The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 19, 1863, Image 1

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A. J. GERR7,711,,50N,,,.P.14131i5t.ket.t
BusiNgss CARDS.
1111kLER In Plow, Feed. end gent Barra arid baby
jj Salt, Timothy and.Cloveriileed,_Grocerlea, , Provbr ,
tem Mat, YAW Petroleum 011. Wooden and-Stone
Were, Yankee Notions. Re. an. 113111.0ppostto Railroad
D e pot, New Milford, Pa. , Nth 14.1883.-Iy.
a. IP. V. hurt.
PBALIII4 DryGooda titetiettea Hardware, Reed/
Made Clothlaa. Boots 411- *Mem Baas a Capa
oodasvalow vra..ircm. Nene. 801*a trUto Leath'
Plearittel Salk ell et which they - eau at the
UtirMialtir►ogre Z0r101.111141111
L Ohms BriatlitatldlogOlotitteee, Pa
[Tort Omer address, Caudal!, or Youth Mean, Burg's
County, Penn's.)
Feb. 3, 1.11111.-4ylo
niNlCEßS,—"Montrose, Pa. finixessersto`Post.Cooper
co. Office, Lathrop:one* %ending, Turnpike•st.
TTORNETS and Conneehoro at Law,--3Lintroae Pa
AOffice in Lathrop? new building, over the Babb.'
ouItGEON DENTlSiS,—Montrose ,
j,7 4 0131ce in Lathrops • new building, over
the liana. All Dental operations will bo
perforated in good style and warranted.
13AstiroNABLE TAILOII..- 7 1fontroec, Pa... Shop
r ever I. N. Bn Grocery,ori Mairt-itreet.
Tasnktal for past favors, he solicits a'continuanca
—pledging himself to do all work satisfactorily. Cut
'praxis on short notice, and warranted to fit.
Xtintrose. Pa,. Jay. 2th,1860. 7 -tf. , .
P. `L NES, _
r 15MONABLE TATLOR.—Montrose, Pa. Shop
1 in Pheenis Ploelt., , over store of Read, WatrouB
?niter. AU watt warranted, as to lit 'and.finish,
Cutting done on short notice, in best style. jan '6O
FSSITIONATILE TATLOtt,-3iontrose, Pa. Shop
near the Baptist'Meeting Bons°. on Turnpike
trees. All orders fitted promptly. in Arid-rate style.
Cutting done on short notice. .Ind warranted to 'fit.
L. B. ISI3ELL, --
1) SPAM Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry at the
1111., shortest notice. and en reasonahle terms. All fa,
sort warranted: Shop In Chandler and .3 esomp's
.t re, Mainmast, Pa. - 0e25 a
, of ttelnstreet, Montrose, Pa. an: tf
. .
te d
ituccurAcTutsit ItnnoTs & SITOES. Montrose,
i Pa. -Shop 'elm.. sitrir Mops.., Ail-kima. ..4..4.,
made to order, and . ring done neatly. lel y
TNT:ALF:It In Drags, Medicines. Chemicals, Dye
.11 Millfs, Glass Ware, Paints, 0111, Varnish. Win
eor Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Peen- r
.mry. ke.—Agentfor ntl thi roost popular FATENT
r.bicciss.—MOntzwes. Pa. aug
. ,
r ,viN 7 located perrnanetity at' New 311Itoid,
11.011 ttend promptlutp all calla with which ha mat
ha favored. Ornee-ItteTodde'lfiltd; • ' •
Saw Milford, JR17,41,
ATE 011...elltr1TE of the 'MEDICAL DEPARTMENT
I/ T XLE COLLEGE, have formed a copartnenthip
the prectice °Medicine andSurgery,andareprepared
annul t e art bueinens faithfully and punctually, that
may b.) intrusted to their Care, on terms commensurate
w: th :110 LIMOS.
and deform/tine of the ETE, surgical oPera
hone. and nUnargiceldleenses,partictdarlyntteDded to.
fira Oleo over Vreleb's Store. Of flee hour" from Ba.
Co p. at All sorts of country produce takenln pay
ment, at the highest, ratan, and ciasu NOT ANTLIIID.
Ventrose, Pa. , May 7th, 1869 —ti
fle•asis. =Qai for 371.1cless,
Sheep t'Alts, Tot. lilnk;;MiuslgroLand all kinds 01
FUri. A. good assortment of Leather and Boots sod
ames constantly on Land. Mee -,- Tannery, & Shop on
Main Street. ' •
Montrose. Feb:Cfh. — re L:t".-REETZB
Eai EitabiibedinAMerialliiitaige•
Th• Oldest insuraw'Co;inai
... sisxmat
owe ov*E .: " t r.! • *** '
pas rates ars as 441-erMilaV - 11.01,11 - 4 : 611 4 2137 In.
New York, or OserlibiticirlsTh_, 41411 7. 1 . " gam - 1 - 1001 - i t
the km for how
CRAELIS Pr.trr, *et f-
Montrose, lett, 139.3117115111-11 k
moul icipirtt
asszartitza* neo, o,4a,nasr; '
u.Asnams," " . Amult
48 . 4 4. In Wilnutzt.lloilato".
itt&lttiew,ott l by - the 'otaersies;_
is effiel,.in thetakill'oCk; ISfontro*Pa.
BitLikeg Sirliol7ll, Agi44;
, ' . l3.Petteligillt: Co.'
NO. NewVark. anal fitatestioei;
Bestml r ate 4 9mAgents fertile Ifenittbseßenwerot in
Abase cities, tam Aro -atitberizea'te take advertisements
sad sobieriptioastorkjts at mkt lowest otos. •
• • •
To zugiondareiand-and &wan&
A. Boatuitit's gore. siwittlt
to wrA 1 4122.7= T :=3/1 1 44:Cay P
H. 099, t 4pga cowpox-4w. ;1:4-
aorear. , Nkintroac,ft.
of ett,4o. • .
. • -
CAISB aainlffsaia
• Old Caleb Grerniarsh dwelt in the New
england villag e of M---7-7,Aukrol, by his
own atone - w alled, blaCk-chunneyed Meta
ry which belched forth fi re and smoke all
. .
day,_ d.. Shoat like . sornei.;' ogre s pala c e
half the night • with the fires and lights
which glimmered through- the, windows,
and shed a crimson :gleam over the waste
and barren land about the buildings. For
it was a stirring place, this factory, and
the workisoplerwere etneng the Whirr
ing( intelunery.night•, and day—st ro ng,
stalwart fellows,' w begrimed hands and
facer—old men, who could just, totter, up
the stairs—women, tidy and trim,: and
some of theinverl, - petty, :ea :the little
'Children - , who, had, they been born of
wealthy parents, would only have, been
permitted to leave the nursery under the
guardianship of a maid.
There was ocetipaticin for all 111 af t
the great factory, and, in the eyes pf•his
employee's; Caleb Graymarah was •a man
of migliiY iilealtlt and. power. 'Fabulous
tales were told of his possessions in real
estate, and the women folks had a legend
among them that'the tea service, which
• some' of thent „ :'had seen, glittering on the
factory ; table, , ;was made of : solid dollars,
melted down fOr the express purpose, and
that , throughout the house the.fnrniture
was covered with real silk velvet. — lt was
a pity, they said, that .poor Mrs. Gray
-marsh could not have, lived to Sea all this,
but She had died`Wlien Caleb was a
nian, struggling for the fortune which
was now his. A few years before there
had been 'a simple white slab in the grave
yard, bearing_ the .words, 'Gray
marsh., tiger 20." 'Butt of - late; a splendid
marble monument had arisen there, with
a flowery inscription on its face, and the I
figure of an angel bending over it. A '
showy thing, with nothing artistic about
it; yet though the dead girl, who
have been an elderly woman by this time
had she lived, slept no more peacefully
under the costly structure than she had
beneath the simple slab; . there was some
thing in the sight when one thought that
by its erection the old man had striven
to make his lost wife- participate in
the only possible way in the wealth,viltieli
peso valued.
men as - young lovers—strange to Lotievo
that smiles or frowns froin ono Woman
were once of greater moment toithem
than the rise or*fall of stocks has now be
- come. And. the grim old facto's, whose
brows were puckered into 'a continual
froWn, and whose month had become:al
straight ' stern line, With grooves': like
wrinkles oilier side of it; scarce looked,l
"the - hero of a love _tale." Yet Caleb -
Graymarsh had been young °nee, and had,
loved -his little. Kitty! with a strong, manly
earnestness. ~ •
She was the sole love of his life; the only
woman who' had ever made . his heart
beat. When 'he won her, simple country
girl though she , was, no monarch was fon
der of his queen, although all but his wife
believed him cold-hearted, and wondered
what chatm the
,young, blue-eyed Kit
ty had found in his stern face. Only Ca
leb Graymarsh himself knew how well ho
loved his wife, and when the sod was
piled above her breast, knelt above it,.
tesirless and speechless, and prayed silent
ly that God, would let. him die also.
We talk of'wishing for death 'very ef
too, but psly those - Who have drained. the
cop otioffering lo.the very dregs . ; ever
pray for it so..eareestly-tbaCtber. would
not shrink:and - tremble if their sinfulpray
er were answered, and thabolt, weresseen
deSeending. 'One of those sad and terrible
moments` came to Caleb Gt4tnarsh isle
:kaeltialvve'his X-Sneircr*Afe's7grare,' , but
'none wlio-knewlum -over "guessed - it=
The' 64vii, `few mraP4oll"dtenvard.cir
plant, homely , working tun; with ` a crape
, about 114 ;),tv'tXistl .41141 7 ;plodslowly hoinelkat4, ,site eramaetainro, in
his•eyefFitia-li&tliil6 o complaint from
._hisiiwythotkOst be AM untf ‘ eettintelii;and
. isoleaM7*`:" l , at * Cal& bat: ,
that,:woit::;rterk . fivietwb• wadi's!.
tieoo4lok:the wailla i ttabi;fri
womanni the
atii.lo or it; yrhPci,lin
"follawiA' - 014W:4 1 :r - the grace, and
tallied it all.mighti,:feeling . a strAti , o - noni.'
.1. 00 .4 1 th e 8 0 1,: 0 11 eikbitheld
Own, and in - -ill° imaxmietli.lfrkihilti 'Of
ihoie' falgersibotitldi itace:-.
Tfi.1 0 55 1 10/° 2 0" 7 01 1 104. 0 1,00 3 tati
save ass pet and ,;a.
Poldllgati!i.tliTar ,,l FPA ' A i t i nk l i ' raitini
14avd; 'GO " 10 ' 14 exPeriereß4: 6 o*-,ttietf
[ in tOrnaiit; I :4*-41414 groii ierh4s , -
-to' hAve ter lot:Mall! fgat.tßes.„ ,
;• lie *oh:4
4r , bl:4y and : yet
i,ven now be felt:be 4 lN*Po ,, qlkit* , 4*Soi
late z ;sincellnil Ea left inin - ..t4 - .49,4;i.:4
en iiinbeams 9rept tli* 3 2,l l iltb - 0: . k0 - 41boax":
theY:tel. l .l l Ati:Cai' C O M YP4 tB 4::
Oe put. the Ail& to murneth p . e;t day,
an Inreitlibcßiihilcio4l4l l l(4o4;;Vhat .,
evmr'were.hisiselings,._ini never spoke of
'Oen' tek'egiAttrw#ar:,,r* 4 : ll dlit i N e
bad g4r4(11/104F11:91iriAi/4*.-Wbich
encouraged tfonc;itc-see is *lol4once.
SundaYk instead
.Of the other,itnew4o,i , drinktprisktrOli or
join the few *bni:miniteit Ca
lelliCirOtrintigf Went 30 tbitOuntrAl4% was it !aniee t aitd
• ,-
.vh; . er4
MONTROSE, PA 4 -TOURADAti-N0V:;49,.1563.
with him Under the green-=trees all the
day. long.. And this :little innocent
child, Unconscious as it really must have
been, was so strangely happy and conten
ted might easily have imagined
that its little eyes could see and read-the
.tender secret of the rough workingman's'
Year and year passed by, , and plodding
care and : industry }wiped Caleb Graymarsh
to climb r the ladder of fortune. 'At &St,
some deft handiWork brought bin) .higher
wages; then he became foreman, i skid tit
last at partner in the verr eitablishmefit
which ha/lad - entered afnendlesa boy, or
dered and cuffed about by - any one who
chose to take the trouble. The steps were
short and eastafter this, - and twenty
years from the day on which lie had knelt
beside his young wife's 'grave, the black
chimneys of ':his own factory arose above
the roots of.the trim New England-town,
and the people spoke of Caleb , Ontymarsh
as a person of wealth and influence.
.In his life this man had 'married two
strong passions—the love for hiS dead
wife, and the greed for wealth ; not a mi
ser's love of hoarding, - but the pride of
possession. Caleb Graymarsh liked to
see envious eyes:turned upon hi{p, and
was fund of boasting and display. Very
little sympathy had be; either-, for a poor
man. What he had done he believed oth
ers might do also. e Those who worked
for him kneiv this, and' expected no :kind
ness from him. He was strietlyjust, and
sometimes even rewarded Success by lib
erality, but ho never:commisserated fail
'tire or misfortune. Pew 'heartily liked
him, but all,. with one accord,' seemed to
warm towards his son, young Harry Gray
marsh, a genial, good-humored fellow;
just come to man's estate, and handsome
enough to turn the heads of all the girls
in, At . lle was, as Caleb hoped
lie would be, his mother's irhage. He had
her,hltie eyes and fair hair, her gentle
smile and impulsive heart. Old Caleb had
merely education enough to enable him to
read and write and cypher in an imperfect
manner ; but his son had bee'n taught as
well and thoroughly as any lad in the
_Tho grim factor looked what. he
was, a working man rising to prosperous
circumstances; and wearing good clothes,
hi* the
,son might have 'beep , of royal
blood for anythipir you goes*,
oft tn' tl. a_n6nt r•kry- -- 0,4
lege, young Harry drayniarsh was often:
seen in the factOry, passing, with a kindly
look and a laugh, along the line of the
grim workingmen who toiled in the lower
part . of the htige,building,. or pausing to
chat With sooleliluSliini c 4 ., - girl, who itiotedi
With lighted graceful artuslAred
toil "dimple elhow, amongst the :Whirr
ing wheels 'andipiedles aeon, the uPper
floor. Even the bent old men and the
palelfactory ••ehildien had ti word:train him,
and. many 'a conitortabhi . •'hlanket and'
warm: shawl 'found its Nitay at Christ Mas,,
to the dwelling orsente old ivorkwanuin; .:
" dreadful bad with . the rhenmatiz," at the .
bidding ,of "young Master Harry." 'There
came at last amongst toe forces in the wo
men's room,- one who, to the rapturous
eyes of Harry Graymarsh, was wondrous
ly beautiful. An' Italian sort of facecwith
liquid eyes, and hair so dark:a:Vint
there really wasapurple gloss on it id the
sunshine:, It was the face which first- at
.father's son,. but it was the
soul' that,riveted the chain which beauty
first twined around the heart..
She was not iknorant, and ixiot, though
she; was, there was innate-.refinement in
every 'rnoventen!. : And flow -de-.
greds'frern 'a siut.o4lint,erebaneof wor4s,
t hey . 0 1 1 4 4, 1, 0 'whts&c§d. ,ftigiersation
,aide, arid liiatarnawr evening
rambles In the greCa,,Wo94 and
foris lie !, 4 4
.ti)l4 . her: bow .. : beantifill
. to:hirn, ad him tenderly .he laved
,ber - .; rod the : girl by. blushes i a id Agent*
rather. thaw. words, had revealed the !On
cret her heart 3 . 4 -- ,
And 'then; •onil gloriaal 4.ay,..a*en tho
pan was setting forth and gm* goof', of
.birds ire* eyin g • topsoiardT:**isi e
Aottaiesi *ofrii;;
Astil*iirefealt nfia*,`and'aifity 0104.14
Ipsir l owketret*li*O*WiteringOint,
:of 1 .4'49r0' Pr l * ll isitilAnCe,Aip6
itieriitOtitped44**Xat4i;:tiOd4o)er, ,. .:
i6 e ity did! 40 . :iii*Es4"; l jnottid t eizst
foitteli'VO;f#l6 -- ;nofer, thought.'"iie .le.
Tick'-AnciT4o Ij4' ,o o l Y ffk+i 4 f.lik
thOd tx*iireeir444l - 4slitiip'
1 dti ti iiot :know: i#e ' ail' - .never, been.
parental authorltY--shptilArTit"*l
- ritattetliatn eft itifpgre;;besides*
rwactliereiiiiiindeSt;'lieititihl 41166,16',
banitAidiideth4 -river'4 l ititb hio arini,abo4
:the Twalkt
eyen and saw his fatber . standing'l?'6.•
=:aad' s :oAirdifiedi
"bit'ilotalarni6LlL.Q•i )
The: old:Aniii- raniihettiar stiftl - t ) sis ire;
irad):appearei9i)and = r Mice didt'nbt' 1
anditanisisover th'eleadotlitirrY
- rnarsiabat erening;l!..3:4f;/ 13 -
riebefit rr
• near: Att Almiplae . 4-fPlil4.l,4l 7 Grrhy;
maritl444oAing*Oigoti lith4agf Wore,
his son,
ti'Spip ii4t7f,sigt);hani4:ftid:4:oittriaV.
ing• lovetoe girl in my own , factory,' mid
:you say yea menn to marry her-=yen ac
tually say that to my face. '
" I repeat it," replied Harry, "we are
betrotbett" • .
There were hot • words between the fa-
Aber an& son after that;, mitts, and re
proacheshibe first which • had ever passed
their,lipOnd the sutswent down - nn their
Theyparted for the night in anger, and
neitho;stepti-, his an•siifathing when
those wbb.:lovey first quarrel, and the
wounds are made which are the harder to
heal forte. 'memory of past tenderness.
Old arayMarsh had been ;a his own way
a tender, isther E and : Harry alwayst duti
ful son. A stem parent and a bad child
could have been reconciled more easily. '
Sincnithence bad given him the oppor
•tunity toilistaore idle, old: Caleb bad felt
some touches of the gout, and • one of
them twinged and- tweaked him the next
morning. .Therefore be sent a grudging
message to Harry, telling him that be
must go in his place to the factory that
morning and received an angry but
obedient answer, Then, before Harry
was off, a servent left the house with a
note for Alice Lee, bidding her not to go
to work that day, but present herself be
fore him in an hour's time. She must be
got rid of he thought. He would bribe
her to go to some distant place. This
was no coarse creaturesambitions of wealth
and setting snares for the rich mei's son
something of the soul of Harry's moth
er shone upon the old man from her earn
est eyes, and" be felt somewhat soften
. .
They were together in a little room,
the window of which looked on the factory
she was standing near,the casement with
her eycs.npon the dark pile; he seated at
the table trifling with some papers and
wondering how to begin. In the silence,
the whirr, whirr of the machinery came
plainlStlO their ears, and
. 'Caleh piong ht
the.noise was;st rangely loud and ,distincti
Ile 'remenibered that it did not trouble
him more at that moment. As:it, was; he
only what shall I say ;why
ibes that girl in-her shabby dresAJdok so
- hell like a lady that I am afraid of. in-
Salting her by words that secinedso-easy
to say a While ago ?" , . .
Softet9l. "though '.galeb;:wris, lie..wasi
'.s.i;tralirnuia Prd:iiiiiii.-a- c ha nge malefirmly i
nolf.'' He opened his,lips, : ,elesed them
again, Cleared his throat and began.
" Miss Alice' ' Ilia,ve . something I.P
say . I shall. mike., you aligryis.i
suppose, but 1 - • Caret..." held it... , . Yo.Wil .
please attend to nieP -
She did not, him,.. hut. ; stood
staring, in`ii ',awful: manner from :the:
window: ' ' "._ • . .„ - ,1 - 1 • `,•
"I arn,spe.a -tug o you-, . ry.,.,y0u,, mar,
me.?" the old' Man-repetei, Init . before
the words bad lefthielipti, Alice had timi. , ..
ed and caught him, by . „the arm, and then.,
with an - awful roar, like the voice of some
fiend, ail explosion occurred, which shook .
the house, a chorus ofwailing i screams and.
groanS„ and then a terrible silence.. -• .
There Were ' great blaek', torrents of
smake pOnring from the
. ..windowrr, , of. a.
factory ; 'and the, wall. townid the' side'
where most. of the great engines were; ,
bulged, tottered and fell and the roof cav- .
ed in ,and before them in , an instant,*
tbtmgh ' . smite 'fiend had, been ut..
stood a Tuiritinek' and Iprrible,R. ~synok,
ingnild Steaming mass, and ,seemiog ,with,'
its awful yawning , jaws to gmlan.., and.
scream. And from -the lipi,oc.the, father,,
and those,. of thmhethiothed.inaiden broke 1
one Niord . v .simillpiO 01117: I‘, 44277-r a i , • I
It Mated Alifin :10, - ,b,,,e, ioy„...d.
terror Thitiy einnOtio ei, feeling,tbe:
link -betWeeri them for the first. ; Ow e —
Both loved ltinOtit htfotil what was
he bind t -a livinirbreatitibilieing; vii" 'A
'mass of crushed flesh; *tideless, • helides!; .
lost.. ti ...them. i' forevert' ' . Ttighth& 'they.
reshot out into theifien sits;: olapreg hint
or Witat-reniained Of isits. , u':'_.'" ' 2'; _ - : . . I
- • Oh thelswilit;eight thatlii:iiiinhiliar ';inti
ihotte , upottli , :'Netif i'"dead ''ittitflOni,'l
and Mut il ated; laylitritisbeditlibtk;
the ground ~ . The larettiett , ; , ifthi':`idl.'l44 - ,
Oamaintothetureieri Atitift6 with' their ~ atis.
'armeovetwith tOpieudeVetlik iiiii ' ' . 'V'
iesi ow. their bestimoOttiilitiehiftl 6 *Wk.
ingisobbtng 'ad • 1 fitihatiki ; eilif 1 'W',
'Oorpsehliwineti•tur bike iiefeier 'h ' " ilk
Ireetbiatmeng "Orin • *WI,' 'Bi44 - lhotlif
b ut hor n bie. , Mack)l , -; t otiPleihn:,ll4l
*beheeduns& titd: fieC tVotitidid; hOt t etij .
bit forgireanoAmdetk' theitiiiifesludc 'knit: -
' bisirthateolieristglituS*r Viii" Vita etif
Won:elated - one itathimixthis- Viiiii aide'
intghtyfultertiiiiidthiViild 'Min; ilidlini ,
aloudfor help ti tawelio Hill- '..l''''' . ' '-
- - . ,--,,,. ~,, ~ .t--....0 , :,,,: , ! - , ,
!zr- "111 - tif . qiiiii toiartor "ta
~,,„81,7. , .1544,
one Atif :Wel Woilitiien; i oB4 YernhMed;,iin-,:,
'tiuriii Rd *eat' tio*lr 'Co4 . 4Aliii#l44,
iiiaitet I itilletrilieo,ittliiirstpq poi),
,'and'Oevet liailiii4Ag*?! - :',.'':'::-.1„ fi
--- "fr Ol i ~ 0., O. OIL., Joliwt , ,,, PPIPA
dArto .4l fp. i. ..tber: I,ct itico9Bcei.Alkey,- ,
'OhailidieliOrY;-' -- : 4 tt.k94unmPg4ol
00 ( iliAlqutkvii OitTOßTPtalsge,
11 1 ' i iarre q f ' *,'o4,f` ~eqff*imudai3B
thei;:,`0 1 61 1 ,4,„:0,* 17,,y,i1Applike 04.4 A ,
,r ) .4
1 1 mtY91 1 • 45 ,r;*, - 40r PlAilig•1 110 6 - i'rillIITTrz I
'thi4rebil'xi.'ngairi.,', - AO 4f 14111'4, a ;_)4. ,
, t V'ed 6 1; 011 8 . 4 i f .; iiii i '•-- • - '
9 . , , •
4.43 tl It
.- •, • ,11 :1 1rYni. - .) Iti I-
I "nth' uffis 'dui burden 'o is tay.t,w wi der.
labor,erf,k Were bard : *
s vp Ordigging p,w4y'i i
yaiifi; ifirrbritistrig""ood •og/kaa..oYil
the iCerg:: ( l!ileiiiOonpoApltittlpy i TPOP4s4"
,- 0 .....%14,0 1 1 , ) '',. ---, —,- • ~=?••• .•'' , f -- .1, - .':' '• 1
.-• . •-• .. •• • ••
Bentitiful girls with: torn limbs i and chil
dren so
in...thiaawful.deatb, that ev
ery one was. claimed and struggled for by
'twenty mothers. .• •
All ' day king '• they'-dug and lifted
iron ,weighti .and ::maases :of ,titone,. 'but
there was no sign of Harry's body
At the botoin,of that awful- pileno doubt
6614 mangled 'into shapelessness. 44qe
knew that it must be so;butthe oldinun
Jcept Saying 'still, they. ijhall'iaVeilarri-."
Dusk had come,' and they. iv,orked .
torch-light now. All,. ,had been , found
dead or dying, , Wonudettand maintecle.-
Th 4 were carried to. tlietr homes. ',Yet
still` the eiOWd • .witi(thick about the rain ,
waiting for'theMent • when • What was
left ofilatry: *Ott.
intd the open nit; • ' ' ' "s
An awful silence prevailed; ; -Only
click of thee pickaie'''brokelt.
Suddenly there' iftia a stiontit lift!flg
of those hundred Voices. 'They had' coine
to the lower door of the buildingaridpart
of it . rethained'entite. ''Tbere was. &little
hope=--pest more than a' Mite; for listen
ing, heard a faint 'voice 'calling to
so it seemed, though the Words
were inaudible:' Faster nOW—there a
great: rafter to lift, and piles of stones and
machinery to cast out. But. that .voice in
spires them.• They work as they never
worked before, and 'last they hear the
ery:again. It comes from - the part of the
cellar where the' &or raniains. 'And.Otie
great Man,.' erciiicliineOn . his face, forces
himself down into the blaCkness and
screams, " who igth'el'e?7
And the' :answer" is rettifned 'from , the
awful cavern---" Harry 0-raytnarsh. 'Help
me if you can."... ' • - -
Then the men
.came out with a 'glorious
shout, and. set:to work like giants ; :and
even the .women . Came to help, as, they
thought . of 08 'fair 'young face, buried, in
that darkness. • He, may be . maimed and
wounded, but. atleast ho lives..-Aml - there
is no . pause,.no ~respite from toil.; , At - an;
other- time many there. ,wonld faint. be
neath. bat' not notv , for every lifted
stone brings their closer to the turfed
man, and give iiird'a"firrriet - lease on' life.
As the morning :broke . the last is heaved
aside, and. the,hronzed .. giant, who before
creptonto . the. cavern,. leap.s l down : , now
and Vanishes_ th e - shadOw - • _ .
utightliear , a . pin' 1
the,bio ' —and.uten, ureakino"Aon
women's, as they :
-4 shriek : . front the - lips.'
of as they, bving,tbit., form of her
ltiver,'liloOd-sialged . and d.enSeleisl,f, the,
4 N.ot denA ! itial''she' thanked -
G o d• Tor thati'."•Tli'a'',4Yr!eat
Ile*Akit'sqiiiii : Sed'abil wound
ed 3 jibitila ittOrtallY;abd'ln. i a"'
his ;blue- eyeeoperteci, and' hit Pale ;lips
tor, kneeling by hl,s„..c . hild_as hail' knelt
tie9u 14f d ; a 4 W4:4'BCgT4YO /olig`W,
I took llie wltitg hand,,ef . Aliee his r own
an 'placed it in yours:': I
hql-Saidc 4 tiske-hellarry, ; and' • •he haiipy,_
Wealth isn't i -worth as Intteliiit&illire' .- 1
should., have • known •that-altlaltibg,
ntembering Kitty. . only
live, anclrll.,never dounYthing to grieve'
Y 0 }•
-- And karry (141,4 ive., Lotio. ' , before the
winter snows-had vOtrie, stood--a, little
! pa)pr . , -than ..Itefore, perhaps
but ,tvell..auct..stroPW.lgaitt-;--beforuthe
pllttroh;Avith ,, Alice by, his.
side,#pd tho•nigliti-Imrheti,thqsmocinvas ,
high,„andino t oneAvatehed hicahnsothe - .an--
gelSo.hould..friptogestood.besidir his Kit-'
and-,whispered'wOrds-of yearn--;
Ding love ~,xvAdch teldithatrthelsonint thei
young : ,hiyeri conlyietendieied.: in iroft
i4na ,that , ,when death :should
- iei:it,AvAit,wq4)Crigeo:titt . re and '..tuistd , .-
iie4ii . A4t 4?•,Xigctivtifertuletiveu.: n;
SVaslutqleq OFFEIOO-41r. I Pfikinson,
a spim4l,fanA, rountylvaninir waumot
long !ip:" druttetl. foi;the Use, of theadthin ,
wife, thoug,h.sko_passE
but lit sal 4 1 i 04)4, ef. gen eraL , WformaDmij
oneAl,t,bc best uenjugal ;ppartners,,caini.
jibe' tafilkife . ,lk,j,reubled, at the ltbought,Lor
Tar,tingNial.ll6l.bOxina:o2llTo Otherday:
,f4e 3v;A: engaged is sorubbing,lofft
100 f f34thia MlO4 - 100UngbilitandOial
11111 .4rerif 4111.10._ .:17/ t “-t
'74 x ; Aaiaak that yofir rhusliandqhas
nar14944';1..i.t. , •: , f> , ..1.-1D4)50 btu:: voie.
.Xelyrar v hp.ba4:?,4lmiitreredo
ti tliPiutt il t 3 4r knima,ithmtlig. Mr Jugs
_ffiot bo apretibet4,eriltonictfiair
# 1 : 4 4. 7 ,e .it: r fp.:,iifikt.?l;o')
`"Vi ell ma'am, Iv'e come tti.ctfilm thyself
is a substitute forliak.rd,.-
. ' 9iss mrsorilkinswirl*itX
4 4044,,,fis ked
. ' , .'r ''' • :!,": , _ , Mas ilt ~
,A°11744117E" t.tfipkviii l nt lse tsri4e :. hicplaro ,':
ilie,wstAtnwii , , , ., - : : :•131 .1) ... ,
m _ valustarilv,
44 Irpo 1149 t h o - 91 1 $ 1 4}, ; t r o insull 73l
.'— ' ' til .4.11,,te.4e l' P otLlnikll-;
's.o4:igNew i of,thattlitA' Y on tripik
Vistresse4s9lW. , . Homo ! as' ;
.11° 4 4v * ie ik 4W suds in the .
,y , . i.. 24 tfie dirty soapf*io:pitots
it) e alsPaßeA reriu ' oi,tgilt itArtP3 - 1
; 1 allOoff 54.. hi- Si l o ) iceoy ogi*Aqt,
,canv,.,- / ,;0 4 ,„• in - irliii 49.. c9, ,- 3 ^ '', • •• 't
o ....• - ii 4, ..) t, ---
...41.7..., , ,,, 1 , ) , t -;;
g- - ,-,-;.lirlt by -oe,
0,.! 114
~,,fll- , , ,e t. ..1.. , -, - n o nom!,
T1 : 4 1 0' . ,P,E( t/Yd a . Rilinregkiwtss4
... as s i ` 11' Eli? .rt. r'l
0 1:i 4 " R5l l
tbthe dee . "'
'''T}...' - Rh odirit leademsarttla • 7,a
.I'v tr;--- , -- -.0. a , ..• leptiiddigb• illift
• tisbisbrt,..,ll4o4AL,' A l owattiiir *deist
, ** 4r xr uditisl ow— glly .-7,.
. f a tt
It &taxi Sri;iiir.—Dutioittie . Kosids
War, said the speaker, I was 'suite Arnett
ieau-Arrox. • One - day I shouldetsd
gtm and went in 'search of gime: ;ill paai
wag through .a swamp . I saw sowthmg
few feet ahead' of me, - lying *at' ths.
ground,-.which bad every appearanae:of
a being mane 4orty feet hi length;
and about ,sfool• &Motet. ? lops4 A ss
w as I that Isar/ nothi s g but -a log that,l
pat po'sitterdsolelt the isatis WA
hive swore before 's aonitiofjuitieethatit
was a log, and Sothing else: - . You see I
never heard .otonakes sub
huge dimensions,. I esul Vis fiet, T. semi
should lir,e,belie A,t I i nt il;
betweea nui- ina: the TO 7 4,tid I` Lei*: it tes
be, was 's tnir t gabOrhiCiiii
s an r formots theirorl=
the of thy,.gun_Ori,the g round
me, and O rin- g r og upo n ii ; -lit light on topr
of—What do you suppose?
A boa constrictor, said one.
N o . • •-• '• r •1. ,•
What then.?. •
:net what ninpposea it witi—aiiioo
the wag. •
—A great Oita ale to - success in.roltint;
teering under, the'ne.w call for 300,000
men jies in the
,petty , trickery of the war
office. The,people are intensely
ed with it, and this is the reas on - why
there is so-little; whinier effortto premble
enlistment Everybody 'says; if the ddi•
niinistratioti is going-to treat• uS;iie-iftWe'
were fools, and so unpatriotic that 'ire' .
must be duped Show of support of
the governinerit, t.y deiceptiininCittl- false
preteusev„• then let the.government • - gif a
head nndlg, L et men asit. can ; we will stand
the draft, rather than., connive itt er,assist
in such-small busluesPrkpfield -Re
This - is sigracant• from an administra
—The sett Of Mr2Yeatman, eleeted•to -
Coegregs in Kentucky, wilt betontestett
by his opponent, McHenry, on the ground ,
that a.test oath, unknown to thejews2.. of
the State, as required of, ,votersj l whilo
another COntested'ease w ti,ll'conie Up,trom
Missouri, *hire Conteittnnt Will dotty
the validity; of the eleition of bittiopponi-'
ein e . ,because ; a test Oath wruCtig/ admints-• '
tered7 , to. Voters; ~.nt aII , tha:;prills.-,2 Thies*
test; o atlts , 11 ave been ;required,bylitilitary.
—We conimendticiOne'pOliticalpat4ins'
the following. sentiment; uttered
er'Hyles; the first 'pastor" clt the Pstik '
Street Church, Boston, we believe I •
have thrownup , fonr - bredstiiorkes , behind
which-. I byeentrenched myselfc neithert
of which, ,can ! ,be „enforced.ln..theifurst , r,
place,' I do not understand i:t , i:olities;„nt:llle',
second place, y ou all do, every 'Alan And: -
mother's son '`.ttryou - ; iii-the"thij4
you , hare' polities' all the Week:Alphtt fee'
one day in seven be devoted tor ieliktoit
in the' fourth ' place,.; I rinCeitgageitilirto
work of 'infinitelyntore itnpOrtaimeil
me any' subject to 'pretteliAir Mere' cettl:
sequence than' the ‘, 'Una' owillt
p reach 'on next Sabbath:Y . - • • .
The Grand army of the Potomabtbs
had eight. commanders in ~ , twenty7 f onr.,
months, vii
Scott t ,,,Prenerd
McDowell,- Gen. MCClellaii, Geri., Pope, :
Gen. - McClelleir'(agatii;) - Geit . ' Buriaiide,
Gen. This 1 6 • it , '
;the tide of a: new:vorrimander every tint*.
inrAn officer yehe:rwas: , inspecting•hho; ,
c;( Pirm PP 3 _lPcl_,,Ming* ,- -PPY 4 I: O ; PrITS O '
whose sh irt ,w.n rimmed ''':: , l ,-'. I
•"Ptitilek '9'Flypii 1 77 ' led ton.t, titi:cia,i . '„
, i n i n .i : L., ...'1 -. , ~/1 -..7. 1 • t, , Ci.i ;I: *;_l ,
44 1111CM:stnii•hortor:f proitipili reipooP .,
:ded : the man t rlitith hit band lb himi:Api,,.. ,_- ~ , !i
„!`"flowje,ng do.,lp9 r .lreVc:A.7 ll o l itrlt.
thundeied the citpper., ~'r T .... d I, ~ , :,: - , -,-:
"Jist t 2B inel*ley'henor,":‘,Tar** •
joinder.:,.:. 1,0: „. ,„, ~ ov: ;: ':.., -1-,,Aks 14. -..
... - '• , . •-' , • '. tr: 1 : -Ji" -,:it
; .;- . 4l , Teit TO Trithollii,rria**4o2:.
:to!:)#iiiii c lip.Oct,Criiio l l;- - line:iiiii 614 .4
#V" iigrnitiet,4o3ll4., , tlikeii ill), *:.
tie :,,yl44l4,'''' biti . - -400.4 id *a, rttlii::i",
sClithrdiOatjfid . ',ii,4* - ;iiidlteic l iteieitiiio4 .
pie Oriiii, 'oo4"44l.ii l ;;;A:kg ,biliittillilt- .
e d:-.:1 ,--•• 3 ;- 1, ? • Q , :. I If: :,.....,,....1. ~... ~.1....
:. ,Irrot!i•ir ~ .- . )-:, i ',l'.- . ).c.. 61 . 1' .1: .yiri. z ; -4 :..!;-. , ...f.
171 iit S VI; MllBl illitolllloaPerp( o iC t inili '
ilaPatesakaalletlitit'VZlabi At ewe isseis4:)
:itiuntkiipttiriatidlasiyAolotelolinioviiirv il
1! , H k.iw
erai:md_an in-ireightsr
l;::i. , .:1t ~ - IT ,-io
::,., , r
' . Mahoney,Lai editor alba Da'' , o ,
MagOild no an bingt.orthe pa'
'Cisii!tol ROJANAAINV itiv i rilli4iFfibeii:t
Lkoin t or.ttgapf 4. . i11ia 4 7 40. 1 -Pii, - .1
on ti *di eleolid wi g of, u 4,,,,
iatithitY; ist Millie ediiitiiiit i- Itikalati"
illitiof thi ails, iftileatibessiib koniL' l =;cci - i
• ' - . k
- - ~,,-, . ,-,' • , N . zr;;:..t If • .. , 4 1-i
11401ittiV 866144 11 ! Wilk . 0
14' - -
ihriditidetiAithalii iohidelit;ibl*slOttietj t
s•'; ective means'o t proteeting thgel*OrilK.! :t i
'ita the tberaVagel; of the eitretdio, by
:planing attwddstisetutgteditiitbAtfiellVat
thioloot o f t h e 1re0,... ; :0y.,41:4t,
...:?tirat,c,:: , !,- , I
._.,...; t h- taiiiy,5 v g•ievecypA "" i t!! -i . i r ti at
MI . tiiii4Vtillo6loto ! ;• t /0, leg • M.. 01:
Vlliriiiisiftdin - ilii i ihortjeutitiOtik.,l
Leiti,„eli,vicirth',B4iletit':.._. ._ .: .„,. •; •
''•,..' r - Ttuftbriiiiit ''Otafii'..tigrittpi..fitt - i ,4 :
'l4,ioki4:t t
Mit,-;';.Aliii'tontiiiMotil i q oo
I r
ilo ht ,t ,- 7 : -,7,1 : 341., : ,„ _ urTi
P4l4l4ollOiesayil fli)W,ijoilaVilWiii.:4
„tiiiiiV,.#olls4fie#4.4.,it la 1 f
.iiiiNiOrp : '
tfliiiikkkor. the bullet' .-Ii ."?•:?`; il'•; a , v4,go
L i)p
• 1,1
num 4a,