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',. , : : 7 ' . • . 7 *-- ~., iv ;,. g‘l , r,, -t ! , ~.f.:, ‘,•• 'lle : , ,7 , 5,'„.„. -e 'e ' . ..- . e• ~*- , e . a -.4-, 1.. , sr i .... ~, • . ,, , ri ~ .TN k, '-' • -,' ~...- .e. '.7 ' -.4 'rap * ,•,.., i1.:4 . \ .r... w- , ..'_ '', '. '- ‘ : J ",', ; '''' . •• '` 1.0 ' ' ' : _r .-- .... „ ..-. . :, • , ... ff, •.c , • - ~... • . ...,,:, ~. 44 '' • } ,' ,2_ ~:: -.... .-- 1 . •,, r i-* ...I% . .. ...... ~ k,.../ri, ,r.., CA*: t 4: z-::- , ..:.. • '— ' ~. • , _ . , ':••, • ! - 1 *". , :' • • I Alp • .. ~ „ .. . „. - • ' t g .7 ' ' '•• . 7... • ~ 4 - 4 4,11,' . . - "• 4 ''' 11 . Si :,„ i! —, •z - -r. 1 , t ? - .r rs -..,,, ,- .;t:. ....z • • • , . . -,.. *,-- - , , , -i, •- * • f:' * `• '-' .. . I . ' .aifllllm•o*loisw---.*--n----•--,- ----'----**---- .. --- _7" -— _ -- .. ---' -,---- ---=:--- --.-**..-.-*..-*.-.-.a-2. - 7 ,4 .4 11. 1 - 1 4: A. T. GER,RITSON; Pilblishen BIISINMS CARDS, DRifb4CrvialiEßOPit.. , CIPFICE. ItaCP o l).rr Co's old Ildnklnr, Ronde. nnrzes,:so wticuliir. • pet ItOtertalule 1.11 years es. pertenes. (Montrose, May, Ma. D'Otre. TL I SSIDItICI:, goIIYSICIA* SP stmcrololnfidliriititifigleadcts his protosslotill'iietrietts - lo the citizens of Friends ittle and vicinity,Altr Otlice in theotilos of Lcut. "Doiazdn''ll7, 2 lrayEliNti - : : ,, paw .95;13 , 11: - ! - ,4 •„. EU.- - GARRATT . sJ. . _ BAUM in Floe; Feed, a . m . . Meal, Barrel! arid Daft"' Salt. Ylioutlff alid Clover devd,l4roveries, Provier !dna, Fettle, Mel., Petroleum till, Wooden and Stone Part, Yankee Notions, de. dc. _ Opposite Railroad Depot, Netv Milford, Pa. 4. LATUROp,...' U. V. YPLEn, 7 , P. Ir. MET. LAtIIROP,4YLER & RILEY, Din Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Ready Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Data Capi, Wood & Ware, Iron. Neils, Sole Upper Leath er. Phili,,lllustr:andSalt, all of which they oar at the very . rrilr=4ll6VlC•ol9lV X:kirileversai.-001 latkrape Brick Building, Mont mini., Pa. April 6, NZ& -y. EVAN- JEN . EIN'S., Lioazzsod dMaLatAcoxicia3r, FOR !;UsqUEfIIANNAI CoU,NTY. ' rest ogles addicts.. Duudnll, or tiout.4 Gibson, S. optja County, PLiin.l fib. 3, 1363,—ty10 WIL. ■UNTYING COOrlta WM.. If COPPER,.t,-• CO BCc KRUS.—Montrose, Pa. Sacoessore to Post. C.ooper a Co. Orllce2;l4thropeacar buPdlstg,,Tarapikioot. MEE= McCOLLUM & SEARLE, A TTORSTRIVBind diem - senors net:aii—lanteeme. jos. °Mee in Lathrop?. zeil building titer the Bank. lin. surril d `gON, DIENTISTR.,—Montroae, I:7oMee in Lathrops' new banding. ewer • - the Dank Ali-Dental operations will be a. lea 44i perrerked in plc:lll4re and warranted. • JOHN SAUTTEIt, - • Fasnioxtutas TAILOIL-:-Notitrose, Ph. Shop over I. N. Bullacer• thocetY. on Main-street. • TbAnldtillot past favors, he solicits • continuum*, t. hiaaselno do Ifork.sathubctortiv. enc. ' ittott done ant short notice, and warranted to at. tkontrose. Pa.. July 4th, 1840.—tk P. LINES': wilantox.ktriat.TAirt.ta. -3,lnnizese. ft. Shop I. to Vb.:lft Binds, over stare of head, Wntrone • A Foster. AU wart warranted, as to St and flutsh. t Claim dott on "bort notice, In best style. Jan 'CD t. ".. JOHN GROVIS, ". 1441 111,07 1 .6BLETAUJOR.—Montrone; Pa. Slop - • netlike %Oki Meeting Bonne, on Taitipike treet. Altoldera 6lied pfonvoly: intind-ratantsa. Cattius, dame on aidet and watnnited to lit I L:• B. It4BELL, " r) EMIRS Cleadak.les, and Jen-chimaera • .nant.a.t natfee.and on trastatableternia. Aacl7 wrrt warranted. Shop in Chandler .and Jerome'. store, 'be:s t f W3l. 1V1331/Tll,__ (Im3slwiliorthionata Aimitwroprm--rnnt • 11-414 meet, statue ise.,— to aug irt • " 7 AIM" ArTLIZER or BOOTS SIIOES, lontro•e /111. Pa Shop over DetritiN More. MI kinds of work =A. to ardor, a repairing dope neatly. „J', ABEL WItRELL,, lIRACER in Drti^so, .11edicities, Chemicals. Aye GlanalWare. Paints;ollP. Varnish. Win- zit, • dew Glass. Groceries. Fancy Goods. Jewelry Perth. t nem In. , —Agnet tor all the mostpopular PATENT 2- ) $ EinCINV4.--KOMMISC, ' Pa. nog if MEDICAL GAR D. -.DR. E. PATRICK, DR.• E-. L.' GARDNER y ITC Oa iD RATE er the ' iIEDICAL DEPARTMENT UP TALI{ COLLEGE., have Conned a copartnership for the practice of Medicine and Surzery,nud arc prepared. to o:tfaid t 311 lrssianoo faithtelly and -punctually, that so ty be intrasted to their care, on terms. totumenearate with the Mote*, • - Disessoiall'aereihnitles ot the trr. anrglcal opera Lion*. and all snrirical diseaset,particuturly attended to corer Wobli'a Store. Oface bonrc tram 8n Is, to 9 p. All nuns or country produce taken in pa! went, at the Itizhest calm, and CMFSZ ,or unrcaro. • itostrort s PA, May 7th,lB62.—tpt TAKE NOTIOE! fox' 313r-3ciloss„ alitetrahik P!oz,ldink,llaskrat, and all kinds of Fat& - A god litottrdeat of Leather and Boots and stems codittantly'on hatid. Tannery, te. Shop on Main 4F.r0et.... Upntroie Pet' dth FIRE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO,, OF NORTH AMERICA, Has Established ,inivncy inZontron. The - Oldest Insurance Co. in the • Union. CAM! CATITAL PAID rN. ASSETS 0VER,.... ..... . 6 rate/lma, low as those of an• good company in .1 New York, or 41 , 6where,aad ite Threctors aro araoag, the drat for honor and lategritj. Am.es Pi.A.re. Gee,. ANTRIM G. COIPPIN. Prot. ?Montrose, - July 15, 'Gt. BILLINGS STROUD, *g't. xi 4c) Itier. 3th INSURANCE COMPANY, Or wzoevcrwlrcwrxri... LASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOIIARS. ABMs ist Ji!l t y 1860, - 51,481,4347. 1.183=7;n3, " 43,068.68. -J. 311Iton Sialth.Bet'y. Chat , . J. Martin. President. l iedUalldGee, As% V%lilrlimarth, Vice •' ''Poltetes tirpnedavii• cetielied, ° at. %is oaten, fiitbe Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. tun* 7 BiLittclisS-lISOVD S isekt; • S:1: PettengillikCo.,• V. 'PARK Mk: and Stnte Seta. _ A ° P-t 422 :arilrilr agetite for the ifontrase DemOtraila I t h "tienletCstd trd.4llthadaed to take advertisements and subscriptions fora* at tnalOreet rates: 1.“1.!14:0"-Urflpr • - i' r .t. • • .=.- .• ::: ... , • ambroe lia Phiailigistpldet : typ a , i ,-. iii - tw FirPleSdrdiitikkiliiiiitt kindi of weitier. !title bei Mire Otte. 412 t ' --- * en! , l• inIOADIM with' 41roetioaoViii oom•ets. Asa. =ow. FIENIST DRINKCIt 11=1 " Your partner's wife has them, Frede , rick, and ,I t liquid think you . Would try and keep tip-wit 4 him, when .your. inconw is precisely thesame... I havu been moK. tlfi.,.d,to death, every time 3Ars., .Dpabant, " Pity, isn't if?" was the laconic reply, and the Hp Of the - youtV itipibiiid. took a decidtsl curl: as he - busted hi; eyes upon tbc,C:otitenta-of, , the.morningyaperorbiclt halt be&ilyiti!Vtiiiibfic`Cd'heaide Mai: — Mrs. Pereivaliinshesl her plate away, and rose freint the table . .with a diswisfied air, and entering the parlor adjoining the vasy-r little -breakfast...room, commenced patting ahserietli at. the brown leavt.% that had hidden themselves among the bright green of the Vigorousplants occu pying one window of the pleasant parlor, at now. and Then sluSi would -bestow ii cartemptuous glance upon the plain,white screens that...shaded. the upper part of the window. ; " How meanly they : do look," She sltid to herself; " I will not give up so. Fred eriok„ " (aloud) " I „wish „you had the least hit uf Per& intile' tvorld.'!; " You have enough for us both," was the quick response, as the husband threw down the paper and joined his wife. " lint, Atte, „truly thesp, plain s'..tades snit my taste !trincfbefier than th.oset gilt ones yon are so desirous of ut-• m i n i ng ._ 1 They are in such perfect kceplng with the 1 whole room. Can you not see there is nothing to compare, - talk those' expensfte curtains?" " 1 know everything is as cheap and mean as it can be," was the unpleasant reply. " If, - on only hada little of Den - ham's spirit, things would neat' a differ ent. iook.". .._ • "-J 1 /fie von Iniiir Itir. Denham has dote comparatirelk.nOthing 'toward fur -1 nishing his house; for Mrs. Denham is the I only= Child of Wealthy parents, who supply her with ereryiktiagairowisbes.• .THad you been such, you could have been furnished withwith inauries,:!perhaps.". - - -, " Don't - hail- t om pov4rty in: jny face, Frederick Pereivalr was the quick retort, ' while the fair face flushed with anger. " I wish from lxix„heart„ f you had, . married a rich wife;"' `... ' - ~.", And you a rich husband 2" d, 1 1 ' I Aitlot, say it." - ' "ttit you thOught„it. , Very - .well, I wish you had." : : - .41r. Percival turned into thefts% with sdeep,;4oud upon . his brow, ~alstost, the .first daftad . beer visible there since the haftrvy,VOlrtiing,'‘ine.yearlefore, When' be, had ' britutght bis-Stsde to- the' pleasant hiime, - in one: of tWitiOSt beautiful:of the . suburban townstrOntthe , thriving metrop. oils,. where be had just entered into busi ness triton' the -- eapitai he' had carefully, '', hoarded ' through .= the low? : ypit-o's of 111 8 , 1 cleiltship.nThiSlibtiadYlial looked . .Ver4 sweet anditeautiftti-to the newlpwed4 pair_; ,a,oillite merrlfp,o4tiire,caretallk and.. I tastetagyteletitedatidgedohd honk -, 1 ed qiiite;ele,o4o ffifrli 44u nt i? kfreAbeiesfloli**-fet ..- . . article in her eiceitimpt roonti . lithey k 7ery ttr_rnlibed . , - ,iti',hef . ,:evi - b,y,th - e .- 00111 . 04.!pro, iiiiiitied:jii the ineWly l furuielted hotneiat*er ifiiihntiferViitirtifelliiiid:fOr'WeekttA)l4 . : keel/pow/0g martand4aore dissatiOleii and,_4nhappr—voniukntlynighijetiiiiiiiiri 'llingl..kkOlkittltrr b%*-110tror .?%! kiaglY=xeful9 4l 4 l :ti' Tganka I 'o' l6 owl A. P. .1 - L. CIXIMLER ...CSOOACC - 41.200,000 Imperis4able • • The Pure, the.brighhe beautiful, That started our .hearts in youth, . The ithPuise to a wordless prayer, • - The dremns of loya and truth, . The.lo.figin* after -- 'l'he.sp?tts yearning cry ® The strivings after better These iinugS can never die. The timid hand Stretched forth to aid A brother in his need. word,in..grietls dark,hOUr pro:Wes . The plea tin. - tuqe softirbreathed, When Instiee threatens Ihigh„ The'sorrow tot rireontrite heart— - These things :shalbnerer - The memory of a clasping hand, The presure of a kiss, Al;li all We trifles igWeet and'frail, That, make up lores's first bliss; If iritit a tinn;A•melianginglaith e ' And holy 'trust and • Those hands hare clasped, these lips have met— These things shall never die. • The cruel and the bitter word That wounded as it tell Ther' want synipatin We fell , but never telt • The hard .repulso that; chills 00 heart • Whose hopes are bounding high, In an unfading record kept— These things shall - never die. , Let nothqg p*fer_eieti IsatCti Must find some work to do; lose not a chalice to awaken , Be firm, and just, and true. So shall a light that er.umot fade Beam on thee from on high, And angel voices say to thee-,. " These things shall never die!" ndirtigiatt MmoN. Irr, MMat 3IAr. 'MONTROSE, PAL, THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1864. stunt importunities, Otis r tnernitig, had bronglit an open ilisagkement. ' The young husband .put on his .over. -Coat in the hall, and, wtthout. the usual parting and kind :",good morning," went out, and Affie watched him. from, the window,,as,hc . hastened,slawn the street liairitig for Borne token of lave, but there was -none. , Ile stepped a moment to a passing ear, and . jumping _quickly upon tathe platter:it, *Was • carried beyond her SorrOW and anger' were mingled in.her heart for a ntoment ' but-the latter quick ly gained the aseentlaney, and, returning to the breakfast room . she :conimenced cleaning the table With such a vesortitlon as to cause . the-little maid, who- was the Quly serilint in the household, to leave her breakfast unfinished, and. gaze eager ly into the troubled face of- her. mistress. ' Oh, what hard, bitter thoughts _rolled over and' °raja the mind of the- young housekeeper, as she went about her morn ing duties ! • "To think how I hare to drudge and delve," were a portion of her thoughts. rAont, get. any time to reader practice, and my hands arc getting so black and dingy, and I grow old and faded- every day of my life. Oh, dear I and then •to think, after all I do for him; I •can't have anything I. want." • • • .- But when the work was all;nieely cont. pletedt ansta cheerful fire lighted .in the parlor, Atm went 10 and-sat-down to her sewing. was dress for-herself she was making, of a now- and costly -pattern which 'Frederick had placed beneath' her pillow a few eights- -previous, and had proved sack trwelconiesuiprise:t Now it hatflost ell its beauty,hcr thread knotted, - her stitches looked long and uneven, and at. last she threw it down impatiently, and taking a book which was lying upon the table, tried to interest herself-in its pa ges. Frederick bad heard her wish for that, too, and it was his •IMnd, that had traced the loving lines upon the fly leaf the del. Previoug-• Somehow,- everythin et er she touched appealed to herbettArinatut* that berillbsband was not. such -.a hard hearted wretch, .aller..allT but she was l'ardly ready toachnowledgeit to be if .11.est-ttlen,h_go 8.4 1 13.4 aultticturatkett the am - rovefirun Teehligs tit 'she ,dropped asleep, tie? , The .Vl BlOO of an elegant borne ; rose be fotv her. The - . hangings upon the watt were choicz, aid costly the carpet was of the finest texture -,the rich furniture• and all,tbe aceomplisinents. -of: wealth and 'bunny surrounded her,; while before. the windows hang the identiCal shades which had filled her waking moments with such anxious wishes. But she the mistress of it all, was still unhappy. A vague, unde fined fear found its way through the maze of skill. Iler husband's affections. seemed 'alienated from her, -and she was alone at eightfilll anxiously awaiting his return.— A confused murmur of•voices run through her dream ; heavy footsteps were treading ' the ball, the door opened, and the lifeless body of lier nnsband was borne into her prewlice. So sudden and terrible was the shock, she only gazed in speechless agony wean the wounded body of her beloved companion. The strangers that had borne him hither withdrew, and she was left alone with the partner of her husband, 'who approached her, and grasping her tent firmly, said,--in tones,-of--deep stern ness : " Wornalibeliolti ynur.4-Ork. . Is,' our foolish pride and.. ambition, you have wrecked the, happiness of that noble, gei erratts soul. One hour since and came into I the store with a pale face and agitated frame. " Walter," be said.-feelingly, " I are a ruined man. To gratify ..Aihels aril- I basin and have peace in my household, I have bartered soul and body and now the end has come. I am overpowered with debt ; I cannot meet the eyes of the world nor the reproaches of my wife •," and be • foie I could detain him, he had taken his life in his own hands, and ended his mis erable existence. You have sent him un called and unprepared into eternity. His blood be upon your head !" -In agony Affie awoke from her troubled sleep, and springing up gave one eager glance around the apartment. " Thank God," broke fervently from her lips, "it is only a dream." ' Never beforehad her own - little 'parlor #i'aireetly in ;its plain su,birfantial dress ; ana'ereti the despised shades wore , a changed look, now that she-no longer saw them through a distorted vision. " Dear Fied` what a naunhty wife 11 nige you. .I ought tote ashamed, and rum Yon arelet baldly started,' • in business, and of course want to be,prn 4ent' till. you kno w- bow you aro to ' sue-1 ceed tun burdening you with re preaches,.and.teasingarnn for.everythinp,. l that come into my,littletcillful head. whit if that- dream IA heen-- trite I It must, love Me,fori4 Itaninit,' at -arty tate: I-was-no happier in -my sleep; that had nit •thore beautiful objects :around me , .Oar which beetilriablaekekstattl 4r o y f i , N3jICI haVe iiiiiti:audihe:wepitlyo.bis 1; Tlia.tears.flo.w4:down!iblieflitslfed:cheaks' —.44 - tbalitteetettin'offintiatii4ed:pritle i tore the battfboo,4o4 ll o#l'.4oo444'*.: wetuAititcl . wid awityithe4trur hell , rah,iiHtfe- 1 4iflei , , , bad comer MUM J-f - " 3k. Percival sent them. In which room will yeu have them bung ?' Affie was not expecting tbetn,and there was only a momentary struggle beforefihe answered firmly. " I ant sorry to have troubled you; air; blot since my husband went out, I ka.V9 concluded ,to ,do without them., Who; shall I pay you. for lour inconvenience, and get you to take them back r Not Alything. Um. Percival," : , 313 the hearty :response.; ",Indeed; j hardly knew, how to let , your husband have.them, as they were puny promised to another, but he seemed quite to havo,aet his•hearl, upon them. It will •be all ,right, pre. stinte-" The clerk went down ,the And MN° turned back to the parlor, • with a happier heart than she bad ever known at the gratificatiop of her most cherished desires ; and ,wben, on the satnetafternoon she reeciv,ed a mil from the partner's wife, so fair a face had her 'home • put on, she forgot the contrast between the two, and ceased, to feel the Jeast mortification at her own humble lot. • The day worn away slowly,. and long before the usual hour,,Affie had - tea ready, and stationed herself at the ,window to wsteh ; the coining of the absent one. Th 9 warm breath tbut, left its faint impress upon the glass, gainst which her anxious face was pressed, ; camo a little quicker,as the familiar formeame up the street. She ran o cPeu,tbe:Lall door, as usual, bat blushes nestledin her ch eek, and.. there was an ciabarasstaeut mingled.. with, her joyful greeting. ; I Her husband ulet her himily,bilt ,a-faint remembrance rankled in his,heart„.apd- he could not forbear z the thought, should have met, with a cooler re ception, had it, not, been for the ,shadesir consequently his first glance was . towafd the window' , bat tl.e &M M u:0 clrtins oc.! copied their place. " Didn't Mr. Webster send tho,se.shOes as! ordered r he, asked, ~ a .trifle imps deafly. , " What shades, t.'rederick ?" inquired 4ffie, with a strong effort:, to control the Mirth that was , speakingkfrout her ey_e_.9,l arid - m, s y lips. with tbo bistorygthe day. But. as she. proceeded, tears took, the tilace of smiles, and the eyes of t her e hand presented:a symPatlietioappearanno„ as Le pressed her more closely xo,hirn z atid ; raid: t i .Jil_less.y.oeowlittiar.wife, and ramie me, feta; Tor lOU:Twang such unlaind,touust thoughts toward you. I went into town: feeling very bitterly, .and, everything went so badly, it, only. increased. bad:feet inp. After a.little tame, Mrs. Denharta and her cousin came in, I was bidden from them by a pile of goods, and the first words I noticed were from the younger, lady "We are going to call on your partner's wife this afternoon, Mr. Denham,. and am prepared to love her dearly, from lles ter's account." . " She is a paragon of perfection in her eyes, I believe," was the reply; "and she quite merits it, for she is ; truly a charming . little woman.", . " Oh, Fred. Mr. .Denham didn't say . that about uter..chimed in the young . , wife, in ;:i.pleasant voice. ' " Yes, and that's not all. Mrs. Denham went onto speak of yoU in terms of the. waraies. t praise, and then 'Ale said; " shc", is a capital hOusekeeper ;T am going to ask her to give me lessons, when we are ! a little better acquainted. Her 'house is so neat and niie, when "come from kcal] there, I ftel really - ashamed atirty lack , Of ; taste 13y the way,. .Hie, Ix,uess tat: 'is woy:you ladies have of seeing other. people's houses. Well, , then, I . thought I was a perfect-monster. I knew the Tu. versation was true, every woid - or it, and I determined at once to , spare. nothirig that would add to your.gratiflcati O n, and show ()there what a. model hoUsekeeper I had fora wife. That was how the 'shades happened to come.. . - " Ah, Affe, in .any pride of and bin: you; I might .indeed,have,.r,calized the bitter,. ness of your dream, bad I aot'reaehed thti fatal ending... Let; us wait; .awhile, diuir little wife, till we are established in basi: ness, and be sure nok r togo One Cent be.' yond our iucomq paya tt tatid, perbon one day we ineyhaveluxuries, too.' ` ll ' - And don't:We have now, deur Frff 3 / 4 Isn't - it alti*utty foliar . ° yen come boine so strong-and' well, and to hold so 'ranch love for each other within our - harts frotr foolista haitiheen' envy- Mrs. ' Denhant, and' Make . Myself wretehed,''-and,' you, too .' Forgive me, just this Otice4titiii; I promise 'uever, forget The' -Ditam Ltssiiiz;" There was an' iiiierChailge of gweei words. It was atl " inade in& 12 . 4; py the'two went out, teketber' 'the: cheerful sniper rcilin;"Wthile'"jeborything' woreagtin the roo pacitid Yeit44t6l the sweet peztee ecifitetithtly haPpy,he'artli."'—'`i.',.r '• -1 -, •)- • . . friir:Three:',4onker.:43l.;,nothtesischnt, etnwriPtiVriviv.Vettnoht,:and , two from Masaachusotts,base buOn Aliso:Limed uni tit coiled for," :104;-soot-A l ome;',:froro..,tho, ormY;Ofttiefotoniatiit-boing , impost:4bl° toluoite:„soldiets of Aborn.,:., . Iv.°.. l T 4 aTtelbtMor,4/ glAn , the , 44 1 !. gmkipg 1 00.4PgAPhq. will VF,CM)IY, rank° the ,thing e,Ven.Atl istatipglicr., own. RIDE TOL VISMANWIDDISML Among thcchickered scenes Oftnission- Ivy life on the frontitre,; there are not many more pitiammkthan a genuine, West. ern wedding. ,Tbeheartiness, the, bolddash; the genel otii' hospitality Of ilie oft things, and novelphases r ef Beef al life Ae litii ',iiikether of enursia; with Abe *my whiehis.lreidlY - in proportion to the ability : sif - thi ;patties; makerthe rivent 2 ituite . welcome to 'the toiling preacher.:' ', - One day, on answering a ..tannest knock,there stood bargee our - log-house door a yimng tinni,, liars footeA % eoatless, with thane, we patched pant!' ' , and rim-- less straw bat, his face homing :with it bashful happiness,,which 'word/Fit once have inggestal his - errand, 'were it not 1 fortis garb or rather wantefgarb. " Are yoothe minister r ho asked. " Yes,l 'I replied. Then followed -a pause. "Ts there anything,",naiii I, breaking the silenee..,'"'thst4 condo for you ?" " Yes-ea I came to see if yon would come down to Ida-Jane= Thursday and marry a couple." " Where does Mr. , P, live ?" • "Seven mila-4 below •on the other side of die-river. They want you at two o'clock, in the afternoon." r, -. • - " I will 1160 my best etaleavera_ to 'be there lit the - time," said I, " but who are the panics f" .i. • j ,; ~ .. "0," he replied c with 4 look which was its own interptete-, "sou will know when you get.there " • After r getting_all„the directions need fiil for 'finding the Alec, I, was about clew- trig the interview, but my caller lingered as if embarrassed, - asking what ,I charged, formarryirig tolks. , , . . • - • " I generally leave, that , thi parties," I replied. . , 1 - Then en sued: another pause, brokerl, at lerigth, by- his saying iin a depressed lope— . . ~, . " I have no Money now ;'perhaps fen Wollid trot come down arid Marry us, and wait for your pay,„. 9 7 -3-I‘Thu l4l. "._ 4( 4 / f.- c 4- 7P,L,l l *rir,ovi-, ence-pCrmittl ng, yew-will' see' int) VC the hour named." -- - -The ekiudiifted froth e sunburnt gee, and, , mni . lingly 'thanking- :he hurried st) away with P blight step.- 7,•, • 7- .: : Peren miles it* prairie la is a abort digance, but no being in-a. ood to. mak , / e.sgai.ed,o4m,of a -twig b9r. lelean wnile,, for.the,-,two ,irttery log 4/e" , it rained, ,or rather pen ,eincessantly, mosicratieg.to a gentle fall on .Thersday. On ceiling ,for ;the horse, iteweeer, the owner was vev. relrfctant _to,-71et. .him • " Elder," said he, " ate yon used to mana,girrses r. -, • - "So hat _ why i'', l l " Eeearise," he added,. 0 my horae is a, high, , qPiritld, fellow, and has .a bad .triek of throwing . , folks. Pew, can - ride him without getting. hurt. The fact is I didn't feel right - to let. him go without speaking. ofit." generally "‘..nosf ' d.oesi , he - e th roly 4is riders ?" I asked. ' . - " By stiddenlY)umping to one mde.-- Hes powerful:atlumßinr-lerata,2ll_ the horsesl ever saw in thutijitie," :did he, ~, , t 4t -Lei,.„-- nWok out for him.' s ; - „, • " tre'll Oiitwit you, Elder`; A hope 40p wont try it.". . , i _ : D, • M, it Was too Jot& to, go senech of another, and pleading urglnt, bupinest. 1 and willingriesp wineur • rdlltrike, the for- Inidablebeaat, was ledotitr-a p owerful, intelligent, fiery animal, bl ack as .&I raven. _ , ~ •,,.-, "W _ . hat gin be more inspiring . than a horse-batjatintimets a rolling North west prairie If . So, aespiie ithecol4 And' *sin, end nww and than a -Prefliecins len.P by Black Hawk , the et rido *0 most - hilerating. It was two. macs to theliidge;„ on arriving therel found guar thefruhet hid swept it awa7. duet, in sight; howr, ever, in the, margin of ir fini groTaw„nes a snug little tibia, and riding br iskly there, the barking 0f... dogs ,and my 'shouts brought, the proprietor, And a bevy Of naien-baired urchins at his hen* with ! eyes Weald of eatjordty- . • " Is theist any way to cross the river?", I eeked: . , 4 ~ "Yes-on the,bri.km", ..he replied,, very lanit l 4. .. • :IT , 1 e t., be 'br)d e ls Is gc:in - 1T , .; .. . .". WOltlfißiAte.P.:4o4lo l l l 7 2 !..___, ' "tt Dn.& is there • no place on,tne,nt renra• sliOiii:epOiigh'.te b e forded - ?,'' 'the - settl e r - orsitcbeil Ili Cho'c r k icad very, ssinicaily,emntied ! ci;pa33y, bit a a ••• • very leisurely , and said`: " 'fake the road p?Ahe l e9, and :.you ' l l'' cbu r 0 44 VO •_f9l44howltivig. bp,lipt thifYleilt, .caFrCeey-, T.OaL , 6n ' tf : xt . ,t . , , , t i t times iytin 14"i..;..".4 d , n Zt / I '4 tAPRA , t'AY say_, ', , . •....r. , ;11... 7 • I o ,* :' ..0919 %la POMOC.4 OCITY/Pg:l'reliteisen= l rOaPhlago o lP9t!e,Tliqr.kr9lled,tig Wer, ) , cifpp u,O tipolit h 00qtvImPir4. , Pn pixti l i er side.,,,xy,o4.l.9itt i tiopp„-dene t,5k., 0 .9 i ,bs cir-4 0 4 isltllit the wilters' -etitisided kaoc*-9, B l , PP,tti AY.e.StelW ,, The: genuine- Pm? .nelg,svPßYar, ' , A.:4 1 0044 o.giv.ing lip,f.fin,- eMerliNP.!.l-4 .449;t1 ProPflelme OIL ilio, , viCisitndes 943f00kt I t t: 9 ;AAP/ 0, 4 1 1 1 . t-i l sillf:o4 l ,S , Wile*). , • Ps NM, i a r - a tap; anno If 1 .1 1 41% ?NOW . , a . ;19.-..:.: PI ea..ra l pf than seenee r inayiest, limy, are r i* ,1.41: . WOLUME XXI .! NITZBM - V, • - • everldtkr tmc i ltraiie9 o .14 0•1 12 0/30 `ova tion pindbirdaliip.' t '... ....;i4., ail looked dOwn•hlitit'*l:_:........,loo4 9 f the piyeri there.sesti to Ifit37*mingr. at.; #4 1 4 , :NOS, bare/iv - fedi :ettalik inopeileit ; twitters:ll)l;h and, azeini eatladliertidarfieta width I tkid . 101,104011 1 savant his honouring ~artieles . tir fOiliiiiiiiirail. . ..vs ititrie l it - a Wig weilsliug• - " •-•' / 4 . 40 1 i; ui • - ' es 44 purse , tr -1- !' - - eoinjititntwitil 1 ,-* be thought of. 'So,' 4017uPbag _to 'lir stieas we made the - PfOri s ei*P Pillage it, wits , for - the tu(iinal : vi at Vselt st the essinani_banteath: .Thaborakhowitti" Bonin - Ante' alisintsee i, permitting idb rider,:bi - a hippy - tzeereise . orike s panted agility, to twice the sedate it: t , which position I ,prtidently kept; till the optosite slide Wan relloll4. -:: ; - limb sing up theAteeP burikokrbt4-., rowed' steed- went - at a beeitk4ook,4lo* the remain fireinires ..to.oar 'AIWA*. tior. It wastAwalfrisPed &ow., Pe* ed on a ssrelliif latid:in the midst; oft wide prairie, dotted._ witK i tiEli*lsaiguti cabin: 'The - dwelling - Vile Clivered'oelt withe rough boards, between whiCh- the eVer.restless ' trind *came and went •as will. Alighting at-the gate, a gray haft ed man —the ,bride's .4ther—iwho• wie cutting wood in the, little trent yafel v laid down his. azt, :and - earaii forward to take my h0r5e..7.14 , had; militikqs wards leirned;serVed in ;.JiP * 4 P:l l p gear,- and had still's soldiery treiii-ifig. - Taking the hr tile, he said - , , ,", Yonii'are the Minister4.r- ki poill p t We had given you -up,ilthinkitig ."-ydial would,noi come in, fluch , a, , itotnlous ,thie... But .how did you , crousAlm,fiverl i ,We henill the bridge sgAsgctue, " horseback, , , , said I. . - ..., ,----..:,---, 4 'Welf," :gag tli'd“oict "sol&v, Lis , eye. 1 kiaalilid; "' a minister that can - 4O: ',ba can=i;vouch,-I-knoks-:" .--.' - - -' 4 -,:, 7 ~, I had.. fulfilled iny..,engagement partlyi from sympathy and . t he' plcas-me•, of rocug' quering obstaelcs ; there .ivas, biside4„irk sort of presentment: that "urg ed - tae, mi l —, nOr-did -- I'regnit that I liitil yielded tcieVii. - 4heinterior or the humblC - &veiling -4 1 "-1-1 , - , ....e.P 1 5i - 1 - 15hull not soon:ferric,. What _taste al.nen,tness ttedet% thew diiCeurnoing cticumstancel : ?„ Mint me..: *all - alarm tifity of artangenii nt; where .all was plain and rough and- scant V Ala' on-the frontiers, where - tbeappliarteesnf hotisowifery arelinpoaible t : that iron:lan's skill most ettikignly appear,..-of the mhitir in.Y.therido log,house A nd : simple inine-: tottie fnrottnre wcar 311) lIVE . r-Of " 00 , 1 1" and' tahte - not'utifreqientT itrinting "in lionkilt of !flinty.' li, - • The behsehold'lnisisted of the father , . nfroxd . y, iotroduced- 7 mother, three dangisi, tem; cud. the yonng man ,who WlO, for nfs , :iindiices. - '“:Motherli•tiot trell,lml wont seelyonissMorneni," remarked olie 4 Of youngbdies, showing me-into:an mg room, where? lov)ng Was bads:owed. no .gains to fcirtify, Its, pining Inmate, agnmst Imposnre,Ond soothe the aniftltsh of snaring.. - , A bed, with .its mossy oetniterpin - es . and tasteful onrtsit' m i sstood-in s:ecusaptot . the apartment. On it reclined the dg . mother—the ,emaci ated - frame and hectic; cheek Markin g her crirjetini . of ..ediamor .r • , glad:toles-you," said tending ker hat*. It is. a": long since a mmisterof the,Gospel bpjantieNed, ‘iiiat4Oor ;, and pet T re!gre l youltiy#,,,lrien pnt'to SO ranoll trouble - etiolatie ,ia t coming:: God itoilf 'yew sett wished to speak sat marriage."- _ - Worn her remarks I learned - that the Amily was, , irofr.7 124ent': Ragland. Her husband, ..on Lie return ..fool .removed them to the Neat, .zushing or isto,perniatient loeations, 'that) . 1 4 1 4111 . attismd going -still &Obit bit* ':the utt 7 settled Wocide, • It „was while on their . *ay olittbit-tbe YOPII;,!9!), to whom their daughter was: now e ngag ed , made their fiequaintanca jome& bis foritine' tci• them. waa , underL electrinstinees of &A. trier to' them, andltis. preieriee - add aid were' peculiarly adaptable—indeed, indispemwr ble.. With rintiriog seal - he devoted him self io,theii: cemfort ; and, wbetber on l'ongjouriley. in 'the emigrant Wagon, (1 1 1 0, the-toils incident to making's new 'bon's. be was like 4 son or brother. wo,.eame here, " .said.:tbe 4 ittotlitit., l . because, of my he3l--kepitig: tha&Abit climate might do 'toy my. w pw ine at o i ne , would not. novr idethat it .was !bpi late. Bat:fott my husband 'tied Gegricii, sake,rkho. have. imerilleed to myrtle:o(oV I hope this jttet .settlement may potelrelm,- , 'active so me daq., They have 4001itott, giied - tiaet eitind, that mest,prove valek- Lae but hie 4 'hied pode t 1110,13fAmlill :lour meni4.lo *me.: Another seaseniiitOwever,;-;,irelppe'enr brine us s ou ethidg Mgr° Ibou 'settee gritry,,(iegrgemlilce,# child mk t Die - ha liliiiitteilderly attached, itd de spite ege.poverty; 3 shalt ' rejoice ii WWl' ing that thexiara:anited_hefore4urealP e4Y9Y , frAnl•f!ul!1:7; $y a t je fey fiends n!i't?, 1 1 00 2 , 616 q. } d - had emir in • the emplf w 004,410 liiivdidsbperaigt (40) webs utierottja the:table Teti artippeti—vit*l4l, and.br . idegitetts - ponled Cfiriattak 4°4: -iSirobseirlanchiurmuil i kult , l.At • . 4- 1.. - •-•<* eie , OM*. ~ . .. Vii . - 0 .1 1:74. * ?. 44 110. - ;41 • i 611111 MO