oc>l2 l _ l _ , g l 4 l 7o. l l° Election of Delegates. The connty.oothluittes tnetAt the Key gtone Montrone, on Saturday, Feb. 27th, and by.a - '-unanimons vote - - elected delegates to the State convention as fol lows : • s _ • Senatorial Delegate—M. C. _Tyler. Representative " A. I.Geiritson. The Ladies' Fair. The Fair for the benefit of the Soldiers, got up by the Ladies' Aid Seciety, dale Keystone Hotel, on. Friday- might, was a perfect success. Tho.stipper'and fancy ar mies for sale were .coutnbnted -by the people. We hare no report, but rumor says the receipts were near $4OOl and we cannot speak -more eulogistic- of the en terprise than to Say that this - pattoiii of the Fair !are "satis fi ed that they ,sot their money's Woith—When they.consider for whose lAtelkit? litiOufent; • Personal Rain& We hear that . Capt: C. W. Tyler, has been nominated for Major of tha,l4lst P. V. Regiment. It is.rcported that theonly man in Little Meadows liable to draft is the Postmaster, E. B. Beard%lee, while the quetaiS;thiee. E. B. is a fine fellow, but hocan't. fill tile quota. When'a newspaper is sent to the P. 0. with a name written thereon, it should be given to such person .On demand. There is no charge for this information. Lines to C. V. L. by a soldier, next wk Our Quota on Next Draft. The qttota•of the District is 4,305 ; of this County, 607, plus 50 per cent. if not tilled by volunteers before the draft, ;which will probably be made in April. Hereunder are town quotas: Towns. Quota.; Town s . Quota. Auburn,. ..... 'Harmony, 6 Ap0iac0n,....., - . : 77lhtelcsan, • 16 Ararat, ..... 3jegattp, 12 Brooklyn, 17 . Lenox - 22 Bridge water, . ..19 4 Liberty, .15 Clifford, ..........14:Lathrop, 11 Choconut, 7 Little Meadows,.. 3 Distock,..... 20 Alotitrose, - 17 Dundaff, 2 Middletimn, 3 Forest Lake,— ...2&New Mi1f0rd,....17 Franklin . -14 1 N. Milford Boro,. 6 Friendsville; 1 exeess.Oaltland, 13 Gib50n,...... —.23 Rush, ...24 Great Bend,— IS Amities Depot,... 53 Gt. Bend 80r0,.. 13 Springville 23 Ilarford, . 10'Silver Lake, .12 Herrick,.... ....14;Thatanun, 13 Lcknourlediment, Rev. Mr.; and-Mrs: Riley-desire thus pub.lielir to express to theirlatipaiis' hie& ere aid other friends, their spect.skthanks for their land re:nein brisk:leo( thenixm the afternoon and crening, of Wednesday,24th nit. Notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the day, and especially the fact, that at Lite time, the preparation Air the aniicipk IA Fair for the bdnefit of our noble sol diers seemed 'other interests; it far exceeded, in substantial expression or regard, any donation of previous years; the amount contributed at the thus and previously, in anticipation of the visit, be ing $330, of whichs27s was in money. Although in the providence of God, the intimate pastoral relation which had 50 pleasantly existed between us for a quar ter of a century, is now dissolved, we *al never cease to pray, as heretofore, we have prayed and labored for your spiritu al good. May the blessing of Irtra from itbotn corn eth every good and perfect gift" be your abiding portion. Local Legislation. I A bill to authorize taxation for bounty money to volunteers, for Dimock, passed the House last week; under a suspension of the rules. A general act to legalize all county and town action by officers or citi zens, to pay- bounties, will doubtless be adopted, astheeenscript system is odious and , unfair in its operatic* and is generally 's° cOnsidered,.and-is finally but , a failure. Petition for an act to authorize the e rection of a Poor House, forillontrose and Bridgewater; has been presented by Mr., Wells. This movement has beene secret here, except among those asking it and it is through the court** of atember off the House from another connty, that we have heard of it. Some years ago some' interested persons and- office-seekers,got' a county scheMelhrongli, - ,git th e people repudiated it. ,Tim detaitsfof any propo sition of this so - it =should be' - made public here, before -decided upon in the legpla: turn. Let the movers m this matter . giro the people an exact understanding .of the matter, when, if it be proper, no - one , will be censurable. All those autere§ted;MaY favor a poor house, but might not . lihe to adopt,: a bill ench as ohbers raie , ht secretly - l'aingike Notice.—The Stockholders of the Lenox & liatmony!ritrnpike Road Company bcreby give notteelatheSuper viser**d,citizeus, of the. toviiisbipe,_ pf illaftminy and Oakland, '-thatawhavirig ,taken toll daring the, .past year ok e that :ocrtion tietheir road running from 'Lanes 'tore' to the- Wiry lionse—s distance of one mile. , tbey haetkarrig abandoned said portion of the pilift•ithAwill'nor ha' res ponsible for any damsgeslrom ateidents OA *the road or hridge A that Occur- r itt future:- - 337 - OMer .; _ 71rerriteas . r JORN Ssutrr, Treas. '7l Tistititsit,..V.V.p .l = Gibson, An. SO, _/$64. : Deads.—Very mipaioalsecbt ire 941 m this pifice, 4-09,4 t ratm *PrieeL ; „ . 1- t -,l_ ”"On the alien:Wl:at:lA *iilti-ilfilthW- E. - B. Ohl* Esq.,' a iieedig of tbe Bee of Luzertle County was caell ) , ...at-the Court tooth, on ThuredaY, Feb; ll - 18,1,4,1804.Xtn.t John-N. Couytighantirsui - ,,called vitha Chair, and L. D. Shoemaker t apkointed Beiretary.- On lootion c the following:use nu:4l gentlemen"were aPpointed comhuttee to subluitleselutions fortlaCtinsiderlition of the meeting: , C. B. Wright, 4L. T:Ma- Clinteek, G. B..liieholson; D. Rlitfdall, and 4t. R. Brundage ) who made third. lowing report i - wlsiCh teas' uniiiiziolay adopted : Resolved, That we have ' at , has tki ~ 4 014 peoted, but 'no feat 1 *Alin non of the decease, of - out leg td lite - then • B. Qua& - • ',' 1 11 - , - ,4 -7( , : , ~E .' Resolved, That eteatiphi MO 'brief biographical At - fdeceim4F -7, ' mr..Chase. ItY. O'arn itt 1 Wittittiot, Broome conity,* , 4 . ,.. in 18 t.1 Leaving his home in‘esitir 'youth, inspired With: the vie*, of ititailifig- lm , eihreadoiii he came toltie county erSiimpiebeina. As to die ease of many before bhni_his struggle wis one - a:Ain:it:Adversity; ArwoiltipBttithe ttiiiglibbritikr shining the'sEut ffiermonths and *Aching isehool-the greater "-pail of each wint,er,:he was enabled lo attend the 1 high seliool4vlraifbril,P the frOotionllhat remained. Yrotn-1114002dn e qhtio i went to Montrose; wheie?iiii imrsn t hf !cud) , of: theltatliiith ilittesria littleit: Streeter. At. the samelotace, in connection with his legal business,' ho 'edited the Montrose Democrat for several , years. • - 44 41 t 2 cOsPolitiPaUriends•of Mr.-O. rinihia ed and elected hirn - a meMbet of the House of Representatiies of the Com. mon wealth. So fair was the reputation and standing ho had .acquired during his 1 firsti,yeai in LegiSlativelie, that obbehig returned by his constituents for a second term, he was at the opening of the session Of tet - c Cleeled Speaker. ' This mauista= don of*cOnfidetice ma):,belaoked to hit an ow:in:nee Very Unita:al, "as `Mr: Chit was butta - ycirsof age, and the youngest member of II e`llimige. lii 1456 the subject ofour notice w_oved toSerantporbery-hoconAucted the edi torial department of the " nerald of the Union ;"`and the ,year following removed to Wilkes-11cm) for the -purpose ofdevet ing iiimself to 'ihs practice lof his profess; ion. In 18611 he collatedfrOb the archives 4,0. 1 ? - .4e*rai ,a Sate. ZPFeternqin" mass information - On .ihe statt. of slit very, Which he published under the title of " Telebinzs of Patriots and States men." Mr. Cha,se was in the fan of 1861 elected to the office 01 District Attorney, the du ties of which be continued to diatharge up to the time of his death. It is to the credit of our deceased- brother, that the positioit ho sec/aired in life was wholly de-' pendent on his individual exertion. As a writer _he bad, a. style_ perspicuous and elear-;-3ea-public lkiwas well and justly ; distinguished—and-A-both he t ,ed the happy tininity Of brhiting:Al his Ma. quirements into service. 'lo:his personal attachments-Le--w a s Confiding - and tm changelble.' Rejoiced,, That we &AA' saPathizt with the bereft widoW and l orp child ren otour deceased brother, and extend to diem the sincere asstirancei of our heartfelt sorrow in- this hour of sore calamity. • Resolved, That the members of the Bench Ind Bar of tine county will attend the funeral of Mr. Chase in a body, and that use 'will in respect of his memory wear the \ usual badge of mourning for 30 days. Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the papers of this and Snag's Counties, and that the Secretary furnish is copy thereof to Mrs. Chase. JOHN N. CONYNGIIAM, L D. Suomnaszn, Sec. Chairman. ,ditbara.-Assi'hssor, G. W. Stebbins I. P., C. E. Davis: Supervisors, A. Gray, E. L. Adams; Constable, J. Manning; School Directors, J Tewksbury, A. G. Stilwell; Judge of Elections, J Tewksbury -Inspec tors, G. Cogswell, E. J. Mowry. • 4Paremir—Assessor, Hickey;-Slip. Boirenitcrbst,J Kane; Directors. W gan, I Iliosi. 2 "Elention-Boaid,-11 Quinn, P Clifford ,') ' Regan. - • - • Ararat.—Aer ft S William% Justice, AP Borden; Sup, L A Bushnell; Coast, Julius Tylen:Directors, C Avery, , J.C. Bushnell; Election Board, Wm Carpenter, S Wilma T B Ogden. Brooklya.—As'r sent; Roper; Consti- Itogcr. ' Director:4B Richardson, F Tewkshury;Electkin B'rtl, S Breed; L Bailey. Win Crandall. :Bi4dsranter.-:4o3easor, X. Beebe; - Con:. stable; O. B. Darren .Supervisor, Ricled Benjamin; Auditor, D,F.Austiri; ,School Directors; J. F. Deans, - C. F. Watrous; Judge prEleatiori% C. Starlq inspectors Lyman Skerman; R. F. Jamesim;. Clerk, Sal& Scott; Treasurer, L. O. Chford; AR'r, 8 Burns; Sup, I %reit- Disiettirs;-7-T-R Davis, 1.-Irvirrio ItlectiOn , Board; S E ler`,ll,lentins,:.E'Orturi. -chacqout;...! . rAs'r„ - D Slicer J Timis; 0 ., ST:Lee.iTliowne; Collet LtitbSt BidredrDirecti" - g_Clark, H died4,lection - Bciard;,.Pritsnia4inano Foren,for , lnspl, ' , .:• l >r,dok - .tiii04,411.0441. 1 44.4:pe.11, Johtfroite,ir; coma; Minor 'auu; Alausoa- .. din Ditticior.G.o 2 .ll&llo, Charles J. Lathrop E; To o k 2, 3 . 1 4 of Elections, Joe Comi•toont'Jitspenukth- Datillseictt,:ETTiffany; Cle* 0 0 Jdg ION) -Tfeaitiief; H W Allen Fre:sudsy I Rooneyi , laonst rer4; Jr; Directors , T lieszan, T rlypih- S Horton; Election, J .11p4; Matthew Ztek' I ? .J . • .44'42 2 1 T1 0 4 Wlie*tariCanuf. Mlingtioari • • - *owgml4 .b0a.14441 , .0 01 0 1 41940* 1 4,,VA4,1 section 1 7`. 2 tai#:=Aer;lotiti ^NtadshiAt { :"Supo; isitao StratiA'botlid; DaiiiirHiwes; Aud Judisir - BurrafiricLoia; iltiiiia - 11011:. Johitston;Eleatiouawdi SouOwell Levi Lincops, G J liandrick. Gibson.444ter ILeretilleb • libtt; Sop's, J E Whitney; - W4Thayer; Coast, Jameeo 'Bennett; Direetom,C W S,G Beard,'llt lime° Clint GCOO/.3lruf.—Aer; Giltn - Newtilitna ' I Duboiti R /ves, E. 4,40; Ccupoble: Lewis Wtlenot, Pireetore, 0 E Chainber. liGonnitleetion Boars, B Jobulk ton,l Lane, W•S Barnes. • • .• Awd .11oro.•-4.4.114V J. Gilbert; Cori; Vitt Reekhow; Directors, JE Dasenw lifortyears. Mll Wood, C S Gilbert; cation . Board , Dasenbury, W Brown, AP Stephens. Hartaany.—Aer, $ Shntts,JP,bliyim;, s um froxiitLconifia TayNniDite*olll Lyhno;;ElootiOn 1136p1A;0 ID' We Wni,Preminat'A Webb. Ifa,:" — Asl. 7ol 4' Zujitei; uontt,; n'il AvernAnditor, S E Csrpenteikthreixor, P Carpente4 • Elea% Board, Ovtd 'Follett, A G Barnard, .$C Moxley; Clerk C Miller; Treasurer, B • ; T J Geo :W Barnes LSnp's,V Barns, $$ Coast, Aught Burns; Directors, P-Dunn S Walker, Election board,' E Westipte, 'Moon. Jaci-siin.l,—Asiessor, E. Barnes ; Jastiee, H. French ; Sup'r, 4,, Barrett ;Vonstable, Ftifigq 7 DireetoKß:4":l4iMib i g, AC. (Norris ; • Election'. Board; IL M. Welk; A. W.: Barrett, Delos Bryant. Jetup.—Assessor, H. C. Berthof;,„,Tus. tire, James' Martin; Dayton Constable, L. W. Birchard ; .Directors,M. Han, V. Sheets,; Election Boakr, Saufßo berts, E. Howe, T. 3. Depne. - Lenox.—Assessor, Stephen Bell ; Jus tice, M. J. Decker ; Sup'r, H. N. Smith ; Constable, D. Pease; Directors, D. Mc- Connell W. G. Miller, H.Sinit,k; Reetiou Boaid, W. Miller, D. McConnell, H. Marcy. Lathrop.—Assessor, T. Bell ; Suers, Taylor; Constable, John Bisbee; Direc tors, E. M. Tewksbury, D. Wilmarth, Taylor ; Election Board, E. S. Brown, .8. W. Tewksbury,. C.ll. Liherii.rAssespor t D. .Diasyig,; §u/r, D. C. Ttirrell Conitabig; Inc!. Noss: tiCti W. 3I: rectors, J. Kenyon, S. Whited ;' - Eleettoti Itoard,'T. t. Smith, W. L Luce. LM. Dawley. • • Little Meadows.—Assessor, U. Barney ; Constable, rekgendenVD4*4— W - .• Hon4;0; Biardsiej.; - Motion Board, S. Beardsice, W. A. House, How ard Kimball. -, Middieromr-TAssessor 4 ; Jos ticetOtis. Ross ;. Snp'rs, L. Curley, d. S. 1:4,1A, ;F! eillan r Constable, S. DO4l_ ge Detiney, T. Murphy_ Mee` tio ~~ n aauu, Board, tion Baird, Kenglt, P A S. Eoss, Mostivii., E S;,:,-140gAtin; -Con *stable, Geo..il:-Lelil; Anditnt, R. Chan& ler; Poor Overseers, WM. BOyd,'Patinas; Judge of Elections, F. B. Streeter, Instils: C. S. Foster, Ass .11swley. ;• • New Milford born—Assessor, Josiah Moss ; Justice, Albert Moss ; Constable, M. C. Dikeinan ; Directors, J. Dicker man, jr., Tracy Hayden; Election Board, H. Griffin, E. Whitlock, W. T. Ward. :New ltri/jord.—Assessor, J. W. Tyler; Snp'r, WPoot';`Constable,; Directors,N. Tingley, If, Tingley. ; Elec tion Boar ; W. I. 'llnker, G. Williams, 1. D. Foot. Oakkad.-.-Assessor, S. Brash ; Justice, Wm. Th ompson; Sup'r, J. Perkins.; Con- stable, E. Ogden ; Directors, W. P. Conk lin, T. Manson, B. Beebe ; Election Board, A. P. !Lipman, T. Munson, C. Beebe. Susgushasna.—Assessor f H. ; Jas. tier; 3: H. Cook ;' Constable;: Seo vile ; Directors,' W. C. Frith, Came ron, W. Shoefr,,A. T. Back, E. O. Wilson; Election Board, Geo.Kirk,-Jobs Hassett, J. , - • Silver L44.=4Assessor, J.J.lrCortnielt; Sup'P,' Cain 4. 1. tatistablc; Waken Directors, ir. - Tliiriti; 7 4: - Inie.f.Election &lard; Stone,:l.mrphj*L atige- . Spiskoritle.---Assesso a r' J. Kasson ; Eup. A. D. Woodhonse; Constable, A. P. Brown ; Directors, lioons, ILB.Rotern Election Board, W. L. Avery,' IT: Strick land, Justus Knapp. , • Rush.—Amssor, T. S. simnel I4. l up'r, W. IL shesiood i'Cimittilde,RP.Carter; Directors; H. W.Wheaton. J.B.W.Gran= ger; Election Board, 3. IL. Hall, g. Tapper, a F. ShaddoelLL - twx.—Assessor, G. Pliesidin; Sn+ pe'r, J. Clumdler ;•Constsible, tom' . Stied!' dandy Direitors, ECHitig, - A;T: Galloway; Mectloll,Board, Chas., Brown, John Snap ner,.C. Wrigbter, - Legal- NoUceL The=Sheriff avertises for saltya arm° 150 seiegc With V* unproved, situate in Frankhn. Snit Pniitnore ta,:, 'Pgirk; Letieraiellianientary to the estate of S. carnialf.,"tate7 l Of AOlaeou,_baie leer grated to. the F E Caintalty A. Chamberlin., qurlitoy, t ,wili distri4oo . the fdn~is ' ans tng 'rota the sale . lifihe of C. C. h Payne ol at, hia - p/peo in Montrose', oo,Frid,,Mar.W . l.oo4 at i s feclocls.- 44 5 it ftinds. (Witte eauge of A:4-. bev. fonii)6o4 - An . saltaitoisitatbr'ti sal e i;ftfiefaiin late of W. - ,'N;;. - 'wor,upnilv itu a te containinil.ifFsetekwitb46-4m_proveti - will be held - eit the m01144'44 dayvlibtreh gdi; at t Aickm;ll. - r -AdmineitialoiNf sale of &titillate of deo. Ai. Scot; ; o tpi(e gikford, aciite r 'wit be held on the prendseiio Itiirsday; March 1,70 0 at't , - , Sedadiubisiiiit4oololo .c ,4bilifijAPPi, LiiettoThltstinnentwictlegil o,tl Warr 3ee; !Me's& Toresti,-Liticti live beau granted_ to the execnkire, Maria . and Ao executor% Side onVotnie eh oo situate in Jessuii, W ill bcvlield• on tile:lima ises, on Marelunth;at one Aida". Lenora testamentary , . toAthe iSstatixof Richard•Bitby, late of Ruilc-have beim 'granted to the erecuti;i4..; , ;.cAtPiloeref Lotto= of adirdaittration upon: the it tato of Isaao rerter,,lato of S ringvilla, , have b granted , the *xeciitora; 1 1 ;" Port/1101nd ChFles OA*7 roso. Litters of ,adminftegion ogoit tireet. taw of -James.Gliddiags, lateofterriOki hava bet* granted to the *okeattive;SPea.: ear Witrous, and lolui a aid We or Lion of Herrick, • • job. , letters of. administration upon thkes,- tate. of *latish Tiff nip, late of :01 1 40nC. have been granted to the exeentorairred crick 14 0 _ 0 4. Lines,, Franklin, sittd. - CTOisaa (any, orteloson. Letteic orsidinieditratiiin .upon the es. tate of Edward t';. Decketjate qf Clifford, have been ggrr aanoted 'to Mari Decker and • Charles D. WkliiiNatCliffOrd; , Letters of'admintstrtion to the estate of Andrew lifigaveim,' latis'efitush, have been grants/to thee:xi:saw* John Mur.• ray" and Michael, Bingantts;; • Letters testamentary to the estate of Berry - Wellinau jate-of N. Milford; have been granted' ttrElliot Local Inuilligencl. We will bithin kful to perscins through out the county; for inforniatiOn in regard to all occurrences of Zonal or general inter. est. If any. think they cannot - write for public eyeaust tot them send= the facts: as brief as convenient, in their own - style, and the printers can airtinge the wording ifnecessary, Marriages, Deaths, - and,other Incidents and. Accidents, Fires, Crimes, etc., etc., arc note-worthy matters. Our friends will renders double favor by send items of interest—not forgetting to give us their names, py'xitely, if preferred, fees evidence of good faith, and guard against imposition. . . To Apprenttco.--The Overseers of the Poor of Mentiose.desire to hind as appren tices, three childreni ono girl of 12 years, one of 8, and a boy of 3. Enquire of W. W. Sum& andV: N STODDAIOI, luausbeFeb. 21st' • b ElO.ll - . H. Ors.• Mr. Baia Winnow ? or TONratz4a, Brad. co., andßfiat - ADD*, 11. Piasaierx, of sup, Susq'a•cb: • • 3)E.4%.=EcBu In Jessup; Fekll,'ef pulmonary:, eon. sumpOon; Lerma, :wife of band N t . Ai, dell c aged 24:years, She leaves a bu i sband with' two am children.: Sh9Ahdiktim. .urfurluti , rlu . "The soul of our sister is gone, To beightfin 'the triumplui agora; Exalted' to Jesus' throne, And clasped in the arms of his love:" . . At. Great Bend, Feb. 2, 1864, of con sumption, Mr.- HENRY LiNeFis, aged 53 ' • • - -- year& . • • TqC: 11 1 1' reCiM MULE subscriber hereby, respectfally gives not that he has taken License to auctioneer In the County of Susquehanna. and offers his egret:est° the publie.— fflreharges reasonable ; and all calla Dill be mot ly attended to. . • Choconut, March 3.1861._ Vet —.sea Be& Bugs, on seas Pintallo g — Fowls, Annual% &c. Put up In 115 e. bik. and $l.OO Doses. Bottle". end Flasks. 1.31md $ sizes for MUM% Punta. lirsTrry mom. &e. " Only infallible remedies known." " Free from Poisons." "lt'ot damp s: oils to toe Tamil ; ." Rats came out of their boles to die.' larloldwitolisile In tll theta** cities. OrSold by all Drmists and Reallers Orerrillbigik k gair I I 13swams1 I I of all worthless imitations. riff'See that •• CoatAVS",_Plate t! SUISar4 Boa. Bo tl4. and Flask fistoti tom ,- - Iplintddress MMUS" $s larrumalititVitionAltio 13sMiattrai,tu, 1 11. r lieff"Sold by all'Wboleasie and Retail D1140431k. 111 "Yose. rm . Imareh3.l9X-431n . - ' , Sheer's Sate - . lyevirins of a 4 writ issued by the Coulter Cosiiisigi Jul Riess of Susquehanna County, and to me directed. I will expose to sale by nblievendue, at the Court-house in Monupse,pn, JAidafo/ 2 4r9Ogr V II * cri , the followings bedpiene or t plirae ' clang wits in the towtishlrdf WM einin o f nebanni; and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol. lows. to wit: U *her UntliftWllingline - Cleare_ Park and J. P. Ti lez'orrthe easrley Water . I: P. Tingley and Charles a Ant the eonthlwAsalda. of . paod Nash and Noble T. Seek, and oar the west by.apeidlp road; containing 150 acres. more or less. one'bousttone barn, shedstsincrptillet. d antabonillltarresiniproved. (Taken at m ntit W.,. Ihtn niote vs. NeluWahPark. - - t--.„, 4 fa Dann SOADISEigh-Stientr. liberties kfteigllentiftse.lllosl 185 L ;4' , .....7 • -ADMINISTRATRIX I :SALL . la Way &en fu t tree of an or dt,t; Of th e Orpinoti Venal 6f , enhanna County torte'directed, I will Onset* to ear endue at the court horse, in Montrose, . • • On Saturday, M ardi "Itith, - iset,""'" •at I o'clock P. 1 1140.0110 1 pg dostaligetv ° T r ' Keel of WA, tate . tlo, est** of a ria crk dn . to -wit : m d rea*i ad mitute et , eg 4iliodmtaidiebtai an baba II b oroogkwi Depot, ho County of Susquehanna and State of rennsylsant.i, and known and ddscrlbtd satehik Litlllts.ll as thOtanne Is bid down and deslgnatediopwinin stfpait albs Tillage 01.-15nagrnDII. ramie amsdintfollt=yl l 7llllll we*, ditedonledindes Itor - soda* ty. 4n Deed 80tt0141.-pagstddkise i rtbet *sm conveyed to ;On o:4o4bUtt Um a te 41 Th 21,1W1b yW tbOa* NA % 6 aria MannaCo.Dltted _ reeorded Atitft . sl =oo ie dl4l a 'she asp ! Coast, stipStisto wooded 'the tend of IMAM $.14 B Ed nt, itistWad,'. ems* tr acttr eon a voted l oriM il atrin i k " Abblo. Dee 4 gage& April ,bp, px,i2, l 4m, , Di e d f!ot* , TIMM ON' SAlM. T .4ll6en_,thes 0(01.11“ wne half* 66 balance on anal ettinstoidlontiind the Tetastader one year thereafter Vitt interest {• MAW tvulttalglff. Offer* MISAIttOW. t 3 S=HP "A*P"I %t * MM I' ''''' ''' .ili. ls i4f 41 / 4 k#4 l iAirlEf , .- i te- 2 . 04 - Emosi ,.. ••., - - . ' • ve,.,,,,1. E TO . ME' t i ffingTPßAlN: - dfIRTSTITE - BS: , --for - 1864k% ...,--...,;- t ,,,,. tl , 'r . ,, i, ''..• .r.'er ..;.:. : i , 3 , -: I y ' . ' .., '.1 ., t',1111.3 .'-''. .11'. '',' • ~:',. ,; , ~, , , 1...1 1 ..--- , ..i . ::l_ i '''; 1 ."; -- .. '.'• 1.. A ',7; ..* !.. t. . ' ": : t,.: ~.,:',' ''''' "'' " i r - '- - •'• ' - - • r ;):.,.... , ~,,. ~ ..i t iit, ..,, 4 ItTio. N .• t r - •1 ' ' e, 'lf , : • - • •..,, , -. 1 .. - - r•-1!..i...., : N -- •• ..,..; , •.•i 7". - A ~......,,',.:"'"•;- • • •.: . • 1 - att:l .. , • .'M SS • , it.:-:';• 4 Ellaßt fl . i'.. 4 :'•:', - tr" , •' . . p ,-=:;.---.•:;-)F.:-.,,fa,•-z.- ~,. 9:: , :1.0W.T,1:1.00* . .E; ' , I=! , ;AXIi•- , 1- • 'it. 4 . 4:l(4l44lln ( 4 7 iint9k i liaarrotu this date to do -NO . MORE CURVE, mums (Ana Caliber state its very deettonioteettliarti) frienie enstothei•zr, WC WC I2 / 1 / 4 "neassilAchrhe OP* *St adroit! itmtuts, either rehires eh 'or nettle -try note. e Casio iretuteetsvMpkeneything seems: and cash ire mat hoe if aro aeli-ittigAoada heredity, lent Imo del: fallhabota =aunt Uillt_raWils,, lerb ,pll aunty cdstomers of inuntrill feel tontbed Mont Bang sensed *Auit but tweverthelesa the Intelligent can neat once that the times have ettangedand •aini It the business. Therefor* we itosidiaak our Obli otatomeraand Mends in genentito make due allaintatee hat the above dried rtastus . • ~ , Goons,:cnEip.*ktiiw.CAsii::::i -4sll • - No OgP 1 mi t viw - whn desire GOODS GiiitiP .tOII.b.ASFI to call examtewistElp_rleifeniStAel - whlth le eomtietila sum:dm:am and we will 'ugliy iofteitetkiblelittaite..thak a:743MM purchngv!". !iniy , durerent thing from a en 44. • • - . t•i ''oAtFio 'OA it E . S"'7o - 11 - FARM '.'PR'Ol)ll'OE -- - Those who' aro indebted 'to inuand 'bnYsTom many ecicniefi:for advise to tiring Ortle; Betteaard; Vita Aetilee.t deem) Yeatber4BeeiVixi, ltrciolgOeltingilatzotr - Soaks we will allow, these the esahrlee torllettitaiajoleetilti etruskttethi# • - • • GUTTENBERG • ROSENBAUM . le0:111t0e7, Pa.. Jan. 19th,1804. r. • ,z NEW_DIROPt.I3i/V VARIETY :::STOItt! .'--. °!Lisr- BASJAPITOFLLTABBELINSTEL - • Tillrsubseriber would Inform Ms oldjrlends, an 4 .stltspabllegenerally. that iteitittSt retuned from New York City - with well saleela rassortinent; and varionslnber artlet ehatihcy t reh as are needed In aria tres i llu s ecatifk4 zdesaintal. _ Autra 9 1 `). Montrose, Feb. 2, FLOUR -0 ("Mom% PA4lllVeittoun, b the telblOsaeet. sack or sroand,laksairrit she lowest assb4oriees by VcI%.S.RD. BUrntadfALLO I NGS, DRIED APPLIS and mostidadir,of produce. suited-1h :haetihrege for Goods atlk4Orricary sad Vattety Sten of • =NI JAMES .- - . .. - It f:- -- DE WITT „DRAYER:IN Dal GOODS - 4111-10IIIRS litlaC)(01:89_ 1 ; 9 1 7r-• :p -:1 ,•=, • :0;1* • mune --s flititd-tiiiss;. -- , 1 GLASS-WARE, iIIPS‘ lIMIDWARE AND esoZart zaziAmr 3 ololl4 Pieidnoe - 'taken;in,gphiige• Montrose, Feb. 'O4. a. a. DeWITT. .# ) r. .a Courts: l ofAppeal £ MUM Commtadoneraof Snag's eoenty_tursolzedpent SMOuring days end dateerespectprely for heads% Appeals team tbrAestessmenti fez 'the you•l96f. et the Conandialaaerir °Mei Wontenee; to wit: • Apolscon.ebneoset, Friendeville.iPatest Lake. Little .Meedatift. end lithbiletoarn. TuesdeY. Feb. 43d ; 1864. • Priadelld.. lace*, Salter Lake. i t tlancTesimp; and :Bush. Wednesday. t eb. Ittb. • • 91./IXlC4.l44"PraPlitgWeat Bend" BOnglert Milgord 4aorcuta reb.,25U3, liannony..-01kbaW 7.e.Sarnegh".Anuat, &Own. andUceaeoneFeldil.• Stb• • Montrose, Itstskeweterand Brooklyn, Sat. Feb. Nth. Cliffbia.:Dniithiff. Lena; Sibion. Metier!, Hetrick. Xond. eVetal"' f . Sy cicifthe Co " CIIOSSVON, Clerk. COmgo4lo • • OFPNO4nutnattast.A..lS 4 -r ET EprOtttat l k tot t tiees,, , 404 ' .- e• - ••• s w ai l .I.re i tii - i i iti i e ;s,•3 -, • II Ginikli; , ''ilt...llBtlietlaketiiirn hod= nem - l a thei eindersigund,; nit debtol6 estate: iird milatined to•inike zinidinti lainkentE and thole tuning dernads Whit (baramnitei , .ppriteld Mimi° ..- .i-: , OtAI-MiLITNit,. •- . 1. , ../.: -.11 - , „..,, ..1; ) : IdLrtentlCinvr, I ihtennonk . 1311vcilaki;D•e. 11; ONL-40.•• •.= • :....- e ,-?: ..- --.. ..,- • lkgeeldtar t li IWO& 4,62 BANE We i n( Milfett.eUVr44o.deAVAlS , hooey ith fed tolnake fehniellste payment. and sliver. eons having claims viral estate wilt present thent . : to the andettegen t 41, s . j. *mentor., ~ Nei/ ilifti4ll. l .7als!itz , • - • REV,43 I ' .1 ,Sif 41 , 4 -4 4•4. AplitrAt ' MlingirMl l4 l , 7'17 'S as - • , • gestaUlivittil dheettowf how twortbww. 081 11 . 1 . 6 ,0:. 7.1#10124''' ' I Sir A ( o i 4 • essong . ior vszDeNstms.,=4 . , 4.,... • - . .....or-,..7.• . . Andixoestwotice. -- . „ •n- ,_ ,--.' ' ''' Icaxici' . --- - '-'. '' ita the - iitieeme - ea ...,,,, , f,:,' ,-- - .9.1- -..- .-,,. 1 f! 4 to Uri:Volt"' f. , ....... . 1 PititaholisAitattoktioOpOnose. t -. 5 .. , ~..,,, --.,;!...., 4 . . paw n ,app o t i s . , ItrthoOrpbete_e vo , .11_ or _IT? . ~... _etrepr`e;.... =yr . miter: tes;e4joet the .fteettott, or w. ‘-` IltrlNVOiliebillW4-40"itTlAilif iurea i•tood. o athe: eattecortd!kWnPoltillortit at bio ooke Is .;attafeetlYee, it' vsktkble p ptituAletsfile Otto Of "icalffo i k• 46 / 4 4411741 :11/ 814 diflykl at n'exti 14 • ' tir l i t u i Mgr /I 00= BO Thiteditmatilic!cfeleek le the gateman . twfc tr _ r sto , put* " • •41•4•°•tflt'70-er..=ll:'*:"r-;:* i ite r , ill:W7Kll—flawildrisilli IMA Alidda -• .. '': Vuitaidiu' gmeiccoustf - Wir*Cio' 1ib . .... 1*4,1*-- ..- . -• - - -.1,r0c3-., -- . 4" 7. ANTWX:II - cts ^- THE,,NEULATB': - ';i: 0,--..., One' Priee : Store t GEORGE HAYDEN . „ S. ASlnii l oirentml In tltienintit4l__na of th e Mont lately. /1 oceanic #,16:1f . p . EN, fp4A.1114." Boots mid shoes, 2- , = OF, t a:41,1 stlslDs. HATS' AND GAYS • some, Il e n m ot o a s tore ; u att a itg i ftz t t ge onat MONKS; ZEMITELESW-Bmst At PRIORS LOWErit than at antothar eitaWaitast In this aectioxt, CLOTHING Costs ; s st , Vests, arid Pont,. _ • sad Colored: Masts.. Going "iihearp.....Neelr•Ties Collars. Gloves, Sours. Utiles:Mid Gents, noslsry. " . Linen Itandterclifefs. VirTo close buyers, 1 hove a splendid Stock of . bought ter cash. and I will give you Bargains. • •-^ - - ' ONE - PRICE._ Nti:tto tt..72lmr^ . ...L.:..W..w*mnica as resealed.' ircrlro charsprfuestarrhigekldi. - • - GEO! ijiaViDliK.' New 111M012;Tet - C I . :lBo.—td • , t • • is 9 ox..33•47.wa—ELsar PENSIONS;::.:IIOtINTY:iiNa . . • BACK . PAY:' RandeTrsl ed,14. - CE A alilN ER. . gire.prpmpt attention, tes claims entrusted to L id care. Charges low. and linter motion garYIIER. • Mantras; faa..l4, 1604. 610 SOLDIEJELSs. BOUNTY PENSION , And Back- -. ay T n4 =de:signed. Laciask opre or rats 44cresase. Imm - will Ova treoneptAttentiotTto fn elabde.intst* ted to his earl. .roehorgo Fa* successful. • . Montrose, Atig: 20.'63. - • J: a vccorzum. ST. CHA.ftifiS_IIOTEL:r: ar "VV. ;331.1r: eSess 31 3 , 0 407i3m. Amareaksiacts .„ • 7 " !OA; -IT7,4;?*711!"31"Ig!t• - Aug. 6. WO' ce.TARTNERsiIip . . undersigned, late nrmbdrs af ihe firm of BAT DUN RaornEtts.hamthladay outertirthweat .uartnership under no dean and style of . Wm. is T. Maiden. for the transaction ot-the Jobbilm Tends to-, Tante° Notions, Watehesi_Jrsity,Fancm N. tioods, at. AME 41 eRSIPT ew 0 au. MASESIMMIREMEM tettat-at John ann Gon ..ftt• the Stock of,' Goods ofAe 1.214 duo of-Hayden Brothers, milt mations, the Voittfeas atthe dataltd. , Verehent! Jet& Peddlars • lu.l Yvkilobbiustntittli, w.limr k w.i.suißli our customers. '•. e. •••' •••)". 1 .-tl_ :6 - ,t19721:' a :T.: ILINDM •• 4 15 4 1 1 , 4 1 0 3 411 J P. 1 4 1 1 1 .4 46 1164 ~..4 7 ;"' sc,r 0 94 8 . ) 11 ...f4,w,, , ?* 'imeatsav tici. • 26"ilaras.-li , , ' `ssiete atoilf) iiyi 4 'Jai! • A -1 17 !Dit3SOlUtlOnc iwra ncgr, t o t iAby riven that :: 1131 NM" 1,41 iirt4lit4iitithig' Wet% i the Aruk sidlß ,13 , 11/tittS s siSsItIST teens! sod est: . • • WIC TuNDIEN. • ; . • 't„ ; 7 ,1 ~•, JOUN,IWYDM„ , „ ex • " r ' " ; Timer AYD="4,.. Jan. Mb, HUPP) 10 UAYIDEReA , • , • dnE counts exeepttltbre.fit the bud** :Pa' is wa lker; will be tortut at thip i pbt,stltd o f Hayden Broth ; era. ITATDEas .131tOTHIRRI. -1 ..?#.1 2 .• Rs+, Egoeutere Sit vendui. fall bled eit4tek of ,IitIMZW ta: NAOtt e r lor. • deeeseed. late or leek availably. sore es to make Immediets -Demme: . audible* I eameloDresent theeeto„. • • --)111-1ittRreAT._- • , L sqcuAnkloimiusi,•7 , :z Pi ' i Tsgr r l! ' ;.-