/l i n e ilen*P4o COnvfatlim ro i lin.vii),AG,,Au F . 6. The State - beinohilitio Votivention to, .34 was largely 1140(.1e4 W defecates ere-tirZsda. - Resolutions went - adopted in.substance as follows.: , T: ist. All tifen,"irreipectirti."o, 'Marty, are invited to unite T or the • termitiatiori'of We' calamities which now depresti our distrac ted and unhappy land. 2d. The Union was formed ,in •fraterni ty• and concession, and cannot 'exist in the a bsence of that brotherly spirit... l • - 3j. We will earnestly, enviport, every . co nstitutional measure -.tending . , to. re... verve the Union, of the States: can not therefore suppers istration, whose course is_ 'es.trOCtivet of the Union and government. • • 4th. The war is note being milidtteted; not for the restoratbotp of theUnion,:but tor the abolition of iflavery 'tit& the A o : struction of the Republic. . • Eit.h. Under our form of government, the sovereign power is vested in.the. pie, and rests upon no other loundrition than their will. The people are Arc...only lawful sovereigns, and the public fdrie tionaries are their servants. The differ ence between a - government , and the ad- ministration is defined. - • , . 6th. On tbnpart- of the rebel• states, - if a disposition is shown to return they should be welcomed back with all their dignity, equa!ity; and rights unimpaired. 'rile seventh resolution denounces arbi trary arrestS. ' _ The eighth asserts the freedom of speech and of the press.. The ninth denounces the Conscription law as unjust and oppresSife; Titit Minnie% obedience to it unless the courts decide it unconstitatienih , The tenth endorses the course of .Gov. Seymour, of New York. - , The ,eleventh nonnitieridatirsoldieiti, inul says they are ,ns„orthy a nation's grate . it Bon. Bitim ate candidate of last year, was nominated for governor with. greatimanituity,_ _ A private letteiffititlith-to irterater of the convention was read, in'Whieh he expresses the opinion thatsadnes:ll - ii rules the hour; "and . the rein:lithe can be saveu from \ iiiipending.ruin only by the co-oper ation of A n censervative men against the spirit of fanaticism. lie declares his op position to the// ; emancipation % proelatua. lion, to the cotifiscation,act, to - the enboi dination of the civil to' the military ~attt hority,,.and .$ays • opposition to the liar policy of the administration is not opposi tion to the government... To spore the:reiteration ditto 'Union is the first, duty of the citizen. Brief speeches were made, and the eon ventionadjoutilea. G3od Advice—No Forcible Resistance to the Conscription' Law. Senator Hendricks, of Itutiatia,ltia late speech in Rush county, ht.' tbat &at& thus spoke about the Conicriptioilairl " But is resistance by force right? To this most important'questimi I now you will give a considerato and honest res ponse. Concurring in the- judgnient. of a majority of the people of the State, I be lieve the law impolitic, and Many of its provisions wrong. Uwits opposed. td its enactment, and desire its modification or repeal. But it was enacted according to the forms of the Constitution, by the body constituted-onder that., iu,strumeat, and .eotnes us deinariding. our obedience. Reifect fef7,legitintitii,notberily had dience to law has long been a cherished sentimept of the political party to-which it is my pride to belong : , 1)oft that. sen , t iment not commend itself to the judg ment and conscience -of every gold att. zee and of every lirtuons man; who de sires the restraints and safety of law rath er than, I,hc, ..freednia Juirestrained li cense ?• cFheantigeront _dOciiitteithat the conscience of the citizen may sit in judg-, went upon laws enacted in proper form, with a view to-their resistance, has never been adopted anYeaniiiderible portion of this'tate, - -atid - -_has at all limes been bitterly oppospd bYtheDintocrag. ;It: is a doctrine subversive'ersvell ordered, got rn men and' has: contributed largely -to the calamities that haye.befullowour try." The Senator-fiwther said: t am not insensible to the thetthat,very many persons do not approve the hither prosecution of the war, for the reason that they .do-not believe thatit can re- - store the Union; and 4innitnihe dissever- . ed sections; ?Odle theraild otherg i ccon-. stittnini,l 'stippOie,* majority.; and per. • haps a, (104(.4 m ajority - of the Teeple' of 1 the :S ta te ; doini t it and/v:44mA ilppro!ve the • war o li fiy t Of- the Admmititintwt4-and4 appreciate the-.:embarrassment they ttlinst experience . evell heingy 091,721PetW to serve in thiarmytundefittelf-i caretontan- ces ; yet it is to he- remembered thatthe Administration rititifaut be :4:overthrown, 4:1 '.its policy _.modified - bta refusal to obey I .law,nt to Ikzoroplish Abat vontly to lie deaired, we' must ,look - to free sptech, a free. press,' and alria ballot s unless, indeed; ive esteem the departures from constitutional limits SO 'great as to jrnfe: Ov 4 CiltiON*4l pass.througn that . , farrie,eooeo ken of ',.fatinulenee /that webilveevei ken la tkatilf abe publican leaders asti*lnt i Ala 'they are theonlyiraimirqV ip: theagorth. --- It tbeirtlilme beoanve4 - 411/ibe-ivett Statea'vtnied laat Ml:by4lg-,Pamarlta gave majoritipa . fattreason tirThi'ClittelitiCPAriPOO*9 on or the olAeet'au4 , most _promisentoDenA, eratie"five.riiio Ohio, propezeago-W. rn : —r SP. Aftekitti:stgorMileiv tbelriglatifllW4W h'' • an'T • • • Ell t ril i AT A *4l6 l, ,Mr AllbUT , l3 2 :4EV l atiblifiti. : • zifirdra4SArocWri 311.1 1 14:at.e • Broo yni•••ias,:itslattusi GiMalpin, 3. Sterlingi: e • • Choounnt=zEitAtitialiPa'lr-i Cfiffoicl— r Attott- -- Mitten W; Rivenburg. Dimook—Ny. C. Miles,, FWAit"140 1: 411 1- 1 1 . , 1-cs° P 1175 rfordS* • Herrigkeifi, SirAktril b Jeslmp—Jer. Baldwini.:Fri.d. Dayton. .Nl k reir 3111164 1 31te , tiL New Milford.=-S:A3reen.- 4 " OaklandS: Frasier. Rush—J. N. Kenny. - Springville—g.Priebard, S.D. Thomas. TRAVERSE JO RORP.--IST. 'WEEK. L . Tit4t---7.140,r11P3hatt.,, - Ailtrrn-zaig..,‘Dayjs, _,Prpowyn--71.4.„1111r41,1 %a+ CO* I jBGik o,4(..)tianghn. ChoconutTAELlV. Ttdred.. -; - Forest Labe TL - Bolles. Franklin—R. W. Smith, Lev iSniniriers i Jas..Tdwnsend. ' , ' ;•': Gibson—S.*Coon, Roper,'G.' H. Pickering. Great. Bend .Boiough.—John- T. -Car lisle. - • Harnmni - H-W. Dyre. Harford-I:'•T..Follett, 41.1. Perry; G. Wilmarth. Herrick44-Fir Eraidett; - Jesenit•—R. 13: Downer; John , liowell. ....Lenox--John _ . Montroser-Tir; H. - Bqd, James Deans: `'Neitr - Milford Borounii;--Hdratio Gat. rett. knsh---Wm.Vatighn. Silver Lake—E. 11... Rill. • • - Springville—A. Squires; C. W. Bard.. TRAVERSE JURORS-2ND WEEK.; Ararat—E: Bushnell. Carteri3GE.V.obitin. Bridgewater—W. ,W,,Buhard. . Brooklyn—George Chapman.. Clifford—T,Burdick, , Choconut—C. Deliihanty, Dinioc 3 / 4 —C. J. LathrokS.'Tyler, Dundaff—Charles Slocum. Friendavilleierick. Matthews:: Fraotd,imrnW:,C, SPAN.* E... - Great Bend = li.,N, lye,, A. F. Troy. Welimpn. • .. Gihgen---WillianH. Pope. Harmony--G. H. .ArKune. Je...sanp---- - John -Bartlett. . ,i7 . 000n-tt-G.#'l% - bfry.' Lathrop .=' -11 M It. Bailey, I.'l;l:Chapman, . Lee. ' • , Lenox.,,StanchrDavior. W. 4 M. Tingley. Middletown—R. Ban d,eraon. E.V.Bradfotd: Bushhformin 'Granger. tilko.4ll-111egxim. Spimgville—T4 Risky.. • • .: noutami+C."A.,Davhs' ' . , . _ rTake earnof.your heath..and that of your children, - and [fiend other salera tug except Herrick Allen's Gold Medal Saleratns. It is acknhwledged as being the only perfectly harmless article in the market; is peculiarly adapted to benefit grk rIli& iditonutefirtit; htW drAPePti?irs9P.A. pa W fun . loll e o4tieta. Use it instesd•ofsodw `ltas much better. Grocers.witlyiffroggisti - Mill.if: Depot 11 "iberti. Strett New Iler 1 " 7 Editor or Desnoessas., Dicta Sm :—With your permisilotrl Wish to say to to the renders ofyour paper that I will send - by return mail to all who Wish it, (free.) a Recipe, with hill dim dons for making and using a simple Vegetable 1 elm, that will effectually remove, in ten days time. sa Pimple i:: Blotch 'T an. o:ales and all impurities of the $lll.l ttleilsbit, ' • "jrmoghgo4 siliVidso fee6l6 abase bavieg.ltild Beadi4kir bare Faces. slmple,dlrectionaandlhformatlon that will enable them , to :daft Aron greletli of tXlikaliatlt Half. Whiskera,,oe lifoustsehe. Palen then fif/WI sitt• pito:stigma iutswered by rim!! Mall withOul ci Fi rrrar i A l 4ll ll 4:tireaktf• 47, • — 411 P,4 83 1 ! g rA w11 ; 4 3 111r b CE Jal~i 80-aema Use that pi' .13. liebabold's Retract Blichmloraltwomplairds behhiote to tiersez.— No: Wilily ahraditha without Avarld .nohe . whew arm tried brthem.. .it is aged to maim oroldtathe do- Mao or theme of ilie,lefore mid after roarrieddiddithg =dater eazdinemmti tostrehltihrh thttnerrecireacire ottani to its proper thamiel.sadlovisortatethelooltem. down Censtiudiati; toms whatever MS* origips=.; Um no mare worthless phis 1. Take iteimbolaro„ Buctsa;.= See severtbiewrithbr *Moir oidam:-Cht , 9 l u , and send for It. • , - VO9ZS- - LETTER An fIifiIitY,SEWING,MACHINE, _.{wirersixonr thetestithd.chospeataril mostbenutihil of iliMewlkl; Machines. This =whine WU slaw, anythintv, hose tho canning of luttrritin Titrietatt.ol of an over coat...Anything:an Pilot or, IleaveiCitith *Wu le the , soften Gauze or la everacadylo do Mow& to perfectitnClU rea •bertka4== quilt And has a capacity foreswear. variety, n stork. .Thisienotthe'onlynnuialdne that eau fell.•nhetn; bind, and soforth. but It will do so better•thanierTottkm nieldne. , TheLetter , "AltFamtly ileiringliichinenury be had Ina great variety of collie: aussi. 'The ... .len .; _which is no* Deeming so poplar. is. Os Me Done one MLitt= be folded Into a hoz or tissa.lrldch' s s itietirpennedannskesa besetifoloabstantisinnodapacions table for the work to restapok. ' The. Asset lima ern trassinable design—We maths irood vew ULU, native forestooranbasnatelyllnishedaaartcantitelte.thein: n me brindlicAcei we all arellsappliedwith theantweedies4oll.l4 o .4afthe very bestanality.t..: fiend fors eopy orlitatnten&Co.'s Starnsensn'o -. 111.1r • Ph.ilaATlmildSU MER it CM :lba , 450Btarotroto‘ k TOSAN •I W de OU O w lTSXMlLAMentibiiolaolm• Ttariblelftelanai li lient i gk Cr , l #o ltElteLl-, A MOST ratable Air A1..0f 4°l:lsl.l4.ols4l,ko4oolllllngraTinge• Dr. How teeeyso IIIeCIUN On OTIVIP Algi.Malar-s!entile 012 Woonni.llolfrabrololOtr Wm% alle SOW aliorderivotevoyipunaild* lint% 601410 = 11 'Mr uttiropoodx, cum' Thelneetintot,Dr:' enter Mae Ultra , qui stale.iinbentatte&bet WU Wood 00- - lid Oa Of snaterects moms. Who* been Induced to ftteed histandicaluehdeift:Monetlie the anew of tdslifo roveiely mitti,' • It Is .s volume that dolobl Dots tosilyto tholliatoW'sntivo of *wet dew* ossipoleolOr tlittr 11‘ , Uot , aloof the most awinlattit - Isiiisteltrell that efetlidiri ationewo: artm senairebr warded froantweeksetoserowagliteTted Stelae fors) onto to IlAOloooriorS UNSTa' Address; rot lood.DeEt M ootraletinhillos X r elr Twit= • /112 , 11.11111 1 / 4 4 • = , , , ,tsr • 1 1, , '*- •- .--'-,- -, -, , ,rc'e ". - 4::::37 , !-. i" , " 1 ",F , '"'- c'-'"'" . - ' -"''." .' ::- ...! i.:i . - -:,. -.• .•.,. . . , API? Otialat n...........u.t...._„„v...„.4„,:•.„,„,„,.....„,.......5, ~....t. 47 150004 f , - .-ist!t!!!‘„•.„-;•.• ..,..;,....,...;;;,..,- - . 220t1 „,...f..,•.....„..,..,...„ .T.., ..,... i .•,. ......,..e.,1„7.._ t• .. ,r . : .. * 4.;t:Zik , 1a:5" , .2...4.^=r!;Adtt.',..t. ' , I tabu kw inx-azsoi" Amp- ', ' vrait=urrlTAlNtes: i 4.1 I ' i t irA -- u pf..... _,...- i3rsMAtettor. ,reprs.Ben elt. ruiceuern Altirrelne,-tre..; elf 1. 1 - -m e k 'worMacres ac rthe following pricom for the,preo.' :514. rtri - 20 t151004011:resTOVVO. 5 ems for mrscra ikr , 1 I gte fO r r W. , MOW Dr.tnte ! AClPpit2,'4 ..• 1. 4 I:_ 1 ' allio4tiod CtialAtiy landleartatinnitots is het. a x 5.1 3 7 4 11 Q feet. atlsWeadi. gapble by one dollar or ThergroPtilarigt 554 tutor. are.iltotteolet Chet?. ' Warlatt.toevrishlp,, Xteillogtoit Courkt7."New' 'ateio ther 1111Ortoenpapat. wait a P. Q 4 1 040 0 - - -/!.. M cxsAnk'' , I ireb.SAti. ~ 1 1, 1 40.110,645ilitiectahrw 19t1t. 114,6111einlintsred iitlfervotia tleblllty; In end Pkeinittne cay'andTairthllit error. uta. :mod i & Are to'llittellt others:will be Itapprto - faro• lifito all *Yo Otod it (belt 6f 661 , 116) the•• f Peaacl'e ratilotollot =be ilmple Remedy toted In Ma ease: Thad 1001030 ra nt Y brif it.xptriettee 4 -and` 001106111 a ~.yalaibld re 1, ; ; t-aiff-reteelve "the' eatoei 'by return 94.117:111:i0''''''' • -, Fta; 601fanalf apett. ifo*Tolit.' 1111=121111 --1 4074219.,. , . the.7iii.insf.,lyitev. NV; IttotorrdsoN"Mrijouvr V. HELD , and Great-Bend. 'Atte,litiOil;fcllStblikerS ouz,AuksnisAturatrrE I O B rXtiZram wa y Pold, h ilea u Vrien ca .lie CAI; will t!_tliii,Vila a N i nf. alike and acute. Ex, IL D. *anima. Ag;.1111486 1 1. : _ • kili46 4l'' t 6 No tice. r or s- Lrrivah ) fmturtritstrattolitiavitiectn gianted to the sutishlibeimithe eitatellS:A.lßOodruff. deed. all persona indebted teitaid decedent will please make paymentoino those havi cialinisupon Well:Vats will pra sent the& duly *Mated ng for seal 'meet. • •• . • .` ' o' WEI. -IL BOYD, hdm•r. Itostroso,Atr. 121, VOL Gls hlt vilifies seen by the abase that the co-partnership fietetofore existing mules the name of BOYD & WOOD RUFF is,dissolved by the death of Mr. Woodruff and is It livery desiMble that the scanintiof said arta shonld bo closed as, speedily as possible, all persons having en. settled' ecconnts,vm well as those whose notes are dee. will pleaskteke notice, and govern themselves accord ingly.' The stlrvlving.partner •ma'y be found ' t the old stand.ionter 'of Twrnpike and Main streets. -Mcmtreme Aug 13, 1868. Ow • WII. H. BOYD. .P,NRVIA.L:„ , ADTIIII; NRINQER. • Rot 7. targeNacidly Write r, $lO CO Fn: 4:` Dledilltti do" ' • - T 00 ros-2,11 ' "-do ' • ' = - 800 'do" • ' • ' • 550 No. 8. Large Hotel do ' , ' 14 00 Ilit. - 18adedinm Latedry,:' {to run by tam f: 18 00 No. 811.14sge - - do -i ortand, f 90 00 Nos. 1X and 9 have no Cogs. All others are warrant. ed. 'Aim ifitthosisegenerallY ttsetliti private twines. Okuige Zed& Orate "Aniericao Agilealturist, ' says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WHDIGER: " can feadily wring opt alubteU oiclotbds in a few iiiinatee, It is u'reality a clothes saver! A time smell 'and and strength Emmert The saving of gar. ments Will alone pay a' large per ventage on its cost.— We 'think the'maehtheiench more than imps for itself every. year in the- vi ofgarmentsl There are sever al kinds, nearty'lllke ill general constmction, but we eonalder it important that the Wringer be- fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garmente may clog the Tot lers..entithe rollers upon the erank-shaft slip and tear the clothes; or thq rnbloei breakictose from rho abaft.— Our ofrn oueetr thekAtit taake..' and It la ds good as new after nearly fox years' constant use." • Sem Wringer with Cog Wheels is warranted In every particelar. No Wringer.can be durable without -cog whcds. , . sr Capytk sierWanted lir every town. Owrecept of this price from plates where none I ing, we will send the Wringer free of expense. • Forpartimilars and 'circulars address 4,. IL C. 13HOWNINC/„3l7Broadwily, N. Y. .Ate... • • • • • .• ST: CIELIRLES HOTEL , • 33 - uatvgeois -- t tel Aug. 49. fie& GlittONl - HIGH SaH.OOL, ca•x;Eigs4porz, , PROF. M. L. HAWLEY, Principal, E. B. HAWLEY, Assistant. Mrs. M. E. HARRISON, Teacher of Music. The Fill Term of this School will cont trietoe ca,,Wednesdav, Sept. 2, 1863, and continuemlexen wee e: ~z ,-. rtobte;!P of. l rvallalia• maw, . ~...' .. .. _..,... ....._ .......... . ..... . .... 12 0:1 Ccatunoa Dlnglisii ' • 350 Meier do. ' L.51113tiev,M51(5e51210*-.„ - • 5 ....... 4 50 00 6 00 WC Extra. - - - . For dresio kol particulat=limito Board,ThiaiMai 13c.. ad ,r.cil 7 Particular attention willtilven to those Cladding to teach. -: Debating andLitem— ry Clubs will be formed, mid Lector= givetrduring the Term. No deductions on account-of absenceeexcept in eases of prolonged illness. Gibson, Aug. let, f 563.., ~4w GRAbtO /* 1100 . L • ..1:•,'•"1.11kr...214":11411:1118114:16 Inard4lolo noro'.tigVof itontrose J. bwriftgainumithe snit eonimodidus Amidemy building and'Appanana, open tneirilebuoloa Tteesdvy the latifty of BeEtembey, Prof. _ • Rev. J. ir.:I9ICONIti of-Languages. XtbaLomanut DlXOfir iL c t Ae lo stants . .111881111 . 11181111 Jul, 1,01,41.CA1QA16 Tate , ar of Mate. — Vint* PEE Tram a wEWL troitiplls iinitaitrom oat oribelloinub . • Primary _ - • $g pp Common Pagliet Pampas ' ' 800 •Htgher 4P!-da,(l.o4l.WigCiAllga layer 'Marino 10 00 greezakiez , as clump= 411 1 ibunsil -- AokPisteoo4lo o Yfririalcin!-PrellViiiilti teac'• .NoMfort;will bestarid.to give titelirlool a high.Pms i and thiirader. and make it worthy of public patronage. ,Ourterrelters ahradyangaged. are all parsons of acknowi• i*L'"odabllity and swam and °Mar teachers will beans. podia the wants the School demand.. !•:-The idaseei wtii beibovadedatto furnlsfr the balite eilitioirfor nnprtrremant, and excite an honorable mad -titian - • : •7 , 4taril atthe Ercit liVite - families; or =O4l IttaLoboitili sairesnari pritri blarkrei 2 -pi&A thelloard.' • - • FITCH; Prat. W; . =*p,'SCILO O.L♦ NO -4, • I. ll2llcipais . PAPPT o , 177 tho New Milted Noma) Bawl fra Tall Term wEIDNISDAT sEpr a ll `ndl i the nie tbitaxe inmen aLitan " lefilannab asui.W.Fairocald 4311414trici= nowrovAt „„*in i rog if" , ,A 0 50 - • iPIANIT... - '7neßin'nrcAl 50 7 smiths fingateal Irelleaati man ;, M tel* 13 7 2 " 3"114 ltomal Naar ! Tana a* of lV n nt tmotvesssoint jusessalect of t he twat tar maLesir: ate ta mossiblisirsgstias. .„ griasse essar bs otiseh at luo co W r = s 21r 4 °ss aM'T - T'Tyi7/ .r 344 ANIVI!"'—• t - WIRAL - COOP ra . ...f • • /013.' : ‘ • " 1-1 " r • • ti:fl Thignitialek ...1 4k e n if o r g i ornxigunini to dendlbr 'Met trims In theP 1. erdatil, Wit) purchase passage Mkt ntpi Lttin at*, Une from the gose r ib t ri. _ f 3lii#rase;4l47,l7„ tees, " a- iatavas..= ..I).E, sundry write:heed Punt thie toninot Jareeeluent Pleas of BristpubleusettPV:Aeld ;•P toe directettenddclivered. I have ItelP•dialld fixtdrhi ttou, andwrir nil at pnbilc Tame at the Cotenhotie itr IdoittroPg, pa - Elate:day. the 161.1tday of '‘Aultlig, at oteclitillitty the Ibllttertng ditscrlbed:Por lead Ail shat eeitaln plea or of hin ' d etteate In, ' town4 l 4 of Lenox, bounded and deettibedriS to wit: Beennlng at a post th the highway leading from Baton Winery thentenlong paid -higkweypolttet. BS' cut 93,111ttutpercires, thentejtotdb B V. 4 94 PPeztk e s, rhene .itouttile.cast 19:perches, thece ,: 1 0 0 . LI , /v. eat 10 Perches. thence south 1.3' east 18'perees. taellCel south 70' east ,7 perec, s, thence south 90' east,4l„ I•latitallurettes4 thence south .69,:castlapercten thence south eireasto_ll wths perches to it Cotner be bud eon. teYed to Jett ftddlitt, thence by ;bendier Seth 17' east 98 9-10tha perches tc a corner thereof In'the line of Jen Sheridan's lands, thence by the , same, youth !ca t Tr_. . 1-10 the perches to a post In the-line of Marvin Elareert lend, dittige alongsald line noitlyir west 9140th pere ea to a post, a corner of said Barber's land, tbece north 24* west 43 Meth perches to a post, another ; corner at saidiZtarirer'a land, tbcncB untb,7o - west 26 sod 8-10tlut ecrcnesto a comers& said Barber ' s ' land, thee notch 00* - wes - toe perches, and thence norttrar west 20 pet , elms ta the place of beginning; containing 68 Urea and In patentor land, bet the steno mom or lass, _with the apptifttlllMM, ono house, one Imin!ivattepatt, trees, and abetne amain:m cave d. • •; • ! wall- 11 **Y. use of Coden. All that Certain piece or parcel of landiltdate inNew Milked, bounded and described as Ibllowgg to wit: Be ginning eta post in a Line of the Daniel 81111oL so call ed..thence brae same south 70' weet 91) perthes to a hemlock sapling corner. thence by m lend forinetiy tit Bar rett Idiye,sonth 19' matt 69 perches, thence north to e pust and stones., thence south Itr . west 16 perches to' post.llhence 'south IV 'east GO percheitton post, and atones, bence north 71' east- 104 perches to -a heap of atontitence by land formerly of Lincoln Hall northlr westlloperthes to the.placo of beginning, contalnieg 79 acres and 20 perches ; be the same more or 1e a; with the apportenancet,one framed - house, and about 0 acres !m -g. A. ~.I'ffidt.rergiLlff.:Nychtttef. - I. , Ail that certain piece or parcel of landsittude in Abe townshipof —,Ftarmony, bounded and describeil winnows to alp on the north-by land of Jonia-Tiyhar.:Owthe cast by land of Jacob Newell; on ,the south by land of H. K. Newell, and on the west by land of Jacob Taylor. con taming about 17 acres., be the same more or leas: ode frameddwelling-tor:se, bancs_and all lasi oved.-be lug tho same land,dcedod by Joao Toylgr- to litolisio Patrick, dated. Jan . -9, eta. Frances Cobb as: J. IL Patrick. .- All that certain tract or parcel of land athletes in the ''townships of elloentatend and Liberty: bounded and de- scribed as folloWs to' wit : beginning at a stake' and stones, scorner otland of Lea Smith, thence; north 2%' east ailit 6-10this,rods to the -cornerof land`occupied' by licThtniels, thence north 80* 60 min. east by McDaniel's, land 75)6 rode to a stone near the west, side of the high way, thence ninth lair 47 rodsto an elm stump, thence north ne 45.14 rods to , a birch sapling, thence mist 275 rods, thence south lfi,te east by line of tract Gil 3-10ths an original corner, thence south 1" 27 min. west M i r t rods to a stake and stones, thence south 1 deg. west 150 rode to a chestnut, thence north 85tieg. 6 Elite west 61 rods, thence South 234 deg. west 84 rods, thence south 87% deg. east 130% rods to east bounds of saldwact, thence south along the same 44 rods to • point 40 4-10ths rods from southeast corner said tract, thence westerly parallel with the south line and along part 04 said south line 486 rods to the beginning, containing 964 840ths acres, with the appurtenances, - 4 firmed houses, Sharps, 1 steam saw-milt, some fruit trees and about 125 acres improved. Also, another piece in Liberty townshilp, described aa follows, to wit: being the whole of origin al lots no. 67. 68,15 and 743, lying together' In' the tract formerillififiL A. Law and containing Wan 4429741)70111 acres, as surveyed by Wm., Warts the 10th day of April tezer. together with all and singular the above described land, ways, watt re. water Courses, rights, libcrtle4. prSv fle lummvementa. hereditsments and appurtenan ces, ic.land all improsed, Edwin Eldridge traOtehecessFaintaini. Ail that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Yid- ditto:ea. tioundc4. aud'iblicribed- no follows, to wit: be tinning/l at • poet, in the road. the southeast corner of Pee eery 's, land. thence by his land nortl:62 deg: weal 79 perches to a - post, it - corner of -sailtifeery's land, fb a st i ao land north 25 deg. east 8i . :lemt;000t land north 85 deg. west 182 parches to the new road, thence by the same south deg. west 54 perches to' the nortSwest ebtnetorltichel itcoglis tan:LAW:nee by his line isonth 65 deg. east SW. perches too post in the first ntentionedroad, 'and thence by paid toad icorth'474Tig, wa n an perches, apd north a 9 deg. 19 perches to th Of beginning, containing 82 saes, mote orlon', with the and about 03 acres 'improved. - =ups, trustees est. of H;Rose, dee'd, vs. John . , • AB-that:certain piece or palm) of !And situate in the b o rough of Great - Bend; hounded as described as fol lows, %dal% : On the north by land of C. 8. Gilbert,- on the east by the public highway. on the south by lath of A. P. Stephens. and pn the north by land of David L. Taylor. containing 6.9o o feet of land. llcing An front 60 ft: anpl ruunidg back lilt) feet. together with the appurtenan onafouned dwelling house sad all improved. Tter<dwell. Percy ih; Dientill TR. 8; B. blansion. 7 Sil that certain piece or pat eel of land situate in the borough of Great Bend, described as folbrws. to vat :.,be. ginning eta point ' n lot line of Truman Thildwin's faun, 1004ect from the southerly line of the Great Bend and Cchecton turnpike and southerly line of Wm, Barron's lot, thence south 'X deg. east, along the ibre of :sundry lota about 400 feet, to the southern corner of filo= L. •Levergne's;lot. Ihenie south' 63 deg; nett, 00 feet to Church street, thence north 27 deg. west - idthgthe north erly line of Church street, about, 317 feet to the said Bald win farce line, theirce norlh 24 deg. east; along tine of Truman - Bald gin about 129 feet to Wm. parretel lot to the place of '. beginning, containing ab0ut.48,600 teet of jandovith.theappurtenantes.t. -dwelling house, I..barm, sonarnit. IrCetiland an improved . - .4. . ' ...... "*.Z..-.% Jas. to for B. MclOtlol vs - D :. L . Taylor. 7,1 1 All those IWO certain tractrof land, situate In tbeTownship of-Liberty. bounded - and describedaiToT -1 tOwsto wit ; tho-drsc-belag lot eh. SG of LaWispirrcheae, so sail edi and bounded en the north .by butd - owned by the At BarvldilLea; On thewest by landa.al I • Marsh. On the south by laud of Smith, and Basket. and on the east WI -.=.-- Marati-4t being: . knewn or the Laws. villa tracts elan .d, sea - rallneri7 nlrhelT by Lon. con ohbillog.' 103-notes. one the • same Mom- or lets —viiih the appurtenenceaproved., 011 e frame dwelling boom P end pbont I 25 acres im Also all that certain ether - iece, situate as above, and bounded and described as follows: liagitning at an old corner. a small hemlock being a • oareer of land of Cooper. Corbel_ thence south 87kr . east, 144roda to a Mona comer... 'Menem `south two do- green weft: along the line of Janda°, DrlllolklloX rods, to a poet and stones, thence north -{ eighty ' seven and a ) half dmyrms west along the line of Charles. Bart/ Land, • 144 To& to a beech,ond old corner, thence along the line ' • ofOpoPer Corbete. land. north 2*.eriart..lloM. rods fn the'' plactsof beginning, containing 99 -woo . $ l4 .13 m d s .b e ' the same more orlon. and all Ithprimed. J. F. Stoddard, vs. B. T. Youpg, 1 Allthat certain piece or parcel . of. lad • situate in the townshi 0 of _N. Milford pounded and described es follows to wit :-Begirming In thercentre of the plank toad, o- a. • line of lot contracted to Timothy Brown. by pr near a Butternut tree; winless, thence in centre of raid road, north IP west, In end 8•101 as Perches. Wirth 12* west, 20 and. 110Ltipereltes.' North 29 - degrees:Mat:26one 6- 11:kb perches to centre of road, in line of, north side of large Hemloeir- Thence 6012%65)4* nest% per c hes to post andatanes. Thence ison 15X - degrees west. 58 nerebee to ttintatld, - 14011C9. Dear,II.IIIIIM tree. witness thence, n ortlo9w west. 15 7-10th' perches to beginning, containing 10 and =perches more or less„with the apt =nes% (except right ofway of said plank road) one and one Barn, and about Ave ieres improved. A. Lathrop; vs. E. G. Oakley... -• . . •' " - All that: builaing or dwelling house situate 'on the southerly side of the Belmont ruplite lo the township. of Thompson: on a lot of land 113 pomession of Wm. Beek. and adjoining eastward lands of Robert Mien., Ind ri ng between , the lands of said Elate, and a small lake oweasCansfortapond. said house standlncabout 86 feet 6°4111114rd. from ' said Belmont Turnpike, demerib ed as follows, via - and. ;Ilan thereof ending towards said Turnpllus road , being in width 16feet, and in letrfth feet, and latoriestn height: , with , four. triode** and one door in the aide next said road: , on the western , Meer add house, six MI windows, andon the southern end of said booth LOU fhilVindoWs: atUdnlbseastern lideOf said house, end adjoining thereto rt. and I stoop, said lintel being sixteen feet broad. hod twenty feet in length. storks bigX , wlth 4wo windows and one door in front, or the side next to the aforn 4 "etitiroad,and on its western end. II loirer as d one upper or chamber window, and on the' south one window and asedook. Said above mentioned otoop% - twentr testis , length. by four feet istbreadth, 114PPOtlen.b.7 three irmPta , away to the 'aforesaid ..thro story. bOuse. Medina }toe' . tern end testis said' two Moe, houss,uld two litoryttnise ningone • square room,htk nod room' and, one pantry. and the chamber'eostaining one intlint:eua bed toomEandtho ismkenw.g tom Baud= contained le one room chew trrtits esidholleth' etwoloow lintel and stoop:- being finished . with milre4 aydalao sgoloW4bolotos *coo dioxin& os Wand. *Mei' mechiti. outskirts 'bout one -cat recidfok by ereeeeEen add Ater WIIVIAMPA I W:, la. intt e th .Z° ° ' ' " - With Se*" .-.1"7"7141'1""4':11141".11F111.-. s gi s a n Stit - a4,0. -Liattaisteirigt • way, I - altiatthalintied ii--Tgaull'aertlitioN-- • ter Y.thence son 1 e ------: EW,h S kinn er, .and,thfseee westerly seven rode to th gas hi We) to lie OraTaid.,4oVl4,o;ll2,olbent6WMP tit-tIitONIMV , edb .ThMes,,Wilb -the ACAti a thereon,; ti 1 eihMt I- MoV.llt be esaniensalwar . le ytheßipPartn.one dwelling Mese ;and , some Mit trees, and all Improve& ------, W .I"talkileldediptdd - 0072411121 Mithbleelakg;4, vs. C h 1 1.. P .5.45. . s j..r ' i - e All thatuDP . Ided.-iyAob. putt/A, Cotten Piece or lot ella iltUte "IkAthOWernahltr of Sridgewater. Oiatfleeettilsedafillltt Mrlitteetvorpiallaa.llslolVallAcalaft ,Coop et, bnnded'en 11l ~- 111 ,1 1,01440.1 Witt:Weal& Jetts land eouthwestwe 18 perches; thence by silk Coop er's land ettoutlekaihetutsbottlelt 0 91 0" to iv comer of Uslesliee tilitiFferltleor land; thence - by - siticilMilespea 'A - Plarcee lendebont z nortkassfelfSsods ,to - 1110 p, thenclib# saldMigh 'thee; 9 : rods tO.llle plate-eft 4. fling; containing about 88 rods of ground more or eta I :41401) , ...9na10t ofland la th e lice ofMisfitreraeLcessiZ Metteltig &Vann - Stied lit the' caul* "Of D. C. Ford; ham's CooPer.aboikviderWLblicklir-flittabeaboutla or inteeti. thpuce br.~ said gordhaWerline northerly_4o tut to 441 e eorthecit' - eorlrey - 01 Velidirordhlin , s 'tarn: theatre - In lanai With skid nitlittillill stre6Wtheticis en :Mlll diett t6thiPlaell OT - beginning ,• tßoidaltdng abottt 280fect,orland. mom or less; with the. appurtenances, one blacksmith +/hop. Also—One lot of land in the bar , , ongh 01,ildlitfolleMeluteilscitaafollowi:Vegtutilng *lt the • tented"; cornet of Dr. Blabkinen'a lotz. on Che,sMilford and ovrego"roha: running ls• west, du the ,ihreinfliald Illiekmanheiol-to wposteorneri tend Mtn wishes add 211nitalthende onaaldlestkmablillike and Tyke's lineage lb, litont.fir , haat Sant 440th perches and Minks taspostat the center of the - norfhweitaftl - of - a barn ; :thence: directly. Ihrotigktbe centre bt sat& barn by partittesseefeet to the singhl eideoVitaid' barn ;' I thence along the side ofssid barn•morth, about tfr" east, i to tbelsOhtliesstsexinser thereof all feet; thamt-solith about 45' east.--tattile-10th wanton post in theret* on the said Milfordand Otsego toad ;Ante on the line of Bald road south, about 33 - Week.- 5 end 4-10th perches and -3( of-Mink-to -the place of beginning; containing about nineteen -soitidogy,of :WA =orator less, with the Improvements thereemalrateed - Ebbse:and barti...M. 8. Wilson , elevir • ea.i Win L. -A. L - • wall: I:- Past: ' • Aillhaicertainpleen- or - parcel of , land situate In the bawnthip..otMetv Milford: bounded an& described , as foal loWa towitt. on the-north by land of -Theron , Wellman, ad thecast-ty hada:Davi , 'Mathews; on-the ' south by land of A. Ferldnaand..ll. Mama and:on the West by the publlchighway; containing sixty four acres,- be the sauna more or lets, with the .appurtenances. one - framed house, one barn, and about 40 acres im_pro ili ved. - Henry Burritt va., Zelates 13.ebe tog ram Beebe. ' MI fpi that eet:tatit etteltie - parce:VA land"; situate In thostoienehip oUleithillfordoeontity and Stateatorestild bounded and described as follows, to wit ,• on the north by land of Joseph Mead on ttie init. tiplaild of Joel Keep, on the synth by Una of asuneclißstblook, - mid on the west bythe pnblie highwar' containing - about Rena sea and three quarters pf an acre, be the earcarnore or less, ' with therappuitenitices:itittd Mt ,iniiir - aou. F. DuluOrg. v i* !UM, ii u d sV P3•l4 lller t -- t‘' - - ''- 1- '' " , ~...r,, , - :- 46 's Ailituif Ctiiiin 4 iii , 4 ni.pasteliefiind Minnie' to iiii - township of Great Bend, bounded and described as fa.- lows, twwit: begietibgat ii`illestiltit tic in, the . north line of landwnow owned by -Thomas Hays, and thence along his north line west 6 cloth* and (Glints to a stake and stones, thence -Borth 5 chains and 25 links to the huqt-Pf'A-Areet thence east &chains and 96 links toe stake scud stonea! - -thenee north i'deg. cast 36 cheitet and 35 links to a post and Stone,. thence sonth 80% deg. east 18 chains and 75 lints to a beech sapling, thence by the Kelder lot and the Carlisle lot, I.l‘ deg. west 13 ch. and 50 links to • post, thence south 843{ deg. east4l ch. andel:Winks to a chestnut, thence tionth 13 1 ( drg. west 27 chains:and 25 links toe post cranes, thence south 0434* wests 4 links` tore post,-thence south WY west-72 ch. , to a post, a corner of Lewis Monell's land, thence by the same and by the said Hay's land - west 25 eh: -and 75 links to the place of beginning, containing 161 acres of land, be the same more oricss, with , the esparto:maces, 1 framed tiotostai framed batr,sFhtli-01 andabiatt_Bo acres Int, Prn tiM i lizalth ve.Y a neetteit Lett TT.• i 1 , - All thatvertain:pieceor parcel of, land- altuate in the township of Broolclyth-ticiondedand described as follows to wit:, on the north by the burying ground lot and by land late the ea pate of P.' Tiffany, dee'd. on the east by the public highway, on the south by land of 0. A. Eld ridge. and oaths west by lauds now or-late the estate of P. Tlffantr. deed: &attaining SS:area 107 perches, be the satnq more Or lees, with appartenancesA dwelling- Donee I barn , limner:lit trees. and all Improved.' David Morgan use of L. T-Eirchard vs E. B. Bing, jr. et al. All that certain pfecee rihreel of land, situate in the towitehnt - olOaldsnd. Cosa Auld Stateaforerald. 'lopsi ded and described*, foflotars,:tai ,, ,wlt ; heglntlntia the north-West lineoflamd no ocenpied by Atattutradlit ter. at is poet and surnesttte east comer of the 'Nathaniel Latch/ tat faktUffli tbractuottikior Weatils chains and 601104 .4ltiotake and I'Ottle*illtebeet north 46•Arest46 amino to 'a stabeand stone.; thence north 45' mist toe • stake a nd;stunes.' standlutoti Mebane:thank Of the Sus quetuuma river ltUtMUtt 01..4., ot thepce UP eald - rtver - Hur the same Winds and-Win/to &corner In lattruasaa-at - atma -- Es.4”atpra - , doearlbod,ancrecr.-theaos south 45' west to the place &begin WTI tsontaitilng two hundred and nine scree or land—lie the astat'amore or less. together with the appurtenances, one .ttomed hones, two famed hauls, cle, grchard e aradaboutelghti five acres iniproved. Pheipe vs. Leuisa„d. TUlmasi - and James ]J Tpimen: ; 4 '-`t 7'lo V. - GREEN; Slterilf. Sheriff's Office Montrose, Pa., July 20, 1868. ShotifflCSalegk • Blruirtneof` sundry . writs Issued front - the Court sor Common Pleas of 13usquebannu c- only, Pennsylva• nia. I base-seized and taken in execution; end will sell at public venduo, at.tho Court-house in Montrose. on FrldaY. Angus{ 21st. 1563, at 1 o'elsch, p. fug described feces ofland, wiz: •s s- All the eight, title, and - interest." of the defendants to and in a lot or parcel of land situate to the Borough of Montrose, bounded ; and described's. follows: On • thir southeast by Pine street; on-: the 'southwest bp - Goose. berry alley; tin thenorthwest by:bind-of B.S. Bentley and on the northeast partly: by Matilt street rind partly briand late In possession of- Hubbard W.ashington doe. being the southwest halt df lots N0..19 twill° and lot No.: - .111.a. IVA down•on:thetonor6 plot of Montrose, re corded In Deed Book No. 1, page 280. and •being the. samelpferattestiweedarpleecupled GeorgeLittie de. with, the appurtenances, vas framedlouse end barn: improved;. ; •• • 31:13. V m ibra' ws. Post Brothers.. " -•- Ail that cerininsolece or parcel of. lend - situate - in the tawnahlp et: Rash, r=ded: and described • MY. rot lows,lzi =wit: intsinnbor at it hemlock stump and ex tendbog west 37 perches tea post andnones.: thence north-W 'esist32. 6-10th perches to a. post and stones, thence.north Mr *est 11" perches to a post and stones, thence north 60` east 81 perches to $ stake suod stones, thence - mini% perches to 41 stake and - swains, thence southApegagh -wto a yoke sad sten -n,tbence "west,72 Ingthe crt‘begioning--ebnftinteg 23540th acres, be the same mon or ,bessswith the' appurtenan ees; one house, ppard and mostly im proved. Mulierd ya. Ilanatne Maynard • - - - IL V. ORMaff. ierlft. ~,liherilraAnden-Montriasaoluly 27,1863. • • - , fleffle underditoed. an Auditor appointe t by-the Court - .L'rotUottution -pleas of .43a etfa , ro.- - to dietrlbute the -thuds arisfek_tt the elde 'by the Sheriff of • the teal es`- tate "Roterei , - wUt:Utterld to ' the"dutiet of his • apprdtittei " at - . his *Mee- Notarose,- du: radar,: tb3l4tli 6100i: 3, 4 :m ufti at 1 o'clock in the P. M. arwluer) time spdviace persona 'interested will vie. sent thelr.elaidis orbe er debarred fromeoming-1a Ju1i4406101. , A:l".l.*4llll.lle4WW#m.-- . - 1 Itegiestee.4 - WataCe . • - - rIIBLIC t4pTICE is hereti4;rets to all persona eon-, cerned In the following esuttes, to wit : Fetati) of Amanda neck; late of Brooklyn; deol o l, Tt,_. , .-• • f -Estate of fleoAlOeinti, ialoolattelbaelid.V. S. Woven and W. 11. Whitney, Win. . • Estate of menreullope, late:of if,i: Lake, deed, Ezra Rice,efr,' - --- - _. Estate of.. Win. 2iforieT, lain of New *mord, deed, • Itichard.-Idortie,ea'r... . .. .:' -. EM B44 . °E VOisb WON . bah* 01b001..;deed...A 003. %lulls % " ohnitiii BeielOste . *.Thiriii4, - - s p.c . .. 4 1%-' .Fo and Lodi* ikaeker:ni. . -,.• .- ,_.. ~ - 'Estate:of StepheniPayne,...latit of -GEntint,' dee'4l, Pi est Washberne, adta'r. • • . . .Estate of Thomas, V. ' lawa, late Ol:4l3l*.tiec t a. anditsisitidaVrc' • =, ' ' .. '__ ......_'- - -, ' - Estate 'or dodo:a - WI , • Varna, _late of • nrtagewater., deed Wnt. airdlefelin't:,'' - - Estate of DION AUlo4:loi , of Bridgewater, deed. J• B. ll'Colitim ado*. •', • - • - Etate rw. of 11 1 :0:9 4 Sgtar bar.l4 , :GI _ 01.flarfor:. :00: 13 , 1 flinty SibleW`r. Esuatut Mocirerrolite rnAglea4 ru4 deg' .a. 13 :' B. Chase to ff . .> s'..Dedier; aft - 6. - - L' ter 's- c Estate of Peter-Jeckson, iate-of Bridgewa , yn. : qtleatotlirettco lll l_ • I'* ( 4 Rusf wair*64, Agiuo.4 .. Dvid i ruw. ~.. ' ' ' Thfittlificiiittntinte hat* sou= their stoontatethe Restates 0D1ea..14 and s the. County of,gannenatma. ,: A ndost tits . me will bepresenteil taihelialgestof Vie 10 ..t ig oi - mrs of salfreoanjy. oigMht:sthilyAltiran IP. - lajar.Jte t W a44 "Wwin el . iiriti;iteigiaW Reighltees 9fficiS Na1}4 1 , 1 7 - 1.4 4 1 *, .:.'..---...--, . , . nvatips - otthn) SIPPIRMIC O7 . Art I :Ps *was betellkamPhis . "OS' . ~~~ '~ ;Auditociir.Nouce. . :-G 1)z- . •-: . •••-• ..i:• ; GREAT- tO „. , , r›,:Jr4. • G -I -_) Where yen ate care of gettlez the wort h . of yen s man= ey, is at the . ST I. 3E : t.M Gatitabtrg, - Isenbaitut, *, CERT/Mt RISE IN bps put ds on our guard sad we bare 'stay isiein & I mo stock, mblch enables us to Mrer to our customer!. quaf ft on equally as good Marinas forraerly,conaldmingtbelst a AT TEE STORES Or 6utituirtril, • Itosenbunin Montrose, Snsq'a County, pa n • Elmira, New-York Unswiehanna Depot, Pa. OUR FALL .AND WINTER STOCK Is , acarrizolete ,— We are determined notto be bAdone, either leprites or qualities,—and we will endeavor to give bur 'Ct114.0131011 all possible' aatiafitetion. • . ..' - ' -- - 1 : : e LOT lIIN Gi.'- In this brandh our stock is complete, and will be sold lower. snd moretastefully finished than any one-bortie establishment. or any four-horse concern this aide of N. York City, is able to offer or produce. We can' assure the publictlat we constantly emplby. the best cutters 'and workmen to make up our stock. • or Garments made to order Or On the shortest notice. fard Good Flt warranted or no 'ale. • In order to close out our stock of :-AlRnirg22l .01071911tiVo we . ;i4ll;i4llat a rakaiLiuivance above cont.• . . .. G O ODS :. 'FURNISHING .. A Great Stock ecintanay kept, and sold/owes than the lowest at ...- - 6nitenbtl.q, Tvosenbauin f;I:o's Idonteose. -Jammu Ist, 1863. . . -... , , ~ Dissolution. -77 Fir m of 11. SMITH & SON is tills day dlssobred ; mama] consent; those indebted to the raid Aim by note ur account are requested to call at the aft:mover Wm. Ccioper & Co'a Banking House, end pay up.— Psyment may be made to H. or W. Smith, of the to &mot H. Smith & Soo. H. SMITH, W. Earn. llontrole,June iFt, 1863 icoMr4iirratir - TIINIMITTAL-14.1 1 3EFIESS in all its branches will be carried on at.the old ofilce of U., Smith & Son, by the undersigned: ' PCTIOTIII wishing artificial Teeth are invited to WI and examine epecintens and prices.'" All J. work promptly and neatly &Me, 'and warranted. will dciall kinds of bental Work at as low figures at sito9l4 in this county, or elsewhere. • ,• • • • nrltie R _plainty auttintvprfill to have 'their wurk 'done by's ESSIDENT _• • • - • wit. EMITS, Resident' Deal" Jun 0161141 8 1311 .:. it ' • " - Molllrfte• Ft, WALL AND WINDOW PAPER. A now supply. . TORTIIiLL'B•• . . SOLDIERS':;:PENSIONt BOUNTY - PAS; --)- TrutuuderAilitiked, Lama or Taz I:4ontioi 4 ••• WEST, will eta prompt , attention' io dolmen- Intit roi l utd . . to, his. care. Charg es and r i . nt ip o rrix rmatima *marmo t dorysBl, 1863. 8m ' _ . A UD.TI,DNEEIL LIC ENS DA ucenee for .tbernarpeso of rote Iltdonceriug, and tuivlng hidisevend leant e_lcPerreli?) in ow bust ese„ now tendert his, Bernina' to „um Piano: in tent capacity. Norio tint s Licensed Auction • ;In sack. under a nalt7ota6o. , bee act.of Joji lett IMlkace‘ ls,9 ' • s um de& Iteittiemn" ; overebr - maii4nTlP-, o.'svrToat. ThieridatillnPa. g• • '.. ".! • • • PR O P t 0 nut a lll u ll - L AlliliSOL dots t r r ' ors' tholovh-treCfa* 6 &Back andßattve Sheep. which ho: wishes to Airptitie of. or bleeding Forest Taikti.Aoo4 11363. IFm MILON . . . , ‘DR;tI)A; EL .LATROP:. evertcz. pela,cdosor a Cc e• oldNanking B a oum.— X 7 Surge:Tin pastioular. -,prltererene ao• n ex. LliontrossOly E•:1. I to* P‘Veldpfirigarto-riltik_ - Not 1 " Pl: 7 :sogunt. • • SS ; t —lr: •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers