News oko r gliwoniv 4 irrT. Jana* mount% itivesteo.-4t, metiers' lath seltalher cone io familiar with book-keeping of a1f.. 40 aceoniitihmay stilrbe vermeil ftieettal Man Alums the- diffi rence Wan mem vent and monw reamed, be i ere that due lint :it # fit" TOT oWs, ',silliest/ dilreretic" bt "1 4 4% " in a lletrjellY dear mi tt n e er ae l foTr li colnni b u t : 1 4 8 1%,! t l e i!, 4 := 1 ;rto know *hat one Wilkey to receive, the eg o mes twon u , hi incurreti, and obligations to =be met.— Et erY 8 188 Phouhl hate a full memor in dim of thee° things. and itt order to bu rn well itt a bw4inesa pfiiint Of'view, ever) farmer ehoulittake an inventory ot all his POOPS. This StilLedable him to keep all future *minds mutt more bail* fiktnr tv, . _ iluildingse , - , 'keep till) ; consider planq forlinprovement4,Talut in warm, dry spells„lnik ito tat neglect', or delfts Intk reriko shielt save the expense of greater cink--_ *A stitch in time,. etc. Vellas.—Exclude•the frost by banking tirs4ditional °firth around the, foundation siallin Altpob them on warm dry days to (*MVO the air. •to ti, —reed well and give warm shcl tiw, especially to cows to calf. Dry off hetet° the new , milk springs. Occasional ly clean the skin and coat - with card and binsh. Debts and Dues.--Collect dues ma pay debt's. Itispemberthat the best time to pay off debts and mortgages, is Ashen the currency is inflated. Ewe... —There is •often a deposit of leaves and dirt in eaves troughs. This is loosened np by the frosts, mid during a "January , ;ham" will be, washed into the cistern &net removed. Fencing stuff is best cut when the sap it in, from Sune to September. The Ai in ter islhe proper time to work up thi. logs into mita, posts, etc . Frost.. Pumps mei hydrants may , be kept from freezing in the set (west weather, by setting a headless barrel around theni,and , filling it with horsodung, mixed as usual with some strawy inter. Fence posts, 4et will be less hear &I by frost, ifa hand fed of salt be sprinkled around each, on the surface of the ground. Gad:l.—Have all grain early thrashed and stored in clean, dry, rat proof granar ies Clear out rats and.mice from granar ies by phosphoric salve or some other poi soli. Corn keeps best in the ear. harness.—Overhaul harness on damp flays, especially after it has been wet. First wash with cast lie soap; then grease with neats foot oil. Treat carriage top, in the same manner. lionies.--All in use should be well shod and sharp. lle ve careful-if mares with foal ore a kayo- - I i slippery in eather. Many , a fine mare has been spoiled by slipping down. A foot Of light snow coffers a good opportunity to b k adraelatnn Mat to Witte, or barn f hob taken where 'he will not slip: 3 8 he gentle with colts and ' get titent actustomed to be imadled and 'to like year pretence. A:few carrottefed daily 5'117 8 7--Tal* 4 af for holes at Oa seas on and t h roug h the winter. _ Witiwe.- - :lleaps cif Lipid fermenting manure (as horse dung) will fire-fang (e'en %mild-winter. Wolk it all over, adding muck, soil, loam or even sand, and mix will , Sprinkle gypsum or a solution 4 pees fitnid where strong fermentation Madiale , --Fix farmers cal afford" to hold their produce for a higher mar ket —sear a good price is °feted. Pri ces are initially high in spring, but corn and all grain shrinks from loss of water, . from the ravages of vermin, and from ac " Susi 1 818 aaeriaugh laluat e the gain very Utile. 15zeir,tke horses, should be kept sharp shod. They ought to be stabled, well fed, end not overworked. Letting cattle !Vries poor" just before spring get plowing is bad for them and the farm. Plowing.—lt is best to plow whenever the ground is epen enough, and it not un frequently hsppens that is so in January, especially below •lat. 41 deg. Spring work is advanced by just so much. lieschifted Peths.--Itis fortheinterest of the: community that aftersnou storms the roads be promptly opened Every good ` citizen will volunteer for his 1 part with shovels, snow-plows, me., to brelk paths'and establish neighborly %- taw:atm. _r IlUidur should not be car e lessly fed'ent ; they are so excellent a corrective that virroutorartzela and rtita-bagas sho uld be kept through till grass. All pregnant an nuals Ond tali with constipated bowels iambi iec ewe a dailyallowanee. Seeds *fall kinds should be from damp nese,-and have more or less change onur . Atrold tat-trap, or a box made of wire cloth, or an oldtin,pan or pail covered with the. istme.any. adapted to the pun. Sheep.--Sheltet from "rains and , storms, not confine,thetai to close Sleds un leiii fattening. i Steets.—Look out and get-good -mates for your steers, if your herd does not sup ply theusi spend some Uwe daily training ' Swineshould have a place undercover; . by working over the litter, and manned of the stables, or muck-and straw thrown to them, they will be preparing a good turf ply -of meanie for use. ,Timb 6 r /mid —Winter is -tim time 10 ClitArelwatd. mild title should be &Go, in u re timber has considerable mane,. by selecting-,the crooked, hollowtrees has , ..jairtlerenee to givin,g Young arvi4 and these mdusitla for-saw i ng o* ot,c., MO7e room' ''' e leal* 4l.lli. 44112 0 01 Meift - 445C115S lie It o and intros - ad kuidtritt the club and with Yan...rxMlibcdir "aralfo4-4/T -(artner not having s t welkinciell workalwishoOlaW4donne at-one. • J., • , ... ".` • -EL , :1..! hStailt4 - i-• .1,; ' O It_ " aa... -, elatuktiramw, Dark.Beert Malt Vrtrait.... gnat groan, Irmintrulh • • Dart Drib; Ugbl Drab. ,' .. Dark tirtert;, Light Green.; 4 '' For tiyetoi Bbawle; Admrfe,Drtarea. Feathery., Kid uloves: Childrcn'e Clothlug,, r , • and all kinds of Westing. Apparel.' rcrati - ifftsvizia e.lBlO imr %mote , yea can .toloraa =my !soodri asafteild wh o m-tab A•ost dye times that amp. Various abadea be urodoeed from the eame.Dye: • The prottirs inbUajile nod suv one amuse the Throwilti liiatfeetgaletaigi't 4 Directions Fred & and Germad;ideldo 'Or sartt Pseltade: • • , 1;, ' • •-.1 For thither Information hi Wag, add giving& perfect kowirtedde what collwaari beet adapted to dyee'rer oth ers; ,(witb Many valaablordelkote.),.purelmee Howe b Stephens' Tkestlee on Dyeing add. ,Colorlod Bent 'mail on reemptwf priee.-40 e mit, litaudfactured_by ADM? d,BTEPIIEx4. -Broadway, Mewl. Tor sale trilldsr,gtets rind Dealers generally: Om 8,, IM• cm - •a G - DRIWT comulGt SHOULDEV, AgMS , Hyades to the troitv " • tgoKivrAimi. Tows Carsten; Nei. 4, 703 - . The tollowlntresolution was unantmonely adisplett` ECOLVED, That the owners or occupants of any •oto'situste on sal Imblicatreet within the Borough of Montrose shaU. be and to hereby required to keep Inc . - side...walk opposite thereto e cl eared from 'snow. dud to case ofd axelt in Ito doing: f xi:hours, the Sus et Com. mlestoners, or either of th en, is hereby aniline:zed and. required to clear the snow - froMcsaid Valk ,'and - chime the expenses thereof to the,tet or lots ofmaid owners or occupants. and render an tie:chant thereof to the Bows% and which amounts shalt he collected bythellortitulti;of said miners or occupants, before any. Justice. of the Peace of Susquehanna cOnnty, as debts of like amounts are by law recoverable. Andra - fiber, it shall be - the duty of the Street Commissioners to keep clear from mow, such public walks ai do not runlja l ivate lots, and charge tho expense thereof to the gh. B. S. BIC. LEY, President. T. A. LTONS, Sec. Montrose, Nov. 19,—Lt sotnIERS',,BOUN PENSIONS, And Baviu. -Pay ! Vltlttdereglled LICENSVio AGMS? 07 'rut Covyms ?, will give prompt attention to ttll claims Intro* ted to hie are. Zia charge tattltr succeutal. MontrOtei - AtiV2);''63. j.warecOttrar. L I CEtdIIII=IU`CTIONEE P. - •• • N.V. WEITTON, ilarudtig tuktut out ; - Crejlso for th e puma a of sue .s.s.tionceting, and:basing bad several years experienc. in trio bniinesmokoar tenders-Ms fersfece to tbe public in that estmelty.. Wong but-a -Oluenced Allah:mei; can seta. sue under iineniltyof o. See =tot Congsesa t July 14_1862,,See's O. ; Order. by bull promptly attended to. Residence: Friendsville r 1 .11. C. SUTTON. 7tb, 18631 • tf., . • , 1• t • WEitah6 F Jewelx ;and Bilver. Ware. T its t r n e tyer r e p rg ne'a won id t ' y l :ail y I nvite ritAirrtevn4,manr,,Avta.e pr a Iletvrcacind and v;reostyles—tom lea, NOM Sil erWare , equalte coin —and beat make OfEalrer Plated Ware. • Each article fa warranted to be at. reprefwated. VErWatehes and Jaweli7 bareftttly rem ands a tta. ration guaranteed. JACOU HARM% (Snerespor to - Stanffer d Harley,) • No. IA Market Street, Phrtadelpida., Idwelt 4th; ISCIL - Snit - ST. CHARLES HOTEL, 7 911 . 11 -rgelßeki Piemsaa..A. - 10vw2a*.e, 402401', I:Posszaoirs,.. ESC! Aitg. 6, 1863. ly -A 0. WARREN LICENSED,GOVERNMENT AGENT FOR 234txtrra - ms-sr, , PENGIIO,II3. Bac* P AT, and DNUArliMzemitiok Maxim A" a t ne lt i l ' ire ri VAIr n PilnuPtlY litteudedigr. ter 25th, ze : near Bentley &Fitch lloatrabeArtem E.:di H. T. ANTHONY, - 501:13ROADWAY, N. Y. Ciesew ; cilE l ta.crtcoarizzakus. • dAtta catalogue mow en*raessirconsiderably roar ll nunurand-different'aubjrll/4 (to liblel3 additions aro being txrattnnally made.) of P ortraits of Eminent Ameritansodr—vlr: • • - 72 311dor-Oenerils-190 OrigadierOctiends-459 Col - Lieutenant... Colonels-20: otherodirms-401T2-- 17 odicers—OOlStatl27Diviries-415 Authors— /ID ArtiiMll2 Stage-46 Prominent Women—lit Prom= ingot Foreign Portrafts-2.200 copiesof Works of Ar, includjnerepreoluetions of the most celebrated RDtrtv lugs, Paintings, Statues, itc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An orderfor One Docen-Piettues from our Catalogue vIU be filled on receipt of SIN, and scut by gam. rtzt. - . . • Photographic-Albunis. Of these me Manufacture a great Variety, Meng in price fromsO cents to PO each. . • Our Albums bare champ:dation of being superior ln beauty anddnratility to any others. The smalierkinds centre sent safely - by, mail eta postage of six cents per oz. ',The meter - expLensivs mule sent by.emptss... We ablo keep Bt tent or • , • - „ . STERESCIPE#IBe4TERESCOPIC VIEWS; Cotilogin OtttMlieillit be sent to way address oa reccipkid stamp • • T. ANTZIONY. - Mennfettiarcrs ofrhotogtaphie Materials. 501- BroadwaY. PUP York* - PrfeMis or relatives of proniinent military urn. will confer it War by sending= their likenesses to copy.-- They will bekeptareinllyand returned uninjured. • Fine :lamas ramie to Order for Congregations to pre sent tothr 'Nilo. -orfor other purposes, ei with suita ble inscriptions. 'am 1863. ezn ' NEW -- FIRM. BALDWIN AlliN tt,' IiARNHANT ' • v EST, ' SIDE OP PUDLIC AVENUE, DRA BRB 111 FLOUR; FEED, SALT - Garden, Seeds Whee.4• - aver t Timothy dr. Fltuc Seed, 1 ikuiti g UP* Candies, RedS POE*, • i DR= 3162, i, , t4 1 . iv inakedHalibut, Birlipsi INOlasses - - and Sugars, SPICES , 271-111,itTOPBBE; s,'4Pßolifis • .- 4- AND NAILS ..: . ;:,.< -.. ' Casivraid Ito liuflat, , A. iiil mnt , -..-oii. z,..*i11: - D. tti m mirr Thutroge, Awn low ' -- - , -'' . Dt*Vnte- Ant 314 P:, portmaampericiikieunyat Ire* lam en t p a . withaustiztriuntatlicattl-,172,10t "WWI* • trimmed. Oilleeriat.T4Wr9tn. • r • . Serittlfdiedpalrig, • ~rc~3Nw ' . . ;;: nnaE.Ellin of U. SU= SON is slits day etosoireff brintittitil consent; tkoseindebtott to tho baid ttrm by note cir aeconnt aro requested to call 111,41 w oftke over Wm. Menem AS Co's 'Ticking I!ucec. and pay Pryment Mat be made-to U. or , W. Smith, of the late ilmnof.U.Szubb I Son. , U. swim Siontroso, Jane I 4,1150. ' W. SMITH. 7E3MINIVIEST I I4. "Sr .; mnis DENTAL BUSINESS In all fts branches will ho 1 carried aunt the oldotlice of 11.• Smitti'& Son, by the andessivied. 'Persons wlsbing artlncial Teeth are inviter:lto call and examine llpruifflCllP and prices. All work promptly and neatly done, and warranted. I will &ell - kinds of Dental Work at as low figures as anyone In this county, or elserrbere. 12/79t Ip_plainly the dear of all to have their wor k . doneby a ERSIDMT DgISTTIST: W3l. SMITH, Resident Dentirt, ,Inne "elb, 1863. Montrose. Pa. LAIR : ,,.... 4 - .. - I ,l4Zugaudp Alto ~ ‘ iDcal ,,. er.s la . . SKS& lativa, --- ._ x 4cow %rums, smoviste#, ___Bulunn HARDWARE__ MINX IME_L. C 01719 TERsusur q T RAIL SPIKES. 31:077NO.SUPPLIES. CAIRTAGE SPRINGS.. AXLES, SAWA'S AND • jirOXBS, DOLTS, NUTS and trAstrEss, PLATED BANDS. MAI.LEABLB IRON&.HUBS. SPOKES. PELLOES. BEAT BPIFDLEA , if OWS, ette. - ANVILS, VICES. STOCKS and DIES. BEILLPWR. RASIMOIS, SLEDGES. FILES, de. dc. • CIRCULAR AND ?SILL smvs,DFLTING, V.. 4647 G. MIME- BLOCKS, ,PLASTER PARIS- - CEMENT, HAIR .t GRINDSTONES. I y:l:wYd t itti /:f ~'UtYvi fT.~:>;fi .♦;4 tl i I Ifif7i I.V i) AYti;l FAIRI3ANEIS SCALES *rant's, March 24, 1803. ly UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, • No. I. Large Family Wringer $lO 00 No. 2. Medium do No. 2,4 do do No. 3- Small do No. 8. Large Hotel do No. 18. Medium Laundry , jto run by stea m .:•••••:'.l- 1 6 8 357 00 05°20 No. 22. Large ' do / or hand. f 3 0 OD Itos. 2 and 3 ve no Cogs All others are w - arr ant ed. No. 3.5' 2 is the si ze generally . used in privet e families. Orange Judd. of the " American Agriculturist," says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRLNGER " child can is wring out a tablet' otelothes in stew remotes. It is in reality a clothes paver: A time saver! and and strength saver! The - xavine of gar ments will alone pay a large per ventage utage ' ll, t ,i i i h its cost.— We think th e machine mach more than ys for itself. every year in the saving of garments I Tiler° arc set"' al kitids, nearly alike in that construction, but we consider it important Hutt the Wringer be fitted with . Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rel . lent, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft clip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loue from the shaft. Ortr own Is one of 'the first snake, an¢ It, is as good as nets after nearly four years' constant ate." Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is warranted In every - par ls ticular. No Wringer can be durable without ,cog- A good Canvasser wanted in every town. elleOnreeept se nd he pri Wring e r where no one is selling, we will the free of expense. FOr particultirsond cfreulars address RROWNINO, 847 Broadway, N. Y. Aug. 12, 1.8611. Gm. Irii.erSol3o3l4l.o. Tllißeat in market, constantly onliind. and at aim rice as it Qin be obtained of any Dealer in town. Dir-liamentber Tamil', Drug Mame. Palameary Consumption a Curable Disease 111 A CARD - The stuff assigned harinit - zbeturestar a d to health in A few weeks, bye very - `simple remedy, atter having pat tered severely with a severe hum affectiouoixd s _. Odd dread% disease. Consutaptiori—fs anxious td'..uudo-F-, knowo to his-fellow sufferers the means of cure. 4 , To all who- desirelt, he evill.send a copy of they'd"' - acriptiton weed <free of chirp:9'l4th the - cikissticis for prepatingind . nsing the rams. - which thi y vviiratui a rare core forConenmpttont Asthma, Bronchitis ; Cold!.' , ConghiE dte. 'The oply object of the advert's.: :iii bend-, / i v the. pres,eription is to benefit the: - aftlicted. dud' 'vita informittonithlelk lite coned lire to be Invaluable hit imiuMes'etetymifferer will try his remedy. Ain: Ii unit theti t l i g:lry =8 mitty proves i blessieg.. - . , - ; 3 _ !l,l fr l P.: I . l W= P 2Li n 311 0 NFW e l l Ile ' VA. Oct. ilk a. - .4ffs ,--. Hipp County, New TOL., • _ vOOOll in nutrkiet. ti7."tael %MatVinlß _ • tt, - 17v 2 xx .a., rTirliggreigt:' Disgolatiotte GOrliry Zses.., TO CONSUMPTIVES =WA; mss. ediva" - • cal sionemputv, GEAVINEPREPA-RA:TIONS,Viii II i F LIIII P 4I r O EXTn•ter 4 817C11u,1 , ' ,- BkitAPARILLA, MirnovEb not* wAsli. .11E41)301,ft! 4 ntabli-Concntiated:l4Compomnd ...4.1E3a4.0.13aa r ' tlnd OPeclficActuoll Or(iiicAf" of the Madder, .E.iidnnyft, - Grave!, and ,Tir,9p§ical • . , Thts Medicine fix:moms the dower of, dle.cstion. And excites theabidrbenis into healthyactlon. by Which the watery or mitcorons depositions, and all manstrintben4 latgetnents are redimcd. as well min and todsmation, and Is good for men; w omen orehildrtn. - HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU • : iron WSAILNEanII - Arising from Excpsses, habits ofVissip% .tion, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse,, . Attended with th ng, symptoms: , indisposition to.Esettlot, tof rowcr. Loos of Memory, ' .0 I tdcaltreof Breathing, Weak Nerves.. - . Trembling. Horror of Ithomee, Wakefulness. Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back, Universal lussitude of tbo Medias vi the 1k074 Muscular System, - Erupptions on the Face, Hot Hands, - ' I Pallid Countenance, , Dryness of the Skin. , These symptoms. It allowed to goon, which this -mql icine invariably removes, 'soon follow IMPOTENCY; FATUITY, EPILECTIC rms. In 0130 of which thn patient may esplre. Who can ray that thiy arc nut frequently followed by those "direful dlicatee," • • Insanity and Consumption. • ]Zany are sirare of thecartse or their snfferfog. bet none will coignes. The recordaof the insane asylums and the melaneholly deaths by Consumption, pear am ple witness to the truth 'of the assertion. The Cetistitation, once atibeted with • gunk: wenkikeB, Thignires the ald of medicine to entencthen and insigne ate the system. which LIELMAGLIsIi,MMILACT B CAS invariably does. A trial will convinc e , the moat skeptical.• Females, Females, Females, Old or young, single, married, or eontem- plating marriage, • Ia many affections pecullarf: FMnates the Itzttactliffn. chute unequalled by any other retnedy, as in Chlorerls or Retention, Irregularity. Painfulness, or Suppression of the Customary - 13musuationti, I)leerated or Schirrous state of the Uttutts. Lertchurrbert or White/4, Sterility, and tor all complaints incident to the sex whether arils. Ingfrom ludiecretion . Habits of Dissipation, or in the. DECLINE 08-CHANGE OF LIFE. • , • -san'antrioss LISOVE • NO FAMILY SUOMI) EIFIWITIIOUT IT.. ace no illalrant, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unPleagant end dangerous &erases. KELMBRLOT EXTRACT.- ['ROHR 7 - CURES SECRET DISEASES in all their stages; at little expense; little or no change, in diet, no inconvenience. AND NO =PONDS'S. — TreitilibirTf64tient - rtenrer, and give. strength to Prin. ate. Menet., removing - obstrtiettons nreventingetht eft ring Stricture. of the Urethra. allaying pain and baton notion. so frequent in this class of dieVagef. and expel]. ing , Polsoton., diseased ; and worn-out matter. ThousandbLetknarnissnals. • WHO HAVE- BEEN TRH VICTIM OP (41741..cAEr..a5.' And nin have paI4IIE.AVY P EPA lobe curial In a abort thne; t have found they trere deceived. and that the "• Pot .on 11 , toe uso of" Powerful Astringent.." been dried 'up ItithaliYstem, to break out An an aggravntei forte, And • k • PEEMAPS , AFTER NAIIRIAGE. CSE NELMBULB'S' EXTRACT BUCHU For all affoctlims and Dheasci of The tfrinar3r Organs. %nether ealPtlnifn MALEOR FEMULE.from w astever causeorigluatlng. and no wailer OF HOW LONG STANDING. Dlseuees of thesebrpas require the aid of a Diuretic HELMOOLIVS. EXTRYCT •BUGHb ' IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it Is certain. ' to have the deairttletrect la all cues, for which it is ravrannindeil. BLOOD! BLOOD!. BLOOD Ilelmbohrs LUghly Concentrated Compound Fluid ExtrAct, Saxsaparilla. - - - - Lb- .1"A This is an affection of the Blood. and attacks the Box-. nal organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat. Wind plpeoind other Moms Vorfitces, making its appearance In the form of Ulcers. Uelmbold's Extract Sareaparril la purifies the Blood and removes all Scaly, Eruptions of the Skin giving to the Complcilopa Clear and licalthy Color.. It being prepared cxpreeslyfor this class of com .plalntS, Ile Blooc-Pnrifying Properties era preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarmpa- Hehabold's Rose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in Diseases of tha Urinary Organs, arising from habits of disipation, ascd in connection with the Extracts Rachel and 'Sarsaparilla, in +such cascsassecommended. , Evidence of the Most resOon slble and re' !able character will accompany the medicines. • CERTIFICATES OP CUBES. FrOm eight to twenty. years standing, with names known to science and fame. • For Medical Propertles otBUCIIRue Dtapeniatoryof the tYnited States: .__ See Professor MINCERS' valuable work on the:Proc. lice of Physic. See remarks made bythe late celebrated Dr. pmrsw of Philadelphia. See remarks made* Di.EFIIRdI3I McIX)WELL, a celebrated Physician. and member oldie Royal College of surgeon., Ireland, and published in the Transactions , of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medlco-Ctrurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard works on Medicine. ...ETZSACT BIICOV. 4.1 00 MI 0 , 07=0. ON PIT for $5 00 Sanearanriaa.l '••• 5 00 ineorto, Rosa Want:, SO • " " , 2 56 Or belle dozen °teach for $PlOO ,' w hich Will . bi' a and'. cleat to cue thomostobstinate cues, If direttlons' are adhered to. . . , ortkesevlbe sytkptiims trialleomMunlcatlou.' CEO* .golvantecd...,4dvlceßstio.•:- a • --: • ;-.„ AFFIDAVIT." "' • • • Personally appear beforeinein Aldenisit of ' theelty ot Philadelphla, 11,,T-Ifelmbolkwho. beigg dal; easter* dottisaY. ids preparations no_narehtic, no trier. cur. or other Niurtlus dregeitut Impurely vegetable, • • - XL-7 ItSLIIIBOLD., tgssOrnand stalmerlbe4 ore tnethls 224 dai of Nov. J1351t.. ; • • wut:PATIIfBAIW: , • Alderman, Nlntbtflreer.Oom Ram o nillat ; Addmsa Letters for InGbrusatlon In emttldenee, : H. T.IIELBIROLD.VItendst #epot 104 South renttt-4 . mt,belowplseat 7170A)13;11FVOWBEnITS ' - ''t • AIM tritasitteemuustatants, • ;, r , WM. endeavor lo dtpOite v 4 'ott theiVoirn - "asd .ohrei ugstleron the re utation attained bY • • II 1 , 00101110 PrepArSthibit: - • - enet. _`• ; .Banparilb • • • • • : • Imirmedlioso With: " "!". Saibyplliftnistatmexptimm,: r, AenPOREZI3I3OWirtaZ, NO 41BER, cutout tbeadvarttsement, and rend for it, aneasold Isupoattlen and espotare: ' tot ;143 lit: BILLit A ru EIJI.. 1/gloalkatidliestscleetiona t,7 72 .• , • • Eveioffered In SittainehalinaCOnnty.and'probabiyeom prlainetlO4fonenst variety of most different arifeles of any Store in the. Northern part otHeunuyl rants, mid pen haps of the entire State 'An tbisurttnent is kept In ahontAtirtf r dlfflreoFlVranchca_ot tGole, and. Luc *e k e . tien3;•are'nfede,from abut tortY of the heel Muse' , In New York, and Mare. than , tlity , DeAlers , and' Manufac turert oat of Noy, Vert. .A,„•1f1r)39 lir9P•ationvithe Goods are brought' dircct.froiti the manufactnrers,, thus insuring genninearrlehm!. , CristOtalms :enteldnu , the Store must not expettflo find Vegrytlilug.. slght,, , .hut nearly every article Wanted be pro timed bYin glary. Same Idea of tho MU& ingg• be forma hr the falliavLug general ontlfne.tntenumetation finpvactleable. Drug!' and 31edtelneit;';r5Intr and 1311 s, 'Dee' !guff's. Groceries. Liquors, ;,...rocicellc. 01a54; Wsrv. Wall. tand Window - Paper. Jewelry. Silver %,Vare.l'erfarnery. Fong Goods, Mnsicallustrutnents;arnsbel.•AniCilbenTtellet Knives. Table Cattery - sand , Silver 'lured Warec..l a tins. Materialrforl.Nhtli,trare*ate. Ire'd,Catils.,Stone Were, Dry Goods. Mirrors, Miaow /GU's. Var. ntsbes. Dird Cala. Spre'larlev. Whlpe4 and rl.,:o4bes, Itronms,llnno. Pistols. Ammunition : . Tobacea."'Medf cal and Snrgietil Instruments. Salt. Orem, Pineal!. nil bo.:ll3s. Porcelain Teeth, in short. nearly everything. to restore the Slck tapleitse the taste. to dellthtthe outfit'to the fancy_ and also to.condfice to. tue,rearanu , rnbsteut,lnl comfort% of ljfe, . - , • ThrfetlenliOttOrtheouhlie tiretpeetfullY-tnifti;e. to my stock of Goods. Longlit exclnsivety for caah and will be sold on the same principle forlow priers. ' ' • i! ADEL TUIIRELL. Montrose. January fst , Th6 '#,M.Wr.,1.:(00'(4,2 A FULL 4.§SORTMENT 'OF SPRING &SOMORIOODS, Cam` JUST RECEllitD,`..ap and wpt be geld AT A LARGE REDUCTION from April pikes M"Thili Redaction trill hicludo lb* ENTIRE ;STOCK rA which . will be found ar large as usual. and will be sold on TIE MOST DOERR TERMS 3Pczor C.4 3 1611E111EIC ON 11111 g, i rrt 9 puvE - 1 ; • ' U. tr , Maly, 863. - New Alilford. KEY_STONE HOTEL , At Montrolie, Pa Wm. Z. NA . TCII, ProPitetor., TlB neir r and commodious Hotel Is 'Mulled on I nate Avenue. near the Court-11one; • and nearly In centre of the business portion of biontrove. The Proprietoris confident that he it prepared to =tertian griettr Ina way that rannotfail to"lve YICTIItE SATItkrAVTION.. '- The !Mitt and furnitnre are new,andlio exPepiebas twain rpared to render It equal if not sopertor to any in this part Of the State: Tile well supPlicd With allreeent improvements .and comforts. ate ottliginx- Yrriftqa iallanya he ready to reapond to t ate call of enstoiners. The Stables connected with this house are new and convenient. 'The Proprietor eespectfalle solicits 'the patronage of his old frictula, trarollem and. the public neneralls• • - lancet tit WM. K. lIATC.II • " W A Mgt E=WIP.J=Igi on. tun & I=Lei,u.rc:wska, / TILE 'PASSEIqGEIt lEAVES Great Bend at :.40 a. m., after the arrival at .4 ex, a. in:. the'ClOcinnati Exprthis tram the west, connectingat Scranton.. where it arrives at 10.10-a. m., witlf a train on the Lackawanna and liltninisinarg Rail road, for Pittston, Wyoming Valley, Kingston and Wllkerbarre._and by omnibus with the Delaware and Undson - risirnad- at Providence, for Olyphaitt and Car bondale. At Hope station.-this train connects by omni- bus with the Belvidere Delaware Railroad for Phillips burg. Trentirn 'and Philadelphia. At New Hampton Junction, where it arrives al 2.25 p. M., the same train connects with trains on the Central Road of New Jersey for Elizabeth. Newark; New York, Easton. Bethlehem, Allinitnwn, Mauch Chnnic, Reading and liarrieburg.—. Passengers by this train arrive in New York at 5.50, In Philadelphia at S.CD, and in Harrisburg:al ELIO. - The train leaving, tont of Cortland street, New York, at . S.CU a. m., and foot of Walnut , street; rhiladellihia. at 6a. connecting. with.. the Passenger train.of this toad.. leaving New Mansion .Tunetlou at 11.$) a..m.. and arriv inz at SerantonAtl.Ce.p. m., Where it cOvnects With a on the Lackawanna and Bloomsbarg,Etallroad, and with the OMnligls running - to the Dela Ware and Hudson . This trahracrivptat, area& Dewtat 8.10 p.ift... , lnaldwz, a (loAe eonntxtion tetth the'nl.lll"train 'going West on Vac Eric Railway. ' ;: ' • . ' • ' AN ACCOMAIODAVION' TRAIN leaves Swanton at 10.10 a. m.. cOrMectia;rat (treat Bend with the Day Express train west on the Eric Railway.— Bv this train Passeagert arrive at Ithaca.: Syracase, Da ts)n. Sze: threstme day. ,Beturnitr. this train jenveir Great. Bend at 2.20 p.m.. on the arrival of the Nen' York.: Express going East, and 'II:Milo' Express going West-, and arrives at Scranton at 5.30 p. m. SOHN BRISIIIN, U. A. TIENUYI Gan Vann Agent. • Scranton, May '2O, 36Gi. . .;. . . LACKAWANNA' k BLOOMSBURG 71-7LALXT.N.ISLA:).4 - - ro rind a ftrrApril 3.1, .1663, Porent;er Traits trill k.," run as follows :... : • . MOITLNO.SOUTI.I. ~ . nissenger. - Accent. Leave Scranton, at 0 6.30 al in. 11.00 a. m. - " , ..Ringrton. at , 6.40 Arrive 12.30 p. in. - " Dupert, at F.1).1 " Danville. at 9.81 a. m. , Arrive at Northumberland,,, 0.55 i MOVING gorern' . Leave Northumberland 430 p.-m. - Danville, „ _4,10_ •• Rupert, 4 .• - Kingston, '-- 48 05 • -' ' 145` pi m. Arriveat Sem:it:in, • 9.10 p.m. , 3.30 p. co. A passouger trait; also. leaves Kingston at 6.20 a. in • , Set-nutria to connect with train for New York. Return ing. leaves Scranton on: arrival of train from New York, at 4.30 p.m. _ • ~ . _ Passengers taking train Vonth ham Scranton at 5.30 a. to., via. Northumberland, roach Untrlsburg 12.50 p .- Baltimore 8.30 p. m.. Washington 10 p. m., Via Ropert they reach Philadelphia al 7.ocvp. m. • • ~t . . ' - -• ,' .. ORO. D. lklliN'To Snp't. ' Eiggatort, April 18. DM., . ' Terrible Disetoircres=dientits far the Minion. k MIST yalual!le and wonderdil Tagil I retion,, &work of 430pages.undlIO-totoredengraings,, Dr. Hun-, toys Vado not lll ll. an,orienal end popular treatise an Man and Woman, their physiology, functions, and sonn et disorders iifevery" kind, With never•falling_retnedles for their , speedy, eine.,. The meth* of Itr. Ranter - has. long been, and still Is, unbounded, bat et the earliest licttitton of mimenmspersoni, helms been" Winced tn_ extend hismedlealusefatheas through the, medium, of Ids" Vade Iteminie , -. It is a rolnmethat 'should be In , theinmds Ornery famibilntitelindama preventiie of --Mgykes. or as a snide for. the • 'alleviation of one .of the Moitairfal and'rnettve soonrkee'thataver ilsto ftherecipy, asmanntry- enveloped:Vine Wt-; warded fret:int:pottage to itay part of the UnttrAl Stites • forlideents in,PlO. 4aMPC or i coideafat St: Address,' 'PoltlAkLilitzleerfN o ; f1Y40 0 .f 1 . 1 .4 1 r4r riC, w e/rl, . tine td,"l • - • 111Siltit riABITUDGES:OIINS, AsisrusrnOV. &e: s &c.:l4ie male by - , *ABEL TURRELL *Tssfose.,llPwl94l,l44; . . , . litiaNTATtOW`Brintlik'Conetittittlinltt%Grst eganipPreetfaßYTuPi.l4:4: 0111111.11 Os% IN • WILL for rooterlar Ilatr, lot &OR by - ABEL ...~ EXEMPTION OFFICE, OYER -T#M I'OST-OFEICE .:agrocrakTVPlsFoo;3l.; tuideragnixitavt.g Made ermnpernents fo .„ cure oxemptioner front the office of th' P r o t -umtlei and having,prneuredillont the Mike of the 2v: ehal at S cranton , retinisito forms end inn ruttiest attend - 10 `tbatinplfiesa et his °Mee Mbilitrw e d z ' ring the continuance et the draft.- Odice Inhfrs fro m o clock, 11. in, to 10 o'eleck, g , nt. Thqse desirou s of,. veiling themselves. Wror pis's - lees. will present Mei. seh . eB "nay oniceimmeOlatelyou tee-41041g notice um they are drafted, and stssure them that in so dot z g they.will And it to %heir itdrntitago. .• entitled petions for wlibm INprOpoitt toilet. and uto rte entitled to exem pt I OUP, arttAs follows : lat. Each persoredraited *66111111e tMly sea of s ow or of aged or infirm parentatparents. 2d. One of the stinworaged lorintifm-parmats, nt ei . there Is'm ore than'oad - • - ~.:.3441 e seh persim who 10 the an4rbrolber ors child q ' eh it drum under,l2 years of age,. dependent on m a Lb w forinpoort. , • 4th. p.actv'person. member of a• where gm, 'are two members of the aurae fatui l T already- in theta itarx serulee forme tidied States. sth. Each pervert whWe r t efatherntmothertc ec t j . dren under ke years of age, dependent on his labs, t.,, aprt: • ":` pth..f.acit pninton.' ,undpr '4. Tears" of axe, o n ., yenta'? ago' and married; or '• over 45 years" I( tkfifiens.vr Pnnalnyolzed foreigners. Vhere there:trete . ° or more fon* of nn i n g rm parent, and the parent tiesires to elect u filch ellal be exempt, the election most be.made before the dra,3 - 6r It will net be`leaarded. „There are many other matrer, pertaining to the bon. nest. which are important to the drafted men to under. stand, and of which they' ill be informed upon present log themselves at my office. PitANICLIN Attorneymmt Cromsellor-at-Law, and J. r. mlttrotc,,T2l... dug. woms. • • • 1 tit peen,iiailiint ork t f as , , on which" we call Scans. !L A lurk. 4" in. the constint. isErs of multitudes or mes. It either produce: psodueed` by an enfeebled, vitiated stale of the blood, :wherein that Mild -berms % ineompetent -to.sustate ital forces in theiesigerree tenon, And !Cam the As teen to fill into dhos md ' , decay. The gerofid ta cCnitammation is variously rtitsed - -: by mercurial dis. , Am: dirordned digestion" froni• tintie'4lthY food; import - air, filth sad filthy: habits, the' ilipresseng vices, and, above eg, by the venereal. infection. qWbutever be its wiz* it is hereditary in On, consiinitione descending "fins parents to childrewunto the third and founts Rea. credos) ; " indeed. it rams to be the rod of rug who says, "1 will visit the iniquities bf the faibs i s upon their children."' . The diseases *his% it air Mates . take- various tuimesclusording :to the wens it attacks. In the lungs, Saoftsla produces tube, des, and finally Consamptia ; in the - glands, nog. ings which suppurate and - become ulcerous soro; in the stomach and, bowelart9.ritigeittebrr ifiet piodons iipligestion.dyspcpsio, and, lirer complaime• the'on These all haring` the same 'origin, require the sans remedy, wiz.; ranilleation and •invigoration of tie blood. Purify Oho .bloodOutd these dangerous die. tempers leave you. With! feeble, four; or Wood. von cannot have liettlth'; with that r id the • dish" healthy, you iiinnof hare sanfalou • • ' - • Abp's 1 Sarsaparilla is compoundoi from the mostlitectual antidotes tlutt reediest' scienen'has- discoverefflortithis Ma. lug • distemner. 'and for the ems of the disordm - That it is far` superior to. any ether an. edy yet devised, is known by all who have gine it a trial." That if does combine virtue, :rely in. traordinery in their effect upon this classof out. plaints, is. indisputably proven by the great multi. tad& of publicly known end remarkable cures a has made of, the following , di:easer :Irmo gig or Glgiviatiter Syralings; Tumors. Pimples, BletChes end Sores,' krystpeln, Rose or St. Anthony's Pile, Salt Elm* Scald Head, Coughs from Wined= &p. its in I,lm Wags.. White Bc.ellin Debihty, Drepr,Nanrapa,Dyspe Syphihs" and. Syphilitus Infections, Mlndagesa mercurial Diseases, Female Wealmeasou,.cas. indent ' . the Whole series of complaints-that--arise from impurite of the biood. Minute- reporn.of individual man May he found in Arin's wEilitax Ate %Nu% winch furnished to the druggi-ts for graatiteat distribution, wherein may tan learned-the due,tiou for its, use. and route of the remarkable cures a toi s it has made when all other remedies:A.:id Afford relief. Tho 4 ca.,es are parpo:ely Liken trim all sections of the country, in order altg t re mayhave access to roma saaa who can $:o !.1-1 of its benefits from person:ll experience. .ofn depresses the vital energies, and_ thus leav ! ..< t tints far more subject to,disensis end i s f. tai ro-11:1 than are h&dthy eciestitutions _ - Bente it' rcna' tt .torten, and does greatly - shorten, the at Cr2go • tion or, human We— 11ripetTme6fuf considerations has lert us Mg a r emedy which i.s.'ad, mum chits art. we now 'offer •to'the pnblic - putter, the 'name of Aysta's LSATISAPARILLii, it ( 1 : 11 P 0 ' ,41 of invedients...some of, -which exceed she I.c.a at Sarzaparigin! in Alterative., ,powcr, By its may protect yourself front the sufreiing of aims disoideri.- • PurgeA out the font corn:prima that -Mt and fester in-tbif blood; purge out tln =sib - of disease. rad AlnnrouS ' , health will foraw. By. its pets:dies virtup. this .ternedy stimnimes tin vital functions, and dins expels- the tifstemmts 'Which lark within the system or burstout on any gartof it. ~„ • • We know the hitio • been des-eh-ad by ream compounds of - Sal 74, that promised and did nothing ; but they will neither be decoke! . aor disappointed *in. this. Its 'virtues hare lets proven ,by ebondant and Jlier6 remains e questio of. tin sinistitsing7eseelleneo- for the can of ,the disensas its,iy. intended to ren'b,' Although under the same. name, it is a very dif• ferent medicine from 'any other which bus been before the people} and is fer'rnoie vffertisal than any other which has ever been available to them. • ATE CPECTORAL, e World's Great Itemedifbr:Ottughaf Colds, Incipient - Opl:Lt;al32ption, and for the relief 'Of ConSUmptive • ••1 1 .41aticaits advanced' eta ,geel -of,thei 'theease; , This hos been so long ' used and so =inn* knoix, tint vie need* no snare: than assure the public.that its qquelity. is,kept Vp to the' best it err has been. and that it may berell4.on to do ell it bas ever done.' ",• I_f, . • ! r 7 ; /IL G,Ars, as Co.. L z fra,f4finftfl o ite: ll i awl" L. Sold (12 evetytine, wad to , ' A: v itittiEt‘t, Montrose, an 4 ky,lne trader, iiii.eypty row p in tiv : - ranylo awls 'lllollo'grAlilD-AssocliatltoitoPhilladelipbtai Pm• • .11-1. 11)1scirise*cf Ma Nervous. fie:Ml:tat; Vainary s and rev zlllllll3vtemwiii,* indvellAbla treatment —ln Repottlof ' the nowevn ASSOCIATIOti. SenS.b7 lasij In Kola leigierasnekiles, five ordain*, Addrcir Dr. a. eilatier Hovairren; liowtuflAhoclasJon, 8011 thi 100041 ' 1 P 1 4 1 1 4 4 11 4 11 % rs•A ; ' - ': Oet/VO " :*alms - _ ?Mir WALLDDOWAES ' A now 4 40 7 . " .. - L E NI ri f , u- 8 KorelOtha, 041101iizerea. Veal ago, Wadi Uf at , rooe le l eghincllati fes '•Vii ta nn ean end IP a • • r •• - - , IX T &RILEY' -01 , -CiaPnlb FX:III:T4C-1 INIII4 "Y°54.3.4,1"11i* " . 'Wert.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers