I I Mt *MOO: l'eputryip4 • • ridOga . -areefflernmeati biiimtylato ti't April ; . to.; awl the draft4 l .1 1Y1 4 011 , 'Nu:l4- 11 400 , ned, till that. date;..at anal& fitnrs *Alice il'sjr.l2. •it 31601161.43 d OD 'authority,pri7l.ttitivatlit anoiliprArafi fa Ao :bp ordered l4er i 3 50.0.,10,Fajaipe3 Mrade, Generals, has mot led.thiTotomao , arnty to ttedless defeats iltat: cppidg , 3lePlel-, iiht, the. .at yettia buig ; 14 1 i ,Linc o l n 's es has been!or some timeCauspecteds is ./ftet ia► r . Otte motive , for peraeciiting Meade : jia bullet . played the .politieterio but:ban been O, soldier ip this ..-1. 1 7 11 1 ood.Ola;esa f,it is found, that: be will ,sot :only kupport;. obi Abo' for - anothe term, but see that Ms army is not allowed te'ioleany other way; be 'Will be turned . out of the arPY3 . -!iliothirs -h A v 9 belln• -"' • , The NM Lampe /Megan: ;The • election in ; - this State.otters this week; and 'neitWiek.tr'e.4ell be Ale to• etmouace the result.; gittipirats, seemed to"show that the; Democrats would carry it • .by about 1,000 -majority.; bet-LincOin having .since iraported . 1;500 votes from - .,Washington, the erect: will doubtless be. to so discourage our „side that we shall be beaten more than the Soo imported major ity. Part of the 1,500 are soldier! ; and when it is remembered that Lincoln last year ordered a soldier to be punished for. iroting-asimpleassta, -fiaxi-vaili vimtare td go contrary to what ho demamitof them sow. ' The State Senate. The newly. , elected State Senator took ; his ,seat a few days since ; but the aboli ston. ,members refuse to , elect a speaker, Although able to elect, if they choose, the' candidate ' for'whoiir-they ballcited for a long' time. , 'The &atm Constitution rep quires the election of a Speaker; and no legislative body ever before attempted to pass laws until organized. The Demo; Crate rightly insist On first electingaSpea . ler—which can be, clone is five minutes, and will oppose all propositions until that -• be done wall pretended acts "passed" 'Wore organization, are void. The revo lutionary members are; however, going through with . the form of passing hills, hoping to make capital by thus forcing Democrats to oppose them. • —The allegation of the Montrose Re ' redican that the Democratic Senators are opposed to the Constitutional amendment giving soldiers a right to vote, we know to be maliciously and deliberately false. They are all in favor ()fit, and will7so vote when the Senate is organize& • slaying , into the Hands of the . Enemy. "Until the 'AdrhiniStratien thmienglily sifts and probes the iniqiiities of the New York . Custom house, the , people will be jumifiedin inquiring whether their trea sure and blood shall continue t(1 flow. by Millions and in rivers, while 14 own officiate ,pie playing into thelands of ad enemy r this was the language Aged by Thnrlc,ow *reed the: grest . Republican "liader, in ..let!er , ,published recently in re latio,n to .the disclosures of the cenuiv 'once of Republican officiate o 1 the block ade rimers., After these revelations,. it was asserted that the avenues of supplies to the rebels were stopped, but the N. Y. ril22 fP, of the . 4th, nays • " tie Raman Tian.: . The:following statistics, taw from 'the - View:lm ,House seeerds, show the trade to Neiman. It will be seen, that notwithstanding the v'milance of our authorities' as to COMM band 'shipmeny.s, the intercourse - toith , ilic nepeeted port is steadily intreashig. itbe tree, as it is asserted * that snore than one, belief the. vessels clearing for • Nassau !Awry goads contraband °firer * the follow-i Ing%stetisties ,are: suggestive I Ere the nittOtt*lts enditigDec.:ls 1863, ten vessel settled for Nassau, t having .ten aggrVite tonnage of 2,885 L 1 1 ;07.the.sstlise period, ending Feb. I; /WC, Isrebre:reasels clear cwt. 'haring aoog o corqatO tatunige4ll,4o3 , tane,4o *out Attyper, reset; ; 7 - - Commenting , on ' this; ti:Agtatteleporery say why does the -tradnthmugh:Nicastin increase:My per cent atnotrth2. -Became the Siemens- go ticot-free; becaitse::- the Ofeasteida anii released; beranio Palmer it sheltered; from jostle' city a "Military , commisiiianni because -Colleetor Barnet is Anioitied; became the congressional 'Committee of im4niry is coo busy to in: ventiirste, and aendea:enboMmittea •,to Ear:York tozhirk enquiry therar, because she gorcoactiship at NsecauS has been kept( vatointsorr.eter a year, and tiotintiisitip tti i ivorAsetit thelmwer Ofcrim :govern:. meet t at - to -Niatib the channel •ftil e ihe oonspumasr"tliul tswn.. our authorities re rd , , toltb;• - Crimes ,- sire covered , :144, mum& th,ielded, and-Weirtroris hair ell ; by:* native 4saitticipation - ot_eilttato coultitAgee offielehr.a. Azar sot; the pop. "jtisedte4itrigibiog-,. *bait :theti tom bietsbatt=note.• Sew lo4ivami whale he owe. 111311A140' thaltodeagthenneli,3sl . 01 . 0444 vaajoitt .. iwt4finikotrertsd. e L ebs io 1 14‘ 1 11:-T it. ar * eltaiNle44oo it - fitticet.:lty' Lin , I . '''- . OirePtigtilWiteittblican tpei & o t s ity eitti* Mileyetitleittir o f , 001 h,_ a beetkdeprked Of thiir liherty, a4dprepir. teer uttert4 rnMer - wirda - thin Ws a 'itiltitutitidiettlitat.,--It---etroeeda Vallaadi ghtupik ever. Read and circulate the JO., -.,'",,; i . . .V 1 4141* - 1411Mint Vhe petite are areasl , poloonlott the r lown V it e t tfilTe' 3l ed Wif 4 1 ° ,I:cin_t, oleinsuif -d r 1,1•14).. niOn arms Florida. A thousand *Of fellosteo haw been ileedleseirtnltcbeted,onobt thepA froniourowns citptanthekthbotli6Odon, :aa eipe:dittinV. wbiell 4a4 it '4ltitteedef, would &biro donetothingr-ibilardrending the Fir, , andl -eel; on foot askiweltifiriolititatend netfo'.r- tnilitary . puipmwilltilronfd 4 bil cul l under' thq eireuraetineesi oconment- in lin' bidig ! nant sitraiunpo_n 'the folly and erilne of 1-wantsta of and treasure'; bat we _pnierioitate a feirfaete whiet . anhontd be kept.beforothecountreit , l • " „ The expeditioweguilia:Florida' 'we e , exchisirelrtheArrkof/i.brAam Lineohy It. iron vanderuilient 4 advice .bitt Aelthotit the flormrledgii 0£ ;General ,g,tgleolelland the ..".lElectretar: of b unties...llll7 edneOetithy , ineulof all * . Partifeci.ithOt.fithi no stratogio'value ttlinterer. 'That the army 'seht to fight hi onoi unlit the' state is an arniy wasted, es niuoh r as if it was Dunk in theses: • • . 4.' A thoniand Anen—rhorci - ei'leas--- bavo been hilled-or-Maimetltioeffect some object whieh is not the overthrow of the. lama rebellion,: And if the conquest of that state islversesered ,it-will bo the c ost of many thsousands of fruitlessly butchered Union' soldiers. •4. The administration' :papers " admit that-the oljeet of the 'oceupatioif 'of the state was a panttt:lt'•'vne; to- yvatetre nominally to the , trnion befiore the re bellion was overthrown. Tese circumstances should bo twine in mind, ttogethe. • Vial' tho significan facts that Mr Lineolit is avowedlya can didate for re-election, and that tie own private secretary, John ilay, was' sent to re-organite 'the 6ta to ~ . , • "gall Acifialitilf;"; ari2i404.11441u 1 . , lacari favitriti4 m a recent - ','vOch yrbich was loudly appiaiided". tbekAud white ":finy ,0110.10, _arti;-4 - " luau 'ji," a did not see, the object of tbia war 'was eitb 'or blind ori•ory igno ranU The object of . the 31:ar (ho alleged) was to &CO alt alives and to educate those 'slates lit the Cipaiisc of tbe:Gorernm ent, and ifve - eae.ft man'tit them, 100 aura of good land: Tbentiro them the right of suffrage...make them eligible to office, and I place them 011 a FULL EQUALITY with all abet men! When these things are aceolnpliAted. (sAys Fred) and all rebels killed or baniabed, the war may possibly epd., but not one hour before,l . " What say lawyti Oleo to that? s4s"Recent city - and toWn - elOctions in State! of New. York shovi decided Demo cratic `pine" City, Of Troy increases ha DOntitraticinajahy i VO. Lockport, Os we.gn'arid Yonkers also show ,conservative ;mos- When dig country begins to real ize the atrnelty of the Florida massacre it Nc:iii ton old Abe more vOtes in every county 'attic North, than ho had hoped to manufattnte in:Florida. lirhishey Mil, AS it hai now pass ed both Rennes of Congress, and, awaits the President's sigwatnre, impoitoS tax of 60 dts.'s gallon an' - spirit§ *hid', may !be-distilledaold,'‘ii &Allred arid re moved for _OtiliwniptiOn - Oi l dale, Oe'viims lit day 474'n - ext. Any tai af ter this ti Me in to be: proildid:for, byia tare legirdailoik.- ' . , . , . —At 'the town election at , Altoona, Blair, co. Pa., theVeinocrats carried, their to the. Surprise andinertia. cation of the .ahOlitionuits who hail) here, iofore held,the 'Way *--The Troy T. 4)aily Whip, an. able Republican paper, in venting - of " miiice; getiation,p,says;. ". We darn say our rea ders will,bemurprised, as we are,-to learn the ex tent to. which this.diiigustuig *heel. 1 14' nn4lutivOcatee among the extreme ab olitionists, and how far tind how (astir is Becoming da- prominent.: .tuticle in !their Itcrew. - - : .* • aPpeaili frona.a letter of the Cora: wesiotLer of•Pensimill,=thai.only • twelen of the-gogrAtltionstysoldiers.are now ing. ~Abont. the Mile ;ha the-reb. el states have been strtick from. :the pen. 131 190.4...-brthalenolo government:, I.f.Thetaritr between thelAusolniteistijit the friends Of Chaseris beginning to:0405. fklegOltelittlaktue - in the camp,: • - ha' 41it boitegh-elientbeirshitheit ihe rion& - crats It edttbii OttifOil,Fet,l**lo4 . sei*biajtitity., ** 1 :" • • thitiite set.iteni* 'Of WI &vale: eirtiV Waye ectedetertelby beirt;;*iiitelio ditith;z4e4 which baire:tiftlieen!iditpi Oil *Mei, lieleitigsfed JO. diitiog die #Alo6er-ait.6oB . -=The tendon Morning PeaPPUtbd 2411,h, ilk;itsy so tragic, : fayeawreforig frOrklkowkars li jeore t pagitiectittuche• 63 FIAV 4 t 00412ti ll.:neMitigioPci#3763 - flAVItd glxnOTthet FrellehaelteW =wimp Of:- 0#4,41 Oft Abecolsepletige Pnuminifit 11.”11.11101101110110,100* >2liT-- ~..,,,_ - -,• ........,:........... 7301b----, ; i:. .-- , .-- ---,, .11 my , a be . .., 0 t , can no-1 ondr anr'lttenlit a Genertnao, being ott,twitteCby 'thes,ay iMtv,jo endeavoring to ge'lapi* 46: 4elleral lines. There a . rortl* nfpiting .„Helth)*) reports from Nal, both okwhick ladleate_i that be is retrpatino4.o Vickit , burg. ,-Getta , rtipatxielt with-a-portion of -his , oavalry.foreo has arrived in Gen. Butler's itneset No' r - Erat 04$ 11054:4 4511131 - tieles ritid,'oltheltitirdid e tlinelt 'itbsge ' -.o_,PriritikilivieolYappesrto 1 ' ., ,1Y64-Plak te la n Y IgMqfi ll Melt" di* M . lcciEs":44 ll lo o l . PtcP 9 A: !ITg9 , kV!, Yeettpto4 .10, 'Vat !03.14,07,,,Wetir„ I "ti,olecB44oSil4,o l o l ‘ itiblettAraa" OA. N 44 §`;;t lll #o . p r i t tfa-p.,,,;.- motion , to': 40,4. witirostoriAar, , #040; : .60,4-4006,MettFa*. 44- gliol4.,C t otirt .1 - 104 A, 04...c,ist.iijek.liiet i ratt:„ iciad,''Fitnnirtg' "Wiwfirs - 0 119 Pui 1 4.4 .. a i 1 GA31)00116 • at .. 14040101 A ,A, - . few, 1 iii i l o *T . OI I Wl i a oo Cn fn i . 40 .4 0 44 4 . 4imistopi,' ti ' iv i#4o(:lgsef:l,..o6 *keit tituninglfrOra IttehM,ctrik. vioilerilt, 'burg:. --Tifi AIA 'T. A a? dlieet lei : Aulfien ~ however. . ) :PollOrtng , thif. ,01 1 00:,.,tratli. ti,'iliort'distatii4,', and deqmiti4 tinae, OW ' V ertS:lie tnined'esathwtlll„teyard AAA; . Ittonil.., Vi 4:" Dahlgren;w',4,,a,Jsmstk i d ~ .0 *A!O, , f.4f 'Oi..il o tekko„ Z.r) ?Pa:t. 01p. up pOr.TaittOs•river wane' 316,upapNk nineehect, 4 4. 86 •4 1 1 - trOTA 11UP4i,;41;POpti. itettso.--;;. Pa 41 6 .49. 1. - irafi,. niOirOcte 4.. )4'A Ogre, whetb : 11 2 101 0..# 0 .4::h4-iiiiOnrg° V''' . i Alen .Of ins eoinrilao *ere 9Pknred• in' ' l'atr i i4 - trirelied:aimfli ihing the i*lrmid ; .filkii:ltanever hti 4 , ,destrclect the tmssel !TOO, Over ilintrppeV.Chiekalietaini.: : Ile. thrnit*PrOiched itiehmond,, and as near as V i e_ can trace . him gOt within three itiithit,O`f it, IWteii;, finding the pied*. on ali 'Al4e's;', 4:Withdrew; to thenenheast, fight , !;, lag 1)ia; "Way.acress the Chichibemmy to, :Ve4atde:eville - . 'lO, theft Marched. e L ast. on .. Oe rp t udceopOinithe,roni:mi . iili to White., 11 04 - 'Ai" TitoOtall's stamp; Six , miles • from' White Tfiiiiue; lie ,inrnett sou th to NeW Ketit COnrt Hew, .a..few miles dis,, i tant,,P. , ,9. lifts' Weleorried'hy,it deluehmen . t t , 'of iiegeiieesent - ,troin reTtresii )4•Rilrge t o " ',liiiii. - 'pis ices i" . 44-PaPa?rtd- - ,- • Thep - in who' have lmen baffled of their ,prey -}do- 6007401 Oat they tei,tifil lity'e ,heen 4ioiliiii . fly : epceeeeitii ir, the thithOiitiei - a[3V,aohigiuu . ,haii permit, icedo-entea Butler ; to po-operato with them, and keep i:‘eket'S.Of tutelary dv . ploy- i ed'dOwn ,the rennitinlii..,i . .. ~ . ' The - Conreikr.ito, i it uzi-r;aid, ‘ arc, press-. ing. the Federal , lines 10... Chattattooga,-- : ' 'The Fedekalifeeliihuini is*. ." " ‘•,, , -Ara -w. n O 1 . . - in .:,. • .4 "iotpritA.4rpggoxi.„ F-,,40t or . 041'thoOrPFes Al 44r10t1: ITO ,beci, stoped.' . l .' - A Vieetifte . 'kuOiVille s represest that; General Lengst rect. is supppped :,t0 be at Greenfield'' while his. farees hold .11ull'ii Gap. 'lt is • tbour.,,ht that 4plty 4 arnalkpor tion of his army has gene : to G,eorzia.., ~ • Harpeiio New Monthly - twilit°. , " lUnquestionably: .the best eustnintd work of the-kiwi in the world.” • • Oritiral .. Notices of ..the Press.--The volumes bound _constitute , of themselves a library of miscellaneous miffing such as cannot bo found in the.satne compass'n any other publication that hascome under ncaiqe , ' - -Rostoo Cozirien • • The. , meat Teptdar •Menthly iv the world.—Neiv York Obirrver. We must refer to terms pf eulogy to 'the high tone ''and varied excellencies of I Harper s Magazine—a journal with • a ' monthly • • cirtntlation of 'about • 170,00) whose pages are to be found :some of the choicest, light and- L general reading of the 'dayy',',We ''Apeak ()fails work as-an etridenci3 of The American veo pie ; and the' Itepuldrity it has aci-pared is merited. Each number contains fully 144 'ridges orreading . matte‘,,appropriate. Ty illustrated with good 'o'l4';and it.com bineti in itself the inc.* tilontlity and the - more 'philosepttial - '''qtctiterlY, blinded ;with the best O( daily '-It hat' great Tio•crit'ifitheilisietutnation of ' 'of • rittio ;itter4iiire.--TuunN tr.'s ' (kids to Aineltiqiiir London. Igo znag,fizitp Etitotie" Or 'America is Bo well' kniiltrn't finds .hhs haiffo pinny readers :afidore rimy safely say, none:, has receiied so' krge trilitite of admiratition from enitirate4 - delight in it healthy . ; diversified, elevating '.periddieal literattire. It" is the foretagist 312 I ghene of The day. The • ireilde 'never Fad a more delightful comphnicm, nor the minli on a more eiterpriSitter,ithidibhn Harpers Magazine. , —Methaik (13alti 4'errns-;-The papuriefpfiriii4nent Value Whieh have , ' been tiutilistieit' every number render a compleihniet of Halper's Magazine "a "cresirabig acqaisition to any. or ;pritatb , iibiary:' - "The publisheissupply-veriii)eto,, sets, or anyzumbor.frouiltheeotiiitietifteut.Poi Twenty Ave cents they wilt . , -sendlanyinn torsi-by:, mail; postpaid', .2 Any' voludie, eontainitig,slitinumberkboteulie muslin, vials mailed; postpaid 'oar place in' the United States :within !I IWO miles of York,;, -for Two Dollars-and rFifty Cents.2Complete tots,comptisingTvieaty tire vOlumesi will' be sot, brilktredifitto freight- at the eznenseofthe .piirehasor, fistlihie Dollar lud-Eighly eight. Cents Perlifoltmie.! /It! • Von) for :one., yerr,43,008 ertro CORiett , Tor_awl -I year, , 4".140 , ; limpet Magazine and Haqier's*Week/roestyear $5" , -Ahttisit ,, FiltTaCOpy i [Valhi for every Clubnric - Ten.Subsenberwategi ettt3ll;iftrr I 1 e 6 Pie' $25: f 3; Clergyatesiliurd-Tescherik 'enotisci svo bound in clotks2, 511tervoi lm *Aiguii COvers A „SW ..oentw-tilechr---Nett: Wheo. ophrplio4lement* - - 11114 4, " 1101'1811M010140W111010106* -.- 1 4 , 11. I'l' lii . . 1 i II yr .I. yeaper, Nine .AKatabribraft ~ - i . .- -ras . . lircesOalar7 l / 4. 1 . 42 - 43 . 451. 1 ik pl :131paccfpw pit. I t - i#, As et .-; atite as, til' even), lii.jatreitth p. ‘,*itlidiasit . Sc, 11 ... let z le .62 ~,, hi 6 nowi4toubleilWith ivr . . ....ii an -, worn. wk. digestive organs. If they will now and forever use iletrieklithereit 4301 d lthidat - Salerat . net - -..: - fel_wherever it has made an acquaintance It Aitilolo „talker ,:t66o6lolFoCiritiNill be yout:protedtor . ami shield, besides al- IMrgnitirrositteatighttirmakliti riOlt...=.,PaMingea :Artec:.;Trt .ir-itit. ; Dien of AfirAttrobAottieatit...:: , ',l'• It: ' l'i. . '. • Airtrrrrf."4"ll pupEoTua :Lasi otopt,J11:::.)1:1 7" 111111 1 /MaannitalikOZPUISSO 1:1r.1 ...;c1.014777_4 ;tie. gAL.C, MAW 149UNSAL , ter tfiriChi:"tlll36ldSitlirtiedit' '' .it* 3lll . l3 I.`„ . )1! 2 .--0/7513i.tr" 740+. ; , ,2 , 1i - ti , : rr'l"l", JTIZIE,D4I.LIC•443E, cridelt:adiedttlet and:policy Of the Dentoctatits tivetiniOd: every Muffling,' Owidays otetsf . cd4" ftna ;Fon tainaz tlfe'Utitirt.TELttcluktitiO r -tittitt'from : alt parts of the *ortd eaiefito pre'. pared artieteal'orinGtveinitietif, - rc * Aittes, Trado,'FinanCe ; ete.; and prompt editoral comments on The questions rind' niftira of the. day ; Market-Reports; pfices'etirtent, Stbek Quotations, Marine T9telligenee, Reports of Public"' Gattieringp, Foreign and DerneAtio. ' Correapondenett; 'Legal Reports; Theatrical' Criticisms, Reviews of LiteVature, Art and 31t1triT' 'A,4rienitur at Matters, and diammliona of r itliatever snlijei ta of gerieral interest 'Mid impor= tarice.. - •n• ' ' Ttig*tticl , T AGA Is a eninPlet6,('!ottipedinnt of the It 671 of, the NVeuie, and contains the uhictjeditor. 'the Prices current atid,'inarket Ideal epteit l atious, correspondence and gditeral netVii'matter p?blilihed in. the Dilly Age. It also contains a great vari ety - of othei 'inatter, rendering it in., all. respects a • 'firSt-cla,.4a fainilv journal s par. li4Ulilty- "11(1:10'641. ."Potiiiviatt,„the. I,l6Citant; the 'ratermir tllO. 4)teehanie, I..titerky - .l finit, fi nd all claSsCs.of It has, fled; every characteristic of a ItvE'Ngiisilakti, - fittell,fOr the Congaing, Hons . 6 the tror4`!ihoti t iex A r n i e es Firc 7. 'side, and ,the' I;,e4f;ier., . •., siiio ,Zitall ! Oo6" ,Ety Ott wont be. - 1 00 ( 4 1 !ec or .....agtitrx(fwrb", 1760 three latmtho, aa the rater ' • :.:IMoOt of Seventy-4ve cent. par L . Flth an extra copy catcra, month. - , • for getting up Meth:b. ' Pavuust rEtrtnnt?': t.*lvanuu3l.lr • VALANCE. . 1 • - • t,'•t• Specimetia copies of the Dail); tnd WeeTtly; will bevicargratis to. and liddiciAriin"Apf j MIMI The •Publishera-of Ttfr-A÷.t cent(' Basil lilt their coliimas with the' imsonght; uni, most liberal 'commendations' of the press • throughout the - eorintryl hut- they prefer' that it • @honk, stand alto,tetWer 'hpen claims to • public eonfidence; - knows and .established. , -• °They- has acquired this , reputation by "Jib . .CAMltir, fearleseness am, in dipendence with - Whialk ' it has been leondoeted, thrinigli • tiniei of extraordinarytofttihiou of idens on Plil,lic ' subjects, land lut ler!): of almost nnex ampl- ' ed 'riot, It and '-will as heretofore, the supporter' of ' t ruly tional principles„ lortitiaed-lalike'te'rad7cal. isiw. had' fanaticism ih every' fen*" 4rid devoted to the maintenance of good t,iit erment, law anti order: „ • The • Publishers of Tnr Nat coneeiVe that thris renders Teenliar Service:4 )01 has pecidi4r l , , Claints 'lilt Melt ' py whom ,Are rained; ,Who, 1 . 1 , , the Oroper'ineaiti, to fi.timiite'ait'pt secure the-CatiatitutiOnal realpratiOn Of the 17nioni-I'Thesei' can best sbow 'their ciente' ra they luttiritrg'effirits Of, the put fishers; behalrof: thit . l'great and 'A par:Meted cinse , ;' - liy'ehrnestlY 'etiitajb4l,g this papeieiniall'iti •I. • -•r • • • . , • "Addresg, • •- '" , • , • '•-• GLoimiurn 4 rrg* • 434 tar The an ont:and-ont-Aholitiiin • tiatienioe that " Candor, lir ai n 3ris6 iptieeintiOtA . itglclatieS' AS' public' jonindlesta t ' that it efiould tltftte tNNaii in itti'dwir fin.ll% cal Ikkiiie itdiatinia ronch inoe rifeqhateir generally '4'00;30- ed."-• , -We iliialettoWiii: Let PeAlocrAts they big ht' Of betted d#llls:4' jo aip. ; wl ,; —4e ortinsterthecinstoitift thiCfoolfir4',troopl,: We s tlimint knowi hike trit l eViiii ar a Y eapprOas alt 'the i fac4 :oFinli`eeta with.;lii,' l °§ l ' 04 O the p ' l* a-hayonet elrotum rn SlAtet•of I f ouloaaa aaltotaccprding to:order, At iho Litworindl) vloction in_ Lott! Haven-for boraingh 'an& *Mg' Offieete; thir Martneracrcarried'etery ''irhtit,hio ceill,t ed,ritajoritieslooting nominetis . except:one constable, whoinAliej.lhitt cumvotio.-flti ) theiltnignagifVfpnlubilaiik; friendirefilieDit4derat,lVitiii - V" gOd ?.rockpratl. ' . " 411 61Sill'httiOdgiii ! 1 / 1 0 ' * A i3 • Atirrig rialibileAlAial4iientOill 61141 ' titS7 ;edify bolas o hurthurt lfiOnorkecii*inhimArio,iteA'per et S ttj ii" 00 $. 1 ,i4) . 04 • PA& aot is a_Repithlit insaation: gro is the only kind of ortlty•jgrSittiff nor and his party have ' treiA4Mtklii.S3 eapodslrorit 'Libby Prison, RiehmOld, havo . vrc,nehadp a tartestalganroe. This makes 3ribo Lave armed eafely,within ousiincse% , ,c9,,j 11:=0: v^,fil.i:r: .!.... , e , -T t !.„ , ....., ;A;rilipl) :wit.... o; ..•7, 1 .1 , •t_ . ..,,, The Sherittplyprt),pcote t alcat farm of 150 acres, with 100 Improved, situate, In Fmnklm,,i suitOfr3Putitytoreman:lll Ptirk. 1 64e.ItItcP L IIMA .ttnl7 to :th et.osyate of S. , ' F. armat i _t mop plApOlSCffit y kaNe Wait grafiti.iff9 the exteittor; - Tas..E.,,gartnilfil of cho d : mi ft pv..,,t3 ..... L.,_ c. ~.0 3.u,..L A. Chamberlin. auditor, ? , t will distribute tlitiftindsltiriShtk•fttnii tre siliiittlto land: of O. Q.. o, at tit "offlehllivNtontros4, RP , Friflay, auwahlosit, nglio'eleirt. Also the fauds.pf i the may of 4 t 4,lPhatnber lin foreiux"m of same day. , A.nlitiministvgtor'sAtaletor thefarm lato of W.. : WilliaMs„ ~ situate, .itt, tlarforC conti4ilii 130 acres, iirhli:oo' improved, will'beleld iiiiiitiii) l• 6niiSe = , 'on :Wednes day, Itfarch Etth,sa.l e o'clbek. •'''• 4 - 7. . Administrator's sale of a farm late of 'Gen. M; Snt66l;isitliaie inihrfclid, con 4 ' tabling •61 ._ticresi,' , 35 improxied will tie, held on- Om promises an: Thursday; Ma rah 17 th at 1 „?,Vpit t .„ • • :. , ; ;., • i §ye adnituistratoi's sale in this papei. ' Letter.•CtegteMetilato the estate of lifillirrildellniffe - lirgiiiisWare7Tave' been Ittaltiblrlfsithi'kuidtilii, Maria 11. and W. t.. Ti!art..; ) - -.-- , • : "' ' , All .eatientoes o:4e oftiOnse aitalot i Fitli slice altp,"thtt, rs'tite, ,of 11. -.,AV:, .13atber, situate in jessiip,,wglboihelci iiit the prem ises,.. .., .. e . „ , ott waren,l '4:not, pu e oclocti- ,- • "L etters t est auttliptr,y " . t ()Alio est3t c of Ilietard 11ix1), ,Ne nt,.olu-11;larfe ( IWO) . i granted totkc es'ecator t 4. o,,Tppifr o f Jesit4). I , T . : , I . ~,, ~ • , 1 6,, Letters; of Mlatitilltratlgn "rim •1•1? - es tate ot lirac Porter; late .of„§prjngrille, hayo. heen,g t ranxed, ts. t,h,e4re4eentors, P. ,ft. l'arttT r an,dcf`ki 4%spry , uf, 41.0 n Li Letters o l idukifilstmtion upon, the es ' ate of '.1•3 1 T4.1 1, 4 111 4 1 V 1 b late oflierrick, ,I)iivp,betr.a t . : granted.to.the ettotitprs,Spen ippr,.:3yAtrimil,,o,.4,llll,o., qu it „Walter, '4e:l ig:Per9ck• --. ;-, , --,...., , i , i 4.,citera Of administration ~. uponAlle, cs. tate,..of Artum i li ,flan,; late of„ Qibson, 1 i'liel i eol g t r, ll ..P' , . hi,t li9yze;ot4r4l,,Ered- Erick ..I f lues ol*,ktiaoklin and Clavisia• Tif-• fify, a/gib: 4 4'4- -- •• 1-.•• • • click. fifittimjuistratign, uptmEthoieK ,,tal.c_Of Ed, n.,4f,dC7. ~ De..eliq x :lit Nr of, c I; alio , lar* lißn., grailiF4:AP. Yarirl,Pgattriuld . 1 ICh'ltleftP . Wilspti, i ,cdt.:Jiffqrsl. f 1,. _...., • 1 ii. 11.0,1 4 713:9t. itAtniao4l.lpn,,w._, A kw, estate of Andr e wMagt..itSfus. latP . Cifiltriglitliave '..liedu grant ed:tu,tho c•x_ ccottors,,,John ainr.' rhyand . llllo46llllc,4lgous. •.. t: •,. : : :!.r. b e t 01:4 t 6t!iiT entllTY_iltbri4akß4ll4lo , ,Pf 0t46, !Wel ntian . 'lite of.X . ,..2,dilfttnil s bove 'Veen giViltet Li; ETV* Al4Eicih. • ,- • e. 1.,..., - „ ..., t.... •.,/ I.. , gliewing,mactinse.,save:sl6.43loBo , ltild)ingiuk.:purebnwe a3firSiTato. l SerWilla I XaeilillP;Of the Wiloo.xv&iss'ibimiectof tbi „Finkle 47; 44.9n.,,pat,01, gait , Innerb /marl 0 I. hay ime xtvegirotrOni' either. hututifaet rrrar, •tt , fuTan'ted, ias . use ai g nt, a, discnont,brile•ot 14 per cows, ifFotu,,their remilac , priCes, I Wit kre4sqoablO oretlit.on hillf,thedmonnt, :tt.V calling pix.m;ot, , add, essing,theleditt - •',r AC (hi* PIPET* ...... tilt; ~ ,• 11 .1.1N4t0 eivi Lat i lfAu F litedloft D: NitIMMO: coming eltheen,ami kaa g •a t42gtgeliodts itekoesetiAtliti 'en fferD.otietiAt n D3 l e. 1 tie'(g=lieTakftl=l;4 l3ll4 4Mtit I.:enred hiaiftert alleraeltigVietld *tea , eth n icity wig' es. '- e 4 3 ly 9f fen h olis t V: l4l 4-rtfr ib i l ural lin r3e' : eli;10 Wales PAY,lnkluitivt tattithrrts:. a ft: . L c sa t; n - 7 - , , I g tta m.2.ol e s i i f ; liAT)2l,Witraittf S ly • • • • ty,l; LeMTEII A ranuty Elwin filarkika lifigaiivia&A Worliwterf toputatten. ierbeyonaertlre beet sad ObrPeOanaxpolkalllinfacti ye offdrettiithe patine No other *ally erwtogq w.htus-.lma (ecr.•ftiali debitiViifirllf On • foe' grai wpg i ,FelliayamAt4wft , . r ollagoyeat :old _ aIMLO , { ° kik, , 9 11351 ' •Pranlibr degiag.hlactOemaartiaoheapaettyhirkdreit: variety of wor, „It *Rom aliUtfo 410.44441. ideftgorthriait" Gtitat lvetatleiprovemeu lirl4ll,BaPitii l litgwiaOlsehistrefet rahaltho d le, en* MOST. `nniAl 411.014 414 Adel- Stilre. l 1: wakes thlitnttititibteis gni= nim Inv 11 ki/Ml,, • Any : WiereoPrOtt4toP94B. 9CII estreee, at e - gltuit4l alow_.to teat the Jetta& Sewing. maw= up - mAtaxi so:Wet entebol In cJlAl4dotomisite,ety .w l_e-,‘ • The Valle* I., `Orttte lifittetTyLlehide le iiteee of • might: Werretoetlik cif Stmestost threfaLlerast; 44 if teas the mac hie attamovinFitt _l O btoteltious:Oliiiapeum • dtiiiiiniinefts 101 Para Imit4iVe IlMit-i•-Whi sr. =mat Ala Mk Mit oftw oteeetaind eimpleat woada-ared ••;•,,, fttthdeimplesilettailteditatitntattioteiltad. ot• ' & kdorapli ttAmen • *9lAbtilielteikin-thtAttsot. • • • - f. IA is ateagritatymeassaryita seitheTramili'lltaabfar tugPe . •rliont" toli#o. , g l P l .O l *. MIKItY Pal bbaut • 1 114 I $Ol4lXl. 101.104 osr ifaanaiettiringmaresersforamaufaeuurlagpnriaares •.:liitaltratieb Mr* are Well simpuef rilfte Misr, threw& neepif t z,„o4 SU.; pf,440 !ref, Wet 401 , 11f7. Ittio it MITE*" 11;1 fM ass italcurieTtiOrtro ComPAW nevi o Asa ,Broowsr..Newircalk . ; ilr'Phlfideitin frfOrehestautArrert. r.. 11 14 1 ; 0 . 1 v4T ova 4 rosT4lt is hl•Nottithsal _ 1 e qpore: unpleasant Noir GOMM , stedlellnes• a anpleasint WWI dangmni‘difiesiell 1 mai I: o 001.17,133MrRACIMM117. 7 ithleb hot f 4.0 thentidantemein poppow ptowneot • PhrfoldlOot It the Vatted States.' myna* eqeted toabilottd tumuli Ifj ttelveuratore Mr tHti fettiwift? diseases .W irftp4 tome originating:Scorn PicPlif*lbiliftPrAlps.V.7ftor or %oast - Orton, : • ormakato4Rp.9mki(AlortifioVAlASOW' Ilithittelkod 4 a17 1 41 8 1../goVerf= f ita 4 *.le JEgfit 4. )t rs of 114*tar. 04.1•14g0e. Mkt oeirv.s. AtOTTl.p_trotakeir 4 orieseepestiAttleti, 15r.t; , -• mit het. 19,11, gmOolleutattarts Alr t rnal Detillltitedritato thergyeterti. 110 me • me e,, , cos ph% set torIVIMBOUVRAhItroth of • dart, gt_4 l : 4 4 l eV• 5 4•IgtitSaNTIt*Ano 403 1 4 1 4; . „.•J; J• • -1 .41/41 1. 0 ft s t lll alfr ffettiMiraffer 'sited a lam the slave."--1 ite lie said : Lot c,f these rd prulessiou. ir le slave ; no !ntituents '.h t- Pi7o 04 1 4 : .I"`' fer=P'rir~mi lireititad ' etitllrtiArs - 1 - 1 , - irliWl,Weavri . , tozip,Publis)kei4A OW York. •:: , f.i 14 .81a , - • . e .. 4 Treat tl. conctrning h .im m t alk alk and pp m . oh; ptitifraptc"lttad a nt any other book issued focseart._ Theuhrilling A d, extraordinaryfacto with ihfcli the author wcaros l i = l irestriVOat 'oily bold, 444,,yekw.941410,40-kg.gre. tiqm%e ll eti ri vAz i - Si i - it mut tatibcith ,i; i- - interest. .iti is tel li ng liko - - fire -lice: • Itric .•! • ~...i . l w _;art I. l ls lie S ";on tlTthiiiikions of thveasc4 AO; 41 jai, he Sue. 644;1=431:it lavgii o: 4 ,, ,trodi . iiiiifentat--Ita o ' ilfl. .[;l...t7titLif.le.M ,1011 '141004 tif0411344:( ► Atiiniaiititin , of M. Enteit Itonins'ot'. Arkalq l eTe!Vit ui li ii4 !# i `Fget r i i iltisertr 0 1 4 o.oleMelit alitt4TirSir,4Tft aft any that • • 'Bl l ;36,pftifx(4l.eNitly -French' WIDOW-have ft has beet) r iiiiskigriirjAng4and extr„v. agitngy,r.smwre.o.4.ooo4..*ol4, ea. do - 14 , denwifii ifftmliktal *rep, 14,1100;:ilnd eryrooofttie book.-•' 111,50. -I.l3h."frtiithiiiiiigii Eo l Cl**Thilt****.: 44 tl l . 4Great ra consumatiop, , is fistilit : tjnt. neh inn . in Enkfisnit.'Prii4 Tho.Grons TzihfilitbnizethivaaliAtTrep. laratiOnThe , 'Greif Coniflinmation. ' lx-. Veil 9n . $ 444 0 .1re.4 . rathis• ~ ..,gy.y..p.Attl)nr, _The 4rpAlstrity and -interest 'about 114g-01604rd neer work, 10 : 151r. ,Artlinr, are itteatiil7, increasing. h is out of the , pleasautFtl ptgoevrit publica *mil, 4 yill 04,0vr . .o t h . .. r y , in,o!..orequills and. thousands of fair/1111m, whesti , domet. tie st oriel prfi r rircoantl imeretptiunable i itifluenc qre sfelqistne' 11, rtice $1 , 25. , - - -;.;v .- ,z 4 , • 10v ; e11 ty author Of : 1 , 1 " gutle:dge." Em t.rtejvg - 1 1 3 9 :-Ft:lenclid . - tie* novel "Fronk AVveyriti 3 Or t in„. 4ltitili in relling to Ilriigl i j.;',7,Pilee.'sl;to;''Rtittitige—Frank 1 i''ltrarnm9grrlike,B9l,llFtlatithl..--Louie, • " Victok ,trugo-r-A One of thcrelin%itt#Apfl entrancing %11.1•11ilicit 'tliiillai„Lti:r.SOttell -from the - 'retieh:Prtiaa>".Prettelt; , dyatrttie, graph. to awl litit.-IY,"it ObountiWeriili defame de. lightful interest' ihtit Dlisera hles'scr trowlerfnily at:trait RC.. No read fr .ofihat marvellous-romance ran remain imtisfieti Without itr -. contiranion, "The Story of Vicio'ilitt*J'W life. One band sure avo., cltuh boututi. -.nth, 045.- , - • .vitr.r,„.- Attire. Holmee-- kt giiiilit.- . Embraeiiiilit.i''cli'aniiitik new novel fq MOW • out trio).eountry t ~ Priee Marian Riiere— Dora I/, ) eP, l : 6 ,"',.: l lkitdPii,tfretikcsiintiii ?Judd°. Ito Igprobgptfp of: New Toth. 4(t3monl,,SerkaorAt 'pry . interesting ; , tfreneinu.v: Parrett. 1 i c Ruiner, G xly pereonal •stetateii;' private and pelliketiip ninbuoltolg NM great member! sidNew Irebit city—a tittle bit ATEtilitiylhiOg 3enttee3 Offi:r4tbn of all- I hi PgP • TS? 6 9!a 1 . 4 %, - 11 04 1 0. 0 5V,PP 0 ealtiOasi year, theif.fatand).tieries is ;tante ra(ty. 910 . eittilisfoLtiAttemint - :,•- t • 7 • AO* ROVI g ,W RafillentjAleli 7 1. -:krnlirtiing . his lintieleeilent work "Like amt thilittg" Ahead—Xow co* , 119 Het. -11 1 —rvs Beiegkrildoir*—tikitNiid to the Last.—To r Lose and lobe Limed— MAIM 30.d-Itte V. 1 . 0 94-.4 12 110 Tidt• Lq ,Ll'4" MLA ";4A Ti .l- Pt. tf r Aicomioliv4 , q . tiedirectio ir 4.1%. ealture. A boot °fAff"rinPilin... o ) l l4MK9.t., 444 , :infifirtie• ail. 4 1 . 2te'lling the s k rt, of committing with Cg'-4 1 4PdP!!TriefY. , and (IsttiorfortbT ilia liters* inow6ir- requisite •Eolitifiar to good ttdvautage In-good sootily, 11,25, '. '"' - '' - ' 3l 's,- ': .l 'l 5 lO- I c . r:: 7f i''' . ;' .Tilia 00R;threittpoip ,--. .",4y:Wohlikiiiii.Aititit, Tiititiiik444lO'Wet ett" baled-PQM/1 icktynittiit and familiar tiftersaa - Isle tot of Oita 4 le ' - MA u 4tile onr il ir t kiA l it : I ,'-' t I ' ' ' MIL " The Irittlilialtihtiairaty. .7%, Eiltillifinislited r'SoVVAiii iiiittlientts= mertvotiOkidets istiknotedottemoseeni inganeozypoints of taste, - gliegittialsking, aq.qle7 l P l l 4 - 40tatftglitle - TlOCPlcieable• Iteitruttedifsolil" tilfb LondolfsdintiNwhielt __ _ V4f u l, eggiq4=nriTCe;ifi-riictiiiwWuk on i ,f eiorv.p_tibligrnif ".12iititi.,Alodte j o kme,,o-iiy....la a . rtt— 1 ... "f:',o it 5". .r 4 2 ..., ^ll .- ' -•P " bni! Is • . • , i rtrl":l 7.L' .•. q ; t - I F:'i brAliiiitAUOUliial= 111141 Ono rof it+ si4Yikit'Ai*lit*iiiiigtA3o464ofaihed , itiottleiftereaomtlay-hrtblyi. and-already 30019 , .. t* lisoFtm vqld. Alm 4,50. ' • ri. i:x , 1 - .. irf. n .( I .i. omtywnllll l #l* . tfogEeWz.l o 7d! Tips p i n ar t roll .i . sg, t hwjp . oppp c story of CoilegfalreFtfrOWNM-Untr4W,Eng ltutd--f whit iipartfloa; 'wentio igoittf . iillialfi• lth ti.tiaetLfrotaiho4Loudou_Oititfon A bot`ic - ri:flith 1 9 rypo k lots st . td, Putt -, 4tititit•Htws ' ,( )