'' - * — 'iti - " 77T-'------ A evelaud corespondent of the New TilVi 11.04 tiiiderlAte of Its% Aap a' ohviarirfoli" - : oT:the:Remus' tati'vea- - or the Loyal Loagaes in.,,the'Northert!S tatea ta . X-ao.orot-.:inkssionin.k.but,Asty.4o? fie n • . vt: tWO days. The .writer nays . : s'--.- .4 ei siSiona are strialt iiiiret,and the prsterokof re porterais,especially dia. oourlita_and gilarda 3'004- ''The eh jeek.gtha_Conyention As ,-Wpansolidate out of ihe material i fnisished by 'the Loy al: . ,es a more ._oecret.4eague, z lyhose p €.. i.e stall befte ,counteract th e- bale. ?u_ ittluelice of tht`i 04parbeiuta„5 The zneiVeinent Inds tibiae stroUg opponents -.le -- among those who sit in 'the CoriVen tie Thelneees*ty..., : -for . ....giv,itiiii- :more v7 ll sec& Waraetei - to -th'e-organitation is ~taifch questiniedb,y. not Ow, and fears • are eipreiiied'iliattliat feature may prove a dangerous-, one.:.: . - oa,ilie:otlieFband, :.the ease of Mary . booti, *irked to, - that State **big been , 'A tr e cl x°, 4 : 103 Union in large part" by the I , 4oliiiiii • Ora secret league composed of ma -1 lirtheiniands 'of loyal men. All tti&e questions are being animatedly discussed in the Coaventien,:and it ia very - evident - that !fie great :majority of the _delegates - are a(ritngly eonVinced of the propriety of perfieting a more thorough oroxiitation • thaitliVi ;Ylt. bien ',given-to the' Loyal 14004 g, ~:t4o - :di s tin g uished\ persons prntati ..thsi city, who belie more or less to dit With the meeting.are' Rom: . Mont. gotaetr 131iiir,, :' Hon. .fames_Lanei lion. .Mr. WeiltworthorifMassachilsetts, - David Pau ..; Browu f pfybiladelphia,,and. others. Th latter have not; - however; 1144 icipa ted itutiVelyln 4hepreceedings, but' they havebeett natiitally.cOnsulted' - with refer encao the objects proposed to. be .wom plisbid. It would not be voter for me to grye anythytg-more than this tirief al lush* tri-theintentions - of this Conven. nom,. - trader date pf - the 22d, the same corns pontlem says ''. , , , .. - - , "Illei dpersion ' bus. been ultimately reached that there is a necessity for the . formation of a close society, for the un conditional Support of - the Government mid the neutralization' of the efforts of the ' Knights of the Golden Circle. The op position to a secret organization has been oilitifereaitiny. ovenSoilii; ilia : - iozay the Convention is occupied With perfect ing, plaits - 4'er" carrying die ideas of the ma joriwinweffect. . The strictest„ secrecy' .is ettiemed;toidinehibeis ire , wige tts owls ad.inuns as.aphinxes. -Gen.. Jim lme, ANdri..owen Lovejoy,-Ilon. Mr. Bingham -, and other g e ntlemen equally, well-known, ieezi-ow- participating in the diaeniaions ' uf the body, and are strongly in favor "of ' the . , Immediate formation of a close League.- - Sion tot Harris, of 'Nets York, who is still . lll town, keeps entirely - aloof from :,Ithigathering, Ids conduct exciting -con .- sinerable remark among the ":141almetti,thAt he is opposed 16, the so- cret character which it is-desired to Ore the League, and regards it as fraught with danger to the Republic: opinions am shared by many -influential Union men, wlto are doing all in their= power- , to- pro. Veit the4xecutiotr of thci - proposed plan. They contend ' that ' good a =We &Nana . WSW- 1 1'T h dandl4oo: supports that faresy more Skelyto do it injury,than gooit s'ffmi.' Mawr "Ceay.ktis Amtraorrna.- .Tioir PaoOaanutos.--If there is any one nghi of the American poople - ..plorelallY esti/1114/0 . than. another, It IS-the right discuss the measures of Our rulers:— a right as old as, the Anglo-Saion .-vana t and its infringement has never.failed to create poPular resentment; Whether in I,lliitne9f ponce Or time . f war. Only in ''November last, the-leading spirit of- the -pref3eiti cabinet officially ;this right .in ensviering one of :the chaTes 'gainst the-7.areght - natainTsTration mottle fed,* Engd: It 'wasin November iast ihat!lifi. S ew ard wrote to Ad - *duns follows: 4, d 4 In this country, especially, it is : a hob-', , only 'entirely consistent with the Constitution, but even essential _ tP i rtx4 lll _ . the 44/ Ira tiOn litany • analog ° distinct and 'aeparitte from the government itself, and to can e V P 4I, , 1 4 Proeeedingt on without the 49tuati#i ofdi4oiality:te the other",' , kzlitnii immanent was eipiesied in the, same or hy . consent of the Prmi-. dpti 'what li miraclels - It'that the aiad ; an -whole Itepubli canjility are now flourishint bayonets !7,ollloPligPitiOnEftieptesssthis"habit" which Mr. Seward declared to be essen tial 14.4* stability-of-the -Government? Did _ ar., ÷ 4id not Seward assert a truth fiti4rete that letter? What is the' olcasipa_ofthis. , falsity,to the first-princi * of Govirnment; of:this betrayal of friedop, and of ;this, self-stultification off.Aftlart, of ihecattgkintities of the - Liana ? For ourselvea, -we can see AO justification - for it in morals or polities,,in military or , political ueo city :;. It is a- -wanton ibis', 4pCIIII3VAT7-21A unprovoked 0114441:11i8 itigbn: civil" liberty, curastancetercese and no logic palliate.— inhvaskie New ' 10 , 11111 , 0 , - 4-I...etease ii now being_tried the'. i3O=' rmier iContkot- New, Haven; involving the nazi ofs3 the - value eilintralo sp• iiithitatedthat lit the tile' int one) ? eoet dm? zparties.s27,l3:. Both t# f ir ldde' 3 o l ° *ter ivbA,Seta ' tist of th e Norge-48 ....D4*"ends,..,„en_9l; moiliar. inielliOns ftigti, recer-W.,904,-- " . lift& rite ',..-.....- '110(W01*t-2° lirandi, fr" i : ca s e .ft*Y-' lll4 Otlifr" { commesta,... , w i t h ; bi e latter as 4 ,, AatumucktiAß:---- - t r ff i rit i t - - , YV. 4 " 4 "Zromt - A4k dia _ . . is ~ itad. mid forebadilig of it exe c ution les _ °file laws. uudaseasace _. -., Is is , iiik o pt mo y s m,, , , _,_.jrhe- , iftilat . ; , iietring ok,3tissrs.lreldel, .Prik t 43 l 4R 4i oi ii,roi Other eititeltS Orßerins ittliAth*NtOg4ther Withlihnitabber, of , ter oottnty,-Work arread ilqmo \ -time- 'in cep; en - - the' -elatige ~ if. 't".fliitiet ' atiihst thatGoliettment : Of *Tidied tat* tkok tlatto'oliTueedo_y liefore*MlMlSSioner Henn* of the AL 81-District Conti» A Toll repoit,l - Of Alia -Phiceeding, 004 from. The. Age,- is pair 1141103d 1 0 , anothercelumn. The , result: of' this affEdr, ouPof which it was hopedll thii,prOseeutorts,: a bigoent - uf . political , r ts.uilekt, be madk. is Altai.' Messrs. \ ie\ai ,SodeUifuthart,,and Reed, a ft er hiving been subjected to the moral, don of an arrest as orimittils, and to the ine!inven ienee end expense of three seve . visits to Philadelphia, are uneonditionally dis charged,-nota-partiele of - evidenee 1110'. ing 'men produced:to sustain the, aqatut tien aipunst'them.,. On the'itentiar‘fline of the chief, witnesses- for tkeirosecfition, actually testifieti that, instead - of-being sworn to do.. oaglit against the Gover n ko took - an .I oath [vidminitsteied' by :21r. Seidel, "to support• the Unionand the Constitution, and not to resist the draft / 9 The testimony •against - ' the other par-, Liz% taken altogether, does not make'- out illeshadow via case in support-of the n rights, charge, ; although the . tr:. \B. ;lii&. ;trust AltOraey, for;, " the, sake, of-. tippeai anees,t'ha.sireett fit to have them betted, o .ver to tha' iris' 1 ' ; We 'shall be tatioh 'Bait riled , ..,..if diet ate Mier tried. The mid' .af-toititproeeecang, vitt, we. trust, teach the over-zeuloasiriends of - , the - - Adminie :,intiton -in' this J county that the - game•of at ierolitingte Make traitors_; tmteof reputa ble,- Lopabiding , citizens,. oa..thir mere ,etatmaent of hi red spies and -common iti formere,•is not worththe _candle.- - -.4i:cud :lug &Welk. 'Li' - ' ,-, . , .: th 'Cohea Breastepiew War u r e , A'Heoltuk (Iowa) Correspondent ofthe. Chicao Times writes ''"Arrests here oil! , beconung quite:fashionable for wearing thnold copper cent as a: breastpin..' A young Democrat by the name of ` Orni, who went with his father to .fight back "Sewall" tit the battle ofAthens, and two of whose brothers are in the Union army, —all Demoorats—was arrested by a' Pr - -vost 'Marshal, and,'' after' his 'diseliar, an inoffensiye German gunsmith,l3y t name of Britenstem, who bad • put pins and thstenings on copper for those Who hadealled on him and paid. him for - it, was alio arrested by the same ;Prevost Marshal, ironed and imprisoned until - he gave assurance he would not 'again make copper breastpins." '',. ' „ • This has disgusted the -Hon. D.P. Miller,; an old Whig irt:mtber ~ : of Congress' from ley?* and a Republican Presidential Elector in 1856, who.conies - out And '4l.e. 'flounces the folly 'of the-Prentost-Marshall :."The artistic , taste i he sa s) of:the/nit hell Italy b__0,..40 ~ t, - .iin lirtiorsoL - old -7eopperw..: on f is shirt-bos om.; -but sure ly-the portrait of "Washin g; ton, and- . the 'Venous words .141,herty ntidthe,United bta*otAinerfei,' via& ixid . t:iiii,e the dieit'loyalty ef., the .wearei, should preservetini -from Republichn-nr rest and imprisonment." ."41 1 ,0avelWrizi." r 7 "The li)ellicicratie - paity: It willhait iiiltlihattsfattlen - 'iliti'midiiik of the war When - ever - Ait tan lie done upon the baits of a iiistOntienz of the 'Union. But will iiiit - cnnac - 4 fir separation of the States.' - ' Upon - Ali platform it Mends, prepared to . -resist - evert assault and W .adinnate. With a. restored weeigv Orsui 4 The above principles are those of the, Dern - ociatio Isargy throughout the cone `try.. They constitute - the platform on virtch;*ust - stand or, All, and with which expect to stieep the present Adthinistration - from power ; Weelaim the privilege =of opposing the Adminis tritainind 'of adhering to the principles of ,the pem e aratio jurty without- being either' raters - or trailers' t o our country. ',e are Aeterc nined4o- exernisn' the righte giiraided CO us DYlhe . eonsti• tation;and-0 act iefreemen ling to the majority.., at -the ballotbox. But the :ballot-boa must be - kept free. We want , no. mock elections, but: shall cheerfully submit.to the honest, untrath meled „exPression of !the poptdae. We are for law, . . order;"the Constitution; and the restoration of the Vpion on ben '4ikab.l44o**-'. - The Way thelloney Oats - ' The Doylestown Demaerfit of the -- nth ult.,published lettet:. from `Beaufort, South Writteti'lay! the' editor of that journal, COI: W: EL:ELDaTis,lO4th; P. V.., .which Contained the' fallowing par. egraph: - "There isilarge number of eivirnins here, lioWmen and Women, New -p(gland. niong these tie numer ous/yoUng ladies Who have opened schOols fqt oe - instruction nrithe black' Aildret; t it with what sucbess,lnmunable to say. Schools are established on all the neigh: 13 - o#l l _,g i51a1 2 4 8 9-0 1,11 / 1 0 !*ii,olo**Pa ia - . 07 the Uroitegunelt.r , This is - he loyuniolie7goe l 9. l ' ThQ sindialialikiofiiird-earvita tieirianrei4 the it0i4g# 41 : 1 .4 1 40. 1 .04 I )) ; :tifeiAnny now aq porwei to attempt, !.04%11111 dig!** and it - the';naMeZtiutr4,to . .pay ialenes -.Weir England ThOeitablish*euf.:of Afaie ieheds for 41 ihrtunMxk;thi.ii0Spies s :of , midahAre OD.tefcvPihOigenti Trs*: ' **i iiiit Azerajm4wer the ofthe-A - - • 4 ,1 ;9 611 1 - anxiety 'that )04= sbou l s* - - the rivtegiOstiolli4* - theorslpeari itYttiVik-7.4 , 104/711104thii, zrrp . of labiPourtaaabaailriSl3 - 04tairsie *eV empluitider. =l!==M SlNet4', -ixiilll4;"4-Weiliv4:B;lB wit4A, • the llMersk-.04 -OW MOONEY,' otto:tesak.2l3raibretWasat i oti CluAtior e — ri , 43ld. _ , :would De ham to set nu. cad` ,or ?mixt, the r rdervi. Ind* gm WM extentein Op re_mbeermansettimbissbarbefe, . :I.oZ3gillaCl4 lll treA l Co , ."- 1- 7 : • - 143. - Stradeliow N ' GrateM for out favors, the subscriber would most respectfully ad( the attention of all prtimpt paying Mer chants and Traders, to the above notice. Orders for Hardware will be received hero, and forwarded Man proved.) except during the months of April, May, Sept. and Oct. During those months he will be most happy to see his Mends and serve them at 23 Park Row. N.York. Respe.etfally, M. C. TYLER. Montnne,'Peb. 11t6,1883. NEW MILFORD • C) VOlaaro. 1111115inderstgted wcialMnfone the r pale iltit he Al* eurlc on theireendNew Nalrind Borough. nimr the eereeek ;-1- rg, l nt en W 6l - andgat c55 14121 , 11 !r mr_ Lecturing.:L . - Plows and Plow. POiragi -• • CULTIVATORS And JOB WORK, finished enlolott nOtl.en.; • AA wink warranted-sabeigocnt and Onleb,- 8 .3 1 1N9 1 . 11 1. xow 4.113138. _ *I=LAISTII'CIOMT, Whoteisali & Retail De:dere/1n 1114111D042:511M, 9 .Ix l E 7 l..cos-p 9 -; . ,5,,,T.Em:, - ; - „NAILs, 41? - mas; - wittort,Lit,, BUILDEWS HARDWARE MINE lIAIL f COUNTERSUNK & T RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD & MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WARNERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE - IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, Bows, do. ANVILS, VICES. STOCKS on'a - DIES, BELLOWS, ' HAMMERS. SLEDGII. i;l:Mote..te. CIRCULAR AND MILLE/MS. BOLTING.,PACKING, TACKLE. DLQL‘ES, PLASTER. PARIS 4. • • CENENT4IAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENPELWINDOW GLASS. LEATHER & FINDINGS. ,-- - rellimars SCALES. Scrantni. March 24. 1863. ly /KEYSTONE HOTEL, Ai Montrose, la. fTWlfi'neWand contmodions Retells slttuttedon.rtiblic 11 Avenue, near the Court House, and nearly In centre et, tbe business portion °Montrose. The Proprietoris tamildent that tie Is prepandto entairtairi guests in a ws that =mot fail reeve The Moteland ultare are neiroand ntrespenseltat been spared to render it equal if not superior to any in this ;eV the State.. It's well supplied witliallyecent improf ents and Cotnforta, ankololieng .widters will always ready to respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this house are new told cOnvehtent. • ; - • • The ProprietorrespectMlly:soltche the 'patronage of Ma old friends/. travellers, and the pabliettemendly. Janet, tf WM:IL HA H. REMOVAL AI~ES 41 - DEWITT, AS removed hiestock of Goods from the Lat hrop H Building to the etore formerly occupied by- liC. Tyler. next door tad. 8. TarbeWsJtotel. where be it readyle eellGoode to hie old friends and the pull; at. hie well known • , - - • .LOW PRICES: good stock alervt.tmluuul.pnle.4tilig , :..IDire V clan for3PLCocil=rl3,(_ , 1 1 ‘ ; Iran ; _:Egt.rdw t ::.I,TotiiixtiSMash Oils Fisb4: &c. Prices taken ftrerelAne. J. 'IL DEWITT. I• . Mirth 1011861 - • • //1&/ . r ; ffN STRENA ',),PITTONORG:\TA. PotnamED IN nig. ImeorpOated lbsi - Laglidatlve:Chsurter. Being the only OttldkitfteLtVCOLLEGß in the Union • " conducted by " PRILeTICAL • Winin BEL THOUSAND STUDENTS More been efluedid In the i`tinciples end Practice clan the details of a business education from . DUFF'S ay& .;'),NOOA2STUN:4IOOK,4=mstGt.: , , • Awarded Four Silver 2iledale, and the. sanction of the highest_ Mercantile: 4nthorltie,s In, the =p.ug. Mee. Dors • • • - „ 1 - 13411.134110 AT 110.011-81011 , 11M':- 'feet system for such books and /Lei:minis.” Ai- BO OW!! new system of .‘ • - atarnom) BOOIC-fillatal '• ' Agtooib i e ,toirmii of theeansylyeAls D'aff's•ellevistem of - f • P I UT AT E maN K -B001 WORP*(1, - ,, r- 1 1 • • D•,•••.- - -- • = • • ThionlY one in use in the city. The aboie orof accounts are taught under the daily sopervislo of Abe witha l .and, Jo lo bogeyed, t 9 °ree of perfect flefr tudeei t?e 1111 9: 16 .. : WBLV mum - 111 , 1011111111114 foibest 13t!lneei antOrbeinentil "Penmaniblp Miranda • treflegll tates- Fair st IThicianati . . ..1 Pm:m.4MM Pair at . . ..1880: - Western Pesem %dr • MO. Vali= iflrginlsYslrit • " lip, . A2dlbe-Oblo- State 7 / a lr at All of which are eshiblied:stom. cam:, • - joodirt.` - Keiiiitigreireisek Selassol 47414 , Tam cop, psgesemli, SO bents peril meer.the ehesio. • , este,opy Bookie sse.. r ythierigstMr and fades 11 ; r"ignifh, ilitultles9ll2-1 the efeolenti ( „o o e !yummier Aft; me most ftmplem instmotor '''Sklislt. loll POl Sos ,pi,ll44 lo: • , Edltlbe Of 37141"•439,04eittig* Pilaf - -- Sok,fbl -10// 1 11UpkteladllteandAirWeglett - ,'OCOV-CWOBIBB . _ 111 cog myopias P enrisifs - Basfxdps9all • 1 emirs „, -• 4. • ' hum* eQjfabbigiloba ...Stnikgen 11M 'geese Inquire oar reputation Af.the kill, Vino we &remit known. Jan. 1, IfC3, I!=i=gl=m=='= L m ' r . 16, *.,,ii*: *iiiikii'n*r ; 400'441 '1 O. ~ • ~•,',•,"..-.,,;,!,.. ••• :-",,,,' ' ''';-,.::;,.,, '„: 5,- - • -- _ - 3 - . V . r".,.‘,!: , . ,'-- '- i - N ,- - ' •,.x.. , '4, (1) !;k 4 ''. ''' s ]•: ,. l: .' V . ., 7.: t.,- . IT, • 0);'; ~ '.% _., . • ~f 7 :. .. , ,I:1 •1,,.... --- Ere*-orlitediniiiiiiiiileilitillteiantrid inlohiltdirctinfit prising the greatest variety or most event articles of any Store in the Northern part ol ants, and per haps of the entire State. An asstwitaten s kept in about thirty different branches of tradtc e : , . Abe selec tions are made from about forty of Wert — l4ifo__lhtes in New York, and more thee fift y DeaktritAtid Idatinfac re zio S e turers out of New York.', A large 0 . WILK the Goode are brought direct from the unOrs% Ws insuring genuine articles. COsteme tte ring tale Store must not expect to and eve in ight, but nearly every article wanted will bo_pfoltte y inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may be ferried') . e following 1 geograllyntilite, tottenumerationfla WO cable, - Drugsiind.adedielnes. Palate` afftl- 4 D . Dye StuffN :GrccrieKLigu-"-fOrockery/Glanks, pre. Wall andd , liVizielbekPlwaritTewelry, Slyer Warl,fcrthmen.l34ncy GOode t , blusfeelYnatrnmente, Burdhow American Pocket 'tfnives, Table_,Ottfiery a Silver-Plated Ware, Lamps, Nateriabilter Lights,ll ware, Bed cords,Stone Ware, Pry cloodsjitnors, ndow Glasa, c ."-lithographs. Var nishes:, Bird ; Caues. Spectachel Whips:, and Lashes, •Broentsi Ones: Plat Ola. • Menumiltion, Tobacco. /fedi 'cal and Surgical:intitrumenWSalt; Soap. Pettish. Um ,brellas; Poreehdu,Teeth, in altori.'nearly everything, to restore the sick, to please the, Ltate.to delight the eye. togtstify, _the lent% and alaolovi4duce to the real and fnmapusi comforts of life... •,- , • The atterterin'of the public fireirpetefully Invited to my stock of Goads, bought exchndvely for each down andwill he" solffostike same prinfille l for low prices. I .. Neutron, January tet,1863.1.,:~j %. DR., UEFA & ESTHER 1:La,11-iecoaci. THE PASSENGER RAIN LHAMM Omit Bendat V. 40 a. m., a ft er the arrival iit 8:80 a.m., of the CincluziatiKxpress from .the west. connecting at Scranton, where it arrives at 10.10 e. with's train ortth'e LackaWtinna and Bloomsburg Rail road, for Pittston, Wyoming Valley, Kingston and Wilkesbarre, and by omnibus with the Delaware and Hudson railroad at Providence, for Olyphantand Car bondale.' At nape station. this trails ctinnacts by omni bus with The Belvidere Delaware Railroad for -.Phillips burg. Trenton and Philadelphia. -At New Hampton danction,:where It arrives at 2.25 p. ' Atte:same train connects with trains on the Central Roa d of New Jersey for Elizabeth. Newark, New York..Haston. Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg.— Passengers ey this train arrive in New Perk at 5.50, in Philadelphia at SAO, and in Harrisburg at SAO. Thetrain leaving loot of Cortland street, New York, at 8.00 a.m., and foot of Walnut street, Philadelphia, at 8 a. m., connecting with the Passenger train of this road, leaving New Hampton Junction at 11:91 a.ma., and arriv ing at Scranton at 4.02 p. where 4 t earnecti with a train on theLlekawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad. and with the cannilini running to the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. . _ This train arrives at Great Bond at 8.10 p. m... malting a close connection with the mail train going West on the Erie Railway. AN ACCOMMODATION , . TRAIN leaves Scranton at 10.10 a. m.. connectinget Great Bend with the Day Express train west on the Erie Railway.— By this train Passengers arrive at Ithaca, Byramrse, Buf falo, she.. the 'same day. Returning, this train leaves Great Bend at 2.20 p. nu, on the arrival of the New York Express going East, and Buffalo Express going West, and arrives at Scranton at 5.20J0 HN p, m. • , • . BEIBILVi t R. A. HENRY. - Gang Ticket Agent. • Scranton, kLay 20, 1865. ERIE RAILWAY. cxerviLitszi,..-,merratinrit,iitlmirgie following hours, via: , - ; . . _ , WESTWARD ItOrNl/.' 1 - ' ,EARIV :MD MOUD. 1, Buffalo Itatutaa,tlB4l.m 2, N.Y. Storm. lt.f.ip.ni 3. Night Express, 1:07 a.m 4. Night Expres, 214 0... m 6, Mail, at 0:53 p.m 6, Steamboat " &38p.m 17. Way Freight. It2op.m - 2, I 9:51 p.m 21, AccOmociation, 9:58 a.m 16, IL a.m 20, Way Freight,. 9:10 a.m No. lerrinfBttndayoM! pf_fistnrds.P. =lrk. Map' kfrk. Nos..k4 and 8 ran ev,. • d.4otstigEstnit; • NEW GOODS:! A. general lasorthient of GOODS, arrlVngaars, GRASS SEEDS. LARGE & =OM CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED, YOU SALE BY s. 3317 r. New Milford March It ISO 47* LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG ON end atter Aptil 30, 1863, Paieenger -Trains- will ' ran as follOws: -..310Vti0•891M1. • • • Passenger. Accra & Leave Scrantort,lt ' • 5.30 a. m. • • 11:00a. m. ~.Arrive " Itupe‘ . BAS • • " ;at r. Arrive at Korth= linkr ;9.35 : •• • • lieNgia NO • - Leave -NOrthinfitierland 4. 80 . ' " • - Danville., . _ _ 5.10 " -' 1 " Raped,' - - 5A3 . Kingston, . 8.03 • , p. m. Arrive at Scianam, . . WO- p.. 0. A passenger train also leaves Kingston aiktillik. m. for Scranton to connect with train.frrr4.7ewyork_.. ;Return -ing, leaves Scranton on anivalottrain itomßeW-Y044 at4.2op. m. • • • - • INtasengers taking 'train South from Seranioni at• 14.80 as.;;Tia:Nortlannahind.resclillenisbarc lll . Bo p.m. , . _ - . !MY , lllipett . • witaktogork__ r achmaa , cophisaty.oar . • MINA ,up , Elegeton.April 111, , -. t - eretiiiSeike• :- • frtinerket, eortettmtlyou bagl a ant i l n etastere M ee al e; ca ,7: l - 36 - 131 4 r eretre er Store: - The Nelek ere toasted °Refits. the -CRS goOef , Courtasittlthesange. Streets.-- Thlllosll* !sin:tab isai eonseetel.wtikrany other The, coats of the entire. Fatality ire:atchishalr devoted ta is: , This design of this Institution is to: afford Young Neu in opportunity for-acquiring. a , Thorceigk, Practicer/ our BooloresidronniariogedtrY Pruett` cal tomato% exproisly forthhC insoitiniOnt and the =doe ofinetroetlOnla angle/WU ,- ctin TPece7 ana Practice. .. 1 - -- • , - -.-:.:. -,- .. ; 1 .. ._,... ..;,;--.- --- -.- , AD ,_ • : ALi — teleitei - itlio ThtattoitrOwenilinteeir Soot acep •_lng hi alt ite-rto , mentiationwiship.- COMMilreiaT.Assittimetie,qinor i correspondence, Commercial . Law, Mika Economi, CarararecialEthicir, I_artainhipliettiemente ecoruterfelted and attend— hank notelkSto, -. ' - i% u ng , ,eyrdisokottellinitittbilla lit-Ohite theaniati==insiithranort.- 1 ';. The Bel* donirtilmot Le PM* giscialsisr. PeFY4 11 9 3 0 11 4: ° "(o 6-f ti at/ P aliP. . Ulla'. , :ctionerWlVLldt,tee ncii ngta• • - *lama= iota st , July thne.; , Na ;Artist timetbocaattetetbei ileMise.y.,_lheljejtelf. wMO eek.; - tome aeudegedtovromeoPow etillettoolY -' V allllo4l , ll Et l tOle / " 1 1! 1 , 14 , I1 ; f 0-,F 4 , 13 "t 1317 " e4 :fir fl roir eiitsibitne 7 riiii s Weeliiit 4 e Of ifitil ' Ult p. azionclose twb 'letter ationMotril', ' - _,........„..1 _ , .D..w..., -. t VT, tlrldis ~ : , '- . . ittulthemtotick: ii l : i . V . ! g.'" • ,A • ••,. _ 4 r "gra* entaltiocAlp Gil. ix. TalrelPs.- • 02.; zt a 4. M!!!=M7 te fflaty 4" ti Thtfir Avf l if i n vorlA4., *via I" GENIMM I9 M9O 447 MN ILViII UE/424tiata; XVIWY: H . ISI :4 3 Mh " 4 6 ' I. laVE oll ot°§Z. WASH. IMPOTA&AUPORNE XRPORMitire • -••••nistittagitedtilteinitAttitir 3P11112.141t AEOlatreliCrt 313u.o3>mial A pooltiya and . Specifte.Romedlfoy dtaeasof of 140 and; ' the i)owei igeitipil. and excites the. obrorbontio iietlaii; by woJth 'Oa watery pr.colcerous,dopostgons, sod 4n nouotnFol et& lirgemcnite die m need. paitt andlogiurogloii, sad Is good tortoni itfmtotrotehildrint: • lIEUSOIVt!iXTRACTiumtv • 'iron wean:nem - Ariejog,fro.ol ,Faccei,ses,Usk.lnto. ot Dieeipa lion,Eirly Indtscretion i or,Abwie „Mtendc l i,with the following sympthuts IndlepOaitiOn to EFertion. "Love of Posies. .... Lois of Metaory, ••• -, • Ditticuityof Breathing, Weak Nerves, • •", „ Treml3liami . Honer of Dliense, " 'Wakehilnesf,” • . Milanese olViston,' . Paintn the Reek._ Universal lassitude of the Flushing of.tbeliorlY t , Muscular System, Eruptions oh LW:trace, :flotilatals, • - - • : Coutitensucee - . Myyness of the Skin. -These s ympt o ms; if a— ed to goo n, ` r Ihich la - 'clue insurishly renmeescsixra tufts , -• / IMPOTENcY, VATIRTY, SPIUCCTIOPIT,S;- , In one of which the,nattent may•expire. ~ ITho tan ray that they dleeasie: t ree Mit frequently followed; by those , " 1 rib Conlinmptiori: Many are swaredof the canoe of their suffering. =brit none will confess. .Tkitrecordp of the insane asylums and the meiancho y deaths by Consumption, pear app. littiarkt 4 r4 l l 3 triitti OttlitilltiO 4 ifticitri - 0 Of; ')T":;! The Constitution .once affeeteo with or . grunt) Weakness, Bemires the kid ot tnedicine to idrengtheuarsd Invigor— ate the system. which HELIIIIIOLD'S .E)CTUACT, CHU Invariably doe*. A trialirillconvince the must skeptical. • • Old or young, single, married, or content • ptating marringN • • . • In many affections peculiar to Females the Itxtraet Da cha is unequalled by any other remedy. as. in Chlororis or Retention, Irregularity. Painfulness, or Suppression of the Customary Hritenattans. Ulcerated or &Wrens state.of the Uterus, Leuchorrhea or Whites.. Sterility. and for all complaluti incident to the sex Whether ads tug fr omindiscretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in thw Take no Balsam. Mercury. or =plates:lt medicine for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. . HELMBOUISIXTBACT' =BUCHU . . . • CURIO SECRET DISEASES ' ,• - :., • , • . , . In all their stages ; at little expense ; linker no clangs In diet, no buxarrenienee. . • ~. :. , It Mee* frequent desire. and Wes strength Ittatrle etc, thereby removing !obstructions, preienting and en. ring Strictures orthe Urethra.. allaying palnand Inflam mation, so frequent in; his elan of diseases, and expell tog ronionotus. ai.eawi,o, and worn.oat matter. r' • Thoneandatipon Thousands' WHO - WIVE, BUM . THE • • cra4s.cmcgs,, And who hate-paid PEES tO tie eured time; have found they were deceived, andthat Om" Pot ion , I ' has by the nee of" Poweeed •Astritigents..7 been dried np n the system. to breakont in an 'aggravated• form, and MUM'S AFTllltlf Awns aim • • CSM-- `S MINOT, ben: Supt. ffiriffa Females, Females. Fimales, DECLINE on ORANGE Or LIFE., lIIE ISTYPTORS I.IIOTE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE"WITUOUT rr. ; AND PO) sx*ogainz. HELMBOLni EXTRACT BUCffil Fot all Affinitiorus and Mimics at - The Viing.ry Organso inethnr existing initiiLllOTl IMITILN,from vat:deft? cause orlglnatb3g r and no nutter - • or RowLosa a/Azure. - Diseases of gteso °mins iwanirethinid,of a Diuretic. HE LMBOLD"S:' ....avow is Tss GREAT DIURETIC. - And it is certain to have the desired effect itt - all via , eases. for whichiS is-recommended.. BLOOD! )3•1,00.D! . . ',ZOOM telni l o4's Xestafx o Peents,fo coIPPPund 13 Fluid' "Extuct: ostiparillits: 1 • ,„ sasiet3agif.:l MS is anon dee Blood:and attack ths Sex. as] 'organs; gs of the 'Nese, ' Throat; Wicg.: pit*, and other. ens Burfacewmtddltrits Irnelliante In the form of Mons. , Reirabold's Extract- naresperril• la purifies - t he Blood-ad resnovesall Scaly 7tionsOf theEkb giving to the Complcxiop a •Clear en ileakby Color. It being prePared expresily for this diet ofcont. plaints, its Blooe-ratifying Properties are preserved "to a extentthan.apysdpreparation of Sareapa. She nudge int ing.ctitni In Disessisoof the;winery .arisistfronuhabitc , of iiielimitittg.„, Int equittOkm senate Extrsetsßnchn anti Diresparills, in such dis• e •41=70=intostAvbaii and rtdiddecffinkctet wilithe medicines. accin rarETIVICATEE - 01 c; l 7. From eight , to twenty yeafs d ing, w. names known to science and fame. •- , .0; ;-• For Medical. roparties OftillCHEyseenisPinisatoryof • _ - _ • • - seep rofessor DEWER:S i Vidashla Om_ Fists liceht_Physhuf• • *;,-; • See. remarks made o'f Philadelphia: , FATBP •cri ~ -P 211.. , see reenarks..madebYDr , EPßitins Me.DOWELL, -CelebritedPhysician;and; isolates of fhb ROO •College efionmons.fteland, and published in theWnansactions of the Etteitand Queen's Jinni:el. - - `• '; •• - Ree.hiedlepXtrorgteal Review, pnlshediWain4 e i ritieti; ?aliment thatota Colle ge of Du • See nsost of the late 'Standard works on 'Ochre, ifrx . ite.cr sl . llo2xn sterns,'os attt > rot $5 00 Stassrsiutl.4 .••,‹ mr:•-•:" . -:.if ik Innovros Rosa Wv eo so l o* e ha re pl i lit i iet i l • - Vir DetstihntYuljdolußUlo...? 3 4tfic4 1 9 1114 C l f!" gnartuateed. 'Advice TM'S. • , • . ' , .;7AFFJDAVITi . . „fp701411/I)oPeilir beforo..esek Menai . 0f the city isdelunia. 11.T.11e1M Id, who, being dub* sworn dotillay,tflpreparstibmtenutsilltionstm.titCllo, mar, eery, or other inJnrons drugs, but are s puse m lbotable. LD. Sworn and Stiticr , *Wore me this Istd Nor; ET Tux Aldenniii..thitti4tivWnhOid tat% nibs AdditaiiLetterl for infbmitoo in •t„ lNlFlLll‘ivouroChetolo....r.. • ,D* l . l W girth4titalphoseti, l4 oli. s•%Aitii Who endeavor Ice dligtose " of: their ptiFt2,l. 4144 ll'41'"1-1.raggergiitt41411 , 1 7 .41114 . 4 .1 Mfi i i , :41mitcnretZowIrsokiw .1.. ii ROM fry Mi!laliti;4 ll lellez7wbero , 141 , 0: 1131 1 1 4 0 4tra,-1 171 APX encolittlieadvellisement, and lead for . - nrittlivoin imposition and exposure. Mara 10,thi.1M—ly. ~',--,,,_ •,,,v - , t- ; •- . , P : ~ • ' zv, - i , . ~: ,• 2 11 - 141 117 ; W f • .rM= • ' ' .1•-• , GREAT-natug ,, F08A71811,-`JFNDNALODC . IFDD#O; is SIM" NNOKANDVOIN24., , AMINO BRUISEN cpzo... • i•wobarim; • ; , ORILD4IOOII, !) 1 ~, ANDALL ftfrETINA77CANDNERVOUSNYSOPiti IMraUot.hlehltt a spied, and certain telliedif; - never falls. This Liiisment Is prevent hem the recipe Of Drs'incillitilliweeti.:Of Connectictitt:thh faboUllone setter. au lox been used in histkvattlts years with the most astonithing ewe.. ' • AN ALIIM111TOR" 11,11, ft bf any preparation before. theof skeptical may be Convinced by a single trial. This Lbdateht kill Curd rapidly ind radically. Slag. ma iser4Nl allvet7 kind, and itethostrandi of 'serge- tbas been utsellit Ima never been; knOwn to caw y o n IngESAGIE,it will iffertl iminedilde relief b 'arm cue. however distressing: It will relieve theirorstautesuf KUMMER inthres minutes emits warranted to do it. , ClRalsbltwiliettreljditilitY;' • t SVOIII3-.D131141TY AliD:Atantium ÜBE E, ariong from imprudence or, excess, this Liniment s • most happy and unfailing remedy. :Adler directly upon the nervous, tie nee, it strengthens and revirldes the system,'andlestorsli :it to ' and Vi ,11 ? ' , that It Is Mau/known, and-we challenge th e world to predate an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint _should gbelt a trialifet• it will initial' toinford- fmMedi. ate ?elle. ea in a , majority, of cases will effect a radmi laumsr Ar) lb= 12110 AT an sometimes ex trpmely- malignant and dangerone, but a tamely applies. Jinn MIMS Ilialmentwili 'lnver rail to cure: • 7 - 8 Nome:knee Tay obstinstromd etila ge -1;1141°13M Joined la liable to - occur If neglected. The . worst earn lospbe conquered hy this:llan:tent*, two Of threw tillYll. • . • • BliMbn Cayce; WOUNDOf tiOn 9 ; ' ULCERS. ',Bunn AiDscAtags; yleld tandllitei the wondetfal :healing properties of DL : SWARM; INF4LLIII.II UDABIEMT , wile 2 used according Ittalgections _• Also. MILELSIIIB, 171011T1:1). 11111 T, 41111 -WM BITES AN.D gThrgil?.. • • s , , Dr,' gtepiteiißireet 'of Con'ettat, the Great Niteroi Bono Better. Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, la knowti Ware, the United States.; Stephen Sweet of cennetiont, le theaothor of, "Dr. IrOot'slnfaUlble Llkkarolt."' Dr. Sw'eetti th&milt Ones itheumatiam and never &N. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is s certain remedy for N;luegia. - Dr. Sweet's, Infallible Liniifiett Cure. Sato. and eiNgdsinultlliatOy. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is Ib6 bath:pawn remedy for sprains atitibrniscs. Dr. Svie et% bfailible liniment Cares Ileadantie Immediately and waa naval. knoTa Dt Ssreet's Infallible Liniment Afford Immediate FL-Rektor Piles. ail seidom tails to cure. DR. SWEErSI 'ln&Bible LINIMENT' Caret toothache tit intaniintate. • DR. SWEETS, Infallible. LINI3IENT cures cuts wands Immediateli and fewer no fpaf. • , , - DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Ia the best remedy for sores In the knownyroflll. DR. SWEET'S •Infallible.lANlMENT Vas bee-rinsed by more than& mlUlun people, and all praise It. • ' DR. SWEET'S Infallible LMIMEISIT Tiken Internally mint:elle, Cholera martins and ehofera DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMEN T Is EndYi "blend In need," and every gamily shorqd have It at hand. • `DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Is for sale by aII Ihisggisb. Prim Zinillflettifs;- • A Friend in Need, • Try it, Man eximind ;nmed ii;4 ,and itlljAdle ate pita minermity than any °thee nteparatton. Par alt Rhenmatlea Narrow - Molders lis trail Infallible and as a matte, for soresormthde.apntths:,bntteceate. Ite seething, healing and-powerful strengthentneprep attics. eWte the just wonder.and.astontebmtotrorat i who hayeever given It a trial. Over ono tplnsandnerttf eaten ortmaarkable enies.peneldkled b 7 it math' Mani two yes^ Myst the Cant: - • • :, • .TO HORSE ONM4:fflti- isunalle4 b 7 soYealldhcail tepee ollataettega arislag trete* vibes; bralaea, erwiettebleg..ita etfett is tbaglcal sad dattahL. liartteaset saddle gas. lootthes, mane. etc:, it wilt aleefivie speedlly.•. Blrigbone and Kayla tniyesilly'be pro:acute& =dented Inthelr litaltiat eta gee. bat condensed eases are aeyead posilb td: a radtealaqw. Ndraise of tbet kthd„ howevtr. so a:ge state ot tiopeltaid bed It nay toe'allttvtatedM Ma Valiant sad U. faithful applicatlotrwlllaltisya Mime aux I=o- n:ea aairaltablaz4.lo bodes Varier with. eoesparattre Atiblei;• "., ! • •`, ••; '')• "‘r.,'. Every.-HoiscOlorner: ,,, • *lonia havithlsreniedy at hod. for Its tiraelyneeat the first appearance of lameness will efithially prevent ;those formidable dbieases,:to which - all horses arklialrie; kith 'which render so moto,y,otheratirs vahutble hones nearly INFALLEILESINIMENT ,lather.• - . . . 801 K : • ;Ili . • -.6 T`,• , .-r 119 '. , :-r. •-i yz .!,,i...... , ..w.... -, ,:^"!'''!'''''''','''''',...,... ._...i -1 l - 7; . 1 -. : „. ; ,-",--,- j - - I v.::='lllll,iikliaiNiWil;;', - :.7 1. ,t , ••:,. fTatini6 ol lLObstr et tart l P iejlets °ID?. Otephin Ilifeet gni i' and fit Stiplies : emcee* balllble latibstmr... initt i s ,81 ,Pm otterio bottle..without which none aregepttlne. • 1 tuoftvosoti avo ,, Odd pr_ogletoirtraiiielif Cti • , - moaegi aam : rum den yptityy ~.:,_ illari=oo Tort. 14$y - deafen "" . .. , -PATENT MEDICINES I itiiiiiiiiiii6iiiittiairivieoFfitideve , ti. , 4 feint forma. at.. Veral) , No Dtsuti s tots,Aut - It-Itu 1 touitil too logtbylor paw:l*mA Up. It win le ituWelitio say. thil. Apart' . tterry - 0 tolitootelitltitt; ,arliaiirnlPAPPot Wlgialir r i f y ouft la ran AlpdVattety Store of • . : ‘ , f blim 14svimmetvitachitiptierg nre, ir t nide ot Itottdoery, rMR Irsi "!! :, ,::., •-.... ,- ;:r,.:'4. !-c:.l