The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 20, 1863, Image 2

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    'Jct... : .
Ig. Is..":GERRITSONI - 4 Editor.,
.(6 6 :as.
• 1.11L.d.
vol .117:004 ,TIES strpazus Cora,
• I 1-
OF Ax=l , nwr CO.
/Motion, Tuesday, October-13.
Fi'Pay the Printer neat *eels.
TELE TUE Tutrrn.- - Will any ,Republi
can paper tell this one plain' t_rath:--•
thlit t a. Republican court- 7 a tipublicau
Judge.--first deduled that Soldiers coald
act, vote out of the State, and that by such
decision, Republicans .took--froin Demo
trate several profitable offices, .to 'which
the latter had been elected by soldiers?,
Dna= in N. Y.—The drat), rose to-corn
meow in the city yesteiitay. ,LinCalnbutild
sgraed to take !Only half the intended
number, now.. Helms forced to .this by
the exposure of paTty frands;•ftelliown by
•Goi..l4ymonee h#tere, which 'We 'copy,
port; lanaoln7dare.draft 4,000 meat:oM
Democrat* and ,g,OOO .from alike
Republican 4:list-riot, if hie sairaps'de went
him to. . •
Seymour has . prepared a proclap
'nation warning tha.citizena of New York
and Brooklyn against any_disoiderly con
duct, during : the process ,efPahing the Cou.-The t DemeCratiii . State
Central Committee met ,at Philadelphia
on the 11th, Col.-Biddlef presiding. An
address, prepared by- the chairman, -WU
adopted for publitation. We . ishall copy
it, next week, Gov. : Saymoar's letters ex--
chiding it to-day.
reisolved that sir state mail Meet
ings be held on the'l7th of,September, in
commemoration of the adoption of the
Constitution of the United States, viz: at
PhiladAphia, Lancaster, •Williamsport,
UnionXown, Meadville an4.SPRANTON.
la int. TREASON P—The 'Philadelphia or
gad of Presideut Lincoln; and the Harris
berg organ of qlov. Curtin, both deliber
ately, declare that if their candidatti cannot
succeed_in the coming election, they pre?
fer to lies our army- defeated bf Lee, and
the-rebels in possession of 'Pennsylvanit,
TheVontrose organ . Of the same:party , is
hule more cautious in emittieg, its sew
timents, tint quotes from, the latter that
if Curtin is defeated,—as he—"we
might as well hive Jeff Davis for' PrOsid
mt." There's "loyalty, fre:ah'frcen'the
League Ledges:, WortbY:Ofittentieni from
citizens who , really ,careimore for country
than party. ;No doubt these radicals are
hopeful that •eithsr they or - thirebele will
win, for Abolition & Seeesaion ere' twins,
and leadto, the , same ruin,
Ant Democracy has such second cit Mice,
' sod will proceed to oust Curtin, Lincoln,
indthoso with whom'tb'erti3rmpathiseiati
&Oat thil elections occur, from position's
*Mob they seem determined 0,136 1 46r:en
yiu)entAneasures, or , resign in faint of
No &denten you entinotl4avcs either
Curtin, Lee, ;or Jeff:Davis ` - fOr
Yr raium Yetir frantic
ravnigs ; and tf you &Fe s flor.rep!
art. of the Pittsburgh -or vintionvdebatesi
Idaftead see
W:PliftS*4 is
141.00t. e " :1 ' 1 04 11 , , ' Be oltitton. • ,
The. Democratic ceihon=.
t e onAounty, Ohioi thus !responded Ao
dill of the ProviunisiGgveniorihr - Are)ops
threatened invasio of Getini2
. 4t 7 ;0 11 1:arm.7 - • T :01
U„:ll,(; ! s 9 liiefi, iiaskitrously,.:tistfilniernk
Tube r@queti* . i,o 'send ) VA4dt
**as, Pi,oggs Row_, ;9pEt:SisPing
leople of Ivo olionton s , 9x • nod Atohnen
gOcK!o• 6 : l 4. 44 .,tellik.she aid.
Our young men be to ArolPutVer
prevent 1 114-, tiref4l9t44 l .tfffl*r*lPOP
41.0 .oil •
=` , 4( tioeuttr eiploysi,
• smicis to ItifipitVid:titateit tuntlei.' :mania
ay W. 43idnigliscauot for lit failure'
to send f/xclatAritrOff_.: 0 0 D Ott*
: %so of PennsAiinds. -
• tirius.—Tii last:Reit#iiiss:ohargos the_
corpilitt f askAnyitill "COngy. 10 111 ;
!rtdg at , n t ;,,, hi leAttid itcalso gives
atory.a*644) B*4l* is
Oa l i i
1 300 sttets had
. thien ii;ntradiaedi
P- •
and if that shoot vtantttv tho tt!itn
`witreSiftheparty yaiiis. V -A
tarHarpers' Magazine for August , -
oue, of Ockbeat, issues of the ea y --40pcna
AthiPerVB;l of Mr. Lossing's Matted&
" eqes
many" is 'oetiO9dea: - anO,a, ap
giCres! , ..Rf.oo Oft'VT,n, o , !x=
0 11613 4 but thb inOt, ittiitlg, ,. .artiele
Vlatc4"l46, Enoi.etTEooo3'.t.Or;*
ritten Vir. &MO one,,NrimOver 10,inSy.
eonmi illizstritamiitO6 l )l l
Fc'fi rth ' :qt, 9*, X zOriVrico. ,of
B.ooslityob . . •
Irviirr.=—A severe street' 'fight - caiiie
off in town, ar.Satiirday last; ,
I • 'Oebamoned
by the Borg CcuktaSle,attemptiug tii,Pake
a noisy Irishman into custody. A large
number participated, but `no.larresta iiere
fitudly,:made. If thine rvai litialo'4t:tglo
town; sod T, ; ,. 111 00-0 144 ' 4,404 i i i irgli F 4
men, au, cb s'Auld, ;Lou war.
• ,
• „•With a view ; to.lsecure imiformity,and
concert, ,of,; effort in, the: Scheele :of the
all 'well as VI reacheornethlng cif
profit and interest at the examinationalie
yoriclinirre questioning, I propose, for this
time, at least, to.: oeoupyttwo,days ;4046
appointdint,, i.Any change -recto places,
if desirable, oaf) be suggested by theDireo
- for fiirtherozaminatious.,. Directors
and citizens , are: earnestly invited to at
. ..There are matters of muckimPor
tame upon- 'which 1.,,oonsult •the
; Direotc•rs., Will the, respective: Three
lore please „procure , the 'Attendance,
on the second day of each examination, of
a class of scholars, (sayrsuoh sua :are , able
to read readily in the 241.11e:140r.) Don't
leave the matter to general invitation, bat
make ,per,sonal application, and, get the
positive : promise or from five:to ten to:at
tend, with, their hooka, Telt them we-will
try to : make a pleasant.,timelfor
Teachers ,will be so kind as tobring a sup
ply materials, .sis :Them
oertificliteszw,4l likewiseeach , require ea
gent. reventio, atamp. they, also:make
arrangerdents_ to -, enliven - :the • exercises
with music: ,Same Teachers Wei-great
er offhand ability, while others rely roore
on: previouti l .thought.and a deliberauonei—
Both these are necessary;,;. Li ;order that
it may much force in reserve
each has to fallbackopon, I offer, two or
three questiona,ivhich,. with the millers,
each applicant will, at leisnre, please put
- on paper, to_be iead as.tbefiratT part of
the writteirexaminntion, the,bbjeet:being
to: see bow neat,lucid tend-perfect: the
work can be rendered. ,-Rath candidate
will also .pleatle, teelectisotne 'Abort,. later
eating by, him or her, as
.pext, of the exercise in reading..., ). '
A. What ,part of.24tha-. of. a.
equal tq 2.9thwof a centi , ,, : 1;.: •
•2. Give 4.11 e gratemsticalsanalylie ;
,:" I weal balm thdAueer before '-
Your foot 1i551r0 . 4 . 44;r1 . . F.'s ooze.:',
8. Describe -the-oP*** ;daily motion
ottlic t h o:it. airekoriti seasnnisortlic . i
say at . ",itoint in . ',Ole Frigid : Zeti,_ half
way between ' the Arctic Circle , an d .00
Nerth'Pele, stating when there . would, b e
~ ilien : consta n t , 'alibi ? . a nd
wfiei'dai 00 night. ithiA Piiol.Af *174
ital. all .. • .-.--....- . '.. ~ - ..i..
giotnihtiii'ohliiii",COilhinO44 .. pun c tually it i lo67oo4.4kk 407;:0 1 44 0 1 1 0 , 1'104j 45
.., ,4' 3' Ik 7 ': :- I • • •
gio lll ol l ,iet . Viiili*-, ~, : Sept .
. i 8 ;,4 4.,
- Anliarn,' Oettiep. , Sept..: ,- 80, Oct, A.
Ratiti,Snyiliir's, - • _ ~ ~ , . Pet..,g x . a.
Pere" ',40 ands, .. Town . Orr.. Oet. 5 --, el
PhiPtiiio;44.,:iiii,,., -..-: . ; i "-,... 13 4.' i . i
tVibilof9*.o;,'Ati.)s;- , i. •-•- . .. . --. '
thoOO; Choconnt it. •Sie4d o trill e , 00. 4, 1
titthOitetidCwe,i, '•
~ „ . .,., 1 .,
§ilygii 14ilie; 13* kriei; •. ,' ' 9.4;.• 0, 40.
Flin l ool• Bo .fith' S-Al,-,::',. ;-, .. 12 -t-la'•
Liberty, BreaditT,_ o ; j i L __ . ,„.,. .
... :-;', .1,. i . 14, t;
ot.. Sena. 41b:130.1 Boro ugh , i; c' 4 9 *ii,i ,
0 111 cliiiid.: 1 4m4PPY: I Siiii4fal3e.' - .21i, 2t: 1
."..." ; 4.l,SitV,i.ii : , - I .- i 1 4:: ~,,v f h -1.)
4 a:4 6 ,u ' 1. 01 I N: '''.; .1:: ..4.•. i . I . ~' ,--- #Bn i ! s. ,
Gjb0i0( 111 .1 -, - i '.' , : : :;luii ..:!.:':::'P 6 l 0.4
T 6 . ooo o' . .C44 l *;theei.:PelAti4g B , , sOT
1 14.ii 01 t;itY'eg etieet,::-.'i, .„- ''., i 39/.4;
IWOTA:t•YiII NS. -.-, ~- . :1., ...!:,4C;Y; ,g , :,4 4- $
Ltnos.;.GlC - Civ.oolt, . , i ~: .. ~,: ; ' 4, ,S.
Clifford , "o.l§ buticiat . oo; - -- . : --,
6, :It
I fi t# l , l. l o ,l l ;:.Kiltd l .e3 .: :.T.: :..:iq ' i
' 1i .i,lr.P . tif 1
"k.'" l, • Conne r s , ..l.l;-,.1;. ,,, . -:-.: 1 ;: , ;;'.. 1 4 4;
16 Eaiiiis Belles .' . , ..,,-,',.., •.:T A Pt;l,4.
Biidge!ivaieie . : *itirc,asoloticacip t ,#;,
!3!ecpyii;..Ceiii,e,, A ...,: ,-:.;,-,.t.,:,----- l -,P,,Ag I :
:.... : ,... i .,.. i
~...;4:y+? 1;0 2p,-,,
PI:PQPi!:!:; ill!13- . , 1 . 3 Pil..tii,,
N T l , . 1; OIL; Mlit,CAU 7 --01 1 - *: -I =
Z -Sallii
oesis i ,
• .1'. ,4 . 1 . 0 701) Will 02kveri ccAccriptioaa i., to . AR,
3tefentedierlYziOxigati atiii y licit tidtCr
00 87 d ate, P
be4eot 1
0 ...9
Yleek sae 3-,!
i - r -
the Leleetibai at fellb*iiie , veer low
~,,, ~..„ , A .,.,,,„.",,i„.,i,,
...,,,,.,, f, ',..,,,:,.:.“
i*Wec; payable always in &vamp,
, =7,,... 7 ,i r , r ' ;910;1, ~ , t: sAA •;:hl?etl... ~,,,t, , -e, ,, ,rrii
. ..I iO4 COPY*: 25:436;4; : iii0 &vie:44 t ;4•11.
A*Y ll6 lo:f 4likibdi; ilicti l 2o* z) "' P'!`"""`]
- -Z1T . 1 7- 01361. - ii q . •;r,ovi f)-8.1-e;3 - ,
CI l i bl) A 9 R I O.r bPit: 0 21 1410.41 k! MANNY 1
*4 0 06 0 -41. 1.!efqo'Atiguit il4 l ll , s'libtiiit
t*oli.*4o`#!'*l4lliiiiiiin'- vii‘fihrf.;o.l
--.,.. •n ‘, , „-: ,it r 415. , 1)
1 0i. 51 100 ', .# 4 . o , i PRAIA of, Pfk:
41 9. 8 4 - 44its9P , Pix.*A9 1 :4p , :lkot.viii - ,mu;,
spe4Sint :4,l r 6;o ol44#. ; *thisiviille
a Vipsifehlselat **Pit rot itlew. ix* ithisk
Let , 0 1 1/ .(, Matedi4itatir Viiiiiielite Iliti
.a04 4 - 6 1 0 ;illif) r. lii 1
is tkitiirkilitiVe4titaiitilliceeiiiiiiii
$ •$, .
D= . tic , CionnUr Copen*u.
... i
--Tie I ". octiac yof Susqfhantlitlicot
** fiiki a Convention 1 atl i tht .fort'rt-
Nitt)(e, ik)fontrese, on MondeApt*.
k, i,„
. eel
1k51163 ai 4 cedoc . ' 410 atntiinide
: - Xannty Ogicers to bo sap orte4 at the
.... ..., 14-
ctober election. . --'. -- ------ -
~, -.The Democrat's in the respective eleo
tion districts are invited to assemble at
(01 e, 4fitatili64l;linliaiurdaiif eeiii.''lsol,l
`between the hours IA 4 and 7 o'clock P.
)11.-;Tiidiiiitiregalesio r,eireient
ihenVid•iiiia Coiierittoif. Thii i fellawing
iispii, ol . ,g.entreln. en, .w.Ol att end , 1 414:act as
the, Board of:Eleeton; ran d certify. the re
nt& to ibe,Chairman of the. Con vention :
' _O.. 0 ttOos.
" • Auburn; : Jones a' Carter, H. Hill, A
Aran*: -,0. L.Carpenter, , K..J. West,
lit„9 - gderi. !,. I
..Apolsoon;l34.-N01an,..1".. Webb, Rich•
-1:311 Collins.-•
Bridgewater _Reuben.. Weils.;' Then=
.Johnon,F. 31,4
;„ ..Jas,..,llewitt, R. , 0.
C• a
801tnn,..! Johp :Stevens,
Burclisit. I
31i,.,j. -Donn elly c . O. Byrne,
.Dintoek _ .1160. T. ite Wallace, J.
•P, "4.0 1 'h i 4 Q., Olmstead, 3%; Phl n
,0., retti„..., • f:t
FrientiAyille; .Pi - Jaoksol4l W. Bail
hint, Sutten.. , l
,Sutitlt, S. D. Turrell, B,
SnOw. 2 ,. • . , • , , -e ,
, Forest, - take: Judson Burr, A. B..Grif
Gibacto , :- John :Smiley, D
RogritaK HE.. •
Gt. Send Tp ::.L. VI, Mapes,
,G. W. Bai
ley, Oxifi Wiy4;oll. , L , t , • vs •
.Eoru: C. & Evan
Grigga,:J. H. Duseabury. . .
lierriok Lufayett,eLyon,A. Tilden, J.
Myers..:' : , .c. • . • ,
rfarmeny Vir t .Petter, Blaitini W.
_ . r : ,
.4aTfordCarP(mter4 4, Leslie, Nu
mau,triugtey. - •,,i • ,"( . •
:..Jessup,:, J. Depue, W. , C.Hanliriebi Jo
ime•atStOltb. P, l l, - • : • , ' i
I_ l 4aultsou:•.§. J.lGrlfe, L. Griffis, T . W.
J,,it tie 'Meadows Smullin, L. Dowd,
7.4-Dgerct ``.:C.i; • 1')11' ' •
Marcy, WuktliattleyiJobn
Br - •
;FM10.,;.i r• , • -
-•ikathre.P; Z.: Brown, G. W. Tiffaey,
X.M.Newitsbeiry , • !•, .• t,
• • Lib,erty, D. ;Terrell, Bailey,Sol.
3npn:,Al ear;: , • • •
:.11:• Keogh } Otis Ross, Ft..
Dimond.-:• - •
....,31ontrose: D. , -Brewster. AI 11. Lath
rop, R. Z. Webb. : :
Ara,: O. Lathrop, , M'Mil.
/art, S.
N. Nilford bort.. W-.Hsyden, E..43-at•
,Oakland Al. Shutt% L. Shutts-J, Tt
kusb.,l ,, L,Williatas,•Jaa. , Logart, Gem
Harvey -e:.,• ,; ,
Silver Lake: E. Gage, M. *Hogani
Springville: W. B. Handriek,PLßiley,
11. Gerritsoo.
~Soaq!a Depot: F. W.Fayle,
Beyna u • • • • - • • •, • ,
Thomflon : Di., Wrighter, E.,Speneer,
Brown.• , • •1, _ •• •
'lly,orderoteoutitylOonlmittee., _
- • • • .0 M. GERE,
August. i Bth; 1•863'.T • • S •ft , - ,
. •fl
-4/30 Susquebatumecutifyi Agricultural
Smiety_ teeetat AlielCoort-hottseii in
Montrose, ou , ,ltiotiday. '4 evening; ,Aug. , 241
laps. ; ‘l , l l, O. Baokivimr, Se,dy.
Lititiit Prom 411iartiston.
By the AroffO;:ttefievelintelligincoi- •of
the operatiOns • before Mail - est:On' tit - Mon.
dayeveniogohe lOtiVinstiot. the eta
ling motioned -night. hrd:" day' . Ofr both
Giiheril GilthOie bad hOtifiod '
Dahlgren ' , that beWtoiTd 'bit le *Odintits
to open' the-grahei thstotilt' oh'Tithrhaq,
the 18th instant' :=.!.Th0ikty . .414611 rti4idY;
waiting' forthehroty; • id' 113 fighi,'
it. was believe4irtiotaldetice on 'that
Thegreatoot felt till
to the - rOonly.! , lThO fill Of Fa to 11 8thittoti
WhgtbriAnd'lllthnitlieo"Ptilitt liS
gttrib:d oseerudn.Ao 4 take , ilhcie fro th
two.ftoii tr. holing Wier' the LtialFtOetle&'" l
A deierttr fromiPOrt3Wagitiir,'.ol& 'that
twii. - thircheofthe none& beeti rprtitiVed
frOni Fort 'Sulker ana roinititekthi aflttil
hlithliz hod , that 'the !fall of Stinitik **ire
tarded 111 the:robetir as ti:efirthitty." TWO
Moro ;mortar! hoboatiet*f - iteaki g
in ill; atidAb = • -tt , OhOott I gtih'bititteri , *eft
!tripping fort! wkiie d r.
nettlAthity etrieht- -
l i rhrl t,:t3
-f4rDhanisetaleioftmd*idruserni for:
lege&diskiyal, or) treasonable -hngusgei
entitintke to : ;be ,Ereirzent.i What be.! el.
tepid &alai buignageiS, the
never informed ptberei 'are:strong Witint
bostexeMliato; the administration, ; 23 nab
ployed:bvireedingtonsatud dismissing in
disgrace:la einem who are dements,
ibtittl mast, reMeng.tbsii -, 'that-iitbeyvont
veradatataa altainfint*otettchtialloftt
oieding:ietgreat, butitzialitsll4l lemons
.SitlinhitsattiAti 0 ,, , • =f l, `
100) I.,Pf/PARERes.OPI O 4 I :-Ige in .I ,OAT I
vigAixfAel ret4BoM l3 ,l9eilithiktAtdaft
4149111,1 1 .5,410 PAOtAbuifir.94.!*c,4 l #
- #90):, 0 c#90 1 4:4,1 1 147; , 4Fe,V;14F0
10 4 /4:e .44i,;49 2 P 1 / AKIN- 1 4 1 .4
WillP 2ol cgo aliZooo7 ,
adders • are to be Made freenien;
'y - , .
C 4 ' Caine s' , , -:),., , , ', , lie.
• i - ec
•, - T • k---- o' ai 1. .. .-... ' .4 4
, ..:
~ ti ~,, g '... aptte lhe -4. -
iiil6l' or _l. , - fthi›.,";• e rn ;
. ^,maylva 7
nisi i . .c.lin e•gpriaj,*rtisil*week before lakti:
80 :`4. •,- Tif \Vi Ki
.. Itl l,
/ "Wiilur4 already eidgesteethat we
would regard the re-nomination of Gov
ernor- Partin as a great •calitnity to the
poi And tot he - eqqatry,.(nr,P4do4ole
realdnithat .*.e'lshanUlbffainci. oftnieehres
to the imminent risk -of a defeat, if we
tilitutirovetratitebyFtlifiriVirtill 2
.deserved it, that ,v 30;.• should render
service yory doubtful-to -:either .by elect
ing.: him. ~ , Wei now t.primeed,•: to • assign
some of the reasons for that opinion::, , f ‘
:10.annotrbtsc: dityttted,;f: wo.-think;lhat •
his administration ,lies-tproVed-.• eminently
.diaaatrona,to the:party:which brtiught hidt
jrito•power,,,' Whet itdhaa•;beent antionfor
tunato, ouetfor: the itattf thpprelnintcondi
,tignior her : plAwiered-Joiniikng3 Tutuf t 'mid
dilapidated, revenue will -algindenily;l•et
joo,;,,,lttts.nottelear that fl it,ibast,been; la
Whole/10P% owl: for,tbe etatntly.H . lttialont
OA clear that it.ibaa beema :damaging:one
4)F 11411_44f -rig, t damaging ;that il,ie :more
dt t\c„
than; 14:6.041,1whether4hel,Union;,teeti
gieritlik, V.Pgaa,it , usguealiottablYia; Nvould
• Tide-Pve tbalonfavornhio op . inioa so gen
erally e tertained of hiatintegrity,and
wisdom . , . twithatanding,tho more than
eharillblOrcierve,,Orthe press, which has
flung a Mantle Over „hit-, fa!1•11"-1 , 944"i PAP
hlPl,PPgolikr,..Pefi Ilia, fimi'd.s. mid. himself
tO : . beyqve that the tlisl,9qt, Qt. liis .adininis
' forgotten _ainid,the , elipgor. , •of :mina ,and
the,strifo.eftye.hatileSLAL: ; ,••-, •
. ..
•F . : 9 3 * ,Ocii , xitriFelePs I;h4n cihtier
xer L ege witliT a : lingo. : majority i ,*(l , l a
14gi,alature,ofWitiea oparty ; ~ threorkurths
'of tiO.trooluis
,ci.oef:Tfer.c., cr ciaitgio .
ii?, I)e,fltepOlicivs. „At OP cncl:,PfilopP
tiessin he, had t 4liiw
en 'all Aati • majortty
11; , .. ;•.), k„. I. .; •;•; • ...,- ,•I • ;•
•,„, i ' , 211 , •Iy ;19,,,t
-n trusted strktp -cite privejega °fox Rand
. , ~, , . ~
ft* Oe.rii - Atf!liPi . °Pr.iatton !13a.1e by , the
egial4n,r,O fi?t.the„comtnett ,defence,,, hb
"gave tcr . liiii i owp. creatures 'th j 'ii,q3ower . pf
nuililitg d Ontiacte,, as '. his .prlvete agents,
:in i relatten: with which . thiy,were ,eri t r itely
iinfto 11 0::0 0 0, ggKir'PrY tflf„ ; I ,M I 80 1 -
''4ie,t *4, *„ ft's,„ijel*4Ptd•hY„thelennekill
n -•
iftt1e4,!?t,!., 17 00: 7 , •This•'af4 found ,hY
t''e',P.r.;irfistOrarll#l,, PRller
the•preasar9 o a tpu.4lio,, Ola.Mor, , whteb
grew out OXtbe t;reatnient pf Cthp, , J 7.0 an
leera 'CA o' lia'd assembled ' at Ilartuthtitg.
Thoaehravp i young ,toenwbo„hailt rtreapon
#ol..i!i•4oPrOisb:ltc4.4.6*,-FAll pf I:4*
0-0RC*4%.*;045,113-qtNI-70t1it:Pf44Y -I,Ycek
iietiti.,, .0190,. Owe!) ...54;
~.Fpfp;i lktuf(ed
*iiVO'dvti*4l4l,,blohlieta_ttintoataa thin
`titiatit4tpikarg . nt.Ap ,it Irina° F ~.plpfs., , It
.R *,_re p or ted, ?r.f,gcl, IPA44°'eliived: ;'hA i ttlflOY. ..44
t eent',gtven eier leo the *der. ipefcies Of
'eit' hearges#,,appenhit gP
iLiveiti,),4,4tiO4. t,119;P4Pi. - iO, ::I`x*, ioriers
at - Pmp - csirAwlitunlyil - 94.irrii* , y"?4*
.i,.y,i , i._ , ,0r - sf,*,?,p,iii.ptii4te lllotliP:POPe
ti - theJ4 rlBl 4tlre , . s lP l Phf , vas irentea '
t 4 iheltsiutie at, I,,heiricitifaicii by aroi, of
i?iii: qw"p,w,nelettere, • .f i t, 7,4.eteggeetia. 4,0
rti._,Wi6,4?.:0,f 6 0 1 4,Y,140 4 iEWIFY- , !15it.g..09'
Pil,'!-. 11 :49. 3 gfi. , 0.„1 ,1 ip .*PuS,,,throt
' whm Off were. nAzttle,tftlit; 4f4 , ,,00f0c i
4 4440/ -p(c,orai!iily,ii: 13, •Il'hel.‘ 14.
ktiOw Opetet'tlui poldie, kiko,w, whe ther
It'',4 l ',n,q, 4:64. t,ti l sundry -,i44ivitrials! .then
1 0 11r4,40)illisl r ih9,,s4pItAl t ,,,.14104, 1 1'er.c
p'oi . q,c94. dti!:, by. .11.1) ,t9pgpe,'pf, : rwor, and
known io tie enor4.„upfii. „Al., i,14 . c .. pV,
ppse„ bad been ipttols 7 ,poiptputsipped i bY
thi'Gliveiniii,* Aklagenft, to, tusks 5 3 ,:0•
tracts for, the'a4h i pra. :l One pf there' in
d 444 44 ti . .,iiy - 41.1 ..oe,T,peiq,c,heite., AL i ,lirl,
k - 4,0#0,., , *44, slitter,, '..43_,
P3,,iii:f0,15,1.11011,6t.-4_61,=4144d.,01Pbta,-, Flict,;2o4
r1f?. 3 4 . 19 ,,cN 1 :‘ 4, 11,_5p,
_int)Pl.akik PP,..:11:19907
1 ftitI.P•TAKI,,,,O4II;P3-449_ YP.rPo,r% , l l ;hß On'
. °Y. e-r I.' 17 r teL M°Ygra9r , i.9n A !lack tie ffifti,, of
Als,.voYl7,lcl4,#l l h ol !go4 l WirPc9r4 ,4l 9vis
Ifiat ?a t!ie . .icry,siiiy-pr . ecgilleg,.ar,followr
618. • i Pi s l a, g? Vt4.olf,?XqWl l k IPI, .W, ie.E4cor§l
4' 03.AprtrovedA pou . traet - for ..elothing
itil. l l,e,,lY.thi 3 Allenq44l;otoio ll4,l7 4 4, t 4 v
! I t j. ,;',947,qPo l o.,?,V*g#Y , i lo ,_; l44t hiM it a
‘?",_RIF,O . ; o TA,. this .P..9l.trapt Pi, eal4Vaal litf;
ter9rfi s 04 Pte4AcFN-Plid 4f,;i.** while •
that .fp iiAt.igep,(,,,,Ac.pgnjlipg , that, ,the'
gg's'l'V,l,?7:l,o l ,..PA4.ecPWY: IP-Fderit , 9 IT;
?Pr ;".A 4 1 4 1, kiq9.-Pleictrt:'9.o)**;:tr9M,
•)/9 3 4, -w iPI II Pf i 491:11 1 0?..4k c9,11 1 . 1 1M4C 0 -PC-. hkc
9,7 I I A aPPPIQ (Vd . Pit,P).-An9.0009 .1 4 °Ng
colatict.; Bat- epluuttee •prreo 1130 TY
unliFsl ll -Ti flag ?nlk" JAW. •t • .4! , ,,AV
,1 0-. ql.,Prtga ih gAPl , Ft
0tt1i?9,1 1 4444at1Mk.40• 11. P1 4;01! f/9 ,
81 Ktitiosiegon - 19. 1 Wittllt 4 l4-04;f9unii
11 ' 4 **0 : 414095,1# 1 0,- , P44C4 4 , Yer,.03
0 . :0-005 1, O i ‘•; 'e?.M.IP-iitvNiP 4 l.44g ,l i4 -,
Il s
Y l ,g ci . Astle'ON'AilTib at ll t, 'll eXiII•MPA9
In, s, , - ciwitfYc.ry,:elj§p 44.84 4 9, , :, . ,4
g e #CY-A Ait..:OPF e r 49 l i.: , rlP4Pin*_ 4 l ,
•Pikilllilo 4 ll/ ,4 ,4i*lii 4 Oqi .91 ( #PPMR4
4..1.1.1,9 iziivesll9pniiii,APAßstiPtP,FOßT
or-7P:-PqAT.Ml,o 44 . , h l t b T;gPi Pf , R
i f
6.!•01;:.-6uP•?0,1!RrY, lib,
Ofrt 4q!,
ouov:irgi -imomp,tiV. 00, ,bet
1 1,0, 1 41,44 i tp;:o'7,ti'tetpail - _ r inuP..,9#l .
il* it 03.44913 fiifi , P,Al? fic.11;11.9r4
ag, 00; t!iail,t pout
OPP,O.! 6 4:o'.44 . lrkf)*TP AoYSI ',',' 4
PgR0, 1 1 7 01 16, i'hi o ,o9-Pl i , rvKg . i . le94 l J . ii 'f.3
*on OtP.PMPA * qd-w0 , 911. , w i P 13 1" 3,, .
0 1 1 1 %Mproalit4Aftli os.oo?rg_tbgtii
1 . 1 .070 11. - 0,44 itur#MP t Aiini l sl
fickik Ymiliturdn.tlg-mr , , in i ,oilF,M,
-opticepp . defotgp,ts.,WAl
6-944it'S8AAiluiLlkilagfrAf YA.
ff.qt, i oflß--Vvr -04-FMI -!Miftl, -OY I
4,ll7S:RP.loweqggettc<MAO.ntql _At, 1
I. I I=YfecIPOPPATIT c f I PYh.'
if -OFAIRMSS. E f o gIAt it V- 150. P Alts.
C--..*Pleo l @,-.lfirs. im i ti Nri oppolh•
liOolY t iosscryim?f , rAtskt.vo9l.rowil
1 hoioqt , tafikl - g# 4 #4 ,0 101 144 1117
' oogo,Oirlt Trlr. - 4.9 ,A,A.q. - Yi
v0:7 1- 0 . 4,14:, - 1 Prititivnoot s miligi
V;#.:ittheilAnAticli - e.IrtiTYMT4,O*:
ftke 2 ;07. 4 _;9 1 0..:44,4R1*-0 ORE,I
.... 11 ,,rrarV I T-i't --OAP il!Pft:
um5F-,r w 7,.140Chw0 *ion*
dietiacifd, or bid?appiiiiitmenie, whiefi;
0 ,
al ongli . . der th , ecnli cirenmstan.
c f t ,, :ti , s t ..,.., ox ; , d, are none
b: l in' ..', 110 '"
„ frbe : . lei ,iv ga •of the Frew ,
' '
fold " 1 e b .t. g I .v . , failnre,fiillow
ied as i as '=. thii„,*isatikie.trance of tlie
witues#4 neW Clitynittye was raised at
the..tnextesision_lll..tlie Legislature by
which it, was found, among other things,
that the case as shown by the absconding
witness, who had afterwards rgingfesii,
was "a clear case of fraudtileheioniii.
ty between the contractors and Charles
-irktiiiitf - thartillratittiliirtir nisbetific
090 141 4 P NQftliti*Pre beenAffisrdcitiit
$3,50 less per suitlhan was given,and yet
bar., Jef..„,tfi,tbp,cpntilictorp,a;protit of $l,-
50 i" that. 44 a Jame portiop of it was en
tirely unht coif' tbe use of .sohlieriii ansi
much of it fell to pie?e,s ; _in a phplt tiulgi tie
teilit t whit ftiaiiii lit "il eni'V r ; l ulll ",9,lap,lhe
ligh! Wale' rriWento ~,,,r 40,1,4,e_pq
f,ittsoo.oilazile.etfiaX they, ait, lengt h yieyz
'Cirasel'otis eflinVinedefranad til:,outit. ;
Our rea.4ers will4tuige 9F thet t O,iltty of
lthiriPbbnimittie wletahty'flid them. ad
'zing-, tiffitiithire,the l .ttti,tfaiim leAliitpliY
seen td'exiite a 'long onstneme,ngauab,t
lient;'thyt4sittilOit °Meal
of the parliesimPlicateiV 4eins t o `is
;Him *chi fill Wt. t " egreat, wAtipfjodg
'dent' jti 'hUptaianise.,,aipl mixopprOP,l
- its' to' big, dudes, * and ilia t j ,' Dis leet?
tunbx 'slava %fiat, ta aid not cousidecpui
,,seteboimaitc• l'oquiieoiiltei into,.t i yo Isitp
til tosit'ofthe geods' mied or their fitness
frir'itbeerpoSe iii . t f eaded.i' 1,4 rOlier
firtirriain p g that i ihy,4id not ` limit up the
ProiVenfeati theinselVes as AyieneqseAl l / 4 1 11 / 4 0
tfolitcl;ciie'doubt, have Made Clelr ft le
of it ' fair the' d'efen z dUntii. In itinyTelfilg
themalerie'lley ftitgut thiii,the orence
charged 'was one irbieh eith,r. ,iavo,li:ed
the complicity of the lithei party, or 0
not exigent till, and ',them:tole fu_„.. ll l l lhexi,
'ho ticcusioii flir runiiing an - nX., ` l ‘ 9 ' Me
infornied, hoidevet;that the, cliug'tfieucesf
the Governer - in t Near 41asocjIIr 1 / 4 11 9 11 180
sbalien by The franiactimi., iw., 4,41 Fon
tin'tiot te be among t+ most , intimate , and
cherished friends.
But enotigtler the present. ; 'We sh:ill
return to the general snitiet whiCh we
have scarcely; yet openM:' , ,
1 ---
' '
..., 1111 1 111 4.7 0 ff9/ 6 / 9 1 1 3 4 1 '
The po i viestown itcnivrivi attrilintesthe
f°ll°lvl°e•att,°PlPua sCnlimelltil to A I A übo
litionist iu t al l conmy ; ...,. , ,
"I never want,tashe peace until every
illogro Altwei in Abe Soutli3s set free, 'Such
as are i in• theurtny , I •want ( ~rewarded:by
,being placed in? possession in, ithOir fans
t•Pr'4l PrPPvtly.- ,Firbry black .mantin ,ibe
,country.. should shave the ,xightouo'irote,
and if the people see fit to electAbetnr, xo
held office; the •Deolnratiotrof Indepen-
Oengo - declared All mon free' and 4quaL , I
iwoilhl plohir that rather than fail in this
?Wel. avery. mall Ilaw , in the , artny Should
be killed," ; . •, ~. ; ,t 7 ~.1' ' ' I•' }, : 1. ,
TheDcauxrat.ladds: T '
"frhe Mute wifti Uttered this'iOiot,in
the eel rice birnithlf,`nnr iitittithii i fainly.
He is in Abu Aif Ett tilaplq bit;if hOpe draf
ted he has $340 to eFenititiiinf"' l ' ' '
"'So ff. iie , a4tli ail' the lA•iiiilt:,o - Oliiii,
"Ibtiiiiiii"Wy&irw'iiere: Tfi:ey, ars 1) R OR
tp'e %roiy,' anti they'aon 4 t.lt4gmi l ig,gs. 7 --
Thek'patriotisUr 'insists in fli'eir, • tiling
nefis to see'eyei l ylaY . hift`pm'noelret ge
find he 41164, or Muniy.l, or Aie„o,f, ex
posure in 'the datiii44oo i t ?ftl l ll 03,0tli
tieCilot a l iti troi4h-tot, of, negro •el
maticipatien, faaidal snpreMnO,y, i a4fl a
eeneralized deiPotiCgOvernment. `' ,
—, , n ,; '
WTI* abolitionis, itts 'ieeiiiS,'are Ile
lighted that Lee 11 0 98 VIM liefetied'bii the
Potonutel o second' tin*. f ' ' -' • `
A tortespcfmtent of the At:NIP/044
s tr a i d o od i wr i t er i: •
. , rii4, , )11 , ii
Ontypdopteltitt 'pa)Slira eirifesa ninch thi
gilti tirit , Lee 4 k, 64'4fairulloti4ti `1 j . 77 1 . e
viitlionritiitheiliahle: rl T Viet nlidr4 '
lire &cling,: i On t ilie'Cofiiiiry; I S fall' l ei
whett , tbearii that he win; iiirW~ tIIW riteei
and" Itbdre, seep tio reason .` sifie 11.', ini
rither , etnotion, lirhicaae Siiretigab .
Letillna'been 'Atitiipt*d=--wifieh 4441 twit
blo---it wtittld 'bevel been' liii4ol h lati
utterly defeapd,—iilrieli' vas 4. uct
*bre thini postibftil-70iiiotcr' *4 Veen
wointi. , ?he ttolidoll364leq dneeiP eiShYd
ititidlyllaQe'fidieleteinii diaa ticiii.i: 1 71 in
iiittitMitehotipi'ePared' i llitl ' siitideit aipd
tiiititipgantyliFtor*iiii' 'Of ift" t'ebituW.
Otellsh'all hat'hitefeadYkill r \ie t eta' laVlt
artilfortit.letiat' 00:handl ithiMiaild
*mi n t at,fieM. .1, „,ilia qt . Mon ir (,I
'-ii'i i‘ t, l 1 ' '4l..iiP T ,O - , TroPg f•rii It(
i'llarrilb Philitifelfihia Illorik 41iiiiiitai
iisserely'ditteotniiked‘lif We tfoot(jilief,"iir
the , r,bming. electiciti"ll 4 lNinlitylvania,- 4
Republicans ai*PtinViftili ilisthWil
ilea tilt; iriteetiiiitotV iiici'tiiiiiiiVC4.
per head r u,lriteo* hi ie., l ltl r,, .1"9, '3,yro
•.:The sitigniar habitictfOeicifrtfieid 1 kej
i)tibliciiistbkild britimii iiiis4l.l 4 44oril 3 i-.
gainsVthe Ventotiliti;flutliflieitiefiiilli'
litintlifincirliti the. r.. itifiablfeau nrriiiiijen r
oAbiet, 4enintbilitiiiiCste4itiag, 1 iti
ifituat lOisitytkin64iiiiikiii inn- Isitie, 9 4fiiiita
inete t eredi.C6opiiitinomintoi lit,PliAy•
thing-46g niurArtt,iairinot ' titiciersuilid ibi
'Whattligbtahati itien-life oiro*64 lre l W
thenigoivek - Rbiiiiblicatis,'Wh'elf •thel On
intbilitdokuctlitiktiall ,enetiiiele. i r' - '1 1 . 1 )
.* co, iv) "i. is ..-„,„.,, 1111 . 4 /I t.',11.0 1 .111,6
' 3
'' I
Thtliiii;;011ilbkj1)'8141?;11 f f r g el q P
9 .
t p,,,,,1, ~,r i .#04,,,..,:tvi 6 ; 'l*
ew 1 1 1 ' 1 a‘t lien
‘1" 411 IttAi °5
Oißia olatilltblrern4e...,:fslyt
militiiii thi iagm le 0 ?Aft A Arit ,ep
telltale v t A l Faltivtlfitc4o4w i
ti 6.. s m ,,, pox otisls - ,
;..1«. ttl .4. , 1.1 .JI d f t),Agia
i t ,
Ll t: '' ....b 16 il i ji/ 111 4 ,t t V tl , f5,, , ,11 1 , 3 11 07 1
. 4 )114 11 P , iPIC 010110* Ati#to
Roe pptiongvare thwileviitceProing
11)1thvi.cet, Yakatkk P11'44;148 havo ,
M4* oP riticroutwOol 144h0 log
% los
3 4
Owe: A itkk j vatiligigig-reAntisiono
, ri nuy4. P.iikwis),..
**NA 1 Y.5eni1.40614-, 1 114i4 0 1 1
4Pregli , 1740 , 401!011Mt WO
wound ,
sr _ • .ri m deculed
thif i r r . "; •.- an h.h" pd $3OO
aid 0e ' 8 xe . 8
s t i ed .
ma th :, be to ehe
nmin - d
1 7-*
. 's
.' i . ..
sires ilxl•d ' ' i hat ,If man who
1 ,,
h f1ai.4301 , itty,t, Pon -eating an
epta 44 sn • itn%aget hi:;•oney back.
....I.:_, -.4..04
.... _sal
tart. We are defeated." " Curtin can
not-be re-rleeted." - Such expressions we
h9ar4yem p lyhergotmrlity, honest, in-
UlligAlWiitiaaski tk.Of won nay
vote for him because he is the nominee of
_ , • , fftrbutmestmemiletr"lntditig
the intEcelts ortepocfunticActio!fli trid o f
the'Untoti ite i tif-morinitortancelllan the
success eV-thea-ep a ubr.v9 Rirty,' will
either mit digi.‘o&-far Laudgd" Wood.
1...4-4-sfirThe.-triAtkihtintzeigetiof!ipf 4 ijudge
..Irtio - diaril ihci.Detuodalielioininee" for
Goyer6o4 by andottpteeedented msiority,
wasl'iigittile(r)bir4idif ablialidri -is a
464Nejlafior irc , iFili 01R:tore* -Ms. vo9.
liiiiiiiti;ftits-;inuoundil' Ana; since tle
'ubtitintitintilfof2OtkeinniL' Curtin' is hit
carOP.SaiatollinslindstiokSvpuldimns ere' -
&dud , nnetingithe sirder‘; prediction and;
conceding the election of Judge *ciodl ,
ward by tt - -foldjiirity '?weeding even tiy ,
viv a doi o a ngara r unintatesiutahniourats
thentselitef."4 , " ' ;-"k+ "-ilt''''' :',. '
Mrl l lm euntitigid'i3cii".ity-ina4ugurated.
The books Are about to be opened, and a
mong i to 'lb,
itiii fe4ardl, modsi...ZitO,nitO 4 r i y
interest:a 'Of "Gbi•el:ror
,Curtik . , will be
f6llo444siiciiiilli4i;by'lli:a r iffted 'ot 14,
o w n party friends. -
-........-...-740, .
jar Vefi i 6;4 111eVliest :nntiinity fur
'is3.l ll otr)Plf,':tile,--.oaft" 4at i teParted in
minute . A
minuntall byr-iooriesponaent of the
N. Y. Valiileindfltilitgr.diShea' `through
qtg,_,mntry44tin,7 Sattirelitlq ,as haying •
10:1 - A5ctat.-SagO.Oia,0,-4;',1Var.rea , Cowl
s.4'"lta., is a baseless +natl.
~ o.
tgr'A Pi.tnJoAt grratinti Vt• Pittsburg,
lulyinWeihsed"i'desetlbli fii "bi l whipped,
pled a storm about ht i ears. - , .
- •,:_, .- -,:......L._e...e.4 - -414•10-L , - , :- : --- , -_,, .
sons has been mtillerid4)y negro U. S.
eoldier#gbiOPPOZTe. l l•/
tl/• ciWthe yeort.efaniattemPi
"Wthe'trOtii Tah7-
town, on Aitoiitlfiyiiiipic r Ititahe from the
.t uftwd I tatight, tiVat-• dirt
-ibeir'poSeessioty. ~" ilts 'there , "pas.= no evi
dence of evilitittiitiott 01) their part they
tvezo released...-... . ,
'"---" 4 ,•• =4116,1 ".'""'"""*
4 ilio4e.apiea'a pul
pit in Winsted r povi ?mid ; iti.his sermon
on, himltNiv:i / ilig t :13 , 111 7 0 .eopper
liekiis. bare twii,lipatinicidnt:. rights or
which they 3/ 84144, T imer > deprived—the
rnstlyttifmat righ(to toe' r lbilliged,„ i the di
vutertglfl. to ba dawned ': , ho.
J/Eg.An '7= 4 %7, recently. , taken
„ in'Matirr
go?rJOlf . sys;:'No*4ol,blitme, de
ceased. Von.
Dean, nut! tfk, efpnitem% of the
) o e4
gluon° emerneer.-' , , •
VeLieut. Hayerait, one - otibe
raideria4lll,4o ofiltAifittiertbrar his
optiwe' pat they were induced to make
34411003 ml IniliaiatAyAilkiFFlCirleslhAi
beast:that:Alm State-ewas Trull / ,tkr :111 ! ir-
Aleyny:';"ge"o4lll'7o.C:Y-:•'!tkill0004' fro
ibeSe lo'raiie. a :regiment:ail,. the
•hk;;;W u did,
raise a-regimelq, bate it Ryas you tbe,svrong
‘thst., , iinfortnedlitbe rebels ,
Didn't• - they obtain the - informathm from
RepubliedWapfileilt tulap%akers ?
inge,se”Pring - risy,„, sr kr f 3
WOMCIa le.port m e•ny
lif;qo6l* SO'
mcmr.sbotvti (4tlslilw-Ini,*,eitx has -fur ,
milieu from the begnming. r ettbd_iiii
62 3 140) itt ctitit(4oll.tilr 4441141y,p0t
eounfing 20,1351 - M6n limit by ler on 'oe-
Vtl33,44lloXhierei of
; 44-41-1166iiiedorc-4P.
7 theAel m. t he-
im itP
a filt rt k
posed tQ'tell the triith - r•Qiiifgentleman
retiiiiited "Viiititillitil‘riitiaikdiiim•
self elctremely obnotions to 19,Tal and,
;14,14%,,Reriobliettns."•' - ' (L.'
;,: IlarTho.nutubemEnationat-Banka , zet
tablietie&titteBJUiwg944,ll,344 A N A Vitt. ,
olowilAtiiiplemonithe lintglit:ireigard ,, to
ntiitibers3iiiiiiiile r ikliteitie l itliirines
the old K' emo. njuilitkefeiprfrnipi, Indiana
elevn, Ntielbiltlive - 7Stog"'" , ,
Titaitlr I
* tr 4 ' crept " a
'fairly adMniottrmibieritvbesutitg upon
ti-Xpric city iaribimbatemonatrated tact,
MPlVliiiiiiglaiyalieB A 'MU&
buT,lnkannactiottesithlather tentMoo9%
unublmifolied and unititymibbitaikkibteies
alispocsibilifyiet duat o ttiia"ba Sederal
adniinisirattmilititinded Olt ithelYemoe
.taey, a ctf i thatiiiiniCaoun - iirr.eittoul& bear
an tuulturikokoltsiflo die Mao* of
thTaialt ...'.'W*Waifillirwhat_Ave as
!Immo:a 414114,19195400.11 0 Atf 0 ;:'
angOI444O,COM zeztn. e .1.4-2: - :11,11, , )
46/12:474 f...,Zt:lia a: ottirtg M q .0:1,,r - or; 144. ! ~. • i
, •0 titatil.:,grpi4lol# ll 4eithstift. '
-AMMO" ammunition, which Iverez. at
~gp.Tiffmt - . tie , : fe; Torii
reeerie ''t f 1 the . , and put
iutd the ait b , , n : ,ue ihili.
0404101104 5 81bilitilveWiii
I Th u s feeßmkkharhaffil*frther
IPr it une ril lu sgt/.4g o ,a-ta a 'lt LW
o ne. `Where nave e dated ,to t-,
--- ;;;Aiatern - 4* -- 0: , ioto:Wssii
itim thtiffiti l lbrlf T 4P'sl
it. 444 . 440:141 '. , ..X.i. 4404 1 4 , ;
TiM giceiveriye*li
• Oa
43.1111101 acvni-Ylbdied; ' - - •