..-- • MS 4 ,l4ftriltfttli 011iatientiolik The state Ootivettbm of the abolition' party met at . fittabtitgt *Witte 51h; and after a very stonily session, rimureltihted Gov. eclittl, - - Mke appeudedveribrOt breviated from the regular reportifl .sfl abtaition'organ—the -Phlladelphlit Tugui. rer, anal ptay therefore be taken *icor rect,eiterii that the quarrel, which was manifest all through the priveedirigicis of course made to appealmnah less violent than 45,really ,Prrrestmon,;Ang,..l.—ThelTnion SUMO convention met, at 11 o'clock.' Jude . Maxwell of Easton -WM -temporary chair . Col. Madam moved that no delegate be allowed to speak more than ten min ute**, a4,lmeotor store than once an a subject_ • MrcUe9rge Lawrence desired to pm. mote peace: and harmony, but the opinion .4. members could not Ise auppreawd; ,and he desired the fullest freedom of expres sion and debate. . (Among the amtested_seats were those from Bradford county. Hon. H. W.Tm oy,ll. C.; elect l and others,' appeared on behalf of the .Peopte's party; and Rev. kteo. Landon and others representing the Wilmot; and tonnage-tax-repeal • wing of the party. The latter claiming to be the regular Republican party'? were admit ted. -- Lem. Todd was chosen permanent chairman._ , 2_ • - Hon. W. McKennan, of Washington, •offered the following resolution: ' Whereas, An antagonism, at once dep lorable and arrrza, has sprung up between the friends of the two leading candidates, and whereas, the existence" of this feeling will impair the efficiency. of either as a candidate, and endanger the success, not only of the Gubernatorial nomination, bat of the Judicial and Legislative also; Therefore resolved, ,(in substance) that the interests of the party require both of candidates to withdraw from the ,oanvas, and permit some new and ACCEPTABLZ man to be nominated—which wait lost. The convention voted to, take up nom inations. Mr. Campbell nominated Gov. Ctiktin amid applause and hisses. . Mr. Marshall of Allegheny asked by what authority Curtin's name was used, as be had before him a solemn pledge of his (Curtin's) that he would not be a can didate. Mr. Dickey said tbe Old Guard of Lan caster comity nominated him,„ , Applause. Mr. Marshall replied that the Old Guard of Allegheny, which - could smother Lan caster in its majorities, was instructed against Curtin. Covode, Moore, Jordan, Brewster, Moorehead aid Meech were also nomina _ted,rand Meliennan's resolution was again .brought up. Mr. Mann opposed it. .Mr. ; Vincent thought it impolitic. `Mr. Fuller of Fayette said there was good cause for the resolution. as is • doubtful ihout electing Curtin. He was for a new man. Curtin had by many acts, rendered himself obnoxious to Loyal and honest Republicans.' A drunken man who bad made his way into the centre of the hall, • got up and said .that there was not a word of truth in the statement; bat that . Curtin wasazood min. life was put out, with others.' - Hon. J. M. Butler offered a - resolution, • which was sent to the chair. He withdrew the:name of Hon. 'Jahn Covode, in order to create harthony and unity; the whole party should unite on-some tiew man. Hon. D. Barclay of Armstrong argued for a• new man as the ONLY WAY TO SUCCEED, and offered the name of H. D. Moore of Philadelphia. .He offered it in an olive branch of peace. We could not afford to lose - the 8.000 majority ill Allegheny county.' No ma (meaning Curtin) had a right to stand in the way of the-success of the party. Rev: Geo. Landon (the" tonnage tax • man) Slid the preference of the people in his conn!y‘mnst respected. •All were for Curtin. (Applause and.lisses. MK Lawrence regretted these atanifes tattoos of feeling, and said no man would , go further or make more sacrifices than himself. He•bad belpedelect Curtin, and had stood by him He knew him well, arid if chosen, be trusted in-God he wo'd be elected. ,Rnt he was not the choice of the yeomanry in this (Allegheny) 'county and there would be trouble in giving him a : majority. _(Allegbeny county usually gases 8,000 Republican majority.) He knew they had the power 'to notriinate Curtin, but he nouldenly support itim•un der protest. He would not assign his reasons. He continued in. an earnest ap-' pial eiit to f 01428 Curtin on thlaii,for Some • . • 1 Mr. Fuller offered a Liana MOM JOHN 003,0 DE. Prrrstiono, Aug t stb,--To the„Presid't of the National-Dunn State Convention:— Bra :—Conscions that the triumph of our principles and the Buie* 'aunt; candidate at this - time, Is Of paramouritOnipOrtmice to'individual gratification an/ placing advancement, and from my interconme 'with representative men of our piety since niy annual in this city, helgiving that vie- - tin' points to the leleetion of's new man ' 1 47 the standard, bearer in the approaching pent*,.end upon whom tba entire sup. pe4 and strength orate orfazihmicin eam s.A:entered, I hare•-determined .to with , 44i* rAyinarae from your eonaideration, Odimprove the opportunity in so...dein& niaq years I have befm identified principles which our iressoimation represents, - I am unwElipg, at this alga imiltateandeuttionarmiraws k tesay or d o ing, ythwhich may pal in . our :-.000 106 , sal kavegamthisigivhcophi g iftisrehrtudo tot *Omni, stmoving sitommea ofsstafewidebvilliyortiliwi VtarnklaillixothditamiiiihNiUst4 staiiiiirt ; tourvis *AI wit/4 Fro MMIII4 have *ln *44%4 -t4-IfflemiWink-VW I,lollllll'4cymit bidy that mutt and will ; ; not bo *bored is faun). excuse . . nfignotinceiif fackti cell* plead in Initi 4 wdatut of eegleet to weight:, .nowin oft d eliberations :. Whataver`disaster may ones ,r ait 118813 j. redly; will if themerningis unteeded.l%; is due to myself and such gentlemen of theVonvention as wish -to benefit' . your I country and the loyal men you truly rep tosetit,-tather than the pecuniary.. Inter» nate k bf ii feWmen, the% the responallity' vf the future, ,bc, plaStlttponAhrk-rigli shoulders. - Joint • „ Truly, yours, ' • Mt'.. A Cummings offhiladelphia wan ted a direct vote QUAluit ,Itlcrennatt.resio lotions. He believed Curtin- would nominated, butte , Wanted to show the fearful issue they were going before the people with. _ Cartias , declination of velieMinatiOP (Made in April) was hailed as a harbinger of peace all over the State.. The peole thought caudidate could . be fond w ho could stand npoti the 'flag 'nitre., He charged that upon' the. security, that, bid been .cited by his degination, machinations bad been set on foot • that threatened to FORCE bim upon us, with ell the eaten= glementa that have visited tie in the past. Should the: CALAMITY befall us, the people would hold them responsible. He awl Curtin could pot ifeaure the support ofeiiheir his own p arty , or his offleotelders. Mr.- McKenna - tee resolution for .fora new man was again losti . also a resolution to. adjourn. , Mr. Jordan's; and Vetch's , names were withdrawn. A ballot for Governor was then taken as follows: ' - - Curtin, 60; H. D. Moore, 18'; Peniy,l4; Morehead, 1; &riveter, 3. &feral dplegatea. did not vote. Mr. Nevin, of Allegheny, timed that the nom ination be made unanimous. Mr. MCKennan t et Washington, asked him :to withdraw. it, (applause and hisses,) and about twenty voted nay, amid hisses and applause. evening session was held, when the Hon. John Agnew.; of Dither county, was nominated - for Judge of Supreme , court by acclam%tion, there being no other =a dulate. '(The committee on resolutions then made a report, in which it is asserted that there are two . parties, that this Conven tion represents the loyal party, an4l..that, the Other . party are.tvaitora.) • Dr liewhoh: of Jefferagn , coun ty, . f ,o ferettati an ainenduieni;the - folltiwang; .Flisolved, That the .bold and determin ed stand_ taken . by Hon. E. N. Stan ton, Secretary of War,. in summarily ar resting , .thieves ind traitors wherever found, merits our cOmmendati4b, and that in seizing any disloyal person we pledge him eur'hearty co-Operation in the task he has beforehini. • ... Mr. McClure thought the resolutions eiwea r reaa-werwimemetein - osma--utr.-Idr- Vegh thougl4 the.smendmeat out .of or deri . • Mr. Treighold erged the adopuon of his resolution. Me had just 'come from - the army of the Potomac, and be wanted to see every min show his heed. Be charg ed that gentlemen had 'visited Washing , ton, last week, to demand the reinovatof Secretary Stanton.:' „ Mr. Barclay , 'endoned the resolution, and said the reolutions were not explicit enough. They involved glittering gener elides: Mr. McVeigh - defended Go / ti(Curtin and his friends from the charge a a lack of good filth. Mr.•M'Clure wanted to know who bad gone to Washington toternplam.of Sian- Mr. M'Veigh declined to answer. The resolutions of the committee were adopted, and the resolution of .Mi.Heigh old was amended to read asfoliowe: "In summarily arresting persona found to be guilty of traitorous practices, /}l3 merits our hearty comthendation, and that in performmg this part of his military duties, -where necessary for the publiosafety, we pledge him our hearty oo:operation.”, • _ Nevin moved to table it. Mr M'Veigh wanted t,o knoWlf Stan ton had originated these arrest&. Walboni egilled - for the Yeas and nays on ite adoPtion. Mr. rehire said that bit titian poi.- tieii of the seminary arresti Were on - Dlr. Stanton's Order. He was a friend of Mn Stanton's personally'and in al respects. It was `unfair and unwise to give hint ere& it for what otheri lied done. • Mr. Feller charged, that the Gov: 'Car.- tin's friends to. suppress this Mr. Cummings anted tottiow it. Mr. M'Clure voted - vote for the resol ution if it was made 'to read "and the adtainilit,ra. tion_ instead of Stanton Mr..Welare denied tit any antagon ism existed lietivepn Air- Stanton, 1124/ Mr. Fuller thought he erappreavicni. would be regarded. as a iondeumation of ]Sir. Stanton , ' meant' wai mean some mem . , ;He - Mew. that. .Governor Curtin was it open antagonism fieoromry 16 1 liature said-lie ?mew' that ' , Gov: Corti t' Iva* on good firms with =every mentherefthe - ealfinet -f. . •, • Wyeigb mowed tii insert ''itur ad mithstration''.for“Seargtoy Stamm:" Theistriendmint- topepted - br Mr. Reighold.and . onfinitiotWitdOted• - : The 'powentionthen stowned ;'' • .IritrA voneeporadent of the Nei. York Winidiufennetbikt paper Quit 4 AdM t 2 11( " 1 9, 1 4 for sbe molidurkg the m en t How end_ ow under; arrest,. IMS &mei" , *wan Aar and Any . of - • t ofs AN. Ir. agitsw this tdbisidirinit 1,4 21114.,11,00111' mutostginutut • 7 - 4 • - l:, i' Oil E t/x ~~ -4e•feitailay - d;qo, Delniicratle EitasMoniinittloa& ., . . 7 ..• - . 'LUZSBNB' CO , 1101 juDGILOF StaißEDltedlreri NUR 11. INVRIL OCALIPMENT CO; Tuesday, October - Ileaulcratio - County Cooreittion. The Demi - Jeri - 14 of .Snegnehnnttit coun ty -wilE.hohl a Convention; pi-the.COurt- Mime; in Montrose, do Monday, Septem bei -7th, - 1868; at 1 o'clock, to nominate County Officers "'to be suppoited' at the Oeteher election.. Th,e Deliktwrats in the sespeetive-eleo tion districts are invited to assemble at the - ssnal places, on Saturday, - Sept. sth, betwoen . the hours of 4 and 7 o'clook, P. 4, and seleCt two delegates to represent them in said Vonvention. The-following natio(' gentlemen will attend and act as the Board ofElection; and ; certify the re sult to the Chairman of the conventien: Townsidp Ocinimitten. Anliurn : Jonas Carter, H. HA A Waltman. Ararat': O. L. Carpenter, N. J. Wcst, TAWogderi;' APolaeon: ig.•Nolan, P.;Welelt, ' • - • Bridgewater: Vetiben ''W,ells,' Thanias Johnson, F. M. Williams. - - BrOok1)71r= Jas.- Hewitt, H. 0. _stes, oe r . - • D criffera John Bolton, 34:113Stey,t" C. Burdick: - • • • Chooonnt Y. Donnelly. C. Bitti n, S. T: Lee. • -"DIVICICTI - '17:137102113rJ7117 - Trr: Foster. ' - • - Dundiff: J. C.'Ohnsteiuli 7. - P. Ain -my, O. C. Church. '• • • -"' Friendiville: C. B. ineloton, W. Be fumilll;o.'Sneton. Sinith; S. D. - Tartelli B. Snow. • • ' , Forest:l. - aka: '.7adioar Burr A. B. Grif- OS. Bradshaw. Gibson: John Smiley, E. E. Gunk D. C. Roberts. • " Gt. Bend Ty: L V. Repot, G. W. Bai ley, Orin Wright. Gt.. Bend Boro: C. S, Gilbert, Evan Grime, 5. EL Dusenbary; ' • ' Remelt Lifayettelgoo,' A. Tilden, d. Ihinnony: W. , Potter,' R. litartin, W. Treinaine. Harford : Ira Carpenter; Na mur Tuvley. - halm : J. Deime, 7 7 C. Haminck, To tals Smith. • • •Jackstrn : 8. J.'Griffig t . L. Thn • Titre Meadows: P. Sninllin, L Doird, T. Dowd..: • • . Leacar:',ll. Marcy, Wm.:Hartley; 'obit Brazie; - - -•- Lathrop: W. Z BkeWnp I llghtert E. Bl; Tewholinry.' Liherty: W. D.-TiuTelt, R. Baileheel ornon " ' MiddleteivpfEestei p lOt'is Was, R. Diniona.J - • Montrinef D. - I(2 , *iiester, 'C. D. Lttb. rap t H.'. Webb. • , N. Milford tp: Laplroi:ik D. NW lan, S. W.ltardiao. • N. Milford - bar fly:Hayden; E. Gar: ratty W. ti Ward. - - Oakland Sinus, 14-S6nitir, Bash : L 'Harvey. • • • Silver Lake: E. Gage, 3f. H43giai t 'T. • • Sullivan. ' • • • Skhigv.nie W.B. Haidtickji. Riley, H:kierritsoi. Susq'a Dgpott. G. Canis, F. W BOyle. tik; 4. Seymour. - • _ :"D. Wrighter; 00entit'r, ipßroviro.-1 • - By'; • order of Conoty August 130,1843.' • • it itsrflreaceieitemeat has been seed Itntittbuito by- the ' attempt' Of - the govern:no* to Sako liotacesstocir of this . Al maden mines. Tice Mines Iveri to iFee enders writ Waled by Pielident cola, and iterate be tarried over toAhe cwitody of ri itr: swat' ohl. law:liart= net of Ma; - =,Theitatendei of the tuinti be ink,reitiekand2annE'd lance 'Oita to thonllitsly force called oat, a deipsteh caulafit.oo6 Prisideakeideriq -a- -stay. cuproceedkegt:: -It t Secritio Stanton stiVizAttontii.42 464 Ithicklim*iglretit qiest - $604144 mittirii oak thst*yitiin(oll dieltiroffig 101011, 4 1boirrottagirolstel#10-6 n'TMMAMER O r 151 Y 1te4 a 0 441 "r 419 "-it' ne k * may kilieV of Govz; lie s'ii), wek dippeitio bi ilia taco Oar* in the-rittOburgootivention.. A tiara of OM cletinteeiwent *ome witg thoidelibeitite exprestuOilon record . that COkin'eaardit be llectedoind many. of the :i. with , plenty of othem in that party will coolly let the Curtin fall without an effort to ffer what' cannot 'w ear!: !1,101,K1 the 'report of the fight le' ibis' raper, - andlit yourßepublieftw:neighborirseefi,..Vis ,devote mom space to.. the report . thim #O . otherwise should, from the 7 fa.o that the helfontross.*Ofilietut 'ttoes;Cot slid dare sot I Otiiif a 1.1111_,' or raped . 664 ' 1 1 4441 6 the comr9upthor even= abstract of them. . • /Pr Aefff-Pk,d9.-70 0 1 4 .:ne14 8 - 411 1 9vh-,4* the draft to, be - made. in Abe State 'New • Yorkvas intend ed to be -.a--•nice , triip - s° 'Web copperheads end - exempt She, black snakes., Dentecratic di:arias . " about tbree-tentlis of the, voters..-were •te . lave been drafted, while --in: Republican dist ricts but about one-tenth were to be -ta ken. A long letter from Gov. Seymour to the PreSident, relating to this us welt ms other points, is publiihed, with the rePkir. Lincoln' admits some of the points to be well taken, - evades others, 'fldd gives par-, tial assurance that justice will' be done. The Kentucky Election. • As the election . advertised to take place in kentfiCkych the ad inst. was , virtually set aside by military order, and men do. clared 'elected without , any testof the pee ple's choice being had, a fair understand ;rig of the contest is•desirable. Two tick ets were in the fieldrbetween, which there was little or no difference of plinciple or poliCy, so far as one'could judge by their -professions. One was headed by Wick liffe for Governor, the other by Bram lette. Just , before election, himever, the administration decided to.elect the Bram lette ticket, governor, •congressmen, and all; but fearing that the people' might not , decide for that ticket, martial law was proclaimed by Gen. Bantalde upon the fabic preteit that therewas a rebel in vasion, and ordered ,that no man be ai lowedto vote who was not what-hi c a lled • Troops; who • shCuld' have been elsewheier fighting. the whelp, or, bootleg for them if in the State r wererdistnlinted' iiear the- polls, and of .ceurset ninit obey orders, right or Wrong. Thus overaived, the ,Wickliffe men were driven frOni the polls, .or , obliged . to .vote.. - against their wishes by party bullies oft the , Bramlette °Mae-holders and "military autliMitici,thei • gult,lnan voted ,the, Wickliffe . . . ticket would. render his property liable to im pressment and seizure for government purposes; and election jildges were neti= fled that if they failed to aid in ,carry ! . lag . out the 'disfranchisement of , the people—which -they . could only do by committing deliberate perjury—they wed be imprisoned during the war. 'Not con= tent with all there tyrannical measL urea, the poll-books were examined; and _where any considerable vote was being recorded for Wickliffe, it was suppressed. The restat'was, a matter of 'contic-but few votes were polled in the State, rind those mostly for. the' ticket. Lincoln bad desired. • - - • Why the saministratien set aside' the dlection 'and 'foisted this tioket - iii* - tfie people, nolentt volens, we carmot know; , -bat the fact that the congressmen from that State will `holdd — the balance of power, Ten: ders it probable that some • secret' leagu *4 e tiarga, ll ! ')!As Ye.e be en 8 14 - 640;-.sver;a. to ls : it.givers , an eleo T tion the conttol ofthe federal .patronage and. itealinge, . and' in reinreitive aboli tionism control - of tha - next' "Col:igira•- 1 That oo: electio n was 114 :there ;le atottadaat.eyidopOe;, that _cogroritlan was at, the, bottom of it- is evident; and since the abolitionista claim the election as'a victory for them, We wake a few sine; tatioap to Old* .;bat' deOPt!Ok was fitstor ticed, or , :that Lincoln'er elect are• what "loyal" orgaba call t copperheads:" r • The campaig,n m Kentucky, as the CitICP3DIAI Corantrrciat, a republican _paper, rem:nice; ptesentid the peculiar feature of tiro Democratic tickets, both claiming to be loyal!' The Lonisiille Jiciraaj, which: sepported with characteristic zea l the Bramiette',ticket,iniya ihet,.!in!the htte l cinvass - there aracpot a !solitary pa-. per the state but-earnestly, oppose 4; the adtahli!itratieri., A few: dap: liefore election the Antrna4"el),lPng ef 'the prineiples orthe Branilet,p;arty i , wide r. The, platform of the Union Demoont i cy of lientualir iathe platform of 4 stip eclificY4 I ) ereelTsw..Y• rePlisPj,. „te4:l4, Governor ;Seymour. Every .:elemee!-01 he etatelieket etandaligoarely op, thk, i*ronnOula *4WD AO cherf, of Ma powerexect4e, the Pi* timto tbalettetCP 2`Bo l 3ilet*Abi sti*iior 3 o o telePt;iffia in a regent kietiticineeneKipetsch; ' 4 llWe are-411-agreed- _apposition to thiesiapeation of - thavres'Orhabiaalior T • o ily .. *desire to Vet via - Viiiviwto---11-1 0 Bt 11 4" 12 .0 end,u (repub li ., faiiteratNapcaptloyt7., in ail the nlpt is w I which be has .Fcg err*, ec l / 4 , l fu r Pg . twt7ears past. It isays:that hellos **6 fond guilty of se curing* 00.804 foe:lams& throeiik W- b to - 410sta,- , y te "'nom millet* pointed by himself.," These and other like exposes are rich, just when Andy has been re-nominated. His owtt;:frkei.nk:tAt enough about him to much more than de- . .—TheArafted - men from &tufa Lu. zerne:atutiother eastern counties are to be first tent: 30'... Alto* frail Bradford, • Wyoming - an cat, n central ii r mit o l 4 , 43 . . wir o o vi i mi tto Olit:re after some • 4177,T4 siege. qt,chigl,ef4o!) 4 WA in pro:pies, .with hopeit of success :a that vile nest or treason. ' Lee's-array -is now thought to be ninused' near GtordOnaville: OrAt . the 'Union riteetifigobanicSgi . 14 day' by the Presbyterian. Chniro,liiOnt ipac; a coitecii 3 OU:W4 taken Christian Commission amounting to. $.26, which has • been forwaided by:draft from Wm. H.. Conpei_A_Xiti.' to I. Patterson. `Big.; near ' ** , . greourt-week will be an bpOiopriate 'time for our'friends . to bring or send the sums due us tor subscriptiOn, and we trust those indebted will delay do lon ger to settle-in full to January next. Do not some fo'rget that we:,cannot give assay OUT paper, and that to send it out,on .long credit is, a loss to us 2 . ,Pay in, advalice if you really wish to help oust:timers paper. 1 1 111 A NISEGiii NG.--T4O day appointed by the President for thanksgiving and praise for recent. rietorieti, was observed by the people of Montrode. ' Stores Were closed, and services held at the Eptscopal and Piesbyterian churches.. A 4 . the, latter .the Methodist.. minist.er , srmtehew got into the• pulpit, and before closing his,senuon got onto the ,negTo Bobby : and , run .the °rya- sion into a sort of fame, ~a mock auction included, Ma,nv ; etentbens ; and patrons of that and other churches would have, been :pleasedit a iliscreet..**Mtßass had deiiv -ef'4ll,sers*M ; and'it is hoped. that when our arms a r e blessed with furthersieterkts care will be taken ,to see who ie invited to lead in the . service., on . such appropriate S. occasions. SEr*All' persons drafted *last year, and who have never reported themselves., for .duty, will when, arrestsd4s4imerlers. be - competted t a'strile - Th - etr nine, months t and cases forfeit their. Pay. There are a nunthef of SaCh' in thik county who : hove refused' to go. . The, strong: arm ; ,Of -the military taw will' sooner or Plter,diertake thent.—Rei&kaa. We have often beard that some of the drafted men in this comity did not report for duty lastfait ; aiid just - hereto we en listed for the " emergetieY," a,persOn was pointed oat to us .ap'one these deserter and we were told that instead .of-being arrested by the: Provost Marshal and sent td his regiment, he had be employed ttoa . take the'eniollinent in one; at the• 'Win; ships.',.Since we came home We ; Imre heard othing,of,theinatter l bst. presume LlVifir said _ state Meat colvect,, , has, Or ought .to have been,. smested., Amid Sent to Ditie • is Othei 'deserters are. Whose Oollibseare*Ot , ,"lo4l.7s • • • '"CompanyD, 35th p. welcomed home; of their, return:owls:it Saturday evening, trith:mreception.simi; lay to:that given to. oilier . ttaolia, f oi:W It; 2atN 'fittialpatintc7 *44 ,em'aiioa4 fr " I firadf - a, 4 1 t' men. otrk. or an ow: mew-were 'oath them. ,Hadthe reception speech by iteveA.•H. Seheaumaker, beet tie tiptipriite as tlioesxni~ ` de~ri£`tho D'i'et reeeption% ; ihic eirA l illireelizie all ansioat►t to. our. woithy , fellow soldiers, utould.have passetLok entirely as itishould.l ut the petty: politiceil, Spleen' which - cropped out - `bl l goinelitile and Odin / 410, ut partial, oxpopro of,a Elnathiag one aideratANA or believed, (*aid not.. be'. concealed. Capt. Halsey and. Lieut. Weeks, have handed'ilfi for publication,* appended'"= our iiblves_and fellow soldiero tleiiie to ere,, knowledge our 'p#lEool4 thio . aaoO generous.minner ni:whieb we ; xers,, coMed home last Saturday evetptig.„ ovation on Bel i giand scalp 'was eatirelY oiol'ooitedforond'Aleeply moved our_hearts. OWitig,te thietkifisitin:in'suct a oioiva, tho'FarM:gieeiiogaeyeoaide, the iia- ; patience 'of the men to rejoin tlieloVed ones - at 4onae, and our own greig, plasti d 6 444stic.'hi we. .were ;el)4*. tliltible, folrepty , -, wertis „of ii,ol;, Ofio:by Wco the oitiZmi - firi, h otel. *SRO Pr AIR! tiOnt wil l -t eki i ii , 44ot. ° ''beartre4ioW i(adifef aPirkl 3 4.o4Peq:jo - ‘ geWT , holitifta% 0410:ti 3 4 1 Pttoli-t4it :# l * hit and' : Ovottil :temembi;o oll 4 it Pacerg vaalitoQ - ' haire ' 1404021-7224 . 2- 1 ?" 4 1. APO." Of ?PIA AIM WXRW , raili the P '* 4 llo o.l l te l l firlipvi*gii,arAypiim. - enlomiddirt4W , -- - --- 11 0 ga e lti O t erMI Or the Si4aige. Aititte*t„,l:fer the month 'fofJutii 18111 i: .' !"" . ' ' Reo'aftiolin S. Kant, ? . 81,00 'B. : t '"li gral, , : - ....; .-:`. 2 • 5,00 •,, - o Mum, 1' -, , . • 2,30 E` i- B. El d" .. „ • ' . 2;ocs T... y .t Mis - Bird -••-. --, ' . . . • t , J. H. Hall, Miss Ell Warren, ' • . Dirs.- 1 .% A Searles- -_-- -: - 1,00 1,00 ,50 3,00 Vtn. l .ll: - Diiitmoto S. , S. ChisS, -1,50 Anon mops , 1,00 'XiB: - .l.o.lkorrift, - - ' 3,00 Mr. tletirge . l3eardslen: - ,- :- • 1,00 Mre. S. S: Mulford, sale of articles, ,5o Lieut. Avery' . 1 . 1114 - L!tf.x. , ,, 1 , , . 7,55 • Anonyintll4, , -.... ~ . ~ • - 10,00 Itris; - 0,1 1 1„.8(one, 1100 litis.*aleb,Weeks„ ' ' - 1,00 liiiiiEhieltman'S Ccmeeit, 50,00 Mrs. Tarbell, for,apples, • ,25 ~ :•',,, 1 , •---- ',tete ” '892,60 szivn..altures , - 8100,92 .., -.. ir. . .: . ' ~'I I.D. BIDDLE,. Treas'r. D}lMP:Eqkt' PA-7.T.HIIIIIOIPAIGISC, We will receive .subscriptions to the IktuffruusE,, DlPtiriCßATat,any time after ibis date,tta be sent until the week after the' - election;at - the' following very low rates, payable always in advance: ~O ne copy, 25 cts; Five copies, $i ; Any large'. number,. 'each 20e. •. Chibs should be -made tip in every ,neighborhood before August conrt, about which thne the campaign will be fully 0. pened. • - There are many hundreds of per sons in the empty who do not read oar paper, bat who - ought to, and this will be te - Ud7Chance to try, it for slew months. tetsuur friends - bestir themselves and Make up a large , campaiga itt.the !nice of Liberty, and of success,too. Dc cicia tsl Victory - awaits you, if you - Si* but half-wafactive; but let your ut most energies be put forth, and our tri umph will be 86 - overwhelming that those ftfptiare now leagued together to proSeribe persecute us will'be forced to become quiet, at least, ; Wept, respectfully behaved eitkzerts. [August sth. co• 41011 Atairwe fire_apt, to be free itith our jokes upon Doctors and their drugs, un til sick and in need of their aid. then all aldeeboW to the necessity of recourse to theii 4 liard-earned and often ill-requited gall. The prevailing belief thht physi cians frown upon 'Whatever deviates from their peCtiliar system and usages, arises from the fact that, tfteir better informa tion leads them:Sootiest to detect and dis card. the - . medical delusions and imposi tions th'at.are' thnisrupon the communi ty_ That !hay sus rend; and , prompt to adopt . -any': really 'valuable invention is keep, the treatment'Doct. J. C. Ayer's Opmj,=ll Reniedies‘have - received at their hands. They appreciate the value of these medicines because they- know their compositinn, and where - is the man who ev er heard a respectable physician either dis parage or. discourage their use? No profession or_ pursuit has done more for the Iturtiluilatnify thaft thS medical profe.i ion. None is followed by nobler men or ; nor is -, there one wnich better deserves the best, thanks. of man iti d: Y.) Democrat. -C Fifty-one indictments - have' been found against persons who were - engage,' inr the . late New York ricks. Several. - of the* arealready serving out their terms in theBtate Prison 'at Sing Sinn. o WA fierce tattle waslonght on the sth of jury:,:in Indtati Territory, between stiftdloiftite llte Indians and a eintipiny of the *venal- Kabsts Volunteers t led by Lientimatiti Braudj'y' and' Williams. Af terra-two hotirs' 'fight, Lieutenant Wil liainsAarged them ; with the bayonet, and the•fildi&ns-hroki for-th e e Mountains, !ear. ink twenty one - killed: and thirty-nine dilirottthe field 441tte. Our loss was slight, the .Indinns.fitiog mostly over our troop, -••- . rgrA colored firm in -Newark, New Jersey, - having suffered some peculiar em barrassn.ienta, recentlyclosed business, and thoSeinor member gay's td the public the following " notis:—".DediSholution of co parsnips heretofo'regrting twixt me and Noise perfession, am heretqfo resolved. : _lrussons who ose must pay to,Aescriber; , ' , Dem What de firm oso must call on Jouc..s,d'efirm ie insolved.' i ttpOen , tkomMopt g omory, Ala., to,the *e date/Mai Wan. L, ient4 WBB tniedPat that place' , on the 23d of einnefaper :says that John 8,,.f10yd yin!, lying very ill at tho reildenixvothiii mother,. and-wits not iit. PeatO:tbledover. 1 --The.report °tit } riot sit,Sugs'e 'drove, Penntykame,- Lis a hoax. ' There is no truth mit .whatever. , , . EirAll:late Southern papep denouncri the. spirit cottho peyppte, Jr! eivng, out fot peace heAnirittlhetirthe Union; atrthey. thenonfdera• y.„. # io iaTl a litter ; article , on tluj mhiinaualle*Vot the war APPeere). Tsaarrosy.—Tin3_ tele ! graPb!froporNal iforniaprepprts that in, the reecAnbigg4 Viaabintoq;Territory, ttg,,mamt i a_haci kluge gorily. Nonlt, gastea4o4Litto intelligence frqw4ort_tk,,c'noljtia giyes Assume.° that the:pee& are beeiiiiiieg tired ofthe Rob et Goverotoeutoodlkorotv Tbore is ClD mhaskable i desire to re tolbo YOfott:r. Iffevlo.lo ":46!:;;Govi 6 4, - ;-*ll , :th*".iiiir.itupeatmentOs: the war. • • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers