c012210 1 11:1r 7- 4 1 4r 3 rall4Stil , perimanship. :— , i i r4t 7 4 14. `K . A41 : ii Teacher or l'raut..,lo .404,1-...oonatnentar p e nmanship, trili~titt3trttif ti clazri in this beautiful and useful iicc'oiri+iiisl~irieU'T, 53t the Free Seliool' ‘'villig4 - t o mmeneing on Monday veiling, Jan. /J. The course will consiStirif Pl`Lesions, the Teacher farnisliintr, materials, for 81 50: p ro f:Sr.yder exhibited us some spleti did s pecii4ml4 - tirbis TO, and we believe he will be oblet,,to:rtnike pest improvement' in . ' die teschei the . siTliectians,fateur. = 1 filled en the Ice.•.;.Lilite levn that, a d n amed..llcoKti",rtiablipg Asia ,3 miles nor th nriblg‘iilitg'6ll - tin the p h i ying with othiNloy:ft,,,pn Wcsintisdny 134, and almost. iriatantly expired. . . . Ropoithig.-=Drafted men in this co . tin ly are now repoyting;at the Marshal's Of. fee in Scranton, about sixty go i ng d o wn each day. ; Theresults hei e tt re , s tiont„ t h e same a%ip, °they districts. Very few-men are obtained Res of trreenbaelts, the amount TCCUIVed \br Mr. Scranton bating slrestdy. reached $2i3,000. The examina tions will close about thelSth inst. Donation Visit --The rrienils of the Rev. J. : ,11: 'Stow, will make him a PonatiOie)sii, at Isis house, on Tuesday, J. 20, "afternoon - and evening. Aft arc respect fully :invited to attend. Jan. 8, ' 4116! Totle,o„—Tho meeting of the Susquehanna County Agrieultitral Socie te will be geld at the Voutt-hOttse, .at Montrose, on Mothir . e.tenipg. die 18th day of Jannary, • ,• C. St. Charles Iletel,leriutton..—Aktny of Our c•utrit'y pinipte, LScrattion ring January: and:we recommend ail to put up at theSt:ChirtCs ilotel ; tiir - Penh Avenue. Mr. 4..1V: Btirg'ess, the prdt;ri oor kan otdliginz genticrnaply . person, and guest% wilt linalthat thek 'want% .- Itre fitisfactordy sattcride&to.mad. o ..ito REWARD be paid for the Ipnitenston and tnOetion of tlid permit' who entcreittit tore on the nigltt,:of Der. 23(1, ;Ind stole therefrom the Billowing tits nriht..d.propeity, ,wort h. p 65, (And perhaps Slime sttlicc tannik thig:s: not - missed Ong-sitiVe Anteii.; ran st 7 Vte Of inovement, new, worth 4430 i, One slfveropia face cylinder c, , enpcntentr, \fa tvl (1);•ett , *l 3 ) w•irth $B. One.lrw.., i ., n Al'intb . CQ. h eartridge, re olver. sit ~hot~ a iucll _barn 1, weirth 04, rui. at Arm* Co. Colt's . revolver; pOitteea . 4)11 . 0 -t*releix'.or.;lt t 14. .to i7ao.ta4er ho ion:got to inke' the %re eh .ean. Imre grei•< by cAljpg u*.l 6 44ll.*itir:: .• . ....A*Eitl7 . l3ltUtg, Der. tt, To Appreatir.o.-.,7,T#3o43romorriof the; q•ll4nttirigist2Otitnt3tsLipprenl , . tiers, three efaihiren ; one - girl of t:tyonri; o,:ltud.w.lit9r.:of 3. Of: W.:: 11 - sFrrn N, sroikosuo. tlf • rata-for Sale. srnit fr c ►ffcred.'£itt ' • quiated gittolletoNett township, !, twyn ity, et ill tUiltiag tavi „., ,„,. s , : „. re „ ifitproeed, ingerktr vCitl fl' hcii, and a new I.lrn; ~ f wale. are7eek passes thtxii !1., tecilvlir_ mall 4 Itmi sisintt tret—.. • iihrtveat.. rev liti4ic+.l.ing t4ntnnel.ll, or Samuel A. ini.l3lq, AL 3iti-lscal • clnit . - Stockilliteri s Illeettag;—Tice tinntifit: mming OTihtstoehhohlers of the Lennx Itarniony Tunipike Cohipatiy, will he lieleon the first Monil:iv h 41:1v)of.Inn. 1 , 384 y at the house of Silas.llowell, in - Gib aarr j at tel] o'clock in • the foreeooh ' " . , aw Thetre-24_,..ftift.—..tn-nied or infirm phren* L ityitltotit reference to their prop. trt,y) At-ZVl:ie:C*4loa to elect one sin! ;to be exeitipiliiinf.nelt. 41raft. Papers.maile ant anti sent to .Banril far the small gnm cif . $1,5i3; at Ir. It - te. G.. P. Littiettisf fice itatantrose. ' • Bewing - Maelditei.—Sirce $5.--Those viciling to purchase a &St-rate Sewing Machine of the Willarx Gibbs) or of the Finkle ik Lyon patent, eau tear liobs to. buy one direct. from.e.Kiler. manufacturer, varran ted :IS 'usual, at a discount of 10 or Z 2 per cent. from Atheir _ regular prices, u-ith - reasonable er:eklit on bait the amount, by calling uPoti.oi. alliessiug tile:editor of this payer.. I=ll - Zu*arp iiollll.—The: regufar feria of Caert %rill commence on thellinizMOn day (18th day) of "January; p 64, to con tioue4w2 Weeks. . - • :'- GRA.N.6 ROns- , -utoiltalt TEIt t. Auburn:.Thntas Briagesrater: A. Bush. • - "'- QiifforOr t ltielijra'Pnyit.. Clnrk Civ pin. didenri benel, Hiram Great z:l44:i kideli.llawkins, Oliver Gibsr Timothy Manier, C. P. Picker ing-_ Zfiskup: Sr Dewitt, Joint CAanti. . .1 1•61:1141- , Clirio.PiOCII.. - , ~ tiafir*alifeitesi6i. . . • Ae*-Milford : Jahn . W. Walker, I: A. tir4.l • OinVetrine.-fr -, i,/ t'r „: I 1 ~T, " 4:: i. W. iiiliga z n.. , it .eltl I iktkatilKirie.' Siiringii;te:i.lV:l;-. gli,:tßr.7.ltWey, James' r .- _: ..` t L....- viltr4iii.r%Tpliotliy Se;itttig,',l, '•'. T axAsitagroig,pr-rvitsT WEEK OR Elintr. -t- Ararat":4oa44 /1 - 110 ''' . Bridgewiter:;4t:.4h Bute ' • - -..— - • . •• .. B mO3Ol IsAkildti CO w o4 ' 41 2: 1 4 : F. Peiigxr, 11.. ) CAlritaidali,'; E. - ktilliek. " ... ativiintitt'Arititgi -lliiiitli;' '14 1 0. - Nivfilf-. , *;'.:: --; Clifford :. i .Wtn. 4.01 An. Stfiginsoqi- - - . Dirnoek f. !(4.00. Bfakeidei.o . 4i.C: .1.1.314:.; I *)e. I .: : .WBL W itiUtlhottse.t ' ...,...(• '7 1 ;':.,...; ,, yeit g st. Lake.:. Gotllandriek s . L:diftilie Great Bend: A:EIJI - rush, S. U. Mapes; P. W. Brox.Sitik; Daiiii Thicisa. •- -: .- _. - • Gibson :-- Jtahn 11. Clalllin, I. Lltf.•Potter.s, 11:trfiirti4.•Tider Brewster, Ira 'Carron tin% Sh . e . pliuni Carpenter. . , „ • Iletriek 4 ',Mortimer Williams:. , • • i , lltirmcay : o.' D. Wieks. 3 ..4ackaotr: Thomas tr.. l'inz,!ey. ~.'; .Jessup: ..Inslittik , Qunn. ' ,-. F . .- .... - : • Libertv - : I,Liehard BAH 7 i W. M. UaileY, Daniel liatvlt...y. JAI.- Chker;-• . ---- - ,11 - Lenox : , Iratllitte;:r... Puivers. . Lathrop: Trtnnan 1101 1 -- , -- Little le:iflows: E. B. Ifearthley, Na, tl-noiel Deuell. - .., ItlithlletoWn :..I. -W.. Lewis.,ll. S.-Can field, Illratn True. • New Milford : 11. P. Corwin.; Win. C. Ward. Oakland : J. K. Grimes. hush : Oliver 11. Y.» tilt . ' • Sitsq',a Depot: Edward Carlisle, Royal Tyler.- ' 't, - . . . ''.-SpringVille : . Philander Strieklatidi John ;.Tuttle... , . _ •. , ..., , . - Thonisoii-1, SYlVest6i - Kinn'. -•• 1 •-'.-- 1 TRAVEILUITROUS -. "IgEci)ND A'rgrZlCAUP'llEer • • 1.3A1t TOM. :"' ApoLiebii t 0. B. Haight. Auburn Henry RosA, Jtitisott E; hUb bard; Isaac Carter. Ararat : Warren i Ballard. .13hinjapi: W;-.11.611.14.. : C. ,W. Davton. - Clifford :S. 11` Millard I . ' l' 111 1 *mon • -1- • . .: 1 • •it I3t•nj. Smith, Gemge Gprnhum„ .. Cliiiectuttt t:Elkatmit.iPhill[er4 Ditut)ck J. eadv. F . Franklin 1), Tyrrell, Eil,..S.uminpnlh • 1 4 ' . eat; 4.1 'IL _Jo u 4 ton f s George Buck. G e h e r , : ,Powlef Veck, Tack on = Chaunix.„,v,j.sui.h, E. Tucker. Limox.: IL Weston t, S. SAlciijamili. • New llilti,rd : Chiwles -- Brush, Tere. T . a 'Wcutlen ('.ranger. Jon Nutt, Jaatel. IC:titSon. - 1 -.Sustfa Depot': Oscar . •Burrelli , MlTulec §ilyttr• Lake: D. J., Muiptif. IL•Gage. :-,le9gall NOliCe6.-IV-e - prop - rise' t o :Make itt:thi-teolttmn, from week to Weekistt.te iAttiel but o intelli.gible abstract of 4-lo,,..Alotices iniuted in the Como y.,..:- TllO , mioifr , a4verii ! Ts real , estrate for 11:4#0 1 .,Slitiphiy, - jan.•l6th,. 1804; fue the qitirtaioinie, at Mintrose, at I °Mock In thO aft . 4itit'0.m..a5f0110wa,;...,.,,,,... . .-. ~ . A•lttivt44l4l2o ~.ttsirehtunta Depot. • Stk._ of. o.enO,' ,mo. N,,Ter l i,,lleury,,aufl, Mafia Tanitct. -':•!:. . :i:i . - - ! - L i...'..:r'l - ` ..• --t• ' .41.:tvivra ittaive'clvtilditaisum corners.; Suit ofilatioalt.Pay*ottti; nst-t's s .oPayn - el • A_loficitleii*,• - anil biirtiltierion, at . tSteitia ,Depet.i• . , J.441,a- : lXlmitc. against Wm. Siiiiili4 ''- ' • '-. -1 „ A. lot lit•ll34lea Depot baring thereon. two trained aitellin r , the prOperty of L. Arnold. ..,,.' • ' i . , .A (min in IrrOnklitt.efintitittingogaereS, muittr imiettvek •With smite; fruit trees • !VW**. -;.`Riot -lituutiore a,gitinst W.A. -.initltc - .:- Alf N the interest of Loren orton in a to err stand in . Lanesboro. Snit of C. Emory. A farm of 50 acres, 30 improved, with housethereon, in Apolacon. Suit of Carmalt estate against James Kennedy. - • Th ose who buy lain; at , Sheriff's sale must pay cash down therefor, unless alien creditor, entitled to the - moy. The Sheriff' gives notice f lat the regu 7 lar term of Court. to continue two weeks, will commence at Illentitesd on, the - third Monday (18th day) ofJanuary, 1664. An adjourned or special Court will also be held for one week, -commencing on. the second Monday (11th day) of Jan. Applications for license to sell liquor. will be heard on the• l lBth. Robert N ich ol, Loami IL Hinds, Jerome B. Very, and Daniel Hoff arc advertised as intending to• apply for' tavern - license; and Geo. Hap craft, to sell at wholesale: All the Auditors' notices arc printed in this paper, except those of A. Chamber lin, Esq. He distributes the funds of Pe ter Sackson's estaterin Satordav,Jan. 9th, 1864; the funds of Defillil Wheeler's es; tate, Jan. 7th; and the funds of W. W. Hinds' estate, , Jan. Bth; each at 10 o'- clock in the forenoon. , •. - . .- • Farm to RenL—A good farm of 130: acres, with about Oaracres improved, situ nted in Silver Lake township t this comity, is offered for rent, one year or more. has thereon a good fratned house, a barn' Mid hose .stable, a good orchard, et c.,and, is well watered. An excellent dairy, • or graitt. farm:. For particulars enquire of Edward Flanigan, in Silver take, 'Ore sl dress,hint at the .Montrose ritst...9l ----. 4 . rjr - Oa.. Selinour ; has temiii , ed;:tho MutropoPtait Pofico Connnisiti r otters of Now .- -Ycirti.:cify,:wicrarlininted'iakrs: Got.: s4,inout . takes, the ground that ,it slam "their- aasir ei to, the ‘ thargesonude!l dgt,,WiP ai'Prii; ,Ahekc,..*eteftt44, 00 31 11 1 T; for their remuval,:,linth,u Was' unwillingto aiii'n any 2hill*-4,11e4e)044.0.r5:; of theirst!seitsuit,;:bt4 that. Ole,tfliciglni pori lately snail° to liiinli - lballoilinia-,. inaneitraboit(tlieridiliatilf*o,tio:k sectarian , and 1 - artizan t , and iliows-iliat- , tholinpr nits liavp 'drArifroill !twit thwpfitti , s ' ut ditivakd oil a4l 4 public „ ‘. s o, , , Is-,ci f.,41v —l l l9comn , uthP f 041 1400: i1g.10c, , 4/4r-iP ,-4.ii,1 - e 04nif,, 4 0 0, 14 wa1r 4 7 , Dew- 4 eVnrr i" ,- I, • 1 4 W. at Wei 'i;PV 4 1 1 0 44; .v e ipUy"et.'-. . ' ~•,,, , - • ',, , ', Deter irAtChbl is trithii • '• ' 1 • . • York, dieskit a bwassiki Issijuc4ew v York ohsvo l k-04410,. I:w3eyul!i,Pofaltoo,-im.4l ot ram. Areiww.itiofes, iliottiyoffirtiitiiths I.i)sriojti,.loo hqnhipd to-the highest digni ty of the Catholic. church on this Conti neat, and was 'universally beloved and • VeneratettbrAtit . peo . ple,:while his ...pbveer ful intelleer,..hii zeal in his linered calling Sin! the ilfigifeiltioned of his - . HAT chatlengeds,the adinhation oral!, no • mat. ; ter low lho' differed with llis was the enntrollinn' intellect of his kqineAl in tltis'coatttry: 9thers'ilirty 4vs. been more versedin the ititritractes - ,ofr elinreli doctrine t • but. fur The last tea - of, fifteen years, it has been .to Arelibibliiip Hughes that all have looked as the' gui ding mind, at least in all the temporali ties of the church. Ile has held the helm :wit vigor r sagacity.amtbuld. - ual power that Las °Very ( en prepii tee, , .and given tor the Catholic church <in the triliteaStates, a wi:Ootit . 'of 'adininistra tint'. and a prosperity second to no other le i Peet. A.relibitthiup Hughes was born in „Ireland, in - 1798, and.entigranted to this country. I in 181 7 6 %:ery soon: after en teting the. Thi.•-• ologieal-Seminary stt Enunittziburg, Md. Ile ways Ordained a Priest in this ett•y, in 1825, and . for a number of yearn labored with•gi-eat "iettl among bis people, fulmd lug St. John's Church in 1832,7 when." he continued as pastor 'nail:called to more responsible ditties in- Icew York:- In 832 be lottl,l!is celrbra! ea o re.ipeinleace with the Breilitiridge, and two years after, nn .oral discnssiot4 with a brother of thelitter. Both the corres, pondeneennitdebate werepablished, mod exc . t.ul much _interest among the religious community,. : Prow this time Archbishop Hughes' Wig: in Trout rank . as a controver sialist ; the ..thirty years which have since-elapsed his faith has never been assailed, that it has not found in him a ready, and, powerful champion, maitititinbig-to the last •all.the vigor d his intellect, cool no tonst faAcinfiline, power of argumentatio n .— In 1837 he was ap poisited : by -tie Pop coadjutor to- Bishop Dubois of New York; in !EMS_ achninisire 7 for of the aiOcese - , And suectietted. to the Bishopric iit,tB42; on Ote. (Nab . of Ilishap lYnbui... It-is needless:Ao-.recount hero, his stracesstithlabor inadieli.ew. York dio eeke for the nestapo„yesim,4ll are fa miliar with. the , :refimAlhitseterssf.ttlkY in troduced in The it-flare-et clove!, propert y, attd• zeal - be devoted toffitt, eorfee'pon of Opt, lAA ,to, he An. abito tit : thp -. Sitttf!: his here n college was to Ito founded, and there a chureh debt liquidated. To• him labor for his -was rest ; - and' with a firm etitia in i ddicOMl iight„he was. -atuiallta.by ne.,elatisist,mo,.atatter.-bw u, formidable,- • • " • In IBVille visited I.3:iropa on mattc.rs connected witlrthez church, and again in, 1850; when he viiii;taiiiiitio: 7 lll&" d4r;ititY of Archbishop; . afid test t to gOmo - • 10.. re ,ceiVe diet:till:lm :it the ,:lianilB4 of _the Pope:?- - Agititi in 18551 w vigltOltirolite by command of rope Pins, to die • present fit the definitit'M ofthe ilognitroi the iminfic iilated conception. In the years which intervened brtween this period and 1961,1 Archbishop Hughes devoted fresh zeal to the affairs of his church, and projected tn;koy, ne,3v c4ttricit R4ifices,„inc.l4o4tg., tlathedild itt Re* York, whielOgras tarn-. inenced in,.164.9, and-is designed to be the I rgest eh urclt erj Alintgrica: n 1861 he visited Eutope for-the fourth time, On tbia occasion in a somewhat official capac ity, and sitiee his rettirn;anil - tl h ile abroad, has labored earnestly to 'avert the evils impending over his adopted country. P del ia A Mr. Moottiitesolutioui. The Republicans, by their solid vote on the resolutions of . Mr.. Wood, hat e aced t heinSel v ee . is a clearly defined p..- sition Thecountry Will nut fail to un derstand what, it. means, when every Re publican .vote was oast against a propniti lion to endentifr tWeStriblishteace on the basis of reconeiliation under the old laws, and with all the rights belonging to the States limier the old Union. It is to be observed that there is not in these reso lutiiins the slightest hint at. recognition of the Confederacy, or separation of the ter ritory of our country ; but the proposi tion was for negotiation, to the CO that " the Union, be re:Adored upon terms of equity, (auternily and equality, under the tine." This the Republicans have de clared by their votes, they are opposed to.' They have voted that they don't want the Union restored--they don't want equity—they don't want fratentity, —they don't Want equality, and they don't want the Constitution ; therefore they do desire disunion, ikittstice, frater nal-hate, 'new lily and no Constitution. Is it possible, after such a declaration, thefean, as htretofore, deny or pervert, these-sentiments ? Federal Disaster. Jan...7.--A despatch dated_ Comberlaiid ,Gap, January 6th, sacs an oy,ercylielinitig force under., yam J ones lade a ilescent last Sunday upon a smali body of our trn . opsistatiTied near Jones-1 rille,. Ira., consist' og.pf -about two died Ind m y nt,',411;" Jilin* regiment, Coinfnaiidedhy ',Major Biers,. and eigh teen meta ;of dope...A "continuing from '7 A: 4f col 1 - !.:314 ;cad *as, followed ,by igisualtiett 80 ‘ ,, ,1V43 1 1 1 - piso lost oi,tc g otovoo g i, tacking force ,nandierf4iitiolit:;#Mr,t4ll44 1 men. . :Tito tafie enitinireir %Cent. InardWtft Icey,#o ! region of iMuntry *hick 'was our main!peitanee i for foioge.) giczatt ligrUPPFSlVtliOnifteari ON,terl.o trabgargilllttiatratilldiers .to . d fr om th c a7fil#o4l4;4ol* -r nre lwriiiinitjt . tii Atte:the Attolit4tibltete.— itiii:,iilieti 'corpse of a- RRhl er., is sent b9514.,r501 13 € 1.4 0dAi0r haveig* th e to fr.liiiiibniAa:CivO:htludred - dollars, This lonivi'lrad'ar first sigWint when*, relli.et ttat.h corfoto can't-xote,'ktii not 'so ,snr prising, after all. Theseiedectiolis - .are. suggested' by the Met that itig nian,"a"frlencl of ours, has, been eoin lielled to pay over n hundred.. dollars • tbr . t t rpruinsksion of the rein:dolor liia while his - neighboi's son,. Wiers,o4 Itatnb. nt the exßense. <A* fur. the'lliurpotie '.of I lievtorrai. ==lll , --Mr. tillivi,Alie.iieWlfelec . tell speak er of the Itottse of Iltopiweritatives at WaShington,. etyesitis tie the in fl uence .of baytinets, anti.: nett "-to pe the people..' Thk mem I e :s f out below: r.t . ,.Nlrtryland;l:en• - t t i e lcy, and Missouri, who were chosen, and plamd there by military power, against the_ manifest . sentiments of the p e ople, gave Itin - R-the majority.. • Never before in the liistOrY, of thiS cella . try has &considerable portionlefthe.Aineri cans sympAthised with despotism • and given their\thoial influence againat a peo ple strugglinglor liberty. We have been the friends of Poland,_ .. lluog!iry t. It aly.; and of.oppressed tier. Now : we - are-placed in the attitude? through .ottr Republican Administratiorr,, of sYmpathiiing wktii the Russian , despot against one oe„the . most gallant,,but cru elly oppressed, ,people on the globe—lt people milted to us by the strongest ties of Itevolutionary associates,. who sent their Kosciusko and -Ptilaski and others to aid as in the dark - lays - of 1770, and wico under Wasithigton, poured Out their lilood forour cause. •_ An unwise bill, to allOw.any.bite to change hisntuite as .often chooses, 'has been introduced in the Yerinoni Leg iria hire." Well, remarks tile. Providence portirnow has :!enjOyed!the'pritilege ofeittitigiugAts name onee.a yezir,oi . nnee.ftitir,orlit y ears,"*lit'preferr.ed, - tver Sinee.ikhattin existence,tt OJOS made: I of like - ,'..nianner; %Alen, ho has :41,5griOktP one niinK - I44lloo4ll4.takkiitiothi*t, • ......iintourimustroiritarn-_,- WC ) - 151 - ir r°P. • • -"•• llehiochttie I*4k•Pg . krr:224lVei k 1 rly . 1 cerTiPt • 4 , •-••-• - • I • • usto. - oy vitt fotiLD',,iitiP :S.', •-• .. „..r. - .._...' I — 1 1' 1 1 . 1. !.. I Det. . 0. ,-.• 1, " •- '" ' , .t. , t ince the • gmlegat Sm. patine! el,artS Demeeratteßeeehaerve 'vegan cr.,- It intiftnilessateettlfsitoniti. Lathe titangd,ir nit heels . end bonito& -mamba - her, and teaches . a st• half a nte wi Li e r iv i t i t .iqvj r. b.tp i vi e tr . d iziv ,,ziezi ; , : e , 41010144414*dhivelespailln this/ sinteld satisfy. tsglak whilielieve that the only hripept_rittnlikt 4hlai Tinton end the stitherltY of thb Vonitittithin deer 'it `liar, , ids- • ttaettd and . hided country...llea'. In Vreiginepower from.the,hands of those whose fanaticism has helped to ketiteriteandprohungthe war; andthattolaccom•. fish this endiettmeans le Ins•effecUve hi the Abrasion, titres •h able and enterprisht newhpapeti, of sound ho- Utica knowledge among this it oritlngtinetaMia..' g• Zen; an the vutibg men cake Ninth. ~ ,- . ~; ~. , Ertte . rprise, Industry atid 'Money' will be - Ilbedly ei•••• hiendee ttemakeithe frorldthe best siewspePff !Amer ; lea. qtaraters from every part of the.werld will be early T had authentic. • Wherever the telegraph extends, or litillroadrenn, or steamboats ply,lt will ghtlier the latent Intellig,ence. It has a large stair Of accomplished corres ponds eta with nil tt e fe era% armics.who wititelegrgdi and write to 1214 the latest news !rpm the various seat a of war. It has carre , pondelitt hnd 'repetters in every t political and commercial centre in•Amerfca andEdetipb. whose letter. and iii.-patelice Iv Whore nothing worthy ' of note unknown to its readers. I- • Tin,. m wket report. , of the- 1 'arid era atos•nlenmplete • than thOse auttstlittheV newspaper: The editor invites ; comparison in this respectand polutpalatetO the th ir dr i: tl of I the Cattle Markets , the general ant country lice i Market end •the Money Market in Its ecilltmns ; pretitof It. excellencofu ' this respect. The Wordh,_ as , also a-special dephrtinent devoted to AOletilturel, Oiled ' with editorial articles. communications from' practical faraters.abd select mattte. making a rateable and use fill papey,tor thc.Parmettt and Mechanics of than coup. try. - .. ... 'lle war in' which ' MO nation ls :aniraged . against armed and inn:Hated Rebels. and the mdicelpotter.-ef the ritiml nisi rsti on Which prolongsit;'barerorepinutto i bring together uponottO platform all contiertitive.Xn. I ion-iot inZ a tot Constitution -losing men; .of ,whatever former name andereedi. -- lilany of thosnwha, within the limits of the Constitution. !ought thti tra - tles of the ;bal lot box under the !cadetship of those; patriotic state's -1 man of other and better, days, neer'', Ulay wed' Doniel Webster. together with the -Masses Whoa* •Viciplia were those of such patriots as. Andras . 411 c son and William L. blarcy,dilastVrighttind•StsThen A. Otiglaii. now Stand shoulder to abriulder upoothe itentelptatfortii and notice the said* banner.. The platform is a phrth I one. It is to restore the Union, maintain the Coustitu ' Von. and enforce the Laws. Whatever makes for this lend, the exercise of force or the policy of s tencils:talon. the Work/ trill ruivoniti ; ti hattrer makes pita It,the I World will p ose. - 1 It rill op every enemy to the Cu lorrt. whether 1 armed In re . lion at the South or insldoeuslyplanting.i the needs of essential disloyalty at the North. • ..... 1 It will oppose every riolatfern of th e Constitution. ' which Is the only hope and bond of the Vliion attd our only authority for exhorting or compelling the stk.+. o I once of the Sergi'. ._. It will oppose every infrecton of the law, in high pia- cesor In low, by reckless and misguided partisans. or by the administration which has been their example. [ it will feaileSsly exercise the Freedom of the Preen It will coaster' ly uphold and defend freedom of speech and freedom of the Ballot. ' To the lawless acts of the AdMinfatratiMa, lit arbitra ' ry and nelnat arrests and expstriatlons.lt e denbal of the right to thh writ of habeas corpus, its Illegal proclama tions. its abrogation of State and rtdcral laws. lie dor , potic amaranth lions of ungranted power. and Its subtler 'ion of the safeztards of civil and personal liberty,' It will conistantly oppotetbe letter and the , spirit of otir supreme law and tfie advocacy of 'bend dectrine, until American (teems') shall be roused to The recovery of their rights. their liberties, their laws;. am their limited and well-balanced government, by the resistless deeds.; ton of the ballot. Profoundly impressed with the desire to •contribnte, all that it maygo the great work of this 'generation.— namely to restore our tuitional unity, and Ito place the United States again foremost among the nations of the earth, and first in the peace. prosperity and.bappiness of its people, ti• a World seeks from those who desire such things their ' , empathy and support, and above all, the favor of BIM she crowns every goodworkr, ,- _._ . irlalit."Adti. • -. • Daily 'World. Yearly Stibserlption by mail • - Semi-Weekly World. - ' I llinelestdistrlption, par &Muni' ' • ' 300 . Ton copies to one address ' 500 7 50 Three Five " ••:..;- *: . . l= 2 00 .. Ten oq, . . .. . .•. . _. ~, • 'edgy .W.4;•lid, •,. , , T Bi i n tc g c l Oco l4t rice r 7 lP Oid ti ro . t r o r ri I .C ri a n c uut lC,p,,A .; pc — ii . ...; . f. : '''' ' ... ; , 4 - 2 5 14 0111, 1 Ten :.•„t" 1,, .-.- ...`, .„,-. - 't , . .-......."36 06 Twenty copies:olf 46 onO*ltirers) ' ' 7 71...25,03 cicala ortireo tr Grover co Loa addrctoOrit op 04c4 rupt pc r roe an ad(tion4) phorgo or so, ccbt e each. • - roe oTerY I 'alb ortFeuti an extra eelkY:trin be.41 1 4C ro the,gqtrer up of the club.„ - . • ... , _:. -.„, .... For evc; Atelier ilitY. Oa ScrniAteciiii7,:riod , For. ,eign -00 ot oriO hundred, Ihi Dally.wlll lot cot. -slat/ .ren (Incited. in.ilett or.Utocxtrmi.eoplc,orWokry.: , ± ' •;: , :T: Additions to - Clubs - rookyln made At rtnrOlrywf at •soorr, -rates.. l'4pery,-Pcnolt , h0gb411101.11.00131,71m0 , 31 1 . 1 b to onottift; opt. ott a ,rgpeirtf %tuft: pcnicepoli4l4lltrri I -.. 'Club: nod on creelp: or Ott* cent. , ox tra i rdogje pipera 1 ' ' Via be 1 airef WV Fi: riflifilgtr ipartil 4 4 - pso.l ' • drcvs ••7 ~, ‘"., ',,.7 ' ...1611 0. • • earoamptated brat; art: .IL - Oref a “ ... . t - • - • '• I[IMM llitlirlittli,•--- ,1 ,- . t.,'-‘ , k "I' , 4. 33• riirde U . WOW , Vbrit. t , - , 441111111241161 /V-likk: • Tremendous e *. •Actill„,..trAnade ...baL IlltiktrotOillic cot • . - tion:tdiiime —A from thttAi 1 - lap eP4i4ltrY...)47.4(tii: enrollmWitelbn • iiiimpilssionlifilint # It will,irr i felittigd IL. neparageiti6n t fii,, drifiedrniepio% • -factaion. .-.....;.- . -... . SenatieFAVilirC 4•l4o*tett hicbiten: ;ion tcloalli•?n*lnin*Oredneing: . ,the:, term of.isertfte.O•toesaltittiti.tpontlis .. : On the 7tit, St t.-.X4 , 50it1i; of Ore. gon,.gav, n,otieViTlitilittetitiq.?tt to.. olfer an amendmjnt tdthe . .enrollnieni • bill, ...to , provide ibit any, person cschtlit 'l4'. reason briPtlyikealAlii.;ability-, sykosp,-.-automEin , ' :rilmo :,,ex, ge - C . da SI ~.o. 9 o:may be eltettryt:l?y, thci,itAititgiii itegoo.f . .. :ilia deiPio . VOSt; liartililljff'reqtfteit ,te a - trnnttait - tto - -' the tl.olleetoret InternallteVetitte"afettakdia trit'.;lieliailids.ankieiddeiica:of-•.:4 '..per..„ sops•drailed,, and :declared.to • .be-:,ciempt . by iiii+Mn 'of pliyiicial diiabilitT,,;-tliat:'ilip sum abiW.e•iiiimed may be Collected, - in 'default - of the tnythentlo be:made Avitliht tendert after bur :mine • shall have been tnism;:tted to the p.illcctor. -,llthoppy tnentisiitaihk Within . theli:dic' z 'speeied•he is itot,,,iiatitelo'lhe 'Araft *ring thee - fine for which Ile, was dßft 041„; ,Ifi,4elio q uen t, 'hel, , maae Subj'ectito another , ... d.. rq . t ..- and •- a similar. payment.. .„ Thi:Spring fi eld.(Ma44 Repiblicon _ .says ::.' ',..;".Somehow ohr, radical, * friend o, who have been denouncing the 4bOustitu tion tor:: the lost quarter of a ; Century" a§ .a ."cdvenant with death and an agreement with ha l," s,..eni to havezOt the idea that the w.ar• has abolished the ,ConAitutior.— The rebels think so ion.," .And` in this we 'hare'.atlither example how - the radicals and rebels-agre6. EPIDEMIe.—A terribly fatal fever is pre valitit,,tit,cuibentlale, which .completely baffles the skiiC the physicianS. •It is. called the_ back ; or spotted - fever. -iFt'om six to eipiXt deaths a day occuri it is said, the vietuntv'dying within a few hours al ter lie4ng attaelad: "The, &s mile 1:4 said to be spreading to the surrounding villa ges.. ,1 Iu flush, Dee...29lth, by Eld. R. If. Gray; Mr. IlonAcE I i tallow, of Uinta - Stistfa co. Pa., awl rut; ,lonssox, - of Ort.ego, N. Y. D.104.4tb, jo,..New„Milfoia,_:Pa., at die: ,house , of Mr.:Morse, by Rev. P: Bartlett, Mr-.31u.t03 C. Diti.E3Las 3liss RuTiz NI-ottsz, batik-of - ,r_ 4 ERIERAILLW - :AY• . 6, : i , lNdlicalcnirs. C.olitnt Mt . ail ~ ./irt' r stitiv.itee. liiiill .. X . UM3:: ,Vralus willlcareastat Bend; Pa., at about the following hours, %1s;. t-- ._ .-:. - 1 - 11MRTW:Alk ;BOUND ; ' , 'I. Ungs)oltxpreas.:lo4t.m i 2.lht.T:ltzptervilleitp.to 3, .Slght.Espress,l:sli aml 0, Steamboat :- ,9:l2p.rn. ' 4.411att. 1a ,7:49R.R. .IS.Claclnnati •• ". atsGa.m Jr , WAy reckiii.."lt3rp.m ea, Tral 'Freight. Ittir. pm SI, A escorAdtiop '17:19 a:ni 1 ~ Taint ratio evtry ilay.,;-nr , lit &Pa etuidaytt.. but does,not run Mondas,: Itatulliltfilaturdaytiftojull'etr. York.runs through ' to Buffalo. hut does mot runto.Dtm lirL, , ....- - - -ciTApirspr,..cen. Supt. -. '!}GCS • 1 ExecatoeaZotice.. - A ItAkMogiunlildeatO rtjaialia Esttiff , firßEßlM !za l ".llraLLlVlVristworle. Nflldfd dowilibtp.deetrale hereby noting4l4.nstkiamiadinto.pumeadarnd ail per- Naas having . ttlitri%itLat-+I Atir Otarewlltialsbut them to tha:dttlerzignodSoeMeittatt7- - ..t" 4:?!. Eierat9r, New Milford. Jaa. 11. IS4. : • 4tvit,r, "Mi=tla i i u.- , D t . - ' , I • 1 fAz,r,..1.. 1 7 , f.. RIV I raTfT,L.'I° ii-)4 4 .kU i llivt- r a . 11111116deriglailetl.LICENSEliAgn., orrnfl.doVi. ..x--E10:31)011', -will give prioivipt - iiitet4llsn - 1.4i dOl -- elalmo entrusted to bin care:- Ch*Zel. l o*. and ' hirer mutton ar'ititEft - ./.... V. - MITCH. Siontroaeoll;k4.4lMl - . -' , T , it* ''' VinDr.Toblneis Venetia n Lintmerkt basziren , trgiVERSAI, — •SATIBMC2IOI.I during - jthe 14 tem It; tuilibeen intirodneed into the rusted Staten! /liter belui tried by tnillipue. it has beta - Truelattntdclio pain des troyer of the world. Pain cannot be where the 110 pent Is applied.' lirttied bi difettediCentnlothhil4gter has Ailed in n eindleinstanEck."Poreolds coughs It can't be belt_ One Pa cent b ottle- will eu're ail the there, hcsides,beirt+ useful in eteri family for sad. den accidents. such as burns. cuts. Mai, Insect stints; .143. At is perfectly innocent to take Interually.amicap bstleenlo the oldetlp irso - n or youngest child. Prim 0,1 and 50 tento Abottle,;;Oltlee, S 6 Corti/milt Street,k4 Torir:, , Stuld by 111} Ml:tutees. , . ::nov cozirtasloNs AND EXPERIENCE- OF AN INVALlD.—Published foe the benefit, aad so a warning and a caution to young cacit utio suffer Wiz nervous De premature decay et 'Manhood. etc., supplgt o ntt the same time. the means of self-cure. By one w eared himself after...being put to great Injury- and ex pen Se thrOpgh Ireledleal iMnbt/g ittlatkerr. By enclosing a post-paid addreesea cavelopc. oiagiC enpiea may be had'of the author. :wrist mum MATFATU.:*O3.. ii Bedford. SlngsCosuity,ls. . raay 2G—lyle NEW JERSEY LANDS YOB SALE.-4180, OAR DEN, OR FRUIT BARNS. • Suitable for Grapes, Peaches, PeitriE . ItasPilierriet„ Strawberries, Blackberries, entrants o('1, 10 or 20 acres cads, et the followingniices for the pres ent. via : acres for =lO 10 aereefor SUNS ant for 2% acres for PO, 1 acre for $2O. Payable-by one dollar a week. Alio. good Cranberry lands. and village lots in Chet, wand, V, by 103 feet, itt $lO each, payable by one dollar a week. The above land and farina. are attained at Chet wood, Washington towiwblp,. Burlington county, Ntw Jeracy. For Mrtber information, apply. tritlva P. 0 stamp. for a eirenlar..to , B. FRANKLIN CLAIM Feb, 3. 'W..-1y No. 00 Cedar Street, New York— j rifr The Singer Sewing Illitehlktes.—bur LE'rT,BII. A Family Sowing Machine to last planing& worid.wide reputation. It in baotid douttiheWt and cheapeet and moat beautiful of'Fatniii Sewing Maehincis vet offered to the public. No other liamily Sowing Ida -chine has en many neefal appliances for Hemming, ,Binding. Felling, Tucking, Gathering. (lunging. Braid ing, Embroidering. Cordinv'tind co forth. No A n th er Family, SO wing Machine has so much caplet ty for a great variety of work. It will seiv all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread...,(lteat ands ittiPTl :Werriente -make our Famlly•Bewing:Maehinonnott Valtable,, mod dnrable,and most certain In action at ell ratios an:tench - It in It ibei which"- fs thebest stitch. known. Any 'One, even of the most. ordinary ea2netty Family can see. At a glance; ,how to tusT Ike letter •A Sewing Onrlag, Machines ; arc and.exquisito :- The Folding Cake. or stellate Ily Machina le a piece of ' cunning workntenehlp orthomoatifserol kitei-;It pro -tects the machine when not in ElfC. anikw_hen about to he operated may be-opened as% spactonstmdstzbetantlat lahle to enistain the Work . `While' eenuf 'of the 'Cues: C 0440 Plilt Otibo-001CePt ,111tXt PlMPlegiVtloll3,lSlViltilimed le the MmphaltAnd chest t others are adorned and embeltiskaA !Rate , tops; qatly and superb ?manner. It is r t bsobtlely,—ltteciWary.lo ,6 o4 theyttmulty, , Miteltine toperntidd;lo licte_ of 'great:capacity And I rMait her Ami alpOptilar for family sewing an our: • latannthetnringniachtnesarerormankraeturingp ro p oses. TberllranelrOMees ara welt suppltedmith silk,' tvelo, thread, needless, att. ike.. Othe velyalnt 4 o iItO"- ' Bend for a Mattis?. - - • ITPIAZOBWMANTIFAOTURIN OC Ors rM r egi di to! , 4 . 4141 -lituadwV.-Neft Y041417 , r r tplladitiphtalike.Slflebetttnut *rept( • WATUOtiS a roma Alluta r ist MOttolii; ... . i i vil,g 101111 f.eirch, ~:... f ...... . ~..:2 in . ..,,,,..4..- 4. i• rr - . 0...4 •,...•' .'. - • ....4' 1 •.: : . ....„,.-1-.-`.,• 4 , .... 4- q-. 4.. ... -• I 7.,: j i,1;.:;:,4,;...1 e 4 it 31-4. arr . !. i..sri 4: Ert't,,tiekTiarMir " N.z -- • 4,,A4 . "'" `..;•., 5 Nrir Iv rAll ',' 'A • On At ' 1 4 . 71 0 '‘'.ll- , -41:-- .........,66,4,41.,04. • oodast 1" „L„,.., A,,,, . .._,........0.0 black awl ivlgi ul rap s t ri r ck PJFI_I" A •igr,,,a e l l i. [ -Lni.litigelotki.Skile and iSalmAt.'. t•- . . ,- - " "i O)4 , • DOI b.-,lres-T.1.,,,,. , _,...,.** !. -DtbWn ittablettetbdUlttonno: 'Whit.44: gni* ' p4faldawastic.flikung.l. 4c.nlaig,ttal. at(di.,4lA 0 'gyres et domeistim . - ~.... ~ .. .. . . , . - . 11111' • -1 - I' - l atii•p.., ; , • 1-•;1 . • ; linen . 8 -, vs , ear, ; !..sid:Ti , . , ,,:t.. •• ! ,. w • . -....,:-. :!--,..4,1, • 'Pisitlentrirlitrentioil le colltati) this tlCiiiitht,' Vnit. ' • line Wadi FriTch clothe and eassimerpr m s fiil4lW . -, Zijut 66- &Wirt, dud' .'anuteTtiuttainp, lints audVaiaCetZ": -I* , ..74• l r• . 27:; • ' ..I.gautes: 2, ` 7 e ,Ctoods nud Nottona. , =adlit' DA : 'Vile' dim dints'. • atyleut4adlujOksgai . ‘. oiszazt • Saga? brews . yellow andnhite, at prippimet terbeet6., aped,Japan, Black, and Green Tea, of the very' BEST - • cuttee,..spleesi glagettintatuatithlettlite , gad, ntaelterel,end,itstwete,, etc. Crockery, Oil, 1 4 smOsi , Glees -1/Gto . Crackers ofaillillids.taidcraresiid - illittita a l and Hawed olio, coal oil lamps and fixtures,. slOpi t sami„; paints, paint brushes, ete...etc- • ,••• • f 800 -• • :.• Air : Mena' liElp and heitiitiobta, bop aka.relini:s.4lll.llni* :•`."• heavy boots, ehltdren'ecappet toed odiciac4, rocco shoer,:ladletepaimeastiele_wetlktnovnossit gaiters and morocco balthoral altael l iadblitf Tbenbove gooda are•ta-bo,aold at prices thaiwnt eattie . . fir every one. . • TO DAIRYMEN., j have constantly Otl„bauda limb , of butter pallikelgo elute fur pails end pash for 1150.w 7 -Ashton Si9cor,splift : ProdtcoAakemin 31ontrosc, S4pt. 18(Xl. • , PINATri, 81:3i1E1SI: I,itiM Ii:.'..,COOPERt.'W::„'„t 400:11:$ FOR. • - - Thompson; a "Black St/IV-U.ll:e tit • Liverp"O'or tickets . ' pEssoNs whaling to send fer theft frlcndsTn the 41/10 country, c9 l Parebase passage Oche' tsliT.thit Wass Ilnef the subscribers. Also, Drafts on Irel Air - isle to io 11111: . •, • CO:,COOrEIt d. CO Dania -Montrose, Jui,3l7 - lbw tf N:iesxamt.. .;. Ezaan . millnnubscriber hazing been ippointc , d by. the, dim- Nbitsitioliti• of PenstOns. ti MEDICAL EXABSINAN ae large, tftexamlnp ittd'give certificates to all entitledti:: Pensions. will Attend to all applicntione that teatbi" ptAsentei o him, ot-Blontrose, 'Roams :W.I. R. 'fir bell's hotel . • • , N.." A/LUZON. Montrose, April G. 1863.—Lf HENS( ~...,,• T , T ,Ws i ‘ . „ i:.c, , at. ith•c„......i....;.i.d ..r,..,ei1,1bti....,,r.„.!,.A,..0.ti—5m. ni._*... • at • . ~a nt..,. W * i it t . .i .ai.!. ~ l. ,l• -it.. .i‘k: 4l4rclal affitte, - )datoTo oo Oto nOk tOlclOi, 4, , :,.1J,,. , . t ,. , . .. ...*.....-., ~ . „:, , ~,..., „... . 7 _ ,•.....1 : - -+.!., 1 . - '' •" .. • •;, - . , ii;-,7."1t. WILL S0()NBE for the fellOwlng good remiss: Fleet. Trptilfo " • , • s spleadld Sleek of • " ; • • i, : r^V)rtfil • Dress : til;e die' • Wigter-Shaiwts, I 1 .: Silk and -Cloth Ck)alt4r ••• L • 'Sit., Ilembazineo.lW44o ~ • I.!' ' • • • cr ; - • ,t !a": MEI 3E3CIaNT-rkiT-VerlS - J -411 in /n 77 rp.ricy of etyie t eploi.an44ricf. "ripfrri ..7 ' - .11ornestacs..i.- rin 4. 1. tromi3twitattpwnide.. Afiggraln AI. veto. , liE.Dricznia, 87111PEtt:dhfi 7 7 PlitlVlStZtnnti Was tiptrOrde.t• Igr:Plar!nt.:4l of all colors apd - • MILDEW GOOK We. Litter ourielves tluit we east compete with any a dui thboilditicifiCerrYork, In prices. styles. or gutty.'" . rpr,altAtito iMoyc,tte Minh the . public to.dttkiy : pp it!IA L; • LT .0110 1 . 11 3013:11V l ar 1 ' : 4 ;i • FurtiTsh 04 ,1 g Of which 7,9 ' Ato t.sole6upillC44lSlrers• • . We would .say to these In want or guelS:' that Ire caw : ealtltny one, - no mattes how, particular the mitehaelle We tan Itmaleh .eti the shortest ind the moat . • .ILEASONABLV; TERMS: i,. A !flit or cloth millet' may be need for getting mastied.o, ' faces Butternut Regiment. We guaranty a gaostAt tad a trell•madc article, baring a • • Itanufaatory at 24 Dey Stoat s .* iti",.t wecestairdy have advantages &tree I.he majority In thls _ branch. We call partieniar attention to 'Use who knew ttiesi l 7l *elves in arrears with us to come and pay up. as Ws 3tei14,1 the funds to carry Duren b usi ne ss .. We are no triangle" along eredits,and helm in M 413171138 "Sliort-setihmiliti make jood fritistitt" tot:info:to: 4 Guttenbtirk,' .74oNTRosz, nee. 3d, 1130, • .tgrieco'volirtg or Old" - . voct have been anterior from ababitindU red in tor Or • NOUN°, Or.lloTilifinCES.libtelt eariseamo Fatly alarm , . ming 'lmpure*. which Wits Mem for marrfao: end is Abe gresteet urn vrtilehpin befall WAN or WON.lar. - !fee ayroptoma,equnterated.s4•AdrartieemenC 4ll4 4l 'son ere d'outrerci oat oat tbet tifrettilomerit. otidit for 11,09neg...poidis 40,dincemis. Mittorlielmotillar) • take no other.. ~ C orlir guaranteed. Dewar() of.Cootite4 , ; (cite and Imi,tatione. ' l •*. , . • • - - Lira l'::410S7111741$3. IttAligklC,4lllelolWr wh61,,,-10 bu, tog 63 $1,531 Flour. 1e3,01111 4 i i. 10111140110,4",„ 100 Corn menl.9 clq.2fs Cozp. rll,,,..renedllsystislloii, ii:104141.1111ba.Y.':ilk..115111; .. .. atIITIP.. . 1 100/. PIA/doer, 44 .50 V !lotik. - 1 • !•-•."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers