CAN - 4,11,11 3 1 • , _ stakonnat tDD. WitatMOUS DiSZA 224 ,- - .liviss Amery /*eh must:4nm* vandialst , Naas— "Mrs add largasetitha of your flaimettkengt4.4: bat *int yrit ontbotue which Ailed *Me disked Mist End /hl eatistketien to those who took it- JLe dud at our P•Mle try it, they agree Mere has WIC Rh ntedpgne like u Worm our.commanity:' • • - Emoons. pialcollatelMl42 l llettileiknOerS t air Malin Orttle. _ plat .41obt. Stratton. Bristol. Rag lan _ "1 1 on ly go my duty to-you and the publi when I add sir testimony to you publish of the virtues OTOnt BASSATIJULLIk. Illy thughter. aged Imtebad an allUothss humor in her cars, eyes; and hair Or years, which we were enable to cure initiates tried =stir SAWM I4I .• 'Peelklien fOT AMMO montilVe pm Arm Jane . Bice, a welt /wow* cad onick.edhriacd_ lady gr t lkaadselUe, , tbpe Ily daughter hasaudered for • ' , earliest with veto ft • toloni which into weirtroublesonstr blothing afforded any relief until-wo- tried your Banaariuum.e. which soon completdy Mutt her.” hoes Clarks Pallaek Ettem'er.f widefsvestown G er raileearrest; r Mx, far enamelled pa 4 se Ntak ea, l• I had f o r emmilyesua .* rev tronblesome frumorkin my nice, which stew constantly worse until It disfigured • my features and - an intolerable efiliclion:',l tried almost everything a map could of both advice - and coed'. doe, bid without any relief whatever, until I took your flassarantute: • It immediately -wade my: ilia 111'01740 Me you _told me it might for a timeitut in a lbw weeks- Messy adatedin to Item under the blotches,.end timed mute my we is as smooth as anybody's, en d on- am 7 without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. 1 w*y m perfect heal th , and without * doubt owe it to your itaioran.La. • Eryidpebis—Ckateriil Debillty—Parify the Blood. Prow Dr. Robt. Houston Di Musa: I seldom ddi to remove Micas end Sertejelous Sores by the perievesing , Of; your Ben, sagenztt.a.and :I have just now eared an attack of Malignmat En/ripe/as With it. Ito elteraitts we powers equals the SARSAPARILLA you have eargpiuv to the pro d:anon as well as to the peopie.”'. . , Prom .1: E. Johnston, Bsq: Wakeman; 1 ' For twelve years I had the iellow Erysipelas air m• right arm, daring which thee • .trted al! the celebrates! physicians I could reach, and took handrals of dollars' worth of medicines. Thu takers were so bad that the cords became visible, and Abe doetora decided that my anti must be amputated. I began taking _your' liana*. maitt.s. Took two bottles, and some of - your Puss Together they have eared enc. - Jameowsenaendsound as anybody. Being In a public place...ray ease is known to everybody in this community, and Outten tha.sreader of Fran Hen Henry Aferaro, -- 111. likiratilie; C. W., a leading member gr the Canadian Parliament. " I have sped yetis' SASSAPAIIILLA SI Ply Many, fir general, and flit partfring the blood, with very knack] and feei eontidebee fa commanding it to tin aillietedm St. Aidliours2Pirs -Ems. Saleitheuni. &dd Head, Sore Eyes. •_ lb le Stereey Seas; Jue, th e able editor of the Thnb isalateck Democrat, Fettaspicassia. "Bar only blld, about three'stage, wits attacked . 6y pimples, cm. lib fbrehead. raWly spread until they formed a. loathsome and- v t tore, which coy ered his Om and actually blinded his eyes tbr some.days. A skilful ptvichurapplied nitrate of silver and otheitena edies, without any apparent end. For fifteen days we tirded his hands, lest with them'beshottld tear Open the festering, and 'Corrupt *mad which covered-his whole tam Slaving Vied every thing else we bad any hope from we began giving your SaasarattreitA, Ind apply", tag t 'he iodide of potash lotion as you direct. Thrsore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had finish th e second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out. Atew. again,_and.. bola now as healthy and fair as my other. iTfte whole series bothood predicted that - the child must die." • Syphilis dud Mstwuriskilistiata." From D. Hiram 8/oat, of St. - "Lisuis ldusoari ^I find your SABSEPAILILLA more abetUill felltegy Thr the secondary symptoms ,of.Sohnis, and for Syetiline disease than any other we poseess- . The profession are in dated to you for some of the beet aredicusee walleye- 0 Freuch,ll. D., an casuist physicinicr ZitesiA tenet, Mass, who is a prominent number szf:•the Legtt.' lature or Massachusetts. • . • " Da. ATElr t —My, dear Sir:l iumettound yOur:Ssa exeintr.s.a an excellent reetedy for Syiikilis, both °Title primary and serenade:pp type, md effectual In someesses that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. •/ do ribritnow what we can employ with more certainty pi_ sumemoshere a powerful alterative is reunited." Kr. & Van Lim, of New ilnowarick, - .1f.J.;, - bad dreadful ulcers on his tem caused ty the abuse of mer cury. or mercurial disease, which grew inere and. Mere aggravated for years, in spite of eves) , remedy' or treat mentthat could be applied until the persevering we-of ArraaIiSARSAPARELLA relieved him. Few cases cau;be fbund more inveterate and-distressing than this, and it took several doien bottles to cure him. Lensarrbrea. Wlntea, Female Weakness, • are generally produced by internal Sem/Wogs Uleernfftnti_ and are very often cured by the *Rewire elle@ of this SARAAPARTTAA. - SOM CMS_ require. hOUlCTerOltaid of the Laaaaranu.r.a, the aluliftd application- of -local remedies. • Armn the inel!4namon and middy-celebrated Dr. Jacob dlonsll tqf (Ineimutet. • Have fermi your SAILS Are 5m.4,4 ad excellent niter. alive in dlnemes of timbales Many _eases of imp:but : Leturonrbata, Internal Ulceration , antloerl s Ing from the acroftdons diathesis, haroyieldedlok„ and there are fry that do not, "trhariteelfeit _ i}Properly aided by local treatment.* , Jody, torrilliag to allow the publication of ker wzMe, writes: "My daughter and myself have been cured of eXes7 : debilitating .I..,eueorrMea of song ,landing, by tern bOttlef. Of your SARSAPAIIILLA." . • • Ithearaattara Gout. Liver Cathyinlet. "rtrrDei• eta Heart Disease Neuratitia, when aimed by gerefale in the systeio, are rapidly cured by tbts Lim haerieraant.A. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advanta l ees over the other purga . lives in she market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do .more than to assure the piblie their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been and that they may be deZipaini on to do all that - they have ever done. red_ byd'. C. AYER, M. Mass., and sold by ° A. TURRELL, Montrose, and by one trader in every town in the connty. inayl9_ewlv NUnSKERST: Pe',Creates nUtubwuw Ongtient,7 Or rienektristits4 !TM BALD HEADS AND sali.t.BacEst , Rims celebrated Article is warranted to bring out s .$: full sat of Whiskers on the smoothest faccorailne growth of hair on a bald head." to fees than Os weeks, and will in no way stain or Injure the skin. TheZrench Crewels manufactured byDr. 51-.Peletreaf Parta,-and la the only reliable articleof the kind. • •• Use no tither.", Warranted to every case. One Box will do the work.— Price, $l,OO. , Imported and for sale 'Wholesale sad 80. tall by THOS. F. CHAPMAN. - Chemist and Omelet. • ' 831 Broadway, New-Ter/4 Box of the °anent sent to any addreSa 'by cetnra-mall, on receipt of price, and 13 cents for postage. _ July 2. 4w. 2- Exeouthx' Notiee. NOTlCE:4ofereWyktven.4p 7 all Person. having de mends aoLnest .the Estate of. PATBICE. CASEY. hate-of Silver Lake; deceased, that the same meet be presented to the undUrsigned for arrangement; and all endue - Indebted to said est:Ste-Are requested to make to payment. Muir cASICY; Execnti dulys 18GE -Gso • `. YEW BALDWIN, ALLEItet DAIINNALTIF, - Vrirar.SLOE OP PUBLIC Avitsvi, ' visioult,.-. , .FEgD, iiiAT; _-. Gardejl_geieds,'_ - _ . - ,- .'.'._. ir#l4 l 4110,4 Thnow:*-7101Nmo, **.!dirli;:tio-i**o-i!J;;,:.--.. POBIL HAMS, Dian Bigir t, nth, 13gtOked Halibut; , gyp mi-- - 71olaisses - and Evtgare. TEAS, .B.lrOtil h' .'" • : KALtiAII. , Cash.. tbr sumank,.-1574-z, AuiPs4-7 , .4 Pirri lik aw I=Edimpa ilLt 431431 M !:BrOnliArliri fri- -• .1.1, iitt i:P4V , f .C11,:.1 V.: ''' ,, , ,, at. ".,- ;t•- ,l ' • 1 0 ~';'.•, ' ;?:.n4?. , sktiOirJadlaUMl OM, ": s "?,*,:f ~,•', i_--a.: -..1.1-5,i • -,:- .z , ~.2.1-50,',...1,1- A .' il.t, =).: Z,,t-•!:" 0727',• , .:.•11••i-N•t• ::.. , : , 121:71- 6,11, i - -•:' • r . 111 .-i .. 48011 11 11 11111 m .D.,',..200g:04*1:*,.,41i'_4*411..t.ii*.,:#4.1-iiff, ul l. I'he:CARPEII 6 MM . Bat aii ,.. * . 301 , 416 .. ~..., .. ..: . : „i„..:t. .... • ...,,.... :_. .. Imerimt.striiiiisstsenstr --- 4 t.-ss , „ .—juni anskistit_ __ . lit; ,I , , -;-- ,- :-:i =7:-)•! - A -,;,,:: N.trr.:•••!: ;;: , ..;;: ,-, Q ', . MC:7lt: , ::;:nr g:{, , ..! --Farmers! TootegOlkit ' - ' , ..:ei . ~.. Tll . arab Witte..Poftelitit W,a4,:-'7lo.oo66'iligliii . :iiirtureisithebestarosusitiaL- . ...p. -i , .:., 4:, , • ci --;• -& 72 • 4 Paint/I . 'lWe 1 . tibliet . ' , Puttrili n t ' l i ask • oinvi,iiiiiiirmtiimpc.inrd, •fopsis_se- - :- . • .' '.'7. -- :. Tentillifitif.l','. Seitc*titiitteet* -;.i.Oilinfite6.ll, .:161 - .11.10 6 . - It t :i. ititiri).-447,00Mitii11".. - ..; .O. A. TOODUrri. -f• :- : 1:41P1113:1 1 1k skllltictli Ufa ;1' . TRYILIFEN . wig hewn made iinangesents to tend Batter to: New, IT Yak 4)onalgnmtmt or, Contract.c: Miring itlur 4111a$0 , - We willArnlelu~se to all who are done rou °Nang .el tM.;• Ta gum 100 °wait-ton tend Inn wingnistunen Idenal Inariad.P*4 ourProwid fiot , Ors& va~ l'entgld r and`connalsolain•s•._ f_ -1 v... fir Wet..will admen. adang. ow; conskstanta: vented, an l„ bold Qualm relinmaible; Batten and Rads 4nracit Altnnanessld -1)41•0.Wilf, ALIi&KA -Monliginn , AoUloll6ll66ll. • -i; . , - • Tollp*7l3XClOT"' . ng -Surtr,eon =soiseriberbatiztg Wier of Readmits RINDIC.AL I;wlet tweilizabulJuld gine aertlfloateaf itatitledia' eae ors, will attead.up, All,apgUeationa eat . mI,IL , tat prmeoted.:oldnuat 34suPW, - .8003211at Z. IL- Tn. VeWs Rotel.—- - • _PATRICE: • . _ , - *44i'.'A,iiSO.iotOtO*;:: - :, spgillG &sofita iooDsti, .44 liar/ 7 1 / 1 1: 1 4 10 * • - AT A LARGE:. REDUCTION from Aril T eem. .' omit, rueoeu o n will ineludo Ito , ' ENTIRESTOCK which wino avid as Lugs at asatfoit = aiwilite sold THE . 10ST iillin 37 1 4:wri 4CALS333e2 ON TIME, or. for PROkrei. 8 .T 1 3 17 .,** 1 1*, I'4 may, 1863. z ::;;;:74TeTtNiirctin,1,:--„, .0 I i r / v ii .e” - NATioNAL VOLLEGE 1-, S. IM: earn:l4.lth it CheWnittetsv, .i. - 1 InarttiALTS*l4C4P4-10 , 4 - • Thle te - nowertardirsre - antetcs w.i....b....... -mac .1 Wirral ettaini:loati4 itt _Philadelphia; 'Heir York eitr Broolken? manly, Tnly;.,!W9." ClTrePindi Detri l. t Clamp, sad St."Lftht", • • t doldtobristelpti issued thy thy ceded these Pilleg, are goodjoraiLtuOnitpditict c. • ' ,; ' ';. ~ ...,:..; .-.' *The Collegiate -0 ,0, 1 0 3 67. . anat Embraces Liaoi- keeping to tee" ildieti itsmostadproved foram,— p, the - celebrated SPerto can= eYetem.u.Artrupe Cidaone, Commer ow Law, Beiddetis iteClaithroctic,Lectarea. These Institutions pones, a inatbreal ..repulatioapard =Lgreater faclUa ties for prepandaitymaagmerstat ithe el:meting tteinekaadba generally, the:tarty other oballar schooled!' theeountry, • ' The Phihidelphie . Has be,en recently enlarged-and re-furnished in a• wipe dor manner. and la %tow the Largest, and snost pi= Commercial Institution:lnthe Statew .11a thoroneheontse ofinatrnetlow, tbelong praetleaLexperi enceofthePrlnelpahmindsnpesintaecommodatlons,offer unequalled inducements to • young men who wish loin:- v.tre the best ;omits/alma:l2d the beat . bstiodnetuni the bedlam world., - , • • • , - Diplomas awarded, and •qadnatas lEntniendill CO business men. •_ , • . - Tai Booins.-Erynni. -117. - .Stratton'allook- Her An. three editiatur,—Co=wirchocd; price Mats., High school. to I ) and Conntlng lionse.--Bryant.and Stratton's Commercial- .11.111.21-1- , kyinit . ;Vs Commercial Law. -Ans •at these boo sent by Or Send tot= aatalagne t andalanitidtianiicubsir, and note =relay tbe 21=ditaradatoss :ditties° Colbtessnrar atiothera._ . „ . . , . • ; STRATTON; it CO - •deci y ;MCI • • The ditto') or Sa' `milt 04681,z A rzettnrwrir bR 4tILVIINZI:I44rit' AS_ su deare r , torrhtea, Ccuisumptton. and phyaltal ty,ilpilepgyaersornmws-s, Impaired Nutrition o --the-ZWyr Inasitedsilmess of the Limbs ind liack t ludispWthm. and ustapticity : for and labor, dullnesiorappiehmion, lois arum* version weociety,,kentof eolitude, tinddith, feu it tins; dizziness, buft*.e,.. • affection:lot the earts, pim ples on the face, ittinilmatary entissititut at ince. picky. the cousequeyOuthltkindtscretion; lot itlerTbisadmirible lecture dent es that-tbe bon einuneretwl, oftenz evilsOnay :be ro• moved without medicine and 'without datmerous-seigP calopeeatiotiaa,,a, y.ahead be read by every !yetitli land every man in•the buxL - - --•- Sent atider ren, on the recelkt as conm. •)m'wek. et:state - 0C by ad dressing CHAS. J. . Z A -noriblycqj . ;kr etry4 N: T.; l'itistrollifelfoigSflig W-3tChes,j,Jew.eirt:Natid ' .--0- Bilvor.Virtrei' ', , ::f ;:, . , liiit tiri6erettita itooitir irittiicitanitli:lte ... L Tyg. ..YZ d o r t. bie wellfeeeted jstackonslik k 9 W- irr, oteverrm u d andft i riev r z le t VFEL -, .. . Burgin Of th isewi t at'a iV : A - 4. tbes .t,tantt ilG lmo Folid Sim.,WA al .t—`•th UAe L niakeiniliviPlatedWir,• nklesmut` b.— * ,' l.Aei to4 lll lngett4teo i c- ' ' i ' at grlsitaisimitivelicirefloti ; e S * . . .... . . . ... .. ".-,,- ~ • (Reiteessorge taulper*.lifzdeia: . .. li4-41i1t°441-101"14dlik. nEkoksairrm6-7 , .. . , _ 1111111 . tf.. :± witim PITL - sin .- --.•= RE 11=01013 1 ftL7 friforiitir4fll6o of. litotitiaqi As, and 'kinky thd thet OrtheMulad,,...2la" lusineu in an ne imea te e, ' su e b7ReP47,Pe ?Mir tDiCal — W s ext — Wa wive vitiiiiisiit4 V iiiii afoo.'' fili*la as ipowesial.pricesamwsboplaisaivs , Ar2lloi - 411.14. "` -'" -43tEanacrak " ••••• • .•-•- --•••-• 4 ; 4 • I * ~ -; ‘, , ,z d:".- t rff.:4s 1 . / I '"••• • "••4 , P.-w: _ 1 ""Zrkiar4n7,;:.4.- • I : • It:`,q. -4 1",:i•4 , - 11 4 1101:1013Mitar IMC.- spet4ektnteratts with as, the ism as with Mammon. -7/00N3y, WILT tiZraggiegla or rt” Otorders, which wp. to4ll execute hi tits very bestaitaitted.,3r., fE9:3OXWOXISM OSS EAL O IL,d - F lkfacfs, I 9.r,..,;a1F MO COAgit. wisp itt altt he OM:don - 40 chants an Traders, to the 006 t • *ir Ter • usrdwareerili-be--recetved tnd-torwarded- tFHP eatontdarinetinkenooans of• ketiltslday, Sept. and Oct.. fewriattWins nintaba tweriltnetwortte m ato otiejActrleida t nad egq* therp,stp ParltitaraL AtePectiglY.E -ILI Qv . AtaAtiVs#,446l7l4366lo't r' • . : rruttieritgted wtettinltirtii the TreffiWttistlii trttril "-eat& eni Folusdri in trevrlillrohl Bortitien teat colagni, _ ILM o ,btflidi At, 709:iv0 - Ritinithed cul oboes ilottce.: 411 work' itaiisit*Et4lll'gooktritetiai" 1•114 - finish. .! New ' •" ' „ i ts . I:t:tr.n'll 3 R 4o4 S_;* UPltla STEEL, NA /LS, SIALOVIRILS, - " 'BUILDER'S h ARDWARE. MINE kAIL. CORBTERSUNK ct-T RAIL SPIKE& BAILBOAD & ALLYING SUPPLIES. " CABBIAOE 42 4 81NG5, AXLES, REEINO AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and' WASILEBS, , *PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE • 4BONB, BURS. SPDXES. : .FELLOES, SCAT SPINDLES, tA4IIL9, VICES, STOCKS ana DIES„ BELLOWS, NAiSIMERS, SLEDGES. FILES. 4c. its: DDICIZAR, AND MILL BAWS,IIFLTING,PACKL'CO, stl.og.ul' DLOCES; PLASTER. PARIS, ., _ _ CEMENT, Mutt :oßlNtextoNai3,l, IIIqINGE7ENDONV GLASS, LEATDEDds-TINGS. 1 8 63 . • • : . 3 : KEYSTONE'',HOTEL- • At 'Montrose, Pa. Proprieto4 Trine.teftVai Solute. and nearly la centri of thausiness :portion of Montrose . . The Proprietorts coritldentthat be rared to entertain guests /a kway that *muse tali to ve=Tlfili B ATISPACTIOX,,, The/tote/ az& tartrate new.; Anita.° exlienscieis bflimiloced,t,ct render it equal.lfuor ; suPetinialo VW ill this part Olthe State. It Is well supplied with ill recent improvements cad cotaforte. and obliging 'welters. will dwaystie ready tiimapond to the call of. zustomets. ; ' The Stables connected with this house are new and convenient. ' The Proprietor:rliftlectluily. Ito' Units 4he patronage of his old friends, tramilem..alitithe , publicgsperally • W3l.•a. . . .. • , . REMOVAL. JAMES R. DEWITT: tottr ed. bit Wick of Goode froth the Lathrop illotetoixtl g oc t il l trArit i be n fl l no c rirr d b il . oe?ady to kleold friends an d the jotiblte, at Ms WU Mum - • LOW PRICES . Agdodltoaceqst4l79 4* hand, coliststing .of DS - .)=-3Etiot)p3ora.x=s; CROCKERY • Naas Iron, tliardwate = - o Sash,: il s - 7 • . 1 • - . 11. X. " p ,6 - r aribAtroi-atkd I— veittsilativir ebb* . T.. pact, die - COMMEACIAL cougiar. tO;fpioi;i conducted b. 7 - • f ' • IMACTIOAL ; • 'r.eVER SIX =mum EN. siim fleveteen Mlicated in thePilrielPles sold Practfalifall the - gletalts otn InisinesS edneation from DITPre syt . "-' 31: • ISEIWANTI, 11001Mmium: 1 AirenledScier Sliver Xedils, sancii4i of tie tagheet imalortuektn , Ake wavy. Also, STEAMBOAT , E O O4 I OXIMPIZip. • • \ "Lit perfeet system for seek booke and ecconnts." Al fa•Divnestr,systea a • • BOOKUnint42 . _ - wx Arcet. forms, of tile Pentaytvanis m em oi=r. matreneye erstem of • - • - AT-g /WM ; 1001 P-IfgElltigi. „The cody_oixe ase taus city, Tber al:iitniesystentirOf aceounte *resat= the dent' SUpWIIIIO4 stt r of the Autho imifitio up.tdegree of perfection nee -irsitElAitlMUlTPl3ll3ltilVilli,", tostintilliestrnAdVrneeatlital Pentosnet4ptilfaritell - • our preit Pinunati by the . i s thstrat Cincinnati in.. ti:"Here. Petess.l3tte Vett a a r amairaimikwavittaborgb - fereeterir the 01110411/to Fetr fit,Clettgant. : . • . r•181:11., - iiltdter4ielitiOlettOttefit rar:ll4 r a'A lW ; 4 43. t es tjf,l4olii.f •• sr= - ,, fr.w.t. estswrigove co Item, • - 04- l i m i tnensintimnplentalittnninshiptvutioenifiste t laditek* bp mg:IDM% itinstreeektutent ibelPennetit.Art..4llo•Ences, e „bu nion • Altdeopttf,llollll4.-. ennw-tiperto.,\ Prkste, pig , • • . , r i r lidenseik Iklitiott•tigiffte,flo44446o • „ softly Bookeeilersgenerlilby •-!Ci • ' 1,4164 ,t runt, INERNIZEI 2.Wholeiale - a get4llDealegin XML C3O Ik4' - FOITSDED IN 1840 *. ,„ , .. . : 1 ... 4. , .. . iantrate -AB taloa?. tOll m 4#40.4*._: ,-..... .10 -:: v i :;,,,i- • -,:-:, ..t : .... _ : C: . "I I Ti ' 1. , ; ‘ 1 ' ff. r: . ' , 0 r 1.11 ji, ::-,, ;- , ---- ) Al'r:-: 1- 1:.'41:•-• ;74414Wdii(04titiiiiikinii i pVt, rtft.tkogroatiat ,Tarirdi Ara i y argratikthelmt*lp,MlVlT :a o b ' VilifWiloWetlii,itT=TA tioracOrraciolatikratfatiOatidttritf the roarvarodarala Dew York, andurarelharr - dity-Deiderasnd Manatac. :tarcrsßut.,pf. tiu INVAP o l3 . aribis 49048 41.0TRIGIPOintAINIAVio:Amithicts... Aktuk , Instirlar,goaaroaarGclaa.:OritorneTlP4: _ Nob& 801 1 0,Attustlifitr:*itert.torhrd eValAbAngtinfigeaoPl deatille'reV e claill'C'theedArnOnlot , Solue 1 44 . StoirX.PW: 10 1 1 1 0 1 #4 111 Olcodur o=oo odd o.btiaea Mkt Icorcilk)2l,-- - Thugs - ana liediclpi, : fainkiamSz - ailDiA raft, Oteteliell. Licram,MakerrViDaral ars. W - rata - Winetow_FlPVT.vainailA•Stkterl'ate.rertatigli •~. Goodi rouricalirodrnmento Broeber.^Amorteaa roc= KffllitThliFentWalreliGfWPlßMWlMPMDlNM ‘.4. iite... a Ware, Materials Yor„Lights f rti Dry' Goods,lditraik4Viadinr ii lair. Vat. Wakes, pile oragaa r -Areetaelear-Walpa, and Lathes, Broom. One, Natoli,. Ammardearo; T.=. Nadi eat lad Weal Dkredarardir. Silt: 'Boll 3 r ort f m• bronastEmatibi YestWk AOC two) - fix:r4 mato the.,akir, to-please the tasto,to el It A g io r i a to the tansy : alatrt6tiobdtrokko' au The - attention the p - opu e 5 " Gooda.bouginrax= ity= and willbfiarsidoa thanaolp Mciiiiiiie;ltinakiiievitzdil. 2 ' A'. f .!*.,4'':-"MPIP÷. u s . g OIL otit Rio .A.,:.1111.111111 .'::1E.94.4 1 k.1,41T1 1 .0V - iT,' I ' = THE. PASSENGER LEAVES Great Bend sit.'7.4i) a. in-, after the arrival at L d.BO a. In., of the Cincinnati Exprespfrom-thrturest, connecting, at Scranton, where it arrives at 10.10 a. in.. with a train on the Laeltawannirand Bloomsburg thin road,- tor • ntsuip. •YOnming KiKalint apd Wilkeelnirre, anal hy Omnibus rid th ,Delaware. and 11044,oeistirroad: ii 4 videacq for connectriby orbit bui wlthilioDelvldere - Delawaro,„Rallrond.tor MOW tinie. Trenton - At _Newthitopton Juntilini, where it - mires. ss.2=Pr. nx:, the was Lula connect" with trains on aui Dentin! Road et NeW'terray, for Elizabeth.. tjeMirk,pair Mirk; Paden. Babiettm munktr,24, , uch Chtu)lt, Reading and„Usgrishurg.— Plissen era a noi this train arrive - inwew - York affilSO, in rh T i ti ta e d unt e lea st: m .oo, g tom and o t i n co llanta rltal bu s watalO canat B.oo4, l 44tnidredt man!! t m., conne c ting with thet manager trait o aroma, !caving New Irampton Junctionatill.2oa.lnand erriv• lug at Scranton at 4:02 p. where 'it (remorse and, a train on thntarkavranna and Bloontalmrg Redhead. and with eta omiiibrui running to the, Delaware and. .11pOon Railroad. • - • This traltkarrives at Great Ben ca.-il a r lose connection With the Mail train, golngXpet,ori the Brio RaEwny, , _ . ,; - AN ACCOM*OPATION TRAIN; . liaves Scranton - at-10.1On: to.icatineetlntapteat Bend with. the Day train mat on.the sne BY thie train Paesongera advent Mao* filmdom,. But; - &c..the eaniq• day. Betnining s . Able tratte - leskeea Great Bend 42.20 p. 01,. on the ant* Pt, tke Nett York Expreas golug• Emit. and' Bittray(r.treiii goPig and arrives at Seratitao at WM P. al; • . • . _JOHN - Sep.l; • , A: HENRY , tieni Tteket,Agent. . • • „ Serwton..l4ay.2o,lBs3. „ ' ERIE RA . IL , . „ WAY..:, ~,,,,,Npg or ti- 4 66:;:ciii).,Eiicihi)roi%*;44iirl:20iti: td 1243. -- %TintianwillfeareGke n t Wyi4. - PsoltAWtll4bn totlemlneturam . viz: - '- • ' • - -p , . ' 6- ":" 4. : •,, 1 WESTWARD ricx:Nrk,_ 1.._ EARTw4IIII- oak A n 'll;l(Y.Sit „ k Butra l li zp ;Pte. tin t m . 4. Niebt iszpro, R 144 s, l4lg tlMatlt " re".. .ig o • Pm) . 1 4 1 ( 3 e=abo.. ..t- • • *- 4 .51 /33 * ul / 17, Ffty 4411 U, 3 OM , ._' 2o B:. w A tii : Frei : r tit;_ ;:i6 ::: 21. Aecenr_odation". OM a.cri xis, • , . ~ As, im r ran extery,M.An. DI tnunSande s pi Op*ttott24 nnktnrs'.N of. l33 S"MW.P ut f to - Battro, tin dots not ro Dunkirk: "S• 11203 3UNOT, Gen. Rapt. . LICK - Ail/AN - NW kiILOOMSBUIIG and after ApriliB63, *44 Pamiennalms • Orun :us follows: MOVING SOUTH. • Lel,P LlAct: Fit Q 1411.0 Kifflpt l aMT.4ll s k&fitte-... .4 31) P" In ' •• Wapeft. A Danville, at - - 9.21 a. m. Arrive eitNirtflinnibirlaila 9.83 ..1 , Leave, , "Noithumberland 4210 p. rp . ' " Danvi ll e, • I . , .f " Rupert, 6.45 Kingston, 8.05 IAS A., in. 4nriveati fierant 1 04-: ei 93 0 Iml;;; * .:: 11 4 10 •lk m kpassenpr train.abtaleaves,Nlageton at 8.03 few Serahron to connect avitlrtrain for Nevecork. turn ing, leaves Scranton on anima of trilipftm..NeW cab at 4.20 pp.„ Th , er7 ' 'creigiuf Bassenrek'fildfi” n th m oat AID P. sin, via. Wartime: and reach Ihrmistuitg__,l3.6opMi. Baltimore 8,89 p:_m.. Washington 10p: - EctF,:: Tiag - RapMt 'oo' reach Philadeiptda at 7.90 p. er. „GEO. - 11:11IINT; /AWL% Ringston, April 18. 1863. 3= 1 61 4 0030 - .111.43.., 1 M 1133 Bonin market, ocantinttroo hand; and ahudow 1: a pricalukit. cawboobtalnintaiusy Dealer fti Wins. Ver Remember - ' TarreViDniglitore:, Tbo Row commocia.l 3 o44gOnioistml 10#41)j• • • einzter 104*04.440i • '4 • .irt nib College nc):l4y ; mitStityAr N yuttier ruptitut e i r c iii ofi d' Re te rFigt l itdoWs44 : l4 : o - 04 " , :4 W eL 0 Mop au opportunity for' &nulling a' A, itn.wtaa Educatimr.,. Our lioOltedy.orms,sie earefultrarratigeapy pried =mutants; expretalytor inatftatioLt a and of InstructitSla 611 cti Ai )154 41.!; 1 1',V1 Praetieo. W411.1:Z.C . 'Cleolltislisto =touristic Thfecittilltua eultiraika Rook 4teen e ett e ra b a zeillitirdert• muter, Pentnanahip.:Vommerelat elrreimondenee, - rnmeretal Law.'Polltleal Itecaunny, Coannerettel 8008, Partneralaip Settlement*, Detecting counterfell and altered ban Wknote/4., . • VbeSpeneerfan eysteos of iluddp b teughilian Its vntletles. by the moat skl misters et theart.... The Book• Keeping department la under the special an- Per 46023, au4s44ructimko4r ,Studgototaostoroi sly time. ;Zifo viotidOo..;l7Ail time , to comp_lete *course. from oto n week , . Assts= fence itiOdised tognid titles lAprotarinAVlcuttloios; • GradosteWT; . .-:"..WM t a Wk. -mply evolved, a Di l onia. r - . ,rprartgoo onO , Poin. igivedr o rir to• Sztt , Puncher offOrt o ... - - WELL, • °dire 1715 e • -; .-,.. t rr t ,SinetineOlh/ Y. ; .7,. : : , 1 ., i , 4 • 30 1 .1•4111:711:Y I Matt.• •"' fa . 4:f f 04004.1130 • - 4 r.) • . ( 7 iJ yfp: CA - •I• - • „ . *"'") 44- - ..‘ . 410141ilivr4y-orMejadidthit_ o ooo4;- :and. lirf 4 eZth-VOlV l o ,4 l 4 fi r- P rec u ta 11014geistIttifiltegag, Ntirespayy.*. =WC Slrtz.leo my, ftez•vr or 15,01WW1•44:1C4 otrmdfiiiaNwireerao"Kijltw Ting 614111161116ellitittaiti ''• • . _ VIA& 6 C a .; . • . • it a i intoli; • t_ GEWOINE PREVATLATIONSiVik: . - Lia l pi n af t * • • " BAR3APAstqW3,O? 4144 - Nao.tA :y7 -D• ZEMBOLDII ' "WO . C ?# . • ...TT 21163. '= litt 4 t h r Bladder, ittiMigaitil . trt tl 9 , This Medicine incresuiesrthif noireeeltifiecitfitii:-/nd esCitestheAbserbemteinle-bealibykilonATlthiciAlhe lar7oll ' I=rieeddliligr e.~iid_al(-n facet " ii !F" ldtbr t ne a ..FinWr ct d.h4411 i f *.v ==El .vow.: - ./1 . txtnoifT , i ra - . 1.41:1 - -..7:4--"-Thir..7l, '.:- . :',i.:i.rt.:lT lIELOBOLD,I'IetOT --- 1111CMI -,,,,.• „...„ 0 „ 0 , 41 . ........„„.,... • Aittink iikiti EfetAteNitaiitiqpifiiiral dog,. 4prlT• !piliserepcni:,iii A 06,!„="" dr il l! viids*s• rfithW i totlinf, inpiii' "(4 , Indisitoaltiowto Elation') • Lbss , Poviet :''" ''. ' Lassa Memory. , ._, , ... ',I RilitauttiAßeathin,t, WenkNerveN. , ~• . - Trowkikling. • . _ • ihaturenteettiht,„ 1 ;;., •.: A:: :.''. Wiikettlintuti; :-I ::: : '1 Dimness orVisiou, • Painj9 UP: 4 M , , : ". I.lniverssi instAnds,of the. Flogging o he . ara i iiiirS3 • il: 4' l .Armiptiont °alto:, Face. Rot de, , .....r , Countensace l :; 4 Drynes for the Skin . • • '' - • " • IVin"•4l3lrfiliiifilito.lo9Stfi till.lviticb:thiii tiled invariably ly removes; loon f ollow ' Fig;, It. one F,A , VZ1: 4 1 97/47 0 1V.F1T ti< I It . one of" whith.,elin'pa ' y,expise.":'*hei iitu:say tittitshey.rl notArcquently IkAved bytilOse-t'clireful diseades, ' .. 1 :,1•. .i' . i - „Insanity and. Conetraiption,l i mitriy A ilict igirci qyAO *V T tub intres.,..t but Wale wol co ' use. ' - a no river 0 the ;insane asylums and the melaucholly destlin by Ootisnmptiou;• bear ism- P.Or l l l l• 4 P34. tr idg l NlP• c i•rrn i° °- •-. ••• : ,! * WPM . 4 .940440/ 0 9;j9999'. lafre. 4 4.W, W4lll/.or ness, • • ganie weak • t :T; Requires the aid of medicine to stzengthsd Invigor ate the , system, which lIRLIPQI.D'SEXTR ACT 13U -01.11 invariably does.. td. trEalerilleonS a She ;repot 11/19411c(1•..71 s•- • :•1 • ,/ ~,PdmaltieVrentalear Pernalosi • Old or yitine or ummage, , • 1 , 0 m ax strections pecollot reicales We Extract Bo ehm kinnetpialled ,bratry Wftat remedy, t at in Chlororts or RArrezularity.• Painftdneas, or 'Suppression of th e m ary Essetiatitilsl Ulveritediri Sehfrtous state Of the Uterus. LeuebOrrheit , or IVbi fres terflity, and lor complalutsingidens tote sox, whether aris ing fromltighteretlon,liatilfoof Dlsalpatltni, sit in the RECLINE curtail l ' ' 1 . 1 atidi•ln4xvlkiiig: • NO FAXII t Iy 8NOW.TO":1,1N,;.11.11:0101kri. Take no SOWN lifer4irt•or Islipiciugurt , Medrciii; for au IPkagatii.P. .4 4 RIPPACti*MgCll. • •••-•.41. NELMBOLIVS-7;.EXTRACT . ''BUCIIU 'Br a ' Ol las - . ....i..:1 fi. ,_•:.,. , I,- - 'no ail their stages i arlittli expe nse; HMCor no f ?an.," in diet , nofneonvenienee, • , - -Y. ..illrf ' i • tiiiii atingirimmt. , • ~!-,, T -, lessitt4sl frequent ' iiiiiini; imaitvai nivengtb itAirin ate, thereby manning obstructions, preventing npd cu. ring Strfctem,otthe Uret MN allaying palniknAullsns. Matinnoso•ftquent in this clesamf dimmer:VW expell ing Mamma, disenfed.nne?rorp 7 pAt matter -; , ; i v ii. ~ __,. 'pawn:44oms onsanda . . • ' IfiThi 3 t hat-' DEO - " itierti ' o * -Amon& ' gig„,... •. • ;I.le. And title. baTepaidlikkirk mutt to bi Mired littrt time. have found thief, were deceived. audit* the Poi; son .` baa, by the use of"•POwdrfal Air' ringetits:" dried up in the systennlelsreak - out In au aggravates *44 ':pgiiitgp s g Anlitiflitklit'ai "' -.1: - T-.•.!. , •••.:•• ~.• ‘•-;—.-.:.• .•. •;,.:ri•, ~s. , ; !„ . • . .; S_E i • 1-0.1•,a; • 0" ,. . • HaWoUrs r.xtßArr sfto • YPT4 II 7 0 18 04 ,6 ",Vit , ; • I c • ThO:UrhArstargiume, , ,, Wluather eVethighitiALLEOßVENlTLEarsonlitAstoter Prig/PAttM. l O r 9 141!tter„ or AtOwto)10 ~) 14seases OPteee Chlans riciiffeellittUNPE -11ELOBOLOtstriftVer'..BUCHi. 4 0, 1 ,ii k ..4 00 pan.:Eoluriv tesliettetrect'lk:*p?k .--,-.. I ***.l4or.*C4Al4 /1 61) E4c0#1:w /3 ZOOS ' 3SL tO 0 D ConeeiltraWntid : _.z. Fluid -Maw% autatiarilla: Thisiiintireitthii:eitioinood dittiekr tb•Bieg an tibiae, Unttigsofthe Resew Ea*liThrost.Affind- OClOdvihrt Mu= •Igurbo4om Atukkhsg its :appearance tbefOrttitif Uleetio.4Extract:EarsapariS lit taftiles the' Blood•akid tesooves all Saar Emptionatte the Bthr Xamplestop a Clear and Hanby toltitw Ilt-bldnopreparedesprenly farthis elms atom. Blooc-Parliging PrOperties era preserved-td ai r riter4sitatibaulary other Fepantl?"-o! Sarsaya. PS - ri r t igh m • An excellent .uttoo fo,-.Dfsettile 5 2 jeg .. 1 4 ...4 Nature, 411. 14 W ! M i ll7lol 110*•tisealirl a ttaMet wiltiitOONCO 4 1 .11# eases so rocoinroeo • Marilee:F it molt respoisolblesuultellible -Inu!Kleounian the inedlotoes:.l....-..-rr • =OATES OF MEWL -!'" " From elihr, to twenty years. standingr 'UMW names litieson to ikitee sod tomme._ -•- • --• )• • - For Nelda Propo!Oel olßUCTOL,seelbsper!satory.of :Ma Milted Stot,es._!•:_ L2 .__ . ••• • - . .• .- See•PrOfeseorliEWNWP volaatilblrorlion , the Prate- Ors mode "011i0.1146 'celebrate' r..illphe elf ileipbhg„, . . r. - r. : • -See Murk, :wide by(Dr. - EPIMAIN , Mot`OWELL, •Meliratod Physician, and!oxonibet of the Bo . - College -atoll : 1i, Ireland,' orol' Published in the.. - 41" the troMoton'oJosnlal.: • . • . TSedX etWfrorgiriO Reviet4tolblishedby rirriP4ltkoaoliteltoiat Vollb-goof Oeb•latist Of the Ind Standard maim tin - ottelite; lisaituor Witatr,' , ' '41700 its mina, trrAor PIO SAlnknunici.A,l•ol)..-5 . 4y;..t. • 3,4:1 , 6'00 Roil Witii„. roe t • _2 5§ Or halts &mod °lath for #l2-oX:whisti!-Irtil:Nrirm dettrOretito.thetanoitebotadatit coma; 01411rittriatEare arDadiber*lllitamirlikar ilelt Co74logikitlattlirpOlres panateted. Advice. - . 4 .y... 1 ,1 ."f 'l4 ,•r,1.:: ' ly A prin4r I W . :Z.y!/, 1 a .. , 91. ' A i ~.,Zipai;Voliiiiiiiil72ilD:Aildetlittigire.g i aNliad OM latigitYA I, 6 o efel ;4 4 0 1 0, 4 • 11 474 1 9 1 904 1 1'. gief AO 41 1ee .1 411p7ar Aphttoya 0rp,p01ut.....0/6 it blpi i:Loi-• !1 / ;),,:i k t - .4' P. .. , 1 i , .^. P. . ' P M . 1 Beniintstientbsfaie';ASP ilifftt.aoys.' ri5id..1,70,.,, t.4,:71 , e1.0.7 . 4.-•i 'fi. ,_ .L'ilinammvir .t> c744srmaityittota•streetcaboystinuse4. adosibibmideltdermattootimatienek 7 , ... , lis z.,.-1,.... , *4 t.IL T.WiIdIIIOOLD-.00814. - -.-=.4. .r,? , =‘ , •r• 1: 4 . 44 4 041011 1 411 th' i tistbetnekbeleirClaotastia s i4 r1.t . 0 .. tmleirerianvereavrapprirt. : . 4 I! .....,,,, ,ropill - 4 , .4, ..,.....t.. 1 ........ 1 . 11; A i..f.11T.'; It?, 4:(14,N wet! ,r4ifitittt ~-,••,,,,„......... .... et :•',,,• -...,•,,, Who endeavor AO di 1 •. of umgointor dilitistber . 11,11 1 1 13comlne • - - . , • ' , ' 7, ~• •• . 4 =gild ztv ttaPnisAo . ' ' • ' _ a _. — Cull. , ActuaLi.....d.ser m "• *Wd - 47. , Urea SthikUsement,falt xa mouotur Imo'Was asl4 mann. rcalOth, Li) IWO Or • T 0 11'.1 4 :101CRUY .. , 4;11.1;e.1. ) witactfffikri PlL eiMiLcuirs, - , WOINV72S, . ' •`-;' : • i arairATle 144.12 io.627lyOUY , .l;lBotbrite • ;,:zr) . . •, Fossil of wadi it:b tielieedr and iiiiiiit'reitiedyinie aorßirf.9l4... frbittLintement,ts front - Po Rgi , (ALM; nitephert Fittest, of Conn 'ecticut thelamons bone Beget. antitubeen newildlitotoriall 'for UM:Ciao so y witii she iw s cwtsulloiiill4lnos fliccTi; 41.10141.10$ P, 1.4 11 - V1 vall ell by in) epiwitidnAbeio .uio• Mak: wt . *blew The mart Ni x o r d ineir;be tpny wangle, WO, Tit Liniment 'Willi= tepidly ' and radii:di,. An. Math) Disorders °lbws/land.' intid Inlbstioniide es ;2II.ICCA*A' Ts!*l9l2P_PlYcl: bast 4!ciwil to MITA wilt gifind : FOR swig Auttnediste tiller in every eagG. trverdistressing. • - tell 'the WOoSsuirea of Inkillatlre In titres minutes and is warrantedes4 do • - • - i , a ~` ' i ) t igairlat"4 4 7llli . iintnet US; DB; trisinglropu impadenentor emcees. tidy Linimentisn tad nufsiling !Met% . A cting direct Y 1 titnitir ithet'lletroti thintet, icinp g the lis Sid sati,aMearlitiewittetni 414 reateres .1i•to chrittio oi n d i e v n ii V it—Ai nei f tztrl l d An eimi l a" hgt t rna leuaeilgpru c ! t e i uH Nl4ll e Mff d li t l9ArititlkP4Zigdgttroiti. ate relief, isad In h unkindly. actions will effect a sadicaf t are. 1 4;11MMT ATM 101 IN 4 111/1 - 0/LT idea etinten tronlit Jnalig o o/4‘*na l 7lalltorolWbut a tignelyoplli a . tit:Ur° thibliplinentom never rail to core. lipmuNglitelooincttimen vett' obstinate. and enbive. Joints is, Made; .occur; it neglected. The whilst Mc "MAY be Onquereti, litilhaenf in two or IrLouta, BURNSANDSCLIMS, zieldrendlly; to the wonderful •fikokitleit 'or Mt: 'iltitirrEi IItFALLIBLE • LINIMENT, when unedited:Whig to directions. Alto, CIMSLIENtki FOOMEM:1102, AND: INSECT • • • br. gtephen gireet of Con'etient Oteitilttfinaft6O Seitet: ; Stephen .Sweetoof Connecticut, i:liFtndiettiiibiclz t lb Ifialteditutcs. Stephen .Sweet. of :Connecticut, ib Dr:Sistetl lufaUlMt Libtinent." a: •Dr 4 ,Sw4et's.r f iftile iJ invent „ Porep,ithetimptlarriuid norer Syreetio Infallible Liniment Id s cettilli midi to; Neunitgit. tli•Sweeti. Ziifat ihle Liniment , 4 44 - 4.l3PPna,stfd aeblda innuediatety., ' Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment for e§reltus,and hmlnes. Dr..Zwe ers Infallible 'Liniment Cum frestdAo9l4 l gtedlittey aid wan sievc knolla lattfl) Ir. Sweet's I fallible .Liniment Aforda Immediate teliel foi Mee, and Eadom falls • - r; -•, • • - DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Cores toothache ItLaPtintaste. LißcaWEETMlvidEbli. LINIMENT CUM . illt!llos4llslkt!ppcli#4l =Otani no near. Igt.,AVVAE37B - 1 Walliblei LINIMENT the beat rezie , q for SWIM in tho yarn' world. Ibthilible LINIMENT • by incitetiiao ri million people, and all rah° . 1 !/!1 • DILSWEET 7 S7 lifalliblelLlNlM EMT Wcan . /ptepudlrcrupcogeoggtoltnam o rb o a and ehokra DR.SWEET'S Infallible LIrI3IENT .f truly a*d In zged,” and et ry family. should hay. It SI bind. :• • , j•.“: BIL 'SWEETS- Leal ible • LIsT I M EN T tu t sale by 'all //runlets.. Trite ' S and 5U cents. r-, '7 -~:..;~, •.' •.jr .. i,, ~ ~:•,: ' i . : r' , -. I: '. 1 (1 ' : 417riend in Need . - Irfit.• • t•,:i ..u.:t, .•,,,,,:.,, 1 . - , • D. Sweet's Infallible , ilijniment f . , Ad MI eiteitudidriedi. bi s Withort A rilial, in a illi iire - piste pal 4 mere trdily - tban any othet preparation.' Fur all Ithilmmtleari Nerwurs.Dlsorlera It , trply.infallible 'Midas's iarative sorecirodnde,ss!mybruhief.'Ae: -AN50,1131. Wa li ng end phwmftd et gthenieg prop (trtlesosielta. the Just wonder and a onishment of al I atm Wm ever gleadit a 'talat. , "2overtinis thotiaand eertli mtofremarkable euresmprreed. hy r it 'within the Mat trito tdfi. sliest the' feet. -.1 ILI We, .. 1:;' , ,;:,- 3‘.1:: - -,.;.1: . _,', •-• ~,,VOitoasromizas 177...:$taiees. - Infvilible;Linitnint for !fortes . amen'g • - aprai r tie,,brAble9; , or wrenching:lo eireetia =Weal ma certain, names, oy ,aaadle.galliN i rratObee : =MCC dell1:11116 'Mtn, Rth tante ' mid 'Towle bermtlevatod sad pbradjit eltUelpleatata• eokitlemed =sea arc latyorrid the poevibility.ef a eixtiraleutetirNa - aae`of tlielMd,hchtteet Vito deep& after bonelesaptityrusy,baallawiaterd,§y,aitauzan t e D 4 - dui Its YOtblillapplLatiod will altraNitemote the lame laananAgmibrolft chinks la mad Mtn eatuperattre ONVliek • Photild ttnve this rensedy at hapd, for Its tlirelzuseat the first appesrssee of IslineWeiw tdrettlAlly'-bierent those formidable dise3ses,Ao which 411 horeep are liable. and which leuilernotnsnaeocltesselso , mare:bid horse& nearly _Worthless: 'Jill •oi 51..1 ~;: T 1 if WI ii i i l k ! ? : I=L ;thi r Mlim o • I . i m e rin ' ' .* ; ; , l i., W.4 - c llO :MP,XLIB4A II IININIENT , ~ • ~.A• • ~ ,• t , . ~,,, o 1.,;;-. 1) , , •,, .ap . - 7 , :laidltionsanda r havittotindlitruly,:-.! , -,T • 1. • •-•:- • 1 -• - - •; 1 .- •• fl ;,,i 1.•41 . 1.!*".. r • 1 r : • • 1=.1% • To , isx•l4 forpoiltfoitiWbserfe theSigoarare tad /Army., of pr Stephen Sweetion,orerylabei, apd'allo , 4, llteohcn Sot Infallible Lioitneor- - bloWtv in thO eait outich kottiO, nlthoorichichlOrloggitimartioet . 11441.11,11D014 'Norwich, • Iktpßgi.mai j General Agoras. ..:•. 41, 43,110.4 ; 417,1 • (i. • Cilititreo4A!tw York. _ Sold oy acolertrevasWhare. ,L171111,10ATIN • •U- CC, ej . ; : 4 • -. a l lMoVa l ar4l3o ithwritaimee; AVMs Vaiks 4 : ill! 1 441"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers