The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 23, 1863, Image 1
. . . . • .- _ --______—_. _.'.... __ ~...- ' . ....—r.."....... -........-"." ' --.." - ---"'‘'''"l"`"'"` 1 4 .: trig,. Eft(l 9/1 lIIIR fri.f• (1i1101! 41 '"tit 191)Alit ; , ..k) 1eZt94 . 91 - 6_ll.l47l * 74 . f iPa k ftliZ ill'4!il v i 4 t Bth' ' bD•sul ' 4.- • • . _ k ",.. , A `,l: ' . ‘ r •*:;. ; 1 •,), ,. 1 ..4 - 1 1 ' - I Tr 2 , ' tt" l'lripz.z...t.l;_i, ;c o 4 ,. ; ~ ~. .1 5•.% f , 3 0. Ito od t r tit - .• -- 3 ' I . 41 1 J'''• 13 ff .ii if '.-- I , oIT 4 . .i.' „ ~)., r „ „. 7. • . n`it • ,s ;••1 1 )•i-. kt iro , 0 st t-,..., , a 9.47 %:.: .„,r/ -.! i ~...... ~., ~ ~ •,e. ,§., r,, i ..r, ix : VEt lb • . I li 9: . r',- ,; ,-it , , 1 1. - I ;I. _ oil iti i 4 /1 $1 ii , -iti iv. , tsz.vb o 4TO , ft ,). , l ik k t ' , 4.1 L tr.,)- ) Ili t)113 1; • ie... !II ' 1 - - ' •;.,... ..,.„ I. ~..,. •i - ~ 0 - * Tlntl _. .i.r: I: tin. . .II I 4 "li ill rin DIE 8 " brit: (~t.nqrst .A tlfrt) /t .1k . , I w k• -- '-'.‘","\ -''' -"`-,-"-.', . : tat ti-, it i ti . , rs-:;. ,, i4ri:.1 $1 ~).`ii liri f 4 . f ,T I!tr , •,; •,. FL - , fi vi , .; • • .ii7l ti (I . , % . airP N.' •" ""4" ;' "7 .4 4 '.^ 'L. :''':, N. - - :' ) ~411 IT - 9 tEI -tit lci'on. cio at I r.) .. f,t:t t 91/ - - /if I .. 1 .'" f e • • 4,..1•1 Tli!,• ',L ....!.. I, •' '4". Vii! .•.! . . ~ 4, ~" E.. • ~.. r• • ...ft 9:d ritit 9•Ei (if, ,tt tit bniz,f)±).bilittcf. !,, ti •11 ~.) t .9; T . .rin ' .c.,IF: s t. 3,•:. '.....1.!", .174" 'ln ! , '...!. 'IT '4. -.: _4 " ~--.4 '", --:„:1 se' ii: 4 , 1 !;1 :_') il n• i ,Apt it p., ~ ,t 1. ...,,, ~1., is 1 - r .„, ,1, „ .„i.,;•1 : ~ 1 ,.„..,,, ,r) ..; . „ , , ti i 0 -if tra :i t, IT ly . yi! _ .4iini.ltyt 1)i(* t 4 ,ri h n(), ,n , *yd., ' ar: P. ,, _I%-ifl • - ii) -6 It o - I: '. ~.,1-. .- J„ --- ---„5....-: & ,". to to yid ill 9 . ) Itr4 111 4 It) I 119 .---;' • 44.; 1,-•k., • t.'•..;4 : - i. • 11111 ... ' ' ' -'''' 1 1' '-', k 1 .1 . i • '- .._ . „ jr! JP'. ' :*••)it• 1$ f••,:•.)-Jf . ti.r . ,... . ' Li ~,-; ~..c... .., • • ' -. • -, , .1,1 ..r 1;1211 , .. , , n 7.,11( )in • 11 , n ..P..:0 (rit. ie. ,r.i 1:" 51 .4.1 fs. n . ' i't ' 4 71 1 .i illt . ~ 1f: , - 0113 .. ', t 9 (I:. '' ' '7,`'p...7,,1'C1 1 I ."7: _,., ~•••••"1 ' F .- '•‘ , ..`1`;. 4 ..'.,•;= 4 7 .' 3 ii4ll-1 , ' 'l. - • . 8 . ! tr-RN n: finfri 19 11 10 711 S; - plid7/ .7 . 4 ,- ):niti siii l7 .thi'fit ...CT-St Emil ..Igt - It ...., _ e , r ,, . , , ; ~_ _ T ..... 4 ...4 : 2 1 fr „ T .,...„... ; ,,,,,, , L ,.., 1 „,,, !zi ,,,,,, 11 ,,_,,,,, :; ,,,, ;. 4 riti, r _t I 11101 t 1St(); e'" at t 9 ft b.:4 •• , .., , .1 ../ :.),.. -rtort try ~ ,. rtoilizlne, - , _ l-ttr}l 'ArVY.4 ERRITISON, y r.P : 11/14 tf:til 1019 t tf3i: . 7. 4 141711 9urt) !' 4 ,1411,Vif.' • •WAlitakil raionAr- - . 414 - 41,j , 41 hiAtain newaßkkaspiiresl, • • • - • isia Dikit 834, lriothUnO.eloY4KVedve 11,V i rTh e i, finK. rrnti; Pith, •rtttoltunry , • to Vim§ fgeicee•Nujiltle<44l4ol, o i r t r,o l 4oo Depot 2 New ford u , • rs, ••• , er• qtv 7,:j;11. _ • 4- 14T 21 10") 7 : _g,. slay} rt inieN rvA. :-4, r'r• LIPA Y :: :' ' i iii AMU iti OX II I4 =USA atiliFikeig- frAmmB 1 011:1PylittOw# 0 4.itql* liadtCtottang, Bonze A Sauce, .iiaV Saw. ookkoinUtommte,:tomiagilti, We& r'Etaitb -5441114.-%9APWirt vk . . -s. relbridimmilotraillitoaPrlXMONOVlafil .2 i , _-.n .m - .1,- . 6,l44ProPtAlic/14 411 10 1 41tA t O tr OPPEPti I .....,P.M.Y),PR 3 , , :. ' Z... :" ~ I, t ;;:. i !il • t; -1,1,-. • .ti .r)1; (Post• •-•- .(1 4 / 3 / 4 ##. 11 2 5 . 4 0AMA-V I 4!PAYITT) , )7 - . Pgiclffsd re f'!i:p l iz,gtglity n tkinfr3§wpf.A Feb. 3,lo:—lxisrNrrs - ;.'1•11:1 lA` Jr.` utriritent342l9iitterAll'n..Y.:l fattiiirr GOOPER: ei‘p ,o.oi iv#BßA—mdff?b'a 9kcciaiirl4?eticrftiisi.66l;er .D 4, oo: otpoilattluoveltew . Jecoatitio.. tk t.'M ?'1? : A 11 7 .:•!`:).0 t.g:tow. , Meelatllf it" BEARIP.; , : • Es*Atthitit'iset, - tis. is.uthssox an* Intildfirro-4yertilf • • . itylt e itTrslinbyli gefig;;;-!(11 - Cr r pf i *tritigaNl6l4+ll+C—*Ontroge ,• OtaeO tri Latlkivltat &ow bildleMte Aartt., 4444 Dental; iciperat,l6l_yigi perrorieed i . ;in -.. roodatyle end cearraiirea.. 4-.4ap over I n IV. Bott GroceGrocery ain•atreet, iiiktittot-iikatilrfetellifilmillelta:Veottreekneistt tizrAldge hiAt prr'RE co, LW dMtr4! IV rt. C* atantrase,Pati 21k130:4tft :1; . ! ••- , i: rir Li e -iii ' rt. -tit ,i 1 1.7 , r; r, vOrptilsiiiitt IlillXiliiiiiiiircite i . : P:i.' 'gliblV 1.11 hi Phcenix Block, over store of Wait-V*olm It Pospr. Aar ark.warranted, as to fit and_dinlitio . l'r . Cattinploire . onlationi natte r hirtigt. Alle , . -*OW" 11 }l6liioSkikkikithk " , 'l4 .4lcitg I;i. ' Stiiri l 1" 'nfkiitite lititnilit Niotitn, IlikmiriSti Tittylake ' 41 %4: All oraFm4 II 94PNIPPUIe n Anst - Or t *i ! - Paean:o"one on ahortnollee, an artime loißi. r":111 1:-. 4! 14 1:34 1 --, - . .14 :i Liu ti l ltts:pocis iiftepoamviteirpjrxa.l.4l.2. .. 7 mAjitioiteit notice:am cerrreiMlAPTe teTnne.' - All' il weigkiirattsnte4. ,IBlciziln.ClUndler and actraito ~; tt , tom.x. ... s, Va. •., , ,0c9.5 tf • ‘k. 1— (-) 7 r :I•'W3L •!VVICASMrnii 411 - 4 144.24acticrOMiteigt Vof IN I l ftreet, Montrame, • +Kg tr , - itirstimATTPLE*44.7nßipitkviloalourn oz: Pa: Sb'op over Dewitt a re. 'All aft 0 ,wor made to order. and repairing done neatly . .`? kti T‘EXLiftANlieinesu'cCh.smlenis, Drev !Madre,' SPithit4 l l3 i'Verifihrtnit ars, OrocerlW, grAkeglso, Perfu m de..--. l l.weat for ATI eraoskpopufarPATlOT V.lls UCTINA--liaititset f4.3.7:41 . 2. 0114111 L" DAtiIIYt:ANEYA;NtIY4 -9. r ‘STNa c tihatigTx—raikiig 6l 4 at=- 4041 Mniercig LialgiAtlend4WouVitelNitt ittl4 LlM4 , 44iflifY he (scored. °dice al oteT. !su m gur ol i o rdifamj Isir,“.:2 5 - 7 A TM i MEDIC 4. - :, :::::: dAltt)::::1 •• • ::.• AToditliU 14N,DIVat Dfor-VITSINIfir c"p yALE coLA.M.l.,. : ,t k aye foppld * . cop.stitnqrslo ruts tte itattie4 MediaThemul Stirig•Stv,atil tire to ; xptand t r olty r btOrrnet,ok.4ll,44ll/ and-Iffulety,ally.that na sy be intfuste4 rlOll care, on-tetnrs .catinukasileate “*. ',D;issfipand.4o(cleticl)4 l 3Mirgz "Fel ( =l' dieessmOSorti Lartf, Witt! TIL, - Ortig i verer %%Wilts State: 11.101zyttioy m tnizt Etai. aieiN a f It.' • 11 : 41 - 7 11 e d4.7 1.5raSeittfiet r ChkW irili B.toes constantly 41,114;;;;Mlitettlft4itif t Vain Street. _ al/WittAid;PeS.6lli; "" ilt=a-ILW-f.WratE: ,f. 4711 .11V.:114g THE, INSURANCEMORNORTIIAMpIigh, Ras EstablifAled. all'AgPM Nontroie. Tht Ord r edEliattlentriMilithe:rnidA• 73trr cone/J.lin. PAR 'pi t • 0 . 7,1,1 • 1.02: J. y.GI - ,n;:e w") ' goiarenl 14 . c.. • New Tort, or elsewhere, itsplrectorean the apt for hanar iudialt• Commas PLarr, fice:yez Ittß r igrlNr. Pres.: Montrose, July 15, SW 170,Ag't. ' • • ~ • y. t) lii l LM tttwlfP` 4 • -I 1..041713 7 frY.l44 'Wu . • . 4 tCrt• MfreWm4lrfiFflfrturify.t.e.`.l tASH"titPITAUTNE MIELION*3IOO. 1 A 44,1 ,4 iM ei giiiit - . :111.1 A1C. 4 ... - . t.... • . .C . " •• ,. , , ' 7 ., ' • ." . .,1 .." ' 4 , •'•% . .. 111.rilri ;DI : 0 1. Mikis Sal 1.,..yr v 6, cbite• J'' ' i li . Wil i s t ri ': ; Tatittllctlet, ~ X" - 1 01 : ' . I , • r• ••: ',.-.21: ,iNc.ct ;i• :. .2r.-..; .1-_. i: ;) I ,fintifY, Policieli issued sad 101.0'.11 1 7 1 4?L!'„ , : T ir, re i roz hitroffice, in the Brielvil tstige; rc • 4 ' -•'. 4. latiitl9 i br : ii: ) le ialminnsisirriteft • fliga _9 • ; S r .. .wilxigtom# , , MMlNgeiggrig paw& unti. k s......l 9 linitandresiOnsatost w e) TV 30-IVIII t•t,l.: :1:- ft; • , • ~',11:1:::31A. Z 1.4:t r i l i 4 54 ; f kgel :en , a < Kit - Art rJo4I-1-110m14114em;4ti1l5iii44Mo10a,.t u • a• dn Sinl4l4l ll Jay pdit iati9o 4r ii .r 7saip g a r it .. L1 ,1 : ? ..n.. 1 1 4 itswitiio4THdzaza n 4 ttoliktfi t i reeng t tr or tulM to X34{ • ore • yr / • e • UJ tf51.4,1T.K! 1e7n , 1 'Tiro iliP,•siici 1 tfSC°y l Sherwt •?ttli:rf 1%9711 bli • Ptiottimegritiktalw rt.f r t pktit I, r, -1 - 7, i; „ T . • ~) ~,, 7 ~,,, ‘,., ~, OF .I*.N.Fi R44'411, PR Trlc) ri w ;Ile f 1 AGRWiIIiTINAVIEW ft';•3l ~ i ~.Ksl2 t itl I il'l 1117. t r• if fq 11 .., .:4tesi i ; nAttrin , ,.. nFAANt mitfT*Starkati --,i Wednesdar_andil'Autadayi Elettti , 4oth .ii 7: -I:, I i lur g row i i st ou l a ?I: , I ;.:-.,,, .:Irliti! I 111-ult•thsic,l moll , pi .41 .:Al.73tani *-n btri - Crae X+XEPZ% • DIVISION-4.—HOUSES.' .Cattliiii.-4Sloilionwrextda Mares : - Best Alrougl4 , 74Olistm 4k/dAnAI oilkicegsit§ct di -04P:21*1 PI .10.4e4;x41/ 4 €AA014911 tt*il4Prlv4 ta:Atlilii iieistotV, bastT4i Wax' .4 1 /404 1 ) 4 149 1 14h.44 With* .1,4,- 971 -r, !:,r l :turigßlk"Agir.sigr, V Raw 4PYrr 4;itql, -01,. .141 , 40.1041 0 %rosei,GettalayriSoNalloY Mitirtly, -1,, ,, ,,i ;2 1., ~•,2 , 1i., 0 :4, .... , ,,, , i1e,,,, , 0 4,4%_,W7-4iPgit, pit.4. 1 ,/tralchA &pea,: .4#l4Bai M 1 3E0.. gEosllitgvi oreg I) . .ti Yet)r#i Vid , 4aig;44.•:19 .OP (PoP.I.IIY) i4P ; Wimsty.S.; :4e.sT.i.WAke (Agri4;i3IRMIAAsITAkiAed im Abe 1efAWAT0ie 2 341#198,4,924! ben ..rik march- ;ell!bc' x vq l l. ol ;A r vz . Ye 4 rittPhii :;ritise.d . , in 4iip I i NAMin!.YI, Ai! 2 4-Aitstigix:l d4:lMitrenevilAiil24,l .box v g 0 k3est, ! pakwmqlM.kgrowowned 311,00:130,60y, RP; wp.i§ell twig; 4..10 .rt '... , ~f,J,inigesttDry-j, li,-4 , attivOpirSpringville; • ,Er , F, .1 1 46414M,1Nim Allif.9rd4 R. Stark, 44419543WAVr. 7 , :1•,: '1 ' , .. ; !1 ' , lt •''.... 111(iiii‘ ,, .dZgt.*Selw.l - , - .r - c4ts °pc( oiikle!al I Wsi,pitir. 4•, se 04 c9 I A §; 4 3 .0)P-41.-Foir AtTfinkr Ica !POW. :Ai (490. piit sr.imilios ~e0:48,,2-11 beet la YPAr 04 , 4 4: 01 , 2 t-i,•*-4 , 2- 4 , 2 -A il,insttowwliug,iAtil i w , cp p i r - 4.13. a i m i4l: A94:44. - Pi 4;14 , A:14434i; Anfl.4ke§til.: • ,/iftile4---4 1'.. , ,810n4gal 11411p.rfti:A. 4.47. 1 01,113V,Ch4PDA ; , Win,i'ATIAUSLID,' I t ail i g e w..4 e it - ; . ...,, r . ~: -,. :,•"•-: ;• • :•1 .- • I 1 •••{ 110 - -f1 . 40111 81 9N10 - 17P-1 r. 1r 41 . .1, - P_W S.4 iT -I *Q4; //Pa APII 01) 11 t t t i l ivg ,y 1e Oil MA lUogantssies.-; •-g4l , 46. J3o:Aft,Feuil k niuLt 24.eliriks• 1 3 i Ad -heatv, 2 4)es,t! 14y.oweckW2fi.Par4,014 ,or ,iglAyArgs, ft..;-, 2d 4esti,P i 7 bet 9519.1): heilli, Tex hetwieel l :4lind44YeamrPid,.3l;i . -.1414itt, A;.,4'stEAlft.:tte - kwecii'l AR(.1. 1 .2-vgaraohic2; ',24,Wati .ti,:klbst. , 49l3ll.htiltatlfr.g; ;Ad% , -,, rlL;tliat: ... 114:(5_ 21 ,-!:-) ~ ;:f fitril i-mi,' i eli,*(gfir:7-1 - 14Fry, *4ArffignrAistivit gx OP .„ Nwliqr4i. isErugvillq; •.:*,..:AV,;1.1;v4 .A3;fpv.P.,yo.-:,•,: - ; r.!, ~•; i., ~i , •• w M"11 '4 44:4 5 f il ef9r r 3f ; 4eikollun; I . MAIef!IF,AFRT 1 YCM109i4103114 1 1.Ci*I.ti;•!)-: rießaig f.ii,41.4..Y .e4;71 9111,11444-)4Y4OrliugYs: •4434 4er*A.AgilTgh. (Poll 4404 1 01-14•;90 42+ -I ' • - : -- t 7 ^,,. . , n(iT """:' " ''' 2 " '.1.', , ,T4.00' . .i - 4tomi4p.iii. - 4vc• --a -t.4..jiiii..l it s •scciiiilrarT9l,:iti §ih t foaci, . .04 • --, --1 tIP,Pwo , ilffmtsria4 .cgthStP-t,--::_ ~ era. kuli,, ,K4Aly.ivvel:l? 54,Pfsth wsPruPafPF .4 4 4 - • 4 Ae4ll:2444 '3 r.SS , :iits - ,4 1 ,,,,rb 1 e:5 t tr4O 2 Ol l lP, 0 .1Matc4:4:4 1 YNi9 3 94:4 4 gOribAtud -_,A. .14 1, # 2 ;ii 7'. •t; l'' i i itt ,,, 1 , - .:1: 3, 1 4 1 ; 1/ .Z i I:i:: , •1. : I --; Prigek7: ll fi ..1r hq•kila . ,Riz Wm-3 1 4 4i8.11,. AFiriggwAtot i ; - : r ,pAi, gfavq: l / 2 ,_ :Dim • poc:. ~!: .. , 1 .. q '7 •,- 1 i r r7l' r., 7 ..--: • ;• - ~,.., ' i. •OISS 41 .1 ;77-X 4 14 1 ?0, :3 , 44vt*P; tfp.4 cpw ' .oygr .4531A1,0 1 0. -14 , -t-iheirerOc , PtlY o 4cPs , lied 3 years phi, t lngt, 4,yetplittgs l pnil -4 , Calikritiga 0iO 3 ;, 24 . *;4 1 0.A.40454 4 „,, 4417-9-11,430=1" 14 ,PR1W - . icon 0 14 .„TWP P .34-giiillePETMAtuNgir“ 1 3 0 41 g9T-atg , ,C 1-: ;o'..:4gir:j -.0......%kf .. I ,,cfiA§lf Al z7 - 7 , o .l PF7f 6 'Afgc; ...Alt. p.3* , 9f , *"14 1 /gfiLiW 4 r 'il - k:n43 4 , di. ,ti pc, iki i , or aly, $5; 2a oest t Ak l tleht : p4ls, : rf steers ltet weellta w ni,4,,,f_ears, rAised iii t e tn, 3 • 2d best .dot 2; best pair of steers bilitriWriißdll'ltars old raised in coun ty, 3 ;' 2d lAtsgarledits .111. ei of fat cattle, 44 . 44' , • - lglft nr. best sitigte,stgetTer4t , w, 4; 241,bcstriA , ....,,;,d ::.-4. ~ ,41 1' • ,14,;.,.,: . , , _ .I ,s iftedit4.l4rintin , lGag . ef %Slim. Likt;4ll4. .W; frtmeAilelli loibTly ;;PA,Wilttraketee, .SPlingVille: - .:'.:2:. ',i!., 1.. , Q t;I (,I;ti , Y.'.3 - 1; ” 1.1.- II , -=‘;11 914111 DIFINON) 4 11 41 .ZI I ' --,ir..A i',.;", - :.;:- . 41F4. 6 Best . Moo condi ,imistikteit4ipg plogc , -4 - *ebilatiladNeststal4test* owing -Pigri 2if Aintavivi Alevtd4spiggoilfes4 *ID J 1 wovki,oldvari.2(ibt . 4ll.•;, ,, i‘ , : , . , l . ...-p) . I 'l.44Affeeof4 . .4 Witelso Jiggamp;,, , -4-4-0. .I'4:frivllg,;i'kloroo ,144-4,4lr.ratttk7eltuSi4, .-PrOgeyfillaci: , ,lnsiv , ) ,-4111 1.9.4:1 , ,-; exc . '':.l' ,' -u1111_;_1 . 1;1:aol - 1, 34V4 1 00110. 1 4 23 ,,,- )6/ 1 f„,: , i bleep: Hest - Apo- 1 i _lffkoled 91%4141 best.; :R. reillehpto Witem4b 2 -vtiok.4 Ad.- .I..vsats, R:l , l43lfgegnv,io ‘ivialeCippliiik•go' 1444Nir4vogveaelist ViliZbeith lb. 2;l< 6t 3 do. lamb4444:tes4.-Itaikedomhe4;tdct• -4411) 0 41t114 1 (4003we4ogiteW 14 43tV'f -14141 2 ,04`5t . $ 4 0 ;.)1 taint% i illiefit , ,i fiilV*Af 0:0 1 ,1;2.: 6? -14040411* *dieW.44l , g• ‘43;4IF9i946O4r{P**AeOAPPIA 4 I4.4aX : i -0.116 & eg _ iiTtYggcd:_i glithal I§o - 013AMPIltAges9WMIA 1 4W 1 0 3 0 1 0 41. Aryl 1 911141(.90i-Aols - 007 6.1 4i4 9754 4 4 Lake;;; Anbaals i voiwy ) , 4plawk.; F4414 - .llose,E, 3• - .1 ) .is. 1' nr.w a , epr, otro tf. , ), 4. .01,, ir k b.ilitllaoldr ,'ii iDni34ol/i41.." 'T,"II 3i htz: tr.,Li 11;Bemiter :Sesta ritirtwiteyd,ciimir a. d7 l flOilyttit Iffolgris,J 4ter Igyenrildittstiiiit spring . clickl 3 M Aailitiennec,dimiciiiiedith,l 41:ttlestt m k e hts j i.,,,,4l e=) 3 ` )-- i lc Bioallyiii 11 ? itteljturfekSt,DuffteivegiAtibettEilleeti " SiT. Seott,t arido MI •ii,i;-:Dr,riotiiirkieat lar:rdlg 7..iffml-q-'l , I "' l littiitii4iiiAgiiol SiNiffiftWitii4tift* Sattiligild7l l l4 l ift4, l eAMEZ'oftgiditliv We:OlW lkitlakffiegtrim. "lattil lima* , . wiatidWit( 7 , Wr'‘i'Sq i i ts 'bigstidir*lifil ' fihoof:Ths4 - 81 , 211 , .3 4 , riz o / 'ed il, h CY9I .V .. 11)4 Ve• i.! , at) ii R illl atit , tazi 4 fi - - #4ll44l:ll46friark44l64lßiteidl., ° tant,' tilb f br ) AtbiltritaleiftiF P.onkoriet,i , g,iyik n ip . vim cyzmil &t: • UP,' Vs 'Ailf; I- t 1; „eiNe----;! , ,in-mo r riiidri filio fP' 4l -I,'-' 4 '.l ' i ` i4 ,Pti f e's '.4l66o4iiii i I.kfigi l ` - e i 4 6WWwille t bist/Cittiiii t *gligi r 14 . ,47,-. 14410.1. n be 94l4 iii t% t' ane ' f : m y u . r t....-.. , .. r.' . -.:4.../ dti) ..: _ . x 9 fl a • Rooit EMMEM f. ."4 : • ; .T7,,,;13••'.,-.T.,t....••,... -.• ~... , , -a...,...,_tt. ',":,•: 1 F c'r I rji• r e f)---,..-77 - 3 . V, • , 7 -- t • , - .T, - .. f v "---- . ' Dili:[!! ,It 7/ P-9,Vlft'l."''' t '%1.''(..) 0` fr 'f i-ii -01.1:0 -.. - i , N -e:,.ir--... -:- -- i - t •.. ' • ". -- ~- . " -'- rrs-f."''' f" - •;-''c , - 1 :. •• •': .--i" I l' , •-• 1..> ' - . 10 ).),1''' , ' ; 44 1. 4- - A tvit 'f --, ...r'-e, iii sc .- ••••,- , il fi, 3 4u pa.; 7,- .),1 , -. , .zi -,.• f ~ , -Iti-, . It riv vit i rr ...6' I. 7 .itr,.H ' ~:',..'',?: ' ' ''' ': . ' . i' '' '4. si: .1. .' ' '.— -I ' 4. :' i MONTROSE, 4PAW TR RS ii*':A • .... '...:. ' A'sj-;6IW, I Z115004. 1 .1M.11 ~,/ W f..1ti.."1 'Ail . AI.J.FXiIIi., JIMF..I-‘,44,.... : .-' '' ll li '29 ''' ". ' • IMIM ; op c):// .1 , :wof.:97r.i L .;• - ti-.0? .:q.iil r.nit ni iir.frj _ __-..-.._ , n;)7.) l it l 7; i--, ) T .!A ej f.t i ; .7. 10 1 ,; ,;( 2 . :? i ; 0 .; ii ! _._ , ..: .. .. '''' . ___________________________. _ . 314310 ItfA i#PlO-.)*YrPilt , graPViel ly, and best oilkapple,Sly t .ettp/ii:,59,11f r , judges-31r4; SeTerle 311.4, w . A. i dkiiitiiiSig Tr;'l'. l TdrtellcNiii:DtitoSt/, CiPlk ratlitolgi I -61t1• 91ifr. 71,10RaisiOtinimlubrh,?, xl-AQ jfila t ffiktrEg'Nfik B l) BT.? st?l, l ,,Mii/ F . icr app l es, ifot less tqan °I "oz. ' each and at leaseifilieqiitietlß beg/A(11' 1 11%1 fka i ts,l fikk qegii , fth peekpipist - qurniods,zrulbesti and-greatyst variqtYt9fAegqtt4lttes4stmdtriikeqc , n di 11 uriell, to itN9 s A7 4ll ; A tkei . 11", oat;Sik 74 )1 74114 tt inf. , 'T '„2,711.017 )1111 .11' . . . - liiirmv.),l 9d 4tieritheittlx , rgrir r.,... , : 1 911/11 a !-Vflitidhl(hrai ailiK9l4;abe- 13'6E 1 644, vinegar, not less than I gallon, 41/Vadat i S PxV.IS: IMP (.4 , 044K,1TYW1P Aggarvauflitesi „1. 1 0 14., ( 1 ,199e3, 1 ,e.ach.52 ;AO lft,,efig!t . 0 1 1 ,,: t fuiltiel—M.'biltoftell;l3ii gewaier ; .-:, H. Aney,Dimock If' Virobs'ith:; C hott vantrill Jr. i 1 , ., rel o.i 7S11 1; t:: el .I , : : trtr - (1 ;I; i 9 4 r. , i 1 off '- ' , itIVIVON rEa h r Vri 1.- tr ''',._le Cabinet :cork and Carriages :...13est , ltd- - fa l , rAgillihe4 qr4eftsi94- , taWrlu44 4estChPm her sett, each fai,,hrsi double car r riAge , iWilfpki t each ittiiiag ( 6 i Riid'is c si s e m& 1161glip6Aehleail" - AtrittYCWi hi' thiii 'iiits ion for competition muswbeventeredi by 410014thif:49tVrFrf •• :', 1,, L i 9:•!,--f: '-r ".) tff d gc#.7",€o9lo l ylT - q 11 A49144 , -t 4 RI liOw;Grbiit "Ben ; 'J. iforord,. rten i ri l ui(i. , p: r., - ,- •!I 11", .•or. AT . , .1. , I :'' , .'l 1 i ~ 7) DrvirridNl 4 brid t '. , 1 t 1 -- ---Atii4inprementt • flea , il6il3itiitArt -Demi:dor, litivbest bniiivdtdiv bests co APll'erl-j)e4 a.tißly cUttiElr, *IA gintrikpo -l , ea rs, three firAcims, , befit hor,se,rake, a (I, I 1 ` - t;,',4 rot' Of il''tiOrse'Olioes, each `s2 2dl t.I ltit 4 fi 618 litiiiiertilifiet: " 1 's ' ' r .. - , f Ifadges:4- 1 / 4 ')P.-(11.re6d;•13tool - ii i; ' 0: 1,1 - 1 liolligter, , Dimoch ; David,itoe - aessuii. , 1 ,:2D4,11 1 ,7J: .41AFF#49/4f-z!":,.! J. T ,' f . ' 4 . ( i r-dg : Befit bNahei . , o i t* corn in ;he A ar, Itgittilf bliitey iit 'VeliPee., WiViter‘i,lve4t-1 -gift fhitiffEnilididliori•ed iiiii(ef iviimt',"bati 1 4 balNbushel of spring wheat,.tesilb f I 1411004-Pf-J'Yeit , glikAlizAllet Alookt of 1 1 - vP!' te,e4t l ist- 1 1 4 1 )1 01v 1 , of itimccitig-4 _ an e'it, ha f iniACl e oe gaz,seo.;.lacit it `' ; des' - ;k litddictiti 1 ' 'l, Viandin4g; 'lint food 1 7 Phil o Shletkicfnit-ilif-, di e t ow dl.: . , 1 , t•lt•.. orlt 1) ,'.l fun•yr.:l•k‘ Div.iguNi - Ogni•r:ii - 12 fl. "ni IT:: d. k f fn PROcri 4 7 f 4 T714 / it"44 l l ( 4SliPPgs4.lothr t erl Ptil,9" 4eg, , (41.04-14Prlia 1%10911 'CCIs " ( INUICI*aO ',3I4 e 3 . 4PP wr ' 1 il? .40:11A14&ralrebtaa--v- -4 , , '!glgii ttix 15 -, bettl,irolfOrSODanieskiZz 1 /- Silk lo2 l Ai - be* fp* tilioglioatataiOleStiPai"f! Rmtsp; •„ , ,- gptet..4,... , 7 ~;,-.. , IL t„, i. L. I. I . dad -.7.111. I. tishdnek v icrwrich9nr i ti441.-s' l'A.&:4l;ls,PriiivillY!'lAX°°a7' Dinitiek., - .11 -...r ~ ..1'.,w•1 - . - 1-• ••:,,•• -, • - • ,, t ;In - . r , 1 )‘ 1 1: Q Domestic . Mcnotretaret: Bestfi4pnel, 10 yard", 410Striedlit& - -11 7 - I W - , sisllttlOtteloth, 5 v xrds, 2; 2d do. T;- beat woolen carpet, 16 21; test Aeill dozen p4irs wOolen'etiekso2.; .2 , 1. do. 1 ; best 2 Noolea , ! DAREInf, ,; 241 AO. -50 ON.; , b4r, 444., , o ,, ,yarda, ;2 best' pAene,enerboereb cl-f)nytiCl4- . • .14`, Pitch, Montcesei, copkiitt,6Po94•;balm. jiir -41441.1h05up;,M4)., ,15.1. P. Wheaton. E4 1 . 1 4 1 4k . •J'ir f, t ' nt • 4144,18SrldOreqt* AC. .Iksl N nl Amity o,,7,o•4 l ririles4 IV -411)011 WilgibtoLY , P.atif ; 21 - 1-xloc :best Pa.toh, werle.Viiitir 3 ;.441.A, ch. ; I ?aili dank; be oil; pf.4l): 'Aber kinfl v 4s; : tetl•slo, 2,; 44i Ao.. 1 1; ‘kelii.llo4 Vpread4,24 24 dPi 4 ; tr-gitiPPObollillitt-.l:;l24l.dgfl s llta.kbeat AkaY , o2o47o4v*ri. ,s klr ifiPfga--rfAtisA Bowie, )14:nosones /4110a•lWA -OY - 41)1,T1 lateat—BePl; A , k l / 1 9- nyr , ;:-..1 1 , 71 r. n4,ololpl4`r" .iLt r-Herdififfcritlep - fieestrerd:Ciftesulemot less: than and: exhibite4 by-one matr,4s; 4 201loaltil inn tif:\ t :ixerrgeei—, A., Zan:mutely frisfaidi; Cleo. figaithet7 Dime& ; ;J:LiDrinkeri Montii:rse. ii' :01:i1 ?.?%i , .lDAfritiw; - ki rt ire i , . ib. - ,1,..'1:19 - ;\ I 4'''-‘ l 3l / 4 661/Irdiihri l tilel if filii i iiiiP :MAO 1 . ki;ill tgleii Pr* _tip i liariiiily,"' r eii 4 . l ,i4l,li, *- - iliaeidetiq Wl:, k OAWg'idi:gii"d 1154iiiA Ifid; iiis,Taitui!".eit 'l%v/141p:1 4 2;1, igil..4'4 'pinttirtYpill VC '' '.. • . '': . . 1 41r idiligai4: 1 2aiiiitlielO*441;1?- r JAI; wri? T .9 - 11 r . Its:vrip - is' , i• - •71 :i4:; , . 1"!::0 1 i 11 .17 .. . WIW. ' lr64 " l n ......tgeP94,121001 Ultdiditva*f ...}v4pyfo. wet: Cs I.?Ngtil PAO tObr 'Pp:lntim% „jl5O. . Afniim** , nre , ll3lo4l6iti awl; allmv, ' 0;4 I, :ftdoitil.moh , iliwizomfilitiAeratrip , i o " - 0 4001-40figt4444104 $6y44. viAbol , s9,4o , ..ingAri'v4,ThiAPlNl4(vnepkiittilfil AiffOrOg , *4l l3 4} , ineito. riaimelOdmievi Otlirrilti" , ;o7lo( Oorgyaiv*ilig4 Abeir i .o‘ , v emoiewitugill.) bag I 41 .„.,, IA , t3t s lYirMal ... ; big ,11011 P. 11, ,-'inrvilgtilMOßßlS.4ol,.. - 3EXtvgee.o)xii 1 I.4.e.tIHPAAA92ITAgaI#4.: I; 911 l 110-1k(1),,,. • 91140MitiM101160" pap.miagAie kriachroniioini6covemiiis" Vatic ri.tio w isiitifiierepriiainit is i iioit wata 1,18 „liiiitith; Ofd, ritY6l3iil3Wl) . " - for"Cli&alik They l'aliki raiiitiotiht - itakiettlatfOll6looll4: *rota& is .V 2 ,12, ..,"twifectly' ticiwiltifio' irttiffiiitif Ltinitti efeWrill4l , Irrie434l liV fi d iMAt i t li "g ari r d i !. ' . di'llio - '.'Oreogial Lit l ! 041441 1 8 rilitiiWiticl '.lTeibt .• , otti 'I X4CrIZ 9i r, .orui towl ot 1 utni ii vio've, ii t 9bmtlk -.030 19Nusi woit ;.Y:;:,..siuxt l`iel ~'l~'~'l ti~~' ,I ° 3 ibgeeriataiithani 7 ' 7 s t 1.103. Tlip battle ol` Gettysburg wilt be QilLof du - longest ) . ,eitAnil*eikof ntalte - bitialiO of title war. It is the only 'aontest vet timghtrrpim — Ft epeffid 311 iltlr I s t AtairalarifitlatiaguhiktralibtdB' perate. Both armies-had good . positions, and, .what is tegiSt.liMnritaidnb in war, both octet ; mai a lr3 ' 3 ll, .1 3 3 - at, nei • dik Vibe V dift . • Ming Ik 4 11. '; eh coininandineteffeiitlViliteinplated a re treat. One madeit; --- but the other did nosP l Bahl act on the) WAOI, bOt 104111/Tension made enbhl4,titke at ~,F.diffft4ni. f is, and both fi tileke 'NV'e e 110feal'ed!'''Podr Rey nolds lost hi life kiii6hi d driiten back from his Advance yn CaahtoAn ; .npd .U4rks daletitelnicifilitigs---tAkitttP.GrtfirdlDlitrston was repulsed in their fierce attack:upon Cho ~C lCmetery.l.• Each , cotilibabd*lrotoo, tells& 'upon reittfaietenselits• 'to Accomplish IliaTtuposeti , ;llleide - vedeivedlio,ltitmLed goa l fitmeo , Eighty' thousand limn:fought tar each ench, Var tiqz 'stip ported? •by tit l on a. w , ihandredteantionr and-. the losses mar be , s : fay i Stated qt"nne fifth' of l the :whilleitanp tier engagedei iGettysburo,.. a smalklidand law* has liecomilasliunons sta . Wittprloo.r. - - t: off - I/ ' ! d ;11tEN4017870 ; i 't• - . • The' great i i landraarkof :the-battle field is tail 'South- : Mountain; • , This / . .dudstali sinostrnorth fro th ifarper's.+Ferry 'anal it em re - /Peessylvania4 mid • Then it i l,thi rvi is gl eat yureutat:totrardss,_:therlabrtin±ist; and siveepa off to thalipper,Strsquehadna. alliereiso valley on , leitch side of it: , Ha r ger-stoat( is principal City: in rale veva tem one,: and :I Frederiblz, .in thd eastern. Islneering:lPenuaylvania,l.cre rhaVe 'Ohara. _bersbarg torthe , west of the tucarntainvirrid Gettysburg fothe-epstJ . 'As the. twos val., leys; curve; Ironed tri • am -northeast; rwe rind z Qitlisle. %id Aire western one;, north: of Gettysburg.) There isi, no xailroad tuto ning:along the eastern .Ivailey ; -ithe Cuth I Berland ;V,a)ley roadc -lowerveri cane :the entireilimgthoofrthevaidri :1 11 T 7, „•, r • :£r - .slifttc , the battle of Ginineellerstiile was tought,—both-armies •,, y nr sometime vtietly-itrairlingteach lotheratkrieder icksbargcs filen eilebtlyinod. setitetly; Om , era) Lee began 4 hla movementS. He her pLclia',VZ:Vii:ll7—itirit"'ltliiiii,,,2,,f i: . -1 1 1-P:alTgA, "F ' 'H!.' - :4, t? . ! tu = l l7* 77 : - Ankpahroock mpg(' CulpePe - y, ar,Oatid iti ibe,baseti 'Of ii r daiiii t e i Moartins f , l l?4 riflayirtlatitiii Ili' ErN4tly l itsltiati podable: Hef.parkedisvcist "laf tliert - Ittalturrlkinani: 4:tittrepwidiiig loPfafr3i:tp athoraaglllaft -ciak`/Tilt 4 VdiV 4 l` l *cihrthe.l4.. l . B3 ,e , rTklif tioopors hit numeroui skirmisher' with Pederal e-A‘hify da ilio ; eisA r eiligtle r otifie inountaini v Stilr - Lee -iftitrdhed•';Cif.t Ile passdit:lheta . 'elaW , Ledidrargiatid/.lHarpbes Verry -with RIM ,ofr his-forcew ne;rn mait4er .ernsgti,„ ihßAlng;Riik- e,ifiteD„OP Shenandoah Valley . ; litdch l is but a, con tinnatiod'on 'the' innili c iAde bf 'the Pcit'il i - mac of the Chatabeitoberg Nilil leY4 l ' Ile pounced upoa„thl — ltttan i shed Milroy. at Wiutilideer. - '.on And' iiiiliiii iiiii r afurinie, M - atithid, , trntillbtha3m4eheitibel b Otteltruf., 1 The-Jewerbone4 with Abe .sgrallest-fdroe; ' grNsect.W?w , 1 4r2c.i'afik s *tr,ilivutol* Main:4,ol se- 0 , 17 - s t l . C 4n .iM 'I I A9M? mire E nt - 'fur ls •an 'ridg es between i , Stir'Obiiiwind I ViTliiiiiipoft! 5 11E 7 163 e. - 1 I et' one entered rFredeiick; ; and flier , ' upper , tHagdrstowAi , and rlttiter-wqde tbe:dilien-•' -,9tl74i4ilfirQ,Pgl i rtkqij i, CW9 l 2.lniaiY iesf were infae,,, reenipna , nl - ,mh, grFaJ, •tlehtrudVii ilirOpliity:' 7 ' • `"leli...ll l `ilet Urfa OrWiePAT lA.' Lid 'se ilitiedra,tocmv, tiimetz.thavGehdiat Hooker disatlVere&tiw EtafWelnellti:NTheu began ' th (, ir,i.llkoi.ollgi 4 Pfs. o p O r liqtkr , kiste,o the en coratiee of "the ede ,_ soldiers. i tikjnii ahir r iplY iAll'ell"g ) 'B.4k Vraigiiil 4feisitiiVertifilBiiiineyediTilBiti - Vrede4. ieksbnrg to the month af.:shellencialicsl,• l erossinglhePotomae ilear there, and_wn- ilicelfiF friWer''`iiiibridiatiOV. - TEee,'"iiiade 1 AildrAiiiiefrini"ifeld ) hog': ipartek43, 1 , iviiiist lio'oker,halted at Fcredericnri , --i T . • -11; i I , 1 41101tInCede4lAcs ~ .441 1P 1` ,e . wier4 l 7.!re.i4ifi.i 9,PrOfas4NWl T .4 l g l .,! l AaNillorg; ffig, l 4 - ,ening,evelY'one,in .u 0.4 cities, and ten Ve'lleilfiftele'fii,tailikiiii"bisld I i AM .airiiik, (theivthimir:itiltittiotioi;ffattinishid , ithe world. •,. As swiftly as ssibleiae magebk.d: up the Ccnnber ley. -One strona, colmirAfga aProliglietribtAilblinag - to kiatiisleilandlieveanrereast ,, lthvnghqhe fin 04141pligken,-vt: Q,Atpilaw:p _PA Zknif , LA4„N tllivn e ill , t kioyr In -irt - tat, tha n " l epe r et 13 st *it - n,Fir: h d`bgeit t alti ; Elea; bi4lf "r iebtr6filifinaiwatiyliftilterfainiinc lend., -editiketheidobausetrolk.OddsCiandidose - , .te44l. l 34lgeggwit! fitunlfgrAWlestijiiaff o : 09. last:kr 9 1. 1theA s a n -7,„,7 etie . y i if cO utlins t lio*evk,',iefi'r d; one, 0,, Vetiy4btifeilid 'We -Billie& lett6ifi.,; City 13 Thtts imattiiiii - atood inviStifiday,v iilinel2Boi;ts.l !yr iitgil - nit tiii 'lirf , tnr2 . i'd3 -1 7! ::444lntiAlttilt 4 lo /iB4 -* 9 - I r r t ev # -ce i tike*Eertinf .ne? coltinnn .., e or, lereitib "e'vecilatieh .ii't BiliWitHAgi4 I A whili - idlitilliii iiii w idAirfferialtl c elir 4,111, lea aninViNifts#ftwe i yere iipOwe :.`, italted.: 'Vi O t t. Hooker, 'Waif! witizeirtbeet iiiiitife,w'reigh..t, tilmseo'erat'AP-Itheim4talngiof, Arse' tlviikollieetoehtilbOstiddeiffPlit r iumi e „ *RW,Vtligti 111retrikt21 9fil PinttffMetrzfl illP : ko an 9.,r; ~I 14/1 i , . :lift you trouble:Mimi rhaddedp •hiarazi tiit tiles voinmMidt of the , strap, . 4 At daijlii Meade fiamid liitttselF t he; Leaden f efla:terca'ofvhie'h4t beyond hiaiEwn cogpsi 1I knelv bob' litste i -aadf. with Aviah fstos ing#Olicleteiltxcdenre froit4ennejlvaaia aittininphent, ehernyOluebeitit-itliiyietory4 !Ueda - All - lett booty, and= , led-,with" COllBlllll. emus lability:4 With.: :mfal-;cm"&giviega Geeteiiblietaleitealaccida mandv and match, nokhft mitilate7etraielc Aber turnpike feet* BaitiftibreltaiGettysburg4mlskrtied truttliNvestivatettoenemp. The Administration was frighteneid4 , :sc thittihitn2hirtioaaim9attiteenzititanbsilice thiewstr mitltforgeftliolitical;achcitneb tio,etidtuilitbrtritinta:Cof slthe army; eiy ariitatdel holder:4mi I gathered front Ponytail) lefonvbe nnii North .1 Carolina, Genetat ;Re ititzehitaies 7.rierve in -.the trentlimenttr4of Washington-.was ilePleted to add) t'4s• bleade's , forec, iand .the Federal armY Thatched ta• , GCtt}tsburgi alioiit eight try' thpuennti stronk. At, ten o'clock 'on .14indn y:titorning4:l into 29th Cieiieial Fos; t .C' talina , troops-I paiised.thre! Bdifinioreii and? iiindcutvhat...ha,starthey tioutd towtirds - kletfysbaeg. 1-, ~ : 'The removiiliof Generalegoolierge, at; the tirit; thlw rebeivedi and Meade, 'Ffiin sick) entrants , Itletty shirk, wa kheisecht4. They hid - confidently: relied , qtv etingm fa,Aign . edf-,'Federal Critin.ex , hiarstdaby long marehes cornManded aniCificei , in -- whimiu con fidenCe- -was , ink pairek ow the i comparatively • flat: con atty nenioYoltk.- They ,iicarceir expected to Invite istavtle Tardier. wog.: • ; . '"(J liTeditestlay . nierning,''.fidx 'Gen eral Reyi'hold's,' With -tiventyillve thonsand hi l enjthiP asVatiee'Of .th 6 Federal army, titiftddliM aid' 'began the reltt - .battle; The field - epeOi which it "Vias - fought - Was e: pe iiliar one." Thet'SdlitH Motretain,, a Tong ?RIO ter crid-tmlet we orGettyabing, is ItiA'grecathinlinfirki - atid' the Most 'proud nentriirpor. near the is the tilt titian whiCh'StoUd 'the finlfOrtnnatk, but' failions Ce,theitiPysi' Gettys.bit ,atipiteil in a Ingle enelf ether; are I each aide of the they ridge* are' Curyes; tlel concavity being - tewirai• the • It, ininikheie 7 ildge c oliae the battie*nis fritigliffthc.:CeinblatintilifiltiitreijiA land re tti'a ii l 'tl - einigh'tite` 6 ndlacross the vallerabovetid' ' There is- b4t one stream. ne, wai r er on- the. .Baid7; , --a•ila.r,, gie: .---mir....?.weniny_oheliiWebtith of Gettys : hurgpwincirrenszizzaisfZeiWytheiNtilfey rev arlistheillitineedayz ' , The-Hues - of tett tlefonmed by , the two ,urtniesivere (upon these, kidgek clam" fit ambled.(l horset• almesiimeninsidal of • the- cit heri r' ; -r1 ebestryiew iyfrAlur fietdi*-had - frem the top , oT:the - - Vcitietil It is: s. short`, diytancet south. etTthe•• town,' Io fronts.t herd is wz.rath steep 416cliiiity -to the vnlleyy Ahem a - gentle ascent, covered With (lotr(licrabby timberc 'and ipieees of rock? telthe:Se.minany Mile: distant. )ere-traii,thei Confederate line. • At , the gazer stand-amid 4113- broken •tembltionei he could see,,theetitine-tield. The. valley, the tiebateableigrotind, strerehed erOutid fromm riehtAtr:l,left,„l, abnott ti setrihArcle. lie (could -leek:ever thik.(,tice i tops and /it,. rle:patchetAf wood?and ‘f phasing his - eye nir the hill •ow(theicither side; ininitilee the seminar) , tosidrdsvthe• F-nr• Vier to, the :`rightis the - ) tysbnig• Col lege;: also pa: ttie - - ' Beginning at the lett hated, the Idenfed orateei reined hn- the Tittlestrearii;. then ascended lbw hill)lemi Iran 4ilbrip4l a 'stone rencckiwhiell , had been :made - into-a it iiapproached , (Gettyaberg it eutred-amand; , fiernising.- - thii 1 - Chamberit- burgaini-sEminettkibutg - -roads and the matte ci•islis - lii•-atidnpaisedtheseininary and oollegelietifv.eurt'Which -it: croesed serpentine nritrinylefidineinte the , towii, 'vaned The ff•lspii:::litzrne ,... :Tbitid - ge -eon kurrea(tlie .entirie lerigthjite- frent,oxCePt in a eared spot:KAI/it% - eovered With Thedineanusthave extended at least) eight} miles. c:: ' ,`: ' The ridge incepted- by Op Federal' troops wikbilletsbeiblially %lie-other. It , wasignitineetrir - ble; - iaild (wait made i Up of :annuli: higher -'find r •lbelden , billsjthatVifie Wine:none: . -The(Federal --- left 'rested also oti(tirk streenviiiiii , rah • • along a rocky Iriviimi;itheniaseended-theiriemeterrailt , - over'Onetronni-- ancithernina ft .watdostlin(itivindight , (in the intiseitirif 4t. thiclirconestiß• bleadt'altitlei was' Omni; tile xmileffillietigthoped!lultthe Battle.) beside ithe 'lfigltelmitindv he AAA alb Styli adult migtitreferieterior fialidi rwitiviii -ari fiipndly ! , zottaryl , 1 , 116 tiesitipaitets bktife) GEO ta al tniltrettit •of Atickgsmete.V.T. - ii 3.11::11 • -ni(Away off bellin&the - -, Confederatii 4Entlntirvint , drearidiii ittlaitervir# ;Op, lwaitherfilintitohlbuntaitii -, rti 1 • /: -;• I' : ; ii~~jb a7l thEirodntes.ts eicipti Ihe ''epenink ciiiiinyriitackeddr - Ofi T Widtagany iintiriEittri•rierteitstßerfaldsAvithibeFild. mind l a diiumwapprelebtidiigiltrartF4rbtit ftha.stAithee3Nftikia enemy , tivitoviiittO it; /In tdeleririval:-* lie iessed tuttUchit the wespable4bYwatiiii C e banibersbeig t Itelnarchpliflsertitatmllo, , ;.:.4fang:niet l iv. thi.ictnenniii!strorigeiforoe; ilker s k eligbti:lCOtitest 4161 deltpe.lia Wel.nuayptsbedliaturdstliardota* iottitOgiv trobtoi " tkiiitg4ogtver:ii*seitaflOaaNcittlidi4 ilig'Out on: the;east. side, clesey,fOllmei, . by, gho , elleag. One °ibis liiigOeficltale along - .ote,”:tall-Worna" witfr a ciorgenkle hrige4le.oO, each Ode of it. All tbretkerme. elaxeneti •remegi. as ,bard as tVey..e9.l4l:n the twn!QAtsido Pnea Pouring itteAvilltt iPt9c,theAeAriet,i AUL: .of, which t4a , .p* drappefkkillf49 l 7 wounded, at almost 6:44 cry :footstep, J:,This, Briiiioe i tip, pinning 0)414=141a gauntlet, Jost half of 441"Plen , )4gner4. 1 44,7P 0 X,4 1, wee. killed,l4 c f pgyal3.arg 1 15 44 , .,1 1 fittPin , t t . c or .1 4 0 St naßneradefiollPil . °P? l!'o fi k • . PN Vii:the OPP4 l :7lq9a§44ptirsß44l- - - umOt t th*POPVIOnaPaPe9I-P4AtfioYin - ,:i4d 41tie , Fr4igral qr544Pg.. 1 11. 11 9:,,,u4)•_4,._.:. , f^fAring edlles,fignlanTLAP9. ,afk;'Flomil• tnonfigg,k,e r t.FßlT4,34 1 / .57"1h ics"reWlm. tini.otk.thOtgo i . rtdgeialpou,leere to i tes thefileXtfcdaY!a .I , nea.l4:4 4 . 4 iiana'A bYngflP eaTil,firsday each gqqipl a: lol.*, fotr,c4 f 3 P,DAInitV4, 4 hia:disP o W._, , ,_.;.3 11 : 1 *, -*lin tbq.gfn.grarAllgrY;9 l : 2 testr-W 4 4 1 4a4r.L9 1 ; licitiliei4VF o VPnn/gAehl l 4 - fencesifM4 #4.1P4443.Pita- 1.1-I:red4d soldiers A 44.c9 31 .04f.tiiid- 11 .44 , 1Y afojk,twirib,49m on,tl9,gr9gpaito_lFYvelit: ..P.Prh AQ. many escaped. There was bat littl e,,, 49 7 l'Aate,tfightina cm ThureAsy, . and *either ItalltYAa, h 4,. Ai r tleh-AinKeleilPw ie ng o , l 4 -Alit etner., ii/ p'f4 t ir , i o E4eneratea . 2n..r,ne, wimp. rested-.,burr taddes, and . iit4 their aluttp f 09,4era,posted. ever y.'R available spot" piciAtni,csif PederaLsoliliera ontitellllato thoinortl:k Of .the cemetery. „Ihe-eannon ade ws,e_.ficfce and .incesenut,:,and• Abell from bosh_sides few over and auto the de yotcatotyp7 ~Deiond killing and,WoOnd nig, bria-Okini trees and shattering houses, and, awful nolaer hnivevirl4, cannonade had, but little effect On . ;the re. suit of the battle. 'Both aides fought 114 greatferocity, and neither Otild diltre* other out of position., -_ , .• . , , 43 . 0!i Thursday.._" night, fearing; that . like enemy lied tanking. parties , libielt mig h t turn his rear,. -General ..11teade had serious intentions of retreating, and he called a . council of war. "Tim advice or some of hi'dgent,ll23 l however, nail •the capture of the courier, with Artipptchee. Ave Rich; Mond, fromwhi'pVit.NyfilL arn esi,th§t; the en eAny. o'lild• receive no . ieit4vOinents made !]). de90.4 to remain. On /rider imrancig- General Lee. di4 "i.agf#.6 , IQ„ in44,-.1.40::4480,. He 1 2* ille.':iiitt eriorAtof i thel'lder_aL ,ksktion i , an d *ii,he4ka.,CPPoo Oeitt. 061:AR,14 via 410‘0 tal;O Ow: iltriY; . Aliiii: tr4ileaigi he' wiihdieW aii.ot his sharpshooters and 1 0***4f , ron,C cqtramrg3-Ve ; deserted., - 141 V**91 . 0 4 vet,' vviitnkatv*l..! G:10, 0 4 4 0 50 0 %xnn Sid. 41447:khd . the tenses andirees, nect briki %ten .tWo higs.. ;,They :ennlii 496 k ilowri. into :the streets 1 4. 0 : 8 4e : liv,#,l l t l ' l 9t-4 4 0 1 ,iv,ial lil : Pgtqaa r . The,Y, 4 . 3 n r c : the, •eAein7 -- ITtr. out ,and'.o.ii.e,„tni, „the • sernitiary,,ibet, - Rmd,. no' . Ai:ranee, indl the ' otitederatefseif nothing by' themov t einenti ' A 'lsgtiegeit lute'orr moskelry, however, o frozo - ahnoll north or :the eemetery,,',ace j elerated the ContederSt6 retreat. ' For- somititne the town had' scarcely a soldier ; in it.: Sitiii:els of dead '46'd ,wounded, tneri;and', - hOriea, lrithliroken wagons, brielial - ank: beri 'tern, elathin‘ and "a4ndnaed-Ifteeit" trements, lay' there; . The .ffiglitene4; in... babitante peered -0nt.t...0 por yn,Fidnii , a to _ see Wila,t l the allele's_ Were . dOing.ta Cpusel 8110 h. a lull, and'allim,Cafrani Pc tiOtirrfi sh'zid*ci . s;_ 04 illiStu'e-d:.4ive,ytanflerpelk er4ui corners, and ecill i li.i. : , at ,tho . ,sonnd 4 every at i O, ei', abet . ' • . . _GeneFai;Let!!e-exucuation imul-too: aid. Meada . #2ll)Pelther Mk -b4llmtinod-into : the ,town .D9 1 '11 1 4 0 fake rvaJleYi j ' 3 Enough, 414 licAdiei*.4l,oq.fiehin and 'Mete Act give bi,M, warning of; t wbat happeaett-toffor A...9) 13.0 . 1 4 3 ”r 9 Atigii b,e-fVrcr and lie .wisely Aeterminect to,stay ignore ,he was and les rVita, shape -.-o , emso l l 4 :P. ..The .Ig*ny angn,l'PnaTqAmpacient , .-The3rAnnkt wait no r longer,;; and ; after , much ! solicit Won fronOus,sl4l3Ordnatea, 9reaeral,loe pea.- . 0 0 41 k. 9R04 1 , 34figatrect <AP l'Aendillia watig: . l.,,,,,,..phaige,upgrk:tialgiga. illr V!TeAltral 6 91dicre•NT0M.14 , tbe at,eo .} ; :hey ‘were Ilidleh.l4,llitir..eui -141141N0N, li9 , 94AtiPliPge and somefist • _il tllg,grp f _uck4.. ~ p The confe artillery °Pf4 l O , - , A-12'MM fiercer #PFc,l 4 4.MOliade . as 'the one th`6 'ley .before, f 4t instead of be ing spread alteierthe flue, every shell *aii'Alirtiviin'iat'lbii -ceiriteri: f''XiPeri rct 'led , 13,':44lierti'ltielitrir ; rdivitied ythit - wpii tois;e - I, , eediii''oory phition of the red -erairlino ilk? einamiiiiiiirtlireOted tckiiiitql .t.b6Niatt€3 , in' fihni`Or'iliO..ceineteil. ; AB VOW ' AfiliY :' "Aatiir,jielarioutilire, frci* Advin'ifeilttitereinnotyy,dtiinbT7'n Tad* riti - iiihdt'Vas bard. '',Tbe pitillerkta;itki. 14,triebta,fif_Mindrelln.nelkdr! ',,, • ; 41iti t little ditnbait Ail liebintl:liiiiii ... . i owl] With • -gide ieapartili3 Inilhityli •': 04: 1 , 00 : , iftn).) ~ .,19F.19 '1 if. 1,0 c...„..: ,:- 91 , - Ar f 10§n elut q rrokii4,liim;iii iir4oit lloti t to'b. liiiit. r`;'it6r;t4sci' xo*: tifei;the ' 6 OO 4 ;t 11 4'.i.4 4'11 4' 01 :i A ."1 14 1 4-1 46 , i k , "WI:: rAlettio; 444e° 10 ,10S1etch:fro a r 4% saititti" r ieren-' ,-t . UTtim,y4;,tikaY .- 1K Aiiiiie ,l4) *t e il l ... , § 9 ,9: l l2._,.,#reoneftei . olutaVi VtgPtiir:94 l lo l ,k','NW •nl, N' f atifie oiri i iveh . 01011, - , mai' s *i±os their arms and. ailli. - abfneObing. They climbed feii:eo . -"iiielliatted' along, each -Coin bentmpo4rtietteingtvet Pittab.c*., ~!n• lett:7PP Acs -ftnnton roiredi , andlgnme'sua loannisternmot,ii3pborioni'iNtSeYell,tkiekili .mehgl:-.Thiamb StillVier l6B l 34 4:ivffivarily &iambi jailing 'out/ oc lbe line, :1-mbly naiiii-witkinlininiket':ehot* - thelbdera l sro b r t. - ,fortied.thegu4k lo aniurlblimi• wi:c1,3.76 ihi•J ..,li,S;rl T i ill.:q ll' , S',^3 'fil I */::'2 1 R~{l'V i::3 Stf 14. • r J ,Lairl IIZIEM