The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1864, Image 3

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    0 C?'NP.NPIPIr.I
Neil—Very tiuperiur4)..eds are sold
at this 9 1 1 1 gy ... ===g 6 1 ,
StOrlikVainntee • '`
.. Credit SE' V 184.7 , t- ~,-.
The op - penal fetter move the earttful
atteatifaVkitil : 77 T: 1 A • *,,
,- 11.11„16rtialmrp, s i1arch 6, 1 64 F! o t irvota lo t nexi,mcgat, : .u3 - 'l , --
Viz o r Arndrost Ihmorrat: 1 7 ` 24 flitt*lttivr PiAttlit.: l S.:-C lO3-, 4 of
„ Dokft...b l l,4) l 44§iwi n i - Ift S / I W. doger,it; 'Oda tftiy:',, ' t 'Plits• 50 kei tent., if 4101...
favor upon the citizens of Map:a ainnly 141 4 - 009 ; 4 4 * 4 060 00 thidiA_wSiel
-11 J ublishingtho HitittaßK .tiftit.Meti° ll4 "wki ppAndAtty:lallldeill 4P 1 : 41 4* * : -.:;',..,: !:.
Ougpsti444 , inel ET:taa- tzaw.imq., !he ' :Herm' ''. dera - 14 it/16 . 1.00W e• I,
c lerk of &mato t Enrollment Board) Iti „:.. , 0 ~, t.,--, ,ti:.- -, • • r,.. , .....,, ~..1/.:V0., -. ., W ;:, 1
__i , .., r.. ;..., eitotrur. -fira-tr , r. • , NtiOrtiy:
to t h e proper tOttrdei4o take. in oruer tAt - - .L. - r,,, , -,,:noki-4,,,. , - , ti-- , -
AuYsirti 1... --,•,e0 I , ••frore"at
Aeccire /064 C•PlidillrfirrerelnerePrit :, ji•LAL2 ' l '
.; . 140 i ; ..!* ' ;II lir
t) la,- i.V 4,,, .. 4 1 1 •• ~,) ~.: , igm , , mw. pv,144":4,. U.' pll*. 6.. ‘ ~, ~.
U ltial tOWnElfilp s nia sen to •• tim
. - Ariai - .. - ~,, . :, ; ; „,• '. .. f.4.1,5 iv. .J•r,
~... 4 4 .4 - % .; : ii t .32
j s,djutamAnnorarofitto Stlitt% A. ,, T. Itutl : ` Bi rA oklyo,. ,-:. :"•:11,',$,,Letrx,'. 1 " 0 1.;'. V.V:',.t 2
tellß.srilki,' l 9llfjacn .. _i B ri •-dietraier,.,;;:Ail Ltbes r t si vp:;‘',, , .--. • :4.16
A l ive menus - , enraging the vompanrrall -0. rd ,- . : ..;,: .-•-. .. , ,ir ,t • •71,i , b.,'" .15 -
Re a iment,irt pidahohey ,voiliisted, and a' o u ct ," ni i i 'V.„7„ - t .'‘, l :V.,l,4 l : t ri er r -P d ea t)'" l ' ai r so " 44 ';i l 3 l
t ok e furitietilleifvoikoftfithonster rolf; Ditri i iet e , 0 . 54. T .....;0: : ..2 0 :344 , 1 1 1 ,A,3 ... :
. Ai
als4 - rodS. l4 l= f at" "BY aP - t wet' t o 'Duudallt-4-eurvrt.,:ii,- 1 2z.Middl i erw , s 7 .- 3
AppliestiMi,aNnitlit % a divi sqll:ll4. r ftrt4hi tu i% m beT i tr i Tt if Yi l4 ,2 4; ' 2r , i ft e :tfa;_ filtd .„,7:", l _ '; ,. . /2 ,''
made: trOAVAKiiii* ftiVisilVeilbr their •
,Kiendaville /
e *V. A Ttii . ,,a l -44: 4 L": . 1 ;
written euiiiiititiolgitiVEdited to a partic- ---;•-- -- LI -
... 3 T i a -- :1; t 4
War district p.tortownship] said comici 1 The-1 0 t -Nrctr„f&l:, , ,
.4 4 i 7 8 SUV4,:ip3piroj... s3
must also j tictlarth that 07 have not n
eni 1 oro„. 13 Springville , , 3
ready been credited to on
_particular lo- a trw ,
r rvel ig.... o lo 2 . 4 iivcri.:3loe, A .. . _l2
c 4111 :1 4. , . ''' ' ' • "-'- ' MlTTett."ll4. l "'AMlchilson,a• 13
' /VI " tirtiiien consent dietiAinse 1 r '
suppose is also is bo'plieirAtssitsrPr. NI. it filiillt ilti
Elaufford e :iiv. /14 itilllinilttiaoto perfec- " L - '
ting tlftklttlis,''' u '''''''''"f-,''"' 0 a les o t ie lenwoo o dicta ..
R e i pe - if u 14.,... ;,.
~,ebio s i i. Watts: dyiktecgkeirleftlfreinadknOli• ant
~ •• •
_..1., , A
Local ListolaAlOw„
Petitions areleroie the legislature mir
ing am intreatie .4 . o)74okifors to $1,50,
and of thet ( Ounty COinniassioners to $2
p e r ttj, i`oftliii,iotiott:'`Wi'6l4if see
why a jurf tuvehz.,alil n Mop Jel l/ than
Cutntui;;iOner Wide Polly otgoo'a InetA
are eager' to sere; d' af
61,50, there shouhl be no
j a&reme l '
- --.
The grar . implittkifice of:the coming
election should,indti4.eicriilien to take
steps to become a titizem - i Those svho
hare " declared their,iiitekions," should
not flit to take out, full papers- 'ot-4ril
Court. They itre now held-liable to draft,
and 'nein- no respon s ibility in 14eoming
rotes. A fl L.-aliens five years - tr i dent :
should become rater:44 they have
serest in , out goyEra:tent, and shOtda ptr
pare to place it in the .hgeds tit hettei .
men, next (311 ,
Periled Items.
The liinahanitompaperseoutsin the ful
to wine; Vhitinoy. has tie 6
thh. -rannig-as the wild,mnn in the WOO 9,
and his 4itmfiitemekt here. aud 4.l.lewhere
far a seaman Witt -be a, relief,tivitroinen
l ind children whom be bas annoyed inthe
" wren BCD ; 7 7 -A Ron by the
name ofiLlbauneey arros.
ted in tou-n_ last night , for stealing 41,04
from I-zrael tiatithirlin, it &rider" tredig
near lontrose, Pa, lerael telegrallheil to .
this place to have Ohanncey.arreated, ;alt.
was supposed be. would befoutul here;and,
offered 850 reward for the arrest and 're-;
covery of the money. The case was left
with officer Bob Meacham; Who finally hit
upon the right track, and -fonnil,cltany:nr
in company .with Stisy store ;of
II rschmat n Bros Sfoitk
for Miss Sa"" sy,"itrorth 81.5. The : offiort on
car tsmonionsly topped the sale, 'Making, a
lois in Bros:, and of.
to Susy: The jiriSorier was searehelf,Whert
he acknowledged the theft. and arCoiffited
for the Nadi.; cash en hand, 'OO, paid for
coat, pant% and ilmetcrtir:siedding,g6r,
as Sucy said, 524,15, refreslimentic $3,25.
Of peer Meacham:left tir .llontroie with
theissideitootwelect last trraliL. '
boldiers:4lll—Secretary's Repint
Ook-harrre4 .f rr"srarsled to the W. P.
BianCh tt-t:Sailitaari - tonunisOnn. - - the
barrel c9Otainea VT*O bag
pairs . L 4i17440.1 0 413 - Cilli 2 frs
socks, 10 -towels,-14 flattuel "Oiln•
nel drawers, 2
i'IiPPPPi• ,The StigictY..aeittiMaledgt,?
donation :from- thladiesiOrnarfind
A barrel aid- be , :parkeil:: at flelt
meeting.kialoo - akT" iirjratekitnonerilin•
ticms for it arierreeovred - lo•#rpri t Tir-7,,T;,'''
By Ordir:ortheSoiiety;:-.,-;1:,,T ft. .1
Balance on hind IN Tat; 7864;'. : e111:47
Proin tio -
Sandriei, 888
P.m:reds' ofTair,' •-• t • - • ' 1 :895 53
T o t a l; .
Expeteseil aniiintb) 66113
Balance at hand, .• 468.83 . _ .,,.: 522 86 ,
o.ef J.1W1138, Treas.
}bahVilna fhe.rani; ,
Ai a. meeting of lho.,Spidrra AA4 sae:-
iv. on Tin,t04:4, 1 31 - arOi ad, , .reaointiona
were pi;iiedeinigrainliti , ii- arm
441110E1Wiirifeeint kOri: m aiil
of tfie Sanitary Commission„ Vji.
atif, .Ik4V/itittii : _ of
wl4 41M ?WI; -
_thank - ,
ladies ontaidiilififieSueietv lOW:cant riti,-
ated go 0.00 - 44:41 , ,0*P - raKand i° 2ll
thos,a bath Old arid yonn.• who rewon4e4l ,
ep readily to to IsuEstiOn iorgioSsate.,
y. Tlas ladienSettglat WisAMIL h°
eiety'le Vair. - iiotlanii.lh nor an agritid
Tic and - generariiiipssio n humans
and lo* s oloirnnnityeriiitiAik b our
youttiiii Waite defender..
' ceder oftbifitioCS_ ,;Vgt,Vl7,,`
• h , -11101m141. Wisseths,delhow
rII4IIP-Ititit*:o4l k.
„,,, .4:44, Pk: ii4S4Adilt9o9lll4l;lN la eßsrst.'
Vattenbcts, ituNwbannt Ate(i. i§,..0111,t0 1
Oa 4 - tintipto.4,•; ‘''t . 211 i nifijitylw ciiii*Ogr;
42pakit(i.ii r*, terdilo ed4l; ods
~, at tkit9lo N- eiroadyt47: : •
thetiolduirelfb4 ,. .yit ..ti hirir ,, ll ., ::
;IL': :-. , 7z.4 ...-r, -. 4 1 -,,i i%; , tl
if rt:l ./1 ..1 , 1 `.r.. "....e......11b1Me i+ • ..... 1 ~.6. t
the use of thirrigigeiable., &c. jet, the
u"t cur ulaa Atrippe4Thi#M3N,
Feb. 1 8th, w ..,, L- 1 0. JellAuTt.r.Y. See.
„,"!'T'2r,lslftgAit, .".' f - 71
.446 - 1,14
.Litroie ab o ut tile first of Ar it offers
: 21 1 metVatt s - a ir a
nn L I
Ea t er WI "a
tame into The enclosure of t tA r subsFr3-
. IVeilii ileaboutilie'dth of Bttantar . last
onellwix(01/434Ea late spot on her
1111 %0'Itr•Ilr'" 5 years qt4p (rboVwnee:
requesteti- e, u-i_prove property„ pay ehar , - .
1 1'4` er 3tYfV; , ? Y r 4.14
. ANY.
Lalllcag MireialopllsAil 3 w
Localkitelligenge. -„
ou t theerPrti, V ltrtiioft 'J l 4 ; 4' ll '
toOJI-loccit&-Ciices.if .•oegrneral er-,
4til i -P6 ll lCtir foet
tulAtc-e3niuc le tioem *Put pl.gro, fire t
as Vrit!ftiAl ite A e v ,
and theyrintstil can. Krarm,
irtiecestiati:.)tairla`oo - I.tat sond:of ber
Incidents 'in4 1 Accidents, . Fires, " GAIT, es,
etc ; etc., are note -worthy matters., Our
fri:lllifti43lliiii&iii se 1-
it not for,,get„t I n v e
r vat it it referfdri,,i as
wria4ll4l , goo lailpg %bard. i02P1.) st
LT, '
a•f "tf'* -77 T:"
•—• t e 8t
parr. of _ .
1 1 04iibOry,
Ovoi.gro, - and ,1114§ - .344:';',L
llowe, of Iraiibottom. •
Feb. 12th,v:iit. the fliihruk ,:eof : fh.ftv. by
Wesv:3Lilforo,-*0 31 1 4 .1 P1i•
tieGdona., of 31.ehoppen. '
Feb. 111Nby conne,, jEtO Ar'S
ana.3l4o.E3mAJ. WaiYs:2ll , uf
' Briflgio4:nter; on 27tlx
. 1;144.131(e of Elijah A3au
stekage4llso Ye:km 0114• 44u9uths..
Mery etft.,-EunomA
Viingefir 40040 "pf Uri atid
einnb,-agesi 1.8-years ./1
RAWL Alp? ? 040401 r CoVollfif
We will not mom), tho' oft deplore
4 T i > rare an sty
In Itnth ). ..o.nBeAcijlt l ptNlrizconsumir
ifF_ of J. S, .
'i`get 122 ilia.; ainho
.vT - J. - ,A . - ,Ter:• ,-, ,tr
4., . _
~IPtrfird„,pf.,4llotted fever, after a
. .
slime ViJetogiplletv tipoli7l.s+. Intl;
Airifil,.: itiiingest daligintert4Elenzer
and Alsista kikiorty t pif,ttly:l4y,*4 21
.v...... 0.,.: .."Tri 0 V'.
.813 - pet Alp h a tl o htiVtell B ,fiti; ; ;',., 7 l '''f'''
To *oin ea venly tlironps •-
:': AtlA' e will faianrousirlititirill.ibi
~... ~..,. .
:11 es , s# i
AT-ePlipiCrilOng• ",
; ---,- r,:5,,,.-y._
• ^l' ! l
Come wmtliog 444 - oifird thrfinglmliqr4tri - ,
:14*.rAfiii;10.s'lititai p.
- , - trftniF....FrigaMtk4filikeil,;.7.: .:-.-:::!
lagitatgri, on ihe.:34, ins.tfi:44.4lpotttql .
fever- a :after:ln itin - m - of - t6n - diiirs; A . 0.4
74"wi t e e aValiAP - EVAVOit, L lialAt 36
lyErt . s4 . an;Tsi:-lefft I:l•4lo.l:lNV:ricti.POrytfl
g a74=irellirt?e
fltid*riro,o* - epipillttgliVioriAAitir
`4110iii:,...1: zi. 11 ' , ..a.:;r7 , -; 1:1T1-.7a ),f)st , ia, latn'.3 .a.,- ,
~-1--. r.. ~ 4 ,. f :,,<. s:, 1 f.,-;b::: , -,41-ro ..i L:i.i 1, ,r. af iyl. ...,
= L'A4 , 4lk
V; trlMVlV r ert!tlittc4 4#llji-, 1
'• .T . AlidAlliaititiair 3 f4iiiiei i 4
*IIitiOIPPRA I YOO: 6 ; *4 ::%
ankaWtikiVe7Clll4o::r 7 / 7 , 41 ..1-7 , -asn •_,ll
--.,' .. 7 t: - - -,_.1,' - al I:17 •r,, 7 1 - A.Vaa ..-.lLa Irr'l,, •::,:- 4 . :,T; 2 .47 1 , "
::-7 ,, i 1 00101=si - 00,5 114r44:1147i
:„ z ye - 1,0014r* "vangicop.f , !-1 -,-- 1
_we_gi ye pqr hisq_queL4l6:l26.Y:::._
9 1 , 4. - ,:mtriot l tr 4 nd ... l t c • I i I y ill
x f.f.Pl(ol te
l'AV:sl(.',Eliigii - iliVMAreVialigniNgsr4
Il Wailt.t 13 "%Ire of likturiitgals44u<sim
24titr4111-IWe- ----a-7
1 .s, t . 443c 1 3. 1. .....ev-rris auv.r.Jor
lartitioowr, A ombemit , l'ot
ll' . , • ' f r---------
t•A , w
I IYArlfri t ! fr.* ,gizA
.e.. 1.. t :se! adirri--
, ettillee IL • .
Aelystumilcoae,r,,mtn r in .e r stiC'§t
_-/It.41#40100.011 1;
.I.ovlsfit;44e*Pisnuoz.kiedell, mid aught:
stiVElAgrik-Mitrlitare, a
21: 1 7,vanf,:fitd..rittoifliss e ., „.
411,. I
claidnavittlikeoTlTiOnieri mid
iliends to mourn-her logs but she reayeS,
a bright evidence that she' MS.
tolehriscOuFr SottoUniirpaext ,l 3. l !
ff , 7lF49lldiirfitigifiii i .s4,4*f ir-E
. •
'" . l" l iatutVlntia r eatl lig r tkid.l ll
• For an iraiilifiOlias b.Oup4 itor '-'•
'"''''''Fi'4.4lliii7oltaitlcii-vseiniFplactli but
In Resle r -on-t-iter-1311i Sim, of dipt!aerii; . :
BEtfroxf F. perxmop.s, child of lienry.n;mt
Emma C. Dnurn4e, aged 7 weeks..
1110 Witt
. 9. "
,t; FOR:•ffi:kfjBtßr.. „ .is --
• 1.4 • :11 , 465, etc,
. _ . . • •
i311:111c G . '. SIINI.Grfj;,;,. . ';,..
..•;,,::! , .. .. , .
lent* Itimy-larassittaleez: - - •inee..4 .
r' vittivosibedilAg. ettrt end 'of Britt ,A.'Dt * : bi A
a bisette." bnshictatt ILe °Mg° wjil.be_„.
.4 10 Xoto*: DI
4k e t 0 4
L. p 13.91 N. _
._ .
~ II f4i3tyttl7 - A
!Lti,.4 . t i t . —te,
' vv . rgt &IL],
toitltatdVitir: ifohUg,
6. • HEI 41"Nytirr • ,•
tct KN :Elltertmetlll l9 id Att lins • 'en .
All claims ItittltstidlOrYtiiire will be atteuded to
Temptty r pbrozejualcolll4l24ll4l4. a • •
narf4,lo,4%lft-fam, ra
PRO 11.11er..A.T2 C 1035.74
Susquehanna - County, ss.
outi P. PARK V.. Harriett M. Park. In the Court of ,
J Cotum., - _ P 1 as ul Sa.,quohata:a County. 2 , :d. 145 6
was issued tu r ikpril Term, I,,Sti3ovnisn wee duty riutrued
:mitt Eto rime/1b44:4w I.haeog , tub AM eittistetts. W 19..
sued in eatd cnie„.entdaublet.o/1101 11 / .1
rm. / 883 -B.P"'
return of tehteti.lituar Wade that the raid liar , :
Mott MP Peibleettidt.ot,be ItxtuadAta crtylbettivrtrk: •
siutice,:imitivisult. to requite-7m to appoet-be.
fore &beau:if:p.m okthezdtd,Ouutt 'the tfires--Uontiny at
eipettlOcit; temnetttr amid complaint - .
rvo- - .DAVID SUMMERS.' Sheriff. r
Office. Meatroze;aureb 1,181.4.-64 t,
.4e I ARLIC) giXtraakelroith.. PR I
Sns4nehan ialaßousicy, *3, e .
- I.E.satic ANN ItlE4Ank, b‘ ht.r n . cxj , tiick..(l, Jesse
WA! OlVilrulina, A 7 ••• e
is t e court-orEwnranny Pfrawcif-SWegtawt.lla Cccrity.
,Nn.44:441.0443;Tatr4n,1§43,..--,2! . • r
iiwy)rrlar.dt—Ntlivrt ai 4 cub.pßilp in Drvorce
was Wined tolkroViialbt , r Term. 1663 . % - ti'lch was dull re-,
tialt2 141 1 4111 gi rn i artriata i M:
upon th! roL4L - 4 W.litatas, l . 3 that the said
it,iry to 4 emthrnot tot , my bailiwick. -
ieVat c Yri,l%i " c? - .1= ' ,11.12,
next, to autivalitirlWklaibt...t.f...,..;
• " • st - MatEllq. Sheriff.
•ftirilriOace.-31,:katoptuaiiitAx4,1E6t-r•li, • •
I= inlntriltkirltirebirttspectrultiO eit•pOctibtftei-tlist
be hae tauttuLtonitint to- auctioneer In thu County
of-ficutomiryst, ti, , Atritylisse=tikumplic.—
:9"0311%!.4 r. 0.3 • in= protnpv
ty attended to.'--• - ••• ELDRED, .
ltturch IV !see 7 7 tf s,
• Eit AY - • .
X. 410 Ci1art1043 7 .13.‘2.i0e1X 522 L 0 Or
B"! virtue of en6dry writei , ened by the Court of Com.
mon Ilea- !of Su.q'a cc:troy. nod to me directed, I
‘ 5 4/1 elf WO:. c. 1 4 P 1445 ' ' qlzi- or t,lieXu'irt ',Once
OA Vlct o.e. i t qg Su t a rthtt ..1‘ p n fpf dirwifta tef dock p.
.t..Alif 110. Mg libitkribeft 14M a t^r tartti.4 orttrol,
ALL thoseser.tqloideee. or nrealr of Btnd lying, and
being in thd tortaltakebiCiallettlitbaXids mons , en. of
Suott:a. l 444-.StotrLPf ern; 4ll , bcattic d mid ,d.c.4.i t _vine
follow.. td4yit:,,Degindang-4, qn chniree on the east
bank of the-b,u4a,,nw. llatteceitn4b .16 1 : tote = !wr
en.. to a bektrtreetaiftriett IWrit'i a it, .f , 1. 4 * I rtt 11
perthei to h. iiiirntiOrrthe itte havfl hence horthareact
53 perchee to the hank of e'd :, a .1 a ricer: theme do o r..
war! alone the several cour-e• of the t•t ream to the place
of beginning: containing about 60 acre. , be ti, same
more or les., with the sponrtelianae. 2 ( 1,1 , •1111,;: h o u., a
4 It .rnc, a 12W mill, An orchard, at.d about fifty atm s tut-
IWN= 4 T ( it 4 G T
1 . 4 if 1 :951.4., 1 1 4
sm. towtyitandomwtz t lur•m , itigal • d
1 as part of the,e4„tnp pry', t i vcp. ; ._;.q., Lb... beech tree
corner abore,,,refer 10 : thence ilorta 65;.,‘ treat 1:9.
pereilektn'alftoritell• titt nee north 13C C-2 - :t' Si reface
to a stonebrop fht.o , odrner; thehreoutrtti - 44' tee.t fri
sadrchec to, jet rir4ttrontir tog er ; . 114454 n,b4'%:
~,OX:pr tes twie mg tt . r. flh, 0 C earns
neg .. ; t teteenrAypr .. •T 11. e Etc wil counl,,A k e ll ikl
river.loo rieriliesoftleitAtta-tio. i&the efttifty?el ,ar
, ~t. r
tnotthorrotiotortSiltid C.Tir,...rPO = ILI 4QT f rhea
more or fess.,,antlA tn.lfit.f.ra,fAmtAlb. n fe makee
IVI acres rottVeDpe .tir4lttrorbenfamt it I•piing bon ..
ranc4 startarand ICS nerd** 0n , 41t0 :tear of , said 'VOLS.
heretofore eon ve7.ed to Johrt•ihrstotA 1 • , t .- - IP
-• AMS:•:•9I4 otheifpWadjoillint*ahottNiittl 6-
ern - g ',titres tgat hark orthe SriAl'it fiterprirr Or r due
4rastet' ben.* sinifh - ON ea'st 2f Witwth- pertifee - fir Ito
f hlghtray : thepro• alit; Itierit tf..e ri fdlitr 4 est l sl ter
ars td a posh.' fite,iet. forth ViffeWpset-b tairete
-0 errthOeeVill f bribe b lzhigy . 92 'pert ea ttraiitrn Or
on t he yam e 'befit% Thie - tastloo 4 fax+ ti 5 til l ii 1 41'60 :
thniCe north 46* e.tet 53 pert hee to a corner, thence &rib
163 C. (matte: p r accher to .trigl)wa i v i loret t l i ty flow ti
course., Iftilleffpno "ettaltt Atp :wry lot ;
thencerfinittiM e t at perches to be Iran o the n.q
vivre; thence downward by Ile at•getat aosersOc of the
Atoms 80 perches. time or Leas Withal:Accept intriloft:
'containbur olytatl6l acres rnorobr terrapaszsptlng tar.
.stretand SO notehettorktithlohn S. Sanottoto thstrauth
, west corner of lot No a. pr . d tabors's robt-toVillitsm
Alaundleld'orr IoVIC o- - to: and entvarrearn the-odds-lot
sold to C. S. Bennett. romprialno•todtho Ante Tired
lot. N 0.69 Aril St 'An lam strinvitralreant.
John floyteablap tango:ism - and usubdiatiloss cf the
Wharton lands. 5.r... f , cs •-, •t 'tt•" -I
'. ttigH!,.. , 4nrc r ettboctiirC'clbeglanfnitrffit fttonntikilyethit
nt7.4 ; thence north Ilk' east 191crete-foa t Lowe
r 'Fiera fetolti ttr fart 135-irt f(fea , f7Th: Vir , :lesit,fia .7" 0
1 err_nies lot; thence pout.h ,Ir and 51," eastfOrperitestO
•l i ,w ri vo. 40thatirds orliit 1k.'6.58:: ttnitqe4ir itte ,insne
ointZkAr,e,astpptre:{ekit. a corner nn OM . finelyt_Oltl
gWafteslrytt ti jot ;, tbitet. totlb er **PPM iiifdldw Mrs
itZtotehstittbince bhilliSOX•*est,WilKrehlflo4lB2 ,
anhitiehTliettioninsrt hinitaftlinitthauf OO le ertleOf
leas.en;;inri./n gls Yd.tliti d part of IbtiTty. By 2 r 190
T4l43*liiitiOeCiiiiiiiiitoratt-of,JObitJ, jteetalkli.
lA* * . q 14 4 • 0 •11, -T. an -1 ; t --,
, , , ,„ - ,
'• A LSO- -MI
the o;hr:title itelltlf ?of ;Vetter Tiffr
4111. dec'd. anti t o the folitok - mc pi orof e et u ytind
-12witi4 ,34L itz dt,ll , l4.errtitth*'„ dee' .. Ontr'hionto od •
1 Vitt hOraistarits::6lnOMlyl l l thyd'Untin %Atli,. roiinstd,o
of Liarford, county and stoic aforerld, b0t0,401.614:4g0r
icrilfed iltloll6wicto WIC.' We, Mike ht lf titefittabOn cal
I thence north UN' were ES petelwiri td° , Anfn uptifffdatil
thence north 44a: cart 56 Rcr.chett to a .tabe ; thence
north 4 , 1:4 • o est,'Frilirehea (csaytttake : thence north
y 4 .f..4 . 1.P!ia r 9i , Pia ItiPletSCou4talk 44,4•,..14 29 Kr .
tartilaCHCe..4,titl b i r-Clekatie r _ 4 4 l Mt g ).:P_ ~bwiltirliti
Irkg 4 ti ik pi4tr ite lfarttAu i ttiC t OlKl,ttla,trai
l i tgfic#l.oo444777l'pent i litill'idmltet; B LlXict
wall Weal Il e ptithes,, to. thcpinee of .1 4 1=14
elblitta=d_3. findirnsllViith Mrs ,
!ail biti Ub barna, odn dyetling Itnyse. an Ili
mptitalld; Makeribttzegatintll4 tbßaoft
of C. it. ciei‘rottworntipt r.. 1 1, raw "i lai t illefil ""
of !Marin Tienniiiibtstesa tawilivittlipqo7 , . vi! .1 ,
r:ridgivfillsliwittilienttittottti 7" ; deet i add
Wm. C. TlOntraVar itlaffMo ZiTAVI'...:I:
ALSO—An *Mt fringurpoilwroeiret Lim What°
11_41P tft.lntrtittirtkiitl24.l6ixstel.V l lndAtelo.euregifti
!minded and cesaitisfrisie laicism utak:, onitionottix
by the east byettsgilifisitintilttodt4teeirs: olt the
east IWlandtql-4 the gout b by hods °Mimes
Bad and v izterg, , eq. &mord. and (onto wept by
latul sof #lo4,lr4ParmonneSmilknontalning
Mitt fifscre* of 14 : Inbeale•
tebameelitr ' - ' ' '
1-17 2
in* AL 011111k4111ft At*
Auburn pour Corners. Pa.
41 ,,, plerc'tr
..,:r t of lar.d situate
i . iio tawn - il6l 17 e''' r c, to imeeal ,
L . .iukk - Alilimv -h , ili c l e t b i fo. ~ .
, •A. aellr , I. . 1 . et old thee, '
. „; tea T ~.,.h liko d.). , *ad: ., ... •
Wei, WIV ' Niii,ptpleireb - ; pottainlng 60acternr
lbembeuln fI , 4N - apptuttinneriri I firu,tribtfti
impuld barn, cauLabor i x, Hues n rovai i fi a nkel/
,41140.1i181/that itirtniti lraetbrlidallitlatian
4 e-1 0 37 41 ehtli oat arldrivitater, county and s4are ,
.tutti.ilwal*d Mid Iliraiaablidi=t43. l M
italitti idd iterlatiittnal - irlidyM•
O&M 421, 4itrneritini , mrirttalt --. 41Mit• 0111111104 an
ppublxiunsitlitilitlolitiVelettill tett , wit "lib iltptiee l
the= 111421118)3M • %rest 1:.33-1 z , *•• noliilt: Vann
1i9,_441-enToLilim l ,39igoac . CAgts he
67 4 ; 4" '"ltn 4 dtiflipt tram • ' 3• 4 44tositiEn it and
guillt : - .3. t kintAirge. mats*" ~ cz
,-Mtii4o , l-1 mobil '
tha11nd.0414434,4t iiiiktutcOineee3ollper
, j,14 , **41444* uin' itri — ' lll663.
4et p,:li .Ittist
,. , i.nir glint, 1 lAillUrbesial
'.•• •• -44orthott,,Weinitilysigba tstinbittnient
' ' taFe,49liktMdr Zia tatheldle. of
g,;„ I I, Ai Acne andOnotePZ4 ll 4-
' s ille A 0 d'tnn Riau&
oriso,exciet; tc., pv s t d' , *Al=
ilkfl nt im oil hi( N 4 t for
birt io
inild .103 aced 41: illtige . A'orld
tiohrr: en and e 41d it it
__.,9 - 4td
ties theretotorq havlt*bepg r iiiiiiers't • trit •
, - tettlithethhtlidiemetellit4tdettairied4 ut
,I , t ,-, - txdprcrend4 l .ll2~aer.eentla4t, "el lt of
Farah Latina t; C2CCllV etr igArti tt, 'I, lin
z Attna:P 4 nUtiiiirCl7 Lifla T hUlii.- 4=
rib ttirtt49ll4l2l
ll id 141111-4411/ Irt r.7
ie r..T. - ;,''' ..?:, : 'll:Dt '" - ;.0E;
.. A . 4j a t gli ii ik gli i ii i iiiii i i i m i t g i , .
kid .44,14 4 10414TniteidatpatiL1167, -- 14.1r.-tinty -
sitorgs3 l ll-*4llinledaitrialestrUneiN' groUo6retc4Wl .
4 iliklitttti nlidpiset 4410hindrud • cdoltelA &Me ) L ad
i Vtdrktbilidsotdoshpt4ll4lleWandi ter d
. wsuusatlismeailteindigalserettletlititiltiditltittli
• 44.1rtlilAtikaitputelianteleAdttitidIRMIte=
'Tome unit trees, and about 15 tiereiill)lo34tetti•
` 4 tfsVitebirrOg i llir li ea is t 0 e
i ~,,,,,;,411. or.O.CD.f I 0; hat ca, t....: 1. : :Tv 41. :X
, 1, LSOdAilthaltstett2lll , lll6oo . a4 4 WO tOtiellAng
5 -ivainrlp l y inane townstrip,oNne*pnitor titillate
, Alureiant.,bueridinitinittLiteribed-11114,10 Pr pi!. on
5 lhavrothntlislbcadr-and44lWhi6cfp , l e, Minim
by a road leaslislgtrotallie-elißut Ilte“ted - .• L.
das h
5_ 1 1 . 4. 7 - 4 0 4 1; 1 9 Mal vreeVatlib. ands be,
s pa
'4 , s„_oktif Inillitiind dilallinappti . Ini2/1 corm
~ 41.T_Iii ginlectrite,orleimatitti Usenindnten
V A 4;4 , 3.4_ G Jlll iralbaniljanCialitnlXOra.
' f .. , 1- A. -Ira4 an.‘ll. lip4lUssein r ' ,'”?
is ft ti• ~,I, i- -.,i •-..b ....4 1. 0. .-.
.. - ei.."...--- . : r., 7.
-4'irs3ols.s4o44oAriltetinlifl:Cininde AG.:22leedll
....:..;11.frakit.CITY100:11011entbiltruiteripinz and
alelm ~ .44614p i ugh L otiOrrat Benilodutintueseete
' - 7 "orrv-V 1-4 444 nal Octinitrestas aillatre-Aditcle4—.
It eiti iir n 9 hln i 4v l he routheak corner of Lowrie Greitilelot
ineikr,th& ikt Ore Mew. York:* distil itstUroad-Oo.;
/reolditu 4e, 0rt.12 elkitiLtuld •,oclieeton , isiraplko ;'
Amu-0 41104141 iiidttningker, Int Isnuititilybliectlini
Aunt , iipeigbool elude oureed:stilLecenpfed by the Erie
Mal !hind Company. thence along the IfneJlit ibir • Etie-lt.
a g ° 'a t : k gd •l ' 1 0 7 / 1 11 1 4-4 ; o ll r lintilltWer
> -tbe ea te Q t, 440 al al tenant:es, one
houAe knols:u Tr eAu yiil f4 l "-: 9 1414-parr. and:
' afietelllerennill be Bp n d il,l_ Prove if . &ell
in execution ktricherinitiar ..)': ..' Zianni 4=4. M.
tiotirlyWC,Cidligifelitii #9lllAfAyit/114,7"rplihspld
011114,1ife. ' C ' i'" '" " , . .., , •- , 1 , .
''Thelellaidanis'ir Interest in ell Urn at , ,8"1 '4;rirl!!"ukA of
,lend , eltialtil tnlle* tritenthlicilf glib ,-tritirr.Ald
We ntare.4abtrtounaded lind de-strioe3nOivirdtie,trryrir
-.---Orishe , norituhrhindii orGeo: ,Li?,*rithiMb - liß-Aer
%Tim m 0, 1 -the- v d-ioire,ta ar-itak,fooroctery., sx - 11•4e
"in th-nyliad a.-431eurree aelett,' , P.. ad „.trrt.,l4o,:w.e4kbir
-tic Harmony calitlll n llo lC4hll3liike i toPrs egul i titY^
_thou: ,411 =hoz, ht. VIII•73111$ Liftircbgel9,l4 t 41:P•
.purtelinueeh. -, oor, did.-111110 ,, h0.. lot 11 - Ito 44 ssO, ;it
=beds on tr bartziono 'Orthitlikratg, - nbEint. eitscAt„lpa
pzuvadt:: jTslon 10 el,etatln4 41.`)tySAIRttir1r,41241ktid
D.iyton vs ...311cliolss telt. '/• • "ul • • - "
.-ctse:7l eist, - - - . - .Argoyi . , ,
Att niurrhitsin t.tetv - IrititViitfte in. the
Remedy at oaestri,. • • ' 4 , i
dad abb - deitiibEt.9tAtuAnfs, itit„., sot —a i
arredurunifitilirlon,„l3l44l illieof 444 1 9 4 ;
nid'a tut, oil the 041 . st alts V owl ' Isne Art
1-11119 'NIT - D.' :Si: .11t tri" thfoi n 4 Pp* Ninth astsl,paet
Aki , la tid , , Irelirniiria to 'the cArl4,,m,rlallsiit.....dtf'd 1
uta - sining shunt f.M.sisuare WA, plib_ q- ePnrtenen•
e4,6'dqrdizliki hiliekt p. 14.1012, o_o4 .panmpr—asi•
ken In eseenviktav the talt or DD,X444l.szik. viguses. of
Kttn.l: Si) re atulard4;r4...k." fi. T .c. 117, ,, ,,• ,
•••-•,••,.7—.• •, ..-• 1 41•501 , JIV .79:‘ , wine tut
Al thuttertsitrpleetett'ph reel hrliu3loll,iip' tele . ibe
16% ipatip tit Ditutsck.winaty awl st•iltP ilkilitrilL., XV' 1
. tii and to vrabod a 4 Vitivro: UV dit r.,..' (ifs '.103 Y
•hsudkaslbureunfetvtinnah•ll2 itisillyjphd•ol,4liivd
idilskoutsimliterriii*ilt4 r ifdrieleirn - klui itg i: : 44t ow4o
•souLtartordv•tii rex Rinterto • lad
'-on , thsrst'esvily Wien 4. - ** , . r. 1 4 4 .4.. 4 wpt
: in3a cre4 he the ailiftoorifire or tii, t_ t ernitegini--
cm one Era me 4 41"ireFl ~n 4 h enkj„, Tit e arup. ono
rtionsW one contlintsß. one ~ litiiillit . hon:
1 t ut s, II:Li:W/4o foirstalle Enesation itteserittits , ts
. '44.4cragssicy oral P.S. 411.trisig tn. liheleariedt:s
'' • ...- "" ' ' . Ykt - spv. - - n.:•• :totat:l93
' •• AiPtlf4t'ii9ttali t pi6ed lir il.AiTit Or ratii:hitii 41i4 tie
to ii, of Lenox_ cppnty in 34 state a/vie:laid, b9Viti-
I cd - aritriieserit , ed ea follow*: to iilff • on' th d' ncirth' tly.
'lna , of D K. Ostler: ot - Vie eat 13 7 -4 4 0 5 V% i ' 1 " . "''
r bitabeyeatt by Whi;litOrle ,<Oli,rhe
_it , Yisilpu
1 la x= r ad , Tao sFermtr'-; roirtiglng:irrrg or mg,
AnorersrleeOrittrillenpliditin grin raeslicell z
haws% 4 Irtrnuanten obit' treoit'anta isllilet,sllo-
prizvetl. 1 T4:91 Its eXeed ll3 lll/P9,l$AOl, 1 , ) 4•• • •kkl?k
Icy vs. E. R. Tingley.
~..i...i 0. n• 1,
,1 9 11 2 tcc 7 - 1 - I,l n 4 4, 3- 144.41 1' Avid tmibling pilitaidbyt he
'l.irtreltigh of CrPal,l44pl. slid he v, Ku Iha A.A., & Ede
linnteuT. the t &W. Ratko:4. atnishc , huncittehertna
River. beit,z 14 bv 9.1) fret in size 9 11 . 1 4 irXUWV 34- 11 °
• 1 / 3 93 1 7Pileceorriiid &nil' mit . gc 1114itirteloa tbiqi d
blinding. , - . Z . 1:41±;114 Ciitzto a'l,,4Vll4lsl44,Ey
burn vs. 4 llran. *- °, ' ;., L., , . .-
s e...., -4 ~... a-,.... xi
AtStif'' ''
An 11,At certain plge Or pacrcra Ind Fitrated In the
t:) . n n , h ri p of Fr in klitv.
i tan . t .. i:?tia Itlt , et f i wi l d r;o l724l;
I Linti. 6sv d trizi. 4 7 l v irtylli t tre l eLt hy ]ands (.I"
ri licasko.Stottho IthtilDotild - Staitbtzat [Waal% bytme, tu:Aiu,a4o4l4% thg AN -1010 latrikrfurtne .rtrnxini-
I 6icet Wy Trov.ail Turks. cta ,[ 44nifX3N Jic4l.l4 o 7Thfir
ioak. i)r)iii , 10 :16 4 VP 11 7 1 , r 0 r;1 1 :i fr a tit4 OV l ]l4l gNgf'
t lihart.-xtr.sgrtartstAN I artalti*lli'Aiae. 1 6,
i_ r#100) I fi-tp cc ta , 43 , -at th t-guirdriCattotaitlb,r. mil.'
aßra, & C. 7 ....l„„o4 , c4 : raer, sre uiz i .: , brpxv.".,
13bNr.Vitilicr: 7 ..1611irti , 40, 111:4.;,-ist4.1, .. &11l
- • 1
For naffs, Nice, Vstoifeheafi anis", itea.
.11nzs, Blush& -Isi--Ears, Woolens, itei,
sets on Irlreßyls t 111.444t45, &
Pus , sl.llo,l* Xi'''. 13,4 E. and
Flasslst. tfrts zeulor Ppm= win ,
zungs, C.
** On!f4litutly_tatiefallteMtrik."
'• Frorrnote - Polfber.'"
v ,„ ti4Filamtin9fttxathoßelem Famil7."/.
" Zits come out of shelf holes -.n
:sarsold athuieFnliOntit&karg°title's'ficar
ejsolln Wallas
r" !! ! !!( r nalfthlass tiost,
re - tco 'l,Lulass t tattle,
W'W! siesitv,
eir plinriviirpar, met llenatsfort. , NL;T:
MI Wholuitaltr :Red llettsll , llrnOlltt Ifs
-7,-.olslousrane; Pa. •:) s
"IhrarthAlgl4.93ll:, "
I l ,` • 4 ,, • . • d ,•
, . . , •
A LT. pronto Indebted tolt i o .P to o f Dzzgy
wEt..tot Into of N. Milford two ohlso,deed,ort
hereby - notified to maim Itamallateliiiftwriit. and all
s,m. b a yi ng: chow anent egoo t aprescrat (Um
to Ulu undoritiptiVlor*a temeopq '
VAUCLE .4) cm g eqs, xr)th dicrzOlt oi._ how
to us t Wen): r or safety - 'ABEL "M L.
. g enorai iisagnmeatA Wa arsigrg at
~.?N4 flE:31TIBT I P RBI:R.
toS O AW
Nast z attibiSt;„4 rEC
... t..........__ _ - Al t
in nt Bott es attAtkess jor ths.ctirs i ttmeasvr.
,serttebesontsimUsAtirsl6l:-,bUirdikstill trAelle
stloplos stifle. flyer heating. sore t4-nall Is the f
etplAsklyelmittftettgagski 411 thattM,
iirtleTo - „tre4 to - me rittblte; - Tonsan sof itsL ,taitlo
tpesit c9oal OffiiirtiltaittritrAtnAVV/rt tre ,
-Kent: slittnntlrodsenst were el . stpd sr 1. ste hare
I)sra restored to ow foikvit ;. rAt, Is seed Alan the
ot hgrsemrn Ibik
v gastA , Ott
e t r ler eeee•
'astir 0 4 for
rob POV i tt Ins as so e e.. fir_ Ar„lela
tWallifilint YawaNthe il M l Trr
carol ista eat vet ttrA i t
m i s take 'VI.
, rye WOOL
i Saw -To*. • -, e biff •
,}.•f:, • . S • • .
. . )%
jilititaft ; j:l./1 X.4 321'
.14tria ;Ilea Ir . .
NC.% • • " dagge:l'
) 1 ,l e tWa l bt. SlatZtith' 7 41.0 1 11 1 111
. •
1•4:11/1 ti
,OPA. , 14 , e1 :71 .5 14 . 21. , " % ; -- 1 t7i
1rr,04 ",
• TE pti tt •Zo;1•-"J :t • • . ••• • -
• i enrl, , -
. :,;, • • -
, tool .
ttl , " .41,-vtt +1" , • r c r:.: l , - . 5. - Tz „„at - 4 ; f.-4 ,
~• 00
1533 gr, •
• •
, ' • ' ••-•`' -
-x.c. , ,c3r 0 k ta: -C„.b."':'=-1
if ^ ' 5
ddea, 5 `1,5 •
tflEElVlll'Atlellioll,llW4derantiarriffil 1119 data to do•zto 310 CaNlifi s
lftrotoessi lug Lingo vitheadzaciorsett/itg skirl* *el? 014114 ail
-.Wo,.o)).brialf*,):t s7 . to - • rya ' spa 140 thily 9li accoune, other 'Wheal' tract= Mt/.
aril have to'cie ev'• y ;41,t4 stikastin hareltvre Gooeticresnes. We itel tell
s thftlb
Ml* witozomorgisivallicLumetteo, sbmbelagrefr,used a •
atzt illi t at 4u l ge l • • 'ts sob dam milt. thantecadmviebtuatew.
',3 1 1t 411 144 1 . 1 00:940 1 1hi5ag.2P feildiligtorsannableas klakabotestitel 14
• • .. • •••
:; .)F.l - • .
sd T'• C, - .• ~
FiWit AS-'"
1. 0 4' :La 1 I Vi A I
ffi it.; . . .! 1
n N vow - rtfto bny GOotiStiitt,r 44 )_ ; _ tt,_MASlT ty, 4 4/gba
ermine stit Of& fitokk. *WI Is complete Is alhantogA r tad snug aosaw#Lattow•ifi' Gra
pp, ovate a dllDireat Mums.
9 : l l 4 Bl V li e re nr
OASW: P 1 ICES FOR -x 4ArtiVi a. 'PROPUCE.
•' 'e: t. 7.:Trr ,!.
T; 4,V 04w , -, -rs;r:•c
/110S0 IN 0 Mae ) 000 0131.1111,0 so many eteteleilafortNetpnying, we would
savissovlsxorGesl4.BatteiA DrietAsktboVkietse a r z a n V i ttga T ro ftor.larravtor4,l,. sea
the2Mbitishipttoe tbsza sitalpi4gotke
1 .49N 1 104 1 4 1 3 111 4. 1 04 8041.
11111Fnfi , !,,,L7••• i't
= ~ .! t
r 421.21001)::,.r.
Di Wk intittgBEWSWEL.
• -
'OMB s ub Thee w 6 1d furtnaithe 014 irlitas, i Mid
I, the publicgenerally, that he haajtastlettirt*t At=
Neefriirk i'wellailnOctlaPsOUMetit'al.
. ~
, f • ,
...irk Ipiiilleor liirtraiiriniTt4
• v i t 0r.,..0rkiht.a41..... -
pricey that that cannot fai3.... ? : . e v t? .. 1161 examine.
Felle4 . Blik.:,L; ~-.7..:',.-:-..,,A.,..
CtlOlCSViiit* FLOM?. by,,lft4a4,itatrel. sack
ex imi* - # T)l44e at the latrWtitalf„,
tri r . ;Idnds of
Ou Oa! 9toc: an d s. SiOntof
4,7 ••• -- , 4,11:11IILDABD
4.„, • •-• • T.' •
I 4 T.
- ,ai IN,
DR h s
cmyteg-.0. 5 ' t
61- la 0 R*TIE
T . tA2'
.1 4-•
BOOP - , 41 A1\ 1. 1F-SII.OES
4uka iand4o Clips*
'L ? g i TiAL
. ss.Watir;
• 1 • .•
KRA) 01L%,
c. 179 7 - 7
316fr0pe,711). '0 Ini•PrFar.
• .1 •
4 1 4 1 iikt
• i toreati ,
Ttatpapatary tAtc catM,/:K
,If-BWkidtaitred late or Silver Mitt torimittip,
taaiiiefleenvouncil if; ale atidivlrOWititetafts
debtollo Wan* pa "144qtresfa Wistike
payiiiebt. dtattscriatiOrekdeosaTidi calm ito elltie to
inaletitibdciteri .noviilDßAstfall ". •
•Siiii4Bloalre.Dce. 160.-6145 ,z I.IT
•,- • erfa-. , -, 7
.I:.' i ', l t aTiiiii - firs - '.
silo. :;:.;
xiT viftaf tt iqtvisstked tkv Atm. fosgt *coma: on
Meow nattriatCoantyram terected . I
will expose to el by publicsendinket the Coat-lime
in Diontrose, on SignrAy, March 12th. at I es.)Vatot
1 1 .1= 41 PA' Ir4""cdefsta
I 1p it , ty.unr Bugg blWltirl
state of Peupsylvanlag hoootled,and- digssrlbed ufol
lows, towitt• Oh the 'M UFTI' gal arum= Park
and ieCPPAlTO•vlakStAltatloattilaidoik.2nnglet
on 4 IF cs, arner, on t ts welt hr Jallthyr i ttr
Idaridrandlloble T. Beelkintldo the , wrot vs a l
ro l
road Orontehtiln;lso OM% TOM citleir*artqf ti o
harrodteds.' vire <dotards. Sittd'alionollfra '
kTaken at the salt of J. F. Dtusniorevo:Yteula Part.
„_) NT—s
___!- .•-• .s • DAVIDE SUMMEES t t , lhltrlX
,4310145'40Mee.3Laritrtnie,Feb.16,1464:, e.+ ^ . -,,1t.”
1 I :I.l • ~: :: : 1 ; W - A.1.:!. , Vs 45.:.-- , • ' :,..,,,,-,,,,,_.... ,
N. 61 10,1 64 - 1.9 i.,,
~ ~, ,
ereinx 741 I :•AziPtinPlintuilK 8 or lA. •- . 1
:dot 9 the Orphan o. conrAf,-;tuninelogina PAULO 7 •
to !no' dirontAiwill" erlinse to odd la in 0411.04-0 4 4)
Cuart-Iniso. in !deform,.'
0 IAS i iiiidwy, r lita r eerf I Otr l i ET 4, .
' - • ..0i464 1, .:: . . 1-;.4,i,• ritit.
ii ii.lifitieli: ii.: the vitt MIL l a
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WirAM meted Dab, siortligratbA goratetely
epl.l;kita lir gvair, 138 a gdpil
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?esti; stir nats,'' •
- • _ • Willie and , Colored Shirrs.
• llin ChUa_P.2 Neck-Tie*. c,ciAars,
Gloves. arearf*: Ladiesaid acute Hosiery.
4Alin 1.13.44441-whiefil: -11.Tetbrelidt. dr_
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FULIMIZON 'give prompt attention tti - 611
claims Antruttell touts, ctoirgc s low, sad iqfer.
ItittiowtArrn,EL... • L. F. Fsir.
..24orttrosei J. 45Ept.
„Apr, lONS. -
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Ileyder: or the trensactione4 •theriebbleßiTrolle
yartrainietio' as i MoteleteviewilEge AO.
Wait ailltord4Airt.2lll, 1E14: •••
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terest o f and George Byrd. ea iti,ttor -Btodkasi
Goods of the late dun of Boyden Brothels. eoutintio
the Wildness at theoldoisisok Allercluults sad Pal*.
as ptSear Tetic dubblporices. -. • •
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