The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 09, 1863, Image 3

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    The Anti-Negro RiltatilahOOrgi
Editors'of the.49ti:-:-, l llo , 4,Dontaomsts
having sown the ,
groes are beginning :01m* theWhWlwind;
The proverb of tbe- - Arabs that: curate
like chicken* coirie,liorriti to,
bout to be exfimplified,at.i4 . l*,!ooks'ver.y:'
much to-mens.if the Jac o bins --wito!hivk
endeavored to inatiguratensylitem.:ofiaik
law to deStrov the -freedom': of sPeeek.ttii:
well as the friedom of the iiresk and feree,
u pon the piktple the-heresythattfieling
can do no wrong" are, `about to the
poisoned. chalice -retitrned' 'their oVin
lips, and that,too y hands from 'which .
they least expected - •
You may • remember: thet.-.duritig
winter a flambee - of: resolutirMi,' purpOrt-:
ing to be passed`` regiments ,;
which sust.amed:,the, Tfolicy'of the. - Pres- -
dent, hi the.conduct-: the . viar, , even
the Emaneipatioii-PreelimatiOn, , andeon- ,
demned in the-severest 'terins2-Ncit 4 ' • '
Democrats, were ,foivitUrded: to . this State
and published :in tbe - --Abolition - Papers.
From the.tenor- of these, as`well - a8 the'ea`
itoriafnrticles published . from; day, . ,:tosd,V
in the Harrisburg Tele.orivia, atatiflg."
effect that the army -had , :become
tiomzed, and that the nine tivinthi-Men
had a fearfpl. account tesettle With.the
"Copperlmuls" when they returned, a few:
timid Democrats became alarmed. ,But'
your correspondent; who•iirperseaallY. ac
quainted - with ,nearly 'two' thousand Dem
ocrats who served in nine 'Months ser=
vice, had no inxiety on the
_anbjeet., - ,- On
their return went.: among thetn, ,and
could not find Single ,Democrat :Who
had changed; but fbund - ont:tharkgh
them that many. .who...,had gone lot#.lte.
publicans are now Deniocraf& the'
street corners I have heard diseharged
soldiers opeuly decl.nre that Vier:"went to
fight for a ,restoration, of the Maim as it
was, and not merely to free the negr, o; - and
that they would-not return for any other
purpose, unless- compelled `to so:by
conscription'. These sentiment* were so
freely expressed that I think they 'are the
sentimentssof majority`, of all the;
nine months"men. . - -
And now for a few facts 'which look
little queer to' the eye, and which•the
olitionists -vain try to explain. The
soldiers who 'passed the'-emancipation. res.:
olutions in camp, and who'.weresupposed
to have becolne converts to the-Ethiopian
theory that "one manfiS just as, genii as
another,r together with Wendell
odenda---" and a - damned sight :better"-=I
say,-these soldiers, instead of immelating
the "Copperhead,":have disappointed
their, ardent admirers ofthe Loyal,League,,
by 'making n terrible foray, on: the negroes.
of Harrisbum..
Is.• _ •
appears that a party of soldiers .went
into a dokgery kept ' - by a. darkey. named
Toop, in Short street, on Monday evening
and drank seine lager-beer • Toop; either
through, ignorance or 'design ; gave them
the wrong Change, when a quarrel arose,
and one of them seized two beer glasses;
when they left. At the door they were
met by a police officer who arrested two,
of them ;- the others managed to , escape.
The two who were arrested were taketi
before Alderman Kline, where the matter
was settled and the -soldiers - discharged;
After leaving:the Office the soldierslell in
with some oftheir companions, when all
ot' them, proceeded to TeOp's house and
made a riotous- - .demonstration. Ntun
hers were'constantly added, 'brit before
any serious:injnilwaadone, the Prokost
Guard had arrived, and charging pp Sheri
street, cleared it. It Was - , then thought
that quiet - Wag \festered; `::and the.guard'
left. The - soldiers retreated'o State street
where they commenced operations en
large negro boardieg house, ,-- kept by Di.
Jones.. This 'filace wascimplUtelY
Doors were, battered:dlown, windows rid
dled and most of the furniture, broken to ,
pieces and thrown-into the street. From
thence they Went to - the hotise nektdoor,
and - continued -their work of demolition,
until five adjoinin,V,honses were complete
ly gutted. The Provost: Guard arrived
upon the ground, lint: .refused to charge.;
upon the riciterk,who probably now num
bered two hiinilra - men„ 'all - of
charged soldiers..,:, The, pollee force,. alte. : -
gether inadequate; . madeno_afteimpt to
stay the progress; Of : the -From,
South street Ate ' men Crosied. O v er
Short street 4 where they Made adernon,
strat,ionuponT,ctopiaiireintses; and-also de; - .
molished doors,
_windows / and , Turnitnre.
Here they were niet by the Illayor;•Who
mounted a box and exhorted Omuta, p.
serve the peace,imd • his Speeelk;htet r.* thed
effect of scattering them; The riot exhib
ited some very singular: features..; The:'
men engaged in it.appeared:tO be.?-ealui
and sober, as if siniply'scting,upott:4l4n
previously agreed upon. - - •There - :*as no:
eatery,. no mouse' beyond - -Oat;caused-bk.:,
the blows 'upOn the iipors and .WindOws.
Yesterday after-beton Ateinuestrati.o-q:
was, made upon Som - lmre:: hokum ,
Walnut street;•, - the but'; iii checked by the pollee; tAbii
clock at night, beiveyei; they madortiiit-
tack upon_the'llegro_ : lnarterti itt4l"l s .1 0 f4:
of Third street, and succeeded <inicien3ol-:
Ming several Shanties:
, -.- Theie. number,
.was not - io.treakesliti
ing, and were
,dispersed . by ihe,e)oti;,
lice, hat not - before two of them were shot
in the iels by ttie_ All thitv
morning;' but the end -may not be Yeti itV
t hough'vili'lsll - borPethat'it - 18: -= The May; I
or, sontetime , ,Ogo, .ordered 'Lae - Arioking;
houses to be closett,sl3.-cisolrckevery
fling. Had'ihey'beiii*oi l at d; tho mei
.drunk, no one can conjecture :Wen =ttie. rear
suit would have Yearly) a .the*
rites haTe fled,fronxtbeiritialuirkielfaa.'
,refuge in :other . 7:the: - sity
while some'lftesiesging rreahiOefttly
ferent trains yesterday:Ail&
I have conversation irith*eeteeiel.
in then' -nine niOtithitiervidi,',frOtti*h-0tk1..•
gleaned gioniwitop;*ant facti.:J-What4,t*"',
ported :to 'b f
held by regimaitf,htititif s
prinfea -owsnps, in Knuadeipnik.anttlort
.3 0,f44,..t0'1he - rOgißettlC
e°ll4/:°r'l4lurtitt-i:with-a- request 'that
thOt: be adopted‘ and sink how e- for ptilili
:ation;fPne of theiii , feitinto thil,9 o lanOi
iituidicend et* etijwing it., to: eev o'
o them fell hindtiotabblitiOn of
assembled all - ortbSt StfiPs
alent4n4 - iidolited theft): In one instance
4:rOgimentints *pi thOliesolOtiOni
'rea4,• - litid fein.
thin tr,third no,#eontivwvOte;
- was•piatiand, the resolutions -won dienr:
earned,i In: some inittineeit men iweri•
i n d uce d to din ;their mimes iiappioving
the Tesolntions when,
,they, not:I w,
dui intigg `of thOmi--Thei-' names of fionie:
were - Out tOthent withotiktheir knowlesigif
or and mock Of the privates have
learned suiprise,,sinee their return,
:that such resolntions were-pnssek - And
Alkiilithe : main er in' which publio_or•lnion,
infested ilt.the army Of the _fiot6;_
mat,. o unto -thO . -Jtteobins4t the_
,pollswill tell next .fall:Wketbei-of no the_
- citizen soldiers,Oonsidet o,Oigro hoed..
as'a *hits_ man:—
• ,
- • -- - •
Tie - Peace -Coflienibill - in- - Ncix‘elroik;
IsTim Yon*, June 30.-ThiPeaCe Oen
-vetitiotrAvai held,this; eftereifen' in' 'the
Cooper Institute. 'The priudpal sPeaker
was Fernando
The'risplutioris -- adiiPted;derlare fealtY
to the 'Constitution and to the,seVereign
ty Of the States and of the e :p ,, Cople ; t that
under the Constitution' there is nePower
to:coerce the States or: apy
_of theiyi
military force; Ith4t the war is - centrary
.to the: Constitution, and'should•be put an
end - to; that' attempti'. to de, away ;with
the provisions of the CiinetittitiOni which
pointeouthOW crimes ; are to be pu,nished,
are high-handed violations Of • - the sworn
dutiee.and of the-pledges of rulers-;
That the claim' ofdictatorial and unlimited.
military power, and trial of :citizens, by
_courts-martial, are monstrous and execra
hie= that the'dogme„ of unlimited - submis
sion to the. Exeentivehrdich ot the,Goy
eminent Worthy an - Ameridati Citizen';
that vi,e_ pretest - against-the coWardly, des
potic inhuman and accursed act of
hinishment' of: Vidlandighatii ; and . that.
_we recommend ii, suspension of hestilities
:and the holding:of a . r , gonventiOn - to:settle
the matter` f arrivinknt:terms of recon
ciliation` between the;contending sections.
A State_ Committee,' with power to call
future Conventions of the Peace Deinoo
rioy was appointed. •
Car The War Department has anthcir• - •
ized the eitablishment" of an invalid corps,
to be composed of officera and enlisted men
- of regiments-=now - the field - who-have ,
been IncsiFitated Niefindii,-&-6., from
active seivlce. The ,details - cif ; the organi
zation are to. be-matiaged by the Provost
garshal General.. •-• These men , will be es- .
slatted to garrison and Tiroyost; duty and
will assjit in the enforcement of the
scriPtion net.
Granumcsr,-.Thetthreejudges of the
Supreme Court, m 17. city namely,
Judges Ingraham, Peckham and Leonard,
have held unanimously that the Treasury
notes are not' a legal tender in diticharge
Of debts Contracted and-due Jiefore- ;the
act of i was passed. Two of ilie
Judges, Peckham and:Leonard; held that
Congress had no POwer to 'make- a 2 paPfx
cnrrency, and - compel individuals tei
ceire it as money in .their private
ings. Judge`lngraham ieseiteirbimself,
.as to the effect. of gig lega tender --clause
in the act'orCongresSon contiacts made
after itspasSage. = 7
The New York Tribune. on-the Soldier
• The Tribune is very, angry at Sailing
that the returned Soldiers who were car
ried to Albany to - o)4lEo3 r e Abolitionists ,
and-the wolves in
,sheepaclothing, called
the trLoyal,leaguere, dineuted freira the
speakers, and the resolutiOngvassed by
the Utica ponveiiften{hy cheering for
Greperal McClellan; / It. calls
-' 3 Copperheads.": - - belieVe with : the ,
that ithesi3 discharged soldiers_
were the only Sensible men at that •Polk.••
ventioiC, _ .
: `The York Gaiitte -hat3. - raise& the
name of Geaeral trilliaaPZ Pranklbii of
.tbai imalglifas the zheice: of ;old _Deno.
emir. - York for the 'next ' - Governor of
:..W'T_he N. • TeibunesA iorrespon
debt u3 14 ,-StPtleinanlgtno been - over-:
rated; '
and, that the RiOniiind_and Fieder:
ieksbarg railroad"wallii'se little :awaked.
that - it:was repaired: tvierit34*.lours:
11 , 'Denioara editors of 'the
State :are_ tfolly jkyited, In' , attend - -a
meeting:in • llarrisbori;.* liVediesd4;
the I,7th ;of.4tioe;-`..
toxic herikiihitiit,ted-;
,oeotge:15711 „
attae - Geii:MoCteßei =lies ':beet '74ilc
f,er*rely-gliiep:Atyay, .the 'A f rmy of' the,
vtociinac:- :Thikst4dibrp . 4ve -burped - it
'Abundantly;::':The: flukidred:
...Eighteen th Periaylisola grand bon fire #ll thcoopleithek§eitiapolleet. =
ili ; ft mew -
of Ditle
Tbilanillitio± 4 4 B. oP** ll6 4oo o -bie
the 15t.4")tib**-int*r . ‘ arpt 00,.0 - 44144
tiumponieivlbe - tibilsPrith - r - whieb:
he auie PPeSthive'sirittetigirMitleAili
ll 3 j / , ..- A -- N ," ••'‘ ' . ' 4.
,I , 'r* te` 1:1:. 4.. fp) --.., T . ;
VI - , 1 ");- -'-'
itiiol,7_ 'it•i*it2itliwjailit4=,
*rift fokiii.4o4 Valk oififii::r-Tho: belt' 'o
I'.i;i'ltckst)r-'•-tlie.*,)ye:_-g'4ii,it.*id::''.Gi . lieoi -
Ati.jat;-.:.. Bestf*-441iiltiViti,i4=4eldrigie.
- Oikub!!.00:00-041134d,`:r ;cap .0- to-beas;:,;i‘ -
• - - . _ • ...
lAre. haVe Made arrangements for'eome of tbeile Wirers, and can`supply those who
' H intend AO buy. Our Country being so uneven and rough, but few machines , are
adapted to it. - say that after Severely contested,trials:With_other
Machines and thorough use on all kinds of land-and m all kinds of` grass, we have
become satisfied that we have' tbe best machine in nse at the'present day.. In Proof
of which we , refer to a few ofthose who have tried Oem
,Milbstht Oakley; I , Hayford,-
G. B. Howard; ,•• South Auburn,
F. Handrick; • Middletown,
• '‘.l. Hoiford, - Yriendsville,
Willian Bartlett, /Jackson,
1 James Giddings, Herrick,
John Lee, Clifford,
A. M. Coon, Abington, Luz.
D. E. Snyder ‘
H. C. Conklin, .„ imock ,
_ Lafayette:Lyon,
Montrose, 'May 25th, 1863. N
107 - 06 and alter July lei. 1863: the prlillege of °on-.
voting' the_present Issue of LEGAL TRNDM I NOTES
monly called " FiveMwentles") will cease.
All who wish to invest In the Five-Twenty Loan must
thetefofe Apply before the first of JULY next.,
• ' . JAY COOKE: Subscript! di Agent., -
No. 114 South Third St. Phlladellibla.
Ap.l4-Bm. _
INVALlD.—Yablished for the benefit, and as a warning
and a caution toyoung men who suffer from nervous De
bility,. pre.mistare decay
.of Manhood, etc., • impplylng at
the sometime. the meansof self-cure. By one who hes
cared himself after being put tograd injury and ex
pense through medical humbug and quackery.
By. enclosing a post-paid' addressed envelop!, single
copies may be bad of the author.
Bedford. Kings County, Y.
;Preserve your heauty,isvuirdettyoffoim,your r health,
and mental powern, by using that Safe, Pleasant,' Pop-
Was andflpecific Remedy Shown as Helmbold's Extract
Buchn. ' 4ead the Adversement in another column;and
protltbilt,disetises and symptoms enumerated. Cut it
oat, and preserve it. You may notnow require it,, but
may at some fhture day. " It gives health and vigor to
the frame; and bloom to the palld cheek." It Saves'
king suffering and exposure.; Bewqre of counterfeits!—
Cures guan!teed: - March lO— ihn
The Diseases ofilirriir.-(ies Maladies d'Erreur)
lolohn B. Ogden, Id. D., author and publisher of the a
bove work, do hereby promise and agree to send (free of
„eharge)eo any young man who sill write for it, a sample
copy forperusal. The proper study of nmnkindis Mau.
This valuable work is issued'and sent forth forthe benefit
of-suffering humanity.:. It treats In pimple language on
all the diseases of Em3r, ll:tending Seminal ...Weakness,
NCITOTIS Debility, Indigestion Melancholy, Insanity,
.WaSthigDetay, Impoten ay, ite.,,t e .-" l givingsafe,speedy ,
and effectual prescriptions fortheir permanent mire, to
gether withmuch.valnable informathin. AU who favor
me with a desireto read my 'work shall receive a sample
copy by retnrnmail. free of ellarge.- Address JOHN B.
EN,3I. D No. 60 Nassairstreet,N..Y. jun 9 m 3
. ;
DEAR Ste--With your pernilision Iwlsh to say to
the readers of your paper that I will send byretaru inaii
'total who; wish it (free,) a Recipe, witb fall directions
for making and using a ample Vegetable Balm, that will
effertnallyzemove,in. 10 days, Pimples. 'Blotches; Tan,
Freckles, and Eli Impurtiet of.the Skin, leavibg the
C_le soft,olear, smooth andbeantiful. • ' -
will also mail free to those having Bald'-Reads or
e Faces,simple directions and dnfortnatlcrn that will
triable. them to start a fall growth of Luxuriant flair,
Whiskers, or a MonstaChe, in less than 30 days. ap
plicaticias answered by return mail wiahout charge.
: Respectfully yours.
..-THOS. F. -CHAPMAN, Chemist. -
Feb. 24-741 m • R0..1331 Broadway, blew York.
Amu Au. imix ageprz multovExuris,,
. .
lithe best and cheapest aniiinost beautiful of all Sewing -
Iditchines. Tbis machine Wili:-BOW anything,- fro* the
running of s tackin to the Making of an Over
emit;-anything from Pilo t -or , Beaver Cloth down to the
softertillnissor GessainerTissuc.and is ever ready, to do
its work to-perfection. It caufell,hem, bind, gather,tuck,
,quilt,and him a capacity for a great , varietYnforniunental
work.,:Thisisnotthoonlymachinethat can fell,, hem,.
bind, andso forth, but it will do, so'better than tiny other
machine. -The Letter "A"Ttainily Sewing Machine May
be had in a greatvariety-of cabinet cases. The Folding
which's now.beeomingsopopular, is as" its name
implies; one that can be foldedinto a box or case. *bleb ,
whenopened,makess tiful,substaittiaLand Sinai:Ms
table for the work to rest upon. The ,cases areof every
imaginable disign--plaiii as the wood grew ikits :native
forest; oraselaborately finished as art can nuke. them.
• The branchofficee ve well supplied nith
thread, needles;oiL etc., of the very best quality. .
Se:miler apspyf "
oStamm &Co.'s Gazurra."
N. SINGER &CO, 458 Broadway, 14:4f. -=
InirPhiladelphia Offlce,Blo Chestmititreet. , .
...mfauj,7.048.0178 &POSTER, Agents in MottiOse.
NEW Immit vaxas pop, SAT.'S.--irsoi OAR .
.` -- !'' - 7 - - Dm OR mit , TARNS, -..- ._. ': ' ::
Stiltableformpeis, - _-Peichee,- Pears, - ilaspb eS;
iiirawbesderries. Currants, &c.;0f.1 ago%
10 or2oAcris each, at the . following prices...for - the rew.:'
eat; sir: 20' toresforiMlo screslor 16110 5: for
r " 2 X -acres for*.A i'-octe r for $ 2() ; : 1.4 37 11 4- b obe
rile°. - gad Criblierillornis.• and 4iiiaie 'Ott tn . l la;
w00d(25 byl.oofeer;litslooath, poable byonedo -
wee k., - ,The l abosetiantl and. 'farms, aro alttuded at eV
crood,;Wattine. on township; Burlington may, Nem
;:dersoy. - "'cif thrther Automation,- apply.-:with it P. 0
atalttp.iora r nirctOr a PRI4CKIM . CIARY4,
' 76:v0211-43 , ,: ' ..7thi.oo9l6tr StlT.e.t.'4o4 York. :'
_ ..,
~.-j- -- TO- l ettnitnuaptives. :. - _ „:.': 1 ,: - - - •
..=.-iniiiiivetisaiihiiiiiittiteirdstore4l.o btalth'p a few '
?..weeks by a..irery sim ple` remedy: . after - having . eneerid
sestral rub:with a ISer ere luntairection.' and =at OW
Moue, Colletubrition—is thrifts hmkake kbowlttobbt
fenow..wermi. s atom. : 't-
'lVanillutiiiegiftjt, tail fiend ticipkof theilresmi.
Mb used Mit of ) with tio# dim:slave forptepar,
"Insystdatetnigtbefrhun iwbte r b they irtittlnds *tire CtrAt
lor Cohemerrxint. 'lorhoth;;Bitopaterurri AlLlbe OWY:
. jett aftheadvertutt Itiottidetiptionts to
bftt, *6aillictes% szid'Usti- villa , be
,t:ontehrhs to bertritabtableottid be hopes everyewer w ur
,ttyjiltyeirodr s , 'tijt-will- - _cost :them .nothltr.latilfb4
proveAbleasing. - , k x - , Iter.,EDWARAtr:WILBIOO7,.
- ; - :Apap-iot -. I,..Willismibnig, Kbutli*Oity;WV:l-,'-,
. _
itrtitifr_. to
,H,A2 , 74..deeesseflexte of frilANlCatt
illeft*lneD grintolP3 th e • ottlet4Oesli opperogoolo..,
tobtoito Bea Wits aro Olgeoto4.. Vut lonnediate
tififftmt end thOt!!114;014 ; o self' the moot"
v 71,1a v isent
*qa thiurao Ufa •-• - P. A. 4 44 Sx.ecotor•
Ver, 41 . - • r
Truman Tingley, _ Harford,
!Sam'l‘TewkOttry,;Soith ,Auburn;
Johndon, Middle Oven,
Jonathan Smith, Gibson,
Seth Abel, - ", -
J. C. Morgan, , Brooklyn,
James Masson,Springviile,
E. G. Babcock Bridgewater,
S. A. Pettis, 3,tontrose,
William Jessup,,. "
Cadwell M'Micken,Anbnii).
SAYBE 416.880 9 5‘ Agouti.
and will be sold
from April prices. : It , •
Firitils Reduction w r 1111nclude the
ENTIRE' .srrocK.
which will be found as largo as nstud, and - srlilbe sold on
_FL - 4 AV- WRIT Ty'
4ay; 1863. 1,7 • New Iffilfora.
New Store, below Boyd Sc Woodruff's,
11C1" N OW ON HAND ; a nd Wi ll continue to keel;
.1.1. OHIO ; INDIANA and N. Y. STATE
I. Flo of t h e Betit,..llrartils, „
, ur
-by . the sack, barrel, or lad, of very superior gialitiand
at mach less prices. than Sour of equal qualities to now
to? at in this market. !. . - , . -
t 1 : - ' ALT, vpsa, '-
WOODS WARE, - -- : ~. •
T. 9.913, SUGANS4 ltc. • -
—. , ••• • - -
- CII(ITEMTP . , Iko.l
, .„, .
• - • ~ . .
Fur, Wool, and Stimmet HATS & CAPS, -at 15 to 25 per
cent. less than usually sold in this section-of country. ,
Can and Jud e yourself before you purchase. •
• Montrose, J aka sTo 9th, 1863., N. 1. POST.
DR ; D.
Cooper; :& Co's old - BanklOgliziu3e:
Surgery I.ll'prd - calor: Pirßefereitee 80 Years ex-,
petioles. • - ...I.3foutrque. l 4W,, • •
Adrainistrator 7 s - ,lNTOtiet4.
IVOTICB. *hereby.
_Oren to Tenons bmring.A.
11 mands t he ',estate oX.,l3ll3PlitEig _
late'of Bridgewater township. deceased.'; that the saute
must be presented to ttie nridetsigned for anangetnent,
and all persons indebted' te said estatettre requested to,
maketrnmediatejpayment. _ -
• Noidrose,:lfay 2548631
I :MIMDGES,OUNm, , AMMtiptiIION, a*: &r.. 1; for
sate byN,_ I "'l__ ABEL TUBREAX.
Montrose, Mr 18e "
= -Auditor s-, Notice: I
In the matter olthitilattlinition of the funilarletni trot* .
..the Sheri f% sale ofthe real estate of Lathan.Gardner.
netAereled haitinibeenapileintedikf the Coen
oiContmon lease:the collar of Beeiraialrentiltor
'to ilittributesaid. taint; willineetthepartleatntereatettiti
the aame,tit hit; office Montrose on /Saturday Al:rink
day olJune, 103, at 1 o'clock:l:4 , 4m; which Mote
.and plate all perilous having 'elitimenpon eat. 4,1011
.present them or be forever debarred. • • • -
asap 2 3 463,. ', .AI.It4ItieCOLLUX
1 1111 0 gr!at Cadge
1. . vlal alKY!:',‘ l
Publiahl*lna Seated , ,Ebrae/np; &ted Ifix
,LBOTtrBB BY DR.' elliVEßßrY,l4'oft -the cans
admire of apermatnabony Consumption, 'Mental;
and physical Bebility,; Bpilepay, Bervonsuese, Impaired
.ITutrivon or, the; Body, Lamitude, - , Wealeause ot•thei.
Limbs and Bacip,- indisposition and incapacity atudy.
pad labor, dullness of apprebention,- loas of memory,' ft.;
version to aptiety:' loan eit - atilltudee
Ana; dullness,* 'headache," *Seaton* otthoeYee;iintn-'
Von elt the taco, involuntary mutations and canal ncaol
Peelt7..thelmseittleueea oryouthful tudiemetimli the,
farTbia admirable leetainclearlY proveißmt, the ad , „
hove enumerated, often : seltinilidedevila,may
moved •without medicine and withoutdanSerene eutig"''
tad olletetteeeiend ehellid he reel4l)terrerrrutki4 ,
evegyspit4l4,sa. bad. -
-Bentlurr l 4 l . - ttisizainlripi , to addeas, 'On •
'the Meet tl , -, rte. , ot rnti , jmatametimet t ll ; et: ,
Arosinn cABLINE ds
novirlyed': ktommt.N.Tt7P,OldCacel/lUfwm
A:s*lol47 - , ' l 7 ICBM -1415;
11 41
••• •
s a g,* Vet, a ' ‘4l7;vhaal.* chi
litlitiatila huge quantitiee of Your Saitaat;iniiii: •
but never yet one bottle which titled of the deshetteffect
and fultaidlothattatk,ta those Who. teak Itr lA* testes our;
people tryst, they agree there has beett'uti m edic ine
it Wrn
are tweet connuity?.:;:-:. •
,Plimplei; EL:Ad/Kik l i titi4jeit . i t 4 3,l*,•
• Bores dna , all Diseaseit' Critto'Sk - • •
c,-Proin„liro. Sfrarfos, ibistoCEVlrtatc:
1* only der my duty . to lon , and-the public, when's add .
mje teithoony olthafsbu publish of thetnedielmit virtues -
or tour SAIOISPan LT X " ray daughter; aged ten; had an.
a iihetink , buthorinf ber , tlyt*:„ltied 4 hair for w'ea'n,!
*bleb we were enable 'for -cure unfit wertrird four San::
IaPAUILVA.I3he has been:well for mote, ramilbs.o.
Pftitrs.:kine'kßice; * ir rindviuckoesterysie:
• • • _ lady qf Doints We, CV's . May Cr; - ;
daughterhas suffered ibrsfyear past with a rang,
uloei . eruption - which War :tray troubretome 'Nothing
.afforded any relief until wo tried yaa. ! EiaaatkPaauu.a,
which soon completely cured ter: , , -• ; •
From I.Charles P. Gage. Lag.; of the ivictek-brinva _Oral vi •
Gays ; Murray, , tea.; man u fact u rers of enamelled -
per; in Nashua, N. , • • •
" had for several yenta it very tiotibiewiine:hitmoiin:
niy,tece; which grew conStantly worse. Until it - disfigured
my feats and - beceme saint - Were& tried
'almost eqtbingtrznan could of _both advice and -
eine, -but without any. relief, wbateter, until I took your
Ss totspetutt.i. Ifemedi ately. :Made ,my face. warte„.
yaiftold- me. it might : foratime; but-in a few -weeks
the•newskitr pagan to form.-under the blotches, and On-,
tinned until sty ilice is as smooth - tt anYbody's, awn am •
without any symptoms of the Viiesse that I -.know
enjoy perfect. health, and without a dOubt owe, it lo:ytior
••illrysigiebse--GeneralDebilitr—PnrifY the 131aod.'
from Dr. Roll. Scnifsi, llouste46l., N. T.'
D. AYBR: I seldom fail to remove Eruptions' and.
Scrofulous Sores. by the persevering use of your
sePAnILLA:-end 1 have just now Aired an attack of
Malignant Erysipelas' with it. No alterative, we posters.
- equals the SAnsArAitita..a you bare enpplicti to - the pi o
fusion as well WI 20 Mr people." - ,
_Front,. R. Johnston, Esq . ., Trakeitaiiallrio. •
uroftwelve years had .the
_yellow lErYsipelas.oli my
right arm, during which. time .' .[ tried' all lhe celebrefFd
physicians I could reach, and leek hundreds of dollars , -
worth of medicines: The ulcers were so bad. Ma'am .
cords became visible,, and the doeteredecidealbut my
arm, must be amputated. .1: begun fdideg-,your Benslt.
PARILLs.. Took two bottles, and some of y_our.ll4B
Together they have cured me. lam now as well and sound
as anybody. Being in a public place, guy case is known',to
everybody in this community; and excites the wonder of
From Ho ri : Henry Mow*, 41. P. Pi of Net:castle. O.
a liszding member of the Cana4gars' pailketeht.
41 1 have used,your SABSAPABILLA`iti badly; rol`
'general detsilityond for purffiting the blood, with very.
- beneficial - revisits, and conadence in commending it,
to the afflicted." , . • , -
St. Anthony's mit!. Rose; Bali - 3:1404131. Acit l 4.
Bead.. Sore. Eyes. •
Prom Harvey Sickkr, .Zeg , Me able editor cif
,the Trun k
kannock Democrat, Pennsylvania . • -
"Our only child; about three y_eare °time, wittattacYed
bylimples on his forehead. Th erksipldlytwead.until
the • formed a loathsome and - virulent sort , ..wlik r•
h co
ire his fue-and actually blinded his eyed for some dam
A:tdeilthl physician applied nitrate of Aver tmd other sera
:dies, without any apparent efthet. For'fifteett- days we
guarded his hands, lest with them te shotdd tear open thet
festering and corrupt-wound whlch,_covered his whole
thee. Having tried every thing elle. we had'any: hop!'
from, we began giving your BAututralums.„-and
ing the' iodide of-potash 'lotion as - you direct:'The sore
began to beat when we hadOven:the lira- bottle .
.was well when wet:had tlnishe the second::- The childts
eyelashes, which bad come out,- gtew -again, and, he is
DIM healthy and fair as any other. The whole -neighl•
berhood - predicted that the child unitit,dte."
. Syphilis and Miarettrifil Zlii3Case. •
From IF: Slim* Stoat, St. Loafs, Missouri..
"I find your SARSAPARILLA a more effectual remedy
for the secondary symptom; of Syphilis, and for syphilitic
disease than any other we possess: This profession ;vein
debted toou for some of. the best medicines we have.!.,
From 4. 1. French, it D., criveminent-physieian of Leno
re:we, Mass., who is a prominent Funnber of thelegis-,
trativ of Massachusetts.- . -
ATEIL-.-10) , dear Sir: I have. fotilid' venr - SAlt-
IlariatlLLa an.excellent remedy for Syphilis; both of the
primary and secondary type; and effectual 'in some mks
that were too obstinate to yield to other . remedies. 2 I Sio
not know , what we can _employ with teote,Ceitainty,
snecess, where a_poweritti alterative is seethed." = r ,
Chas..S. Van Lies;, of New Brunswick, bad
dreadful ulcers on his legs, canted- byteal:use Of mer
cury. or mercurial disease, which grew-more and snore
aggravated for - years, in Sp ite of every_ remedy or treat
ment that could be applieuntil the persevering e$ of
AYER'S S.A.IISAPARILLA reyed , him. Feel cases can be
found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it
took several dozen bottles to cure him. . '
leneorzhces, Whites, Female' Wealaiess,!,
are generally produced by internal Scrvifitlon/ Oiceratkrit,'
and are very often cured by the alterative effect of thie
SAIUMPARILLA. Some •casea „regtil*,however,ln aid
of the SaattaPARILLA, the awful application_ of lead,
Front - the ii . xit•kition and teidely4elebrateci Zki...TacoA
Aforrilkof eindrinatk, -"- .
I have found your - SAIWARartILLA an exo-eilentatteN
afire In diseases of females.,- Many casesof fr_ogolvi al t,
Leucorrhcea, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, - •
Ing from the acroltdoter Wallet* , have yielded toltoutd
there are few Abet - do 'not, whenits.efled_ is, properly
sided by local treatment:n - , ~
A lady, utiwi ll ip n thi pOlieittitys of- her 'acrine,
"lily, daughter and myself have been -awed et yeti
debilitating Leaccrrrhsea of-long standing, by two bottles
of your Saaaaranita.a." . - • .-:
Rheumatism -Gout; Liver ComUlaint; Ityslidp . ; .
• - aia Heart Disease • Neuralgia; '
when Caused by ...seroAta In the system, are rapidly cu red
by ibis Ex?. aautse.ktuLus._ .. . - . ,
_. • ~.,
possess so many advantages over the'otber maga=
tives ia the market, and their smitrior,viitnes-m so
- universally known, that woneed not - do more than
to, assure ihe - pnblic their - quality maintained equal
to the best it ever. has been and that they may lbe
depended on to do all that they have'lwer`done,-,.
Prepared C. AYER 'X &
Mass:, and sold by . , -
A. TIIIIREI 4 L e Moqtro,§e,
and by one trader in every town. in - the
county. - ' .rnayl9 ,
,piTcll[RN = vit-KwIRE
ippEsPtialltit,Y Ititonte OUldoniinett ‘
AL and vicinity - that Hwy orry-oi tlttylßaCkomiihing
business Ina!! Its brat:mites at the,Shop lately occupied
byHertryClemonc`on the plank road, uear• ttur.steaut
Or We will ctiaranteo,to allioodwiirit, it, as
raison h'e.pricesatkaniabWri town. - - -
Plontrose, O. GI • PITCHER, j -
April mtb, issa, 7 4l ALBERT WICIEWMI.
• •
Ha,rvey, & trace,' '
Government Agents and AtArnite, Wtwhington; D. .
Branch Sne•TiehannaPoluktvandac br
L. r. - nircui;itontrose. , -;
Chttnis pitien andprosented before Comas, Conit
oflClatlne mid the Deputtoents. , 'PEW
The undersigned, being now LIMBED by tie GOV:
BIZNIKENT (and atsoclated with this agency at.Wnett
ingtonlor the purpose. of expediting basiness,)
tend protoptlyto all calls In thieline ot 3meineies; einfor.
mstion rte , endue 47BAROX unleisS inecessfu
• Ifontrese„.ll'elt 12, 11363.-.3t0 • :L. F. IeITCH;
,:_ A R T
.• , ;'NENT'' FIRM.
'VI 'ALitti ii - BARNH;
l iki n IR. _ " --:,-
""7 , • 7 '4)4i piaßuct AYPTIu. , - -.- i. ,- ..
-. .1 -,_ yyzFrtglD - ..,...,„.. N.7. -,- - - ~,_' .
,j . ' ~.. - ---,- - .p.i 4 A-- , —..,..,..,„
~, ad .. 1 .,-- irro ,..
':- - _ -, Gasdian. zi. PuO • t - -
...., i--- .1 ..
Clover, i tut i i ii:...irgi x tiitoi,
witteati::-;,== - -.-__ -..,, ..-,- r......... -,1...
i i iiiiy 'r :lipar. 4 4 - Ciaille*le. -
oojtilLiritt -- DRIEDSBREM.:
C,.. . ' . ~ . , -
,11111 4. 1 6 110 kfi11'14 1 00,
.. -.. . - •,..1:r1' ,, -,,,,,„ , - ,-, -.-;.-•--:,7:i•-•;.1,,,56.-rosi„
it.t*Plti mPialseki” , ,y , . 73 „, ;5t.
A. , la ZW 4
, We % w l7 m 7, i ,'.. 1 1:'40
,- 14 4 I
• tiroitrOu r. A 1
'l , ~l ea
.f-' 1:; -
.6!.• ,
,-' ~---, --''
‘NEWS - 1
;- s!
V*ert You arti ituricfit giitiUg• the worth - Of''youfli 'pan ,
'' , 0 1 1 41 C1r11.3133 -
OStitti4Um t ,*:.
• r
1140 giu4d,etidi t
e bavelat ent ely to la m ld e l ni na toa larg
dtOck, Which' enables us - too or our
on equally aagoud tenzokUarp,ll3, 2erlYiFoulliaegingthelatt
entitnirtrg, gostdanw
Montrose, Snag's County:l'LT
gbOra l New -York
Susquehanna, Depot t Pas -
Is. Complete
We are determined not ta be oittdont, either in ream it
L l lMlT: i s l a t =i2l "6*tchr to give Cu? ,C4/e
In thie briumVour sin* is coMplete, Snide/ill be sold
lower, and more taetefully finished than any One-horse
establishment, or anyfoin-liorse concern .this tilde of N.
York City. Liable to offeror produce. 'Wean seem thk.
public that we constantly employ IheTheet _enttas
workmen to makonporm Meek. • • -r
,f4raannei4e madfll),Order , r -7-, • - .
..••731ffroi th
• OidditiOtikfittili
Gelid FitS-warrazitedor . -
In order r p gloso out our staelkot
" 0/0231/IS I.
A. Griatinocke9iitaupTicepii . 44 s 64lldo;?4,roainii4
lowee4t • - Pr- c ., „
have made arrangements to send- Butter to New
”-Irtirk Coner_gnment or' Contract, .ddring the
mann; -Wet will furnish pallalree who - are .delf-, -
rein; of doing' dame:, tbose-who
will guarantee the highest 616.4Xt.Prfee'tincirPMP010:j.
turns. they paying fretglitinid:conlialaelon;:—' ,
•, • ipir we, will - ad:ailed-money
_OD , eon liptratnta t
wanted; and hold winch-es - responsible for^4lll' Batter
and. Patta owned by•dairyrnen.and-Fent bf
BALDN 9 m;Aumw&BARREAnt''
Montrose.---, April 10th, 18t38. - - _ • - •
= rizirmserro - rl •i•
Examining Burgeon
TffEeubscilber Having beonfikininted trY the -
udissioner of _Pcnelone, Iff :WICAL EXAMIXIIRcat.
large, to examine anirgite,oentatatea to all entittedio,
Peaalona„ wilrattend to all application), that' Ina? bey,.
preiented Montrose, Pa. Noomfrat ill,tie t r.
beWe Hol.
Montro te se , April • '
...omit, ON AVM, „--
WEAN TIDE Ofarscu;'
1iev....0 6:j
narain banes et:A atigortinedkor ,
455-a - .C17 - .,„zzei of the Most approved pat,.
tenufkiiullderVgaretware of . ;
Pram Ware, porcelain Ware, .japnroled and
Nyarepf thebest paterial n -
Paints, ; 011i' Glass Path and Sank -
'- ± :PturiPs; Lela nperi P1108,134E1 ,
Teems right:. , Itootemlier the place. vs
Ir k ' t BOYD*,
I.:,...itoonarmr. • • Montrose; Only, 2241869.^4
13 t - • ;
i4Mimirci., April ig
: - .rise=,=sow , sva
be eptlntaifi 4 11 4 1 thite:tioSj ,404 bit
Ter n ;ir, 4t.r.. w ..!')At c fnigi t o e r 4 ro4 , t a h tt 4 alTr o iZii2 s o:
for tinning citt bent ird? • - - 's •
, X41124R - Ok#lntiCo
Pdtarrileprtinent,L.C, „...:000 17 fi,ooJ- •
Common Branches ., .-• 4g,„
ZlOSuralg.clen9s, or,gighet AuttlientaticiV , -„; 11 ,
Jisn a fla sadtaving sevalttriato
tdndisto tie services to "VOICv
4 :1 t Ltetu4 .1016 tilta
that cepoclty., Otlft u new ,
Julylet4r.b Bm , l44o ienalf
' A- ,lac;
• . • •
Ordain. bT pall • win* itteettei t