The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1864, Image 4
candidate receive tio resit tie, mug tut a little..nalbunfone - Otkrat-4 14 41 14 Note of tiffei"thii"futit, 6* 11 441 1 1 211 €1 4 reei ii ` that he would have received a majority of the voi e. 4 had these hgAi a free t slpe io n And the same,tntnitpoithqb defj4 6 X "1# placed' in Congreadlii the Stit gta ntur, a any weinbp,roxbo,:limaglid, their seat t bhe nrilFp tinoTpl,44ut by fe. " sayOuks• ,; -And what do we hear now 7 , Secret retryll. .V . ,tygdor the Senate fora copy of all tirders from his Departnivt touching these elent- Thiiii4/01WitaittioDividli ordaralverblisisfn, nikTlV(tjitalitet'i' ta:tiNts . a fawn:- ow Zge r oiar rtif AhiWetaitiiii - 4014ei - ;itigeortittlt; od and driven from the army in disgrace. But reps any one of then' . been punished, repr tt . d 9rsesurAt_);'ol hPreliebichdentanidiri from ongresa a niest elesids,pf.tho, n my — ntZt, 10 -. 'll•P:tai:Pflbn: last, Marylithd election. . ,3 0 13 INnitirgtikilton. etpipary 9th, 1864. 171 MISOT` O'Ff IP 4 ea A e seeo t t Eriate titratdi,b4AoliticFd fi& s inihd sidn itulis y say 4- 01 , " When tho President reclaimed "..otinti'PhofcWi7 a l t)Sreno; foll4w B the " oth* sug -41 ri l eLif I .j . Ai "And now behold I the_great Repnbt ttvvPattklas nierg(djfito Ab y. Tir"d ['bp Us iOltifedihe "" bucketful! 2 1 .bn?nn o iybiTo parties noe, i helrbolition•;. which isineffect - thepai. kitM N pid7 b ikegenitioelainlffin) o 4 Oa tontemptible crowd' who 'Tear !le It - s-wAtkitidta)rfifiq l plo i li.tir itio; Th irih —l7 stirsti'earen - cf. - aid idiallifoniiat " swalloacßepuyiesnistn ! Becanse: z it SpitsoiploilAos.4*e4 "nearer the truth. ~Plaln`~'alk; arif.4.141. 74 - ;t7iLeinfilican I,„l'LV.e . rt,"afs ..9c9 11 1P 40iRgusted with the eberoptaitud , dd, Con officials and zattizanli x thel, it ,speals Ositt*tße-rillolv ingeneigetutterma : • A,. pack of sharks, hungry, ,Nillainoni a " 'incorrigible; taillasletied upon -the pnblinTreasurypid,Ac.pleted it fit the rateonnilliOnil di; Ration age 051' the Pederal - toiterninerit--inas-teen bestowed upon thoie with-whom the elec.. tors, if allowed an exercise of choice, wot:ld;:hsnre absolutely ; refused 'all, dealt hip, until high places of trust are held by ..known and convicted cermorants, - -.`irid nada give fast horses and , litein:free 416tilie7141:iiia-,ptireSaseif United States greenbacks, who, ought to - he peg 9qs, itAgtalte Ptisons. - • This is ihe Aiayin• *which f` Honest Old to "tt tyfilre- farlteis.."• • 'The Rev-:tholes A.A. Kibbe,* meth- Aisveldrkytaan hiated ad "RaniOen de. Massiichasetts f was eapght recently in the sleeph4g;' apartments' at poring girl by her fatbeirlio was one of Mike's par f.l4lfioniirs:. the only garment the par. - 'sdn had„Ort was 3 shirt, and the time was t he' case looked slightly snspic -ions, more especially as he was found arm• eJ witlra - rdiry and aTeaded recrolirletorsi rifier-Of Tefilch. liiiweicr,.beTattempted to Citf - FAIn rsi,bithad gilt explanation to , offer t the only part of it which is nice- Iy-to,i,ntelrest the public:is the rwing IV44noterom SPringfield j iiEttian: 4 kgAtth ,Tma!:(111) clieleyolyer 'and idir k, that be. belonged "to' the Union Belegke;ii•ei - i.meniber of 'Which is oblig- Xvirpfr o nsuch_weapepp." - -• W'The teaelfiep-_-of 31teeggenation ~CialSiaxxirlogr fnit.`6,Reeently the wif,e,o,i- a 40clierAg Okkilth.,Pa. Vol., resi4kgPAtrAb.6ol...aqd Q 9-1 eroiied wit:h a neffro carrying -off witb-her 4440 e ndred her - hug tkm°A.,r; teeth* su ppo rt uieztamply.l; ° Lut tliat r s nothing to thefrproatuitiet4 - 44 47ifiRti.0)010, yeeee crop of idab to y 0 eChbOimur -I.s'Aelltt- bed'Abe .14 ,1 34ialikiaitiiettitifa r ietted *ion tk oAtAlet,Tattfikverntnentpxpense. The la Weirortlfe . se epmatera., seems 44) lave become sointensetent with Acaehieg eotrahande, they , :havet7 . -Fi • jer:The.- Mani,Staltoint' .(Rep_tdxfi isplxvisiyir: kt Unless ,spc.retFy ~Üb4tte 'nukes it's fronpliejtcnipputiag, _we (waot t ikopsibly tiekvatiltiinbetof nntniqty led ra.senla which - we find in tile TninstiTy annweverfue l AtepprimputaL-Titlmost ev ery day sonr4itroVtlia; , Seiretary is ar estedreitherfor gramtlaroany naratkir "7 1. 4 43 'SPriiigtelt (Maa.).4eirtiblieink an newspaper, saya:, "Nei theryhd'{iltration nor itairarti 'tan siteumi underiho FORTlrehis rack corrop titil!f;'ll*-300. iheirlf;adlanlesiCthey mate it sok honest and thorou h effat i made o fel% rel . out, expose an pgi r as the thieves, then the adthiinatration io nstl y held MOUSBARIEL » ,_ , .. . -,,, - -9 visa/oils- it* kte of gt :: , - • * ir l atilVlMAriki - Btore Ito. • • • * 0 --'----,-. •',..;,•-•,,,,...,' :1•3. •i„ i iv . ,. , , "Alri.:* '," "."• , ---`f, t. 0 , -y..., „ zt• -,, tiri , iivoor et. _.. 0et b, , „,,,1:,:„,... ?,,..,',.. ralideetsa6- I - • -4 7 1 17,- -yr.104. „. ~• •. , _ ,Y:44111011'. 7z ........;;;;....;,;.;--- 7 ::"'" 47 ' , • , ' ,l-0. ...w- r-; -,...,,—,. t ~~~~~: li ar r C. : 1 ', '''''" — alidill - kindirof &ring Apparel. to `1 Eiraer isia,sriaagg Cor 80 r:i6zl 44:id For 15 cenu yon can ,color as rnam a loods.aa - 4d-.1 otiumnsocoatinratimbothatalDDLV ghlllll4co atit-i tribcdf*,ll2oo 01110 Are: 7410 TOCtailtidaple j ay dl 1... V-"' n * 43 0 1 g li rt ! il l 1 fi t : Mi tekliS \ 0512 3 ,2 M 411 .40 P t Otelripw _z.; ." — ',;7•.:7 4 -- 1 ' -MO:4hr*, 00101314****Van=roct trilitigg i tiailnant'Veatntaptitito titmertithv. 'etreiwnrw illirlblet.recipeie Otr.mir litepuene Treat aeon Dyeing and Coloring. Beat bl , mailer. receipt otprice-10 cent.. lisnoracturcd by BOWS & STEMMA. 260 Broadway. Boston., 7: , Mersa) __V_Pro ggietsinetZteapla!gelmisar k I Y 4.Z.MA....- - - , ork ~ ' r : wt- 0 t - --- -, : r,. E.IIIOIIO , IIIk4OOPEI 4:411e I :C. , AGENTIk AMR:: • c•-^2.5 I thedititon 8 4 13 rick Star" - iniy of L'lglitetiii)4l PitOkilttC rctSONS wishing to send for their friends In the old', ountryean purchtuutpassag r o tl4tetslo , qts.abote keit the ittbsetibteli. • _ '" "L'AkiliiVraftS Miltebbilbrauthrstmatbk vitt - MILIB-COORM4Co4llanken Montrose, July 14,,186. tf 1••• , 1 .....-..,-,_..,_ ° rt . - ..,. . SOLDIERS - -- BOUNTVIPAYVAND 1014 , .../WROL-- '.. ,;- 6 -01" - v the .- 7 PosWflice,, . . ,-. ,„. .4-, . .. , ~. .! - "- - Itirciii.**64io. lzial;" - ' - B]3M° duly antlitiestsfanN.epere the necessary pia; pen for all applications i.for Aoldlers, and the 14(1-, Orli filln,Fikelflx?!d Child/ oracce,ealla banfrikrar - Boiii4p 3 Bad ' kla3t- , :ar. Petkeionigg I will attend ilittlinsinessfOrttoritim of f : :ff - , _ .itiCtiotii4 kit" Liv. . 2.. 'tot eseteeitt -:ltilti . tOiriver lir expinsei; tneladinn" Justices' fcesiClerk4eartlflcatesrand-Postage. . i al u s a lar one -tbla them= usually ainve!l or. 1111personsintereitedIvill pleaaatatenollee and nor era tlittnieltes aceordlngll. - _,-:. ~ _-- ,a.NRITN: FRAMiII, Attorney anetConnsethir at La% and oft Agent. /I " t r t .' s * I l ti P. )l . 3 1 3 , ?:' q '.` ''': C '.: A , i'w=tofl,kl:M/Mt , .IPO,-, r 'j fiti l atsal oiitail Datenk!i: 11 '4222l)Vir l itila - 19 -.r.,;' . 37 "Ii i. 4 0.",1NTi t-: ' 81tE '- - NAILS . : 9 - t SPlatita S 4 -SttOVßtseli , I. ____llllDERt HARDWARE._ _=.__ mum ibfaLa/OVN27l7lsuNgltitaeitaprE.6oB. CARRI 4I 7P4PIatiV3.,:d7CLIC.Crawma AIM BOXIM - DOZIX NMI' dad • ITAgiIERS. PLATED BANDS. MALLEAD4 • Y iizo" - ARS, BPQRZS PELLOES. BEAT SPIEDLEA, ROM &a ARMS,- VICE imam sad DIES, BILLOWS, Luild=3. SLEDGE'S, /4 1 ;11 3 : #victrimut.exto lausiwo. tam!: raciaitO, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CESUCET„-ILUB. & OR iItiiiCITWECIiOVOLASS;LEATTIZER inawmis. I_PAIFEBANIVB !WALES. rr os. Sterile:4; - ly •- • - 4 = - T 'friKAILWAY: Clgr,.Tra l ßj.Eabozit=Anrairatzitjan.tge tbllcrittug nburr;vitY ' *rraili..Alili,_ iitilijili:. r-iii44.o.iiiiikr* '-,1. Batraol*reigi.6:o6 Pm ' , 9. 1 ) 411 .1<gpreatti14580.nt• ,•,41.6teantbost:.! . P:l4 pas 15 , at; 'b-, ..-1. 7;460.ur 16.Clzeinnatt 4 ! Moan 17. 'Fly 1 447470rTP.1a SO. War Fratltt. MID.* 1 0...... altatun. _ •.' Train it, ring every . dm-SO, 16 runs Erratum, t. at doessotrun-Mondays=-Train Ileflaturdsmfroarrievr York. rem tißungit Ito BOCA, but doeirnot run to Dun kirk. ,:-; + z., r,i 0 1 4 . 113,14130T.1.0ink. Supt. ICT, Aithotz iygr-, 1. itunnw m i zz i g , ~* noto g rathip Materials isaikOrtvA l r, 'A T ? . Chtiwcit wir.*cree*graslP'4:olll, Al lie Catojoignents*entlioontionstditintyotOrnni alibuatitt different inableeta; (to whll ki t andlttons ere bereS4OgirkeJelli =4 , Q ,of-.Rsztealto •Atogneot S SOlTVannotre , llo-.. ,. 1 • 23: Atajortilltripdie;1 onela-s4 Lleatenant-Colonda Ty oaken -525 Stateamen-AnDlYin ED K etreiti zz litStirromtnent Women-147 Prom- Ines* la ttonwPottraftsootVepplat At Wints - of Art. Ineludlnzzepreduattoniot &moat Celebrated Zugrav laze. ratatlnga Statue ensc wails •An lordfr for One Dozen Pictus Aeon' our Catelogue‘DlbolDlettonzeettptuf sl,lo,,and lent:lg l'A d OZraPhili Of dupes. ;nrauurnaieteka:i t Ofeeffrbeit4mte to T"49! " ' 1.4111 lif•Mbeateliairatheeepittinieof beauty and durability teeny other% The et Wadi ; cal bbstatireibly-bi st ar - Jitzioutai'ller ibsigutru=ra=Ps expreu. .sWealep . beep .aaecatufaely,;:t--.1-, STERESCOttitit'STERESCOPItNIEWS•; :Ana Citatio . arof pOO - #LII beauuti ii?aay'atbitetacau g l. "o"tot i otuitd: . , ff • U r " "Tit ie l a i i4a4 AiltinitarY °l llk :ti lti 3 *Vat =Wilt' 1 1 0 / b. CliteM i atfOut : 73 ,•• • alaidtqa r te • " • • ( 77 tete*: p Tastor f • tou futbet 11ti66" ;f IMP isfib. 11,W o Ur g , twar. Allelltattlais e it io ' tasitspesitaar• 11111"11* .a r t p =grAtorma,=-liikibir evairsom. Aftigang jP4.,WifeW,";"-1 VII 4 J "At Ytr 041$ , ' zevi:ilatiZer-;;Eflurz,za ,e 4 RAILROAD tt MINING SUPPDIgB f. , ..i - ,..7t5,, , tly : • --A•o] . ) 7 . 1 74,-yglest . ... (r ;3 litg„-."- -,; .;.. DAp j r - - - ,2 , _.,...,-;, - .:•:* : ' %,-ti ~ • _ • 1..- , a:. I:r.. It:IV*: —., Wig ki......'t :1.! j......... L 1.:1 , ."... ...,. 1 - , ..--ai 4 ~ . .1 ..,. is .... f 1005..., . , 1;.11.1..7•95. ! wm0ntr t..:'11...,:.. >. 4 .•;,,..... , I 1,....,-t,: i. .:• ,:.: ,•.-. • ,:-*V.4 .1. , " ; : .... ' ..: ',:,. I. . i : .:, „1. - J:I22OIIIMtAND Usto=nnitiniussa,' i.'::- • lnblreberiribti'vslete 4 Inge at loaritamaarA Ws ape 'Lida WWI at Use daubed ; to those wbomok jas lidos pas ,) ali ralitrte,theVlas-be, l ablikine Ike out obobrimb'J , R050b1ib m,..6. ,13 1 = •- rintb .• 1.1;010119. t►ll..os, the mon. q->::j33.l2WNio..7tobt. , Sttation,"Ertuot Sagiaang; relardb swat, to Yaleand. the inb eh ltrLadd not mblkbot tbe - -(W i nratbilL '* I tob, tr= boom lit boo; eass, ayahluol mar fOrlellne inkblot wobruable tioouto lota we' hied vet Sob , Whialitar, libta.. 4 .bebt fob* mambo t to)4.ofii.V. - t.Thoea - mittibeibiaiutegt , , tadY '• • COMO co; 21r.ii ~ . . sofibeillbs yea_ boa** * mot • • - *Won* vqrAstroblesams. - Notbrne liv - vrion rig t4,iii!,4,A4siza s , ?ii0:46 10 : 03 • .'". icure 4 '- • - ' • IfoliClotha4.6 4 ,ol , Bot.;;;ol l ol44lress:ey qattglawari.MbgiottiNtlermse Poo_ gfro o l um igc v : 2 ' l lll4l4b aicsimi l a stil itte7d i r ti sseX i t i ra almost evaltbing min could of both able* cad malt .2o4.tal labootttartelltrarbeltal'uotill look pat Alobtmosztaa: stbamallatoly Raft my ewe 'trove. os= yos toklloo tt talghttbe.s.tisoottrot to it tow weeks • tbriutwildi boo to Saw trader lbw Motets* sod COD. iinwdvntll tqF nob Ittotootbosanybodpb pill MU aiWaat 0171Mtgtern le the discus ftit nowt at:; I ateorportbot -10 11 b= ivittants4olll4 boo ft • • clioxamPASll,W!t_ . I . • 1 ills7.4lBl 4 iittaild Nitat***rifF the - liktpil.' • "'"-FitserDr. BrAkatteht, - Moittdataait. Y. - Dz. Am: I seldom ail to remove Fnrptions and 416111410 w *nor bjs the'penfererhiraie ef your Us-, JuLpmuziA lr =lo MZIAlit cared as attack at aliffloant • NM :•Plo &math* we mama I cosish(thek Aaate•Weliai , yotharassipplioy so she pro f 4010 , 1111AnalluttotlieSeliPle. . -,•-, , - ,: , ~_ !-; :::Ftvia . ii4C.Abispoy . .. .fre-, Tr- thio. ..: - itior twelve years I Oita the _yello* • , pene ME MY ' ...te . oidnelorrirldob Um, Filial all - thecektrated I mild reads, and toOlt hundreds, of ollars* srciremedleinee. 1116- uloitnrwern so -bad that ttur cords became tidbit.. am: - the doetan decided that my arm must be amputated. • r bog*iskihfietwAshaA wkilmti.- lb* two bottles, end • sin* year Pau Together they.have %red in t ok I ant now intwerad and_ 131 4 5 Viniti dfi b g e01172 1 :Ilit i rati cal t l b i e l 1:= J. ":- el k oft, a s t i e y m i ber efi y r; D I o cos P a f N P eresok, t . C 7/. MI hen usedlearmrsnice&ln mily, for = h i 1 14 =ang i ftlY Pulibbvi gai Mod, with met isonlittenee in connnending 1 :to the allticted.". MG- ,Alltbanpon ' Pin Bose Ei . Balt Ithentati. liciald ttne / . ,&Wei Nte., ,lhe 1 aile Fats •i• tie Taub - ooch exemarae, Zest ':risscivania. • , . ullir only child, about three y_sare °rem sae attacked uthrplet on - tdrihreluted. - ity , rapidly spread until timed a nd , Windedult sore. wh coy= his flice, a actually his eyes for mins days. #.sklllid vi s ma lryakdan applied witmteursilver and other rem- Mira ti abet: . For Mew days we e a d t blabaads. with them ha skald Winos the and corrupt wound which earned his whole ii;Ml:lll'=terfyour sL v i dzia- ajailii -. a ir sm o ih r. tug uwionose,or potash lotion es yew direct. IThe - inie 1 1 began tn heal when we haven the Ina honk, and Was Well when we had In the second. The dere eplashee,:whioh hadld caw out. screw main, _Aunt he is sown hatit4 to Ads as .aay other. M whole larked' .a that the chFd must die S ." , neigh- • Byphilis and Ittorcurisl Disease. Prom Drat/rum 51044-rf-at. Louis. Jlllssesri. "I dad - year liasousaarm..• a more arms! moody Orr the smoodarysyndpitans of Suttilis. and for syphilltke MMusthe* ts_y other sts - pones& The profession are in O _ to yogi for some of tba best toed -Wm w• {UM." litoot 4..f..ilatnek MD., da etainest physkies of Law -ornsee,./fate.„ mho le a prominent member of, the Legis. &shwa emassadaudes. dear Eh: I have !bond your Bow warsaressaraanat rowdy fat Arsatiir. poen of the =airdireandary type; and teem! econkessre re too obstinate to Odd to attar remedial: Ido set know what we am employ with more eatalaty of morm_wt ere a_ pmrathi alterative Is fitatied•" Mr. Om 3. Ms Zler of Ness Brunswkl-,M. J., had Alreittiti eters on biz lags, caused by the abuse ef men. -eery, or aserairial disease, which grew more sad more uggranted tit yews, l h a l e lita of may remedy or trea t-. meat that 'aal be ap a:With* persevering nee of AMMO MAUS eved bins. Yew eases em be Aland more, and dinteming than Oak and it took enaraViosen bottles, to cute him. - lapacatzlinta. sr* Whi by terna l ts,. Pam &W ela Weakness Wee. gumar ally p rodmewl Int . dons roxient, ead ars atry often eared by Os alterative 'Oct Of this naitampatuccs. some cuesrequire. bayonet, in aid of the 11AISSASIAII44, the skilful application of local manilas. Anin fht welthaeres wad wideiperiebrated Dr. Arabi aneismasi. "I ime ttnnad your SARS ezr APARILLA So SNERSPIII ails in diseases of females. litany cases of faucorricre, Internal trlceration, sad local d i :a li f ri at ingfrout the oendalona diathesis, hays fielded to and id ed by l *are am ocal few t that. do La not, when its erect is properly arestmett 4 may, sowitring to ono= publieation of her mile, old dooftasid smelt him been oared of *very rrbots of long steading, by two bottles of your Elossesortu.o. l, 31 0 9 tOulThon Cioutbt ase vitr Coulgaint. D'Ams .1116 newt Nouraticia. *boo Wand by Senfoks In Ito system, tun rapidly eared by this Err. iLULSAIWKILLA. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS passers se many adrantates over . ths other pangs. threrin that -wbt; and their super ior mimes ate so Amimmally imam% 'that AM eat not do mom than to Mann the public their quality is maiatained equal tt-ti* hat it ever bas been and that they may ho dud en to do all , that' tbs.,* have ever dons: J. by C. AYER, 11. D.ofs Co, Lowell, Mass., and sold by A. TURRELL, Montroee, and by one trader is every town in the county. ; • vinyl!? cwly - EXamitung,, Surgeon ! lipilit i Th iiiiteiiibeeit ti le - feinted by the Cate larroEtalesionerafrazistaiLlAM CAL EICAIIINRII at ,Anemzeolne madeveyerttlieoteo to all - entitled to Peolitnwartitattend to all oppilattlono ttbat my be Faceted :oliko f at pa. P 4 6. Boor p al Anu a. S cii . Ta . oelrtiTore - -I• 4 4f l P tr .".Pirtiklegteltf , - • TO TILE • A TVERELL . H . A n ß ew rva ries Te rt ived, ipd! ! l i iionstentl 7 Miffing , . . . . - • . ‘.- 1 9 _9 fa e rimpective mite of trade In:writen I. engaged. embracing everatbing..with few exceptioilLon lie taderiblesincerttliatika to Man 'who bare fam ed him With their patronage and hojektogittitsmni fttidanelfisftgarNvors. "Thiltillie are thilly in vited to edi at tdadbile. and examine • Wee &MO ma of his [olds. - 711frinfirise, Nov. • • ' 7 -" 'nvir FIRM BALDWIN, ALLEN & BAIINHART, ariitinuc Avsztux.... " DBALEAsIik ....„. r . F E E D ---- FLOIllk,,; . SALT, __:., ~.,;;;..,..n .... _ s,j , •:•-•:. aro:on_ eteeds„.______• Wheat, opmtei t liiiiiithi - kirks Seed , vina4 .-"kular-DEreiv _ , :-._:•: ,. :;: .,. .phdlisizioked-ittarbiii: . ,ic - 1 -- ,3`7•f;aii, , :- k ~, ~,.,,,--,' - - 153:1PRIi4aPia'riell'T a ttd : S TOMP ' ciatic,istidO.Pkiktikidli.:B '.ealeiiiiil' .0,,,.., :‘,.,! ,:„ey!: • ~ .1 " 1- ,' ,' 4 , . i , , A_ _., :_, r,-: i 2 A .."; ,S 7 1: 7 !7 . 4 209 . 740,-.41744, fk i--,•t :•.•:,,, , ,;• , 1 - ',' i = ---''', .'•''' -.1•40-AA :lii.-.,--.'-..-•.;',:...."; ‘...;-_,- , ...).77.-,• -- -- - r—______-..7 -.4 0,- -, - - -.• , :,- , 57-, -,- 7 - 7 - 7:77,#:•4•-e.:&:',A 4 ipusinakriv.m -1 ,..-#*.°4-.r.pmtrimitirt . ~.. . ar1i5t*;,wi1m.4472.40.-- : :-. ~,..„.,•,1,r,:.13. r.,...,v,.F..-.?...._ ALL=11121 1 1011427 --- . 'l44fikareat , 7 • • 'l.*: 4 1. [B I . I 4VbitiVRILTABATIOIie zwitpLwstrrisAbir ditto ' unitioiss,2oo: Agnp.:t- , 1 , 1 • • • zamictuuari'. ozNvnEe - rat PaiIATIONJ 1 4 1 44 1 7c5 0 .4untratar comp.outiAl 231 . 1441 44.,:3144*411,041 MillAcam* A positive ited,tteidi Xleftieibi fin' diseases of the Eitinefr 'Cifaiel 4$ bropsial .., I -- ineessaiei j ,tiie pawa or ditmostiOn. excites the abiorbehtiointo hatthyletloo, by. wbieh i L WOW Or taketrank deriNdtkinei sad all: unnatural tik= latgetnentiate reduced stetell as pail ! gad tadatsation.! as itloodfor taeoiirinistroriltilfteal" • - =MI :~~,>. HELM 001 Ntr' ErrilArt - z 1111 CIR .- r .; bibite tion,•garlyjucljacrestion, or Abuse, Attended with th uge7c4Piemel, • , tetieplidtiettisiffieitiot j ..idt Lasso, Memory, tnedity of Breathing, Horror of Disease.— • `ettleine". Dimness of Viifien. • ' Pain bt the Back. Unirersal issaltrulsof Abe-•• Flashing ottholkely. • Mesettlar tiyatent, ' • Eruptions lib Merge°. Sot ttetle: Fang Countenance, Dryness of the aloft, •• • • ellowedlogo.on, which thirceed - • • invarisbltrearetiortsenfollow .• DepoTlincy,-FATITLTY,B 4 PiIIIOTIC FITS, Alen,* ou.vater therpillent absTittoine;:eleliereaii say IP‘ t s ' l ";l 7 _ ° Pontoriki followed , Yr4ealt. "Pieria Nasser • 'lnuniV:a • nd Conspmption. many anwiware-rt-the dale of their" sneering. bet. none will confrere ' 7 22l6reetlffill of the insane ssylants lend the Itteishebed , rdeattis by Consittaptioii;•. bear am ple witness to the troth of . the assertion. TheceititiintlOU,..once.i'itfrected with-or- polo weAknem Requires the std .ftedteine to eirenhthen and insignr. ate the system. whiehIIRLSIBOLD'S - EXTRACT 11 - invarisblr - does.- A -- teletwittearrilnee the meet' . Females, Females, Females, Old or yOung; oingie, truirried, or contem - -plating mariiage, manyaffeetiona pocallar to Females the Illtraetlia elm is unequalled by any other remedy. as in Chicon:ads or Retention. Irregularity, Painthlness, or Bunnreulon of the Oilatontarylaraenations,•Ulesrated or dehissotta slats of the Utenia, Leuchorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints inddent to the sea whether aria log from indiscretion. Habits of Dissipatian. or Ines • - IDEVLIWIi ANGIE 41 LIVE. WO FAMILY SUOULD BE W ; OUT IT: • Me no lialsem, lioretu7. or unpleasant medicine for napiessmit and dangerous diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CVIDIS SWEET DISEASES is &lithely attains at little expento of oo thane to diet, no Inootrireatence, • _ . AND 1110 IMPOSVIRIL It causes frequent desire, and eves' strength to etha ne, thereby rsroovlng obstructions preventingand ca ring Strictures ottke Urethra. sibling pain and indana mation. so frequent in this class o diseases, and expell ing Poisoncras, diseased,,andworn-out matter. • Thousands open Thousands WHO RAVE BEEN TEE VICTIM( Or • 4121017.1LCINGSE. And who have paid BEAVT MRS t obscured in a short thne.haea found they were deceived, and that the " Poi son ,* haa, by the,ase p 1" Powerful Astringents.•• been dried op in the system; to break ant in an aggravated form, and • EllllllAPlt.dlTXB3tAllittlGX, • S " RELMOOLDI EXTRACT BOHR For all affections and Diseases of The Urinary Organs. Whether existing In MALE OR FRIRILE.truns *astern cause originating, and no matter OP HOW LONG STA3IOO. Diseases of these Organ* require the aillof a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT NCH 'IS 2118 GICSAT DIURETIC, And it Is certain is have the desired erect to all moo, for latch it is recommended. 131.00 b! BLOOD!' BLOOD Heimbeld's Highly Concentrated Conapo?nd Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla.. EIMIEMIC:Cirappar. This is atteffectloa of tbellioed. and attacks the Sex ual organs, Linings of the Nose. Ears, Throat,. Wind pipa,and other. Mucus Surfaces, nutkingits apparent* In the lona ottlicers. Helnkbold's Kamm saiy an u. latittrides lbsafood end removes ell Scaly Ern ons of the akin giving to the Compladop a Clear an Healthy COO, It being prepared expressly/or this class of Hi Blooornrifying Properties are preserved to Nrder extent than any other pretlerstfem of Setups , Holub*lll's :Rose *ash. An excellentLoticur for Diseases an Syphilitic Ifiture, surdas an injection in Diseases the urinary Organs, arising from , habits of diaipation , aged in connection & id the fizUteta Bucluaand Samara* 111 ;such div cuesairrecommendedi. • • I • Evideaceof the mostreapansibleandrallabLe clumliWr willaccampithawerdiciaca. ' CEEMI/CATES OP MUM, . 4.promeigheto .twenty - ,,years-stanaing; with mats known to science sad fame.. •t- . . „, Per Medical PropertlesofltUCKS,see Diapenaato rye! thelbited States. • Sea ProtaaroTDAViiitli s work en the . PM . Hee 011Ph7Ide. • o ' • • See r remarka made - bY Millie celebrated Dr. rznriact, tunark4,lo,4seby w.muunt: mcnotvwx,s mileTurtitairlanielan. and gaunter of the, ofin ch mi lf is,Lreland. and pubiliturt in be of tire and Omen's- • , • - Sailed eaCimagical firivlew.pirblished VT, Projantin. Travem Fellow °Labe Royal -COW 4 1 - 80 17"ria. -Seipmeat of the latiEttaudard wr.a• on **dieing.'' Samar Sam. $1 00 ma Born s, oilurrirssoo ".• Sanaurawmara 00 l . .". - " 111, DO Isteosien Boa Wain., 50 . " 611 9 as Or bilis dosoofeactrfor $l2 00, width ; will b Wit ched trcure_thearostobstinate cam, if directions are adbermito.• . ; . • ayr:itOmain all corimmileations. Cares guaranteed. Ad ca patio. r • ' AFFIDAVIT. • Pirtionaltr appbefore MOM Aldnosso of th e dty of m fiebabobl, wbo. being &dr swetts Whiny; big prirpatotton tootobt no tlamue:mer e!t7r 0 r other *tarot% &sp. bat ate l penfe n a m metabto. / 81 :4H 1441 - )°!/ beclibeS ' an bace , u tr bo kr tr itate llagl i, .looroo. inforosattensto ' • LD.auttnio. - - -24)40sici . ,o souk 7 0 04troosi wow gthestiro Pills. /MAZE Op IMINUMMTSiI • • 7.a.toorssmouansonotant; Walo ealeavor 'll6 dispose N-ortbotrowit "sad MO, glides oktbo mutaucos Maned br • • • 4- 1 1/emonititaldoo Prepotottoso • g*, losittsvoiNtomi Alb. •--; 4 111 4VO 4 .40417ThnitiOnin.. • Altrilkstrit,;.lliiiiir6-4 htbisisrixri/IMMWALtiliabilles tdol, '.4.- 01l 0 „-Bg raiiiia44 -t-T erit „, , ItITE - 13 - 14 'ff" oath igaitindtatatahlart ,::•.1, a , ... , :s ' ,4 •): 1, -;L:: '-'," I ~!. r , ;) ,4,, :7 Vi i . ;1 i C Lit i -r''' :. • ' • • ',I , 1,1) J.i Vi ) li t, • ) ii 3 ~.4 , C: - , _- X 1 111,.. w.O L'.. .40 , Ilz. ' --! ' 1 I ever Offered In Suagnettantair,ctenti oretially '' 1 prising the greatest variety or moat - olma“ a t - article" of any titorePrthetinatiahltrportof Pennsylvania and per- haps of . the entire-State-4o asaortabentria: s in' I about thirty different-branehea OftrideraW the' ee- MODMITO laladoOuw.ablillt4inty .01 Be nue i n ffew , yerk; iindtiore than 5 (17 IT Van „i Aran pnt lif t fle* York Pitierge rpropenlondr• e' i 1 44 Sloodkare-brought di tee;frfira 14t9, Ptannfact prem. thus miring , gettnlneln‘lole'e. 'Chnometties'iniering Alta Store moat not ca'&439 l l , l 4l . l lirrellibb 2 B , ll l l t rbt. lai' nearly eviny article Waned wilt helm.° lueed ittotary e .; ' Some idea ofiltelitotkittaT bodonnedbribe fillowAng general ontlin,e tonenumeratioo la Impracticahie, .-, I:l)rugs andlitelleinevTalfiti and Ofifil , 'Dyie ningr e 1 • Groceries..l4titea,, .G lass Were. Wall and -WindowPi ;StiverWare:Pd'hnnety;Bantr Gooda,,Mns iatligstannallnta t litnerfcas Pocket, 'Mares, T able entlerkond Silver Plated Wafe .lareita;' Nate:tale for Lighte;Flantware: Bed voMPtalla'Warn. Dry Goods, AfirrneMaleideqr Olmr. Lithog 4 nAf,,l Var.', liiihel; Bird - cligeso3*tsifes. Whlpe, . jitattell:t ./ 11111 = 11 ."011011.Mlitak‘ - 2112110111ttitai; •T . NedlT, raised Surgleillnatrinenta. 1E44, Beall-Repair...Wail' *broiling Porcelain Teethlln'abbft. utterly every th ing. tic Adore the efek to Neale the - titate4f delight thieph WW gratify the fancy. aced abet* conduce tu. On reload' inabetenetaletentette calif*. • , _ ~ 1 The attention oleo folibile i a invited to I faj itciek of. &kali, bought exclusively for, cash, down, ondaTibo "Mob theorem efor lber ti-1..-,. ; ; , ' f " ft' t • . . ' lifeltreahaandaty la 1863: ' . • .--, 7.. I . „pp yr. toon, . ...). • A 'Z i ttitAttiowrinltiti .. `" Nitirwai- 1 , 0 0 ~ ~..t, ! :._.5.4.,:-.,..„,..„,•, ~,,,..,,:„., „, , • ; pzis wm besot AT A LAiLGE ,REDUCTION :,. 7.. April prieaa,• 1 FlTTblalteducttoiflrtrflitledirthir ,ENTIRE-.-sroo.,]: nich,w lll , 3 •WF4 4ll /o!pasPaTial• Ind IMP!. Ite*" THE 1011.1110 TERMS 'or ,C14%.-NiiHtj: ON 'limi t " or.for PRODUCE, EL it tra Mir; New Milford. Nov, 1863. KEYSTONE H 0 TE ; imultrose,:Pai • - Wm. 34-1/141011,-,--Proprieton, Tnew and commodlatilltAtilli Avenue, near the Court Mose, and nearly in centre of the tautness portion otlfdtititite. The Proprietor's: .conddentthat he Japre... soentertain guests Ina way that eannotbil toglve , M,E SATISFACTION. The Hotel sistrurnltatodrenew;and nto expinsehas been spared lei rendcrit equal !flint superior to any In this patter the - State. It la well stropiled with ail recent insproseinenui andetanforts. stad obliging , waiters always be ready to respond to the call of curitrineilh• The Stables connected with this bottle are now &Ad convenient. • , . The Proprietor respeettally relfelti the paironage el his old friends, ttiVallerkAlla the PublieFeller 2ll •• jandittf • • WK. LLS,TCB aw A rmilsw i l c p : DILAIMA -. lESITIM NtialUair- 41 ; 7 ' 4 %c1• THE. ftESENGERLTRAIN T EAVES Great liendall:4o after the, arrival at 6.80 the Cincinnati Rapressicons the: west, connecting at Scranton, where it arrives , at 30 . 10. with train on, the 'Lst n itawasona and Bloomsburg Ran road,. for Pittston, Avyoming 'Valley,l Kingston: and' Wilkesbarre, ant by omnibus with the Delaware ,tond Hudson railroad at Providence. for Olyphaut and -Car bondale. At Hope station. this train connects by_omni -Ims with theDelvidere Delaware Railroad toe Phillips -burg. Trenton arid. Philadelphia.. At New. Muni:non .Junction; where it Antrim et the 'issMe train connects with troths on the Central Road otNewJerael" forElizabetb. Newark; New York, Easton, Dethlebein." Allentown. Mauch Chunk.. Reading , and lisrrialoto t r.— Passengers toy this train arrive in New York at 6.60, in phstartelphia MOM, and in Harrisburg at 8.10, The train leaving loot of Cortland street. New-York. at 6.00 a.m., and foot or Walnut street. Thibsdelfhis.' at 6 a. m., connecting with the Passenger train o road, leaving New Hampton Junction at 11.76 a. m., and arriv ing at Smanton at 4.09 p. m,..where cornetts WO a 't psi the Lackawanturand Bloomsburg Railroad. and with the onusitms running to the .Delaware and Hudson This train entr i es st•lireat Bend et 6:10 p. m.. making close connection with the men trgia PINT drat on the Brie Bail Way. • • - • AN ACCOMMODATIONYTRAIN. leaves &Tauten at io.los. st' West Bad with the Day Bores* train west on the Brie Railway.- r By this train Psuengeri arriveatitinma;Symensid, Bu Wo e dm the same day. , Bettina, NG, this train, leaves Great Bend at 2.2(tp. tn., on the Arrival of thelletelfOrk Ittpress going But, and littehloatrprtmr - goingz ;West, and arrives et Ssinnton at &ED is. M. ; • . ; • ; ; • ; ; ' JOHN MOM Stifi:' B. A. ItEN*Y.- Gaul Tishcit,tgent. - : ; 1 ,1 Seranton,lifaylo3llo3: , . LACKAWANNA itiILOOMSBUIG mut ziiizta..4.36.. : . : nii . aiarriftei Air' 10; i r gt, ;1 1t easetlgeY"i'ral i tta „VII a./ ran aslii ll aws. -1.• • • . . ,-• ~•„ - - . ' , ROVING 13911Tif. . , ' r• ~.. - —=. 'r •` " Paisengee. ' ' :Accent. , sentre :aeftntoa. : ' 5.110 a. m. 11.00 4.• ek.: ,, . XittglitOn. a 4.40 Arrive ILBO p.m.. zti \ •: " : ' Rawl: at 1 , ,• * t'L65 ' , -_ '- - - " , Danville. at m... • .9.44 it 111 . ._ •Arrierat2forthataberiats. 9.65 . . MOVING Nolan. Leave Nortbuni e fierian4,l' 41n pi!PF./. '...'. •• Danifil ~ a nport., ' ' ." ' ' UV!" ' ' - • ' Kiellitaks,• ,• , , 0,05 ' - 1.45.. p. m. Arrivirat Serant me, ' " pan i.ti, , *gm ,; 0. m . A passenger train aka lava iflnthea at MOIL m. for Serantonto connect with trafa for aw York. itetnrn• ing. lesser Scranton on awful of MO fitat New:Tork, " 4 -IPP 6.., • , . - i • . ~;•...,,, Pas9 4l 4Mng tiailli4ti fr om 4eritaa at am a.-s.,3l*.toran _tezebnuouMpa.Baithmorevoowitatirroniosaatbjlapet they remit ridiagiaplifa tt 7.6011i5 X. . Ainfr r ilapl. ibis:Shiptca„ - Aptititi. '... r.r.l- , 1 ..,,,. T - : . i aritaf4liidt tii matt riitiii#ol6 A , MOSTiilserrle frtglepadiepobliestion• A work 'id. and col ffit of 400:pages. ored Ozraviegs. Dr_. Ilea. tore Vide neenswen Oetzfosa end peppier- Wein% 'Clis Masud Woman. tlettr ph7001011.0.• lOng. and sun. al disardete of terstrldsd.Oith - deverdaillnit teldedles for their speedy one. The practice of Dr. Hunter liss lon been, sad still isomboonded t but it the earnest so. MUM* of toratelle. - be. klulloossiindoetst to ettetd Ids isediest a est thronhAbo medium' of fds " VadeNeetssM• • His - a volume WA' Wield beta ' the bands of every tae tiod:OOW Prowl** of secret view. or ass e for the • alierfstion,of one of, the toost awful and' vesedorgiretkot door 'Miro ed mankind. One copy. seeareo enveloped. win %for. warded tee ofoligi,n, to soy.pattoCtU Vatted 'States fbrsD cents te PAl:Omps.'Or fl eopfOlor sl,` • post pad. Dr. Boater; Ifo.llDiefslon strest,lfig= Jane /60110-4$ f • , RBORMS:A'sr•STOIS I Mi ll " 11 3!), 14711 % AIMENMOWtALitis!„fo • A IBIL ; i 'WI' , par r rni.Wrim eintititattA gg wiggibni v i og 't et t - ALA:`' ti , 'lra t3ttteorx.gAL-ettiiiow7, ts - 13 I k ,N 1 _ Inistioi f feii i iiiit4i , T. 1 A _PURE TONIC' SS -tck . .. . ~ 1300 - tORgwHOO)FLAN VS - ...1 - I‘, ~..t.,:zi:.4:) ..,...„ ~,-,.,:, •, . , . - • t-k ,;••; 4 , ....;;: 4, . 4 i..l..o 6tiiii i iiii ,-.,. .. t 4 .... •J nut teri : , .,,,,..„...i ...„..„....„±if„wa t0,c_t....,„.et H .. .. 0.4.:4-14) tf . ;., f,ifi-J4 RirXRAI4.IIO lilt.oll. •: 1 • , teo lkT.,ri4=ie c- M - ii c.-i ii :,., d.ipd Pag.; .J..Wf , s7tiVad)(ll2 .1 • • f , . t O ntiliakAirt /PE P•0!" 1 . 1 144 at . A.ll:risier t ex a 4 1 . 11 .0 32 44, „wimps* tobility, Diiessecof . fr.‘ 4 , 1 47. 1 4p4vs c . r . l tri , l7 7 * . tr.l - ,ot ',I • • 1 ,. .t` ;AI SldtAttp . a; ; 0 0.1P1 pike; '7 'MA/heti 0 /Medi° the r. 27. 4 - .• Nast algattlftelltital4sl4 _ •f; • Nimpea;licartbniu, magnet fo r /aim, nines or weight In the stomac h, tourerte... ..,1 4 tt 1°1 ll_in i fi 41 ll t e l i ttP ta.' ,ngfll l 2 i lrlleV di t o Of 11f.40.4 6 14D1 et la faulting Innesaydne 'then tn.a,tylnipeeturs, .•..-placemcoMiroLaidtiOtirfieretwa.befors the shad. Fever ad dell2),ln aid, deficiency of pOdenitatlos, 7% „I 4 Yeltd4deell of tbkokileast • •.=!. pain,* Vie Ade. Beek; Ch ae.• 4CpSaddri.::::ia Mimes' , c.-1 Przistentiintudalniteileekf- 7- . end greet "Domed= laf . i i.T. l , lKCl;Ote*PreOurrelidw t iger,AllieetTetet, APO I-- csn o 4; Or .73`a 1. , t l O Whiskey' . FTrlTA , Fs"!=;hcoab7°4l" ces Otto: no. DO Vet. ginigniliO TO BTBBRGTHYB TOII A Goon APPEntst • • . 20 BUILD UP TOUR, CONsTINVITON .TO FEEL* WELL Tdalt+lttir onrEnvoutmss • • To?. WPM' !fila4l. .- • . ' A sitigiVezur VIGOROUS razt.rmo 'rpm dootesMOOPTANDIib GERMAN BITTERS. From Belk .r. Are Wien iinroton, D. lA, Editor ("the;Refigiotts Knowledge. _Although not disposed to Swot or recommend Patent Muditlnetinichend. thredlitntst Of their Ingredients And effects.; I yet know et no sufficient reason. sky a .man Maybot IOW," fetheitreitefiti be believes Motel/ to have received from pri,r,..oixppio VXeParstion la a. hopethal tie Maritime eotitribute to Inc benefit of etben. I do this the more readily in regiixd to Eastland's Orr. inatiflittersi prepared kit Dr: C:3l.4selrcon, of Thic ear because I was prejudiced against them for manyTano, under the imoresson,that they _were chiefly an alcoholio mixture. I infiltitlebtia toini ftlehd Robert Shoemaker, Esq for the removal of this pre tided bY proper - tear, forand eneonrageannt to try tnem, when sufferinji from .greatandloareontinted debility.i . mrri ..—e . ase of bottles of these bitters. xt thd beginning .or the Ptasset jrn. was toll 'owed by evident relief. and restoration t 6 A dee- W4OE-bodily apd pants! vigor, Vrhlch l bad tot bluer 6 months before. and bad almost despaired otregitialnr. • I therefore thank God And my friend fordirecting me to the use °ahem._ 4;1I/IWTON BROWS, Pitttafea "Jutielld. _ . . • ATEIYTIO N, SOLDIERS And the Friends. of :Soldiers. We stall tin 'ettterntion at an hiring, relation, ar :Mandela the army tck tho, Tact that 1 1 1:0PLAND1 "Gerinatt Bitiera" cure nine-tenths of the diteasts Induced by elpeares and 'priyattottl• incident to camp life; In the,lists, published einuott 41 4 1 7 . 13 : 1 th• paper*, on arrival of the bleb, if will be noticed that a very large portion are suffering - Dom, debility. leery case.of that kind can. ho Muddy: , cored ,by lioollead's German Bitterte Diseases resultitiefrout dle oder. of • the dill o3l ve , orgalutere speedily removeck< • IN e taro to -hesitation io laying that it these I:titters. were freely toted among our set.Uiers. hundreds of lives might be wed that othendaa will be lost. - • -• Wfinalrattentldn't6 the followinnremartablekand well lystbsattimtmimmo - of °ilea the tationVhcruie, whim lite, to tae bia,owniasigoage, •,*.lins bee n saved by the Bitters: • • - Mesirs: tones .s4:l4 44 " zil ' au 'z—WoU 6 gent A llime agil l,' 23d 7our . I n egt oe I=We Gamma Bluets has laved my life. Them ti to . mistake la-, Ws. It is vouched for by. Mimbets rot ey rionistulm, some 'of - whime names are appended,stid vas , itereetivitantotall:the 'circumstances lor my• , esse. I arel. pa . 0141,0 heen,for the 144,f0nt yes" watember et ShermanWeelebtatedbattery, and under the immedists Arrek.Thriniglnhe exposers 'attendant pponmy ordnotts tiea..f.wsa,attacked fn al ' last; with Inflammation' of therhtnitsoirid walla TA days in the hospital. ! WaiJOUriered bygreit do. Wit %. heightenedby an attack:Of dysentery. I was they removed li om the Whitr linsf,se and - sent to this cities board ides-Smiabee.•Statited Where' UndidMt the Slittrefahtfil. tliteattat time i laird kein libetfas Tow - as any One email ;mend stirtreteltra spadrapritsi. Ity; For week or more I erakisarely sae to sws/leli - sli?iailigiandlf I n11)104'44 morsel , down, it was iss .mediatelyitbsompap again; r • • . 4 1 Could not eventa ghtee'of Water en my stows& , Wetatild tot erthesa clrenmstantesi.and.Ay . ffirref,P=l - Vaa t.b: re w from ge 01 Orelkje ri in aI I tol d thertiinht oSO More for me. and advised me to see a clap/Pun. sad to talks such Utpoiltftin e4f tolikolted de It best suited me. acquaintance yrb9. *WWI me it the , hospital. Me' Fredcrickllteinlirn; of Gth biker Arch street; sill maims, ateltutorsholite; tb< 7ottr BMOC and had. ly procured a *olo..7km:s ilo el combed tabs them thegloomythearistif deaf Avelled;andi apt Dow . thank - god for ittettilitbetter: I Though ihave Writ but two bbttles, I.4arlAd tei.lienlids. and feel "11. •kdhila 0/being-Demi to ridbhrsorwflikaaddsugbter. from whom rbityph % ruling tlielitmanthiti dmge tlemen, laza ale.* VI lien (rpm - eignirj pt root R r . To Your Meeks liallitery owe ate eettainty fewliklass4aken•thediate vaifiteitlini— to Tom M ell Will I ovens 'Correll! r r ie ga ilece atersia aisik tug to my bosom thogamhcksre Z o n i taa Very trulyreare, • • • Wildly concur in the elm* atatetnentoacwle bad ' despaired °toeing onielimmile, /Aeon% restored le - • - . • ; - z• rot John Cucldebaek, Ist Batter '' - -fee. A.. Ackley, Cit t .,C i caltk Moine: , .._.._....Lewis Chevalier ; 92d Neu York. Spepeer, lat Arlilkmasttery J. B. Peutittl4 gek lAnnt T. 4 MODehakt; Co. C, sth me. John F. groyd, sth Heins Herman Koch, Co. H 12d XI. 4RiAnniei ,B,Titomas, 141060, PeritOnt, 'lout FOIL BEV:LEVU COIJNERIPEPTIL a.. ~Tkifox." U. 011 wnoWloi o kbottle. • `Plriee pets B le; &Mat,' pi' its for theirtielei l t" otint i bck pus ox by caret ine-intoidcaung prepays • uniy be offered In llct Weeeibut mead. to to, Mille Nolllformistdaekell,by elleser Viiaopal ottettind limo: Acton , N0: 4 63 ''1";:t1;r: .':ty • aNCOttLeilli i .ik•art r , ISCIA* ;i•-1, 1 ieft4M 1 4 , 9 4 40 ; • VA: , 41 1 47i RPIC:• PflOii i nT,% 4 4 " MR -1 714 4 0 440.4000 atiteliateh /MI.