The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 18, 1864, Image 2

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A. 3 GERWSON, Editor.
DExtootam-Cwry narttone,—.At a meek
• ink of the National Democratic) Com.
rnittee,, held in: New York Jan. "12th it
waS taaninfeasly veteir that the nett
Natinipa.aflutgra-tie C.Ctßve.ntiont,
-perpese - ornominating candidites icor the
Pmidency and-Vine Preiiidency .of the
Unite States, be held at /ChiCago, Illinois
BY vple, of are Conitnittee, at 'a meet
ing, bait 'Sgiitenther' 7, - 11344 t n u tuber
ordelegates,Tor each- State' 'wati fixed at
the nnrabWOl its - electoral votes:'
Attusi. BEtmovr; chairman. •
' )4 rAi:Tarifct, Secretary.
011:9;:i4ohltiOn of theat.e Committee
which-bali been hiretofore 'published, the
Daineeratio State Convention' will meet •
in thiridelptia the 24th day of Morel
neKto elect delegates to' . the' Chidago
COnvention, and nominate an 'Electoral
We publish, for.a meeting
of our Connty,Coltpittee,forAhe election
of Deleiti4=4enatotial 'on.elieriiesen
taqvo77n attendilie State Cotre,entior4,
98N.,31cCLEwoes-RErosx.-7.But few.
of those who will be anxious to possess
a copy}' of 'Major-General
RelsOrt of his connection With' the Army
orthePotomac, will lieable tit. get one of :
theNery limited edition allowedio be pub-,
lished 14. • Congress; .and ,the host?
of - the friends of the Army, and its'
poiular general
. will be Pleased 'to learn
thlitAe Work is NOW in Pre*, ;and -will
soon be isued by Sheldon Company,
Publishers t 335 • Broadway, New. York. . 1
Their copy will also, contain=
Jac:tory ch - apter,lf the Gpiler, on the*
cam paignin Western ; It . will
be illustrated with maps, &c., and be far
snperior to the government edition.
•.-- Q 'The purity - of' the Adrninistration
.- " •
- gets an occasional airing froin,smne of its
• sycophants. It t was stated I,ately r hyJno..,
P. Hale, the noted abolition - Senator•from
New Hampshire, in his place:in - the Senate,
that from official docinrierits that bad
under his notice, advertised articles ,in
the Navy Depaatment„ had been offered
• at One Htindred to One: Thousand 'per
cent: above the market price. - 'He added:
"-For instance, an article costing , twelve
dollars, has been furnished at one hund
railicabw.•+ Th.:. I halro Seen in
' fficial statements." . .
}lr. Wilson-,-Did the government take
it ,#t that price II -
Xr. , Hale—The dorernment ! took it. at
a contract price of $l5O, when the market
price was bat $12.. I will mention another
article that I have ? seen in the .same. list:
Cotton waste, the market price of which
was twenty-nine-cents, has been furnished
by contract, on advertised proposals at
eighty cents. Things of that sort I have
&Nu from tike official records of the De
, .
Mourbead,- Abolition Member
of Congress from Allegheny, presented a
memorial to Cptifires;,_ recently, Signed
by regiment asSisstatit assessors of in
ternal revenue, asiiing an increase of pay.
Bar . little labor these men nowget three
dant% a day. They Vete appointed for
extiSrap Prdfessions of - InTalty, and if the
business don't par, let l em'think and get
$3OO bounty in the'war-that is to' gloss
in ;" siXty days," with -no - more fighting.
They - will thus get 'five dollars a'Alay, and:
the salary, - besides food and raiment, witir
a pension extra itsonietbing tappeits.
aoldieri'cair afford to fight afsl3,a irtonth,
these gents canget,alkmg at 093 . ; sl4 .L if
not, they can do what
. a soldier cannot,--
- resign' and go towo6. 'Yes r letAhem all
resign and pdi snit ibeiepldies be filled b'
morideserving men—by_ woitaded or in.
valid, soldiers,' ulio need, but vainlyseek:
as 4 O IOOcT employment. A 6 thi, ,;
majorityhave:thne far, meanly voted' down
air propositions - forrineteasing the soldiers
pay, theylillrEirdly dari3.gratify the ws
sessors, but 44:Sh:41`,Oee;
Ia"li Treason?
The Boatiin'rierq, lh r eligowing
anecdotes, throws some Itiqd
,Itght, upon
the blikagtaiiied • intrigue' •;i to' • wlich .
M'-Plelti(n!s meta'iand: r the - nstism's cause
were sacrificed;: - - s• r
- .. •
" We do„Oiit bebfte it paisible taiadd
toAke works f94.,3l'Clellimi but we
tl)2oik 'menrcla"..coliversatjoU
reierta to the beat . : orauthOn4,
more44#l.] year"ago, iia: having _:then
recently oceurred,,betweeU,a leadipg pOlitt
elan of a New_Mpaland ,Mid the
seet,ary. AV: r e Said • the ,Sep,Mtary-1
a64refigan Sitting ;too • krilcir, toe
Tim will haye,
**Mai ''Ory them or he will get
is ,Rielppails!;FßAlgilified , bis i4erloeuter.
" Oh 4 0 '-.15 4 0 . 0 A - 1 4 -: men
enough; Ord. •rit.
any more 1 19 utiokner rt - the
5pF105yy..640R,.,3174. n :._Nrke be
shorttt •fittiripo:attoargtoo
the WO IltitAllp 019u*t,:0940 1 tiofori
is &lag bilt;" .folaeri*e the
The 0 94PriPti*Bilic. •
Thinr6ite di to the
el- op .atnen m s
, Poustript Piditt:list,'.Oftwhicfi
the appended okiCial, 8016144;
Thp bill, vis•llassed i f ptoVitieei thakthe
I..totapf ward (Wacky, town; town,
ip, Firftitict or - election Idistrict,-or of a
: 1 county where the saine t 'ia - divited into
wards, towns, townslaps, - 'precincts - "or
election.,districts, shall bets nearly as pos
'Bible in proportion to the number of men
resident therein subject, to draft, takifig,
' into acconnt tafar as - pritotieftble thuntlta-_
ber whichho,been previously.furnished
therefrom; and in ascertaining
. and filing
, said, qtiota there - shalt
.14 taken into
count thOdutiber'of meat: who hare hers
lofora entered' the naitirsWiCe:of the
trilled • State's, and WhOie names ^are '
borne uptim the'efirollment lists as already
returned to' the Office: of the Provoat'Mar
shot General 'of - the 'Unita Statea. Any
person enrolled under theltrevisions of
the enrollment act, who ma y b hereaf
ter `enrolled, may furnish - at - Any:lints
previous to the draft;
. an ac'eepted'snbki:,
tub who 'tiot liUtle to - 646, nor at the
time hi `Ake military or naval' Servirce of
1-the United s' Ptateal:and person so
1 furnishifik'a '', ; substitute ' shall be yetenint •
from draft dfiriti'g^tbe time for which such
substitute shall,be exempt ' from d raft, not
hciiraigr y q 'elOidinks'the time - for'iihieh'
snob subAitttte shall -haielietii' acoepted: '
But no PriVita Seidler; 'Maga* • or non-,
corlimiasioned elficer, 'being' actually in'
the military Servide`of the . 'United 'States;
shall be - procured ,
accepted 11S' a substi
tute: • , •
The; boards` of. enrollment are 'to enroll
'alljiersons 'to - draft under tiiii - Pre- -
vikons 'of this act; and of 'the enrollment
act, whose names may have been ; omitted
by the propefeniollingoincer ; all persons
who shall arrive at the 'age of twenty
years beforerthe draft ; bli aliens who shall'
'deelare their intention to - become citizens;
all: persons disci:4:44d from the military
or 'natal service ofthe United States wile?
'have not been in; such service two years
daring 'the' present= war, and all persons
who hive •beat exempted - under the pro
visions of the second
-section of the act to
which ibis act is a supPleinenti' but who
are not exempt by' the; pyovisions of -this:
act; and the -boards of lenrollment shall
releago and discharge from the draft till
persons who, between the time of the en
rollment and the draft, Shall have arrived
at the age -of forty:five years, and' shall
strike the names of such persons from the
enrollment.s-: • ; 4
- -Any-person - drafted - into-the 'military
service o 1 the -United States May, before
the time fixed for !his apirearancefoi- duty
ar thellraftrrendisvotio r turniclum.acCeD t
tablesiihstkute, subject to such rules and
regulations as may be prescribe& by . the
Secretary of - War. -- If such substitute il
not• liable to draft, the lierson furnishing
him shall be exempt, from draft' - during
the time - for which •said substitute is not
liable te ciraft,not , exceeding the tittle for
which he was . drafted ; land if such snbsti;
_tote is liable to draft; the name of the per
son furnishing himlidiall be liable to draft
in , filling future quotas. And if any draft
Ilia -person shall 'hereafter pay- money for
the procuration 'of a substitute under - the
prcivisions of the act to which this is an
amendment such payment of money shall
operate n to relieve such person from
draft d ' the time for which such per
soil was drafted, unless the names placed
1 in the box be sooner - exhausted, in which
case . the name -shall be' returned to the
I wheel.: : .. .-
Members of religions denominations
who shall - by oath .or affirmation 'declare
that they are conscientiously- opposed to
the bearing(of arms,; and who are prohibi
ted from doing-so by the. rules and arti
cles of faith and practice of said religions
denomination; , i shall, when drafted • into
the military service, be coniidered non-
Combatants, and shall be assigned to the
Secretary of-:War for duty m the hospi
tals, or to the care of freedmen,' 9r-shall'
pay the sum of three hundred dollars to
such person as the Secretary of War shall
designate to receive it, to be applied :to
the benefit of sick-and . Wounded soldiers ;
provided -thatno person shall be entitled
to the beriefitaf the provision. of this sec
tion, unless his declaration of conscien
tious scruples against bearing-arms shall
be supported-by satisfatiory evidence that
his deportinent has been' riniforirily Consis
tent - with:stich , declaratiOn:. ;• •
Aar mariner or able seaman , w ho shall
be draftedshallbavathe- right, 'within 8
dayi:afferthe notification of such draft l to
Serike ealeernam--
No pilot; engifieer, mester,.er any acting
master; acting ensign, ,iot: acting masters'
mate; 'having an appoinirdent such; and
beint ac,ttiallyin', the ; service,.: shall
be - subjectte military draft. while holding
suchappoititinent. The folleiving persons
are exempted and - excepted from enroll:
merit - 2324 draft, riamely 7 -suell as are: re;
jectedasphysicelly or mentally unfit for
Service pallpersons - aatually in the milita
ry .kor naval-lierviee Of 'the 'United Stafes
at thetimerifAhe draft, and•iall . persons
who have servedin the military or
service two years dnring-the present war
and beittledirragydiaabarged:therefrOm;
and no persons btit - such as, are herein.. ex
ceptek shall biiettipt: • %,• '
Theltto - Olases betetefore iiioiridelf
enroltment ale consolidated n, all eiSeff
where colored' persons:have ikee bele&
fore trilittied is tlfWmilitatYleridie Of the
United Stales; MU the':po m ions bf
Set; so far "as the jitiiritetiret- Went? - -i313
Orefetiedtke:are prof idea; *lll be esti*
,Weltilatelhese Wholtiat
beirettafte iteettited.t,
' " ••••416"11
t= - efttai 'pett , "tbieves' Who haVetitoD
eii4nitall4nbile.froinAlie,tOreptife n t ve
*en so prmen.ted 1),y.• their iknitidielkei
tut-td ?Wilt Ben:4er `tb
• di r #fpf:thOlte
B* \44¥6
reNtitigio, •.‘
- .
11 1 111 -33011-
' - W4114 ' 1:1:11
!.- 4
Feb.. 10-4 Every additional i iteet, oc
neyokrecett c confirms the Utter Astir
dity 'iif . f.the recent nmemerats in Virginiu
The Whole thing seems to have been ple&
led eV - Washington, at the , stiggestion of
Gen. Butler._._Vhat officer, sent on Sun-
day last an expedition from Yerlitown to
-Richmond with the intentinit of capturing
the city and releasing the Federal prison
ers', The - troops &wink Satiirday;
SUnday marched forty miles, from 'York
,town -to - the- Chickahorniey, -Three- of
the infantry.regiments were emn posed of .
At half past: two, on SimTht, afteriobn,
the.Oarairy advance reached it ford across
, the'thickahomiuy at aplacel -called 'Boy;
'tom's' Bridge: Before atoGh3llari 's opera
-tionsin-i862, there who d bridge at that
point, but it urea destroyed then and has,
-not; -sinhe'. 'been , vebtiil6 Y The cavalry
advance found - that the confederates 'had'
timely warning of thettidttime. The'ford
:Wits obstructed; by: felled. chillier; and , the
'troops could notigetternes; to they had
, tolturn• , aroritid end ' ninrch! , hack ag ain,
reaching:WilliamsbUrg 'dn Monday. , -Oti"
their mum the enemy attdeked the rear; ,
but nothing was:arComplislred.
.Tcrenable Ged.'lliittor to go - upon this
wild goose chase, the Army oldie P,ato
maii,waisenvon'filiturdaY last'. across the -
Rapidter. - -.The Federal loss in skilled , and
• wounded. id estimated at two hundred and
fifty. • Thetroope are now back-in, their
old bivonacks r , and: the : ' , ritevement has
effectually dissiPated - some ideqa , prevalent
lately, that the- enemy are . starving and
thattheir troops 'are disheartened and
demcitalized. rho Tribune thus plainly
states- the fact. " The- rekel armies
embrace , to-day more' meri 'than at any
moment:since the. commencement of the
war. Unless the Federal armies are
strongly reinforced' before 'next spring,
the military authorities here believe that
mueli of the advantages eve' have gained
within the last , twelve months must
inevitably, be lost by the , evacuation of
territory which we will not have sufficient
troops to garrison."
The , campaign against Newbern, in
North Carolina, is e nded,` the Confeder
ateehaving failed to capture the , town.—
They • hve , withdrawn Wand -' report that
the fortifications , Were too strong to be
taken, .without great loss, which , they did
not !wish to risk. ATederal reconnoissance
sent after them coptured twenty.eigbt
men and•thiry horses. , •
The guerrillas in. the .
Hardy County vat
.ley;;OrVir 'llia Made -tl3eir appearance on
th&Balti ' Ore fand"Othei ,Riultfoid;:a few
milee'lieS 'ofilitrper'aiVerri; 'oa TbiartK
.day 'nig, t. ' They, cappired' ,a 6111.i:dd .
train and — VW over thin rnontattrt
dollars and some - jewelerfrotrr the passen;.
gets as a ransom. They made no prison
en3, and without doing any injiary safely
decamped with 'their • booty.' Several
members of 'the MaryTanc! - Legislature
were among the passengers.
There N a 'report from the Army Ofile
Potomac that an - a Richmond paper rit
Thursday lase which was bronghti int - O
caul), there was an 'aCeonut of the escape
of onebtindred aridlaine 'Federal officers
from Libby lrisort; 'They dug a tuanel
uadertlie-itreet afid4l.aised' out thiough'
if: But •four' had been retaken. Neal
Dow, the paper states, was not one of the,
F ronf. , ,
i . a
Charleiton .there s intelligence
of 'a slOii ' cantimaanCe of the bombard
me.4 upon the city, Dahlgren took two
iron-clads to Florida, and now but three
remain ,in the harbor. A British ship-of
war was off Charleston on February 5,
and asked permission of the blockadersio
communicate with ''the British
Savannah.'Permission was refused, and
sho sailed away.
,The Confederate steam frigate Alabama
has recently been playing some pranks
which are quite romantic. , ,In the Straits
of Sunda, more than two months ago she
captured some Amerit.a9 vessels, and the
Federal gunboatNanderbilt, always on
the 199k•out, caught eightof her and gave
chase. At , nightfall 'the ,Alabama- :was
about twenty miles ahead, and as soon as
it, was dark enough, Captain Semmes un
shipped his smoke•stack,„ which sinks
liptVti into the, hold iike a telescope, so. as
to be out of sight,,put out his fires, and
set his sails, converting. the 'Alabama into
a sailing vessel. .12Ie then pat about and .
stood in the direction of the Vanderbilt.
At.4aybread the Federal, gunboat cam
_steaming along, and hailing the vessel,
asked if a large steamer had been seen ,
standing to ' , the northmtrd. • "Oh yes,''
answered, Semmes, "she was going ahead
full speed,and mast, be ,a,bundred miles
avfq by this TheYandertilt put!
on all steam and 'bunied after • thomyth,
widist the alabatna qyietly_eisiled in the.
oppaaite direction., That 0 14- Vanderbilt
has not found the wanderer is evident, for
on January loth,ahe: came- into New
Yorkharbor withoutany prize. -
'lDisLin n p.i,werr."--In General
MCC!ellen'. report is a letter from him to
H. M. Stanton, Secretary ' of. War, .under
dateof.,Junn 2 811882 c In "the report.
on the conduct of the war"(Pait.4 folio
339)is the same letter with a slight veria
don: In Gen. MCClellan's report the two
last sentences of this - letter , are: " Ifl
sail) this" army 7 , - now; (tell` yon .plainly
thief li:44llkm thimks to,you, of to any ;
other perrienin'Witshingtiny.• You hail
done Your I best tiviidneeil :this ' army. In "the •tepert oathcondaet cif the war,"
the pharge , afflinit'Stantion ( s omitted..
etbOttfieglr: lieihMo4 it . Pteper i l t t e likentin the
i k # o n o heM e , biitOi
th,ctv,,O T e s i n itte e to
iihlOwOr 1 itEl'o 4
pirt44l.lpiriduCt committee 114
tritth of, their
superioiDendi "80/1M
at this office, at moderate prices.
OCrtnitsti. tri.A;x"
• •
DOM *IC Ponnithtee! • fun&
.211; Comity . , CoMinitteel
iiiitineeti 'at the eyetonallotel,iti'Mont-!,
- rose,
,on• Satur s leb27th, 1884, at 1'
o'clock in the afternoon, : to select!, Dele-;
os' to the, De - miler* 'State Conven
tion, whiehlissenibles at:Philadelphia on
the 24th of March, neat, and to consider
such other business as may be presented.
A full - attendance is desired.
W. KAIATCII, Chairman.
Hereunder are the names of the, mem
bers'of the Committee - : - -
District.' Name. P. 0. Address.
Apo'scow': Michtel Nolan, ,Priendsville.
Aubttra-: E.. 1. Mowry, Sterlingville..
Ararat : Q. L. Carpenter,
Bridgewater :0. &Beebe, Montrose.
Brooklyn &J. Ring; •
Clifford : John, Bolton,
Chce'onntl. Jacob Kimble.
Ditnock : M. Wallace:
MITI a afT: IL S. Phiimey.,
Friendsirille Thomas G. Flynn.
Franklin Smith, Upsonville.
Forist Lake : "J:l3radilhatr, Birobardville.
Gibson: •• - • ."
Groat Bendi S. V. Mapes.
Great ,Bend boro: N. S. Griggs.
Herrick :J. M. Myers, Herrick Centre.
Harmony :J. W. Austin, Lanesboro.
Harford :4i P. Tingley. •
Jessup: Jacob Basements, Fairdale.
Jackson : Anson Ellsworth.
Little Meadows:• 'Le wis• Dowd . '
Lenox t-HumphreyMarey, liarford.
Lathrop: E. S. Brciwn.
Liberty . : S. Whited, Brookdale.
Middletown : S. Tngccurt i ineksonfialley.
Montrose : Wm. K. liateti.,
Nvff•Milford Wiliam Matthews.
New Milford' ben.° H. GarrPtt.
Oakland :J. M.l4llman, Susq'a Depot.
Rush.:' James Logan:
Silver Lalce, Joseph. Ward.
Springville : I. B. Lathrop. • •
Slug's Depot : A. W. Rowley.
Thomson: Mallory Spencer.
'Where. no post•office is named, it is the
same as the name of the district.
Ovoid Presintitior, tr.c.
th‘inpmbiripf Co, .D, 50th P. 7ir, V„
who; arOmine on furlOugh i ,
arrangements to piesent a suitable tnlien
to their highly esteemed Cap, choie Pri;
day , evening last for the occasion. trpOn
their invitation a large number of guests,
comprising soldiers, old soldiers, citizens,
and ladies—union-lovingnnd . lovely, con
gregated atih n . KuvszMsp.,,,, eager.,todo
honor_, to Abe' 4,allthit- 'braves . and - ,their
Esti.,'Was Chosen
toPiesailheisword, -which..4lAy, he per
fOhniA-pieceded by an appropriate speech
to which Capt: Dimock responded, saying
ke'aceepted the favor with more , pride
from the tact that though for . Some time
separated from the company; lie found on
their recent reunion, that the 'men were
still warmly attached to him ; and paid
them .the tribuie of having shown them
selVei Tuff': MEN AND BRAVA got:mins,
and predicted 'that on , their final, return
home, they , would come with characters
as inatitht anduntaidiShed - as the beautiful
emblem just received from them. very
cordial feeling seems to exist, between the .
officers and men of the company—may it
ever continue.
The, presentation over, supper and a
military hop, were the orders of the day.
The-bountiful and superb rations prepared
by our Quarter-master Gen. Hatch, was
charged upon and taken by as large a di
vision as the field of operations would
permit, which attack was in due time re
newed again,. and again, each time with
fresh recruits, and with gratifying success.
Of the military hop which closed the king
to be remembered evening, we forbear to
give particulars. Those only who were
present can. appreciate it, as well as the
enjoyments of the occasion, enerally.,
Of course the company an
early hour, all highly pleased with the en
tertainment. It has been remarked by.
many that so large, agreeable, aitd 'Balls
fa,ctory a party never had 'been given in
our village,but it,.must be remembered,
this is the first - turlough.treat given at , the
Keystone Hotel by the Veterans of ,com
pany D. "
13radford Minty.
The Dernocrats b Id a county conven
tion on'the 2d, at Towanda, which' ; was
addressed 'by Messrs.Tiollet,
bit, Smith, and Platt,
.Gep. R. Stevens
and E. T. Elliott were eleeted Represen
tative Deleates State ConVention;
and Col. a'. F. illeainiC was recommended
as Senatgtial Delektite . aubject to choice
of Conferencer--witli Beecher Morgan and
Jacob DeWitt, conferees
'The Teems* Eleettene aro by law
directed to be held" on the' third Friday
in February, and 'shorild'be adi-ertised by
hand=bills In eacbidietiict. .To-thorrow—
Friday,the daYibUt citizens
fipin differeat parts of 'Bridgewater' have
recentlimade n 10116416 reference to the
stibject, and state that no notices .have
bien'seen. -The law has not been stored,'the notices Were put' 'up bat 'goon
cuit down, it his'not been without an ap'-
' , arent objeaf.'
14'ster lappet—There will•benn Oys
ter Sepp'er at .the Hotel-of `A. F Snover;•
in Glenwood, for the benefit of the Glen ,
wikod Ladies*• ,, Soldiere Aid Soeiety,l on
Thursday eventeig; Feb: , 1864; Th e
pnbliel aro respeotfulli: rite& - attend.
Brorder-ortho Society.
JEearg MIME; See ' r, P
Supper, to .00. ./L—The Ladis' Aid
Sicioty hi. 64 village' . galipii.AujiTer tcipo.,
A. bltli r.iV,'ilist Welk; . but as wiWers'
*Alb tie tie presSat,iiid the seoeitify...of:
,b,..........„,...,„ip,. „:
~.r.of ipiakerthe tgificicittme 9 •Whic
is presunsi4 was enjoyed. ' ' .'" '
, .
peptclis through
onk:the cenntyfOr inftipiihtliitt in 'regard
td itll occurrences orlocal e f tlineml inter
yoit tkuik - thv*Flo. write,. for
aye; )(Wet them* . rid ns the facts;
as brief imniiSie#4 itiAheir own style,
and the . printerti oan,arrange the wording
if necessary. Starring - es; DeatK and other
Incidents and • Accidents, Fires,...erimes,
etc., eta:, are note-worthy matters. Our
friends will render a double favmhYlnnfl
items of - interest—not forgett ing to give
us•their names, privately, preferred r a&
evidence nf,goed faith, and. guard Sgamit
impositibn. •
• ,:
Personal Items.
We_are incle4tetl ,to Hon. , CharlqaPcr: -
ison,ll. copy Oen. AlCClellau s
Report, arid '"other' ddiniineetti. 'Also i to
lion. C. R.' Bitcblew of the Senate, arid
Hon.'s .1'; L. 1; 0 411V801i, IMP: ' Johnson; 'S. E.
Ancena,, and W. 11. Miller E of the House,
for occasional. documentary.fayors. ;,-
Dr. Harry, tiakeS, "of the State Legisla
ture, will nee4pt Our fdr the Ve r ily
Legislative Retord. t"
• Asa G. Dimock, Esq., formerly of this
county, has again,assnmed- centre! ofthe
Coshocton (0.) Democrat. The,mobbing
propensities of his abolition neighbors do
not seam to have the desired effect ; upon
him, but quite the contrary; and we hope
he will, Tif4 of old trouble ihern' sdrely- 'in
their iniquity.' Success to hint and his.
SporOmen Beware
Feb. Ist, closes the gaming season, till
Oetobei' l under the State' law. During
the coming 8 months, Plies:MIAS,
and Rabbitreaanot be destroyed,l' under
a ii . ,enalty,of $5,., Possession of them ; is
eyidene9 9f built,. Th same. penalty, may
be.;eadeted iorlgiPiiigb3Scotiverpilatp,irfir)
at all searns, " '
Soldiers' Aid:Society.-LA Fair isill b
held 2 . oth;:(lifternobit and evenih ;f
for the phrpose `of inCroti,iitig':the fuiids of
the Sec:lett: 'lt,is hoPed'ihat eveiylllettd
of the Soiaiefilvill
Ry order of the I So4retv.
3lAddrt'lLitntrix, Seesr.
Donation.---The f.t;ienAl tuid orrner,pnr , ,
, ,
ishioners, of Rev it A. Riley,,Eire, respect=
fu l ly . attend'a Donation_ party,
at the t'arsimage . T' . .ednefiday
noon, and eyenino.:F i eb., 24! 1064.
,M.tzor. .
, , •
Found Dea4, 7 Sppday. porning,,
inst., bratze.rtiail on tAii3.,kl,4. le,'R,..
If.,w4 l ;.f,9oii);l9clqp,*plAngrPili lYiPg
across; tfie It ai Iro,aa'trupb;,* qp iipttctrp.
Hp, 119;nesvilerp, trot fiir , from.,
"whithitr remain§ ivcfc son.
Legal Notices., . •. •
The Sheriff advertises for, sale a• farm of ! aores, 'with 100 improyedcoitpapa in ;
Franklin. Pait."Of Dimmore - t•vs..N. Park;
Lettere testamentary to , %lie testate ; of S.:
F.,Carmalt, r late .of Apo* otiE•have , bein,
granted t,o.the executor, Jaa..F.:, Cartnalt,'-
of Choconnt. • ••• ••• !
A. Ch amberlin, atulitor, rwill:iiist ribute
the funds arising .60m the sale of the land
of C. C. Payne, at his; (liftman .Ifputrose, , ,
on Friday, Illareh:ls,th, - at, 1
,o'. l ohNit; Also
the funds of, On estate of A. .f...Charnber r
,forenoon of same ,day„, „. , , • ,
An administrator's ; sale, of the lam late,'
of W., N. , Williams, situate in Herfard,
containing 130 acres, witli,9o improved,.
will be hold on the premises,. on. Wednes-,
day, March 9th, at 1 o'clock, i . , •. • ;
Administrator's, sale of a farm late of
Geo. M. Sweet, situate in Harford,
taining ,01 acres, 35 improved,. wilt, be,
held on the premises on Thursday,.March,
17thot I,o'clock.
See administrator' in this paper,
Letters testamentary., to the -;estate,
I-lenry Tilden, late, of Forest Lake, bav,e
been granted to, tlte exectmors,„ MariaJts
and W.,,C, ' • :
Au pxec9tor's Gale of house aintilatiwAtti•
shoe - shop, the, estaphof ,w,„. , Barber,
situate in Jessup,'will be held on.the:Prquk,
ises on . March.' Zth, at one Velnck.
Letters testamentary .to•
,the. estate of
Richard Bixby, late,. of B•asholgive been.,
granted to the oxeentor,;,X.. C. Tupper of!
Jessup. '. •:: r• )i: 1;..
. The.cellector of internal hsventiefor the
12th district gives , ' notice that his deputy
will receive theamtintits assessed-as: takes
andlieenSes,•at the places in this county,
named below: • . • • ;!, •
Harford, at Zeigler's, 20tb,frcurki93iii 2.
Franklin and Liberty, .at Jones', 22d,
from.o to 3. , ; • ,
. Forest Lake, at Stones', 23d r from t# to 12
Montrose and Bridgewater, at. Pourt.
House, Feb. 24th, 25th, and,2o, from. 0 to
4, each day.-
Nothing taken but government notes. .
Ten per cent. additional charged upon all.
duties not paid at above times mid places. .
Letters of administration upon' the es
tate of Isaac Porter, late of S'pringville,.'
have been granted to .the
,executors„ P.
11. Porter, and Charles - :
~ :1110a i cr,
Lettert(of ' admhdatratitin
. epea thA, ..-
tato,of James 'Giddings; ',l4t_ofgoi. 0;',
have beeti Eaated'io the eieptitors &ri
cer W,atroua,,dod irelta'p.,. aa :, 7fitt,eir .
)4 4.
Lyon` or`Ho'rriok. :. ,
~ , , . ,
Letters of adadiniieramo a'Atiipti: tle',es : , , ,
tate' 6 . 1 Aredah Tiffaitlf r ,ho or qbalfia,,
haye ;been, graniectto itS(eiectit6o;:fr,ed r ;
etiele Lines, of praaVib t :aad:Ogkisiiallf..;
fah y; 0f,G1086n.; 1,4 _, • :,
Letfere of ad tilatitatib a --vko tie, 40
tate ofEdwa 17. ticker; of ClifOit,
have been g anted tO I)fa'ry l'eelief l apd
( wit
:Charlie P ,, AViliciti t efePtibid "! '" - '
'' rette4o t f tidittinuitititaijto;• t e l, ,b;italii(
of A' drew lifpgaverbAUtCOT hiP i laifti
WI `granted ttitlidelitiediiti, bif my
y and FichaellitoMptnuk, : .7, q
' 'Lehi).* teitiaiitfidryAW its (eiii4 'of
BerifwaindriTali tiflriSfilfiiioiyo
been grantial6'EliftilAtdria.''''' 4 ' ''
+ , s+l
,ITtigT4 - 11:4 , *AtAicricit,x Ointlitow.
-1-4fitnYof our radical cotempoiirreelhaye,
been ree , entlyiihMtini - Ayith-tfinntpli Oyer
'ma art icle. lately pelik4hedocid caid to.ercs,
nnate from the pen.ef the learned itatis
ttielan and ecopimixti De . Bow. In thil
production the celebrated Rhampion ertke--
Sontb:and its emit ) npirears .;to , rests
all the doctrines' winch he 'fornieilY aavo
ented with so ibtleh i onineetneos, and be
cemes., b. convert to the' leading doctrines;
of'' olitionistn : ' " ,
' .L , Vefottnnately for the triihnph over the
nequsltion of a new eonyert,it seem i Mat
the new:4o(o4lcm 0%140 AY:4lloled to
De Bow is q barefaced forovry, and that
ho id ibik from sea on. time altar,,
has i not. trilten-a-,pesition on ,the, anxious,
"The New .. .York :Tin:nine; i hai:for.
onee,diverge4 from ; its ,ermtic enntstilitid
has hiandert.d. against ail atom of nand
,frot#:thi~'?follbiaaiig; ten:
tense,; hatieterithig nthe- northern-40pm ,
raw: " The northern' cteriberacy.
realj pio,tilatreit, - buotali-iqarvinittain ;
maintaining, 'hat thit staiviT id floe, bin
that, wel4; the free States shotilA;F!ffic) oat
dim tinsitilis 'find I.atilonfernih'erpeojitevi."'
• Alitojititflavorigfnatea-ticWeetaiep.
to erect there a Battle-Mon ument," pp.
.on .wbieb shall-be inscribedthe. nantei :of
all officers-Of the regtilar army who shall
bavo been killed or died' of tiOnnds • le.
ceired In 'the, field . during the presehi
The expense of the . tifonument is to be de•
frhPIV-A s lidink, scale r 9l ,4 4o ol ) - 1 1 P•0
the Offi c ers of th e regni#:arriiy, , 47•for a
Major ever l,;` die tf AD' lletitO r
nnt. /Colonel Bow in in President, and
Professor Chaicti "eiStieir Rite assoeit
tion. • - '
4 Coximai -4 it "Lteri , .' Thai 'EfeclriCit
Allen's &Medal Salem - tug is the best
article k olin for making nice light.Bre3o
Biscuit ;Pies - Puddings, • . ° + 333aeleae
mititorti• ;tri trying: to' palm eff , fo 2 the
them__ article, _ls,nying :le IP- °old
edel;nt , ' ,a 3 therefore,- all who
would preiertheir'stomachi - and'health,
look- . :and ;ape-'t batf, • thelamo ofaerOck
Allep is an , Wto - per;,,ma'bb il~nt" tic
off 'wit:V fife spurious - "Veeause-theififireli ,
ant tells you„ tbitt : ihieps seed. Have
not,binglont,, tho.; gepaine• go At edale 7 -,
,Dyaperice cap Also it; and it ii,i!ldo-thttri,
... .• _ _ _ , ~ _
____„.............- 40 -0.----
03_1141111efsipos sego) Aholitctists,
of th6Duinberianit.Pritrmit vOlo a litter.
hts i;: ' r tt ei ll inrthri er4 i r nlC l P.;t 4ll siht 41413 8 . 0ei1t
questioh.A Thintkio (VirpoiiiilolAs from
his .§ 4 political: , frieudsiq,and-it offsets ~ 10-
Aare Mr.liikohtek9.o.urso &ate n'ite
_ .
1.41 , ' „ e In 1 r . ostoigitter. } , t liehtle,
e a lprie leitcr. viith Inv bides 'Ord
pretft:tfiliThib`iiiiiiiP rilhofettiat
gery: OrditoisfiAtliwiltitlikvit...
'.:;:::,:„ a .
IL ltuni oto - wg ..
is **impost. °l:Aber-A*4*M*, Draft in
.thellialte-4s i r the
and Sqsqiitifrutntilii coaMiaa
Numlo-4 1 0juniakk - 8,255
Physteal dutabillq, 138
Metital V;, 'do tr- 4
Only - lon of a itildaWi" 47
Only.son.of aged or infirm
_parents, 121
One of two or more one s erected, 121
Ercther,4"fmitherleas}eildrep l
Two mai - orifitiii•iiithi itertj&•.,. •• •-40
, 48
Diafted,inlBB2,, ' „ 9
Famished sitbstittiteo o --., ' jog
Paid corelnntation, • 1 1,030
Over forty-fi.vt yeantlotage i • 32
Orer , thirty-five, • , •
.;,- 243
116404wenty,„" , ',' • 42
Non-resident, .
Alienage,. •', . • 382'
Total exempted t 4,14
,Itcwnfign : 17 1:8E5117rofsf
Failed'tereffil,r2i",", , • 949
Daierted attlei,:repOtting,'
Total datforteO r • - 11 ' ,
• D214F7:0 w ith EP 7? grams.
Nambei" genieratienderrous, 115
Natabtr. disposable,
14Om — bOr Kent to gOoirid , rentier.voirs; 76
, .
~soivfitg' Save $5;-.Ls'hose
wi s hing to: . pureliase,ilint-rata: *Mt*
3lachine Of.the'WilOprilla Gibbs, or of the
Finkle . itLion patent, can Bear hoW to •
buy : cinetLdi,teret- eitlier'tnarificihrer,
warrant i ed as nada!: tit' i'discount 0.10 or
12.,Per- cent,, from their regular po em ,
with reattonahio,mrdit on,half the amount,
by culling upon or addrAssing the editor
of this paper. - • t
Turnpike Eloiice.4ll'he 'Stockholders
date-Lenox st Harmony Turnpike Road
Company hereby 'lire notice to -the - Super.
visors and eitizenft of,-the
Haytnopyand Oakland, t hat not e .. having
talteinitilj.during the -past :year on that
piiittchi of their 'rciad riinning.front Lanes.
boro' to the Way House—a distance of
one mile—they llivi3'nsiWaihnn'doned said
pot oirTite c roakalid tri ll 'not', -be res.
for', a4-,darusiges accidents
oirtbe tond,or tbso:niaroccur in
future. I.)y Order of the Board.
RttßatNrcHiinnis, Pres't.
joint Saiit.i.Y Treas.
r 4,1," • T. W. TiNGLET,-' - ficey.
ibsen Jun, 30 18.034;',`",
To Approntia.--TheAiiiers' eers' ,of the
Pop: Mon troso . (Nsire
Chat - lien ;:onet,girl of 12 years,
rni6coPi3, and a toy 'of 3. Enquire QM.
W. Sin m atid.C:N.:EProprksltp. tlf