The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 11, 1864, Image 3

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    WP!M=' r m' )
Co, B. Of Olt •
Corr. DtitOcic .and about thirt,y'of his
comp,an.l who have reeelieted as Veterans
sre i v ed-th.te4a4Mßatifillityitiverdngjittie
Such arrangements as were possible on a
few hourivtiOticOmpi-loyfialltniade.,by
the cititens., The haildings_en the Square,
were mostly illuminated, a bonfire - built,`
bsslfenidis' .e. and the': firemen
s ed•Band,, with tor ches escOrtedthe 'Vet
erans to the' Court Rouse front where B.
8. BeutleyAsq.;oa behalf bf.the, +liaisons,
m ade an earnest and appropriate reception
spe§o.l4ocoldidrotwOre'then conducted
to Searliesliotel when supper was. , pre,
pared for them: •--
The war-wbrn men were. -- greeted with
marked •ezhibitions of grata - tide and honor
bq ltrresObird bf.Cittsenbe They look
and Oct well, end,deserve well of the pub
lic ; anthwea!so ;take the' libeitY of sta
ting utuFfil tko-testimooy of conductor and
others-errthii.traini' that'they were an, un
man.? ivell conducted company. • ...
Long-life:and good Ina tolhem all!
liersonal Items.
Many.peusons forget that editors do cot
'print communications of any kind unless
informed-of the author's name, or upon;
.r.he:sequinit.of some •person. Among the
annnyd!ints•fnatt'et on hand,- are , seyeral
o bituaries, : which the writers, and Perhaps
the •friendd,..eiPect ,us,to publish ; but we
cannot know that the notices are genuine,
unless a prlV,ite,;nO t te,with it',name, is sent.
We omit =tend, portions of the note
of "A Looker Oii,":"lstot feeling sure that :
it ought to bb'printTi in just the form we
received it.
The soldier who writes to us in relation
(raainiY) - Ibe_editors 'who" id coifdtitially
printing meanly faJse personal attacks up
.oo us, nrsreot be aware that the deli Cate
points he "touches, in , reference to theass-
A i4urscamp,Are nufficieutly understood,
now, in the community ; and while, the in
evitable *fang
,he Writes or prints bears on
its face so dark a shade of the • brand of
Cain thatit. cannot harm us, it convinces
repectable, RepubliCans that the mo
tivesAvhich prompt him are as - base as the
,continuoue personalities are contemptible.
.Aptipquo* *misty.
Jaii:.16;11•664--The annual meeting of
:thiflusgridhantra County AgriculturalSo
e.iety was held at the Court-house in Mont
rose, in pursuance of the Constitution and
putEo notice. The business first in order
'being.thetelection of officers for the ensu
iitiryear,•on motiou, voted, that the Pres
identm appoint a Committee of five. to re
port names of suitable men to. fill the of
,fices of 'the Society for the ensuing year.
Whereapon, Messrs. J. 8. Tartlet!, J. 11.
McCain, Henry Drinker, A. N. Bullard,
and E. B. Beardsley, were .appointed said
Committee, who retired for 'the • pufpose
.of consultation. • '
A. Lathrop,
_Treasurer presented his
sccouq,t of the funds of the Society, in the
viordl*d figures following, liar. ,
A. Lathrop, in acc't with Swag's County
1863. Agrieultunk§ociety, - , Dr.
Jan. 20, To balance, $)125 49
To cash, life' members, 380 00
Cash, IL 7..Chimpion, donsen, 6.00
Oct. 1, Ain't reed at Annual Fair, 625 00
" M. Newman, (Gra.itand,) 10 00
" C. .1. Hollister, donation, 200
" W. EL Jessup, " 300
" G. H. Ranalin, 0 .- • 200
County appropriation, 100 00
Total, „
Jan. 2i; By.F.-B. Chandler's bill, $ 2 00
Feb. , G. W. Comstock, 150 00
: . .
Baldwin. & . Allen, .7Q .07
s._...But.terfield, 5 00
-U. L.:lfrown, .7 ' 10 00
. Republican, 14 00
..-..,-. ”. , .N.-..gmmer, 1 35
''''' ''' ' r 5 UT.:' ib Riley, _ 12 58
7 :- ' 7: :A: Bahlwin, 24 13
, • ,.• Lpordei
,42 50
- • ' 1
,- . ,very `rink, l6 50
• Paid on. Premiums, , 362,50
Babinec, , - - - , ' 426 86
18$4. 7'
Jay!. Balsutef.,
We, the padersigne4 aftbers of the
Fai'eutive.Committee,4lo4ereify.that we
have eiataiped the aeciptit of A. Lathrop,
Treasurer of the Agnicultuval Society,and
.find it collet as above stated.
A. Bsziesmr,.. 1•4„.„,.
• - S. F. CARMAIX, "" `"'"`
Which, on motion, was read, .`approved
andatdopted by. thaioCiety. . --
The Committee on officers report as
lowe, s to wit
AFr President, S. F. CARMALT:
Virg Presidents, Hon. gins:. PARKE,'
SrspinFr BREED. - •
Re i i ding See)T, Q.Z. titOwN.
Trell44 - or, -- Alint rsinnoP. •
' Eiiientive Corn. 8 years, J. S. Tanneu..
Which, on motion, were duly elected
forl.hc l earlB64.
moti4,*Oted; that the President
:ap int 'a Ccimmitted of three, to prepare
- inetiinterproteed
.ings in . t ,i t l (ronrt. of common Pleas at the
preserit. Wilk kir' obtaining: an indorpora
tiotvistia Boiiiety awarding-4o law, and
ihaittaid Committee "report a Charter at
gaijonrned meeting tale' held on Mon
d" eeening 4 - 25 * , rcirc-appreval 'and
signature. Whereupon, the President ap•
pointed dersup; Hen ry Drinker
and a p, 04ictgaamagtog.. Ad
journed? _. „ *.;
Monday evitibig.• 1aa.15p1314.- - : TIP
adjourned meeting being fp order,
- the •enmligtteken preparmg Charter re
port-obi Oudon lad copy of,Constitotion
a na'SPUilt:(rtiinliaer being and
eonilderad, - *in Molded, and Ww.
WOO. tP i t r l int4ll l 4 -
10% , 11ttd;roon a Mailer
aCcatilitto set 'of assetrildv
Adjottitted. • • L.`Bnow4, Seep
• 4 ,
Ms. ',/torrtoit: l 4lliitirlg t ,'*d, the epistla
publiSbed, in the tepfiblatn i °tithe Boirif.
of Enrolment : anti its doings,l would 174p7t
to lay ttfaw facts before your readerh that.
..onder °via - eye.. ThiA writer - 6f
- that letter thinks many 'would be e;emp.:
ted by ,this. Board but:for :.the constrgo.•
Lion pat. upon .the., act by . the Xrovast
Marshal Gen. 1 think, this board in 'some
.instances have *given their inert' imtrintipn,
to the law which was found not to beth's'
holding at heall.trartera..,Example: TitO
law 'says; "thafather of motherless ahilk
ren togaiiiinearalifige are eiempt.
This board*tys, •"thesfatter of one such
child doe:ix:at come under the The
Proyost Marshal acit.' says be
Which is right ? •
The:,haw - ayaiiiemPtion. shall depend
upon lip and .dependence On labor ire:
Thii board exempts the son of a fanner
worth at least $4,0011, and holds the son
of a lot , wortit,as 'many hnadreas.
They exempt ' amin4ho bus . not! hist -"a
day's work for years,
_and hold another
who hag nbt 1100 a:Vs - vat* for three
years; the first said , by them to haye an
affecuon Orthelings, the other haOhe
consumption n s q
rknow they claim to be judges on
these pointii,rbbi mycl prayer
Lord deliver me from them !" •
. •
The justien.and prinCiPle of their doings
may be seeitlWthet'vllaiviti g : A man-is
ex,amitied and fotind to have good ground
for exemption.,,They,ask him, "have you
feed, any of those. lawyers or,doetors for
if yiiu have' ireithall '11614 Yon II:
High niluiled " men are they not, and
marking to Carry Out tho law 7' Is it their
bust eas wlto . 3 tnan 'shall employ, And
whiitinio he maltestOf his money" Or are
they not have enough to
pay the sepots the coming night Y.
After three days carefultibservation of
their doings, and hearing hundreds of oa
ses rep9Ftegi ° it is our
opinion that morii Obliging men could, be
found almost anywhere, as well qualified
as this bOard, , Compare .Zlseak with, the
one we had in Stuicpieliantia c,punty last
year. Messrs. Bentley Alc . Co. were infin
itely 'above them in every respect. The
complaint has not been without causeoind
it is said that the writer of that, letter de
serted, or turned over to the board, some
subjedt he had engaged' to assist for a fee.
- Itilifontrase,-
imsON, wife of Dr. 3. Blackman, in the
70th year of her age. "Father, into thy
handa.l. commend my,spirit."
In Forest Lake; lan. I t, - Dem= L,
aged. 4 years 0 mo.,—on the 1311 i, EMMY
LOUISA, aged 9 yestre,4and - oil the
ANNA Ftllo.lincrit, aged 8 . years, all' Ordip
theria—ebildien-of el and -Isabel C.
Gregory. -
Auditor's* Noticoo-- •
wonao I. hereby given that the undersigned, ap
J.l. arulitor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Sus
suckuurrui:county; to adjust the accounts of Jacob M.
Howard, administrator of Isaac Howard, deed, win at
tend to She /littlest oflis ippOinlitiensit his office in
Montrose., on Friday Ma 28th day of March nest, at 1
o'clock in the . afternoon, at which time and , place all
persons interested willbe heard.
Feb. sth. 1851.- F. B. svissnik Auditor.
MaiLloek=itm,c7L Auotio oz',
81,253 49
Auburn Pour Corners, Pa.
1181{ subscriber would triton's his old friends, and
.1 the public generally. that be has just returned from
New York Citywith 4 well *elected assortment of
$1,253 49
'114213 86
. -
and various.other articles. iamb as are needed In every
andthattbeY will be sold fir Clish at
prices that Cannot fail to salt. Please call and _ezain..
Montrose, Feb. T., 1854.
One Price Store !
B in north wi
p 8.4 BRAT liglethfi••
good ata
Befits and Shoes,
. .
.. _
1 • IEA: ‘. T S ,
-... :.1,1111- ,.:. tho . , ,, P b. i stui ± C d
. t 2 O 4: ' . : P . I. ''''
weak if sot tame; and yAre go. ...ots at
. .F - ,thens ciatunut, 024 mama RA them co AL • -
in 1221 ! 1 !" 1 ?ti.,.'.: - ,.. ', , - ',.1...1•.. - ..: -, 1
..." :
. 1 - `.;..: ' :
. G
- .. ;
. Vests, and -
Waite su Colored _
..` 1 1 •
Gettig Cheap. NeekTies; $
ad .
Safs. UAW and_assits rais, ' WNW_
- Linen flandketridefs, Unth
dos' -- a
4 47 s ad►e ' i splendid Stocklett r,
itoughi for cask =di ellen+ you Bawl=
w.....g=t4to:snektets 9dL inteteentee. ‘
•di44% indesl4ll4
tiiininfOet rot., I, usc—to
; S 74,
"pit 11115111171111ANNACV011111 IT
. •-• ••••
ar I C)301;*7001 -4 "iiiiiii.t h elaketi,
PublithediApitriumasqr an Ad(lfAuthiblYfr . ' I
• April-lb, 4. Mt- •
Accon - 30a. for Ototuitt-Taz.
• Pet elg
Arar4l.. . t ,
~4,111.98 S I23 AS six. - WI It
4powol; - • ' aye - 3.118`.
Auburn _. _
Elif,o3 coca+ too 81,se
Bridgewater 1199,87 1121,29' 1257 39,02-
Woollya NM 518,41 1110 ; SIP
Choconut • 990.88 24,07 .151 • '14.40
e11e0rd......, ' ' 585,37 • 491,25 ' 18,96 . 25.88
Dimbek • • : 544.57 4645' 6.119 • ' 111.011
Bonded 158,02 120,95 4,42 -11,121'
Forest Lake..... 529.92 500.99 ' 158 c 4E7
,Franklin. 359 0 19 97 . 07 . 13,74 ...17,21
Prindiville 106,211 99,95 1,57 ' • 5,21
Gibson 565,99 585,89 ,81 • E 28.28
Great 114:n4714i 473,45 448,00 .1.88 • ,231,58
Gt. Bend Bore' - . 109,01 154,48 0,40' ' 0,13
' Barba: , ...... .. • r ' .. 425,17. ~,, 4,88 4- 25,01
Hartrio37 ' • 411. , :74 snA4 '1,(0.64 , nor
Herrick • ' ..4 1554 "•-• -1,1111 1(1 lAA&
Jackson 44441 , 7 -41082.- 6,73 _, 11,94
Jessog.: • • , . 315 , 89 ,„1 13 0. 53- bc s " 39 , 7 1
'Llttlellea4Orra.. ' • 57,91 2 • -154;ar • - ogr,i • -0.86
LatbrOp: . . ... .... , 14,25 . 1131,95 5,1115, , 12,18
Lenox .... ~. ... 45AA15 998,18 - 5 . 9 1 . 20090
Liberty - V.. ' 0325.81 503,07 1 '• 6.44 .-' 18100
Middletown .344,15 43,57 • 11,65 103-
' '
Montrose... • , 675, 9 1 591.48 15,52 -32,8 T,
New Milford 1•Iis ' .655,21 517.62 5,611 ,•"•32,111
N. Milford Bowe -151,14 :43.14,0rr ~ -..1.55,
Oakland - • 157,65 • 3/12,77 - - km - 8,04
Bush- • :. e78,,63 ..•44114050 , ,19429. 9 2. 18 :
Silver Lake - • 551,04' 289,19- • 4,00 11$0
sprisilistue. : . .. 478.41 440,76 • 14.46• , •143i0' i
susqueLllzin ll 59.: 270, 4 3 754.10 - . 8.13 - 13.41
Triolus.ol7i.., • 203,13 1115,10 2,81. 10,27
Total dsnonatit. 1113,3378 f $12,49622 $20364 05711
Total amount of Duplicates. fi 03.337 - 57
Amount paid by Collectors. 1863, $11,06 fl .
ffizonemtlons tcreollecturs,lB63, , 214 64
Rcrcentage of Co ctors, 1863. 657 71—512,m 57
Treasurer's Office, Moutrosa, t
December, 81st. 1863. I A 31019 MlCllol.ll;
CoMotors' Accounts for Dog Tax.
Collector. Districts. Dupiles. Paid. Its:n. Pcret'g
Chancey Avery, Ararat,• $5,78 S4,Z gym $0.55
Johnson Foster, Apolacon, .. 10,25 9,60 .25 • ,50
Jack. Manning. Auburn,.. .. 88,50 83,49 • 1.25'
O. B. Darrow,.. Bridgewaer 83,25 29.25 8,50 1,19
Edwin Rogers,. Brooklyn... 29,50 25,89 1,25 1.35
L. Mclnerny,... Choconat,.. 20,15 19,71 .
E. B.. Lewis . Clifford 80/0 28,02 IA 1.48
A. D.lmack.• *** 58,25 ./21.01 160.1,21
8.0. Weaver,.. Dundaff 5.75 4 .01 ,1,50 21
Homy ForeetLake. 8435 81,111 ." 1.60
Andre it Banker Franklin.... 15,00 13,54 '.75 71
Thos. Mathews, fFriendwriUe 0,05 tut 1,15 ,88
8. P.- Mauler, Gibson, 110 16,61 . ,ss
Wm. 8. Barnes, Great Bead, WO '111,47 " .8;50 1,03
Even " " Bore, 8,75 41.99 1,50
O. Payne. r.,.. Buford_ .. 32,75 99.81 2,53 IPS
DasitiTay 0r... Harmony... . 8,50 7,64, ,26
Harriet. Bons, . Herrick-- 14,50 13,80 ,50
Orbatie HAW—, 21.115 18 05 2.75
Lorin' Smith, Jessup,. 19,50 17.10' 1,50 90
Nathan . ' Duel, ISUMftdois, • 1,75 , 1.68 ;la
T. J. Robinson Lathrop 21,75 11.81 - 1.00
A. Churchill, Lenox A 4,15 29,91 2,75 458
Jonathan Ron, Marty, .. 17.00 15,44:
M. McManus,. Middletown. 29,50 27,79 , 1.40
P.O. Warner.. M0ntr05e....14.00 11,59 1,'15 80
W. T. Motley, New 311116. w 3.25 75 1,85'
0, R. Whims ~ B oro, 5.75 4.99 , • ,50 .21
8.10,50 8.31 • 1,15- 0141
11 ;Ir. Carter— "Rash.. 48,25 40.117 Alms • 148
D .. Silver ' -. Lake, - 25.25 '43.76. 1.25 1.25
J. Einagerford, Springville.. 2945 , 26,58 1,00 1,89
R. Gilbert.... Sasms,Depot, 21,50 21,81 ,75 . 1.14
W. B. Stoddard Thammaza.... ems per
Total Amatmts.
- nscAPrrinATloN
Total mama of Dußlleatea for slp,
Amount paid by Collector% .
Ain't exonerate '•
Am't of percentage, " • " 1344—(011101
Collectors' Accounts - Am Special -Tax.
Dlst;tets. Duplicates: Amt. p'd., BMW& Finn;
Ararat • $13.14 . VI 39. , $0.17. $0,65
Apolacon 25,49 93,89 .S 8 1.23
An urn. 64.09 60,60 ,30 ' • 3,19:
Bridgewater. 120.52- 11100 .84 5,93
8r00k1yn..... ... 55,14 32,24 .15 2,75
Choconat ri‘3o 27.19 X 1.43
clirrord„ ... ...... 63,60 49,12 2,09 2,59
'Hiram*, 64,80 Ml,": 1,01 • - 3J 9
Dundaff, ' 12,83 11,77 .44 .6 3
Forest Lake 80,49 47.50 ,8 2,50
Franklin 55,84 82,73 1,39 1,72
Prieedsville 10,71 9,04 .26' - .52
Gibson . 57.13 64.16 _ .13 9,85'
Great Bend Twl., 47.65 65.01 ..% ~5,37
Great. Bend Bore,. 17.01 15, 79 A . 95
Buford ~ , 50.96 47,20 51 1,52
Hann05y........ 33,03 30,75 1 5 1 62
Herrick, •- 27.6) Z. 56 . 89 '
Jackson • 44.80 41.90 • ,63 - 2,21
,Jessup 28,14 38,05 ,19 1,90
Little Meadows.. 5.80 6,45 ' ,06 ,29
Lathrop, 25,10 23,26 52 - x'l ; ls
Len t ...- 43.06 40.21 , 69 2, ; 1 2
Liberty ' .. 82,73 93. - ,54 1,61
Middletown, 54.70 32,40
. .6 0 l a
Montrose 67 - ;121 - 6 - 2 - .10 1,
New Milford Twp- 133.93
N. Milford Bora., 1.5.17 14, -. 41 ,7l
Oakland.. • .5 t./..7
Al:r7o 47,80 1,22
33,20 34,01 .47 1,79
43,15 44,33 2,49 2,234
23,21 UP ,93 1,22
21,09 19,83 ,42 1,01
Silver Lake.
Susquehanna Dpo.
Total Amounts, MUMS 11111540 . jrl2 08 j 615 10
Total amount of Duplicates for DM. • $1,343
Amount paid by Collectors for 180344= 10 ,
Amount exonerated, 21 08
Atimunt of percentage, 6610—51,1543111
ooVo.Acc's for Additional Omit Tax.
,Distiicte. Duplicates. Amt. ed. !son. rrc'ege
8 n. 44 $ 1 , 163 . 66 $l 9O -VIP
.511 7. -- est. 73eas•
15) • 1158, , /FISB,BB COM
2874,93 2195,18 . .84,20 115.54
totem 1038.22 2,27 5 0 4
584.191 2409
_lB9 abl.lB
jar* , -41,61-
r 14.89
_ll,p lie
kaTteilinkelolB49 •--
'9B, .11, SW,
Franklin...., ..... . 718,83 647,711. 2101) ' 340
IPriendarille - • .212,87 ' 18941i1%03 10,00
Gibson ' .112. , 08 1019.38 • 1,16,98 6x,76Great Hvd Tcrerlo -• 941.91 891 , 08.. 3,93 42,20
Great . wad Brim 837,70 1113,60 VW JAS
Harford, 1003.98 891.49 . , e 6,5? 410/
Harmony 629,88 GYI3II • 20,70 'MA
Herrick. 544.58 807,41 10.44 *7l
Jackson "S.! 8°4 41 1 _ ST! 42.83
Tatra • 70 9 ;14 • • 17 - 1 4
115.65 108.10 1.15 •
AMA 4E4418 - 24.W5
NSA "413.53 ~ar
Little Mudowo...
Liberty 653.20 600,52 lUD .400
m I ddletows 6 8 8 .19__MOS KZ
Montrose. .. . 135080 urAgs 3140 '
N ew 1779,17 1922.11 ILI? • 83
N. Milford' Moro. 110gU0! 266.275 AS 14031
Oakland 1M.05 113.78 19.60_
Rusty 1006,0 • wer
Sliver Lake 720.63. 7,10 aka
Springville ' MS' 117.112 047
Sim* liep o t.... _ 6453 • =Art 11.04 MO -
Theinecm. ... 407,17..y.,310,81. ' 17.51 15,49
Total Amoonta.,AI4MPBOSU. 6796 1177016 SPAM
.14030110 --
Miklnntsalotbi Co M0r5...." • ..
Miami of Clot oils; '"to
41:1115110111 1 6".•• • ••• !..!•? .288.14136P1
r Sils4abano r s 1414 , 1ress.
,oi Co - •
To oraitsblelipplp,l4 tliVreetemm.
To ebearreetbliptperpteetsibrety.' 1100-99:
Tetnamirtitznoperfar Wet OW
Tcreeveral amA!! Notel4 nettes,
dm as per he=oeit Report, - •suu.
WeTottfittlatto to tteiLeity' 'llt4esielit. -
: 44• 4' AMU, • •
AUPI fr,
. I
• ot• lir t a xe 4.*;
A — nt a •-
Cinutbstitotro bate, Itinitottit,44l4.46s4l.
' '' ' 1106111,.- ----• • - 119 I
leati' - J . - Iwo
•• . • - - .466 ID
Soho' "
• Coestallibrues ' -•' • . 42"011 -
Seder t :
• • • L- : MAO:
iso,;;; , 4 - • 1152 GO
do,• 110110 .
-Daild , eleeXeiiiiulaslo6or: - 15°
Grand sad Trinicsa f inanak: .„ - „ 6,5115
So .
M ; ir ' , i n : i ; atl 4:. o •• , • I
GI. 11: side. late • • 606
EF uters . , sham . '• . • vr 00"1
'711121 16 .6" - • ," -.- EL®
.C967141crw - 169 61
duslte6s'of the penes. • - 05
B. Ottoud,l77surence , : -• • • • -•• . 111 10
ticetioueryaselpeartage IX I
Court-bouse • . . . • • . LIS 61
_ „ us 10
stieltelpltat' ' - : 7lll
B.Ctees9loar *exttelar .•• • - • • ". el °D .
Etweartteirtsmi en l mit**. • -
will eroilin'i t •.• . • 600-00
Eastern Teulteutiary . . • • - in
Agrlnaltatal Steady . . • . 190 01
Totem% , • . . 18 OS
Wlideett -" • • • "" •-• "
D. Titus. late Tfreasir b Oa . t e tat, dae1t69;11., 1 1 18 NO
• B ri ,4l)Sl l , l ewfs .elock • le 13
L• -
EU -I.lall roomed - - - *XS CO
8. W. Breckeaulltor, „ . . . . GO
W. U. Tleeley, - do. . • . . 1.10
TresWeeding ureteric •., . . . 07
surer's percentage , . - ' :GU si
$555.005 5 *5 1 $ 44 . 75 $52.74
'3,lCozily Grans retan ititeens'd. 1 - to 537, Inclvs.sill,634 49
By watt ftmcidas. - • • 711
:By atootait pat ailat auditors - • • 'lB 'OO
21ylprrece - al
$10j55 110
,A ...
,Stafiriteet showing the indetitedneie.of
Srisquebenns County; Dec. 31,1883.
For moneys loan i 24 tos
tVier. $U y2ll , OILS ih -1
rota yews:
Number 1 41,0130
11 - .2 . •
4 4OO
5 145 ..
0. • • •Th
" 73 *.boo
aa.rk 8 . 100'..4
" 10 500 • 4
" 500 ; ,.I
" • - 10 • 400
17 500
^ 74' " moor
..13 ZOO 00'
250 1:41'
23 50..
• 13. .
50110' ol9'
" 89 100 00
• 14,833 00
Deduct =mutt =Mediu Tretower's bawls, s 4,154 57
Total lndebtettlitisi Of the County, 1510,11TT 43
• - • ,r 4 • - AMOS NICHOLS: Treasurer.
Tresspreel*O:Mee. itysmtrose, Dec. 81, 1566.
Treasurer in no't current with Common
1863. 'wealth; of-Pennsylvania. }Dr
Totegument °Mtge Taxes tended sad
as~icucd,foeAke - Rso of the ..Coauiscawsalth
for Os leas=. saper suaemese al Coned"
Cosairlsaloaers Med with sabiTreaustim. AM 14
To. to Noma of outataadlsit taxes tor
predees Bits.
iz: ISA, and WO, as
vulva AReport; • ' 41
By 5 Ppr cost:lllloire6Valeetati o 1 1863, • Sat
IFlTTEggrekeiisr ssupso, so 42
By am t Iti - Treasnrer's hands farl263, ten sir et. 6.305 39
By 3 . 2ensarefe percentage on $5,702,94 at 1 poset.63 69
180:;;Trem; Statipiant of Doz Tax. Dr
Tis.ptiinu:ct otnapltettas 10.r1W-
Btagotteratkins t000llectots„ •, 144.15
By percentage to collectors, ; 20 74
Rt MD= reideetned, 110 25. Inclusive, $49 N • ,
By Treas. cm. on roc's 690,61 per KAI 41
By Tress. corn. on ' ex: at 1 per et, 7 00
By aittottatla Treasnreestan 251 14-11690 00
liiiitshisce Ea Treasurer's iamb'
Trengurer of-Susit. County in ono% with
1863. " Additional County Tax." }Dr.
To anet of tar trete& ' 470.748 80
To tranefer of licx4y of County Commission
ers Wan W: n:Coksper & Co.. bankers.
To loan No. 60, 1 year. ,
To !pen No. 0. 1 year. . . .
Toloarairnirt„ 1 year. . '
ToTo Mk :
66. 2 ram 6s.44aar, 500 CO
l No. _ 1.0 0 00 000'
To ' fronrprintere to eoldlen' families, 61 00
To loan Vb. 71,1 year. • • 500 00
Toll:Weft. 0;1 yaw. ' ' ' ' '' " 'MOD
To loan No. 74, 1 year. • 100 00
To 41In lio, 75, ljw... . 100 00
r meal 47
By cutlers redeethed from Ito 8 !massive. MO IS
By ccrtaiersticnie to.collectors, wo 16
_BY-.2 1 -69Futage to collectors. - 1498 96
th 7 Treall• COM. MI 919481 03 , reels at it per ct. 146 91
By Tredla. eon. on M. 502 1914. az.. at yi pernt. 126 61
By balance In Treasurer's UMW. - 9,154 67
to balance Wrought down.
Statethent of SherWs ace's for 1863. Dr.
To Ana jars ries as per entitlesto
of pa clerk of ttisCoort of (touter Sessions. WM 00
Contt;gi - . ,, L - 4
By ',pafd ZYea.rieer 'sad charged in hia ac't $316 69
By. per cent retained for colliding. 4 43
15herifa Office, Montrose. Dec. IL 1163 I ',01133:14. Sheriff. • I 021 00
Tossertiof kusq. County in account current
1888.• - /*id) said County.
To am't In Tress: bands *last ant report. $ 00 .ts
Totunonpa of.Doplkaites forlBBB. 18,85 T 57
To aln't fella EN.Grees,shValnes &Jar/tees. 218 58
To Moonnalecs me- tretfroM retuned lands, • 2 T B 28
m. of commonwealth Ts.
batttidSe'Otallltterrellelfthast. Id. D. elteban,
29 01 151
Totmsettneland tax oti,. C. - 110irle for 188D.'81, 08
To adltiond county taxes as 29
To taxes assessed preilonelectlon. 1a It
To annispollempanon vs. James Balm 40 40
To balance lairimiimar sfipzids, 1 . 0 • -
PIM 14
1863. - f.
Bywammildrlgaanty .Andiecirk . $ WOO'
By irzoneratioas to Colleetots,-11611, WS 64
BY 1 1 :75Vnt a ti a l? rAtiteton. 3843. virri
Biiightireaudlagerdies.7 •
By County online relesmed., 184587: Inelusive.lB.lB6
Hy ;amp Li4W es reets.lllUsettotll pee et, All
By 46. as expatil. 18,06•0 • .112 69
By anamins utattey. ; • ' - ' 48 CO
By a 410889 fit Trasipuigea 9064. „_ .t.BOO 159
. .
' • -
- ;:18.4. 14
~ • ;
Tin* in sock witheetrittionwestith of
1868 PP.
TO Of OW, Tint leaded and aw •' '7 __AssissAtrarssi, ss
lor *ON .: Of VigeNithiStd tb
_ .„
• t
ligtoi. — .;•lis' --, • ,
. 4T
P '
letaibbS l 4441114-1 1 11 .2
'lloierscebt Theserldminds•
TroirrlnettattettakeeMsa. .; g
0601007,4 ?remotion . . ele,ooll
~.. - - •
- welbelluditoSe e. esitliss mid &NW
ilrineallielll3 lll • 3ol9l33 _loslles.el the Court Nous, 1
is Noitrose on Moodily, is" 4111 day of Jimmy. UM.
toaadlttbtastwtaof tior Colosilsslon
on sod Cdlll4 003147. - allot which we found
ea Show' essadhstlorilo be perfectly cornet an d in A n.
eitrahleand I ystematic Wen 'Welted in tho hands of
Amos Nichol'. Treasurer tOl County tand", $L$ in
' OtAddltionsl Oollll9y Tax fttads. • o„im wr
Of State Taitronds, - . • . . 9.393 39
Of t r inftslllls..• '- , • ,; , 1,943 54
Of Tax fto4:. • • . stsi 15
~ um ?pies, • 233 Fi;
. Id. MOULT.
' • .'' .r.r •U c: sTEwArr.t . lll44lll *
Auditor's M Montrose. Jae. 5, 1511 ' ' : .
- • "..I,osiirtsof - Ap4eal
p - Conamissioners a of Soscrecomity tome fixed spear
follo wing dys and datemyfor hearing
Appeals trottalktiAammatute for the y epectireJear MK at the
Commissioners' Mt in Montrose, to wit:
Apoiaeon.Chdeontit, Friendstille, Forest Lake. Little
Meadows:and. Middletown; 'Panda , Feb: 28d, 1851.
Frenktio. Liberty. ether Lake. Jessup. sad
'task Wednesday. t eb. Nth.
Latbrop.d @ratgendg Borongb.
NewAgiford tßOreael Thozsday, Feb. *XL
Valditad, pairi Borough,"Aratat, Mtekson
and Tnorason: Friday. Feb. SU..• Feb.,
Montrose, Bridgewsterand Brooklyn . Sat. F tub. Clidert,__ThandiA Linos, Gibson. lautord.
Br anurtif thevetniantosters;
- V. A. CitOlLSMON;cierk• •
Commissioners'i Once. Montrose. Jar" dd. OW
- - • •
$14,116:1 CO
Fareottora.:. N,otiCe.
T 'ETTER,. Testamentarr to' the Irstite of Thome
1J Gaytos demised. late ot Silver lake lownshlp.
having bees graated-to theAmderstimed. all parms
&Walt° said estate me nested
. to soaks fmatedlat•
payment, and these haelft the same to
preen t them to: , VUOILIA -IL NAOS. IL • •
• *mists KRUM Ibmetdora.
ltllter gait; ;Per. Ft. 1883.-410.
teprNo. 60,111 this
• IBS 256540 00
U 500.00
. 1000 CO
W. I 00
• as 50 00
IN at 00
110 00
•• sOO.OO
OS as GOO 00
CI 500 00
•. 61 450 00
66 500 00
Oa as 1.000 00
66 6 3
: 4-
$1,146 06
$7,14A) 06
$111,1301 47
$ 4 .154 57
MU Aadkal6-' •
'Executor's Notice.
ALL • -mho na Indebted to the Estate of MET
.WELLYAN, late of N. Milford townsbtp,deVd.are
hereby notified to hake immedlatepsyment, endm
aIl ,
sone havtirg clams agatrat add eitate "rill present
to the undendeped tor se LlOT ttlement. •
EL 41.LDEICII, Executor .
New KWh& Jan. 14, 1861:
...• . . . .
, ' • . ': tr '.
. •
‘• . . . A. 1 w3E1N:77 grxmetrarl. ortAstiaatialtit . . i
.EE .
. .
TRAIN of BUSINESS f0r.1804-.
. . • •
• . •, . . .
.., t
_ '. , . • • -
.... '••
• -;
• .
. . . . .. „
. a
• .. .
.- k •
, . .
. cow • LEC4141M1RL4C063312, imaili.a. • ... ~,.
. ~ .. .
, . . -8.
Have 'concluded and are determined from this date to do
. .. . Cam_
V 0511411813 ; and further state that the, ale very &sirens of loading up with their old Mends and eastoiste
We would advise theta to come and pay up their old aeconnte. either with cash arselcis h.,' sot*.
we have to payteP everything we buy ; and cub we must have if we sell any Goods hereafter. , We feel von=
teats about initiating this rule as perhaps many customers of ours will feel touched about being refused if credit.
but nevaiheleas the intelligent can see at once that the times hate changed and with it. business. TLS
we would ask our old customersand friends in general to aiiika due allowance for the above stated reaSonSF"
-, *
•'." . '. -
• '
We also advise all who desire to 'buy GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH
examine ansios one Stock. which is complete iti all particulars. and we will satisfy any reasonable penal ibis
Cy4loBs-• purchases eta quite &different thing from a credit.t •
. . . ..,..
Those who are kids:MR(l.W as.and have Romany excuses for n o t r pity ing, wirwoidd
advise takingGrafi, flottor.Lard. T ied Apples , geesi Feathers . Beeswax. Wool B t., stag eugetllidlif; Ma
wo will allot them the cash price for them and piseethe amounttotheir credit '
MO:4=MM Pa-. Jan. Atil. 18 "
. '
• .: -
ERNIII=IT, ,will give prompt attention to an
claims entrusted to his care. Chairs low, and infor
mation orintlCE.B F. FITCH.
Montrose,, Jan. 14.1864. an
A in t. Back Pay !
derslgned Lawn= agorae on ens GOYW
, glee promptatteatlon to all claim Wane
ted to cars. Recharge unless successful.
Mon , Aug. 20,`621. - J. B. If cCOLLIIM.
IT. 'w7l7' -3Ellaurgeogis,
. , _ - -
, Asti. !a, 18133. ly
--Gerden Seeds, -
tilover, Timothy* Flax Seed,
;Posui,- lark candies,
, Mehl Smoked
Synipsi lioiiisses- and Snare,
:: Batter,.
A.-Ltirownt, Aqx. L. ALLEN, aiiisamrr.
moltpvie, Aptil 14, - • -
, n nounnonm
underaWeed; tot s members of dm Of BAY.
gr to
uis swTsm. haws Ms day entered tato - cri;
kaettiorahlp under thesame and style Of Ali
Hayden' for the naneettion 01-her.Tobtetni Tro In
Tsakearcisr;Wasebri: tie tts cr ods,
•WO Anirpdt: AO, tota. 18.61 1 .• • •
ammo; iimisiou4s_god thew
ter m ! or Jan and Gan* ifilall2,2 o 4 4 041
+cattirpn ingrPedan
Xs, libtanniesik
$19071 14 111"illi ttt
•y,_ •
.."..:••;- 5 • 20 # 1 ,- I *Pfr i * `;'
3 ,11 410 1 1 1-
3. 4 *: ' • 't. '
• . .
- .' 3 1 16 . 31 ;c 4 M
Piio 'I
- -
"WIC Madartignaluivigg elide tunnvemests to Set ~
1 'consumptions from the //aft to- those Mftilled„ - -
end hithimg procured from the ollite'of the ProvePritto' l
dial atlicranton the. requisite forms and lustnustieljes ,'
will atteadto that business et his °Meeks Mont:sail dli•
ring the thalami:ice of , the' draft: ' Office bourn trout, i ..
O'croci4 a.m. to 10.6'41044 P.m.:TWO 41111 "" 46. -
*ailing that:l2,l4lms of my services. *in Prelleel -thrfr;
selves at my often Immediately on receiving. sauce It oaar'l
they are drafted, and 1 ammo them tbst in •is dant -.
they will Ithdit to their advantage. '" ' -
' ' •
a • stio
The persons for whom I propose to set, es • Ale
entitled to exemptions. are-as follows : .. -. A ...,.., •
ist„Eacla person drafted who ii thefainTy_son of i WM"
ow orof aged or (Minn parent WS pawns.
~ .. • -,.-
.., - , e,r, •
2d.. Qua of th e was of aged 0r...k Puma% lOUS- . "
thetis tooth than orison. " '-, ' ;_-_-_ 4—i
ed, Each perion. who is he only brother eta . elit,lit - elti
4thildrth. :manta yeariplage dependent it blirtailicre
i ltr:= 2 =l are 2°?1" is t rliber e ol a '
Ig l u farollt. c u herOVlmes :.'
itary untie etas United Butes.- ' 1 , 11 ! 11 : tal l Y14 lb " :rtrae., -
' 6tit.ltschipersoel wlto is ths lather of motherless OW.,
dreg' ender =Maser age , depend at outgo lhbipiogss '
!VW': • •' -
^ Each penes "loiter 20 ysers"•of ego, wirsisilli
years" uf age i• and inarrfedr or ••osesth .yemor OZ.
7th.- Aliens or unnaturafteed foreigners. . ~
irir Wberethere Mt two nr more sons of auneter -
trifirin percale and tbe parent desires to sleety& Nall
be exempt. tit', election_ must be suds before ths tiitgt,'
or it war not Dirtemirded, • ' ''
-TherVorsiotheetuagers pertaining fogbit*iali,
Amu. whith are iMportaitt the. drafted men to' flaw
stand; saderwhich they-wiltbaliedfteitatipowiptillaV.?.
• Lug timasselyee se n s lotA ctarr ns.
1nt11.13E7f." : ' '
Kontri;slo Attc = n cr poan .. sellata , v. and Jan .....
ExEuninizig 'Surgeon
MI :.f
subscriber baling been" aantst i l ai tlla .Caar4
adsaloner.of Pe M
nsions, a EDICAL. IN= at.
large, to examine and give eartiffeites nnlttliattOK'
Penelons, will attend to all application , thlitMiLlle;
presented to him, at Montrose, Pa. Zooms at J. 1,,Mn6
bell', Rotel. PATIMI4 - .
ffentrmiedtptil 6.1863.0 • .3 ,
WM. - R. COOPER,/ .
AGENTS EOM . • • —."
Thompson's "Black Siarnlinevair
Liverpool Packets... _L-
PdItSONS wishing to tend for their frtends.ln
country, can porthaao passage tickets by the abintE
line from the subscribers.
Also, Drafts on Ireland for sale in stuns to milt • .
WM. H. COOPER it C 0,,, Esalsers,
Montrose, July IT, IMA. tf
Over the PE:O0 0 •0 1 fliCO3
cristirCoateb. *oar.
'DEMO duly authorized to prepare the neatimarypit
pers for all applications for Iloldlets, and the veld.
ows, permits, heirs and children of deceased Soldiers Air
Bounty, Book-pay it Ponsiolui,
I will attend to that 2msfoessror the suns of •
" WW I ° crlCPZegr.aelikatillOr
for each claim—this. to cover all - expenaes,
Jtudices' fees, Clerk's Certificates, eat rolltage.- 1 -•
This la ahout onedbird the sum usually enazgei
the horsiness.
All persons tateraded will pleats take aoties sad get
era themselves accordiney.
• , - , FRANIELIN - 21tAlillig •
Attorney and Counse ll or at Law, and Cial Agar.
Montrose, Oct. 22, 1863. tt , • - .1••: ;•
Attorneys and Oonnudiono atkart:.
Oman °van Finpnae, DFTi r **est
rIOLLECT102;111 lad REMITTANCES ~sliadej.
‘., sad all bestial, !atrium! • to essaattexami Pada
fldigai7 1 - : - -, , , - . . •
ili}tala RtPailola4 Balledlaciadt ?a,..
le.. will beraremlly prepaid awl-alluded W. *OP.
all delta tor asealptlailllioaa Dean. Tla follarLig ski •
awatyr the alma for •
.. .. . . ,
_, . •
b*Being one of the eons of aged eat indt*
whine theism more thin one.
L, The father of a mewing chilli,/ children roam •
'Arian of me, ddent ere, ham for ensiett.,-
_ The eo of wtdirtv *failed or Mem papas
dependent' upon hi= fbr slipper& .
&ratenber of a &waft ,tivanialleas derided' el*
, rudy In the service.
L Orphselea disatatT. nraialles.
• L claims for an election of airs ikon We eitlale•
sonsoirs: be ase mons tha
ty. S. DANN&
Montrose, Far dealt ilexanietaiAlwa
Dissolution. •
v ont= Is here t ea that the , eii-WOirrebb
heretofore existing between the rob:
tanthe Am of Hayden Brother'. fa this *At Oleetaagoblr.
tual ooniest. - WM. HATDiffi
Joan 11/1111
Thpu irti -
an. tabi 1515‘
Votteo to those tatesestei; to setae...
moots merit thoolits the hands of the 151012'0e Jai:
tie% wain* to,ll. Atiltirclld Atone
.1111011 pf
cm. ' RUDER .
Jaz.X1.21 . 151. • 4 • 6 7:
. •
'''.Estiotttdise NOttak. e "
ILL hulehteol So *the Wats os • . 1 •
VAGLYSBN.sipetati ,„
to pornost
I=lllllSpaesoll stems &dm to riolliat
, "if it
X cat di I
FitiTUV.2 l o l ß e k , Zsl 2(