"7"-- • • MOMS kilWatrangroti,-, folio wing Of s -Wasbington - j ought to be pliblislied iii revery newspaperd in the land once a year Use no reproachful‘ language against , any one, neither - chrses or reviling, , . Be not too hasty to believe lying re ports tolthe disferageitient of any one: In yeir npparrel bo eid eavor to a - accommodate uatinb, 'rather than to procure adinirationl„::: Associateyefirself only -with* . men'Of good quality, if you esteem your reputa thini.fur it is better to be alone _than in bad company. Let-your conversation : be wiithit ' iiialice or envy, forit is a sigh of ittractabliend: I commendable - 17 Kit ; untie nfises of pia: sion, admit reason to govern. . Use not base and frivolous things against, grown and. Jearned men ; nor very difficult questions-Or :subjects inneing - the ignorant nor thindirbardto belieVe. • Spe,ak not;doleful things in the time of mirth l ffir .the table ; nor of melancholy things at - dealli or wounds, and if others mention them, change if you can, the dis course.' --" Brea - 14, a tst when 'none tako pleas augh not loud, nem at all 'Without occasion. IDeride no man's fortune, though there seems to be - some Speak-not injurious -either in jest or in earnest. Scoff at no one, thougli yotrrnay,,ont occasion. _ Be not forward,. but_. friendly and cour teous, the first to salute, hear an answer and not be pensive when it 'is time to con verse. 'Go not thither when yon' know not Whether yon shall be welcome or not. Reprehend not the imperfections of oth. ere, for that belongs to parents, masters and sap,ervisors. Speak not in an • nnknoWn- tongue in company, but in yonr own language, and that as of - quality do, and not as the vulgar. ' Sublime matters treat seriously. •-• The Right Sort offieligion. Some one whose head is nationally a level" has written out his ideas of relig ion, as follows. It will do to read and to think about : sib We want a religion that goes intolhe ramily, and keeps the - busbaud from being spitefril when. the dinner is late; keeps the wife from fretting when the husband tracks the newly-washed floor: With-his muddyboots, and makes the- hushan" d mindful of and particular - to use the scra per and door mat ; keeps the mother patient when the baby is cross, and keeps the baby pleasant ; amuses the children, as well as instructs them ; wins as well as governs, them ; projects the, honey-moon into the harvest moon, and makes the happy hours like the Eastern fig tree, bearing in, its bosom at once the beauty ofthe tender blossom and the glory of the, ripened fruit. - We want a religion that bears not only on: - the sinfulness of sin, but on the rascality of lying and steal ing •; a religion that banishes small measures from the counters, small baskets from the stalls, pebbles from the cotton bags, clay from - paper, sand froin sugar, chickory from coffee, beetjuise from vine gar, alum from breed, lard from batten , strychnine from wine, and water from milk-pans ; The religion that is to advance the world will not-pnt all the big strawberries. and peaches 'at the bottom. It -will not offer more baskets of wines than the vine-, yardsever produced bottles. - `"itss Too - Late Now." :A abort time ago as candidate for mat rimony arrived in and straightway repaired to the office of the obliging Co. Clerk for the purpose of obtaining a mar riage license. - The clerk misunderstood the name of the fair one Who had been makhiginroada on the affections ofthe applicantiand con seqiiently inserted the-wrong name of the femcle_party 3vho was to be tied by the silken chords. - , The intended groom was aci delighted with tlie`prospect before him that he did not stop to read the document after it was placed i n his hands;.but forking over $2, he thrust the leOl privilege in hispocket. • Gaining an audience with the object of his heart, the two repaired to the honk of a clergyman where the document was presented, which; in the eyes of the minis ter, appearing perfectly satisfactory, the fwii.were poen united,w the holy bonds of widloeic: • • Votpeat Morning, upon tugging them selresat the breakfast table of one of the hotels, the. grdeiri commenced reading the ietort4WiniMage_in_ the R 3 rninpa•' per, and found that the3printers,ha hint married to another woman l - Thrusting his bandinto his pocket, he drew out the . Marriagii)iceMre, when lo and behold; to his ntter aifenishmebt;'he • discoierCd. that the .elerk.. had:committed tho:krare error.. of inserting the wrong nathefat kolkhatended bride. - ~Turniog to:the-object of his alfectionS, and With. an.ezCited" yet tremulOite he,eiclainied . - ' • ' " Maria, a mistake has-been made, rin married to the wrong ivoman, : and- you're not my lawful wife. ' ye a glauc, - Szt the sloc4- oenV with haltdrawn Sigh, 'said Inellif . 210 - use fretting; Jeremial' ii=.4.lthr too lite # , - _ To prevent niistales from happening ttey - tfejvyo - nvitnoC - - - - , ; - C4llilSiuid ;:. . - Wanton. Barber, isle et •- liat4oillayffAioicat WiArnes, — . 'Now et M. &'ffffssuesStorli s dV i .._ • tiinametshemistaxitabam • PLad MC cutting bairlo Mud ins readyst ystsr__ At Ivor rearaze, vssaassors MOnaum. Zautrope,va ff riatiar rittearns Light Blue: French Biagi. Clue: Blasilip - . Dark BrOvrii,i •' , Llght 2 llrowit.. , Bauff Brown,; Crimson; Dark - Drab.l4, Dark:AlM* Ligl&Gretiri.t: • VOrbiitni SEni; Scarfs, Prase, 'oats, Feathers. K lug, • . and__o•cartug , '41141-tr44l*lF aoPer. .For .2s 4:anti:You otit'colOras luniW y . goods' iiiiiitedd otherwise to times.thateure-Variturs abides our bd produced from the se tw z a:, , ,Titenrottei di staple and 'any enemata° the - 7wlllt, per fectaueorlie: , ,Dlrcetlelikth.ElWHAN'. • at For farther information tralying. arra giving peed knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye over oth ers, (with many valuable recipes.) prelate Howe a .Stephens' Treatise on Dieing and coloring. Beat by t • mill oir rietifitof prtee. 7 loemlx . ' Idarittractal by :. :110WIL41.8111PaKilel ! - 16013roadway..Itestos. For sale 13y Druggists end Dealers generally. Oct.lBd3. Out Win 'tDOPER :1-10. - 808 . TliOnipsdn't oßlaokifittieLine of LivottOolPll4 okoto.. PERSONS inlet:deg ta send for theft Mends lathe old Icounum ampureltsinpasssge. tickets by Oa 0.0 7 .11 line from the subscribers. ; ‘ 4ti r .ll; ”! 4 . 4 .1 8 4 1 3 111 1.11 1 A T 0 * 4*. rin k : suit ere. 17. Mit:. - AY t • SOLDIERS' - BOUNTY :: PAY - - AND PENSION:.O FFIC Over the.-..,Poit- fee, zuperi*ricosso. peen f to ignite the rieeeseary pa- Ell pens foe all applications for Soldiers.' maths wid owe. parents, heirs and Children of deceased bolglsra,fes Botity,'.Bacittpay: i& : Pensions, I will attend to that bteilnetafcrt tke mina of a. TIVITCO *24:014C.a411.1‘091" for eaelielahn—this to coverallexpenaes, Inch:dim Justices' , fees. Clerk's CertifiCates,,lttud 'Postage. This le about one-third the sum usually charged for the business. Alt persons interested will please take notice and dos ern themselves aeeorditea ia ji L i s - FRASEII. Attorney and Connsellor at Zaw, and Claim Agent. 3 fc. 4l tro!F. 4) 4'. 22 , 1.863- HUNT BROS. Sr BLAIR CMILEILUM4I:IIjam, Wholesale a Retell liteleri la lliblff423l STEEL NAILS, %imams, _isackirrakas, BUILDER'S _HARDWARE, RINE RAIL, COMMIES= 4 . 7,RAZZ amiss. RAILROAD 4 =USG SUPPLIES: CARRIAGE SPRING% AXLES, BREWS AND ROMIG, 130 L 274, Nrisg mod wA18104114 PLATED BAND& MALLEABLE IRONS, RUBS, SPOKES. - PELLOES, BEAT SPDIDLYMI. BOWS, Ae. Amur% VICES STOCKS aaa DiES.-EXMOWth HA4.11=3, SLIMES. IMES. &e. ea CIRCILTImig AND 31:11.1.4AWS,Rmrsch PACKLIA, TAO= BLOM% PLAsTIM PAMII - • c & wuNemomm ma= ow GLASS, =Alum& inanNas PAIESANICS SCAM. Scranton. 31arrA Si, 1803. ll ERIERAILWAY. rtnexima boars, etiziimetteink .Ifotkisi, :Tan. 4th. %JIM: ' Tranis willtearoGrut Itend,PLAtabont the folkraitgbours,lts: - • • atrital4AltD lICIVINDH, EASTWARD BOVNIi. I 1. But ttilattpasi Sai.T.; Rawess. =p .m a, r*bt 14preila,115Bam ~ 41; Stiasaboat fklip.av 5, Xall at , , I:4Bpaa 111. Cizeina alitaaa 17, Wayl l l2bt. .19t37p.m 111). Way JIM, p.m 21, Age= Itoii,":l9 am , --• , , -Trtil2ll, runs otetr day, No.' la rasa Suave, tat doesaot tua Matesys. 'Train all Bab:Ways, *oat New York. Jima thron' to Bahl°. but doe t s4ot tem to Min kirk,: _ • 1 • CRAM KM , Gm. Supt. E. 84 H. T. AlrilloiTY, 311•31117•0911MMIS PhcrOgraphiq *AteTials, ' • sot BizoLowAtor..r.-- ---- ioni•a. *svotettrait ,•.,. , . . _ (WU Catalogue nowernbrsois tonsidembly, oyez Far VP Tiummad different subjects , . Oa ,which additkrns are being etnitiortallrmads,) of armada cd Ihninent, Ameriouts,,cts. viz: , 1 ~ gii_ or metals .- i9O Brigadier-Genends-259 Col- 1 OteLS-84 Lientenant-Colonel.-20Totkeroilleins-4031*- try officers-545 Statesmen—lN Divines-1E Authors— Di Artists-112 SL o-40 Prominent Women—ln Prom inent Foreign Porta-2101- copies or Works of Ark Including rot:meditations of the most celebrated Ingtav- Mrs. Pintings. Statue'', a: Ottslospum stint mixer:Opt of - stamp. `An ordrr for One Dozen Pictures hum car Calaktgae inn b!#! 1(4 c'a receipt of S t r a kaadaP4- I s7 . '''' Photogriiihiet 'Albums, .. Of these we Itteltufneerasra treat variety. ringing' its price from 50 centa OM nth- Our Albims bare %ha reputationof 'Wag superior In beauty and durability toast/others. The smaller kinds cantle sentillfelfitt mail at 1 poilaga,atliz as ta pa ea/ or. The mom ire can be sent . hienpresi. We alsokSegto amortkonitoV - . 1 -. _. , _ - trERESCOPtg .BtERESCOPIt-VIEWS. Ourestslngettaf thasayllibisentlit inty a* eetxlptofatam as?. Ali THOM: f Mannfaetwers idPhotograpbloWiderials. -• • - - -.) - 141 , Dro4Fay,Mortif 'FOAL f ~' Fill - iiiii iii lebtarlartent MUM:7 MS . 40 confertarrorby us tbelplikenesses to- corp. , Th_ey will be keptesi a w tdretured_slaMred. ___ - 71ne Albums Madero for ..... .. pas to lira' Mitt to their_Pastar. or forotberipmposem arithitailia blatrasertptlona, 'at fAste 20. wia. 4414-0 ri n ,. ' lii. . ieumectibeagert 0 4110 WIsalle* tetinsimt.44. Tta er"4.4turtel 3 4:RP ' , Th. sens by II nottjrc?a, Ara a g IVOi - - , Witiiier amps, litaadelptub,Pa. ib petle va -1 ==nl psetilitt itor iiibta illicit aro colt ficator. Wks ia . dm cook ittialtittidafet Maw fiediseelaor bi *kneed by: auenteebled. (bated- stateof: dm Us* --in 'that Ihdd betimes Ipaent to mutt& the forces itstbeirinnis, 1. and Tesses the to tga *Op', disorder .ienty., - . The scrothlatts inuninationVs'inously Bed . by mercurial low dbordensi 4, imPue sirlfildr‘ end _ tas depn- • vices..and. abova all , by the Venereal infection. - - Whatever - be its or ie nt it is hereditary in the constituticat. descending "fruit' woks' to children unto the third and SAM nen ennintt e' indeed. it seems to be thit. rid 06 Him whets:mi. " I will 'visit the ofsthe fathers upon - belt-children." The diseases which it prig inntes take various nIIMIgy accarding to sho otnins it Amok*. In the ~Ituigs. &loft& pitshicii.titber eles,and finally Constunption ; in the glands, swell ing,* which, Sapp:lsta and, become' witternai sores ; in ; the; Stomach -- end bowels, derangements which produce indigestion. Ayspepsia, and firm complaints; en , the ! skin, 'eruptive and cutarteoint gffections. These all Wins the same origin;rarthe the name mmely. viz., purification and invigoration of- the Itood::. Purify the , blood, and these dangerous, dis t Inners leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted 14(11.1. tell cannot Iwo health r with that: "Woof tic thish " healthy. Jos cannot have *scrofulous tti.easa. Purple, 1 ,. compounded from the - most effectual antidotes th•at medical science' has discovered for this afflict bti distemper, and foi: the cure of the disordois it eltsits. That it is far superior to any other rem edy yet devised, is knowrs by nil who have given it a • trial. That it does combine virtues Italy ex tr.ordinary in their effect upon this chaser com pl int& is indisputably proven by the great ranlti rude of publicly known and remarkable MIMS it has made of the following dispria- King's Evil or Cbuidtdar Swellings' 'Leis, Ern lions, Pimple.), Blotches and Sores,_ Erysipelas. BO u 3 St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Co.gbs± from teacakes depas its iv the Inite Swellings, Debility, Bro . *. N Dys," or Indigestion, Sypitili4 anti Syp "tictons, Mercurial Dicease3 ? Female Weakneises, and, indevtl the who'll series of complaints that nrisifrOM impurity of the Wood. Minute reports of individual eases. mar he found in APRIL'S Anzatess ALMANAC, which is furnished to the drnggi.ta' for gratuiinti• distribution, wherein miy be lesnied the direction for its nit.; and some of die retnarkalite cures sal.). it has matte when all other remedies had Hied to afford relief. Thole cases are purpo=eiy taken from all sections of the country, in onto.that crew mulct MST have access to some one who can «peak to hint of ft. benefits from personal experience. &Tani. depresses the vital,energies. and thus leaves its %it, timifar more subject to disepse_and hs final re , ult thanlare healthy constitutions Bente it unnbi t• shorten. and does greatly shorten, the average dur. • tion of hunian life. The vast importance of dies , considemtions =his led us to spend Yet& hi p' -t ing a remedy which is ad-rinnte fit its. cure. Thi wo ,now offer to the public under the name e ATIMI'S SARSAPARILLA. although tt is romp° et of mg's:clients, some of which exceed the beet n SarrapanTri in •alterativo power. fly its aid yo; may protect yourself from tho suffering- aid dame: of these disonlers,. Purge ontthe verruintn - that-roc and fester m the blood Forge out 'th causes of divaiss, andVimieurs — health will - Wren By ha peculiar virtues this remedy stimulawq tb null functions. and thus expels the distetnirl which lurk within the system or bunt out on an; part of it We know the pltbrie have been deceived hr mans -aanspncivain _thitt--.11-11111 4 714_ marl and did nothing; but they will .netther eevivee. nor disappointed its this, its virtues have been , proven by abundant trial, and there remains ,no question of its surpassing.excellence for the cure of the afflicting...diseases it is intended to remit. Although under the mama manse, it Is a very dif fbrent< audit!' ne from any other which has been before the people , tad is far, atom teffertual than any other has ever been available to them. CHERRY rECTORAI k The 'WOrld's Great Remedy fbr Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and - fbr the relief of Consumptive patients in' advanced sta ges of the disease. This has been so long wed and so universally known, that we need do no more than. assure the public thnt its quality is kept np to the beat it ever has 1... n. and that it may be'Tlied on to do all is ills ever dons. Prepared by , An. J. C. Avin & Co., • Practical and Analytical awaits, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all drvtricta everywhere ; and by A. TURRELL, Montrose, and by one trader in every town in the County. may] 9 ew I • .1P3331\7023XC0N EXAM • ring Surgeon ! TlVlRsubseriber hating been appointed by the Com -11. Inissioner of Pensiona,a MEDICAL =AMMER at Issue, to exam Ine and give cert.:dente. to all entitled to pensions, will attend to all spoilt:dims' that may be 'minded :ohhn, at Mont:Die; Pa. Rooms at J. 8. Tar Wit Rotel. R. PATRICK, Montrose, April 6, 181M.—tf TO THE PUBLIC, T - ABAURRELL LlAtrnew fay nestring e :rarizl e f lTed. and" wnstan , • !rt- ' . J 9 J - reePactire department* eitraie in which tibia engaged, embracing everything, with few exceptions.— He tenders his sincere thanks , to those who bare favor ed their: patronage, and hopes to merit a con tinuance ortheir tarots. The public are ly.lll - to =UPI ids Store, sad examine qui es andpri ea of his goods. Non 'tease Nov. 5, 'BO.' • _NEW FIRM. BALDWIN, ALLEN & BARNH ART, WEST.SIDE : O PUBLIC AVENUE, DEArnmq IN • FLOUR FEED SALT Carden Seeds, Wheat, Olover, Timothy & Flex Seed Peas, Lard, candies; .7tuuc, HMO, BUM ism , pis ,ilinoked Halibut, Syrips, M o bleeß an Su g ar° . TEAS, 00,iEipl, SPICES; BROOMS IL :AND A T AIZS. cash Paid ibr Shatter. v. A cas,tiewm,l-.wit. L. *LEN.' . isAnimarri' NONtrINNi APtftlea, MrAIVAIak'VINDOW •ROO; A wow awls. ; TintaLmit. Ayer's Sarsaparilla "'""' 1 111 antrgragilurrilnuti A -44 t n*:oifirke!Amil*nitiniedOsi' unowit.asgeheamaii‘! : . 012111MWSPRZPARATION8 Viz. • mumßoi.tivalenivri.streno;” " • " SARBAtiARILLA; :.• _ :,".; ) 31 P4OVEDAM VAP. , • • intMeOraPa azgurinkliszraßATloN • %nab* COdientTllted" Compound positteciand Specific itei iedyfor diseases of the Bladder Kidneys Gravel, and Dropsical •. ' - Swellings. ;„ Thle Medicine bit:resin' 04 Over of digestion. and excites the abhorbfttalete healthy setlon.bs Which the watery or ealiarone 'depositlens. and all menet - oral en largemeati ere rettdeed; tamell se pain sedinflamattoa, ird to"1P o odtor mgo,alq .° art*ldTr?' lIELMBOLD'S s EXTRACT BUCHU :trots terminuses:li • . • '• Arising' froraiEieesses; habits of DiSsipa tion,•Earli Indiscretion, 'or. buss, Attended with tit' Indisposition to Esertios • jot Power. •t. • LOlllof Memory, Illeuity Of Etreathing,- Weak Bervcs, ~Tratobling, Horror ofDiscase; - . Wakefubiessi Dimness of •. Paula the Back. Universal laisitade of the'. Mashie* of the Body, Muscular Spawn, • : Emotions on the Face. Hot Hands, Pallid Countenance, Dryness•of the Skin.' • These symptoms, it allowed to go oh, which this mod icine invariably removes, soon follow • IMPOTRIICY,FATIJITY, SPILECTIO FITS, , In one of Which ibe'patient may expire. Who can say that they . tro notifrcquaullY followed by those "direful diseases, Insanity and Consumption: Many .are awe* of ,the cause of their suffering, but none will confess T h e records of the Wane asylarni and the reebuicholly Aealbs by Constunptibi t i bear am. plo witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected with or. .gante weakness, Requires the aid cif medicine to, strengthen and lesiva , . ate the sistem. which UEWBOLD'S EXTRACT IW eRr invariably does. A trial ion convince the ' most skeptical. Female's, Females, Females, Old or young, single, married, or contem. - platip - g, marriage,' many affections peculiar to Females the Extract Ba che is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chien:As or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or richt - nous state of the Uterus', Leuchorrhes or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex whether aria- Ingham Indiscretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OH CHANGE OF LIFE. lITIIPTOMB LZOTI. NO FAMILY MOULD BE WITHOUT IT. ike no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant medicine for nnplcastun and dangerous diseases. RELMBOLDI EXTRACT BON minsi szmarr DiszikEs In all ;belt stages ;id. - Intl* pipeline ; littteorno done In nb c no Inconvenience. AND NO AMININUDE. It antes frequent desire:and gives strength to Ur% ate, thereby romoying oh:drat:lona. preventing and en ring'Strieturea of the Urethra, allaying pain and Indent motion, so frequent twain Class of diseases, and °veil lug Poisonous, diseased, and worn•out smatter. WHO KAU BEM AIM VICTIM Olr • 41;11017.41.40331013, And who hare paid 1:18&V Ir PEES to be cored Ins short time, have found tbey were deceived, andtbat the "Poi son, has by . the use of" Powerful Astringents." been dried up in the system, to break out in an 'wavelet Lorin. and PIMIIAPtiIITERNAIMACHt. Jai HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT. BUCHU For 01 affections and Diseases of The trrintOir:Orgne, . • Whether existing irilliAtit ORlPtlFElLlt,trout It utterer come orieriatium and no quitter ONIEOW LONG STAMM. Diseases of than Organs require tho aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT ,;SUCH is Tug sßskr Ditnistie, ' And it la certain to have the desired effect to all • cues, for which it la recommended. BLOOD! 131.00 Du: BLOOD • liehnboldli highly Concentrated Compound • Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. F31r2°117.22219.'. Thla is an sffeMian of tbe Blood, and attacks the Elex ml organs. Linings of the use, - Mtn.: Throat. Wind; plpe,and otheriductui garfacci, making ita appearance In the form of Ulbent. Ilelmbold's Extract '8 Is purilles the BINA' and removes all Scaly:lirn a lt i emm of the Skin giving to the Complmieip a Clear and Healthy Color. it belngprepared expressly fOr this Masa ofcont plaints, Its Slooc-Purlfying Properties sra preserved, to :Neter extent than any other preparation of Sarsaps, Helmbald's Rase Wash. An excellent Lefton for Dismal of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in Diseosesialtho Urinary Organs, arising from luibits of -disipatinti, used in connection with the Entracte &whit and Sarsaparilla, in such dis eases as recomMended.l • • Evidence of the most responsible antltellable etenuter will accompany the medicine*. CERTIFICPSEB - OF' OUSEL From eight to twenty years standing,., with mites known to scienceand , For Medical PropertieufßUCHEolei Durpensatinyof the United States. See professorDEWEES' valuable work ou the - Pm , ' ace (4P/trite., . , See remarks made by the late celebrated Br. PIiTI3IC of Pldladelphil.— deeremarite made by , Dr./MUM= MciX)WELL,a celebrated Physician, and member of the Boyal College ofsurgeonti.UelandartitlitiblishedinaltCTioniutetions of the Zing and queen's Journal. - , SeeMedico•Cfrurgleillieview,Rielled by Benjamin Wavers, Bellew alike Royal Co eof Surgeons, See most Of the late Standard wor on Medicine. ' : Etvtacr Beam • $1 00matr. norms, on err rot $5.00 _• Sausaranna,a,l 00 -'" , .+" 5.00 Worm Rosa Wasik Mk • - " :11 s 'othalla dozen death for VII 00,' which 'will be inaM. chest to cure tlut most olisymiteettscs. if 'directions ate sdberedto.7 ggir Detcribe Symptoitis it(en communications. Cures guaranteed... Advice gulfs. • -• ' 1 Personalliatipetti befcirontean Alderman•of ttierity ot Philadelphia. H. T.fielmbold.: who; being doly sworn dotheay; his preparations contain no narcotic, no me eery, or other *Jura= iliz4;lNbut-arannreiv-veretable.: 7 .4 I • aguireoux„ - Bw4* siihaelbedttaforolnuit__thilldatibirorNO) - - - Aldertnanalinttbstreit, &bore Bud, A4sirilLettere for !afore:talon in eonddenc4,...i H.T.HEI.3fSOLD.: • Depit 301,8odia TentketsFo, Wow,. estiiiti Rowan* ov co : ern trannustrraintorazona, ,; ' • I Whii endeairor to dispel*" of their iiwn "atid -1 . Elides on - the reouratitor attained by , , „ Beimbeld'a amine Preparati(ine,, -,. • • , Entrant Botha, .••• . ". 7 'Sarsaparilla' . •-• si Im•proyedato s e woo& ' .11rigghita , ;04 za*- - 4,A0 NO' , 071000 • • atbnttliaadtertfieniebionfillend for it. Mut' avoid lopoaition and enyosura. Fara 10tb, 3883-Iy. -tK.".~'.nn . ~`"~d~,:~t.: _ !.:a,`.. :!'~:.^'."-ss:~ yi::~ra.l~_ATi=~:~^i=-iE'Ce-x-a:c`JßFa3t')k.'~:; AFFIDAVIT. ABEL TuE'RELt-1 Hdw_o~ir for eile maottiisluteif andbestietialini of - 4 - 7. • t . Ever offered in SitegeO4nna County, and probably com prising there - attest Torte*: or moettilfferent'articlia'of any:SW=ln the Noititerikpart.9 l Pftedieylvonisiatl4Per N baps of the entire State. An . assortment is kept :in *bent thirty different branches of trade, arit , the seleeo` Goes are Amide fromcbout forty. Adthe best Mounts In New ,Tork.ind more than fifty 'Dealer* and Tdanufac turers out New, York; A Isigo , prop.ntian'of the; Goods are brought direct from the ruouttfacturers. thus, Introit* genuine articled. Culla:men:on 'entering the', Store welt not expect tolind'everything , ? fa sight.r,butt tigrmy everj article wanted will bq pro luced,by Some Mei of the Stoekitiay be formed by the follotrive general outline, butenumeratien turretkiebie, ' . Drugs and Medicines. _Paintsand Ils. Dye Stu ff s , Groceries. Li gears, .2;rockety; Glass Ware,„ Wall and, Window Paper, Jewelry, Silver vrateir.erfattlry.:Xtifity. Good!, Musical inetruments, Brushes. American Pocket EniVes . ;-Tablei'Cutlery and Sflier.Plated Ware, Lacips, Materials for Lighta,ffardware,.Bed Cords,S tone Worei Dry.Goods,Mirrors,Whydovr,Ghtis. Lithographs. Var. nliktet, Bird. Cages.) Spectacles, -Whips, ind-Lashes,' -Brooms. Onns„Pittols, immtmitton , Tobacco,Xedi cal end Snrgical Instruments: Salt, SOO, Math, Xiii• brellas,Porcelain T,eeth.te abort , : ye: l Tb' vreerYthill.o o wstore the sick. to, Ideate the taste, te delight the eye, Et gratify the fancy; and-alto to-eondice tit the rat and tebstantial comforts of life, The attention of the public is respectfully invited to my'stockof Goods. bought exclatively for Actsh down, settled' be sold on the same princilleforlawAr. Moilif o3 o•4 4 nliarY/$4 1 868. , . „ oaw szogra A FUT. ASSORTMENT OF FAIL & WINTER GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, 'Jo And wil; be folly:: AT A LARGE REDUCTION - from April price* Sarnia Reduction will include the ENTIRE . : STOCX which bn found /111, largo as mini!, 'and sold THE MOST LIBERAL TERNS ,jO ll -4001 . .ICA:ERtia ON TIME,' 'or for 2 PRODUCE H. BUILELITTo New Milford. KEYSTONE HOTEL .7 At blontiose, Pa. - Wm. IS, ELATCE/, Proprietor. HlsnewandcommodlousHoteliseitnateden rablic Avenue, near the Court noose, and nearly in centre of the business portion of Montrose. The Proprlctoris coriedent that he is prepared toentertaln gams Ina way that cannot fail torivaßliTillE SATISFACTION. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no eX'pensehas been spared to-render It equal If not superior to any In this part of the State. It Is well supplied with all recent Improvements and comforts; and obliging , waiters Will always be ready to respond to the call of customert.. The Stables connected with tills house are new, and convenient. The Proprietor. mercifully. solicits the .patronage of his old friends, travellers, and the publie generally. Jan= tf Wit. S.-lIATCII,-. DEL & Ent PLE4,II-rcsacl. THE PASSENGER TRAIN T RAVES Great Bendat 7.40 a. in..after the arrival at IA 6.80 a. m.„ of the Cinclnuati Express from the west, connecting at Scranton, where it arrives at 10.10 a. tn. , with a train .on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail road, for Pittston, Wyoming Valley, Kingston, and Wilkesbarte, and by omnibus with the Delaware and Hudson railroad. at Providence,. for Olyphant and Car bondale. At Hope sikstion,' this train connects bj omni bus with the Belvidere Delaware. Railroad for Phillips burg, Trenton and Philadelphia. At . New Dam ton Junction, where it entree at 2.25 p. in., the same train connects with trains on the Central Road of Raw Jersey for Elizabeth. Newark, New York, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentdain, Rauch Chunk, Reading and Hairisbarg.— Passengers by this train arrive in New Yorkist 5.50, in Philadelphia at 8.00.' and in Harrisburg at 8.10. The train leaving loot of Cortlatd street New York, at 8.00 a. m., and foot of Walnut street, Philadelphia. st 6 a. in., connecting with the Passenger train of this road; leaving New Ilainpton Junction at 11.20 a. in., and arriv ing at &mutat, at 4.02. p. m.. where ft coribects with train on the Lackawanna and ißoomabtug Railroad, 'and with the omnibus running to the Delaware and Hadacon Railroad. This train arrives at Great Bend at 6.10 p. m., making a ( lose connection with the mail train going West on the Behr Railway. AN :ACCOMMODATION IrliAIN • kayos Scranton st;10;10a: M.,,connteting at Great Bend with the Day Express train west.on tho Erie Railway.— By this train Passenger's arrive at Ithaca Syracuse, Bur. fel°. &e. the same day,— Returning, this train loaves Great Bend at 2.20 p. m., on the arrival of the Now York Express going Eastosnd Bufthio 'Express going Wrist, and arrives at Scranton at,3.81:1p. m • . • JOHN' iIINSDrA, Sep 4 t : ' ' A. HENRY. (Mug Ticket - Agent. • • Scranton, May 20, lUD. • . ;; . , LACKAWANNA &ILOOM'S.BUIiG I=LE!=XaliL4,4!L32'. • nici• and O ft er April senor Trains will N./ run asfollows : • • MOVING BOOTH. • *passenger. ACCO/111.. Leave • • Scranton; at 5.80a.m. 11.0011.131: 1 Kingston. at . ., 6.40 Arrive 12.30 " Rupert. at 8.156 • • • " •, Danville. at 9.24 a. m. Arrive atNorthtimberland, 0.55: MOVING NORTII. ' Leaver' ' Northumberland .4.20 p. m. " , Danville, • 6.10. , " Rapert, "5.46 • • ' Kingston. : ' 8.03 „ 1.45 p. Arrive' at Serant ' 9.10p.m. 3.80 p. m., A passenger train also serves 'lllng:ston ALM is m:for Scranton tai connect with train for - New York. • .Ileturnt ing. leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New York, at4.2o'p. a. . • ' • Pasiengere taking train South from Scranton' at 820 via. Northnerland, reach Barrisbnrgl2.Bop.m. Baltimore 820 pork:. Washington 10 0. rm. Via Rupert they reach . PhlUdelphia at 7.00 0.m.. _t" T. G R O . B. RUNT. Sup - *t. Blngitens; Aprll2B; 1262. , • • • , Territbrilbickistres 4 4ll4llolfOr the =Nu 2i A . . , MOST valuable and wen:Wirth' publication. AriOrk of 403p_ages;a033 colered engmvinge. „Dr...Usry tees YR& mectutr;" an original and popular. treatise 'on Man and Woman. their physiology. inactions, and seem at disorders of event kind, with never,talling• remedies Do their speedy- awe. 'The practice of Dr': Hunterbee long been; and still is.",nnbotinded, but at tbetarterlit set licitation of immeronsionsons. he has heenAnduted to extend hi &Medical ruefulness threaten the' hietHwe 01 his " Vllde- It Is axolume Opt,. should! be in_ . tho bands of every family in the land. as'a - preVentive secret viem.or sal guide fir the alleviation htotiewf the most awful and destrectivo ectllnges, hat ever visit ed mankind; 'One copy; seeurely,envoloped. willtio ter welted Imo Otportsgetty . Part Attila United-Stasi for 50senta in IF: O. stamps. or 3 copies for $l. Addeo!. post paid. rinterilltr;street,MoW-Yrirk: EIS: :. ..; , :.! - .: 3 IDr 1 141' ii:otnit _pig off=: . - . .' ' ' inria: ' ati... 'to iltutrDOES9lMBC.4l3"ll , " inuOrvipzu, sale bp. ..: - ~.,, 0 ,, -, ''.ltouttote• Irk/ / 8 1 ima• - - .o. : --...t. , ,. \ it s ';. ..‘, Itirelinilffttii. OAS i° L 1 .'' ' 1 ' at ~' 14WMgAr'fit' 11 1) .P _...*:.'_ t4 PARFP ...1 In i t . .. . - - ~TSR~=ri~+i irk"~is~~~ 'i~~~,~~t~`( ~ '~~, 1 for pls by AHSL k co • • ;44:1'J-0 : 411,f 4- , .44447. , u0nft11M104)0.-, AM,S:' ," ! • DO r CTOR -.. Germairßitteks . . • `'.:pitaikiirei,"4l.i.'*: , • Dr: VL ,TAOIIIION • Thiladelpldtr, otin .l LIM ER. - 0011.1 6 444/.1141T IDIESPBPSILki: t . .. . • .4.A.I:IIV3DICi3ZO F otimie or Mseisai 1 1 VM 10 711 . and all diseaseit'atidag idoor !of Stomach. ,• , t inch I tion, i naraid Piles, • • , • Painaut i oeßlood to th e ilead, aciditrof the afotriadt; Zr6usimilluidlbtirn,; Disgust for road; . rubies or weight in, e atomac,b, soar erne tattoos, einkingor flutt th ering st the pit 6f the Stomach, ewinuning of, the Bead, ,harried 114 dimttlt Bieathlngalattcring at tbe licart, ehorMS of ag' -• fotiatineeensations4hen In alyiegpoature,l • Dimness Of Yiatpn, dots or web* nefiLim- 1 the aft htirctrer and dhlPPain'in tbs _ . Itead, ddicienetof peapintion„ . • Yellowneac pi -the akin and. 4 „, i., • Eyet,"patn In . the Ode; • ' BeckeLltaatrllinhal - t , • ' mini n g ln The Ur.st, - • "" Ccaistant ImninLogi ) al tdg re ? 4 4 e r tel l ti p AU. Ind positively prormtirelloarSelir, Forefead. No Alcohol Or . Bad W4okey! They wits. critithe Ono dlsdipekin Seems *US of 100 DO lOU WANT : 001113TEING BTEssfiTg3;YOU 1 A 000 D APPETIT:Et, TO BM= UP YOUR CONSTITUTION 1 TO FEEL WELT, ?' - • TO GET RID OP • ENERGY TO SLEEPiIrELI t ?' l 'n.":f • ' A DRIES AND VIGOROUS TIMM° t If you do, nee RODFLAND'S GRIG4AII DITTIES. , Front Rev. X D etoton Brown, D. ~ Editor of tl!e,.Eneyoloi; edia of ReligiousNnowledse. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, thro' distrust of theff ingredients and effects ; I yet know of no stitrlcient repose Irby a man may not testify to tho benefits he believes himself to have.received from' any simple preparatiod 'in Ito hope that he may thus contribute tothebenedt *tethers. I do thlatitombte readily in reg.ard ownliand's Ger man Bitters, prepriited by Dr. C. M. Ja of this city because . I was prejudiced against. them for. navy years, tinder the tranressiOtt that they were eldefly all alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my Mosul Robert Shoemaker, Esq. for the removal of this pr e judice by pronbr testa, and * for encourag,emot atryw Extern, when suffering from great andlong,contilltind debniti..) The use - ofrbottiu of these bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and resterstfou to s deg. rce of bodily and Mental vtgor, which I Itad.not bitter G =writhe bedbre. and had &Most despaired at repining. I therefore ttuink God sada:ly friend for directing me to the use of them. J.rinfT9li BROWN. rismaxe.ir, JurniCkt, • • ATTENTION, SOLDIERS • And. the: rriendo of Soldiers. We call the attend - Oki of aU having relations or Month in the limy to the fact that: '...,IIOOIPLAND'S German Bitters" will cure tine-tentboof tbe- Musses induced by exposures and- Privations incident to camp life. Lathe lists, published alMbot daily in the anis papers, ou arrival of the sick. itkwill be noticed that a very larpo portion areculferint /Ivey ease of that kind can be readilycured by lioodamrs German Bitters. Diseases reuniting froth dirorders of thedigestivo organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation hksaying that'll theta Bitters Were freely used, among our soldiers, hundreds - of Reel might bt sairW that otherwise will be lost. _-.-- Wood' attention to the followlagtentirkabli and:well aiithentieated cure or °neat the nation's helots.. w boss life, to RIO his owVangea••• - '• has,beett saved 14ps Bitters:" Pna.arter.ents. Angiist 121e11.: Messrs. Jones ff. Etans:—Wei your Dot* land's G erman Bitters has saved my life: Tune irr ite mistake in this. It is Touched for fly-rumbas ofi my comrades, some of whose names are sppended.and who were cognizing of all the.eiretnastatices' of: my - setal; am, and 'bate been, for the last four years, a monists of Eiheruian's celebrated batten*, and dtder the innitedists command of Captain R. B. Mres. Threingisthe eerpoimra attendant upon my arduous Auties, I was attacked , is Nor. last, with indammition.of , the Inapt and *Si for 72 days in the hospital. ...Tido was foll Owed bi bill ty, heightenedan attack o ands nterysti wu removed from theAfttite Rouse, tientto this cit t y k es board the Steamer "State of Maine,” where I landed as the Zith OfJutte. ShiteMult time I have been about as low as any one could bet.aritketlii retainfiinparkpf ity. Fora week or more I wee scarcely able to swallow anything,and if .Utirn tercel Monet downy it 'tract* mediately thrown 13 P • " - 1 - " '' I could not even kCeit a.gtasU of "water' WI initettunaes. Life could waled - mart theseLeirentbstanees: 2C eeratextri the PhYsleintill Who, badrbeenmerking tlitk fnil}y~.. utorteh unsuccessfully, tdreisene lee from no:grasp of the dread archer, franklytold inObe*, eou/d: moreibr meowed Advised me to see ael and to make o'nch disposition ofmy Unified fan slut Mt Milted me.' 'Ablacquaintance who visitedes. at•MIIS .ItOcital. Mr. Frederick Steinberp, of 6tisbeloirl'.och street, advt. sed me, as a forlorn atmeito toy yralrilithireinhfl kind. II Procured abottle. /from the timeLeeranteneed tett= them thetidomy shaderoldeath reeeded';end 1101 1, thank God for it, gettft better. Tholigist tive.takett but two tattles, ;hare gained ten pounds, and tool sae guinoofbeing permittW Vein and daughter, from whom nave heard no aster 12 months t forAgs• Gernert, lam a loyal Virgil 14 from vieiritty eflirrent Royal To your inealnablo Bitters LeserfrAlteacertautY of life which bee taken.the plate angels fears—to your Bitters will I owe the Venetia privilege*, triihrelsep• lug to my bosom ittose,who Ate.dearest to in_ Very truly yours,. ISAAC We Billy cencuein ttieiboye *o' bid despaired of seeing our gam:tidal/IL !Iftslottectiiitlitett John4Cttiide . bait; I st I.r:'l".' - hathey: Geo. .Aelley,'CoM, - 11 th Maine. Lewis Cherldieri;92llMWri&V-7 7 `', 7 : Spencer let air Whir ./iquery , .F. ' , ,F , VAPastiute4l7o.4)4lB4.,-7trysolitp! filmy 11: - • Aromeic r XehtyTardialdfASCOVa i kkar". • " :rr John,?. jfaiit Cal .g . Sikkairiee - ; /rehab» l'ods; /Co. 1/7.12d N, ,Nomasalnoponsai-tx-gsa.pops. 4.1140*t0,-L - ginabc#l , -A 01 POP: ::, 01 yotio sn tt : us - u , . aelVtin l7 fbe bigie eis bm ef," 4 , Cas. ae0z50117,10._ 0 ; Oa W X 9 6 ,, c t o ttlPi 1 .. t I - A 7t ?*,* llol q s 64oPr**P e flit .isouldoiiix‘iimsert i i tr Atto; ar net be pa t'63 or -1 e ib*VPSillelgrered a iletbio , OW ' Alseik44l , o t.1':—....F , if.= 9-,.,=;-::L.,74 . 2 t ... , •i,../.l') ..t 1 5 ,1_1, 1 / 4 1. Princitiid 00106 Olitlithi" idttoloiti ,• fiTo; - -63 - 1 Alicoris7r. s „ eh r • ...,,77,7,,,.,•,.. 4,,,,V=4,11 4! WoZI t..k,:1.1 I.:1 f i rt i Vl l 4l‘"d trl i 11A .4.C,6 I ,U .e-A, w.... ,..mva....,. z.4 _ . ..„%f11AT Tailrb, reels by tbe Milted fitlteta ll ""i l l .. / P r 7 T 7 ' r e 7r." llll eat In AZIL rvpas,zz, a* amis.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers