The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 06, 1863, Image 4

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    . DL Vi
l A r. 1
ti. 41 .1 4- 44 . 1143/>' 9l
1 iligerrxrvirci i ; ,
. ,
, ;• I
N?cMl: of o.4ford, 1'
411113sollties of your SAMMAliittb,.
/11 2..nrr .1 : -.- 1 r4 e4e111.4 " 1s • -' --- ~
l ni - b l"-' ' t n lta bo e which failed of - thedestretTeflect•
and fal i gaiou„.tikthose who toeir,ft. ~.htflist as oar ,
FeaP s4 q Yllffro drif4"..b.ct4-1 1° T...Pallik a
it befo oar Community: r' - ..... - r .. --
... ..
EriegttN"PalglitiOtlTlthi eftPPers4l
Ism en. Robt... StnattencEristot., England.
" Tont'' , de my duty tb'yon Atha the public, when I add
my ny lattutf 9 44 7-£ 4l lblial 01 . -1 belneWcinalvirtues .
of y ' rsittstikr.!., Jardanghter,igedleft,Atad an'
amt ' . us . r ftt her-. - earti eye% and battler "years„
w h nable Ittpire. until wfi.tried,your,Balts.
si -, . 81164ihs beek:tteli ibt46Orne montha." •
snkalire4tallkifieevia,-g4krefirm teadmech-estexased,
niebitte;"Chtpe Matra., 'N.J. :
"lifulart tk iv Mr hasreryd keg year pact Wittkarerof
uloutregy nLw_l:ll ;wits Very . ..ftnuideedme.'nqothing•
afforded ally 'lief un'tirtteleiefiyOur Battaarstriu.",
wA-h som completely enrekber."
. .
Ai* 0 109 . k.Z.0.:40,1X04*1he tridclOirisiritfirmt - ef
gage, moray, g Co, enant(fricrtireri efenantelrapa- -
pers rn Nashna,l47:4l'. • :
'':' I had forltivigailf. a rimeirdtiblerome burner in -
mr l l 4 llfta i lF 4 C lu ratantly worse until ft dh fi guted
my feats a au. intolerable affliction. I tried
alaulskifterg_idu a mnatcould 'of 'both advice and tnedl
- any relief whatever " Until I took your
blitilLiV, -g It immediately" Made my • face ,worts,.
......:..ittEFllttilght for a IMO - brain •a few meta'.
4 •l'* au totbros -raider.the blotches, aiadvon-:
tinned until my face is as smooth es anybody% cad I um
without any symptomkof the disease that I know cf. I
enjoy perfect health, and-without a doubt owe it to your
Saliatemrtsza -- , - .."',::. :: . -: _,: • I.'. .„
I t
las-Genortilbibility-thlltirthes Blood.
. Dr.liciWasarin, Roast= R.. 24; .I"_. ; ' .
DR. - SR: I eitidßitt la to TeMOWEritpMoll2 and
Scrofid Sores by the persevering AM of your San-
SAPAI:3II‘ RC r harelost Jeered, an. attack of
Mal' g A'ryrelas mit .It.'s No tilterativelve p users
ansale 'e ApArtn:t.% Mit limceupplicd to the pm
fesston wielbasoihwyrogle.'4.;.. ~..
4.4 t.-;rokiiiton, ' Etc r., Wanner/ Ohio.:
'Fottaeve , ' - fOrsT . bed lbul - tan-Eryfipeleeett arr.
right ann, tithing. which - 1' tried all the celebrated
• physicians I could reach, and - took handfed" of dollans'
worth iff Medicines.' Tha .nlcera' Mee' to, bed that the
cords &came visible, and.the. doctars . eleadedlltat my
amt sMit-beitinnuthte&- I--began taking , your Sawa
rsurLM.. Took,two, bottles, :and some aulyottr.Fum.'
Togethg th@ylravecurea me:. ;I pm nowitswell and sound
as anyWiy.. Being in a public
_placecutycaeu ie Immo to
everilgidy,intbiaMMllmai t FOuld e"- On:wonder of
From .Hest s rlitsraro, M. P. P. Alf .Neseectstle. C. IT.,
f e
- i 4l 9_4 o ,ualbere gke.can4aaaltdiarient.•
• 'ql e ÜBea telake RARll,4rAtill.44; 10-'llty.bllay, for
gene . del lint for lerf,flibtg . tke - blood; Stith very
be nt
I results, and ' feel candelemetn-efinunending It
icterLa_..,: ..-, .--, ~... , - . z .. .. , .: - .
. - Bt. oiiiii44l4l - 41.0' ' s - o * ,.'l3alt ittte Scald.
-..,- Hoed Bore dyes„ ...?:-.-.. -. •
From Ilfisr'Sji gickler;
the ' , able editor of the Tank
s:.:,: 151estroem4 , Yerre3sylventia. -
"Ontuniteldid,ationtliiim vears - of age, vas attacked
theyfinehead.'ey take:end until
y faiiied:cloalbsunte and ;virulent wore. which cov
ered bierseepuld 'eft:l3db , blinded-his styes Be reuteslayis.
A skillet phyneitin applied nitrate of silver and other rem-.
• edier, without an apparent effect. For fifteen days we
guarded tatands r iest with :thefts be shouldlear open the
festering 'Mid corrupt - wound Which - covered his whore
fece.,fiaving tried every thing else we. bad any hope
iiirMvetiegatcliiving your alasercitertui4ttrid apply
tfie iddideb potash lotidn as you' direct.' The.eore
began to heal when we hadjven the first bottle. and
was well when we had finish the second. The child's
ezis42ely, , Whiels , had come, grtt,:.gro Air, and be is
ltraltheand flires Zany other .. . . whole neigh
,borhood predicted that the,thild mast die."
SYBltat' ADArculiiii =aim.
Frona'Zir: ifiAsin :Stool, elf Bt. - teal; Ilissoarri.
', I
,your .Samaganksua a, more cffectrudsmisep
for thejsegooderyvehplonikcifftlyills,sind foreyydrili e
distere than any other we osses& 'The proftsdon are in:
V0 1 1 1 : 11.1 =A 3 i; the
A o ki " je= aled i P eg Jelllre begfilaia
- e e:trass',..tefro fa . a prominent member ry".thc , Legit
fatureethtedswhoscr4"... ' - - - • ~.-
'VW' airtfe.e..lri -den ...Vii Vantattind keIt : SAW :.
eArAttILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both Of the
tpriszarg allti - tatandars.ey,pe, etreetuaiin , eoutrives
etkermere tocobstiustelo :yield to other remedies. '" Ido
not know what we can employ.loth -snore certainty of
_where a power f ul alterative brio:iked." ' -
• Mr. gra" S. Fait Vero, - efleem . :Brunsmini-,. - .M.74 had
drcedfiel u7t r et* - ;on his legs, caused by the abuse oftner
curg, or,neercurial esseds%;:vatigh grew more-and Tame '
wravated for years, in spite of every remedy ortreat-
MILO thateetald'im , applied. until the:persevering ,nreof
gkettleveraustratur.t.e. 'relieved, him, - Few cams elan lte
.Strad, usom,inveterate..nnd distressing, theikMis, , and. it
-tizede aesend loan bottles-to cure him., ...
s =- 14 Ilnkliterebtrite.‘l77ltitesi ilemalo iireakners, - ~ ,
are generally produced lei-uteri's! Serlittous Meeration,
And e,re y . ery often carol by- theliterative - ilea Of this - - , -Some awes requite. boWever, in. aid
of the SAIMAPAEILLA, itie elalfuE•applictitionjof local
From dit irnri wi . dcipeeletrateif-Dr. Jacob
liforrilts ry , Cincinnati- , •-;
Anita yorirS.sithece-sAILIA c u eseellent alter.
Mire in diseases of females tinny tiro; onivegularity,
-Leucorrheen, IntOrtniittleortifieni and local debility, wls-
Wthedn% ft ;alo d u o s .. „ n ..diatt w ese )nreyielded, to o ond
ki, - hw edict is properly
' - •
iBrdir; itluoil it to While the Ipnlification of her sam e ,
dfingliter suit - myself tuive been cured of iorerry
, Leacortinas of long etruidiug r bk two bottles
of your SAVAAPAUILLI." - -
iithetuctutizna Gout. - Liner Coregilaintp
islislitaturt Mama lifeturts - gla, -
when caused by4crisru4i-iii the ; wliso;'are,pipidly cured
by this EXT.. SAaSsiksultaigi.- - • -- .
' , AB4II'S
eat antag over the other
rives jit-Ahomarket, and their 'itiperior Virtues . are so
univennalil-ninyn, that we meed not than
to assure the-public their 4putliry: , is maintained equal
to the best Weyer has been„and that they may be
depeuded - :6rit`lll..that they have ever done.;.Q"-AMER; D.,,1404), Lowell,
tlase.Xnet t ild - • • •
amt. - fk„feile -, :trader in overt inwn, in the
eoinity. — •
• Froneh Cream,
a' 1- pga. BALD maps . ANI> BARE Rims
ebrate 010 is warrants r 11 .011
1 . 1.1.1 n "
fallset. of,'Whi alters on tbe srooothett face, or aline
„:tirowth. of hair on nbaldhead.: inless: than six "reels,
andlvllf in tray Stain dr injure the skin. Tbellrench .
_Crsanlis Inann.factnred by Dr. Id—PeletreatOitParis, and
, le"tho only reliable - articlOof the " Mend other."
warrantfie .svery xase, Ono Box trill'do' the-work.—
' Psitic.'4l - ,R, '-,;raported and for sale ,NI:holesalo soul De=
bill - by ' F. eIIAYMAN;
_Chemist and. Druggist.
831 - Broadway, Neils
Win= zriceztata.:ezfador,reb7.,
• —trzeoutril:Nptice. ..
- 7: ll.4 t r ,ltietg i tt:'4 t iltilserli:sa'..,
Pte IA e 4,4..xlltget,,Pigit4shetisaa?it pint bc?
iiiieed pazdig., .4 7.
Eat -4 13 1 3
.;rlßanell,4 l
mmedisite payment.
. . .
74l - WY,c.7,.gxecttrix.
4:a F . ... ,
,' It . ..,..
~I'W'",- , T1AN:::.;•..i.,- _ _.
• VEST sipxc,op..p.p:Aw,Ancraf,r,.--,
ThnotlirV nuateed,
** siiikosa 14111)14- 1 - :
; ' ,L. •
5 3 r1 1 :1 1%) . " • 21 P4 a, 44 8 :. °•"' Dugan.-
TR454..pbtr40.; sTica - SS;
Paid ibr - 111#*
VlCtA2Lisii4 -
Pi 4E$ T.
":tatirnl4,lB6s. • -I'4"
j" -- Orme; Doefilbert's Viet it 11.1
r -I - il .la :viCAVOO DIM:
'''' '''' ‘1
''' i '...:-. ' . 1" 1 .;,' -:;-"a ':':
, :'- - 1. 1. 1 .7, , '.: 'LL • -. :1 . : 1 - ! ~ '. : :,..... : - . 1 - : f . : t,:-; :
1 ‘ ''. : l :f ' • ''''
It -•- .
1 .. volts .
The CARPENTER ING - Besinese
.sgitti. r ir...l4.6TitatiVir:-cAURCH`-- '"'-
VON 71(e6Yenothhitylpntiopil'i iinetol oirsotttoiriiot
1 U •gspiecio. 9of the tabet strcotTi fiat•
terns;. Builders` Hardware et 411 kt tide:, ~ , ,
. - Farniers i . Tools o f Allitinds4' :, .
- Brisi Viipc; Porcellthr Witi, dhpapet tisareth',*n
•Wetsottlre brn mstertal. ~.."4
..: , : , .
Paints, Oils,- G lass ;,: Putty, and Sash
Pumps, Lea filie,,taitips, tint' OOP - etei'ax:
Terms ttgl4. ' Itooitioaber the_plhce:l -,,, ..7can. and iceg
. wx: li; nosh.- _ t . poiro&-wponsvirv.: 1
.. 11. - A: W00D111717. I .' Maritrelle. July tadoihgt, :
•. . ,
TO D-IR.- N ,
Virg have madearrangements to aen Britheito New
•Yotk on Consignment• or. Contract, duting', - , the
reason. We. will furnish pails free triad who are . , tlest.._
roue of doing . either. • To :thoso .wbo Want to ted we
will guarantee etielligAnd termini, priceresd prenspt re- .
bone.. theypayint freight and commiesiod. - •
lar We • will, advance money on Atensignmentw If
Wanted, and!hOld'oureelves:nreprwrelblb for ell lititter
and Pails owned Dv daimon antrenrbff_nr.
~ B AIXAVIN,4I I .IOI # I 3,4P I 7 Arr.'
:Illonkroalv April Nth, 1663. ,° • • • 1-•
EXo,llllliiitg..± - •
largo:4.lo otaminiyand giree a ttdtstattilkto all '
~ tilted to
- Penatone will attend to ad_ appittatinna that maybe
preenateit atltontemie, re: -Robais at Z. , S;Tips
be n:Hotel: • ' • ' I IS. - PArtICK;
llontromapr.llB.l3os.7-tf• ! ••••-•, •• ••
'OO. - Aok.' ~.A:Pip1(04_,6141:14.-G
Laigi tikes of . PIUOEI Vitiquiteffead
Reducett '
..331CTIEL.3EtACIVell, - .
receiving, for clpftgaupplies, now gitOlstge sloese o f
PAINTS; tivmts, AND
• .:. • ' CAUPETINGS
Paper ;
HATS and CAt'S - 1300TS.andSHOES
Including. se nasal, foll middies 'of pie mod popular
• styles of
• • ~ SHAWLS ; • - •
• ;" - 41 C.;
be iiitt or! - Sthei7inoiCissariblo ior
• " bi •
Flotrac Sa#,. constantly on 'hand
• • , • • .., • .
• .1 •
/ i f / • , „
-eoirner Oteetneptiein4" - " •
••••• " •
IP29l:ito 9l - 04-11
This is one of the TEN Colleges ccasuititatlng the Nal
Clonal Chain. locatedln PhWelphia; New York City
Brooklyn. Albany. Trey, lhdralo„ ;..Clerkuuli - , Detroit
Chicagn,nnd St. Lents.
• Scholarahlpa - honed by' any
,cine of theto - Collegee are
good for an unlintitad time. - --r v : I
Embratee Book• — lceeplng far everrsartetyetbaaine i 3n
ita most adproted forms,• 7 Penraanship, the celebrated
Sponcerian eystem.—Ckontnercial Calculations. Comma
dal Law.Brutineascorrerpondence,Arithmetic,Lectares.
These Inatituticous posseara national reputation, and
guarantee greater facilities for preparaing young met% tor
n &Menai* the counting tirmee.'and busmen; generally,
than any other similar achciols in the_country. ,
:The Phiiadelphis ,College t .-
Hasten -rectiatly etaargeti and re-furnished
nor manner. and 'snow the largest and most
Commercial Institution in the State.: its ar r a - Gioa;
thorough course of instruction,' thelang pragtlealexperi.
enceofthePrinelpals,and superloraecommoilaticrns,offer
unecpmlled Inducement% to' -porn Men who, anal twat
.quire the best pr -eparation s -and thel hest Introduzihmlo
the business world.
Diplomas awarded, and"grammes reeeonimended' to
business men.
. . . .
;Iliac-mit. Ts= EkKoze.-.lbyanit 13trattcnVe Book-
Keeping, three leditions,non 13 eta.,
High sebboli SIM, -and Counting House,—Bryant and
Stratton's Commental , hrlannette4l4s--Brrant & Ern
Commercial Law. Ani these booze 'Aunt py
mailL on receipt of Price. - • • • • '
• Irfritendfor our natal ~00tte.containingthll pairtieulans,
and nottrearehilly" the Ten:sliteelarad,ottedilcf orLAeso
.Colleges over AU ,
othero.l' Address
- • • ' • - BT!LiTTON, BRYANT-th CO.;
denlY'Pw2 o '. * ' 'Pt4/4114&41;r16
The -Great :Caose, 'Of .Bionan
. - - -
.IttaOubnalutrA la a OtiaidArivele? ••• Ave
A VEci cat En,*,Eit, , . on Iheeause
aideurebtsperMstorrhins, Vonsunation, Nagai
and physicaltfebllity,~Epilepsy; Nervousness, Impaired
Nutrition- of the Body; lassitude., - Weakness nt' the
limbs andltselt. IndteposititMundihesPauitY fdr,studY
and labor, dallnesstrapprehension,f' Ines of mesnotyls
sersionto sosiety.' love -or Solitude, timidity, 'self-dis
trust, Mathieu.. beadaeht, 4 affeillaueot the eye*, pim
ples on the-Use,. ininiantary , emissions . and teCtUld'illell% ,
aity.thotonsequences youtbftd indiscretion - 4:44c'
rirThis admirable lecture steal* es thatAS / 1 "
'VAT 'etrameratedoften itegaat tnity - T he re.
'moved 'without meffethe-nad without dahgerontanigi
cod operations, and :should-lie readhy every-312mtit and
sverymania the land. • ' "
Benbuitierthed.lai plainentrehnio,Wanyoildreeir, on
the receipt ceelx cents., or two poetegri etampi, by ad.;
&easing, - KW=
novls IYell3 121 Pgwerjr.lC. INK 4 Waco Dix. 4588
Watches,:. - 4eNvelry d
unditrelgited c Z•iiiireettalliiiivite
: s yout attention - told* *el *elected stock cfFtge
floldand WT MueVold 4 /Mar
RY442teveity kind And- variety , et
, priealug an of the *west &neatest beautiful ikiligne;'-
lao, Bond Silver Woe, -equal to eoln—ptd ihe
make of Silver Plated Ware.: article Is warranted
to be simireiseisted. •
OrW -
atebt •
xml24 rortdliitfe
red and
satk 4
factiontarsateed. - - dieoh4lAßLlT',
-10,45.241arket ttFed March 411;1*
'Apt: • f, : '7 •
, ,
"Mitt - itit m E .
, ,:.,,,,,$ ,
ViESPROMMIff - inforaribtr tam - of Nimbi:6o
2.11 , And vletnlVAhattheypirst r on the-Madasidthitig
batons flialligetirtiebiell#3ll4lvlately emote*
b r n p u l r- Ps, lot Yd an :l l 4 r t ß i kka l s4t-PfIOWI
lorfilki . f.cia
s g : 1 1.4. 111
, rgamultiorne**94l4ooVP A , -
-pre,. .4'd , 4, - 4 - BrEntlwitic
- Aizew bspd3~ :.:
% I t irysiip:ttasArMefr. . Monate with . as.
J 32..
_the same ad *I WIZ isladeeessOrs. Nownty,
COBVF.ArCo_ „ZaCamora:2ll7l7l l 4.lro 1*1.011,11.t0
Deileak-Aad- vault] be happylis 'gee - ma old .
ends. ui reeelve.tbel aorders. arhich Aire, w ill execute le
the Tembeit udianetrbilds &been be.
• • Arc.:CDEW9/5143/. Pa t ti t O ° t. N. T.
'41b12.114014* -7.,-
• . _
.thtteitir f0r.:1144 Taircirs,;:the eft r i@bnld most
reepettfollr'esliThwatteetion of all , prompt paying, ger.
chants 'ariTradera, tef the above notice. Ordeal for
rdware-will boxecelved-ttero. and forwarded -Fifty.
provedjaikeept daring the months of AprU, May, Sept.
and Oix.% , Darfogihoeeztoutbabe willbe roost happy to
„see Ida friends and serve them of '4..Park Bow. N.York.
Reopettfelly.' ;. . c;Tyr—
..;itlontroae.rea.l.fta Isms.
, NE w,i4n..FoRD
11' -C)• 4710 21)2 - 7,b
Ticig,r,:tddeittrzidi want irOt t g rou
a a earners; I barean hand. andant contlnuAlly man -
f ael F il li • , •
Plows -and Plow Point
And JOB WORK intshed On abort notice. ' , AU wok
warranted to be good matarltd and Snit& • •
• Naar Buford, Apri14,113113: •
• WM!male a Retail Dealers in
1ta222) 21 a
Mt Cl* ZO'
coma, nannt oarmsTorrzs.
Scriaan. *arch SI; ISM ly
At= Montrose, Pa.
WM. IL-VAT= Tr.Opriasx.
Trtut,i6,,,aitothinnodfourf6tri le situated on Tubile
.Avosuze m zierirMse ,Cormr. Mange, Utinactini =are
ol the 'business portion of Montrose. The Proprietoris
"ainfidentthat he b red to entertain guests ins way
tTainnot fail ti) ve SATISFACTION!
The Hotel and rniture are new. expenselias
been spared to render it equal if not superior to any in
this part Of the State. It is.well supplied with altreoent
improvements( end comforts, and obliging Waiters will
alirala be ready po respond to the Cal of customers.'
The Stables connected with this house lire mew, and
The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patronage of
his old Mende, travellers, and the.publiegenerall_y.
Jaial tf WM. H. EATCU.
i 48,........ . of Goods from the Lathrop
- Building to the-store formerly occupied by IL C.
Tyler. next door IL Tathell's Hotel, where he I ,
Indy to sell Goods try ids old friends and the public, at
his weß (mown
, A. goild stock always ort hind, consisting of
Nails,lx n Hardware,
l e
Notions, Sash , OiLs 9
Fish; : :_arre di - '&0.•
:All nos eyprothice 480 Pried' taiten in estkange.
ifarch'loo,ll36it. ,-, .
FOUNDED I& 1840.
/Lereonnirette4 lqr-, Legislative.AlWale%
Befit the o n ly COMITERCIAL.OO4I3OB Itt. the, Fnlon
conducted by "'
'`• .A.414.011 - CAL 3f31, -•-
, • •. -• _
. . . .
OVER sinosAND frnmErad
nave been: educatid e Principles aint . Preetlee eau
thedetails of a btuane ethical - on froth , DUFOIS sya•
team: d -- .
• • -711ERC.A.2711.8.1100X•EltEPING.,
AVrarded Four alive: Vedala, and the sandlot' of the
highest Atereantile:Atdhorities in the country: )11,5,0,
" Aped , eet system forsach books and accounts." Al
so POP , Dry !waft° of
• - • 411;4041 P OO ll-101EPIZtbi:
'Altai 'tie formai tit the renMsytrazda Rinrc4;
, ParsPeNentegiAlt
The dnlyone.lil VISO hittii etti. The aboveiimams of
acaniats'are tanght:under.the daily sinsision-sof the
.ImM:l44E4llb hetteved,tnadegree of perrectymnas
stsitekew,, • " t-• • -•-
rar*llasisiess and braamental Jrupp mut=
it 1 1 r r t r e t T " := ll-the - ‘18 . 80.'
Pam; Statelialr. 1860.
Western Weena..fair at Puts 1860.
,Weetemo 'Melds ?era' - •
.1028;theOldck State Meat Clevelszd..,..
of which stet:Leaded ei, enzromee, •
11 'Ilfe"!/*/**41119411100,04iprigt4ks.
.1 . 1004i6 )eoLee eta. Inez lb" iiir-deie4.4l;4*ll,',
• - --est 4 7o7_Book thud. , ,
otnentlntalP bly;Wlirfrpletell.
solukagairbilnlL DEW% snug demerit'
, 4. -
41..rt1-the u Ffice*. ",thrtnotor
. 13811021 :"-Aege).14rb90 0* Prgstgi;i1;
° • Bdolteellerit ai
ttaml taZprit IV&SZlWleralft:4l4ll.
W ` ritin&tedo6l4ls to r '
-*SON Pyrnftehada
gitititia‘likCjiilulatdrtiOBf74444l - Gara i i,
elitKwlkertr we are beitletoweie "d em I, I.B(eLrOut•
e kiro —--- - - - Y . - - - - lisileiti - -
cm,T, „re f o rideontlA SW birgeit AM be • olos
, - f -'- - --.,!4:-,7, ? .: '•!.1n..,.. 2.:;.t : 4.-: 1i
.. .A ma y . ':'': . . .',:;'''
. ~ ;-'.,.
.-.. ..,:,„__/7„.• .•
:Dieroffemill fa stiseneltannaCOutiti - nntl.ProbublY coin=
:prising the greateat - variety.or most nifferenterticle i .of
'atirStoretirthe Itortbeinpart, Peuniyiyanta l an d per
.hlpa of , the.entire. State.;::An. - etwortment is kept '
,about thitty'differeilt breather - crinkle: and the select
lions are made tinm about forty, crib*: best Himstifin
Now York, ondmore thairlifty Dealers aiul Iltantlenc.
torero but . .orNew.' Rork.:. 'A. - large ,propjrtiori of the
Goode are brought direct - Dont the manufacturers:4Mo
Insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the
Store- must.notexpect to do i deveryttdng-in sight,..but
nearly every a rti ale vrarited will be pro breed by inquiry.
Soma Idekofsthettitock formeithy the following
general untlino, but emnmeratien ia impmeticable
Wags and Medicines,' Painticand WIC 'Dye inters,
Groceries. Lb:ions, Crockery,: Glass Ware, Wall and
Window Paper, Jewelry, Sllrer Wars,perttunery, Eancy
Goods; ?Mildest Instroments,-Binsh es. I:Minh:an Pocket
• Knives; Table Batte end Silver Plated Ware, temps,
Materials for.Lightti, ry_
IlarOware...-BeiDords,Stone Wire
Dry Goodl;3llrrors, WindoW Glars:'Llthograpbs. NW:
nishes. - -Dird ;Vette& MilettAeles,z , VVldps,: , und:Lsettes.
Brooms, Gnus. Pistols,N6inmonition, Tobacco, Medi
cal said Surgical Instruments:Salt, Soap:Pot:Oh. Om-'
bnilas, Porcelain Teeth. in short. nearly - eset7thing:to
restore the sick, to plintle the taste to deUghtthe eye.
to gratify the fancy: andlalso to tondricern:thotleal and
substantial Comforts of lire.
The attenttoxfortbetiliblin lereSW fey Invited to
my stock of Goods, bought exclnsively for cash d6wn,
and will be sold on the same principle for low prim".
Montrose, January 15t.1863. ; ! '
T BAVESOreat Bend at 2.40 a. in.. after the arrivalat
110.80 a. in., of the Cincinnati Empress from the west,
canner-tint/at ScruntOn.wherwit mires *140.10 a. in.,
with a train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg
road, 'for' Pittston,-, Wyoming Valley Kingston and
Wilkesbarre, and by onanibus,with the: Delaware and
Ilnilsoir railroad. at Provldenet, for Olyphautand , Car
hondale. AtHope station, this train connects bj omni
bus with the BelridereiDelawarn Railroad for Phillips
burg. Trenton and Philadelphia. At New Hampton
Junction, where it arrives at 2.% p. m., the same train
connects with trains.on the Central Road of New Jersey
forßlitabetti. Newark, - New York, Hasten. Bethlehem,
Allentown, 'Mauch Chunk;' Reading and - Harrisburg.—
Parsengenrty this train arrive in Kew Yorkist 8.50, in
Philaaelphie at 13.00,•and In Harrisburg it 8.10: - • . •
The train leaving foot of Cortland. street, New-York, at
ailtr air andfoot of Walnut street, Philadelphia. at 6 a.
in.,cting with the Passenger train of 'this road,
leaving ew Hampton Junction at,11.20 a, m., and any.
in •at Scranton at 4.02 p. m.. where it cornetts with a
train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, and
with the omnibus running to the Delaware and ,Hudson
Railroad. r•• . . • ,
This train arrircs at Great Bend at GAO p.m., , tnaking
a ( lose connection with -the Zell train .going • West on
the Eric Railway. . . •
. .
leaves Scranton at 10.10 a; m., connecting At Great Bedd
with the Day Express' train west on the Erie Railway.—
By this train Passengers arrive at Ithaca, Syracuse, Buf
falo. &c. the same day. Returning; this train leaves
Great Bend at 9..20p. in., on the arrival. of the New York
Express going Bast, and Buffalo Express going West,
and arrives at Scranton at SAO
- • 401I p.
R. A. MOW. Gen, Ticket. Agent.
Scranton, Nay 20, iS63.
ciIIANGE of boom eOmmonebist Monday, Apr. 20th,
%_/ ISO. Mina willleave Great Bend, IV:, atabont the
following hones. vie: . .
I fl 18 ExpreWhlS pan! ~ N.Y. Eliptelis.ft.63 p.m
S. Nicht Ezpret , e, 1:671t.up 4. Might Expres, 2:14 Lin
S. Mail, at , ' EMI p.m 6, Steamboat ••' 8:63 pm
VT. Way Freight. 1250 p.m g, - -- 9:51 p.m
•21. Aceothodation, 9:56 a.m
. 16,
..._ _ ._ _ '6._ _ a.m
' ". . Woy.Fre!gbt, 9:10
Nos. 3, 4 Slid S L ino Si . ;sfydAS. IQc . 16 idneSundays.but
domuot nix Mondays. No. 8 of Saturdsys runs thro'
ConiOralcs. but does nottnn to Dcriikitk. • , •
MIA'S MINOT, Gon. Supt..
aR.4III6XXAER.p.A.73. ,
On emit a ft er April 20, 15 63 , Paseeager Tr*lna *ill
X/ ran as Wawa:
„ MOVING. $011111:..
Paleinitch .Accom.,
Leave Scranton, at 540 a. m. 11.00 S. in.
Kingston, at 6.40 Arrive 19.80 p. m.
" Rupert. at r . 8.55
Danville, 'at 9.2 f a. m.
arrive at Northumberland, 0.55.
Leave Northumberland 4.80 p. m.
" Danville, 5.10
Rupert, 5.45
Kingston, 8.05 1.45 p. m.
Arrive at Scrant 9.10 p.m. 8.80 p. m.
k passenger train also leaves Kingston at 8.90 a. m. for
Scranton to connect with train for - New York. Return
ing. leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New Toth,
at 4.50 p. m.
Passengers taking train south from Scranton . at 5.80
N6rtbumbetlatiff,:reschllartiisburg.l2.B l 3o.b.
. 1331thriore %SO
at? p.
reachi at 9.W•p. l ni D • '
' GEO. . MINT, Stret.
Kingston; /Orilla. 1868.
3ErkweVC: 1 43 4 5310..
rttli :
Bastin eoitetantly on hand, and atulow
a mice as It can beobtained Many Dealer In town.
orrO'etnebibet2: .11a*T6D1:0$-!3!°"''
~%;..12, 45 1 * 1 6. VOtk ll‘ .. ,
. 1
The Nor, Commercial Bni/dinge .are -Located
No;. Commercial
the Courillansaf
Conn and Crunumfro, Streets.
- - -
This College' ink stay eon rice .- feii.Ailth noir
,The' ,energ.les •of
_the. entire - Itaenlty , , are 'eteltuiliely
- devoted to tiller.'
The design of this Institution - 18'in' staid TonnOten
an apperinalty far *Acquiring a "Rune ttgii;.Trocticat
•Busteuts. Eiducation. • •
Our Books and Penne are ed itirloneu
co) accountants, expreselyter Mt* • lettitatien; .aod the
codree of netroction stelae to combine
Yracilee? 4
,`, . .
This coarse embraces Book-Beeping, in all ice d
ments,Tenmanship,. Commercial Arithmetic, Bus nese
correspondence, Commercial Law,..l'olitical. Economy,
Commercial /Way Part-acridity; tiettleraenta r Detecting
counterfeited and altered bank notes, etc: - •
The Spenceriao system of_ penmanship is taug h tin a ll
its Vafteties, by the , most &Wild awsters of 'heart:
Tha libok.Keephig departthent is ander the special'en-
Persisculand instruction of the Prinelpsl4l. W. /owns.
CfriAl u rika.
Students enter at any -time. No , vacation. • Usual
thne to complete the enure!, from 6 told weeks. , Assis
tance rendered to krithuites in Prot:ruing altuationE • _
Graduates are presented: with , eV elegaiitly•engrated
• -•
For eatalogup 4 0 7 0 siiiiiihneno
p, 4bci, enclose two letteestamput, and address:-
• .1.4WEL1.; •
, rl4/141 1 .64% canillkiaptVoirite.
- 0 . pi • 4
-7,f)` •
A fresh sqpq tige . 4 4 '
ii*. 44 offlie.;fitiebeac t out. ,
:AU :4 , 130%7 thezii- t lie
a trial. 'BeatiPlahfiffliticager,4desiy#lo
Naiti-L. •
tib Ar "
• q :" " .4 -. 4 4 4411; t iga
I . a
i.g - m i t f4 ortmem of GOO _
TIA) , OHM f. 4 Aillisileiltileildetlel4l
'all4 l 4 4 ,l4width ,
GENUINE ittl i ,AßNtiONS,tzt
, 1104 1 40 0 1•TrIVEILIMIYMIXIItr." ,
RELEBOLDI I 44 . Altair,
"Highly caneeiltretedr,Vottittomit •
Slizict 13.*tiracit,
. • A. jtoeitieekidthieciftelieniedy fordliesseaof the
bladder, Kidirem : Grel4:end.Dropa: Ica,
This Medicine inerataes tfie%ower.of dieestimi; and
excites the itbsorbenteinto healthy 'dig', by tehieh the
watery or calcerone ,ftlepositione: end nil tinnettilaren
largemente ere rethiced r ie skpait and inliantation,
and is good for men, iroptenor ebfdren4= -
. "7Arising from,axt*ssea, atn,- •
tiob Early In discretion , or -Abuse,;. •
, ,
' • • Attended wittf the following emit - tome:
Indisposition to r :Exertkm. • Lose of Power:._ • '
Lots of Memory, Dlfllmilly of breathing,.
Weak Nerves .
- Trembling.
.Iforrar ofine4tee, • - Wakefulness:, ,
Dirtiness, of Vision. • Pain In the Back. -
Universal lassitude of the Flushing of theßody. •
,_?SitsiOUltir Eruptions on ten Yeah
'llot fiends. • .PallidConntenantle, . .•
Dryness of the Skin. • , , _
Thesti - shistitoitut, it , ailovedto glitmoiritelvthiematt
'fettle invariably removes 50011 follow •
Itione of 'which ttio *tient may egpfre, Who can 4ity
that ther . fro hot ftequently.follosted- brthose
diecaic~. • , .
I4e4nty„and Constiniptlot,
. .
Many. ate aware of thei time of their suffering. but
mine will Unto*. The tecOrdirof the. insane asylums
and the melaneholly deaths by Coasnmption.' bear am
ple witheea to the Irani of the assertion.
The-Constitution, once afrectell wit h
ganic weekness,
Requires the aid of medicine to attengthet and Invigor
ate the system. whictiIIELSIBOLD'S - POCTRAOT
CHU invariably does! : A .itial win convince Om' most
, .
• .
Females; Females, Females,-
Old or youngoingle; married; or eontem
:. plating marriage,
In many affections peculiar terremales the Extract Ea'
chn 13 unequalled:by any otha remedy, as In ,Chierosts
or Retention:lrregularity; Painfulness, or Suppression
of theßustomary Jiyacuatlons. Ulcamted or Schirrons
state of the Uterus, Lenchorrheo or Whiffle, BleriiiiY,
and for all complitnts Incident to the sex,' whether arts- -
ing from Indiscretionalabito fel Disslpatticm, tir in the
• 4ntA"STanarcuis Azov's.
Take no Balsam * Werner. or Implement medicine for
unpleasant "and dangerous dim:ayes.
cum% Bier= tontiasss
!nail ihelr'sbigeal at-little expense; little or ittletlange
in diet, no inconvenience,
. • t) AND,,!O EMPOSII I IIIL, . .
dt airttes frequent tesfrei, mita gliMs - etrentth 14:Urin
ate, thereby removing,obstructions. preventing andeu
ring Strictures of the Urethra. allaying pain and inflam
mation. PO frequent inthla clasirof diseases; Inidespell•
lug Polsonons.'diseased, and trOrtHnst matter.
Thontiandeopcin Thoukanda '•
WHOA Haft BEEN -rat twilit - or
. Arcrasi.asizers.
And who have paid,IIIIAVYPESS_to be medial. short
time. have four d'they were deceived. widest the Poi
son has. by the use :of" pcnierfult -Astringents.": been
dried mit) the ifyntetn, to !weskit tint in art siggravatat
toiYn; PERXIAPS AFT13it314.11.14114.14. i . •
- • •i7 . SE V • •
FmallAffsetimue smilDisealies of
The UrittilTY Orglll3B.
wheth" " l en l ig t =d i t li a L l i t i e l r ulledaterer
OF ROW LONG sreitonto.
Diseases of these Orgasms require the aid of • Diuretic.
, 'SIAN:MUIR DlURltile, •
And HAI certain to have . the desired etrect Die
.:.caeca,-for which it ,ieteccnoutewded.
• Hq.lmtookre Iligbly:Concentroted Comp:noloV
Fluid Sarsaparilla.
. „.
Thisie eiteedou of the Ilkaa4arblertmeiti,tha
nel Maim: Linings of ales Nose, Sam.. Tbrost,..Wind•
'OOO,EO other Mom Surface*, making Ha appears:lee
In the form of Meas. .7Helmbold's Attract
la parifietthe Blood atetromoreaell Sealy itroptfoinof
'the Stchtgtviog to the.Compleziop a Clearinttikealthy
Color.. It beingoroared expressly for !Ma'am ofeom• _
plaints, tte.Blooe-Puitcyteg - Priipertlefera prermed to
a get t er exteettbatrany other pmparattoo-bt Siteißa.
i:Efilnibtild'iu Rost
Anezeenent Lofton for Diseases ofll33Aflnielintnite;
saffnivon injection In Dhonunis of Uni -Urinary Orionis,
arising bona habits of • dlotpation; 'vow •in connection
t withthe Satinets Bitchn cad tirantairills, ID dts.
• eases:is recominendeti. . - , ,• . ,
Svidedceotelilemastrettoonsibliadrellable character
:111tmanyaerthe meth es.':-
• .• • CUTIFICATM 01 , CURZIL - •
From eight to twenty: -years , Minding; :with names
known to selenenand Isate.•_ .• • ~. - •
For Medleel Properties of BUCHE,settDispensatory of
the UnitedS~ster- . - ~
See ProfetWLlXWlltin',.*PllfailixagQll the Frac.
lire. of Physic.
Bee i' - *UkClAß i la' b t , P ° i f4 6 l c e 4bi V e d Or'jil7 B !°
Plifiadelphis. " •
Seerennult4inaile:P7 "De4 llll /W 111 . 7 •Ife.D0w1:8 1 .
celelmtteoPilysiciark, and member of tbii - R,ojd' College
of rarmipit; Ireland; int pablitbedin the Transactions
'of thelung arid queezes:Journsi. y ,
• - f..
'See NediecoChurgitalliestlew;pabliehed Benjami n
!have* . Fello* of the Royal 'College of grAwns. • '
• gee mostof the late Btandarde - on Medicine.
: 117intes Btsnmi." •$1 00 mut antra; on err Ivor $8 00
ElaitearanniAt 00 --- ." • "• • 8110
limos= Bow Warn, :50 •,'" " ; t 4156
Oirhaitalozen'ottaA Ibr Oste r *bleb ;Ira te:
C enre the' niostobitinate cases,.: : ll:direettars owe
idheredte. • ' -
- EfroeiernikAyinotosoß In 14 coMmaplenuont. • payeis
ScuitMtileltd.: Atitholfgrags•' "
beforo 'fifty
44144deb1 *, WT.
conaluwioilplar n al c d , i . u t
it y o m l r i o o l n z
cm 7 h w ihbprp aud w m t p m m
q,: ofd
• adder.
; .1 LD.
Aiesinem:Nintb•ifiea , , above Rue, Ph!!!
MidrearZetteatbr totelMetton titecestlem •
11.1‘.-I,D.Chendst4 .
0,4 SiAttk. "Atfirk#ltreekt. 0 0 I *Tkestß,Plusr
01*Wair , :_____ 4 1041 31 / 1 0470__,
Jr . wat virturportao
tigeytteit4l 4 .o ol l ll tf Ort" r ig Ot t !
tith di br , n
nano Preparalloms 4 7.4,c- 1.
• B.:71 - . 7, .41
q 4 4.6 4 t.d..,.44,a , ,:itti - oitiermath
2.!: - r.:l ii iiiii - p ice i erim , : latpromusimwpwaik,...,- ~
44 0 41** , • WOrribmsw i'ell
.- . ,+. o'4 A: , • • ' ? PZ .l,‘
. , ... ' , I.
.Cl l SC t. a ' , Alt 014
•, h OR 4 • . 1
~ •MOa , • • , .ure.7— IartIYNUF.
‘77;.! _
FOR,. RREVEAnsar . NEURALGIA. 1171E400.
' eour,erwiltscur AND VINTB,
~,WOUTUDB, P.llllB, • ,
'RBErfict 77U 411 NERFOUII o,lFfeinixito`
,-•- •
Fin alVoiWidelitt SPiedy an' d tertaln and
never fella.. :Ms Linatnent lapreparet lhotilltet Ship
of Dr. Stetoben Sweet, of Conneetioutt, the famous hose
setter, and has been in Ms practice for mote than SO
years t withthe most altouishing sums, -; •:-
preparation before the pnbite. of 'which She most
skAntati may beieonvbieed by,s single
mis Liniment will cure tepidly and radios/1h EMI-
Waif Disorders of every kind, and in ttrotmanas otea•
sea w . e hakbean used 'than never been !Mown to
1011 MitiltAGlA it win striid -itabiediatirelkt fa
everresse. however distressing. • . ,
will rel leitorth'e worst us mibf =ADAM" ht three
ettindos and is wanantedlo do It. .. . . •
. .
Raalso ft will carel..stantle- , • • •
gtv-ous - Dmuurr AND 'IiBBBBAL
LAES DB, arising from imprudence or excels, 41,1 1
Liniment is a most happy and unfair% remedy. Attlee
. ditect/y open the commit *sues, it strengthens and
reYllrinea . _, the sYstem,,, , ,and' restores. elasticity and
gor. .
Lss.—lts itifeztental remedy, we elaita.that ft
. 18 the Oat known; &lid we challenge the world to prodsee
an equal, Every victim of . this Allst teasing comphin
ehotildglve ft atrial; for it will not tall to afford home&
ate reileksad bx s majority of cases will effect radical
en_ ,
QUINSY' tIND' Witt 71tROAT are ioiartimia ex.
,tremely Th al pant and osagerous,'Dat stimelyspidies.
• tfOn orals I niment will never NI to cure,
~.,15pRAnotiuvi sometimes very obatlnate; and enlarge
ment of disjoints Is liable to Occur If . treglected. The
. worst ease may be compered . by Chia liniment tso or
• Blt lgutzso luau,
mraznion EICAVIB. yield readily to She wonderful
healing properties Of DL 13W1gCT'S .INFALLIBLE
LICNINSIST, When' triell according tri directions. Also,
cluTatAntsi- nova]) Izzr, AND 11f1
WEB AND STIIIO2. • ‘•: • ' '
Dr, StephenSweetofCon'eticin,
the Great Natural. Bone Sitter.
Stephen Sweet of Coneetiont,
hk,..m.moTer Ite United Stites .
Stephen Sweet of Connecticut,
is theanitunr of "Dr. Sweet'a hirable Liniment."
Dr, Sweet's Infailibiel Liniment
cu r e s hibernation) and Dem bib). ,
Da. Sweet's Infallible T.inijiont
ha (*stain eetemly tor Neuralgia.
Dr.,Saieet's~tf~ible"~ iniient
CnTes Barns ai4,l.!l;!tidn_l9ime,44tOy.
Dr. Sweet's bfallible -Lbliment
h the best Imown remedy ?or spraleseha binlip
Dr. Swe'etsinfallible Liniment
Cute. Headache Immediately and was never known
to Ail.
r.'Sweetn tiniment
•to cure Affords imMedlate mild for Piles, mid seldom fills
. "
Siv.F.Ers Turatinte LINIMENT
Cares.tootbschele oneminute,
. .
erg= cats, wounds immediately aid loaves stow.
Is the best remedyforsores tho knotint,worki.
DR. SvirkErs Infallible LlNlMENT
flas'beea used by more thanamillion people, amiall
praise it:
. • • 115
Takeo interately - ctifts colic; cbbleia limbos and etkolera
, • .
DR. SW ..iET'S Irifidlible LINIMENT
Ie "ftlead in neeil,, llnd d `every" . imilysihoribi
Is for sale by all Druggists: Priee said-SO <Meta.
Aliiend in Need.. T a git...
Dr.'Sweet's Infallible
As anaxtertud 714,1 s without a rival, and-will idle
',Tate palutlore ly thins anyotherpreparatlou: !or
all Rheuszatieati NerVollaDisordersitle.trely infallible
and as a - curative Ibr sores, wopuds,spraltel„bruleeni ae.
Its soothing, heallogluid'powerftd strengthening -prop
.eeties. exotte.the just' wooder arid, astoulabtoeut, 01611
who have ever given it a trial. "Over one thOrmand oettif
eatesofremarblldneureemerformed by it Within Molest
two yeawattestitla ptet. - .• - • •
i , ,TO,Hoßsitleffiggs
. . , .
Dr. Sweet° In:61116k iment for' Matsu
"le Joy, and lir all mini othimeness arising
from sprains, brilisce,arewritneldng.its effect le magical
and cartahr. Harnessnr. saddle offs scratches, mange;
etc., it .will also cure apeedll7, .allff
may easily be prevented "indented in weir inelpient sta
ges. but confirmed cases ate beyond! the .4kceisiblitrof a
radiealart. 'No case , of the kind; however. so despe•
rate or.hopeless but it Inapherdleviated by this niftiest
and Its (*UMW appUtation will always remove. the hpe.
nese and enable , tao homes tQ travel with "ccinlOrtire
',! ••• 1.•,• •
Every !Horse-Owner:
. stiordd have this remedy-at loorkteni ai in:
.Ilrst appearance seeess willetletnall, prevent those
formidable dise towhith elr horses ste liable; and
rwhichrodder rio many othertrianvahaida borate warty
And tAo6serida.tiase It troli7 . : •
. .
To Oki fltutiiiinitlie as
offlr.ltapben.Bweet oweworylabo4andalso:* , Jtimpbas
SWeet'i Infallible natant" blown In tltit etek
bottlA4 without widens...we ate
gennttet , „-
ItICHn,I4I.3ON oolomo_prietont. Norwich; Ct.
- • ifOR(Llq ALUM' Gonne :Wilts
deelfsptifyjr.r, „ - York.
• s old Vanier" wiesywlone. •
N effeot Ira* niadejtekasaliegir ferment IllstiP
.011. tlttes ft* sale at TOM" ' • Store, lott it nu
AMA** Inglitbyferspubliattioak Perim* it will be
sammentio my. that nearly every kind in any insticst.
or advertised fr ay inNeorsliK , fintnd 41.0'6-Drag
cri Variety Sidra Of . .
4- 4- 4 . • Alikl.4l7ll4tELU
M 1 .N.P, 1 4 43 #t*P6 5 y . ' , - -
i 7 a
; -111 •
I t
30 Matt kilt& fanneelliladerreit
near! erSrjkina
Tor eide,e;_ sftv..jit'-,124
. 1;
AnXacliiikelt ta.Anse°%llo)X4