faithless Charles.l.who 'aciald , tisienktb the Petition. Of Ifikhrvaed 'ebade its "e t : by fidsifying the record; if tlie liberties of I 'tge people bad depended on nmere char • ter." 'So tiErbitire been obliged to ask,of what avail haa - been our"sacred Charter, the Constitution-of the United. States; a gainst a tyrannical President, the willing agent in carrying out the wicked persecu tions, of the republican, party, agamat, The Ditmeeratswho are.' guilty. of no. crime but that - abbor'rinie the diabolical_apitit whichthese republicans manifest. That the' Witmer:its have io - lareseaped-ileath at their.. hands is - owing:, selely.,= their. want: , of power, and not to any virtue they::. possess that . Would restrain them from : making;. awattorapt. to murder, If any, one, deubti thierisiertiOn now, it will he proven. in the subsequent bistoiy. We, .will ',neW'shciVi the different modes-of re drisandiiieh'thessi innocent persons have in' .their hands. - It has already been Seen that, theY have a right to wage a war for vicdatiid tights . and liberties—that they can obtain damages in the civil Courts "against` all concerned in thus."unconsti l tntOlially misusing them," and they' have ogai natural, moral and legaiModea_ of r rose, which they will use without doubt hereafter if thus assailed.. :Illackstone says "self defence is called the primary law of nature. If a• person he forcibly attacked, it is lawful for him to. repel force by force.. alt considers that the future proens of law is by no 'means an adequate remedy for. injpriesiteemnpa by force, since it is impossible to say tii,iThat wanton lengths of rap ine: . and era eitY..outrages Of this hind unlit be , car ried. unless it were'speririitted a man im mediately- to oppose; one . vidlenne with another." Lieber says—" such beiag the laiva of Magna Charta, the very iniPcortant ! creation occurs, how are those la,ws to be enforced. How is the law the 'nest ef- feiktially to guarantf to every one of its ' in acts the inviolability of , his . .perstm and , property The first security is that -derived from the law of nature.. The law permits every man to defend' his person otproperty,. and to 'repel by, force any un lattittil invasion of either. .But the law of natiire affords a feeble - protection, and . inn nnite'hi" com tnnnities for the more elfectilal 'protection wrong.' 'lf one man unlawfully seized the persoirof another, he . is laws of every cent-. liable to make amends 'in dame= ges,' and when a inan'sperson is carried, the Country so that he cannot be Anna, then a process, takes piaci similar to' that adoptea When goods are Carried' off; in "that caie Other . goods are taken, - so ni case of the 'man, the person who ltikleonveyed hiin away is .himself taken as a pledge for Ms restoration. This , pre.: ceati of replevying , man is very Ancient in the English law, and was superseded by. the • writ of Habeaa Corpus, which is the great and efficacious - writ in all min tier' of illegal confinement, for if a proba ble ground be shown, says Blackstone, that the party , is imprisoned without just sans e then the writ of habeas outline is a writ _ ticrc eb irswg - . - TW to every man de tithed imprison, though it be bythe maid of the King, the privy eonneil or any other." ' Thus;cati the Democrats not Only law. filly resist any officer who ' attempts to arrest them without a legal warrant. for some specified - crime, but they Can take Aliiabam Lincoln himself, or any one . as sisting him and detain them as - hostages , for the safe return of their victim. Cob bat, in describing the" atrocious. aets t of tyrannicil Irings says, " they imprisened any one they ciose to imprison,; n any dungeon that they chose, to keep in, imprisoned persons front all Comniunica den with friends, ". fathers, husbands; brothers; mothers, wives 'and children, and prevented them froni the use of pen, papers and _:books, denied them the right of being confronted with their accu te'rs; of knowing the names of the witness= es against theyn,,br the nature of their :of Was it in Turkey, or in Tripoli that„ these things were , enacted 'No, but in ragland where Magna Charta had been in force, where nothing could (Luce have been done contrary to law" ffu.d nottiti America the same outrages are committed b a party , who are, exerting all the ene.rgies 'of' their nature to perpet, nate their,power,. and every_ vote hereif; ter east fora'rudical Bepnblictiri, a vote far' the : Government Henry- • Bth;and every other'arbitrarY King` that ever,sat on a;throne. Let their power be perk:V. fatedand ;Europe Will yet be arefuge frOixi Atnericati Despotism. 'L SpEsca.---Extract, from a speech 4c)ivered,by Hon. A.. - G. Rid.dle,,Repub 7 : liiimiinember of :Congress from- Ohjo r in Fehriarylpst. : . • . . "The freedom of, speech is the latitSran• elm' le free, peoplewill Surrender, sta mg 11taillions will Stamm it in.the midst efitti matter what 'calamities.: They: vill,diseuss the events and managentent of the. It is their.war, and the humblest. -of them - haul an interest: in it eqool. to that otthe fast nitisen„ ands they :must andnisy ais; cube las (the President's) acts with ti - frei mainstay ken." Lineoln, it in Raid, when he: eard theiiews of.the'-•COnfederate • iaid into PennsYlvania, was in I his-, , r00m smoking 'bist , nw.. 'Seward entered and told :him ahl•• . .Wa , ,-and then tamed end , asked him Idarifte had 'another- aeg'ar.l-z•lti. • Lin. colitliface;;Trltiehliefore looked :mow* , up n'• tmilelae he eaid..l"l sorry h4ven-t: aidthtk,BiTi ha:le& can • emne- behind iiiiliateip pun, if yew like,' for ibi s i s - 4rialimillarcl to draw." - This joki, is idru.:kiviinoaufftfia .;4 3 7"Ithe.:.PieslatOt - has 'Orditiedth thr , m, to be'eatorcediii e jihode. bland ana I • .01t 4..cia0..r COZIOW.. • ... „r, DemocracNomizugjims: Ll . rolt , 4,ovapotoif, GE IGUI--,:1100111 X t t'R JrtKm oP!,ml farPMl'7nC•MThPs. WAITER H. INIII,- i OF,-¢LLT~QHB2~C_ COQ : - to.*ifie..*oolo;;ii,-:,..:: Depooratioigast c I Not‘thatandingjhe'unfavorible wee-. thepi the ',lgNsit344 : iii* io Aity:ii!!4ge• - :sn 1 00 4 0_ drizzling Iniohegao . , : to fall: aim* p6on,' 'which continued several .hours;.: keeping many (especially ladie4 away who'Woild otherwise:. bate been ,' present :',` But the rain - was much needed , f4ir itiigroving crops; and oornturdy Democratic farmens, , who:can stand -tamest m4thinf hut abolio. don misrule, SeenlesVia 't,egied the drizzle as o Tart 'of' th 6l Piagrallinie; was a capital' mixture : ; of i n dependence , , , "rain; ibod - nature, .inud; entiusiam and muein.: Delegations from nearly :all "the , teet.e. ships iere - present: latge . priiceiMot from rrankiiii and townships 'adjidzine, - inarShaled by CoL 'Caine in 4bout_noon,,,wittliags o 'bitmers and mar. tint Soon'sfter,:along,trahz of *a- 1 eoni, loaded 'to with strirdiYeo- Men, Came in from Aziferctand toireshipa and beaded; .by theßerfOrd-Cornet4and., Halting in front of the Keystmie Rotel, the welkin fuel, such cheers as 44;nly healthy fun& can give. On nearly all:- the owner* hzmit ere car: Tied:-in:proceision,i weie . .thetalismania . I li r r iftirM'lMNlC:Ore I .oco3aliitltlitiC23.: • As common steel y by-attrition, : assumes, the qualities of the tnagnet, sotheiteeleo-', trio words, - 13 , ;eortnitniltinigneintion, :have become indissolubly united with the hetirts ofour peraueiiiiiiiSeiiUvkitiacts t and they h Aar. fire!!: 444. --Itti:threngb. the dark _days of: thie:administration.. te the bright dawn- when we Ault haveDear.' ecratia rulers, and agaiin'be•a united 4nd happy people. Oreeiey, r,terauta,Mf . ajmting „with erystariitite ideze i lorandly - Waved: trout every Wagoitirr the lockieasion; • = . f About' a o'clock ` the 'meeting was or ganiied .#P 04_ 41t - *-..ri#44-,osantatf,4, !them:. were .; g,ooo persons on the - groned. l . - : A. Masi Meeting I at - -Ben tcitt:: . reentrie;' on the- tiatneday at traded a from •- otberwisti,„itaiebeen Itei.e.-:',4:.r.eourte. few,: abolitiOniste -were preseet;:rond it is to - be'-hoped ..glreetr!' -1 4 1 404 thif - argik . **ic4lyat .adrait!abii-`llol9o.l4=:;deAfeiik al eers were=liven *a!' Egwii oiotoiflir; • Vnien; . 1'4:90; §eyntaar v ..Atr - , racy of 4tiio; and i'ot Geri ,.; McClellan. The 7,..l)i,eAdenT;•.Titapo, 11*intrn, 101*,44700 4***:',oolr)it, W§sTs-No4Top, iueal; speakers w ho were advertised , to :Addeo" , the •' , inee.t#lk4 j been de than &bjat oxit;so4iis> ii; iEiGia ring - was plain , logical ;un. otn : = . - - • • . • of Ins_ saannerconvmeealialencethat. i v . 14 : 1 04401;*04 i **0 0 C4 2 1.14 4 same issue iic eajzs faiiiitioo - 40 #EC)*Wi*t4**g*'"*4k**:*:.: t000:i40340.0 1 #400,-igfOt.:004. iii *V it * -11. # 1 !k - # . ' i llitc* : 11e#.04 . .: iieti**77* . fk*OftsitigtO called 40**,404_ . 4*j4,o4* . rA upotpt .14m otandi.awonsmit, mae~erly aid effietWejli*h " Au* lie` efi a .a "copperhead" litcriiWioi:governmeht. co ,the'fr:Vonstitntion.P i4dinfs of the dominant patty: : nflitter invective, - exposed and flriiiiiistries, ',and called n meaning men in 'standard a,s ; thenulyineans to litierties IBM Avery salt ted taitaliate;Avilt , - , givei!pai men* Aeadedif 0 , 41iin7 7ul)'9 " h Ot. ' ottlie will Pe, aPPr9P. Ladiee'Aid-,Sciety of thils `wanttobar , pea MUMNA thwolos "HISTORY =,Oi Mr. Iw; , .Gi 4 00w iiiiilk*Pg. tyfor his ular.,work, ; Tlß the S. T. .Healy; ifi.4 goaraotee 4:4l4oilirtater Ot thi .144sirithic 4 3.— tiikihe dop e s_ of 44* Btppitinl forkweli strunic*ith lightning of afteintninlast, Burin asevere - - storm.'' ;'Tlie il4 - 1 1 11 1 ! 1 Msa 40 ' 0 k , 16.0 0 0e, wi neighbors :came and • ,extingifish LARGE '.giatir.-70. Pad: . Do of 4 4 . ed save/feet across 4he.witigkiromliplo Mr D. , pmfinied twitiiitli two Kam . 4016 trim ti)e'rikht'.*irig,-o',t,lisinkniff... Kg* 80,-derg -4ili,Great wert,to. Horrid: argon.. the Governor's' call, ter° struck iitkligitning at Camp Carlin on Friday Inst; andinitanqy Ware unable to give neir • • arktr•Tallaijdikhrm s ewed„at f4;,:t ) Y4 lll3 :,:steanier garnet Pine y, feinn.l3ennuda, on:Sunday:huge-It is ta, iectthat - heAtisigns to spend the Butn er at Niagara Falb. - • . • - •-! • Editorial;lloiiesponience. Ady - 3; haa `been one 4:ifOrentembb.Os, - • u , 6treittiell€4l) -- d'OWeaces on. the: *g4 'of net' '.eatrip,. • *4e - tv We ; 4:iik armO with next day, iopithe va ll ey . , 1 t miles to Oyster ,POint L ai frnOei ; trete. 4arnahnigi where we met the, advanCifciiee'e the, rObele,:, - Oonsistbjgof a:sinatl force of cavalry:, , with swpeogal OPF;ned :tipen.us4. but as their &elk - Abe, were thrown to the, right:and left tit oni,l.sbirmishent, our 00,. . which held, the road j ust in front of their gun,s, ytes;not,fired. open,.but • the !has,. OfiffibicarMy'ne - o . 4zitAke: - tacsiorto be - more ekeitAng - ,thiti ealitivisting . Our boys .were generallyiretty cool for new hands,, and were . complimented 'for; firmness' by regimentat,Officers , and: others... We had no artMeryvanctconld,not;,, therefore; op; , state: advantigeonsly against the - enemy hut lvereohliged-AO. stand. .vied,' finder' their' , battery troubl e , theme -ad:we could , by,.lankskirmiishin the road' in : frontbemgbarricadeiL. hour or.twO at intervals; the firing ceased,. and' at evening -the the valley, • end' made our picket lines on 'the field Weinitest4;', '1:40 not' laiow that any of our troops: were hit jWe took one prieonefinhiii was. shot through :the kne e. and; we heard rii , rtunor the,t, , ,-"A• they buried -16 •up at;Carlisle ' - .lMCSuice I*.e; came here'l heaine• - confirinatimi-, of the'llitory : Neat'afternoon , : we were relieved 'knit *bet duty, returned `to vainpond rested tilLineriing, , ;*heti*i Marched -up the valley on-the: rinottaken:bY the 4ebels: Peiping through•Niugetoni we were treat: titd:sonicibreadepplebutter,Oefree, by the ladireskAvhiehl.O;,:ocitlyeark•- • beriditiOn",--; Trak feaet'lo `appreciated-, onlyby those who -paitook , ofit::=' , •' - : 'f•- ' ' - ' ,, Atnarch:of 16 miles brought. tto Cita lialei-16 miles froiO , lbirrisburig,and a fit.; tle-after inusetAholooVtic trhei bad not fidlio =out =handed by the way,,taip:hed .§4 into ilie.;',lfaiket uare;'-*anked''arOiti and Wire - .fillniA! . .-te "the itolln: for re freihrifents provided, by, thiesit4eni,wheii a cry -Was therebeli.eredomine'- iarbSeirefr,raslied:bask . had betely:Alaniitelet , parer forroedln * .;,ea c hrsid ee f,t hestreeoineielpatink edivairt: charge, When we - !Teri:l'o*ot 10 . 011 Mini led . ilia frcn > the et le, wtio , iieen***:-tusve awaited of r arrjvsi; and Or r - 4 3 ingeletietly;-?. - . After ,bold= inittbii4OtiolonAkiktit minntaii.***4 - 4 , detailed ipito differintotrtirof tbouitynonid itatioaed:dar-towel any attempts litnntrai3O?;:,Aithifititizenii4ant . atiken viverii 4 dvnnoed'ito44- -- iiii-*lceto inctiddindSher " . .i4ifteri - -4 *Want firing. 004:41iid'Obkofp i tteitinoldpg koitaid*othoWidebibe* bd -1:s "quiet°p se at :for ionic thitt itidtbnitinfrithnt:l6loi,„lrbrebepit refer: ,niektliOsb4olo,_ Itledt:!iegiut 't:4s Ili jiver: falling mirplhibonsliio rottst6 4 itidlitharoginogaiiiiiho l ivek `Ocunirnand - fidling-iy*.fieldsticiow . - t- ' -7 * O SSAW 44ol 4nati*iiisi4:nadratti, istbotal44****3liiirprixtobeeitith4n* lienTilikt4tievarntOinit • • • - - *fUld POnei be smitent of town beforeltft'elocknext day, Some , JeA, but Illear'rlialeinetkilei we _felC 4 'confidentAliat 14 4aylrglit , wel eelddm Wed by our artillery, reat‘the re hidir;wliose farce Was,thonght WA:ma - not; super-14P ours 1110)11Urned /degas.: works and barracks;:aud it 3 in tifirnorn.. inweentlifew nioreehellsl over the towni . and feft--since - which we" kuotv* nothing of them._ We held our post until morn- , ing, when, as the-enemy were gone, our fore a were marched. to, camp - ear site : dike - humid barrabitOtrhere vie muff tit tb*TrqPi.-- ~ T , - s -,.., Mtich dimagevma — ns to tVelob7 the ,Shelis,[ and one private - in:our , -regtd men Waralabot in the thigh; bat `I have ' nci reliabla. infoniation• that any 'others , were wounded. by the enemy:- ;' Theft#4 of trace Vamileolishly alleima to come ns to 'temin'to- the' very- corner held hyOni. comPiiiiji, after which eeveral Shells stet& the', buildings are , und Vs and pisied alohg the 8004 but owing: there to ours fortnne t an simmebody'a tiaanag'ement, - 4 , ' our , coM sly, vitli one excePtion; tame out unhu ' but mittelly exhausted 'with cereal= day's ,' close duty; a, hard ( lays . march,' Mid it- 'ni#l4, of, battleaervice, !lime* Were obliged IA stand minder a• terrific shower of shot and shell 'from a foewe could not see, or defend =ourselves ' againsand - that too almost without re freshimmenpc `except the ehower of broken shells,,brmeir, AO:, which fell around and among us. - Mole Hunter :had his ' an. klilmnused by a piece= ofcshell,and - was carried to; the hospital - . Dent, -Atherton and others, were struck - by spent' fra„,f7' ruebts- which did no harm.' - Nekt MIMI- , ing, our troops'got= "'refreshments as hest they *Mid among the '.citizens, who did thd Wit, they Could - for Us. , 1 Lieut.; Ather: i tun ; ' ..14.1Atherton,' and Myself partook of A dery 'rice' breakfast with Hon. J. P. almoadm44 friend of ?nine, - at reddened; and he prepared`lane pail- of , lult;teiremi, bread, ibc:, ler - the , rest of our Col but tee; had changed -' po sition and w I ad notbe found, ark others got what. was "designed foi , Our buys: t - - We have low had 'nearly 'a day's vest, with' a - night cmf qniersieep, feel refreelied i , and await, suchr orders' as . " the emergen , % 31 may at any moment: render necessary: e have!. about 50 !nett this' morning mn , line, fit for - duty, A few :were detained' 1 for light eervice;'fit , Harrisburg, some are., sick; (nbne seriously) and some are still straggling, but will probably' come in ,to. day. • Maj. Jesstip'went , tip the river Some days glide with three companies, for some duty, and they have not.yet joined the Reg.; hating thus escaped the toil of' the other Cfoinpanies. Our COL is a man •ot nerve, amid discretion; in whom' We all feel 't conftdence. have' been 'thremgh eivice, -witbOnt falling,Which .! never t ought I could endure. ~` I There were oho t' five minutes, after thashells curse in 'mine of our fie $ corner, When the , b rines of us found oat &atm would quiver , bu t he , itrein %art creased Our nervemew,,,,nympg e iza , _ aimited 6 momentanly expe •ted charge without [:winking. 1 'A train of cars `ante imp om Harris burg yeaterday, -we --were 'reinforced, ma tey feel increased confidence, amid hope that the," crisis" of , :'" the ernergeney'' is over, and that if , the invaders • have not left our soil;' we may soon geva chance to teach them, that our ,construction of the ConstitUtian and statellights, doctrine don't allow theni to iramplunpon the , lovely, fertile fields of the Old Keystone. More anon. , , , 1 Youm for the emergency, , • i. A. J. G. " - Direct letters to Co., B: 28th Reg., P;V: , M, 'Harrisburg, Pa. = " bleb via .eta, ask gaie the 'roadside it follies ail well nioartitio -rinkuatf eelebra. itt'entav ttisday. maceds totb, Ifiod w is the, 0 CO 13111. STII 0 0 t ificient ok. e leain in CRP Friday 'under e, and Ind 17. the the 21111MatltOLLOF00. '29th - F. -P. -NI. • • • Captabi—Willidiii E..Poii, ;, f"fiit Ileufemlbt-13. Bentley, seeod'Lien4n.intili-; Atherton Orderly a 'Fester;' 'Seecnid'SergeatitC. ' MIL Webb, ' - • - 4th- Urinal. Stebbins. Quraiteritigter , George F. Bentley,,Leisle „ W. wthayr,_ afail,A;Ylintc, = Privates. Thothai*P. Dodd,; ` "' Edson Mott, , -' S • C*in E. RFargd, M C& resie l 34ol, • 3 tab=onYi Uwiii`Thi.tcho„ O. A. lariee ) Leroy,Thnier;. B. B. 'Mul ford, X. Thipgeitord,' A. Fauriit,,„, A. 3% . Gerrj4en; ' ' SineslK." Sprooi.,, Todd, IL Unest liiiet. * W.A4rber; H. : D. Perd!inio, W. T. Reed, 'AtliOft9pr .„ Geo. P.l p: WArrln; . E. Rogers„; J. D. Iftyloe; • c4andiei t : Rose, Aivaii7A.4ooy, •Thendoinpi. Mt. - Meeker, - 11CriO4: Tipad, I #.*iit#iyOrttoi .1:* Williams, P. Reyno ' Trilnk—OcOttft = 8...1 ClilYeTt . , i 'et P. nandno • = ildisot;l3o 01, it It p4p4cpiii; " - te pJtoway rt: Gt• 4c;:rostoc, A"-! I TOMkorei l • intak..- S; V 4601 1 !; .. • =IN ;Nrii" 'o• iron -. • Vaitaittiow deb the : MatoTAtiii difit 4 .4.o'_Ot . terror," Olootoi to 7 COgrielit whilell, jilt, 'iarii from the jail - 'ra *got Ccin#m* ;:!• •That the* ttifookkritlki i i i ve **l loa m ipskop. • ; I , areillitini to av-tlitossi*ie—r- DIVEOOIIIIIO - 11,013. .%'IIOP3TING. - ...,lloiiinai*l - 00;of - oint*tkii the De mcietitoy - S#lO*nrui-,-Meti - in Mass :Meeting, _ tout see, July % th, to`ratify ncimin4tioif:'_,Madiby ; air late State Ciinventkop at - • \ ' Although thil(Weither was unfavorable,, /the Lion 'Matted DeMocracycame pour-I big iuto town by horse load, fol.' lowed by the four horse loiid, with drums beatinkand colors flying, 'and the Stars and Stripes in bands of stronkutoop . such !lumbers as•to indicate the return of ii - FogeksjOi andfliP•4(" 4 l to thtt, - 'l4 l int " - Ground; - ' irecida`by 'the Harford Brass Baud, Otvadded Much t o interest,_aq&,enliygniix- i OF. -Abe octal .lion, by theft' - hippy inetlied dicoursing music.,„ , , • Arriving on the -grounds, the meeting vas called to order -b AL-Gere, "Chairman of County Conimittee,;'and Was orwitlized bY - lhe choice ''of C. TYLER, PresiiientCGen: Jciubt, 1316,x- DING; Cu). C.' M.- ~GERgy, Cu). • - . ll,urcria Swim, Wu. C. WARD Esq., R. WELLS S. 'TEwKsurrii - , 'O. , Ross, MAusuAtx, - Vice •Picsidents. , • - J. I.•Merriman, - D..., - 13i•iWitter,' and tr.- S. 011bert•Secretaries. - COminittee on.-:Resolutions, tle, Chairman, reported the resolutions passed by the '-'llarrisburg : Convention, and on -their being read were unanimously adopted . - '-• . That wo of the` reseltitioni; upon the state Of : the' coontry;Oassed..ll. the House of.Reforesentatii'es of this Common wealth on the lath day of,April last,: and in addition - thereto, and - as.a: furtber-ex pression of-our.. yiewa upon public affairs, do resolve as follows - - •.'' • -- • . Resolved, That We:: again' tenon% oni rows of fidelity,tb the bOniiittitien of the United States, the greatcharter for which our fathers., struggled, And fought, and which was-citablishedi :as they theinselveS expressed it, 4 to form a More perfect"Un ion;' - ensure "tinntatie trfinguility i 4rnvide,_,for'the feitie; promote .general welfare, and . secure the-bleSsinge;bfliberty - to Ourselves and posterity." Resolied,,illttinasmnch, aslthe Consti tution embodies the onl y guarantees : we haVe Or public libeitY and priinte , right, AS without it Viiiean haven() hope of pro tectiOnfroni-blooded, sPoliation.and nicht—the Man' who'"Cini stitution as' itis" 'proven hiniself tO be de.- ficient the 'elOnent of -patriotism ;' and - any officer Of 'the State or:-Federal Goiternment. who; 'steins to ' - suppbrt the Constitittinii, and -afterWirds with - "it,lint x~atli on ' his 'clinseielice, violates iir is wholly unworthy of pfiblic-' confidence. Reeetred,ThakatnOng the rights which the Constitution ikro+ides.te evei7 citizen: is.thst 'of beingsedlire . in his life, - libeity;• and property,. so that he - cannot - be "de , prived - ofeithOr. Without: due -precess of aw, a faiririarhy a boinpetentjudge'and. • confrofix him and'counsel to defend him.' This is 'so jig in Itself; 'so neeeisary' to - the linppine.4l'of %hit peeple for'Whotn, All governmentli Made, and so Plainly writ= ten' doWn] in the ,Federal Constitution, and also in Millie 'State Leonstitiitiens' that any person Who miiunder-' Biota it, has not, in our opinion, the nieff tal capacity' !bleb fits him "for'ptiblic Stn. tion: '"' Peso That We:have hearewith tense alarm , , and deep ,indignation - that seine of our Opponents claim thr the - Pres. ident the - United States - 4 - Rowiir, hitherd to wholly miltnownin* America, and neV er exercised , in Europe . or Asia,: . except:by the- most despotic'. monarchs, "namely:' the dower to arrest free, citizens, - , for the expression of their honest opinioniofpnb. lie Rainy; and the President-has not only presumed to - aCT0)80 . • this power himself ''ivlthsthe indderation mercy' whfch tnigh't' bitti. has, delegated 'itto SabdidnrateS; ad 'they 'again 141 othersJa part of the 'country, titan its hideous presence* seen sad felt all over the ; Resoired,-Thit'..sincint the iiurneroMviie .fieerS'tio President has giVen thhli terrible4Mtier above the laiitCand Novo the peoplic theie. mast,' t. 4. a:afire be alo;ge, • ivii&are , ibtatlppeapaVia uneldolf.j . t_eithei bOa *Ali Or Wiselylciiktinlitietainffilled With: partisan "rancor knaves':who =do=net cite foe iPitice; • and rililianie ;AO delight, to trAmpleit 'Wider font ;',and--therefo - re, we' ate nantirpriediVteieartithaktlitr eat menC . have"been torn : from theitjdoW lies, judges itnniked'doiin. on the tied* ministers of the' 'GOSp'et:iniOitsoned' liiathionfe dangetinii, imirireipectnble vdp men 'treated w ith brutalitp:iihcioh, ,w'otild indeoent efeif thii, in many c ases, 'witliodtxat}-`preten that tha - viitni,sivere gui!tx . of even pot Offeadk much less. of 'lto cite against the laws. : • /..Reitai , 4 ) ThaVfeee-OoireTniiieni catitikt, exist Without "a free' tvtloa> of :, this 0 . , *l4 = iiiivousroti - sw , WeihiNriiited-sfate4 ass deolgred `that ji theierc*i-Irt -eripiiiis "Of tkaf . torroritetitiod , osteiti:64 4 .betiteciliey for th& it. in: theiftest;-.o4.4lepinia. , dOit'Of Clement nod :ttien of Q 'Lyle • t i le gio**ittMevtlief;ilf,o' That`,the ,0401 cilitk*Ab4 lailogigistrptebfabir tloM***Matth reit.dnfrilinfUune j .Avintetierpotterjthfs livrlot4lticed:iplialiands.urp.oteettl i e Ss t Tromllaivieit niAtra 01 1 4414*' . .konrivsataft pnerithermis. , mid*iinniezitytetkoAovernor,lattliti ,stomoy-41eavement - t to: 1014 ,biroir Übritiai'lindiet - thiff*ot• I :,htildtheins lit the 041re - iiill ottlie3rcelleArit t iecatire; Pirdits l 4 l _l ll 4ite , i7Afii-bar** ot-Peilb br sylvinia hail : eiiiittrite 44;:cthei:cau se of the trnkril.' - Wig Wilie'rittine and for the sakrinfAlre niiiiiiithiit .t.tit :party was made ; thittiwe:dinonnt* tlielost intim timilhat tlie - Dini_ Oerittiepa4:entertains now, tir:eVeritifientahOi et'Wer , can en. tertain, the, slightett pimptbywith the present gigantic rebelluni, Or with trait. .w in -arms against-tlici: - ,Overnment, pr would -l ever' ciimisentlo?-peti* uon .taty terTs_invoiving is dismemberment of the I:fiiiiini'iji.r i ntitGylinjiiitritirdiiiiiiiionfir this, ure Poirit *ith eiairit4ioivilb:ißelliv ish contribritions to the irar.iiiiblad tind treasure heretoforkatid noir) beim Made by the _litilidiedii - Of iliciiiiiiiida: ofiCreMo cratic:Citizens; who ': -were jiiiitirig,ibit i list; tq onta t h e regeoe'WthO'VoiOn'Arrairer it their lives'initif defeinie:: -, :!-,,.., R,siolvetc, . That - tok the IrtYfrieuda ofr the Union, and :feeling aini3foun4l.Oxiel- - t.y , foi ioi, fate, Noilairo, 04 Will'„"eker. me- the right to canaider,'ldisetiss, ascii) ; 'lain and•Urgoin b*miug loins upon the' people, atid the,,,tnortitnted ituthoritiev whateveiitantres - ,will,itt - oiejtidiniem,, be most likely to .4 plearie and leep: . the' whole nation , and-Union ,together under no federal goiernMent: - 1 -: 6 iidiii4, Thif;iihimifillirlihif liiii we had the solemn:06:1,o of the ,federal, administration and ,- bl• Alie Ilarty which placedit in pnwer, as expressed in the reivlntindpaesed by -Congress- on doll 22d, 18f3E•that ii giis iint,wagedoiti their part ili'ailY` Writ , ' - 9f - '9,i'Pre,ffigi9. l , l- or - for any puiPiise nt einigniat' or'. .subjngati4A• or purpose Ofoverthrowing or interfering with the righiaiii gitablished institutions 'of those, S tates; but 'to defend =and main. tab] `the ! isiikerriany of thee — Conatitritiet and to' preserve 'the 1 / 2 ; Union;:with: all the dignitre3unlitY and rights of the several. Stags ininppaired; ,an4. - 80Qn ni . Wiese objects are - accoMplished:, the :war ought to, cease. " . .lAtt,..the f'ederal, admin istration, noting tinder, the infinetice, of a sinall faCtiOn oluitrA Aboliticnisti, al ii.sYs' o.PpOlted 'to tho , MoP ,'-and'' , rithout life consent of the great, =is ,of , the`people ; has totally changed ground.; "rivoString and proclaiming itivinirpose to be - wholly different, arid thns'it . hassreatly allayed onrinstbope of &dee', _-, - , , . Three cheers . '!were.propos -for iron. Geo.. W. -Woodward; • ' were given with a Will:„'aud after music by the:Baud, the President,: introauced-'Hori. George Sandersen tif Scranton; - win) proceeded to address the meeting. .plam, instruc tive,7ol"Cetive and eloquent - manner; re-, tii.bistery;- and ,antiacOents or the'Demcfcratic party, and they opposition thereto from...Jen - Cram turAbe Lincoln, contristiug , Abe doiltriues of -the former , whh-tbe actions of the latter, and closing, with an earnest appeal for the suppression of the - rebellion. In his- ,ullusioir to the condnet of the walVand Abe mention of the name, Gen. George A.. McClellan, the vmtui data m-prevalleit;:and as the cheers'were given -,and given agnitt,' who keep front saying his .beart, I viould rather be Mcplellan,.then ,Bern. side, llooker,t I. Freemont, Butler, Lincoln & Co., all. combined, ; IJ The Band gave fis•the !'Ster paOgled Banner" when R BAiitl.3 was'nitrodue ed, _and received with the' `iiitistitearty applause, and on. its subsiding-he-gave the best speech of life.7/111hongh coeupying.a short . lialt.hPrillr4esholved in such odious light.the men, the and the party, whci`.tleneOuiteend;.derahic by:he'epithets of ii , '"cepperhead,7 !.‘ trai tor," iiiiiiiii men-tithe flove4.eflf. Y., 4.,,and the, next Grov. reilnisyl ver4nohe Hob. G. W. Woodward)„ ,and especially 'the that; idvertisia men like' the editor : 'our,- DOlOratie paper, as, an enenly of 'his ontiiiiry,Lwhile manfully,bea!ingf L - mei - tic wl,rdi - steel of Lh, e eFLefiliyirkklui it L ar 'appre,giated, fdioidit hii4been'heard, - intid iher,Silitril aide 44400'1/ which , ' giteted was all Ont. could - have been desire 1.':; After' _mottle byilie Bank_',9ll7 tflPtilok the thanktvoftliet piestitig:, * Wert tOnfigted , to . Mon: 'Geo; Sanderson foe Ns' a le speech,. - Che‘s, Wiltiditiii4_o47, the, iriiina; the Bisailisdedkmo drone adopted' ...thst,z4l*.zplxwel4ngsbe pabliehed.- ,The meeti9giftdO ' wkw4th theiierYliest'erfeefing- " fsigno b.Y-the-otricertg, ... ':•-'''_..-,,,, ,- ' Goneralliiiiiil '.', 1 '; i:' '.'_. This venerable 'statesman in an invitation to Attend, a .:ntne,ting of the Pe! nuieraey - of: , Yiratibington. , :county o , 4 Pa.i. makes- await:to Sille3deteigiiifleartilie• gunge:' 7 '''', . 1 .,"71:'' ':: "'-'• :' '..,'1*., - 1 ' ' I have , 139,03t977t k ,191C - ,„wttit-iiimost as 'tnueb:solietttße7uponlytlio . ion of the_ DOin‘ciado OrCir Oita . tiluirr *al, as'foi. thO fetitliv-ofl-the . 1 1 04 , E.04** II for-the . r ,f.a B .-99;4,,, 0 4-:il. Af.,!w , 4*4r that .the, perottnty 0r...011r-present farm of Gov erment' ieiteelfl thCFE44044,4 antoh.43 'pocky forboaKan co ow ;cOnsistenksonrse of action, by the DenineratiovHwqii.A The JapobinannCzaiiinalinvtiti l o : ,*49 o l4- .ing aPirits4itiflnioliticatitarty:tt4itstiir agent Saito; 7 ,4l CiettilliXo.7, - 4 6 5.0t0 ..,.,. Tif' civil nghtirtut intwhippitivlbovebobato: 144i i e i tio W p r e ..Y* , Afitt:te'ftiiiiiron: the prtOritit,ooo, 04.441.focovigttki ` • E r me i ,er A / AP sea z t tAPPt - tiP . C ll #l4,l AeteitisAdifiluls'4C 014/1C149"5. biidiO‘iihed.;-'l!o4fattsibi., 9 td i s c'ODI (4 ro; mniki . e:Alait.thk-****llo le 'Oise AV - ;lowed-WIWI 'ti:_piecee..Wo inoit,-bold I theixicii#Wiik,Wiplitr Orin — Oaf 'to thOiriliityi*lt koOp Iliem ilbei do- Ay, obtitwevan;l4P-':milini of the b ot,- ~ btieepotatabeiriloti3 'ittibonAttiotilt*lL . . _ . in li m e ter.*4 4o rlPMqt,AXlfiram* *I by Oaf oppeittori.:, ,-, t•‘ _ . _ ,--: ~ .., . , , , ,;-4. °1 1 16 - la t. ol oo my of llielatl*l4... ,H9tratailt*lhe fir!triiiiiiiitiimitu*lY3 . 44 , :i:v C 17.1 EL-4:vi.fe