co crzryst , .A. 3 1 43 0; voice ft'omftiohmoEuL:=We print to day a letter from a prisoneein Richmond, wr itten by a young man,- a native of the township of Bridgewater., Hlts plait facts constitute an appeal'in behalf of our suf fering soldiers that should induce all to d o what they can in the w i tty of relief_if yo have no friends there, remember hat ma ny who are there have no friends who ca n relieve them. Persons who desire to tbute to this most desirable purpose, nc3l upon the managers of our Aid society. Treasurer's Report hr Nov. 1863. The Soldiers' Aid Society reports for t he past month as hereunder: Balance on hand Nov. let,. $134 08 Articles sold, 33 ' gra. Young, 1 i 1 Proceeds of supper, 78 01 Mil. D. Poit; 2 Of ljnion meeting, thanksgiving day 55 6 . A. J. Gerritson, 4 51 A Friend, for Richmond prisoners 15 01 Expenses for the month, '$ 74 10 Bal. on hand, Dec. Ist 216,47 $290 Mrs. if...T. WEBB, Treas. "Various Sources.”—This mythical in dividual continues to be a liberal contrib utor to the treasury of the Soldiers' Aid Society, judging by the incorrect reports which appear in the.ltepublican. This, is the only paper that publishes the reports as furnished. Our down town neighbor has too much petty meanness to publish a truthful report, but alters it to suit his low malignity. 4,c; Volunteers.--Atiother draft, is soon lo be made unless the quotas are filled by volunteering, but few are enlisting. most persons going as substitutes, or waiting to be drafted. But large numbers of volunteers are flocking into the Stores of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., to buy a Stock of muter clothing, &c., atJow east] prices. New Year's Ball.—A Ball will be given at the Union Hotel of R. C. VAn. in New Milford, on Friday evening, Jan. i5t,1864. Good music will be in attendance. Bill, $3,00. dcc The Next Draft.—All aged or infirm parents; (without reference to their prop erty,) will be entitled to elect one son to be exempt from next. draft. Papers made out and sent to the hoard for the small sum of $1,50, at R. B. & G. P. Little's of fice in Montrose. Sewing Iffuldges.—Save $5. —Those wishing to purchose a first-rate Sewing Machine of thp Wilcox it Gibbs, or of the Finkle it - Lyon patent, can hear how to buy one direct from , either manufacturer, warranted nzi-usual, at a discount of DI or 12 per cent. - discount from regular prices, with reasonable credit on half the amount, by calling upon or adddressing the editor of this paper. Farms for EiiilB.—The subscribers offer for gale owasy terms, two valuable farms : eoe of iWacres in Great ,Bend township, shoat 80 acres improved ; one of 104. acres in Harford township, 75 acres improved, For particulars enquire of A. T. Trow bridge, Esq., Great Bend, or of Jour &Amu,: Hartbrd, nov26 4w ISTKIINAL RETNSIIE STAMP TAX OS PROMISSORY NOTES ALL Notes not over $2OO Over $ 200 and " 400 " 600 •' 603 " 1.000 " LOOO " 1.200 1,400 " 1,400 " 1,600 " 1,000 " 1,930 " 1,600 " 2.000 " ,030 2,200 " 2.200 "' 2,400 " 2.4a0 2,600 " 2,600 " 2,800 3,000 " 3.000 " 8,203 " &WO {t3,400 " 3.400 ' 6 3.600 " 3,600 {{ a,soo " 3sj " 4.000 • car The Singer Sewing Itistehlnes.—Our LETTER A Faintly Sewing Machine is fast gaining a worldwide reputation. It is ond doubt the best and cheapest and aunt beentifol of Sewing Maeldnes Yet offered to the public. No other Sewing Ma chine has so Many useful applianees for Hemming, Binding, Felling, Tucking, Gathering, Guaging. Braid- Jag, Embroidering, _Cording, - ;and so fora, No other Family Sewing ehlnehas so mnehespacity for B other variety of wort. It will sew all kinds of cloth. andwith all kind! of thread. Great and recent Improvements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, most durable, and most certain in action at all rates of speed, It makes the interlocked stitch, which is tbebest stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinery cspacicy. can see, at a glance, how to use the letter A Fatally irwiri machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are isnialied in chaste and exquisite style. The 'Folding Case, of the Fatally Machine Is apiece of , canning workmenship of the most useful kind.- It pro wls she machine when not in and when ebinir to be operated maybe raper:ass a spacious and substantial takieto sustain the work. While some of the "Cues, made out of the choicest anti simplest woods,are dubbed in the simplest and chastest mamterpoasable, others are adorned and embellished in the mast costly and superb Martnerabsol. It is utely necessary to see the Family Machine • i beau noperation, so as to judge of its great capacity . and ty. tits fastbwmin. as popular for family sewing as our - lEasinfsetruinr, machiaes ardor manufactiringpmposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silt, twist, th=needless„oil, rte., of the verybest quality. for a Parma:. THE SINGER IitANTIFACTUIUNG COMPANY, nova 458 Broadiraj , New York. lohiaOlffee.FlOCheatnut ereet. MD, WJETh.OUSE. FOSTER Agents in Montrose. THE CONFESSIONS AHD . EXIISHIELNCE OE AN NVALlD.—Published for the benefit. and as a warning And &action toyoung men'who safer from nervowa De -lilfty, premature decay of Manhood. etc.. supplying at Abe same time. the means of self.enre, By one who has 'eased himself a ft er being put to great injury and ex . penile through medical humbug sage:awry. • By endodng s post 9sid addressed enveloPe. flub wpiesuuty be bad of the author. NATHANIEL IlLaYEAlit. Rev: . Bedford. Hinge Counthlf T. mays-4ylc Young or Old, Mole or • Veriasde.—lf vetu tar r been suffertne fromhabit Indulged In by the YOUNG OF BOTH MM. let& eases so toinyalse. ,snlngsymptoms. which eats them formArrls_ !IA Is ;the greatest befall - HAN or WOMAN._ Bee symptoms eMunerstedln Advertisement,. ntld if :yetiste s suffeser. oat,out the adveztlsement; and send ~ : torjt- s t onne..Melsys . Ask forlielmold's; 4ke mother. •MC&Te ellloutder• . 040 1131, 4141 " 41:4' 2m or-steromasi vcitetiahrlniestus stymy_ lINIV/1103.41.- SATISFACTION; during the 14 years it haebeetintredacisi into th/United.Statee, :Atter being triedn Milifone, It Wen FlOclarnekt he VI 4 6- Myer f the wptid. Inca/mot caned e, the niiivent id If heed es directed it andlieve tuts Baled In silt instance. For coldit.etmghatind infino aim It can't beat. One 25 cent wit) trill cute - all the abov.e, baldest/el/1g /metal in bi Willy for Pit den accidents, such as burns, cute, BE4I s‘lntect stinge, otc. 11:perfectly innocent bytalteinteritall}, lll 4 be given to the oldest parson or youngest chUd. rkice 23 and 50tents rt bottle. 0111 ck, 50 Curtin:Wl Street; York. Seidl/yell Druggists, nov.o lin 'NEW nun Lens POE BALE ' -Atpo, GAB `. OEN, OR nun name, Suitable for Oespes, Peaches; Fenno 1155 berries. Strawberries, 'Blackberries, Currants, &c., of F . 236 Bo 10 or2o acres each, at the following prices for the' pros entiviz 20 acres for $300,10 acreefor $110,5 acres for $5O, 236 acres for $40,1 acre for $2O. Payable by one dollar a week. ' Also, good Cranberry lands. and village lots in Chet wood, 95 by 100 feet, at $lO each, payable by oncodollat a week. The above land and farms, are situated at Chet wood. Washington township, Burlington county,' New Jersey. For farther information, apply. with a P."O stamp, fora cimalar, to B. FItAI4hrINCIABK, Feb. 8.'03:=17 No. 90 Ceder Street, New York. On the 20th tat., by S. W. Tewksbury, Esq., Mr. Ituns. CAritn.r., ; 'of Factory. ripe, Pa., and Mrs ? &wit, of Lathrop._ $290 5 In Clifford, on the 22d Oct., of dipthe ria, EDWARD C. DECRREi aged 32 years. Ile was quiet and unassuming, yet faith ful. and 'true in all .thi l'elatieris.cif life. lie was sick Only. about, nine, days,, during which time' he wassufferer, a. great ' yet murmured net. His mind coitinueil than unto the end, and he gave clear evidence of strong faith in the:Lord Jesus Christ. He - leaves a wire and two children, an aged father, and a numerous circle of rel atives and friends to mourn his early death. R. 8. , & GEO.. •P.- LITTLE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lave, MACCONTIELCIEM, IPenciataies. OFFICE on lilairiStrect. 'Particular attention even toecuveYancing,,. 'Wend BENTLEY & LOOMIS, Attorneys and ClonnsellOrs at Law. OFFIC4 OVER FULLERS'._ DRUG STORE, ISCUELAS-WPCVN, COLLEVTIONS and BEBUTANOES promptirmade. and ail business intruated tothem attended to with fidelity. Diane 11111Itary claims for Pensions, ' CP, Back Pay. ac., will be carefallwprenared and attended to, as also all claims for exemption fromDratt. ,The following are among the causes for ' , J. Z SECRETARY OF TREASIMYhas not yet given notice of any ention to withdraw this pop ular Loan from Sale at / ftr and until ten days notice is given.the undersigncd, as 4.6 General Subscription Agent s , ' will continue to supply the public. The whole it ot ltutitof the Loan authorized is sso' %COD; 000. „Nearly $ 00.000,000 have been already sub. scribed for a paid into the Treasury, mostly within the last seven months. The large demand from abroad, and the rapidly Increasing home demand for use as the basis foriffrenlation by National Banking Associations ' now organizing! in all parts of the country, will, Ina very . short Period, absorb the balance. Sales have recentiy ranged from ten to fifteen millions weekly, frequectly exceeding three millions daily, and as it is well known that the Secretary of the Treastiry has ample and =dial / tug resources In the Duties on 'lmports and Internal Revenue, and in the Issue of the interestbearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is almost a certainty that he will not find it necessary, for along time to come, to seek a market ter any , other long or permanent Loans. o the INTEREST and I'RLICIPAL of which are payable '2 in GOLD. ~.- Prudence and self interest must force the minds of 0 those conteniplating the formation of National Banking a Associations, as well as the minds of all who have idle 0 money on their bands, to the prompt conclusion that they should lose nolime in subscribing to this most 10 ular Loan. It will soon be beyond their reach, and Will 20 advance to a handsome premium, as was the result with 50 the " Seven Thirty" Loan, when it was all sold and ecid t 0 no !anger be subscribed forat par. FAA It is a Six per Cent. Loan the Interest 10 and Principal payable in Co in, thus yield -10 ingover NINE per Cent. per annum at the )0 present rate of premium on coin. )0 The Government requires all duties on imports to be vi paid in Coin; the duties bare for a long time past ) amounted to overa Quarter of a Million of Dollars daily, a sum nearly three times greater than that required in the payment of the Interest on all the 5.20's and other permanent Leans. So that it is hoped that Hsi surplus Coin in the Treasury, at no distant day, will enable the United States to resume specie payments upon all tiabll idcs. The Loan Is called 5.20 from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for 20 years. - yet the Government has a right them off in GOLD at par, at any time after 5 years. The Interest is paid half-yearly, viz: on the that days ofNoveinber and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds, which are payable to bearer, and are $5O, $lOO, $500,, and, $1000; or Regis tered Bonds of same denominatidus, and in addition, $l,OOO, and $lO.OOO. For Banking purposes and for in vestments of Trast-mcmies the Registered Bonds are preferable. These 5.20's cannot be taxed by State', cities,' towns or counties, and the Government tax on theth is only one-and4-half per cent. on tbe amotmt of Incomd,lrhen the ineoine of the holder exceeds Six Hundred dollars per &intim; all other investments, such as income from Mortgages, Railroad Stock and Bonds. etc.. must pay from three to five per cent. tax on the ineome. Banks and Bankers throughout the Country will con tinue todispose oftheßonds ; and all orders by mail, or otherwipe promptly attended to. :The inconvenience of a few dais' delay in the delivery olthe Bonds is unavoidable, the delimit:ming so great ; bates interest commences from the day of subscription. no loss ls occasioned, suid every effert la beinr, • pedalo diminish the delay. ' . . filecB:w „ , SAN" COOL. 'SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. la' to 1 1 71 g 5-11;;; Igmro 1a 1111 I x , -V d 0 hi Po .., ist Bri S R.' r ii 1 "0 9 0 111;1 GB 1 GBII 72 1 1 78 1 1 8 0 40 90 1 50 96 1 '6O 1021 1 1 80 1 14 1 90 120 00 xgc.atu'ixt.mtxdf.cl4 l 22l3. 7:130.A.TX3Cf9. EXEDIPTION FROND RAFT t 1. Being one of the sons of aged or infirm parents where there are more than one. 2. The father of a motherless child or children under 12 years of age, dependant upon him for support. 3. The only 5012 of a widow of aged or Infirm patents dependent upon hiM for support. 4. A member of a family, two members of which are alre f ady in the service. 6. .01 physical disability, or en alien. 6. AU claims for an election of osz, from two or more eons. suer be made ELIO= the draft. B. S. BENTLEY, F. B. LOOMIS. Montrose, Pa. dec9 6t Scranton, Pa., . . . .. 10I •- . , • ' ... . . • ..-.-1 . 4; v . a a a THE` ..qNI - 015i.:...5,0H00,L ~ OED NORTHERN 'ONNSYLVANIAi...:::: DANIEL ROMAN. Principal. , 4„ - I==llll THE WINTER TERM Of tbis iristitn don will eormtienCe co' TUESDAY, December Ist, 1863, in New, 1111TVORD, Sus 'a comity, under, the 'hivervisiod of tbe Directors. -• TUITION PER TEEM OF 11 WEEKS. Comnion'EmOisb, —lrtgher. ‘ 5 4,00: ,Languages, , 5,00 Music, Drawing, and Painting on iikeilu terms. J, DLCKERMA.NpIity Tresitlent t . T, Botts; SeAretari; 3 14 1 PT4) .1 550 4 1 440.4•7114. T ; wrestlelitifjterehy 'Ufa a titts t itileiakmed, an A.,AuditorappollitedlTAQ 0/ V l ' lllls- P t" t BP county' t6tdate'distributton alba' fan banns of the adndnialr stip of David Allen, deqesised,will attend tothe Mittel! nth% appointment at Idantace In Montrose dn Mir theAtti day of.Tanuary,l B64 intien a; ut:t : a c hic tufts and place . all persona'• tideireatad will present their claims or be-forayer.4cbatrd from comipg in.upon said fund. ' ' ' duet° 4tr F. B. BTilsaanin, Auditor. Auditor's Notice., NOTIOE to hereby given that the tindralghed, an Andßonappgititgpx thtrOTPhatle. tt cpaq'a county to alt dtstributibj. 141103 ilind in ne ands of the adminUtratdf of I , 4tek , decefutbd. wi t attend 40 thothattearof hie appdititinetit at hfi offitelit on Friday the 6th day of January 1804, at ohe o'clOck in the afternoon „ at which tutu an d all place, peraehs In terested prom. e their claims Or be-fottabr debarred from coming in upon aaid MA& declo 4w ' P. B. STREETER, Auditor. Notice, tit niiiierkgried, en AuditOiapPointed by the Orph ans Court of thisquehaniiii co. to make distribution of the hinds in the matter of the estate of Stephen Payne, deceased,will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, Dec. Slat, istta, at oue o'clock. p. nr., at his office in 31ontrose, at which time and place ail persons interested Will present their claims or be forever barred from coming in upon said fund. , 40;3 4wA.O. Ffitlll=., Auditor., '-' Auditor's Notice. jOTIt is hereby given .that , ' the:undersigned: ,'art .11 Auditor appointed by the Orphan . ,Court of Sus quehanna county to make distributlotr of the 'funds in the matter of the estate of A.,J. Walker,olcceased„ will attend to the duties of hie appointment at hie office in Montrose, pn 'Monday the 4th ay; of January'. 1364. at 10 o'clock in•the forenoon, at which time and place all per- sona interested will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming In upon said fund. ' c'ec3 dw' A. Q„ WAIUIIIN, Auditor. Auditer's Notice. TILE undersigned, haying been appointed an Auditor hr the Orphan's Court of Bnsq'n county, to hear the parties in interest upon exceptions to the account of W. L. Post. last Guardian of the estate of Marilbl (a minor) will the duties of his Appointment at his Office in Montrose. on Tuesday, January 6th, Mat at ten o'clock.n. m.. at which time and place all persons interested will please attend. tie 4w WARREN, Auditor. Auditor's Notice. INOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned an Aud !tor appointed by the court of Common, Pleas of Susquehanna County', to make distribution of the Binds arising from the sale by the Sheriff of the real estate of ENOS GARDNER, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at his Office in Montrose, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 1868, at one o'clock in the after noon, at which time and place all Remus interested will present their claims or be forever barred from coin ing in upon said ftind. novce 4t J. B. McCOLLUM, Auditor. , Anditoes Notice. , In in!? Estate Qf Gamut Stone, demised. B. G/Idgfn. • Executor. • • THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor to hear, the, parties in interest upon exceptions to the account of the executor, will ettend to the duties of his appointment at his Office in Dlordrose on Monday., December - Mb, ot 10 o'clock..a. m., at which time and place all persons interestWwill please attend. not % 4t W. 11. JESSUP, Auditor. . Adinini'stratorle Notice. NOTIOE is herebygiven to ail persons Indebted to the Estate of JOHN GARDNER, late of Herrick town ship, deceased, tp'make immediate paynient, and all persons havingelaims against said estate will present them to the andensigned for settleme lni nt. JO 31. 3IYERS, Herrick, Nov. 26,1563.-6 w Administrator. Admihistriktor's -Notice. LL Persons indebted to the estate of CHARLES M. tl PICRET, deceased, late of Rash township, are re qnested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims agalnstsaid estate will present them to the an deisigned tin settlement. ALBERT PICKET, Rush, Nov. 19, 1863.-6 t Administrator. Adndnistrator's Notice• iIVOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebted to V.d. „Li mond G. Tewksbury,lste Of Lathrop township,deed; ttrltialtkltnmtdinte payment. and All . prsOns, having claims , against .aid dec ed ent, will .ptpsent the same to the tindersigned fur !settlem ent. TRUMAN BELL,. Adm`r. llopbottom, Oct. 22, 1683. Owe Executrix's Notice. A LL persons Indebted to the Estate of FRANCIS Jek. McGRATH , late of Silver Lake township, dee'd. arc hereby notified to make Immediate payment, and all per sons having claimsagates[ said estate will present them to the undersigned for settlemen cG t. MARY MRATII, Executrix. Silver Lake, Nov. 12th, 1863. dt• Executor's T ETTERS Testamentary to the Estate of Lrnta JU 8.. Cutouts, deceased. late of Forest 'Lake township. having been granted to the undersigned; all persons In. debted to Said estate are fequested to make lmmedlatc payment. and those baying .. demands against the .ante to present them to ' ' ' C. L. BROWN. Montrose,, Oct. 1863,--36t . • Executor. IDMMISTRITOR'S SILE. MBE eadetsigned *tit tea at ttaktiott- to the Blithest andbest bidder. At the late Y, residence of HIRAM SCOTT, deceased. in BRIDGEWATER, on THURSDAY December 10th,1863, at 10 o'clock - m., the, following perscmalproperty,late of said decedent: Eleven COWS, _ yoke of` OXEN. 1 seven-years.old MARE:4 SHEEP. SHOATS, ono limber WAG ON, , cmc light twahotse WAGON, 1 est d•mble HARNESS; one ,single MUMPS, 1 two-horew SLEIGH. 1 pair BOBS, 1 PLOW. tIIARROW, LOG-CILAI:NS, .and otherFAR MING utensils. Feather -Beds. and- BEDDING: two STOVES, I BUREAU, DESK, BEDS'ITsADS, CHAIRS, DAIRY utensils, a quantity of Hemlock Lumber, HAY, Ac.. TERMS.—AII stuns, under, $ 5 . cub ; or orer months creditwith Interest and approved , seennty. . A. BALDWIN, Administrator. Montrose x Kov. W), 1863.-8 w Sheriff's Sale. . . BY virtue or sundry writs issuedby the Court of Com mon Picas of Susquehanndeounty. and to me direc ted, I will expose to sale bv ohne vendee, at the Court Rouse, In Montrose, on AY. December al. 1 883 . atone o'clock, p. in., the following described piace.or parcel of land, to wit: • ALL that certain piece= parcel of land situate In the township of Great Bend; Ccruntyof Susq'a and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: On the north by lands, of Charles Snedaker, on the east by lands of Peter Helder, and on the south and west by hods of Benjamin andMlclit el Spearback ; contains 110 acres, be the same more or less, with , the appurtenances, 8 [tamed dwelling houses, two barns, one saw mil Lone orchard. and about 60 acres Improved. [Taken at the snit of Win. J. Terrell. vs. B. T. Young. DAVID SUMMERS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, DEC. V, 1863. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PAY, , AND . PENSION OFFICE, . . Over the • Post-Offiee _ litrazL' tram.. 1 2 ". Alma duly anthorizqd tit prepare the necesearyvia pera for all applications for SoLdiere. :width° (11- 4:m9,0=n% hairs and cbildrenrof deCeased S/4tOrft. Or Bounty, Back-p'ay 8c Pensions, I will attend to that businessi for thesum of • - "TWO" ,90.1r.mIs8it8" fortachclaim—thls to-coverall exienses. inchadlng Justices' fees, Clerk's Certificates; an -po t tage. .., Tide is about one.third the stun usually charged for ,the business. All persons interested will please take notice and gov ern thellite/YP"cc?rdiViAin; FRAM, •' • J ttoiney and 6aunsalloi at Law, and Llahn Agent. Montrose, Ckt. 22, - W.I. . . •. • • , SOLDIERS', BOUNTY, PENSIONS, ..„. . And' . .-Back' -. Pay I MIR tliideriiinedlictisszp'"Actxr bi . TUJ (Onyx. I. wort, will giveptomi4ittentloo toldltiOttie !tar)* ted totddeite.,'lllochistogdeptiniteestrtiV :24otMet 141 4 11 * x• •4 . 44 , Eqiif ,l ; l7 . l . • • :.4.11 - 10111 NJfind tlt BEST of Coal OU, Ten diftdreriti t ualltlea . WERT BODY - ..6/ NJ of Green, letkoad Jispan TEAS; Brow, 'rushed and Powdered Sugars ; - • Sugars; • ki 1".-JOYAN-: ANDERSON " . Ch wltt# andci Smoking Tobaccos, ' ; '.. P P 4r siar l. M edal " .4 . , ... _.- Saleratns Cream ot Tartar; Batter. Boston; Esidti, it Sugar Crackers ; Fluid and Mecca Oil tor rateblnety; ex am:rent imaties of. Syrups and Molssses ; but more pt .BO+o and bogs Cloth and Robber Overshoes, BUFFALO: ROBES - -2. ... . HO RSE 'BLANKETS, PACKING LTand Barrels, Iron, INalls,.bow ties;ind A FULL,i . As.soOtaent ,cti ;005L1.0g$1 . ,P14 8 f$ Montrose, 3*. 25,1863. " VC:7 01 1:7 PLEASE try some of the BEST. Coal 011 In marker. Inquire of LATHROP; TYLER & IttLET uTE haNie a lite and desirable aisortment of Silks, ‘l l Merinos, Fermatas, Alpacutte.Delaines, & Dress (foods of even' -description. • Balmoral, Skirts,- Shawls, Glove P, add 'foster). dt.c.,,tc., (fo.whick-we aro•adding now styIes.ENERY NEW / which we would ask yop,u) call and examine. • LATUROP, TYLER & RILEY. Montrose, Nov. 25. GENTLEMEN.. "MULL STOCK crf Clothe, Casa!lvrea, Veatinga, Heady 3tallo'Clothlug. Hata add Cabs, &a., you can and at .31anose, Noy. - 23. LATHROP, TYLER & rALICPCOPI: rr.ELDI I I" , To Justices of -the Peace L I . ANII I :TU ALL - g BUSINES: , .IIIEIL Oman or Assisson oP lwriathat.Rityffiks Pon ails trra Diurriuor Or YZNIVA. Montrose, Nov. PIM 1863. • -BE Jurat of an affidavit !alum - before 8 Indic° of the Nice, V, °tall Public orother alter duly atithor ized to take aZdavits, fa held to boa ceittikato, and as such. a stamp denoting, salty of tivecenta mud be qf fixed oThif l Osuradri CioAorflf.bfforab ireohOot t redarit ie made: All transcripts made and certified bYlnisticett 'require Wilke stamp. t Aur , .Pitosesaur Nom whether Tor s sum greater- than twenty dollars. =ebbe stam when executed ; and the maker of a note who fails-tit stamp it is liable to a penalty of fifty dollars Tor each offense,. besides the valnwof tlteproper. Melnik - _ The payee of a Note, and the grantee of a Deed which is delivered unstamped, may immedieely upon accept ing, the delivery of such note or, deed, aid: audcaneel the proper stamp, bet. this does no; relieve the maker of such note or the grantor in such Ifeeti.lrom thepen ally Incurred by'him for not atllx.imt and eatttelling the proper stamp. The samepenalty is incurred for not. cancelling the stamp, when it is affixed by the proper person., All officers connected with the Revenue Department ire specially charged with the &sty of reporting any vio lation of the Revenue Laws, to the Collector for prose- All . cati. persons violating said laws' imAtitiinctis negligence. or *itemise, will - be - promptly dealt with, sal autjteld risiiptuisihle_by.the.Department that the laws ifathiatespect be faithfully observedia this district W. H. JESSUP, - nov2l3Bt Assessor for the 12th District ofPa. WRENS'S PULMONIQ SYRUP 17s 1 roploo:1 CONSUMPTION. SCHENK'S PULMONIC SYRIEP WILL CURE CONSTMIPTION. SCHENK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL CURE CONSUMPTION, SUP WILL CURE CONSUMPTION. SCHEYEIS SEA-WEED ,TONIC WI7.A. CURE - DYSPEPSIA. - . . SCLIENIPS' SEAJUED TOPIC WILL CURE' DYSPEPSIA. SCHENK'S SEA-WEED TONIC WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA. SCHENK'S SEA-WEED TONIC WILL CORE DYSPEPSIA. BCKENICS MANDRAKE PILLS WiLL CUBE Liver Complaints, SCIEMPS ISANDRAER PILLS WILL CUB Liver Complaints, SCHEIMEi =UN= RILLS WILL ME Liver Complaints. SCHEIIII's . 3IiNDICAICEI PILLS WILL Ftqap Liver Complaine. IL SCHENK has a lario salt of tram atitio. Sl Bond street, New York, where ho put befOunit_eveg Tuesday. from!) a.m. to 3p , m., and at tie. .331ifelFlitn 'street. Philadelphia, Pa., every Saturday. ile . keeps a large supply of medicines at his rowel. , -which cap bo had at all times. Those wishlngativice or • an exa m inatio n of the lungs will do Wen to call 'on him as above, He makes, no charge for advice. but for a thorough ev, , m *on with tho Resplrometer, his price is S 3. gan3r persons are afraid to have their lungs examined by Dr. Schenk for bar that they 'will be found incurable,' and by that means it is put 63' until It is too late. llout much better it woaldbo to. know, their condition stance 'as by abundant', of evidente,Dr. S. hasshowTlMeitient certificates in this litythat ho bas 'cured advitriCed stages of Consumption. Dr. Schenk', Frlicipal Office 'is No. 39 North Oh 'pt., philadelphW Pa.,7hcro letter, fer advitte slietfid el' Ways be.dlrcotet • Price of lho Pitmaitic Syrtip and Sea Weed Taal, each $1 per bottle, the half dozen. Mandrake Pills 23 =taper box. For Sala by all sta and Stosokecpcm.. . • Oct. 15, 186 8 . am , , . . , . _ . ,::DR D• lA. LATHROR‘r„, .... FFickw vo; tiippii & Co'ioliffiipskteig. Honae. QStagerY la pretilar:, virleererence 10 sears c" , perygs.c. •:--; ' . - ,-- . • litoatrosePlitsr, 16C±3. .- . • 4 1`!.'."' ' i , -fltS 4 Rri,cetb pa J 1 for. /Bue4.whefitt, oats, -I ' . Heaps. ) , BuCkwheat Flotr; Rye Flour, Flax: - seat,'' Potatoes /' Beeswax,: RUYTEIk Dried Apples, Poultry,/ Pelts, &ie.`, ate dt , c., At the Old Stan d a few doors below lioffi' / s corner. Montrose, Nov. 2.1 THE MIST BRIM NEW FALL ARE TO BE 11017,,,NR1AT•,R;;; JABS B. DRIVITTI! "IDLEGAIIT assortment of Ladles' Dress Goode, Dem 1.1 . 1 Cashmeres, Pais . Cremes? all-woor Plaids, black and cplored alpacas, black effluents it Onetime, Ladled cloths; Skeleton and Daktioral Skirts - DOMESTICS: , 11roxiik and bleached &Wilms. _Mite, red, gray. stri ped and'illomestic &mini, denims, ticks, and MI. other stylectif domestics. LAI I;.\ 'll/117C;1;4: .1 e u nr: vv Partictilaratte t ntion ittealledhl this department, •..Xtra disci blick'lletteirclothaandcaasstmeres , : 'army nine cas ohnereS, fancy cassimeres, Kentucky Jean. sheens gray, satinet, and Tailorts' Trimmings, Hats and Capeettc. • ' I.f:lA:sales ear T.'. hosiery. 4toeds and Leggitis, Ladles' &Satin,' Panay Goods and, li,otions„ including au elegant and chteito I r lit.Yl. l l! B' PM . PPP / PP. t c.v.) eatoviaartzAe ,Sugarcbtoarn.yellose imd white; atisilees not td ar ched, japan, Black, and Green Tea, of the ctuy :BEST nelity, co e. spices, ginger, snuff and tobaceo, Birds' nedotuickerel, codfish; cite.jete, 7 = - • trockery, l Oil,- Lamps; -Glass,' acc. crockery otaUkind4.3safdwiro nOl4l 6,21,•1am 4 nahoo, etc Pt! ' anditiresi kinbN'igt Paillte,Paint • , BOOTS AND SIMS, Mena' Kip and heavy boots, boys and Youth's kipand heavy bocits,.ehildren's Copper toed, shoes, misses' mo rpeco shoes, ladlealptime Article *lab* slit2.o o , ladles' garters morocco shoes, ladles' balnioral shoes, ladies calf shoes. . . The above goods are to be sold at prices that willsatia ty, every. one., TO "'DAIRYMEN. • 1. have gonatantly on bands enpplrat tatter pans . No charger tot patty and taah for bahot. loshton - SaltTor sale Produce taken In Exchange., 16ntfose, Sept. 21,1863. Y. rt. DitWlfT. , FAXILY DYE COLORS- t Mick Bark Aline:. ,• Light Blue: French Bine, Browo, Dart Brown; Light Brown, Sinai Brown, enmson, Dark Drab, Light Drab, Dirk Green, Light Green, F) .Goode, Stut*le Veing 1114 tarti,airegees, _ , outlets, fintsit Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's clothing, - and till hindd of Wearing Apparel.' RrAL. lES42temriam.g of 80 per ot. For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost live times that sum. Verrone shades can be produced from fho same. Dye. The process is simple and any one can nee the Dye with perfect success. • Directions in,Englirh, French and German, inside of each package. . • - „ For further information in Dying, andgiving a perfect knowledge what colors arc best adapted to dye over oth ers, (with manrvainsble irccipcs.rpnrotmse Howe Stephenti”TreatiSe On Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by motion receipt of price—,Mcents. Matialkctrired by BOWE' STEPHENS. 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally. Oct: 8, 18e8. ' • . - THE FAMOUS BARBEL" • . Come-arid eco the famous Barber, Famous Barber, late of Hayti..., • late of Hayti. now at Tarbell's, Now at J. 13. TarbelYs Hotel. Find me shaving and shampooing, . , Findrae cutting hair to maim •Find Me•ready at'yeur service. •At your service, • CHARLEY MOREL% Montrose, Oct. , .tt . EXEMPTION OFFICE, 'OVER - 111E PO3T:OFFICE, mIrE widerelgned having made arrangements to se: care exemptions front titer Draft to those entitled, and having Procures; from the office of the Prey/oat-Mar abet at Strantort•the , requisite forms;abd, instruttlons, will attend to that beslness at hie office in Montrose de ring the eontinunne.e of the draft. Office• hours from. 0 o'clock, 4. m. to 10 o'clock, p. m. Those'desirous of a vailing themselves ofi my perylaas,, will present them selves tit tilir orice edlntolyou receiving notice that they are drafted, And I assure them that in so doing they will !Wilt to their advantage. The personi for whatri I" propose tes act. and who are entitled to eats:options, are at follows v. , let, Each petrazt dra ft ed whole the anltson of tw ill ow or of aged or Infirninarent or parents, • - • -" • td. One of the consof aged -orintirm parents, when thereto more than One con. id: Each:person Who isihe only brother of a Child or children, pude, 11 teardof age,tetiendent bn hialabor for dupport. .;• 4th. Each person', 'member of family, where .ther6 are two members of the tame family aireadyin the mil itary service of.the.Erdted,States. , sth. Zactipetton:wha is the shotheileis elu ded' tinder in years of ago; dependent oh his labor for support. oth. Ettettperstm-"-underlo rant" of age, "over , 85 years" of age" , and [nettled, -ot -"over 45 years of `MAK' Owlets:relied(' fOreigners. .3 Itlirwlitero there are two or Wore sone of an aged a inflrm.parcnt,..and tbo parent desires to elect, which Apt bo exelinpt. tiro clectign meat-be niasicv.before the draft, or it he retarded. There irermsoyother the busi newftwitleh serrimPorhstit to the iirafted'men to tinder standcand of.which the7r wiitbe informed upon present lag thentSelyenttt itiyOMee. - P.ftitERLIX,VMASER. • • ' " 'Attorney and Connselloc-at-pw;tind sr. btnntraile Anglo 'lB6B. ' • 1- 130 CT . E. L.-HAVDRICE; P _ HYSICIAI3 dt BURGEON; iespeetfully mars Mi professional- entices to the -citizens of Prim*. villa and sisliiitf.-:rirowerti:fbliollice of Dr. Leal. Boards atl,lkakftra: - ' Vtly 1663. .ly LICE!' St CTIONEER. C . ;.SVIMON:t . flavitig, tSlteP ont a License for Cie titerpesay 'ads JlLLtioneerintp, anti, teav,ing had several years eapefiene ln ins badness. pow L eaden hie services to , tits pubilc ..ffetliatespactty.' NObe Mit a-ticensed Adetinneci Can , tap anslt =test Ornio sitiokiril. Pee/109f Cliiirrsim , aly,t it 1862; Sees 5.11. - °titers' by mall pionlptlr tittended to: ,- Residince: Frlcndeslße Pa • 3f. C. SUTTON. April 71. tr. If. " GOODS! Watches, Jewehy,---ancl . . ; • .Silvet Ware.:,• 2118 undersigned • would rw4II niftily Milts your attention, to his well selected stock °frith, ; o ,a ) . Gold MidSllver LATCH S, Pine (Sold 3 W6L - W. of ages" kind and • variety, of atyies. , -,..apm. pram/0 all.of newest: and most beautiful &Signe. , lao;. Solid Silver Ware,' equal to eoin.-atist the best make.of Sliver Vlated,Ware; , Bank article Is wattanted tope as inpiesenttid. ' '• iiiiddewelry•Carefraly rireairiff and mails 'faction gulifunteal. • JACOB BARLEY.. . ~ •—' • " " "(Suciensnr to Stauffer it ilarer • No. a. 2 Iderket•Street, . blare!' 4th; 1863 - 3mL. . . , • AGENTS SOH , Thom!)Oon's "Black Star" Lino of . - ; Liverpool Packets. . -iiiftiONS'erielting to' send for their friettds in the old 'cotintry,titn pOrebaselMessge tickets by the 'abtore ~.., . line from the subscribers. 41 ,k . , Also, Mutts on isgtand for sale in irams to snit.. ...,... • I -•• '. :WM. II: COQPEftE - t C. 0., Thinkers. . :3lontroseor n 107,4,663. tf 1 :ELS:mil:llnm Surgeon L fßliEsubscriber hal:log.l)omm_ appointed by the. Cos mideloner of Penelond, a MEDIUAL EXAMINER at lame, to eXtuolna and give certificates to all entitled to Penotorta, attend to all appllcatlotus that stay be 'presented A film, at Montrose, Pa. 'Rooms at S. Tu. bell Hotel. E. PATRICE. Montrwe, April 6. Istgb.7. ,ERIETIAI.LWAYi ClAN.GB.rginh„b`ilii:a7Gienclreat iifeill a n,AV:ailt e glie following himis, viz: ' C EiTIAND ItOrNE. EASTWARD IOE4 i 1, Bo:rale Expreaa,32l6 pat: 2. N.Y. Ewe's, 1:11 0.111 Z. liallott , ' 1:10 p.m 6. Steamboat " 0:42 p.m 1733aj Freight. 1e65 p.m 16, . . ibafra.m 21. -Adecartidatfon, 924 a.m 20, Waylrelgbi, 1t25 p.m , No. 10 ram Sandals, but diva not run Mondays. - , . CHA'S MINOT. Gen. Supt. ST: CHARLES HOTEL, ar. • , t: let, : . N;J:';'lVo.sT; .'',,WPAL &COOPER I,t, Cil.:,' *2II*ESXC2O4V 23"2" 1317irspses, 3Peimax4, .A.wrioreAse• SS C31 : L44961V I TCO nTSV 1 • Ct 31 4. 427 ~ . , . „ • fW-A - MIZE N LICENSED .GOVERNMENT MEAT. '?FOR jaitoitt PENSIONS. DACE PA*, and SOlLlirTraemption A L o L tu ß cnosZi' s o'fll;:co ste u d: ll lZ e pr u n e m ai pa i t t i l t e t y erM e n t i gontrost,September 15th, 1563. E. & H. T. ANTHONY, 313.NVPACTI7.11ER!S OP Photographic Materials, aoi .11180A.DWA.14 . N.- Yr t Z_ ,--,_._ Ostrom me ,- 33.crtc4iribito*trok• • C‘oll Cataloguenow. embraces considerably over tour V/ Vhattiind :different subjects, (to which additions are heing..tontinually made,) of. _portraits of Spleen( Americans, etc. viz : 11 Major-Generals---10 0 litrgadter-Generals-L l AMAtoll' r i nnels)-- 84 Lieutenant-Colon 5-9.lNtitherofficers-110Na vy officers -6d5 Statesmen— , 2 , 7 Divines-110 Authors— :lo Artists—il2 Stage-46 ninout Womeu-1•47 Prom. ,Inent. Foreign Portmits-4600, copies of Works of art, ' includhigreprodmittone id the-most celebrated &gray- lugs. Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues' sent on receipt of stamp., An -.'oider for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will *laird on receipt of $ i.,80, and eent by midi, rnzt. • . ' ' : ' .Photographle Albums. Of these wo manufactnre a great variety, ranging in price from 60 cents to tz , ) each. Our Alin:Mae hate Ylie,reputation'of 'being - superior in beauty anddarability teeny others. Tile smaller kinds San bo senteafely by, mall at a portage of .six cents per • or. 'The more expensive Mtn be smithy express:. ' H ' Nire alto keepn large assortment of STERESCOPES &• STERESCOPIC VIEWS. Our Catalogue of these willbesent to any address on, receipt!of stamp; e t t .. A . .. • ; , -, - i :_ A .R. n. ,T.,ILNVIOXY." - . ' ' ' Manufacturers of Photographic Materials. •• r- - 3 i lsoi Th-mdway, New York. PriendCO; *chittymi t a Pro" minent 'Military men will cottfera-faxer by sendiug op their likenesses to Airzr.- - They will bekept earethily find returned t nlejnrea,l ita Fine Albamsyna.dt kto Order for Congregations to re sent to their-Pastor, or for other Imrpotice: with an bitthrserlyit ones de: ^- ' - '•'.l" Oils. 20,1808, - ,,, - :c6m ..,• , ... THER.URAL-Sll4O ER _! ii•ltEar''SCHOOL - SONG , BOOK , CONTAINII44 RIIDIMBTTB OF mrsic -1n to Simple arakeonejse s torm.; Al.o it,Dlearint variety of juvenile otedes.(sbmwr for phyroleal'exereisesi , de., mostly new. and prepared. for WO expreaslr In common schools and - toren - ft Classes. 'rho attention ottestbehlrrei pectitali called to tills work. • P. S.- Ws Book was tecemontended forties in schools nrignagla Coattq,ll(a .repolutien nnanintenalt idop.ed by_litta Tarlatan 00untygnstittititheld atkOlbstin Pa. -Prident 1.1 cents, otk per bun d., 11MM:tea lir.Abbey 44. Abbott, lti street.N. Y." • • let sale. wkolesale; and !doll, together with's anis - BESTMOS iIIEtODEONSIT KINDS OF _MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Isi the Music Store of B. Vt. BARRIITT, -N05.10,4883.-..lra) - NO3O Court-id, Binghamton. e 0 with hdifeittiiis bow tijcrlig l4°Us 'AßEL TLIRVA."oer,4 ENE