Al l / 6 1 96 4 11 6 „Illeuroe We have ' By way , , dispatches griitia-tif estop to rebel pa #4idglbnlctSn Vlinetd4 mmiligs Poini . was 43everely*bilbibArdi CO d .l bk .-- Vbe Ironsides and two of the monitors. The ,b o mbardment4agefl frprii..haff l past 10 till 3 o'cloce j batiEthes Gregg, ded. There WM no '',,E4.0,g 7 0M - laiiies Isl and, and vert'little:l _TOM''Fort Wagner. Beauregard a4-tk iv . e # , works on Friday. The _steam, transport, Belvidem.from :Port - Bora Pn the 29tit:ell!0111:1f-livi-4 At lit e it which is important,„ niitiws,,th,o2ll,t,644nirti r gress of our troops iiiiheit( ifforliteltap ture or reduce the 'cradle of,the rebellion, : A l arg e uUmber Of ,batteries;lent.:lx..eike reeteil 'by General •liilmore within' 250 e yards of Fort ;Wegner,. Three: heavy pins ba\ve„alse,heelifWitliin•Oue mile and s quarter ` of - FOrt Sumter, and.. were to ,open :fire shortly: after. tlipelyi,tlt re Gen.'Gilmore was'confiderft,.BAt,s'*hn lie mounted= all his-heavy Siege - guns' he would soon reduce Sumter. ~.., NO engagement, of any account 'ran to, ken place since the assault 6r-tho.oth of July . upon ; Fort Wagner , :Our' losses since that _time hav,e-not,,, tifoie than four-per 'day. Eteil l 'Oilpabi'e - htut taw fourteen. Parrott guns:aul- • martms4in p,o sition on Morris - For the present the prospect of taiiing Fort Willuer but slight, intlit*siou'..uoiilii, - 46a of which that, work is'composed.; the breach made by one - Alen be,ingzoort the explosion of anotheriKrGelitY- - Vitunire is confident that-with his heavy siege guns the, cs 9 f brP4tri frOt2 t;tratittetilq 3 I Iti - The Yenthconnectk„ut„Pegimeet oc cupies the rifle ; pits within Xl5O yards.of Tort' IV-4.gugit) If)t - ,vie, The belvide.* has ori.,board :the 174th Pennsylvania rkgiment, kumber,ing 4]? tfoli:toll l thisgt3e4 - 4 , rimes, whose term of service eXpiA'd;• •-1 - • • Indran,- ipeaitior:N •.; Chicago, July '-'o;'-'-- - r-Siie:cial'Aistclie,s :gym ,:4.ik!atOStitfittP. Ir€l4slo.43:l4P tani Fiske's hixpedition Aatate.that ositi ve inforintlign jlas ,lnen,r4icivo c lgf,t e corn :; ikfeAlsolonifitnitt iif-ibittle . eroit , . vitt 'Ale desertion of 'all lds - follaiivii . 'bill: Six tv, ',11?4„ 4 . 41 i1., ,4 : 1 A 1 41 4 :0 t-PPNllit*S_Mtleae.SPß;( l ' 10 . .4 1185 94m. The other , chiefs. are .awai . ting, .th ... vppqr4ipilyAo,surrgide.r tilvra •-• leivei mid thieif folfin*drit j'-' .1 ''' :A i t ' l , Roy ,ATSp Y. 77 .The draft ex titeinaiLis iintifuLogi'atrit,Stige . itsaohs nOrtsooal.enoottutert4-! At.-Speneer the other day a fight was provAed A v .tbA unictlais , or aqtrAhilfeAd il . t rio , vreWnbt, drafted over those %AO" tere; 'thev ( ar• ant Sy;vaitA Ilfarehal (baptlit liednister;) -; The, fight ~ c cimtrieive6(l - beiireen 'Ric:hi:l l g ; and Shepaid;stilien'efiefEhler resette.of his friend - Ship'atid; tioth" . .:vere b.4,44,10iPreA, b,T; .Cicb°lB.7-712.2".99- Mom. IN MAPar..---qh e wistown , - 4 1 k 40Pektri4 - 1•a opposttion.tu e ralFt hUs exhibited itself in various 'putts of In !.M .l . l oeld'l l o:.lCren; m'oba,cprl .eptediliid‘.4eitroyo4 the-rolls of the enrolling officers, and threatened vent geance on parties - contrerneci in executing the law. 'he seetped l to.h*ve the idealhitlithey :IPC:ISt: ftlAirrta L thbir lia. bility ceases fi i 7 „I I Lpelf from Williamsport:teache4 7 W . .4pltifya,t, of cattle. horski3OfV; At;;o4,l* - Otib.rbbn .ontLzbat via 4 3, two to three miles Tong:' 3tle says it wo 3,d be a difficult - matter to forth an e s: timatOn*nfrctati~^us captured bT -the rebels . tlnrino Alicir. rl • ______ • ,111XgiiiitiVBX4 6 * 6 : - . 11 .4 4n1,01), 148141 - 4-•dißtlierialY4-*fife;of SCilreeti; : liged* , ),iers,2)o2ititn.*4 days; - ten short Weeks befere, the marriage vow clartyafliettpaigtritrYgre one. ~Youth -and health:: gaveaprorniscofnlife . and:b4ppingo4;:bbV:4lol.3iiiklit:Nto fair Prospentaiatliavo pass . ed;• . -Nnwin. stead of bridal wreaths, and loving words; the pall,the affir - 47.4 - nd the new-made grave, with. 344 tel I Abeignotirn storyfiVr4 frielids 4 arottneliet ing . bed, 4ep worsiempre :T 90conitjwpep cforie r fiat liapity:=-Fahre telly A.O - 16." - ger: tgist was in iN 6- 64SVP° 1 - kali] the blip* Ishbre; • . Where dea÷dliiends at last Shall - weeto paytj E. nomorg." : , ~, , In New Milfardaaly 12, of diptheria, Ilwray Li an on , f. LenFO 9 . 4 L and Mary limen'.age3rl3'**-a 111°. an 4 4 43 75 -:`'gent7 no P° l :e *ill jPin c4WPrOzThirs ~-.. , Be has visaed from',earth ITIAT,I;,:' • ',,Tu — sbe.eburebiUrd 'twit , ' b 0 'lying, ,r, .Ifingling:vth his leiptlrg4;ol4l:7:" r e4til t fi rS e r A q i -.-- g 111 , 4 t - joy° isOhltb CO f :: 11 : 1/11 .„, 4- O i A i g ill- I Vii i s ,lio 6 , ', - - %mew 10 7 Hearmt wettustlo slum 0 4 *. . ' ' , ' . .' '', * ' ..''' ' -' 111;) liail ileflirckfier - inirsistei 2 '-'l:'': ;t, Who but one abort *slit lieforic' . Lefk:u*liikit derires_Mfmr, - ff . *artist butbiliniguippli.shore. , 4 Itißriiitklyi ' lieilrle,r ' iiiikiei Coker hurair limit du - lighter of matrlifi tuid Ma oz - E .-- y. i Tglg‘3, - .- IFlCCifild 1 1 damtii.y. 'i ~ . ... o l ...,•4:44: -tlicipitoweit eigiades a vu- 1 .211N:g - .1•11 _,, ..tilmt... .c.r. : i an vr ,r!..l2E4aftitrAp j WI OM , . . .. ::tilt-e-1. T o - MW e et ss or M0r90.17.47-1/4104qa• 7,4l.lstuott.lutim auT t i ‘ lcOg 4 1 0 8 iii00 . • ri . thitZPOPpla r tri. l4 i .- - * 4 2 1, I,l*v•ln . 47 ' •-..c.,.1.-‘l O6 ,- ...,:-ie v- • 4-.1 , ~: - -. - s. . J Broth ynaleJai..Adititt.4 - .G:'BlliAlpin, - J. &kaki. , / , .i ., 1.1.,-.• -.. I' • , Choglifil l - 2 .-:VE 'lldite 44l Clifford=.4.mos - Killer, W: Rivenburg. / 4 .• F.l...tozviv.a . 1 ' ret t- 44.%00-4L-.4 11 4_ .s."1:11191 4 .16 - Ai --24; jvaiiiiiillk ,T, ixs: ..t.''''..-,... ! Harford.:-B: il , f3iulley.-11.10.tHarditig. ir.,i,llertickw.:OloWl Barnes; ll .'il 7 -. . , 1r I: i- ,, I. ; —.T Jessupec4.ontliwiii; Fred. 'Aryton. ~ Lenax.44..i.viSeltoth , , + 1:7$11 `?/1":1.1.`t V. ~. 11'17 d'3 to - ,4ifili 4 11,' Sli?.l4;'`'.'::')'4" ':7'.:;-': - 2 ; Newlilkii‘Bon).--K.r.ll:‘:4pimson: New Milrgi'd'-:"-S.'aiefeti. -. ' ' ' -----' '_-'' OaklaiidlL.S. Frazier: ,--- - ' hush-J. I%T. Kenny. . 1 Springvilt4-- - 31.Prte1utrd, S. D. Thomasi ThLVEItO JURORS--IST. 'WEEK. /itiMat-T41440106451DTM-0.36` :fr.) .Attburn-74,k.i.Auftvis i N. Sterling. BovadayAtti4l4 4 ii.,, , ,BureknOtitt9_, IYll9e-% 1 , f f ~,.L„, , t Bri4gweAry-jas..ftlll; C.: .13, Vaughn. Choconnt - 4-H. iW. :Eldreda . , t -- . - 'FiiiiiieVilte'- - 41. Bol!es. '-''' ''' ' .r. • . Ctipn, Win. Hi - Boling*;lYL Roper; •,•dreitHßeoch Boronih—John -T. Car " - -Dyre. -T.l Follett; • Perry; G. lie9tieklat k. f ;V WApA&l;'.}:iiiii'Wistfall. Len su olt44ouv Clark; • n. 136 , a;:latnps )joanti. iCrtow ISliti`cid . , : j to---rkiiitio 'Gar rett. ;.; . ' Springyill - E1: Squires, C,, W: f i TRAVERSE JURORS-2ND WERN.. Arqrat—g. BAhnel . b a . utiabiiiiiam:4sl l !Erifter; TV`-` titre Alin. • Broollyti.t..-Go..9rge, , Chappan. tiGligor4-4,-Alarditikk ' ' - (34llo:lllll±P.DatiPAti , t:i s XciP l 4ltr tt V - i 7 l , ngar. - 4 0 1435aP.0 1 40;.".',.. " Frienliaviile.i-Fatiialt -Matthews:. IkllON= tu_ Great Il'etui.—x-Pb., ,Tlves A. F. Trow. : 11.-Pope.. - ":T4soli:4lof 'S.N. Lee. -,Alirf.3l.Tinqiey; • 9gat Xll. fitTAttatatt, Ati Thatcher. Sib-cr Lalivit:let;zl3lr ~,-Thenrsoiti4Lei-A,;Davisr, •.- • Ir, - Editor lailieVlVergaT I; " DWI Sm:—NVlth ynuf,. pgemlssion T wish to soy to to the readers of yourpaper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe with full direc tions for making and using a simple Vegetable i him, that will effectually remove, in ten days time. Pimples, Blotches. Taurnecklca. and all impurities of the Skin', leavin the asmt soft, dicer , smooth and beautiful. .1 I iserlifteesportilpose basita . ger Benekk,or tariecgeps and info Inktiaij OM 4 °ILA - . 0 cm o - Start itrußgrowth ot uxuilahr Mir, WhiskenQ . or a ligehitaehtt,rin lesitthinlileays. All ap • plications i rwwmiellyseturit_rititetocharge. att yoliii,fll - 1 .11. T/19§EF..:CHM21411,X2mAlt r t. , •)• -..- , : ,•,. ', ..•-4 4 ft.) 3 11,14 4 .17, 11 ew York- f duly 343-311: '. T" ' ''' " 0 .1 ' -" "c •..t; • ,:.! tf, , -,•-•,,r1 , 1 • rE344•IP S.l FEMALES! FEMALES Use that safe. tiensant remedy known as Uclmboldi Extract Bachu. fur an complaints incident to the sex.— No family should be without -it, and none. will when once tried by them. It is used ycmn,,Worold in the d e nMitrillAllefore an traarThige,sitning • .••• coa...t4t, to:Wen ejleskyfigure nature to.its,nrope; channel. and layterate the broken. dOWII Coustitioat frena , whatetier , imueb 'Ow isoinsi•eliforffilta Extrrct Beau.•"4- . lM . Jtitria isnent'irs'niinther-axdam. Cut out szd,, • d 14 s rs ' 3 • I 4 , TIM troisivriasiois AND - MitiatRINNCWOF AN t i gnlTA of met! frth AtC# M a l 1 1 4=D i f bility, preiwittorxtkamtlawript*,... supplying of the same time:, rareWtare. - Wore who hat Voted Thlititelf 3 titter 'befit 'Ott& Vert to iitigt ex. '..pi}rote•thrOttli ettettleat humbug irndgeneketw. - .rof , • 1 1 Yret doaiu oliWrtta'w*L'w• isett enridOper ittrer . ttlify be bld4rithelar. • , 1 , , Pit" I • - • 4tATIIANIEL U 44 • 'Arri3,2llli ' Einks COUnti is ;• tr. P. ••tr.a. , .••••.-• • - • • • Mae ilionis*lntroirrOi.racnil4,l4iii4Ernity) r. John B. Ogden, 151: D. author and pnalisher oaf the,a• 40 hove work, itere,hy p romise and agree to send One of charl=ongig,mannhoryginrrliStor,_ , a sample copy Thinti , bpnr atitd)tbt nib - kind is Kart Altrignainab3nartirklstsznedastient7orth,for4htheasa f•.ofiallering !atria:atty. - Actreatui .4aslatpls . , harms°. oa aillballigearesittariontinelactia_slminal ,-0 , (*ton% •linctinst lie:hility.cantligeatioin4Atelanchoiral c aitis - Wasting Deeny,Cmpoteney, iitc:amn i.rgitlik&PCPo Y laulaffeataal gaaocriptkina , tortlairtaarauseat„ , to. Igather with !ranch valnahlollitionutttonom.Bl);Whik , lavor me with 4,4l6tratoreigi thsxara - nitailinceivansampla vagyAnetttrugaait*enettcharge: ;Waren, WWII'. I 01un5v.131.3).,1 , N0.f!a Fasiat'atzee3.;.. ~,14.130 ina i • "'.7 --:...: S 1 •,1.. . • ... : '-'l'lq '-''''l SilitG ER4VC9I94*- , t','. i *TY Eit 4 . I IrFAIVIttfSEWII4O , I4IACHWE ~ I:ilring i trsl 3 APFT l l.. 1 isisiia; 1 iinctaneel :. This machAttemlll,,aew, myWRg.7-71*t,the • 1 Inaniata'sttitictpTnrintandtr.thkihaitiog olanlOver., coafra. : ' nylbiagfrajo l'ilat lar,flower, Oath 00.1 . 110 , i softerfiaitnannmeriitsuctitod.hi am rpsidylo do • 1110POPIPPDIPPOIcaiatoSoutaikbetrumndkuomitteit; • W 0 ,_` 40 Ma's capacity for slitnatßAricental ,! miarr..! This isnot the o in r4 r yi u ntaehinitthat.Aan-folliAnn,," iglidelgdfctig4AntVit, -donctbstterthaer IlldlitutoAltr,Lattion Wriralaitglewhig inay to had,inlit great variety °lced:Let cases. ,I= QUI!, witishill(nOWbottnillinir solbnittlhwelkOt 1 implies . one that can be foldedliutco,o9X of , whey oPettedjotthesa laaadual. s u b s tantial ,arid spacious table far thew nr2 frhe cases are of even Imaglaabladat a *pod grew, ja its notirp 1 Ichtst,lteaftiffithorateff rfi l ' XS CO 'nate Vim. , • iiwin Vicififirealinsellanto edaOilta, tt" - -Y ,-... 4 , • _,„.„. ....L,,..„,.:,,. bra, b.„,,,,,.,.........:, 4581frasdray,11.. Y. , • Tr' , Wlloll6deltaol4loo l Xtliatitangt -I . lll ' -4.1'It'1117.111_13&-ZOSTEliaigenta in Matil • nil ii`l7 - : , ..., - - - - -4w....,,A...., 7: •t!r4' . - - k W - 4EIM 0 1471.0.1tIMMIllioot : . 41140;44133! . i. i' s .*Li tef i ri f i lgti t 40 661e4 Straw s. , • . . t, _-, 23i,.' a.' 10 or2o anettoat, ibirtatiotrisla r aes. foi'-'llle, Pe* ! :4 1 1 4 $ 1 1 1 1-1 44111Kaa tot *116049. wl, r u •' l)(ll ChilfcirAiktt - ilarkPr; _4 . .; S' ' :,O , ' ' r 0111"1116.44111: ,:, '! rr, .;', : ; I;k:Cie., if: . wotetega"d3l72o4o.ll;64;lllool;ta -11i-bliat.- 1 0"3 1 *** 1 . *lO amt. Male by osedallat 11 iweelertillwabenaltiltatid betnikare 41W:edit Ctik• 'lnxviLlaritastiipp sigisperionsi,- .. . ......,....,. : ••• . a 11 1 ,64,Fweric atagltuteLluad aa cOftekengsVinglk; 31): attn" ' vele Vader Mecum. =intend stnd popular tresuse, ea • =awl Woreatt. 'Melt' PbrandaSY, rattetone. and etexa ii dislirdans Pt eftry kid& With rivet -falling families Sor :bob; epect care. 21 0 ) practice of Dr. Mater has &int been,•an at ilt Is, touted, bat at the sitniet ha akin of n 'ethos perfthe. he hatebien Induced to oxtendbittraedtcaltuolft4nese .tbrocgtt , the: medium Pl' `bit" yade,lilictop.'„7 ',lt's a rJltune thitt 'should be In thetaude citfectitt*ltt I til hA tiutl ` alt a '8"'"" f " ef secritlitei. or it q a gottio,lbr. the alle.ila arra one 'of ,thelttisf aorpf ani #estrictlt 4 ecOargee .that e'res alph a Ipahltihd:,' Oa° copy, aeftrely epvelbpe3; Wtf;be far Mar(hilk !reit of postage ta.:anY partOt.thb Vetted States I - PM tcliti liil i : 0 pumps; oil copies fox trk. Addict's. .pctapaTd. Tit; Onatek Zio• " 1113 44 1 /4 1 ?t1:3'f 4)1 r X (1 0. 1 , . 41 /4 13 /GO • ! 6 W 4 S r • -'' • -.- - .a 7-5, • '•. j: "- iiiiibii:i.iie:4;s:o4,o‘(, •• • ••• CPX3l3MOi\T"lta:.• itAWtEt • E. B. H LE r; : Mt*.: The .or this. p,el k o 9 l will gogi iiieride en ed 116 d av , SOPt.' 3 .2: 1803 ,: 4rid - • p wom i x etwove. cxee ;.; Wkezpetfm,R.f • T z* oo Common Erir.nh 3 60 Higher • do. . .... „ 4. ••.. • .. s'• •••• 4 50 nigheikatlidniatieT= . • • - 500 Languages. „- .... 5 00 , - _ For.partimilara in relation to Boa Rxrans,: ite., ad dress or calion • the Principal, : • , • • _ ...Particular:Mtration will be given those intendingto teach. , Debating and Literary. Club :will be formed. and . Lectures , given during the Term. No deductions •on account of absence, except in cases erptulonged illness. Gibson, Aug:15411363.- itv : 'GRADED , SCHOOL T (:)„ 1rgrt.0'91 . 6 7!.. • ' :liChooi Directors of the : Borough , of ziontrose batting aerated thelargeautd carnal - odious - Academy builiptg and Apparatus; wilt Open theirechool on : 2\141' I vOthi &nib of #bio e2,101r t"6.1',0501tet5. NEE Prof. F. D. HFNT, iPrinelpal t STONE, 'readMr of Latguages. • 'llsisuß,lcikunxic:Dl.TON,. - ' 6 JESSIE 111SSELL, f' """7" — %.• • at,l4l)Bic-7 - TZIITIOIQ ; P 5& TpUti .01" U gra.l{B, -ker.-F.olla coming from out of thaßorough:: -• • Primary , - • r ... . • D-4.; ,/ D. •yi at, $2 IY) :Common Engliah- , Bmnattes' $ CO Higher- - • do:: , 400 - -3110 ltus c (extra) with use of • ... 4 03,04019 will be formed designedbqkclally for thoSereportng td teach. No effort will ha soared to giviiiie•Selniar a high "tone iir7d - Ukaractes,.anol umke it wortilY pinmase: Ourx~ee/teMera afroady•All pe,rs4n oy nelenowl az& ability And sac*. sh. end °tier teleberti mill lie sup ilied the i nants of the. School demand,. - ; •; • The ilseammr..lll.hi so kindedna fool th e bestla- Cilltieg for improvement, and excite ati lati o a in t#e*Putlite. , • • • - ; .• • I Board atthe.liotelti endpriviio yarralies,-,so_nonins for, thOse to boar d tbemtel re4Mm-30.primared i - ht feasonable ] rates:. fly ordoi.otto „ • 6,16631 6ev F. FlNOlll,..Fresl. • •::• ;." •...! ,•: 111 tiMILMINAR - ,M-74 Pat 'Peril .- AV the Iltre# -Si al School • -PL.tvltl Comtnencc cn WEDIIII:SDAY. SEPT, .1,18113, - tlisder the chartte of Da tliellintinah 'And7ii7.,ratgoti esd ed by other comp,e,tcot Instrocto,ra, niraGferEit: R 1 GIP II WE KS. airtillAlL En Cho s , .t-too On Illgher Mg e rhiloso_pt V A Chen:diary, b tO Latin. Geometry,, Wogy, Tr; onotactry and Surveying •• - • 6 -* Music and Drawpg, at:the usna: late& The Pri urinals ittll deliver' Lectures eachyeck of the Term on the Theory of Tenet:lllT and Normal abode of Instruction. Leetlyes will also be Alcivered on ,Fhy- PW,PgY.And Elocution. 'lt Is the object oftbe School to etere to Teachers a thorough preparation _.for their re ipousiblg avocation: S/aid can Ifs Obtained at - $2 Oft for week - r • V; 'llO ME. 'See: DIGVEIitsiAN, .In;Pres: ' 15; 1£433: ' imnotite sittO slut ood-rsigned hsis twenty' SICK 'L4lll3S;sekoss otathorow,..h-bred'Cotswold - BpdNatireSheep, which hors istestsny mown!. tor Thierogoi , . ,Fors.AeVikOnairClB - 6473th - LONIS CHARD. • DR D - • "A. LA HROP. . . U,FFICE, Post, e Coss old flanking linnse.— Surgery. fa' ." . eference AO - years ex perience. • ,f-'4"." &arose, May, 1863. 7 sx i„. • hie r—atearOtt . ' • , t Mao Fijendel aaasiciuityt (Sffi cee ortlr. Lest. Boards at J. liuraford's. [July r3r-4.b.ll,liei.,zL•ib• : J ok A ar W iiV . l - e K * ',ll IDUBLlO , lNOTlOriiirdie*giViiit told persons eon it. corned. itt - tlle follow's? , estates, to nit : , . * ' t riiite or k Aniiiiiii l'ititcrcf tat'p or iirooklyn,'4iecl, J. 'Estate of eo."-Slcinin. 'laic Ofiash;d'iedal;,Tl'2, Brawn and W,ll. •Whltney,ea"rs. c l i •. - , a ~Estate of If.or t v.ell Norse, Int" of leatszt, - 146; ktec'd. Ezra 'Rice, ez.i. ' - ' , ''' ' -• * ls Tr, ri tail i f f isij a iti I d t 7 . 11 4 '1 9 :':lb wl24ll :i' ."l ;:d .-! Z . O Vireits; - ez'r. - ' • —•-, - • : Estate of Janus Beach, late Of Inmdck, deed; toren zo anti Ifpulslizack es.rat, _._ ~....,.. , , , Eerad - origtepty2le; jalvir of - 01tis6, 11Lic.!..05- littlqiiihbotne, , hilm'e. • , • - c• . - • - --Estate of Thertuts - 1 6"- - ararnes; i!de of , leolairt; dee'd, • ;or , 61'Osima AV: ~ Cortla,lliqpif Brllan'ivater, iced, Wm. ilardirit'adner. 1 '-" • - , Tonne of - David 'Mies:Oath o - Bridge . tvaterOleafd, Ira pi 3trAilluiiil __ . -•-' • - ' ' gimp _tit-1100 50.V7153014 late ' I:ir , ilarrofra decd. . Ilarvey SINT taw, - i Estato ofPeter Becker, !aloof Street Bend, der ,8: -1, 113 crr 'Estates:ft ‘Peter' Jacktiou, la:a 01 1 13fidgewater.:Cyn- Edge , of lossid , Volltik Late of linsb, aiiia'di karian COlitrfuadaL.lLAT,isettalm i siti I-, ~- ; --, a, .;,,, „, •, . That the accountants have getiled their tuxooptelta the ,-. 'elyfiwin - entt tOribe tottlity sir IltisquelustPat andthwintlatfiel op tOt'siraetitedlo the Eradgepollte QrPbreaollit-br t ritid'eocu 3 tY. on Thersda,T. Atleast 20, 18takfoftseEdirlik On and allon'ance. '•••• , ". ' :•.;: n,z,. NEWELL, BAester. ,Register's 0Ece.2i0147, a1.Y,22 1 z1p12- MI r E 4 t i ' ''," SOLD,IERF-TENS;Nts -- )BOUNTt . DA %aggrFs r t o- ttengoll„kd=: 101 omd istomitiop• r;?.ifrl i ti °l lSlll, l7A A , -;• 4 . 1 ,4 3 1!'t , 5! • rittitElt 14 te a r; 140 14). fAtiAgi WPM JR god 044 vinOid t leVlUYlMlEtOkietico io.thithesixtesii.Oowteaders,3ls sanricee to the pat* IStartUnse - Vt - icilitodrAttetioneer"ato 4olriei n .11:1 Ola 919:1ty,ati itestdenseie ViStIbIiNNER terra, 241 . 4: 4 4, g nreet 7- 4gf ~Wg1 1 ) • zrverpoco . racaera.4 -•,;.. 1011MOR9i1sjilturt0 send fat:their - blends 111 the old country. can purchase passage tlckatuby.,theothove line from the sub*cribers.__ • 4 1 40..P.Fak0p forjain in Ruins to -- VAL ?ll.' ,POPPER, ' &CO; . U.Ultea :0117 - 1 •.' " . . _ ~~ii6iiiilid i' ' : ~~~.:Sfi'iTif~~Y. ~ ! r:: I[434Z4ilitet a iniiiitrWrlislaided/roiritlie' Cotirt Of cotambn Pleas of Susqueliarareounty,"tu2dt4 me directed and delivered, 1 have seized-sad taketeitt etecu. 11011;antwilisellet - public verde° Stile - Const-tioncold Moutrengtoonlsozsaaratcraindlgrofrlca, ISO, at I e s nlettriftia.altril thloirrntdestrt a of land vi.,;• , - ~ ~..... ......._ s ~.-, cwt. .I.lll4(yrcrta . ItfACtee t tarnelA land's! Astro one TVllPlell'e ko eajnil4 rid e , 0 _.. i_miwat a st an lehi g twat' lefi frowraiston'is tannery fthentesdonrisidd ' nitillitigir kila vaat 8 44fithaver raleretbezma earuthill? weal-20 4 '7g 4 -..estAllenCia :wa s alb We Vllll.l9:lEieticacitionWiiillt 60 . eat t 10 perches. thence south •rs• east iS • perc - iamico. saath 79' eit t 7 4-luths wales. thence south •et VlVltifi Pp. B. ttrocoAcroth al flatiO parclitth co r Math '99 eat: 6 5 10tha Rerblchlcili ',Mite a! eren ' rend td„siolkendrltre. thenceWur saline *oath 17' east 03 2-10911;0rd:is tre a' cerner"thereof in' the!' line of John ~ Sharithla'a lands, thence by the- llama southlir wait 84 Iguiztizerice along said lint north 19' west 2 1-1 0 th Perch . I :ll l° to tb a v P p:L l : ell s c:rn it e ' r itm of t ssi lli ld kti Mar tt.i b Ui cr 7• ,a ° l:ZAl: l34 cer i n tkez orili a !IV west 25.1.10 th perches. to a _past,anotber-carner... o l I ,a,tl4.l3arbeealand..llieace souW4l.:,,aveat,gelitod.Xll rliettlugt to* eornerof aisld HaSheroa land,thenca VII ....2 - tres"l2isperelitet, iina thentirtreitth tor vett. • Ocala the place of begin ling; containing 68 acres and llaperthealat aand.-boaloss4lll4o4uoreprazaa.-with the oPPtlrtenanc,Osi one boast; Ono-I}arn,iQßtt llctilt trees, andabent ISagitettraproved. - -,''_ ff,,, , - - W1E• 1 4414411K44 at, B. Hardy vs, I , tri'liwil Coden. Alithatieldain - pleee - or peace' lof land situateiiifew Milford,, bounded and del Abed aa followa; tOTrit" , - Be* glutting at-apt:sit in aline of thaDazdel Hill MOO' call, ed, thence hither same South 70r.*est. CO 9 i sim ties to a hemlock liatiling,ito rnez, 'thence by land formarly ofßar rett it Mayw;ionth lir east.(l9 pantie*. theaoemOrtlzto a putt and stoma, thence south 70" ;West lirperchca to a P °414 ' :41/Cil e e t' stlnth - 0. east ' GO'liereliell.tolf..FooC and stapes...l/Taco ~eorth7l' east 104_percheakfLa heap of stones: theneo by land formerly of Llneoltrintsii north 19' weAttgreffttrthelfltieCOthegiiin.ingitontiliiileg 7o aceell _perch iUtie thsraitme moreor - lesa; • Wlth the agPartellaiieet o - onlMWed . .housie., and thwa r t 5 acres iIII , pmt; : , •-:i" , --,-- - ,:.-P.. -.....,...-frf4;rl.§. n Is 4 „-V :74/o*- - 14?- 11 ;74 91 4 0,- ir.: ; :!;.I..• '-•-•",••,- r -L..5.......,.....,-..: .....;,• --,..-..:-.- ..;--- ~ • ra, ...,:i All thabcertain piece or parcel of land'aftate In the townstdp.of Hatinfin,y.hequuled and dilacribed as follows to wit:. Ott ate strOth ibs aaßOYJenes-Tss i6r iii the east by land oftiacnti,liewell, on thesonthlty land of H. 1C Newell, and On'tbe west by land of •Jicob Taylor, con. mining about nacres, - liiir this samensoresar leak one frilnicil dandling-1w• ee, one barn, atnt all Imp. owed. be. 4 npAkilitlirtsbliaLdeeds& by.abaa.-SitylisrAcatedlant 'Patrick, ated Jan. 9 :62. Frances d cobllNXl7 , .o7Patrifk,.. - ar - ,- a , ..., ...... , ...,...... ..., ....4,.. ...!.. , All that gerial n i tractsor parcel iof land aitnatean the townships Of Oro-Mt DM and Liberty, bOundeiFtind del scnbeeklyfolkrwsz tro•mit 2 litighiiiiii at it stake and stenes.ascianner at laad,ot,Lee Smltp tbenee3gntl s PS" east Ma-laths t'oatto the corner laid occsnaiita by ldeDantelts, thyce„netrth gr. 50Jela,sast.bladeDaniere land 73,3‘ pip, eta aitondallelthe*.elit side ot the high ; way, thenceliortls4otrero tett ittlistatrip . , thence -nortliale Wit rods to fti - bitch - sapling. thetute ifaidll7s rods. tlaenc4 acalth liiMt east by liaise( tHict• 69 3-10ths erches:Ad Menai Coiner; thence Undo. west 0336 rods to ti - statioand atones; thenensonth 1 deg:west 150 rods fO atilestant, Mende portifi3s deg. Slain. west 61 1 - ndswittoccoAQTlth:/X dr west 84 rods ) , thence south 57.?.; deg.. an - 1/(1% rods east _bona& of said tract, thence south along the male 44 reds Id a point 40 4-10tha rods ftoartlialheaaf, Ziftlit.t.Bilid traeLliiinfidEttcaterly fieralielmithAhe south. Hatt sanialong , partiol tal#•efilith lin e.4.:W rods TO "Hie beglaaltig„coismiong ea( &loth, acres, with the aOpurterianees; 4 fraiiiidteuticia,, :1 barns; 14tetan astriatilil,i 'earaelrnit triiM out isiattatll2slCres improved. .-Alao,-, another ,griece lit:Liberty, t owushi ip, Wsseribedasltulion'e.,lo Wit : Being the *Marie, of origin. al ion. u&-‘O7; Mr, 75 sad 'ie..' irifre,• togstlier in the tract feriiiicrWtiffi. - /E. LiftirLctinfainiag nialrl429T-Ioothis acres, as surveyedrby-M/a.;,!. arta, th elOrh day of April 13,56, together with all and ;angular the , above descrlbed land. ways, watt ra. water warwriest. - righis,iibirtitii, pri v -Heats, imprevementa,-lacraditamenta and-appurtesian ,ceavtardijakilro. 0, ,v ...- hl4io. y 3 N t— .',. All that certain piece or. 14 lain& situate in 311 d-, dletown, boisfuled as folltrws, to wit: be; ginning at a post n the road , the southeast corner of tef4 _ s oexib'md• litSlVlMlgnillian • ri- • or_lMmteg. tnierehtetcrti pilsril - roillettraal i i erfey'a LettialZ . r.9eace by bis land north 25 deg. eaat,l3 nercheaYiftfiWit ~,,i(os_ar isirr4 tiiionitd, latik - thebace 'by ceondpi "it Itindnorth - 85 - deg. welt' lieltbes tiOfthe - ngte - road: thence by the ea me tenth de2i,:crest•s4 percliesito. the, bertfiWeiteorniZe.cdMictiel Poet% Bind; thence , by bia ling south 65'deg...east 515 'lsere-heti to a peat In Iließrot tocntionedroad; and' theticei 'by Yea kbattx - ortliolleg. i ma 30 percheii, and north MI deg: IS pe,reliis M tkitieplace .pl y it r ithning,containlaglltherta, More dr *i„ W the •ap Ciismepa; and about id ettes itrtro, essa,9o:rtistees eat. of -11:11.:Hopert11"Ltaatilni • •:-. ~ > , ~, 'Alltlisitieriath 'lifecHt 7-- or'palect of hirid alterstie iii i the berm :14;10:d creat.Betid, hi:al:Zed and desiiribed ria lea! lows, to-wit: On the north by land of C. S. 1311bert;• on -the east by the pablic higlicray„ on the south-be lend -of- A. P. Stephens op then urt i l by t iapd of 'David L. Taylor. conta I gA.oo9"fizeisof nig ipg in trout 50 ft: and ronnidg 104 kit, totet ei•wil 2 the appartenaw , ftpopeiraiatsoiriliN "ng hoes" aad cdainigraived. , - 1 .- qi , TrOadtrelq Pete!' Nortnn i rcs. 8. , * bramdn.i I n i I ft.h i -- i - r, f.,A i t i 1 v„: ' 'A that certain p Ce or pada of rants 8 tate fn a -borough.of Great ao/44/eactibed It asicOerPrio 4 r ll l l Ile' ginning at, a. point In-Maine of irnnaaap tiairiwints tami l 109 ieistsce m . mi the; saatherly-lino of rahisArenta Bend an d • lot, al sonitterffiyalne of , Wan. , Barrott•e lot, thence south 27 deg. cast, along the airaesif ,anudry lots about„44feet4ct.the,aopithena„.conatit Hiram L. Levergneoloil aUletHltratti 63 tieg. at t 100 feet to Church stick - Tharicentifth II deg. weal the north. - erly line of Clii'art Instruct, hbotitsl7 feet to' ftie said Bald. win formUttet = eh .r eit iiiterib"o degaeasF3l: l4 4nrt . line of Tramatrlital 1 n ur.l=l4t to Wm s lot to the lace or „leolitening boat4ohO ttiO,soel feet of 1 lassralsocea.-4tellitig ut J. 45. White fret - rpm:lt st,44,4llsaliiqr. , , 2,',".1 ' ..„....' , ...../is ...... 1- 1 All those coo' r tain tracts air land„sitilin die Tcrwrisr,of !ii y. boloSdb,drand described - I- 'lows to wit -hit ff elaglat to. fit:of pfsvklinic .e, so cale,ll;ailibouttdedh.sigtjirlanitowned by the gr'... 4 Miltiai-: 'Oh .vy- —i Marsh. On he south by land gqiaindrand Sacke• t. and on the east„lktlint4l l ,will ballg&totta as the Laws. rills t ru m ° rpm,. a , formerly ,01171Cli tylaw,,,,coni taPtifiiA X ll3 - sites ; 'be th e' slime 'mere° leis-911h the Irpptirtenrmeta, one frame dwelllag Hams% andabout 25 acres improved. Also all that - Certain bther - hiece, sib:tate itiAbove, andlounded and described as follows : Beginning at_nn old %prom'. a smal t letlock being s corner of landA Corip2v, - Cbtbet. dialinuth 87%1 east, 144 rods I , an lienil 'eniller.‘ - Vie 4iouth two der. gree, west.liong the lines; laladstif tifibnis`,lloX rods; to a post andenes, /lento north. e,lghtrlrevon and a half degrees wft...along the line ot•Maries' Harts land; 144 rods to aheech. and old corner, thence along the line A L TA :4 344 . *erg Alltfait 4=l,lbi: the same more or less. and all improved. - , J. F. Stoddard; vis• Et. Mi. Itialigr" i 1 4114104 Cents/WOW or ,pareel DU landiiituatn In the .tows sbip Of $.2.1 iliord unaided and follows triwit : - ginnTrtg In the centre:of the plank Wild, oor a line of lot contracted. 0, Tielethy Brown, by or near a Butternut tree, withessr thence In tenfre of said roadi north 6:_nra.4.,Mand. a-101W Mcbf z.ot., lg9rtl; IT nest. 20 and 01-10thpobreheii , ti • mind test. roans 6. 10thperettei to: centre of-Pond: in! 'De of- north stdetif •istrge'lletnlodra. , Theme , sionth , 653 'east 26 perches to Poet and stones. Thence south 15) degrees west, 60 perches toll:11440A . - Ittoneb.:: Wear ' entail 'tree, witness theace.nortbl3X! west,lsl-40tis pore-heti twbcglnUilig, , contaloinglo , and 2 2 perches more or less,mith.the op partenadoes. (extent:6olc otway elf - Said - plank road)ropo house and one Barn.. and abOutflve Arm traprova, • , ti A. Lathrop, 3. - s. - B. - O. Oakley, - { All that building or dwelling: 'honse sltliate• tin the southerly Wealth° Belmont Turnpike in the township of ThorepSon,on - A lot of fend An poszeision ,of Win. am 11 amok •1311' adjoining tiattWitrd lorideof Robert Gellitt, find tug between the lands of said Chiatt,"ind is stall lake °wrist Conifottipond(saldAdds - eithildingabout Fa ,fpek sonthward, Loom said Belmont TiltitPrer.6eltarih; 1 'eas 0116101,;:iiii: , ' , ,a,ndloart theteb 'efidng,totrArdol ,•issidirartipike rifadi beitiii ri Width Itif eht,Ond - 111Acti - 3h i 'Zifeet, - andlisterleshiiiiight;' 'With. fear Itflutlejte gel one door in the side, tic xt said- Viiik ti t ' the'Westein end of tiltUVA T447:3 Ali= d itftr ib"er4 end of d rill!' 11 - the eastern olds of itiddrisottail andadjoiningibereto *lintel:tad stoop; said lintel; _being airtttal , feel ' , broad, b:ettwenty i fedt la WA. ma IAI i starlet high.lvitht twee *lnd*. 1 iuel onedoor In front. menebeasideilieS36 lll ol llol * 'veld road, and. on its :Western OA S" 'awaited oaf stpf Or - chamber window,:andstifithetabthaulr trindOwitd - Out door- Said abovOrrafattonadls twenty - feetin 1 length , byleurfeeStahresdthosiiipoiltiihrthreo'flostli .491 A Y4 rritt= " 11 , 06 a n t"tw49#141 4M 418 : 0914444 = 7 ; i .*#4. =le Isaart.::MW chini loo . o o4 l3l l4 VI I are bett,r00te,1112031011404410. o r -----•-. i 'et qrgtbll:(.o 4 vOWDdolt,su 4 no*, I - and ;' - bgeng.:lleleeecOstAlittreadita ea. saittelto 'gate th eletbs jilexarbterOnOlek At)* alteb t Witt i V i N tl ,Ml 63 W ;4l4 4! . I :Tre.V.AVact rue! • -.3. .. • - ~, - -`-- - ~ , .?-7 A -- - --' -: -. .e. -.4.a.: , -,: , .."-•• 4 ,,,,,,:: ; ;; I:t- 'T ;: 11 0 1 414t4 si ' Vet *' . AtiPedt_Piib t 4 mia x t loynft o tp - NW" f• larini.rl9%itag A , .., , ono: arm( It: th ' • thig t a kie 1134 ' ter y entre sou to Sete of Elijah Kidmitzi and . sum westerly seven rods to the highway to "car . eref-saidttakinsters tot, and theacav l ot I t o o w n . rid*a Thttiiialk i !OW Ake Ind 'thereon nen: t mite ttlikeerell ill lank tre, littl e ta' odor Wei thenPtigetrincee, one Itanteddwillinghatisti and barn, eamnfruit.trese,- And allimproved„ _ . . iltin.-Toolter tureigne ! d -T - to Amid' Drittbleday,' c4' , .," ~ —, ...:1.1.t r,...;; L ii,r,:«: ,,,, er. ) .: , .......' .::..; - ;.,""lci Zi • I Xtrihat undivided' whole part of a certain' piece or parcel et faild'ilhutte - Id' life mirrnslit P of -Bridgewater, .baunded And described astelldertt, to r telt: herrieninzat .the tioothettit coiner Ofland.helatlietiffondng coop. ' et, bounded bh High , • _Str.gerillrafidn 4 s.t en l 4,ooo.pees bnd southWesteard "13 perches; thence by said coop er's Iturdnionte sbuth rent about itwo.PerChett -tO a corner of Ualettrietrand ?furors land rthenteltylisidthaleapee th 1",1 arce'al an d about nortkeset,,tB,rods,tsi- tiligi b e i , 'thence by said nigh iitieet:2 rodeto WI Placeot . - . ning • containing Wont 38 rods ot :ground More or ass. 4105.; Onefot offend itt_thtoqt9ph eV fdputiosei coin. , 'ramming' dttllilt , atree at thb - cornet ' D: - C. Vont= 1 opilr, Gimp, iv* nal -back by i otaid &oral:tout 22 or 23 feet', thence - by ,strid" Ponlbasn,rt line tie erlY 40 febtl n ei-lbeorthehrhered'Onid , Fordharole barn; WaneetandthiVinttiValttlarellto MU street: thenotost Mid street to.the place at, beginning Ncautainingabout, ' 213 feet of !arid, more or less; with the appertenances, ail Ilak - aniTihiEOP 7Alirci - Oliiillar onand in the bor. (mere/ Montrotecet4orrittedirs follombe4llininkat th e son 'Mast chrne/ of d)r„.ldadlurnm'e Itit, Me' Ilford and Orrceritoad.'ruitnitig - ntoth, Wont - 35 West,on the -sire of said Blackman's Lot tottpost acumen it andl3.loth parches and 21inka tsbenceon aald .I.ll2thmon'allne Ind qyler's lime zeta:: alvnt tfr, east -3 mid 4.10 th perches : andillinks toa post at themecenter nether northwest side of a l banc;,,thence directly • through,theirentre•of said barnlby partition2Ofeet tothe eouth side at , add tent thence along the aide sitsaid barn , ninth, aboutitr_enst, 10. tile riontheasticorner.thereof- IS fetit;i thence' lorttit about 45' east:: 4 end4-10tis perches to a post Witt fence ontberlaidlltilfettlirtd.Orrtirti tong; thence on the link of said road south, about Cr , west,_lsantr4-10thverches ~ t a/Allah-so -the-place-Of beginninr,-contalaing about nineteen -ppecime .9f 4tuAd,reareor leas, with the imnrovementethereed: I it& td - how and barn._ M. . 4 3; "tykisen-ettlal.7vs.:-Wte.L.ar44ll24l:4"2Dettl Ali the teerhda piece at , pitteetor taildidiaste hi - he Janalll9.4olleYf 'MOW: banded atid Aleicribed. sable . lows. to,rrit; on tbcnorth Wand of , Theron Weihnett, on-the east:by .land of Pail& Matheeng air the south by -htad , Of-fre Verkiita anct XL .Wiltlenrsoad. - :an the west by the public highway ; containing sixty, four acres, ebb the same more or less, with the apperfennuces, one trained house, one barn. and about 40_4Creti_improtiest_ • Ileary — Berritt, - via:Zilites ItAebe am; Hiram.lteohn: ./_ -.1 r `I ~ --" - -4 ;-rrt.r_l .. 1 - . r'i 4 . t ,- an .1 ibiliciertifn 'pier_ _ i e tif parcel ‘ofllinesittratele 1: 4 zo li z i WI N e Attlit h Wat 4 r , a x ra S . 14 4 1 e t atz t e l said by land dfloselli3lle7d on the east by lan d of Joel Keep; on the squib by land Of Viunette4Westbrook, and on the west by the prthlic-liighwan-contalniug about twee res andAhreeztertertoten acmire - tint Amy mortrurfess, witllho -appattenantea-a ad- aii-4niproveth , 'John' F. .Dtiamorc w Liiarx =lslm Throat: , - • let in f~itcnship of *I N e Z Pa a El e t Bend s and tbet fol lows,-to beginnin t lat &chain:lnt tree in the north liner otiapthrtalurgalte ,by.;-7140111111 - Aratgaifd thence ai0 3 141 118 Phew o , chnint snail 961 inks tpa stake. and. slonett. , th ce , thirth 22 chniziealidi2s links to the Jaaci of-11. SpeptheckOhencoatutt fix:bairn arid AG ; links toEitataka and atones: thenconorthl ACV.* ahaWa and 35 IhiWtita poqffsknes, thence Ma th £O3 deg. east 18 Chains and r nkttp O beet sapling, thence by the Helder fantod e Catlisle lot; 111- deg. west 17 ch. and 5011uks to a polit.l ll =ol lll SaN cast 11 alt and 20 licks to achaslsild.;s ce aot{th lx deg. west 27 chains and r, ti pott coiner/thence south 24)6• west 54 linkti;tcmpostzithance stintbr3o!niest 12 ch. to a post. a corner title inn d. thenta hy the same analif th - eatakfLaya land •west:2s chi andlallitka to .tha place ot beginning r ceatainitiz,l6lac i res oPland. - .14e IhAargeinbriatt lessovith thoarpartennactieraffinfted house; hnolcAloßa t alnall Oretrilid aralabout Seams ink, ,prnv cd. .+••• • vtui4ettaftand TT. All thatteitiiht 01*.;6*iiaiiefisrlatia laifinto It, the townshiP of 3rooklyu bontniedaill described es fe,llows to wit : on the nortlf -bytbebniting ground lot and by laraillkte thegstate of- Wing, fiemet ;fie eat by the pane high Way, Uri' the south by land 6f 0.-A.Eld ridge, and on the Wait by. hit& nott - dr late the estate of Tiffany, deettsunlaining _Opus .107 perches„he the 4 , :inietildre-teress;"with'ihe'applmtenances, 1 dwelling. house, 1 bartt.pstubblftiltftatts. anDilllimproved. David Mot t ae use tif L: T.TL-ehard vs. D. F. Ring, jr. et al. All trt". teittilnVikee tit' item! of 11114'OP:tate in the .t.si_sm'abittgfpakleud.Coupty- s apd Bfate t tral4, l psa oiid dererfb 'edits felines; to nit I fling fettle .northicest-llne of land-nose- occupied by--Abraham Sla ter. at a post and stones te s aat comer of the Nathaniel', LetriA‘lot,Vormerly ; the eaonth4s' west."lschnlns and 1501hikti Panstake and at ; thence-lmettrikP svestks. cbrdp.t . O antskeebd7etesrett thenee , nott2n4s*itt to a stake ap4 selstes:ttarulintonthesoathbanlnof theMna tinehanne rivet, &tanner of J. K. Grimei ; thence. Ratikfkref r lis thf ame4tirple alai Rims ,to : tt comer In uie rantet for. the flee t ore deterlbsdl ow*. themes sedetti4stt##st to the pltieeoTbekinnlng ziontaininettro dret4e, .Pams.of And.. bp -Lae sape „more or: less, tokether th e - apyintenances, one !bille' hgto% tAvaltaraettlnllSah:ohb iatalautbsaulatalitelgbdr. Ave stares !Bummed. ptn!loa ,11.2;Wining S. • • •• - E. Itr: OREM Sherift ; EihtirldnalOillcer, Sfentioi e , Pa: aer•cwiliat Sheriff's , Sales;: telitlUZ3Frildt9 Veriagit ' ie4 Elno44ourt of -444-Cdfanteri:Plese p . t.Snsquehanune.muty, PenneYlva 'nla, I hare seized and - .take,rfin exesuttonk_and , will Bell; Liautilte ,verktrie. tit.the:,.:Court-ltenseAttgontiose..ou I'u lag Illst,-1512,;,a(-1,4'40c1c4, , 4 1 4.5e€44 ,4 d PI ecifi qUndydz,:4 • • , r 1 A ll the' leiihtititlecticia intera-of the detenaitts - to' and: fru rilet or. pareel of land - situate n the Bortsrgh of Montrose.-bouried sad' described as follows a On Lille' southeast by pine otteet 4 9.1; 8°040.1 berry isllle,,i6tO eliedorthwesr karidlot B:43:Bentley, wail on the oorthew,partli.bL aplo -otreet , and partly, /4 ,1 / I nd 41.0,132 -PoB,4assforcetßrubbrird Washington : dm ,beleg the: sorithwest half:et:lota Nn.:l9 and Wand lot ,1,7,n,18 la,A do_triron: tlte town plot of . Montrose, re e9xdal sea. ook, Zio.r ; page: 2W, . and-, being:the Ai.luveliNinted*owngdguitLoecupleil by, Georzolithoxle-: ,ccampa, ivith:themptrionogOeG ow, framed haulm and barn. and ill'improved. t: ?4 4 1 3 :-N,Thh ) lx VP.J'4l.4434ottlata.l, , . . . . • ,All Ala; .certain place Impanel . ofla nrt.attoater lathe 10Kiallip ,of %Raab , boandcd..-and , described..os - toll ,10w5.....t0.,;.wit: r begi ,. nuing,at a. -henduck stun:4mnd ex . tending set 7 percbce,toa.ipoet.andetonea, thence ;no .tKeaet 82 9-20th porches! to..a pert ? And atones,. - the e r t nortii SO' west 1i percho-to,a post , AndatOnes, u nortr , 6o._, vast 84, pembee *O-n• sake andstoppee thence 'east 44,perchearAp.. a stake and - atones; thence eonth's2 perches to a.palterandistoneih:Shence-weet.l2. perelles.Aerqta-plage . of )gunning—containing 29 5-10th 41 ; 1 14 bO-14egge raorenr lees. with thc-appartelkan= 6 'es., ene'iltinse, one pain, one orchard, and mostly Im 2 . .roved. - - TS. - 3.: - NnlfOrd - cterErrstniiisaid: ORittrUr 'et)lttr.4lllonffdef, - Jul . ,Ar 2T, 1 . ' • '''FA11111::FOR 54LE ;anigio,B lea county. between 8 ere,sitand .Chenaugo , roadi7a tit 4 Montrose,,enntatt:, , int-abo4l ol im:rosi. with ~dwelling.hease and barn. and About gt faun Is wateredaud &inhered. aad r slopea. taward 4optb..,Thosoil.ta- of .18- .419 4 4:8 , 4 1 *. 4nd -14nduces.good„. -eropi‘ Awni will , on yery.libera4snnew gamete:um most-. el pig be .foggired,on,inde . ,..adn reasonable timen. give • ~ • • L. wait aroax. , tv ho so , essiv.uowniist•very low ituther,partigulars, inquire of the sub scribers on the premises, 311 1L BRADT, Jul;y 16;1863. "jt • '; TOHN 31• CARE. • Auditor'-_ Notice. fra uudersgeil , b a 'la been by the Or We °Clan . df Beene enn-tettuty; to distribute the fundsin4h hands or i txdminisinstors of the estate oll'lbtut W e endt deal) y gives notice that he will the detleit'of the Sh.dappointment at , h15.01111*..111. Atontrose;oultiondaytheleth day titAu gnat itext4tlo , 9 elock in the forennon,-when sualetitere 4111mm:one , : having elalutempou- the raid rundvare re!- - ! quired topresent gm% or thereafter.he .fiebilfred 1 10? 1 ,' coutingAn torttishare lathe (undo then distributed .l/441111:80363,-1 “1 • A. CIIA3I.I3EALM.Audien; I• - • •• • • _udrpor anttersibeabavlorbentranpainted an-Auditor . .Orplanals Court el. Sninnebanna county, to ,dietribate theiunda in the bands of itteenterfatittingst !the helm leTatees llnd otherventlied to the same} ot tea eitain-orAndrew RPtfi6tl. deed betehy gives notice thatbeortil r i rtbadaties ottheitakd appeintment at his dice a ntrelei MAO tbelOtittlikt:Rt an. Pit 04 14 ; 0 - o ' 4 / ( 44 1111114ton:110On *hen and abate ai iadalmitziop the tjttnia r xeje , 740 Mope esteaftettena :f a in the liabetcatAggeit 3 3 4 1 Z ' ;s l * Vet • -144 9 , .}..7;., .I : .i.:P•UnaTarlir .. • _ ._, , tuasiiilgiiiid: iltiiiditifooftifai'i Wtiel •,ca 1 eoppoosifhoO.or . fittflei cofic 104 / 1 " 1.- OtistOtnom the ilithe'S .,9, f a , ta t t01.....,7 4 7744.n0ptii'wW "ati" 6, ' 141° .• -4 , • xn=opt,-,8,._; his ofOce .131 x ontrOjoi6 2 „: . WarbelithloyOrAug. actual% o dotictotteri. ~ ttembibuttinseed Oleo oUloefooni , lotoreopted.wut 1 . ~.- .' ::. 111 :?. f 5 .f.r. friM d t."9l, ft lrtllF , 1 . 01,71034111 x. 43.-rArcpkmicster. . 1Y - WiSt . ..; ~-...4..„.,_-...13..,i . „,.,......,,-"...,, , 7 . '''-- , t. - 7.'' i . • •- ' • ^ . 1 1111 1:11. 0 -:„.,..,;_,:,,;, -....:_: 1 5 z i.5.- i ..,--?.)_.. .•: ..,. ~: . , : ).. _4,) WheiA irth , hrirtraof ',hit the worthc To:mai: ey,liretttka - , , r i I C>X I M OP . Gatteubfri 'loseitbauut- /THE - CletrrALV: 31t3*- * 11:50 AtEB I TV it ‘ n t us o n out gnara,anit we havelateaylatata etock. which enables us to otter to our owitootote, oirequally asgoodtennoitoromedisstmalattlithelee AT . TILE STORES: OP Gutteiibtil; : - - lostubannt - :eo.; Bloiitiose,,tusq'a County, Pay Elmira New-York I ~- - :''slliiio.'44iiiti.- 4 . ' - p iliik;N:fi;.- . , j , , elltiaLLlANk.i,ymerfksTocK " CYC)3l4l3;lletter • Sireittre'ertermined not to be crablon 0; cities la prices as eridessor to We' cnir castseeen eciseibb?,guitittaeticei: • .-! • .i( -•- • THIN e, • ;In thla branch our iiteekla completer, and will he itild lower.iind• more tastefully 'dashed than' any one.harse establishment, or anyfour-horse concern this Meet N. York City, 'sable te offer orproduee. We atriassarethe public - that we constantly employ - the, best -ciittata end workmentq make up our stock. larOtuments mad e to order . . lir On theihortest notate. r/. :Good Fit "Tarrant= or_nesale. , _ In order to close out our stock of • VTROMIB CUMEIKS9 MEM=E=I FURNISHING , GOODSt dint Stock contantlykept, and soldloweithait the lowett at litteidiag - ,.%.osolbatuii*-I;ta 51914;?sp,•Janpiryist...4863. • , • . •.• -Dissolution 11111 E Firm of IL SMITH Et . S42/ g e t la o .datir i lved !Ye n ° g t gotm c aro t rer i teled ' to e 4313 at the °Sawyer Wm. Srm E Cooper Co'aßanidng House: and pay np.7 Ptymont , may be made to U. or W., Staltk • ' Montrose, dote 14,1863. 2 • .' .W. FAIT". 0 1 / 4 4 1 11 Vir-M7' .' • EM DENTAL BUSINESS In all Its bronchi* will be T carrlettrm lathe, old office of IL , Smith it -Gm by the undersigned. Persons; wishing artificial. Teeth are Invital tonsil and examine Arpecimeus aud.nrltec ' 311 'work prirroptfy and neatly done. and Worranted. 110 dn'all kinds of Dental Work cyst!o* trues,sis ant Os Wilde county, or elseirhero, • _ !Wit ti* duty Of all to WO* they work done bre, R,WIDEWMNT. WU DENTIST.. ' • - • , , Readmit Dentis '''Jnt ' • iteletb,h3d3. - . tt" r; Montrose. . tv~~ f ~.,~,~ •~~~' ~ SPIURG & SUMMER GOODS, 4EI. • ar TUST DECEIVED; ; sold 'r} ;tfARG4 , ItEDUCTXON .; 4 orii , Ainiv i r iik „ Ear This TENTIItE.',; , (S7.,VQ.M • _ , whiclt will lib loylll4,btlargefalirflayank*Mbellagon IR:INOU'llelt11110; r frtz - 7 • , A:Slat! 'Aim, or for , PRODUCE. - 111. - ,lllllll*Eirr 1 Miio 86 3;1 New Mi lford.' - 117 • triallillti77ll4.-ARReir :"' • • • ((MODS: