The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 16, 1863, Image 3

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    ? el that they belon ackson's corps.
They 03Y-111a9inegi,.. ve.bcolt.Coin
manded by 'tmother e that: Aire is.'
great dissitisfactimbiM4Ogst thaitti and
that the wholo,cunutaruLwill r _orne over
as soon as thierinui get e chances. They
say they are tttetotAturerprot . id are glad
t uA ct.oyer on, out atdrofthe aver,:
Our lrourn4ed tnealyhkw'erei,eitcttm
field, since brought over, state that the
privates treated there `kindly, and express•
ed the satuefeelitigsin 'regard to the war
as these alme mentioned. ,
I think that this , War mist come-to an
end soon; brit retber than l are the North
give one inch, T would :stay the remain
der of my time,,,and.longer if, necessary,
provided I am permitted to live so long.
I did not come here for mernpastime,,•or
to make money_, +is many: have,) but
to fight for the right, „endto sustain out
government. Iheve.been-kept.: mid pr
served from all harm So far, as I hope .I
may be in future. . I feel that. I . cannot be
too thankful for such blessings.' Myhealth
is ead, though 1 am not so fleshy as I
warm the winter. The *either he been
very wanicthe.most of this month", - •
I did not get a furlough as, I expected.
The reason 8 because there afejo9 Many
away nowTrom this corps. -
The news from-Vicksburg is still unde
chive and Unsatisfactory.
_Gen. Grant
seems likely to be. 'able to Maintain the
' s iege until he burns out or starves out the
rebel forces. On the Bth, we had reports
that the enemy had but- ten days supply,
and could not hold out much longer.;
terrific bombardment was at , once opened
upon the city; but later reports state that
they can hold out thirty _ days_ upon-one
meal a dory. ,
From Port Iludsnn id learn that Gen.
Banks had completeli.invested,the place
prior to "the 29th u1t...; and `our gimboats
were bombarding the fortifications from
the river.. The artillery „op the landl.side
was also in use. 'rue -tumult which 'Aia's
made along.the whole line of rebel works
on the 27th, ,was., entirely ,suc
cessful on tiwriglit and 'the center. At
those points we used the bayonet and
drove the enemy, within itia,itmer.line.-7-.
Our loss during the'engagethent Whs
mated at 3,000 , - killed wounded and miss-
mg. _ ,
The strength and resources of the rebels
within that stronghold have., it seems,
been -much nuder-estiMated, - and the 8,-
000 or 10,000' troops actually occupying
the. lace are said to be_four timeeas ma
ny as they were supposed to be less than
a week previons. -7The hopelessness of-the
assault systeni 'under nil the cireninstan
ces has led Gen. Banks to sit' down to .a
fonealinvestment of, the plain a ft er _the
manner Of Grant at Vicksbnrg. General
Banks' official report of the attack on Port
Hudson, dated 30th May.„ corroborates
previous intelligence concerning it. The
negroes fought well. Gar loss for the
week preceding summed up. to about 'l,-
000, including some of the ;ablest officers
of the corps. _
An engagement occurred on the oth,
between a considerable force of rebel iv
airy and our Own at Beverly Ford, a few
miles above the bridge ,crossing the Rap
pabannoekriver. The,attempt of the re
bels to cross was repulsed. AVe still have
a force on the south bank of the Rappa
hannock below Falmouth. .
From-a reconnoissance lately made on
James Island, S. C., it was inferred that
the rebel forces there hail been diminish
ed from over 10,000 to less than 1,000.
The supposition is - .that the bulk of the
troops have been senitO *rate against,
Gen. Grant at Vicksburg , . -
The - vividly , fight: I{eierly Ford
proves to have been a. hotly,contested af
fair- The Cavalty drove the pickets back
to the rifle pits, and after adesperatecon
ilia cleared the woods, the enemy falling
• "bark. upon their artillery" and maintaining
their position until 12 o'clock,-when our
artillery came up, and they were driven
back sittailatlither.fdiKethin litealpep
per Court Iloopeorhen onr forca.retrum
ed Mid re•erossittthileiriiiii good Order.
'early all - the fightiiiiTwait doneliy, the
cavalry, and it was of the- bloodieit char=
acter, mealy hand4o-band 'ilr'i,Viseabre and
pistol, and in the woods. Our , •bwri loss
was considerable and theiiiiiighter of the
rebels fearful.'Alia brilliant action is pre
sumed to have Staved for the present the
intended raid Of GinuStort - . -
-Despatehej have been received' froin
General Grant, dated Jtuie 8,, in tibia be
states that he was in communisation .with
General Banks on the 4th, at which time
Port Hudson waiiieleiely invested. The
siege of. Vicksbift- wag f&vorably p":"
gressing, and the Illiiionartuy seen* still,
~toTpt4itqt,titid r.
, General Giant, iegft-- already
. known or believe that-GeWOOO ll ll B .O ll
-is concentrating peopilvith inthielt 04-
aerate against - hint; and trientionir - V - report
that - three diiishins are movingfmnGen•
eral Bragg to retnforce,Johnstfm;,. Gener.
al Breckenridge is known' to hafe' joined ,
ihim. By wv„of,Chicago it is reported
,that Johnston wisiv eaderivoring to'cross
:the Bigimack *ita fon3e - 0 . 2 4 3,1)09 infer
.(federal Kimball, on the 4th; ;with - 1000 •
4nea,rooted. Wirt Adams at.thojisaiiiita
• • •
— 1 57 . 00,me note this mmix% ftlit
lerabftkeligiacirideiiti4 ,LOgf• -
menteihaten3444-IFithieterattee thine
hite T i s i t t o woungton 16y:was norm:
Amite& Sy Newa'aik:W , did : he
till the Preideptlhatitl 4 .(ltE!.l l ,t 5 1xleeh'
es - in thil ifity'were itmovieotly . teporkil.
Eirlfial tick 14r, n04415 , 4t my'
person lair inrolled4o' - eitabli# btu
osarn to exemption
- lad then krwill have ten"
that =tsalgeTforiti
, 3 T4V.7fienicel‘ "'
TEE I 3 " ifirklasTaT WOE
, ..._, .....,....,
itiilitriaftfitir - cio ' Rt
• . .
~ tf ,- ., r,- - _ tc. ,f , cintinioi4 Jane- :T
, The Democracy of Ghia' assembled' •t ! '
tha,CaPital in-dat :io inigiiini6e of 'forty
or fifty, thousand. - Eivery train cornusg, t to
the city bite' hundredif,reni aim 'part of
the State: : It wasthe largestendmost pn:
thusiastie convention'-evei :.assembled,in
Ohio. Ex-GovernOr Medill:presided.
The first business was the selection of a
candidate for Governor. CLEMENT L.
VALLANDIGHAM was nominated by
acclamation-amid the-cheers i 011ie impitt
intie..--- 'YEveiy, co — nnti-iechrifid'itir''enitie
vote for hint.. '•
Ex-Seisator Poe ilidae ik sery . : . 'speech
denbiiiiehti ' krullandighi'mta . - arrest and
bani shin cut., t Hasp] ut ion s . dee Ounci pg, his
arrest and. demanding. Ma return - wire - ad
opted, and n'comean tee oftwenty, ehosen
to call on this President and, DEMAND
hiffretnrn. . ,
t ,
No military interference was\ tempted
and the soldiers took part of tbemeeting.
Nnnieroust speeches, were made, and a
series of resolutions adopted. ‘ '
It is believed that if the ballot-box 'be
net interfered with military violence; be
will be ejected by an overwhelmingtnajor
ity. i
Revolution in Illinok-41e0e5sionists in
• the State Legislatuiv.
§PRINGVIiiteD, June 10.
The governor this morning issued an un
constitutional and revolutionary proclama
tion, prorogueiag the legislature till 1865.
The Reprib*ns left the halls (so Jeff Da
vis & Co. lefyCongress) and therby broke
the iiitorini
nn cdob f biitthe Democrats re
fused to recognize the prorogation (such a
thing is unknown in this Republic) and
continued the sessions. The governor's
pretext is that .there is a disagreement
between the two Houses on the subject of
adjournment!, but there was no pailiamea
tary disagreement whatever. ' The Demo
crats, in heiafteninon, , finding themselves
powerless to, do any further business, ent- , ,,
ered a protest on record reciting the facie,
and arraigning Gov. Yates for usurpation
and informally left the seats, not recogni:
zing en adjournment, but a Revolutionary
lirealiing up of the legislatare. The.goY
ernor's proclamation was intended to and
did defeat the, 6100,000 appropriation for
sick and wounded soldiers. The final pas
sage of thitt'billWas pending in the House
when it, dissblved. There is great excite
ment here and deep indignation against
the governor. _
—lt will be remembered that by a sim
ilar - setessioii the Republican : members
broke up the ' lndiatiaLegiiliture t leaving
the State without means to pay the inter
_ est on her debt.
ilar A telegram says that Mr. Stevens,
a deputy provost-marshal, and Mr. Clay
field, a detective, also an enrolling officer
who accompanied them, were fired upon
near Manville, Rush county, Indiana, on
Weduesday,hy sorne,men in a wheat field.
=Mr. Stevens was instantly killett,:andi Mr.
Clsyfield died soon after receiving his
wounds, -..1L-..,detachmearof infantry has
gone to the scene of murder. .
—Before the:League - fizzle' inl Mica,
`the He*:id of thatch) , called the 'return
ed volunteeers, who wore expected to at
tend, "our brave defenders. Atlerthey
had attended and expressed, in their em
phatierway;lbehweferenec for MICA.
Called dial' ."druriken'ioldiiiri." •
Albany Argus; . • ' .
Illar'Col. 3. Richter,Jorw, of the 68th
Pennsylvania rigliqint, i 9 repOirtiW killed
in 4 gallant-action in N orth ; Carolina, in
Web, with Vie - triOdei - he ennui:in ds,
he made ii'rinfirartint rapt of of Rebel
troops., lido was a'riative of Philadelphia
elitnity, -soul- formerly a judge •Of the
Court of Common Pleas, but resided of
late in Sullivan: conaty ; and a ,man of
rare courage. • -
411 W
. -
- MISS . ,-liiiillit.llllloll
Oa Iliday.Aflanwant ` ima 19th,
In ..futredfieel),T:•. rigig's me - rde:Gif;re, near
ai'POrii miicsee , • •,, : . , : , .
Dr..k 3L Wheeler, - :c . ., fcSilkmaii, R.
H; 31Oftniii,::, and R. Ifertifield, *lfni; of
t,,°744li.init aiSieSiike meating...,,Otber
apiakert have. been invited : " 'pi, Dania
oraii .160:otheilsw-idiiirinicjitUme Of the
-•.-. ..,..----
aeiglibiaiiii, townships -Aro 'taripeistrally
solicited to *lea. - Let 00
'- : 1 0 IE-gen
rat turivout fAhe peoplel -- :: 1 . -: ' - •
.. ,
Iris been 'engagedfcToeoCealli*:: lie
speaking to commence at' one , o'clo ck::::
The resultAifitriatit4' i Convention will
itt4ol3' l *Feceio.4; 4 4 : o 6 o ll i l tee r fO i
-Gover,porbe ;annoutoili 10,ittsiduOtriza
read ititaWin*lng:' - ' - .' '---'-- '- - 1-' ' -,---
-Thasextilea inV;Ultie-Vuebanuft
cinuity,Teiehile.sksiCoefitioi : I be 'mid
in Gibtaxt-SAlarrowe, , ill4llOlO Fridar
arid Elaturday , -the*lik - siiidffitti-4ayo of
/rink t.11182L - j*7 - . , •_, ,, r -,
, -.1 ,_, r., , --7 ;.
, Evely Teaobitliii;thi Co Ao‘tillattt
Presl4 lo :-1 4 040 3 i1t the excOaer4, l 34
striveviiplat ' Oast ,toet,4. mute* , .sod
intagalioc f ; ',..7.7 . 1 i —_. _ :- - •:,:! , 4 , - , ,t , !;:J , ; . ,
t". r
. ..3
, !
• t .'., ' ri ~
. r• - •
... . ..
. .
_. -
WE have.madaarranzements - fin _ ~ As,.. .. ...11 supply 1.... who
Vl` i ntend to buy. Our Cmintry being so univen'and rough, but few machines are
adapted .to: it. . We unhesitatingly say that after seven e)s contested _trials with other
machines and thorough Use ou all kinds of lona and inall kinds:of grass, vre - -have
become satisfied that we have the best machine in tile at t e present day.
__ In proof
of which vie refer to a few of those Who have tried them: .- _ ..- - ''' -, •
. . . . • .
T . • ...
Hader& Truman ingley, , Ilitrfotd,l:-'
loath A :Bawl Tewksbury, 4 South 40bUrri,
'ddleto - Ge0.,8. Johnson, .Mi letown,
-ndsvil, Jonathan - Smith, Gibso_
ion, .Seth. Abel./ , • " - \ ~
1 , J. C. Morgan, Brooklyn,\ '
J ames 'Casson, Springyille;\ \
. Luz. .E. G. Babcock, • Bridgewater,
S. A: Pettis, -- 3lontrose, - • \
i William Jisstili;' - ' " -:
3filbonru Oakley, " Harford,
G. B. Howard, South Auburn,
H. F. ltaudrick, Middletown,
J. Ibr,sfordi Friendsville,
William Bartlett, Jackson,
James Gidding:4, Herrick, •
John Lee,
A. M. Coon, Abington - , Luz.
D. E. Snyder, ti
ll. C. Conklin, - Dimock,
Lafayette Lyon, Herrick,
Montrose, May 2t,h, 1863..
Stand by' the Laws. I Terribli Diselditues—Seetetsfor the
We conjure our Democratic friends A MOST valuable and Wonderful publication. A work
oT iOO n a d n eo ori c gi o n lo a r l e a d n eggz u tg r s. t Dt• is H e un
iltroughout the count' y, by every thing ter's Pale reru s nl a , an
' which they bold dear, to submit Man and Woman. their physiology, Functions, and sem:l
to, stand by, and to uphold the laws for their e s r pe a practice o e f dy ev c e ge." l r d lie wltti eve
o r
;Of the land. Let us keep strictly within mf.r... Q2 .n n d a a m ti e ll is. unbounded,
has but at the earnest so
the limits of tbe law. if we do this the extend his medleal l ; 3 i t s i erilfras ns ib il ro e ngh the n m in est re m d o to f
eniitifies of oar liberty ninst always assail iitiLt...ivsgectlecv Mecum." Is ti v o tnae as th a at sb r4 o ve nl n ti th ,: in
na at a ;disadvantage, and mus t ' play h e secr et vices . as a guile for the i l i tilevlaaon of one of
partof law-breakers and wrong-doers. 1 es etao mankind. ulerinlcod pyt,ruectivreelscoy
warded &coot . postage to any part of the United States
Be not the . *greaser but stand on the
r p o o, rs t Oeents_itt P. O. stamps,. or 3 coulee for $l. .Ittrdresa,
defensive and -fall back .on your rights as 1 pa id ,Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Division street, New York.
a citizen of the United States and of Jane
863-1 Y
Pennsylvania. 01°„ course, we do not
mean to say that you shalt stiffer any one
grossly to insult you or to deprive you of
any privilege which you possess un
'der ttre
and the laws made in conformity thereto.
Inaba upon all these privileges,.nay, fight
for themOl it becomes necessary: But be '
temperate, ts l / 4 cool ; addineonly to mod
eration and a: quiet deportmlnt, firmness
and resolptir. Be not
. rpah, but, "be
sure jraiere right,' hed go ahead." DO
nothing iintit you- have given it a second
,thought;', Act with caution and delibera
tion, but aotlwith a Will that , cannot
• oVerboine. - - Democrats -renieniber the
Law.: It is the rock upon Whibbrivo'lliive
beilded t Unconstitutional laivs must be
tested accerdinkt to - law, and when -deci
ded unconstitutional by the proper 'Tither
itv, they are null, and void. Let ,us. re
mairr behind the impregnable fortiess of
the L a wbe'abloto hold our
WSouthern. refugees= say Vallandig
ham has been imprisoned by the rebels.
Li the best : and cbeapeat and most beantiftd of all Sewing
Blaebines. This machine will sew • 'anything. 'from the
running of a tuckin Taxletan to the making of an Over
coat—anything fromPllot art Beaver Cloth &haw to the
softest Gauze or Gossamer Tiaane.and is ever ready to do
ita work to perfection. It can felL,hem, bind,gether,tu
qullhtind bas amity fora great variety ofomament
work, Thin is not the' only machine that can fell, beta.
bind: ands° forth, but It will do eo better thartany other
machine. The Letter ••/1" Family Sewing Machine may
be - had ins great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding
Case, which is now beaming so popular, is as, ita .name
impllitaitme that Can be folded into a box or case, Which
when opetied.makeati beanfflakeultstantial.apd apaCkina
table for the atorkiritest - npon. .The.;.casevare of every
imaginable desigyar-plain as the wood grew bait; native
forest. oraselaborately flashed as sateen make them.
-.The braachottices aye all well suppliedwith,islll4: twist,
thread; needlesoll. etc.. of the very best quality. _
Send for a copy of "Staoan & Co.'s Gszerrz."
L IL EIHMEILIc CO, 458 Broadway, N.
HY - Philadelphla Ofildi.BlSCltestont street.
RE D, WAThOttS a vosTgri.:AVnts to Montrose:
• . I C7I7COCO3D , '
• : - DzmOClLar MICA
SSE 'Pfizer & "BON 'ls ttde ITO dtasolved
ty mutts] col:sent; ithoseciadebted to the eatd drat
by note or account arerequeed to call at the offlce or/.
Wm:it:Cooper & Cots Idog •Ituese, and tisuP l t
Psymeat marbe made to H. or W. Moltk e of smuts
itadttua SOL • .. ;
"Nontiotat,lttne ISA. ,r •
' .1
ivitromixermustiv.i .
Itebrerithei wIE be
dirtied on at the 010 Oleo' of B. Smith It Sork.ll
t4e Wid g e tr 4— =& ll4 gal king ' vlb A a ViaTiP ri
head, melt**
work prim:may:and neatly Sone; end varranted: Twill
awl muds - of Nand Work at Itier %sone as anyone
in this`eoruUr elienterft;
13r1t-le I - Orr dutriot ill to 'bean that: „Ivor*
Mart /4 104,4
• Agentrage*"
urtwoweartwow--- i
- :-`'
SAlMti 'S, Agents.
ExeCutors' = Notice
ieestarisentary to the' Eitate'orniMlLY
_Ls RAWLY. deceased, late of Friendsvllle borough.
basin been nted.toatui oat:signed. 'all perique In
ltnto kcimmcdiste
present tbeizi to
M. NOLA:: t -- •
.1. MULUARE, Executont
Frlendstrllle, dahe 15th, 1563.
I • "
• • :• and too sot&
frets April prices
1113""nds Reduction will include . the
which wiliteroundtuillirgi; It 9 nag. andisii) be sold on
smitOr p;it.
.1.03 Er
May, ISO. :15Ove Milford.
EN* r. Stotic.batnirilkild" St WOodnigrih
HAS Now ON HAND, ana continue to keep
'Fitotar-Ofthe Bed Brands;
by the sick, barrel, or load, of very superior qtailitY,and
at much less prices than dour& elual qualities is now
sold at in thisinarket.
Abo, " • . SALT, FISH.
:WAS -SUGARS, &c. _ ,
, •.
Fur, Woe!, dS u ez HAts a CAPS , a t 15 to 25 per
cent. less then tumidly sold In thle section of conntry. -
Call and judge for yourself before you' purehtunn:
Montrone, Tune 0th.'1863. . • N. POST.
. ,
MOIES: . .:.',FISNLS . ;
arramomouNii;watimioLAc. sc., for
C-4 1, PWTPRI 1 44t .
1010 , 147 1 i1v '468. •—•
- • z•-::••
• Auditor's otice.
In thi'aititter* Oahe dlettibutlceiOfthdAbdirlifug from
talker tboyest.estete%of Wham ilanlarg.
MHZ undershinerliutvingbeterippointed by the Court
•:1; ofCommort Pless'ctthe bounty of thinge, irianditok
loeilltributesattt thud, trillsueettbe puttee Interestedin
the same. abisofffee in Montrose , loutilaturilay tbe nth
40- at Awn, 58G8..74:1 latch-Mule
and plate all penes' lowing claims tvoir!sahl`
present:bent or be tomer deberreeL
261.14 5 48. P . - :, #41.3494141/140144te
lirakloat a
on ering, and bung -aaa
had several lei engsrbglas
krtholsollussatow twit:* T io. savkas.b , Public
la thatirrenY.- ,110110 at ; a ceased Aucilonor cau
oftgo ; nudes boo ac 4 of Cm/MU,
JAY ta letikearsb. •
Orden by asll 05111447 ' 4l4toldetti
• ,
at Ma ,
Ikeliltetaritia r •
which althea 13ciaor-'
lideo =wit*.
Veda= etet it
Lea 'alkettea f
tett- knee rot the kliksli
tin Ihitt Said becomes tt
. res in their, vigorou s
acid leaylis the en :
ccfall "iims:dhes& ,
decay: The acsofttkaas
ttamination iirsokrieguidy
ed by mercurial.
low liting. disordered
; Irotntre air, filet 'and
-.filthy habits, theidepresainir vices.. and; =shove all,
by the venereal infection., ; Whatever 4
_be- .04014'
kis hereditary in the von titration , descendini ".from
- parents' to children unto the thtuf andfoartb
twaddle.: " indeed, it stomas 'to be the rod Of 'Win
whci'says. ^ . I will: visit the iniquities orate fathers
upon their children.'-' The thscaries > which; orig
in:nett take various, names. Weis:Wing to firs, matte
it attacks. "In the lugs, Scrofula rpnatlisces -tuber
cles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swell
ings which capita:me and become ulcctous aorta;
in the stomach and howels,,, derangements which
produce indigestion, dyspepsia, and, liver coMplaints
on dui-skin; eruptive and entanenda; affeqtionss
These -all having: the ensue originitequhe the Sarni
- remedy,' viz:. parifienfitn and itivigorationof the .
blood. • Purifr the, blood, and these dangeromt.
tetripeft leave _You; With feeble, fen!, or corrupted
I -blood, von - cannot lave health ; +kith that "li Of
the 'fah ". healthy, you cannot bare• ecsc
Ayer's ‘BarEmparilla, - -
ft compounded from the - most effectual antidotes
that Medical science has discovered - for; this afflict
leg, distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it
entails. That it is far superior • to' en, other ,tittn.i
edy yet devised, it kncrwn •by all who tage 'given
it a trial. That it does combine virmtur truly et;
traordiiuny . in •their effect upon this,class.of rods-,
plaints, xi indisputably, proven, by, the itreatonold
nide of' publicly known 'arid 'remarkable'court it '
has inedb othhe following diseases : rage Eva
or GleridnlarlivelliV, , Tonumr,:-Uone,i
Pimples,' Blotches `and 'arm Wydpitliihi
Rose or Bt.' Anthoure lib% Bal l y Plump;
Scald Mead. CeugLis #emAtiloOderusAgm .
ita in the lunge,.wAtm tiwpillingspl as =
Droloy . ,NeurWgm y Dyspepsia - aria
=and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial
Fein weakosam„ and, indeed, the
whole series of 'complaints that „arise from ::impurity
of the bleed. '.Minute reports of 111MP:duel cases
may be found in ATElt's AIa:SWAN ALMANAC,
`which is ftunished ,to the druggists for gratnitoas
distribution, wherein may be- learned this directions
tik v
for i use, and some of the remarkable cures which
it has when all other remedies had' failed to
afford to • . Those cases are purposely taken from
all sections of the country, in order: that every reader
may have 'tenets to some one who can speak to him
of its benefits personal egperience. Scrofula
depresses the gi energies; and this leaves its vie. ,
, tims far more sib' to disease and, its fatal results
than are healthy cons 'unions. Hence it- tends to
gherkin; and does shorten, the average dura
tion of human life: • The• tut importuner , of these
considerations has led us to nd years in perfect•
wa remedy which is 'adequate to, its. cure. This
• now offer to the public undez . -.tonime of
Area's SARBAYARILLAi although N7s4 _ composed
ceeri ttv
of ingredients, some of which ex Ilik - best of,
Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By " , :aid you
may protect yourself from the suffering danger
of these disorder . Pnrge ont the' foal te • tons
that rot and fester in the blood '; purg e oat;
causes of disense, and • health wilt hill w.
By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates . •
vital functions,. and thus • expelsthe . distempers,
which ittlicMiliM the system or burst outon July
, We lame thee hags been deceivedhY many
compounds of .wala. that , •punnueff r %aich
an. did no ..• • but they will neither be deceill*
proven . , abundant trial, "end there means to
question of its aupassing excellence • forthe • cure
of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach.
Although under the same name, it Is a nay dif
ferent' medicine' from lay other,' which his been
.befare the people, and is , fat more effectual than
any other which has ever been available to them.
The World's Great Itemady ihr Coughs,
, COlds, Incipient Consumption, end
for the relic& of _Consumptive
patients in advanced ~staw
e of tie : disease. .;
This, has-been so long used- end so unisentelly
known. that we. need , do no more ,doui ware the
public that its quality is kept up to she best ever
has been, and that it may be relied on. to do all it
has ever thme: • A
- I
Prepared by -, Du. dc C. Assn Co..
. 612 c 6021 and AnahLo welt fral Ma*
Sold IT alt druggists ev e yw h e r e, and bY
DJRRELL, Montrose„
• : and'hy. one: '.trader in ,*Ts 'in the
=county. , •„, _; piYl9 ewlv•
ES IX inforni - the eltltena ; of 'Montrose
_ILL and victnityltratthe.yUrry on the: Blackanalthlng
haal near:RAU 'Ha Inatidhes at theEllop-litely muted
by Henry Clemens; infAhe plank road,: near; the ..steam
nil% , • f
' knarantei. .!inike'aii good nrnrk, at u
'llneonAdo prima aaanYahop intown t
Montrose,. . O. G. PITCHER.
April 1h 1863:-44t • ' Aufforrwicawmi.
Karver' you - et Brace s
Govertrineitt Agentsand Atosfilee,ValdriOur, D: C.
Ertuich for Eusqctehrutrut county, Conducted b 0 ,..
, PITCII -Diontritse.-
.Clahisspreoentell spriprosecu ted before e, Court
of • Claims' and the Deperbnehts. PATENTs._.-PEN
The undersigned, being now LICENSED by the GOT.
h E i R gNtoM ENT
tiOrer t p S
r o p r o ssoee t o st eed
x d 1n4g15 M4ißs e h n i trA t
fustian nuon,arld. no ftsiss nniesifigyxesslol.=:2:_ -4-
Nontrare,lech 12, 18(1S-111n7 L;
The , treat Vauswof-A;mmt
" ,- t•
11 - f
41.4 4ta a Reda ZarePP Pc CO*
- 4 LECTURE avezittvELLon ins muse
at deur° of epermatorrinen, eciwatiMPtion, 'Men
and'Arelcall DebilWEpjlepey, Neivotiney, f.diP@liTa
Nutrition of the' Lassitiide, Weakness
Limbs ltidtspoeitton anditiaPmdiljor syllar
Arlittsber.:ilalluel of upprebeneiolt, 1 0111 V 3 FT_ c lar. fr
Nero on to society. love of solitude, ecit4pe
trust; dinsiurie. teadadm, affectionsot4beirres; pimp
ied onthe Wei tnveigutart enlngivi n pd att eextud on
te rn"
PURR lbeixosegeetice s o jiin ,
airfrltie adeiltable.lecturi,_.el tb es that-liven
:bre, enumeniteripoiten sePtlnuirim .11_111#, City Du re ,
Inovorluithoot mWeine end :without aungerous semi;
Yeui snit
PIM lilfn in s 4l° 3 4 11th !; ,- : c •-
- gent; ulster fn tont* On
ihnreeeicit *lois two
AresittinA 441r1'
acefulireall ' , WI . Salter/a% 1"-- 003 c, • t
AdMiniStrftt,Ott3 No ti ce.
iidtmer -juraimi_.vAt
late of Brlo.tfo""arA t o i dinotarramoginot.
Sada* Prelatao iolhe
aut*npasonsubses ti:#44 4 .47. 1 0 , 1 1 0,4 1 0".$.!
81 1=Werst I.3.4oo**sidtlit
. .
4:01t,,'- ,, ' 4, • . ~ c ;.,, ,. ... ,
_. , ~., .
z ' . l , f ,'' ' 43 - '.'''''',- ,- ' ''. ' -.' ',,`''' •:.' ' ^-•!' - t:c' , .. ,
. ~. , „
~ t-
, :17/1 , Tat
'i• - : -., ',:mi -- .,. 4 14..:_ - 4LlfzfrilEtr - m i
'Zial=el 41kX1'1A1.4"/1
To I
-;• ' "'
• •
Where rill are "Ore et Bet
ing tha worth Id yau sea*
.f).44 . . ,:cg0i.fi11aunt,,14.4 . ! .. .
THE .CIFSTAiIt s2BB'ttt - •
ha. Oars ottigtoittlAtid we tutrelatiolidcasiate ,
utoCk, width enables WO offet to our custot
oneggafyaegoodtermaadormetlitcmttddettogtMll •
entteuVerg, llostitbaum& Co.,
, . .
Montrose, Snsq's County,
Elmira : New York, .1
Susquehanna Depot,
Is - 44 COXY.1.1;031.eite.
We are determined notto be outdone. either Inprieee or
qualities, and we vill endeavor to give our eustinuers
all possible satighetion.. ,
-...-A - - ,
, .
, .
%this • ranch our stock is complete. and Isill 'be'sold
-lower.n • • •• ore tastefully linlithed than any onaborse
• -•• or concern this side of V.
'York City, Is a•is to offer orproeuee. Weakness:moths
• üblinthat we ionstantly employ the best Mtn* sat
oripenpzatallakapifittratock. ,
,yenta tosdnto order
.t.q.‘,.. t• - • , -; , , SW - On theshoileat moth*.
14, - A,Goof PI t te-d or no We, -
\ •
-- • JAI order to close out otir stock Of
_ r \
_,ilnEfiflllll elle22llZ - GS. '
we *ill elitist a small advance iitivi cost. • •-. :
• .
' A . Greet Stock contently kept, and solifcteriOdur
lowest at . .
611fienherg t %tosenbaum Cita f g
i -
Montrose. ,Tantuu7 Ist, 1863. , -
Whave mad; arrangements to send Batterto New
Y { erk on Coneignment or Contract, during 'the
season: We will furnish pails free to all who are desi
rous of doing either. • To those' who want to send we
will 'guarantee the highest market price coutprimp,
therpaying freight and commission.- '
EfrWe will 'advance money on consignments. LI
wanted, and bold ourselves responsible for all Better
and 'raila owned by dairymen and seat 1 tar tii i6i i ,
Montiore, April Unbosom . • ,
..., . • :-• ,N•3ICIZTEhICCIo I r' , . -- • -
, . .• .
'Exeunnung - Surgskini •
filaßsubseriber. baring-been AtmointeoltNim-
L missioner or Pensions, a N. :=IC.AL •EB - at
large, to examine and give Certificates tQ all entitled to
Tensions; Will attend to all applications Hatt be
presented fo him, at Montrose. Pa. Rooms st J. .
tetra Ilotel. . E..PATBSCIL
Montrose, dpril 6, 1863.—tf - • -' • )
' NETT' mow °HAN:ids . HoTE*J4T.EO'
NrkeWralAr,ltind a gerkend assort:mate
ow of the tllolls approved pst.
tarns; Builders' asTdorsts of slillnds. .• •
=, • ' Fanners' Tads: "Orli' Kinds,
Brasil Wee. Por ce lsin Ware, Japsaned sod
Wars of the best material. -
'Pointe, 'ol,li,'Glassi Putty, j.. 410114
isuiPs• Bird Cs/if?ii. ,
- Termirtglic ;unlimber the place. Can iad i sfit
. t 130140 & 1“101iNIVIIPIN
Aoroomtusr. Mel!tfollecdfd7 10111.,'.1.
'Garden Seeds
Wheat (Hover, Timothy it Flax bolo
Piduaii . Lard, Ittguidlost , ,
POE& Eats; DRIED .BElir
Isiah; Smoked Haliblit,
El*Tift; Mobilises and " tigurs.
NAM& , • • •
Paid ibt!
itAgo'n* :VM - 1..4141 , 1 lf,lOl O lO l P.
IrestrOk Artrakleg l • k'r