The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 02, 1863, Image 2

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ontrost cncrat.
A. J. CUMILITSCIN e - Editor.
O w l f er-, A4' .
.. 24 . ihii.
Democratic SULU Nominations.
Fos oovstrrog,
Fos JUDGE OP Tag 817PIIRMIC comrr;
Election, Tuesday, October 13.
, In Montrose,
The Democratic Citizens of Susquehan•
na and adjoining counties, will hold a.
in Montrose, July 4th, 1863.
GEO. NORTRUP, ESQ., of Phil's.
Wm F. W. frITGITES, of Pottsville,
How. GEO. SANDERSON, Scranton,
R. B. tatru, Es Q ., moitmse,
and seviral others sin expected to be
present iTd address the Meeting. '-
2 . 2
Ararat—O. S. Carpenter, N. 1. West,
T. B. Ogdc7l.
Apolaeon- 7 M. Nolan, P. Welsh, Rich
ard Collins.
Bridgewater—Renben Wells, Thomas
Johnson, F. M. Williams.
Brooklyn--Jas. Hewitt., R. 0. Mies,
C. 13. Daly.
Clifford—John Bolton, John Stevens,
C. Burdick.-
Choconnt-11. J. Donnelly, C. Burns,
8. T. .Lee. '
Dimock—C. C., Mills, I. H. Wallace,
J. Foster. 1,
DunaUE=4. C. Olmstead, T. P.Phin
-nay, 0. C. Church.
'Friendavitle—C. B. Jae snit, W. Bilf
\ film , C. , Sutton.
Franlzliu Smith; S. F. Torre), Wm.
IStitSur. •
IFOreigt lake—Judson Burr, A. B. Gig
fie; d. Bradshaw.
- Gibson—John Smiley, E. E . Gad,
D. C. Jtober'ts. ' '
Gt.l3end Tp.—L V. Mapes,' G. W.
•Bailey. Orin Wright.
43t, Bend Gilbert, Era!
Griggs, J. IL Dusesbury. - • •
- 'Herrick—Lafayette 40124 'Ti'(aelts 3-
M. Myers.
i liermon.Y = 7W. Potters R:lifer,e; W.
Llistford--,lra Carpenter; LesEcs;:lFs.
-instelingley. • • !.
‘• Perm, W. c.:
•Jcpuis • • - -
- Idadtson—fli J. Griffis ? L. Via; T. W.
- -
Little ldeadowsL.P. Smnllin;L Dowd,
T. DOwd..!
Lenoa—H. Marcy , W; -n flaitley,• John
.Biazie4 , • •
'Lathrop—W. Z. Brinit, G. W. Illfany.
3L Tewkisbnry. . •
).iiaiberty—W: D Tura, Thl,3apey,Sol.
onion Allen. • - - - •• ,
f .- ..'llllilletoNtak--41C/Ettoilk.,Ctt4 Ron, R.
- -14. Dimond.' -- •
Ifontro- .Ants iit . e riC.D.Lathrop„
••o'Latitil;p l irittil-
Igatforii bor.---W.-Oxydeni;E: Gar
_ zrat4-W. T.; Ward.; . - •
..rOnkland-- 1 11.81mtts,14:848tt84. 1 nIden.
'Jo& Logan; (Ftgo.
„Ifargey. - • • , •-•
.4N-ver.Lake-r - E• Gain, Hognnia=
,1381llian. •-•- , - .
)2budria, „IL ai
r" tineßle--W-•' 8.- -
4103 , ,,W,. A. Gem -- G. w..130y1e,
..>".,Srus4fil DePett"--(1 cu,s , T
A. J.s4iymour.. :' ~-:' • ' i.,
' ' D Wright.; E•SPeacez' C.
Thamso-- 7 . D.
• niii i iiin ; , , -
- 144- , r '_ ~
~ 1 1 M. ,Gglilo,,. ..
7c,,t-F.o;'ll,:c;*tigr,:- - - ' -•"'
realm% so,men-fite—n
- under
'446 11460-7-
. .
-,,.,.•= -...4,',4:.,--,-.' '.,',,,,,,,,,x."%.,.4r,"..tt0P.1..z.,yre,:w,...,. ic,,,n.,,,,..,‘,44,,mr,-,.•,P,..:.,./Er,.5i.,‘,.k.,,,,-t.,,, , t .e..._.A..
. 1
_:- ' DlFT o AuvOntißlikomilresil'' — ' 7i'
Illrellp Thririlf its "IlikagiaciV'
04, 14 i: 0017 0 9 9 itiltritatriiburgi; 4-,
. '.',. , -June : 27, : i i";: - .
'MAW bilsociikil ITU ritsPelteeitti t e
call of the ClevonMr, we left , homeen the
17thi and arrived at I Harrisburg the ifoit
day, in good - Condition. We were quar
tered the first night on the floor of the
1 House;of ,Representatives, and the next ,
: day - ifierobed to Camp Curtin, where Iffe
,remained nntil_tho2fttbi _when Avelnoved.
to Fort Conch on the:opposite side of the
'river from Harrishtfig; Next day Our reg.
iment•Movad half a mild west , to another
hill, which is now being suirounded with ,
breastworks, for protection against "an at
tack. ' The-camps command - the , Cimiber
laud -- Valley,' 'and :. fs ':a kite 'Protection
againtt any adrinefoti'llarrisburg:'
We have been initletedlnto the' °lnt
degree" of military 'lifo-Lwhitawashing
1 the Hotrpitali sweeping camp =streets, dig
ging entrenchments, Jai; We hi ve b e e n
drilled but little yet; and were not armed
until the24th. - - We were, 'fiirnished with
a new pattern'of rifle musket, With bayon
et. '„
Oar boys are in goed'spiritti,' and ex
cepting that' some have colds, and - three
or four are abot sick enotigh - to be unfit
for duty, all:goes well With - ns'; and we
perhaps enjoy ourselves better than many
Of theterrotts ones at hate, who read the
sensation dailies. - . ''' ... -
• `We here jr , fini 'vie* Of one of the Most
beautiful and fertile regions in the
and all Who*otild like AO visit this
section, can tiny 'do :to free or exPenee--
The `large 'fieldi of wheat' are ripening;
but; at present there *little:probability, of
the crop being barveited, as' the people
south and west of here erepOuriug thro'
the valley into Harvisburg - in a constant
- ~.( P._.
M ~~ .
We, are dressed in the usual , style of
federal troops, and mustered into service
in this department (tern.remea) "Au.
ring the emergency.' ; Teould fill colimnis with Vivid deserip•
floes of our camp life,; ramreherr; and ditch
digging at night _ ; but as I did. not enlist
for that purpose, I can Only. agree to furn
ish our friends n brief outline, from week
to week, of our whereabouts and general
welfare. Those - who are here realize our
new style of living better,bv personal ex
perience than from any sketch I could
write; while those at home could get but
a faint idea from letters ' s:ld - mit be con
tent to hear of generalities; but t ariy anx
ious to learn fail particulars must come
and itee.
`Lettere or *pera.inteOdedforitiernbeis
&this Company, aiioaid - be directed CO.
B, 28th Reg; P. - V. At,' garriibur s , Pa.
Looking over the files of some 'Republi
can .a . re ofl Wit' apron 11s - `
ocratic party as "Union Savers," when
we ventured to predict that the course - Of
the Abolition leaders would be: likely, ,
some day, to involve the'Vol= in (rou
ble. " Oh, nonsense'!" said they;." you
are dough-Laces--yielding to, the -slave
power—pro-slavery tools.Cnion-saveri;
when everybOdy bows the Sonthern
States could not be kiCked, out of the VD:.
ion! If they want to. gO, let them got"
and much more of the same sort of reck
less bravado, - :NOW, wheithe southern
states have'rebelled and gone :out , 4f the
'anion, the natural result of northern fan
sties attempting to "kick" them out, and
it is costing . thousands of , lives 'and nat.
lions of treasure ''to get them - beck-and
DUnmoratus'au qsen,, thji . -rtnOs
An_ . beggeiffinSinto 0.-etOPI and-are now
begging Ahem.. not I to ininke Mist .war
that:must , p merit the 'bid ttnfon
from 'being te4istablisted; • they are de.
cad 'ai l te; the:
- HMIs Iv e. Y, pre..
teDd to !lava' I )& 3 PM u : Votirrt. , savers
How much trouble would have beeirtivoi
dedlty-folleWnithelifit4 inig of 04 Deur
&nide-party; iiiitiuThiruietiviiiiitoinsii.
state Ero l op ia id o n s;
Iti‘itOfyini uniuimi.
ili4*tbusii* sii__ th :4-14cli the PPluin
slim o
s lrGeorgeiWt, 'Woodward tar Gov
ernor, and Walter IL Lorie for Julge
of the i 3O PA 3 m . e 04!tiity'lil,:1124etlaii9nSb
put the COUiraPetv!ealffi." Shiite 10e ton
,i,entiow of ;the Otik "lieopli 1)4144 ;
hope sits -, upon -every_ patriot's'lainntten
snap, joy . Sams in the eye
ine lever 'of his OPutitry..
It is not lifp•Toug Delp,Oplte
are gratified. , :thousands - of men, - -mho!
have never- voted the Dem o cratic , tieket,
but -who now
.84 clearly that nothing but
a change cvk
W3FI4OM save **nun. are
_with us,through the eatipaign;
us at tha:eleetioh3fejorce with us over
*lox , acoe* and- here
help ,sta. keep. -the mation-fand: the' State
fot - nihr-poiftituituoutrovet men Vitulk
Oik*Po,of. to
-‘44;' ' l4t: orr 26 14
4 swhit pajvationju,seak...pliarithisy
F ll YCP4: 4s o ll34l WltjoalEure:erpird.
ea oft *Obis vales
was. armed'
wmitwaS wan* Wad
b um , •
"Union Bann I"
. ,
..Ai l
• .---* Doti 'Eike poer:i„4 "NI -
' 11e v York weo well sioils thji
dt4:o *it hour is plain atukiminfratirO,
001' mai: The people of . the Pri*- 4
stOis vii* prepare this day ftir thOl*O 4
as tf,. the;worst were upotkheM.' 1:f 'the
armiefOin Potomac, undeilts re f it lend:
er, is beaten and dispersed, the a ver x ±
the federal , government to the file. of,
Peinisylianii wirtlonits awes' ti'dl the
~ N orth: "The 1!..-;atert:olst„,. ,talc s orO Of
thsaateives.7 The:fa ll of Washingta, Of
‘ B 4 l . tinigreo:OfrkilOeli* of Nei° wikt
Win .be a simple question, of. tintal the
army of :the Potomaoldisappeanibileath
a 'great &feat,' and the are Ant In
arms to defend Abe ITtiio: by 4etenling
thenWelves• 4 *ill b'e, :Topinesst In 'tat
event,. toi stalk of tho emiscriptien- of tiv r
armies t o o be surrendered Ito the lin
ty and arena l a the Men' Who have o't
T l / 2 40i , iwo. le*__ 6 f ' l 4r; tO 41100 11
vomit, of rain and, disgrace: ,on OOP )We
are standing to-day:, Conscription iM•
plies 'confidence, confidence in the '' rt7l-
Ment 'Which enrolls and in the com et dor
who is to Wield the armies of the . ' l'
tot.those armies at-,once - be raised• the
only warin which they can he now 'eh
••=rit the • inill-of the states — let thetti ar
rayed and set. in
,the field, lest tkeeril
day overtake us suddenly, .and zfial us
alike .tuiprepared •to rescue the national
government' from the shame and run it
has teen - bringing upon itself and foo, or
te Intpose respect upon the enemy Witoo
our blindness and our blunders have din
canal• to the pitch. of audacious power
from-which he now insults and Omen - ens
as in the eyes of all mankind. - '
Leitke lkddieti Choose their Leerier.
,f‘;Three wise men Gotham" wiled
to Mr. Lincoln the other day for Anal
tions in Pennsylvania for' (lens. Frenont
and Sigel, 'saying that it wait the wistes of
the people; this is so ridiculous tbat no
notice should betaken of it, had not Lin
coln answered their letter in a manlier
That may be called, unique:
"The Governor of New York ireposes
to send us troops, and if he wishes the°
services of Fremont and Sigel he can bare
it.: It he does not 'lrish them, it would
but breed confusion Or' Os to set them at
ire& independently of bin&
uA. T f ixcour.",
. „
This Was,the whole or mr. u moles re
p1y.,...41e knows far too well which i side
his bread is butterdd to cross:theA:.
Teaieris a Waldo the sinTdiere are
not only interested,. tefeninee to
which th/y- are . peculiarly fit. to
The prudence„ mid coinage of Mc.
Milan, the blond range or Burnable, and
.the SilPiOnfident rashness of Hooker,
they have known by : personal experience.
Brttlis time they must kno*.whatgeper
aLthey have torifider.ce as possessing
the ability both to secure-them against
any further defeat and lead them to vie.
tory. Since they whipped - the enemy at
Antietam •-their ;commanders have heen
singled Out for' them; by the politicips,
and a sorry mess they have made of iv . --
'Nen—just once 7 :-why, not let ; , leSe
breve soldiers decide by their voteaioKom
they will-have for.their leader?,
4.The DO.mosraticreditors of Penniytiran
bi herd a COliveiititth illarrisborgOn the
it i
17th,. rdt.;:licini , :-George
_Sande , n,' - ' of
Paniniatzr, presided .. . ?dr, Sanders in on
optAng esteech i said: _ • • - ' ,
n t
. • "Free , trpeeria and it- free , Ineti—t e
right;to spealt,:writei and 'publish Ito' . e
irorid•Oirr honest 'opinions—ore •oirgr • 1
in the eleed•Ofevery freeiAm
icon' citizen,' Whether .naturalizedler
the manor born—La right inestimVe •• to
them cid , fortninadidde ttctyrantitonly-=-
which; come we 'Or icallie-woe, eaii:never
be surrendered tit the 'liana) of Tints
and dietaloie; whether in 'or out o pow
er" •.'II ' '' - 7 .• -•-• • • -
`-.The'eani*tioientdially ' t endonsel the
oingiinit 6) 'Siike ii**o - 0118; 4Pdlad
jonnied to meet at the Call. of Abe kresi
41ent, alliamaister city..! ••• ,' ' •
t &a - W. dotivet4ton,
whieb*" . tei meet etilttelititi‘ity'lst,
,13iis.b;zeP peetpeeed till
, PeetPened iudeguitcly is the
&e f ts roasir of Petitugrfiranitins-, sire-inter=
taibed toqefeet tintilierratieVeiti4l4,
ti*ltSt. ri4 iie'xfGArep•
r**o***.sasmi3Ovin the
spbei4t . bei..ipoop*may
,1614. 1 36* 1 •
04 ,4 TOEPPeai , iot astsßta ice
44 . 44 .* 1 0 17 g b ertoit' 01 **1044te
#o ll :o4 ! aria.' We= f abolition
• • ,
.!74 11 / 8
dienicAtimaiimiersi*TeWi t
vpened alon4=AarAigcoF
SaitirthiYl anasantinue 4 Ur° dtia;
. iparral ' ham"- iltlit4lv•
, f , ~, . .........,,, - - --•:,,
, t 4 4 f t mip ~.. f ;li .- . •:.!,,„
_,. 2 _o • ~,.k. :
~.4 14 1 ~..: . aratark,,,aint.iNtemyurg,r, v .t. I
''..,..;" P: ~,-f, 4 1.74nit.18thi 18.63. : .. 1 :;-'
pkt i ND . 14 ......71,Ingidne *Ole RPIII 5.
tinte4is triorninia thought Iliould d
1 7.4 1. e1ew - line4. ,t' We W ive just,breen th
! - Onother.--bbrd battle With Stuart. keit
Sunday, the fish; we were ordered to
march at 3 a. in . ,"with fire days rations in
hie 41t, the reppointed t ime hie =Vera. seidy,Od'aixin !on ow , sisiy to
the Rappahannock. We arrived at this
'Vantllit 4' p: tti";, - ati d itifibriedfeethVhighl.
This station is-on theAtessindriarniilroad,
and Ai:int:3o - ninesfrOffi ' VrOliiiigton.—
.Tlin'ifoxt )nciri,ing3ire:,wire on ofieAdarih
!lignite-Own inivar4 the niter; with : , * bat
tery, and a. number of regiments of caval
ry. We went within,a mile of,the river,
eed:campd again for the night. Nefires
men:tailored:l-no bugyirs !sounded;; ev-
Cfrhililt %Yaoo be - quiet, ,and:nov let the
enemy (know of coirapproach, for we.were
,aware thati -- thiCrebela :tram .withinnifew
milekef ma..•-
had gOt,neweithat Stuart was pre paring. to
make a raid. intci Pennsylvania, And tho't
if he could g e t the start of the fellow, and
, . .
.make, to rai d on-him first, it would proba
bly, stop , his fun; so at daylight lon Toes
day- morning,, we advanced on Beverly
Ford, under command of Gen._ Reauford,
on the right, while uGen. Gregg crossed on
the left at Kelly's ford, where we surpris
ed Stuart, with a.Aarge force of cavalry
and artillery. Our force t was about 1:5-,
000 cavalry and some artillery. It was
cavalry, and artillery fighting for twelve
hours. , We were. sent across to see what
their force was, ami we found enough ,of
them; but we drove•thenr several miles,
lyothim the right and left.. It wasthe
, hardest cavalry fighting that has been in
this army. Our loss was small but in
cludes.somod men. The 17th was in
the, a llay, and cameiont without
losing but, one man, Doet. 'Wallwa. I
law the cannon ball when it hit him. We
supported a battery, all day; and the shell
and , solid shot flow all around tuf; but
Providence. protectedas. We recrossed
at 4.P. M., emitted, and the next day
moved back to this station; iibontao miles
this side the river. We no doubt will re-
Main here . sometime if the rebels keep qui
et. - ,
...This is the grouna on ,which ,Pope
Amen,. and from which he ;retreated to
ward Alexandria,,.. The ground in front of
us is'ihe place where his wagon-train was
captured. , , . .
The= boys are all well except Martin
Bisbee, who has a very sore band. Hit)
pistol fell out. Of.the holster,, and was dis
c:bilged, the ,!All Ossing - throngh his band
near the . Omni; joint: 1-. •
; Oar , colonel now in command of a
ifigide; our Captain is. his assistant; our
.Lieutenant is ~sick; so we ,have no: ;com
mitisiOnedofficer with us,.. ,
Organisation oftho:ftuuL:Troops.
HitIiQUART2IIIi T v EriffAAVlLrlrlA,
•`. • , Hininunnin, Tune 20. • .
N. 4.;
In organizing. the troops, responding to
the proof amntien Of. the governor *3 day
issued enilingfor. sixty thousand men ; for
the 'detente of the state„ to be must ered
'into-the defenki of the state for" the 'pe.
rind of ninety 'aye sooner
charged, it is Ordered : •
I . 4rst.=- , Camps-of renderkins*illbe'es.
tablished by the :United ' ,goireiti
,Ment for districts : adje
eeiit,mtatieit'ht.eueb: poinfets may be in 4
diinited . by the' 4:is:inn:lnd:me of the: De.
partinent of.the 'Siiiinehinien or the".l:te:
pattment' Of - the Nolion'gahel S :' `ice `char`g
of *hielfininiiwiCebitisrienders 'and skillful
surgeons of'OmOniet
received at thej6iiiios :Ma ass riipidly'; as
'possible - organized 'cointiaol6l3 of not,
liisit'itrioibity4tut,iiiioi . ;' and . ..intb j're - gi. I
Meats ten ;thus. '
urea into the service' ofthe stite 'bribe
iidjutenttinertd purpoge.
will ben ilented CO*.
psiip officers by the inenis - and - fe,l4oillOrti
ibritianyoind. oinee*' • • •
Fburth-TesiasOitati r on" I:6'' . the"eaM .
jetketide*Otiiiiiaretifdieli!' lot
having ette: idf iiiiVnuf - 47 en:iiiiirif to
the igenidt the **tent railroad
.irifik TroOpif te .. thb6isli
'of the gtiiierilOrwill'..beitithenfitisiiiod,
arid . .iitipAi4hfthigeneiikgeo7.
'erninent; nitererrrUg# 06-tender:if*
' ' GnieiMiii;end.celninSnder4o-Cinef
A. L.Susiell; Adamant Generaf,
'I a quota .`required frOni Stnicinehii*.s
enmity on:die iiteieni 'Oelk niter .onx4eing
those who have already,*eeponded:.noller
ytiOnt.:o`ravii . w with- the,, nnodieri.of vctopq
'fninish 6l 1 4 114 00 1 ivia#Pre4;14°:*!
'ir, lo4 o 4 0.• ' .(
i• 11 n
.9'• un 11Qtage ot_ * ttra •
Gerriumitirowthe ItarristnnW . Patriot : of,
Saturday ' •
*odd sifinninon, 'on *Or
wap from` tCamp Cgr in .
Bide of dui' 9t
orient, inlVoin, l l344n9haonti counik; . #4l
An' heir, musket * kin ehnnJalet,'*/)
- TiotiOedr44:"
ilin . lfontrolieDinnoOrii 4 WW* llB 4 o it•
iitiii4 - Tisoiu4D*9o4;4:goOd
Wito±,,,Ud'ilk'.Wckitifr*;lPakz - s.gdod
&Minn - r-Viiiviiiitnigemonti;Vii4x4e
ma d e f or th e Aut_pgcatton echo Ingiefr
*Tir 345 iftelle%"—t i f MI T ORif I ° 4
~Too i %Sib •
*pre niusteowwoo44
4101frukr, • -
lit 11
NV ' .:
W il
- I 1 LATiarit IintINCIAME.
~: ~ ~,
' `c:- ' a spa,lone 29,
1 vi
, . 3 / 4 „ . ~..1
.....t4'43lgicir s o ) M. f
No attack has yet been made on the for
tifications. There was conilderable ar
tillery firing during the day, t . hcee-mites
from here, caused by our. — ifeitthit
for the Rebel&
trwylvVF Air fitet ATP. to.
cheekthe. supposed_ flank movements of
the Rebels on,tho
that the Babel" are approachin* Harris
urg by-way-Of Dtracannon, .up'the river
and Middletown, front
As netti 'be ,'nieirtninto, there
are twent3 , , thottsafid 711461 - between Car
lisle and Harrisburg atpresent. , 4
More fear is, entertained o . of .a Rebel
advance ttbituf ckw,,ttea r et, and in
the face of the fortificattotna. —
The cstimated , lbree - af the Rebels in
the valley is forty •-thettgand, including
those who 'oceary Tort. - The . lsebels are
encamped on the ro:a : A:freiti : ;t i ttycitteville
to ChambersbUrg,,
.the camp, being four
miles in length. . . • •
We have just seen a gentleman who
saw General Lee at. Chamberaburg this
morning. The indications are that, a fight
will occur before the ,Setting of the sun
to-morrow„near.Uarriebarg , • •
The appointment of General Meade
over Hooker may havenn influeriee upon
Lee's advance into • Pennsylvnnia. The
evidence is piiiitiVe that: tlnit, whole of
Lee's army is between . c.3hatnitersmrg and
Forty-two:rebel prisoners, including a
Mp i jor and a Lieutenant, Were
~sent: to
to-day'' snfe-iteeping.
They are' the ,a_ceumalation of the past
week. .
A eh izen- of Carlisleorho left t 'at place
at 11 o'clock last nielt, "nrriiell ; here to
day,. He states that the barrue s are oc
cupied by 70tXProeN"-besides aj , brigade
which is entfaMptia- ntWeseli? end of the
town. He left there on Saturday for
Gettysburg, where Longstreette -head
quarters are now 'established.'
Hill's Corps was between--Carlisle and
Chambersburg, •while • Anderson's Corps
was at Chambeisburgou Fridaa. .
Two refugees 'nriive4bere.hy
the Pittsburg' "Mail train,. haVing left
Chambersburg.on Saturday , evening.
They state.thatntriff-- - &AO& 4 on Satur
day, General Leeiiiti - eottitiant'ivith Gen.
eral's,Longstreekancl, A. P.Llill,and their
staffs, aid tin. escort, left. - Cbambersburgi
taking the. Baltimore. pike in life direc
tion of Gettysburg. "'
When they Criti
ing through the
era's Rhodee .fili4 Jektison';
Ewell's Corps, -.- -•.__ti .-L• •
The rebel- force at York ' 15,000
strong, underOeneral Early, ho has is
sued an order" tri;•the' - ciiiXeria: eVying a
contribution of $150,000; 15i? ' arrels of
flour, 140,000 pounds of' beef, 50 -bags of
coffee, and= large , quantitteirotatigar and
kroceries. He has given the" n twenty
four houis to comply, with L s 'sWishes.
The Rebel' troops . .Wiiicli;•lwere at
Wrightsville, opposite.Cohuril4fell back
to York to day.. • •.. . J ~...-. : =
Six bridges have been_ bernisi „on the
Northern Centiai , RailiW,.., : lietween
Goldsborotigh .And Yorls,,..e.,;dstance of
sixteen miles.—Great. anxiety is felt for
the safety of the Pennsylvania ; Railroad.
The enemforni*iiietifieheiv twit they
are endeavoting,(o.o4li'AVe ~..15 soma
.1• 1 45. '.. ox ..ti. ii4lfLaVit . • Pf4Att•
•t t is wnting everything., is.: l lUleti
'i.Vrc*ofiii!fire rapOlf - aMiing ir,t.lif (l e'
fense'of theViipitaL"'' '-.' f - ''''?: A
~, , -, i , i.111;310.---. ,1:, -;•., - . il !,,,z, ,
; :,.. '4# I O 4I3 PitItGi. 3 PDP TB•o4 l 7l4mghtp , 7.
• Iti,rePt*.lffithigAe gietny . ..wbetkibef fi ght, -
:aball,open.„.purflfmcea: am•uttcl., out, ~ef
,fert..Waihingteniet:e ready n au , in-geod ,
it'lt:Bl,LAt. ,6 rfr , .Af., -- :Pvrirs.pi exo were
disiorerels*,, two.: or: ithre.o - -Atilefflolt
:oiiii4 (:ouch;:Whi .;he -4ialteront, *Alf
. oeir afatftliAts, -44 re -., been : bultie4l imigb;
d 4
ni 111 ip, joe# 4 cOingiutirtal)geinPfitlf:fin
ge9shltnd 0 1 AP*PterftorttVext
111 7419Vrta, ,-c , :Pf:•enjP(A4fPirjifil , !engage;
inPnh,K bqt,e,r.t, 1 414 4 41 7 90.4 1 g thin" PY-fmle
*fore. ! tfightfOutiaes,:toPaitteru),
P93 2 •Y*4 Mil
d,.-1)7• PtitlvolPraTeßnhi . All *pipe t s
ecipunang.iit•nu wjad rawn : to 61A:smelt
berbia4 i l i f „••,.• ,_•.T i; , : , •i , iii , l'.; 1-.: , :i.<111
i;:,T49,041))44Y0f Illoniabog Ann not
flialnerm.,_ &Li , 4 4 :011441**14•Yetoec pros.
4Per4 OA r FAlt2,_ - ".,iAld
._ •,: Yi r e•ennttlett 0 0=0 aeßragbakri .
- 0 1113 *T,Pg i t r . 1 .•i. -; -1,4:.1i : 1-!v - ,...:4,-* c,, , ,, i . j .LI 1.
4'M .. 04 ) 11 F 1 4 4 ;r 1 44eVi t tler4141pockelln
, Fgat 441.41 1 4 9 %:bi1t ii! , iit:g9Tht l iV4Vidit•MP,
4 1 2. 1 4iinfil ;Mt, 1910 aiinlath•norA , !artiple ,of
,01 1 1 41Mille orraultsPrt.l ,, ) , ,,f ....• -. N 1 ...; ~, i v .
' -44reolttfilliq ladi!e„stie•iletermiaette
' f ' ita3r thrimgh Anigiligf ;40ubigloijOigull4er
wlifit maY oonig.Aat little valuable
protterty can fall inte,r ; ebel , flaffiuuld
',4ittettitie itiiiiiiiiiv6+.4l3 ' eutie rier
iiii m b ers. i; ! :,l •-0. v ., -1 , ,t i„ , •11 ~ ; in ,1 , _
ir..-,1 :•,-., eltf ,, :!;:'..r , `: ',Writ ; `r ,, i2 , ,,,1 , 1' 'AT n t•As .
. in r ,ftr' 1 7 4414 ,3 line ,c 1. 1 0:.
:;Thipitir ickilay, at;l4ini.w4inPa*o;
iluVhilqin44gmg illfil 1 /PIAIPPE4g4O
Of the_ Awlyt,.' -WA, .4408- , oCilkoltivAr
, bayelog: h.ntill: 3 rnikiinedi7ornen and
Ting*,,l* - syty l lnpentingot4t wrivetof
•the ARCM- , Jd_r ~ , : ...-, ,: -li, :I. Do n • h . I •
•!,,,IJ*.tpurAdepastinr, fri::fnotbp,re... ,
alvtellifieplarowoi4fwaboperaiicts .11"ing
, u_vits*Pintzti 5.11. , -- P_Ml UR f -3';;:... wail
. - a r firk**keir9 o ;MNln ecr 4 lt=
444001Z9PiAtike .
Itliiii ' isige' gf (ha 414 1 . 14r 5 i ilimi
been banuxl.-4-, 4 :-.......
l*PAMllegc l l4*
7• 1 14 4 .440 - , 1 4
ofbue MlPPlAleikkfaTm,.q, a
otinfnetry 20031Xications, wbii
F. ' toAtiebitada4; a.-eactity . Th e
to , trait-thee , it t . n have h e :
.t. , t. INS 6
7 5 r
a • -, ve i tiaiir ktronlion that th
Re slik`e ' 4:; Bit* 'dgeiti, welve w e :
af,otie hOun" -Oh a itOutoon t ra i n
sitllleiedijy large ti:Vointistrifist a bridg e -
.Vhelleberaibitt.4rove-iistr inea fro .
. ~
then nl
& env ie s . Gap yesterday , and n
ed towards Duncannon, have returned to
e , f4p.., a nstration ,bas ,bees
inailifimitrielTatisylvtinisrt Railroad i n
that takes oso tar as known.
k apt - yn otip - Tali! 7 4'deir-iffilio - hiw
by..ftiN POlicii4V-tiref:fi'r Ri!tiatl in
this Department, CiPtain Vrisbm hayi ng
been onpred,t ollit - f regimilit. }I
, Troops tiO44 i theiiii!4 - call ttre: l ••rapidli
:airiting. . '.-•'. ''',. ;',. , " 1 , •- • : ':, ,'.
t I •
'l'ittcp companies orcolore4 troops, e em .
posed : Of citizen's - Cif Ibis- city,: were:tanned
to-Aay and sent across - the river._
Celonel . JepnitiOl i 'regtment, .iiithiiiiiim
tho t Akini4h 4,i , `r....,.. r ..5.........._-_.......•-,...1 i .__
otters Ana straggki* ,' Th e - offi ce " were
sent to
ka. Richmond the men. paroled.
s o ortliii:m4n MO:trivia - tere. '
- 'At 'nine O'CIOCk r this morning the Rebels
demanded, die , surrender of Mechanim
burg, whip was :complied*ith, anti our
c.4oatiiriCeiiiiiiiiiii 'good' koidet.Th e
eneiny ; pidlell,itown the United States na g
and raised the , rebel colors. The own
was very quiet, most of the "people haring
left.i -- The enemy captured several thou
sand ddllirs'•worthtelfpropert.feontracted
"for_ brtitelioverrimen
. t 7 —ssilt, flour, * a ,
. ,
at Kingston.
" 'The enemy's cavalry was abreast of
Shireirt6netowti:bpnixiii. ; The Rebels an
"said-to lie...on;several roads, 'and threaten
to attack ilarriebtrg . nboire and below'.
From Lancastei , . Pi.
. ..
7 __
' tuipAfrrtag, Va.,' June 281 h: -`•
The great bridge over the Susquehanna, ; ,7'
near Columbia; At . -at ,-thi!:, moment is
,11,3_trigst The firnament is illummated,by ', i y
3reyertrat, thba distance. It was' fired by
feiur own peep's tir,' prevent the enemy ,
from cream... ; ' .
' " ' ~ '',
Two rebercoMpaniekof ett, valt7 attack. t
ed four companies'or the Twentieth Penn.
niViiiiis Regunerit list night; beinivTmi,
Nlt were driven off' badly whitopn& 04
oss. was mEngn ficant.
The is no figlititiWatilariisburg yet. i
e i r) ,A skirmish . ocenrred ,in . :Wrightsville,
Ali,. pOsite•COlunibia,,'three hours ago. C( . ),
lonel Frick's - men fought the enemy le
~ r<
their rifle pits ;gallantly till surrounded
and, overpowered., aOvcr. . oneAundred
iefe:iap.tured,' 40 tho„reet , 'retreated
4teross - thobridge l „ which was died- fired ‘,
The bridge waa one mile ,:ARA a quarto
long, and , wer14 , 1 1 : 41311 0*: ~' 7. ,
i' The excitement here now amounts to i
panic. EvirYthing is leaving, ~,
~..The rolling stock of the Northern Ceo )
tray and that of ihe . Hanover Plata '•
roads have all'ilasseddowo; : - ''
.14- 4: I ' !- 411. Itili
~.;. Nf r •P l 'oht 4 .: 1 taniAN:4 ll o.o l6l * .
:- ~ '. , ~,..,..t i ' -
"` - --tryiii .
~ . contteeted, Wkilithe'milita•
ry lispipl,at York, accoinpar!i4 by the -,'
Assistant Postniaster, -hallo': jaM, arrived .;;
IterC; bringing advicesfrem ", York up ;th `;',
nine o'clock this ~ morning.: The elate.
ment that the town'arati "surrendered it
five o'clock fyeiterdar is, icrrommtts. At e.:
eight Velbek on _tatiiiait3r:74Vetiing, the 1
ilogos_4l4vid stron.z.xtrotnrin*( l by '''
...the.a•ltety, Committee, *ri f t miles
bey .
olid "York, on the tur npike, to tbb 1
:head4juartere of General 'Gordon, co*.
mending .the Rebels, with a Bag of truce. t.'
,They offered to amender the Piece PA V
nsked Gordon Whether he would '.vesPeet p'
;privateproperty , o said yes, pt. ti ,
he *meet destroy'.llll ,Groverroinerty bd. `.:
dings,- including- the' hospital 'said bar.
racks, !tn,?*l/ grdo cite "-WOK Indanger
Acjg,bouteg Kojeerty.„ tlopt Jove the
'Colitun i f6l:to arideriatT, , ' litatiiint
iiiih*OA& bg' 00 0 Piell 14 i:.' 41 7')julft that het
1 *mild e x pect s eitizeni iti :rib& rations
14' hiops; b n Out - eight thitinkind Strati;
- 3 7 * ..:-.?
A i .116roni • fi r 1
- Istue 24.
3 k jiiiii l intitaivite sii Zia iiii illiiii NO t
relieved fmniC94 l . PkatittlfthfAirmY of lb' 1
yotqmpg. and was Act Any acperre*hy
ttliatTMera n d"egethezrikVlftipk" ' " ' 7 ,
The pelectiott is regarded - w wail 1
eifililts itatiefabtinitidoithaW o -' ', -''
,fiueral Hooker retires front. any come f.
I , inaitde and has proceoaVyßil*Yrti:,
Thechatigewas„ctitirit;y: ineipeati
)ke•ret:',•• • --, ••..-- .• • • ;
, :il'hil;• rei)4l3iiiiitii4l , leitiiiiiiitifictugid
~ so. ffares ,it .relat*.ifti' :rn6*.iiiiier4.l4 Oil 1
direetieri; ' -Pyle thigh rebel' 'line •extellds
- from ghat:L:4ll)=l geD1411..., -- tbsi ttilerl'o•
mac, thrthigit : -- il&sWourriilley, toy he
tl i g 1 i ' *ll A bi l i trilillV4
Ceritrail ; ;rasa';: It ItimilenCthat; the
enemy AsiiiiistriZeireliciftie/Waslr
lftSt o ll'ArAgi*WlA T lTM3l l4 4 . ,, t 1,1 4 t 1 t1.,,_ : :
014 4,_
_ii te ‘ t,,,dem . c lill t f*Puf"l l l2 3 l7 ,9 "
of gloatthlionntath'."' -..,,,,4 : I la , •
_,„ 1. Ad.
was pass•
the name
isions of
Ork ,
bar t
e 'l3 bare NI;
Allot Baltlmoriki4 :f ~,,„
- Barmspytys anq , 2l,
Itiec4l;iitioi :lints resented"' t; stoat t
cedoclettilriftetrWrilliftn_ jEgew:Rock
thatte . rt,l' . 2.1 1
44,1 t f8 1 30.5V e laittieS. W. „ if .l io rq,
ei,mrstQr ~, p. Ana,, fi •enfil ....
Adkoine. diArn:takitswitcsekfronkrra
_k pni,
p9flit , 1 0;440,014tedlitiitOlainc`. -
-The (Mown* infliithat;lon_: restr: to,
1101, 1 - yroNtifo i 'lt ,rnlif erect
1,4 t rVm
sil at i thi ta 4 ' 6t , - y amid
7 , • , 4blithigira Twfwlt
morqiiyg _:tutiffire,CYßlll;...„
" f igi 7 A' 11i:44Q 1 - Tkilgio r ;
• •
1 4"?
"ectungs: thaukie g%setriossor
'hie` to:.