......--- . . . . . .... ... • . aI r .3 gokirft. 4 _, SO. i i . Genond 115--4 Mind his 'entirel, ' r emaining. A 1 2 ' . it 44 about 60 grin; rere ~T, tea bfikciikortirtial i :, ford garitak ' Oiftfilff,Offti. Wdbir' ih ' , Ohio. This infonnstton is official:l The new frOMOltatlestgrootainlx thre'. rebel sottifit*.rse.iqs egtfiriy..,picture. Gerdiet A** gOt.too.o k4o Mai; mond °still evettill!ofAtte4Bth that the Dunsides, five ttionttors four gnu and mortar-Watsf i i l o B*6l #4 l 4A ue rl e q re 'l furion s siy o n itterY Wagner tili'doy: Od the 190. , 0111xtgimnat/deniorl the-relletion• c o at ClierlrY l , l l., - 01'mOtt01 1 , 0 **f#Ii "After afuOtitt.X , liinntiat4LOOt‘Ofreij .en litinia figth,...fkiliiNito A_oo. s ,ll6Wi jag many - thonsttndkl - ofApt icndr2sktil;sl4 - 4" 1 a giffei '' Niz' '''' t ' - '' a en e my assau Le .1 . sr - tr, miter espe. rately and Itepeittedik, 2 ,begitftiing''abollut dark. Our :people ;fought raturthiit t lelid repuled.AlAt witto.*KtigNikv,..oratighliit A ntiniher the prisoners v:were := captured: O ur ,los4iirelatiteVoßgtA,PlKAOlides; hoviever,:ialnablia.' fites,-.4641,dite,-141. erg l'ullafere totuntirid*".,4i - ,..nittlllere. Pieiteis now-well - in advnece?.! . ',,, - .2 , , , z, , - , On th4e 23 d ,he an n e e 9C 9 . s t!k44Ai:glAe) au thorities:wit , .. . r. tl • ,:o ),;', , 0 1 "The ItheleY j'ePeini4o4jettelliii again ytterilny, with ~t intlntiih- I ...4.4tittlties on our part. T AtjtadykAthe:baltigotifie 18th instantotbout eng'istktit444 L 4ftsr killed ands -,weiiiitleit.:::4l4; enemy*ios,s, i n eludinglrisonent'wek.el):4l C-twellkiti. sand. Nearli Aalit hundred' we.rolAlteil under artitiVoritne74:%, ' . :4 .;T•Astms-; i " C° l4 I ': ri f 0-644'"a#41.0ilciiiiiter general, and Colonel .Show r ,vominanding the , negrtregimenwtverat kilted:ALlA:l ,-) , An attempt to throWilibliPiiiiLiip these and other confederate reports ef (tor IMMO Ivik al Adtekt; - %!,Vi hifigpii 1 uT, Um decisive 'denial . of.the statements is,girett, although the FT:erninent must liavoore ,eeivect t),lDOtStranietitifiaoC.4l4lZ.tact state of thes,ase t ,,.... l ~.; ~ .„ . , ~ , ~., i It is believed, ow in Wasbinnion ttiat IA }Taere - 00i4en ifii.qtiakirtinifilliai with his army,: through; the -..4nountains, and that lie 'walk On . Saturday at Zulpep ~ :tideoiXirkino,o4:ifirtaboiiiik7 9 Tifiiii &lay along the Upper :Potonine seenis to tare been for the: -. WPE'P'.4 17 , 91 7nr4je1 1 '9" tiet".iN ii i fi e hit„ir ifroi) cifgratikut,tho tien- andoah Valley - toy glebe - load. ' The lossof , . Vicksburg 1 acid - lii i audit - 44'9Q The cut ring of the Tennessee' , and Virginia Bail ma`cl 4: YVV.hedite beF 4 g,rratjx: - rSditt r O,d thioiiehiii or j oi) - 6iiiiii - 4, ,supplies in, itieli mond; 'anti; reptlereck tt imperr. upon ,:L on .Leelba4Athifil iiricti transport . iiil much breadstuffs - nmi as-great a-immbernf,CAL tie as he possibly , coul d ~ in - order t.,0 lieOpl I.tHritioitticrtabotabOta Mild binker.l Th 0 .1e 1 .01..4 1 40me. fro_ ~/se, -.Ole Army of the 1- , otornac Assert thatmeade succeeded; daring - Bit itZek s litilhaillitipWitifinitiiir: tant mereinentsi-of' Lee "'Tie'latter at. tempted - ticiaxt 'a titsiagi;.lliihiiel three' '. of the Bine Ridge-glpsbur foliariheni in our possersimi,: • Wei infaetediietneld' l .l erably heavy blows oniSOrtintitt of the rel.. el - arm) , at,tiifferetttlittinttl :fl'..f7i :.•-• , 'd, t 1 , The rebel dispatches from. the' Sled); west state that the, sick and' _WininAd were all remiivid: , frOin l'Aeiti T or . 4o4l4l ~' and the troops ' viittniiiii'cifilatir . at o'clock 'on- the iiitivilor iWilyttk.-filA Our trirceit'did'fietAtiienver'the. - ACV:Until daylight the next . triornjng,,, .. A cifrcijiiiipateli.ieriofto'.iiit ri ellrfto;', cos hare bullied' Jiaten, Ititai.;'n'iiitiliat the Pursuit of Johnston is at an end for the present. New Orleans papers of the 16th kayo fe aciii*RairP fbrAlti steamer Imperial;,Grigrsou .. and his, cavalr y are : ot Ilemidisld e., CIL izi:2l P.' .1.3-317":: ~dn.: ........-7-7--- , -- -.-- - - t DRATit ::4iii,llitiir.ileniCKCititti*intm —Freukfor,ti:K j y.,::,; . lnir,2l".illeju l . '4 Ott 1. Ciitienden ilia'4itiisio'clitifiiibis niiir. ilillgOtitlieP , C44fi:'Ae - elhigglkiiiVATO possessinti - of his-factiltica:; , ,Diseast,,-TE 01,,,,1'i . oral debility; age., 'l7 y ears . :- ' *. ' . '''-'' '''. ` i ___ itTritsireittrelliaiVological convened, the. studepts ; ati„bi4 ?omit evening " and fp theft) 1114 ing 11 eVaA4Wed:3 11 40 1 #1 , ' , WOOLIE:,.#rew rthin sad .d speptic al from the..negk'ct - of titiliClatiag-CaOt&lir l 4iiiVie*lti Herrick Alleti'a.Pay4l,Afedal Saiera" , * :ccnt4 Poston Thri#4.4iif_tw'nhtioictitl'xtd* provided . heiggif with •001,3 Medal SalerattArigila 'llreoilui*ttlaare each, growing quite and T are: xwere 14 _4% gitsfi; l o:o l %- 1 4:47 1 . 6 k'0,V 1 Va i. Depot will serer.Laselanrialte vepot 112 Liberty Street, Neter6iL t All the Idereltantrlaire it. now GeniViiiiiiiiittlidlOotisiirregner, and 4114 'l,lrigerrheXtli::ettgasf= Toeinhiqxofttit, The griitti* 8 . 0 held is Gen. F. Leek ciiistx.Fa sTel,igq.,Wai il l# l ° • 4 4A 41 1 F 0 - Drawn 1863. Cia . 4/tA* Aohnni—G.W aehti 13 a BAIT P.M..,17194- _t_.;F: BrideerarffirELA ?1c . : ~, - '1 ..•:BriAyli. 77417414***71.;%14440.1144i ~ ' teThiagi:',:la4,7,•;‘,;!.:4,,,,t- - ,-i: 1i,!: ,: ..-;'. t. 17 •,),,ii,.......i , ,..•4„ ~. '''Vikietini4.. =4 .+ , .=:-•044411 - L A T4;:;:::.:;•il?-:,Zi OlTsA.Aitipis: - :-Mll9r ; w..ir,'lraidibirkg4 Duck — W3;V•Viee''"'' - ' '.- 5 -'' 1e,.. - .. v ... ,-.., , ,.!.- 0 -. r,,. Fininst Like- IL 'llideir , ...7--: , :j:!- .. .; -. • ~,w . • ! , . 1 , - -1 4 Xiiirori. 7 - I - .- A : ...n. -•,; p„ i'. - A4O 1 y -,•, 6 , 1 ,-v f ,4 , -,. : b. 6.,:..:. ,5 .,.;,•,.. ; ,72.^,..; : . ~ t , tza emor enf ew, mr. .awpAL-14 , ,,..,,? , t-.., ~,,.:,,-, • :1, .- ::.: 1 .., _fisti*" .l '. l 4:rdvntip , ts 4ol DAVNI 2- :- ~.,• ,--- A051 1 5 4.1 . ' x ulik,,,, '''''' . r;: .. ,,, k. , :'.2.1 , *.,,!.:,t -zi. liiiiititisiiiii: Stp#l4 . 4:' , i:' - ' . i; - '‘ - ':! .- ;':,t" 24.evilirilford-likirLA-.'-Alaboson, N CO 3111t1V. ~: f . • - • 1 - • ~,,,,".. .11.._ ~ -1..• 1 ' . Oalrian ., evp ..;;,..-- . --, - --- - ' -,.-- ' =''' - -••,;-,:, '' --.'-''.. '•- •,•:,:' , ..Rwio.L•4:xic on iti-i-z .. .qpt. , -,.... : . Let , .:Siiiiii,BWlAit:l4llhirOM2llN4l44a AnneXlAriaiiiiiriPlir..Di264 1 Afilifigi'Va:viclirviiStit r - '‘ - jfrOatill ...- Yi - 41 - Stirebi.-ChlterG. 1. 4 1601. - CiiMiteitrß: t" 4- --. 1 - fir ,I SOO,OSWAIC-'llllke.fiLlireiigti. ' Cliaconuti-41. W. Foreitat:" , :*lß6ffeigaSiTr: 1 01 t ~6444AS,ltigealivielihna r is 'Jas. To ' 0 1.,_, 1 i= • c : .. , 1 ,,...,; • I '-, t' 1 042 1 'Moit-VgA troW t i t :lV )' .tk r u,t• .-,' • • ~ ••:. t tirearlaheAkill4it!lM l Car; ii . ,,r e p; a /-.1 tall Ai: : ! It • - , HaracayW-•I••• •- *Ce T n v k li n, , • G..• Dyre iarford:E.i;:iellett, fe. Perry, G. Wier‘li...„ l -• 4.e, 4- v i.a1 ,,, / ,, x , '''' r..-40. , i 4 4-o—.. 44v... ~ 1 enlc . 77 , ,:z. (lea f ; oas•iv estfall: .crJeatmir4t.. IL DernaohnilicnteT. ! tilkintm,&.--.4olinbeialiWo.- ben tolgt.4.t. agontkast, ' m-N4-2 1 fil 130 y di lairteirDeiais, , New Milfordlliaktraigh-raloratio G • . , , ar t •, rett. , ?l ,•-, lth 1 , -,,-•:::- -, " 41 .2,-.!, , ,,nc; .••••;', • . 7 ?l•,•ctr : J r; 'r i cniff . ..4r,47, :'', ~. 9.4.:>,...: , I”.' , ' .11'., 9.1... 1 .)1, a'rer 1..0145 VI 1i",:, , A 7%. , , 3.- , iiilAretiliaki..ll,-Hitti.r " . t.- , 0,.. 1 Spriagv_iiita4. v .'fi'qiiirei4t.':*:lfa;(i. 1 TRAVERSE Ju*ons, r azirt WEEK. ;! Ararat-4... BusbnciL. . Auburn-4. S. Carer, W. ' F. Coburn. 19, 14 1466 1744 11 3 1 44 1 - 11, 611 chC l3 2l q t 1 „Clifrtga—Vl3iodkle.," o:ll'lotifdp;,S.l)fir.' • • ~ F- :ranklin - x- 7 ,1v -- 4.C. Smith. Greataii.iiii4ll. N. Ives,4;iF. , TrotY4 Gibson...Wallin) IL Pope ? IhrinPßY-0..n--X.Tuto , •• 3hetcgon-:44; z ; .1, liapinan t J. Mc .4klftt a 'it s. ,Lenoic.Francis:Davis,, WALTingley. S "W.• ;O- Jerson: ' s" Miltortl4:ll., , Maxley;-.E.P.Biadfoia. Rush--,Norman Granger. _ z ,4806,91 . 4,-4,..-O.A-tian, .&; , J.-Thatcher. .Springville—T. J. Riley.• : Thomson—C. A. Davis. Concert. . , , .:.,altancert ; 'wounded unkliens..ni4,l*. ,Acadeiny .Ball, Friday pvit4.3uty .; A‘few..piecesl!..v ;110 • gOlPtOge; ~ .rteinapapeer, , xo ,, ,centl2:: 'unnerve tilf .amEALAri3llEciag;.,; In liberty,,,on. the -Iftth inst., of ai pt e• GEonowirc-M., yo'ungest daughter bf Thnethysrnd Sadly, Boss, in the' I th year .f ttalarforg,4tinekit tic( at tVieit.iitfei4e of her uncle; Fillet; Roo-A', second dAtighttir Of "Charltfs.H.: 'and -IsTatttey*FOl. let, of .14;m11,..4in v jw,Xhe,,,itykirear'tif her • , %7 +- r-. ‘l7 `4 . 51 2 0: 0°. 3 nP !k 9 l4' 4 : ±titCl)n 'V / 1 .4 . 1- P 4-.4 7( 7; avoVyirOtrifteltti,,t!to • Where _Ake, Ogg. -so nOt. xesOruid: Nivarris,liaPgitt gladness, Fanny.therStatnutiatzfound. her,payents . :diar.Aet , ‘. r3.11:1,3 She hasr?YPllgekPineFel -- - Robe Ike her-in garmentS white; Joining her ittikibis and praises, •Crown'd like her in glory bright. But she's Waiting For her sisters there. re.l.pAzTin Dian . ai;47=ee enuttreTlL.;;l4t.,f With their tiny,barps. of gold, Fillip Aleaselt 4914,8,13,e‘ IWitiktjek'fand,,love Burshetrwaitittr , ^ ,c,t13... • All the gifts that H eaven possesses Shci partakes with joy and love; . ~ And she's waiting for her school-mates, Jtl4VZYe4;alliniskatink, • For iti - dr • #014 7 0P1a.• ,11.1*.crAZA tii*/ J. a !Ai 00 a Doart.l3{lWrA:l4)Your.,grersalwitOWLlWlatt to say to to erridowitarm,papeysthati..malreptiliiterani MA dThwherarriall (Cretif *Meat*. With4lol4BretJ Ilona or rnstrjpgapod.walwi l ikalrapiaArogetable 1 alm; that will.etrecluaßrfdradrdrla ttursda i . Pimace. filotehei,gratrareekkiiiianthiltimpU _Wma:ibe•VXin: JeaviingtheVaaewitt...ctelor.Amoothitod•lesutiraL 104sInateaildee,o;.tbuse Itamfagbaldinaadiitfr e imAtiteeditecticenauidAnfaraudionitattdl Lett anlastat t-staligrowthoLlALuriont Mgr; ' IVhiskinw4,ritlfaartatheonlesa - thanel)daye“ , „•Allapi stlkatioluisnEwerallaksetent otail witborgoeharge... ,,. • 74 , likarelinVlUMr-• 1:••12,12 ~ qtAINMAIL ebetot- , N0. , 810 Broadway. Row Yuri.: ;a - in1y,230-42memte DOCT- 4 ' 4,0v6 , tat) .citl*eut orjrtfinds• 1 - eeti ° d fet tlein a .g.ArtsfprdlN-,1 4 ,Fir1°P.5 • . _ ; I.= VIIIIIDUCW L . VOMIC. S MUT firiterety•ginlk Arkr. papas IL. =mai fn the followirEgptatea, tcoliatlt tr-? EinitatiOilicklitilitlin)Vw,,ity:d6Odi 4.; IL Ellie,' Zer. . : - ,4;droilde .61'04 •Sitkitnialihrind T. Brown B. Whitney , . . #its.siiges: . iitecbi " PA s s;; '4l se ' d; z z iorance_.*ky;!. , rz .143,:tedi Richard Morse. -err.. :s f OrjWeßs w e ibroeftra- , ? , , • Eastixelledliwiltalkhaii i i6:43, Ldtahi idlindsliniMr—atiMseeratr. , -Estate of Stephen r*Pe , ..,...later ; alniecori•dee.tl3. 11st--Waahlittral,adaft: -,E;v4i; ,X 1 K . M.State :titaltaatice fa v atma:4,2lllw. - ', - ;.;:s;:a , .:.lrpt , . : • .Estate of doehaty 41;l~Qiit•• , 1 1, ,;r , Estate sit David Alla 4 lattlet:litylgetrateriltedl; J,. D. -111'Collum , adm*r. - -. - " Estate of 'ffoot r y***ll4-4 i i t ~'-P,#9*diedi I ,flarfa.tilblui k a*a,r' • Vol* 1140,t410mwir • 'BigisteriO N D kat piAg • • ti ts cm; ontabsubtots Ar m 'of the aaapaor, 'cv #14.-; 1.te4043"*.X040101‘4947141 ~ ONSOVISM rAv.: tievidi*tiiiiguisrai'mon6i*:l3o - vos;. una ma tvalo v et to.4" jill ApErme__, 711111Rkw , 4101:11:MaltrainEtea , ; ' • •, LIMN COREPCM.A. Err4t1 . ..4-1:1:"1:;i5121.-tib 1410/1033,,00#4., -; ..ss : rhi, .koisipsprO— .8110 k Star, I,bstvf. Ickoc- , tilforpooLra4kets-tfn Vim from tbe'trialiceribortwv:.r ., l, 1 - 4/iliki,-Dtalti traindtorsaletriftzmito , WAL Mr.COOPER , I“:O4,6I74my 'lliiritithiittid,M uI , ISIU , , , Af I r • ..4 .14131rXina SasZiES '• •-virtno::siistitailiiiiiinilsattidlitaiiiimltoll.64 BUtetnnalon.Plearof-Slistorsbsinta county...lnd Wine illn3cted dna delivered, Iltato actaedand tattoo In ezetat 111011 t andwfit - lte/1 at nabilo,yerdlic at WI Court•lantse id Montrinso;:bn Saturday. the lath day of Atogart;,lao3; at Welorif,tp. at., the zfolidwlnodoecrlhed plum oflllud thiff4t4llinleeoo t‘titnate'ln the IhWitstiff Of • Lenhai titinn4Cd.ntid' ilektihedhe-A'lien's; to;tait: tie • at' Lnoit the btP.ll,ll3 o :leadi litith Egon' the 44ild: :higthtfilj 14Mb - er etfst,ol4ilths. *rhea, theneett until 81t 26p - etch- 70;thencir: scinth chat 19'neictint4'llienie sciatic- L. 'cart 19 neithes, theticeSisith-78'ettit1 tiCrihes2 thence snatli,lo' east,7: - 4-luthS tarilitaiitietteesolitifeVezistlll .2`1111419_&141?-1;141ebett south t,o9'cliit to perchtlotionto 'tat''eliar at Matti peittett tea corner of 'hoar cOn eyed-W/6bn Ceded; Eh ifiee by the shines Onthlreait , Ka-laths perches tc a corner theretif The line Of John lanai; Menet. hrtha *Mite' mouth lir Prest 3 4 I , lothe perclicti ticc thit'llne•Of 'MOM plUrbtins landAnneh.ititingttaltrlthsititrth lir , ftestit VlOttiperch ea toil:dad; a corner of Mitt Ilarber'S land. theme north ill west 25-I•4oth perches to a* post:: another at said.Barbee/island. thence south %cost tai, and 3.lllltha melte:3,loa corner of said linaher:l4,lnod. Menge north tr ~ Ntetr, a strlterchies`,,,and thence ,tiorth.tig! West # 0 Nl' ch4.to:CheVacticil nAlinatonlatangSg• acres and 111 perches of land, be the nape n,ore or less. with the linauttliabi4a4 a ne bse. ono" littfil;i4ne frunifttlts. af:4110.:181:rms mtiftw ed. •P• . I =1 a. 4 niwikkrtleTi.use - )I.llfartly4s44lclantdiCodon. • All thakectiallt .or:Tinevel:ot, latukoltnate In New Milfordtboanded andi , deictibetVadfulloW4to wit: Be ginning at a.pnetin a line afllte Daniel lull lot, so eel ed. Mune': k i t4 l e ;note, itontlx wpat ,90.1iereben to a heuiloeltAapl entitar; Pakewity land inituarly of Bar. N.A.& Napooinith 19* cast 69 perellea,,thence•nottli to a ypat pud'Ototied. thenedsOnth welt lit perchesle a iide,t.:thened south, 'l9'_ enit. GO joerches to a . potir wad tquet t , thence nottlt 717 eAet :104lierettes to 'a Peal) of pion tee.titepee b land fornteritor'Llueditt nottkl9* Wedtl.39petthes td ;be placn of tieginnfne, oontainiegi9 neresfalicl 20 perAltelt,be thesainenote or leee. with the .appnitOliance, onoyatudi bonne; and nbont 5 acto4 Z.,A,Ptdtt en..ll.lll..tetoter. ' • All that certain - piece or 'parcel of, land situate lb the township, of iiinittony, botlnded'and desert bed'asfollows to wit.: tinihe 'obith . by land of, Jim es Tayldr. thO east by.land CdJagob Newell; bb. the south by land of IL 'K. ..NTrell..litul on the trest.ligiand ; Jacob . 4 fitylor, tow ftaintog4boutr.l4 gave, „lion:to:game more or,. less. one and'hlt. irop ;Oval; be :log- thtiStable_landdectied. tby,Tones Taylor 4431;elitisa ,gatrick, dated dau. 8 bd2 .• _ , . • . F;it, lipeA,Cobb vs: J - 11 Fated:. ' • ' ' • All .thaVe'eifain tract'. or parcel_ Of hind sliaate in the towrialdpiof Great Bend and Liberty, bounded -and de- • ,actibed as follows, to wit.; beginnbm sq., A take-ands • .00p*. a corner of land:of:lice Si ith. thence north eak 34313-Illths'iods . tolhe - virile.? or land occupied...by EtzDaniels,,thence north 80.!. AG min.. east by McDaniel's land VIM rods Ina . etude iiebt.the West•side_oObb high way,thence north 1634' 47 rods tortn elm stump., thence tiortliW 431 i 'rodeo a birch' winling, thence east 273 • sods; thence south inx• easily lite attract 69 310ths :percliett.iin - original corner...thence south 1' 87 min. west VW - rods to stake and airings. thence south! deg. west 120 r'cida Wit chestnut, thenlie r nbyth 83 - tieg.'S min: west 01 *oda: thenee south West 84 rod?, thence South 87X deg. cm; 130: 1 . rods to met behinds of said tract, thence tonith Acing thaWitie 44 rods to apolnt 40 4-10ths rods from sontheatit corner said - tract, thence westrrly , I parallel with the south line and along part ot'aild South line 443 red - 4 to . the beginning. containingA4 8-10 the acres] with the'aPpnrienanees, 4 frarmil houses. Sbarne, aream jaw-mill, some frbit tree' . and titian; - M nerd improved. AlsQ,,. another piece in Liberty townshiip, 'described Pillows; to wit: being the whole of origin al loti no: 617 68:15 - asid 'lyllig together ,in the'tract formerly ot S. A. Law. and containing in tt1144297-100ths 'Seres.as surveyed - 1)3r; Wm. Warts_the 10th day of April 4835: together antral, and singular the above desaibed land, way watt rs, water courses, rights,librAtiieilTiv ,n=es. imoroSements, ' bertglit,iments and appartensn s.„. ,te. land all improtted • • • • ;_ ,Edwin Eldridge vs. Itelsetbss-•`,..rifilberb t t,•• . ••• llil Atit certain piece or parcel of lanksitnate in dlelown:betinded and d6tcribed" hi follonie,_io wit; 'ginning at a pest in -the ibitil ‘ the southeast antler Of Charles lierry.!sland; :thelcir bis land -irairtbra'deg. ttett l9 ofcheit to it Pett.' B Wrier of said Heery's land; theileeby his land north 25 deg. east 8 perches to a post a corner of 'Jades Cooney's, land;itpeneClify Cooney'a land nortlits'deg.zweit IM?; , perchis to the -new road. thenctiby the eattiorunthdeg. west 54 perches to th e nesthiCest earit - er of Minitel Xtreogliwe'bmiX thence by Its lineSiatitla 55 deg. east 24.1 perches to a post in the first 'mentioned road., - and thence by said road - rmth 47 deg. cast 3arg,qtlfet, and north 89 deg; rp poreheeto the place of bObiatiog; ceO l tainintfl2 ackse,lnore orhissi with the appurtenances', taid - ottt . 2o mire linProveiL Jessupater est,of Xt. IXL-Xtins4, ~th.r.'d, ye. John Keogh. -0 1 - , -; - •r , I paled landAtibir Ale big*gliAt Gninf,-: , &lll.;botutqled and dCactite. -al f' 1- : tteibNY Aand:4 l. D. D.f..(11 on ;the ea ' s't by theptiblle ir onae eon* irrietid:of A. P. stepecne, andvabeqiurt.tr by land of 'David L. Tajlef...egUtnillicif.sPo feet of land, being iu front 50 ft ; anatenneidelschiooteir. - teignailitivith the 1113'Ni:ft:tan ces; one framed dwelling lumee sad ail Treadsvcll, Percy it, Netten _ . pited or:paredof lanCsitoutein the *`edro, irGreat , BeildideScribeiLas Be ginning at &poi* !Wert line 14.Tramanjialdwin's farm, 100 feet frotrthe-itonttierly-Brre ef--ihe Great Bend and echectonitupplka .and southerly line of Wm. Barron's hit, thence south 27 deg. east, along thUlitient 'sundry lots about 400 feet, to the southern Cotner Of= Hired L. Levemne's lot, titcnseeoatlilia deg. west,loo feet to Chuck street, thenco nortlA 27 deg. west along the north.. erly.iineut Cthurch,f tieeti about 317 feet. lathe sa d-Bold= winfarur line, thence north 24 deg.. enit„a4rag liaeut Truman Bald via about 129 feet luViluCßarron's lot to the place of bop : Japing, containing about 40.1500 feet of land, with the appurtenances. Al 4Wellingilnase4 b/.' som fruit trees 84411 improe4 „ Jas. White for 8. - ItcHilinfife: D.".. Taylor. All those tw o ? cetfain . tracts of land;' situate in I the TownshipVT Liberty: bounded and described as fol- htivto to WI; the flret:betng ne. Stet p - Ile tailed, and bo r untierimi the north Wind -1 = 1 3 `the ftenia On theweet by•landttof •••7"-- 3lish. onthesticithibylandrOf •Sinittr and backet,end Ontbereirtty;;-.;+.llarsit-o4tteing known .sari :e ' A wn. ville tracts of land, and, formerly owned by Law,con laining....loo-4M00:#0.074 flame -wore .ther appurteultuce4 ode fuarnellwelibiEboW;m4o . 2 5- act e s omprove.d. ~-Alfdkan,:dait certain-other . piece, situate us, above, and boundedatiOifesscribe d as Adlowe Begrabloallt tin :' , Ol - d: - conier: a .ainalt beinlOch.beinir corner of land of 'Cikiper Crabgt, l thence loath : OW east,l44roda toa .stona..cbriter,_ ionthlyndo grecs weltAdmig.thn.lineof_jandeOLDnhole,llo% rods. to a post's 6 a •Th"^'C 7 o2o6l...rlOrthlidghtititcvan and a •ftlfideirer4, *mg . the line of Charles „Harts land, 144 matfett and - old corner. theimnalonif, Ole lbe oftikever Corbets land, north r cent 110 X ittito the plar..e of beginning. containing 99 acres - and 12 rids; be the tome more orlessand all improved. J:. F. Stoddard,litAL:Z.-Yomm, All that cirtildpie f o ,, E;;Zefet,land -situate In tbe tolenehipt*Zl:lll.lforO' and described as follows( to witi.BesAnningbi the centre a - the plankroad, or. line ofitftontractett to Tiniothy,Brown; , .by-or near Bette 2ptm ntreArlatitntsettedeek. Itt, centre Of said roadj m i r th mit,lfilutell hpercima::l4' deptievistet,l2lane ti; jotb periheito' centre of road in Unita „north tided large Hemlock. Thence south 65X' east 20 perches to poet and.stotiec - Thence - south - 15 - degrees west, 58 la .fateg.ktv&tozuLitoiiiev neavimall- Arai, 'Rams thencetowthWe welt. - -1 57 -1 0 t1! perches, anbeginning, containing 10 andttilperibee. mare orjeiss, isith the ap ntn.Lettatn"-oiteet*LOgliCtifewity'oriaid.'plank road) one .hone A ndoanellarn,,and'abont fire acres improved, A. fetid* ve.;ll - . G.' Oiskleyin s • 4 . , to -- Attila litilidityP.br- ng• 'hoisse - Situate On the Ascartherly,aldepf t.l l l Belmont_Turnpi Ice to An totreehtp of Tamp soW of **Orland 'in.poSentsbrat,orWm., t h i ck - n u dinkpitatag nesattraird'itaidee of Robert t3eLlitt, Moll& between the lands _sale qaatt. spootrom jot, or:iiiibeingb eta ; il l eiidtnteontaridingabotit 415 eotnift rd lethineffebetTeitipflite, , CeeerW ;41 s ca t()motet 'final Ott thettoranding . totrardb 'said Turnpike road, beiV t. width lfif eat, an 24' -fseti.end storietihaz With four-windows and one dont-tti.littrllleoAse ttdeintaalftinansepalwhllliwiridoWs.arniottUtatioutlfern -endatliaittbonieffintikUleindcwo. and ~.on timeworn etdoutlisid-bonte, . end adjoining thereto e..ttotelesod ogescoiddzateVbelartYttemtreetahreed...itnal twenty feet In ltmstlkandibtAddriell tdaWilitith !two:wit:dove !ana chub°, jai frontior.Otethealde Mgt to:the afare. .toldreautpitiolcinfteead . :Orkrwerazdone. o 9o 2 - iorthatubegarindoweandon-thersoulhosta Iviollo.wiuld rrusretnbr,'7 fiabliehniratnenttedulditwenty-fitdlti length, by four feet in breadth, sup by. three posts sienixtriturtimiatronatilltr o : ll torthettetvlnd tedlte ,4 Aore end. 1 41.0. leg MS& PF94. 0 0 .tionen t eePilwo IltOti 11 0 0 4 ofile,"q2En:lPPYlti one. Dmutem end.. 440 .01 141 4 9 cruiPMlie*Pkt e 499nLeee eee.OPlittattrat t raiSwx 4t r in g coodidea in - Ofiereoin's re Ocr th e Mild obeli ' - 1141 , 01 10 4_ • 4490.1,13e1P - ',10,. 111:CSE;ceill; Me , . Illas009410104410t01,0241"40 IndfoUllt OD wAtfentins seem leeceo4l4,BnAgeing alma Oneitcre 'as'entloteti byttfetiCeolloniaAgrdnigt with ' the =tillage appyrte ! . W; Van IcornonisrMillionEtiree)taitit notice _toT',„ vi„.717 • -D. - , • . ' • , tivourf > A n th et eeest. tract lent :of st porca d e t i ed • Om , balla de/ter r ikWt ) - , ,scribedis _ii,lgst ei ow• ed 14 Thirion the .liiiiirfaV4eZtaiii,• ll 4lonrairMalt= ter yi Ce 10 he ar. the i gi ~ . Midair c o step' to. _ l et I X nctl ifilklarte firlatited Mice*. at Attestart Olt a id.nioniaeorlthlthezikeildinge hetet:M:on. tato, ng 1 Slid abOr , - aefestar.lsititt. - be l the*tmittpAgeor left'. wi th an aPPtatentintl&Otte l frlintedliwelling hons f e and I Mitt: wide quit Irreg. and all ita_ Proved. - Wm: TOoker sitigaed to Amid MoWedsi. Jr..;,' vii. .-•, ."14111 &at MA - ded. - :WWole;-'pare or tiiiiltlicenr t. :ftittel nrlitnit'sittatte In' "the tOwnedpOt MEM.; li - ended tint deadribed abfollotractii4ltt ~ alligas ' :the itouthettareentet. Of landbeltlttging to linilling Por.O. ;anis:lauded eti.ifiglf-Street'itbd.vitt by - fiaid-Rooler'q -tali •by , n 41- 10,0000.- and abOtttOetattribentitsitKperaltet to art:nine, .of alegiree'anti Pierce's land; Shebat by Said GalesPec it rlerce's land about north' east 11l- 'reds to , llfgh at.;_ -thence byludd-fligh street; 2 -rods totbeplaceor ugib. ni Pr l. gareignA abonthrteitt - of gl'OnnittlaOro or less. ' Also—vmui#_orsatidtletusturotougn of ildaritroec. rum. menclug on it etreet at the corner M _. D. C...lrord• hehnrcntrileCattnyWd gi . milfitt,ek - ftyt , saidshop And 22 fir's3feettlihrnap by; salt iterdhaet's lite Itortfirall 4Q' :10•4411 therUsilresst . 9cortielt*f Said ronlham's *Ain: mono. on a line with said Imo to Mill_strect;,i.hebee.con 'Kin Otit+i l'n Ea Pill'nfeV - Ininnilla contehijagehhnt 280 feirdflind.rintwo'eor o lesm'ilth rtie, , npptielettinees. I.nli bleekiridtlfitiiitt. l'i - Al 06-'4hiVitit'of 'land intim lmt ' noult of NI outrose. dote. Hied as foll'ows : beginning at the sntall=Keatttet-01.Xraliisttgunk ts Apt An the-Milftird mid Otrxed iisad.'crtnnitlir- - sortle. hbent 25 , etreatz on4he ! ine of said.hlackroanla lotto a , pool wrier, 2 and &Nib 1 perehes mug tiro: 14 : tholop on (aid lilticknian's line and Tyler's line top th .nliont T." Nag and +l,oth perchal 'and 21iiikalo r ri le 'eckfif the :SetitSr of the sbeirthereef 01de of ,a. barn.; ~t eic - alike!' thrungli• the 'centre - of said barn by VI tt itiott 29feet Willa south vide of...seld tarn t . thence along the side of said barn ntiiiii;' ithotit ilr, : east. to; he southeast • corner thereof 12 feet ; - thence thence sinalt ,about 45' eta h:^4 and 410tk perchettd a post to the on thessailiXiiffibiAtuilteregO rota; tbencelotr-tti line of (laid road enuth, about rir west.. B and 410th perches and''.Vof a link to the place of beginning; containing nhearttritlitteMe.:l4ttlidit - briantrinison-Wiele4.with the impromeinentsinerconit fronted.- twine and , ."-beirn. AC S. filept, A:eq . St. , .ta.;'Wm, L.:A.2.4lnad , r f i , rost. AA tiikt eertaln raCeii . ,tepareei 4 , biiiii-iiiiiiati to the towaihipotNeW Milford. bounded ind.described as fel; Iowa; to wit: on the :north by Toad of; Theron L Welhnan. on Mean by: land of David MathewK:ori- the 'south by Isatlet A. Feritiftsittrdli.. r Williains' and On tbeirest by thepublie highway;- , cont sluing slaty fourscrek be the smiler More Clae e. with iint:lttlinTimmtteW On framed house, onettarn.And.obont 40 - acres- Improved.: -, ` - i lisMtr.lierritt - 'int,lgeltittat•SA,eba And,ll4Fampeebe.: Alrii/tireFiiati,plten.! .of,parcel 'of. land altiato in the township Ofliew MllrMlX.Conhif Mid Sidentetesala botaidolintdeeerlbed - aefouriwktoiirit 4 -4at:thenorth brltirtdotaiteph Needed tiro eastbrientkof ineliceep, on: tho - totthbk i ltindrit, dintienl.Weetinnoklufti bn.the west by:the - pp 0 illgtasigtOgibtainhig • about twat, red and three qua enrol ari Sere. - be the same meneirtir less, with the apportenancee and all improfed. John F. Dunmore sit,- Henry mad NT,llk....TtuttOr'' • ,7 MEM All that certain, piedu.Ortaireci of land situate in the township of Greet Bend. leunded and described as-for ; rules. to fit : btanningatia Ojetitrinfirce. in the north lindnf Istidl nolv.Ownittilift ?Ibhquis gale e.nda . 4once alting , blitstelblinif west ea/this and Delliiirs to a stake anctstoues, Uamce,morlMA chains and-45 links to the land'of B. Spe4ftk. thecce citstlithains and. 98 link* to st stake arid sioncs,thence north Ldeg. cast 30 chairs. and ezilinktite:a Mist mid atones, thence south BDX deg. Castle dutiful 00qt links to &beech sapling:. thence by the Relder lot and the Carlisle lot. 1X deg,West ITch. and 501Intratcreltosf; thence /oath ftiX deg, east, II ehp mid 9.0 links ton sabestanti 'thence soutirlX.deg. west II chains and 25 linksto post cornekthenctr, South 24X' west 54 itili4l6-* pnat,3fitinee_aonift west 12 eh, to post. it terrier °newts Itibitell'aland o thence by thesurne and hv the said linear land 'West- 25 elt andls links to the place el. - beginning; emititinine 161lieres-of land, be the semen:lore or less, with -the amprtensuces; Married lionse,..friuned barn. entillOrchard ant4bonti3(lacres lm, Luke Smith tip. irtirinetten and3V: All that ceqldil *tests' parcel origin& .situate in the township of Brooklyn, boundedand 40V:tilted as follows td wit ori the' north' by the Intrylngsgrcitmd tot snd-by land late,the estate of P.-- Ti n . d....4,:on_tue east by vim public highway. on , the sou by land of 0.-A. Rid i idge. Mid on the west by lan& nolv,or late the estate of P. Tiitantr4 dee'.4, ednialtdng 8 aerealo7 perobes. be the vame more or lesiw with the - appartenimitst: I dwelling bonee..l bartheomefrult tri t .al t U iseprovvd.. , ' --David Iforginmae vs. "R. IP; Ring, jr. et al. All that certain Piseee or parcel of land, situate in the to of Oakland: renal and State - aforesaid. boun ded andileveribed as followsi Wait natngin the ntaili-Orestibloofiand tale todedpied '-by - Aborhem Pei. et a post and atones the cast corner of the 'Nathaniel Lewis lot, formerly;theitcoeoutirel* teat, INeltains and 501Inka to a stake ater - stenear - thence: mirth 45" west 511 chain' to a stoke and stones; rheumnortb-45* east toe ISlM4llo24:4o2o.7artmliegon Merlotti' bauk of-the 'See. quetzal= titer, a realer of J. E. Grimes lot ; thence up s aid dyeras-Ger ssureAsiuds and turns toe (=viten :the range. of the -fir6t'above described - coarse. thence _south 45!'rrest-to the place of beginning; contshilug-two Imndred ant .pane. am* of laud. be :the rate more or Tess, -together with the:-epparterurneesi • crter Mimed _haute. two trarneo barns, one armardondabaut eighty five seresimproved. ,Phelps vs.. - LotilsaS. T' and • Mutes .11. - Tillman. ' MN:, GREEN; Simi!!~ 9herld a Office, Noutrogie.:-Pa., July 20, 1863. " -..,theritre•Salesi- Byytt!tioiteinaiy. write traded from - the:Conti Of Comm= Pleas of Suequehanna a , unty, Peansylvat have seized end taken in - execution, and will sell at public vendee * . at the„Ceurt-house-in Montrose. on Friday. August 115t,18511, it I teelock4.,m., the follow ing described pietes of rand, `is:' fittllllls - 4.14, title, Ind intel*tit alba 'daeiidalitii:to and ti Riper pone) of land - kituatein the IlOronghl of Itiontrose, Wounded . end deacribed as foilmis : On the' southeast hp Pine street, en the southwest by befs7. the nOrthwest b_litild of IL B. Benyq. amdwthe northeest•paiOf tr_MaPie atrcet.solf Pang' by-landitite ixrpossesslog of Hibbard Washingtoadee. being tbe•rotithwetit halt of hits Ftb:'l9 and Xt and lot No. •18 as lard down on the town plot of "Mtn:arose:re corded in Use. d - JtoolillOr TpneellSit,antV being the same preesetlevenetitulioecnplettbyOtiage Lfttlede; ceased, with the appUrfenances,,oneffailled house aeti barn . and nil improved. • M. ylThlep va.loctatTretiters. • - . ;:i . e ? ATf that ce rte elece 24arepl onited elluidiOn.the tending west - WPatchtis !Ad teirprehlpfzrillua r iz:be Ali( described_ es r _ Wt , --irit - f-testlinfrig,p - tarhemlatcrtninp and ex- , peettand 'Stones thence' north east fft -6-10th-perettes post'. and stoner,' thence nortk•Ar. wartil perches trf a Post I f Kat* thobo:fiffiti ear. og-zi pucka-bait stakda stones,' thertetr i 4 . perches to-ik stake sett ateneerthenee South 52 tr _tlys:7stiikelandlitittChi.thenee.kir•est T 2. perched • alt's 'Of betinnlnip-contalning 215.10 th Acres, be thpeacUe mornorlessoeftk the appurtenan ces, one honek-wd, e pm.* oho Wattle, Ibd mostly sm- PNYed. Raelitaitord•te.• , Brasttnlisynardi. ~1 E. N. GREW„ Sheriff. itieritrei Mit:, Montrose, July 27,-11353. YARN' ROA SAT-E! . IHE Subscribers offer, their flitalorhale; situated In. Franitlf*Stimpeacciunty, between Sesdiocreek and: Chenango rosfi s about S miles front Montrose, contain.. log about lee aeretr;Witb dwelling-hoilie.and barn, and.. about TS acres improved._This tam is well water land: ptberettintirelopeilletard thei'soiltit t f- 3 11149)611 Is of iptsiltt•itid - pfcifinees good crops. This' farm ; e sold on very liberal tortes.; *Part et the purchase mon. : ey will be required on sale, and 'reasonable time given' for the bo.oce. . s . . , „ I/tensile, household t 'Famitiirefix. "riff . bireOldi,fOr cash! dewn, at very low figures. gfiriorgerparticidte, ingeie of the sub scribers on tie FMer: - - MOM BB Y. We& JOHN it!CABB.) Au di' asNotice. 4vlw-Mull ti l i iOererPl :,h C av u gbeeSn/ppeoh i a n n t n ed a' . ,a to n u a t n t d yi distribute lt or thefands lb -the bends. ofthe administrators of the estateed• Anna Bennett deed; hereby gives notice • that fur win attend to the duties of the sait4ppothtment at his office. in Montrose, on Mendaythe nth darer Att. ;gust next m at 10 oTtli:ick. in the forenoon' when and where tuir: hiving Agfa" upon Vie woi arelb• Qthtcdta belitartalllp ;coming In for a share in the bands then tifirtfibtfted. - July 13.1804:1U?2,4•Zi;cdli.CRAMBILIIUdr."Andlter. . I„! aditor's - Notice :t. :- .:1 •? -,,!,,,i -..„.. , t ~ ~..,, „..,,,,,,, ~, . t ' - k..:: ., ' ; 111'011 linden t iged bavingbeelApointed an Auditor. • .L taller tri emu** bfeirimty, to • idwihute . Nob in . the Untie° aieeetfftetatimeg: teteir; le - Cites* antothere angled to the same) awe ostate .of Andrew' Winerd,litiO r • tetel i f stefer.,l:4leo. , tlitlfbe will mind folks dallier!' a appointment at hie Mee ' inlitaamac,MilMderthie Citi door. An :goest,lt-10 WWl* iflittO folfenocec,ieneanderbete yeiten . ” havleg eialam e lton the sal4 ;feast ..imV.M. Attire:ltem:emu 446040 e; ffetliff,tter:ihetatiretum; emant for ii *well the ....diti ln aMite* m a• zit. :-.. - 7 „ ' 411174. VW • J x. ~. ; r 1 te. A; i '',.;--• '., i.: . , . .,..,:: -.;.` 2 ~,, "cir.• 4.. L.z., .--' " 7 1LigatelliAlltitaiiii '::;;' aTizeitor 8 144 , ieit. 4,144011: 6 01 4 lalttls artelazfrottAthkaalp.l373s43fiffient 4 4 l" Inte - nIW - 11: E..a._ .11t1V:104A., - 1ta1...., ~' , f Ida - ippolnizatist; st" Inifl'. 4 l•`ll 2 ' 401 "Triv 17141aNtberlatIt iiii,brAajt - settiltiWnnian e •” ittlabtelktlata'afakplateaUlmitatia totatetteitatilt'pra . seat their datum axbaftitairtVlabasteilthnOnstinB in .4013rierter: - .11•.!.-: ~,,.,..;., pi , ...0 , a p i i , ju tur, tw i d o n . ~. ..":.n. •z.,PI - ,1. Af, :._ ~,,,..; N. IAtE have made arrangemen. :!.iuielid to: buys Oar Vountry, being Nuieven and rOuih, but few Wes' are •adalitett io i unhesitatingly:say.that after severely, contested trials with:Other machines' and -.thorough- - iiie kinds of.land and in all kinds of grass, IVO have -become satisfied that we have the best 'machine in Use at the present day. In proof ;ofatihic eve; refer'te,si:fe* of - those *he-have-tried them . 311.0hOtolk liarford,. G...o.Howiird„ • 7 - South Auburn; - -J I iaford,- Friendsville, WAlitnil,l3 - artlet!;"i titactison v lames:Griddho, : . flerrick, • '4Ohlijie . O; s ;Clifford; • A. M. CoOn; . .:.Abington, Luz. - - Lafuietio. Lynn, Heirick, 31onirose,"34). 1883. z. :FEWSIAI PRIMES! 'FBITAIXSI Veti that ads. pleasant remedynknown as -11eituboldls Extract Stan. for all complaints incident WI the eel- - No family sluitild.lie without .11; and` none will {when once tried by them. It iartsed by young or old in the de. cline or change of life. before andafter marriage; during and after confinement; to strengthen the nerves. restore nature to its proPeixtutnnel, and invigorate-the broben.:. down Constitution, from whateversause originating.— Use no more worthless pills I- 'Take lielmbold'a Extrrct Sean: See afivcrUsement tII apothcx; , coluln. 'Ent out andpendror tE,._ . - . THE CONFiIS4IOfiS , AND :EXPEItIENCE OF AN INVAWD.—Publishedfbr the benefit,. and as 4 warning and a caution to young men.wbo suffer from nervousZe. bil ty, prematuredecaLof Manboodotic.. supplying at the etitne. the meansef self-cure. • Sion who hag cuhimself after , fielzig:ptit.:Wgreat injury and ex-• pc k throggitmeditial tituntingand - quackary.-- - le sin enclosing it post.pald' aUrft. sed !navel* g , copies may be hadettbe author. 7RATILANIEL liedfortliOnpCipnity,44.Y. The DI. e4.sesi ofßegon-adeMaiadia Widmer) I. John H. Oiglen, .autliog and perellsher of the a bove w( 4l o l 9 ll ,efelii pin t eeigreuto Jend-(free of _charge) to any young man who will write for it, a sample !top) , for perused/ Therpmper, study Of anankindlaXase. "Thhivaltiable werkte issuodand sent forth fcirthebenefit of suffering humanity. It treats in simple language on all the diseases of Error, 3neladlng Seminal Wealmess, NeticuleDeblkity, Indigestion. Melancholy, Insanity, WastingDemw,lropotency;,&c.cdtc.--sitingesake.spe - Wy and effectualpr malptiOnvfortheir pamsnente.ure, to gether with minte'valuablecinformadon. All who favor um with a desire to read mi untie shell fettelye sample copy hy_return math free of.charge. Address JOBB B. OGDffig,,BL D., No. GO Naissanatreet, Jose m 3 ''''' 4144 - GEftIit 7 PCVS:•:::: -- :: LETTER , ``,p:oo9.ooWlNG,mt*ig, WITH ALL TILE RECENT =PRO , Ili the beat and`cheinestand meptlicantiltil of allSewum Machines. This machine will seer anything, from the flateitlis Tarledee tattle:making of ill; Over soat—anything fr om Pilot orliearer Cloth down to the •itoftest (hinge or GoisamerTlesne.and is ever ready to do its work toPerfecnltin., It can fell.hemibind;gathertnek. qui Ikand has a Capacitylcir a great variety ofornamental work: This is not the only machinethat can cell, hem. bind, andso Cirth, but it wilido so hetet then any other interine." This Letter'"A" 'Fatally Sewing Machine miry .be Main itgrftt varletyortabinet cane. The Nolditig Case, which is now becomlngso poptilar; Is as its name 11 11 0 1 m! cillotbetcan,bo folded into; hex or. cute. which when oiiimed.mikesslaisittiftitimbistantial,and spacious table forthe work to restupom :The eases -area every imaginable deemplainll.ll the 'mod grew.in ftr native foresuotroielahoratelfft, abated as artam Make them. , The branch orlicea bee Mittel; 'implied with MAN twilit, - thread:needhwell: etc.; of the eery hest quality.; • .• • Scathe? soppy Ot"Einrces &C.o.'s Oassrrs.' • • ' • -L SINGER CO.; dignircidtm,y,l 4 4 - E=.:' 11W - Phlbsdelphla °Mee. 810 Chestnut street. • .*, READ, WATROUS & VOSnIII, Agents In Montmse. - _ . s,.Yr , . • •• : - --- Dissolution. - - • "rano SON; is thls'asy absolved M. - by mutual consent ; those Indebted to- tbe said flan, ,Wnote oraecount aro reguestetUircatel , the oMce over •web.-11.-Vooper ,- *Co'sßankbsg aunWend par ti.— Psment may be made te:AL•or or tUto .i$ armor Irmlttei4 Sod; 7L H. 811 M. Montrose, lone t5t,1863. - SMITH. • - i.. . 3:1341.VNTW1E1iW1 2 3;;,,,, _mint ortnitittrtnisa,,antaiiiiiii«...i,ll} be. TeOrriotenatillie.ol4'4a4,-Or ,Smith' d:• ftbe nodeteigned; • Persona -irlAbibg irtincia Teeth are Invitejtobillt!And etiknine 'specimens and infee t t:': worittaansptly itnitneatly done. , .anOminr,anted.,. PIM do all Irindief p e ntad Winkel. liklowlbpires as any one 111 ti tta ccinnt takg r e t c ., Vli e j e y — i — allin,ba;:iielor ' b gy43lali: ;4 • , ‘4 . =' 1103bRIP Wilde& Dinek 4 j ilanol6tb,lB63. • liors'ese• R T. -,,LA • , - • Gtvietl;;lii‘tiNoarillg Team Wadelnklw Rouge. -- ‘..lslllVitf itipar4oolo.... l clicattos4 /SW lifetflß*6. • • -44/ofirtOtOgiiiiiiie4 it ace pOOCRAr -ment - _ - -2-4011 . lah'W iiiiirt—TC---AWNI ititifilsoioAW ~m,rs7;.•:-:, r inor, OR YRUMRLIME:: , ,;- , ‘,c , -;." I, ' : —l3attablerftrr - CinnaaliZTeitheii ,- Pairb arrial : Blttyrbertits, SidalniffirientSlol4-11tay,e1tIt,11X4 Ila 101:410,01.14ch, at VeYMIIITIZA II II Prow. Wavle et lit 10 Wes IRIT 11 lOW* ax betas !spa; 1 AF pa" ~,,, walla 7 4ar iCi ttl iffa tV 11164.4413144 4010 g. -"nil OM landao4l sal sammila waw,,....,.. 1 ,w9OO.7l ll llllOOSYsn - 1 11 :1, 1 1 0 0 1 r tar '''- :TOW. 'Yor mama Walk . , CA ' StanlN ibi 1 14 d15% 1 3 . 10 0 , - 1,101,11.708‘14' „,-, - ;?to, 10 CORStraOIISPIF- 1 4. 0 1 1 C • . . , ~ .. , , .AND WSOW PAPER. toPmwil4i•-• is fur some oftliute'lVoilirsiand'eau supply thcise' who Trunian.Tingley, South 'Gin.l3:: - .Tohnson„ ;Seth Abell .• " . .er : C.Norgan, Brnoiilyr - - Eassn.n . E. 4.- Bab nock„' .Bridgewaser, S. A. Pettis,. • Montrose, William Jessnp, " . - Cadwellikrblicken,Auburn. . se.lritE 880% ArMtis., :Terrible Blieloeurn—lieoreisfor the • • • • leatkui. — .e.Ur4 A rz z ig., - uuatinedotider„.., Pu Hun. tees Vade...ecus . 3, - ari origigi c ....d °s eep Area.......mt Nan end Woman 41teir physiology, km:lions, and sea* at disorders of every , kind, with neverfalling_ remedies for their speedy cure. The penctice.of Dr. liunter,bas - long been; and still it. riabounded, but at the eanteatsoi lieltatlon of numerous s, he has beet induced 10 extend his medical ens through the medium . : /if his Vado Idgerint.'l It hi a volnme that should _be is the hand, of fryer, faMily in the land as a prerentlire' Off seeretvices.ror as a gnide. for the-alleviation of,orni of the most awful and , destractiveweourges , that ever tialto ed mankind. One copy. securely enveloped, will warded free efSeeW3rilo. any part *fibs United 'States for 60 tents in r; O, 'tempi, or 8 Copia& for $l. 'Addison. post paid. Dr. Minter, IIco: 3 Dirission atinet,llatei r tdik. .June'ls. 1863-1 y ' - -.• Fixeuto' 'Notic'e • .272' IrtnititS -feetidnea . tiny to' the : Estate ITA.NLY. 3 deceased: late of leritradrside haviwntinkgranted to the undersigned, aIIIMMIP debt 4 to said estate are, requested - to . niske Immediate payment, and those haying demands against the "Mato, present them to, . •M. NOLAN • • ^ _ • I. • Id Friendsrille. June up. 186 a. OA:Iwi;:__0:00:0.. A Ti.rit.:.Ass(***o7‘,A. SIRING &11111.01.601Dt , • far: 4 JUST-ItECEIVED,',AI4 c -..j; • • AT,-. 11-: 'REDUCTION =ME tar This Bednctton IrM include th'e .'_ENTIRR:: - '',S7KOPK, Uii'm as usual; aid Wlllbe TENT LIKE TERNS ....... . ..3PCOL`• C".466.10ME ' - Orr : l.nm •- or for - PRODUCE. • IL MaTi- 18 , 0 Pir Ziewlqicor* i' , ..: . : lkou.k . itopt -0:0g0,1;s:Li lioi6:ioAti: fiklttitil4. NOWi.l4:o**oW Boyd k W 00 4 11 4 41 HAS NON VN SAND ; and sill conititiie to Iwo , • OM° UiDlANdsnitaf. Y. STAVE 13011/7: og,ih q the wit:tarifa, crloid,of vai imps/Jar by at.innaTess prlces thazi lickar egasi qmlittor-Alltry - • - :V/00611q Wijatt. - -TA1L5;'•611136,118; ,-- au. , - • CLOTHING . 800. Fur; Woolisa'd Bummer SA' S OAPS, cent-Jess th asluOyapold in thLs section oo h c as atr. COI andit4e for yoursea!teireriptrre.n t • ~ lontrose4uu 04.. . • ' • .. •• • irvolyuisfizipt , t-tsioit *so • Weby; A.—, „.r ~..sJ,;f r tu..!... ( -i. ~?..-, -”' n C 6 -4 ' , t . , -: 'LI,BINIII-lAUCTllliffit; ~.; ~.....„_..„, • • a nts C r * 111131111 9. :.. .- ''- • 4 - triving tam - pl u iii 4 ; 4 e i,... luit oneettit„ and ha % paaapaipaalaael. :h u vigebastoesiotow tog it, awakes to 410 t. spoAte. la thatritt7.-111P*A4A-UetatiedtAsttalaaose csa, masa illitaralOpafpllk; t::1401 "'tat 0-gralas, ' :bri -7 4 1 i tjeli?Pßiatesaled- -, to, - Itasidaaell. irripa WirPa. - .5... ~ 5.: 5.. .. ,z• r, V,,,c. artint. 4 . Ap . ,IPPSy: Mr , ; • , ,• - - - leigteltolt WWI* . t 1"14$14113."" th I° ' - • T 116 %. ote% thou dr * . 111Lp V ib t tort I a ill , / 1 000. 1 ., MIN *, 11 , :, rs t° - 03 ,. d i m, , ,ot o,Woilkt f likpat RAO* ta, ,et Iht i chAtqt*trumPt . 41 ,: 11 2 3 AV- 01 * , ' ' te a t r .mser 10011 PF • ~,.,15 . ! , i, 1 prleeti.-!! OS ... T' :!.' .. .