The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 17, 1864, Image 3

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    - c - 3 - Ic,rrs%l e s t ir
Deeds.—Very superior Deeds are sold
st this office, at mocier*, - prWes , „
Legislation. v
Citizens of Ilarford petition for an act
o f Assembly authorizing,. 'the election of
et e rseers of the poor for that township.
Blalock Soldiers' Aid.
Eler Clancy will- deliver a lecture at
the Saptist, Church in . Ditnoc4,,on Wed
nesday evening, - Marol.2 3 d:fOr the bene
fit of the Lathes' Soldiers' Aid Society.
Ail are invited to attend.
MRS. G. M..DAstsoN, Pren't.
The Odd-Fellows' Hall Association
Will hold its next, annual meeting for
the election- of officers' ?dm. 011 evening
of April 5, at (11 , o'clock, at Odd-Fellows'
13.41, Montrose. A. 0. WARREN, P.
_ .
OrCloilLsrio. • •
AU who desire to learn something in
teresting in :regard to the Colorado Gold
fields, and to trrausT in a new company
about to be oi:ginized, are invited to meet
at the Court House in Moutrose, Friday,
Maruh 18th, 1864, et 2 o'clock ;Ip. m.
Di. C. LER.
Quotas Filled.
Montrose and Bridgewater have filled
their quotas under the last call. We give
the volunteers' names:
Montrose: Julius Warner, Jno. Canfield,
Chas. Bodine, Wm. Bourke, Lawrence
Terpening, Alonzo Beebe, Henry Allen,
Edgar Crouse, Edgar E. Newcomb, Win.
Rosencrants, B. R. Wade, W. E. Thayer,
W. H. McGee, Theo. Mack, Francis Rob
bins, Albert Dutcher,'Patrick Colter.
The 7 last. named joined the signal corps.
Bridgewater: Daniel H. Stevens, Chan
dler Stevens, Milo 4. Spencer, Ebenezer
Owens, Jas. A. Corey, 13arnabas Kirkhuff,
John Westbrook, Chauncey Price, ,Price
Mauer, Ed. H. Stoat, Wm.C.Ayres, Silo.
Smith, John H. Tiffany, Jacob Sherer, P.
Agen, Richard Coleman, Jaines Hay, Sam.
Webb, John Gleason.
Sad Accident.
lion. Ezekiel Mowrey, jr., of Meshop
pen, Wyoming county, came to his-death
on Saturday, the sth inst., under circuin
stances as follows: On-that morning he
went to work in his plaster mill, grinding
corn, and while working about the crack
er, his coat caught by the button hole, on
a screw that held the coupling of the
shaft together, just abpye the cracker, and
before he was aware of his situation had
so Closely wound it up that he could not
extricate himself„ : In this position he re
mained. till his knit coat, a thick flannel
and a cotton shirt,A.tod his vest, were torn
into shreds, and he was only liberated
when hiS body had.been forced through a
space of 10 inches between the turning
sl,:tft, and a post. From this be fell' into
the hopper and then tothe door where he
lay about an hour, when his father came
to the mill and discovered, hirti. lie was
then taken to his house where he died a
bout four hours after. nis suffering was
great, yet he retained his reason until the
very last.
Mr. Mowrey was an excellent man, of
tool deliberation and sound judgMent,
respected by all who knew him. In 1849
-he was elected Representative,-and again
an 1850. His friends, his county. and dis
trict had reason to be proud of his 'political
record. Ills funeral was conducted by
the Free Masons Assisted by the Odd Fel
lows, and a - large concourse of sympathiz
ing people, when appropriate ceremonies
* * *
were observed.
Public Sale.
The subscriber will offer for sale at auc
tion at his residence in West Bridgewater,
on THURSDAY, March 31st, 1864, the
following described property, viz:
One pair heavy team horses ; 4 caws,
yearlings, 17 sheep, 3 shoats, 1 lumber
wagon, 1 hack wagon, 1 top bUggy wag
on, i lumber sleigh, 1 double harness, 1
single harness; neck-yokes, whifiletrees,
farming implements of various kinds ; u
tensils for Making maple sugar, quantity
of hay and straw, several' cider barrels,
some household furniture, fee., Am-—Cash , down on all - sums under
$10; $lO and over;siz months credit with
interest and approved security.
I will also offer for sale for cash• down,
[if not previonsly disposed of at private
sale], a quantity of oafs, - corn, rye, and
potatoes. -
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, a. in.
0.8. BEEBE.
Bridgewater, March 15. -
Credit for Veteran Volunteem. :
, H. R., Harrisburg, March 5,A4.
Pic.9lAfoofiroo Democrat
Dzeat - Sia: Yon will probably'cimfer a
favor upon the citizens o.l7lSupqn?a county
by publishing the following instructions
(suggested to me by T. L. Case, Esq., the
clerk of , Scrantoit,,.Enrollment Board) as
to the proper course to take in order to
secure local credit for veteran volunteers :
"Bach towuthip should send: to the
Adjutant-General of the State, A L. Res.'
sell,. Ilarri.sburg,,Pa„. list_of men who
trave ?eradiated; - gating - .tb Ctimpany and,
Regiment in Which. they , reflullated, and"
ask fora certified topy of the muster roll,.
undiordieut said 'certified -- tiopy_at once to
Provost` Marshal Bradford-at,Scranton.
Application should at the sinie time be
made to the:veterans themselvesfer their
written uonsent,tp,be,ccedited to:apartic.
nlar distrieti 4 ,Pirtoumihip) said - eonsent
Intistddick sit , frii 6 - .lhiit4bby.ditiiie not al-
ready been credited to any particular.lo
This “.written-eonsent of veterans,"
supposeis oleo to be presented_to Pr. M.
Bradford;who will thee-ittendlo:;perfeo
tiog the roller—, • v
Itespeetfully, * Gro, A, trErti.
Black Mier:
- This .obstin ate scourge of our racefbroko,
.out at , Dart's Corners, in Herrick, ASvo .
weeks Sinee, tha s fa:bily OfOoraeo,Dol.
But its mission rested - not:ther.e; i't went'
from louse tO house • until at thistime it '
has consigned nineteen of the inhabitants
'to the grave: Six at Martin Sweet's;lour
at James B. Walker's—leaving but one
member in each of these • two families—
two at Horace Dart's, two at' Willard
Walker's, two . at Levi Miller's, one at
Horace Waymatt's, one it'JOhn Jones',
one at James'l3etinetes, and tine' at Benj.
Coon's.,--Sarah A. Coon. She , was indeed
a dutiful daughter, loved and respected by
all who knew htr, - and'has left lo''mouirn
het: early loss, a large circle of friendSind
acquaintances,", She devoted :het..Whole
time and attention to alleviate the suffer
ings of the'sick and dying, 'Until "she at
last, fell a victim herself; 'I-would like to
give fuller. partieulais •of` ,these sad be
reavements, but time And quicelorbid.—
Great. credit is due to EdWardTititiy; A.
P. Bunnell, chison Trip and wife, for their
continued efforts to provide, as best they
could, for the sufferers. ' z. Br. s.
teltd - Mitices.
.The initainistintOrti , of Abe estates of
Pbilatulpr Swith, Iddiraim rbotfins i .Geo.
!:Oinrey,fi IL O. Sturdevant, Abraham
Slatir„land CalekCarnialt, in OM) baye
filed their final account in the Register's
office, and the sane will be presented for
confirmation on Friday, April Bth, to the
017plianal.Court. _
-Also,'on-the same day will be present
ed an inventory of the property set off to
the widow and family of the estates of
the hereafter. named decedents:. Peter
E .:Bedell; John Hewitson, Thomas Guy
Labatt Russell, Wm. House, Charles
M. Picket.
y-Applications for, license' to. sell Annoy,
&c.,: will be . - : heard in Court to.
April 11th." 'The . following named 'per
sons are petitionerst Joseph-CiirLin, E. L.
Adams, Jamei - O:Bnllard, Jerome B.Ver
' ry, Jacob Kimble, Henry Brownell, G.W.
Lewis, Judson Stone, 24, Stephen Brun
dage, S. P.' Chanibeilin, Michael Kdrow,
Elijah Barnum, David Thomas, G. W.
cC E. Griggs, , J. W ll Vast . Horn, John F.
Zeigler;)Myers, A. Tilden, -David
Wilmarth„ - J. S. Tarbell, Jack Chamber
linl R. RC• , Philander Phjitney E. ;I
Day, W. 11. Sherwoe d,' N. D: Snyder, J.
W. Fisk, Juliana Lathrop, Spencer Hick- .
ox,•D. Plielin, %ester
Letters testamentary to the' estate of S.
F. Cartnalt, late of Apolacon, have been
granted to theezectitor, Jas. E. Carmalt,
of Choconnt.' 1
Letters testamentary to the estate of
Henry Tilden, late of Forest Lakei , have
been granted to the executors,
and W. C. Tilden.,
:Letters testaineritary- Ad . -the, estate of
Riehard.Bixby, ,late of Rush,. have been
- graintekto,:the t4ecutor, Tupper:of'
Letters of Administration upon the es
tate of IsaacTOrter, late Of; Springville, '
have been graVed. to the , executors, P.
EL Porter, and Charles Avery of. Alopt-
Letters of administration upon the, es
tate of Jame* Giddings, late of Herrick,
have been granted to the executors, Spen
cer Watrous, and John B. and Walter
Lyon of Herrick.
Letters of administration upon the es
-1 tate of Arnnah Tiffany, late of Gibson,
i have been granted to the executors, Fred
crick Lines, of Franklin, and Clarissa Tif
fany, of Gibson.
Letters of adminiStration upon the es
tate of Edward C. Decker, late of Clifford,
have been granted to; Mary Decker and
Charles D. Wilson, of Clifford,
Letters of administrtion to the estate
of Andrew Magavern, late of Rtish, - have
been granted to the executors, John Mur
ray and Michael McManus.
Letters testamentary to the, estate of
Berry Wellman late of N. Milford, have
been granted to Elliot Aldrich.,
Naturalization Papers.
The great importance of the : coning'
election :should induce every alien to take
steps to, - become a citizen. 'Those who
have "declared their intentions," should
not fail to take out full papers at April
dourt; They are now hOd liable to draft,
and incur no. responsibility in becoming
voters. Al! aliens five years - resident,
should become voters; , they, have,an„iti
terest in our vvernment, and should/ke
pare to place it, in the bands of/better
nien, net fall.
,Turnple Notice.—Th/§tOckftsliretil
of thelienoz-ac Harmon - y'Turattilce Road
VomiAtny hereby give police -to the Siiper
visorsand eatizens of the „townships of . I
Harmony and Oahland, that not having
taken'toll - dttrinohe put .year .on - that
portion of their.road running-from Lanes.
bitrO',ta;tl,lf - IV:oy House—a distancel of
one mile=;:they bare now abandoned Said
portion kgthoyoad, and will, p9t '..ll;te res
ponsihie for any;danlages , frOM, accidents
on,a(elos4*-brid4e, 4:that may oc c ur in
fotere.. By caldetpft4e'Board , -
Mains; E'
Jams Stizitzy, 4re
T. W. f rINGLET, Seely.
Gibsoi o Jan. 30 ; 11304
BethigZtlaghines.--4114,41154T.70 6 5e
-ivjebing, -Co fiurehluiti.i!firaWat43**Rig
Machine of the Wilcox Ai Or'of The
flatont; e s
e6 ,- -iikr.464 to
.one direct from either manufacturer,
44/ranted- s• usnal l At- a diem:int:or
froni their -regular , 7prteis,
ST-1441:,.5tr0n or Odreia:int, PitiAiiror
, of tiAamer.
- , - - E.-Refieritiaiift , intends toteoicia
Mon trose 'about Abe, arst-, of,
forsale-bis-,houselo:ild -fumitore t -eiarßets,
stoves, etc., , , a
Orin t hiss 'pi 111;,
_Terius 'to suit. —-' '•
Estray 'de*. _
Came into the enclosure of the subscri
ber on or about the oth of Deem:gherkin,
one Red -Cow, with a white .spot on her
forebakibout 5 years . old. TWowtiiii
is repeated to prove, property,; pay char
ges and .take her away: -
• - G. W. TIFFANY.
' Wisr*
. - .
To APPrOlktice ,- 7 9} Oe: 09 VW ra of the
Poor of Moniroae desire to binii as appren
tices, three children ; one girl of 12 years,
one of 8, and a boy of 3. Enquire of W.
W. SMITH and C. N.J§TODDAED. tlf
.--,MCWI) Caoll4 littetitiliti;urikoiai 'in
v, ant of a good;:sitoatantial 7 Oetaia "Pi
ano-Forte to the advertisement of genive
steen Co.,.uf Nay:York,: who, oiler
them at , axtrernely, low prices. Send for
their descriptive circular.
In Auburn, c.Fub'y
Ilehnbold, awls SW/BEIER, and ZS .
MATILDA, H. Auburn;
, . .
In Franklin, March-12th, by T. Saadi,
Esq.. Mr. Minns Btrrrs ,of Liberty,
and Miss Evrtescr. L. Trizoiatt'of Frank-
In . {This happy Coitplc,are both educated
MI TES, both IthviOg beeti born "deaf and
dumb."- is hoped that that theirs may
ever be ail& of joy inexpressible; that the
bride may never prove a scold, nor the
groom iodulZO.4 l . 4ugry words. May he
ever have patieni.,e, and she ever yield due
obedience, with(out any ifs or butts.
• FOR SALE Br' -
if Lathrop's building, akiten* of Brick Block. In bis
abDEsencO e A
, tinsiN.ress
biont thn office
rive,will be transacted by C.
r_alaezigisecl ..9.'szottaxmpea",
3P I VIM) Tai.a.Thir Avis-A - co iv.
Susquehanna. !noun r, ss.
CRY ANN ilirltAtifichy her 'next friend, 4‘lls .
Brown=vs. Ileuryetroland.
In tne Court of Common Pleas of Snatinclunina County.
No. %,„ November Term. ISO.
To Henry Inland —Whereas a subpremt in Divorce
was isaned-to IsioireMber Terna.4B6l, which was duly re•
tamed noncat inventus, and thereon en alias aubpcena
was, issued in Said case, returnable to Jan'y Term. 1864.
ppon the return of which proof was made that the Said
henry Ireland could not be found in my bailiwick.
This noticeistherefore.tO reqpireyon to appvar before
the Judges - of the tat ,Courrott - the Ist Nonfty of April
next, to answertho eomrintnt, &c.
- • AVID 1 4 1311315D5, I3heriff. ,
Sheris'sOtticry. tssa.—it •
:47C:1 0 1 1 -1.4"5301
pence that
he tp:lekentitense to auctioneer In 'the County
of Sneenetnnter_i end offers hie services to the public.—
garCtrirgoa reasonable; and 'ail tails will be prompt-
ly attended to: - LUTHER ELDRED.
Chocount, March 3,1%4. r tf
virtue of sundry writs Issued by the Court of Com
-111 tuun Pleas of Susq'a county, and to me directed, I
will expose to side. by public vendue, at, thellourt Muse
In Montrose,-on Saturday-April ed,113134. a Volcioel: p.
m., the following &scribed pieces or,pareels of land,
to nit : . . .
• .
ALL these certaln'plices or parcels of bind lying and
being in the townships of Oakland arid Harmony, co. of
Susq'a and State Of Penn'a, . hounded and deserVed as
follows, to wit: beghlbing at an elm tree on the east
bank of the it.tisq'a river. thence south 11(' west 130 per
ches to a beech tree corner ; thence south .81E.%' -east Ti
perches to a corner in the highway; thence north 3' east
83 perches to the bank of s'd q'a river thence down
ward along the several courses of the stream to the place
of beginning; containing about 60 acres be the Came
more or less, with the appurtenances, 2 dwelling houses
4 barns, a saw mill, anorchard, and about fifty acres Jai
proted. e , V=.-
ALgo - =Another adjoining the foregoing, 'end held
-as part of the same farm:. beginning at, the beech tree
corner above referred to; thence north 88hr west.- 62
perches to a cornett thence north lie east, 54 perches
to a stone heap for a _corner; thence north 44* west 97
perches inalost and stones - corner; thence Tort ti
east 70 perches mbre less;--to the east-bank-offiustea
river.; thence upwards by the several cotases of said
rivet 800 perchesor thereabouts, to,the elm tree - Corner
in the partit above described' 51X'^ wee t 140 perches
more or-lea/Cited anedlaillielerstdeseribed lot makes
135 acres and 203:larches. orthereabouts, excepting how
ever 4 acres and.l3B perehe oti the rear of said lots,
heretofore eonveyed to Jobn Parson.
Arco—One other piece attaining the'above. common
- dug on the east hank of the Slug's river near theetone
quarry; .thence south ag' east saB-1.014 perches , to the
highway; therm:Kali:mg the same 'south UV west•Ba per
• posm,thence south vrest4B perches to neon
ner ; thence still by the highway 03 perches to scorner
on the ettme'thence due east 100 perches to a corner
thence north 46' east 58 perches to a corner, thence north
lei' ear:l2 2 perches to the highwaysforesald by several
courses of the ea me.6B"perthee to thestone•quany lot;
then,ee north Ar cast 85 perches to the bank of the :411sq.
r rlvAr ; thence downward by the several courses of the
stream BO porches more or less to the place l i begining;
toistainlng about TEffAcrei more or less, exce Wig two
acres and 80 perches sold toJohn S. Slim:Min the south
west corner oflot flood ttroacree sold to
Csomffeld on lot No. 80, and melon on the same lot
sold to C. S. Bennett 4 comprising' in the , above parcel
lota 1 5 .0. 60 end CI, and thketone-quarry Int, so calied,on
John Boyle's map of re•surrey end CallidiVfsloll qf the
Wharton. lands. _
Atso—One other parcel beginning st a note bean g
rock ; theme north 1631• east 162 perches to a corner •
the_rt.' south Br east 55 perches more or less to John
Vriviiit's-lot; thence smith 10' and tiVeastSo perches to
a corner on ;hell's° of lot N 0.58; thence by the mime
south'Weast4dperehei to a corner on the line of Aron
• Wakemsn'S lot; thencrisouth 46' west 'IS perches;
stone heap; thence north 883 e wedt 'O7 'perches to the
place of beginning • containing about 06 seeps ianare'Or
cimapriaing lot 2"•10. S end pert of lei Vo, blot Aim
Boyle* . re-1'1111'0,y: • •
_ _ • .4. •
Ta titetiettlan at . the snit of Jai/ J.lldiriithms.
'Tbouits-catuiviin. •, - • , . _ _
ALSO-Lell the right, title:keit Iniereatof Atethel
any, dec'd, in and to thelollowing piece or parcel OnliD4
into the es to of Linseallifany,_ decd, and kuewe as
the home fare. situttielying and being In the township
of llarford. county andlUngtaforesid, bounded antdds•
'cribed Ca Inflows to wit: beginning at a pile el atones ;
thence north 6% west 88 perches to a heap oritenes;
thence north 443,5' east 56perches to a stake ; thence
norttoom* west 613%.perehes to's stake thence north
.44%' east Eißm perches; thence north 443 e :west 19.0cr•
Allies ; theecenorth tire east it' perches to a beeth tree
thence north 451 entail, perches to a stake and. stenos ;
th en ce south .46*erest 80if pcathes ton 'trawled stouts
thenca'Sottibtair oast 57 perches to a hemlock; thence
. %oath trest.26B.perches.totbe-plalwe bogies:dog ;
coataththgll2 aorta and ailowaeces, with the tippet,.
usteees,l hen* 2 'orchards, one dwelling; house, and a'
bout 601Credimpf4 i ved. IT sin enecutionat the suit
of C. M.'Cierainiff',BopilrpnuiC , Tiffans: administrators
°Melvin Tiffeny,asegh teValtirui E..Tittney. vs L
r: adMittierster of,644AniTAltt,t, deed, and
Wm. C. Tiffany, Tenn Tenants
• A Lso—Ml dist earth-lb - Mete oiliareel of land situate
lathe: to eaship.of bettor. county:eel state aforeeald,
bounded and describer as fololvk to. wit: on the. north
by the cast lartachnteto TtinklutheOClrCrent. on the
eastbylanda'Ofd Cookson the south bY lands ofames
Herd endAteses Clarkson. dement. action the west by
lands otWat.litletead ant Parmees 6 Smith. Containing
about 66 acres be the samestuneerleaMnitli theappur•
tenances, two frainedffivellinff i gnaakelnall NMI, 1
orched. - and abauraitiere.iim Vett: keti cro•
-600010 thtseit S. l allf Iry P.' Ore* nee Sow.
at& - adeniatinint:4 John litoifrardvated,.: al,,.lietfe
of Joholloward, &teamed,
that Certalipteei-of Tititd
i$ ile township olLettos;, 7 county and state aformald,
?Sounded Ned dacribeiras follows to wit : north by.huul
of E. A: Bell; east by butd.of David westbyland
ot_Frsra Smith,-and coati by the highway leading - from
cileawooll tnplenwood switch ; containing 50 acres or
thefehboutd: with the appurtenaucetillmmedhouse, l
framed barn:mid about 16 acrea-improved. iTaltrin tri
mention:at the salt of Francis Will ca. Jesse Elotratd.
'AIAO-4 11 ibia 'certain tract or' pared of bad situate
saide towdship of Bridgewater, county' and state afore.
bounded and deeefibed follow:ill" wit:. beginn
ing at au old corner of lands of Charles Aven•; Prink
and N. C. IVarner. rod re resurveyed by?. VhiChapmazt
south L'N' %vest 1232-10ta perches ta a peel 'acid stones •
thence northalX , 'lmestl63l;loth.lvereltes to a pest sad
acmes a corna of Wm. L. Poet's land; thende on the
line of the same north east 123 ;entice to o post sad
slOtkee,o*line, George Lattisnertracts ; ithenceon
theline of the last Mentioned line south EB36'esat4 per
thee to plank road thence on said plank rose south er
east 4 perches. souttael_ east 1/4 perches, eoath esat
perelleaolorth 83' east 18 !aerate*, . nOntloo4 4 east
14 perches; north 4636! east 11 perches to poStaled stones,•
thence Vail 1 38.14' esst:ll.4lth perches to the place of
-beginning ; containing totr eczaanf land more or les',
:the same being part of land ,conveyed to , ettidemecutors
of Isaac Post, dec'd, by deed dated Sept. tlth.d.D. lB6B.
and rocordcd in the office:for mewling-deeds in and„Wr
- said county, in tided book-No. RI- page 415'ete., 1 frOm
iNce. Jessup and wife and David Postand witethe par
tite theretofore having beep Joint owners thereof; fn"
gather withtheloreditamendiandappurtenances, about
40 acres improved.' , [Taken itrekvention lathe 'suited
'Sarah Celina% executrix-OP ,Caleb thtranalt, - flecl, es.
1,. Post, Albert'L.Post, and. IttaacL: Post, ewe-
Lori ofthefailt WlDead tOstsatent of hissoPost,deCealled
D z k oj t Rea. Jessup. . •
e.ALSO-Nftll that erartnin piece orparcel of land-lying
and being In the township of Llberty r axinty and etas : ' '
afarcsaid. bounded anildeseribed follow. to wit, ;
Ate Vert band - eat 'by lands Jose ph R. Webster, on
the south by lands of Inge& Bailey,' and west by land
• ofjohnatbsti Ross; containing Wiens be thesame more
or lees with the appurtenances, l framed; house.* bard.
aide fruit trees, and about lb adres improved': Taken
in execration at the suit of R. P. Tnrrell, administrator
of the estatoorM, B. Ttnracili dee'd f ,vaiJonathan B. In
"' ALSOlilithsteertain piece' or parcel Oland lying
and being in the township Ordackson eramly and state
aforesaid, bounded and described adniows , to Wit: on
the east by the Lenox and Mammy turnpike, on the
south by a road leading from the said turnpike to J. L.
'Marsh's yaw mill, on the west and north by lanai be.
hinging to the Gibson and Jackson Baptist Church, con- I
mining about IMacres more or leis, with the eppurten
allee3. 1 grimed house, I fka med.barn,andt U Improved.
[Suit of S. S. Ingalls, Va. Jas. M. BrOwnaon
All the right and title of James .13111Isplo to and in
that attain lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and
-being in the borough_ or Great Bend, county and,state
atoresald, bounded and described as follows, to wit:—
Beginning at the southeast corner ofLowrie Oren's tot
near the depot of the Mew York & - Rrie: Railroad Co.;
thence along the hue of said Lowric,Oreen's land near ,
ly east to the Greet . Bend - end Coeheeton turnpike ;
thence along said turnpike. In .a • southerly direction a.
bout 8 perches to lands owned tad occupied by the Me
Railroadeompany, thence along the line of the Erie IL
R. Co. to the piece of beginning ,-nontairdng I.acre..oe
the same more or less. with all the appurtenances, one
house known as the National Hotel, with barns and
sheds thereunto belonging, and all Improved. Makes
in execution at the snits of J. W. Manly, and 3. It.
Donly & Co., assigned to Bentley & Pitch vs. Smith and
The defendants'a interest tb all that piece or parcel of
bad situate In ,the township of Gibson, Matti and
state aforesaid, bounded and described as follotvh,to twit
—On the north by lands of Geo. Ledger and Ebenezer
Witter. on the east by land of •Peleg ill, dec'd„ on the
south by land of George Gelatt, Jr., and on the west by
the tlarmony and Lenox turnpike road; containing
about 43 acres, be the same more or lees, with the ap
purtenances, one dwelling-house, with wood-shed at
tached, ono barn, ono unction', and about 40 acres im
proved. Takao in execution at the suit of Faller and
Dayton vs. Nicholas Low.
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate iikthe
Borough of Montrose, county and state aforesaid, boun
ded and described as follows, t-• wit: On the north by a
street running along the south' line of 'Philander Rept
old's lot, on the west by 'e street•mining along Mao east
line of D. Meaker's lot, and on use south. and east
by lands belonging to the estate of DOW Yost; dec'a ;
co:raining about t 0 square rods, with the ,- tiPpurtenan
ces, one framed house and barn:, antall traproted: [Ta
ken in execution at the spit of D. D- 111,26,40 - th e UROUt .
b. U. lisyte andlivus. vs, F. P. TOrry.
• . also.
AU that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the
township 4Dimock, county and state aforesatd, bound
ed and described as MA's; to. wit: On the north by
lands of Loren tiewtou. on the east by land of Leland
Blakeslee, Mervin Ilattdrie.k:and' John Tuttle, on the
south by lands of John linugerford and Asa Packer. and
.on the. west of noa Packer ; carat:tit:dug about
186 acres be the same more or Jeep, with the aptturtinan
ees, one 'trained dwelling honsevtwo framed barns, one
wagon none°, one corn bonne, °neva* hard:land about
100 acres - itnnroVed. Takenin execution - et the mite of
Albert Beardsley and P.S. Cassedar va. Abel cassedy.
ALSO,: •
An that cetaajn piece or parcel of land. situate in the
township of. Le i noz, county and state aforesaid, bound
ed and described ''as follows, AO Wit; on
.11te north lit
lands of D. K. Oakley: on the east-by-Sterling Maser
on the south by Wm. Hartley. and on the went by Ella*
Moore and Mini Tower I — containing 62 acres of land,
more or less, with the appurtenances, I framed dwelling
house, I bans, some fruit trees, and about 85 acres im
lroved: jTakerr in elecntion at theettnitotdoei 9. Ting
ey vs. E. K. Tingley-. '
All that certain one story wood huilding sitnatn in the
borough of Great Rend. and betvveen'the 27:Y. & Erie
Railroad, the _L. & W. Railroad. and the Susquehanna
River, being 14 by 20 feet in size on thegrottad. and the
lot or piece of gronnd and cartilage eppartenrint to said
building. [Taken in execution at the snit of Henry Co•
burn vs. John Sullivan.
All that Certain piece or parcel of land situated in the
township of Franklin, countyttud state aforesaid. boun
ded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by
lands owned by J. P. Tingley, on the east by, lands of
Erastirs Smith and Gould Smith. on the south by lands
of Hugh Dugan, and off themest by lands formerly men.
Pled by Howard Parke, containing 100 acres, more or
eso, about 10 acres improved. I framed dwelling house,
1 barn. I wagon house, 1 blacksmith shop. 1 orchard.—
(Taken in execution at the snit of Onttenberg, Rosen
baum & Co. vs. Charles Warner.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, MAMA I, 1504.
For Bats, _linee.i BOaeltit dings,' Bed.
Bugs, Mother In P ars, Woo - tte.,
sets on Plants, Fowls, Animals, an.
Put up in im."ls(6l. r and - 41 110 0' Boie,s Bottles, and
flasks. Mend $5 - erites for Omit, PUBLIC ;I=ll7.
, . •
" Only infallible remedies known." •
"Free from Poisons."
" Not daugetoui 16 the Butane Tam ily."
" fiats cornaont Of theirj'eles ykaie.' l
. .
oirsott odiolesale allthelarte - •
mold IThiggistalMd Real I ere everywhere.
p•.C . I! I Swam! !! or all worthless imitations.
e. Bee that "Cosran's," Mime is on each /! 4 :41i . SAM,
• andlrholc;beforn yeny, - • , . •
BirAddress • 'HENRY Hl' CAISTAiIL
piiimeyra, ttrori - 412
gaiy"Sold,„ by all Wholesale 21ad Retail: Bragg:2u' la
• . Montrose, [March g,gB4.;:=Fta, ,
ALLl_ter.__l l :ttlektad tolls,' • Ifstste of BERRY
w•Lzawn- 74 ; bte ant fituOrdlowttakip.deed.are
hereby notttkal to make 1 mmedlate payment. and all por-
Wing Malmo agatrareaid ewe prptproprut
tolholamferaiMd for settlft
ttaLTOT athi“lat• ZZOCUtelf• •
New hfilford, Jam 14:18fraz 4
,FAMILY' DYE : CI/COI* with - directioos bow
fb nee them, rot, sap by • , ;:;'ABEL Iri#l44
tOtibir s 4rl : 7viuf at
g enera +s , otwava.
4.44,4 :"•;nni'i. .76
• , !': . - 1 70 7, 14kTYZEii c: Z
3E 6 - t:Pa • " CN,
lntrq VOttlisl4.44::ll ' II :
3 . 004 H.,PARikva. Herriett.M.Prait, tliftelciziet4
domeinn PPas of 4lnfoclannt 0Nntr..71114:4'14 3 4
April Term. 18133. • • _-
To Harriett M.Tark s.:Wheresa iiintbreena In Divorce
was !esp i ed to ApriVl4B4(kwptab
. bOjtrturned
ton est trortnrbui; andaqoatr WidiAIWOP= I Ina /SI
.SW4I4 said awe, rotxtrriable totkunst Toroa,3Bl33mpon
tbdrettirki of which4rootwat •aaCt ear tbet said klar 4
nett M. Pnrk tonid not bo (MIMI ,irt r6Y : DailiNir~ `c
This notice is nerefogela. yOn to t rr be
fore tbe ;Ogee ot tbe,sairl, . on Oa jira rt:,.1 1 4
A P t #4.? f4 P , t Orf erl tr" %%a 1 eVaft:
obertire °Mee t Montrose. Much 7.1864.—{t
•:- .4 l4dreirt
. •
" • •
Tr+V-1747 I'XIXIMC3III .1 1*.E031...13:11.
TI •of-ITEPTESS for-1864
„..„:„...„ •
ATI" ENT 10141 4.1.1.
ow, Itacsorrtl::):stm;
Hdife copoluded , and , are determined front thht date 'to do" NO MORE:CRP:IW
= toga; im at a nhi r s igoopitibtr hie Tat desire= bf settling up wish their old Mends end.etieto
ime . !944 , 4llo4.thenito coveftg w ard. andiipkylip their old accounta, eitber *lib nth or settle. by note d'. •
wc /we trfor , WiVgre P!ift loiticitsh averentuithavO IX Wessell any Genes herea ft er. We fem- e t
late about taking ees pategittuitil ontbmati oftmrs will feel toothed abtint being refueetlitt
, brit nevertheless the Intelligent nen see atones that times have changed end with it the bush:ten. !Shos
.Ififteetlidea/eonrold.cnittnitnesendllitindithgenotol to reeks due e4lOwanee for the above two maims.
_ • . . .
wialf4o-14vige filligho'desitelo buy GOODS CHEAP. PO.RCASH_tu
estesoltez=ntetureiplot: In all Ziar tdk aptsee wal pr,
;- •
... • o
• "
. Those:who ere indelited:tets - iindliiive s man', doorswatiu. ot oft — v vm ; : z t,; . o 7Woli ,iiie id
Paitheres tee t
advise %king Ontin.Batteasid, DrreCtrit =t om, . ;
We will 015w,thsnathttuhrtlFe.for plwittho IMPAnt t41 ,
, .
' ) G.UTTENBEI '14.0-5 NBAU M & CO.
. •
•IaySTIME,,Pa., Aka. Ankh, 18134.
11111(13 nbsciliee would -Winne his old friends, end
1_ the public -generally; that be hes jest returned froze
New York, City with s well selected sesortmestot
and various other erttcles,stieh as are needed in every
family, and that they will beaold for Cligssish at
prices that cannot fail to snit. Please call and ezamine.
Mcmtroae, Feb. 2,18044
C 1 1, 21 . 5 20
Ir . Ll a L t O tt M o bz wi th t e c Z,.ltr i el t ; sack
,3 •• •
. .
1110PrrertZ. TALLOW. , EGGS. 'MED OPUS and
L =4 kinds of •produce wanted in .etcbange for
Goods at ;he Onscerrand Tryrsty:btore of
• „ _
• - DE .ttO,lt IN
-010iCE=:FAttlyt _ :
OM 0 COM1:02120 9
"ifirj (i 0
Clrio 40:3Ertban rt . ~
- .
ILVA 011.%,
6301.4313 1.431111.44:r23211314. dba..
. ,
Produce taken in Exchange.
Montrese, Feb. '64. 3; BIDeWITT.
Ezedutors' Notice.
LiETTititS Testamentary to the . Estate of Thomas
• -Clayton, deceased. Mte of. Silver Lake township,
sing been panted to th e nudizsigned. all perms In.
debted said estate are requested to nuke Immediate
payment, and those having, demands against the seine to
present " Teozas U. Haw.
• 'liaturtarpUT, 14keenters.
. Silver Lake, Dee.l7, 1863.7.6 t.
XTOTICIE le hereby given that In Penance of at br•
j.l der of the o_mbita's Court of Stesquehanna County
to me directed, LIM) espoee to sale OP !rondos at the
Court-house, in lioutrallec •• •
Ore. SafurdaY -.March-491h
• 1864 1 ' I
at I t o p.IL, the fi orijasetbedt - lees°lrv
:ibf landoato th e&Attel O'Langbide:
ha twit o f
I et n p tee or pa rand , situ e lying
Cobeing in the Immesh of ihtienehannaDepotila the
County grikequetuinttarandllfateef Penneyrrania: and
known and described as being Lcit No.> 1 ea the wane is
laid down and deeignated on a map ef part W ill of 80aanehannamadeseentding to a eurvey_ by William
Wenta..and recorded lathe Mete for ?amain Deeds in
mitiCounty, in Deed Book page ttectr. - Y se,u beim th
:emnisamveyed to Johnllnateplin bri. Albe
Itattrosufecti hylktedtlatedio&lilth...ll3sll.andreecoded
he thriellharriftcleata Deed-Zoor.lla. jig.. papa....
Also; ell that &Kafir wiev...o - ' l--- ar pied landeitdared in
the townehtp callarlsohy;OtarstVed4 State Itbridal6,
beriadedhnd deterfbedes-fellolwris: GM the avitby
the land of f3llaaNcEtme, on the Worth by the N. MI by
rte Railroad, olitAte Batty thelSAds. of •..Vplirsim
Barton,andbn thhilontlibytne Bnmptehatenti4ver. eon'
taintneahontltbree sues; more ofiessiit beingthemme
tract conveyed to,John O'LattOblitt by:Minaret
bvlteed date* April 12th; 1858;- tmertleif In Deed Soon
Itch iit; nage 262..
' TERME; OP , 8AL5.4421:61n the :daY cf la alle 10 1"
the Wanes on Stet condrmattorrehad tau! raolgils,,g .+
one year thereafter-with Interest. •
; r.:.•;;MARD c0Lmv0 2 7,4 1 , 1 1P . ,t,
tftlapetuihria•DOPti Feb. littels*
•• . _
volt' • si3itilU4
-- "smogs Essberrlasewt - liagth
at TvetJa3W ara MOWS*'stoatl3 : 60wilsorpetoro Room.
7 7M11 1 l rlttgM 151
~'.1!518144auti7 1,.1«
leg r r= a ,
„ -
.11A1r, • . •
..g.loFiciataikoct 411.314.0tichaiDaz" 6
♦gbnrn ilhogar COrnori
r : - "1
- ..1 - T101ER141011:, , ...... - .
One Price Stokel
H Asin t t ia zet&ytaraciatra4tieestitpzi rtat
of .
Boots and Shoat,
some, If not more: . and that' are hood to go. SAS Si
them oa hand,cand yon can get theorto ELL _
se PRIM LOWER Omit way ctther establiabisitt
In this amiss.. ,
- Vests, and rants.
White and Colored Shirts.
• Going Cheap. Neck-Ties.. Collars, o•
. Gloves. Scarfs, Ladlet' and Gents' Hosiery,
Linen Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas. ate.
closo buyers, I bract a splendid Stock of Goois.
bduglit for cub, andl will give you BsrgslSs.
• ;
*er article warranted as represented
tharge for showing Goods.
CEO. 1141111111F/6-
New Siliford. rob. 1, 1884.—t0 ,
EIMMUKT, will give prompt attention to all
claims entrusted to his care. Charges low. and tabs.
motion IarTREE. L. V. IeVILVII.
Montrose, Jap. 14, 1E44.
mad . Bac k Pay 1
raundersigned ISOM= /tamer 0? 1211 Govan.
m will give promptattention to all elalma tatrU
ted to his care. No charge unless successful.
Montrose, Avg. J. B. McCOLLVIL
T. w. 1312.rgeissi,
• - Noeszkart .411.AreztAzo,
03IIMELACIIMC, N'esisa'aft
Aug, 6, 1868. 17
mu. =lento:led: late. members of the Arm of RAT
1, DEN BROTHERS, he this day entered tato
partnership undet the name and style of Wm: . •
Hayden, for the transaction of the Jobbing Trade •
Unite° Notione,.Watches, Jewelry. Faac YD gooday,
- WM. flASß.,___ .
New le6l, Jau. Oth. 1864
. •
wax. & T. niTDElii havingpureltated theta
rest of John and . George • Hayden- in the 'Static . Of
Goods of the ',Astern of Hayden Brothers. will eonttaaa
the business at the old stand. Merchant. aad Peddles*
an Plied at NeerlrorkJobbingprieea • •
slutSpanpply our easterners.
• • Wlit. -al T. HAYDEN.
. •
_ _
- CASH Plt.lD
• • •
Ittiesttiti tic • 3r12171111 11.
.11n1.11. , • •
ion.DiSSOII4 " . i' - : ; :r '
Nan= ,ts here , slop #ist the_co-pirtusnitdp:
lieretorpro _Wagerfr= the gOsaibets MOH
WO* F (4404 ' ,'• • . - rili 4l lanr .; . .
ea trmlsfEltea- Vto th ersas ebb dax dluebPsll VP'
numiriumWt ,,
• IV - Notice to thoip totetested. all sots a and sc.
cunts exeept Umtata thotan of the Minn/or - a-Joe•
tie*, wilt bo found „at the old -stood of Hay es Broth..
- Jati•jfll. 7 lll64; 4 ' esr • • .
,-- '',' tilifoittors' • Natio - 30 -'' ..
" -
• - •'.-`,::--' . _
-,;ik"it.4iieittiiiii ititetifetile' l tbil eittite. a , A 1t
feeeseedl. leit,k - el lteAti. , towsollo„ -
axe Tweeter° make trom,e4tate Pallnetlt, — and thee&
beel4 domed' tsarist tbe *stile to vreseat *tete.
.JOBrt 1417118 AT t
~—. ,:' .-' , ,, -. :-.: - IMItUAEVAtcaIiI O O B 0 4-7111"
• tisli. iii0i148r 4 . , .:. :. • 4 5! , • - ' - 4 - - . -
.. , ~ ~, .
.... . .. -•• , • •.
, • ANtditotis
v o z cz A ii,bere stsic. iiiiioo us„,, is iots a
ice'Ammar .red " tbo Orphsteo Cosine lose
.OnshatroX mot .10 PAPA 0 3 ° 110 " 1214414 ig gi llr *
Uowitd, &dodo otrator of Isaac Erowarti; a ft % stw
'tent to th e .flettee of-hts sopehotisioltattli;oooll,lt
Watittbse,roultrbfsi.ta, 8 0_,_dAt OESZ e l l __. • L • lb-. 44
o'clock to tbe - gifterW:-•allet# uo.rokirs wow.: All
vaticiksmausa iriel-..:...L.,,-. , -..... , - ~
S ISTIUUMmovomw ••
1.4 - ... • 4 : ..... .., .... t- :
Feb. bib. Int I . „