~~~ -A.L.Trio , rn I', IlleSit",„,•o4*Zt . Ftir;-14tW'sViisideil line' IL Stiktsti fital, 'and :that if is' eensdtntM . .W ~ 19‘ , been citron; and bis With pegreggviMigst -- have killed him." - , noi r " 4 0 ...2 4 ! You have saved s AS the 'doctor, " and if w ill Make& yo . nr , ' for. - tune. I hope it will. I bOlye it will." .-' , Dr. Keith was right. Twe.:lsi Inatitlia rtier that the brass tiati Aran `reiniived trona the little corer house- lt- 111 1/0 0 . UP I on shrubbery gate leading' to - Dr.ilestles old residence at the "ratite 114 4 - 4 1 : 1 8 town. There was. s bay horsecoveting-in front of that gate; and sitin binseatAlt. Percival. Heath, looking .as handsome - as ever, ancl'he was talking and laughing with theyoung surgeon. s 4 06 tne i n , Ilea*" said James,with sudden gravity, pulling a bell and pointing out. Mr. Meath's horse to a groom who answered the summons. "1 have a favor.to ask of you," he added, when they reached the house. .:_ ' Glad in hearit. 'Pm me so prawn independent that I never have admen to prove my friendship. Well, old fellow; what is it ?" " I am going to take s very important, step." " Not to retire just yet f" ( " No, now be seriotta." " Nor to take a, partner ?" " No. I mean yes," added James. " I MI going to take a partner, and I want tee to be gay best man on occasion. Now do you understand?" " I understand. But suppose I were going Cr) play principal in just such anoth er affair ?" " I know," said James, suddenly see ing before him a bright little figure, with face of misery and two white hands clasped on his sleeve. " I wish you all happiness. But knowing this, 1 what yop to do me this favorvery much. You - hare been the agent of my better fortune and it will be a good omen to have you at my wedding." "So be it." " And'now," said Jame*. " come and h>ok at my now carriage. It isn't exactly the thing I once set my mind upon tbrmy wife ; but one must be moderate at first, `yen know. Thid will do to begin with, ch? Only for you I should Borer hare had ono at all." . mm won FOR MEM& . . From the American Agricu l tu rist: Animale.—Shelter and food.* ' , e a and ventilation. The bettor the sbe ter for horses, neat-stook. and swine, theless food will they consume; if ventils provided, and they be kept clean; ; 4 will be healthier and more profitable. Pigs as well as horses show the good of clean bedding and dry pens in waiter. Cows in our climate and in the system of farming usually fdllowed, are during the Winter in a delicate condition : early preparation should be made so that an in jured or sick cow may be removed' from the rest to the hospital (s box-stall in an adjacent department.) This is beat even for slight injuries, for a cow may unexpec tedly slink her calf and others "follow suit.' Throw earth on slipper y paths about 'the watering-trough m freezing weather. Silk young cows to within five weeks of calving, to fix a long habit of milking. Feed generously, for not only the size and character of the calf is affect ed, bit the amount of the milk during the entire season following. Fence Timber.--As fence mending and setting is ono of the first duties after the frost is out of the ground, so a standing job lei the winter ts the getting out of a good' supply of posts, - tails and stakes. Let it not be forgotten. Feeding-R:oa and Troughs should be substantial, sheltered, under roof if poso tie, always kept clean. Grain-fields.—The wandering of cattle over the grain and grans-fields, particular ly when, covered with snow, and in thaw ing weather, is to be avoided. Snowdrift dams should be cleared away, and stand water drawn off. liorses.—All horses, 'young and old, should have Warm, emulate:Ms shelter, be cleaned daily, and if used, blaiketed, both in the stable mul.out.of it-.-the eta- Lie blanket being the lighter,:and not cov ering the neck. Colts and horses from which no labor is required, need no blank ets in moderate weather, or in a warm All heroes shordd be kept well shod, and the calkalhatp in winter. Idanures..-"tdt is besvto keep:manure un der cover and - etudosecli - so that, .1" slow fermentation :wine constantly going on. Tina.,active fermentation is very mint-sous; it ma -. ;checkedby cking it very rJose • 4, treading of animals, spread idtirkeeping bogs upon it, or working it over. The latter secures even.; peas of fermentation while it prevents bunting or ire-fang. Poultry.—To secure a supply of eggiL keep • bens in a light, warm, airy room, feed plentifully,..giving regularly some an imal food — oyster-shells pounded fine, or Peale other form of lime. A little pulver ized white arsenic in the whitewash will• destroy lice effectually. Fowls choose the highest. part of the house 40 roost in, and is there be not good ventilation, they . will sbmatimes.soffopte. Irge**und.e—ittlere' s your Evening • Paper42ll alma tho }rattle:! " tried one Qtthe neiraboya, the other: afternoon. fte he WM Veildb3r, wareC- Anil:An - 4 4 w hwAiiigihe etching slalom:lament, bonglit - s paper, and ra n viii iyolinatily, 'pier:Alit lead , linen sd die doiapatOes., recorked to the &Am hit if tenewailitieattne; * Where 3e= , !rilitsbot; Tiithl .• oree ii.b.. 4 l•Se :auk ". • ag :oft gesekaihi-eicj."" +_-: 1 i --,--' •• ' id' ,Er i a 2 : - L f iornrdS -.,...-., Z.7 -' ',', : • .7 , THE . . . GREAT ~Bizpvi .- - "(4! Veil= lf ALM. DPIIDADO. ~ _ N ON AND JOINTS.- ;, • • Ir.xl7 — wrir7 2 pre. \ wo S.- PI _. .4C - AI L _ DENTIMATTO Aririnwors DISORDTDS , Foe all tiottabit ts a 'Deady Mt oartatiletnelti.sid Meets MU. Ms Unman% la imam from tba reap gret:swiss sweet, of OMMeetteatt. tin Warms boas . W 3 ass UM aped is Vallractiee far maratbsadd years arab the most astoatablaganeamo. hi AS TM Olt -It la llotivalled bt say ,: the pub PAM lic. of *blab. th e moot a may be coovitmed by a staple trill. to Mimeo, wlll Mae rapidly eta radically Mum- COmeriasVett le' L l d7 . itubt-Aretiluelrd. :4ctic; aim FORXEMIJIGUA'W gad istnitollste ratter's every essa. Itawrter =num, _ ___- . It willwellirve tbOworst oases of pILDACkLii ht eflte atlantas lad tsmarraatatorialit. .. , -r , -., 1: !. alai itiiifieristrittittlt V d i mr , ./ 4- •. , DU==TY A. 01111ERAL • 0 ' '). • • . frost tor ohm ore:rem Ode a ens as . essUpsyssatakfllSitimedy. Actin* =Zs tba osT i rm a ttstaet, y s t_trembey2e LI ',' t° im3l4 ' 7 . • ~ - i. • • riatedy widths tbattt is tits and cballempt the:rorld toprodaea to - ad. Story vietba of tide distressing complain tWard pits Routs!. Om it trill mottail to afford lmmedl• Starilttf t sad ba a Majority of such will Mimi a - radical rate ' trem7 ST rularati t Urerema inUt - 7 47tta b r ime r s. the o that tsr m Dever tato cure. "1" CS. 1 "MilMetritilitni?eittrry obi t I II :1? t eg es 1 4111.121 S ." werWaste e tostt VI sent:red by tide Unman Is two or a Wee Osys_._ BOUM CUTS,. 'WOUND% 110223, ITLIZEIL ROM UV 14111115. - yield readily to the woiderfal *tau prOperties of VU. MEETS . INYALLIDIA =WPM whew and serOidliit to dinette's.. Also. CHILIZAI3III. - MU= Iriarri AIM =Cr Dim an sum Or, Stephen Sweet or Con'eticut, the Oteatltstitralßate Better. Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, to loam on oreo *Molted States: Stephen Sweet of Coneetient, Is Was*or of "Dr. Sweet's IshDibis I.lalutant." Dr. Sweet's infallible Liniment Cores Murat:tad= and never thrts. Bt. Sweet's bitable Liniment Is a certain remedy for Nannies. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cara auras end scalds lisunedlately. Dr. Sisteet's Linbizent lithe but tottott to telly for mutat and braises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment to tall. Cares Headache t ra m ediately and was never laurrn Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords tattnedtate rolls! for Plink and seldom foils to rare. ' DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Cares toothache In cateminuta DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Cares etas wounds Immediately and leans nonatr. DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Is the best remedyfcrr sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT flu been seed Vence Mammalian people, and all prase it. DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMEMT Taken Intemaly eixieteolle.s.bolera mashes end ebblem DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Is trays !friend In need," sad cry family ohatad tosrelt at moo. DR. SWEET'S LINIMENT U for Ws 14 an Thltglata. Price 5 sad 50 cents. A 'Friend* Need. Try it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, As an external rea l = Is without a rival , and will alle viate pain more y than any otbet prepandion. Fur all fibeumatican Natrona Disorders It is truly infallible and sea mantleefor sores wounds.sprains , bruises, be. its soothing. healing and gowerfal strengthening prop erties. excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have evergiven it a trial. Oyer onethousand cent/- eases of repiirble enrea.performad toy it within quint two years, ',Oat Itta fact. TO HORSE OWNERS 1 br. Sweet's Infollible Liniment for limit. Is mnivalled by any, lad in an eases of tameness arising from sprains, bruises. or wrenching. its effect is =glad and certain. nainessor =ldle galls. scratches. mange. etc., it will also ewe speedily. Ringbone and spavin may easily be prevented endeared In their incipient ste. gee, but confirmed discs areheyond the possibility of a •culicaleurs. No ease of the Inind,however, is so despe rateor liveless bat it may be alleviated by this liniment and its faithful application will always remove the lame ness and enable 'the horses to travel' ith comparative ease. • Every Horse Owner *bawd hays Misremedy at hand, for natio:Orme at the fiesta *flintiness will eficlually prevent those form ble dbosses.lo which all horses are liable, end which wortblem render sb many otherwise. valnahlabonies nearly DR. -SWEiIET9S INFALIBLE LINIMENT SOLDIERY'S. FRIEND ; : Asa ttumzeutds hue found It truly A4IIEO IN NEED kI3TIOII 1, To Imelslisapoiltkon. observe th_eire slidLikenesa of Dr . Stephen Sweet on every labeL and also " Stephen SweerelnfaMble Llntment" blown In the glass *Teich bottle. *Windt which none are genuine. EICILiENCIN &CO tole proieletors, Nand*. Ct. - • • IECIEGAN &ALLEN. General Agents. dee2 ypt) f ryy 43 Cliff *treat, New York. prima by dealers everywhere. TO TILE PIJBLIC. ABU TIFIUMM dlim=i%reaelred. =4ll ,atzwatAr seedtlaz • • • • ) „ , _ • %timed*. iieriliritheaii Of to which he Is en •sathrsditse with ssotidas. tow gicepthm:,... s. LL *path thinks to those who hue/km in Id/ninth their patronage. andr hopes tosnerit am. tansaapiwttlnstsliswth, Tke Public ate theßestren/thi shed Wth/I UAL /14Wes spa sziasimtivaalitue What* . _ , Cirese..estais,laikpoAlra . Dissolution. flrtiirt Thu ofu. wars di SON Is tab day dbvived by Meted cotticat dicta indebted to tho affgarta byte:do or amulet aro tcqueUcd to call at dm office over Wta; Cooper - tt Ws Seeking Ifouse, and . pay op.-. Peritaut *say be utado to U. of W. Smith, of the TAO dna of U. Smith 4, Bon. . • If. Slant. Montane, .Itteit Irt,lBBll. . W. fillttfll. 71:34011VWXNEIT'ill. "Mr . DENTAL BUSINESS In all Its branches wlIl be 1 tattled bit at the old °Mei, of H. Smith a Bon, by the undersigned. • Persons wistang.artifieltd Teeth are tiorited to i s glad examine Specimens and prices. All work promptly Dental eatly done, end warranted. I will do all kinds of Workat, as low figures as any one In this count elsewhere. aril is Inly the ditty of all to have their work done bt a WENT DENTIST. WW. SMITII, Resident Dentist, Jun 0161141963. tf Montrose. Pa. WJNT BROS. & BLAIR SaialEß-saahriNCOra t 3E 3 '12. 1 , Wholesale it Retail Dealers la al YID 741422 X MIL 'Cake' , STEEL, NAILS, suovuto4, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAIL COMITERSUN7r & T RAIL SPINES RAILROAD & MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, simmer AND Doxt.9. BOLTS, NUTS and ITASHESII, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IROYB RUBS,SPOKZ3, PELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, DM, .fe. ANVILS. VICES. STOCKS and DIES. DELLOWS, 11/MX=B. SLEDGES. FILES. gte. &c. CIRCULAR AND XILLSAWS, BFLTING, PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR & GaINDSTOI.47.9. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHERS FINDINGS FAIRBANK'S SCALES fkzunton, March 24, 1661 ly UNIVERSA CLOTHES WRINGER. No. I. Large Family Wringer No. 2. Medium. do No. 2) do do No. 8. Small do 010 • No- 8. Large Rotel do 14 00 No. 18. Medium Land*, to run by stem- 18 00 No. 22. Lame- -do i or band, 1 80 uk/ Nos. 831 and share no Cogs. All others are warrant ed. No. Bis theitse generally used In private families. °ranee Judd. of the "American A Menitoxist," says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER: " A child can readily wring out a tubliil ofelOtheilla a few minutes. It is in reality a clothes avert A time saver! and and strength Barer!' The easing of gar ments will alone pay a large per canine :on Its cost.— We think tho machine much more than pay. • for_lia4 every year in the saving of garments ! There are - sever-•• al kinds, nearly a li ke In general construction , but.are; consider it important that the Wringer be fitted .tr/th; Cogs, otherwise amass of garments imt clog tho surikthe ballets upon the crunit-sbaft,- slip alld'tlrar: the Clothes,' Or the eubtler 'Wreak Mese Taten the shalt.— Our own Is one of the first make, audit is us - goollail; new after nearly four years' constant use." Itrery Wringer with Cog Wheels is warranted In MIT particular ls. . No 'Wringer can be durable without 07z whee Alkood CM:MUIP? wanted In eyery town. or — On recent of the price from places where no tiatel is selling, we will send the Wringer fresof expense. For pa:nimbus and circulars address R. C. BROWNING, 84 Broadway N. T. Aug. 13, 18G1. Gm. • XX;elliC/Elleatiel • • fi m Bodin market. constantly on band.llladatzliCow dikec:ngt cam bo obtained ny kaki s= nir T i ? l: Pubtow, Cansumption a Curable Disease!: ! CARD TO CONSUMPTIVES The undersigned having ban - restored to health in a few Weeks, by a very - simple remedy, after havingant , fend severely with* severs lung affeetioli. and, . Shat dread - illsease; , Coustuaption.+ls anxious :to uske known to Ids Yellow sufferer's the pelmet care. To all who desire ft,he will send a JJ of the pre. icription used (free of charge.) with the ono f or pluparitirand cling the same; Whicbthry - will find:a' sure cure for Consumption, Atithma, Bronetatis..COlds_, *mho,- go. - The only object ottlie'advettiver in serid,' , lag fa lag Is to heifeattbe , alilleted.' and w pri ilyread information Which he con Yes to be inrainable .--4 - nd boblopes every su ff erer fry his remedy. as It trill cost them nothing. Saps prove a blessing. Partici, 'wishing the prescript on will please address -_. Rev.vntri'AMD A. VICLSoN. vplisumburgb. 4;4 filet. ` al 2 . .gisligt FM% New INA- 4s., , toT,siglm" • •_l-, i gniALV-S;# l -7 rt „ odi" Th e ersit A -re e Atineflean elle srumincorsidiakfiTs G E)110 1 i 114"44 4 # 6 # 8 3 -13 .0 S *IMMO 2 EIATISAMITLLA. -- • .4 aliarDava Lozmunna 1111:PaBAUM, ':--'%040,11_,,7-0 1 04rtnitatreoniPollgO - lirtiOjer, 1.1.30 - * O4l/11' ;44040 11 :,4 411 0,94 4c ; 07 . 6:044 % *Ri0ti 5 tiv i3tadder, gidaCyc, Aravel, and Dropsical ::::tplliugs. • litedtefine In .tio Dower of digestion. and excites the • , *into healthy actin% by which the watery or daeglOttli deposltlene. and all nneuttaral ea urge:neats are reduced. pal well aft pain and inditantloo, and is good for tam irony er children. ~,, . . • 1 use4Hutsultri. l - ' ' !ELMOOUP'S: EXTRACT BIJOU Arleirierom t . Eiceluiee, habits 'of Dieeipa , tion,'Earlyrludiseretion, or Abuse, • Attended with lb ng symptoms: Indisposition to Exertiro I Of Power. Lora of Alernosy„ Or teenity of Breathing. Vi'enkNerves, _ Trembling. Horror of Dlse.ii.e. ' Wakefulness. Dimness of Vlsitns, • Pilo In the Back, Iroise/sal lassitude of the Plumbing of the Body. Murculsrdysterni Eruptions on the Pete. Dot Bands..-- 1- phllidCoentecuitice, Dryness of the 144. • -- These stinomsi Ii altered to go on, *bleb this tood !tin!) invaria bly remotes, Soon follOW 111PoTENCIT 0 'FATUITY, SPILECTIC MS. A . To one of las the.Mitient may expire. 'Who eau say that'they are not frequently followed by those "direful Instruct,' C Insanity and Consumption• litany are Ware of the cane of their suffering. but none will confess. The records of the insane asylums attd_tbe nuelancholly deaths by Consumption, bras am pia witness to the truth of the assertion. The Conetitntion, once hfreeted with o . game weaknees, itcquitestbesild of medicine to strenethes end Invigor ate- the system. Which lIELMEIDLD'S EXTRACT MT CRU inviliably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. Females, Females, Females, Old or young, single, married, or contem plating marriage, la many affections pecullarto Females the Extract Ea ebu is unequalled by any other remedy, u to Chlororts or Retention, !trent. left, Painfttiness, or Suppression of the Customary - Evacuations. narrated or Schirrons state of the Uterus, Leuehorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints Incident to the sea, whether aris ing from Indiscretion. Debits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE Oft CIIANLE OF LIFE. SIM OTXFTO3II 010 R. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Tan no Vaisam. Mercury. or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. RELMBOLO'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES SECRET DISEASES Ti all their stages ; at little expense; little or on change in diet, no inconvenience. AND NO EXPOSITS= It ceases frequent desire. and gives strength to Urin ate, thereby removing obstructions. preventing and cu ring Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflam mation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expell ing Poisonous, diseased, arid worn-out matter. Thouaandsopon Thousands WRO RAVE ERIN TER non' OT 41;2117.416C111081, And who trays paid HEAVY PEES to be ens's!! In a short time, have found they were deceived. andfLUat aka Do!- Jon; has by the use of" Powerful Astringents." been I d r ies,up D the • *elem. to brads otit in an aggravatei forea.sind PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. S E HELMIRD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Pot all affections and Dlaimaes of The Urinary Organs. Wnetterewletingist ZIALIOD,REMIILRIrost wuatever mom originating. and no matter OP 1101VLOWEI STANDING. Diaemestefthese Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. IMJNOLFS EXTMICT BMW 18 TOE GREAT DIURETIC. And It le certain to have the desired effect In ell Dir emir. tor which It Is recommended. BLOOD! liLOOD: Ilehnbolda Highly Concentrated Compound rigid Extract Sarsaparilla. Wale &natio:Bon of the Blood, and attacks the Sex ual organs. Linings of the 2iose, Ears, Throat, Wind pips.andothea Mucus Surfaces. making its appearance in the formof Ulcers. lielmtmid's Extract Sareeparril• latotritica thrßlood and removes all _Sealy Eruptions of the.bkia giving to the Complcziop a (Hear anciLicalthy Color.. It beingprtmaredezpressly.for this class efeora- IdainUi. ifs Moot-Purifying Properties ara preserved to =Mr ealent.than anrother preparation of Hump& . fleimbold's Rose Wash. An excellestliotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, ands, =injection in Diseases of the 'Urinary Orzana, VAfnun habits ef disipation. need in connection L wEaltracts-BuchutUid Sarsaparilla. in sash me-easzetornmended. Evidence of tbe Most rozponsibleandrellable character Velatrompany the medicines. CRICIVICATES CUBES. Pgratillght to twenty years standing, - with names idtoWn tazetericealld fame. Foil[odicalProperties ofECUCLIR,sce Dtspensa2ui7 of the Unitedlitato. Sec Prollisor SEWERS'. valuable work on the Prac. tics of Physic. N. Seettrmarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC of flifladdpida. ;Settreatirlts made* Dr. EPHRAIM McDOWELL, a cian,and member of the Royal Came t e r mileari ffg~lointainand, and published in the Transactions of and; Queen's Journal. deaMcdico•Cirurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers. Fallow of the Royal Collegeof Surgeons, • -See most of the late Standard works ,on Medicine. ErrturoMnoriv. -$1 00 BOTTL6, on EIT.POr $5 00 •iiliumaratuiss,loo • " 5 00 • !*mild: Roar Want, 50 n 966 Or hallo dozenof each km $l2 ea se .ich will be er. tient toeare the most obstinat.if directions arc adigiettito. - 1219" Descritii symptoms In all 63=i:illations. Cares guanateeo, :AFFifiAITE • • Persons* appear before mean Alderman of the city orPhillidelphht. It T. lielabold. who, Being duly sworn dothrity, his pripststions contain no narcotic, no pier eery, krothe r ioyees drop, but are_purelv renetsble: H. T. HELMBOLD. Swords**bscribed inbefore coe. W thisM. P. Mid di'y BB of ov. • HIARD. Aldermen, Ninth-street. ribose_ Bate. Phila, Address. Letters forinforrastlon in confidence, _IkT. WAMBOLD. Chemist. • Depot IdlitiOnth •Tentb.strect, WOW Chestnut, nib. anninintMl ; ' t anii_oopitnaneuttet. , Who emdairot Ho, disoose. , .! of theirrown "and other ankles OA* rejletelien attained to Dinnbas tons • ‘ 4l ' SOW Wash.- DPICNVOI - - • Cut ant the sdrertisinnitall. itiB HOBS, It, trod 101Postilet tar arm". HlBeki M-Iy. EM!IIIMM= .• . • Sowassi torsale*oi the largest and bestadlita r * .. 1 j • Ever offered iii Susquehanna County, and probably cone prising th#greatest variety or most different articles of any Store in the Northern part of Pennsylvania: end per haps pf the entire State. An. assortment. Is kept in abort' thirty different; braneties of trade:And' the seloc- Gone are made from *bent forty of the best Noises in • New York, and more than fifty Dealers and Manafse tater* out of New York. A large prop4rtion of the .Goods are brought direct from the manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles; Onstomere on entering the Store must not expect to find everything • in sight. but newt!, every article wanted will be proincedlfy inquiry. ''Se idea of the Stock may be formed by , the fifilowing general outline, butenumeration is immacticable. • • Drugs and Medicines, Paints and Oils. Dye Stuffs, Grocorres. Liquor*, "rookery,Most -Ware. Wall and Window Paper. Jewelry, Silver Ware.PerfatnOtr• grolc7 ' Goods, Musical In otrumente, Entshett. 'American Pocket' Knives. Table' Cutlery and tillier Plated Ware, - 'Orape, • Materials for Lights, Hardware. Bed Cords,StoneWsro,' Dry GOods. Mirrors, Window Glass.' Lithographs. Nrnr-:' nishes. Bird Cages. Spectacles. Whips, and Lashes,' Broom.. Gans. Pistols. Ammunition, Tobacco, Medi tLand Surgical instrnments: Salt, 'Soap, Potash. Urn -Iwellas,Poreclain Teeth; to short. neatly ever)thirdt.to 'restore the sick, to please the lute. to delight the eye, to gratify the limey: and slsoto conduce to the real and • substantial corn forteof life; - • ' 'he attention of the public is respectfully invited to •my stork of Gocids, bought exelditlvelY l for cash down, and will be bold on the same principle for low prices. ABEL TURRELL; Montrose, January 151,180: - LICEN SE D AUCTIONEER. AL C. MUTTON, Having taken oats Metric for *ha piirpessi of ate tioneering, rind tuning liod nostril ycansexperlence in the heroines', now tenders his serviceit to the public In thateapacity. Noun but a Licensed 'Auctioneer. can att as, such. under a penalty of kW.. Bcc act of Congress, July-Ist 1552, Sees 5, 9. °Moro .by nail promptly attended to. iteildefiew Fetenoorille Pa, • M. C. SUTTON. April 7th, 18611. tf. E=)==E=M= A. 0., WARRE N, LICENSED GOVERNMENT AGENT FOR 33C101:TNIC"E" 9 PENSIONS, Beast, PAY, and VEULltarrateniptiOn Claims. A Li. Business Intrusted to Wm promptly ettenacti to. At Once tweet of the Court House, near Bentley & Fitch Montrose; September 16th, 1863. Watches, Jewelry, and . Silver Ware. TUE undersigned would respeethilly Invite roar attention to his well selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WTCIIES, Fine Gold JEWS!, - pr s ng t i Lf o t r b e e l n ery ea ki f i n d n e d n ui d o.;: r l l 3=ti o f f ul s i l l y erfnit. !so, Solid Silver Ware, cones to coin—and the best make of Silver Plated Ware. Each article is warranted to be as rePresetited. ' • Mr - Watches and Jewelry wrefully repaired and antis• faction guaranteed. JAMI HARLEY. (Successor to Stauffer it• Harley.) No. 6:4 Market Street, Philadelphia. Starch 4th, 1863. amf. • WM. H. COOPER flt, CO. • AGENTS FOE. Thompoon'a "Stack Star" Line - of Liverpool Packets. PorsoNs wishing to send for their Maids in the old country, can purchase passage ttckctab thu ahoye line from the subscribers. Also. Drafts on Ireland for wile in sums to suit. WM. D. COOPER CO.. bankers. Montrose, July 17, MI U DI llfw7 & WESTERN 3FLetll-3rczoca,cl. THE PASSENGER TRAIN T EAVES Great Bend at 7.40 a. m.. after tho arrival at 14 6.80 a. m. of the Cincinnati Express from the west, connecting at . Sc where it arrives at 10.10 a. ra., with a train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail road, for Pittston, Wyoming Valley. Kingston and Wilkesbarre, andby omnibus with the Delaware and Hudson railroad at Providence, for OljThant and Car bondale. At Hope station. this train connects Dv omni bus with the Belvidere Delaware Railroad for Phillips burg. Trenton and Philadelphia. At Now Hampton Junction, where it arrives at 2..25 p. m., the same train, connects with trains on the Central Road of Now Jersey , for Elizabeth. Newark, New York, Easton. Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Reading and thmaistmeg.— Passengers ,Dy this train arrive in Now York It 5.50, in Philadelphia at 11.40. and in Harrisburg at 8.10. Tip train leaving loot of Cortland street, New York. at 8.004. m .„ and toot of Walnut street. Philadelphia, at Ga. m.,,yronnectiug with the Passenger train of this road, leaVingNew Hampton Junction at 11.5) a. m., and arriv ing:at Scranton at 4.01 p. where it cornetts with a train 6n the Lackawanna andßkoomsbrug Railroad, and with thetannibus running to the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. This train arrives at Great Bend at 6.10 p. m., making a close connection with the mail train-going West on the Erie Railway. • AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leavesserinion at.lo.lCta. at.. connecting at Great Dead with the Day Express train west on the Erie By this train Passengers arrive at Ithaca, Syracuse. Buf falo. &e. the same day. Returning, this train leaves Great Bend at 120 p. tn., on the arrival of the New York Express going East, and Buffalo Express going West, and saliva at Scranton at L JO SO p. m. °HN BRISBIN, Sup't. B. A. HENRY. Gen'l Ti4et Agent. Scranton, May 4A,1669. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG WILA3X.TdEt.IOOBXI. (11 1 and after April 20, 1562, Passenger Trains will kl run as follow*: MOVING 8011711. Passenger. &tom. Leave Scranton, at 5.30 a. m. 12.00 a. in. " Kingston, at 6.40 Arrive 12.30 p.m. " Rupert. at 8.55 • " • Danville. at 9.24 a. in. Arrive a t Northumberland, 9.55 MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland 4.30 p. tn. " Danville, ; 5.10 " Rupert. j 5.45 Kingston. 805 1.45 p. m. Arrivelit Scrant on, 9.10 p. M. 3.80 p.m. passenger train also !EPICS Kingston at 8.20 a. m. for Scranton to connect watt trails for - New York. Beta,- log, leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.20 e. ra. Passcrogers taking train Vonth from Scranton at 5.30 Northumberland; reach Harrhollnrg_l9.3o p.m. Baltimore 8t+.30 m .. Washington 10 p: m.. VlairtuOrt they reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. tn. GEO. B. IRLNT, Sup% Ringaton, April 18, 1853. • Terrible Disclosures—Secrets for the Zillion. A MOST. valuable and wonderful pubihmtion. A work AIL of 400_p_ages. and 80 colored engravings. Dr. Hun. ter's Vide Mecnm, an original and popular treatise on Men and Woman. their physiology, functions. and Reim al disorders of every kind, with never-tufting remedies for their speedy cure. The practice of: Dr: Hunter has long been. and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest so licitation of numerous persons, be- has been induced' to extend his medical usofdlneas tbrough-:tbe"asedium of btu " Vade Mecum." It is a volume that should hoist the hands of every family in the land. assn preventive of secret vices, or tut a guide for the alleviation of .one. of tke most awful and destructive scourge* that - ever viata.: od mankind. One copy,. securely enveloped. will befor warded free of postage to any part of the United States for 80 cent. in P. 0. stamps. nr 8 copies for $l. /uldress. post paid. Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Division street, New TOriC" June 18,1885--17 11rOWAill) Aoloelitticlii,PhltaAelphsa, EL Diseases of tbeliervotis. Seminal. and sat nal sntems—n mend tellable treatment—ln Reports of the 110WASWASSOCIATION: Sent by mall in sealed letter envelcrnes. free of charge. Address Dr. J. SILIWN. frovostrossnewartAraloclatlon,No.leoutb %hatred, Phlladelphle Pa. ' • Nadia NM . ANDOZEiI atORPOKUSIIOI,te. ie.. for r: _.I HEG 4 Itontrotte, Miy MHO. ======l ,•,,,9 © s ail ASSORTItiArg, SPRING &MINORS, fAi, qmtp,4%•, AT A 7 ; from April vr;cce.; „ , • . , • • 1117 - Thts Reduction 1011114e.1441Akti:. , 1 • •. - ENTIRE{,i:STOO *web limit, tolitia THE mo s - iliiii4LTEßis V.,cJo " " 1 0-0 13 C!":, ON TI4E, 'or for ... PRODUCE. IL BITERIT T,. May; 184 breiv"Vill'ord, TIM GREAT AMERICAN , cjcorxipidsorry, )51 Vesoy stree Cliew , York, Since its onpiatattosi, hei evisteta pelf eta h: the hie. . . ~,-6 50 of . ‘_: WHOEESALING COUNTRY, intOdziee4 Oct"' 4leetliotr of Tr.l4,ind • selling ttical not ace I TWO CENTS PO' LIVL-MIOVE NOTMETi peculiarity id" t i tle CcinipiMY' le that their tL Tea-Taster not only devotes his time to -the seise. tion of their Teas as, to quality, value, MA 'peg liar entities of country, but be helps the 're:Thayer toctosee out of their enormous stock such Teas as are best es.p. ted to his particular aranta t andolnt poly this,.but points out to him the host baigaine. 4 • - It is easy to ace the incalculable advantage • Tes bap echos In title establlsludent over all others. Übe is 'an ROO of Tan, ar. Mae Market; V' his Blasi valuable, ho has Witte advantage of a well organized 'system of doing business, of an immense of The Judgment of a professional Tea Taster; and the kneel edge of superior salesmen. This enables ellTca' buyers-41e matter If they ere thonsands of miles from this market—us purchase er; good terms here as ttorNew York .merchants.. Parties • cab drder Teas, and'itill be served byte es well as though theyeiniso themselves, henget:re to g e t original psekagee, true weighter 7 ardltarcs : sad die Teas are warranted as epresented.. We issue a Peel List of the Companrs Tett, winch will be sent to all who order it, comprising limn, Young ;IlyzonGlanpowd „ „ er, Twank'fig • and - Skin, boplong, Souchung, Orange, Hyaoii.. Pekoe., d; japan Pect of ever, description. colored and nacoload.. This het has each kind of Tea diyided 'to ford Cher es, namely: Cargo. high Cargo. Fine, Finest—that ever one may tinders and from.description and the time as nexed. that the a nd are determined to under se ll the -whole Tea trade. , We ...uarantee to sell all our Teas at not over rro CENTS ce otes.Y per pound abovecost, believing this to he attractive to the many Who tare heretefats been purleg_enormons_profits. • • GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, ?tie r Nork, 0ct,.8.T4..8m. Importers Jobbers. . _ ..r..unsissixo* Examh:un g Surgeon 1 TE subscriber having been _ eppointedhy Ahe Cow L missioner of Pensions. a MEDICAL EXAMINEE it lame. to examine and give certificates to all entitled to Pensions, will attend to all appllcationa th at znti o presented .0 him, at Montrose, Pa. Rooms at',l. B. To bell's Hotel. E. Montrose, April 6. 1863.-41., ; NEW, FIRM. BALDWIN; ALLEN& -BARNHART, WEST SIDE OP PUBLIC AVENUE, DEALERS M - FLOUR,FEED* SALT, . Garden Seeds, Wheat, Clovex, Timothy ic Flax Seed, Peas, Lard, Candles, PPRK, MIMS, DREED.BEEL Fish, Smoked halibut, Syrups, Molasses -'arid • Sugars,/ TEAS, CoIcEEE, SPICES; R.B 9 NIS AND NAILS. - Cash Paid far Batter. A. BALDWIN, WU. L. ALLEN, P. lIARNIIIST. Montrose, Aprlll4, 1643.. - • TO DAIRYMEN. wtokveon Co e nsi t en t): tae0.1371111 Butle r gr to 51:1 season. York furnish . n pails free to all who are rang ofdohig either. To those who want IA send vs will guarantee the MgAssf market prier gad prompt 11 ' turns. they pa3iug freight and commission. gatrWe will advance money on consignments it wanted, and hold ourselves responsible for all DPW and Pails owned by dairymen and sent by us. B.ILDIVIN# AILED! & BARSILASS. Montrose, April lath, 1863.. • , . • lir C. TYLER has specified intermits with et, .1.21. the , lame as with our predeceasont;4ooN3 2 , contr. & C0...11 3 / I ZrawYbre Cl*" 101-7. Dealers, en would be happy to lee h old triemie, or *emir* their artier& which we will exudes the very beat manner in his absence. LOZDEIIDADE, GILIIRRT CO, 23 Park Row, N. 2. Jan. lit, 1233. Meek! for past favors; tha cabs her would molt respeetfali call the attention of all prompt ixtylrioUa . chants an d Traders, to the above notice. Orders ter Hardware will be received here, and forwarded (ifm. proved,) except during the months of April. Delay. Sept. and Oct. During those mouth. heroin be remit happy to see lib Mends' and serve them tit 23 rarlrrtow!W - . Tort. Re ectfully. Montrose, sp Feb. rfth, NEW - MILFOTM t' 'JO VO refit undersigted would Merin the that be stln 'caries on the Fool:eV:in New Milford Borough. Der the corners. I lumrtin hand, and am continually mom factoring, Plows and . Plow Points, - CULTiVATORS. And:oo WORkfinished on short notice. All wall watrantF"? ho good ' nautili And . "It 'TINGLEY. • Sew MllfOrd, April:l4.lBd3. °';' , 4IKtYSTON t • 149 TE 1.3 - • - - • 'At Montrose, Pa, - • :lii7Elll.2 l olEl o ProArrteten • THIS newand commodious Hotel la situated en t nblle A. Avenue. neer the Court House. and nearly - 1n centre 01 thobualpess portion °Montrose. The Proprieteris coplidenttbnt be to prepared to entertain guests le a we, thgcannoifall to give prepa red . Tbejlotel and .1. =Moro are new. and no erpeope Dre been spared torender It/equal if not superior to any In Oda part of the/lento. Ilia well supplted with ill roes' Improvements and comforts, and obliging .waiters will always be resdlto respond to the call of ePettdoerL The Stables conhected with title bona are new Ind convenient. •• • 1•z•4 -; t • . • • • .Tbe Proprietor reielfelly• solicits • the patrbarge ei his old trtendeitraMere; and the pia quer - 111v jean I 4 4.? v , Won Vir,OZ 11 1 11ThOW _PAPER nititTeipp - TURHIILLI MMem9 and twlli as soia. LARGE tiEDMION TVCPTICC)3I3:II. /be LEE=