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' - -:--, • - - 237 3 - •i• • .), .2.f. if i p._. .y . ... -.„-..,f 4 ...„.;.: .2 .:-.:„. , ;•.; ... , .. . - ~,-. • , .. . . . . ~ •: i •.. . , . , . " ' ' • . .„ , , ' • -;•:'""'" ~ f t ••• . • . • • r • . , , , • f'7 . ' ....A ' r 1 ',, n • ' 2 ..., , " r : ' ::T .-; ;. - - - • ; ,-.-• , • . . : • . - , i %ad . 431eERRI.TSON I Publisher. } •-; • DR:Di-A.-1.44.TRR0P. rt Friel:, Post. Cooper it. Co's old Dinklrallous r e t6 redßluV l 7 ,4l k Pall4Fqllr• Irt ' o ite n fert n e dsy. lea. eem.- 4 - - • - DOLT: 31ANDRiCK, DIITSICIAN &,SURQEON, respectftilly tenders tits ,profesaional Juni= to dad; citizens of Friends and OtBco to thooferi or Dr. Lea. ,scalzu,st : J..lioaford`s. Holy 80. 1801 13r, H: .GAR,EUITT, - .) BALER in Flour. Feed, and Darrell and Dairy Salt, Timothy and Allover Seed, Groceries, Pnivie. cm; Fruit, Pleb, Petroleum Oil, Wooden and Stone ate. Yankee Notions. !Cc. Se. IlDrOpposite Railroad t. New M ilf o rd, Pa. Meb Si, ligi3.—ry. a. &ALTgator.. Vt. C. TTISII, LATHROP, TYLER L- RILEY, IraDALEDSin Dry Goods‘ Groceries. Hardware, Ready .111datio Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hate & Cape, Wood 11,1 ff ilko Ware, Iron.Nalls, Sole & Upper Leath et, run, oupan d Salt, aD of which they offer at the eery flgr * .T.ipaplneeissest L April 6,y;.- at Brick Building, Montrose, Pa. hrope EV.AN JEN pws, m.taiDzi - meci .deLlivoizic,zLe.o3r, FOR SIISQUERANIqA COUNTY. irost•olles address, Dundalt, or south Gibaort, s usreo Coooty, Porea.] Pub. 3,1863.-1 y vat. avatrare «minas . MCKIM DVXMLICB. WM. H. COOPER & CO., BANIILE . RlEV,—Montrose, Pa. Succeoscirsto Poit.CoOper. 3 Co. Office, lathropfeuew building, Turnpike•st. 1. x`cossant.. "fficCOLLMILA SEARLE, A _TTIMINETS and Comeßarest Lilw,—Montroge, Pa Lt. Mee is Idatin:rpi' new building, over the Bank. DR. H..Slifflll & SON, 17RGRON DlMlSTS,—ldentrose, •-• „. ! .. 7 - 00ttles Lathrops' new building, over the Bank. All Dental' operations will be OS a . perfumed In good style and warranted. - : - JOHN sAtrrrEß, • - IEIVIIIIONABLE TAlLOlL—Siontrose, Pn. Shop M: over I. N. Mallard's Grocery, on Main4trcet. • rkankthl for past favors, he solicits s continuance -.lli --pledgiag hiniselfici do all work solisfactortly. Cat tititdone on short notice, and warranted to dt. Montrose, Pa, July - 2th, 1/301--tf. P. LINES, 161101110NAB a LE TAMOD.l4lontrose. Pa. Shop .1:. in Plistaz Block; Over store of Bead, Watson* • .t roster. XI work warranted, as to lit and finish. i. Cutting dons en abort notice, in best style. jan '6O JORN , GROVES MUSTllol4aßLETATLCill,=itiitrose, Pi: Shop/ 1 near the Baptist Meeting Tionse. ftruirike trees. AU oaten Wed prOraptly. in fret-rate Cutting done on short pollee.. and warranted to L. B. ISBELL, . EPATRS Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry at the shorteatuatlee,andentreasshableterma. AU work warranted. Shop Chandler and Jessup's store, MONTRONZ, Pb 0c25 tf WA.-W. SMITH,' - - - CIANCEELT-lealip et Milli street,liontroset,P4) -Aug", tf • C. O. FORDUAM, VIANTIPACTILIDDI Of BOOTS & BHOES, Montrose, AL Pa. Shop . trier Dewitt's stare. Ail kinds orwork made to order, aud.tepatring done neatly. is 7 ABEL TIIRMIT t s MEAL= In Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals; Dee -3i--115 Staffs, 'Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, AID; . lass, Groceries. Fancy Goods, dearelry Perth :nem &e.—Agent for all the most popular PATENT ht RblClßES,—Montrose, Pa. aug tt MEDICAL" CARD. DR. E. PAtRICK , G. ' DR. E. L. GARDNER TT ATE GRADUATEof the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT •14 OF YALE COLLEGE. have formed a copartnership for the practice of Medicine and Surgery,end are prepared to attend edsall business faitandly and puncinally, that easy helot:rusted to their care, on terms commensurate with the times. Diseases and deformities of the EYE, surgical opera tion% and all surgical diseases, particularly.auended to. for-Onlas over Webb's Store. °Mee hours from 8 a.- as. p. Ail sorts of eountryproduce takeu tu pay ment, at thelighest value, and cams No? =FM% Montrose, Pa., May itia, 1802.—tpf TAKE NOTICE! - • ritsiails • -11PablcIL - .131C.I.cless, ISheep Pelts, Pox. lffinkddnatrat. and all kinds of Para, A - good rincirtatent of Loather and Boots and shoes constantly on hand. Ofilee, Tannery, &Shop on Main Street; • ' • Montrose, Patr,dth. p, i L . agegagit FIRE INSURANCE THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, AT TIEMAIMPAIA, PL, aaz Established anAgencytßEcn4tue. • The Oldest i nsu rance nsurance Co. in glie CASH CAPITA!, PAIDIN.- ASSETS OPE% HB rates are &slow as thosetif any goodMIMPOMY in New York, or elsewhere, audits DiroctOrsare among the first for honor and integrity— Cauttes PLAT?, See`y. Alrillint G. ow's:4 rm. , Montrose; Jalyl.s, BILLUNGS 8T3017D. Air% Er 00 mit 30 RIM TONPANY Chit 'l4•Terecraelirliarlks.. OAIIR CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS loam lit mar UM 04481•81927: , U11,23=1:13. " 43,0§8.68. J-; XlitaW Smith.Seety. lob:Make, .11:s'0 a* • .; F. Wil 'Obas. Xlit tharth,. rlrttn, VPresiceident " PoliciaWilla IsTrimed. by the ' bbibusigne Val asks. In th e rick Block. Moz4roSeift, ' • tart, , ,:aIULIJING3 arenorn, Agent. , too;• NO„ 37 PARS • RbWkiiteiii Topt. ead Ir state street, mastart, are our sigtartatilVadllforaroielkawavittn" glom duns, and are authorized toasts adfe;tlsexnenta mad anhandialiniaTotaaal °madly - tratexe..,„ lung.° +APhirtpgragadc - /oust, -nrontrosei ItairPleinres taken in lilt kinds of wenthei, lat h e bilk ; EvYto otske AUL ,•1:1*If 0 ne shack lot gra"' 1 1 3 AL - —l* nr"'+~~~,~' Avmsa4j~~s~:grsr;,u:i~.a~id • " For Me: fh•nla.' • efirent 'Twit- 08. TEE TBBBB 8013 14-3141, .:* ll • .ASSI4IO. ; • ". ET MISS • • Sad' and kinelthearts arebieaking, Sono ing o'er'the loss :of frien ds','} ; Loved ones gra te.day partaking Of the pops tibia life,attend.. Aged 'clinatian kearts are bleeding, O'er the kitis of childred dear,v But. behold their grief receding! Hope, rmains, their hearts to cheer Sons offreidom, three . in neMber, „Left Ilattsli64 home, Bravely fought; but now they slumber, In the darkend silent tomb. Not for imilitary ,glory; But our Stars and Stripes to save; To maintain our Country's honor, They have found an early grave. tly disease they all were stricken, In that land of war, and strife; In .six months each brother sickened, And laid down his precious life! - Thus three widowed heartsare broken Chi l drentheirfathers mourn t • Aged - parents ding have spoken, ' Let us meeklyhesi the - cross. 'Twas onr Father's hand that gave them, His kind voice that call'd them hence; Ills own Son hall died . to!sive 'them— Surely, then, they aro his own. ziAtaa. TWas from war-and wild colimiotion That he called these three' to rest,* When in pure devotion, They shall mingle with the blest. While eternity endures, , They shall rest in Jesus' love; Tbritua _the _mace, wl ic'tihe~ecnr ._ May - they meet their Mends above.t May they join theAinhig Which surround the burning throne ; 'lloaming,throboso grand patilionsit Having - all been gathered home. • - ileb. 9. *lst Thep. 4,14. t Eery. t. The, :P @ reeverinB,- jiactietoi, Peterndbinsiiii *die' , bachelor, stout and ahnost forty. Peter bad never loved but once, and the adoration of his heart bed been bestowed'upon Mias , f,ucy Pop alas! Peter bid failed to ex press hiapmsion at, the proper moment,;, or, in other.tvordspfailed to come to time, and one day his heart was lacerated by 'receiving an 'envelope of cardeannOtneing that the delightful Lucy was about to be come Mee.. Jimmerson „Crooks. It was itterrible blow to Peter, but he staggered up from it an d still loved the object of his early: passi on—at &distance. i Mrs. Jimmerson Crooks revelled in the delights of matrimony,. leading Fashion, her husband, and Peter era distance—by the nose for five yeara,at theemlefiihich time Jimmerson Crooks " chose to de part for another spliete r leaving Mrs. Jim- - merson alone.tollElOUTlllber duty. Once more Peter's heart sprung up from the dust and ashes, - and looked for ward to the time when the allotted period of mourning should t'be over, and he co'd pour fottli'the petit nii . - agenies of 5 years and ask compensation in the band of the fair Widow. One year, thought Peter, is surely enough of time. I will give her a year. 111 - oAtfr iind:*.oth toped away, till he could stand it no Longer. A sickish triisgivingof the evil-of del_kr drove him to precipitatathe,naldng,. When the 10th month came be songbt. the avidow at her home, with all the atioi of ilong pent up love poured forth his tale., The widow heard iiiiti-4eard • Mai ealtnlr unto the very end,and then, her delicately perfumed' iiiiiake;ch.jef ',pfessed to her blushing cheeks r told Peter that she bad only the Week:bet:we' prondiedlier - band. iol4r. Stickleback; tindob-kwhy did hot her dear friend speak before ? Ar ,scgo.nd time Pel , er'f*art - torn to fra gments, kep,cend - timp .3tas do sent into the World to admire—aka distance. _TiniefTed once thote -4 ',lter be gan-to*cnorngellope.- elback ling" itiViieitaliili , had an aiii-- - ofilectittlook.; r nnd - sure. enough Peters perhaps turned out a cairtaity, - nrid . DoctorMeOdegani-Stictisittack was once more a mourner:- -Peter bad ,learned too 'bitterly The dangers of delay - to:suferany ,such cause: stand -IW - tithe between himself and nuccent.f the widows monibip+tkay not even six;;biit.thSlittr - dtool6llo go' to herwitlrhis ' tale , of ..: love:de erred; And so be did. ~ ,'WoMaSt, the widowse own - words wben'ibtrtiuctdien' was-pnpyeAL: .'• - ,Mr. R4intiott;'=wby did - yolk not: come before? Tiiii - knoWniti. eiteeinfor ;V:00 Ithont'.tbitt would . haviii set , a3i4E!,#lrethers,fo,r you,vet :.how:easi l ' Atik,:ten -- _ -14 CorthlyinsteteitivrtaInsed: Captain or; leari" , tr.sroey HawLiiiiirlie9e'yogrisiniattf:*iiPatrie eirlOM3oo EWE .heard him,speak , aO,highlY iy,90.-1014 i4idiag e _ Y9* aPeak-I4efore And so Atrs;.DocterTlieciciosiiiii" ttick elbeek.was traniiferinell. into Mrs., :Car. again left to adngre git a . distauoe., • 13 . 4 P.ter still ,Waited ! latiiied:—' g oinetNimillig44l 6 / 44. 1 " 4ro l ol.al id Wutifd - nett to late ; atid something' beint. i tiothijig mote or'lssui than the ri..*.tibtatile caPtain, who turned falling oyeitioard from the steamboat while Out elks:target excurinou - with corupany, and sunk like a atone, owingg, undoubtedly to , the ponilerous weight of tits responsiltilttiea The suddenness of this , edit; as Peter argued must certainly act with depressing force On the widow,.,and he thought he Would 'not again give her time to recover and:W admired, still etiquette demanded a little time , to intervene. Acmirdingly wh'en upon the tenth day after the mel anCholy bereavemeut, Peter ,knocked at the widowhi door, bent, on his errand of love, be rather cluckeled to ,himself' that he was taking time by the forelock. The business ou which he came ' was 'quietly told, and once more the *idow 'was in a torrent of tears. . "Oh, Mr. Robinson,". she exclaimed hiding her blushing facein her cambric, "Why are you so unfortunate; and whyam I? You know my esteem for you, but oh, you are too late. lam already engaged. You know tllinselor Ketcham P—my poor dear, deed and gone Hawkins' most, inti mate friend. He was with him, you know when le was called away,, and the first to communicate the awful intelligence. He ' was such a comforter, and I have aimed to haie him this daytwo months." This time Peter was crushed', lre l had no words to express his brOken hearted ness, but to rush from the &ease ant go on as before, admiring at a diatnee. It was months befo re - - Peter even offerd to enconrage hope, and even then itlick ered. One day he was walking in a des pondent mood through one, of-the upper avenues, when he heard a slidden cry, and started. From a half-finished buildin just in front of atarTielralr, - 83il 44 ....r...., - ...tuutblitesian making gyrations in the eie, from a tiekght of three. stories, in company With a coping stone welgiries somewhat less than half a ten--the- two having slipped together from iiieaffolding of that height. id 6 saw both Milesian and stone strike full on the heads of two gentl;mian passing, and the whole four were in an in-extricable heap. Like all the otheesPectators Peter rushed to the rescueoinly to behold, 4etween horror and joy, the last gasps of 'Counselor Ket cham and 'die gentleman who was walking with him, and the perfect . safety of the 3lilesian and the stone. ' ?his tinie Peter Would trust to ho loss of time. Without an instant's delay, more. than to satisfy himself that life was quite extinct, he hailed a passing hack,and rode rapidly to the mansion of_ the widowed Mts. Counsellor Ketcham. In words of the most delicate and endearing nature, Peter communicated his intelligence to the widoW; waited the result, and then between het sobs and tears, claiined her hand for - the . next set. "gli, Mr. Robinson," sobbed the widow "iiow can you ask rue such a thing? How could I know that you would be the first to bring me the news of my dear Ketch am's decease ? You know how I esteem and respect you, but—l am already en enga.ged !" "Engaged ! " shrieked Peter, " and - to whom." "I promised, responded the widow be tween her sobs, more than a month ago, that if anything happened, I woald mar ry Col. Snapper." ' "You did! shouted Peter; his whole appearance changing - an instant from that of aTterd-to a look-of unbridled joy, "and who are ,you engaged. to after.that? .4No oue,"..sighed the.widow, solemnly. "And will "youmarry me after Snapper is gone? The widow assented. "lio . you swear it ?".fiercely asked Pe ter. "I sxv,ear it," said the Widow earnestly. -"Then yotuare_,minq' charniing Lucy, for the stone that n:Qhered the Counsellor into the pelt woi also -took the Cot I sari it,vitii my own eyes. ' The next moment the widow Wattin4Pe ter's iiTtpth an 4 the, eettleonth-they'were married. Mrs. Partiegton . says '.that whe n , o h q was a gni she used to.go to parties and always bad a hean,to ;extort her borne.-- Ant now,' says she, the gals undergo all' A ort e s ofextorting them hone reye l vea on their dear selves:!,,,Tt3 , `drew down her specks,' and thanked her starer that she bad lived otter days, when min Ootild deprecate 043 smith 'of the • - fi°, 44,1.13, 04011 r; o:4l4,;,,r,situfam;sl n a. . 4 6 . b w , 4,1; It, 119: of AtP-!` darfOEC'eigbui "client's it : f" W lie Duthie pisle:ni n plord:.?? - icounse then -Asakt lie:an 414 Aide? , goodotamored . %."1 : , pleyotrikvontoth tidef.,..*iionp wilt 74, havo me believe ?" .Irtitl • • .Z.l . r • . 'MONTROSgp PA: 9'IAUEStoit.:YsJAWI4I.I' "184 •- ' ' •' • - ' ~ r . .' 7 „ To vitorettlottoir.:„,:::c,i . ~ 1 1 7,- .77 - . . - . • ti . :t1 If'? ,The . I kiek4UMdTof-kiiiiip,..4stife'• old irphionvil silyendtatigt,wattpantingio the 'ukurA 13 4 - tlic-oong lod.enrieionehnt,oitt Abe raip=andilarkness, of Ibiatarch, Rig.lx.t 3 F4nelVt firegmellin4=and cookiffirluti ; : the red-hot= barit,of4be.liktio;ipli :insii most •einy, tied tomfortnigP.-enr„, tot' Way, costiog a #rsy a Woo , into ',the= , 'Rowan& hrqu'll, flea. OM Meiffitaing4tietio eg,d coronets in the burning ,,., .: - 1 ~,-., ' i, • For- Phili p Aoce;Was t for once.llloldik ngkinteelf:P3-40 dangerctut reneitetsion of o day-dream. ..-. ..! , !) i - " Ifj., woo only ric h !" Ile for' ideprotio tawself. ,I Ali, if/ then good bp ItO 411 these [nasty 'old law boolliiii,goodbyeito ;mended. boots,imd. Alirice4etned., limits, end All am. weZteinild ~ =vein/ Veit Melt la" _ at man's life into : • wretch -, i -,.loaditge :7 Virouldte3 ,I,ret!el in new , cdis,end 9 11 =er ions paintiegei 4eethigh pping bOrsei I Wouldn't. I buy a_,sot °hlv ee:4 fO4 Edi th ) not pale pearls or sickly emeralds, 1)14 di amonds, to blaze:like tirCupou her, rola! cl i N et2 lYnidde i .“)N-tWhat-eonseelle I am talking thoughr fie' cried, suddenly roesiug.himself.' "Philip Acre, hokt yonr cqnfoonded toogoe-t: 444. Acippntle you were,„a fellow, of .crare sopa° I- Here you ate, neither rich nor distilignished v latit- a, nits le law student„wiiileZdith lyylliaja de fiir above your moonstrick aspirations as the Queen of lilight.herielfl .She loves like, though - --alie will iimit 7 ,,and the4line may one day come. If On,ll . Dr,..Wyllis . vfern not so,di,strustfut Of n,rellow I - Hoer. ever, I mus s;lean) -te preVe raPe4 Ivor , thy ot tho nweetastptve that, ever—' 14! come in there, whoererlottare lr It was Only tile_ servingAlNai4.44.l3- talrlish wilt, carrying &letter getwireatiet ,finger and,Onimh. .. ~., "Please, sir,,the ~ postman josi 114,4 tin cents*? pay." , ' • - 2 kg treie*c4.inir:two coppers thepi,4l.a. iy—a prefti t fig equh•elent for-anyletter I may receiv e , - Scow then." lie,added i as the door closgilte.l44 Katy's sttbsiarktlal haa t " let's see; irbairm ur k n nw- - ....um - 1 )5 - .114a71 relat,. 2 ; . not alarmed at the pro_ "f fie broke the so. , amlillimeed leisure ly over the short, 'business:like communi cation contained within, w4h s face.that varied from incredulous anniOso le sod den 'gladness. - to "Am I dreaming P" murmuredhimself, as if to.secure complete posses sion of his senses. It - NO 'rai -wide awake and in my right mind; it:is no deltisiOn--- ,no part of my waking visions. But who' would ever suppose that old Theron Mot.' timer, whom I,haven't seen since I, was a boy of sixteen, and picked him out orthe river intlf-d,ead- wlth, : crarop, - pmi 7fright, would die and leave me all bis money P Why, Pm not even - the shadow of if rela tive; but then,! never 'learned that the . old man had aby kith' or' kin; • so‘,l can't imagine' any harm in taking; advantage of, his odd freak. 'Rich ! am I really to be rich ?Ts my Aladdio,Vision to' be an tie; tual fact P . Oh, Edith ! ' Edith!" He clasped , both' - bands over his eyes; sick and giddy vrith the thought that the lovely, far-off star of his adoration woald be brought near to him at last bythe net of gold: . All those years of waiting were to be bridged, over by the Strange old miser's bequest ; he might claim Edith now ! - ' How full of heartsunshine were the weeks that flitted over the head of the ac- , cepted " lover—brightened by Edith's smite—made beautiful by the - soil, radi ance of Edith% love! There was only One alloying shadow—the almost itnpercePti-i ble touch of distrust - and suspicion itith, which stern "old Dr. Wyjlta regarded his future son-in•law. Ah ! he,feared tolrdst his only child to the keeping of any man who had iidt been prliVed' it the fiery.far-‘ nace of trial. • • • It was preeisily it_ r weelc-befOrerthe day a . ppointed for the wedding, and the soft lights veiled by the shades of 'grilettd glass were first lighted •in Dr. Wyllie: drawing-roont; where Edrtli sat itiiong - her white roses and 'Veliotretti, un a • bit , of min - brie and singing: to herself. - SWe 7 %cisica with . violet-gray eyes, a bine-valued, forehead,' and glossy .abnadant 'curls of that. :pslo - that.old painters-km° toiportrey. I wonder if Morticnees place 'ia sa yer ty, lovely," she said: .to;B4VPhaired Ja dy 'alio sat oppoAit,q. go i ng to take roe thera,whin we yetco:lll:fiVin pui, wedding.: tour, Aunty.; be says, it, ill , tkweetest place a ,poet s fancy. coald &Iris% ~with fountains and, abrubberiet!, and- grace, Ael ieious opus 1 :61 , shallyie, ,ngt haPPY.thgra he atartea.efi:vvi. 0 4, bright. Aqciden. blask,,. lo ll. a Yee 'while,,the.,- , werds„wpre, irepAbling on, herlift,-Philip.ftafa9emeill.l to the Yowl), hiAltandieum4itelookim trolitleCia aTtAigtgibilsitliALi 1 40. WY1 1 1 8 1: With. aP-areh, cd 4ttlier: Pieces , disappeared Iker4P-007 tivb of,tho cpnservatory, lea ving fire Jay. 'ars to thcOaelv'es;,t "Km& Vitt]; ea heclent.over.and sy, : . " 4n4,4 4 4N4ing:sp,tAjuil 4te tverYs ,0n*41.4,nt. ditcliviOretpajiage,PT. riOAr . - PlLWArringr4gett , :,6ll,ppitp9ned. "Philip, for what reas-onz??,,,iilo , ~„, .. , . "To eatiblii th e; Bidiligeiit laboy at atp .. ofindooFttmage ,- - - sulßelentu-sooort YoValitat, itt*Citiialiiiiiialitistutfory td bI Ireinc-fllter's..=expeetatkine and- - -o - yn, Iviss„" _ fs : . - a ut, Philip,l ificiligitt== , .- -0 ' --s --7"-lr'rcnt---Ilienighttne-the-l-MeimOn FMortiaterbs, rtsusilth;xl So: : tivas,lßlßtb, n *Art Aga* (ttteee. :Mitzi, lime i 10111(04MA 404* 7il 'tiff"' hen. / , ,Fe e itled Ilia IN . :acing; wsft ;weer *li_ipon 'Wit tii liNe belt. Wit/ilia:: ' - iNtiiikl;to-diiy thltsdisYstittiStislti6utl*titniutie tdive, ' tg;ll,*-:zaplati . i7er iielbtouie, - lin *no: V u L i Nfel a tilrli t l i aiNukVPlg -- AgOz!:X,VC timer. Of course, I anew: trawler tae 1 property lo_b_oxipugAitelk ' ' ' - - -"JVYtt X 9 tillfbrAbO.Fig , :44kwittfirjt le . ly.,,runi.'„ , t • f .-. • ,a .. .. .liegaitiot 43 i Ittili;4o4l tion are Wttilny ideals Or liuth adiumitiimio unlit Toyielf zOf T- bliiifotithlieristiteeitul :freak dt this wietrauftkell)ense I : titight , 4 1 4! gb.ek.;49akl #4 - liaAirlhAmt, I :ahoqd ASveT:MiNet. inyfeir t i!gaiiitilriir . eio - or legal)! detrittedifig . tl(ti 1104W - heti . .-. Ilibtr, ireareitifiniflote Pilate tindiveslib, but I would rather die :than - Suffer &Sib= 54' ftlin--,7 3 To4,VOrno,e;Chriittiapzen. etnati," - -:- - - - - - 4 firfoulverdoliet well; rihnio; , said 'Midi, Witlrspariling eyes. -;w , We will milt, and hope' eN_.bappyln :Wing one another mor,a.dsarly,tbittkovet.,:Xptxboia she P iiVat, la her aticaq 1 1 " . - 'l'i itei :tisk wlisit r- 1 didn't - AO to in- Alike. 'II 4*lll. s Witite 'doge rtbtry- lawyer to • e:criestions, aiut: to direct that 11 51 . 4)4 . .:9, 0 4KWM . b% 140taPtiY-413400 nut; aaj then, ciarlisg r -7. . . .'llls lips qiiiiiireir,for a niomenti,,yethe Intialhlly' aomPita ilia' bittersiat!nce ,; • 0 They t - will,beiii the battle , of life olearragain.” ~ r 7,.:!- !... ' . . -API 14141e#10Arligo.yesloicflibe what 01# Abeughtl4 618 -0010e,s0 " alirievqou-, soWeet - teStoeielt - ' ''..' "'Ranh saidDi: - Wyllfit, tiolisbi4 his 94:glasses. •susgbAeriallxiiitb:Aiesimisin silk pocket haadkeytieit. ,Irltdides4 • „; 41.40-1.1 Withtb a hAVe ;over felt 6 4Sey,vertain' .about PM ? Afrelll?Ong worthy of yea before " -." u Papa ' • • " But my mind Inside op :Wheb'tlt.be,coioiinga in." Pas evening, ,sir,'. E4teredEditli the yielet eyes softly drooping. " Tell him, Edith,. that he May have You nett Widticsdayjcist the tame au - ever ! And as for !the Jayvee-tieing:why. there's lime.enough for that afterward& Child ! don't strangle ine.with yourlci-gles—awes themlor Phil." • 'He looked 'after his daughter with eyes ' that 'Vero strangely dim. I- - • " Tried and, not found -Weating,"-he• mattered indistinctly, _ Theerfume f orar_t atom= . d `died atay; `the o gliimner e 'of and sati~is era hid etr in 't~elt et Casketi'lind traveling irunks; - --and lair.and Mrs. Acre, old married people of full a week's dtira .wieio driving nlong.the shores of the Hudson in the amber glow : of a glorious June sunset:" "Hallo I which •waris Thomas going ? said , Philip, leaning from the ;window, as 'the carriage tamed (rem the shore road. " I - told him the direction to take, ' Phil.," said 'Edith, with tright,npFkling eyes. Let me have my own way, just for once. We are going to our new home." Ate we ?" said With a comical grimace. "It is to be lovein n cottage, I' suppose ?." • ~ Wait until .you see, sire' . said _ Mrs. Acre,:parsing. up her little rose-bad of a - Month. • And Philip " waited"' dud- Emery.. • • "r-Where are we ?" he 'asked, in tonishment, when the ca rriage . in front of a stately pillare dporc i Fot which 'seemed n - c 4 entirely rinfinuffar Surely, this ii•lifeninitir;Place :Soul d iltt be snr . priseil if' it was," said Dr , wyno, emergwerom tbe door way ft` , "Walk in, mY - boy.—c9mcsgditb. tieiWell prow. ¢n ,:how yonlike_ the,',!eaka.ofyour v Out- new' heiTie?"'reies . ted -Philip— "ft d*isot undemtand youiamiur, I ," agouti that ,y o av-Yttlo,- wife` I yonder ~rts -the sole „sernyiag relative of Theron lifertimers - 'coesib,, bet some Wititd titirter isatiaidii fold - idiatiori , of ihtereonies tetweeivehe lisitentiohes of the family.l,.. Asati swomi ef: the :facts -] bAt -1 2w4 1 4)!PW. Y4P. l avails my- Beira ..90,,epportututiof, pap r 4,lg wf!sit: kiria''Oratntr . ypu were ' Made of, Phil. ' Akira I . ' AnditottF ofeiinveyarica otitYet,Tdon't. Suppose , your lawyeemeed,:ttroehla himself iaboatjt.-- - ' The holm* V: 0 " 4 1 0 4.7 01 WithYclicrillbe Sepal° 16hiiii Aoco 4 d Cheek'Qiißl'eii 'i(3ethen of e'aritii ittithigfbiddere et dtiobe; as he looked at his wiftftratiditicbtaide. him, *Ursa 'tur n ing her: biightliois isbile OM; and helhoitglit'll6* tho-littir of Proildmail atiiiithteited 'Pat the langled , itiehOthii'dbstity:Jiet•ofidaik• Pitsiliadiibniepithfr" " .'" ' ' Y ,-,R O 4IdHAS er• la 4 :„ giontr*Agoe, ire4,l* 4914P4tolrliOlit4 4h4 tflie.svotf, of,t)AbYktift P.P364# rloiMtiacliAlfifroni&siMeAtt of volunteerstiqUtOttl4J-ca Lt•:: , 17gpLumr4 - . 4tow: the Vection-toi,Siogologr-'. -s . aov, ara tt i rd f orliemm " 14 Berme, voting that.purLog Gov,, , vrad. ford'etnies he ~sagi to ?which NittLvridt attention of otitittuill .erouidithevellectingpisbiic generally aloe desire to state, for the .pirpose of pram. i9 ; g,:off. any ilnatite.-Arbich the,abofftion resin:lay make the "i?yalty" oftlov. Blideard, dist-tibia a -consistent opponent iif the doctrineof secession, and an advo cate- of omatieipation..- He: , was. elected Goifitrhorby theichbailednund4in" asen oridarylatideand, , tbetraford,t what he says is entitled to the respetfulehwideratlea, if not thwungalifiedepprobation of thein• tensely loyainien of this and - every Other free Eitate. • •-• With Ilia thenortstfactly 'sabre oar readers, that Gov. Bradfcird is si;Aris ion man, ins:d'art emancipationist, 2 , 113Z1 that question at least, petfetit sad with the todoSibistration .ireAnaddirbids -- remarlotamrttre subjectrOf I - !)," (, :).1-1 1, 0 . 1122 , 11 ; 1 ,9 248 - 3} ressitnryseltof this oecaskiii Tert to certain events connected irithear 'recent election .which deserve your Incest serious consideration, 24;%vouid bc-tauch more dgreeablo to me to Avoid all Antrim] ,th.thent,; Z cabs not, however, do so consistenilt with,sly soma what is, due to "thb, fights honor of.theAtate, to the offittemliichily the favor of-its citizens _I vecopy, .on-4 may with sincerity add—to the C3llllO ^of the Upion itself, in tuy opinion, so in& nudely blended with the cause*** the- law anti Aka Colustitution, thntrany cottage in tlintedowd, eveciallrot itwmaine, upon tbetit t littecasarily .to sonic extent recoils upon tta _ At - fewsiays, - b:eittre that eleetiou anill tary order was issued from the akraiihoid. ,guartera „Baltimore, which ju i; affect* paced the pone uudet - tbe suixe rr and at Chi command tba 'aiitt4 au- I. Was the lesi,preparedfor. inlet+ der from the though in tretSeet persetual:eonplinikaitieu with be jags ry.atitherities of the departteeatabadie ceiVcd.lio - .intimation whatever of: such a proceeding or. of 'any siipposid riecejniitiy for it. In that, part of i thu State %%got which the movement speinedlii be !pore particularly directed, (the i ErasteritSho there would seem to ha't'e been'lesiire,) mashy, as therucert,einly. was .1* seeib lanee of authority than elaeWhere";, for ,while, martial law bad been,: preefainied ttp;Osiihe. Western Shore, of the tat- . 0 in Juifii:last,,and -had bot'heen been ,.,; up to' the 44,4 eleotion,,Upon . 41 . 6Eigitkin Shore it liactnever been proeliiimedittall. YOU will be furnished - with , copy Of this orcicr,,and it ileti4t necessiitY farther to recite it than to state in general terns that it was Co be bieented by the Military aided by the provost marshalS, - Th'ey were to ,arrest voters •whoi!i4ey,O,ltgla, 'consider - a:loyal approaching , hangipg about the polls;" a prescribed tornisifoath was furnished, ,witbdut taking.whieli no one, if challenged, `could vete ',...--ancrthe several commanding officers *ere charted lo report to head-quarters any eleation who Shonld to a dminister tilat t oath ..or 4o aid in 'carrying' out, that order.. • like rrezient- woifi,ea #l.4i:st part o f theliniyi on the Afinidiky . Jame ding the election, but even that Modifies), tion seemed to receive no attention frbui . those entrusted to its etecution, and Piss in somoinatanceEi - openly distegaided, • Prinninent among the provost to - 4'bOte the execution or this order,W's impart committed We're several Who. themselves Candidates for important et. Peg- , - Those marshals, ajtpointed for "the fmr iiose of the militia enro*nent:;And Arid, were ptiaoed by the law creating `them fin der the Control of the PrOreSt,llnrshal Genornl,bnt to ' ensure the right, Ito eta- I Vilythoin about this election, special an thoritY- INAS - obtained front': Washington to ,place • thorn foi'ille Ante - being- dudes the &dem of the Military Mithoritles. 1 - f, with Abeselinteliefoie me, and seeing t:ke jtldiOS of eleetion, sworn to condgcs it, apeording to ihe laws of tholita , te , openly' menaced with arrest nplp3s - qtey, it4yof f ed the inilit!trY a uqicryi si t ti). sin ,Ivad. stood mien tly 14 , , 4!1 , ed ' iiii ,theiLatho.t ;I.:POn :41: t i.b• State the' extent,Of tts;abiluy i l i s ho l id have felt myself Utterly :;tidworthy 'of I,tte . Fagan - Pi' hi chief l . l ligistrate , : ": ~ „:. ' 1 therernre l on Mondpyoeriint,p*,e, ' clinittfic,t.ele,Ointi,leeind a prileintnOern . giving t4e4 - ,oll,"nienrance,:,n:en p rof - N6iO3 Ail'heretiith anhmitted,l '" l i •,.=7 7 . `''llefetie ihe'folloiving mornhiethenllll- Gil iirdeis Were 'BenislttiThe'Edittefrn SlM*Aiieistinkits'clientatikaii: Inqiiinp- Pr,es°47 . ThaTOilltA:rreiforNilden' 4 0 Pt? jAia# l4 . 4 ,albsqr laiclt',lo the, etas era hi Vett traditg,tvith t hat tiert - of ,tlitcState,lett.,they might `arty*. i- . '..‘-:` --"e •," -di' ' '' se - • eaninienW Oven Wire -4419Pc 4 - 2 ing re Pile; -::Cilth,e 'drO'Pre• cc , ,tho cotton. thi ofircer, in porn. nianUof the rOinent which, had 14 : 444010Fd /unneg the' ennnte,nn, erri•Slioie,. and mho 1134 innlielfl:4o,: In Kent eow3ty, oninninneilt opera tions AyArrpatjpgrNpsi ae334133,g store:3B4ft bay, mitt e : 4 Sty IF Moro otlk 92R.4:Ver 44 - et Ito ptigh i,f3:21K . , 43ti, ' i; $ ;.) .r 1 . , . , ii: . it-:; , ,j ... e.:It:11;4 .a'rp ~,, '`.,•7,,rr NVMPER:I.;
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