The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 18, 1864, Image 3

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    . Abilioo l oqPillitionr W
The unparalleled fraturcotruition and
&Leh* whitiiiiiieiniiked - Overy step
of the iiiiimalittr OP at
letsol forcing unfavorable comments irotnioinetViEi raidwproymot:that,
party. Gre, e49Y "176 t •
As to the occert r • iptiliii-iitach tits of late
stalked shamelessly through..ttur legisla
tive halls, [he should have said through
theithbinAslild4k - at: te* *llOll, 1 ( 1 -7-f
nothing—then republican i nstitutions 'are
a Esib,Fo.7l. t‘ t' ,
The aidintiiii dioxide; it 4 4iatni ad
ministration paper in Ohio, in reference to
recent exposurels drciiiitiption at Wash
ingtburrittriark/R:i ,
"It disheartens the people in supp ort
of the tine for the Pretervitiiiti of the
gov,erAßeatt rhen , they see the publionf 7
ifeere'thrulng It 'profit; and ispidly - tio.
cumulatin,g; fprtuitel. i ons of it. Extrava
gance a nd peculation, mid - Soddenly ac .
l uir gOr.9 l 4. l lolo:o 7oll .Pn e P.t-P fl iF ers t
'aro,%9ol49reesing die puma() peo
.enemy. '
The Albany, New' York, Statesman, a
regular blaokantoor:press, makes this can
did • .1
" Chase bitterly complained of for his
Barneys• and Butlers, his Cornwells,and
Callicotta; his.Jtevenne and Confiscation
agentf.r . tind: . ?dr, , Lincoln iscomplained of
for custmn:lmusiC MO -- contract . men d lin
yet there':firtyct... , tbe - first movo in Con
gress or out to expose oil tritest the frauds.
There seems • tori,be a perfect carnival of
corruption and crime in every department
of government, and little or no effort to •
stop it. and by, unless there - is a
change, it will be found that republican
nommttions as , welt as republican institu
tions are a ' ,
Obi IS bsd.le . tionih ;init.' Wit& Ate, add
Oeiptiwks Of Senator Rate, made more
than a yeir ago:iti hii the Senate,
wo cotnpletothe picture. lie said:
" 1 -111.4ki , 4 iblittl:Aes, of t his ; ;juritri are in
greater ng,es.i.,txmlay - frio: m>
the cor.
"tioneand her profligacy - practiced in the
various departments of the government,
than the . y are from' rebels -in the open
field." . , ,
pri 4 Why,,Mrft.. 8., how do you man
na to _have such nice light Bread and 818.
mak V.' -4. Because I use Herrick • Allen's
Gold Medal Saleratus.. I never saw any
Nalfial good. I like it much better to use
• yith' cream tartar than Ido soda. I shall•
riever use.any other...lf you will try one
toliikr;;Mrs, W vill,say the same. It
has:almost • cured rurdyspepsia." Most
~.• , ,
.. - l i ngaiamr..—The Legishiture
failealikelent a
~ State;;Tre t asarer on the
day appointe d byelaw—the third Monday
of danuaiy.: It appears that io" many
Abolition- Members were. : absent having
queen detained by an accident on the , Penn
sylvania Railroad—that the party was
loft in a minority ; and therefore, after a
hasty taiOns,:ikttns,detOrnifiedliot to go
ibto Convention, and than if the Dem
dereiilinalitad ;:iee. - caity. out; tit r e law,
they, the . Abolition members of the House
would -withdraw, _and - leave that ,body •
Without a iluqraro; •
--General Butler has banished theaor
respondent of the. New York World - and
Times from his department, on pain of
being set to' hard labor.
don't like plain staiementis of facts and of
his short comings:
foUndry of Wisner & Strong at
Pittston was entirely destroyed by Ire
on Tuesday morning of last Week. The
loo,is said to be from 15 to ‘20,000„ • and
thalristuinee only $OOOO. .
", =Judge Thompson, -of Philadelphia,
ViU'rirrestell in that - city, the other day by
alsuliee,ipau as a deserter. lie was letgo
upon staling whole Wit , some, per-
San* Prettebt telling the policeman that he
waknot a 'Judge, they folloired, and re
arrested bini. This time he was kept in
custody until citizen came up and iden
tified him, when released ~ -
--Several petty thieves wbo have lib>.
len small shins from the eye:TM:lent haie
been so tormented by theireonsekncesss
to return the nionerto thelreasury. We
have tiqt yet. beard.of those stealing im
mense sums makitii , restitution.",
- ' 2II COM4O,SE. 31 + 1 0 1 KET, rn
.._ Icati!•_ L''___'
nut, inn w en t 0 leo main% 111 bol.i ~ • /0414.11 kw
Bre - - 140 Caro meld., etrt.40.:12,13
COM . ' , ... ...1,00 Dressed - Hoge. 9111.400,07
i ttekwhe o l-'... ' a 8aue5....4 • • • 1101201
um, Milt».) ' • 6141410 Lard 4 , ' —10 X
BM" ..... ..:.' PM. SAO /AM 9 da5..*,.. - :. - la-0618
Potatoes, ' et qs ,00 wood, 9 cord.-.-rt.-..."‘..1,10
3 VE4LXV.RXEL4I2I-1:10.;
In'itithrop, on the Stir inn by S. W.
Tewksbniy, ESq.; Mr. Groitd; SILEFFRIZ:
and Miss .ßETti E. 1.111 5 .• both of
InNichOlson, Jan. 26i,h,t. N Ba
cen,,Esql, Mr. , Sirpv.i.mis Sceit.isß, of
Nichol sop,:, Nirkoraing 00. and Miss
r. A N3 ( 11.*Thrcirols . ,
Sllt59 7 ! ( •??.: •
'n the .3d 4t, -.the residence of
Geß. l .l3lBitesieo, 4ailluar,PAck, Mr.
6 fTe*ttird3 = , - I3iailfdrd
to, abdAiiisa-Idoulszl 4314KEBLEE, of
• s
gral DilVihri,
l i koM l3 )4 l, ..gieWi.t.fil ills:
Deitistlfcittre'r, thaii butt left
P',". • •
Alerolly,loolvite.4eeityfeel; ,
r ')iatiVarvid iitat hastilerettiu4—!
. ,
;11taisiloillotiriorrowe beg
niattri,o 3 , o o le 2,oth of JO. 1864.;
*ro. . ,
iiged#6 years. '
11 4 kingert Jan. 4 28, ,Adler
linalsbfW.4rmilif o scil9Mikei
lietav Allen t was, lielmr4,
; •
by !rho 2new Mm IngliCavet
friia - dia,4,Alovek.ioa c
603 0. 4 0 1 00 , 1 f ; )
d eiW witectny lifo bi'paee.'-' - ' r
'l4,lova viti till &sib did. leaf '
And after mein° sorrow take, • ,
tlie children fo r uitsake'. '
.At Sterlingvile, Feb. let, of 'diptheria,,
4muri Ciamons, aged 16 years.'
:.At Idolitriiie; rah stlitCiiitnit
"CutuQ 2 l4*,ageal , YelF B and.b loo.;
ll nv i l
- .U A I
. . CrfOistg'FAMlLY '' 1
atta - C)0 . , / , i , a 4(14 ) . ,4ga
t , e• • Pt I
ef, .., d,l l
~- ''; 1'
i ', 1 , - --r '_. P ; ,J," - ' jt , ) :::. 0: I . '- - 9 t ' i 4 z •
-i:,...-; ..-:
rittitli hind ceitili4 i •
(03EL IQ + I 3EIT.. M 11.."2",
:t 0 i -2-1 •..-- -, - '' - i - • -
GLA.SS=WItIiE, " '
~..r . , •:T
Eromfrzazo pciziasAmerium, *a.
. ,c
Produce- taken - .lL.Excbkange.
Montrose, kb. 'B4. < , J. It.SeWITT.
OTres is hereby Oven that In pursuance of an 00..
de the Orphan Coiut Susquehanna County
to me dlrected,-1 will expose tly sale by vestdue at the
Court-house, ii Montrose,.
On Satursioy;, 19 . 1 h: 1864
se koNlockci. M.; the BilloWingdestribed p i e c e or pier
ce] Oland. late the estate of John O'Laughlin deed, co
AR that certain pleat or parcel of lane', situate lying
mid being in the borough of SusquehanneDepot, In the
County of Suaquehannaand State of Pennsylvania, and
known and described ta being Lot No. 111 as the same la
laid down *nd dealgiusted on a map ofpart of the village
of Susquehanna. made according to a survey by William
Wentz. and recorded in the oiScelor recording Deedeln
said County, in Deed Book No. M. page 69g, it being ibe
garnet:encored to..Tohn O'Laughlin by the N. Y. di Erie
Railroad Co. byDeel dated Aug. lab. ISM. and recorded
•In the ottlet aforesaid In DeedZook SS, page Sl.
Also. ail that dr.rtain piece or pareel of land situated In
the tothuhlp of Harmony. Ceintp 'arid State aforesaid,
bounded and deScribed as follows, viz: On the west by
the land otSflasideffune, on the North by the N. Y. &
Erie on tee Bast by-the landa-Pf -RPhlnlns A.
Banda, ' an thellouthbytheSnaqtehanna river, con
taining About three ante; more or leee, !Meng the same
tract unwired tor John O'Laughlin II Margaret Dibble.
I* Deed dated _April 12th, 196; ins Deed 800
No.-11;_page SM . • .7. •- !
SALE.—.IS on the 'day Of sale ; one bilf
the balance on Anal conation, and the, remainder In
one year,therealterwitblnterest.r
Susquehanna Depot, Peb.'llth,
Auditor': Notice.
N ceri n CE hetehY reat t h at the nderslgned;
auditor appointe dby the Orphan 's Voutt of Sus.
Reotiehuuta county. to sdlut the accounts of Jacob, M.
Reward, administrator of Isaac Howard, deed, will at
tend to the duties ofhis appOlumentat his office la
Montrose, on Friday the litth day of Much next, at 1
o'clock In the afternoon, It which. time and place all
persona interested will be heard.
F. B. STREKTIII, Alodttot. ~
Feb. 5th„1864: ,
.ILar/sipzusect Amitoticazieer,
Alabama Four Corners, Pa.
. . ..
HE umbseriber would ,
infaim his Obi .friesids, and
'ithe To!bliu general/7, thathe has just returned from
ew York City with a wellaclecied 41tuultnrent uf .
• • ..
. „ 3
and Tariottatestralgrlel,:attehlt) at *mind in every
family, and that they will be cold for .Cldsollia at
pikes-that esanot fail tillinit. - Pleasa tall and reaming.
Montrose, Feb. 2,1154.. - . , -I'
One Pile° Store I
Ealt ... E:llA
4 : 1113j104 open—. Sp the north_w_ksi
_of tt!t4to—l i a_,
-oecupVPITOOMM B/Z.:„iitci",2 wc.
'I oolt4!:' and ::,Shii:ols4
, licp , ,AtirkKlNDs.q t_Fg.l".;;;ll.l'
;~ ::.,..
A : NJ) CA k ir3
some, it not more:. Oa, Atof,l4 l . go. le_motO
- , than 0/3 hatul f 144, you pm gpt,t4ll,o . a t:..; ,;
At:PRICES LoirEithEttsitAnyiattrititaillihniiiit
section. :1 1 ; 1 , 0
h - - • , t, • ;
and rant 4 4- •••.‘
White and Colored Shirai ' , tri 07.
••• t 441 •• •
Agri.. close bigamy/ lalvaa_ • • • .43U:cleat falai
;,T••40/0.1011:044 - inull.viu .1 yon'llamons;
cum pRICE,
umatunuiuu micatat,L.l- :4:5 4
0 for
Nt.pidr' ' ja,EOP HAYDEN!
w arTAl•oly.r •- r.r: • ; - 1 , -
. • .
" ibMi r r!.4l.l
. 0 01111 8-4:APILI , MANIXTURES
April 15; I A. Ix fat: •
CoUeotoro ; Accooot for Oonutylgiw.
.Dlstrlcta .Puplicateik.Amt'.F4;-Exon'a. Ptn-ct
, . . -. •
Ararat.. ... ...' .. '' $181.93 $1971.9$ ' 11,48 $(1,59
A11 0 14001i),?.....„ , : .264476: , i,,i 22 24 7 • , 8,28 . ;0 /W I
Auburn' ~ '639,08 . , 601,28 . I,oB' 2LS O
Bridgewater 1192,87 , k 1121,23 12,57 59,02
Brooklyn., .....,,, , 548,79„ ,518,41.. ! ,.1,10, ~ .270
eb O C O O . r putt:, 2 13167 .;, !9,81 ''. 1449
Clifford. • • . 676,AT,T! : 4 91.75; ~'. 18,28 .; 'J0. 86
plututk-‘ , .. --., , : ",614,37 00048. .. 8,13 . ,10,00'
Duudaff " " . 139,09 .;. . 120,85 - ' , 4,49 . • • 6,68 .
Forest Lake..... '529.92 600,99 . ' 2,56 25.0 7-
'Franklin, • 858,02 197,07 18,74 17,21
Friends villa 106,76 98,98 9,57 5,21
Gibson 605.99 586.89 ,84 28, 26
Great Bend T'a'p 473.49 448,00 1,63 13,58
Gt. Belid Boro' .. 26940 154.48 6.40 . 8,18
Harford - 505,06 475,17 4,88 25.01
iiiUnitoofr •• • q•• ^, ; 550, 1 12 k1 87 4; 4 ' i. ,
,f ; ( 4 4 tf . to ll '
00 n 1 0 2 .:- . .-1 ••••1- kg SA 2 2 5; •.. 2 r 6 1 48 A 'tl al V
adeßson ,51 416,84 ..4 .
Jessup - " 375;82 0 "2,15,53 1,65 18,71
utubmcial?p f s,. . 57.91 ~ . , 54,42
~ • - ,bl., ~. ' ' 2 1 88
Latkrbp .. 4 " 248,75 231;s 181;36' : : ? - 5.21 , ! - VA*
Lenot-. - ,::: ii. ... • .424,95 . -•888.18; t • *CAW ' , 90,96
, Liberty . ~, 823.81 303,87 i, - - - „ 5,44 16,00
Middletown' ' ' '' :' 844.15 821,67' -6,65 1. 16,93
Montrose .--.- .. ' 676,24 . 624,48 , 18,89 . r MT
New Milford 'F'p ' 655,17 617,63 .-- 5,63 • '•39.61
N. Milford Bone 151,74 140,W , --. 31.08
Oakland - • 467,65 152,77 • 6,84 -, 09
Rush ' ... 475,53 440,08 - • 12,29 - • 4 4.14
Silver lake . 361,04 - 329,14 - -4.1:0 /• 7' 17,83
Springiille. .; - • ~ 478.41 440,75 , /,4•45 23.90
Susquehanna )p, • 206143 254,80 8,23 , • 13.41
Thomson 208,25 195,10 ' -9,63
~ -1497
Totallmounta. $130575 044.6(14 . 14,4G5711
fetal amount of DapHost,* f 413235751
Amount paid by Collectors, IBM' 114.496 22 ,
Exoneration, to Collectory,lo4, 203 64
PertelaggrOta:4loao24.:' , 1 18 631( 6 03ii4451 157 57
Tresaureri Office. litontroey, t
. Accetritici, Slat, 1.80: f AMOS' rlclicOLtittTreas;
0 0 1 9ctorte Acc9Antl Pr. Dog
Collectors. &Va. Tercq
Chancey Avery; 4,75 $0.75 $0.25
JohnsnuPoster, ApolacOn,..." 10,25 thaa 46 AO
Jack. Manning, Auburn,.... 38,50 83,49 1,25-:, 1.76
0. B. Darrow, Bridgewater sax. 28,26 3,50 1.49
Edwin Rogers,. Brooklyn... 28,50 26,89 , 1,25 1.86
L. Mclnerny,... Choconut, .. 20.75 19,71 ....1,04
R. 8. Lewis.... Cli ff ord 30.50 28 , 0 2 , 1.48
A. W.Dimock g • •• • M.,;5 23,04 lA_ 1,21
8.01 trealleh Alundaffj./..tli 4,75 F_41,02,e1 - 1,01. ,21
Remy Tilden— YorestLake,, 34,75 31,85 1,75 1,65
Andre w Banker 'Brenhilu,..c.: 15,00 .18454 5 al
Thos. Mathews,_ FrieodsTlO p 9,121 • 7.12 1,75 ,38
8. P. Chant bar; Gibson • • • 17,50 16,61 . 88
Wm. S. Barnes, Great Bend. 24,00 /9,47 3,50 .1.12 1
Bran orl • •••• Boro, 6,75 4,99 1,50.,,26
0. Payne, • Raribrd.... • 82.75 29,22 145 .1.5 8
David Tay 0r... Harmony... 8,50 7,84 ,25 ,41
Burritt -Boma, Herrick,— 14,50 . 13.30 _ ,50
Urbane Hail.— Jackson, 21,75 1845 3,75. .,26
Lucius Smith,. desoppi.._ .... 19,50 T 7.40 . 1 49.!
Nathat'l Dual, Litl adeado's, 1,75 1,66 _ ',09
T. Jeßoblniod 121„75. 12,81 -4 1.001 . 94
A. Churchill_ Lenox 84,25 29,92 2,75 1.58.
Jonathan Rosa, Liberty • ' '17.00 15.44 ,75 .81
M. Mehlanus,. Middletown, 5 8 . 5 0 ,27,79 • 1.48
P.O. Warner,. Montrose,..._ 14.00 MP' 1,75 .65/
W. T. Morley, New Milford, 2025 M. 12 ,75 1. 88
C. R. ' , • Bore, ' ' •• ,50 42S
B. Ogden Oakland.::., 10.50 • .8.31 • 44
1,75 .
11. P t Carter...-Rash 46,25, 40.87, „3,75 .
, 2, 13
D.J. Morphy..lBiller Lake,; 26,125 •Z•'4o.•`;', •Le 4. 23
J. Bungerford,'Sgirine4lll6::' 28,15 18,55'
R. Gilbert.- - Susqa,Depot, A 50.41,81 MS 1,14
W. B. Stoddard nommen.... 9.0 8,79 .... ,48
Total Am0unt5,5628,015620,51)544425 $2:2,74.
Total =aunt at DRolleates foe _
Amount pad by Collortont, -" $0130;
Am't axonerat •a• • 44 75
Amt or pementsige. ' • " " • asli—vosoo
Clo'lactate aeon is for 13pecial - Tax.
Markle. Dtrplicates. Amt. Eton's. Perett.
.11141 $l2 ItS $0.,1; $9,0
'120.52 ' 117410
55.14 52,24
frR,B9 27,19
53.80 49,12 2,09 1,159
84.89 60.69 1,01 3,19
12.89 11,77 ,44 .61
50.29 47,50 .29 1,50
Forest Lake
Frauklin ••. • • 85.84 12,78 1,39 1,72
Feet deville 10.71 9.91 ,25 „152
Ortiairk' ' . ', ' i', -"HMS' 0,16 , ‘ 412 , 095
Great Be nd itiii;, -, .. 47.6d4 :4 5 40 4 • • ..-:a Ag
Great Bend Boro„ 17.01 lb 79 - ' ' • 89
'''' '
Raeford ' 80.96 47,90 ,b 4 2,59
33:02 80,75 - .65 j,69
=Jo w. 56 I .39 1,35
44A1 41,00 .2,?!
• •
daekson •
38.14 36,05
- ,25.80 5,45
5610 *2B
43A15 ' 40.51
Little Meadowtt.--..
Libertyl,6 l
Middletown, 84,10 ,40 • 1.10
Montrose 32.13 30,58 54
32 IA
67.78 62,59 1, 0 5 8.29
New 'Milford Twp 65,93 62.08 .58 3, 37
N. Milford Hero, 15,11 14.02 ,41 ,74
082181111;;....-,7 4 - 1 46,05 ,V 4.61
•,..; ' 5 /$ Ol 47 ' 131) ; 442
Silver Late 86,81:0 414,0 - '-;
Springville ' 48,15 • 44,83 : 1,49 2,3 3
Smmtiehitistn2Dpito, • 28.31 . 26,00 ,93 D IX
Thomson, I • 21,09 19,68 , ,231 1,04
vim _: 1 1 561 °, Mitt Pi°
Total l' : I L MO i dat-41 ' h e itl 'APlT lXote:ll ,4l7 lllP l II 4i:643 28
Amount PaidibrUrno 2 ;o l2 Prif. 363 ls4s 6
Amount exonerated, 21 08
onntX4 percentage, • • X 6610--$1,813 28
Col's ,Aoc's for Additional' Coimtfl
Duplicates:Ault" Eton: Vren4
sn.“ V#0.66:4.11.4
Apolaeon - 514,871 . - It,ll - 9 - 16,as
Auburn..,......1280.89 ,1156.15 , 63,32 80,83
Bridgewetisr....•'.. • 2374.91 111974311 166,70 116 . 51
Brooklyn„ . 1093,04 1035.70 241 54.54
Choeounl ' • 584.56 • 546.59^ "8,89' - 98,18
Clifford ' 105307 tam '46,65 -:61.86
'Gimbel; 1296,81 • 1205,02 27.87 Me
Bandar • • V 14,6 9, 251487 . - 41,75 .13,113
Forest. Lake -1058,69 918,17-1 .10,51-: • 51.41
I ;Franklin ,713.63. 847.74“' 'two 64.917
Friendsville 7 g 0 L8.f., Ma • 410,w
Gibson....:::::':. , '11321,08 , 9069 2 16,g6 55.75
, Hired Bend TosSIS" • 913.91 • Ewe ; '3,93;
I Great Bend Bowe , 507,76 11111,60 , •• :1,65 45,81
•Hatfrifd .... • ' , L0u,98 - -1,491;{ az/. 46, 91 1
Harmony.. 659.68 GY7,22 20, 4 3) • - 81,96
Hertiek;• • =
' 4 5408:_
1507,41 •fl 10,45 . : .15,71 -
Jacky/a., 804,25 4847. ••••42,_,39 ;
yei t ip't .!•• •"• "" 752,18 ,, ',709.41 • - 5,49 , •94, 84;
Litt1e,9.44145m14,7? 115.65 10840. , 1,75 5,75-
-149 .
462,18.• -10.61 ..55,113
' 843,40- ,, .1511.53 82,16 HMO
_5-tautp ; atm :11,10-, 3 80 .4 0
, , &BP • , 689,85 66
issoolo ;tacos sool Azad.'
New lififfordTst•
p: 1198;77 1347,, 64.83 •
N. 11116Sidli3Orcr. '' ', ,'" - ..1180.27 ' , ems ; 14,7 5
51.96 . 45. 65
7008,49 , 932.111-• 14,511 - • 49,0 9
ellier Lake' ' 701,631 81740 - .1,90
finfingtille;;,..c 4 ' • ''956,88.' 877,3 8 - . 7 .34,97
'an s c s , Depot A ' 1542,53 2 403,971.• :28,64
Thomson ~. 407,37 370.37 17.51.:1-19.417
a '..
Total Amounts.- $28,7481161134,81989.4yma5izam:
Adankttata by ceileetotr;.:ll /1 1
...*611161V , 1. LI
Amctint IRMO .= - 7 t ,
itiqq;pcor,vocciitve . l::'.4::. l ,4. , li 1:298a54 -0,-lie so
intim --
Rioa . yii414 : 6(14,. 1 • r!1.0 , .e Kt wig s ;
To tutesoonetionoroviiT4 , 6 0 0 M.
To oncurrenratotteptor:Wll:l<scLves. ItS 001
-.7.oiiertnitata,_.,!te of , 141 . 49°F.CWAY..
at. as per essatOrio,skerrvt. N .! . 7 , 1 ,' • 1 - 1 - :
We eat* the iirepatiss , to be; Seariect 'statement. ti
•;i1 . 4.,1..; &DAVITS WAKELBE.
1 , , , :,2011J30N YRIDIVIT Musty Copls.
Attei it-f 46911 Atc41W14 63 4 0 .* 11 "E ul, l'.1;
.5. 1, !4P
,15 1,T5
,27 1.43
,fib 1.29
.€9 2.1?
To 4. ." bald
. 4 ceepo 1 1 4114/00; 4110 4 0111.114pIrinijakeits..1110 %
:a 90 1 144euteln_. ffeN4PlPtr•-•' o WP*MkftiakagUed-Inr.
WPAHIPAPTIIMIDT•ram. fr-t! , ,, f.flA lc; .7 , t...t $414118
impr, *:a
IllorfOn=trid,togelarrail. i irielo :7 op"
..r sits—. ss 118 ,
c re
lerteato ammdfitteposll46& uti as , eelsk . ,Atec
Littogiamfote Therl 4 .6 KUL WV** .
. aresseraltaleskifnatieas.l)ol 't l 4 4 -. 144 -1
,: - -.lNANOSillniepilpfitpgi:,"7--12 Tiltillif
vi~is: ^pyl ,g
F a
16 7 1. Itf`
TO Conititotawealth,Co4*- '• .• (*Me 50
Road _Viewers • • • •-• of/, 100
PPOSEIVito --- -• • ;;.1. " • ..^4Ol OO
p: Whi p s Conaglltagentr • • 4- •••••/ 43 Ott,
amen Leightbit; ••••' - 101 00
Nelson French, • - • - • 232
S. B. Cogswell, late' do. • - - - • 210
David Waktiee.-Gataltillisl*!.llPPo4l.te - -05 5°
GratittauttititVerseJuriter • • • Law so
Asuitimi • -•-• -• • gsroa ,
Constables . . - • -
S i 69 90
g. Y . 12 urnereprittbonottry and Cie* • • • • 284X4
0, WIC Wage,iste ••• do, • . • .4 • tog
B, Green,•slieflEr andjaller,“ ' ' - • d••• 4•41101 Te
Daeldißutursem sheriff '• • • ' " 00
Printing . • . . • !18 00:
co-Irvin:luso ettillalt, fltel and /ighte- ..,;• •. • „..
Justices or the peace, • e u°
D. Stroll& insurance • - • - ; • in 10
09 11100 erY and postagel' i . 4,, .
Court-house •;-., •• . • • • •- • • -.423,51 •
Jill 8810
Untie &natal .• • .•T. .• ;289'15
S.Croesnanniieenetvelee, . 2:4. • - r ~ ,,st••00.
General and township elettl--as, ...P. • • ,Ul2 59
William A. Vrossmen,..elerjr.,.• • • •• • +.• • 000 - 0 0
~..P O litten/FA ~ r i lri • . 2 ••-
.. 128*22 0
• i ,
Interest 4B4
.Wild • 7'. „.. .;
D: W. dal f0i*,,1161/
L. B. Islit11: town - • - ,- • 10 . 75 ;
Ern g.-. .P,ltii.-Jell-13titit1redielieftr ...lAS'
' • " - 9'50
W. M. l'hlgley; .00. • ,• ,- :, , 50
Mitht'retantlineorilers OI
Treasurer's pereentagi : • • ' • -501
-C () NnW't
sj co l atitY oiltrirt4o 7 A l 4lso.sU,iialliti. $13,634 52
8.7 01_170 ft 1 P0 11 k*Cot75",_ • - 72 07
By amOnot paid coati jakeilitors - • - 15(X
By Treasarer's,percentagn • -, ASSI 91
Statement showing 7 the indebtedness of
Susquehanna County, Dee, S 31, 1863.
For moneys Louise fur jhcpsymentwf Volantastßoan.
ties.. Dwl.year Avlth'lwteresti. excoplulio.. 66 which Is
for 9yelsi 7. • 7 • •
litunhar I 7. 61.080 n 'umberl37. i 184000
.. 7,1.1 Se . 500 so
•"• 4 •400. 0*- ..•tr • Ix) so
• • 126. " •!. oo
" .1.000 ."•
'? 53 7 ••50 00
4 7,.. IS „ 34 . MOO
B • " • 58 • 'WOO
"7740 •• , 7•-,c,15110 " 7 "; rte., 7 900'00
" 11 500 " 59 500 00
7 MI. -7 4007" 00
'7: ." 600 00
"' - IT. ,:7 07 — 773019 '-; -61' 450 00
" 114 •• -. :me ;e • 113 ' 600 00
P .11 ••• ZOO. " • 2.00060
• .43_01 ,;
77 ' 808 00
66 25
50 00 " 08 •• I 7 , 731 9 / 7 00
"..", 23 ; • , ,,77684 DO ri fin „ pm
, g t us so
t. 1 ; 111 41iell tli;a 4 ;l- A 254 67
/5641.41e b t . l i td ilkOr t heiii.774740
• AMOS NI "unglue:.
T'reailurekiri , Oii,rept
1863. wealth of Pennsylvania. }
To aggregate antonntotittata Tazisienriedand
Assessed for Meuse: of the- Conantonweslth: •
• for the year ISM toper statement-IA 'Catnap , •
Commissioners Mod with said Treasurer,
•_:. tIMIM SI
To aggregate• amount of outstanding taxes for
prevlons_yeers. via; .31143,•,1342 and 1820 , -a$
per Lott &editors Report. . .. 340 42
Bre. per cent. allowed'Ocilitiet . or* onstitc . $ BlO - 20
eX. oo erittionit to Coßectop ofloBB. 10/ 26
By anpiaddaplleitiv rot nay, 2813 .'49:100,10..0 42
By limn id TITIMIS2II twittor 18t0/ lidoi 019,009 89
rre . 042 r 0 r701 1 .80,0 $ 6 3 0 24 1 4. arl Per 0f.68
E. ~,•~ 1 t
7ci Azisiit!'p(prD44cittes fOi 186$,
. •
By nsoneiiitiOnstO . O_ollectoil, , , $44 .
By, porta:l4pp tocollectore. 22 74 ..
Ey kunst* I'e4oeincii, I te2s, Inclusive. 54984
By TM*, cont. on toes $620.51 et,2 per 0..12 41 .
'By Wise, com.'Otl ex: 249994 at 1 per et.. 7 03,
By *mount in Trento:my'. band
251 16—566 bo
To balance in Ttessureee „ 12,51 16
Treasurer of . Bugg. County in _eat with
1863. "'Additional Count); Tax." }Dr.
' ed. ' ' • $25148
To team't of tak Teel , 50
To tran er of tknitity of County Commiexion-
era" from W. IL 'Cooper & Co, bankers,, . a ll 67
To No. 60, 1 year, • ' 500 00
To loan No. 59, 1 year, 600 00
To loan laio.'sl. 1 year, - • • - - • 460 00
To loan No. 6 5 .1 year, • ' ' ' • 600 00
To loan No. 65. A.Yenru, • - 1,000 00
To donation from printers to soldiers' families. •• 61 00
To loan No. 'll, 1 year, - 500 00
To loan No. 79, 1 year; : ' 7 500 00
To loan No. 74, 1 year, • • ' • 100 00
To loan No. 755 1 year, . •a ; , ' ,t , 100 00
11131,161 47
- .
. .
By Were re'qleetned itiOnti to eltlinciniire, .$94362 30
By exoneration' to collectors, & 179 16
By percentage" to eolltctdri,• , I • r 1,791196
By Treas. corn. on $29.781 85. reels et U. per et. 148111
By Treas. corn 4 sin 186,84.811, at,li per ct. 146 51
By balance Itinensittnes hihda,r 4,154 57
To bitance brought down,
Statt4l . lentOfStiiritlen uCc't artstitl Dr
.Toqueigeotin ineliu 4 rtelitai pee -- Wit. •• I
of the Fleskp,LP ti9a0..,0t • 4 S IPONIs i • $ 2ll 'I
1863 s : 1.
Ryon 71 paid.Trealmzer andsharged hi his set =eta
Byo Rreeut attained for collecting., - 4 e
131 i -aWs Ofilee..7dantrose..Dee. Cl, MI/ • .---
• -,8. V. GREBNo fihaiff -—• . f ' : $291 00
. . . ..
, ,
Treas'r of Susq. County iustopount Current
t 863. . with Gala Cohnty., D r.
4'o met tuTrau. hands portant and. report, 4,121 * 6
_To amount of Doi lams Ibr• 14857
Toot% reeabf E.V,Gteamtftlfselles 1111' 58
To amount metre, from lemma" land.; 26 16
-yotim't nett of Corstoonareattlf‘a; D; Rotban.
To Wince/ 42'121111W, relief Lbroi. ' '
Wawa:stied lan6 tan ON. C. mOrtbarOf 1101,14,:_ VI • 86
721441t10nal county taxa; • • ^ IN
To taus assessed premium, to general eleetkik,t•:l lll9
ire net rled ojitainfaonuhtsltirin. mt. Haley, 20 40
i•To balsam Ittitonumnrfoutaa.l249l2l44l' 1 ' ••••-%-4.;•;•
- • • :-,-28A21244
By sdi;thd paid 0011113 y Auditors.
By exocaratiogusio CoUgetorik-184, g; , r , •,. ~ 7 1!!!. 20; 114
Br pernAsit*C 6llo 4opl4Bo4,-. : -,•_. :::„,-01, , 65714 i
YPClo l 79rdersre4amed.Tra An Mily,e43l 42
Ity eaminiksioneorireets:sl2o7*o3Atsperet. ; Oil
10 fakir. -139 .21 , .9 0 4114 4 04P :.:49.11,: T:0169
upeozensAutnie7t, .• r. , '.--,; 9. e 4 I • ISO
YOlcinqin Agatigijil 0404 11 ;;T:; . !,':,1, - 10 1,4,60,89
. , v
Y 4 ~ 1-A"?' '4 Li iz 5. it -, . il luawtoi4
1863. FoifiltZ4VeTuirTfx.
7 itiVimirE . taa - fdtiw nd u ow ;-----
.„o.t Ils,:s. : '.., . :.- •
.. ... , .._ .. .
ig. 0 d - *at al. "
j et tir lajt io xfb a
40,11P10$10144darcgo}trdry'll, r d .
, o ,
am proceeded toss it the_accotuipiot.the hft
ortvilaTthierda cdtainvouza3t. any ithigeb indoi me
gni thorn, OPialOnt4 lioe Pufect4ccarect and ARO.
mlfsble ap a f yannatio cuter: No uld In the baziegi cle •
aumr,Nichebi:Trinumtert *Mammy lands, -,g,s,epn gni
Of Additional Ctuxityla; fonds, ,
.. , 064 a
•Of State Tax Itltfda.' -` - g., , ' '" '' • • ' 6,806:89
;Of SpatlatTasfnitl..': 11 : : 7 . . ',i . . 1.313'034
Of Dcrif Tax fand, 7 $ • 251,18
Of Military Fines,; ," • • ."- r ,. ' .' • : : 1 ' :-.' -ISE.O
, v ' r , •
.. • W..X. Trrigil.rf. t. &I d iot :.
V. C. STEwART. r
' ,Mtitcces deice, No:gnaw van..9,•ttsta, • . • : ‘
.1 :., ;
. ...
- - - - CourtstfAppegt.l
tipot ! '
SU following days stul dateattispectirtlyfpr.hearlae
AD .Sis (A in tbeAsseestaKats for theparlfr.4 at the
Ca=lietcniare Omen ire mOntrosti,lti anti*
llaccr aMiocat tut d eet P r6 31.
Little Yows.sad diddlean, Vaeaday.eb.23d,lo6 4. Frauklia. Liberty, Silver Lake Auburn, Jeilap Sad
Wednesday, eeb.Attb...
Illatock Lititrup.Apriarillth break Bend &Barone!,
freitztubie alsorougtgl'utiridity,l Feb. 215
in P r i f * A ir "' g191°31
Y. e , b. •
rvintralielßridgewaterandlirOikl,psr., Sat. einkitb.
Clifford. Dander. Lr i taq., Gibasu, Barford, !derrick,,
MandaY, reb.`29tti. • ' "
Ity anima the Rizakadssioners. . • , '
A. CR6S§M . ON.
Conunisilon' bre Oftlein-Moktrbse,'J'm 20, 1004.
tow se
1E263.0.11t0r5'. - Notice... .
T Ifrrki Testamentai is the, Estate of Tboinu
ij Onyton, deceased,- late Silver-Lake township,
turd% "Orwittita,ttt. the iludirollthOt all lierrniitn•
debt to sal estate are nes tedmi to make immediate.
patent, thole havlngidemindsereinst the gamete
press:mil them; ttiK#LN, .
• Matta* Envy, Eteentore.
inter LakeeDee.l7. o lBla 4 =6o ;
its t ssa $0
Executor's Notice.
A LL persons Indebted lh the Estate of BERRY
,Clk, wilitimAri;r4e OS:MI.44rd lownshlo,deedire
hereby. notified to make' Immediate payment, and'al I per
!Outshining clifitaa adalrst odd:estate villlpresent there
W 41P 463"4P1e4 ift7 E I ZT. IO T'AiiIEI6I - : ' Execitar.'
NeteMlfferil;Jindik 1 26 4 : ' : '
, .
.' • ,
"' 9.. 1•71131 W ntilrilill.lri IC°2l..jE3' Lan
.... • . .
.- ~i , ---, 1 ...,A • -,, ~, NTION.. • It. • • . \l---- • --.... '
' LL A' ,
f ., ...,,. 1 : 11' , 1g r , iiiyi ,-, --1: , ,`!•• ;'.) ir . " ' ' •
. . ,
. ; t - • r , i
" is '
ttlidg lP4- ittiatii2o' '
'.._:. 1..t.., , _1. - • _ minEtic•ssimii. , ": o4l6.. ,: •
- ~...„....,7,4,, m- ,„...;., - , _ •
-:„.,.,.!„.. , ,.-0,,,,,„_-,. ~, ~. ~:: ,---.„ .., I ":,, "I:tr , t•,•.•'- .:',:-. . • - •
- Have co uCe*TiiiiSiesmined from ibis date' to der NO 'MORE CREDIT
BUSINESS .4_, _ pother state that tltifitft) veridetirottadiscitlingaiwith their old friend, and customers.
We would asPrlsellWm to come ferward andpay up their old accounte. either with cash ur settle by note. Cas k
we have to Pallor Everything we %An and, we mast have if Wesel! any Goode herea ft er. We feel It ry del
lento aboutthittatiaLthis races perhaps - Aguy customers %dears will rail touched about being refuted a credit. ;
but nsvg , thelasetiteAtelligent cutSeeat once that the times have changed and with it the butinets. Theratoie
we won.Maidefoneold;caittniersatreSmdattgencral to malty due allowance for the above dated reasons.
. . .
, •
, - ;:. .,:tr- s L• ',' N,.. ', -.-:::-' ',. .. •• .., '• ' • .
• .
• r
:- : •'; '! - ' •-• '• , .." : ..P,..•':-:;''.2".:. ' • - 1 , • .
~ •
• - • , ...
wealwail*iit'eiilimitio deafre to. iii y GOODS CHEAI .FOR CASH tO ea! and
exatnikelinticti car Buick:am& is templet* ih all particulars. and we trill sati,fy any namable perms that
tali, ~ --•pfer..tioutessz, Wes 411Sereatthing• from a credit. '. ' , I •
,• , .I - , I .1 t e - . • . . , •
.. .
Those who iii.e.,lndeliied : isi':iiii, ' andihnve so many excess far notpnving, we would
advise to bring Grain. attter,tarii. Dried Apples. Geese Feathers. Beeswax. Wool StockiniTarn, or Sock) ; and
we will allmthem the cash price tot.piem,atelplage the 'mown to their credit.
, . .., . •
2: -- - „.,--GUrrEtslß E R o,', ROS EN.BAU M & CO.:
moltaltoSE,V.a., Jiiii. Alth, Iflcri. -i
- '
...., .
87.146 01
. . ,
• • BAG-IC
alliZattileralptedllCENSlMAGlllCT 1:11i TIM oov.
BUNKE:NT Wlll give prompt attention-to all
claims entrusted to his care. charges low. and Infor
mation, 0/117111IS. VITCII.
Montrose, Jan. 14; 1864. ' etal
Aud, Pat!
Wundentgned ,Lunatszn Juitrre to. riti Govr.nn•
M?, aW gi veil:Om:apt attnnti onto ell claims Intros.
ted to his care. 'No dharge =lest sueeessfe.
Montrose, Aug. 20,'63. J, 11. McCOLLUM.
at,Bol 47
$4.154 57
Aim e e, 1863.,
..? . .. DEA LE R9 .
w4tah:AkkioATlm4kll4:o.l9‘ Seed ,
P Lard ,, Candles,:
PORE', aims, DIU= BEEF,
Sgrups, ItUlasses, and Sugars,
cogllßß, Oafs
310atrittred441 4 1.ilikii (15'7
- ..
,p, 1
01: 7 . 4 INERsop.mul
ritm ,..,,..„,1.,. .. 1-, 1 .:' ..-. ,- ~.
derstrn i a t /te itiouttvar Ottliollrin of RAY
ewry lijr(clitil dr y. cutget i ro Co.
i,_ tvailarmaild swim 01. ....311 ir.
nurf:l4#*trausitcticp.o3l, , the;Jokbing.. radn in
a fmomnt, Vacant, le l : . gz goo-d t i, 4 c .
rei. ' Ns MAYDEN.'
e itrg l '` l4l,gia''VgLi4 -,... , .- 44YD12 1 .
illi, ~,,, rxtl''''- ',lc-$.4- , Vii ~- _a.., , - ~,, ,p( ..,;. , , i
'iti f fl ° AI ileViityreWoa l 4 l4 '
- filly_ ef
il a . ORO hritticiftitt _e9Dlpple
B Ile t err York JobbillglirieelL -`• • :"..
f l iti
" • Wllrmirtoenjolrotir en - pawn: --:-- --;•--
I rillW 4 / 4 1 Stti 186t w**41 "" D F
YAW f • '. -' ', '
,E.” .k,rt, : ,:f, ,bic./ 41.4.8)1PAIRV.01111"..:1 2.7 ::%; Li. N
Vieli d e4
'` '' 1} ,7 00 ,4 110 „ tittiort ,
~,,. ....,.. ~..... ~...... A , .Ce. ....1.,
. ,
141- Oro
" f rOl i nfro7Fo3llo
• *BM Ulla=
irrai teeendrigicehlsdi.:inst - eimmur
11 01 1 4Plilig. 4t •• ; • ••• • . •
• 0 •• 1 - .
cs•• •
ti stn iiispeetiva departmenttot tads fa tette% .s is
agitation. Saibrael tur everything. wiqk few ex,eeptioas.—,
lie tenders his atneete thanks to Tboso Who ban do*
ed Wei with tints pateri s ase, and hopes to wait, atm. ,
Llunalice of their favor*. The public aro respecting). in
vited to call at his !Store, and examine qualities lailpri;
eat of ids goods. , •••• - I' • • • -
?gnat's°, Nov. 5. 18511. : • ' •
Light 'Blue.
French Blue.
Mitt Broom.
Dark Brown:
Llybt, Browo r ;
Snug Brown.
Crook% . t
Dark Drob
_Light Dra b. •
Light Oreen;
For Coyelng,B4,, Goods,. lllMpt.
Scarfs, Dresses, ... _,,donnets, Bats. •
, Feathers; Kid Glovci. Children's. Clothing; , •
• . and all kindoot, 'Wearing Apparel, u; „
pr-A. iseiirixis or so poii,44.
Vor SS cents you can color as mesh god& as *oat
otherwise coati's(' 'dines that sum: Valloss shades as*
1?o produced from the UM* Dye. The promo is simple
and any, one can use the Dye with peribit'auccess.
, Directions Engilth:Mtnch rind Gerstaste; gilds of
each package. . .
'Yew further Information in Dying:and gisltigs *rani
knostledgewhal colors are heat adapted to dye overptia•
era. (with puny valuable recipe's.) purchase Howe
Stophens' Treatile on Dyeing and' Coloring. Sea& b
mall on.rtMelpt of price--l 0 cents. _
Manufamured by DOWE a STEPHENS: ' '
-284 Dreedwity. Bestow.
For aide hyDramitsts And Dealers genersily.
Oct. 8, Ism. Cm
• ..6.242m.F0u
Thompson's "Black Star" Lino of
Liverpool Packets.
inkrasom Wishingto send for their friends lathe eta
Unshorn the sucountry, canbscr ibe purchase passage tickets by the above
Mao, Drafts on Ireland for sale to tame to salt.
& ""111231"6.
,:Over: the rost-Ofilee
cosa.trOssib. Wks.
813110 duly authorized to, prepare , the steeesaaei Pep
pers for all applications los Soldiere, and the will
ovrif parents', heirs and children oldeceased boldleis e ter
Bottity, Back-Nti , & Pensicins,
Iwm iittend to that, Dueness tos the sum cit. • '
ae i rlar C. , 414 COXSZJAMLEIItI P'
for each cleim-4111$ to cover all expenses, inch:idles
Jtittites• fees, Clerk's Certificates, and Postage. •
This Is about. one.third the sum esuallY c4nris*,bor
the blisiness. ' ," '
All persons interested Bill please take notice and gee.
ern themselves accordingly.
It OM= FRASER, •• - •
• Attorriby ond 'Counsellor at Law, and Miss _
Montrose, Oct. 2 2: 1863 - t - • •
. .
AttonSoya and Counsellors at Law...
OFFICE 'ovin Feirains' thatro Bros*,
COLLECTIONO , and MMMANcSilreet d Pillead••
linden business intrusted to them &wen ed with
~ . -
=Miry ulaimi for-Pensions, Ikninties, Back Pn,
km.; will be carefolly preparidend attended to, as We
All claims for exemption from Draft• The =elle; le*
*mono the causes fbr
itieon n
1. Being- one of the sons of 'lived or infirm parents
Wharothereave mosillhan one'. _
2, The father of e motherless eeliour children leader
1 13 are ofam dependant upon tom for support. •
s. The o ut sett of a widow of aged orlitirto moats
dependant upon him for support.
4.- kmetobtsp of al family, two itianbeis' of which Ito
nbeedy In the service. • ' !
-8; Of physicaldisability; or an ailed. 4
' s. Alt claims hit an election of own from two Of MOO
sonsxmrr be made amrontspo draft. -
. B.
•• . Montrose. ha:' • • deit9 .Berakton,
ISSO Uti . ,
IVOTICII" is hereby giveiv That ..Coiattietoblp
i t erti,ofor,4 oxistfutbetosoeu tbii raboalben tiptier
ttitifirm' Of Hayden AliTstddy'dliinolved tly
mutual coinent. WM.
' ItAirbEk.
:t) J - ; • GZO:
Atirnittiii col t)itaii Istereided; all .itau
copotktzeotkposcito hatiflliwqf tlio Sheriff or . 1 Jus
tice.: wlO be lesuld :St o,e old stand of Ihydon
, ere ; gATDEN, BROTHER&
• 44* 40 4 .1 gi 1? i . . 7,
& 1 0i . Exectetorsklirotiee
ri.:_tittattreitto the, gptilet;otArtbitsw
• GAIWN._ idece3llol. - lateet Iteib
iti t iestede to makelmmediatcpaynet t,;4434. Woo
40. 1 144 111, filgOi l al l g e4 ° V 1 .' 84 4 1 94,41. •
t 1; li r t . r. , .. 1',11.% 511011AELNe.VANTlif ,1 4 ' 1*
::„430, 1 0 1 1 3 .:1113/,$ (1 .4. r
.___ .. .
15FALLIAN.D"-Wilrgitiw' I PAPER
, :.4iiiii.ito - 0ki.„:4..,'--1 , , , i4.. ormativio, ....
~., ~,, .., 2 .- ? - : ::-. .i:;- 4 ,...:"A;.....;,,,..;.. -,..i,,, 41,..,.;,,,,,.;.,,...z.,;,-„.