The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 16, 1863, Image 2

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under a , ~ • "A "notable contenatai
.and stirri; i'.
„Aedttiou, *VA inet tit ri.ri
. atpir - levernmen c ,t, :the - Adages. delayed
granting the writ, thekpitiful eVamous,
gave.rise to the statutiii-wherily it 'WAS
',enacted. Thiti If any person', be commit- '
ted by 't King hintself or by - biavivs:
i ti m
eouneili e shall have grantiedlinto him,.
without Y, delay,' upon lanY PreteullO
*Whatever, a, writ of habeas .corpus:.uPou
denult or motion -made to the -court or
Maga richer ix:mama-pleas, whodibsu.
thetpon examine
_and_ determine`.: the
ty:Otiblidi eoirimitiiient, aintdiViehat
ftiiiiietristaafifi!rtsinoti .'ileliverfag — or,
' , 7emandirigsfich,priimier,' , . - ----- -t - :-,.. _,-..
:line' we - seelow - inuch better the lib
;,4,litrre ,irthe-peePlo-`stViirotidatedin-ackt
land,,than in America,: wider the rule of
tAblifßepublicautc: Who Vistnit'lmoriipoiCer
oventhopenple,Ahnii -the - =-King and par
. Aliment toget,her. , ,, , , Abt ahara; isincolu ar
'"ireitkii Wan 3 with . net ; even., a charge ,of
- stirrigg,tip.: sedition,- hut Orra-,clkarge, of
, I no orinielvhatever f oommitshim to, a dun
-41e4:4; ,and:-no power in ; America ean pro
,eurei ibis release,for , bail him:for one hour;
, 4whileiii England, persons .. charged bythe
. ilitinghiniself, with notable contempts, and
',stirring up sedition, against .the govern
ment, are released on:a _ writ. -of ,- habeas '
tigers; and are tried by a. - jury. .Illank
- Agag.Pone says z "to refase to bail any person
, ;:bailable is an - orenee against- the liberty
,- of' thelsubct in; any- :magistrate by the
I , OOEUXOOII' law, as !Tell as by, the habeas:,
.:3 eal43 act." ~ , :,' ; ; z., -
,x-r,1.: ,W.hile- the American peoplewere let
,Binder the 'law ot: England, _ the -writ-of
.b.babeas corpus was always regarded assa- .
.. eXed.l-- -" Thomas 31'.Kean, one of the sign-,
ers of ' the:; - Deelaration,. and, afterwards'
• ;Governor ofPennsylvanut, was ChiefJus
ties, of the. State during;thelvar: T,winty
, persoes were confined. in • Philadelphia, on:
Axeasenableeharges, and zthe,popular ex
% (eiternent-against them Ivan extremely vio=
lett. je ApPlicatiori waslmade to the`Chief
~?Justice.for-writs of habeas- corpus on their 1
-behalf. which were -granted. - This act, at
3-aPeriodof:peouliar public agitation, ores
, ted.great dissatisfaction among the more
,;-, violent, eVtlie - people. He, eonsidered 1
~ li gt eelf, „vines! upon ; to justify -;his ;
ceedings.:,. , The itated in a ' letter to obi-
~. Adams that . .the. .writs were' applied,for
-agreeably to the -Tnglish Statute, which
formed a part of tbeCode of the Pennayl
--,,viinia laws, and has always been esteem
., jedtthe palladium 'of liberty. Before ;the
; -statute of _Pennsyl yank ,was en acted,lthe
- habeas corpus W3S . esteemed to be a pre-
atgative, :writis and if. the King and his
iwbolecetineil, 'committed any subject:to
r c rofikin, yet: by the opinion atilt tbeJudg-,
, es sliabeaxborpus act ;ought to be-allow
.' !edand obeyed.. - " Thomas 31PRean was'
an.intimate'fliend ofJefferson., When.the
Constitution was shoWn tojetrerson i -be
:said the clause Which Says Congress shall
not suspend the writ 4 habeas corpus, ex
- cept in cases - of rebellion or invasion,"
the replied .:that he .would not have- it
vauspended for a- day. "1 mould have:a
1 ..billef rights, said he, providing for the 1
- reternaland unremitting . force of the hate- 1
, as corpus law., and trials by jury. Thom- 1
• ; as Jefferscro woold ne!ver. have :.shut mem
.; in prison•as;Lincolelas done.: ,Hemonld
-..]iever have: . forbidden, freedom.of speec',
, ~ or ; ofthe pless,Sor : he ;was-a:-Democrat,
- whose Oree_d" is summed up. in _the amend-.
_ -, ;nests Ick.the Constitution—ma who Rye
, , all-the liberty to Abe. people of America
which. they have enjoYed_.sincithe.fonn
dation of the government. The _piriY iii
i powex were never in , faveriof- freedom of
. „ speech, freed= ,of . ' pres 4 ,Or. freedom_ of,
conagienoe..., )llen of ,their principles melt
tea all these rights from, the - Constitution,
..i anAl, the• DeinoErata added , thenithereto.
~ Ae. , thePouPders ofthristianity mid...their.
'i , dias4l?4.,Nerlzt. TeTsectited,l37 anti-Chris:
,- .-tiitini ,in , the Game -of .Ch iistianityk so the
. i pieliltbOse pr#lciplea , are ' the foundatic•n
I:,ef o ,ul tre e GoverumeOt ir persecuted ill
s•-= -the annae of liberty by the- lovers of; es
„...,,pc,ltisitt-ur day. Remember, tlint Jefferson
. ; sada 4: Oitik end religious liberty „Stela, Or
tin,ti*liir 1 1, " Y4. l en v4O, Ihe other
1 ittlei alio,” , - - ' •• .. L . .
r The 'ElteiniitiOn'Peti.
e Secretary of Nen" Jn ._ . accordance ", .
' tiniteen of tile 4oneeriptionz
heti just decided Unit: three bandied'
dollars shall be e:greed as the,eutnfor
- -exemption - Irate the "draft ,- ;l:47bominis,
nternal'" rev .
f •gresiiotial'distriet"bie been by
• 14e Secretary of %Val, anddireotedbi the
. ! - " , eeretitry Of the Treasury:te receive: from
personsivho desire to 'ppyitlot
. :ofileitip!ion the niOneY;oo,-,
the receipt this mini the
tif Internet revenue - give
- "=biftity . i 3 eisons:PYlPg, it; duAleate re
hOpy ntthese receipts
bedeilii4rea to the - board of enrollment - on '
ilefOiii':thejdei the 'drafted
person is , required tO l reportfor day; and
when sq BehieredfoAhe Efoird'ihe draf
" a tied peribir ilhalllid - fainishedb , i-the beard
-'...l*ith eertifteete.,Of i nietnpuciri; - st
? 'ad6h= person 'frni*fur-'
!iLltilter liability viidei - tlutt draft,birelion
oflitivirig paid the sup.
- •
,L,....--_ TaitLotit SrATEa.--,We bets' , very liti
wit/S.-laid; in -the lAbolitioirTnipers;:sor'ia*'
about the-United States. The Jong eller.
.-iiiheia `patiiotio--t#lo-o":"Uni!ea-lias'giveri
..-! plioeiln ;their "voesbularyialbelCui,#ri
s 4
title 21-- tinkle. chino
'---4ei . .Aeill;:ere loik, a oubtrgti4xplest more
T;v , ielearlktbsk" faitl' Abatis- livtbeoW-';wheu
~l-ihe;Ae-i i.tia'th- e *-#7 4. -leaguiri'lsill demand
gl'Ailtieet - subonstuoti-to Royalty.' :".'.., -): •-• '.-,.,
-,t!,,i,-1 , • ....,-:--,-,-... _—!-----,..i_, , ' , :i. ~, • ''. l; '-,
1 , 7 e: : EIW:4'NWAIT3IF 14 AT .IkorALtie:4*
-111-744ejf:1 0 1 4 aPPI,i41 011, 0 188 d-Outlai:-
of; Bo SPm v :9l o 4;PlCW:edzimitt,nib):, *
4,, ;; *o,te o4 4 tkl494l4Y;L , B)averris.tO .
-;i1 ,1)404 0 4 3 01 - 10- . 1 . 8 7:9;. , -. ThoAlt,4lloxoTei
1:1; I:Omit:4 l 9, /9-- imi liticriarita r 4 oogliteitAbose . ,
3.!f:,.. ,:41 3 F4web r :f3 -4 4110 itt*,-twepty l tbres s ,
7 4 .a ' 914 ; 4 "10 ,; * 0Ye , - PP4 - -ilig4h
''', ' #26 . ..- ' -'-' '- - -. , r - ... 1 , ..,: •- . ,-,
Democratic StaWNominations.
-I Theihisr; , datitir 13.1
Resoled; Vhatinaminrchlaathe *mak
Itition'enibOdiestliatinty -Iguarariteas 30,0.
have ,fOr Pithlie liberty and,pnitato
as without it we can havino hope ofk-proF
tection' from bloodshed, spoliation and an.;
arebY+tho man who aneeTaatAbe_lfteetl
stitution as it is". Fovel4himself-tolnr.ds
ficient She - fijat ,eleraeat ',Patri4i B n l
and any offlaatOf Aka 444 0 . ir ',Federal'
.GoverOmeat: who 3 swmirs:to_eapyor;, the
ConatiCatiON amt.afterwarde :74e10. - ibat .
oath on his conscience, -wilfully Violates it'f,
is wholly unworthYofiniblio contdeice;
Resolved,,Amrg.ilie '445 which,
prOVAd . fis:tii,e . ner3? citizen
is that ` of tieing secure Of biik hfe,
and ' p roperty,_ Allifl*Sillini ls %:, be a#;-
privpa-oreitver .
lair, a fair trial* a2Onin#ntOPOidge an
jury of hie neighbors, - with Witnesseetti
confront hinis , and counsel tO:_defend: him;
This is njant,in meoPssaiy,:th
the hippmeas of the people fcir Wi alt.
government is,made,,and so plain
ten down - the Federal Con stitution, `
- and 'also idsti in ratite': StiteiCtingitntionS
:thst - -buy ` psi :Nvho= ..'can ` iaiatinder
'siand his - pa; 'in Our innnion,2the - Men.'r,
tat enpa4ity which'fits'
-tiot*-4doptedii:Oals -Convention, 186$i
! I.o ,le4e=.;Fiiljic•ei":Ye4:lF° l4- W.‘
Gerritson in.time•for,tbis.week's issue. A
private letter from him' received otilitorti ,
WaYntlatursc near Itlie MarYlaintlinOuip,
*lce that 04184 he 204.420 nl.9lTel.**
Gen; Couch to the iiciOtYof IfagerstoinV
id:; . arid-sbould'a• - great's - itle'talie place
On*; side of tfiOTOtornatiorbicii not
`now probable ;` (3en: `Couch's " mitia:will
undoubtedly participate. The two liost4e:
eludes, are in close, proximity, , Natching.
each other, and ` a battle may commence at ,
any lour; pretty certainAlui
lee las fieilitiee teTeC+3 army into .
Ya. - , ;whenever he etteese‘LiO
. .
larAfe Port reckel*if, Pe-that OPtiler
forn3idable atm* wart.toibave tom - made - j
on Charleston, by the feileral afievima ex -
my, on Thtpralayi 1 11) to the 149 1 e 9(
haie news . oftnC l'Ort4tl.:
VirThe- New ";Tork losq are Meg
*fa!: pahicuiaie °Phi tetli7 )l eAet fit that
titi;" oti fionday'eJaetineive rep:;
Meets: Ouit' 7 .. the: Cject,easiiii
aIL - the Aralis.;,!:l7tie.72Vo* tsee:-bfroiali4
Greeley bed s'vei7,4iatrOutitesieqru
the fury of the *eh- C';•
, Readters,/11010,0r the War
A:og.mi;mn om .
e i r pnillEs
, Orios of :the `
Gr*BelelliCa;iehanc'ato - t
lice *iiei4er : - o4
Pik . 1 4 0,14e
of* pfibll4#oooPl4;Pl44eY
now pobliehingbiuri ,
b; ,
Co - 4. Mulford •C't 4 in. taiolirolnmais;:bein
tifolly illustrated 'lkea engravings.
From a t agtY VITO: litcl,Vecariell
..of the
di ,first , 'We believe it. to be
4ulinf* l 4 . '*l4,( 4 iiiften in
the graphic. and - attoctiiiii
:; Mr,flein3loy.:: , ' 400 bk in -inidstonli
iii subscriptioii.
now procuring 'l(itl) . ilii3ACis in this Co.
Ellie( OW WOmided la the WOVE'
woundijiTbilliP reams, sopoitainito
tO7tq4l*-Sagef;sligliei - Civet
I FlCL ; BliEeVat t ,t':‘lf 4 tii4.'
1 /: Swerqv L IL
wining -- iPe tt lhiarir 9 mit;
• —Pr l •
-2/ •
!PRIV- Air. 7.7. !IWO P.L4 3 4 1 1 11 4 ,03 4-Viii
4e g t af f Ne 4; Otsittiti4 , =7Nliiiiideatliing•
Hirt* serei*Orker lioStoo
tats o lo t
0 1 0:•4 48 .4 1 00 3 ,4 11: 4;:Ltaliao * E;Sio:
- 044 1 , T 1 A 1 4:40 1 R4 4 410
Matting: 400 . )/MOI4$0
apt. c.VeJ"illAtt*nlinat
tbi g h.
, tOliellailit.: ' ' : s. ,r
pA ' stitution we r 4
not because ; ', yew.
" 1
'Ag ri!! , g : '' t -,
aYten Suspect, den,
for:an total Can• B ug ge d" 11 4":Y eMellt ;
buthecituseit - is im mntablerf*wii- it
is - slot a Otlig base. It iiia tonia*lool
bAiekirliere is nothinevagna ' about
it,Aothing which the " wayfaribg man,
though a foe]," Mil err abo*t. When .a
I # l .o 490acOttiWt ind4 0 VeFi; our
country, he uses phrases whicii men may
iteftavdiffb - sentirerthelteasiststatbt
tive irk vartutipta of; lati
Vm when-he sart . the
rstr'tui ' can ico te hie desk
'and : : i4t . iciPii`ot - Ji; in4` ; ' talk:ll) ?*;
difficulty:: Au the ~curPeuter 1 alwa ys_mar"
ries a foot-rule in lis pocket, tor ewhich ,he
instantly zsets to work:laid measurer, so
that - therole no gaias iveriCitUctno goad-.
sou th?:Amerkan P l ui l B ‘ °n r!`" l : iB * rit t eii i
Constitution * and.readUs„allfi • i Iliffect9;Aud: 1
judges. :- - , - - '
..,:_.: I
• t _
All our presqut, difficulty ar i s e s of
the fact-that. once, IPA!' 8". T-Tl4. 4,/,ul fac " .
ilea; negleete4 thsi initrument; and
aobigery, have, We / • paid feri9prpikrov3)9;
sio ? ;. , Ablie*te lintned?,olOp into
jorirt be - 146i;willnevcr beil4otten: _When
NtileliOn;citrthre' lioltjsoV, neeetisiti, sold
' - tuniiiiiiialiO - ihi!--Vnifeit r :4 l intelii and j'ef ,
ferson, in the same hake if necessity and
POsaiirel o 44lMalatitteight:it t that
great stateemanthosestly - avowed that he
and the Siiiate bad tinOonatitutional:right
to o SWthal;_ 'they' bad exieeded "their
unadict a"pd,lo,;?i*3 mostanF4i!s for
an amendment' to the Annititution which
_would give.the lie*. to ,faturoadininis
trations to 40-that ;Under Abe law:Whloh
hit;had done without lair. ida'ad
"Wee terms ,under',Which
l_that, and future ; nequisitiont..should be
held hrtbe federal government-. as trust
:tee for Iturlit e sitis,l`at 'cued gas
defined, Sfid:We 'should
have:het% ell.-tht,biriterneas of the
last ferty,irears, culminating:in .this war.
lint as all-were-agreed-and all delighted
With the' acquiiition; his wish Was~ un
heeded. . Jeffersou,didnotYalter with the
truth ; that
neces s ity
Jae 'Wed hini s and excluded censure: He
said, Reit vita: -rdid kbad: no
4iivai4ao r4:44 .474 4 : itienerate'
Wig,,and'ad to
nOt, for Fieortd;,
Ilanta4,.#*e_nta) Meade - 11 the:
Democracy atllarpe rne-aad Saurebanna
coardiesi Wm .- held* Bewail • Ceatre:en
'ea 4th - - mat, "tbia! SAW, p . arvon4
liete - p*te* . '9i3a;thii _geeitit4
**prevailed. "The Meeting was addrqw
- Wheeler,: 31erti:,
fiiiild*ad buil&
6 ; Matt ilditarial.' Convention:
• .
eicOrdance i!eiolition vend
at the Editorial cony= field ._ in. 'the
&wit - thambei, it- burg-yob . the
18th 'AL; the .:Demomatk Editors are re ,
quested to Tient in -the -city of-Lantnuiter
on Thursday the' 18th day of JnlY, 1888,
at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of
conikdtationaiidimited . ectiOn in political
campsta - 7zipoilt which *e'- .have entered.
A general-attendince is earnestly detired,
nebasinesi Of Ireay:inflOrtatlCO to the
.piofession!will_ . coma 'before= the •coliven
; f; • auctensoz . f, President:
The Rebela at Chambenbu
The,..raileirOpirit;iniblidfed. C hain
;tiersburg;,#kakei - its 'firnt - iiipearaitce 'on
our thble kinte`the rebel- titration of - the
41te i 'abotit four weeks ago Iti,containn
*lengthyl4ini' ititereighig':articie on the
occupation -Of ' theirillage - by "the teliels.
We clip thi-yollowing .. . relating toltebel
(;‘, -- -
General7:eesnda entered town. ith
AP'ealr"Pa. 04114 and 'blade ; their /fad-
Oitrtera,' for` - two What. is Com
nisi* known as ShetteeivwcOda; abotit a
fourth'a mile east 'of tottra, '.`" The Gen
eral 184 stoutly 'built '
about fifty , yeitt igi; grAy hair
and a,stifkacrubby, , He was
d;reasp i .l . 4ert,--plainlyi i - With - - - Tit a sing*
'Mark of his rank - about 'bit* :urialiiig a
black slouch bat without oinainent t 'ttark
plaely:tr blue imilita y `Cape, and phun ga/.
o:pantillonni: . 'The men With:whom we
conversed speak - of atiit,laitl think "he,is the:krenteatiiener
atthe world Mk ire/ - produced: a Old
80, twirl* thet'ill' him, '
Mai he his Teal 'ability, 16d . 1 40614 0 . i
the unbounded confidence'of his men; and
herein liesi the ItrC24:!iecret of Ina:,
a 00 .1110 1: !, - :
"the'siints. ; Wit
iii*ideZ - ,iii'aiiellig;Lee; Ewell; 4.ltibik
• lairifijAtlet;:Zirli; It.ked,tik Pickette
wittit4 : f 'W'JohliSn; -Imboden - and;
' l4 telvatt. : *WI 100 f 14 - AniaitiO4:
indWlien `riding' ft striiiped . :*bistkiidalel
gar: wooden ~ Ehodee~ d'
Lively y 9 '" Ty ern 30d•Stelart'
4 Valticiiier,..Bittres
t Alab*.air , t&C,MlC#ol*:iziataluir
'bfthii tOiral; /ref
quarters. in: tieparti souee be
teoui a
iavitil % ". nd gum4;l
701, 4
litiiiyiiirs - tke'Sdatikiii4 4 . l 6***F
' 4l l l ,eta
-11 r Ithria - mair " sa
- • - '..7r;,.-' -,-L--',"-
- chil --411- :-'37 - -‘,.. 4Ciiliitiw
..., Ilkom ,
. ;
- mA - 7-11N • I
-:-.V.;4111111., ....-:- ,' tfritii'!the,lf .
fanoll4o - i . 4 . :E
iadratiedt° 4•414. .Chaises
;'fit.- o : o6awl W4 • fi n d h ey I,*Plnl4
4: Akidt % Ohieh..oe - T ,• ', - •it,
je- --' its.:'.;: TAProves - -
P 4';'44stra news k„,.. ; an what haS'
P"Ple''' ' 43llY enioUsiratedi.,,tatiin
. ni 'TePai ww. Y .- d r ,- ' 1 Biddle is alaltri
1 the hour ' of danger, N , ? •
ready to taerifiee - his-. hfe to Ahnli t onor co and z,
safew. of- his • State: and - ?aPn..,17.
von .
' e' Vtdif t * re 347 114 ' kl."at' a ir i c eTtiiat
1 "Mier in thii mas t iir in any p i ,
„ _ _
.00 1143t.Nf0n14., bean Insult. ‘ „to"the patriot.
:TVCr9 canfonl* oo d
#lolthat,,C4X,Biddie t: “inaq . .titto,effiolig!)
expel.the u#l4oo ; froni
`-`: ludie ) NVOodard'ilettei t tteloo- .
F 49 *il:sees
,tru9 tqtketi l lia,tkiptici itistitiotydrieise
le Alle: h.OßT'. 4 .4 l jog9rs 4tidg*.l7 6 o l o 4l '
kio,,.! ) sit:cni, 4 l'. 44 7700 PK ,siviii,g;i4 6 ”
itse:ifinCAO. Union. , / of
m ickone T if.4,p l ite to
oeilAuf trincip t ,
. 4 e t
save our gro!iow3c4pmopyeaOpOn,ru
-4'lo lisgr49. ,"'"
LETtEt FRO3I#O4.G.:*.,WiOD:
fiemApnAnt.Es j;.;sthwat...;:: • ; • . _
• DedrAir.::. I bavei . receivedi. the comma=
niciticivof your wish" resign the , po:
oti Chniiniati .of Democratic'
State 4)&681 Cominitfeie f in order to give
as, a private soldier, 9r in any , sphere` that' .
Ittny-be open to you, your whole exertions
for Old defetoe - of Our lirgadett Common.
* ea t t ko.,) , ; •
As the Cheirinenship will accept :by
ybki"witli the :'express imderittanding that
it„-was not to' prevent Tyour 'colnPliance
with 'llDraltio 'niilitary semi& that you
might deem ebtigatery- up - elf,yotr I cheer ,
fully cotistelt,'so far es I have inter 4
(it in l your inovetnents, to.'syout , resort to
ar*s'in , the defeice et the State:- indeed,'
much ail sbould . regret to' lose your ter-:
vices at the head -athte-copiniiitee,t:lnev.;
eitbelese eeriteitly dethre :you to loc . and,t
ii ga'sibie; to take with you men renotighl
to eipel the-inifiders from cer2`berders-.
The' GrOvernoeti 'Proclamation - or the
25th'inst, is a' specific demand.foi. State
defbace: "'You :will :be tuaitered
the service of the State," be eity4"for the
period bf,ninety, Oays, but will be r;'quir
ed tedertie onitsse uttuth of the -pertod of
the muster es, the safety of our , people ; '
and honor abut; State may require.'
There ought - 161e - such an instant ut:
rising of younerner, ikrresponse to due
cail;as.shall eufficient 'Ack:iissitre the ,
publiesafety, and:toosch ,tho world shat
no. hostile foot can; with ituptinity,Areads.
the soil 'of Pennsylvania: am, very. tru
ly, pink: • •
PhiladelfMl, dupe 29, 4883:: . . -
, .
m •
ass Ineeting Aver, teld in
:dayi , theVith ultimo, st - Dantlaff..! TO give.
some idea of the' number nive meal-noir
refer to the factiithat there woe:. several
trooestiOns;nne of ivhichwe 'saw onnielvei.
and &hinted eighteen font' horseleainsi
onatiiiliorse; !luta:over. -. fifty :Anro 'horse
-teams,•heOdeabtiggies:ialt largenuinber.
.The , conveyandea.werentit - there - for - the
parposiof making a she*, but were fined=
to theirsutniestesipacity-With :uaterrified,
Dereocracy;.theiriviVes And deighters.—.
The credit ofthis procession is 'claimed by
Lenox, Abington snot-Benton. townships
OthWpronessione we are'tOld' were:i'very
large. The largti', nnmbetik beautiful 'flags
furnished abundant:, evidence that; the--.
DentOnency;idthoiiglignadedna froin one
degree of madness, to, another-by the ea
traps of the pittrid--poWer, cannot forger
the stars;and.strpetil--teithet.lwilli: they_
willingly see a single stariallfriim the pa
areolow;tas as,
'ever, like Webster,'Ciay, Cass,. and Other ;
patriots in 1860;1in:favor; 0f...; Union: uponi
I , 24aid. , terihs:; I. They nhdm 1, no ..:excitonveii
rights fertheit OWn:::Eitiite'otrer-; another
but:Wicina:see:-e9nal exact ..jntticti:
- meted' out to:akirreipeetitre i
The day was one long to reiaeraber..:
ed by thottenwvacYaSasquebarnis and-
Rebel lavaidint kutbouv,
forces, composedOl Iniltstty;iirialry and:
artillery e 'snatinnibiringfivinii;9o6 g,odiv
have t',!tidiarni *id" 'captured'
The rebels are 800,06iato be' 'llia ebing
on New Mini* 4tnd - *here '
large 4iiiiititiett atuipplia are Stored.
Troops are being organized tbrongbont
the'Stitte siittlittfor*aid raj - A(113i:-
Mishear. hi entir,elyznspendeil,,afiCeiti-.
meet I . bas beetr
se, ns.
edbers,'Sine.e last" ,
„ • • ,•-•
It io'feferted- -thst?; tiro' citizens' IreTe'
killettat voridow4honc
*it torn:,
" A . •
logeis by the Jai ` 'll4O Penulivanui
tithe 801 l ThiddiasSteventi of Lrostele!
Besides' lOsisg of . aorais siv id e
*deaf 'oitiev'llna' ca ttlit, eloi)
:diete county,
andfiligibleiron " rn l, ar e
ea '
rO' 1 1: 11 0- I l e /44S- °
SteVeWilv-ettimifta 10,!!til?!'11P,
f0Y,0604-4 , '
"" •
Coaathilm• — lt
Adel Oat ' 'Ertephensi ; (hg r .
relief* hob ‘
ioliy krnpltitima.
fOlPY*illment Wl 4ll lBgt,,Y
loafers i)T - pre•#oll l lVAlMlVraill litatybse t
gni thatsime *lectefilme*le 0 0,
.poraireitiied iiii*Oion or k
e rioniw e
by 144'ind,fiiirthlii satii6464
`(oro stuyllyiihnelettle had beortoughti
Tivi ourY Qol4lDlflZoe. '
canon here
Atk,. " 1111ktee* beeifr .
px.tiv4rVirng*:TePlY to
.a very
natrvoiknuni4ition from the
63 i404 . 1!):17 1161 1 (the President.)
b ar o n " i n im'initimolo let Ilrallandigham
h9akil if Oesfi genttometi will bargain
in retufttoi.eep gutirdOyeriVallandigham
anirto Emile doaklinmliteblef, - and pledge.
themselves generally. to execute the gen
eral Republican Ohio programme—the .
:President all :the while insistlug AlPPiktiM"
'very yoints at issue--the validlty;tigatim
ji!sziAn4k.thgainteat t -,Y.*
.T.lAtcP o e ,Ltlfecl!FiisioAcnt) bad Ihe -
to,re-Ottekt t lfititlif inlifaltbe; P re s ident's
i tnagniiiit ShOuld be Tof_the gOod,'
k beiii 411)449 ddge
oftliat public,public,oCl4l? , 1-tffn
lbtigr istiek''cirbtimstaneeS- 4 ' , of cours e;_'.
theangent)enieninouldlha4 doile'nOthing
reiPPctfolly'Veply the' Pres,.l
lihnfripii Pvglumtur# : it) Char - -
.who,waiil o o-;
ii6don 18,88ifoiljas snelt "iretogatives' •
as Ur. tinedbilais olaiiit to ait being paril
of thigieeutiie;inonsirehingiairaoch
of ",the government." All•bf theiepainii
liaviftiOf *lige,'to bp settled in the end by
the people ?::-as - iVere'thopeiition;.,of '4014
under 'and thehillitif tie& un,
der Willianiand Mart 411Priliedeluisition
' Upon' this - " petitioti , of
righriand 'of
~Tiotivi. 'OOO ttiff RonSe3Olhe
-pOple Of Obin•z4ii-did
ChOrles wont, : io.the block Or
SingJainei3= went , lo,friroin England to'
France imd Rothe::
. - ThiPresid'ehti''dotibtleat
ih feVdaya,- , if - the
pet -ace'
hitri (thO;Wesidput) ; hi§ Own
`urea of an - irbitreey- tirresti"" tufa AiiUl
ikt'aitim:hedd houiV.thartial; un-!
faithful as liltLixiebii) litlttp the - oihatitti,
tiotictuld'his'oath'ih eiuipOtt'it, we treat ',
General Meade will forbid Lee's diking ' , in
aihrueli ;IS such an arrelt," whether per
'pOtOtOd'hO' as
' ot
to. be•deploied 'i L ts putting an'- endttr.alti
'Cotistitiiticnal Govern
This tenildnihn, wholtss•muSed so nisch
excitement in the prorthern States i - and'
who was banished to thoSoutherd States,'
for if Ett - ;lted ,'period, arrived lien) ou the'
C6nfederate sloamer Lady Davis, from
'teat. It is re- ,
portekthat' Me:Vallandighani is'orr
way to Canida,- thsie to - aitit tomhig
events.--'4eivuterii; 24:_ •
• opeepingltno ; 3
Judge Aditeatti at
ite'COurt-Blartial' +if the Ikon; CleMent L.
Vallandigliatri is now being tried
*Matti; upon thefollowingeharge •
icln 'this, the Said diptaiii - ' James..4l.
Cutts, 11th Infantry, U. S. A.; did,'on or
about the 11th day of April, 1803 while
kutmitlying viola ' ',lintilet.-110,ose,-
in the o afteinO6W of said
attempt to look through thelcky-liole
of room. ilik . of said tense; occupied' by:
a i gekitlerolui and wife; and ' didlin• the
everlibtiot said day,it 'abobilalf patit 11
o i cloile, 'after' said lady hid retirOd'to' her
,room, and winielet' luiSbillid'.wai in the;
COrridoi . belOW,'' Said 'lady' 'being at the
time partiallY.*.ittidiesiekt . previous te= re
tiring., *ea ialisiibr;pOrtmantead from
his atilpliceit otie -of Illit-Open
lisils of ,t:be house,. lOgpinit'iloi, jamb of
dOoi. of 'occupieil`by Said lady,l
placing . hiMself thereon, did 'loblethiongli.
the ventilation' blind ortiarisaiit
or over the dOor, - "iiitO'sdid.: - toiiin, as said
; WY *as 'undressing'. ;I'M'S - tit 'the great
outrage, of 'the - feelings' of ;the,' lady and
'het husband, ' ind`l6 the gioat'aiiiiidal arid:
injury of the setTice.r . 'ill4k - plead;:"gbilty
to tbe'Ohargei' - " - -
ThO'CliicagO Once . 'the 'cirgab of
Siephenli:Douglak makes - the ; follow ing
comment on this hopeful: iiiiitherLiOiWtif
the late illihole Sen ator;'
”It "was emiaentl3: lit and. , pro O r. hat
the Offlebil Who._ presided at `the'.thiljtary
'4ial,-ofdbudightuli; aided . finery
means hie, power in the outlawry _ there
perpetrated; should. be
pna Offei6ol against-maloinedeety; and'
When; .deteeted_nd fe called:: to apeoint,
eketdd seek too* Yiehlid - Offeital:seriense,
.131 libel pima, metilickit thiiiiehrMen
livai4to Bey naeght :of the OriMinality of
. giving them 'autheriti s 0-,er the likerty
4114 character of Pres,
epee they are got:fit tOOtiind!,
icdOineti fiorGea.lpiiollitie'e r Aieidernment,
men of 'OroatiOn step out Oft the,
judicial` chair IMO the. i d f pthe of
praylty..`..The man _Whe prjAid4trittef'the t .
Cite cif a - setMlar;no4,atateeinak,digfis' the
ermine to peep., keykOie of a
ladf,e - ,i3barnlter. Mdtifidoettirho ar
:bitrated- the • detitink.Ofifie;,DeriMeMtiO:,
! Partf-PaeidN't, B o l 4da.
aridloolm through a lettiotAt " 'disrobing
itfilklfOght- " eblfe s se k 4an k
.lifts paltry' coward tA? inikler:°ffica
a shield inn", , , It
qas for 09,0A : 0140 that, tle: aroiatiO, in.
'‘Ake , tl tlO, konOst
.man's hand throtiOthe,
world . It _ W'ikr94o l,- 5 1 .40 1 de.
*Oh ti 'fie'll''' et ' - t iiiet e t: to :
' ell oi ' 1143.0 m -0, ea o,
Auf0 6 4 1 ,1 3 : - Ifar*Tatil'bfelia* * *WibliTi
•Chimit ' 7; ** 9 l severalli mOdiurfi Of -- . 0 44,
- Wititommiiiiiiiiii:reltetier,' iirthWfrelitl
Liirishalitteiti-idefeitifiiiiiiitiffy - ofthe
Taiiiirio.'4lheentk i tiatgeis til*diarlikiti
t4P Pirt;int PXCePti#gthole 6lll o ,l o o::
; vie Mietiiit and`fr-fiottiirbO our
*40 . 1100 sOuitinatioi4, :fiffiiiirna , iiale
ofigiitUienCtliejol-fiytlielreari - -, ;,o u t
them' iu p?ifiiiheniiii,..infAel:,figlitif
[a 3:.:-. -.-.,. .. , .•, -- ; i- ,- -...griv,.;•-. ,, .. t
7 , - Tr -If - Z 1 , 2 - i-14 1 ., * ..11.t . .:-..".‘ ... ,t•., . „ ' .:, .' -
• - "7"- - r
'''.140,0 7 4116_
the 28th itilivonv Democrat. •
k A ditiOtofini bulleoa board an.
iftliceiitlthc - ,lii3cottAitionat3aurrend e r of
Port Ifirtratin",ll4 - 611443 - Z 40'8 whOle
army' - across ther - Potomat,'-and that the
riot Nese isyak, becoming more
J andian4iieiiAniiiti l 4';:j .- •
i , ,-7-----:—.....-Nalwai...----.
.eq ,-
..i - ._J , ~- Vfallatt4VslS-12.
: The enenri!a.-:_ne - w. posinon,-,4Nots. win
assrini.eVer-lArtil - ) teerifn ' from a
-P,';'i t!t•P.,. e . -.l4°rr'!ke, calrekrtiftnAP:. B ter-
I'Vf 1660•Aiitlitaili:AtArit4iiiiiVa46ear
04g0rEito - Wn - .f, _l'4 re - bur:Wu:Shure:fie
shortened hut' apparentli is.:,muck,stion
40V - ihnnritree - ghed - 30A fTglortl,
nr!,4lASsil - plti thtfor4s at , _ ilillunsixtrt
alillatit.FAM, os ',re47E, - '4' rebels are
thraivinknp-intrene.hment;i ' 'A''-tieetti!to
, - I.iiii - 4 jltrgejorafg;:xtia i ii,?4, **het&
' er.they_haveeeew4any -iici mnilifNition
40 . 004*TiotniqatiAt.9 - fid`i lig over
some ...wounded " ands' receiving supplies.
Therestaii.;cOpSidereb . le
.44rmishing last
nit and :Alai; :nibvnitig,' our lines and
. 1 - case,o - oir fignet - nirelbile at
,Pre4enC - ; . 4 - - , aisiqiitek'frOm,.yogr ..,c9F,res. night ;doee , -not mention that
- any-general- engageMent :oindried'tif-day,
iit'iris'hard-to i3ee . how-it can- be delay
ed mtlehloti*eit'' , •The3 P,-6toinair has fall
.en'Sonie...:duriogthe-xast4 few daysi o .,;tbitt
hiiiiihniers have. 1 prevailed:-.thitifter
-floolkWhiek will -serve - tcrietura At to
`high; aratei4iiirleagrilti.r..T.-, r :-,• k ,':
-, ;kdlipateh--from , the , head9uartera, of
tife;iiimiy:''llatid:li :o'Cliick' %Ins !evening, :
s t ud 411sIttiet:),• '';,' e .';'l
_qi. t
4 .74)tere
_, was- somn skirmishing -.‘herelo
-9441.11t.::'----- .-: '.. - " - ',7 - ''.,; -, ,..: - :- , , ,
' . bnre'deiinot- s e em ,to .-,he any -fear
that .-- the *veiny : -,osse4 the river; nor
that he „oak o.y:in - , : will - , cr o ss: "without $ swing
I^.4iiilo. ~ :- .:: . : ..,..", '; , ''L .. . ' , i; ^' i'. - .-- ' "1
Tfe r i"PA!' . iiken A 'heay..yiTain! for 'ffitee
N'ours.,. , . , ...... •.. \ ' , ......f,.. ; :".. :, - ,,,,,7"' .'' ~ ....
Shippertsbiug, Pa.; -July
The position. 'ef the ; rebel, army was
definitely stated -at\ rheadquarters:
_morning as folio:wit,
Longstreet% -.force at e. -Shipherestotin
E well's ate,,Hagexstown Bill's be!
.twe e n Hagerstown:, , ; Williamepert.
their estimated strength is -, `tit fifty -live
to sixty - ii fr ond'about-':ene
hundred and 6€ty pifeaig of artillery. Com-
Runicatiou liettOen, tcneral Ouch's ar
lor and - tile Army ` of the ' Potom ac i 8 oily
bid by a circultottlf 'MOM. . •
- It is rumored that - Heimregaid'his' a
large ; force heir- theIT . PPOr Potomac, in
Nirguila, to eiHiperate;with'LeS.. 4 ,
Large ',numbers, of rebel prieoners—
wounded 'and ethers-Late constantly be
ing forWardedlo Harris:burg 4a.Preier
ick: Theidecisive . battle•:, does-41ot Seim
imminenti,. , ,befctie,-; - 3.l9nday; - General
Conchii C r ikOt il ah* - ,P1 36 0-Lee'ill Rue-
Tcicgraphie -cotrinmainatien'eitettai to
-" oitetner 'Cittininteuds
`being. with thie' - army-when it. is Caged'
on to efuss.'ibezetati via - at
:Gettysburg' last night !. attending., tg, the
Wants kif "the' itniop:mopOi3d. Gedeial
Couch and Staifirer at."-: (UrntlellB
- Last,night the general - ; ,was sere
naded: by; as -mili&ary bit3d,:iid made a
speech. - ,
- • ,CotonellielklnOlds and Celotiel Plac-
Veighi;also'-`,‘ addressed . . - the = citizens ;,- , of
Cliiimberslinrg and assuiedtheitillief,(l!
Confederate armies wo
sixty days. tild :crushed in
• -
The invasion has probably
lin and the adjoining Counties' ,tbreel4MM
lolls of dollars . ,
_ _ __ , „ _ ,
--- A 115sta - dont Drift."- - -
IlielaWo.i 4 li :0 1. " - efts in Ibis
f o rced
- alt
is' .. tit ,42 been 1-
foreelllt , oyertheNert,biliroinUttite)be
'it 'v9 l 3-' l 44telif.Ari' - htifunellt . .."--'4 ll 4:of
_ordering a general Conseriptibili.ind,,pilb
lick* Sifportifsnink..tbe_quikas legie !ever
t/OmA sim?dignistratiotubasiodivately
intifiettheseVirsif 'dititriaeiftifoit mar
144", an , the-• been -4egun
- whiff:kW itui VO oiled& fir lifeitittatiOn of
the lionblitl. , A Wehelleste:4llll, secret,
of doleg.s4u#Pßl iac•T, 910,RAQ Aim or
Anithaaint it' el qUite Bowie Iliiii - Mee
- - _ .., _,....
country ', -, ..
...„ .
/361ar we have iii. isiniatide tliit it is
•to bi an P ( 14 21-6 . 0 ".1 . 5.11P49,P----Trom, , Ike
Millibar actualli_draued.mathOdeisland
and Massachusetts, it ! would seem that
the call, was for. 800,00., mew; , bubi l the
number refiiiiio :Of tlkr.`, 'OOO ntieCOf %t
-wo - sod: Essex ie- en .alniAii . of-Aotheilo.
Aleoriltiii* - Iti e. riibuio;‘the''nember
New York-eitz-must4alike7is.243 l oQoend
v i th
13,rooklifiV4VOOZAittehlittoptuiripijo at
the -We 9(60000 tflilibitikiie . .
Cali it tei, ilia , the iiciio,liietrifif. i
,4 so
tilnellittaro 00116145941*Ne .... ark Cop
perheadititaii-NiiwZuklatid ' -publicans
thi t all eittlitiftie niOti):OnthelfolmetAthan
the Atter-2 - Tbie.:Astpitallkeentioas pat
.tet; and in the absence uny:official 10--
, 40.linceniellt ,WT,-Xhil , :1 4 1v4un44#fi- tha
number or ''men• It requiresiboWt-46 we
knoti!,liat•*lo4l , 44;•tOoriWinstOctilme of
the Tetivest.inianwhabcarti: , llol .00nseriPt
biaAi.AFtberfrebitwo -- 4**4and
liititt,tteite f
1 ,1 0 440( 9 4 = t 03 . AtbeY
'4004 0 4* tuumitiest*.wobsecY'*•tuatt
.nitiffalriCa'ol 4 :l‘: - 4 1 4000tailittintigiressf
- ..ktleare?Ary of War 'who; on attioooasion
. j''* L - - . - ..;4 - 1 ' 7 " --- ;lfite ors- 7 atelier
ligarWti. , .-, PO
, t : tfreje.
a t e l L ;•• • it ms f!f_ng , of
i talentilitartfask*fil 4 Nl l l o 2l Mt an
topp : rjuu , rßftiA• Stan
d t t t ' i l n= i g in f'
eaiffiiVTeitieVo e imedikes-PeatTinoolo4es ißa ed
a utabe O tilahrima
- . -..' tka tallnOrrraldafirlakaatbi°
i tiltraef:,l__ll2SnAiintiblltlg .*•aid
OfaaPOIr0004 : 7••': , t1r:14 it _