of cloquep ~. what is the mist mar Or , 'Wittr the: tir7 lettlgt h t 1 Presiden which ttent7 kosp* had'tetilainr ea against, aorklwarned the '',,peoplii dot* sanctitai so litany yealelsefore. #hile the Presidentlas 840014nd Opiesk Jacksotk Vii(liiiidighaW /it ikotikl -pail has sin , 'Welsch._ undAllosellAara for bite , model. ' .t---Jaiilecusaail -Clay, - iir- 18.18 - Avere-mo tonal friends of the same, political_princi pleM9ol4:ll)42a of thy,Aolt o rnanson;"lint - easy hail suclia fever einiegar.the ConskitOrmigalaumfuta „fiti r poloo.A.7 6 ....cgrio lusAmuß v r.,_. 7 ,w,,t,4_n tine F ,4 2 ,r,,,„ . mo di g n. cted m *lark Ind Sl' ' . i' et , q) l4 o.o*" &swim that spring; t'otrvilsitlittfi(eraNif itilliiiifaifteins, .apariOetashiciV faithotitt,..tota leasing thele-Vainiplootplitinta a ulicuPolirrolteh' :clifistitutiOrsl-' , ltcsitilltk*n , Egtoidleinian -*.4/414theftco onkel' , tivathatiVie 4 WO*thi : - -,Wheret are theynewl'%=And thOvritsysi filer lost their liliertleit) ,l lf aremoia2goctark:trillthoJegoi;tr-When VII*, grind :-horn e tuflourithed , .. hf that lir4PeriV,' 'Mid': iningliug in'ilie rtvg.'4B6/30td-oks:Ortfatitrifteidid:atit' riliparstharsomel4larinviiilitary ' chl*sin' , llsoiaret With•glory,' wOrild cute *liyiltiver , *Avow Ai , liberties ofbhis country. .T he. -hodigmmt , .Grecian , strbtieJetelsititi iiel serrelibeities 'wilt be attrnak. ifit-Romin loitisent had: beed , askeiViflitvai netlear adttp.thelsocqueror iif.4.lltitsl,,thigtrettali -4ilietasitains'ori the lilies df pubint !amity, vibrionkthave repelled the7-insfnuation: hYstolilmeee basithllenTetiasar ftedk the ainbibbnirmui . • the . Ipstriotieetth;‘ : evett Of 40titukctuild not preserve thelibertieetif this deveteit_ceniitry.- 'fret yOu, belongs the thiglf-privilege 6f transmitting miiinpulred 4toposteiity, the fair . tbaracter and ltlierV xtfouveciuntry.' - Dot lun expect /to 'exe4 -inaethis; hightnet , by trampling,teilig; leringtoliettampled -dolim;-kiwoltstice, nbereonstitutioni , end . : the rigbut of •the loopier `-,..7./Beioart. hottLAnt' gtYo' Iv flail . sanction; in this , infantK7ReptiblicM Mill.; ; hair insubordination: Remember:that , ullveete tad --:lies:Alesinder; ;Rome - 4er -thositr,lNglandlier Cromwell; tied Fnusta ther , pmaparteoriultrtliatOf 'lvo wohld ets• tetiptizthe track on' •which- lithe). - 4lit i - We 1 Parast4arbidl their monk; i 1..• hopeltlptle- i anon *ill-%deliberatelyy survey the -awful Arthimistits which/we rand: , They May -iotrq-GoiLluekson-iritimphmitlythrough uthhiahouse,;:and prevent-the passage of Itliesebresolutioes ork eensurei but if' the y do, in my htunhiejndocent;- - iv wilf be a hridmiihmfilisv milimry evert :, thweivitalw Ithasity, unit *triumph :over- 4turconstitti4 4105kiitthe' land. - And li.-pritymostle4 4stootlY•to Hesien t iliatit may not prove; vhs , iis : ultithateeftects and Consequence:4 .- h raiihneroventhelibertiestot the people."l :Thliets what' the Oettecnts, Abe, tonMrdi. : trot:Liberty ,aremovi: str i vin g to revert:, ,-• itr...his life of ;Horace. Greely; bays galskallevry Clay wits one aftlie/ hereto of his boyhood's admiration and` hid:Jong aset; his:beim , aporrifis?eleclion to 'the J'esidenOY, believing that the policy isle*. ifilledwithAsis name; was • thee true pcilioy ALIN tbesoiernnient. Ile titivelleil fie aria' aside; !Tanking= iuld';uregington the einse, ' amit mita omen sverste ifatir toknnts a alapor the) Tribtme' ' 1 Hear 'hide pkid ,itsigrefei,bis t election An - ' the - follawit* hstenb — i - t. ,- *HeeryelUrzukancriginal dem -ourat,•llaiid,con tillUE:d 7.m- amoyi icit , the rirresene-mime=hut-le,ifilids slmiessi;and -aserefonitsame say iv:els 'unfit to toe a . Iftsidtut of the iiinitkd -States.: Is this slie - Niay to cpreserro - • thli Union? r- If u iiti• -Welled , --16fty istatesnian - ran - be Aurae! d(ms furaro grounds Re t1i04.; iwnot the goionin essence dissolyidl , ''-}l64i Shall weaskee. SoutliAo Isupport4 'northern man for President, or submit to the..vak ofoneoifthelnii feet r iliat thit candidate fis a imithri.anan, lilt° exeludeliiiirfiem Aiolooeorssof thelleitthlic.”- , - "". ";--- -f. yjNostlate 4 Daykocrattiwii gaifeb - 01- der,* causi in theeyessi . of Rotate to be valunted:slown" fandoltfroin thettee i bri 4lisivortiu : -*No ceiotration ••wit thieve am en in : plait:is. , Nii:Telleirslihi with them itiveligtorqbo iffdiatVii witlttiiim inwedete.was the dectritie-CPEeltier; andliewas endorsed by the *hole Itelib: limn perm . and thits'"try - Greely'a own logleffht7 lit iiiiiericer. dissolved the I:Tri,7 ituallilvealsii trayisiit'-atioZ f- - Da - - -, lcl. - i -,. - 1 Henry 91 a y, in 1-833, t,ook tbe lead ill bcouttemmtingtAlro /ratift Itieitiaii, zitir , k was impelled tothii*eTenmetrAiiilit, by i OP hoile l o-':- . motive, that. ciarowaylthe ..ats4 4 „ : , Of:a nihmthrepist ;spa , SI. Parrie; Air, BAIM *IV .Aen./; Jackson Ina.. il3r 4401,44) ..trogkingt awkitilanghtering. , ingu the paifiemo for , ..lMatingAliii PzatiietiveMar. ittk- AI ftriumPlloc‘t furioes::pely , Acorn 4 : 4 07,4,9 an.lhat their iacisellterod. It 1 ~ ._*- 411 :_ „Oa r th at the 11 1 11 4natkm or ~' --?..F.Amp , Iluder each circumstances; 4d -• 1-AnvOlVet iv:afloat *Snob totelmry ggl4 3 dornsption. ille ifienifore, steeped 414 , N4. 3 69 4bQ _pm** as . arnediatisroared 7,41 1 9,410u1d.,0fi1thiu ProtentiVe *gam, SAll . ',PtVt'itosl the cif Vivste_ Ma1,1400/1,) 84 , tdd :- this:, /' `yof Wiiiel 4. l.l o .racvAreely. is ithe , ~, ', .. assenting unto death, all who are 1, , / . ad I ifefttilgoelay....9kivatsi that ilutifyid tr4o,l4*.Atbat gems Pataiot,topreveit 914 0 1 1 thig44 riveriotes tear bl tiel..ll4o97eAulouiv_. and-.4nainphaatik an ga?r,buyqr-• bekteounwdE thismisiohi , Z. tbo tr*thoWilia .316,1e - lienir ,JAir, , lais anodekrsalltAishorqtelfs e „imuu IffPFIW-4•ll4'bnindinir irdah n oth e sa ne me i cfP,T,44rea;: oars 7vatc.allgoißribute Elffruf_____ l / 2 ,.._,_,WtPnisw..Nxmoinemiseimieaate; , • , .wmusimiwiP. T "Zr;ir ''' P. r tflttili l •••• 10 . • 140 7 # 3 1Atkigalt detia4 thi s i mir i :. rto :-. MOW, rt ocsie;glovicuip itra c ii i i., , ' VaniAnkrititid l'ibefitnien must .: ' PlMltkitrifientedirAindithq-4tretV =rl4 441111 M Whibt* Allt. ishlt I i e l v e s ~ .. „. Bet: Aitn. - liaison Isia:in itr;6ll:rilletlittt4 shoukt'reter ; *.fine S-•', Ikltriigglo; isi:ouehingsthoitnithe -.s4Pwlas•Pr *AlewitlixtouthEm giat oustry Are qtArrinigligi thOellt..4 10000 9 MigAMathaeht... theilatael*llt . , Al it *UT,: , -:1011- .:, iij* '. , Aiii . 1 ..9.- W;-;.Tri :: .-:•'- : ..., - :':• .- e - • -.-' ''-:;.-:'@ ' :.:.4.'111 ,1 i ~, ;Ai oppt . • lotion At: .;!;,. . f '..:,:.: g4o ) ; ‘ l,lifiloierbeillerf tiOn,*f-thfflikiitoit! . i Weriablo4edtoAti it 1 *mere •jaleity il iTh#4 . t. ' ; - 1 da*na - *pat bli ' laid 1046 - - - - litnli iiit4E4icipie,lo .4. ~ aecniittiv;gi •- "4 lifiabiostrst- ' erty iti - 007 Ostler:or! the . ootintry _ atm bilbefrittenildlitaiebeientwhievit ;, izens of: the leirervil •: states-- 'bear ko, one. lifith"e4 lillonfnally . nontribating.,te :p . t. - • mote te:happiness of each' other .. . NOW •-- . • •• : • ! .- ! ! .1,14110411VO: • r • . • !-..1 ! • . • - -:t. thlitorAW- - . • -. _he_ !MO; 0. 11- .'••.. ticA2:- 7'Griiiiit'sayklieliiiiiii 7•liiiie.inadlif: - .bent'On. 1 ilanibieViheii.e: ofili:ntlintiO c401!*7 I biitittOitelif litet. ) .oiiiii,ti - Mio)4 . ikie, 'Jill* innitii ~ ',iii.iiii* 9* - 04 . - 4:04 §fitk,'4o; - .:itifff".o# - '00:9 0 : 4 03;4`01E 1 AelkuwroilielikO_Lcim 43cri!'44100,f 1 Wes',iiiii lii .ott i ke , ie.* rik , y ! t ajreoted i again t . the ..teoikcittblranif'olB6)ith Carolina. - fle*lfeett•ibionibt. ; that i OtatdOli'irithU 4 n)sed-.in civil war be , tweallii - traiti4ltiantrorkeOf : the ......„...—_,..._ ••• • _. , , . . .. stinlitt PV,11,.....„*P4i-1P1 ( 31 .4 . 1 1 # 10 ° I wow' '''.. owe Woe ; v . ..., la a . tr . KO of niiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2'. l o66;Ticlienii.'#P7 the .bieniifinVbribalithriiiithiciiifoteed. th!ou%h tae oi ! il..satlaliity 7 o - 04y : ;Alte iiiialis• votilikil . ;bit ,-. V.Plngeo. j , *,ti iii object of the p c t¢ 40 lifelarliV 'lo'nearVildi•'-'..diirelilllinit 'elri .. ties•of the, United - Mat es, 'All vesselitio-tiviihiOia,##o4.o6l”.4l-e -irilitOttjthOc!CliitiestOlt:',:#lol44,o,o - at every other perk nr . erp,.. ) 7l7.biertloibt firOtth4 tfirignivoretsitin t,6l44ftcri,) be illitaniiiii:srOlat43C: Op is 01# • the ratibiliq of ii.:OltslokW4h intlie n ia; rdliing'initTiruhiiiirthi ineant of lire Lion, both moral.an4 'phyai44',.,.wia",i4iet entirely. ear i ludia:,...!*lireliOhil',Contereen fais"eii-itin aetittiteff 09401iii4 . 44* The so Carolina eoniviiiWreiioi4ell;-the ordliiioeuifiniliffiatitint.: - The,:, troops f ilehipiiiiiiirrigiiiklitrili` ii iiiiii#olo* _ r t„,,,3„,d,ver,:.,e,:ii„,„..„,•• ,• ed; 1 rejolcmii iii#fi4 ltdOC:o!)it'titie,ht, elk .9f :st - dod pla• jkotiiijipOw ta i toyisl/ theleirialietertiebcheiO4 "' ''''..' • - • ''''" --,,' fra iiirl ' Pit tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisi •" '". . ' eekiiittiaoW-.: .... --, 4 pase 7.ivanhr.onghti4efOM .Jfidgrifild6; • 'Cann ! . .lin ~Xear,( - : Yolk, qr'oiving -1 oat of It SI49II I a7Mt , APPROWiII4rn t , L.St*liensi an enrolling , officer Atho sweated-Mem ..liciavecl foti--Aat alleied ,- reiistandif4o.jthe **kirk terOnsjitigtve bikbamo 3 .o. ll * mg ent;•01 1 /049T*IN ±gbi Tuesday Badge. 'McCann rendered hi* decision, :- &Oaring, that the ePtirePomalOptiottiadtlisichiniy uncom,Lit.utiok4 foTt itiiatot ;Only 'Violates; 1 . the R:glitateopla and I,:onNatei axis: ` -0 1 1049.4 among-PW:ettizen,thihutitisin4l. ect.iefmtrayantiOo- of: Viel4th Ana -,...tath subdivisions . 4 :4 * SliZetio4-:43)ll:CtAttiele 1 of 1 the . Coe:Clint:kn.:Or:4bn • United States. The ConstituthariManthifirirscoPgTess . i ..to raise and: anpporti , arniles, -:ptovides 1 mlyfortthn:standing armies oftil; eohn;. -Amy, and.not,fiethefrohmteer: and tempo-. -ray forces irlikielilutremevigenW=Mayde-' atatufiliecausethe:l4thstdvdivasiiki ofth§ Bth Section. nflittielet„p , sathoritet - Con ' 'g."#.t& - Provide,fort alling!forth , the h e militritoJ executr the r. -futt :lin't supp,- - hisurrectionajandi :repel` in. mamas - A . .:Andl &slate 111 Of fthOuneinV. inent_if-Provithts, : 54 ' Acliveftragalatid mi-. liar ,W 4. g .maiertary itO the security - of* tree Sim"- the tight Of Ay people to keep and ItarxtirMsahall , not •te. 'inftlaged." -And fat thepu . .' . - 7_oltishiv this: militia • terce t :the , fit nor only: Made the Commandiiin Chief..-of , thii- army and ,nit [ Troll the United Stateg, ';'-bati altO Of the ' militia:Of the sett* -Stately-, whin nailed' • inpi (the:, actual :of:'.i the .:Itnited States:::: Acid, therefoi*,*(Attis - comietip.: tion,htiz- , Aoes - Lnot antlak-lheforce: it' in*. • nteetkingitai of the-t ultesTaor,lait i part of atnndinipiritOworthatilnited. .:1-,it 4 iii •clattlynaiiiiitkiorize dhy - the .C t irdititutioit,alle feta:idiot trztira , thi, tail:drip...Jam:dd. he :ittereasettby. ,. -4uViiils , of .Congross.- - anittlie.-anbdiviiimr referred to , amply smthorizecOngreia itoirovidethn 1 tatanifor itaisingl4 talt,iooligtesiplin,i -big i nekletitedA ut , -..doithisk-thii:only , fstto theTtesideptie inter_ tit/Wl** , Bive otthe : Tegilir Iraq and. navy, iit?thit '-izailitivind - qtycaunteeiforienr;lomtimiS :the'lwifin*l43;4os.s34itir.tallied•Tvpo r iv. • A* .1004001,.regretteit dui, the ,- i*il . lad' imt t hadiptitiencii ind , Vatriotiam ono . ' :andetrithe'operittitao of iho - ton seri *". nlaw4talliaittmitit the iieittaled pi‘ tr, fair , ' • -*llialtigiiistiestiontthat , Thit emirtalite ':- ithhi*atpttuilico the dityvif toktainfng. - . , ',tights iOU the tilthaile -, :tcid 4t - ji.tatxhro , : . thinmtitkidond , thst'thair: ritittlyind,s•::isaf . ' in ktheieticialOtelfilly: and properlY pio - . ed; '• .. . 4:''':F"''',. --- . . • Stephenawas l i ' r' ' ';': * :o l 3 l 4tnibil 1 04 of A000,,, , , , t..,,.. ~,,,... ~i; ,k.!.:, -....,.._,, tl 1) ?'.;'iti 4 -''' : `Qff 7. _::::iii6g:- 'ft - .1 . - FlI:it::1 " , :':.“l:3* pi, ••'_"l".^l. - =';. , 3 r . v. , !f :, :4t q - ii!1.41 1 .E-,1":::•Lr; .7if 1it,„..,i-iiiiiimihimairvirbiiik, IV . 7 : ;$ •A • ' !COPir ''4l # 0 - 1 7FFIaqe-IF.T4fT.*,'t ~_ ep: .. Y9* 1 4 Wff . l gil - i* •.,4-M7040. 40904041. , tOi-1147:44'. 1 , ",, ,',. ;•_ WO) uSettPppu,i4seeoefietßitiihezl7l4 191000.ppA. ill od, iitol.mw.i fightth ittint,Tliimaliind . leeplOsitlianiimg titcAortrnme,4oThstortrAtaelaitkiiid!no, , :iii.bere4e44l7 , - -itheLtimeilnetiitihorenghty I livorill . .tholt-Otriretda:atbilshivii .iMtAtr* *V -4; #g '-sbe4ig t c°iad - i".6*--41ittotisiti_iff . 4 itgictie, so , ~ _Pzoltfe 4.0 ** iv own* . - ' bate 0 , :Cure iikoo*** -- 4.100 . :a.e .. • .. _sod: Sitta g ' '.s os rFl#69 l C*o 2 o - 1040, 4th* ' : 00.14AftWOrifo , liott;kiitOtiot . -yetiiii ,t4PVl::AteMPAlrtletlit4 iimi . befigv.;-.lkw, 11107 , 1, Aill“4 1 7:.0.- do 44* ItliMittbe f ; !4pldlWAlgiraily4ll.o -, ;-:{oko4k4iiiiirl 4 #4 1 / 1 0 1 / 4 .o***FffielkWhiktiniditettai Ppoiliffsc 104,0*(iptikorli‘;,,Titiik:Thiiii;i1 BY*W4X,-.. tikjki*Ponotiiiitk* 4,ll %. ,l4 ala"**llloViliiikrin i .te t.P .._., , :iXisilti4iitit, :401**W Alitits*thei sit, ,mtnatatictiai-lair teeth i' 11,;":.!'ii -'4 , ":-;ii - i'‘ . .'-'iq';.l.,e:ri . .v.:7 - -ilii;.4.-i- , 1 , _1:': -i '-'.-: -•.-- • : I .- , ---,-.--"' , - • • • • • • • ,-, - - rifte l* tilttar I _ • try rwmgo - - frotrliplioar. • 0 x.y05,„,,, f ' ' , •11,..,t• ;; , •11:0 ' ," ; ..-, P,s. • VilKikkiir,' •7 _ eak - atict State xfonthuith" • ..„ :ii,t, ii .... . sir ti: - ; !, '47 ~, i , . 4 , i ,',' ~..,.,...:ii.,.,..„,.1 4.1„...r*,,i"r45r„.91{,.„....„...,,,,i,,,„,,1.. D .. .:. . . ~• ititoz•oiTly,-561'ii„E..,...0- „„ rr , ~. A W =, - ,.••,, , ..,,:+c , - %. , L.q Itk .1": , ..l.:;'1,-. .ti ; i t ~., ,:. -4.: , -) r• 7 ''''''' - • $ , ;S:iii.l.l,:c," •:: ' t:.; ::...ii., i ` '.: Id - -18'..-1: - • ' —`;.'-' ' "•,,,, : -- ...4",...ti:• . ;• ,. is; • 1 , , t if , -it :E - 3i ...- NY . CO.'" ..:.' ___ eiday, OctOber'lX. , ‘,:Ar Calinudi LIBIDULA- Chairman. that. tieo. Cuyter f Jubir. FAliflrt on Ir.; egaaac Leach,-Pleav !,-.124.,-.Tchtill-Evatia, 'Chester. , • Witte 4 lloritgqinCry. d Rogeithy Bucks, ilecktiAtr, Northainpton. AR& lriester x4-Bucks:. Ath,Wilrhuli Randall, Schuylkill. .t.l3th.lAsai.Packer;icarbou, , : • 19th:,Miaaei Meylett; Sullivad. 101,11. S, WiccheatiNL4zeine.--. 11%mi lluntesiLyeinnintp -.4Btk -WincElliot;•NorthumberlaruL • ' IStutelliepburrhetunberland. • 18th,4 William M. Bresliiiii,Letiancnv t r letb.- Geo. :,Sanderson; Patterson, :51711 John leth. , lteety. - Elmithi • Fulton. irlOttr. J.-Simpson Africa;-Huntingdo n. L20114 - 4Williain Bigler;.Clearfield. - Thomas B..Bearight * Fayette. -484,, T.,ll:Patileyi Greene. • 240.4Geo.'Ner, Caw Jones - T. Baas, `Al .,Rstl James Campbell; aitler.f /,•,2.lith:DaviflS: Mortify:Lawn:ewe: 27tLiboaii‘V.I.Gmyson, Cra'Wfoid. 4Elth. Kiamedy - J A . BloetitJeffersoni . Utast' News,, Tete laird, at' Ifeak York` arit#oiiaces arit l lireitiCO/ 1413 6ein:iiocteitn4acitei 14f1*11414ilkians en ANlPianPrirMe, )01simrofteperor: Oar ,neighticTite.: pnblia bas - 'thus WOMB' 4 ::proyiticiol . of Fraiietr; be the frit t•ep 0410j 1'4 #' tr-5:44n4. r :;c ' ..I'. ..I:be : 4 _.e.merge.neritr , Men .are. bein&,paoi •offaustimustere!leur as' fast [as ?ossibie. '&4w Ann' Mandl& tegitheati, !lave 04, iitiiina to Ifarifibuieto be mustered out. ' Th'eiiw9 col.Pie4 pf militia from this !Binge, 'under ....npt. Pest and - Capt. Htitiii t itilliiiobas 'lNti. s iti lionie'-OnFri iiy.iif-ISsitiiiasi;'4 4 , *ok.. ' .yhe; .. nine \ zcil 'liotit.*kc,_ l 4i,iie'o4 ii' fi.:ee , c4l4!,CTand'all; ,0...i1i;4149,' will , 44 return• in, a , few Nco.prizetEdraivii. yet irs: Abet U. 0,1 rear fi . l.3i="' at = Saa Ma. ; 1* gOtlem4ii livid Seisidoii iierruitiiiit:44 Etai t 1 . 1404, hf*Prc'v°o*4l l l4 l o TgeAveatiuror let'4otilte,ArtOr witiolleAdOta -fort%) WOrd, ' fro* Omits' : lai t ao . #4* l . *Ofi:iii*** l 4:: se` holding the IYO:PF i**itif i oliiiiipp*ok - Ottp*i,i;47wpai 1t.01 98 1 4, 0:54 111'4 Water/iM • Greatnnati. betwof boriciei lunivrbeitn.gatitered , up!by Sift trooininille Oriel( 'ofticiiiginitalii; iiiii made ' itutt6 ths il e.''4 . Stites eg g. , US e 41 e p; r"f••••$+: w..,,:....0 --I -:•, .-)•••• _: 343leiletat• 4pliolsits, .7 ExOsior i , lieigade innfirightivith 4: portioli et Loigstrieeei boainuind itt' , *iii**6 - o.4);'iikTiiiin'344, W. o g , kke . 0 1 ,. :. 1 0iiii*:a..1 ... 14 . ii, 4 1 4-;:filqiii r 4 ' ilt - *lig ,A4F4*4 - illigns"4ll4lo-117 vi' ontided ) suo miseibg:-t(1 ,,, i! - ,::,,,,-- 0 ;4' f:111,r : r. , 1 IY. ~ , r :l. L ' ' 'Thenr*friMir Cliirleitooit , neffAiblit 40 .0 n ": " #,0 0 4',. < 6 =iiia0:4.01,41iiT - ‘ 1 441 .1 * OK'YTAT4'-`?f;Gi4P _iii4P*o l *, 1 (*rows * net witha defettscusevire thatiifild sot -raiseetbeiseikevOltli irlillriftr eait'iOisr.l*inliiiiiifioryiiitOti F m 3 ~ , i4tAy ii iiite a l i t° 702p i oo r.;111 ir:e.d.: , .. "L^ -:- '7. \ ..( 4, ,Yprp o ro ~, 0 0-04?.p. *ifs 40.44-fiwp - f i o incirth44,,..40,,,,‘ verathiwu bt.:l&.vote.clfjaie:pe r l+ 0 41 : 44 . c111 'eco 6 it'; (4 "ru*UffehOt y f i r wa t zl ~ l:''il "2 .• , ~ 1-. 4 '; T!- 1 ‘ r':'• itIATAti • A0 11 4021%.4., "1: - Lan gdon*liii ifyil4 , 4, - *th, n r.'?i e r.: tr Ti4l44i s 1 0 77:7";%. i - .: - .7.7IIWCIT"% 4 : I F I NK9nt RA , ,Rw, Ago Tall gri ind.the litt:eilvm- iiierioludY rild " ;.: !tfinti:iliiii dii 411 0 4 ' 18444 * 41 .4 'IVO' .. 'fit the' ll** 0:-Tfr.**:**214 1 *-7• : liet i i iiri i ta , e c e i li bil e , iibievieoeuti I balielt in allig i llgfilbi‘tlifirblieli* brffigidifileAllitirAtieL 1)11t • '''',, :1-;.‘),71,r,„a ~,:,..,..„:,..,,;,:,,...4,,hei,j....iiiiiiir,..:------:',-.----- :.:'.-!':,,-,:?:'..,•:-.-11 .-::... ,-- 7*ffigki) . -,- - „..:047:1 8-idopport**4..lotutaq,-teet'le-101i iiiii*lVA -iliiciiiiAiritilii a 4.44. - -i. ii ; 4*. align:,, .- -•-,, 80An high iininild . , ri • i'-... -.-:,:- 1 . ~, - • - -,-; - .. .neterresintn hminlangs nod._ . t ou ch , .abuses ,iiiihinini mor e of. his character iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iniri . '" - esii thin 'iiiiiii qilight. in. - dbirfeezn i ri#ilkhnxtuts it iicZehineinin ink': lie . lin' ' -- I 1 l'iugninow--Itrniver f :onAntojiiitt:::s;il.,(.o4lo,:ltro:•) 144if, - , ,, sierAhtCrObeltio' n:ininilditienli 4 a% l) 4lKi'4 o * -I *,.o6 4 ltiitirsO k ei v lgyi l *f -61 4 .. d i gejcO l ing, 6 **Ariii*Ii0 1 ,AM P a it and . - Rep.uhliems 'in.;,tibe.Xorth, he urges then tuitikolexi4iiiiii . 4treriiiivliOidiiludi iitivihiegigsfitiiii:i . itAitoii:'t P.nnltVbiiirt eietltigk'dintiiiiitlii?'"' 41 ' 1 " . -, , 1. ..,. : ~,.1 ~Y•:- • ~-,-uc , zi..FAM - ri? I!l, l :lirif!iiii4'!..*: i:W . I;*,ik?ni:iliPli.i!T_,if! wlnciitheYTeside, and.ainlireiit -harriers in the iraT.iiifl• unitiiif:publie4Otiinent.--'• Imile d i iti nitha tr i st .A.,_.; ..;; , /,-0..:_-1 , . ,i,Tfir Trodden elle Ael*ls• • tiniwit otter- the New - York 4 i * 0 0 ,) 4 4 in 49' f 4 4. 114, PrP,PcKbilitPkelli lof the rebelieud:the..fittnie. of, the Gov eriment, trnior.- - AkretstwAkies, Seward and Blair favor moiiiiies, a n 4 „ Messrs. 6)A6'I:UFA' ..: §tonton, ( TF, s ; 49.4 0 47tP0art.,*A1Pe.., Vitiburt the Sec retary of the Interior ; usually goes -with the , President;: and iii4tiot• quite White .11tr.=Liiieetit'atin4s, as has , aPPreOstiT) 4Qlt.e. real ,e9ol4. o 4`.o.fAben.ncrY,end inliae l s6 l 3e. A Washington letter in ~the Now- Ye* &raid reporteijMr.Seirtird "in favor of at once z-itriderhog, iti - 01* oifi ob . T sib yLP SitlSri ern-p eople , , ‘Me 0;7pi.Y44 MP* -rights, ,including xng right to-their slave property, the samosa if no. , rebellion hid existed: : ' Personally 'would be willing, as he his 'Stated, ieieVtin °l74oo47, to,.meet 074)0 associates, left: Dayis And the theSenato Cham ber.. The really eitatesmanliice and !nag. - nanitnotas- `scheinetif• lift:'Seward'' i MA likely to he npk4i4e4 iti(1 ,1 40.4iF:417.0.1.91ic11b40ked tty . thctaimy auokers andicontrmstots,-who 110 W l'Ule the toilet-at Washiogtof. " • - . 1 ' Mr. Seward'eyropmtition is veheiiiently . denounced higepubitixM Re is, , 41frA' • and is backer ,by - the 'h.:dent aboiitionists;and theetKirmous contracting interests,; lirho'of -Cents° 'do not see the great'2ooUtic re Y•their Pr*l!Plvfft". 41 M••1:1.1 1 !f f Y Tariir all the . ifioPallnAePlet and,ATPO - in the Navy, 'Vitar and Treasuryde partments. Hence, ' supposed that Weller S tantoin and cht4se l 'riii'strgigly opposeallUdansleohing towards zikeaf- Itie•ae: • : , • . ,llncostitutpnialitrofOonscription.: In :1814L-14`theInclkesof.the Supreme Court of Massachniette.;tayelt as their opinion 'n :,prnponed by gqll.al* that # l 4 q4Ner4 o .4!- 1 alone, as commanders•in-chief of: 0(11 nil litiu in their respeetiveStates arelhejudg- Ofthe-ciectision in wMoli the - Prnsiiient inity6;reise rle'poivir *44: 4 116 ,_4 !Miner T eomManded'Ay,Stateleilliers; inuter the President ;ci , (- 4 7 t" . 7:t Chief Austine paggnti,:i 2 ifiebittiOttiiii, itr'ginAeit'iniv)iiiif §t4iin4 , ickf the 'lame 4448 01 -I Po94.autilwhich,ilige l o from the present ,one ,oply.- in immaterial Pgfticulgt4 giftwas:the estneinfiineve: idoetrinerf is4meninstitti. tiiinal; _it is an outrege,":upinii4flaiie:juid itsfirfrOti**44 l4.6 ,l l 4 o o l ;,l*ii.#o l, i l - . 4ioubtiqiiiki4iifrr9mTpl4luid riPon the agog ofputi , • ; 1 0,1501 4 e !,of,Ahe, Abolition journals have posltivelydeniedtbeatatenient t thit, at the batilfiCf , GbuYebni 4 E,Abi Pedeial tieciatengfienqiiii7the :faireiuilekt . bey evidence of i ft p fliet :i arnitilates, and ive nqw“4°oo!r i rc i + l 7 ~VROOIitA9P. cif !k in 04:thAvc 4 1 9h4P 6 4.4P0ei Or PO Tort:_:Coaimareiat iiddrotisiska reirierabotiii iffieetleheiTlir iiniti,kw.tiotti,iivieti,t46444,4ibeetri; 'Afec4o - f w h d . eef militia orce,,_anu *rat 11300 t eir snPfort 9°14.474 1 r e % IV" . grand An bull* - 0 1 t tlle yaws, contriblitelt,ne alit" Ole lhe gob- Nl-1 . t. • ?. vp. ' . :!...•;:•+...1.41110.4..54.... I .'t 1?•.e ..1 , , S ; 44 larrnoni Iff illii#olslo Or Witi 111 ! i em l: 64 't l ,!#• 111ite * *061113 -*kV th 4 II Dandersta'7 4 4 L *o 4ll o4 , 4 4: 0 =4 , nit. oiniipirprOtioszi4gulr.lbtiiikil g 904 901 1 4stiot0.0 CA.' Hopkins *put *tat Akio legislators and. , tit* patriots lii Pinuisitanth: -He iiikt,o# 4.liiitid'f9 pit the eime et th e cu te , z - . ~-1-...)-rtiyarriiiiii:l•2 tirrfieLlM 'At OrtM raticfrariy tad ,been 10fl , witrithet* w2l p:•een no war; 404 Oft l ten44 lliOPPrTists would have fbienl49l4e4ilie(* i kndd have found its gaMObloeltd ;11Jin elntvy would have beeii. nated aniod-pliace4--hundieds of tholguulds of prealoua - lives have been saved.; and-thousands of millions of debt would have been avoidge4o4oo-5 ly hope for re-uniting the people of, this *:tifd - Oi-ea" — tiWfti - Th s e - .4lniarM thibtighatsrrliVnilha4iiiiiWiirmi of the Dermuniicy*tepfir 1- 0 • r j r o 7 +4l4lSClT4Tiatik4loll4oli AritaltAttsll4lldiie 4401141 d fitiTiiijourned on Tuotiakiliogl4l: l ' l l 7 oSiter business FrO4alAroini4telliilteri, liiii4r ; 6`46 l )*T _ qi,o,„ru§F.T9 3, ; 7,41 1 qt. - taJ , Aongonild weary !a ch 9ti.uliont„:7,2oo l 'milesi.aud l a baid tattle in wiltek..l took.wittiandr.got 4_he,xorpt:9, l l;it,,,,At 013-,..tthe ! , belf •Panen,Plisjgg , r My Bradfordfriends made:iarrange mclus.to,h4nthe, -wounded from . 'that County sen omo ,as' fast AS -they: were alitsto gu t - g;tionit'ing frOm the field ~TATPItni,, *Cie ttish9rge-ri , lle , started. in ftilßqTnAntrtOtin`wilii. , :thPlxidi of Mtn. ,qp ,41 1:i1018:10. , g0 tothe.ofter noan fu'r.,lfarriabikrghi,hati I KO, silipped "9:0** 11 ,4 1 1, 0.rea , 411 1 .4.. Ne ;laid ; there was mg in:: faetl did out eac,o : mtkehl.twlat,; : lthey i did _nt *, a y - pjk!AttilFe , ,Wele, t , Ott:: :aboard' a 'Steamer, and arrived berci..satne,. night. 1, was AL+, .und,-4t , i tlipappointed,thaki as n9t kei.vPrx comfortable. I svitri.:wqoaaf4444-, the . : thigh by a Idizi :46 hilt, 4 .1411; „tall tl ;, battle ,A o 4;Whea of,the rate morn ,?v me. back 0. 1 !.1 . 1;FP.If 1 ti l 44.4trtiqsyktak --I fared as thiu j est , idid retty. f havd:: : wag., the direst horrible sight Meyer helteld.,,ifinti dreds of hnman, belogs mangled and mu •tilated Cartl9:olk of'arms and legs .4tv-es!o taken off_by;their Snigeona, anditin horrais ,of were,de iiinted*ero tio.;itkaffid-realitleet 'hope, never .., to witness ; . :the „like :agmaolitot have become so pled, tq Aqc.ll:4enesithat 9 0 , 04. moves Anev., eau, Aeo , cut to-ElitfeecifFictivikAryt , ..lwos.witlijhe rebels two Advt. They were days of -in tqr'C'St. tga:Fllcedt.on. o.4peeeb jAvas al lowed io i the`.;_folletA-o;teot. , Th e y., w e re very confident of success and wemgoing teacdohe.Xo,rthern Yaihees-soluetbing about-the b9FTM,Pf wan ,They , thought thiA . ,battle AioulitaboatAisu op lloc:lvar.. our ,cloVermneutovould glad to sue fOr_peace on their own tern!, I told them 1,, could not seek. in that light. fiThgt 1414,74T.bad: goo himself a into serape coming.into,Tennsylva 'njai,Ag„ lie might thjpic lucky: if he,go,t, out with hish .: in ead:oneyJaugh•- m • at• me * 11 .4 I . told ,them burgh must fall. `Oll I they said, it could not be POsskttr.it, was the. Oibralter. of :the P9Atlt:: Sallea,itonl,tynt Others wilt soon foll Ow. You get alLthe pasylh and understand. howitgoes.: .L rLW, 3l i,n hope' old IRO, would ;uotle pertaitteu,to•cripsa thoc'Potomai so ' sue cessfully,liith biaarmy. n wanted see theof.all getptur4 could afford to be.here F all llqhmut-rtOriaoy- Whore' &Re, even if t had -to - suffer a good-. But • bq!af. 141 a ToTtitttv9f.-tbenl bebintti who nil never take T up,,,arne agtoo v i l ielP s l 9 4 h#4 heard. thu . pirtiettlara :of our eg_.,l/40 4 4 ,brought: its galore' PO the Add: and,thak abaut all.: ..Cot.' and about h(titt ih# , xnegivo lie'Rgrq.life.*ere v,lkOt ; p_laph l ,4% l i §pmgdingibas lost; a km Re was found several:flays : after the kittkamotig:tbe,txha. .... , _Ottrl.lAeutwsvas: X9:49 4 RlA ‘ itquriqf -;:qqMitaix,tkille‘t ot'S wounded, and a number Chamberlin vramnprtally r lvounded by My, Siaci a bei c . : 1 44 2 1919 NOTaxot . 12?,,T4at9;.Ai ` n-w...a . fGWPWldedi MA allvmmis Wit!) A aid' iio.- 1 10yo step, .0i 8 .11m9 51 , 1441PeTbaraI may hatr. l4l ,4 l ` exgc..9....*6. 1 ' .9/ • ire were lot's. of Bradforik-friends here to look attar .the,waats,of our Boys. YA,d9r 4.949nr-Wfuhnne:li9f,tl ,l ol firs .that : came to,See 1, 1 . 1 ..44911 yon ;waxen:origin right_glid tpiakilight 14010,:a.P4,11 1 k-W4t 01,1.1111 XCR! , P*4 I 4.ITOt. b1Va4 41 194 _other things eoi,forbermL:l4, , r;oll4t ;societies have StAratedi,4 tebiJettpsl4...l4aopikaJ wbeml-illo;cand", 4; ll of,ltt.q Odikz.thalq:coq4 , 44ottrikvo4 AR at.qbq!..A9ce)l.qtMle..aitillfeattw,e4 46,t0 our 4W09 8 .0.410.:, r cltlO ffAirttr , Prii,PlYilral , witkisouer,And 1 4. 31 14ir101trIX.Y.grlis411,4 1 111tut fauttidobUt it was &memorable ilay.lor all that in tkistory. of thn q igteat. r ,rehellion: I. was (;Pa rltf ißl9ll, ) *n tk , 44. -f i‘ tr Y li . ,.,,, i trAiro .' iii 4 . o :o ' 4 4l 4P r i er n efo—fs ii ttApirl-est Aypsc4:3 - M % j # 4)at aair 06111'41; 'Pisa t} . 89 1+ 1 ;51 1 111, TAM'. ills, ate I r t aub, oumpia4v i t# kiO 4 nestrfvfdle e Arai with - filen under such eirelicuiiiiicielean never for. terlotildtikl; -*fan to -,,, P;;:wilittivon tfieobsnrchaimikatintilite r iffivittiOn LF, VrovOlikarolud for theO t ßrodfOrd :was entered §aturisty, loultelaild ,;:111-the tr,on - FurPaPorkqericdtirdLo•Entioikai iissi.4 through' a window, 144isstail of aladder. 114 - ,frooMoOtiUthe paws, %t,to43.4l,4o.le.fOlgie*P43.obittelkNO&' .7 •, . il iiifinca ti rw4i. e lvvreigi-wg , R 4041 . e m it o f tle 11#82, p rier. aid of 28, follittwangiatartling statements: • " Since' theicifinti of Vice President several facts have been biopghilo lijAt calcithited to make niission:was notsirn ply confined topics containgd in , Jctf. Davie instructions, but had a far SP • in°r?,AMPoJt•llut object- i n vi,ew‘v A , gentremturcomiectedc•ivrith‘the-blate T kepartmant tells pie ts-dltz,,,,..that,indc., osteiliiiihrinis 81*15*A9003,1144,teeii iiititie(aji by the_lizesident :the.COnfederacy with a secret d0e+164:31 . 162 , 4,i/Kta's ,kiAlly a cloak Beg9 ll lp@!!dAbt MeYela• itn*iitviee Were it 14 , teittOlaOftlie.diplitiMatitt,traiisictions intrusted to.his titre. :: ~!. appc4ri, 4146 - .!3een - 46S4Vered sulee.t.Mll'PtlFllPf*-&!PAePrito . itich. p 1014.; ,101,Te-143 lelloweac.tcy p . :Cahinei COuncic and by thlieetidiog',4 - :aMaref"iirdespatibes to Londim and Paris by_ Mr. Benjamin, , the Becretii4olls/:ela4*X 3 l l:B , --, - The'hearer of : . dispitehei carries, with him, I link tog s . - a proposition of alliance to tonisAiipblemi l in,'Akhith the..eoef e d. 7ahigqiii r e'4ooo44 o}43 ,tiiiliettlijier• croft le French'toacknowtedge forever ihe right of France to it pret ectorate upon Mexico•and- upon the Republi c of Central rti AOieti;'and the offer'offreetipAe with the Stnith for the "`term- of i'pieety-fire 1 1'; " L 1". It' the `.Jeff:Davi!, in both plikticeuwith- the well-kabWitsapirit of an tagonnint' ir;Tirrope on' the qty.& lieu 'of4slgy e rt proposes:, that in a nianner consistent with the reqtiirementliof ~ c ivilizatiOit and ha- Prenidentiof,thciecia `federacy denianda-the,recOgnition 'of the Smith and, thrraising of the • blockade ; and ,should this measure . , cause n, war , he• Niteen:4l4 ,- Istertherit statei:and t Pinner, Wat,',"the confederate 'deltaicl:lent re quires in' , such - a case ; : icrthe,c9-opertion of her navy. Nelther - aiinin iilUB - is needed -milli ;, Eiiixwe but simply AfessvlO, SiTtand;tfetirti4htitllol/5::" Who . Thurlow:- Weed writit letter,- Pub fished'. in - : - the Albany ' Evening Journal, ttrhich goneludes.as‘folloWs: --- Therels a , catie;,-:hoireVer for the ha tred t9f the 'negro `and - the indignities to sUbjetited; ",thitt.,iliettl.d'' be re• anierittiered•and reptobatetL;The.dnily and , olfeltsivici;btrysion`softhelsW Trit, 11 . /4 with the:ion.freqUenirand even often .-,e,ottrinions of-Wendell . IPhiiiips, teed -and-?oster, popular "piOjudiees:against the people of color -Cl3.netteentry this traitor or faiiitier '-'tilifitet 014:: fanlitiO—exhib "heir a o:ditto tO a singlathetie tory, for the purpose of saying th'at neith er pence o'er prosperity,eottld.returnio our country ,by a gen erttl amalgamation, it OniVersallt deinoralized, should hecorneibui mingled siteh teach• inns, with itaapproVal,are scattered broad east tunong,thepeoille by„the,,Mban citing general ,- diagnsii , , and - rigdravating the existing preliidices . agiinst. an • unfor unnte race*. , - - Deleiaahlinslea's — e s ' - er Aral landigham,ip - and.npt Qf Cnogressj woul4l :havikiloweit hiin tb;railort t lititinagmneh ns he, wasnrresteti, the Pcesidenidid.quite `4lltinSemlingfiim into Obelsinn, OM.° 'he - But he•did nokilo . hisliiiote duty: "` Phillips : shoiild haVe Ohio distmietnatifot. , :bothAvertr, .thiMaisachnsette: ;inn Dixie; Aire *odd.bavei been'i,:!no-hmien tationa here4T.4lsoiber(i.oo. - an,rbonest - man ahead regret, 4Ttnly. yours, „ I.l7,fitiourer !JP TlLM l iXgoivW*44**PiLiTisil. -President, Uncoil' , in a PEadaPlati9a.ali; pouituig: 4.113 , 1'0t. thanksw ithig and -pray erjiriii the - 400/Visa' ceases tet'arn4s) . says.. tll It Tptcriicli 41 . nighty;GA I to 'hearken tia,:tlie,supOcatieps an d prayers ,of an afilieted'pebti viiudisafti to ,thir Amoy atilt :the: 4:imilm.oft Ihil; MAW States victories oniand aiidi.on the sea so sigosixrid:AO:AfreetilfaLl 4o furnish:Lea st:Amble grounds for augmented confi- Aleadittliat thoUi3iote,efl!tho. - 13,_tatefilivi4 be their Constitution ilteseilr4 ed,, and peaCe'andiresperity permanent. , deeti 14liewho •Ealktkilc" - thii',UniOn ofl the . S*;:StOtes." Does lie rtirget, so -sooli,Lidi recent refs. sal to siloW the3Stlitesitit.Whimna to re *me,therpion, tioder,hpt e # ii b li # h6ll 10.4titiiiionl, ,,? ; ?j. (= - Zirollndll, xinlNeWJeisit ?_Alit I,'IMPD 44 9Y,g . t .-7fovemar Parker lis!livratipeot a prpolainatipatitating,that no rek.W4 cis yet been :ordered bl. New Jerioi; Olt 80 daya would be alliitiv7eaTor die iitirtaaa, Stilkialaii the reiinirelibAher of men hy -volu nteering; that whatever till/I.66imilY lio x -, itietttilt44lt. tithe, wily : be oreditedthouldadraft beordered ; and that thercwill_be tyl::drtt4ar,tite,old dft k fieien talitied:ttio.i:se fteltitral!ii), 1 5 116' itinaTot), Asia'', iiilkiiiii- biitint tio_._:t4 A 4 . 14.i481 tif,thu itiht* 4r 'itli witi r ts°, l 4 l l ( , ) araiffay, T intrasity • for w draft,:, ~ -,, -- -- • . , ..„ J . ' A ' IlarahNid4iofLhellaltit4ore +ter. iconviiayijii hot harldi.liotn . iv. respects- WM, itiOcsoriketlf.ol4. l c#,4mits.-10 1 1. partitig_sodogo 140..0111e ' s a id, thatibit.Aidit - 'fought 11114 the- - htebelt tirOiliOirii; the tiffilfrfour, PC** ,thiLgoretronott WailungliwtiwisktWAvige two." . 4010:7;141.tgreitiPA -40,11,:re° ing °alb)*ifißoo"llAmAu Fust *wig,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers