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''.-- '.-. ~. -, ,- ' -- - ' - - . , .. . . •.., --"„ -,-.‘ -'-",--.---, ~:i. . .. -. zi• - ';', - ..-fl- - . ,- .. '-(''... .::.-' -'-',„!- .., .;.; ..,:!---, .... 1 ,....* , II" , -,‘..-.1 - ..y. -.7. - = , ' -:. • -4- : - .- - .r : • ~,-: - •;,....-, l' ..1 I, - t-'' .. - ~::: 7 , '''. *- '•'--, - ' ''' --' '-. ' ' :' '. : ' ''' . '''. ".' . - T ':k - ,- --- --'-' .-', :.` --, -4_.-- 4-. ' _l. :- - ~.:.--,,_-_,-,----..., .-- i :,,-,..,--,. -_-,,..,„„ -.,,,,,..--•.. ~.,,-. ----: .. , - . _ ss ~.... ,_ _ . .„.: ... : •.....-,- , ....- - ~.:.: ....,.. . ~. . .., - ... ~...,,.. A. J1:-GIA.E4RrralP.N.Rtibli$11:.0.4 - -: - , -... Tit S N Ess `C: _ --- INENLER in Flosii.,Feeiii anitlieal,:rot itta V Salt; Timothy and; lllover;Sned, Grivetvic;Provier. - Jam', Fruit, Fish,- Petri:dem 12.011,-:Won 4 eia nu& Stone w a re, Yankee Notions;-Sc. &C: '; rOppciittd Railro ad Depot, 'New •!. I. LATIIIROP, _6../Slll.Ft4 ;', LA.TIIRoP.':I4IrIttt - EALEIIS tti'DrY Goias; aideeiieii(literdWare, Acedp DVade -. Clot4lng. , Boots At • Elhoeft,. - :Hata:it , Caps , Wood & Wll.l9ur V. are. Solo & UpperLeattt- Fiah,:rlour, ditd. Salt, itilotwit.teh they offer..at, tbe. Vir-Ta.colotroist- irioefiso • Llath rop Brick atilicting, April 6.1808: *- • LgvAlg .IZIIICINS mato Oxus pet FOlt •-• [Post Office address,'DundalL - oi Scitittfllibscrit;gottatet C9tuttjr-,=!!artelo. - •- . - WM. LIIINITING. COAVEM , „.. DAMSEL _- \11.1M.-:H...C0.0VV4.4k-,00,-,;,.: • ▪ ANKERS,-31ontrose, Pa..SuccessorsterPotit,COater ▪ Cu. Offlce,'Lathrogs'new building. Tianapike.ar' MeCOLLITAL a TTORNEYS. and Counsel attaw,4 l 4Orkticara , .461. Luau to Latizeiis' aew • - +.' o~ertheßat~L.' . . . DR. smrun-44.sobr••, •.:. • • I'RGEON DFNTDITS,"-3rontioeu,l'a."-, Office Latbros". new bailing, over„ the Bank. AU Dental 'operations veil! be, •4114 5 a -s• erformed in good style and warrantelk... ' - 30114 V . ..SA - UTTER' • ''' ,'. -•- ... T., A SIIIONABLE TAThOlt...;-Motdiese, •Thi. Sitop J.' over - 1: 14', 13121Lsrid's", Grocery, on-Mnin-strept. - , -• Thankful for past Wars, he soliniti arContiiitinntri - - —pledging himself to do'alltihrlientisfactoilly. Cut=, --. Una done on short ncitice..and warrant - ell to 'Bt:, .- , • ... .., ' Montrose, Pa,: July , 2th,•lBfio,—tf:. ,'•' • . i .- • . . - P: I INES .'- - - smONABLE , TAIT,OII.---31ontrele:P=, Shop in Phenixcilick.rover stare of Read, - Watrons FoAer. AU vrtirk'wdrrantid, a 9 to tit and nnisti. , E Cutting done on'short notice . , in best style. 3a*.'6o i'• JOAN'' , GROVES n °N OLE TVIIOU,L.-"Siontrol,, 'Pa;.,,Shori • Jt.' ear the A li4ptist feeting_ Rouv,e.. on Turnpike. t rect. itil-ordnrs iille4 promptbf..infinit4ste-sOle; "- Cutting done on abort Hance; and Nkialunted to fit. .13..158EL; • - - icvgPAlßs Clocks, 'Watches, andletielritt. the _ • 1..16 shortestnotlee, andel' is:wet:4lde terms. All. work warranted. Shop in Chandler and. Jessup 's store, htestitnisn, '• - - - ' *en -"WALL W BAirni rimitmr ACID -CHAIRIiANI,WACTURERS.r I ioot 14J MaltEstreil,l4ltintrinT4:l% - An tf C. O. FOADIIIMI; ANCir 17 . :11 .57.14ESe:Idontkwe; 01. Pa. SEOVol'er De:rare - stole. - -All k!n&of. wOrk made to order, and ,repaiiing,done Reatly-, ', Ar,EL-.TLWIEL.Li -.:,:.:, ~ ,- ... , . . TVL`ALER la ling's; Medi:inn. Ottemieile, - Dye:. I/ Stairg, - (41:45 :Mire, Taints, Oils, Varnish, Win- dow Glans, Groceries, :Fancy Otaida. Xe„Welry perra -- , lorry.' ..tc.—Agent for Millie iliosilioiilai-PATELNT: MELlClNES,—liuutrose, Pa. ~ . : 'Rug ti DAVID C7-ANrEY, M p., -- - TrAvima, located permanently at New .Milford, Ea will attend promptly to annals with which he may he favored. Office at TodcliefliciteL . • • New Milford, Jaly,l7, 1851- 's mEDIG,AL: - .ogp - . DR. E. PATRICK - Se;il t.' G ARDNER ATE GRADUATE °tale 'MEDICAL lIERARTILENT L OF YALE COLLEGg, 'have formed a Copartnership for the Practice of3ledicine and Sargery,andareprepared o attend to all business faithfully and ptuactnally, that may be intrusted to their — care, on terms commensurate %rah the times. - • • Diele.I.SCS and deformities of the - STE, surgical opera tions, and an surgical diseases,particularly attended to. Oillice over -Webb's Store.. -Office hotirsloam'S a. m. to 9p. 'All - sorts of contitry produce takeiriiipay meat, at thehighest vaine., , and visa XOT EzzrzED:. Mon tr0.4.e.;.Pa,;35.ny 18G2.—tpt • TAKE,, NOT-ICE, for Is, C s heep Pelts, Fos, Idink.,lslnshnd, and .all kinds of Fara. A good assortment of Leather and Bootetind S noes -constantly ,on hand. Cam, Tannery, &Shop on IdatuStre,gt. _ 3forttroTei Feb,6th FIRE' INSURANCE. THE INitiRANOE , CO OF NORTH AMERICA, AT iltilio.l.t34, liasßW)liated miLpncyhtlffnthme. The ,Oidesi Insuraizceleo.,in thi CASH CAPI ASSETS THE ratea Are-halo* thoievi any'gpodeoretplitly Nei& roti or eleeseltere, andifilitireeforeuro among the first for-httitio and hitegrit7. ." Caktuss,PLitrr, Seer; • AIIIIIITII•ut: - COFFIX, Fres: httintroseoltityls,- 1 6.1:•• -33•1131NG STROUD,Ag't. ' INSUBINEE';:i:...iIOITASI; of _.zievvii*lrcor. ' CAM, CAPII,4I .I .ONEIPTILLION'aetiAO; METES Ist July' Ito; 1.101:14q.s. - _ •-' -.4,B4Nifsa; ; , Chie4.triatisAtikaent. ' I. MiltcilLBmlo l , l Aeo:7; John licCiee, 4.15%•'.• A . „*. ilia- laiidOilifn et - ; renesir this gees, in - tApi3rick - litock i ldontr.ose,ra: . _ _ . WILEINCZTT4I6II7CrIPS - - 19.Awland , Irttand and Boothia . , tatutaikepulo 89.1 93 -DROTS, le 'quaker one patuul and upwards. payable 1* all the pritteiM town etllDl,gbatiitireland and Scotland,tor aale:by , - 30:=; ; Ii5rja, COOPER ' , C0..8.0=m r _,B2„ - - • " .-"ktotitee,Tl6-. B Rah, - Btitbr TON:: ddddddddddddddddd E?. .- 4 tilneitirb#o, „ALO - = t a k t ; n l i l 4 l :* 4s -0f.70 0 4'7 stile claw 4 pl4O = • -. , S.X.Yettezigiß4loo4, esr - -rmix*wi .tholzkniczakeVelborredlolac tS and.4mberAptionsfirVoitoAtjoweetreo;.;.!..-::;,-7,1- rj!]1@~:; ~LWtATJ ►=. ~$II1~8L~OII `; ~li:~'~111~8II8+~ ... ..:-":' ''!......! . BirLY...lii -110*14 - 9:o*.**iF* l o - Ni TO . . Nsw - Yom,'llfay 11,.. 1861 &re- - 4 - have read instlie-Fivening Ex presaof this eity,,Of Saturday last; your public letter addressed to eider of;date he sth hist; ,throligli the:lndianaPelie .in rePly letter to you Itlfrthe .2 4 MaY:: 6 4 1 04110 ef:', "'your 'order NOI,;-9; - of the' 25thult: Your Utter; which lon seeni , :tointend‘ as - an. eplanitory supplement', to Order: as:siitlidiently=plicit;ill think, to enable':anyintelligent citizen:er Indianuto understand that frcedoinofspeectinildl et" the:press, so:far..as, ivrelates. 'to the' War 'policy and measureS of.the present-Feder al' Ailininistratior,,' are, o the - extent the force placed at your disposal" to' be suppressedin - Indiana. I thus drawing yeivte ac.elctir . &did: Lion ofyonr objeet in Order accomplished the main purpeseof my:let, I ter to yen, but I much regretlhat lhave neither time nor oppertumty to comment I as I would like to do, -and•as it deServes, on.your extraordinary 'communication In pursuance' of _ ` a :plan formed months a- go, ..1" am. now here °limy - Way to Boston - to take -the steamer:of, the ipth inst.for Liverpool, intending; to Spendthesnminer in-Enrope. I can therefore do no more at present than, very geneyally,' to , notice your. letter., , - My.first impulsena - readingtyonr letter was to pOstpone my intended journey and return to:lndiana to_ aWait.- the sequel' of _the new regiineofinilitary despotism un der Which yod have placed. the - State, and it isnot without a feeling of regret thatJ, shall; continue -ThY ' l journeY , eastirard:- - When Constitutional governmentis to be , defended_ in Indiana again - St. - yourself, br any other person- or power who May assail it,you may consider - me anion°. , the num ber °fits defenders; 'But:l am_ free to 8 V I haVe no fear in leaving yourself omit-your Order'No. 9 in the keeping of aiiii_people • of Indiana. You have - voluntarilymade (record-that will 'enable them to fully un -derstand Both *on "and-your.order. The national.liemorty of:lndiana will meet,. in Convention on the 20th -of May .Initant; to counsel:together for pulle'good.• Theywillhave yotir Or der' before . them;- and -Ihave no doubt they will deal with it- as becemes!ihedig iiityand rights of freemen, deterthined 'to maintain,in -their-integrity the constitii tions of the United States and ofthe State of Ificriana. Whatever maybe my opinion of the boldness of the -position , you have taken, I cannot commend its wisdom, and it seems to me strangely• inconsistent with the de sire expressed in your Order No. 9,-to re; store harinony and gOcKI .feeling in the `State. As you have done-me the , lionbt "to confer" with me, my advice te you is; that you recedeas gracefullY and as soon as you can from the arbitrary:purpose you have indicated. There will be no danger of seriona ilisturbanceof the peace in In diana„ so long as no attempt is made by .yourself or any . other person, in the . State to invade constitutional , rights: When they are invaded, they - will be , defended, peaceably; if they can' be and as long - as they can be, and forcibly if necessary. Order No. 9, as interpreted' by you, ' will not be respected or obeyed by the' people - of Indiana, for the - plain, substan-, tial reason that,' however . patriotic may have been your motive in- issuing it; it is not entitled to respect and obedience.' It is not the law of the people of -Indian They have nut made it, nor asiieiiiedtO and you are not their rightful "Goiertor nor legislator. Indiana is not a province, nor a" terifitery, but a State; free sover eigo State of the Federal Unionone , of the - United States of America. It is not in rebellion,- nor in a state .of war,: nor .. - difiloytd. ll It has - a coistitution and lawe of. its own, 'accordant with: the constitution - af the United'Statii." has tonititntional Governor - and Legisla, I We and;4diciary; to -, Whoni- belongs,. of right,ilie control and' conduct'of the.civil affairs of the State-rthe waking, nidininis.' tering An.d'eXecntion of its laws„;:ifid %the 1 conservationiff - the Politieat'rightmorita citizens. -The machinery of :civil l „government in::lndiana is ready and. will:, Welk ih:harmony with' the eon-' etituthinal :government- :of the ; United States:if thelaschinery alone, and recognize the' fad' that ihe Military 1 should be atibseriient to Alfeciyilpower. - 1 Amick k gthe,;_oivit Tient' Or:tbili:pepple: of the ,people; of "Jediallei Aire the ~ ,rights- O f free ..apeech,4-frii press, and free, eMirtal, These rights are dear and ifiestiniable.tO freethea—ierteidelile , `to only. -.1 The_peoplikof Itidiarialive done nothing le &rich iheie Ther.eatiatitTfer feit:theuri. for :they ! tainherent, end ilia. fenilde:- Thittunniot *kit! eafet . perniit . thooi it(the . p . ertionlif One', of the humblest xof, the i'intmeink:4.-the.: Otikte; --- ;:-YOur_ o,r,der,,,XE , ;`*.fg - , 3l iefefOr.,; i-which.,:ctilpably,._*sumetzt- , antlierity la] YPllfaelctiarMliktrt Gi . 'Oirit*o*- itruma, 41 51V 44 - 9 FAo, o Pez*tbe'ecilirOtiitiOxiii righta-of free;'e*cliloaditiejavekin-ifii. 4 3 / 4 1 4 , 00110:elatidPilie!",irdiadlorditotlik - ' VOUrjudiOd=infreoo,getna - ior4ttitatitotd ~MIA ` itieteitAyOiti Oa' litiotilfl 11d10,04 -00411 4utrfeineVAefieji :fh )rei' ttatt74i,jayitri- 0. - KEZLER .: '~SSOO, o°OCoo: WW==l==ll4 - BRIG.' eam ' e itASP,kU; osE, 1863. IMIN MERE they 'ltre.'''freetrien..... • They".44lL.read , and same people, meonjunction with the em- I think; thei - j Will'i;assenible and inake 'and. veratiClrtrionmen of 4 the Eleventh -hear i.epeeches v.they...Will-,freel di nn aga resi3,ional:Distriet, at a mass,conVention public .affairs,::and freely ;,resolve:and at:Fort : Wayne, on the 29th of April last, vote upon theui---atid they:. will:, or- by ~, nOlenkn; resolutions, clearly defined gantze politicalpartiesilome oPpesed.to,•. their 'Opinioiiti'and'ptirposen as to the ad .ilonie feigning the adminititration;ao y o u. ministration rand-its pellioy. Ihave'plaCed cannot'preVentliC,lt itheicOnstitution- a Copy of these'resolutiond in yourpossei al.nature Of .thep "eople of Indiana tci - do "sieb, ' that ._ you `., may clearly understand these.'„things;aa muck . fia_it , :waiin dip na: what the peoplennd , Democratia newspa, r iOrti:Of the sea to roil in ;its:tide upon the' Pere and' - orators-of those districts mean beach . *here - Canute . stned;.vandy co*. to- do." ' r fully accord' with: those resolu minding the waves to__ Toll',back.,' And done, and I Shalt net be unfaithful do the the _Who spends • hiS time iii galling ,trust-;the people' of my -'district , have preeiamatiOns to' the AmeriCanyienple to *nett - in.me. -I shall support.t. the war stet,- freethipking, and free :41king,t. and . poliCycr,any cAher. policy of the adminis- Tree Printing; and free hOldini.of pdblic tratien when 7 think it entitled to sup fneethigs,innd free voting, and doli t g oth- piiirt,and I will 'oppose it, , befOre the peo erAike things-Which ,freemen - are wout l ic ple- and . in -,. CongresS, When ' I think it 'do, 'and can't help doing, _Might: as ~ . w elt ought to be oppoied—nefer factiously nor spend - :-1114 time in haymg the moon.er eitptisnAly, but always actively, if need be. beating the air.. ' ' ' ~ I *ill never as, long as life and intern . lt, is net in the power of the Federal gence :remain with me, surrender my - con -• ndraimatratiOn„ of which you area militia, stitintiOnal right to discus.% approve or TY:officer, nor in the' . .poiver of the political condemn, in a constitutional way; and as party. of .Which you are_ an active mstiu- I think the public good:may demand, any Ment, to .subvert - the freedom of speech . policy or measure, be it for peace or war, 'arid Of the press in'lndiana or elsewhere of any adminisration, State.or national, in the United Stites. - ' Yon' may attack anStinycounsel to4wy . citizen of Indi itiimrteptorarily abrid g e or trammerit, ana and of. th e Ilnited'States is , . to stand 'bat, .yo"'cannot subvert, it.. Oh the coop by and vindicate, his right to do.likewise. trary, yrnkand the administration and It with a. sense of humiliation, as a the par yen. Servepersiatiin your attacks citizen of Indiana, that I have felt called t upon them, free speech and .a free press upon to respond,..is I have done, to your will certainly in the end subvert you. -You letter. I and every other citizen of the 1 mayarrest, and try by court martial; and State may well ask, in view of the author-1 sentence to:death, imprisonment, or ban- ity you claim, and the purpose you de -1 lshment . "Public ' speakers," or. others, dare, where is Oliver P. Morton, the con- 1 xiswho actively oppose the war policy o f stitntierial_eivil Governor of Indiana, that tji'e Government" as' defined by 3%4311, bit he 'does not, at once .speak and rebiike IT and by even' the 'deluded people w h o your to ekercieeauthority and' do I may now appiove,and applaud 'your des- acts.that,:you cannot execute or do, with- i pc;tie acts; will awakens from the sleep of out a clear violation of the constitution a morbid brain, and look hack In raethory and lairs oldie State• of Indiana, mid of upon these daykof national nanduess and was upon . a horrid vision. 'then will.. come 'an 'overwhelming -demonstra- the United States,:arid . without degrading humiliatio him to , a mere.cipher and pageant' in the. State? ' I would be glad to.knowthat tion, or the public:will, re.enhioning- law, Gevernor Marton'. can, answer - this qnes and constitutional right and order in their inajeity. Then will, come the day ofina. lice and retribution, and it May be:that „. it, may iiiiptisoinnenti and murder, „,, „,..., done ,j, military rnewander usurped -veld'authority,. may he foreed to bear the . penalties :9f the law-ATl:aka kidnapping, tiara as becomes the dignity and freedom of the State whose Chief - Magistrate:he is. Arid ip lt sul eap ior et:t .s f . ull rfa Y, s y c o al a i r , obedient servant, JOnn K. RonEnTon. Brigadier General, - "conitiiending department of Indiana. mur- . -- 1 der, false iropritionnfent and their knidreil. -erirneri.l' It is - , perhaps Well: for th.`e Men; now so zealous to put their 'meta upon .f‘Copperheads and traitors," as they 'glib lY vall"Noitherfi Democrats who will not tgeo re their Manhood and 'constitutional _rights; tebearitr.mind that jnstitoc,•altho' slow, is generally sure, end that - it may at no distant day be , in the power of men now traduced, and oppressed; and perse cuted; to administer " the Government" in all its functione, ma to dispense justice according to the Constitution and laws of the land., ' . MEMO ', -As you have , frankly expressed your purposes in your Order No. 9, and in your letter to - me, I shall as frankly express mine, remarking, by the way, that I do not admire as in good taste, nor in good spirit, certahrexpreSsions you use in talk ing to the freemen of Indiana._ Yon say, "I am going to see to it, in Indiana at least, - that such •men (opponents of the war policy of the administration) have no abi ding place," and agaih, "in putting a stop to such practices Isbell bold the leaders principally responsible." Again, _ " as well might I establish a number of small-pox hospitals, 411 c., as to allow' ewspapers and public speakers to belch forth their treas onable and disloyal doctrines," &c. "Such things-Will not do in these times. To kill the serpent speedily, it must be hit in the head,' &c. *foe. I forbear comment on theseextracts; for they tell their own'tale. Now, sir, as a citizen of Indiana And of the United States, the , earnest desire of my heart is for the . restoration of the Un ion, peace and prosperity to my country, now torn. with civil feuds and bleeding at every pore • and it is because Mike my country an d my whole coantry`that I tun. not in favor of some of the Measures of the administratiOn, nained in your letter to me, active' opponents of Which you de &are shall' have no abiding place in Indi ana. • Lam not= in favor of.what I believe to be ...the vindictive and'unconatititional, policy of the administration towards the ,t3tates in :rebellien, `' as" shown in tbeTni qui schemes of confiscation aid iiiegrn e 7 mancipntion,:and the negre policy‘of th e ‘administratimi:- r am in favor 9f supprel\ 1 sing' ; :the :-rebellion by all constitutional Means; ' but' li de-not believe - thia'federal edentime,tiatienc wilt ever suppress %be in - - heilion,- ; pt.-reetere tbi Union by:the* tioli ey:it,bwkidol464.' " Ylielievetlicidmitiik.. - -trition - haS-justir forfeited the donfidenc9 Of alare,majority,of .the - peqple,even in the State s faithful t9,the.'Union; aid fiali,l tendered-itself powerless:tor win back be I seceded . Stntes by: anv'peatefal'er - 'othi,t,i ; means. - I therefore believe• the adixiinis. 1 lration,ongli f - :1044 changed ni t so n as the change ixgr . be made a ainstittition; I 111.4ayiloylairee':',.electiOnjitAluti : peort10- 1 *Ai 'Ara]. iii:dcf what. l'zsif . to - i6;et:044.:. ellange., ll ' -g rbli': , ileopie , ot ihir-T4tt Coni :, - tiesiiiiial P. Mktn, oti.*Eont. thate the 91.16,, , r4pOsOiltiv•opded304, 0 20 ' , Ailii31 8 -] liiitigaf,l4,-,MiO;-'lt 0010bp,i, :.,elegitioni:4 #ll4leoiljew i tlieforekloetuitg#titlheid:-21 ininiitrotoptlpPß-shrioat oyeryemini ' -- YaTitii**'s,. - Plitt.:o4 , ..L 4l .o:'.olioy?of; the Govetipiptiti'': o#4 .lintOi!l iii'tbel ' - -- - thlukli4o. ' Tniaacv agrtaim , ~, # @Ito ; '44,totirtg mithailre'proOtptiver; . ? Thir M=MM EEMEE giAturyylatgrfezence With , Public iksaembligCs. The oirentiiije and illegal interference, of the.' military With the right of the people to assemble for the. public disciunnon,,of pplitieal topies„en the occasion of are late DimOcrattc mass "tn4ting at Indianapelis, Indiana, has - justly aroused a profound feeling of indignation throughout th e North. • One after, another, it appears, the public liberties are being attacked in rapid sac. cession .by arbitrary power,_nntil men are driven to Inquire if re . peated hots of this character are not' 0031130E1g of ulterior aes= igns destructive , 6f ALL publicliherty. The country is loth to believelhatinen in pow , er can harbor such dark and treacherous designi ; yet snehltien have already given canse of alarm for the safety of Ouranheri- Lance of freedom; .and if innocent ofgrea ter guilt,they have done immense damnge to the cause of the country,Ay; withdraw= ing attention from the armed rebellion to dangers supposed to - be threatened nearer home: • At the Indianapolis meeting the milita ry was stationed and' disposed se as to overawe the freedom of speech. A eulogy upon the Constution - 4 Hon. 'l'. A. Hend ricks, was followed , _by - 1, temultunus at, tempt by .a Lieutenant and a squad' Of sol diers to drive him :from the stand, or =to seize his person.. Baffled in ' this ,:by the mere crowd, cavalry.came to their aid,and dashed up and down the streets, and npo . n the Sidewalks, scattering, the .croiids the wildest vonfusibe. - • -Lines of troops were drawn up across the prineipal 'streets and.none were;allowed to proceed to the place:where the Convention,was intlession-. Even :after the gathered masses had die- peraecif and were returningietbeirhames; they werefelinsiOthrough the Cat* and such ofthem 'ai had arms , uPpri their per sona Were deprived: - Thislobtiery. o r. Arms, -moreover`, was not an eitceptional,oceurrefice, bet merely the - enforcement of, an 'arbitrary Praciice already ibr some' time - 'in:use.; by which peribus, not - ivearing,:the admimstration coller;h0 been - depriyecl:r - ivf thoir:rieisca si§ri, in spite of the positiVe Constitut oval Oiraniee that:" tbe - rikht of ihnoitizen to keepand bear. arms - shall not;a. infrings4:" 111 fact, within_ihe'StitO, and the department - of the Ohio, Constitutional: polittaa opposition to.thiledministration has for smne .timepist, been: treated the same - as' arnieti- the,privibielif •having tqiinionopPesed , te,theSe of the men inl!otf,ei,aa-beeit deiited,ana au unscrupriloutteffert' has been, 'lnade to destreylrforen'all,;-freedeirr of ; patina action; f We ask tviTy4o4lo-min'aiidlover of hiOxiiiirg#to enesultlikinintiledo .Of .men and die'histbl=o4ll:ersticiwordet: tiw - foresee**triforterthii3 the .0a iiiittesewbf tbinirCAkt tlipl;iitik6cotemplyititioter.tonivwelog aseryimat:niapjour;hi,;:c4ioeriOikerfni 'Of.lbirMaarinis4incht -, u t 3bhif-.ittjV*g the to t -risy4l , ? : :.foriviii4icotawf*oo,operiAdti- . • - . I 0 The lUtioe.Leagepis snit the &Were. The' Nevi York tiagYeis sought' to wake: their - recent - demonstrations for, midable and taking by parading', the rec- - , turned soldiers in their ranks; . ,..anli-bY 'the lavish use Of free tickets suc,eceded. in .tak-: ing with" them from Nevi,York :about three hundred, *lnch niunber spm iiihat'iliarksed on the route Uticl4—' The 336h:hers generally turned up no ses at the' whole affair, and 'seenked comprehend' it'all by instinct. Wreak' , • they were net rbaok*ard in dissentin_ from and Aeneuncing the .aims'of the, litic is scheraeiswhe thein'in toVr.— The correspondent of_.the Hera/alas the following picture of te doingS at; 'Utica: '"The procession soldiers and citizens was'formed abOut half past eleVen, 'near. "the:iniliOad depot, the soldiers, nnfaber ingabout sir hundred, in front,-Col. Mc-. Quade, who has after a gallant service of twoyeame year as aCting Origadier; just rettirnedfrom the war, m -command. About a thousand citizens were in the procession. The marched to Chancel lor square, where the'ovation-was held. Tlie soldiers were, on their arrival , there, treated to a sumptuous feast, prepared by -: - the ladies of Utica. - In •thOmeantime meetings' were organ ized, at three different, stands: The MR cers at each stand were principally Sew ard Mee; so- Were most of the speakers. Governer Seymour was denounced for his Vallaudigham letter, and the arrest of the latter: gentleman approved. .The most bitter speeches were lhose of Wilmot of Indiana, one of :tho leaders of the Kati* _Nothing movement, and that. of"• Lyman Tremaine. Both were. quite bitter. While the latter was 'speaking a cora. Pany of Soldiers worked their way-into the crotd, and began an incessant cheer ing for MaClellan. Word wail ,sent-to Col. McQuade that the soldiers werotry ing to break up the meeting*. He. 'went immediately to see, whattheirouble was, and 'found that they were cheering for _McClellan. He told than that it was ve ry uice to cheer for '" "Little' Mac," - but complaints were made at the other staid's. The cry was raised, that they were a lotOf drimken soldiers, but 'With - the eaCeptien of two or three, whoever states that, tit ters a base calminiragainst the brave sol diers Of many hard fought-battle:4 . . - - • * * A recess was taken about five „o'ciciek adtil evening lot" of soldiers immedi ately took poSseision 'of one of the stands' , arid.-commenced cheering for . 111eCiwsts, and praising , - ,hitn as a, general.; declaring him to be the onli-man: whocciuld'lcad the army of the Potitnia6 on to•victOry ; &Minh - loll* in' bitter terms the politicians at Washington, - Congresstnnn ,:and Sena tors, as , opposing McClellari:'beeausehe was_ settling the :war • Ina , busiass-like manner, and, ; was, interfering in Altar Sehemes to Make Citintal Out of They were especially bitter On the' radicals in Congress and.the -boturiiittee - the"con duct of the war.; • ' - The , remarks of.the different soldiers on these points were. greeted_ with „great ap plause'by their comrades. Some of them declared that many of their comrades Were butchered at.Fredericksburg to satii fy the intrigues of,the politicians. "Down with the Washington political conspira tOrs," and 'others would cry, " Give.us McClellan to 'lead, and We 'will returt ti 'tO the war.' - • '' This demonetration by-the'-soldiers-was kept fOr nearly:an honr in that.style:r . i3O in fact seemed as.tbougb they :oonld - not say too much in praise of tittle" Mae;' or denounce in bitter enough terins - the! trigues against hircat Wailtingten. - I heat: of :numerous other' _instances soldiers manifesting' enthusiasm-for Me , PelliTy.llati - wilrmentien -hut one or two as ',lfeing Significant, While 'grime Wii:Speaking, at One. Of thi3 - : staidi; dier off cer's tiniforminotinted• - i.har. Saud declared thisTathering.:tin a Eli ion o that, he bad got . _ heard a w ord from .the speakers, mid "1161 , comme nced; cheerinr Dicclellan.' ;'The g the- • Tenth Regitfientiralliied:. around hitti and' joined in the =c eers, They kept ..the matter upq for 'Borne , 'cheering: first; for - McOlalan - Pertti4 result whiV the crowd' around stand nearl,* left,,'and.they, vere - dbliged to: ;send:for -ilia band, Wtiotlayettlie7;!t`Red, ,White • and -- -- Blue; liefore .th§ - s4ltaioicp would return. °:T eir_ cheers' we`re;inter-=- Ariereed-Withlreand for the *politielaui.— 'ire Teitinsend4rdialsdlifterrUptekin:-a .. During the 'recess sonieof the'totiav,ea= upon '06• 11 40i. and told.latm that' thennly way - iSfit down this; rebellion wail,tilaile,4l4 . 4o l l` - ; 1 1S4 head a " , 4 . *Dl tYi‘filiP-1.-"that', 1 Ayes iii:4' . :Sgyek.Y . truty theice:oo - 0; here.so. -.Thindreds" . 9! : ii &tier int# fact ,aqeti, Hoftltis-iiio.'Ac;bk, pygLe; McClellan - find:awl:6g with the' oodiarEi t: :: • 4,::, • itoypiol, _ 40=0* +.-;'• , triblgaPft make trbbibiltWit'''"a'ollot. itteriiiit%V: rc • + l .:i ax!ittlrtiqiiiii cents, -' ' •- 7 = s r, : • ivoLumE xx: MEM ii - Star,9ll3g Disolosurol-"—The "-won 'Leagues" Exposed. • °Utica.' War to be Xnaugutate • ' • The letter. Was printed in thp Syracuse Daily Cotirier some weeks, agg, and •ha 4 Veen 'extensively ,copied ;by ,the , , • neWspapers; but its, genuineness has-n 4 been; disputed;. it-may therefore be - taken, an - evidence of the secret,.'dangertme r: and revolutionary or, reasonable - object of theinner lea g ue . The gentleman / towhont it was addressed exposed the_plet, hy b a n. ding•,over -the letter for loyalty not, being intense enough , tomake him even ~ „ a silent party, 'to a f sehentefer butchering hiS political opponents -• . April 9, 1863:.. Mn: N.Y.:" You will excuse me for addressing you, a stranger to pie; but froth what I hear of yeti we need no• formal introduction. 'V:We are' both loyal men, and as such are friends pt - sight.= My object itt addressing you' on this occasion is to learn if then:L.oml be Organized in your town, a Loyal, League rendezvous.- ,ITOP are, perhaps„-award tha - t- burloyal leagues of this State areto hold- 4 State- Csinveti , den at thia rplace - -on the 27th instatit - e-ai • am'informed-that your league rs - in , liroce4:* of formation. I dare say you-knoVo there` are twoleagues, one public and one leote,t, =the former .civic and the : latter, mflitary - inn its plans, and from what I am told rof your peculiar abilities,: I especially. wish you to take part in the latter. •It is eseen ' tially necessary that this organisationehol .I)e.OPeeddy effected., The increasing. bold ness and NUMBERS of the Copperheads in . Obi State - are Such • that, they' most 'l.* Put down before the next, ,alresidential•' election, or they may OUT-VOTE'TS the polls. ,Their clamor abOut free speeeh arbitrary arrests and:the Censtitatiorlie misleading the people: .1 1 7 e must not be too careful , or timid about- the :measures' necessary to keep them under! ;It maybe that the MILITARY FORCES of Our- INNER Loyal Leagues, in -cooperation with the Government, may be effectively used against their in certain ; - localities. Haying been chosen by.our friendain - XX. city as travelling agent -for Central York- - I shall soon give you a calk atn mitrnble to name the day at this vise yeti of my visitin tune in a few reliable friends - 'forConsultatlon. = Don't uny •SQUE#.)llsH)Riptibi. licans-.7-nOne - but the- most "-RADICAL: I'shall then communicate to youthe,Signt4 Mystic grips, and other workings: of our 9rd,ei; froni -.Yeiffsitinft 1 ; 4E,, • ' Getting Their Eyes Opened;, , , -- , Even .the...cialy a bolition papet t ate beginning to see-the folly and•datigeri":of_ permittingrrests like that; of MI. Via, ,LAimon.4l4 , 0.,..-pass: - vvithont an ~ i ndig,.: 1, nen 'protest.- -A correspondent ak the A s. - ti. Sta ,S' idard talks in the'PAlo significant and,isensiblsetyie: 2, - • - 2 ;,, .1 think:l:hire can be no dbialittli4tr, et,i.: Burnside committed a_boltindet iti _ - payint„ ~ any, attention` to 'la (VallandighaxaN, Stump' speeches. Hu , should have be* indicted , and trie_d,hi.,- the .C4 - Arta.'-'ll4, is, the bette r,* , ,ayin .• a- free, Stitfu:flAr, one .I am p'ot, goingr-io desert ilie eabSe,44: free speech and,good .. geyet,i3meo,;Llift,ii men like':, V.allapdjOatn_ --be", 1; 0, 13 4 e_4 1 4 1 ,;"-, and - by lihi:.:C.ourts. :Jr an y: =oo,l4l4'qta: down :Where.there are no- courts,, otiL'Air . , ,berdet, *tere' the War t4ges;_ l 9t . :4 ll 4! ijak it44 . lsOwei govern biini.. lint ;it f...,1 - IS. -Aol;• .'- quite. tiOn'.. - yettn rot -Ge i3X# l3 4o' 7 di. rect. iiiii,liewr3rOri mid ptili . tig=bot - 4,4' hio'.- ' :: 1... -_ • - .- • ~,, . ...; :t- , -; :: .; - tr; 2,-;, 'Th " orn as,. i)roiher 401a:miA ,- i3f - 0 - *',...;vii.olietiti . th 4. MFlT'e4:PetrY- : 'appointed: to -- a;;$2;00 :elerl4,44oVAlte Treakir3f tired Of the army and :tesigried.-4,1r04/4 ingeonPaPen , . • , Vie think ,(the ;adefranCt brcithers:offdloinit'?)l,,re. • ded tor; ill.:•ofilienilievingjinen gush - del on thci - Orcitignment at*Ty en4.‘ : Salaiiits, After . 4 - ( o),Ciolin:,i-Bifown'? , ', had mado r is, iiinilerousrsid dren oflirtiq's.Ferrx; the; Republica . -think tPekiiiict fee tfer; T 'and;-atteiiipted_lo - divest theinselves'a the ,responsibility -that : ittitiitlie'sotedd were ,Lie,y in po46i .than they - exhibited the:nth - et nikked - , - ;att feetiokfor ihe Brolorns did Alie`'fayoie of "xife,'Oniinidiation have'lben;eitende+iiii. thep -114 im i otionrspfpi. 'l4s,olVe'-i)4f Thda_oirindittioi thisystqpiitkifoti:Onliksit:thelftiiw of rivers to th Sett s : : inbith ii tare clogged :. or : o strutted .- ) flat. *VellArAviooAlir. alluvjalAO*4-4itait **.ilti#On , 'OPiektbe'Og irl7 o ol,aitto gorte-lbot- follows- - the'srobstruction l / 4 of force :• '8() . 110 V..ood:i3i*latitt.:4o7oliiblf tlito** . the - simfeW4oo.4 l l)e#o 4 4` *isked )3t dish - ,_.l4o.lliltitt!o4vlW-ulco*:Poltiff (0a di ort~er whichvfojko:thay ,09nclitio;4.t. Tao' , islatd, -, ,Wl4o4 l s o C l o o WlTOMli e d i *K u b ' • ipott•titatithoreresa iaitif4pa.)..ReOtit, • . • • -is • , ,m):; - Eit 2 NTT MO= • S ~ :;:, t ., . .- _ , --4 ,...,,,..:!. . , . - - .2t.1t - -- . ..„").. ' ••'--,.;,t,,.t..,-.... =ES Mil