prevent them ' • from ever
finffirig; heir way back, and cause them to
be delivered, - without delay, at the
" Emancipation Eareau," Soon to be , erect
ed. in Washington, and of which Joshua
R. Giddings Wendell Phillips, and Pills
bury are to be .the Grand _Yahoes, and
Susan - It,„ Anthony, Lucretia Mott and
Mi.:Rose, and Vestal Virgins. In the
meabtirrie, while this edifice is being con
stiacted thesaid iegroes. will wiciipy-the
mooseyard, foiinerly-calteit- illitryliad,
but -which of; late, .by; directiop of ;the,
President has, , been ,humagelf inverted
info if pasture suitable for this purpose.
Third, As .thee saidi "Sisters, : after
they return, will have 12 o farther:use for
the-house and lot where they have been
living and they are hereby ordered to
bring along with them a quit-claim deed
of the same, which will be taken in part
pay,pient Tor . their- hoa rd and • other ex
pensesanring their-elop . age. ' - -
The above terms having been complied
with, the following oath - of affirmation, if
subscribed to, wilt seal the restoration,
unless I change my Mind. Perhapi VinaY
concliide to do it in some other way, and.
hence no'" Sister" will be obliged to take I
it unless she wants to.
I, erring Sister, do hereby affirm and'
declare, that I will support for President
of the Vuited States, MrbeneTaetor,
Faust, during his natural lice— ...That I
will suppOrt all his_ proclainatioris,..botik
past` present; those niade feat` year
and those to be made next year.. That I
will support all his utterances; whether
he utters .them or net; all of his winks,
blinks, grimaces, anecdotes, contortions
and conundrums. And I further declare
`that, in case the said Doctor should
cline the honor, of which there is no
immediate prospecti4 will. support his
son " Bobby" (so called) with the same
devotion as in the case of the sire. And I
further declare that in casel should ever
,d 'myself in doubt as how tvact in any
premises whatever, I will not.. rely on my
,judgment or be governed by the
dictates of my own conscience, but will
apply irdinediately to the aforesaid Antony
Mott and Rose, or their venerable spirite.
al adviser, Horace Greeley, to instruct me
in the way of my duty.
P. 8.-4 deem it proper to state that I've
not seen. Wendell Phillips for some' time,
and thereforeliave'fiot told'him that the
issaw4 . of tbia,praclamatien . " is the,moit
foolish act of my life." - •
The exceptions to the above 'amnesty
are 'the rascals who enticed away my err
ingNsters, who will be duly chastised
wheal catch them—unless I change my
;01nind: •
AlgrA'Good Story.—There is 'a moral
to the': - - tditrAp :the g . .xpense of twq
deptriv ?ritr4 frellitlghPerts R i Ai
arritite • o stetitsi
lodge him in IrasbuT jail. On the way,
the ckptors stopped •itt/a well known
hotel, and.left t the - ea ratred whilitfizejia•
dulgeTfreeli — in the ,flowing ttiiil:
prisoner took a nap; and when be awoke
found3ba.slteriff& ntitt eat, add- So ,
Trashing and vs)hmtari4F.offe'red himself
_the jaihifiarlzo; lioloter, - . - tould nig
take him in.. ' lcribis desperateAttremity,
he debided _ndvatityt. ; for, t the lost
sheriffs whieli"he'Aid heaftindbill.
&Erne Sprinsfield
rea514346444nignT1 Bt .
tbe-.:kel33oelrate Wear Af!),.
a enitrtOr ttleir tatididati) (for the presi
ilency). lie will doubtless have • the-:ad.
valiSkßth 4 r:natßrat,,KlPiter_ reasons
bielfile from the 'ferocious arid idietii
net y se:wherewith 4113 was, Assa il ed by
• This iirnotvem complitneroo , _ tq_ the
kilersiatett if
the BeLoitaiiii;liut there maybiPluble ,
thing la it for all that.
" --- A T 'e , 121 • .1'
Josiah Qtrincy, and. Drs. Hitchcock and
Storer were': recently -lipribinted com
missioners by Governor Andrew to ex
amino- iti*the condition and (trottiter4,l
:of tie insane in the public hospitals, of
that State;; and, they denounce IA Ttireir;
otfiCialrepOrt the treatinetit . thosivp
fortunites by the Overseers isrthe pat:hens
laborious and . shameful. _ Vver 4,000 in
. sane' iieisons are held"iiiionfinenient
the public. authorities of. Massachusetts;
who are yet idthoot the 'Slightest Venefit
of hospital treatment.
Among the L ipStances of cruel, treat- I
ment the following aro; cited :.
Under.the,inelineoll, :foal aria out
bqlding connected' with - the poor house,
a situation where he inmates : must have
suffered intensely fromthe cold in winter
and heat in - summer, the cetnteitisioners
found man and, - women confined in
what 'Were' in't'act cages f on the Opposite
sides of a narreirpassage way that led to_a_
Small window in the gable t end of the
balding. There was no Yentjlati.9oo4
the4affi kitte4ilkirivere rfOtil,ifiA
,cretrient. Welt in,
formed that_ these pouroreatnreshadleen,
kept there For with onlythe'verietY
of being itronsfened :from : : one cage'
another,"--'When ivais necessaryi.`-ttrthe
La o lll &* : '!ifVfek..l.oel*-t0.4 , 40-.41001
out' ; . _• '
. . I
Agg'The tuegrp.orens bad sensation
limy about the hanging . of Rev. Mr. 00*;,
chaplain- of a negro - regiment, by rebels,
near Donabionvills t ) - Lit; Itut tafrindry:is:
- spoileitby ckilear bt ; 013;
;stb, - virincb say's:
"We met ;kin dui , ii6eets yes
..terday;lpokinglis wca as ever, „WO
th 6 ibt43l%ifittoP 2 .
that be haltActeu hangOd,,at, =wbi obb-was '
'riot a litt*,iiitiiiiished:" ,
, ,
Ilipiislican ea
— MtikPolqpiimPlipmfttog*l44
tudulies 6 c ala quptOontlfront,th it a kw
ya its author as tuderataindlotavallaig
t More politician.
TN 4 I ) ., VIP
tates a o nOW , chte Spo amen o
Lincoln's negro-elevating combination ;
taltrOi 41391Vialplition sheets.
..-43oLtbo-fitftofw S4tsitiber, 1855, John
W. Forney' addressed his old friends in
thiPeftplr,4tipMet uvotg tof
oilitereniarkbelleibits . "
4."lberetClib,OlitiOnillpa• .btained
a flit tholTin tgeltbrth invaded
the Christian Church ; it has sown the
rta-90 180 °Pis e atM 4 44 41v a l
oeste,6l; 4,41 490:4104
Into p 4114 0- tnalftgerEq# : half a mai
-1 severeitila - Chilitiao.obarAtnetiMica
9440*.tiaaaP: , iftt. I 4O;t I ,SIAVIOP°S4 .
meetings otFilifesiantcongregittiiinebon
%mind:with therdiscussion , of slavery by
run-mad clergymen, who, in their anxiety
:to'AePullalte,te rettafolilltYM
"slava of the Spetli,' hive fOrgotte the
examplO,of their great Master,
'Whofe waT ft . telainted - lie
-4 / 4 ";.:i9i4Vo44; l6 o,o l:: aatiat::
men' * *
'7.; ,l l3Ftbat; Ii :Xtill;tel pecatice4,. , vbile
abolitionism marlce its career not 'Ofly by
forcible resignalit.cs49#te,
'gross, bat in- , fiUmg,T unrsituurlnenoomw
nonetvtelr dine,tird'-ittbd"tinlialipiness-by
•Itkvlnglo:On?inencle:6o.4o6dels like Gam
actraM to trattonende/LOWnt
on the other haiia;- ncnirtitithitigtini, / =
•itatinv. litailarkallyr,writelkits.t&
cordA ofidie4t;defipogepr theost m
solimittcbve nti 3 Otlaw *,
thisii . jinopXpthiilo
ther proposeTlAll .7oUld - degradeihe
emigrant 1.41-: 140, tor - pooltion o in °Ea st
Indian pariab i r_or 7 a Bunion -ser4 except
ing only s tbli b - e - c•Sidd not'beidld. And
not this-Andy ! Wtiletbis is sought V) be..
made ; tlklot of the White, adapted' eitjlien
are.appealid to.
to - deny equal prNilegos wale_ foreign.
born fellow-being of their (Air-race • be
had- efts sta fi ebiso in' the free &alert ,
elevate the-negro. to-the • privileges of the ,
whites !"
Nviu4 o h a ty, Fottlettitter .
satitimeatuiosi ? .; Of cOursi net
his party call such " treason," utew I -
Wig:Mdwial ; Operaftil.
.itepublicsuileartialitL ia.all parts o£ the
country are taking alarm at the curious
financial operations 420 - Secretary:;-Chase,
and are beginniiig tolipeak out, holdly in
oppositicin theritTTlCe Bostilb TraveP
ier.l4..McfP"444lflh7:las, cull f? 1174
" Tlege, . aro -Man,t- l aed • aerlopi i ec
dons to tbe use cqgeld.certiOttateall pap
ment of duties. It is to great abuse,
in fish* a nevi! deinderd :of :males every
morning, which-may bcialfectediPawilati, -
ly for the very ptlipciao of malgag the"._da.
ties low on certain days. Cobibinatiod t .
for this operation will doubtless,soon
formed under the present system, and
will picidice - inch milichief, by varying
greatly the dutiea Irhich differeal "011isseei
of importers pay.s . Will be lvet•Y';.esisr
for a combination of importers to
swing their own dulled twenty or thirty
per cent. lever than tbese)vill - bik obliged'
to Lay whcl are outside of, the-ritigi
other objection " is' hat if greenbacks' are
taken for duties, theirciainry will soon be
depleted of ita gokl,And
_when,not many
months fieriae,illa government ; retinikea‘
ninety minions itietlin to paylba interelf;
it will not be. found.,.. A third objec.tion is,
that it is a violation'Of the acfofC9gress
which declarea - thatAlia dutieaon imports
shall beiiiiid - only in gold. A fourth ob
jecticrais that it is giving to the Treag,cuy
Departinekt'a power of fivorigareorldah_
is necessarily liable to great abnie, and
collusion between the government officers
and recklesatommereial apecalators.
Barbie ThildicikiC'
1:1 "ii ,6iiit,-, :i 1 7
:-.kulz.tatri.rnitn twife.,,,,..1.) A0vi...411 1 .1 ..:
. ; lbeAniirgehabo.usSKlM l lololslit , i,
inblietts ItliAz fr ati% MitilMlTll-.. 11 91 1 9C1 : _
ititiongt4okb bitomulQg NAty4ffieigetlMP:i
It'llill•-bP,:,:,reThV ~9,941i5t/PiP,- , tinl!
-1' At 4.01 3 AA ttjec.'ltiiigui n kß.R
°' . i 'ji • 149.eig_44,0 1 cif TOLI I 9°
t ','• ' ~-..1PP1. 4 -ST Thl Plf'ss? , Pt, l
c l 4rti r y eiPS. 71 9 .. u? z t rn r, RFILEAr
aVg.; I ,OO )2RtaR, .Y.7er.alrf ,rf.I.JITIPte9f::
4.1.t.A 4 0 o.:PVlStrisit.O.! l3 ll6.4P i rtMghi
t sz.fek trl2.-..1 .4 3 SUL , c:" . f;tt ri lvlttyl.,,
n it seems 12 . as mailed itursoppg,,
iiiiiptaltlChtifeliffrhS'elfaliites urn
baiiiictwAtthhiepitople , 410..m0t eertiol , o
to issue forged, :pews to MIR. lk--- 10 ,Pn Ak
characts what. faith.ead be pat i the
geitiirieneeen? die - OiliVt - )10- 1 43iirinii .
they are ignite L - '1
!ilear Donlas.-lir. *ogles, hi
before thatigialatere of
favi'daYs beforeidii Said ;
" I will never acqutetibtild'aiir 'Warfare
etion - the - Ciinstitationat
time-of the - Senih t - ; •
1, 40 If tin" atteippt madelOinilde their
tights or incite insurrectimie among them,
Vtaiddiliethli-:fitst - to rat to the res.
uch)", ';
decilared, thiS
winter. anitwtio *lli Ines•
amide reliability I+— that 04 Abolition
catitin Senrate watijait:,.es:intent as
theSontherni4ession leaders upon break
ing-tip:the Union. The same cabal is in
the-Senate-now, and-is banded to prevent
any determi T ition of . the war that shall
not " destroy slavery."
6.-Some time' since the Mobile Register,
S. rabut. secession paper, exclaimed :
"-Give us. such Men Stevens and Sum
ner ; thek hate the Union, and so do we."
biI tS ALP Y 8-
a 0444
.:fir ,n:. i
Frees Erdery Ede", a treandus. 'nere/ad qf 07/014,
" I have quid' luse:stutotitielLotypir gAmt,semtn.t.a
but Dever yet Eine - bottle which Tanen of dashed efiat
andia entitactioP to three who took It. As bit SS our
tuour committ o. - Shol *Pee OM becn ' so Wane like
dty... - -
Drusitionth Pimples. Blotches, Pustules. Mears,
Seises, and ells Diseases of the Mier '•
From geo. Rabe. Stratton, Bristol, England.
"1 only do my duty to you and the pane, when I add
my teatimopy tonal yott,publish of the mediclusl virtues
of your Si emirate:Ur. 3.Ty 'daughter; aged tarclad'au
aflictipg liumor In ter carat eyrid-helr. the year*,
wh , !Te were nimble to Ouselon we tried. your ben
sirAhAt.s.. She lute ken . well some mouths."
FrostAfrr..lauell—friee' ; a toell.ircounfaruimuck.estermed
tali) o . .Dantiseille,. Ogre May tb.. J..
Itychter has sugared for a year past Uith at actor.
alma ..erati. skit/Elan very troubkrome.i Nothing
affordettigtr relittontil.ire tried, your , tuses.W.ansszo,
wbieb-soon completely - cured her: ,
Provo Marks P, 44/94 4retts .:Welifritiotra Ann „f Gage Murray,* s.illsweamestyc annulled pp-
ctilTtntattlorsua. N.
erersl - yarn veryltatliderolutraigur hi
my the,-which itreer-conshintly eronte'until it dilligured
rny,feinureapiad beagua ehintolerable aillicti9n , 1 tried.
alreolt everythinrit roan amid of both advice and medi
cine, but without any relief Whatever, until I took your
BARIAPARILL4. 1111030d/Ifitly- Made mrikee worse,
as you told me it might for a time,- but in a few weeks
the new skin began to form taider the blotches, pod con
tinued until my face is u smooth u anybody Weald I no
without any sympto ms of thq dimes* thst Ulmer. I
enjoylerfect and without a doubt owe it to your,
illrysigielsa—General Debility—Purify the Mead.
From Dr. Roar. Satein Ltotuitoo ES.. W. Y.
Da ATlfft: aeldorn fell 'to remove Eruptions and
SeroPilcau , Sores I* , the persevering we of your NAlf•
4APALILLA. and I have et LOW eared attack of
ifaiignafti.Erysipelcuo wit h it. liofiltrratite We Forfeit
vial' the tivexPetuatat you _have kupplied to the pi o.
fusion u was to tho people."
froirv7. Johindon, Ea z: - iFatentan, Moto.
" For twelve ytarwl bad-. %be sitoiv Erysipelas on my
right arm, during which lima i tried all the celrbi atm
phy 'kiwis I gould reach, and took hundreds of dollars
worth of olediehles.e7l.6.: itiopro %raj co tad that th e
writs became visible.
_,aolk. l l l ,B•,traettlr2 ( kidded that 11”.
211:12 Mtuad:lakfiglPtifideu..-a;uegall taking your 8a nria•
rauw.a. Took two bottles, and Fume of your l'itts
loonier they have cured me.. Jam now nrwell end Ninvd.
u anybody : Being in a public) place, my care is known to
al ev l eryWdy in this community, and excites the wonder of
Frans Saes. Henry Memo, M. P. P. of Newcastle, C. W.,'
afeading membergr the Canadian Parliament.
"1 . -have used your AIARSAPAICILLe in my family, for
general debility, and for purifying the Wed, with very
beneficial results. and feel confidence In commending L
to the afificted."
St. Anthony's 'Pim Rose . Salt Menai, Scald,
Head,. Sore Eyes.
Pram Harvey Sickle?, Esq., the able editor of the Tunk
_..- • bannock Democrat, Pransykania.
" One only child, about three veers of age. was attaeked
loy pimples on his .finehead.• 'They rapidly spread until
they tanned a loattmotae and virulent Me. which ent
ered his face, and actually , blinded bit eyes for some days.
A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and, other rem
edies. wfthentanar aliment -tient. For fifteen data-we
guardedlda hands.ledmith them he should tear open tlu•
featerin_g and corrupt wound which covered his whole.
face. Haring tried-every. thing else we had any hope
frons;vre began giving your B.tanterattmte, and apply'.
ing - thelodrde of pota s h lotion at yen direct. The tore
- begatr to heal when we had giventhe first bottle and
;arne won when we had finish the second . The c idid'e
eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and Le L.
now akhealthr and fair as any other. The whole neigh
borhood predicted that the child must die."
--' lbrailitiand Mercurial Diskette°,
~ PfkintWrairreitsWoisf, Est. Louls,Alisteari. , -;
"I fluff your„ fielUttrAltittata more effixtual remedy
for the Sehondatfy,Symptottla of flirphilirotrid forsyphilitic 1
disease Matt arty other we possess. The rofesrion are iu
debted to_vou for some of the.bitst so we have.”-
'from 4; 1 7; .if're - oak /i
is f, D.,lcos erliSleld
f =icia9 V -2.110-
rencc, Mass.. who a prominent ef the Leg , -
'WWI V Alfassciohusetts.
"Da. arm —hit dearlffiri i iumesour4 your sap
earalLiA an =Miami remedy. for Sephihr, both ofibe
primary and type, and effectual in some emee
that were too o . ter yield to otberzernedies. Ido
not know what we can employ with more certainty of
q , a powerthi tettentlive to required."
Afr- Otte ifft Vens Liettv'of Nett) Brunswick; 17. J, had
dreedful ttleet)r, u his legs,,auuteff by fboitme of dies
cutig . &emu; which greavitkoro and Mote
aggravited for years, In spite of every remedy or treat
ment that could be applied until the persevering um 9,f
Awan's B .tesofeillbtaxeiteved iMn.." few cases can be
found mord iniretentte end :dlitressing Ilium, this,'and it
took several doom hottitte to cure him. ,-
Lencoirhomi. - Whitii, PearaltrWilapeis.
are generally producedlnternal' Serofittintiineeration
I ond arc very.ollen.cured by
by-the alterative.effect of fhii
eartsertnitts. , . fkime cases require, 'however, In au
of the itainstu.l.sti the 'skilful application of. local
'remedies. -
Trams tlie WitaniAint :and wicklktelibrated Dr; Jacob
Morrill, of (Tumulus'',
"I have found yourffentsare touts an excellent alter
ative In diseases of fetnalea.;' -Many cares el , itreguLtuitf,
Lenarrrhast, Intettallilemiiiidh, end - locildebility; aris
ing from the scroftdous diathesis, have yielded to it, aXd
there are few that do not, when its effect,- is prop e rly
raithid by looaltreitthept." ~. , . '..1
it lady,iturstryeg - Ctredkno'ffie 'l - i/14'1v :q u o , * 4. h er name,
If fil l tilektelmiLilare - intiti4iesi . !Oltriety
debili st ng noontime oC long 'landing, by two pottiet
of your tUttiteraattLaM • - , --- - • - . •,
Ithoumatiam- Gout --Llvor,Complaint.9l6ll;
• , , -,, • , --014 weart , riutesas - Bemis:gut? -. ' ,
then used
by Scrofula la theliplaa, aricraphpy ieurati;
. r hi nt Err' 1 .44 1 104".44144,
1 it
• ' -'
4 .-,-- .- - lit Ell— , .
I s
p,,,,.5s so matly tOf uncut . over :this, piper:.
_Oyes M the r',,,,ii*A,...af4,1t1el fPit t !finTvlftlie#l,--Oro f.O
- did vie* netieiiii ad W161'4.00
tdasigm*mtkije,tircir,,qu My is mnintaiuid equal
So' - the I't it ever has been Awl that , Ithatinny hal
jientn)4ll..att.Uudardlllust.thtiritve -ever drateu - - -
A ,4 l'atpareri by al f;, - - 1 ,-,,typ,A2, . m &,:fw ,- LoilimiL ,
rsuis; snit saitO,Y;' , -:;'-.-:-,.:' `` l ' 7 r7 " . :T2',.. • - .
e en . ifto- • .:.__!i,...., ,. .ii '''' ' , ''''. l a.:_f-? :‘''';;T...Ll - 1." '-'•
, r ', afd r''' -1;21.1,}26 '....=.11# .• • '• -- '.'•-
al iat4oo7-#44 443 ,49r td.16 4 7:
oototy. mayl9 owly
tliCki - _4i44;.;4lAirbo4ilv4alol2Mtiaig
f '-f4 1 411111L — V-461FteCIURIV - i- ,,
t • •
• shIVIt,-'.
,llvkiDralt... • ,
Ogtit'LlMN. •
-10!ark Urent.
o,oitrilit,oll/to ,itherwir/i
tkarfe: wegaes. _ _ Etats.
Feather'. Kid Ole , ' '
• ; - end 1 01 11 #4.9114ating 4PPrel,
610-5,329 F O :As
fettle you can color se many gopde ap would,
setostriveitimei that sum. Varhineehlsdes ears
be produced from the same Dye. Theprocess Is simple
and any one can use the Dye with period ariccese.
t Directions hi English, Muth and.GerMan. made of
!Inti-Pfn • - • - • ;
.Forunner Intaiitation D.ring. end giving perfect
IlDnewiedge what caws aro beat adapted forty° el/anoth
er'. (with many,,yaluablp recipes.) purchase. Howe &
•Treatistfoo -Dyeing arid- Coloring. -Sent by
ma len receipt ofstrice74osents, • •
eti by upwa Bit B,'
• :* • 460 Broadway Boston.
Ss*ll trOragfin din t . .4 B nd Pcalersgeneraili,
/ cr.. 8. WO.
M. H. COOPER' ir CO.
• 4, •
Thompson 's Bin* Star f ! Line of
- Liirerpool Packets.
10110311SORSavIshing to send for their Mende in the old
knote coun the tty. ca n puib ntaae passage ticketeby the above
Also, Drafts on Ireland for sale In soma to snit.
WM. 11. COOPER & CO., Bankers.
Montrote& defy 11, 186$ tf
Over - the' Post-Off:m* 1 v
Mgt costs-cone, rots.
'DEMI duly authorize 4 to prepare the necessary pa
ll pars for all applicatlonli for Soldiees, and the wid
ows, parents, heirs and children of deceased boldiers,fos
Bounty, Back-pay & Pensions,
I will attend to that business for the sum of
4. I TIM P C, XPCPX.X.1.41.1%.2 1 .3"
for each claim—this to cover all expenses. including
Justices' fees, Clerk's Certificates, and Postage,
This itrabout one-third the sum usually charged for
the business.
All persons Interested will please take notice and gov
ern themselves accordingly.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Claim Agent.
Montrose, Oct. M, 1863. tf
Wholesale & Retail Dealera in
1:t ED) mta. ,
- BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and wAsliggs,
CEMENT, HAIR & GRlNtisTons.,
Santa", March 24, ma. ly
Examining Surgeon !
m illi subscriber having been appointed by the Com
missioner of Peirsions,a MEDICAL EXAMINER at
large to examine and give certificates to all entitled to
Pensions, will attend to all applications that may be
presented '-o him, at Montrose, Pa. Room at J. 8. Tar
bell's hotel. E. PATRICK.
Montroie, April IL 1863.—tf
TTAS recently received, and is constantly receiving
I% new supplies of
0 •3 Th•
ti r o, t
•. . •
•. , 9
In the respective departments of trade in which be is
engaged, embracing everything, with few exceptions.—
Re tenders his sincere thanks to those who have favor ,
ed wittitheif patronage, and hopes to merit a con
tinuance of their favors. The public are respoc- !fully in
vited to call at his Store, and examine qualities and pri
ces of his goods.
Montrose, Nov. 5, 1863.
• Ga,rden Seeds
Meat ) Obver t Timothy Sr. Flax Seed,
peas Lard; Candleily_
Pia, Smoked Halibut,
syripp, • Nolasties and &lora,
T•Pg' PO-M*6'; SVOR;g92ROO.Vei
dilrD , A 7 :4111 , 8.--ii 4f .
• -Cosh . Paid= fbr
A. swim% ALTAN','
-- NongrOse, April.l4,lBBl •‘C* •
logioramtsitobtA rre
to i trai m i
ialor We by "
'tit! • ; :
7 tt 66 )
c! ',) • •
,tamtni; '
Ever offentainllOtioldiazat*Conutf,elldProbahly com;'
prising•the greatest variety or most different articles of
any Store in the Northern part of Pennsylvanta,and Pet?.
halo, the entiro,Stille,. , An..eltsortment le. 49,
About thirty different brancbei Oita°, and the
Wins littrAdliftllinatfonticirty .of the best Ho
New York, and more than Aft; Dealers and Mann
tuners out, of New York. A large .geoportionoTth:
ciebilatrolikitiglit direct Tr omitle - maMfactuiera,.thn
inenrincgenaine articles. Customers on entering the
littire must not etpect tollud everything- in sight:'hat
nearlyevery article wanted will lie pro inced by in quiry.,
Someldca of the Stock may be formed by the following
genet-Metalline, but enumeration is latipractleible,
,nnd , Medicines, Paints and , Oilea l4 taffs,
Groceries, TAnors, :Jrockery, Glats :Ware, Wall and
Window Paper.lewelry, Silver Wore.Perfumeryi
Goode, Musical Instnintepts, Brushes. American Pocket
Ktilties, Table" Cutlery and Sneer Plated Ware. amps,
Materials for Lights, ilardware.Medeords,Stene Wire,'
Dry Goods. Mirrors, Window Glass. Lithographs. Var,
nisites. - Mird 'Cages.' Spectacles.. Whips, and lashes.
Brooms. Guns. Phatols...Ammunit ion.. Tobacco, Medi
calatid Surgical instruments. Salt, Soap, Potash, rni•
brefies, Porcelain Teeth, in short, nearly everything, to
restore the sick. to,please the; taste. to delight the eye,
to ;Tall fy the fancy, and alio to ccniduce to the real and
substantial comforts of life,
The attention of the public is respectfully invited to
my stock of Goods, bought exclusively for cash down;
end will be sold on then:tele principle for low prices..
Montrose, January ist,lB6B.
and wM be sold
Igir This Reduction will include the
which will be found no large ae nenal, and will be sold on
Ficter CI.ELEI-1
O 1 TIME, or for PRODUCE
EL 1111711RITT,
Nov, 1863. • New Milford.
At Montrose, Pa.
Viirm. E. WATCH, Proprietor..
THIS newand commodious Hotel is situated on rublie
Avenue, near the Court House, nud nearly in centre
of the business portion of Muntiose. The Proprietoris
confident that he is prepared to entertain guests Ina way
that cannot fall to give ENTINE SATISFACTION.
The Hotel and Furniture arc new, and no expense has
been spared to render it equal if not superior to any In
this part of the State. It is well supplied with all recent
Improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will
always be ready to respond to the call of customers.
The Stables connected with this house are new and
The Proprietor respectiblly POlicite the patronage of
his old friends, travellers, and the public generally.
jangli tf • - WM. K. lIA'tCH
LEAVES Great Bend at 7.40 a. m., after the arrival at
6.30 a. m., of the Cincinnati Express from the west.
connecting at Scranton, where it arrives at 10.10 a. m..
with a train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail
road, for Pittston, Wyoming Valley, Kingston and
Wilkesbarre, and by omnibus with the Delaware and
Hudson railroad at Providence, for Olyphant and Car
bendale. At Hope station, this train connects by omni
bus with the Belvidere Delaware Railroad for Phillips
burg, Trenton and Philadelphia. At New Hampton
Junction, where it arrives at 2.25 p. m., the same train
connects with trains on the Central Road of New Jersey
for Elizabeth. Newark, New York, Easton.' Bethlehem,
Allentown, Manch Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg.—
Passengers by this train arrive In New York at 5.80, in
PhiladelphiaatB.oo, and in Harrisburg at 8.10.
The train leaving foot of Cortland street, New York. at
8.00 a. m.. and foo4of Walnut street. Philadelphia. at 6 a.
m., connecting with . the Passenger train of this road,
leaving New llampton Junction at 11.20 a. M.. and arriv
ing at Scranton at 4.111 p. m.. where it cornects with a
train on the Lackawanna and-Wootasburg Railroad. and
with theomntbns running to the Delaware and Hudson
This train arrives at Great Bend at 6.10 p. m.. making
a clo4o connection with the mail train going West on
the Erie Railway.
leaves Scranton at 10.10 a. to.. connecting at Great Bend
with the Day Express train west on the Erle Railway.—
By this train Passengers arrive at Ithaca, Syracuse. Buf
falo. &e. the saute day. Returning, this train leaves
Great Bend at 2.30 p. tn.. on the arrival of the New York
Express going East. and Buffalo .Express going West,
and arrives at Scranton at 5.30-p. m.
R. A. HENRY, Gen'i Ticket Agent.
Scranton, May 20,1503.
ON and after April 20, 1863, Passenger Trains will
run as follows :
raingc; SOUTH.
Passenger. Accom.
Leave Scranton, at 5.30 a. nt. 11.00 a. m.
Kingston, at 8.40 Arrive 12.80 p. m.
" Rupert, at 8.66
Danville. at 9.24 a. m.
Arrive at Northumberland, 9.55
Leave Northumberland 4.80 p. m.
" Danville, 5.10
" Rupert, 5.45
Kingston, 805 1.46 p. m.
Arrive at Serant m, 9.10 p. m. 9.80 p. m.
A passenger train also leaves Kingston at 8.20 a. tn. for
Scranton to connect with train for New York. Return
ing, leaves Scranton on arrival of train from Now York,
at 4.20 p. m.
Passengers taking train South from Scranton at 5.30
a. m., via. Northumberland, reach Harrisburg lUD p.m.
Baltimore 8.30 p. m.. Washington.lo p. m.. lila Rupert
they reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m.
GEO. B. HUNT, Supt.
. Kingston, April 18, 1863.
Terrible Disoloimreo—Seerets for the Killion.
A MOST valuable and wonderful publication. .11 work
/IL of 400 Pages, and 80 colored engravings. Dr. Hun
ter's Vadelfecami an original and popular treatise on
Man and, Woman. their physiology, functions; and sexu
al disorders of every kind, with never -failing Tanaka
for their speedy cure. The practice Dr. never-failing
long been, and still is, unbounded; bat at the earnest so
licitation of numerous persons, he has been Induced 'to
extend his medical usetiduess through the medium of
his " Vade Mecum." It is a volume that should be in
the hands of every family-in the land. as a preventive of
secret vices..oras a guide for the alleviation of one of
the most awful and destructive scourges that evervisit
ed mankind. Ono copy. securely enveloped. wake for
warded free of postage to any part Odle United States
Tor 50 cents In P.O. stamps, or 8 copleelfor $l. Address,
postpaid, Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Diviolon street s :Non York.
June 10.1868-Iy. , •
Inroty[RsiNi? . mail! ?lisp) c_
dttrl 9i* iiii#NITION, Are. •ite'.. tor
'kJ vale br - , ABEL TORWILL: •
Moatrove,Mo7l(oB63. • • *.•
'Pr in t Allitt4lollfritnadlettlrb Pa.
• 0 eat** f tbe Ff Sabina% Ude stet sex•
vidattoe-•cfmatele trattrocutr-iii ortsS
the W,ARD 48180pAriON, Sept by mania saki
late Wfolet. Wee of AddrOs Dr. 4: Miami
Ph Mum Iphia, P ma. uow
s ward Association, No. 2 South oetlB ab street,
from April prim.
NOT ' AtO e
A Highly Concentrated
wirEp . vr4t i z4 Et*BA o*.
A' litnit TONIC.
Dr. C. 4. MCI:Ok Philadelphia, PIL
Livikvt, c:otatithAve,
• ar.iikicrmcoicE,
• Cbronie or Nervous Debility, Diseases of Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
,Livor or Stomach.
, as Constipe-'
tion, Inward Piles.
Fulness or Blood to the
Head, acidity of the stomach,
num. - Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Felines or weight in the stomach . sour erne.
Maims, sinking or fluttering at the pit of
Stomach, swimming of the Head, hurried and dii ca,
Breathing, Flattering at the Heart, chokingor rd.
focusing sensations when in a lying pop tore.,
Dimness of Vision, dots or webs before
the'sight, Fever and dull Pain in the
Head, de fi ciency of perspiration,
Yellowness of the akin and
Byes, pain in the side,
Back, Chest, Limbs,
dm, &c., apdden
Flushes of
Burning in the Flesh,
Constant Imaginings of 808,
and great Depreadon ut
Ind positively prevent Yellow Fever, Bllitiva Fever, te
They contain
No Alcohol or Bad Whiskey!
They tent. =az the above dieetusee 1n 99 eases out of HO
From Rev. J. Newton Brown, L. .1) ,
of the Encyclopedia of Religion* Enfatlidge.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent
Medicines in general, thro' distract of their i..gredienta
and effects: I yet. know of no eußicicat rissoniisiby
man may not testify to the benefits he behoves hinirelf
to have received from any pimple preparation in the
hope that he may thus contritinte to the bereft
do this the more readily In regard to Leasure Ger.
man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. Jf. Jackron, of this city
beeauPe I wee prejudiced against them for many years,
under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic
mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker,
Egg. for the removal of this prejoulce by proper touts,
and for enconragemnt to try tnem, when paltering from
great and long continued debit ity. The nee of 3 bottles
of thepe bitters, at the beginning of the pre-pent year,
was followed by evident relief, and reptoratlon toe dec•
ree of - bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for
6 months before, and had almost despaired of regaining.
I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to
the ace of them. J. NEWTON BRUWN.
And the Friends of Soldiers.
We call the attention of all having relations or
friends in tho army to the fact that "
German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the di:tares
induced by eitposures and privations incident IC mmp
life. In the liets, published almost daily in Ile LtMa
papers, on arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a
very large portion are tiufferinF from debility. Lvery
case of that kind can be readily cured by lloofianda
German Bitten. Diseases resulting from elisendera of
the digestive organs are speedily removed. V. e Lave co
hesitation in baying that if these Bitters were freely tired
among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved
that otherwiete will be lost.
We call attention to the following' remarkable and well
authenticated cure of oneof the nation's tierces. shore
lie, to use his own language, "his been saved by the
Bitters:" -
• PutLADILLPIIIA, August WA, 1262
Messrs. Jono c Evans:— Well. gentlemen, your Boot
land's Gormap Bitters has saved my life. There is CO
mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my
comrades, sortie of whose names are appended, and a ho
were cognizant of all the circumstances of .my Can. I
am, and haveheen, for the last four rears, a member of
Sherman's celebrated battery, and tivder the immediate
command of Captain R.ll. Ayres. Through the exposure
attendant upon my arduous duties. I was attacked in
Nov last, with inflammation of the lungs. and was for
72 days in the hospital. This War followed by great de
bility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then
removed from the White House. and sent to this der on
board the Steamer "State of Maine." where I lanced ea
the 2Sth_of June. Since that time I have been sheet as
low as atty one coold be and still retain a spark oft - ital.
ity. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow
anything, and if I DID force a morsel down, it was im
mediately thrown up again.
I could not even keep a glass of water on my plowed'.
Life could not last ander these circumstances and. se
cordingly, the physicians who had been working faith
hilly, though unsuccessfully. to rescuome hem ti..c pop
of the dread archer. frankly told me they meld JO DO
more for me. and advised me to see d clergy man, erd to
make such disposition ormy limited funds as vest sidled
me, An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital,
Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of 6th below Arch et rect. at 01-
sod me. as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters. sad kind
ly procured a bottle. From the time! commenced taking
them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am new
thank God for it, gettirg better. Though I have whit
brit two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and feel eau
g. eine ofbelng permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter,
from whom I have heard nothlng_for 18 months : for.gere
tlemen, Ism A loyal Virginian. from vicinity of Front
Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty
of life which has taken the place of vague (cant— toyr or
Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege of again chap
mg to my bosom those who are dearest to me in life.
Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE,.
We fully concur In the above statement, as we bad
despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored
to health.
John Ctuldeback, Ist N. F. Battery.
Geo. A. Ackley, Co. C, 1 1th Maine.
Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York.
I. E. Spencer, Ist Artillery Battery F.
J. B. 'unwell, Co. B, 3d 'Yernsont•
Henry B. Jerome'', do.
Henry 7'. McDonald, Co. C, sth Mt
John •F. Ward, E, sth Maine.
Hermin Koch, Co. H, '2d N. Y.
Nathaniel B. Thomas, F, 95th Penn.
Andrew J. inball, A, 3d Vermont.
John Jenkins, B, 106th Penn.
Sea that the signature ot" O. M. JACKSON," le on,
the WRAPPER of oach bottle.
Price peiellottle,7seinta, or six for $4,00.
Bbotild yournearebt &eaglet not bave the article, do
not be put off by an of tbo Intoxicating preptiratfont
dual toeybtr offered In Ito plow. but rend to 13S, end we
will forwardotecnyelv packed, by exprein.‘
• .
Piinc~pai Office' and Manufactory
-No. 631 Alteti
•TOrk.oo . & - ENip . a.ris.
. - (suressor. ta C.Molitcksott £ Co.)
• _ Proprietors.
1121 Mr stde by Dregglitsand Dealers in every town Is
the Vatted States.
nor 9 ABEL TURRBLL. Sao Ara