The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 06, 1863, Image 1

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B:C[s tri gs s ;+:_: AADB i' -
H. •
...., kikL „R 4n now. iNetter. and Meat, EWA
j o l Salt. Timothy and Clover•SeeU xt coceriei r !movie
foe, Fruit, Fish, Pettolettlin' bll;.' ett"dail Stope
Were, Yankee Nottorte.4e.did. il2rOppOiltaliatlroad
Depot. New Milford , Pa; • /ICY
Lo vorer, _ U. mars.
" Hams In Dry Gooria," fixecerim Hardware, iterelY
_ Sad ClottSog, Boots & , Shoes, Hats & Caps,
Woods, ,t e Nersow Ware, Iron, Nails; Shle & Upper' Leath
er, Vi, flour and Salt,. oli Of. !high they Offer:. it the
isirMacrareist Imirliale•mir:4o •
L athropelrlek Bniidtng, hiontmae .Pa:.,
April S. / 8 0- 7. .. • .
lalo42oii.iikqeocil • ..ELALlLCitiatte , 62",
(Piet Oftlee address,_
o Dandaft.or.:lolith:9l49n,.§Asira
C ray, Penn a.]
Feb. 3,1810..-717410
wi. nvorroro coorsa ' } .. itstni T
a co. office, Lathnnu`new building; Turnike-at.
J. n. ti
IicCOLLP! ' ' SEARVE; ".
vortmErs Ina building. at laitr,lLiiiititritnie, Pa
office in Lattirtipemet:Ara the Bank. '
URGEON ARlTlST%—Montrose r . Re:
00fflee - in Lathrote' new bailing. over - -
the Batik. All. Dental epetatiote mill be - I 6 lei s
perforated tripod style and wariented. . •
FtattiONABLS TAlLOR:—.3lkintioic.' Pa: Shop •
oTer L N. Sultard's .Grocerr"..ctoi Matti-streets:
Tkintful for past isimrs e he solicits a continuance
_pledging himself to WO IkoritsaUstactOrily. tom'
tics dons QII shsrt notice, and warranted 1.9 •
Montrotc. Ps-. July SM. IS3o.—tt-
, .
•• • .
FASEITONABLN T.%ll,Ort..—Menttese.:TtL.ShoP
in Phcenti BlOrk, deer store of Read, Watrons
a Foster. Aft Work creanated. ss to dt and ankh:
Cutting done on !short notice, in, ben styje. lan
near the Baptist Ideeting House. on Varopike
treet netters tilled'Oomptly: Inll. ret-ratestyle:
Cutting done on ehorttiollee. and warranted to dt.
• ." L . IL 'ISBELL, :•:•••
EPMRS Clock's, Watches, and Jewelry at the _
1.11, shortest notice. atsicele terms. MI
work wammted.- Shop Rm . : 41pr and dessuy4
ptcrejlforrittosi; Pa.' - •.' • •• • ' ee.t3tt •
b 4 4— IC '31.4-1117AcitrusiLa —*oat
runt's_ ILITR „ .
Utor Wan Wet% 11011trWel; •7: tt
.. . ~ .. , • . , , . ,
... C: ' 0.; FORDI;LAU • ' ' ' '.
l i ANTI rAciii, - xtica'or ifdbi.s telidiOikitonfic;se,
131, Pa. - Sholi treerzDeitift`tiettorei . rAll laza or work
outdo to order, ttod repatriog d 00,4 . ' . - JO- y ..,
tilu.ituELT4' •
ViLltit frl Drags,' 31 rind!, 'Chenitcs u rc , , Dye
JLA Staffs, Olasa Watre,-PaintiyOftn, Vara = MTh-
Cow Glass, Oroccrid, Fancy Goods, Jewelry cella
mem, &e.—?rent for &011ie zniast - minlar PATENT .
inslolClNES,—Montrose;- , •. , snag
DAVID-C. ANEY,151.5D.4 . •'"
HICINO iocatedinauently Tillftittl.: 144
Rul attend. promptly anon, dth w*ektie may
Iv favored. Office at Toade.fititer.
New 1111 ford, July, IT, IS6l= ' • ' .
DR. E. PATRICK &._Oll. - E. t.,.. GARDNER ,
of YALE. COLLEGE, have formed, a,copartnerattip
for the practice of Medicine and Sintery.snd crepe pared
tXi attend tri all 'business inittithlly' and punctuillY,that
may be intrusted to their edre, on terms .copalatertetitate
with the times." •
Diseases sad deformities of the. EYE, surEicia 'Vera'
ti ans. and all surgical +lineages. particularly attended to.
Or Wilco-over Webb's' BUne. ; Office boars froin .8 a.
m. to 9 pm.. 'All sorts of country produce taken: in pay.
ment, theitilekeit valno;111111 . CASII NOT =MED:
Mentrose,Ta. k lilay. - -
oetba cti.:::lP42,l.cil 5 for'" lEgbila49o4ll,
erten' Palta, S'ox, rprar,lailnekrat,ind .all Wads of
reee; ,, A: good snort meat - of Leather Soots arid
racoejs icreetantli onjtandll z9ftices,TTa nney,r y, fplowou
Main Street. . .
itontrthierjrehAttt. ' .! AI P. 41.1. C KHZERB
Ras Established anAgencybillontrose.
The Ordestinkukaiao Co. infliti Union.
- • "!.."F
CASH CAPITAL Pop - '`Arato,ax . .
miscrs .- ..... ......:. ......
• ..
TIME rates lire ristini ttkOzio of antgoodeomps!? in
NearYoik; or elsewliere, , and Ito Dirrlorioro dinoog
Me dna for botorsniliatgri m &i ra ii ; , vo
Caiatt.zs PLAT T, Seey.
Xontrose,Zol7lso6ll. lID,
-33 E CO WPM:-
CASH. CAFITAI,,, R4E. N,11111014 DOLLARS:.
avo isBo,l, -I;sl,oThimuti..
utaaupp„ • ittos,&4l.
J: sawnltutftat, tieet. • ..das4-11tanfor
;On 41;,1," -, ,4,F.
Palteles bisaistand rinewel,. br the: znderitir' :St
hie Once, Pa.
uoilir - AnuaNGs isiThnin` :Witt
- xtlagrazorweavirazusJ4
To Thttind,lrehind and:Scotland.
flint* anth3IiO3SMDRMPTB.- amirato ue
arjele Ta r 'atairt=rjoeleVrFl a
wir.4l4 00.011 a, ectigniants.--
, • . A 01 1 " ,, pl.
style of ii
tho tt. ": • • -
4 IgrAitiengilt IkOPsv. ?V -
Watt *VATLlKlSkliexilisiailele,
4":444*r a l g ritietott ryle tt=
and ° bl42 4 6) : 1114!""nrOtrategirss4-I,si
v ,~. ~r - - ~y it .
- ORMOCiAt.'{
Ristory afthellepublican Pasty—No S.
• Jr- -
Walther liejlontiillUE4 o o#o
' • trinipation 7 of POOL'.
." The berden ref triry et GeV.
&photos; EriTresidont Piereeltrid'
Other De - inhered& the's*
eredrtess Orthe'ConStittriieitOrittr. - the du
ty of defending itegiiitist ilia alleged des
pritishfof President Lincoln: ' The
of the President; it le trieiina chi:minims
one, and= with thispoiver eonferreden hifit
by Congress; be tibleto'
mead(' enemies with an .iron hand'Otrid
this is' just the Ihitref 'We Wilk hint to
have. It is just the' ;'power *liar the
• founders cifthe Republics meant lie'shOtild
have in a_time like 'this." Our only' retret
is, that ire have rio , Atidiety' jack Son to
teach" these . theAhl, memting of it.
The pcisVer'le — reriteti - :l4in 'front, our
midst, as the President-baa'reineved
lendightitn:" " 1 114.
The bull* of he oratory, of the. two
greatest Amerman Orators, that, everliv
'ed: Was tW-rit9iedbOti th,i. constittirlOn,
end the duty 'of 'defendietv,it'atgainst ,the
4illeged despotitan' Of 'fi.tilre*Jackson...
•In the Sairtte Un)to States ; in
1834, Daniel "%Veinier se) , l3; ';"
dent 't 'The cOrttest libr' ages has been to
reiiieue liberty from ihegrattp (if executive
power: . On' thetring' list , of tire'ClianiPi
ons airtime freedoni.' 'There is not one
'-name danined , by the repitiabli of adyoe.a.
tiirg the extenstorref executive OhtheritY ;
on the eontreryi the iteady „purpose df'all
arteh ehatnpions was reatramn. NO*
Who are 'tile - champions •hitinan free
dom. - Thd Demcierrifs 'theltePribli
vms nitine will stand damned
by the'reproach Of 'advottiting the eiticii
sion of executive authority.: - -
Atlaist, z, - rtkirnedbeads' haVe been com
pelled to Ortnnit, to the . restraints of la*,
and the"'will that'intelligence,
and that spirit - which mike their= voice
resistlerisi hat/elven able to say to pre
rogatiVt, " ihrti far shalt eoine no
, farther." ' Th 4,541411 tile` history of the
Teeniest for liberty,eieent ire po 'Las
r been: regarded - as:' 32 nail 'Which- mist be
eaged.' efThe 7 1'epobliditis are new call
ing forlhe rmii - le be - let lease !ripen Weir
adVotatelforLiberty:Y"Sci far - from'lieihg
considered the natural
.PtotedOt'Of d tiordl!-.
larvightilifientivifnewerbasteetr' rea d:
Attli.nniformly dreaded as the great ionrce
of itodrutOr.. And'-who is he that belies
the bleodinad.libels .the fame or Owe
orteestorrs„ - by dielaring that Ater , with so
lemeitY of form and , force of manner, have
invoked 'the executive 'power to dome to
r the protedion of liberty, - Who is he that
charges - them with the -insanity of petting
the lambinto the - . watehfulnessof execu
tive power, b,erreath-the• pew.? lions -
sir t Oar security is ; in 'the- Ciinstitution,
and he sbalL.uct wisely = bjr preserving ev
ery xestraint *tab ; the i Constitution has
;provided- for :the•Constittrtion as
is, and Twill not trust i4ecutive power,
vested in , thebends.rif alitinglernaguitrate,
to keep the vigils of liberty." •
Did Daniel Webster-belleve that Con
gressizndd put.',a*arrutertipoiieeintkithe
hands of the President, aOhe liepubliicans
clahn that ithad . ; What:-, security
was thefein edistitutioN,Any more
thithin the- *al of Praident. - eb-
'titer saysi - :
4" The#Snt the source
wig its th,C, ons,.and
-sriii.:!* * Pciie4 PP it., is
:made it; acrid by tlie; ; i~as
Ito, other 4.',04:*ht01, j
tipOits,ll*.por, system *cry and
systems tit : Europe;
0411'''.04yetilitie*., are - T. liu)
041 i
TOrY , esri#o: o oo.4.olo*.44,.pone - .)but.
.tMro wOlf,_elrqrgrlinA4o4cr
AlepArtoo. i or: : :,goreoßCut•-_, onto
tUi:IY 11 ( 1 4
L, ins true , tliat . iii .
aided ns t he "Xeuitui4•l4:4otion: ,
1 :33r Alf ',libert,k,.*.ii : i.cki4r.
Ato.i:l4oev'er, and .
bold an 4seir;:iileefaiCriiiutro
never vas o tiros ii*.cd,wo -
unrestrained suvetchm ..:Jouiiee r .Smor)g us:
Ihe.. iiisd ,- . .P.r.p!)140t -, office
0P 66 ,)0,*0-Uo*** l 4- . =` l ,iolh.!
#l* :p•A•*.o4itY,-.1aYkt..T.,13001,
1 071 10 i0 01 'fif - pron.lPa t sC .o44l o4 , *
• iio*irt and
U .: T.4lo**k 0 . -.Wo_Piti44 l :A4K, 1 0 . :: 7 4,119;,t1ici
oiiiiit4#4.*oo - , **mei. #4titk:g;Wie
AUCOric*hiWiOt, 'li4loo.A iteolo-t*fcc-0.,00;
--who this ' CohstijbtiOll `, tekand what I cannot Coni4io44.oluritti4
out AU,
'aid *66
71111.T_SAP6E. 7 1-! . .74 . t, 4 r ;I: V
. V
ifftWithllli!' • - -but -Abri*WW.
!; .:; •::! • t , T-," 'l. , •
. .
'1 0 • .A ' 0 NOE •
AtAtt.sT - LIT XX- -
tidal, • Why .are i ;the -.Ranubti'ains c - so
-alarmed , lest ilov. - „Seyinour , rshOuld !retain
the controlof the forces of hiiState whith
the -Oonstitntion has givrea , :hilu P.-: They
say' , Thereferathe rOovertiorstof; the sev
erelSiatlp Controllo4 Abe teilitm, fortes
Of 1 ,1.6- Stfitet t bui,4 he ;eiarer. voted in , the
President,,ignore, to-govern
•°nIY. 4 1 4 1 49 , QAPeeee , '!, Lk, time ofpeace
. tioveroaralulVP,o o . - . , ,Pfle4 o .r...militia4breo-s•
The - President IRLbecetnc,What the Con
ititriliOn.ll.aver iarerOdinatnii that-Daniel
Webster-said,he gonternplatii
:WitiroPt alorm. , AoOkher greaVorator, Og•
don, ,llotfaarh .eqaolly - "alartneit mt. 'heist
..theAiame. period ;.; hifti who
Irrltardßu-thOr/nns thatFrehofixepnblic
?x 4PlerlOitl '4eppetiseki.Andr - etv::bracksOu
should declare himself Consul - fop-Me,
wili ,be ,desertion ,to .leay.e him ?
'Or 'trip! ProgrosS "of •aolhificAorhef 4ictidd
convert. the-President's chair intoa t,hrone
of. his j)f)" , (Pr; n.ift it 'thr4„ l be,:tt•easouto
iharOon. hlekl r 44:7- We , -IPeTer
swoen itegiatiP,t(?; , 44rew AaClisOol we
3 ) 'eve :eivere4 l JegitiP4,;!tA =Or principles¢bic{i raise hite ktMwen.: 0W9.n0 al
legiance; bin: to my con ntry—her
tution and her.LSWIL , -limier-of no alter:
Zion , betteett. Atrachttfent'; wadi . ; gia.
son and love to, My:country. Of him I
cannot st earEunkiticliYJ I would not , tear
lone leaftrom his brow/. latn:Wiilitsg that
tbeglery he acquired. in -his country's de
fence, should adorn •the brightest page)n
.tbe military annals of: our country, butl
am willing that . that; glory shciuld play rp
on: the free.institutions °T our donfitvy like
the rays - of the=snn=on a palace °flee, Wel;
tint it, and - wastiurg it hway,i while
likes .andAllumes it." Webster- says :
44 The PreildentAwealii that lie will" pre
serve,- protect mid defend the Ponstito.
XVOfild any 011011111p* 'that the
oath itself is; any gront'of punter, or that,
, bemuse 31 . • to , preserve the Constitu
tion, he is therefore to use what means lie
pleases;-or any means, for such preierio
tio% ettept those which the conStitution
has given•-Wiwi , •.Sneh argUment Would
be preposterous. Sir, this'lngans
anything,. it! means thatthe .. President
ttiay do anything , and , everyth ing Akohich;'
he may expect to be tolerated-in. ` llsetil
gojcist;as - far as he thitilis - itisafe - tOry
and CrorriWell and • ]Bonaparte-irent-fico
farther. 4 ask. againiis -thrs-- the kiciii l 4.4
Lture ors government - with' Writteii
'and limited .poweri. ll ,- •
Such.isihettnilett'of thelitaforii Of'
- .174:terwaypataii,stimaaniae, - .14,- - • •
the Republicans.:' As trsitois opp C-.
heads-and; , Peoessionists:' Thep , ' lielieve
with Webster, that "Then flea' nbjeet. of a
free people, islthe preservation -Of liberty, '
-and -liberty- is , ealyy.te be - pie.served.
just. divisions -31 political '• power: - The,
simplest ..-gOvtrntnetfi 7 we :...legpotisms.,
Thepex,t .#4nPleOri liglittd monarchies.
„Every free government is necessarily com
plicated;., nit' , such „govermnents
eStablishrestrainti l 'ai well on the poWer
Of geveinment . it.seg'as. on _,that of, indi
ildotic.- iniy,eiliity Xhnjolifigovern
'inentS; inaypit!ily e being it to the sin
pleii3Of air fent* * pure devotism," and
'3 l adis4n 4 4.ts,, remove '
the. corner-stone
of 4‘raper46g;iitate ; and yon have a
monarchy;" • Take away, the r „rtahts
States, said tie;' - and" what further materj
ars' ao the artificirs"kif Afonarelg n e ed:_to
'build theirlitiOrke . .
~A nd *hat nniie do „the 'lteptibh*s
4ddt9, 4 t*Wa . t 3l : o 4 l Argiltrra:
iistii, than to 'succeed in their attempt• to
talteaWaythe.rightetpftheStitei? • 'Ojos
`and tins alone, is, mr at ey, ,to ye
tti‘eliONer:ivhich . they, say la, alke'pdy
in t'h ' e Melilla the Pr i eitdent, . 4 ‘,3 power
-transcending thiC3..anit'llfonarell since
Abe days of. Rome." rThnity- shielding
thmtielfetkunder:; the name of -thattgroat
iterni Gen. Jackson, everrone of
whose•politieal duetnines they zregret , —
nit they;do'the.doetritteae_ tlia - partyil to
.which the belonged., . The .piophoe)r =ef
Henry` Jelay and r_Daniel.. Webster will be
,falfilled,..! An • Alexander, .3-. Lnlar , -a
(*newel" or a Bonntiartemill.sitin the
hair Once occupied byWashingtop-oand
the friends of liberty , will have to-fight Fits
.Ixmlexoveragain..... The struggle tivday,
thellevolationi is between a Detnoe.
Amy atida Despotism ; -
AT-Lii3grit44s . l4tsoirp t 'Stahle
Tal4 , edifor of - - I,he"e l otipsbott .coemter:
who sfai , ;iiirested-atitiov:thel tiOikr:of the
recent battle .of 1 4,ttfibilig; 'oil 'the
charge of baying pointed out to the reb=
~. e.lirthO.houagfcbr- v bilile-kedOtal;'*Olaiers
.wettiboui3ealiil,, fiat been'' , retells - ea "kin
-bit , huptisomUentliiipert ``envy` ao'
iliache+FGettieburkc'law Sunday
lastf-l'iTho-V4irear4o4 '4girilligtteenkli
was itlitisei - palitiotO lie,' gotemtp*
1 ZoiltiOlists.fovithitiliiives* - : lir lid***
1 Oe,tharatnerjitit4.4ollant.'iltr - 7 elliele4.
1 fli
3 Oiiiber./itLi'thii. DeOieliiitidAtil
s tqi' 7: 4o ' . `i
I i StAthOilfpointiiiivtailikiillidiog p laces ' Of
aiOti;soldielii;:hol. , ho,ittiiliOtotilint.T.*
of hitint..isn_ i _' , xieticeided* . -;libi - ribifuliti. nee. ::-T rio
..o**9l - 074i - OZ:;##F,,ii - . OTONis4iimiti , .
*fit4on - di.4.41,111.A. F 0 5 ty..07.rc,71071 - r,
I f
, 00011;!1 --- :: - .0imitiolift i , ligeo. - ..,04:1qw,04,.
iiiigkii6ingqi*, - pt 7 tkij! , :7s:Nirfi:trii.#
ill: j r. 1 4414:W111:;54 : - Icit4o . :*tter- - 4h*
: ill iilel hik!cfelr , . '..4ii.4.# , ogtiot
'44 - titia*mt43 -#691t,,,;tp1it. , ,,p - 4 2 .. -
- eit.attelivotue iiii' ~.'----,,. - ~;., - H .-
. • .
.ii i ~il-::
. .
' , Tinimalth Ofoitt.oonnityisOti its..-is-
!xF;7 - 04: . .444.r.c.4 1 :49P.P5 11 4er.r White ;,tie
rick ppptlict.u.reT"lwAvs up..iiis, ; tiunfiredS
tf V 0400113 of '4olliiii,? prOoluseld" by:ibli
'labialAf"theie .* *hOrtoiFfin;''S bSitielitthirg,
, totiSS.Sot itiniftdir oi -TigOtfallt.ittretfete
~WitikilkilvOrkipprotri in 4ricirrim.,.,plivi,
I legcsifYoqYzii!Fi9r4ipc: 1 14?OitOcwgi
'i l r
his-100:leopset en ee l , In,.th4 he'll!) typal
j' to ihcymilhobaiii.- - ' lt is live .irproggtiv.ei
:nniimitkiiii'liinitiel tinit;it)tinitigh' he iiiiiy
:he pO* , 'TeteidivAst. ? hitexeS*Tinfittitt 4 ,
I , faiM o:4 lo ;goYerilrilenl;4;m l -00.6;;e1 1 1P
.to it4RlPre.with.ltip l ng4o4 t4u#l.4p 3 -0
he itietili to'-ihis - Mtinbood . es_ ;in American
iiiiii.''Thii - eirsiti . 6f "Litall Liiii,SefS;'!
• 'crhoski i'headquirterii "are In -rii, hides; ' hii4
~ , x hosi niembets-generally...4°ll,4li" green;
backf;7Puniqt ostokiktlifr: lbpipist; fiord,
4e - tt, , *oriting,,,teon . -ITometitigihis..y.ote
'in, otiieleeilimp:: 'lli niontt.. of thrie,fina;
.iip iiiiStoeitek-ivillf*ideime4 . tOhrett'Of to itniu.ect*onest laboreellO 'betray
or dgeor.t - their.4yartyl i-Wo. have moie
faith Aiho:,*Orkingrnekt,.. then .ln c, ' pp.
goers" Thqi3Oipipßt. 1"i. 1i910,t 14 , p4t , '
tte r .. 4 ll)Cl) . o:o9erhtiii; party te: the, 'oily
' - one ttbritlW :tirerlitignien. Th4l . rgin6tirber
1 ho* , ',.the eminitjlwas:;-prosperens:tiniler
,PsnlftSirOio 'WS t , howilwitir Rill atidsil ear i retisy t e,betip,provignouS v ftnd'
various ptlif*,:tiacEß3ilig.oo3 , _then , enjoy
'ea life iii'ani-itivi':distraiitedind: The
AvOrltlitgmeri teitie;tf f'greet ' tlittl to . ' kr
form in the cotnint`eloOtiOno..-:zThoyowo,
4 Pt?' 411cm.selvekit,. 0 their -wivesluntobild,
.rqP , * 0 1 1,kr, P94 1 0474.91M•0F.n.1..:44. 0 n - .
ebotrilieMistei, In, estettng their votes
the DeiiiiidtsidesinilidatoS::: Ilifierniant
to. be witkoiitlite'Cothpetitt6 iir einiaiii
„Tated-.14.1111. labor; or.lnot; to her rounded
_to . the level Of tke:,, negroi,tey ;y
'the 'Peorerat)O tielkete_„l.f. .1..he7., are,ftp•
posed' to'nfrOlititini4na-; he joint tdOl,*itit
thOili•ltte4Ciiif,"Of "later: M. ” Royal
Leaguer"---they will cvote :t W' Deniii
-crAdo rtinitet,:;Tlio-DOzniieratie rpartr is
0 . 01T,_ . _,,,the , _0.41,Y, p#4,x.14: So . 4014 tb_..cmis s
t4''taale,tY. to the goontr,y. . Restoroit,to
,p`ocreil, end: itiyin . ' iniert the'snveptiOr
1 , 011114 tkii Olathe Constitnifon;
:1 1 1*.:014 ilypogriteand2raftwareasig...
Ok. Vhurisee: of i then Tracri:Wholltir
-X9Tpast ‘ _itkeuevany gith.,(4rrippli
i";* / 6.4 been dinoaticinit this Vl 3 loth.
the' Coatititittiatia 7 “Leakmiwittille
and Covenant 3iith Dettb,":has .the:anda.
' f ejty,tpinpr; theffolloliritixeditoriiil irking
PPP! of Yatici4Urt(tba ,2o o . 4 ,
- eiirr , Otir nA:O, 1•11,
the'riatroitalAiklkell'fiiirtia j ef the
Atidurittotioyssvlo6di dithatt
-wee culate:iv:Orthy eireamstabeel bat now
thst 9. ll ize,!* z.hUvq:Aukeu breatltan:d a new
start,. le t .the, dear. old ilagjkeEtutig to ' the
breeze fret\ ,every flag . Stair :in the etty,
that' till - Wrap' 'Otis anew 6ve ' of patri
atidloyalty." ;
This..radical:Jrevolutitinifit and , bbreh.
hearted traitoraadAbelitienis‘enly four
yC4rEI 'Tune ?
~1859,- published•the,
'11511(410g' *lei, in t6l en of : his feelings
tlii» : 9n regard to that sn~le ~ deaf eld
reag."l- Le!, bet read, ; : iutd thellype ,
I:crita, And-; traitor spureedr,by.-;4l,4onest
ca n •
Prom the Trikwie , Jifue UM.
• min is kaa iced r
•i r • • Athalithe lisnita tr Zie t: .1:11
The stars,grow e 'and dim;
I - Thestillpee b squiv-1.,;• •
Lie'the vanntinz hymn •
.•‘• Italitelds a ldrata'aftk - .) • • •• -
It binds swum in ehgro
It yokes the captive!. taeciti;r l V
And wipes thekbloptfy ata
'1,•1 "r"..
:1 • !rear down the ttanning Lie! •
" • • ' lialtmast the starry flag
'Destroy it ye can • '
• •." • • .(theft wares ,
It Vea s . a foilowman
• - ;To man with telkne4liteitl.
•• •'• Fart • fculbasishisi Lie f '? ' . • rr•' , •t
r.. 4 1.111 freedom liras VON. • •
To We interimare in'untli '
Amoueatra nbi sel ll ed„Wit tL•, '+7 • ." •=
noll'llP - t e stinylbetn
For m s a diaeeOenr r
be etaingoiluetlhlgthiltalli
• 7 0 # PO.'Li, '7 f'
Ch Ogea
'Abiatibniits . -the gots respontihility of nil
the disorder, anarehpi t inid Wabash id,irbieli
have ireeenttt ,1140401 - 4 our,-country.—
These outrigegiiiv:ebOqie - 136 grhtly fasten=
e . upon Weal; that the,i`e,:an•neyereseape
'1 4 :9 Oikehargel*st'he:aitdod
that of ittiettyt4t6 justify
I. dissalutipn: of the lltt4aV
Sewaid;ju'ents of its stOchect;in Vie . so l-
ht:e :Of ti9LP:iit'atoo - ,:0400.44: ,
' 4 / 1 611;6o Atoka of i 6
,4C130 . 10a; 13(014Ancl. ! Farriqg with each
ot l bitriwcOl'ilieOst thikfTeoSlitaiSkOttlie
rioioPOkna roAsidArote:44.oant fafffs
q#4 l .4o9teggigli. 0 44 *0 0 . 61 .4119*.A5s
VriPrafi. aeffi*ellct I Pnfecit ri ll 9l l / 2 #49 4-
au liParv . ta ve4ftn,d'tio long.
holding up ;4 Oie - riikolriio. o 4
- - • - : 1
OtiiirtjkOniikA4 tie, tife'tiAtka
.thirty ORiVou r
titutton itOtt„ows etre4 11'0
Stft*tif Attlit t ,orj*
, aonktrititicß higiierOly
This *Pl,Aiefer fajawifft:-N,4 6, ?;:
ittitgal*fr Ws, tri A ;gi ;fiAt :§0.4,411
fitiott l Or Or . 11 41)0 V 4T, fif—Me we•P
,Fretu)hiztg.t: Pzactlealliornton,"f'
iTnnlher•Of :ye . iirsf . : , :agowParanti -B.
reaohed,:in lo.the)n4rior
fate.'.,tholligian was Parson.
aitic 'vohitnifs ttif hisieridon,
evintesi batlike raint'lciergyfriericOf The
:pastgentitititton; hawasteopticl; givalto
preaching ; 4 d9ptcinal vi se,rwagt,'AAjto,e set
'othpyrtnit th emes.; le_l44 k Pto
thcing,ht 'one or his 1i40.8 - 11toderd ? ' fir.
&bib AinmzisVhy don't-40w, pread t
,Pract,i9o i (14;99 01 74.1?",:9114( 'verYt+4l4
If w;3".6 it, tck.; tex t Sip
t itraii)i kaaieaeleeriifon.". San
andiencel attracted; brtho' , iePortlAthe
ff;041418.0 ,'iweref -; in- attebSance.
;Ma Proliminarry:servidesliVerer performed,
tand A4O. parsonannounced bib textl; open T
1 hiss ,subject s he said buibtuild make a
raPtil4 l ,aPpliontioa in :his. ;bearers::: i lie
-theoconitoonced at:therh:ead ;oftheaisle, '
eacktoe,a2ber_Of: Lbo. congregation
9ao-watila; littleAobliniul-,to,in
dtlige vreatdr9 POlttfertel another , viiis
- a, terribid unat ,atbbargajuf , liD.
, Vi r :Aikkili!!lftd - iV9 I /fitYi ts h ido
,dhurA, %RUA: OA Da Si :entered.
'There,' went on the pardon, ‘there"ia= - Dr.
P5.- 4 4 11 ningjdf.inAhat middle oT slices,
ißat, tratgi'4l4:;diattirbing.rthe , - whole
,coagregmion, :Ro -.aoes It& make
peopin,believettitat.„lln can't, get ; : tiMe to
. 4 ;4M 0-14 :!: chnrdh - iadeildott Pint , Atifes so
not,-been , called-to visika:patient
on : A•Sunday for, threellhoutiv. -Alum
went col; the,i clergyman:: Atlast
he name : An INft, who_had rrequested . ai
tp4iCA ,Elinge.,l4:%ndLuenv,irtheie - :-Is
*r.ci2be onwinerebantrTwbat: doesbe
d9l: AV items Oni Sunda);
'rterliciorl , ko,,Wite Wineasiettersr, ;if.he
getfr i a Ink : of goods , up from-Neisr: York sm
,Settirday, night t he.,gpeeloJthi? . . store aiid
.:narks .I,hettri,en+-i;Sqaday4 :soles-to; have
far.-.lfaia . eit 2dondar_tuortiing.
ad*.g hOWlid keepalbe -,Sabbath; ariala
dO'c!oafisfied with odoetrinatuermbna rhe
-.3y4 1 4 4 ; firaPtketfattetkcj-44") the.eonehisitai
rof Ike•,serv.kee, Abe parsott wa lk e d i rp ,, to
IMF:V.4 And .7asked- • } t -f
l'inevttvelaerinoto.;.-141ralfe.;AVIVI; thnre-,
.111aetrcA'AttiPTOPt , UtAliceett you agaafX—
CA-rietian inquirer. ,fll
!"r7 LI! aiVirt.TCJii; - 7:;r1r:1 • .
"/” 1 9, 4 1T
J iA/13 . in pOiitleititlitteric'ht; tins dine; Is :
Ititogeiheetiwilkettkheliitt slitird*
-to the.toigarvand-ohiracteristie
, of the a494ign
.cresh I hr ~.volge!..: Anse. And'
i ii epithetk ' the' leyr.,4hOliog, . 4.Ofil,co:n4E-,
Ath.ion . cliiiiitieiiiiijOtiqiif peiiple:,-
They lisKee . -thOlight- , to ridii'hy • *hifetiee,
threats ;find indehdieryism: oiier :eon
servetkv;e and deegOt majoritysof,-socrety.
ThOt they;haxe',heen.-. otethhy„adeteppio-:
41;..13 lhe . Ort "Of the ; EieOpie„, who
iiiht and. Aid._
• ow oft - a
-right; nt4hsteveet:eoet,:"
wdeder.lis , tliatdeeent irreh
hAvO n9L
Te 4,01,4 PI., en44r#o9e 'sootier, , mobocrats ; .#t
earlier ddi , Viet theY ;ttiiiid•iiciffertherfio;
-,ocratu, made:;,gti?fitamdzipii:
ens through dernoeratie tohey, rob
olitionistaliave.-no-pasi;:htstory to sustain;
AiientworVis .,, blaelc- . tWithtreagdn
cpostitutitg and ,theTttiott v.:it is. 4'4'
opeags , 4 40irk,.CO.Ptititoted- : =MOPPtY,e.7.A.
They have "OOthiOklii 'the prenot l flozse 7 ;
I.eartiniiikiftheth:-.'Theii - edtiro :16144011
only; by: , iiiplidsititin Aci . ?•tt:6 l
And intsiguesgainstoiviinlibeityi edging
1#9 1 ?) - 0 1 fxr aouSitfierßek'le tea 9 'the
v017:t,0,444,t0n13P3!?* (1-c.Pfo*.tYoo 14?-1
Otitute'irniketit3%,hfute tor;ce,tuul: r thelw.
( iet l iiisshshteiTVlV:hliAttitol'OVS - 6rtiO,
for tbelitiorenObl&sitiitiatel= of -fbigoiii
- BPACW 9 4 - 11kink jnaticevnvehich Nvoinintit
ME),YouVilkelgtoz,f,l.4 l 4. cad RElltitkpoi.i
ic4i . tit.,hari.d, ,*.o. s botlyto freedolot,s4d
the " tig' h't,
who, enjoyittglhpm
usurp that Of ; c4thers,,,the.t. j us,tice, .*true
.11 1 01 11 44014}1a ",,organ' of - theAd•
ommtptiop,lo,Fpn*otow upop - tlao,ter4
`Tito riot in 'lreiv Regic§ PCI - ::thrOw
the:, responsibility . 9C* . te'artil
ert irriOeratici
iNut. , . *fir the: . OW 'tiff' of
she editdriofibelPiiss, *Bo, soluvaddrese
delivered at; Lancaster,
Vir:tiftiiliwthoP rtinilfatiO, coning
insdcOnirolifraid Odeyc.. or
:(4..±.__:ltawst4Ovtifmtri Have Tiweia
413,4k404re.,.; theLOsbandmAn r; f:rilloAs
flittei fromliti.;44ll4,-Ae
.forgmbidttutfAillp - :?ii,
Of Meal-- tax 11ig1erCF44 6 :)40.4 - Ittiil4.l*
:stance of .‘tatitipeopla our President
-.Attittot itfCalstodal finfiSpOta'
CRPT 4 I, g:TA:O 1 ,7. 1 f6A1k,01 1 110, 4 4 , Reprg - .! ,
,51n4 tiYpower T4l-1004,0:10MYS:;411*11,*itk
AitOnga l .ii'4l4l*'
4e igrkStr:sl4lllll4lthittrlrefriß* 41
ta ; is iiboribimk to . GiNt4N),riii .ix4:a 1
i, 7 01 . 10 . 44 1 4 0 40.* 1 6 0 0 14' .
_The Abolition-achemes E'er disitigioNg
Conti** 3=',lunt.' iiitelielYano* ilium- •
Win in Itr - -. 'eon Way's - prop - osition - tt. = Mr..
titiOns,to stbp , the.,war t theough-than
fluence of the AbOlitionnti; if the South
--.. nkfabiilishnlavery; - .7 -- The diiitmeridiia -
of .the;etintititttlion asli le . igan Withlell ;
the burning of iratTramingham by Abe-'
litionists ;. tha , lifitittabrrhillips that he
hitch hiliorlttrigtAllP Y.lartr ..-tcrlaeMdlif.
111494,,0is MalOilitiicox oil ?6'444,-min T
-yearVititn,‘ that tilt:lra& watt Media, dt
vide(' : the •Willingiiiiii eiiifessed to "Jet
-it slide ;" the dettsratiou by
filet b . licialtdifflre N'Ortlr,'4Att tlßSouth;
the ,cireuhiibi 3 Of this veer; CAnttity's pa
per Bibballei - Suinney 'nficiet• his frank,
all prove that Conway" truly represented
the',:feelings.oftlin Abolition ReptibtieNas
when lie; ii,VOVieethey'i - iiire , iiillibi VD be
=nt-e:alienceparty- and-lacrific4r4botrn
slaves._ ;This , d9ettillet A . : 1 143 . .) MVP%
the AbOiti4/tatittgulE3 l 9POPPlg; 3 0 FAVW
PAVII4. I V .anit.b.WO. tlyiY:deriYAkawii4
authority to_cote As tbeireambsasaftot;,=fiut
1 this ia iiikoldl•-trkk,...oober'AbeliiiiiiiEße
publiCans.:::4.;,was-Abrough, their viXorte
1 Holftlter -litr_fCapr.iligedial?s Biwa
sor. The Altoolla;COnventkola,VONvvm-
IY:111 - AlifitkOrt if non; 014 . to secitye his
promotion ; ;vvheikyciAverii o K. Aildr.eir. re
tired frilatigiat, calOOs 1184eroVagec , he
said lEleolteA vibe-the , -biaii 'to .be c4i.ccoiritt
the beati,ofjhe Potopine,,Amtnnowl thpy
taro itAitiVid-fliitilier ago igieli. of vita ies
tormumakepa, of .-zheir woonded, liAii. are
readY49l.4eatroy him., So, virithigonAay
--httprovVitiltrellogs.Y jo!.lchiilertheMr-al
. Atitilbf.a; :Mak: oltliiiAllffititied: t 4 pPrpeopte,
and his Abolition fellows deny 1tin,,41,01
all the .veliemeneo of,..expAsed,tvcaehery
and cowaytieng - But. Conway, 3011,0 a
• to : theß 7 life' the:shirt- of f lki • nsans l .4ley
cannot . sluff ii.'hilit- off, 45 ., 1e4 8 i 1 37 fO, titer
hope, f;)r his„propoOtion is coushicentlinth
thell:! , 10041 9 01 44 0 . U. ..:Ik r e:t l . lll YE AM ( '
that ChaiksaiiiiimOrsal4i3vhetiAtie.44 lll.
I.inumighipkjte:fitkal prematiomo,raeor
ate, in reply to the quest= if he thonight
the . Southern - 7 States -really. AntynOeti „to
leave the. ITAiiii% # P4',_,ileY.neit PLAYAkt , f.i__ ti=
ded.tolgitv. l Joat= - 3Ket*.lie e9l4Pe:l l Mtti
leavß:if OMAR r.l l Ol , V-4 , ,x4etc. 0 .w 1) / 10. -
cord. Mr-G,re..ely, basarowed. his Niilltrig
thin contingenciese.vhich have been real
ixiedilandthea§Tegt Torkr i Pmti - ,saitlpthis
-TVlleke_Ovit the. Ooncaderata Sottigipitid' reectglOga) of Aieir..poveroißent, 'sit
is a ' Air ocelitilpra flied - iliet-Whither
'ilia recognize` it or not''' Virtif iiiiiiiiot*
own aNlikirriiitiii atillioviry Inlatirce a
agapegost-4g ,r......i nit
u ray - ?......-.4 ,,...iii /totecist‘li
• ... .
REsearTenig Nrons.—,- _ e esi, ant a
org in i' ii this Citficeognizes i'iio 'ailteient
slie - Cies of mobs.-a -respectable,' And 'if as.
_reputable, one. - A: mob is
. res pectable
ii t -
t the. notion , of President'
. organ / whe n it is composed. of rAbgli(timi
ists tent on, the distraction 'Of Detnooratto
4161;7000i : ' and' itie ditirePittiiblel Weil
there are • Democrats - among the i - Tiegelt
;who seek to w ce'-
reak. vingenon the deal-
Agiiztiehint .of the Abolitionists.. ,r4'ke., ak
tinction Is nic e ly ;taken and,ihnws ahj t
-seivility , iir icliimiriliii•Opee l e
'l ,
ge p f.
Teplable mnbnis' about equal:Urn" - - tle-
head4rAnd ristkes ,thena.titurg.-q_cht4tON
field: tied a Oiffeieut notion., : He, 0441e41
ie.); inutitWr of &Werner) n inob it thiy
inet-;.viltbeitt n "moderator Ito“ Treleife
order and rdeeciinniAnnoirgat:thentl Nee
**pa a ;mob Aii:the:.most,terriblniallia;
tuln onsanicty t and : hold that it, matt= he
pitillotil kike,rc4ctoustances;by every
,v. i '
0 1 •
4 ,
0 'P
• P M ,
fl' 3l I.ll4,se*r,P i?INEI,4I thPe
ii i iie l ll„ . o l 444te42;a4 o 9 tiel / 4 W -
. ~ ..-"! —.:•oli 1103
,01r• :: 14V A nT4 iP i a: 1 40 , t1
lOgelfil habit o l jMtrkswe4mg
in'eciiikidAm - nnet'abinlishi4t
=The Vbysician,iiitarintasda :1' 7.; •t i l' ll77
n: " ” ;fir, yort areythnkdavevfii badchalit,
and. yeti will not - Aeon *over. npless= rsz.,
, give it no.,_. ~• .;to , ..
•....., -.... 4 . , . , -,,,,..0
''`‘.Aild'wbat'isifii i hiibiti" 'Fiske& Lai ,
~,,,n 1. :... 2 ,:'...,) r:. ,s,-:- .:..,., , . .,.:,
'''Pliibatineifrcreplied. the alive.' ..;,. -- .f. 6A.
71 Yi r l 3 lll74sid Lawson; 01 can . filial/don
A4q,pjpe t . but .wiq on, permit taa,t4;giy,a.-
you a' Intitl - tbo as ta A vil e . 14 1 )..ii . arit4e
own - r `''• "
-,' 1 "Nir h at, it thatlm s -'-- -' ,-; ;, 0 3 - 1 ' lalcvtl
" I refer to your habit of profatehia&-
ing," replied-tbe4 , ivine..----- ,
roP/hne, l said , the 7 doikotiOtbTataiiill la
va atiArtpensive habitiiliwycittieZkO el
, _,. it-4 1 1* C4A4aittioa?isollt, '-`; you . itrillolia
c"eLit'M -VM, i-Yer.7-,exrPtir°;)ioit,..4 -
Weed"Wheifyout. 'account's handed I p„Tity.
Tin trl;:e. , z,q. .-.0 ., -4 ,- t 'eZIL 7,s'i'
ITtsr.Matilmirtsientaiits - decidattbit
4n4PSl‘thelgor4# o . l lo oo,44!gtocatitint
by.' o lo* km.!blitit;.Wor4A l l4JP*9.
:filria' is aitraifjp:,rilihg 4 407. 1 4-40,fart
thitt nekkitt and Udine iiiVenrOned as
;well= the:olittes; arenaliedelolie
drafted. ',Governor Andrew::: 09gbVito
look after ildik—Rero is a destsioit as bad
as that biittadh. Iffoift pats
44I'Vgal, fedora that* Afolored4not
asgood as a. white 91Piror:tin,A0.30 4 1:
of; the.. a1ev4490,c 4, ts not . art,,wainaMpt.
OW la atter Ist :13eetraptiled,,
lie' totality erilr. be . "aatlianai
:white inamilitcaoseptlid--Qthatanblitt
tufo far $ Itegra4;