;; ,. The war an . 4'4lMi. IrIMBAt.:::11.1, OTOAZ • Y.. Priding; officli . Taken. a= ;. ePresidentxFlne.llv Backs Down and JUSTICE TSIUMPHS I 1 thellinit; Gen. Burnside issued an Otlietqirohibiting the °kettle' tie!) of the-N. -4Y , Wo rld in the Department: Of the Ohio, 3:n id - Airecting the suppression Of . the Chi t ittago limes. At 12 'o'clock , that night, Judge Drummond of the U S: District > Court issued a writ directing' the military authorities to'tak'e nofurther Steps to put the4rder in operation ' until tto application .for a peimanent - tvritpf injunetion.conld , heard in 'court next day; but at 3/ o'. 'cloCk in the ifig,lita file of soldiers broke into tk,, Viating office and took - Pagaesakin• Aiterreikaining sotnie_tiiue they left,giving notice that, if any attempt was made to another paper the troopswould take p.e : rmanent possession of the 'office. .- „it meeting of all oppo'sed to the infam ,txitiorder of Burnside was called to meet- Ale next - evening. An immenie crowd aisembled and was addressed by speakers Ofboth parties. The speakers counseled tie observance of the laws and denounced ; Atte suppression as arbitrary and despotic. - On the•3d the IllinoiaHouse of Repre isentatives passed the following resolutions 'by a vote of 47 to 13: Whereas, Information has reached this bOf.,iy,thOt - an order has beenissued by On. Burnsidofor the suppression• of the Chica gli Ilmes ; _and: -7 Whereas, Such order is in direct viola= than of the Constitution of the United Sts• ofthh; state, and 'destructive to those 'Ca-given prinotples whose existence and recognition for centiiries,before a written conslitution was made, have made them tut: much apart of our rights as the life ivitich sustains us : - Be it resolved by the House (the Senate *warring) that we denounce , the order -w , bich threatens an act so - revolutionary and despotic, as., contrary to liberty, des tractivt. of good government, subversive of constitutional and national rightsond that, if carried into effect, we consider it equivalent to THE OVERTHROW OF OUR FORM OF GOVERNMFNT, and THE ESTABLISHMENT OF 'A 1111T.I -' TA} Y DESPOTISM in its stead. thatin view of the inonstrons conse. -qUences which must inevitably flow from ,such action, lf justified by the general gov, ernment,we respectfully yet - firmly request, the 'WITHDRAWAL of the. order in viestion, and the DISAYQWAL thereof by those inpower, as the ONLY,Course which.ran be pursued to reisitire - our peo -416 that constitutional freedom dear to lickita, - has not ..OEASED TO BR. Th'e 'attention Of th.-governor is called to thisinfringeinent Ofpoptdar rights and_the inVasion of-the sovereignty of-the state of - ' LATAr.. 7 The Times publisher proceeded -nett td" °ruing to print an Otherjoaper, when thetrOolislgaltisefzed the:office, but =tife alSarmed at the popular indtnition ordered Puruside ; to ` = revoke ijis infamous order, -and "business goes • A - 13-iiittreetint; -- IWO Democracy of Huntintrdon county heldnu immense mass meeting: At !imp ingdou on , Friday afternoon, ac;., tion,lnTeferenee to the grOsitlont•rugefer -porate4 on the,/ifouitor office- 7 the Dem ocratic, Organ - of the - county—by. a black Republican mob about two weeks pre- - *ions ! , ,The meeting was preSided over hY-Geneml- - Speer, a gallant 'Officer 'of irainoW at _home on account ...eftlraialtb. On takinglhe thair:Gen. S. -inadica - -- few olOquent- and. pertinentre - - mitAtCstuLthe vaitzmomblage *ere fur: : : thetiadimeti its q , Ciitigaris,. - Hon-. eo Sanderson, of 14.1itetti Beti•i'ef Belle s!** 4- - 341t0n. - Speer, Esq., of Bating, Aojioin4,; , ,thers.- series 'of patriotic .andtalile,,resolutiOnii read by\ R. Bruce Peirifdil; jr.sq, *re adopted liy _ accla matkin,-and„,..the meeting-adjourned ' with. thrue_bearty-cheets,for - the Union and the -, -.Constitution:=Nearly, 410.00 *re raid .and paid ve .tg=`llitr ':Owen, the pri*lieter olitlie:AfrntjtOr, - tei 'enable, hitn tOpurchase pew materials, tte., to again start-the-pap&withouVdelay. - , ...' ; ...4ajotani- Genera`-::.Thomas recently - - - ils.peeth. _to au Irish gimei4 al* toticf,nortgion-ofit eallefil far' e;`rlieers in - -favor the negro • iittlint*fiey,-, :kat one :ton - Along -*if responded ; • The Adjutant Gerieini. inOt - to - alien , . The - na6licivire , _ , vtute. 5611410 - ;v.—n*4ly; aidefi4o weire•; cpp6scd , , to.. gleP et t eyfrom'ilie tinik#.':=Two or- -tAre,o's4:ll; - - oetslin #atrdnici!fici'lani: t,b94-gx:r4efior;-andr^lvere ; :fiiitting l y, ariest.: Govern.;' meat:" 4 :- -They detieiYe: into-4TieSpute"-- MEE The StUttenti - L Akin - Vallandigtam.' l . Y.-,Sr Orin n--(Rep: :aye. A lite q 6ell) 4 "*led ou:lt*Fal • deA eOfaion of thil - greatinitstWthc; ATROliit goyerzaii*iii•Eitt; ropelv*l4 are' toresist Jao strong :ail 4p:tibiits 14e0iniott,-as - thc:trio;;• coeclutligiipuist . t h at foie tbat the ite m lidt l o4tritlin bi.-14 "maha't- I , l 44ligetelle*llik'APS 9tAbsillttlik'"‘ "Xttr 1 4 1 jOul*IiitiiViVit7AIC to of ccr , ittd;Nria:, landig4ito .110113 W IL • glidruse gemorrat. ~.A;:-TAlpfixonpoph ....:-.._,.,,A4ter..,.;_:: _ eeraed4 , a Xod /df THE LIMON AI IT WAS BCCep , Sion, etc:; disturbed Its harmony THE corisrtrimort,As IT IS •2 - Enforced and;reaieMod An nil aectiona of the country Sal' • . Members of the Bar, and parties enntratliag writs. au thorising sale of real estate by the Sheriff of Susquehanna county may_by.,a recent act of the legislature; arect-'. by endorsement °tithe przecipe for the•writ, in which two piper 'the county, said real estate r ' shall be- adve ised. This endorsement is to be transferred by the Pro thonotary to the wilt for the Sheriff's guidance in the matter. - Attorneys or others who desire their Sales tolot; Over 'flied in the Montrose Democrat should bearin mind that they.ranst make such directions upon the. imecipe - Sot the writ when they issue - it. . - - • • • IP/aintiffs insults or ownera Ofifidgments npoti which sheritra sales - are to beanade;-wbo wish said sales to be_ printedin this paper, should request their lawyer to . so order. A cettidedtopy of the act maybe seen at 'tho • Democrat Office.' , . .1 •• _Eleethig Of the Demeritlie ; County Committee. The Democratic Connty`Cortnittee is. requested to meet at the Keystone Hotel in Montrose on TUESDAY, - June 2Bd, 1883; at 1. o ' clock, p. m 2l for the consider ation of important matters. A fultatten dance is requested. C. M. GERE, Montrose, June Btb. Chairman., 31M3fBEES OF THE coanwrgz: 'Auburn; H. P. Carter, HariOrd,A. Carpenter Ararat, . B. H. Dix. Jessup, . • -Zenas Smith Apolacon, • 31.1colan . Jackson, 0:11. Petry Bridgewate,x, A.H. Patrick, Little MeadOws, P. Smullin DroOklyn, ; Ami Ely. Lenok A. J. Titus 011.04 • Adam-Wells Lathrop, D. Wilmaith Choccmut,., :Jacob , Liberty. - . D. O. 'Plural :Dimock, ..; 0. J. Lathrop Middletown, Nelson Camp Dundaff, S. Phinney Montrote„ •C. 31. Gera Friendsvine, M. Handrick N. Milford tp, Wm Harding , Fraoklin, .T. L. Merrinian N. Milibidbo.; (leo: Hayden - Forest Lake, -0: D. Cobb Oakland,: Levi Westfall Gibson, ••• Benjamin Dix Ruh, ; "N. D. Snyder Great Bend twp. S. llamas Silver Lake, Lorenzo Stone Great Beod.bo.L Reckhovi Springville, B. Lathro Herrick , Henry Lyon Stisq: Depot, A. W. Ito_wley Harmony, - L. Norton Thomson,ChesterStwaarn incoOtilb Our State Legislatnie proved to he i a veritroublesoniObodY--aefing in utter contempt ,of the atoliticin party generally, and of itsbarkers about Montrose especi ally. - The election-of a Democratic U. S. Senator and,State Tieasurer , were serious offenses; but after sundry howls the "loyal' pharisees subsided, and, doggedly, srilimit ted: . Bat certain acts of the ,"Coppertmad 'House," threw.the Leaguers; hereabouts, into such violent spasms that, their organ has .shown weakly symptoms ofeholiceVer since. The Honk, without_consulting:Mi. Grow Mg . -organ or, toadies, elected the editor of this paper, its - Posimatter, with nuthority to OptipiOt.- his ( .!* 0 i5i.3 1 #413- which-privilege wae ,ve - ry.:: properly - exer ulsed the seleition'ef an editor wheie office bad' been " i tnotA;ed - -4-Ibakolition party. - All - passed off to the mutual Bads: faction of all parties, until near the -close of the:seseion When -- - (withont - autherity from-- Montrose), the - House gave- as the ueceptabliriOmpliMen t of a unanimous vote of thanks for the faithful ef*lent of,our' duty; Ain) - backed :up their expression ; of approval of - - services :by' v oting to' pay us' slo9 l biere than they ;were authrirized-bi law tO pay when the office,—and which the.ReiMblican Senate , concurred in S-411 _of which has so griev ed _ a fevi petty 'Curs' inthis - vicinity thaf:they ureyet growliog :about it,. end _dfsgrisdng,theresnectable men of their yarty, by publishing`various - 4 186 ; OPOtradietOrk, and sliiderOns - *des about - ..us Viand other:officers andMeMbera, whin are priviotut or further notice our consolation renting partly upon the Oc-t; that 7b4O*O:mode soPeAingoilt - of the s3 ffiei‘ 90 131 iligriff 3 P -4 1 1 4 1 g T kibioi abaidoli i. zi 9u 4une number of Traiiiii°o3 - lliagazine opens-wit:il l all Mils; trated pairatife, of the late horrible ari inassaa.es- in. irtaneso* 4:llesepp* tion the llnaaen= Quicksilver . ; sfiiiVt.,4 . .*Pliatl r ier , ,fpaper-ofsTeu(inioi* iliSeetsjPiiirioPs4 o- th; Tillie ;it'd*, fui_et01411413;1111.4:11k.941: er come is are varied arid =entertaini9g;, and Bros.-, Publish.' `01; ' • .:12:6 , 03Tortvo,..thscasizarri) sou intv. . - :;•=we - iiroll4foriitelLtfult each' discharged li•fdiereaeidtead'to;#pply far a Penawit should dofe year -from 'the ,date xif their , diecharzei.:',9r theY::Will yeWs pecaton: l AlLappticatiens m 44 alter ; the eeOratiou a year will secure pension theAate ' 4 l 14 4aPt i ##P 4 * ,, bltt it'tliade With* '44 „Welk P ealli * -341 * l 4 i iiienekif f ith theNllsWargiy - -;• . 'for the lute gory --. 14 - 4 4 4:c05.z-44:404 t h e 9 4 0 lakeid* , - 2416 1 1 Z: soisiconriSu PdaY-10qI4 1 _01:4C,:, it;c4ixti • s. e :LeglslaturO!- '''';•:*4o#M4 :- lia' r .rewiiisii t *L'' ., ' - ' ! '. ,The , et:gerable attempts , of 'Lincoln's _minions toy destroy , the inOil i mable of the .pres@,has been e4tended to the nce: free foe Penn syl e* . editor)? PinWtonQounty.DeMocrat having - teen. * 4 O. I).Y-.' person : sPbscriblei:bitee* "",,E*ost,itirshal," ihat - a latii - ininbes of hie•PePer contained language "onsidered liigWp imi)ropeii!.;4l4 bum against . .‘altowing- anything of the kipa ,to - appear :again,; under:, penalty, of : 4 1 TeatiOn4 sup" pression •of the . paper.", The 'editor re (pleated that -the, eiceptionable! Words be pointed out, but it was not done, . wtere.. upon he piblished a two -Colunin *dole showing.his constitutional . _ Privilagei, and_ quotcaall the original political nrtie,les of the paper of the datereferred to, so that t j he public could,--judge of_their-proprietyi One denounces the Vallarldighini outrage .:.,another Protests against mObti,ind riots as practiced in destroying priniing:Offiefs another disapproves the aboiitkni league, while a fourth controverts negmpolicy article from the - Harrisburg Telegraph 4—, Each is timety d snd appropriate, and none but unmitigated tyrants would' make each threats about 'them. ,trust the G. SmitgEsq., haiirmaess.enongii to fake the enemy to the end without takering: The cause of an assailed free . piess demands it, -and an outraged people have a' right o expect and deinand it. . _ WE , Conx,n - N't Do rr. ek .before last, we received the followinlrtliA and modest epistle from General Rascal!, BlB itary Governor of Indiana. Ileadquarters.Diatrict ofindiana, Department of the Ohio, Indianapolis, May 8, 1863. Editor Bluffton Banner, Binifton copy of your p . aper, of May Ist has been handed to me, which you boast of your intention to violate Order No. 9, from these headquarters, as much as you please. You i an now disavow that inten tion and-advise others to do so, or dis coutinue,the publication of your paper al together till further orders. A violation of this notice will receive prompt atten - Maui S. 'HASCALL, Brig. Gen. Vol., Corn. District. We paid no_ attention to this tyrannical edict, but continued to mind our own business as usual; As for discontinuing_the publication of our paper "till further orders".—we can't dolt; and 'as for disavowing anything containedin our issue of May Ist, or ad vising others to do so—we'd see Gen. Itasca d—d first.—Bluffton (Ind.) Ban. Cattle ,in the Highways. ..The following. Act, to prevent cattle, horses, sheep, and swine from running' at large in the county of:Susquehanna, Ivo; passed by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia .at_its-last, session, and is now a law: SEcriorr 1. _ Be et enacted. (fe.,. That, from and ; after the first day ofAnly next, all hors - en, cattle, sheep and swine belong ing to l'armars or other persons, found runningatjarge or upon the public \roads or highwayfVm the county: of Susilitehan n4 shag be_ ioniidered'An character sof sfrays, - endThay,ba taken up as such by apyperSon, and shall-and may be dispos. ed of under the existing laws of this com monwealth relating to strays, if snob - per son' shall See proper to prosecute.the same. Piovided, The act shall not apply to any of said- animuls that may have accidentally escapedfrom their enclosures. Hal&sit'a ,Wu ii.—This illustrated paper, notwithstanding a lively competi tion, stands NO- i in — its class. Its pic tures are indeed a graphic history of the war now devastating Onr country. Dur ing the past yeata !win number of accu rate portraits ofdistinOished persons,gen era,' frOm photographs, and a series of finely execnted maps of the seat of war,. are alone Worth the sabseription, price.— The publishers offer to Xiiind Harper's Bing ewe and Harperla Weekly one- year . for ,45 .- - . Harperit Brothers, Franklin Square, New Irork: . - - - 9witers of uNiatented Land. The Act of Assembly in relation to :.the . graduating 'and valuation ' - of impelling - her -- [lhe""same not! with: the,, writer] at say in soeit, is nO,part of pattiotisni . When `oar country is . involved lower to ask;'the might it, net-'have . been; VPided? Of, vonisenot v We bay:Elonly to Consid er the we - can lietch er!, ';'.But Bard)" , ire nun ask, where ikthe war to end blindlyio hatch eir .till the- enemyis::.entireli Olduitga ,ted er ; _exterminated? , [Would . : to. God you _wouldzik now a- Let intipire. hew 'this sort 0-:patriotism 'requires us to. an cap are ; an shat :ter ankle-joints - witl4rape-shotbefore we may begin to - consider" Fifteen years - from' the :date .of_ the a bove article, the. - very man who wrote it, - and the party of which thti leader; plunged - this nation -into war,' and when James MeMasters asked the . same qnes titins that Horace Greeley „bad.nsked he fore-him, 'the republicans sent liiinto Fort Lafayette, :and the editor of the Tribune belie.ves that the same "just GOd who ab horred war and bloodshed"then; delights in, it note, because it is their war, and the republicans are -resolved to !thatcher on, till the enemy"' is entirely subjtigated or exterminated:" when one dares say what Greeley Saidthen, webelieve that wars of invasion-or conifuest- are utterly hostile to the genius Offree , inatititions, and that the twocannotanreiVet,ogether," 'their new definition of treason' consigns us .to prison" 7. - Letter. frow . Hqiii 3 Ohatles Oka4W«, In answer toan invitation :to attend - the:l36thoefitin Masi meeting held in Philadelphia en-Mondiy nightlait,•••• Mr. BuckaleW wrote the following - Airief eipitisiveletter:' _ • - BLOOSISBURG I 3863 -" lieut.'. OW. - Your ` letter inviting „pie attend. our ~meeting of this _evening, _call ed with 'reference to the arrest; *Mary trial undexiii of Mr. •Vallaiidighami was delayed, in, reaching m e. '-only time betOretbe closing; - of the mail, to write: a. feiv . lines , in reply. ..I : approve most heartily .the. object _Of your'•ineeting, and hope it may be successful•and - exert a wide Influence upon -Public s ] opinion.. Thereeughl, 01* no doubts and.; no hes itation among them'as tit the te, be puisued.. ',They must uphold,liberty and put, down its fees, and that; loo t without regard to the poor-;„ +Pitiful _pretni4s by • which-the Initerieek tn.defend or excuse ;- • • _ lam - respectfully , yours;'.. • C. R. Bircraixtv. ‘ 4 - Pitebbitlaben by thirireilb;, - - Vike ".stmiitnir S eldra from gavanao which Arrived at ,Neon :York Sunday lie tying broughtbighly4inportant*nve frail Efuebin;: if all , the detailscad:lm4 NV: re lie4" Upon ;Accrued - me ta these: adviCes :the French - hat's; ultimately sucCeedeif.ia, -tint - aapttirsafPuebTa with its commander: in-ilielt(GetieralVitega;) tirpasinber of inferior officers . : air 4 thousands !Of eCl: artillery yytrita. same 'accounts;' had also_ It is. th 4 °lbillicaqo 3 o l artinerY, Genei.4l:FPreY ctienpiYSiAtCmenilaiSf- - batabsidtifent - on 9rderid. a general aiisatitt.:l,' , -The.',OrriSeti - however niSOC=b9littla resistance, and thi f ,'Whble foipei:"o94o4diri,effienre,soldit)ra - Ar4ar. tillnryunconditionally surrendered ` , XimsP*ll4 - VOSTA O . - F l 'his lov_ptisae4 .-tlyx l SO )ast CoOgrf3 B o. axes - thAi 'rate of fog , , per ite oen ti t : - • r i.o(.)' l 4( Vic: .1- ;va. vk*C - '; Weekl7 , -;;•14.i; ntis_ror.Exaddlotirounees, ThQ ".i.fe*'"atefilidie.effecf ! tio,lEit; leo& -