The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 11, 1864, Image 4
..4i.!4_ , = , .gu ,- : ' lo.,zoAw,i :-,41--ihO'Afikt.64.MkOksoittillr ,-.9 iiirveliget:gailgertalt .L , c.:" - sk7..:::d ...i'. `,lT'itiLtistly4lo.l)A.P4r4 l .o3 the. good little ship to .titeni t afet, it•tio - tip made, seviiftafr.4tititrzsueireafdt Ad anittrob ~: IltdthOttlitthis, ship,all,vefitted-dna, • . Efat4--s.k"'ltlia44 4l- : , a11 4 . 1 ef# 4,1 q 4: dear.vAlttiKtt/itlit -narae , of5R.: 04Opiiiild„ . hailiVEilitAitig-lidad: ailato:ool4* wtg , itittt'hg', , :cdhhpge'' ovlON!'mlit - 41!#, _litectii_foi" aiii en td0r.h*5hip; : ,,,..m.„ , :....,,,,, , ;:;„i. Intl - XVW: Mid bOY. lieielto,top.pi, *Ma , . lima:able cottage- he1iiiitb . ,940,,..,040* , .A s p, osAsy ,en otteiliflllp old : seA , e . . 4:e4fiti, h is room to - '.ii ,- -_fOi;Ufit'AVWl46,o 4 ,i*X, Wilda - Dr' , hebidk - leng:lefoiel , that o n e: , ~-..1-,,.,:44.1.1,,47 : -,-.: , e1,.';.1 LI ..) 4; 1 • , : : :;:::: .: - .. z, a ':.:,4! Ts . IMiiifiiiitilOtAte - iiiiiiiti;tlo 3 ., aftldhir that:the -, giiii&i*iiairr ; tea: : -.-:ii' sOieniii i;•hiV"git 'tit 414 6 11j.)0',, : t4V510 1 1 2 -,Ki ikillitlii-Vigvihipiiptitd; he- his hisc:Noti: ture,titti - 14.Vite tiiiiitiai eiipiigki 44 , 2:11,ct}'latieleiVe - his : lisppy4l* o agtim. , - ,.44._*.iic4Cerio'lin.i.,6',,-A a: ,th::'*.arli - , iteffte. tali Aro‘ - -longer-seo - tviessef t . :even' 1101 1 111a6li " iiifoolf iqttliii,T;;Oil)*Tlidi, liiterol§4 4 .3igi,fc - Of tk.):'Aibittr iii 4 , lierno efalia - ,dtiklinir,'L:seiviallOilifitill ,her boy havovue tu . , ..,ptigipllPtlid - rningL i ASktilde thneekcaletioh;her:ohamber, pray :in for for his safety, prakinka r ter ..entifffg&ti. ' &dare Iffialonee. _fi iiiiii:sir,-peaco qx ' rest dita ' Mftll. -- -- , a4t , -Ida , e E 4ed ~,s, r i nen/ e , ltial irpi• elm ,moptlis.- 1te.,, , W,0444401 tgag-tioir*.o. I.!i.i.pyri. , , W11.4.P 'Ord siic asikiti,iO4-nothii*, , ShefehdircitaAilol! i, f.,;, , r- , . : 7 1 -:... But six . months went :by? Ihen:A.l.eal, c flllMifirriftMtusKtUltl*rorVWellii." nor, of-the captain. His boy grew, -and had learnolid - ,pmr.*r his futher.raose. had grown 'late' and —, ft - i'4: — lirthilltiTT --,motteelnotherAliediAlkerktwas--,Rosein diedialoinet'adliiPeirtaqitidri *lciiirasied by eight years of her- life.,.She was now twenty-eight. No she ~watch, and wait ; she kntiv: the.ife4 had ,doV4* . '' ed ita ß -prey, 'and. she had Mourned "him long so - deeply; as:- . 4ltosp- i . : widowed in heart 4iii not 0 namWdifohnio 4;7 f i. i Li ' %veva; waiditAtiiii:-44 litill— foci She was forced now to work fpr her sub sistence. - ~Alkau ilidisassiiiii.: t,age, and that no privatiim could'induce her_tu,Rattivith, The' widow, however, 13trid:frie - Ad's,\-'atuelig• :thatto,- a iiiarri .10.11 - 11,0.dd; Iri'itiO 'A : iiirld',,lliii':; . owtiOr . ,'of tisiels,;; - .141-' -possessed a.' fine,' tiMiliiliaine f Alio hands<ae_ 6 o l ,illio . _ .141144 4 .' 'At last , he ventured , to make known the nature of his feelings to Rose. He offered her his hand. - ; Rose shrun.--,lingaff., Ito her lijk-ataa,„yetyLii ary uittinet.bciV,..wilLoutlk protetter ; 4 s herself helpless. ‘rsiwttle- igi 1 0 1 .7 4211 ' of hoy::7laO:wif hooa lkose -m 4 med aga i n. -..-,---,...,...., c. !7' __.4" -;, -- . .: After three years' - oxperience Rose -con fessed even toherselfil)at she wv.-content ed and:: .140: ' l ,l.She lindtfrot ihrtaren loeßides her own boy, as she always called Mit "the - Soli er Iti• - first love. -'- bite f- Was Vile Viehlitireri Ili 6 IMF& _ .r_tifb 10., .h#4; one child playing at her knee, the o ther on ha.:llp i ffor it Wat a-,-WripuTa4i , Ywhell . a man 'beat 11a lame,!..t.loited -in rags, came across the garden and stood looking ___ 4. mbs e c , fax . , :. vi t tp i # T , IrET . t.l eldest `.lllon, tvsee,Aat i s . a, and he lotoks lilos.a. sailor." ,,,,.,.; . i ,, - - .ciLfl , 4 aliiliii= intist- neveVir`emp ty wl handed from O, 4or, give„.hbg this.' __ Diattbeir fiew with his' alnm,:towardthe abenwler. ,' Retad-alooltef_av - and suffer ins alma, him that enliste d the sym ptthy it'once. -- - - l, , . :, ' Take this," P hid lie, a Mother never Aeti_s,a sai4.go away, -,•without-rolief:- . ? My Wither weaabsailor'. 4 - - --, -, L ' '•"" t' .-.' "' " Indeed rri.'..,, 3,,:: - ,; 1 - ::- . 7 gxes t liatiliew..o:ir4,ll,l captain of the Rbse,iost-afiea.-' Did - yen' 'ever - MAIr of himyn ..,,, --- .--3.;-- -.a........_,1..-:-. ..., 1 " 14 0.4 - 10 1 - 0-913'gre;his 'Econ." -,- ' 'IT -:-.- o ,,Yes, mother says. E 6 • .was - a,!. - brave, ,Pod znlaii." .-. ..- ' irSsb . :is - rich • now=--.0 this beldnefo her does it n t o ; t:?'!._ . .' ',- Ifpv, - 10 -- g., , ritove .ri „ gh.s:ol7 ; -, mother iiiiifefia ',a g ain. : Mune are-. my httlebro utteriq' and tradetAlMeS iny nefr. heir. Relasittst given: re a fine boat: - -Oh ! be is so Itiod,to . „ - me.., -Good bye, saildr.": '=` F,oi intiaatint-,-tbe -sailor stood, and, shading_ his_ with; _hit hand',,i_iing Aretrat the b ay, -then atilmmotheronttin tindei-that t•me-elid'pitrelr,Asingingiitiihe . infatitlin" her kneez7Th& . n eA- -toiay,,, hobbled down the walk,..and Vas i..4en e na More: ITeittler - R-Oin .eVerretnembi r tihairiiirTein r itere, ''.Mintiteii - ifter .betia j Aisaipeafeit' ..., . Aye years after this t a.k ere came ,Siinia 4 1 40 - 4 111 ;reif-Ydrf4 !'' 'A 2 ''' rim iiiinedllatthey Carroll-bad fettle? the whet! 04,j4fottnne kleSidiS,a -- seaU - d -je*NO ettelWOVdßied• - • I.' I ' -- -- ' I RoW;dirran - g,l , :iii:* ;not diiii. Ar t e rgen , Yeakt -.l;ri4e.riiii - ;-* Pt "Ad" 3iiintg - samage& -- -r-:.lilame' taelL 4 Tionndir,,bn hap, VI" , awitiVAY , 4sa-FilditifigkeOP - t mine, around you. Taa l 's° - ,fEnti, -7Atm#.7 mid, wale-stilt, I :".%liiolii_ :"•-gatei . :. ::11 . pltu for t44a,,, r kw. Monsentaz- V3f4t7.1 bringtsalOn ?-- Not even Triyinniiyi&r. yovittre - riuli: - I could brinxyou - but - re.. more, soryfeitTaild ~ clillgrace, I could lEagr . • You, kAt an cd_a•butb,4 l d, 01144.ged -6- it6reri r - g• TP oll 4d'inPlirne,d'lne. fit, -eeaff -Amen: yoiifiait' - Nbt,:isktieNitter fe . "al,o.,:e_tkind,l toward you: One vau`loo74 - 'boy, and thnn away &mut . . 11304nUT:r4wf ." - IsoP t.Pould..ggopth anal* Ire ,- Scitt ilc. pea; and- tnitimain 41154auATI: git ttie Voila Alisinigife nisi: " are neverbeen 144 to:illy-1;0Mb'; :and - l - dieamont : o4agerii -- blisstag-you and my 1 10,7:Pi1.f.44 ( 00#43WYMt4 Wee; 1 41rrinimiiiikir• - 13fAumind.qt,ts " irit 1 itAti;*o $4 r*dirp tkelituia4o. irairbigtoighod;AGDativera, to be , y divided between alit& chil dren,.: _ : z.zsiempiakl ,, ..-4ifig - ... ~ .,...-41 ~. .._.,.. :gig t iiilte_ r ~,- vs , i tbetkill "like." -- - ' .. accoftdons Issminiottsly. Jwcursol' ,duardcred 4 e , aireTilth-tutd yy InOm'its'singu44 gs hererlitaTO iftolitetintr 11001,-Ptfoefinit co frc,i ; Tenni it) stafge4lll#o*.ri.uffteliterlinnertek eratithti, r. Ind '4.ii.t4MB4 7 ,tiftlCAft, ; .tCOlartor ato:sayseLatilLskiohA irdeputtes-atthilubers e-toi W*IIIAV illAreetnivie...tstti„"rog* . it, attiaig:TZthq:4 l2 Vi 4041Celf clef, find Ana, CollgumPuch iiithightedi,:iinAt inewfdat, iiippackteand- kentinpOetriocalsisteif'; •firterbattish4" imtr *VIA, Predneetadigesuo . on -tinfJaldtVensptise.toid mammas nwietiona. These allli4tifieth+Valemi-iirdnitlicsat% rettnsdyrvis.; paritiostkon end- htergoration-ef-das- Need. ;Pprit.the l ttood; azid,.theWdaVermer dis N.tnpersleitl•WilthcfeilsbObtai l iir 4 o*opted 'dot:44ton cannot lAtmt , :htoh;r3ifiti4lldittiiftref= the . -fatht' , ,itenithy,.::sott ortuntiv * ; tavn sanful s P.' 117. , 1 7RIL.V' • ..Bt.ishitsaparalmtz.:4..l...- , , , , ,- , TS ,comPtanl64.;fairat,theradost effeetnak antidotes that medical selence-tftnirdbxmoevisfeer-Rwthiii lisff - forltos 2attd of thecdisardertrit entails. n,aj ig *N. sgt -..ilorstl)r . itiptothci. rem eds .M-4T+ 4O k is knOvn - vb,P. give 41 1 .111.4: ;:zort. aciW-toPkilab:.**itiltrst trno nni - MitArtesTletrattritiliPazitaacligariork plaiimisrindhOteahlyipmeerilblrisbn.gnstt. tide of publicly lute's', lemittitittiltr:tinrelP jet 'ettlioltdfuteiNtdist ,Ayill amides, and - litaieir, 7 ,l 4itse-Ar • ' —•ire. Salt Rheum, rS , • ~••• hinnilons depos it? ineabilt tbe 1. 1 - ' Swelliw, Debi 41 OP . ; 14 , • I Bas eline, ons, leOnl. Syp lerenn Diseases ? 1 1 ' , -,de Weaknesses, sind, indeed. the Asingeoersestof, `t h at arise from irn:mity if do giltioC s iligatitet of individual ra.-er marbefonnd in ltirtin's" gatent whidt is furnished to the dlttfiVitiOfilbeffiedbil be foYitflittoirtd%sol4; 4 the ;fl2"linaintidu when ntibther , "nEord relief. Those cases are ' - ileMPlerll vectl 44= btridt of ' ' ' one Nsf , of ita benefats from personal exper. depresses the vital energies, and thus AllTa faz um; subject tordisetße and tluti.igi,lijeceibi, seonitiftitlinis.f,Th ,sitieten . rauCiloas,'-gitittai lion of Iversen - ;life: -Tbervast,im 't!* * ltaVaticl t 4. MS' lal ig - tc l : 6 l l Pn ilgig;aif e r iirOXiavti•ltS 7 i* the now '‘o ei - ' - thls — pirithe "nal Arm's SAXISA.*&IIII7.4 AlthOtlgh of ingredients, so me of which exceed Ella 1 - " 'ire - that rot 'and fester in - they td, ra'cgMPfAirtetisOi and vigotons- ht . 73tits: f)*ilifr 'virtues this ', ionietil izital 'fon ons; ' tilus;;,fxpels' ~hTe In item Oa sfitchi or . eira cow (1) VP Trial'. compounds of erilla, that , proniisd muri Aud,Aid irthing; Pet ! Om be . d . ,rygived not .414alpointed.. pis; "'lts 'atitittcs 103* f7" 61 4 3 4%-tig And . iher 6 . question of exidlence run .of - the- aglietitig is intended to reach. - Aldusighmalt tap' name, it is aver} ferent medicine ftkipi of era alik.h. - ;firei 7 been' 1 before the le, •and is far ore effectual than wily/tether irretbeerr CZl7,ti. 47?!.• • 1i..:77, 35 Fa 2 4 / . 1 . 4 r e CEitrat l V • C r i l Ota 5 The *Oh l's dreatlienteayfOr Coughs, Colds; Xutdpieut, CdisitintptiOn, and for the- relief if- Carisuitiptive • patients IfOrallear4 Oal. zi ge4 of . thet:tdiseuSe.". •'• --Ttili:bES been tso long esed teals° liftiinasally known. that cre need do io-moie than . estunithe - public th its quality is kept up:to the best it arm At'lnay*XelEll'etrlo Prepr.nal .Dan.' :j - .7; C. ATiaptarCo., 'irfveti_edr744ll4l l earChersis* Lowell, Mass. Sl4 bcrolidruggia;Currywiplio, and ,+.i A. !IT b• • 6 grader• — th •. ,t-c ) ..11!,PYe rZ; ctiurity. May iauw : te. 114% ,- 10141191%, - sr :4 OX ; 11 .--r* • P.4.fogra •. iabae,4 l / a orials, ~ t. 501 11111.0.4.DFAlf;Tf opt. .1/4 CO _isam /' ~ OS~a£b'neLOYve~fibia ' cclCQnsfde`ril7gvrgnr Thonszna different subjects, {to which tidnitlons are being continnallY made) of Portraits of - Eminent Americans, t: '517 , -' .e.••• 72 MaJor4ftwidat4atrigitter.GAnitals.-259 Col etris,.4,,,l7l,l,erdenant;Colorlo7etbef Mu= Akt_es.V i Z emfr Ptirftter4ls; a f Artiste • Worteno-Ifftrodt:. inert Pcoe...„,Ta.Portraits--0,500.1 Winks of Art, tacit:din reprOpettirni of thertnostlnatelf &grim tags, Paintings Statues, Wpgaes sent On receipt of lamas An ordsr...smOn • n trichuckfrotti, on, egalegapivrAl t of Fp, findhalit 11): lib.o,t.PgrkPbrAWY nentanageat sar i cf.r, p‘ , .,,n1110 cents tsaomaiank. Our Albums have We repntation'of beirt i girrior in beauty anddiltaigiiteriOant ethane' Tlxr er kinds can be sefitisafelrfifitudtat sliclafagn'ors dents per oz. - •17[64e , lierripensWcanl#itiettillect-k#Wl Wernsolietp - miroitsinrtrocnt ~ STEREOOPEtIe eTtastoPitt our v akpit'af.:Atro l :bsl44ltanreeelpt aiodme* . 7V.A.1711041W- " katelhetifreka of PhotOpephfeidtieibli. L -- • ti 13% Illt!ttlw r nr. New Torsi Friends orZrWts•••A rollijary,nren confC r sAltap tialt capy;--- Tbefflvfil heliceptcare _ rand rstartoopitcred. • - Alatmi dadoto tbr ConavalUittog II r ag, lent to their pastor,. or forot,her l , zothpatis. kielnacni*!no, tAiagt en_ fe l A r O ptAi p :-e` 4411. niiiiegOliewanlt4.4Mit the ow.anp ASSOCIATIOrt I eat by t roan In ma , lenicrebtifteKbbn 12f -..!.4tddrine'Dra4 Bow* -Batt. ensozciloinuelft4.Bo3l2Mstreet Philsidek7.7;:e , Ste. .4 ,, ,m1 :,.. .6..tet:. , :e. Actila NC 7 ertheikkit*Wrioporlate.' , " • • - • ti l • • TSIMeSi ' ' dtg. ii.. , ,r • ..rrtir 11 liliVß' , f",!. 0 i r; , t,'"ri...: , tv.l 74 .b 44 ~r ;,- , r t,:, , - -„ , 1 • ISMS Ka ' 2llnraMtgritallir ' 4 112ly t leW f:r. :a lAPA N k..r Q . *" . * 1 - P' l ••l'.A/ 1- TEMlitngt = nagIird i ATAXIIICH r i p , : : 1-,..t.,„1.•.M ~, i' i it.• :.. .. .. ', t .. . , - :It ~ . - -, - 7 4: it (AL (Meowed of the Cotsa. aroma net* Pleb Montrose, Septelober 1.521/1 ' - 1 t. .145 W Ault 0. me. 44111Sciwitg '•• I t , • 4,1 t i. D ore .. Su Wow' D YT Def• t, I ups7.l SL iL Si !Volta Jititle, uremia, _ !Steatherei Kitt GloveeeChihirosencckdialegit , z • 4 ,, A , and all kinds of Wearing Apparel.; • swer9lll:4l; Opt CO , -p•pr Vcri,2l cents .yon.een . _eolor °Mavis* emit IrYo times he pro4need from the same lye: !o and soy one an nee the lye AIM , tkerfeeffigs# .2( alleectione in English, Muth anoti4g4ll l ,._ ellehmackage.. " ' r Mar farther 1.11f011125U031 3A DYlng. militingskpeffe4; dyo aver eitt-c, en; Ante many whaela aces ,otheetnOtro 4e 137h!ter Treatise on Diretulitan STAPgc.:4 46ll O..i mmi - on receipt of prlee4-10'eenfi. - 1 . llionnfaetured by . DOWN ; ;3 to . • Ifoxiyile by DrAgilite end Deal ' • Mei y 7.; , 1663. Cm aveconm- - Wei** •;' gg?„4 .epreetaed,a ang4 thdttigaroar 60.301 WW JNTPXtOO;& BLA IR IEfSPWLIA- I kr 3O ,•;FIST.. 1 2 '0 , •9 " • Waal:Mittalk, sn.g,k;sAXlA7: WZlLWfasi;.,'AVVerll 4 / 4 !,, BUILDEM€'HARDWARE MLYritgiThitiOV2lfEB97TlirrefT RAH, EIPIKEs. AWINADAJdnaIabIig 7 PPME B . • 1 ••-"d' CetAnleap, , frpizZarq,pii 41.14r* afrEi_vs 110= BOLht SuhranY . IrABRERC' .FLAYED BANYS,7II4r.LE4.73LE MONA Iri t iAo9Ko4: • ' •-FELLOEB,4r.AT SPrinniEs, ROM. - 44ViLS, VICES, STOCKS and, DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, SLEDGES. PILES as. CIEIXDILAR AND MILL SAWS, lISLTDIG, PACIELN 0, BLORES, rLAETER YAMS' CE 1411141 : t/ ***SIMI- ; : 6 7 1:+mds:&iiialIfirltifEUt.ft/A 7 V:iN;t4vl;lo.;felz; C FAIIII3ANK'S WALE% ' .l,4lgantort, March 24. Hrallememy Consumption a Curable Disease 11l voLccrsseukiNEL.• 4 6 I,elM .40V Y ai i re ta t r soa; 142=1 Moaner •••••Ocansteqei ao a outlets- to mate known beelsAellwasufferesittbalatfult etaftg.l , l!' NANALityrhar desire It, he wllll,Ben , lll zotthelata , ore for Coovaptletr. Aerbola,.l4 chtge*Obi 4 ,4; &e' ooru t T object bt Cloudy le - lea& ;44 1 F-T 4 % Mi t s,rl7 l ,: ta . larr.l l ll MY A MOW larlk f gintnent• - 4 ,44. 1 4 L. , yfflitteop- 4 • qr. AlAVlMi nt ekeepeeneit 4.41 . ! fpeat e 4ra 4 gg Ard*lrfOrk. The Great Atineigituatenut es,'"„ ibxrcirs'emplikaitrigrill GENUMMitgtagliVirS Viz: ~., . ._4 4ssrlsw. E up t atthnlcutiapr, . • .#4l Par) 414. ,"; ! , .I=o23(wirei i paPAR424 - 6fiaionud-- auxszack.,,,z4* ---- p r p:C eizor l 92. footsitil. _ BitiadertZdnejf Oritol l 'and • DropAea : . Swellings. .... tilmc*lne ineideitdi th hritirfer 'entice the, pbeorbenbrinlo beelthy action. by whiebther tram or pilegronti-depooltionikruid nU nnnatarllVOW i Iggeniontimro redo ro weU ao l pain mut intbrrnAtilm il googor menoronien children: ! * f•Zy,..; i •1:.•• : %Vt.: . e-; 114. t 4?1 !A.? :F!:r• 4 • .911:%. , • t• ' , k4 • !.* - 4 „1",` -4• . . et,t?.. • N3•34 , T 01 . x:"• - f • GI LD EMACT :11110111 ,;,cercersenowerri 41,16 labits 014.401* lidiserttion, or Maio i nA.l Atiticied wiFits v 3 Ong eyinyttons: - . liiatipcialiTtokto Bidredi tof POWC•4 4 • • .. , 1'••• Woof NOW:try, "411.111cutty,of Breathing, Meoktierree, •r:• - :•P 7•lYetabllll4N . r• :••• -• Horror oftlltossa, rViikefolturcti ;Bintuess driVislon 4.z - rift in Bur Back. t.4llo6hing of the Body:- .•! WO - I =w s. yatem i o .; : .I.Bruptione tottlark race. - Lpallid Dieoytho 131dIfe.I.V Count a ea. ;Se efinitontOtiiliowidtoio on, whickthbribett. reisurritOoetWoublt - In ono of Which . theleitiontmaroxylre. Who can via, that theyire not treqacritlf , ed t , r hy lose ••• 'eases;ti_ liroanity andVonanuiption--- "Isirar arc tiNilic of &Oise/16;4 4.90P - WHllgrOreer. Alle retard, or MY insane twyltline and the niplittichally — disithe by Conenntytlo6; - bear apt : pliiiieltnerustitthe trutticatherweerticm. -_ -- - ThAVOnt‘dttitiCßWPOOf_l4 l 7l 3 e, tca!gith',`Pr -g.snie weakness, - adquiFeallniaril of niedichitt toitraoreo andinirlgor ater tlieaptem. whIeb.RIILMBGLIP SZTIZACTI W- C= fo'vatiatilt slotradVA trial stilltanvincer titmaiost my' CMS e , anialesirainakEW Old qr)foting, single ; married, pi Orn nte ,_„ t Rraliage). In many stkettinotiiiinllar to.Veninlestho libitractlto dot is nueg 110 by nny other relnedy.,ttn ChttootilS Orßetealon, ularlty, Pobittllntbn,.or Stw orola sslott tberCustoutorr ttoos;Anortited or gate dtthe Utetus;Lecisborrben , or Mites,. *shinty, and tot'nit cotriplalntsincident to theiscx, Innetbto twin ing trtitu Indlaczettonalablts Otnlistpattoni - sit lathe DSCLINS Olt CHANG:BOP WEE& • • ancrrome• rz.; ' • FAoyr 8e0131.D . 11F inproirrlT dc.o no 'Balsam.. lleromy or, unpleasant. medially for ... unpleasant and dangerous dlrcpae .11ELMBOUYSEXTRACT.--,111010 .11prfrilaitirrBasils - P indiet,- yo ' m inconverdence. "" 4 "msallo - tlit Or: tkettl .l -nge ••• AsfillrOVexpostriairi: It comes frequentAlesireonn*giveaostrength to thin- Me, thereby removing. obettuntiona.,preventing nod ca ing Strienten of en rrethrit,;illeingliaiiiiind ouition. so ftequent thieehixiteldises finfi_oxpa . lag PoiscmOns, diseased, and worn-ogt,guittpe. — Thonsande open Thoubitidi • WHO .11A17); BEEN tita merit OF - • 1 - ercni:cogrask. And who have paid HEAVY FEES to bemired in a short eine;tiavo.ft• tberwere deceived:And that tbett poi_ stai' higt, by theviso Powerfol-Astringents.” been `Mod nyi brae SOW*. to brenl out in an. aggrarate4 form, sad, • • • • -- PER.V.A.Pp AFTEthieRIIIA•II 17.8.:E ' s• t 7 OEI.I4IIOLn EXTRACT BURP For o.iliirocttoiiii ind ploofig' s The Vrinvy. Organs. ilortborOxiatingiuMALltOßFramsris . cansioriginating,Aild no matter ' OF HOWLOIIO,OTANDINO. i_ I/11meg of thesii Onans *afire thei aft of s iiisTettc. HELMBOLDI EX - UlleT' BUN' . , IS TEM GREI4ICDTC erC, , End it it certain to have the' desired eired,ln tame, for which it ie recouneroled- - BLOOD 7 BL 00 0 1 ) 1 9 1 0 B • , etig* Coneeetrate , ‘_IpC_IIU Fluid Elitria4 -1 ,Sarsaparilla. . ..„ g 3 teorraaractaxes, We Is enitrodAtlicof the Blood, atillettichi&Aix. lieLorgette4rohtge of the Neee6Eare.:•Thlitt; liStkid• pipeotod other Mutes Surfaces, eking Its inadienee In the form of nem: lichabohraiihrtract Sarsaparril-_ Irt voriticathe Blood toul,macksce all Sealy_Ereptiope of tholiklailefiti ;to tiitiletimple.detiW Mac Color. It beingplepared exprerely for this class acorn- Plehgerite 11104*Porifying Frogettles are preterecd to Atenter Mnem' ittijr otherprefihration _ pa ilelmbo d s. Bose • AnelcelleeilasticinlitiDhieitaof a Szphilitie Was ant gjectiOtt DilDiVf the urinary Dreads. ittisin t iftil. Of el o, need' connection with e lilittseparills, stip -dhri chice as tgeOnoinintir.d. -.'• - ^ • •.„. Etidenceof thlinioatrestijiibleandrellable Al= .01? ;Olt to Yell* Itrottling, mown to ectencegnit fame:" • '1 ' Flir Medical Properties op3ollFoate*seitsitoi7bf OA" tinitidl3tetes.,, ; Sife PrefeetorDs9FsSSS,rsl Ole work on the.;Jirig tle6,bf Role. , - - , .„. ;I'Bo red:arks zna46l4 thelate:eelebratied Dr. p:Ur . or PhD:IO.IOMA. ,jsitbremirke Di : ::1110ifita* WM ) celebratodpi_yeteliit,end chamber of the nerd Woo tifilitgeOlattireklal4ird litiblllibed in the 0n.r..M., ilf_theAfflf_ Queen's Zoom!. • r•velp nitingt&Clrrlitteer,peblishedby_Deg Trawmt,lrellow I tato Al College ofSegeotte. ftlicy meta tholAtelitarAtarCi warts ortitedicht4L wilaucg_l3gtmro,t, 00.reptirrszsomlipror WS 00 o,42s4sAlaUgy ••••i , 00 ENigninolo2 Kita„, Aso or *lf aciloienotacti forja 00, which' 'will, be ;WA; ethlts to 4 1 !P• 4 J. 1 04.0bailt es - 41 #04441!, Vitrileeathe eyniirienut talil 4ommtinicaitiii; :**4 poingitecd.jidelagrotlet2..-- Personally appear — bardrolitielMlXliirman of the.. 4117 olPhilsftlphls, IL T. lielmtn‘settoArliddysirpria dons !gyms preparationersonta no 1.-tmlen. euryor othfr ,Injarcles drugs; •)3t.'arelp re J --;_t • '• isid Yrs - Sworn ind barge me. t s 4in z at ov. ; :r lderFaao. plinth-street, nborojtyme,,il4‘,.. l Manna Latteri for infainiiktiont bonliamitivAi -41 : 0 : H. T.IIII4.IIBOLINCImptst, - Depot:lo4l3outti'Totittpitreet.'bstiasr uhestent, P0:1". ' Am+ 2 4 wholemleavor, to d 7Alif rtheirown anti oda! QM/Asiantusl attained Alt , - Itelmbol s GennineProparsosons4 te . :nrit++,,- . 414res5ira.Mtt 4;:.-rfic:l-Jusprorsoimollo brat", Bottlintap . 41iMrierin.12;'," ASK FOR , _ „VeTAIDM. c ., ATOM". cat nes inirertiletnenti;lifetrn,ft Tor ant Pip Imposition and expoeuld.-.= • MU, `-` --' ' zr..„:„"osulsomityikcsapoilitii#o4 • EveirtaS ty . b . true=g 4 trttPerfrtl '7cern t o eg n o f iniy - Storamatio VelpirentuOtteebl, djeert: IlaPs° 4l l A C Pttiki4llls";turi". ti PV ep ittiutit' I . id ff n b of OM,. and iho• il et ee .,• titindarp mAdirfrOltialtrlitlortrti ) itheibllitliouseti isu Kew Xoric.und More 'titan fifix,pealers bfanufac titters citif , of NcieL Yorte.;;2'Alkiargu...ProPartitin l atai r t-ittb r citign i rect Of= tho:l4s6.ol44lllerg. Oa& geiminki Qadomiliaott.Oterbag the Stlitiz tunic not lexpdit tonnd el/dyeing! Way, bUt; near 4 eyey eatcle T:1;1'0,1.1040 PM= iltarll Stone idesiof tbeStee)c pity be tblined 110!big genwelontleeeitettemmentiehiltimp blec tt 1 4 %0 azideldOcilles&Maillacides4o/4 . Stop,. 'Or !esti Orldi•itts cry.' -Ohms are, all - mthu ;VilbgVajP4lleti 4OlteirSdiliturSVAreareMAßlT44 l3 4 Goods, psus Ipstruments. Brushes. American recites Myles; Tattloltdele skid SibMilititelt 00131 Vi. tidos , l.t * W,...7. Speefuebbawpills, Lumbar. Brootarz.Pists t il n at AturAinglitto 14,- Ma• - MariAd druids, Tab anus, Salt, Sdap, 6 ith. breks. *baud in abort:meddle hing to restore tileof to,pjeasit deligbt the.em fo — gratifylitt , W4Pand Waif* edualitistb substantial comforts of life. "' .;z! • • The att entionvf the public is reipeciftilly 131140 to usfitdekbt Goods. tiduilit'ilkonbslstlylor !leash 66=4 1 941 4 tritMi d tP4 4.211514/01Prtni_Tror lore _ „ EL, ti 1-Mosititmei s , antrup Istpt3SV:;.';l: . c.i- J .::.G r ar • ..‘ - ,, A FITLL Assoßthtzarr • sitroTinCETVEDi ;du ,<:1! !i 'nEtiIfCTION w im n - egi r th e : • 1 i .PIX 1 4 111 81 4 661 Nltb a o n 'it largP "w 1443 9 - ina ITIMPIP.I4IAI Tlll NUT tElitTiaMS ?Tipp :c . . A.1503Eir • ON,TIME4 - ,or for ; I PRODUCE. ..geiv ,!K:EYSTONS,-.1.,1 OT EL r At" tiforitkotio -.8.43/1.10134 Prietor. yogis new and commodious Hole/ is situated ort'lliblic . .kicrine, neai the Coutt Ilbuse,"and nearly In centre of the bilsiuma poition ofliontrose. TbeTroprititorie ceolideiltiliet he is pre *red to entertain geests inattay: thincanefetbilttc4iveEitTUt SATIMPACTiON— Tbe Hotel antyorniture are new, and no expensebas becrisperid to reader it equal Hum superior to any in thisvarsatenMBtatsa=l Dedirkttedreteent impipitments Mid tint) forls4u o fig waiters will always be readrUllitspendtothe Pof Customers. The Stablesconnected with this house are new end canveptent. • • ' • Viso-Who:win.. Stimuate/1y 'aoLeite4l ;pa ~ iwasgeot. piisAl frierd!s,tisirrqtais, and the public flieralk.l,l — ,lanWtf wg. HATCH 2 a „Mmla'm l4 l” lICKA, ~,lELEt;II-4, c saAti. ---71:11LZASSENUEELMAIN---,--- LLRAC/38E6mi:Bella Zfdo. za.iifter the arrirai At 6.80 m,Olf Itat eloanißalaicsatfrom the west, connecting at Scranton, Ashcroft ,arrives at 10,111.5t0n,. lrltb on the, Lacia•loaticas and' Bloomriburg„TAll yorta,. for IPittstim , Wynmirrg Ringitorrand Wilkesbarre,'Mid . -11yomnIbtm-Wittrthre 'Delaware :arld liird.Mn 'railroad' PM/10nm; fai 01;4bantand.Cai bondale. finite itstiort 'thiittriliiemanccts.bY_ om Withlhnitelvidere-Deletriire Railidadtor 7'hEliP4— lint. , /Trenton' and- Pltnhtdelphia. New Alsnipton. Junction, where it mires:at in train conneelawitb traini on the Central Road of New Jersey for Elizabeth. Newark, New York, Esaton.- . Rethlehem, Allentown, Ranch Chunk, Reading and Harrisberz--. Passengers by this train arrive- in New York at 6.50, in . Philadelphia at 8.00, and in Harrisburg at 8.10. The train leavingfool of Cortland street, Ne Tort, at 6,o6lllllk,ll66ThatTOrWalaut-streefi'PhltadObbiaeat 6 a. m., connecting...with, the EaslngerArnlis of this road, leasing NewßiniPtion lunetfbn atll.*El andarriz 7 , in at Scranton at 4.02 p. m.. where it cornetts with a train tboLackawanpa r runi Bloomsburg Ilallroad. sod with ihioMblbrialltoning , to the Delaware and ;Hudson liailr3ad z. ' e - This train arrives at Great Bend at 6.10 p. m., making a close connection with: Wm= train going West on the Erie Railway. !Jig; ccO,Olob:Atiti* tit. Ai* icavei SerantcmittWlo a. m4eonneetingmt Great mend with the Day Express train west on the Erie Bailway- By this train Passengers arrive at I,thaca, Syracuse, 110- PRA Ac: i.-ci . 04 1 3 , • # ItetUrWngatile train; buil& Great fend itt.2.20 a. oil thettrival (Atha New. York Express going East, and Buffalo . Express going West, aarrives s atleranitai at LSO p. m. JOHN , ' slasßlN;. , HENBI(.. Gtal Tle . kotagant. • I Serintonalaylo, 1863.• . Y.. - LAcAtiaVA3BOiliistußG Ap 20, 1(61; Passinier,Trains , 4111 .idr:Aran,eafollows2:• , ;'i ;;T: MOVING SO 'H. , Pillege ton' t 5.3 0 m. 11.00a,,re. t aTe Scan- ' a . Aive e•ear ;rr 11. m. jEtheiltOph ' • • •0 ; 00 ftup/rt -845 ,`,-4 t• t aurrin et i t ir i kis•m%:,:o..e ams A - Arrive etifortheni V r MOVING NORTH. rr i ?:: " ,esye - 4.; jhoOttle; 44401 4 , 61 " Kingston, 8.05 1.45 P. m. Arrive at &rental, • _ ABlftp.m. 3.80. .p. m. 495a01)8er Wart oleo !cove, Elpatott et m. for ten teconneet•with, trahtfot Kew T otk.';, Bottum log •-• davit 84raitott °nig:l9l4olll4 pot" at 4.261). - th: - - ' Pmeengers taking .triht South from Scranton; at 5.80 a; IrtsNorthumhorlhtletch 118nliburg11.30' . Shltltadre , m.. WatAtehingttra'loP.l23:.' pa they reach Phlladelptitt at TOO p,m. cp°. B. EMT, Sop't... 14 11 0 4) ; 2 4r. 411 . /at 1 44 , 3' : ; < Terrible Diedinies—ileerets for the lilllion. MOST valuable itn wonderfttl publication. A wont ti of 400_Pe o g r i l o t ld as colored engravings, Dr. Hun. ter's Ifseleat an prightal 'and paPoßtt treat* on Manila Wotl3llll, eirphydokogy, anctionitauld sexto at disorders of every kind, with neverfaillng_ remedies fOrthobr 'Peed,- care: ho:practiceof -Drainkterbas long been, - anfietillls. tlnharmded. But ettheearnest so. licltation of numeronspersons. he has been induced to extend his medlcalusefolnesiAbrough the inedltuac:of hiattAlfga ydectun.' fit Is, a:volatile that should halo the hiuulaof every family In tho land. as a preventive of eemorivoiaarmoraecirthinsikriSUOlT le; one - of theme; awful and ()strut ve scourgesAkit t ever !bilk ed nianklnd. One copy. securely enveloped; wIR be for wardedDcoofoottogo SO Stlypat4 i the JMts . a . fizyprinO of S VUM W DrAftintejkll9,lDllitd riese—fr ,rt. a' CIAIIAIDOOktAR, AliifinifflObi;ae__,&e. for ILJ - 11118 i: • .:A n ti viiip iv a lolivisami,iiP'4. Alz • •ntielt+kricet elbiug ,'9 QnAWll..L'a.4 arititt r IMPOPAVIMQI9/1. 7 1a Vaajr, NJior tale by - 3 ! , N 4 D i r 9t *kiG r eMiltjia;" . • • I -• • , - vjgcuniMaalls:-,AELICTRIL ict ft.) t•Wi;l'iiio: • : , t oc roR . HOOFj AND'& • :grit lima 0:1 rs, Aucticolue 11/ 1 . 1 4r. taitOlt ' deb*, P Le , b'JWlttre 111111tektrUL2t; =nor ThlVialikpiCa WiIeLAINT i :4;') , 4 CbroidearliktUltar, bionics of Mum. : iiarlallasuSeliJuisingisetvidtstit,44l* - ends• - ` 4 osConstV i lti.; ; C.ll 1,; tion, _ •Pulnetsi OrplooillAttsr. - • Alit :14 1? ACk an i gll n diOad: tig:, vr tii tm c Ni l n: h i s V o Ltle h rj e F ( Ile litd~ ae Jkakl g e Olnfteriagetittbe,HOsneoboking.orssf focatiog iletitationoithedfo tlyingpol.ture, -W=Lb • !.!xl tv i ntr=gl=4 , l44l • „ri tit • . - Eyes, paio fn. too . .7 f. :•=1 " " .0i: 401 1 te i r. az: sp . ; 2 , ..nciii; /1.• and great a p reeeion og, !I .1. t. • •tsßtritss : ),jillikOillii l apreireittello;elievir,l Otol!over, 443 • ..;6.1 comae ; itijAibiihOl R. 9Yeyi. =MU Twig' •iii f :. likdrEntlNG 11' OTPINCVDIES You! : • GOOD APPETITE 11„ • TOillurra. Y.01T4 ug 4070t50 LOB To ricEL wioLT,A: - f TO oststp: OP! :klF.WiNO:roiiiteo • ; . •, , • • TO 'BLIMP t t't A.BRISIC--4JMNIGOIIOIII3SEELING If you do, use HOOFLAITFMETV,BI:rgq- From Rev. J. Netatchil)Fian: Editor Die'A it* effet'' - nkVe upe tgious nowledge, 'Antioniti'utit dldPotsea it, itindiar iitoilmend Patent Kedirines hastamerar, flue distrust Ortheir higredinne und,effeetst , know; nosufficleAt reason tray a lush tratyntittestityto•the benefits he 'believer himself •tultareveeciir ; dal faituittnyi simple prquirstion hi the ho pe that he may thus . contribute to the benefit of otb en, Ido thlstlib moriaresdili hi rentrittO licioitind's Ger mauEittetr;,prOpated bT r. .3i. qt this di, bemuse' 1 - tivss•preitillided s zust•them for ninny yearn, -under thirissuresidontbut ey Were' chiefly= siceaelh mixture. -Ism judehied to my.triendllohert Shoemaker. Elq :tor the remotarth this lirejthileely 'proper tests and:forstn ittutrY tnatu. when SUfferinit from . irreatiaid long ecgitinueddebtlity. The use of nettles of these bitters; at the begitining of the preint year, washillgived by evident rellefiandrestatation to a deg ree Othodlly dud mental vigor whielt Thad not felt ter Mottingbastorm'aiad tutditlMOStvidifished.etregatuing. .Ithemifore tittnik gind and my frienttfor directing meta the useaf thew: ' ' • • J. J nne 611.1861. "I"Cill'3ll°W24. IIM;MI *TrarnolG.sounzits We%pll the attantl t in f cxf. ; ollltristn& . relations or Mends ft..the army to 'th e rdet..the '-`.IIOOFLAND's •flermarll3l.l2as” titre bintrte thi s -I:Care di I Induced bylavirstines Mtittatlnna -Incident to amp 'Ilk: in theitsteliun„ lhafedllionst 'dajly In the mesa -9 3 1x1 1 1. inisnlvf thittlek t itt wllt be. noticed that 1. very,targe portion are noll:ertng from debili t y. ETerY 4ifeeot thattkirot itan be, nattily' voted -by Boofiana's linlan Bitters. Diseases resulting , InCITI ,'dirchnien of tljedtgestive Fs are elieedily retrioial. - yet. here no , hta Ithrion k that it theta Bitters were rattly wed 1111 301 41 "/ glnli hundred!. 9 rAte.clittiS4 l l t be saved that otherwise Wlrl belost: t - faill attention tothe following remarkable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's haroct, whew life, to neet•his own languagia, " has been sawd by the Bitters:" - PHliaDu.o lA, Angthit 23d. WA 711fiars. lona ct Deans:—Well,gentiemen i yoar Hoof land's German Bitters haasavedpr life,: !There is so mistake IW - this. 'ltiS4otictied Why nontberi of my comrades, some obwhOtarnantes eke mkt:idea, and who were oognizant 0: all theoircronstances of my cafe. am, and have been; tar finielearr, a member et Shencutn's celebrated iiiattetntUndiar.dirr the immediate command of Captainß. B. Ayres. Through the exposure 'attendant upon. my ordain* antics; I -was attacked In Dlov. bat, with inflammation '0 the lungs. and woe for 12 days in the hospital. Thief Wasionowed by great de bility, heightened by an attacked dysentery. I was thee removed from the WhitellEctithei.,_ slid sent to this city on beardihe Steamer "Biltatiselt Thlatar.."mbere needed ow ,the dsth 014 on e. Since-that Wine; titre heat ahaz 15 low as any one could be and still riltati a spark of eitaS 'icy. • or a week or more was Sequel able to swallow Anything. and if I DID OKA tilaprtel awa T it was ia ettediately thrown". again • cottld not Gina Nap ailesi•of wide on =Moms& 1 4 1feeould not list wader ells -eiramiganeint and. et corettarty, th e physicians- who 'hat beta work ing faith htlly, though mos seceasfally, to rescue me from the glut' of the dread areher, frankly told me titer Obeid do no more forme. and adeised me to see ableeitggyaaaa, and to make muck disposition ofmylimitedtnadsaa , nestsuited aeqsaiataneowho visited me at the borpitsP. Ur. FretleriekSteinbora,V, Etth below Azeheueet, AN 'tied taxless forlota dope; VWTry yeatillttets";abd kind 1r preettraka,l74, PAM tlktUMel eotaldsnonTtthlat them the &ate eltedroweftleathteeetled. Mal's= now thank ASlati tirsttlall,bettet;:mhougur thitirtaktm tinttwo bottles. nawe palm feelsss gnineofbefnuineofbeinkperadtWdlOY obsui wiftriadditeghter. duos. kattrinfor.gee- Hemet:, Tam a Kul Viretii, now pitp vont Royal. To you'll: Whelk Hine** I Ott* thi tertainif of life which haa takealba.pftwOr !Mum tean—to Yaw Ellttere.Willi , .!otie the gTorlonciptdvilege of again chirp ing to my bosom thousidtursantdanwal to roe in lite. . Very trAlyptirs . • • ISAAC llitalotial. .ttefalliconeite'iWitteahiiiZe 'etitement: despaired of acelagrtecomlsdii soloo,;. to health. • "l - '•johis;Caufebtid/Asr V:' mitt. (ho. 4-itickleA - Pi Ct $,4 1 0 • ItrO'rcrik; - •••• J. Henhexx,7 6 l,7o. Aft. Ja 14 14 :: LI-v7. .reentipsh;* 'TWA ' I r . `We .4 4 91 A 'Pen4. Amino J.Eimbarla -1 B " . kik ..f 01 1 1;:(101:111111111X11; es`4ht l llieC:' 3t. C4l; Vt&Prat cd:daeb Wine; TY , •'' " • . . "rite#o3ool4lttets to; oirfir, .t Antonio onimairiivokaggur oat tyro iito 'mai: - de le 4"4"ral r a the thic e p eVinn i zA k or:: . o tze 4 pteYea tp 4: 3 1 0 ,4 40 t k r: rem f; ,•, rr.'ll,4clpalAmc and 114 - 4Weat - orl arcal,ellll ll .ll33nvanas. cuteedstit ;Tk)..' , llycOrett: Aimi at - op M 7 tral" -- .7W7F, 41 P 1 M"V t , "' • 1 441 Pt IvAa3P. A ly "w"