al=mie` 4‘2,13P.7 04iNaliPTI3 tOR_'SIISQ'AIFOMITY. (toinirruir. - teas.) 1. • Iii:0241;013E. en ii Quick; eniy A. 3 c * Ki nstry, Hiram L King, Josephtis Boyd, Ezra Lindsley, Nathan Framer, William L. Cox, 'Henry Johnson, col'd John Crocker, Wm. J. Chandlet,', E. L. Robins, C.W. Doolittle, David Nelson, cord,Sirison 111. §ayre, Gilbert Stephens, Daniel 'Sayre, Geo. A. Jessup,' .. *George,PAittle, Jerome Bush, Charles 11 - Webb, Geo. R. Lathrop, Amos Nichols, •• Heal Canfield; Egyvin R. [Smith, H. D. Searle, Alvah Quick,Eduard O'DrinnelliiCharles.SOVoster, Perry Barnhart,, .D. C. Fordham, G. FL Leal, A. J. Gerritson, Chas. Daison, cord Loren .L Bunnell, H'enry St ebbins, Joseph:Vitilliams, L. C. 7 lCeeler: - BROOKLYN AND DIIDDCM. John W. Donoway, C. B. Dewitt, Lewis. Grier, Henry Penney, Y'/koalas Dubois, 'Sanet S. Tyler, PhllO Birch, '1 Henry Mowers, Edsoii.Packer; • William Gates, .• Rob't B.Underhill, Melvin Packer, Morris Low, D. Van Hansen, A. W. Picket,' Elijah Lathrop, -- Andrew,Risley, Edwin 13. Goodrich, Robert-Stirvice, • 13enj.lingley, Israel Reynolds, W. Nelson' Odell, Cornelius Carey, Huntei Sherman, E. E. AverYo Levi T. Birchard, Wm. P. Tyler, Henry Babcock, Orrin Lindsley, Edson N. Tiffany „ Henry Tyler, Elisha M. Fargo, _ Chas. E. Crandall, Cortright A tkin' Justus M. Kent, Edson Packer, Wm. Underhill, Jonathan Button, Robert L. Gere, Orville T. Spencer,' Ledgard P. Affipk, Wm. K. Trippler, Albert A.Hempstead .A. Williams, Lod wick Bailey, jr. Wm. White, . Edwin it Oakley, Wm. L. Weston, James Ray, S. B. Eldredge, James Carrier, D. A. Tittrorth, Myron Reynolds, N. C. Benjamin, Albert Allen, • Gilbert S. Burns, George J. Giles, i FILIENDSVILLE A A' ) MIDDLETOWN ; Jammer Canfield,. James Flynn, Thomas Mathews, John J. Rooney, George W. Beach, Wilson E. Canfield, Thomas.T. Evans, Martin C Sutton, John Conboy,, D Wiley Glidden, John .D. Thomas, Robert Dimon, GWep Smith, Edwin D. Galusha, John Biglan, - Patrick Conboy, Andrew Minehan, Bernard Mathews, Harrison NV: Gary, Roger Phillips, John Flynn, . James Keenan, Kern Tterpey,' - James Wheelan, !MTV; 'MEADOWS AND APOLACON. John Wean, Darius Cortright, Patrick , Ed ward • AIN:T llichael Vrlitidieni„ I:Brim P. Kimball, Cornelius Donnelly, Timothy. Rain, Patrick Olsen ...Timothy Kane, Jam - 11 , 0 1 Doud, - James B. F e ssenden, James O'Shaimesseyjohn Jones.; FOUST LLK AND ansstreZ Thomas Monahan; Francis Tack, - John Slitter, Abel Snow, John P. Griffis, Richard Carl, John R. Mills, Moses Mock, Witt Shelp, 2d, John Bartlett, Leri H. Lincoln, Hezekia T. Whittaker Michael Conboy, AmosGriffis Henry Maynard, Isaac F. Bolles, That Cher, Jacob Rosenkrans, John YiLrinkerman,AugustusH. Williams Ephraim Kelsey, Richard StilliVl'an, Edson W. Bolles. Robinson Bolles, Harry Mott, Jahez D. Dougherty, litranrSaier, Russ - ell V. Very, Samuel Griffis , Dennis Shallue, Andrew Fary, Chas. Bildirin, Pat. MeNiiiny, - Samuel L• Cosier, DavaShelp, • John Murray, Martin F...L.mard, Frank Goddard, Wm. - Hartigan, Geo. J. Handriek, Mortimer, oberts, George Thurber, liewitt, Norman Devine, Amos Bones,' . CharlesShan, • Wm. Smith, id, r•'• NathlutielF.Rt;herts, Willard Welton,' ' Winfield S.,B.sldwin, 'sQ6si`n. ':G Addison "W. Lung,' Henry Dunmore, Chas. Gallighan t , William Shove, Andrei J. Slocum, John McMinn Michael Detine, David P. Hihbard, Erastus B. West, Joseph P. Devine, John B. West, Francis H. Bunnell, a iolin M. Mrkhuff, --Geo. Snyder, William Kunkle. James A. Laiii, , '"l"" Jacob Kunkle, James E.. Bradley,. Albert Pickett, Xichttelaileis. Ilemy,J.. Baker; 'I - Isaac D. Terri, Michael Foley,. Lorenzo Bunnell, Sylvester Lewis, Henry W. Wheaton, Samuel E. Crank, Reuben Patten, T bomalatedding,....-Dennis Lindsey, Augustus IL 134 4571 S l'lwelizez a PowCIL Martin Sirser Baitem Thorpe, John. Cahoo, John C, Low, .Bloomfteld M Lyman F,r4tria. Busse Johulleffenbitry, Andrew.)9l)l4, , ttuan f George,T.low, John W. Vtuworder, Geo. l C'HUllenbae.k,Calvin S. Ga y, Orlando V. Pickett, Hugh Flannagan, David Bans,_ Perry Smith, John BrAflen v t, t John H. Carter, `Clinton Titnian; CharlesGay.i Petier :Bruglet), tkvid,Pooldk, RIM 0 1 Peteitltbene; Itiihert SnY4Or• ".`.John.ll.B£lllllll, John Shove, Soaltlit J • „ An luelii.D.lfiUmed - Aamnel IL Parr, Wm. Dexter, Gershon.:3lanning, Joh n silith.„, Solomon B. Gay; Lewitctiplee ii , ' Patrick -Cavaliaugyi. athais-W. King, Enid Jac4y, , Georse, , Oliver Reber*: flurtot Lacpy, Bin e, 'l v Jamealtion4, ' : blau, earner„ HOratiOTOnrois, • ~, ilbe P. Lyman, • Isaac F. Ward, ' mei Bennett, Hiram P. Carter, , eorge Newton, Harris, M. Clink, • Smith Tewksbnry, Benjamin Pierion, • John. Linibury. .._ ,1 DIIIIDAPP A1 4 00 CLIMMID. Elezur Smith, Elias K. Burdick, Isaac White, Joseph Davis, Solomon Bolton, Evan Watkins, Perry Briggs, Clark Lowry, John Coyle, Joseph B. Phelps, Avery Burdick, Charles Wilson, Jefferson Finn, Lafayette D Stevens, Daniel Broivnell, john Moses, John Pitcher, Jacob B. Stephens, Byington P. Burns, John Tinker, Jr., Benjamin P. Lowry,Joel Truesdell - , Abram A. ; Weaver, Jere. Rounds, Jr., John Bolton, • Frank H. Tuttle, Jason J. Brownell, John G. Wetherby, Alphonini Rounds, Isaac Miller, _ George W. Phelps, Arthur Ayres, John IL Jones, Stephen Green, Bela Peck,, Owen P. Phinney, Wm Howe, Jr., Wm. Tinker,2d, Wm. Riven burg, Henry Edsel l, Seth Hatsel, Albert C. Burdick, Abrain Westgate, James Stearns,, Powell, Isaac F. James. ABOUT AND JACKSON. Evatidor Tneker, George C. Wood, Norris RPae, ' Georg e W. Barrett, Richmond Hall, JohnSartell„ Charles S. Bingham,Jatnes H. Carr Hart. W. Larrabee, Altnander - Willlams, Charles 0. Tingley, George E. Barrett, Otwell Benson, .Chas.H. gainerbrook Mart. H. Pickering; Commodore C.Perry Lee S. Walker, • Surrell C. Worth, , Fletcher B. Brown, Edward C. Chander Dayton R., ,Stone Jared R. Barrett, Willard D. Larraliee,Sands' N. Tripp, Nelson Steenback, Taber Lewis, Wilson Gelatt. Dewolf Mott, Wm. G. Bloxham, 'Wheaton J. Denney, Edward F. Savory, Avery W. Barrett * , Emory R.Houghton,Horatio Wells, Jr., Asa D. Cobb, Jamas A. Kay, Joseph Bloxham, Leander C. Benson, Stephen Barnes, Ellis J. Tyler. SILVER LAKE AND CIIOCONCT. Wm. Walker, James Shea, John Mahoney, Mathew Hays, - James Gorman, Michael Murphy, John Finley, Clinton Snow, Charles P. Gage, Michael Cadden, Michael Hogan. Isaac G. Gage, Erastus A. Griffith, Bernard Flynn, Michael Flahetty, Parire Bull, Abel L. Webiter, Henty IVGage, John Crowley, --Elisha K. Hill, Edwin Mosher, Barnard Riley, Morris Ready, John A. Mullen, Lawrence 0 Dea, Michael Flaherty, Patrick Cloon; Edward R. Hoag, James H. Wilber, Oiver; Gage, Bartel Gahagan, Daniel P. Phelan, Ebenezer Gage, John Monahan, Julius A. Addison, William Dacey. - LK of Conseripts.—The list ofdrafted men for the county, is printed in the Dem ocrat to-day, in ,the order in which they were drawn. There may be some errors in it, but we have•tried to print them just as enrolled and drafted, so that mistakes should not be charged to our printers, if We are all drafted. Substittites.—Tbree or four persons who wish to hire as substitutes in place or drafted men, can find a chance for fair prices, free from speculating brokers, by calling at this office,l or writing to the editor at any time daring the next thirty days.. ' tnvxv • Important to Aged or Infirm Parents. —The following decisions just received by me from the Provost Marshal General, are ptiblished for, the, information of the public': Circular No. 61.—"1n the case of aged or infirm parents, having two or more sons subject to Military duty, election of the son to be exempted must be made BEFORE thedraft, and his name should nut then appear in the drift box." ”In,the case qi aged or infirm parents having two sons subject to military duty, the fathey, or if he be dead, the mother, may elect which of them shall be exempt. —The -rtghi 40 this exemption does not, rest upon the parents depend ence'.on ,the law:ief theiriiiiiifey support. The -1 1 1 vi does not contemplate -any such dependini*.r , B FEYi- Prtivost 'Marshal General s 1 above circ ular may, be seen at my office i 'FF-oPrzez, Mcintinse.' Those whit_iteglected tO. secure their . rightiund :dila* as aboie Con stroel4 may Still • o so at any time before the iirerrsie4Tm ' - p • 1:1§T illontivs4.1 1 0; 11 et. 24 a i . Thi Eir*ol,lw.-,-,The atten tion of 1 our readers: S dir ec ted to the fac t that by the pct. of Appril 'lfth; 1863, the sum np , proPriatedifor ; the; support of common . schools 'for 'the year ending- on the first Monday of .l'une,lBB4 - ,- is::.ta' 47 divided among, the .iiieratiliitrietSi.l4. Proportion to the mitnber ofUhildreitatteigling school therein, and 44t, us. formerly, i according to the •ntitiiiierlid'sidenvitixables.'- This is an inliinrinl;tinrOin#ilifia":*ii 'terially change the amounts'tecieiveiT.bkthe lilt'''. firent ilistriets.:.,'Xiow - aslre - understand the , subject, , the: greater- Abe: Inthlber , :of scholati and the inorefegnlar their:atten dance in Vie PUbliu` selkolii,-; ;01'01 - greate r will be, the)AnOculL:2. - 01 . 'Manor._ received fr9nV•illUSState,treasliry; , ,;! - .. _ _. , Noteo;-411 liereene indetite . ci anclenegned requested: o niake inuneliatipayirieht. 7 x,,.pox: Montrose, , , November aintrti;— i rbe -Nov: term of Court commences on Monday, ,Nov. 9th, and continues ,TtfitEk weeks.. Hereun der will lie found ibe list at Jtiiors. , unix!) mums. - Auburn—H. N. Loomis, E. J. Mowry. Clifford—J. W. Lowry, D. L. Stevens. Choconut—Mattliew Stanley. Dimock—A. G. Hollister. Forest. Lake—John S. Birehard, John BradstaW., 1. A, Smith.. Friendsville—M. C. Sutton. Harforil--D..L. Hine. Harmony—S. Jennings, T. Nicholson. • JacksotiOrrin Matterson. • Lathrepteob Decker. Lenox—G. W. Green. `• Middletown—Nelson Camp. New Milford—Daniel M'Millan, War ren Tinker, Robert Gillispie. Silver Lake—T. Murphy, L. Sullivan. Susq'a Depot—G. Curtis, L. Perrine. JO.RORP.e-FIRST WEER: 'Auburn—Abram Carter, Charles Hay, Johti- W. Smith. Bridgewater—George Fowler. Brooklyn—J. E. Howe. Clifford—J. N. Baker, Joseph Brown ell, JOlin Reynolds. Ditnock—John Dubois, F. H. Hollister. Dundaff—Wm. Wilbur. ~ 'Franklin—Jarah Stephens. Harford—L. Capron, Alvin Roper. Harmony—Charles J. Melluue. Herrick—Seth Walker. Jessup—John C. Berth°lf, Jackson—H. L. French,F. M. Whitney. Liberty—Patrick Corbett, Amos Oran dal', A. - Truesdell, Joseph Webster. Lenox—L. M. Hardy. " Montrose—Geo. B. Lewis, C. Sherman. Middletown—Michael M cManus. Oakland—E. A. Barton, G. T. Frazier, Daniel Matthews, Wm. C. Wood. iittah—Zenas Cooley, J. S. Duel, A. L. Eddy. Sumer' Depot—Charles Sterling, Chas. Miller. Estray.—Carne into the inclosure of the subscriber, about the middle of August, last, a yearling heifer. The owner will please prove property, pay charges and take it away. SIMEON LEWIS. Bridgewater, Oct. 22d, '63. 3t Notice.—Whereas, my wife Olive M. E. Baker has' left' my bed and'board with out any just cause or provocation, I do hereby forbidany person or persons har boring or trusting her on my account, for I shall not pay any debts of her contract ing after this date. .Oztais BAREn. 'Clifford. Oct. 9, 1863. 3w. . . Examinations to commence punctually at 10 o'clock each day, and to be held as follows: Harford, Village, Nov. 2, 3. Lenox, Glenwood,_ 4 : g; Clifford and Dtindaff, City, 0,7, Lathrop, Hillsdale, 0, 10. Dimock, Corners, ', - 11, 12. Jessup, Bolles' 13, 14. Bridgewater & Montrose,Montrose,lo, 17'. Brooklyn, Centre, 18, 19. E. A. WESTON, Co. Sup. Substitutes.—Those who furnish sub stitutes under the present draft are not liable to be called upon again until the ex piration of three years. Those who pay $3OO commutation are subject to the neNt draft which is ordered to take place in January next, unless the Inota is filled by volunteering. The commutation under the next draft will' probably be $6OO instead of $3OO. Drafted men)vho wish to procure substitutes shopld apply at once to the undersigned, agent for the Scranton Substitute Brokerage, at the office of Bentley & Fitch, Montrose, Pa. oa22tf • L H. Brims. 4111 r The Draft.—Per sons who drafted and f want the necessary papers- prepared to make the usual application for exemp tion, can, have it promptly and carefully attended; at a small expense, by calling at the Law "office of RB. "iit G.:" P. Little, in 3iontrose. Those wishing legal advice on the subject, would do well to call and consult in reference to their case. Sheriff's Sales.—Blembors of the bar, and others controlling' writs authorizing the sale of real estate by the Sheriff of the county, can, by an act of Assembly, direct by , an endorsement on the precipe for the writ, in Which two papers said sale shall beprinted. This paper has a circulation several times larger than one of the sheets which has, for the.pait two years, printed the sales. Wood Wanted. —Any .of our subscrib ers who intend paying their subscriptions in wood. will please bring a load of dry immediately.% • In. Bridgewater, Oct, ' 15th, of - dip. tberia, SARAH LIVIICIA, wife of Edward Noble, and daughter of Z. M. and Adeline . Brewster, aged 19 years 10 mo. and' 6 Also, of the same Aisease, Oct.: 21st, WILLIAM BO : rD Noi3Llr; son of Edward sad .9.'1. Noble, aged ' .2 year, .4 itiOnthii and 14 lays: - '1 • . _ . , . October Oth: 1863, Mrs. MOLT NEW COArap wife a 'AM SesVeornb,"of water, after a. severe l and short illness.— She died as she ,hist good arid ehristian woman, surrounded by: an Wee.: tionate fainiliand'devoted 'bnebnnd,. and numerous filen& who 'mourn her loss as none can niourn hut ;those - who tavafelt the full weightbunt ',`. 7: '- ,• - i . ; ' ; ; . - ". : I ' : ..:' ' F'" ''' 0 ; :I:j,;,' NEW — GOODS! Apse:rat - Witiltilt arCOADO * . Teachers' Examinations. 7CIZIU!LT I 33I9. virtue of sundr~ writaissued from the Court of COMMOLL Pleas of Sustpteltatina County, and to TOO dirdctettand delitered, I wiall expose ` to taie vendlte, at the Court-house, in Montrose, off SATUR DAY. NOV. tth, 1868, at 1 o'clock, p. tn., the following pro rty, viz : All pe that certain piece or parcel of land, situate intik township of Harmony, county of Sinquebanna. and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol. lows : On the north by lands of blicha. I Fraley; on the east by the Drinker land ; on the south by lands of Jas. Sanders ; and on the west by land of R. A. Webb—con taining about 52acres, mere or less, with the appurten ances. one log house, one log barn, some fruit, treel3, and abont2o acres improved. - ".; Taken id execution ut the suitof William Bulger. vs. Thos. Sullivan. ELIAS V: GREEN; Midriff. Sherirs Office, Montrose, Oct. 15, 1883. ' SCHENK'S PITLMONIC SYRUP WILL CURE CpISURIP,TIOM, §CBLENK'S PULMOMO SYRUP WILL CURE CONSUMPTION. SCREAM'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL ants CMSUIVIPTION.' SMENWS PITTiOMO SYRUP WILL CURE CONSUMPTION. SCITENE'S'SEA-WEED TONIC WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA. SCHENK'S SEA:WEED TONIC WILL CURE, DYS PEPSIA. SCHENZ'S SEA-WEED TONIC • WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA. SCHENE'S SEA-WEED TONIC IV= CURE DYSPEPSIA. (c}ya:~tl:li:■ ~i.~~li):7:~a~Jt~~Y/i~f i[H~la:a Liver Complaints. SON= MAITIMAKE PILLS WILL MEE Complaints, :14:11:40:44h C.V: 0:43:44 4 A Op.iyg I A itau Liver Cnmpla ai E. SCHWE'S of INDItAKE PILLS WILL C17P.8 Liver Complaints. DR.& li. SCIIENK has a larg a snit of rooms at No. Bond street, New York, where be can be found every Tuesday. from 9 a. in. to 3 p. m., and at No. 39 North 6th street. Philadelphia, Pa., every Saturday. He keeps a large supply of medicines nt his rooms, which can belted at all times. Those wishing adirice or an elimination of the lunge will du well to call on him as above. lie makes no charge for novice, but for a I a thereugh extuntnation with the Respirometer, his price natty persona are Afraid totava"their lungs examined VY'Di. - Sehetik 174 fear that they will be fatted Incurable, and by that means it is put off until it is too late. Bow much better it could be to know their condition at once as by abundance of evidence. Dr. S. hassl:mu* sufficient certificates in this citythat be has cured advanced stages of Consumption. Dr. Scbenk's Principal Office Is NO. 39 North sth at., Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for advice should al ways be clirectet Price of the Pulmonic Swap and Sea Weed Tonic each $1 per bottle, or $5 the half dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents per box: For sal. by all I/m.7,lsta and Storekeepers. Oct. 15, 1963. 4w EYA:4 11 1 1 " 111 9 1 '40 ler4olll-Zll6:til EXEMPTION OFFICE, OVER THE POST-OFFIOE, 8L1CC0N 1 P171.10.51314 I[lllE undersigned having made arrangeMents to tie. 1 cure exemptions from the Draft to those entitled, and having procured from the office of the-Provost-Mar shal at Scranton the requisite, forms and -instructions, u ill attend to that business at his office in Montrose du ring the continuance of the draft. Office hours from 0 o'crock, a. in. to 10 o'clock, p. m. Those desirous of a. veiling themselves of my services, will present them. selves at my office immediately on receiving notice that they are drafted, and I assure them that in so doing they will find it to their advantage, The persons for whom I propose to act:and who are entitled to exemption*, are as follows: Ist. Each person drafted who Is the only son of a aid „wren of aged or infirm parent or parents. r 4d.l:ine of the eons of aged or inlrm parents, when thereto more than one eon, Bd. :Each person who is the only brother ofn child or children; under 12 nut of age, dependent on his labor for snpuort. - 4th. Each person, member of a family, where there are two , members of the same family alreadyin the mil itary service of the United States. sth. Each person Who is the Dither of motherless,chil dren under 12 years of age, dependent on his labor for support. Uth. Each person f" puder-20 xeara" of age, " 01 , 4'15 years" of age -"and I mitated, or "over 45 yearn' of 4th. Aliens Or nimaturalized foreigners. pE'Where there are two or more ions of an aged o Infirm parent, and the parent desires to elect which stud be exempt,the election must be made before the draft or it will not be regarded. . • • There are many other matters pertaining to the quiet ness. which are important to the drafted men to under stand, and of which thee will be informed upon present lug themselves at my dike. FRANKLIN FRASER. Attorney and Coons elloret-Law, and J. P. Montrose, Pa., Aug. 20,168& Sw . Administrator's Nolice. ALt. penotus indebted to the E st ate of: GARWOOD' MITCELELL. latent f reanklin tom ship; deed: are hereby notified to make immediate payn.ent, and allrper eons having claims agairst said estate a ill present them to the undersigned for settlement. . • . DANIEL DAWD. 46dui . r. Pritnialn, Sept. 3, 1663. Ow .Administrator ' s Sale.. TN payment* of an order , of the Orpluin's Court.. cif Susquehanna. County, to are directed. eximse to public sate by voodoo at the Coact Horde. •in Mon- trose, on Saturday the thirty-first day -of October. at ono o'clock: p. m.; the , following piece or-parcel of land, late the estate of.Dantel S. Hoag deceased; situate in the township of Forest Lake, in said county. .bettnfi:: ed and described as follows, to wit: On the-North by the Milford and Owego turnpike road.- on the-East by land owned by Carmalt;tiote the ILI Shiver:lot.) cm :the. South by land - of sold . Cannalt, lately knowri as -the "West" Farm. and on:lbts. West by land In •posseSsion or Small; known aithe "Russell" I tit—containi rtg forty-two acres. more or less, with one dwelling house. two barns. ehed end fruit trees; also; two stalls the shedeat the Methodist Oburchmear Towns' in said toernahip. Tema' Of Ede fbeing wentydre:. Mere' down, one half of the balance On feat - confirmation of the sale, and the belittled:within one year thereafter, with interest from l be final coefirmatton,of sale. , - - L,.BMOWN, Admilaistrator Molt - rate. Ottabar 13683: SOLDIERtYPENSIONSBOONtt - TANDISACII gire•proibrevattentitns told! earmten trafted,tAP4 l -car f.C,birccs, law. and Aufimeittiati nes:. • --- r. FITOR. inli• ' ' -1 ;1!'.1 iTtf . rk, 1 . ,, •• • Y ••• - • aiN EST'S: . L THE , . GREAT REMEDY', FOB .RzrEuzirthar iraWelOO. GOUT lITIFI NECK AliT, JOllin, • .4PRALVS, - BRUISE& 'OUTS,— WOUNDS, PILES, , .11EADACHE, AND ALL lIIIEC3f4rIO AAVD IVERVOCB Pik FP4R B , Vortll of which it is irspeei . ly and certain remedy,anti never fails. This Ilitsmcnt is preparec 'from the recip of Dr, Stephen Street, of ortnecticitit. the famine bone setter, and has been used in b ispracticc for more thaw 20 years with the most astonishitig sneeets.' • . • AS 6NLLLSViI [ 4OB OD PLIN, it is Mu/vaned by any prepazaticat Aefora the public, of wbielt the most skeptical may be convinced by a Single trial. • This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically...Shen mntio Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of ca ses where it has been need it never been known to FOR NEURAGIA it will aircird immediate relief in every case, hoWeVer dirtfeedifigi • ' - • /t will ralleve.the woritt casosorNEADACRE three minutes and warranted to do It: TOO'T'HACHE also it 4111 cureL.stanily. FOR NERVOUS D._ 81.L11.Y. r AND ''OFFIEBAL LAEIFITUDE, arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment Is amost happy and unfailing remedy; :Acting directly upon the, nervons.tisenes, 'it. strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores - it to 'elasticity and par. vtirOß PILEB.—As an external reiaedy, %reclaim thatit Is the bad known, and we challenge' the world to - prod - ace an equal. Every victim of this dist ressinp complain should give it a trial, fur it will not Rana afford Immedi ate relief, a,Ld in &majority of cases will effect a radical mare. • • . (WINS! AND SORE THROAT Are some ex tremely malignant and dangerous, but a Hind) , applied tion ofthis liniment will never fall to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes cc** meet of the joints le liable to .oectir if neglected. 'rue worst ease may be.conquered by this liniment in two.or three days. BRUISES, furs. Womais, SORES, truzus, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily, tho wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFALLIDLE 'LINIMENT, when ,used according to directions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET,. AND, INSEcT BITES AND STINGS. Br. Stephen Sweet of Con'etiont, tbit Great Natural Done Setter, Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, is known all over thb Malted States. ' Stephen SwJet of Connecticut, la the author of " Dr. Street's Infallible Liniment." Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Ithennintiam and never fails. , Da. Sweet's Infallible .Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia.. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's 13fallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for sprains and bruiser. Dr. Sw et's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately and was never known to tektl. lir. Sweet's Infallible Liniment , Affords immediate rens! for Piles, sndseldom fails to cure*. • DR. SWEETS Infallible LINIMENT cures toothacaela one minute. • , . DR. SWEETS Infallible LINIMENT enres cute ;roan& immediately and ienvenno sear. DR; SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Is the best remedy fur sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S . Infallible LINIIIIENT HU been used by more thttnn million people, and el praise it. DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMEMT Taken internally cares colic, cholera morbua and cholera SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT is truly a "friend 11) need," and should hare lt at hand. DR: SWEET'S Infallible la for tale by all Dramdsts. Price 25 and 50 carte A 7rien ind. Need. Try it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, As an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alle viate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rhemnaticand Nervous Disorders It is may infallible and as a curative for sores, wounds, spraillS, biniteg, &c. its soothing, bean nglind powerful strengthening prop erties, excite the Just wonder and astonishment of all who have e ver gi yen It a trial. Over one tho usan dcertlf- Wes of remarkable curesmerformed by it within the last two years, attest the fact, TO HORSE OWNERS I Dr. Sweet's liifolifible Liniment for Horses is unrivalled by any, and in all cases of lameness arising from sprains, bruises, or wrenching - , its effect is magical and certain. 'Harness or saddle galls, scratches, mange, etc., it, will also, Ore, speedlly._:Ridgbone and spavin May easily be prevented and cured in their incipient sta ges. but confirmed cascarare beyond the posalbility of a radicalcure. No mpg of the kind, however, is so dupe.; rate or bopelessbntcit-may be alleviated by' this liniment audits faithful application will alwaysxemove the lame. nese and enable the horses to travel with. comparative ease. • • ; Every .11oree‘Owner should have this rernedy at hand. for its timelynse at the firat appearance of !Mammas will Mictttally prevent. those formidable diseases * to which all horses are liable, and, which render so Many otherwise valuable horses nearly . worthless. DR. SWV.ET9% INFALIBLE LINIMENT SOLDIERS FIVEND. . - Arid 4tousancto have found ;FRIEND; 4, * tr . nly, , • IN „ . . ' NEED' , .C14.11311 '3 igita ol,l '-„ To avoid itapositiOrt:Obieive the Stireand Likeness of Dr. Stopben Sweet-vit eveiylaber.fand also Stepan' Sweet's Liniatent' , ' blown t 9 Ortata bottle, withootVrtilehrione Are genuine: RICILLEDSON'it CO.: solo proprietors. , Nartrieb, Ct. -MORGAN ,46,ALLEIC. Geo eratAgenta. datilPt.N.Vy ffitreot, N ew I.lroolcity..dettlete.everywherd. • cf- 11 - A.NIIIOOIY HOW .1 jiisoreno. .I,,st Published, its a l :quagdAßOpt„Meejiiisersia, • A LECTUltig.ori tbe Natere,,Treetment and dtedi eat AL ern .. o r gormathtettett or Itimineweaknesel; serial debillty...nervilienew end ibirolutlim eteiseieteoe t iz t , ding impotOcy,`eoliamptiort. 'Aind trien4l and.pbyslc4l , ~33•;;. •.• i%•E • •*, .<-73•. 1 4 %•-•-••••'-• '`• 3 000 • Lge ...0 11 . 11511 . Ven;4l , l**7: important bet totitthr &wid toscomicee emelt , abusentay be effectually rent oved irlguirtylriterdst infl ictive' Or tbeibingergtio 110Plicuiclui pL eatultim itirtra.; mente. reedit aced botigies. r aitd ether empirical_ 4avictts.• to bore clearly deognietraltdi , •and the-ebtireirmw sted; itidaysOzeuttreeireentite adopted byllei delebngitli anitiet.Mly laiord;bolitinii.dfxbieb•evergiete ta• Anableatovirit Impetroectly,thd lea* pokilifi I ** , 4 ll, mA/ 4 ,7_44 MI 1 11 ,14 1 0 1 VMPOIRTIVIO1P) day: - , 4 fllbriettaye - wurpprp`t - lboeuweiad. its0104 1 1;* - ;:i4l La'r: tia_ 3, Inuter,emln p1ea,.411%10 e . IlirAddraeC ; ixtetpald;lutiteelptalWrs palldreed4 t.4b C 0.,..., • rio•1151ye0 yr . Are ; „I".,Folit ine0802.4551 ,;:;Jalte sivlAts]siriKertiiqlri'r _ tit '" •• • , Mot o grO i Pm e- Alate /50.1.4incuunir. iv; c;`, t) on3reT. I= l .lsa - tegtiottriFkLimllf ( I t; e extbrices.Coxisidelsbt fray s Thou:sand".diffcriehrambitai v (to whisk ._aold *as eft being"contintially tAndlij- tot -PollsaitsLor 4.lcricane,etc. " • • cl. a or• Generals-1110 rigadsetvlletteltale .--=4111.70t . imbs—EA Ltentennnt•Colottek-:'M other O,(ACer's.4D,N vs' Mccin - 425 Ftlltestnenttl47 - DlVirierlla attthOltiri Artistd. 4 •ll2 Staee-4G Prominent Meat Foreign Porrnilts-1,..100 'coplei of -Worlo.- Vitt, includtfig teprbanctiona.ot the' tnottt' celebritfaMllfrim ings, Paintings, States: &e. Catalogues went On refintEt. ,of scampi •An - ord• foe Orie Desalt- Plcttitts• o6l2l mr,,. oatalogne will .be Mien on seclaipt'of $1.804t4f1,14 ' I,lprr .‘: Pligographio' a gran I.llella 'itaitlBllll..hatlir t varlets ani(ll34l. price frottliti cents to,Sat - easb. Onr have the,revutatlon of being IMO beauty an &durability to any ',then,: • Tile iimgreiTalls Can b e _ sent nfebr •bY 'molt at a postaget tf•stil cest 'jar 02. The more expansive can be sent by, ex We also keSp alarge assortment - of - • 11 : - STERESCOPES & SfEßEScOPEC'llifillt. Our Cara! *oitui of thee 9 till! Lac lent ' to'eW l . W es I,a receipt of sfenri. g. n, T. ANTTIONI'. ,r Manufacturers of Photograiible'Metrtalil...c , •, , Bwadtc , i3% lq 4 - wAretk , 4 - Friends osrelattsea of prom inent _ ffilliff47 confer a favortiy sending es their - Hkenesses to 'They will bel(ept plreftdiy a ntl rettrued uninjtatsli; ' r ". 7 .• Fine Albums made to Order for, Congregationals...) peg. tient to theirTastor, or forother plarposes.; Wittl Dnttl bin inscriptions. &c... [Ang.,-;(1 1 .1863.2,• ) -.4* . . _ . ••• wontb w 0 '441 4.'" • • lrort . 4 • 2 •111:irr. • •:• .• SCl2,9l7lliit-,A4D Di;,MISELV!.4 - : Prom purl/ Edes, a well-I-nen:lm 'lnerehant rifff ) trajiti I have sold holm tprantities-of yourtarMA"faulsta, but never yct one bottle whj‘strfallecl - of.tho desired skint and Intl uusdictioa to those-who' took it -Ae fitellutenr people try it, they agree them hat beeu inedicitie him it before in our commuLOY. ) '... ' • - .• . ....,- truptious,Timplett; 33 10tellea,,. ' riitvtlea:titnealt, Sores,. and , all Disonsoslot theilicarti.‘ From Rev. Rota. Stratton.. ital. Es:gland., • ' "leafy do'my daty to you - and the publicorhenTadd inytestinsony to that you pub/1;110 the triedieleilllttnei of your SARSAPARILLA'. My naughtet. eged‘teu,lnin afflicting immor.; in heF earty 'eyes; end hair ler which we were unable to cure unlit we , tviect ,y0ur45.62- ea pAtunt.A. - .' She has been well tot. come months." Y . , From dltrsaime - E. Eke . it triltknown asuf initeh-eitaiited lady Mmzieritle. CapcdfaP.C.b..;N:4;:yt:'/ , s : " My daughter has suffered for a year past 34,Ath a mop aloes. emptied, Which wad Very troublesome: nothing afforded ,atiy. relief until; we, tried yours4usar.kuuxis, which soon, completely cured "her.", " From Charles P. Girge; Esttof the Witletz,f-known9frarof Gage, Murray, * manufacturers of enarticttect, pa pert in Nashua, N. Co-, , " I had for several. years 'a verY'tionVertiMilritatOr my face, which grew emistautly worse mail it digiglatill my features and became an latoletable need almost everything a man could of totb.advite - slid eine, but without any relief whatever. entill.look - your SARSAPARILLA:: • It immediately mark my Ince,Woll.o.. as you told me it.lnigbftor,a tirtim,bra)lll view necks the new skin began to form under the,blotel;es, and rem., tinned until my Mee is as smooth as ran bdd - R mud I'etn without any symptoms of the 4ireart tat know,tif:4 enjoy perfect health, and without a dcratifotio It to y oar - . Eryainelas—Gensrul Debility—Purify the I , ll4iidk From Dr. Robt.Wil! jintlitlo2l Dm. ATZII.: seldom - Ibil;:tomote. Elva - els and. &realms Sons by the petseverf re_ ug We• of lour SA& BAPARILLA. =ld I 'have just ecw cured IFII atfackAaf Malignant Erysipelas' with No'altetative ire rdsress equals the Sett#APAU.ll.2* CCU Laye totbnfte. Session es Well as to the people-.n' Front J. E. Jethnstan, Es7: : - Irtaimer: 'For twelve years' had the ,yellow Ervriveltre Oa Iy right - arch, during which lime bleball - the celebtattat" physicians I coup reach, and teidil,undreds of dallats 9 worth or medicines: The ulccfs aceio. f"- Lad tthull tbis cords became visible. 'and the dectais decided that •tay arm must be amputated. A 'b'egnn taking 'your tiiitak. PADILLA. Took two bottles and come of roar. Int.a. • Together they have cured tic. lem tow es trill end inutd as anybody. Being in a public place; my care is kaolin to everybody iathta congaunity, and excites the rondo:JO • - ' from Han. genry Mora, M. I'. P.. of Norcaltle.C. a ledding Member of the Canadian 'Parliament. "I have used your SAJISAPAV.ILLA In my family.; ihr general debility. and for purifying the blood, with , Vm7 beneficial results, and feel confidence in - commendintlt. to the aftlieted.,, St. Anthony's Eire, Rose. Salt Ehotint, Scald Head;Sore Eyes. From Harrey the able editor of the Tait . hannotL Democrat, Ferrnsp/rarrin, . - "Our only chSdiabout three tears of age. was aiteeked by pimples on his forehead. -They rapidly Ejneti,d until they fOrmed a loathsome and virulent tote. which coy ered his face, and actually blinded ids eyes lbtkttrin/ - i 401. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver andsulor ten* edies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days wb guarded his hands, lest ; ith, them be Should fear open.the festering* and corrupt wound winch coveted Ida it hole face; Having tried every 'thing . else we bad at from ; we began ring - your . Sar.sassßlLL4.2ud a pp l y , ing the lodide o pota.vh lotidn as yon diiect: abusers began to heal when we had' 51ven -the fitit. bottle: Usti was well when we had fi niNhe the recond. The child's eyelashes, which' had Come out.' grew again. and Le. Is has healthy and fair as any -other. The whale Leigh. ood - predicted that the child must die." Strphilis aytd Mercurial Memo.. From Dr. Mira& Sloal..ef St. Louis. Arissimri. "I find your SAREIAPAILILIA a more effectual remedy lbr the secondary symptoms or)Sirghifis. and for syphliitio disease than any other we pones*. The profession areti debted to you for some of the best mediones tee have-». -t Pions A. J, French. M. it., an eminent physician rf react, Mass,..kho is .a prominent member of the legis. Ware qfMassachusetts. , AIED.-31.y dear , Sir: 7 here kmnd veer Art* BAPAIIILLA an excellent remedy for syphilis, boast:444e primary and secondary type,'and erectunl to Fem.:map that were too obstinate 'to yield to other lemedies. , : Id& not know what we can employ with more certainty 14 success. where a pewerthi alterative ig ' Mr, alas. s.,Visn Liao,,. of Neto - Brunstriet.N.:oolll4; dreadful dicers oil hht..legs t. caused, by the abuse **pert eery, or mercurial slisease;. which grew more end Irdore aggravated for years, iu 'pile of every, iemedy Meat that coubibhe apptiett, - until the persevering: nseof AYER'S SAIMARAPILLAt relieved Mtn: rew,cavesean - bis found more inveterate and disttes,ing than this, suid,tf took , several dozen bottles to-cure 1111u.' .. • Lenetneholla, l ingtes,=.Pernialo Wontnetre; • are generally produced by internal Sorfutourcr/Teerpt* and are very often cured by the alterutivcercctottbis IIartaAPARILLo:: Setae este* retjtdre. 110tveveil'in'tdd of the Sannarentuak,lbe abilfutoppllculloa of=locat remedies.' • - From the welt-known and uldeliperlebrated' - Ai:"..retcob' Aforritr. of finer/matt., "Ihave Ibund'your SannArA nt Lt.A en ekeellent after, alive lirdlsensettof•tennaleu /deity cures. tifirregalarity, .Leneorrlnea, Internal Ulceration, atti local debilityonk• fagtrom the seredbloos diathetis, Lave yielded teat and .thene are few that. do not, when He e6eet,ll , ptoperif aided by , local treatment." . . unieilling to ottirio thi el' her ,act ' s- - end, myself. have been. eared of Amy debilitating Leueofrinna of long etsunling, by two b9n1,11 of youtl4atutiMP.l44." - • i , Rhenpatism Qnat Liver.(konPisines-v7WID•; ata Heart Disease Neuralgia,. wheneatused by Stirtftla In the sWeta, ate ttrisfitly:ethilt bypasy„„irA,4.l.l!,,sArmv.i.r. t %, - • AVER - • CHA.TITARTITC..PILLS fastest to niftily: adviintiistei beer :the ;otheutigilh tires in the r-nicet, need th'cior stiperiOt• einues "areio universally knotrn,that "need` stoti twos ' s° the public their quality is maintained egad to the - hot. it. ever, os, teen and tiket,t4e.t 4 liA7,4S% ,depsidest :On . to do all - ttiat thiv.have •ever,uomsi ~ " • Treprired hj 11 AYER;" -Mt V. - ; &‘ co.;roon .„ : miseLititutiotd:b7, • , and; by 'ono- trader - county.,• ""P utsylo-nwlir . . --- SOLDIERS 7 --tBOUNTY,i - z s lstoics y,t,c (1 - •111 . • 'I - - •-• THEnsderognetrrictsm-.,wri o i give protAPtattentono al claim nut!' - teftto,l4n•care., VockargeHualme,tuxestftifr 1,, ••=i1 titstroe4 Ant 30 NMC , .I•PCM=4II4 • . . , > 944010 11110 .T f ottkinaZiaaktil0F04: 11MP 3 41 4 :2M R4-18 1 "-- aVr WO WINDOW ?PAPELti A new eneply. TITIMELLI.