=== 4W i tiiitilapit 0 " - -=- -•-••4,\..L4-•;= ' 4 -in ,r, „ km Ir 1 %: abuulczi iuF , • Nvry c'',lolooccit Whim* ' - d'f• Ott the - thlf l *ft i k*•ZfOr . : 4- Ail• 1: "'And; que in close autt,o;;Xuate e ll.amead. tea wh.o 3 , vfigpt4b, l ,l4j. lice bil*inek: atim ekale, the* w 2.1 a VNiv a .een4ll6l'nWitearrAVell asTn i. r em' perteneeikia.nwlife before,- a'4,glol , MIA_ arriagb feast: `egli'MOV7 1 41 14 mY ReAtit9dist frie !".V W, Inatiglited-a(tia dootinVirty-ri.! tutmi,1*_144.41001114a2,,,,Z1 had - to giiruhlfret, wer'r — uu - darycar-did OtftWiittaTi L OW *VW - • riczb :::,7, iorkte .. .ftil hiarer %Ter' it mai— - -.0-ripm wa l l wfirmetrivoi ki 1,., :. ... Ty:kw difit4ObufbertitiifeliVl lhirik topili*Ubt 40164 at 1f ai'lail it'll* vai, - I,*km.= . 1 ~• inpumo*, - • Eatot. crta.„.44,4, fan. 1444 /1 6.1. `One thanks are tine Ron. W. J. Tamer! fb r Pub. Doe. , --2-. --- the Prospectus of the Tilew Yolk World;-in another column. • ar Absence of the editor, at 'Terris bnrg, Intra eXCUSO any lack of interest• in this owet cif the Democrat. He will be at. his post again before, the next issue. !'There is no impartant news from the army. The intense cold weather has extended even as far as the golf, and nta ny soldiers have been frozen to deathd— Thenrmy of . the Potomac. have -gone into *inter quarters, making themselves as comfortable as possible. The bombard ment of Charleston is still continued, with, it is belleVed - ,. great" irdinage - The rebels seem disposed to make -raids iu theSheisandosh valley, but aie kept in cheek by our cavalry: . TarThgre is now a strong probability, that, late draft will be postponed for twiatit threelnonan, if not indefinitt-. Th e - thijitair ustioriltlis seem at"Tast:to luwe gti'their eyes open to the fact that , a draft is not the best way to obtain sol diem.? 4 Under the'present high bonnties, the-Lreteran regiments,w . .hsalde,rmrt searioe exprre in thespiingaml earlisum aier, re - ell/Wing wiVt tt rush. la Dhik ahe qaotzkin tome .0f 1 4 , 11.nu1) &micas:tie ilrel4 7 filigd. Tti Li far ; loe l tioautfes ,Itre oifered,with. thtlAribw ht filiink it quotas robot tftilf. if;ilkTß,Ey Weil, , bnt reason, jaio . loini , tatithrainseliSt t itiattid vet= to atkrikatiiattitoo.liiray, to' fill the ranks PIP b 4O I4 .I4SV i TF iI/1 /4449 false tu riay to at east $5O a month. There is t ? i~K'~r . xi3i clot divropartioa betipen thq4jaystf officers and mei:, saaesti . fiftert he- conerte‘eiirdnli 'of t4e . IP-;k 4416 f ,- 7 Di *A:ea to iderwise Pfi g iq g T 2 4 3 4. Axa' riSe*-Vbick taut P.PG=l34l.otedyloti - n+y the abolitionists in the nous°. Zrar-4- `"` Mgt-Wei/ABA Is. Tirwwarsoptibitlproiceisted 'wad . the - ISA war for unit-Oho" so ;and yet the' imitigatiro asid advocates of• it bapress nstonishmbat tiutt.:..it4st.not todrerraly popular. Of obatioalfils sheertypoens' on .their pni t !Ah it is not ,without ti ihe,inteadea - riot;ifillil:alea o f, shallow iikteueot - tea : narrax fietr4 , A:tuat• for the tf. • = e ralig,ellOice or.the C°P ttqicitt - sti 'i#OilkapsinPf,ite..truionr—a Icor' "..et4iF•tea*,pro.lt.the single purpose of suppressing armed iebelliou; and iar►Blite•Nurth North: and the - South lit bonds of Crate:Mt feeling, would be 7 universally with the radietd4Olitioo leader, a F 2 Xsueli as ve mow have,. ahha;-iti, . may tolerated for wautofpotir.; er is the people of the North atir , the: Semi) to it - 4, it; can, oever be, popular tkith . "ibe majoritY;.because the . NlOrity_ are sineerelyi.and it:woes:ay st tgeo 41).th0 Constitution as irbitgagie traliaras it Ara% while this Iva - riff both, 116*,i tbeadministratiwiferthe' 141e9 aztatatianall.T alaVety4 , and•converting' the goVitiuMent lotou - despOfistn. It is at straw, thlerearey that a ma. farhy, 43fAttiiwiliii. trip „fiFe',kalla'tit the Oieytitueitt. ofth i t; ' cottatitttliaa t sPa-iliarxr ahpuld ‘lgatsPi*iionfikilteita* Someioall:gaslibillOttlk;ll3 to ebb -!l,ll°*Tr.„Mlll°°)4a. heiron fiktkto aclttaof**totv-4ad Its, _mltsurtitl Aipr4iint4ltis nil*, to 84 111 6 extent, trffie- 2 11#1 !I:L* iso a dark ar 'herons these: 4 ;4 critigitifi.,iiyephautsi these babe betteayerk_ f tl .iEctittnfry ' and , it is ciot. ofE, No delte.ion,,says the Albany - ;11. - 9 - td . , is grosser', an/1 at ifie - samti tithe so selfish irk& cowardly a§ the idea that po i &teal Inlitifirity is to bo gained by this '4l‘ ! .a_ • ktL,,YesAllitic.4lo.l aM c i apuns. - . MntieTttlus ( t. who helped incite-ii r -kortiratut Month, and all,stbo Iseck tG Proloog-Att 4 day be rm& its true' :olklatitlett esticrittmthe 170- 1:•401s,3• Dili ' eiiel ..--it 1)4ga,1„, 1 43 4 011 0 h9/81 i °9 ° ' 1 16•771ari0 ,1 :7 ; ": - f t : Pansy c v*z O.J, eit- n tegiguare , oansabed as :Harris. but op Tftsday,tind.zath; •.:Tho parAtea , Iwingitled *the Sensfer_ 16 to 16—no organizatittwAasi bee* effeetedoed none islikeiy tabe in the..psenti temper of. Senators.. plytne r ..; (Ptem,.).yrolesed f ;tit order:tact fect awzorganulition;contE - Proceed. , with - the pnbittimaiiwas, that.the opposite pas. ty mhonld &am thelrst _chance of 'affiliate in the gifloef the. &nate, and the.,Demo: crass the-woad; and 60 onalteruately,i,4 Mr. Clytner said theiresponsibilityof not effecting an organixatien rasted with the opposite party. Them was Amery retts'on to, believe that Col, White. (a republican Senator, neat stAirmoder.in Richmond,) had res igned; tifid was no longer a 'Sena tor. This was stated in at least Ahree pa pers controlled by the friends of Col. White. If 'this-Warr into, it wai the neg lect of those whose -duty it was to have provided a new member by election, to which the difficulty must be attributed. - Inethe Rouse, Hi Johnson; , (reP.) of Crawford, -was elected Speaker; A. 'W. Benedict, Clerk, and J. C. Brown. as sistant All the ricers of 'the House tiro rtloublicans, that party having a small majority in that body. • San. stila—Sonate'still dead lOck. Gmr. Curtin . sent' in his' annual 'Message, which was read, although the ieidin_g was objected to by' several Senators, . In the House, the Governor's, Message was received and read ; - 15,000 , copies in English, and 5,000 in German were order ed to bc printed. • Widannot find ileibni for the Govern OF'S Message this week. He figures the - jiti& li debt. on Dec.'lst at '300466,506r 78: • ' Th Congress, Bes -. JAnvs.—Both lenses of -Congress reumemble :this Anuniing 4 pursuant to the adjournment over the holidays.:; • v. * - Bnsyre.:--A•enninundeatiOn iwss reeeiv,- ell front the Beeretarrof the Navy - giving the ninteerif thetorteetsltrho l •have. left the tervio since' the - coin meneetietit` of the re b e lli o n. b.,14:; Mr. Potvelr'orKy., ititredu* &lot Aik prevetit the '46(l6re of the 'mitt ' , and iiury from ifiterfoiint 'with theireettotiiiiii*The several States. Referred, to thp Judie COminittee. - • Mr. Sumner of ga,VeC natice Cicintentien to otierlan — enteedtifetit to the :Entolltnent • Mi. Wilson-AC' introdnCe'd-d bill miler ititrthe,bonwty of,tioo' to veterans 'and esoo:te volunteers niititthe of Febrilety ; providhig- a boitnti ~of $lOO to_p,ersons 'of African tles.cenx re- Merit in-tlie Stites:to* in - rebellion, 'fur ing spell time 23 the Presiderkfatv • •i• `• , • 1117; [ Tel' E1t14 .1 itkoved 'the refeirniii l 4'thht portion 'of the Piesi :•lent's message referrin,g to a reconstrne- tion of the Vmoti Ye - the tQtnmittC ip the I Referrea. • - I message was rlealvea freni the - Pitmm6rtv;eitiiiitzsily' 'ii.dommenaing that' *tie that - Olt bolinties•l4celstifitliOnifeit-beontintlo: atlittifAill 4 th - 6,"litst= diff ittM xti: I The trAsttilge was referred to the Cejit' rrirtlitfry* dram — • t•Blitydit — iittorf; i of Ma nitfat,l6l3 Vaitriftg- iii„•4s;•l liiiiistt+oll9iite"Vbetrititeit . 4tervteerslo 1014 4it•etieeri . tithiortibleiitg, - eliivedi; .aficaitte . Of less thinltirdeyiiiii. • Oiir'. ilfAfr! oCiiffirath,'Cot ft % kb - v . r_ Reciiiifrof,' That the Secretary tit thy`' Treasury boreqttestia o ieport to ' Hetiie, , whitt have ''lleed the services Jay Cooke and CciiikY# VrtiVerp. went iii the Site' bettnited ., States Soletni- T ties, and Whathis been the rate and'NAM** . amount of cotnpeniatlon' therefor; also whether the said service might not have as successfulif -- 'kerfornita by:- the Treastnigepttitintitielfj' tilik4wl4*t siiiiiiiainoney; Wink, have,beia 9° l of the Treastu*lar advirianicat oideifrq Why' Pike Cemfinei. ti xnot on oaf Cheater Toth,' it was.. ;, fielded; •That" - Oxiituittee of, Wayi an d• inatineted to eAqiit in t o the expediency * bW amending the ieti - eintitled 4 in' act. 16 provide 1.-Ito:nal Revenue to suppoit the GOvtrtunent. andiwitytherint the d debt, soes 14 'adobe gni - "II ! aft inikeral 'Colds from three; antrinateli cOnts:te ptie.and4l4lCeentiv-lair ton. -AVishharne ollectedi, 634;11 introdice*lii) at the - iiagiest utonient; fetacivingano seat of Government' barrek isolated aeantry. - - . •r. 3 43 •nostilitio mathis 11114,71,mi,=.*„ yorte Y . a enste. emmt der striver:, hatisOt deer ationnoilk - ppyl jebaied htthe Government. `'.:.AdoPd. Ole latief Mr. Powell, of;ittlillueliy t , .!prehibiti4military officers ftflariA nter.l "chard oleeticms was tiiko .00t "mitsed mtith debate. Mr. GOines theught :there, was, a - difference between inter lerenee-tis - private individuals, and inter ference by the ordei of a superior, officer. (die wished the bill sent to the Military Committee. Mr. Powell wished:l4 to ,to the • Judiciary Committee; -where it - ; wouldhave some chance. . . ridiaita, denied that 'there had heel), any interference rwitb the freedom of elect ions ! Me. Saulsbury; Of Delawareihingli edthis-tO Scorn, and said truly that j inrhis State there eras - no freedom . at the polls. lie gave ,the infamous Schenek a" -well d&erved scoring.' lfei kifltissa thltietisi kras in faVcir of what the-Ad-M.la itratton had Atine and wits trakritilling to take. oaths 'of nlligniiiee, as he said,:o• from ikhpriSeilei aunseqiind thienti might`to tote Who Wald het fake tlieiit kianrid Mr. Lhfie 'loth defehded - 1 `VW hilt Wathatillf Otte tiPthe Military Committerh no doubt, • -'' • Ia vetilltitstl-MriTiellity, 'of-P . 4011111- vania, withdrew from the Bankrupt Com blitteeilandreieltitions were, p a ssed • feria seleet;Conimittoe on'the rail rOatrhettreenlNew York tied I•lrtittliingt lotto. and for 'the . prevention of smaG- Oz• -ut Ai, - District. • Atilt Vas - iiitrOduc ed fixiiigliv uniform time for Ciinglisit eleetions throughout the . • Uni tedStatee. ' • • - • A'resoltition eitAlding the term Tot bounties to March Ist,' and 'thus postpon ing thedraftlintil that • time; was intro duced by :Mr.' Farnsworth, of Illinois:— . replje to question , he said he did not know whether the Administration intend ed to - abandon the 'eanstiription ^ end' to another question • about' - colored troops would not say 'whether thee. were to re ceive lioniniett Or. iititz": Mr `Cox of Ohio, said his object in all'iteditriens ":to Wipe Ott conselipe ." • 'The -- tesubition was passinl•unaninionslv, and sent to the Senate, where it passed to a secondread ing, and - lies until; to.tlay. Theenrollment bill intro'luteed yester dim, was reetirted tadiiy by the ''*ifilaty Committee of the Senate with lainelid molts ; 'one p 4 tikes. out the pro vision authorizing the traivittral - from one enrollnient to :mother, non a change residence. The most important ehat!ge in the striking out stf - the . cominntation 'Thepenhitirfotteceliing Pay'hir Or• titicates of disability or any serV ices undo this net, is increased from 'dee) to 500—one-halt to go to w -the informer - and olallitile St 3 13r li ritt brzarz ates:— - Kenuricr,`tiffeitd a resolution which rr adopted: calling upon. the 'Secretary' 'ef Nlt r ar foralithe livers 'relative` to';tile. rechatign 'of prisonere.• 'We Will . nOts 2 know tet Tor • breaking the carte. The' Post 'Office appropriation' passed by the Ilierse, wait reeivea and selitto the 14ItienheCiniiniittee: - "••-•' 4 : Mr; tesbilitiem requesting' the President •to drill out'` a million tiers for ninety PlaCe General Grant at thew hOa,d. It was referred to . .the' • Military Conniiiitee.' •' • . • ,Tho }Louse bill extending bounties to 1114411 - 114, - tt:fts referred 'to tfie Fipartee • • air;tirn . tici . g,ttre notice of a substitute for the .$30!) clause lo the conscription biU..• • • . . . The'enscriptinn bait was. ten np, and paitially ' Davis of Ken tucky, during the,debate,. _reading some ct extras from a sPeceh of ,'Senator I Upon Conscription two yerasisvo, where; • upon Mr- Hale made a'very, poor joke. ' Bills' were introduced t ier the codifies tion of the Polo's! statutes; quid granting 'the franking pritilef;e to,ilie Soldiers' Aid . • Societ 7 - MrAthiii., - 11isioitri; introduce,' s ijscdittiOn iuukiug to they aibutuiption of thV'State Wat debts, ty the tuited Statei. ' • `lir.lluldWin;offerea re§ohition " that a t ify' proposition for negiwtiation with the rebels - ottgilt to be rejected Without hesita. : thin or delAy." Adopted,. yeas 811',' nays' fir. - Ro,..gem of Ned ''Jersey - I ''6lTered . a rflotuffea`favoring l !ebaiittatitin'. and A 110" sent to Riuh mond' t6'try eiitt ;Laid on the table,, yeas 77, mar; ' , O. • ; '''Oe . .hiouSe went into COinmittae of the 'Whole on the DildenietivAiiiiNprietion 'ldl%And . ioon 'a ft er reporte d it. It Was at - onee passed, and the licittge 'ad iourtie4 Until Monday. ' • • - - • Conwionin - 1110"Pjatits. " au article en the , practices in vogue at Washinilon the New York Journal 4oual of Coinnieree d raws the following rni Prettily: , ,The period . i n wlieb we just now, lice is oneliif:unboundcit trend and 'corruptiuri. I There" • IrPv,P,l% Man an , othablistritivo Viraildiigton Under ,wilkh fraud irate carried' on as' bpenly and boldly as_now-. The pillions,. that are squandered and thataic the 'plunder of "the preSent ararY .Hangers-on „will never be, canted.— There-Pan. ead - to, the terrible veyelatiOns. ifor(lOps. ;the trealile stop with thejnerc, regiingsof , purse. .The . suoit atrocious crones aroperpetrateC* A tla e stolen money, and.thope-ople arc growing nhed to the rentals. , 'Legiblato7~i aren't and. uold'Peduilivanialliesilfedrivott 'olsoisiheW. , :':Eto*,,t4inv- arc ~ f roudolentli carried::: ~ i r tainischilifiry of ilotitiCat par. tials:zturncd everywhere to - 466 , 01,v a t0 SCCOUIIt er.individual ofricejacekerio••=bi ineafpseekertr: - Ifie-toint- iw ; Moo lea ooliat , -nosio Ott: crimeii- from thef t?ll-o -00(4 M .11 think on tber wColo' that warn ago. . • , is a ~goo4.thingothor,Virtriv tiop carry 3n i elocA9n-Ify4shippi_ff dine r: 4 fee! (Ifotisatt4 telt.itted 21.ervelinck te-ovo.'.ltonto'folitieel..r,itite whiff 4 14; 76 1 bought; - for . Mone t.4s'3kt' np6: . ; prove the fiction of tke:t re:t4ufk depart.• 2 ' . maitt, iq giving a%:,respatictille office to ,ti roan whose vottcconseience and reputii tion, as every one knows, were sold by himself and bought by the party which protects him. , No -ono . l seemsyto think thatfratl; public robbtity, is every gti.:lt crirne _We Ince' diily in the •Streetii I ntOlnly at receptions anti grand ,:tspen bltes,-Men who are knon.n to be fitttening , On plentlei, 'hot- 'Who:it. po!Ation scents Wholly tnutffeCtea the Tact. We areliot diattinkitty tab . dark" tifticittre of the 'Moral' cominion-or.,offtirs 'nailer i 1 r**went einittiSteation. 'The ! tioetrine. is ' . eVcri‘Vhdite:Setett if it it;an -firitt'Nfies Vo l : id 'figliPtt the ncgro q'tiestlon''he'inay lie';42illl.-iiite_ aft 'otket.'queStionwhh 'he "'Adages', anti' not lose the' sotial and 'sm q of city ; er the h.:niers of his party or his tinily,eit socititeit tti . life. " • . , .•• • • ' Possoxs:tiißranyti:Aecordint to the Troy': Whig, Alm "United States , Govern ment is -engalied itt 'nit/toff:it-timing poitt ed bullets:P. This is . what the Whig says"! " We imveltefore its some' specintens'nf the Mittie-bullet no* . prodtteed at the tr. S. Arsenals; - One admit is made fatally Teisonotti by the washing of 'the hide'''. t al. portion with a copper. 'An other is the. Min ie balliw&lsree* sect ienn.:=L The . heavy . part is the pointed or forward end-tis - is evidently intended to pene trate qltest: Next to this is a washer of zinc. iseotnes the ttntr, wish the cylinde'r, on. which •are.'jOined the three kections' of the Suppose man to 'be struck by one of these ballets; the surgeon, tin probing the he apt to get at the light batt'and cylin der. The. sine washer-Would itilFrenutin, causing Inflammationattd . odeatb::' ShOuld the victim ..ttirvire', , the itt traction of the cylinderand• wasber4 a third ' - operation, would still remain for the heavy part of the bullet; - _____. -~. o va--_. ____ . New York Legislature: Albany, Jan. s.—The Legislature Me{ anti, organized this inornint.r.,. the !limb , Haut officers being in both Houses. 1 The Governor's message Was rcad . .— After referring to State topics,he devotes portion of h is message to tlie conside, ration of militarlf:i•matiers'.in con nect ion With •the-'droft,.*&- ..- 11e •'goeff'iit t " nit; considenttlOn' Of natienal 'utfairsAt, letigth; and-after askinfttrhatitai! bet'," accOm:: plished . by thi. GO.re'rotiient, in - the tcrii ifAy's one eonrselteillsitee turlticlre made by our Governyikit 'the nUtSet of the war: , We tiutst Fieelet 6; restore the Union arid uphold theffonstitutiOn.. 'Po t this-end, white we ;put firth '-eit;r-f • ter . - lion to beat •Vown rebellion: we intast tts'& e•t•ery • influence - WV- wise states: -milishipi tri bring . ;bitekl'the "Stat. 6 - Who' • noir reje4nriteireOlistit utichial Mitigations. We mui.:fput forth 'every bondrable in - dueement to the people-of the - Sonth, to assume again the_ rights and duties of American citizenship.' We haver: reached that point the' progress of yritr'for which' alt "hare s't riigglid. now stand before tli world a-great • and sue; ves.sful military power. "Wise itniesma ship ean 'now War ' lb a close nptin the terms solemnly avowed at the outki. Good faith 't • ' the public- credi tors, to alt classes of 'citizens and - to the world, demands that Tlitis . should be. done. :The triumphs won by our soldiers' should flitkiwedsietired, by the race nl foil ers -t ha' itteimen 'in the cabinilt. In 'other . n'ay Can We save the Union." wr , • w .40, • 14. .• 10 S. 5-09 S• lIE SECICETABTOF TIIETITEASTRIY has not yet sea notice of any intention tt: withdraw this pop ular an from Sale at Per. and until ten days notice is given. the undersigned; as 6 !Vexteirail Subscription Ant s , " will continuo to supply the public. • 'the whoTe amount of the Loanarithorixed Is $.500,000.= 000: • Nearly $4100.000,000 lase been already sub scribed for and paid into tip Treasury. mostly Within the Test sdvbn months: The large demand front abroad, apt theist:My Increasing home den:at:liar usette the heals for circulation by !aational Banklpg,ittsociat lons new otigitdzing In all parte :tithe country; will, inn very short period. absorb the, balance. ; Sales base recfmtly. ranged (rem ten to fifteen millions weekly. freqee tly exceeding three talttions'daily, and as it Is well ktio*n that the litxretary of the.Treasto7 has ample and unfail ing resources In the Duties On Imports and Internal Revenue. and Cu the Niue of tbe Interest bearing Legal Tender Treasnry Notes, it Is almost a certainty that he will not find It necessary. for a long tithe to come, to seek a market for any other long or perecianent Loans, the INTEREST and PRINCIPAL of which are payable In GOLD. ' • • , • Prudence and self Interest mast force the minds Of 'those gontepplating the fcirMation of National Banking Association:9;as well as the - minds of all who bare Idle money fin their hands. to, the prompt conclusion that theysnonla tope no time In subscribing to title most.pqs War Loan. it will soon be betarnd their reach, and will advance to a handsome premium. as was the resnlmith the "Seven Thirty" Loan, when it wasiall seletantreo'd no longer be subscribed *teat IL 1$ a al. x per Coat. Loa% the Interest elia 4.42'01p0l payable , la Col% Saes yield* imager NINE per Cent." per asmana at the pre eat rate of premium ezieoln. The Government requires an duties on • liaioortertOte• paid in coin the duties have for p. long time past simountetito over a Qtunter of 4 Million of Dolttts annurnearly three times greater than that requited In the Perntenrof theintereot on all the fp.2o'a and, other .I;l3eta Loans. • ho that It la bond' that ;he-surplus 13111111 / 1 the Thet.to 2 7. at no dints* dor. will eothielhei United - States to resnme epode payments upon all habil itlee.;_, • ••• • • The Loan la called bliy,fromrhe fact I'3 whilst the Bolide may ran for yptii;•• Vertite , Government has tit right to pay them elfin 1391.6 at par at toy. bite rifler • Is years. The !Interest la eta: °tithe; linFLdays:Oflitorenaber and NAT n "Subscribers canboCoupunitidewolenarejuL tobearer, and arc PE WOO: :an d' 1/°°°;artat tared Bonds of !AMC denominations, and ;to .addition. *NA and $lO.OOO. -For Banking' purse,and for vestments of Truetawdes, tho lingiamsd fitads.are • Vherearprifiretlienat be taxi*, loyalife'VetitiV-tdintill' or counties, ankt r ao Gar crament lan 01, thear! •only ormand-a-luilf ,eent.' on' the otboulit ot when the income of t :holder ramie' Sitlfundint , dells& per annum:All otherinrestatentl.suchttia IMMO** 110ttgages.,._ Railroad Stock bad 'Ronda.. Ault pay Fool tune to dee PartearWtaron fhb inerano , :i 11 Banks and DankeraArologholit tbe Ponta!, VII eau' Untie todiapose of datmonisi and all 'Orders ay man; of otherwise promptly guspoi4,l,o;', . , The intotiverdenda edit few davedelaiiii the di Piers Ofthenondstraalweitaddit thar &Wad boletus.° I '2, l "intCnot ectintleaeee ttoltkitio dal#, Woo: 100 1, 1 *9P•Otetanedifu*ifiraMetfint,4 1 1 b i g raids' to. limn h. rue ma y: .dedi flw •.• .- • 'Alf '• •: = ••• 14 ' , HIFBACRiPTIOit-strinit. 114 t 4 OVTII TRIAD STREET. Purrant.rnit. . . BI4NTLET.& 10014113 tattoniayi and aonassiais at Law. OirPICE . 7OV.F:S . FTILLISTFai :PCUG STORE, MlClNtaiarraaap -gritiLLECTIONAand ItEMITTANCIN promptly made, A.) and all !mein , * I otrtulted to theutattcoded to with - fidelity. . . r...- ' ,- ' - Milton , chink* for rentiont. Tiohntles,- Bark Pay. &c., - will be carefully preOnted and atteilded to. as also all claims for exemption from-Draft: Th 4 following ale among the canoes For - ~.. - _ . - -.., EXEMPTION PROM .DBXIFT: 1. Being one of the Pons-of aged ur Marin paietitip where there are more than one. • • -+••• - 2. The father of a motherless elithl or rhfkiren tinder ,0 seam_ uf 0.4 m. dependant upon., tom fiir ruppokt," : only son of a widow of a.,ted ur inantr_partrati dependent upon him for anppor . t... 4. A member of a family, taramembera ofwlifelt are already in the service. 5. Of physical disability, or an alien. • • p. An awing: fur an aretias Of ass from two iir"mere •iinp. lirArbe, Mad DZlPuni. the draft.. • •• - • B. s. I:oostts. Montrose,. Pa. .• tterstitiM, Pa. Exe . 6ut,o . citiee.: y ETTEns Tenlakmemtary to, xtitr Efate, orTimmas thlytue.. 4P Wed. late of Silver Lake tura:chip, kelvin:: been granted to the nuderyigned,' Oil ()cry-Kos I. debted to %aid estate • are regnetted tor.'inake-Imtnediatt payment. and those havlnfr demantlY natant the Barnet° preyeot. them to Tnunss If. SAM J . . • Ittrrvatw HELIX, (' greentnn. Silver Lake. Dee. 17, 1117.1.--Gte ; , • . • SOLDIERS' .BOUNTY, PAY, AND PENSION OFFICE, Over flae Post-o,llice, 7144cratrosato, .IP4I. BEING dnly authorized to piepare the necatoutry pa. pore for 0.11 applications fur ttoldicrs, nod the.srid• ours, pi rcnue,lietrs and childrenpf deceased Sofdizia,for Bounty, Back.pay & Ponmou,e7 I will attend to that busthese for the sum of a. • rw 3:114:31MaXtAi133.8" for each claim—thin tp : cover all mtpennen. tnclealin dmtieen* fry*. Clerk', Cerftflotee. and Po.tnee. Thin :Is Akan cue-thitd- the =luta uptuilly,charged for the tm.ineg.. All jrnwns I otermled will plettee take notice andgor elm them*elvenaccordipgly. FRANKLIN ERASER. - Attorney and Cortmkellor or I.4ttv t and Claim Agent. 310qtrone, i 0et: ;1863. •tr ! 7 TO TILE PUBLIC. • ' ABEL TURRELL .1 • lIAS ter ntle rocel,ol. and coustantly ecreirLag new .uppilce of. - GOO t 8 In the, respeettre,department• of tratie in which he is engaged, trnihracing twerythiro,t,'Wlth few eireptlnns. Ile tenders his sincere thanks, to Om:caber hare.lhvot ed hint with their patronage, und hopes to merit a eon. ttnnance ot thole favors. The pahlic nre respectfully in vited to call at his atorc,arAlcSlll2lllle awl pri - cos of his good!, Mobtrosc, roc: S. ISM • R. B. ec GEQ.'.P,LITTLE Attortiel4aatltortatt Law, nacarpervacaSia. Wriermain.'". Irricw,on with stre e t . • liartieulir attraliiim givon 1.1 tO Cronirryaneinr. - dcCIO ro3 ocrtil -T• • AM GOODS! n x,...i.iioOrirrien t of G . ooDii. 'arV6%..B SOMME'S PIILMONIC SYRUP 111 i. etngt ,eO,IISVMPTION. scinmrs grugTixe WILL cLTILE - , CONSODIPTION, - SC/LENICS - PIILMONIC -SYRUP WILL crag CONSUMPTION. SCIiERE'S I , TiVioIUCI SYRUP MULL cunt : - CONSUMPTION: SCHEN S A- W KED TONIC WILT. qulii DYSPEPSIA. Scfig4VE'S SEA-WEED TONIC ; • WILL 6LItE DYSPEPSIA. SCI7ENK'S SE.4-WEED TOXIC WILL CU lB DYSPEPSIA. SCIIENK"S SE.4-WEED TONI C WILL cc RR DYS'Pt PSIA. • SCEIRIMS NANDKARE Pius WiLL CURE ;:Liver COmplaints. stAzinr imam Raze PILLS WILL. CUE Liver Complaints. scsors MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CDRE e Liver Cemplaint& SCHENK'S 'MANDRAKE s PILLS WILL erns Liver Complaints; DR. J. It. SCORNS has a tart c"suit or toeing et :Co. .119 Baud street. New Turk, %%Imre he - catt - betwatterefery Tuesday, from 9 t in. to 8 p. m., and at 'So. 89,Nurth Gth street:Ptiitadelphis, Pa. ;every ticturtlay. ' Ile keeps a Lame supply of medicines at his rooms; which cowbell:idat all times. Those wishing advice co on • Utillninatialrortlielungot will do well to.call on him AS above. Ile makes no large for advice, but. for a thorough cgamination with' be licsr rometer, his priCe ny persons arc afrahlto have their lungs examined : by Dr. Schenk for fear that they wilt be foOnd incbruble, and.by that tneaust it Is put wilikutil it 1 too hot' , How much better it would beta iplow their condition at (inro ad bY abundance of hasshowr'suilictent cortWattes s int his eitythatilsobas..turcd advanced etnes , . -of. Consumption. is • , -1148chmilis PrinclPlP 0180 llcf. - 81) Xoritt Philadelphia, Pa.' ' where letters (or .1141VICIS. simuld.al warebodfrectei. • • . ;Pricrt of tht , Pull:not* Stine and.. Sea' WeeilToble. each per bpttici, or 53 the Intlf duzet.-lifactatakitpUls, - 25'dente per bor.- ' ' .Itor, lalekby altDrueghitti antfilicirekcep.iri.: ,• Oct. 18 880. lket • ' - • • • • • • . • •.. .• .. -1,.4._•1„,w.•...,.-- 1 ~. ~.t,•-.1,,,(: ( 7 . .,, ..t.,.. .• ... „.,...7., ~, Ernkvimotolind downtblevaspoitineutbt- • : . illuas,,Psounottsuolts,Delaintlpt•Pmc or e'vt• , deietipttoll: Hatuiatot Skirts, bbiswlN: tilavok and uoitert &CLArt.; (id which we ire liddtni new ptylr Evigtx,wl.l.pp.rfth Ire vequit'fikkmm . !t... eitiatto titaiioi . ... .... , 4 ,- . , l;i.i'is - 1,!;, , _. , t.:1 , •; r 0 I;ATURCkeTi liigth, Ilfolt7. - : goptrose, tslcit.•M' -' , • , , ~,, ~i ,., -.- it v• ' ! v1,! , •!.;,7' . ..! , ,-.c,r..._ -.—r ~ p .,1,,, , ~',,,r.• " - ' 14 2r10. 0 1C7 1 - 14.1.01 Illdir'6,fit taglike of L%THROr, TYLLIt & RILEY . ;s • a .;;;ALCOI-tpLit".' . 14 A Highly Conceit*ated-.- 17,tekilliA111.0 EntTaso.7. A PURE: TONIC. DOCTOR ,HOOFLAI4IO'S --German Bitters, I~ttscxl el. DAV. BLJAMOtri P141040110x. ILL NO i : Eciti . AILY '• Pt: Ra liatVlETk F,4,11%1LP1A.A.,111T, ' ar*t:rra3Dilom, • . . . Chronic or tfervqcni 4 14bility. Ditime* - 1 IldsterP, ,//afl iardiiiimai - arising — Trail a 4isos three. ' :Liver ailitoasaelk such • . as Constipa 'L•tion, Inward Mee, - Fulness or Wood to he Head, acidity of thesotimaki, Nausea, ileartbUrn. Miguel for ?Mate of weight lathe sumach, thins env flattering at the pit of the Stomach, swimming or the Hear„ -herded end dirfittilt _lircatiting; Flattering at the Heart, choking or set. ;rotating sensations when In a lylliepotivra.. ' • • Ditnnesii of Vision, dots or ttairs•Wme the sight, Peser and doll Pa In la tbil - deficiency or peloptidtitatit• • • Irib:wars* ol theakbe au& -- Eye., pain In the vide, ' • • Bads. Chest. Limbe, • • - • ••&e. - , sudden, • . . hashes of . .1.3. heat. `, • • • flarglng to the Flesh. • COzotant Im.a_gitilogs of WWII, d , Let crest Depression' or . • „mode.. . . , . Ind pollard/ prevent Yellow Fever.' sll.lou lover, it 0 They eoutain, . • • No AlOohol or Bad Whi .21aey wtts. maul ttic above diseases In 119 eases old of lUt.. DO Wet SWIEBTELNO To STRENGTHEN TOUI A GOOD APPNITIET • • . TO BUILD yr TOUR COETITtrnOrI TO FEEL WELL 1 . 1 At -•- TO GET RID OF NEnvorssgss t ENEMY . :' TO flail' WELL/ - A Dkiiik ARD VIADROFS FEELING If you do, use ,11001 MAN Wei GrlalirtUlT7 *pas Rem -J. Newton Brown,:ilwfri•ledifin of the Ene;yrio,CediO 6f Rell,9ipi4,lAlfhph dot; aAithonsh oot dispnaelito favor or I...h:oilmen* Patent limileine4-Inrotentl; thrte diatoms? of the') bsgrediettr• and eirmis ; I yet _Mow of, no sot eters:masons why a man rosynorte:+ttfyae the,behetitn believes hinotif to have received trolls any- lIMPin reparation in the hope that he may lima euillonernt 4:40440, 1110 this hernoti!'iend to rtlntrit tO,lLlghtlettrit G, ntati B i tters ; prinieretity r. enc...italtiotott this sit= - . h e r au ., e , derworsktilieed against them for ninny - 71hr.; ntoter the fin urthtahtit %hit they wore <Very in nievhuity Miitnre. lam indebted to my friend.itobert Stu. E n z. for the removal of this prejnart. by proper "tri.t... g encommetnot tusry tnnm when martin, fona. grearandiong continued debility.;• The use ei Mill ! ' 0 1 theze Mittel!, shaky . 111flitRibt aI the,pn-seot Sty sradfulloxrd by, eytdvot tenet and v040.14%11 to a Co g • Tr* Of bodily nal mental vi2co-whieh had not Miler mint he before. eld MAI shoot ttoshttlted or t.mattittig. I therefore thank (hod end toy trientrtor dlr.-cling me to the pm ofthem. - • ' ' ' tt...mtwiroN . June. VALlEfot.- j, • t • t---4 • .e.l ATTENTION, sounnsr: And the Iniiends: of Solame, We 'mat the'. attention or all hiving relations Of friend• in: the army, to the fact that .• 1 10 0FI.ANIr.g • Germsd Sitter." wilt care illue-tenthe of the divisors Mitered he exposuree and• prifatione. frmident to eeteP life. In the puhliobed alnoot daily in the acts. papers; tiu arrivatof the pith. it will lit noticed items, yerfkir g e purtirm are nattering frost' ease of that kind can he read& eured'hy licielanrs (Mews',. Sitter*. 'bootee. rest:fang- front divettirre ef the digeotiveorptie are -peedily ventured. We hive Mr beAtatiou in string chilli there ilpters_tere freels . u.ed, among our ;edifier*, houdreds 14: card that otherwise Will he bet:" We call attention to the following rettaritable and well , pthentlestedeuro of .hnecif the tiathater bests. Whoop life, to nig: ills own fangual, , e, •• has bees sae , dhV the 'littera:" • ' Purt.anittrnMi .tugust Zd.ISO: 1,- 7 „Vefsrs. Amu te.E..ancr—Well.geggerrictr4out fluor' lauti'o tiennao bas oared my lite. Them is -no middle In thie. it is Youcleal, fee. be numbett,of filty euturbd.!o. anion n wino(' names are appended. artdalthte , werAegnizaut of all thecircurortanecrrot, inrienfe am, andlectre been. for, the bet four pap”. a member of Sh'ertuan'S celebrated battery...and utderthe immediate command of Captain It. B. Ayreo. Thrirugit the exposure attendant upon me arduous duties, I, ,was attacked la Nov list, with Inflammation of the lungs.. and:was for 'lk days in the hoopital. This was followed by great de bility. heir,htened by Attack of dysentery . was then ' renewed from the 'White Ilonoc. and eent to tide eityna hoard the Steatite? ••State'of %bine." where I landed in the Mb of ,Inno; Since dad time I bere-been. ablaut as low as any one could ho and *tin retain trepark of tits". ; its, Fora week or more I wet scarielyable to owallow I anything, and Imp force a mores', down., it sus lat medial elm thrown up again. rouldnot cren keep a else' , of water on MY stomact . Ltfe eould not Inot,under these cireumetstwro; and, at , enrdb." the .phyricians who had been working t Waugh 0171'111T01031trotarefaitalefrr.as f liestheo of the dread atilt r, frankly told me thOretuld, ea a• more for Me. andadeleed me to pee aelman: and to make malt diepoeition ofmy lo wa, OM tufted me. An acquaintance who Nisittil md 'at lite horkital. Fnderack Sur Inborn, of 6th helow Arch t. edsl rttl me. as a tortoni nape; to itrY.,yciar titters. end kind le procured a bottle. Prom the time I commented tektite Limn thegioriptc rhadowordeath receded. Sid I um tax thank (led for ft; get tit g Thohgb 1 leteetaltett . hut two bottles, hare gained hen pound., and feel can. • cabman:win permitted to rejoin my wife and dattuhicr• from whom I'hare Mani nottlic g for IR morliblif fothell• stemma. lam a local tire- tea. from vicinity Of Front Royal. To your Invaluable Ilitteral owe ,the,. cettainty (M iro which hat taken the place alive feayeLortryntlY Miters will I oars the ginelt , rs rlyilsee tor tgititt mg to my boearn those who dearest to me in tift. Very truly your', ISAAC MALONE.. We MTV concur in the abut* rtatenterit.Ml We _ deetedmi arming towel eirrade, 3llr ! Thfalutifi iVVIOrr4 to health. • • • • Ju t lift,.olldt/44ek, flattery_'- Geo. A. Ackley, - e ilth Maine. • Lewis ,Chevaliei; - _924.11rP.ti , Pork. -1: ,E.,Agenetr,-131 Ariilliry : Bptimy F. XL **Viet& oa: reyni*l. lienryle •-• ' ce): Henry-T.- strePonatil v -C6C,:zik= Me. joba,, Ward; 5 tkataiu r , H,72it • ..rtff;ioniiit B. Thiiinaiti ''Andrew, J. Kimball, A, 30 retatint: l fenPiar,s, 106th _Perin BEM 41:11Z :OF .couriti,trxra Ses.that the iitsibilbre oft,it% •111,441CK50N% 411.41 , • thoymrnat oCcweNtiottle4 • Price per,Aigstit,',76,epi*eve iiiii?o ,4 l o f7 131544,70ar swat skOestale; ,l ' IP t no 4 1 1 1 i.de braid.bf tbb 1010icatIU. UM 11 4 Y be eirxedlb lte Otter"bblyeelY, esetitlitodisd. • ; I rintint egieCa" (ll F llo 4, 6o 4 /1 ja l Anginli f t; • iTCP:I3:O4.4OgINTAIRZUS• (Fiteetiter .11:4041 , ..4a9fib1X4 • Propriotift-y • 662044{11VIU?"10$0*T Wri.l °S ella " . "' Aiter, r6kfiztlis.4iior
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers