The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 31, 1863, Image 4

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    .; ' ''
-osta444 - 6 6,4 461 40:
. - ifo .• . ~ t ..,._ ,,
1 - " r . telaerleoWtiol..' death. .1:00
It i /ina-3).siliWfniiii7:at4:,•net; „Pike-,
que '4
- 443 tBtirtil. liiaSfila"V 3 - 11 . 1 # 1 _ , I li.
tell in 'Close- uncliiFitound apartments
wheiP, ‘',vgntable and animal matters . are
adOwea.-ttililernay' decoritiose:o4l
ganie matters of any, kind shoulttnever be ;
kept in any room or place tiiireiifibe7nni
ample cieenlation of an is secured. _ The
;kiiig Farmer gives itieleiliiiiiig pin
for ventilating cellars ; , which we com
mend to the consideiattoi iirourleiderii
- " A stove on the firstfilpor may havoo
branch front its smokeitie, tiaitiii4dOWil
through the floorlo rectnye the top-air of
the cellar. "Ali: , liirie„Atetild Itteilig;fitly..
. . v
_ . e4,._ its lowet end, and it should
1)4 • 4111[41W1 witla tatin, when the Are'
is bahter i l thin-yalve may -be shut, and af
teilt. ill s /ebeT,WW.4 Jfi leaiO,inffikiejlt
draft to the stove. Thousands of cubic
feet of damp air and foul gasses will pass
through-the,cbiinney .from the cellar dai
ly, ang"tbuttretderit Nall clean And dry.
at all. times. Every philosophical mind
c am -this•statonteati,suid
nt ifig - a'sine - . time. mint admit dint WI - Fri
such amarrangementxtoes not exist, that,
to a degree, at least, - these foul gasses
tqlWeak through the micks of the floor;
to the detriment of. tTie health of the in
mates? before it pissed ihritugh the fire in
tOftis,phiitiney. Each chiittney shOrtatit'
conneed in some .way with the cellar,so
as . 444110 ifsed up. a' Ventilator when re
quired." •
- tarn - cellars .should - atso 'be well ventila
ted, lest theTherils 7 iiiiirfiocki - iliell become
disf.:tsed, as , has - been the , :jcap,e. - roore _than
once as recorded in fainters' note books.
Th, , eib Are bain cellars, in Nevi England;
beitinii.Hutiventilatia, that are eiceeding
-I_4lfpc.filtity places. A box-tnbe or con
ductor should pass from 'every barn cellar
%FATS' not . - dry — andki,,,ttp through the
root ikiirder to _give the fool. Caron , ow
pority to_ escape, so Oat: the. 'air Of:trie
barn may be as sweet and pure as possi
ble. : , Oxygen is essential, aye, an abut).
&ante' Of it is' needed both Kir - van and
be t, if i i rß o . A. ficalth.all,gh eqrfulu etas of
s ''gt and tenfper'foeltptitat - is ialliedi #a
t :.811001d be by kret y *V' yfie: mer
ci m 4 ,6 ,, liWAhiAko‘iont Otkicinki
we to lith t h ing:s4 hit s4' v er, :4114 hfiii
re d tW•bothiltiilife orikisitskg, o.a.
to at ofhingeTrardliitiVinieTtlito I. • -
. Sick Atimals. -
b-11 is of_vastly more importance to_lceep
animals in health than to Caro them when
As a general rule aoiorls. nioy be
kefit , in - goad -health by the o , u r erviince
a few simple rules:
1- Aniinals - should be - fed with „regular
ytholh in respect' to time - od' quantity.
o,verfeeding is often the cause of disease._
`2. - They :should always 'hat% water as
often as required, and that which is pure.
Horses will not drink of hard, lime or clay
ey water, l ,4fthehave access to._pure
111 , Der. not - overwprk horses and oxen.
Regular and moderate labor will accom
plish more in the year, and keep them in
better tlianoviorkingat t Onei
tibid had ;eiti ab . a
-,..4.....A.--sufficient , ,variety should be fed to
stock in win e and not Confine them to
dry bay. or straw and grain. A mess of
carrots, turnips or potatoes, cut and mitt
with groond,oats or shorts, is excellent to
promote; health;; and aliatild be given as
often as tiVice h' week. 4 •
a. -Never feed musty and mouldy. fod
dir4 lint if it must be used, out it, mois
tly, and sprinkle over with meal, and feed .
104: Oiled tattle. It shOuld . neier be givi
eiriti horses.. _
6. Always shelter stock in cold storms
in 2114e:isms of. the-year, and never-leave
a horse,'afteeheiiigdriven, tb stand hi the
cold wind, 'without being covered with• a,
gooahliia tilinket4r buffalo.:;, •
7. Avoid all sudden changes of food in
grain, or from - hity to grass.
"biie care should be taken that ani
mils always have plenty of pure, flesh air,
and for, this purpose-stables shoujd be-well
ventilated as Stock heeothe - sick
,tir,eattiing foul airs A proper anionnt
orixereise is almost essential.
0. fit! ict. .cleanliness, should always, be
obSeried.l . .an - a re - found - io,maiti 7
h - bikter - et4idition and &Itch - fa:.stOr:
when curried-andkept-clean. -
--rtiat an httioihrbeetibie, 106 k, Join "of
tie%eiciniastties - to biairciPted,ligotid
nursing. This is a metlied begimiine:tO
he -idrocated . by the best practitioners, of
the me 'heal art, as being applicable to the
human family,'Mid is upqabrtionably as
advantageous when applied to farnistoek:
- Theft dpnbt Oat the life 9fTvaltrable
anima& , :often 7 l•3o, by-'doctoring,, while
many l'ooverivb when :left - tocheniselvvrand.
the 'workitrof,N4l..tire: - "
.fitffirSenatorShermati-lensyroeured for
the use &the --Western Fair, iat
the President's lgte;,juse#l . 4tFtiett
a9westy aecompaityyeg ..nt
041: .. 0: interlinedtiuus Ai4 ."'ptstii•el l / 2 .114-
evidiutie of the vat ioing shades' of meaning
1 , 0.04 friktb
'cliAedin . Araktriur r `40.- 1 4ii: I: Tunes .
'lltose:ivhoirre'eTemptod from th e_
Lliti3rgt, staf;of titi:plidal
the sVport of h or moth
erlessl‘lllig baek:itCibei".vibeel
fcir-Ara% -tbe,- ?ground that
.thii;v4nityletre recovereil their -ietattli:or
their fainil,r relaions have, "Ve6l - o,ll4llged
by death foriitlierwiie. •
E P. - LIT TAEi j
AW4-130144.44 eninsellors at Lawc - -;
ilecoMMlECCOlgeti--Wropizipr e w.,
Ontiattp.t it atteati4swen
to --Atednasertd
AUNlUMlNftwairG4lol4.psi *TAT
LICI ' 4 14 ,1 : 11 4 j Ifilftt.
. 47;: . r L4 *, - ,' ~..,- . ::4
m b
.A-)*. il . - kr
_thipuro - ii - V:iit
It lin "- .. Atm] ycart expnrichcan
in ::nnirergb '44tOttes to US PM II3
e e. tant,47 Waned, Auctioneer: • £BO
SiCal /nit all typtl.6o.- 80 act of Cottgrotez ,
J,Li y Ist 1 c's 5, - rj
Priiere 13V ptly attended to. Rdaldence:
..irelondsville. . tom
~, 7 1 ,C. SUTTON.
~-,tt„,.,.,,, . c ~,-. ' •"--:
Watchs Jewelry, and.
Siltirer Ware.
TUE undersigned would_resPectitilly
your attention to his r elected stack otPtutt
rar ~ Gold and Silver WfiCUM,,Elnegcolda , Wfile
t, ' RV, of every kind and variety of styles-.4com.
p ang all of the omen and most beautiful design!).
leo, Solid Silver Ware, equal to coln-vind the lies{
make of Silver Plated Ware. Each article Wdrritnte fi
to be as reptesedted. • J'
Or - Watches and dcwoltkoretilly in=ll4 satis
faction gnayantekdt JACOV .
“Snecessor to - Stauffer'jk Havieys) 41 -
26trc • h
4t11 : 1933 1:to. MS Malice., ,Streeti p A .F .
A NEWlWHOOlaSnlita B $.
ArlON'lti YI; taiRiMENTSVP-:0111/1C In a
V simple and concise form ; Also a pleasing variety of
juvenile pieces, songs for physical exercises, Ac., mostly
nesrmsedAxuactexpressly.initormanner ,lo29l.
and iiiiditlletiasites. 'The attention Otte/Where is yes- -
pectfollv calloittittUMSarorkt . .
P. S. 1 1111,110412„, occotlinitii'dedfornkshichnom
of Snag's dotrajr; lunch itnanlmoitbly, adop.ed
by the Teschere%GontAtlnstitateholdot Gibson Pa.
Price atrietall, 15 cents, or $l2 per hundred. Published
by Abbey' Abbott, 191 NOM street, N. Y.
I; l 4:treats, wholesoht and retail,. together with a tine
sat* Ihtf , •
' at* Elaitoo ttlfatisObE Cat, •
at thiitU4C Stiore of nAvrfttrriti
N0v,19,1863 —ltN No 30 Conrt-st, Binghamton.,
, 33 7;
X. - W4. 3E-ilkirgirOiiieb,
, -
- --‘2 3 023.22.=4267‘7031. 4 81.+0, - '
Ang, 8, 1868.F.'L '
330 , 1132WWWV.
P110!SIONS .184 4 PW.711:79-and
Meintfo*43eptember 115th;-1E6 1
1:. - -' t-
~.` & H.
Photogtaphie Mat4prialsf
114:4:411143r,' - rr. •
Card I=6.l3.4coitcolgsweriiius.
eltitt'atalogoe,now embraces considerabiy rmerrops
kJ. fitionstifid ditterentsubjebts.P (to wlrlcb adffltfolms
ardbuleg tUdt,)* of ?Introits ofUlailuent„
Ainerinans, etc. viz: ;
.14)6r-Gentrifis--`19(1 4 deneralar , iiee 0 .4 1-
onels-44 Lfeutenent-Colonals-20:otherOffietre=60Na-'
vyr ofilceranfi Statesmen-r 127 THrlnes-110 Authors—
lirtists-112Stage=413Ptomlnent Womeif-'-147-Prota
trient Foreign•Portraits—fi.soo copies of Works of Art,
Including reprodnetlons tithe =ol3'i:celebrated Engrar.
Tugs, Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogles sent On retell:4 -
ot stamp. An*.ordrr toCCOut /Niel!' ?Watch &Om our
Catalogue , wilbble filled On receipt of •fil,Bo,"and.sent
mail. moss, - • • r
' ' 'Phtitotr i allhie' Artitnna.
Of .tbeeeiffittillalltiacfnioligtvitlbiriety;ktunigtriiin
price fretu„Sil cents total each.......„
One /Uhl:ram tars% the repetatitin or 'being stiperfor In
beauty tinWdniabtiltylo any others:, The.smalkz kinds
Can be sent grafeWryritiatintjrziostnge of nix teats - per
oz. The more exwnsive can be sent by express.
- We also keep a large assortMent ef
Onr Catalogue of tieserrill fki aent- t o any address on
receipt of stamp. r z). ~.,,
El a ,11. T. . NY.
lianulhetarcte °Minato , phir.ldaterials.
: - .:-tol *ay, New York.
• Friends or relatlies orpitenttikt military men will
confer a favor by sentlit or their Intenesses to copy.—
They will be keptcarefa :snittetanied uninjured.
Fine Albums made tie_ Itie COngregations to pre
sent to their Pasto*cor, for Wilier lairposes, with suita
ble inscriptions, &xi. - -,,,.:_ ..—..-- •liin,g;.2O, 18da. Cm
Mc.; has efieclilad Interests with tis,
. the 'MO as with our predeceesons, MOONILY,
COHU. 4teo:=46ll.lrflaWa.reb CO Chats.
zeadie-srlienlers„.-and *imbibe happy to see ble - old
friends. or receive their orders, which we will exec:ft In
the very beet tanner in hie absence.
23 Park Row, N. Y.
Jan. 14, 1663.
Grateful for past Errors, the subscriber -would most
respectfully call the attention of all prompt paying Mer
chants and Traders. to the shore notice. Orders for
Hardware will be :received - here.-Mid forwarded (lfap
proved.).except.during the: months
of Aptik May, Sept.'
and Om " During those months he winkle Mott happy to
see his friends and serve them,at 23 Park How-N. York_
ResPooffallY4 • - IT: 0. - Timm
Montrose, Feb.l7th,lBB3. • •• •
- " -
021 , 0Pirti - M.
underslgted taltarnit lithat he stilt
an thoSattadry to Near Wilford Borough, near
the corners,,l haroll hand, and MD continually mann
Plows -exut-Phi* 'Points,
Afictnii*ohirtlr4ahell on 4llatt . notlce. MI work
warranted to be good inatertokantt Wahl
_ • B. .74RBIAT.
:tom 4 t
6arden seeds
'Whet% Clover, "rhaoiStr Mal Seed,
Vandy k e* ,
1 J 1 .rt
and Sugars
*ll AgAgir OfWEffi SP- 10 44:0 00 ms
" L- "" •
lb* tattar. ,
A. BALumur. - ahABSUART;
K c ' Edavis el 4 . PP- 11 / 4 1 s / 8 5 3 . • ' r -.s:
' To-DAntivax„
' hsve
utsuiestftilieill*te to den BBCt4tCa"lPetd
•Itafklwilacnullgnamit4, Or reimaitetk:llittliCA6
lateen. We will famish pelje fee ie bAn who itteucur
outdoing eithUmTo t to "sFpd we
101}gtfarbdtee tlarialOutaet N*g re.
• they pa • trelghtauit M
c 6 "
,r riitng
ad, llta
g. IMO aingi 1011100.11'
. .
?gratin. gni= &-SON is this day dissolved
by mranel tolrant; those indebted to .the
by note or acedunt are requested to tan at thettltee over
a°ll.Cooper. & CO'a Banking. Hum; .and ; Das up.—
Pryteent may be made to 11..0r, W. Sm i th , ao late,
fireatll:Bmith Son . • •
H. M •
- • • • - • .TH,
iiontrort, Jena 1E4,1841 . W. SMITH.
IrILE DENTAL BUSINESS in all Its branches will be
carried on at the old office of 11. Smith & Son. by
theundersituml. Persons wishing artificial Teeth are
invited to call and examinta,epecimens and prices. All
work promptly and fitratly'done, and warranted. I will
do all kinds of .Dental Work at as low figures as any one
igthis county, or elsewhere.
Wl' is plainly the dirty of all to have their work
WM. SMITH, Resident Dentist,
1T0n0113041933. • If Montrose, Ps.
cira...sawircizz, roA,
vibOtesalo & Retail Dealers in
st .
. /422) _,„
Ir. pa. co isT
winvorAis, Isuolnous,
IRONS, raritq. SPOKES,
ilthanras, SLEDGES, PILES. &c.
Scranton, March 24, 1253. ly
No. 1. Large Fatally Wringer . $lO 00
pia. 2. Medium do 7 00
No:AM do 410 .......... aOO
No. 8. Small • do 0-50
No. R. Lard Hotel do 14 00
No. 18. Medium Laundry, Ito rum by steam I 1R 00
No—W....Large dof
_Nos. 23( and Shave no Co;m. MI others are warrant
ed. N. 213 the stee'gta m *ated id 'private Wallies.
Orawm Judd. of the • can cnitmist," says of
4 4 child can readily saving data tnbiell of clothes In
a few minutes . ills in scatty a clothes saver! Unto
saver. and and siren The saving of gar
ments will alone pay agargoper =Sage on Its cost.—
We think the machine much mOrejbaa Ma for itself
every year in the savfm:tg ofarmants 1 Taereare..serer
al Weer, nearly "alike Iri 'general oonstrixtlon, but we
consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with
Cogs, otherwise a masa of "tlirmenter may clog the rol-:
lens, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tent
the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the abaft.—
Our own la one et the first 'make, and It Is as good as
.new after nearly four years' constant use.'
Every Wriager with Cog islieels Is warranted In every
'particular. No Wringer can be durable without cog!.
-wheels. Canvasser wanted in-every town. _
Ed — On roeept of the price from places where no one .
selling. we will send the Wringer free of exPeose
' For particulars and circulars address
. O..BROWNING, 847 Broadway, N. Y.
Aug. 18, 1868. Cm. • • "
NErel e COAtel:Le • •
Bestin market eonetantlyon hadd end Mallow;
It dna be obtAlted of any DOier ttiWn•
Tarrell'li . Drug
A' a . curable Disease!!!
few w Tholnzuhindgned ng' bun restored to 'health in
eeks; lir a very Jtimple renteifyAft er beirthg suf
tared severehr-arltho severe-ion atreottoni-and that
• ' -'" dlocase- -o .ekeereldlem--rs - anxious to make
knoon to 1d5....4r, antrerem the means of ents: •. ;
froallirtio , wre it, he will send s copy, of tke pre-. .
ktiptiottnaid(tlite tet eharke,). with the dirmitons fore
44ePV 1 1kkit •itelqm Mae. whietrthtytig ling a,
Lsnremrre r ClOsi tion; Astbrett,'Solie tic polar.
C9nlL l / s :' .Sl2lc.on y object ottiteastve ser:ln and.;
trig the preseription.dre ,to henot, the pau,4 0 3., and,
spread inrormatten whleh he etrtntelv'en to be irruldable
:....-andtatturfnm everrentiereolvlltor hipten u a &JO!,
oiggebeni obtfitog,Apdta, r i me .w i
eT• dSPW4RD• L _ SAN
Oct, fie la' :41s- -- Ithisweonnty, Nehr York
rt ITAtTitimre,
li r u Mlle&
- 4Keift &Wet
TftJe i iy.
opr (Jolt 'A */aee, p yotZ
3 • 1 4 9
',157f 110 ittM2llol
Jr *a . * 94p{l
~.., i O.- u sowpi44olll4llllloMlP#ll .1; if.
• •
" IMPRQYED RPM , W. 4 1 341. •1.
"pighlyConeentra!„e,W;-C T l:ipotind
27 1 % 1 10 ,
'A j)initiver and Stogettro Reniedilbrdlseatidsoftbe'
.Giair,el; and • IYri.Oital
- • -Siv ellings.
This Medicine Increases the power of dliaetian. and
exettes the absorbents into healthiactlon. by.wbich the
watery or. =lemma depositions, and ,all pnnatnral en
largementaararcdnced, as well as' pain tine infizinintion,
and is good tor men, women or children.
tion Paitly'ltidisbretion - or Abwie•
Attended with th ' nifsjuiptoine:''
Indisposition to-Es citios" Power. • " •
Lon of Memory ; ahrtnertitt of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling,' - •
Honor ofDisease, Wakefulness.' ' •' •
Dimness oriislon, r , . /Wain the Back,
Universal lassitude of the ' Fidshing of the Body.'
Muscular System,. . • Eruptions on the Face,
Hot Hands,. . Pald Countenance,
Dryness of tho Elkin: '
These symptofin s li Mowed to go on, which thib me&
icine Invariably roan-ices, spun follow
In intent which tfici patleint may expire, Who con say
that thby are not frequently followed by those `•direfM
Insanity and Consumption.
Many are Ware of thq roue ''
of their entiering; brit,
none wittcontes. The records of the Insane ttayhitha
and the ntetnnehoily denthiary Cohaamption, bar um,
pin wttneea to the truth of the assertion. .
. .
The Constitutioe, once affectea with ot
• gneiss weakness, :
Requires the eld of medicine to. ftrungthen. and Invigor
ate, the ayetein, 'Watch TIEL2O) M.VS "EirntACT Btl-
0111.1 taarlahly doge. A triallailltonrince the - Meet
skeptical— .
'Pinta Fenia
Old or young, single L tnalrig, br contem
Di many affections pecullarto Yumalea tholiatmet Da
cha is unequalled by any other ramedy, nit In - Chlorriels
or'netention, Irret i fty; Painfalneta, or Suppression
of the Customary mations Hkorated or bchirrutic
state of the. Marna, Machotrbea or Whites, SterilitY,
and for ull complaints incident to the aei, whether aria-
Ina from Indiscretion. Habits of Dissipation, or In the
"xi antrroamatovi.
NO FAMILY 8000.17, tiE *Mon" rr.
.ko no Sabum, Mercury. or rinpNava* , medic a o for
al:tide/want and dang L ronaditteases,"' ' -
lituaßolts =MO T BUONO
In nll tier etniet): at ' , little eligitteef- little or- iscrebango
In diet, ao Iztoay,eniencg, , , . . .
. . ..•, •
It eanira frequent. desire, and Ores strength to Urin
ate, thereby romovinstrnetiOns - preventing and en=
rinOtzintnren. cdthe brtr.:allAFlST. Pain mid
=don, so frequent in thu s pass O r diseases, and expell-
Mr. Poisonous. diseased, and worn-ont matter.
Thousands opernTnonaanda
vzo HAVE BEEN nut vtarthti.oirl
And.who bare 9 1 0 d HEAVY ORS to ha cured In n t iprt,,,
Well. and th at the Pot
woe, Min round Mel irre_ o l i e r c e • ftiLma rtugm".n.been
fmn ,` bus, try-the' use of ,r
dried op In the system, to hitak ont in an ,aggralraed .
form, and
USE • • ,
For all ♦sKtlone and IHseasesot
The Urinary. Organs,
Whether misting in MALBOR-FRluttriE,trom weatorer
ealaseortglearing, and no matter
or nowLosa BTABDmG
Diseases Of these Organs require the ald or a Diuretic
And it is certain to have. the desired effect in. all Die
tease?, for which It le recommended. -
Heimhold's Highly concentrated Comminff
}lxtr.act. Sarsapanlia.
bi . lB,an efferliiii.of the Blood, and attacks- the Sox
eel ammo. Lin lige of the - Nose,. Tbropt. Wind
pipe. and other limns Vallee:ea, makingita appearaneit
in the form of Uledoty lid 6 liarstparril
la purifies the Skied and.overallrind rtealy-Bruptlope of.
the Skid giving to the "Coinplajoli a Chtar and - Healthy
Color. IL beingprepared expimsly for MU claga,nfoont,
pklQite;tinßlooc-PnrlfytngPropertiesprepreserved to
a gfeatteextenttbah, anyother tion of lump&
rills. • . .
Heluibold's Raise ,Wath.
At excellent Lotion for Diseases ems Syphilitic. Nature,
andytton. injection In Obsesses of the plasm (t rona ,
arising from habits of disipation, Used I. connection
with the Extritts Rocha and Sarsaparilla. , in Vie& dis.
atavism recommend*, . _ . „
Evident:ea the meet reeptiniiii4 Andrei Gable chplacter
will accompany, the malleines. .
Prme eight to twenty years trending, with - names
known tp science end-fame- • •
Poe Medical Properties offillumisoice Dispee' satory
' the Unlted•Stiftes: ' •
See Profeesor DEMERS . valuable work on thO Frac ,
ilea Of Physic.
See tero/Irks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC
of Philadelphia.
See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOIVRIX. A
eelebrateslPhysicisnAnd member of the Royal College
of surtmns, Ireland, and ptiblished In the Transaetions
of the Ring and Queen'. Journal.
Sets Medico•Cirurgibtl gesriew. - published by Benjamin
Travers, Fellow of the Royal College otilurgeons.
Stet mosfof.the bast Standard works do Medicine. • •
Extitu,c'r Bump; 111,00 PIM BOTTI4, On sir HOT $3
sintiApAnnt.t.t oo . • " is 00
Door= Rose Want/. 60. • " •, 'O." , • SID
Or haifa Oren of each for $l2 00. which swill .be suffi
cient locate the mostobstireitetases, fidittctlons are
adluired to, ft,ta '
gllrDescribe, aimptp4s luall qureu:
guaranteed. Advice OMR. • •
A Pbteayaity
ta in,„Th„,"
AT ?
,t, iea , r
ArAg e tt v AA s
.at Prdisdelphls. 11.4.Arobubold,-wbe, beinaulytworu
dotb,saN bbp.marstious ;obtain isto =TWO. Pc , Per'.
eury,.or oth i er Ittbittutilrbgb, but are:purel veuetabru.
Sward andeubsterlbedbeforeilnkflita VlBligrk
iPJderitni6.MlLikaredVabittvte •11111e, 11 ):
AddresB,l4 tte rs for fnformatiri_rbcOlgence t, • ' o IL'It aluspw; CAM!
nejubt lotBouthi Tentb.itteet;boldVt'vbestaut,yltW
of the own:.1 11 4 Pater
bulheie4vibition attaineB . - •
.. v Alubitlw irSkirblOMM. 4
.` C."
ta tt io _ erroure .i.lmafelred_MO„ .1„0 1 ‘146611 , ti.-
Aetna er
- ea Oni tar NAllialiiitillittfbijVatlfr jogot i f
ittpositten and exposure. Nizeltietb,leG3-17.
' , OR M l i aiii -ritiftiltlitLf(t. r TRIPOSSIMatitEMAChL ' -
reotenfottfhl*lll.oLthltitigaut OWL litestieletyQdt& i ;
....11XIMIPIRWIPF"- , ,,,
V I -' 0 I Lit";
_,' '
e •-•,, ,, t "': r ... 11 ..
I ':-:,' , sllreisedlstreseuNewtyork,
~, ,
if",..' 4 ,..* ;il: ii-, l -tr,:.4 [ Saito Wiligatiatioitylindateettedisnew *Ain the hh i ..,
:3 1 Tip . . ~,,V!),,,- • ; ! ,_ 10 . 1 , 1 „ i ~,,, !.. i,,, ,I,J-111 - , slo. l :3Pf.i: -; t, -Li. p.,,
1) ,
r,: , -', • : -I.1:: 1,, ~ .' I ‘..7-7" -...ii. WHOUSAUNIIIIAS WTHIS , COLINTRY
Eve rilteiod In EiltiqueUnnatounty, and probtkicom- They b ays i nt ip tut og ! s ox mieetion,9; Tiavat4
ar r a
Prising, tho greittnlt , =Oa diSdrent artlcleirof
,i ,
.._,.. ~A I,llml Aulm &knot o ve r.
any Bto to the Northeryi part, Q 1 Pennsylvania, and per- ;
haps of the' , entlie State: -- Ari"lithWcithnentl Is. - kip* in
abont thirty differeptlmosncbels of traps and., the 6,elec. ' TWO GENTS E'ER EBB iiiethrE .COST. .
A L konterfievaiguawovtbaCeamatm ls that their
Mons are made frost MIA forty ' of the beat ildtisek-in .
Now or alt Miiiii.T3'lP o Piere 4141 i 1 . 1 .ationtc" AIL Tenefaster not ogligvotea hirrOme to the peke
Were out of Nets "tiiic. Large pi:Warden; pf toe. doh' of theltTette 'as' HO', valtio,-and peek) hi r i„,,"
Goods are brought d rect from the ifoinaMettireiiir thtts• comi c s of conatrjramt hip•bilps theled buyer to eh oei i„
Insuring genuine article% Clistomets on ,enterlng• the out of their enormous stock such Teas as ere beef ad AD :
Store must-nut exped to od, e voiythit*' li t _gi g ht, Tont led t,o hie partieuitir waiita,UdiltdOtilythis„,but points
nearly merry artlele Wanted 'will tifir Minced bY imPurY• out to bim the best bargitllnkt 6 '1.7
Some idea of the Socleiglay he formed by the following ,
.1 1 t eem to see t h e 1 1=4 40)01e advaatage a Tea buy.
general outl Inc, butelaptieratlOn hi ititraCtleable: , er has in this establish:Mitt WWI' all others.
Drugs and Medicinesa Planta and -01154 Bra Share. , 'like Is noindgeof Tillt, or the Menet, 11 his time i ,
Groceries, Liquors, 'irockery. , Wasit Ware/ Wall
_and 'valuable, be has all the advantage of a well ergulled .
Window Paper, Jewelry,Silver Wlire,Perfttmett. BaticY ,sYstem'brdolnit business, of ati Immense 'capital - . of tho
Goods, MusicalfirstrtiMents. BMOCs.' Americo -PoOket joannot or a • profellolorial-Tea Taster, and the howl,
Knives, Table Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware, lamps. . edge of enperibr saTesilleti:
Materials for Lights, liardwari~Conis,SteneMsre, , This enable* 111' Tea buyero—no matter 1f they irt,
Dry goods, Mirrors, WindoviOlase. Lithographs,. Var- thousands ofaiillee from this market—to perches, ,
plebes', 'Bird clfgelt. Spiect.acicii. Whips, and 'Lashes. gbed tame here ha the NelrYork merebauts.
Brooms. arms. Pistols, Ammunition, Tebstcco; Meat ' . Pasties .can order Mesa, and will be served by us as
ail and Surgical Instruments.;Salt, SIP , Potash, Vu'- , well as,thongh thcycsme themselves, being , sure to R d
brellas.Porcelain,Tecth;itt Short near 7 ,,everythln g , : to i original 1nk.74-Ikhe 'weights and tares : and thi
restore thnadck. to pleaSolhd. tiustertaliell i bt thogYe i i Teas are warron as..epresented. ,
to gratify the fancy, and Mao to conduce to t, e real and, . We issue a P tie List of the Compady% Teas, Whin
substaotial comforts of life. ' '' ' will be sent to all Who Orddilt, comprising
Theititetion'Ottlie publfe.finsPirg; .' WRY Itilittia: t - ir„ sot i' , -Vilgtrion, Imsrlat, Pa . opothtf--
my stock ot Goods, bought eix,cluswelytoriien sown , a.. 1 . ,
and will be sold on•the samedirinti&forl ' 'lees. •' " er a , ant mid •,s!kilie 0 . 0616ng,7
IdHlnfroser,4 l o:ll 0'18066. P. . "Ea'
. . :. i ' : 'Saab b;' OrTm9el, 7l 4 Bo ti
Pekoe cf; Japdrl Tea
_x,.., . ,
of every descrildlan, colored and uncolored,
Thlsliet had eatirtind of Ted divided Into roar Clew
es. namely? CargOrhigivcargo. Fine, Plbest—that every
one may tinders and Grow description and the pnee sa•
nexed, that the •Company are deteratined to undersell'
the whole Teatrade. -.• o . _,
e gatuantee to sell all pr Teak at.not over TWO
CENTS 'Mt o.lkisp",,) pat 'wand above cost, beneviee
this to be attractiveitoithe many who, have 'heretofore
beenpay . trggrormonsAnotits.
• - • GREAT AM=CAIi ,
New hfork, Oct. 8,. ,p2.` 5m... ; ; 'F11)1911%4711 & Jobbere.
ogt .
gar JUST. RECEIVED, i.t&a
aid tke'sbld
Redii4in kill the
which will be [moil inige sitryzisnilomd 51; ,spm on
{. ~ ..te
'•- "z.weA-R.loitit
•1T '
At Mthitiaial Pa. • .
Wm. S, ECATCI4.'/ ° l 4 oPrietior.
mills newandcommodiorktloteniiitilatedOn tublic
AVettue,' near trte Court Howie.; and nettily in centre
of the business. 'portion of Montrose. • Tbc . Peoptielerf4
confident that be yrepareAtsenterfitin gnalit s Int,tray
that cannot taillO ve SATISIFAOI7.
The lintel, andir nwlturearemeve. and noexpensebas
been spared' to render it Rival if mit superior - td4 In
tbtsyatt cottholeta‘ed: Wen supplied witb all recent
mprovements and comforts, and obliging waiters will
alwas be ready to respondlotheieull of customers, ,
ThA Stables cOnnetted pith idle hone* are new Lind
convenient:, ,
Thu PrOprietor respectially- ) eolicitS•the - Patronage of
his old friends, travullers, and the public getter:kW/4
Janda , WILlt MUT' •
. • . : ,•- .
ada ii rit7tl4s6
: . ,
• -
iksT l d E 11: ' TRAi*
LEAVF.Btreat 'l3dniiht T.lO a. it, after the" arrival at
6.30 a. in., of the Cincinnati Express from Wel west,
connecting an Scranton, where it attires 410.1 Q e. m..
With a train on the `Lackftwahna and BloonniOhrg Rail
road. for Pittston, Wyoming Valid, EClnbton and
Wilkeibarre. and by emnitawwith the Delaware, and
Hudson iStilroid•ht Providence, Tor Oryphant and Car
bondale. At Hope station. this train ennnects by onmf
has with.the Belvidere- Delaware Indira& for Phillips
burg. Trentop 'WI Philadelphia. At New Hampton
Junction. where it arrives at 3.25 p. in., the same train
connects with trains on the Centralßoad of Nett Jersey
for Elizabeth. New ark. New Yerk. _Ruston; Bethlehdm,
Allentown. Mauch Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg.—
Passengers oy this train arrive 1h New York at 5.50; in
Philadelphia at B.OD, and In liatTisbutg at 140,i.
The train' leaving foot of Cortland street, New York, at
8.00 a.m., and foot of Walnut street, Philadelphia; attire
in., connectin. - with -the Passenger train of this road,
leaving NewHamptun jauntier' at 11.20 a. m.,andarriv
lug at Scranton at 4.03 p. m.. where it corneas with' a
train on the Lackawanna and,Bloomsbung Railroad, and
with the omnibus running to the Delaware and Hudson
Railroad ? . , _ ... ,
_- _
This truth a r r i ved arGreat Bentfat 6:11:i p. in.,' making
a close connection with the mall train going West on
the Erie Railway.
fertile! Scranton tit'10:10 a. ni.: connecting At Client lad,
with the Day Express train west 'Meths SAC Rani ...-i
By this train Paasen gem.arrive pit Ithaca Syracus e, af-
Tato, &c. the same tar. Bern.rning,"this train - leaves
Great Bend at 2.00 p..m..._on' thoirrWa) of th e Now York
Express going East, aud Buffalo Express going West,
and arrives at licrantohnt 5.80 win.- •
• 1
'R. A. ' fli'itil, "ir, anal Tickenk'get - it:
Scranton, May 30,1803. • . • , -
CO and attei April 20, Ig6; Passenger Vilna will
run as follows
, MOVING SOUtif ' -
Passenger. Accom.
Leave Scranton, at 680 a. 11.00 a. in.
" Kingston, " 0.40 ArrivO tn.
"; • Rellierti ac 8.58;
U Manville ; , at '9.4l'i. lit., --
Aithe.nt Iffortlitupberlanti, 95:1;7 ; '
Leave • Nortiounberiand , 4.30 p, m.
Danville 5.19 ' •• •
RuPet .5A5 „
Rings 11, ' '8:05 1 . 45 p.
arrive at Scrant,n, 9.10 p. m. 3.39 'p. m.
A passengerlmin also•leaties"Gingtitatt ittti.'al a. m:Ior
Scrantowto copeci with trafn for New YOrk. Return
ing; leaves Scranton on arritrilbt trainlremlltio• York,
at 4.40 p. m.
Paceengerataking, train Month-Rom Scranton at 8.80
Northnraberfandi r •Mtlt IlaritsluMgl2:3o p.m.
Daltlmoratt3Qp.m., Woehingtpa 11) at., Via Rnpert
they reach Philadelphia at 7,00
— D,Ec, B. BUNT. Supt,
Kingston, April 19; 1863. : . 4 . __ _
Totxlble Diselosurei — Oterets for the millien.
)1913T;Yaluable anderonderlol publication, .A:wOrk.
XI: 400 s, hnd BO colored - engravings. Dr. lien
teealirhde eaM, in original and popular treatise tin'
Kan and,W W onopn‘lhei; phyeitliogy. PACtiOnSi Prl4 Oral
ardbierdetrOnretylend, with never-falling yeinedleil
for their speedy cure. The practicer:if, D.tillneter: baa
tong been, and still le, unboundetl.butat the earnest so.
licitationpf nnureicinsparsons, bo. bits beck intleeed.lo
extend hb-mWlMese IMMO Elbe AUalitiliibf
his Itift, a yolptne.t e Xch n onl4,pe in,
thebandeOf every , Welly in' the Tend; lid revently&of
secret irlecluoyiE
asithlit forxtbeglill oflnie of ,
the most awful and i destructimscourges..thatiever
edankidd. Ono coliy, Veentay. tavet6. teleit n
*ardeAfreptif•wstmetnishi part•Pf tlis•trhite4 car ,
rot BO eeeteln - P. O. stripe , or ilpopies tat. Ad re;
ntiiit paid, Drllititter; No.'ll Mild& area...lloW - ceik. , ;
JIRPAON/ 86 4TArv..,Evi 11$(1i A 1 3 1 1 "tr. t
ot li* . 1.(:o ,11i:'.., 1
# ,-,410 rpmak i
, ...
Viitghril v Z ii / f iiii . i , --.ll,t4PROPFtlyi
r rvarc
ofor tide ALVE
from April prices
3_ or tot !PRODUCE
Y., .'Ni tar 42111.1 Ur Mkt.
n6ic • li ac .calf t;eunr•
lit k 4 in the constan
t of niultituilesr of mew
ither produces or is
Ihred hy, ua,enkehtek.
ted state ,of the blood,
frein that fluid heeome t
sirspetent 'ter 'stiglain the
1 1 . 4 forFesin their rive ow;
in; tail Ire's' the nu
' to Into disonier
decay., The rufteous
tdmihatilin in variously
ed' by turtrnrial dg.
~.ase, Jaw living, &ordered
.agestion Jx . foosklmjaircleir, fil th awl
.filthv : tuthit!, the,9l.:; . to* 4Ad , bore
by, the "venereal ; inTectirin. liVhatteer 'be .sts orir,in,
it et hereditary the e iznitttrtion, desceitHling "from
4arents to Children unto the third 'and !fisurth gee.
cration ; " Sakes,. it seems thkt" rod; of, Him
who saws, "I.will,
, yisit the iniquities of -the fathea
their"Chi!dttti.7 The diOdesfes 'which ft ok
inrdes take rariints ttentai;-ttecordinklteiriltet organ ittatuuts.._. lit the ilutigs; Setofulat iproduers mem
do, and finally Constpapticas; l ia,theSlands, swell
ings which suppurate asul„hecome uleennus sores;
1 1 1 the fit.oulnch. M4 1 )0 01 4 [ - - !*. o l 3 qtaguts which
produce Indigestion; dyspeittale,tno'ftett cennplittnti;
on the skin, tern'titiee;.. *tut lentinititis affections.
These an. heivink fthe!sarne origin, require the same
Ilmed/4 viz ; tusii.fipittion and hisrigurntion of the
tho T ,blrunt, mid these dangerous dis
temeces leare •Atkiit.' *Ale, 'foul, or rorrupled
dock. pais-4414am Iteret-health ; with that " life of
this ,fiesh." healthyi you,: tennot hero scrofulous
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is•eeneroanded%from - too most effectual antidotes
'hat tneilipd science.. has discovered. for this afflict
ing distemiser, and fdir the care of the disorders it
entails. That it is far saperior to arty other rem
edy vet dcrisi cit is klOwn - li9all who have given
iv:a oinl. , That it drills' kon;bine virtues truly ex
traordinary in their •eff...,eopon- ;this dos of ite
pinints, is, indispatably,Myont, §y the great multi
tude of publicly,' known , and ,rethiiiiiible cures it
hits mild a' 60 folio:Ting 'diseges r' 1 0 .- Evil
Or iiatilar, S*elling,3 ihiits; tio2y,
Piintilti, Illoteheetild tn t
' gores,- VilinPells ,
floss '-iii - 11it.., Aritlicitys o 4 , lriie: let Rheum,
Sbaldlfeia,Ttnighs_6itit tabeteatiknis der3-
its in the hinga,yhite SWellinge, Debility,
Dropg . ,fienregte;Drtpepsia orlndigestion.
Ei l y&lit
and Syphilitic Infection , Mercurial
Diseases, Pentode . WW.1tt1019433, nrd, ifide ,4l tie
ale series of complaints that .strisoiroin inronat
'of. the hlood. Minato reports qt iniiividaxl tuts
.mar be follild in Area's Anetticxx : 1 / 4 1.1101.1C,
which is furnished to the druggists for gratnitou.
distribution, wherein maybe lexqen C. , . die ii, ,,, s
for its use, and - soma of the'reiriebVeniaii whit
it has ; made when all other comedies It ill loth,' to
afford „relief. Those cases are pttrpo4ely taken from
all sections of the country, In colder thateveiV is-ad. r
mav 'hare 'ttreeisal tir r iome one -who . tan speak - iti hint
of its benefits freett_personallexperiace. :Sett-data
deptessesi i the vital ,energies. and. thus' /cares:its TV ,
tints far,thorec iota*: to,d'usmse and itslatal r t •ehi
'than are' 1161thyceonstitutioni. ' Waco it tends .
shorten, And does grtisily'shOrten;the.'ai6ir i. ge der
:don of human life. The vast importance of the4s
'considerations-has leitata_to spend -years hi perfect.
a remedy, whigh is adequatc,,i t , 0 .- xime . Ti n .
,we - tionr offer to - the ptiblie 'under the 'rune ar
Anal'El ! 8-itiskr.tutt.tx, although it is t-canpoiell
Of ingtedientft, souse of which exceed the' liest.of
•Sirsapariget,walterative pore`.: By its aid ran
may protect . yourself from the suffering . and damer
of theee'disorders.' Paige 'btit the 'pal iertuplimo
'that rot 'and-Tester in the Wed r..pinge out dis
rtiases:pf ditense, And nigordus Welds Will fairs.
'By its t pecidiar virtues .this remedy stimulates rho
vital - funetaidis ' and' thus Oft)* o'le. 6tempers
lifitailitriCti3l4-ilie . isjitein - Or laird o ut on sty
, part id' 10- . E :--, :1.) , .. (.t. ,
'iVe knOrrihntubile IttPi) ; beon deceit , c4 Ire tam
ennipotindsipf ~S a rsaparilla, : that pronstited .
: woe's
aryl did nothing i lint they will peigter bo demi% ed
nor - disaPpiiiitied to Ibis. Vs virtues Nave ken
proven by obtlndant ltial, and 'there; feinains no
question of itsng : excellence ' for the care
of tho afEgethlg e s Wis intended. tai reach.
Althtitigh - under tite 'Otme.'ivuile, it is eV very dif
ferent medicine front 'any other ' widChAfias bees
beforei..tiuspl arid'. is -far more effectual than
:any other w hic h ba ever bectittrallible tottem.
The WiiiicyntfreiltlAinueilkoiCOughs.
Colds, lingtient:Paning l 4lo4ono. and
Tor refine. ce -Consumptive
PatiOnta AU tadvanced -Asa
gen : or then disease.
his has beini isolotig tied and. CO , inilvelasilf
known, that we. need do .no intaa.thsn: estare chs.
POl i e , #"o itisiefitY .kepi RAtAh9.l4 l t,„"a r ,
nas beenlit it, be renm . ,on, Pa: 6" "
-PrepareiLby .“ L C.'keziedeCo,
; :2 1:1Pro#1 7 41 and Annistigad asaialf.
• `e, 14 7 1 - 514 : 148L
tcl i #,Ytt draiL* i , riw'wkrepind
Oa'brontittradfenAmpri tamt,,A :Ow
!1.1; .mayl.9,owly
___.• Stilioitlittenstfitli,it sh . s
litbronb¢, l olV l " efUn rililj . ---'
italsyste st—nw and reuable trefgaekt—lA. woo Aol,
'letter travelopmfrea atcharges. -,,lLddresaldr. J. SzniXl
EQIIGUTOF, HOWard A800C14119 , Nu. 2 South 9tb street,
Vasdelphisals: --7.. ilslyi. uotorta
,11 4 .
i r)
DELI D ;0-ili "A THR4r.
F/1011,- ''' ' . .'• ' I T Wig UPSAtil a t . 14 ( 1 ":
ell Ar al i 4l -. sl4 * 4lll ifr if =lai, 75:17