I=ll=l . . . , • Arrest of C.__ 1; - ~ Vallandigham ; . i •ILICINSED:AIeTIOI4Eift , -. NATt_t have not been . among - _those who . - ,-- lit. c. SUTTON,, adtniredi and, approved the Course of this 1 ti ir - T,' 1 ,I, P ,Vrn, ,e • n ,"„‘,tt a t ? I ' 'il ;T el ?‘;. e tt s ft :. "1 71 1 :c71;_ F e x p n ‘r r i a Ze U.dent:A and' bold young' Democrat anu tn filo lim•iiie l Nnowsi. lN pilitrlo. ' e r d e n r? it.i;;o Aw ‘ pu L blic I statcsman. , , wh en . we say, we were. not i. i , l :.t t a t i;( l .ll t i a--e i l i t i r d . er o p t e lv ii rz:, ;! 1, 4 V7 c.. 1 ge o tlv o c i e ti f ro c:: oneoatisudmirers, We mean the measures, !Iti ( ! ) .Y i l::t. 18 ; 1 . S(' o4 t ; 5. 9. , . he proposed, not tiro'inan; for wini could: To : ,,,t, re, vi ty:l . - au pcynptly 4 , lttendl a l , 6 n t g e hr: help admiiin ,-, the 'open, fearles4,Teandid A iV il 7 th , 4 1 4 4 . ii• . ' • n. - . Manner of the nittn—so far above the gro; - , . _. . vellitigc sneakittg, cowardly- nature •of his Inaligners ? We did not approve the pol icy he proposed, and our readers will bear. us witness that our - columns-have neither contributed - 0 the eirettiation of his views, mot' to the ringing of the praises 'chanted by thousands oftongues ,and eloquently repCated by.a_large Portion of the Demo cratic press. : Wu have simply let, hint a ione,-to work, out ithe - salvation of the Union in his Way; if he. could, Contenting onrselve - s - with - .giving utterance to the doctrines and Suggesting the measures we thought, beSt, to accomplish that end, and protesting against and combating what we 'thought unwise or imprudent. We are esteemed radical by many—Mr. Vailaild ighaln- Was too radical for us. , •I I.3ut . We have 'always Believed his motive and.his objects to be patriotic. _However mistaken ,he may - have been in his views, the charge of treason preferred against him li r ir his political enemies is both mali cious and,absurd, and conies with a bad • grace front •men who advocate Ilvectitiire' violations of the - Constitkion and declare that the tTni:on as it was, shall never be - restored with lateir consent. -Mr. Valland ighain is - not made of the stuff that - enters so largely into thccompositien - of traitors. He is a bold,fearless, high-minded Man, above stratagem -and intrignewhich a . traitor ispot; and we should_ search the secret recesses -of the White House, the stately mansions of some of the ' Cabinet officials, :I.l4d:other Men high in authority, rather than the ainieile of Vallandigham, for evidences 'of.treasOn. Such, is our opinion of Mr;Nallandi •_ghtirit. As centrasted with 111,1 rkwilers he stands, in our estimation, almost spot -less. I3ecanse We do not concur with him . • In opinion, it do - es not follow: that we should ; ---now that the hand of arbitrary - power - lias,fidlen upon him, and. he is a captive; in prisen and -surrounded with bayonets -- turn . bitterly against him, and join - in the general shout of abolitionism for his crucifixion: That is not our way. In the hour cif his prosperity we have him no aid, no encouragement-p-beeause we did not think he was acting ;wisely. - Now • 'that he 114 s been seiie,d—ntstt. by the pro 'eesiorcivil law, I) ut by military authori ty—not in the face of day, but in the di hi:l - less of night, and hun ied away from his hone under a proceSS that should nev e:l.-be acknowledged by a free people_ as long as - the admimstration•of the Civil law •. is ..unobstructed—we Fire.free to say that Bye feel it a duty incumbent upon us to standby him, and see that he receives at least justice from the administration 'that has taken upon itself the responsibility of his arrest, as well as of the manner in was accomplished. •We have a right_fo ask, in the first place, " with.what Crime is Mr. Vallatidi-' glum charged':"_ In the second • place, was the necessity for a military ar rest, at midnight?" _And' in the.. third plaee, "that, he shag have a .veedy, trial, _and by hii peers, in' a civil court." , Tire whole country is sick of witnessing arrests without charge; imprisoment out - a bearing, - and discharges without ex planation -or trial. No administration; not utterly imbe cile ,cowardly' or depraved, would be -guilty of such proceedings,' and no people fit to be free will long patiently submit to . them. ' If Mr. Vnllandigham,has been guilty of any offence against the laws of the Unioo, of the State - 43 f Ohio, or the military or 'ders of the - General - commanding in the district, let 'him be, tried, and if convicted on,impartial testimony, let him be h+- ed be has committed treason, it' he has entered into any combination for un lawful purposes, if he is a conspirator a , gainst the government, he should pay the penalty, whether it be -death i or mprison ment. But let him be .fairly- tried and Convicted .first,..''We .would not screen him from punishment, Oguilty, if We'had the power todo-so--wc would not even crave the clemency, of the government in behalf—but in the name a_ 3snStiec -end- Humanity,- let him have fait and sliee-. dy trial and be.Pronounced.guiley,:under ,the fbyms'of law, before branding him With triple's which he maynot have: coni -mitted, and asking for his itlimotation while there is a possibility of his inno cence. • - . 'A week` ago -the Ohio radical was, in the opinion of many, a great drawback to the success of the national Democrapy---- . to 7 morrow,'unlesS justice be-done him, he May }wove a - thorri hi the side of the - ad ministration; or an Old -kan "of the Sea, whom they..eannot shake off,..and who will rids them to death.—Patriot ti? Uniop.- LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBeR6 I'LdELXXaWLEZ).A..33. jN and altar April 20, 1863, - ,l'ay.engar. Trains will O run as fOIIONV , • ~, . 110VING SOITTII. • Passenger. Accom. Lowe Scranton, at 5.30 a. m. 31.00 a. in. ..... t• 'Kingston, at 6.40 Arrive 12.30 p. m. uupurt. at . 8.55 " Danville, at 14.20 a. ni. ' ' . Arrive at Northumberland, 9.55 . NiCiVING NORTH. . , Leave , Northinn4mriand 4.30 p. in. '• • Danville, .5.10.: " Rupert, . ' • 5.45 . " Kingston, 8.05 " 1.45 1) , i n , Arrive at Scrwit?n, . 9.10 p. in., , 3.:t0 1 ,, i „, A passeoger train also lea.yes Kingston at. 8.20 a. in. for Scmutonlo connect with train for N'ew York. Refor m _ ing, leaves SerantottAm arrival of train from' New York, at 4.20 p. in..- - , Pakliengera taking train South from Scranton .at 5.130 a.m., via. Northumberland, reach Ranleburg.l9.Bo p.m. ilattlitiore 8.30 p. m.,,Washington 10 Ir. in.. L 'Via Rupert "duty reach Philadelphia at '7.00 n m. • = -- , • GEO. B. Hurt Fol. NiAgaton, Ap,lllB, 18M. , l . " • . • • - T4t.el•CoiSeil.o..- Tn Best Inmarket. constantly on band and at stslcm aprier as it can be obtained of any Dealer in tow-i OrEenientbur , • Tarrell's Drug bture. A Bti L 'rull-RELL Now offers for pale one of the largest and best:mkt:thins of ; • , • - €r")• , PVer offered in. Surintohan 11:1 Cotinty,lllliii probably-com priin!, t he greatest. variety or most different articles- of any Store um-the NorOtern,ptul of Penn sylv ania. and per fiaps of the entire qtate. , a , kortmat is kept in. about thirty different blancher of rrsile. arid:the selec t ions are made from about forty of the best Douses in 'New York, and more than fay Dealers and Mailiffac turers out of New.;yorle large prop.mtionOrthe Goods are lionmin :direct from the manufacturers, thus insuring genuine artleleS, •Cnstoniers on entering the Store Must not expect to Mid - everything in sight, hat nearly every art icle„wanted will be pro bleed by - inquiry. Someliden or the stock may he formed by the following general nutlt io. but enumeration is Drug? . and Medicines, Paints and Oils. Dve Stuffs,' Groceries. Liquors. .rockery, :Glass Ware. Wall and Window Paper, jeWelry, SOerWare,PerfuMery, Bailey. Goods. Musical Instruments. Brushesl Ameribin Pocket Knives. Talin Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware,' Lamps, Materials for Lights, rfardWare. JIM Cords.Stiine Wtz1;1!, Dry Goods. Mirror,', Window Glass, LithograPs. Var nishes, Bird Cages; Spectaeles, Whips, And. Lashes, Brooms. Gnus, Pistols, Ammunitum, Tobacco, Medi cal and Surgical Ipstriiments,• Salt, Soap, Pottnih, brellas,Por, - !elth Teeth. in short nearly everything. to restore the sick, to please the taste.to - delight the eye, to gratify the fancy, and a tiN3 to cotOuel to' the real and luthstantial comfOrts.of life. • • The attention of the public is respectfully invited to my stock of goods, bought exclusively for cash - down. and will be fold on the same principle for low prices. ABEL TtnatELL. ytantrosk...Jap irtry- l st.lSt3. 11610VA_L. JAMES R. REWITT, IT AS removed his stock of Goods from Ike Lathrop 11.1. Iluddinglo the more formerly occupied by If. C. Tyler. next door to-T. S: Tarbell's DWI; where he I really to sell Goods to, his old friends and the public, at his well known LOW PRICES. A zood stock always on hand, consisting of DRY GOODS, : 1 4=r 17:6 CO Mil. sirlo S " . CROCKERY;. Nails,o Iron, Hardtvarp, NotiOns, - Sash, Oils, 4.1 Fish,- 46. &c. All of Produce :1t Cash . Price= taken in exchange. DEWITT. ifarch 10th,.11463. HUNT BROS. & BLAIR WNW., • Retail .lealurs in - , I'2 42.1041114 STEEL, NAILS, • BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE COUNTERSUNK ,f•T RAILSPIEES. ' 1AI1710.41) d, MINING SUPI'LIES. cusra.4 GE SARI:A - OS, AXLES, SKEINS AND . BOXES,. BOLTS, NUTS and lIII,SHERS, PLATED BANDS, MALLEABLE , • IRONS; nr.-ns. ,s•nem - Eq, FELLVES„ . .S.E.t7' SPINDLES, BOWS. (fr.. ANVILS, 'VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLpWS, HAMMERS . , - I..,E'DOES,.FII,,ES, CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, DfLTIXG, PACKING. * TACKLE 'BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS . - • C.E.MET. HAIR 4- pRINDSTONE:,„ FRMNCII LE_ATHEINt; FINDINGS, F.AIRD.ANK'S SCALES.: Scranton, March 21, 18413. I y . . i - . . . , . . • 'I a• .k . - is .-, . v LIN , : .4 • ' • 1 ///, le The New .Cersmeroial Buildiagi are Lo cated opposite the Court. House, corner of Court and-Chelan& Streets. . College Is in n6-‘yay Onuectea with any . other Institution. The c , iierries •of the entire Faculty are exclusively deVoted to this. • • The design of , this tnseitntien is to atiord'Young Men an v . ppottunitv-Ibr acquiring ,u Thorough, Plyotical Btattie4f Eduixrtion. . .• Our 'Books. and FOrms - are carefully arranged by practi; cal accountants!, eNgress)y for this ,InStitution, and. tho' mass of Instruction is such as to combine Theory and Pract I • • , , Cc>l3.o4l.lxto" Colli . Visie. '~ his course embrace& flook-liceping in all ittidepart mtmts. Penmanship'. tiommeri:ial Arithmetic. Enstr.Ost, Correspondence. , Commercial Law, Political Economy, Commercial Et h Part n p Set tlements t Detecting counterfeited and altered bankuoter, The Spcncerian system of pcumunebip Is taught bail . its varictici, by the most skillful , masters of the art. • ThC.Boolt-Seepingdepartment is under the special su- • pervi6ou and instruct i on or t heTrin Opal, D. W. LowELL. GeztOX•al. =pros aistsoss Studeute can anterat any lime: No vacation. U6uar time to complete the course; from ti to 12 weeks.' e tande rendered togradttatee in procuring situations. • Graduates are-prose/add with an cler.intly 'engraved --• • - • t.V — leor catalOgue of pagee, specimetql of penman :hip, cucloae two letter.etampe, and addreFs D. W. LOWELL,. • D.lngliamtod, N. Y. 'actl3 63.1;•15c PATENT MEDICINES , A N efforrwas made to make allst of Patent Madi ll, tines for sale at Tamil's Drug• Store,' but it was found too lengthy for publication, Perhaps it calf be sufficient to say, that neatirevery Lind in nny ltutrliet or ailvertiked,in Newspapers, may be" found - at the Dru and Variety Store of ABEL Montrose, March 24, 180. L !. -6..1 Wiferent Pr4i9l, iiearly eveiy MIA inahyluarket.-,warrauteapure. For tale 4p usual by. - ABA, 71.1.1111tELL.• 3 PLat.3l[l::io Gi^iaptuheue, calAtler, latrip oil, - ay TurrelVe cm' 3E034L • LtLi!it i thae,:litt ed e,i'n' e r: l ;itvga; coat l! co: mar. ,a, v crimp-gareoatt 31,46pArsr Deb err, and would bo•hTpY,to. ee 'hit old frieudn, r receive their ordeni; wide wow ill-execute lu the very beat minneeltibis ahseuee , • . LOZ,DERU&CIi, GILBERT it co, - 1:3 ark Row, N; Y. 1 The valtiines binina eiinstitute ofthemselyeiailbrary, -of miecellancothe reading such as cannot be found In the same compass in any other publication Hutt .hint conic Grateful fOr past favors, the subscriber-would most i under our notice. —Poston Courier. . respectfully call the attention of all prompt, paying Mei, The most popu lar . monthly In the wOrld.—Wete York' chants and Traders, to the above notice. ,Ordain for ot wrcer . • Hardware will be received here, and forwarded (gap- We must refer in terms-of eulogy to the MO toneand proved.) except during the 'Months of April,, may, Sept.; I varied excellences of Harper's Mng azine—A .iptirindWitil and Oct. During these mouths he will he most happy to N a monthly circulation a about 170.(X10 tfoples—iti`whnle ice. hisTriends and serte them utla Park Row, N. ILork. ; paes are to be found some of the choicest liglitand gew. Respectfully. - . M. C TYLER. .1 er a] reading of the day, We speak of this %York - as an ey- Montrose, Feb. lilt h,1863. . - I idelice of the American People ; and the pimularity it ' . . Jan. Ist, 1863. 4i .. . Seed Pota t oes for Sale. (300 bit.hils •or Goodrich's seedlings coinprlshig the riillowing varieties. Garnet Chili, Cuzco, Central City, - Csllao, and Pin - keit Rust ycoat.. . - AlSo 50 bushels of Early 'Junes. Price .$2.50 per' bbl. delivered, at the Pittston depot. The bbl. to contain 'a ninny of ilie sorts as you choose: Packages ores& sort sent by mail post paid at 2.1 chi. each. .. . ,r.:"*""Clisli to accompany dill orders. 'Reference . g iven n if desired. 'P. SCTTON, Ransom, La& Co.,Pa. . • 3 April 14th, Itl iii; Ow . NEW MILFORDI - - j p- 0 v o iv 2 ?to understgled would Inform ihepublie that he 0, in 1 caries on the Foundry in New Milford Borongh, near the , corners, • I have onhand ? indent-continually manu facturing, ' • • - PlOws and Mow Points, CULTIVATORS And JOB WORK finished on short notice. All work warranted to:be good nurAerial and finish. t J. S. Tpi'GLEY. New Mil tord. A pri 1)-08ti:). , • yev,Ao NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, S.'E..corner 7th & Chestitut-ets, 3P1XXX.446-1:0301.2 . 11 . MAL; N:Des, This'is One oldie TEN Colleies ionstituting the Na tional Chain. located in Philadelphia, New . York:City Brooklyn. Albany,- Troy, Butralo,. Cleveland, Detroit Chicago, awl St, Louie: Scholarships• issued by any one of these Colleges ate good for an unlimited time. The. Collegiate Course, 'EmbraceS Boolt4eeping for erei7 variety of husiness. in its most adproved forms.—reurnanship. the celebraced Speneeriaa systent,-LCommereial Calenlations.Coininpr cial Law..l3n4inesseorrespondeneeArithmelic,Lecturics. Thaselnstittitionsossess a national reputation. and . guarantee greater facilities forYireparaing yon,ng tnen'for Abe ditties of the counting house. and business genetallk, titan any_ otter similar schools in the country., • • The'Phitadelphitt.College, lias,been recently enlarged it 4 re-furnished ina supe rior putnner„Mut ithlow the i a rgesttutd most .prosperoug Commercial Institution in the State. Its well,known thorough course of instruction, the long practical evert ene e of the Prin cl pa 64,an d sup er ior accout' odat ion s,oll'e r unequalled Inducements to young men whO wish to He mline the best preparation. and the best introduction to tlM.husiness world. ' • • - Diplomas awarded, and graduates reccommended to business men. , PRACTICAL. TIXT BooKs.—Bryant . gtratteara BOOIE7 Keepinc:. three edition 3. •--Conunon school, price 15 eta.. nigh school, itt.111,.• and Counting. lioui , e.—Rryant and StrattotOiConunelCial Arithmetic. ti,efißryant Wes Commercial L 3 .117; $1.50. Anj p 1 these 'books sent by mail, on receipof price. r4r.S'end for Artr eatalopte. contalaina fell particulars. and-note carefully the Ten sioreiai - adiontages - of theae Colleges over all others. Address - • ST . BATTON, BRYANT Co.. • decly pw2o " • - Philadelphia, Pa. ;'" • -- ` 6 // STH STRTLET, PITTSHURG. PAL FOUNTDP.II O /IN 1849 . . ineortiarated by Legislative Charter. • Being the pnlyCOlßLFZe u l c .n; VIIII3EIn,tho talon A PRACTICAL MERBIIiNT. • 'OVER SIX. TROIISAND STUDENTS' Have beciteducated in the Pi'netlike and Practice ofidi the details of a business education Innis, DUFF'S ay - tem of CiIEIiCANTILE BOOK-KEtPING. - Awarded - Pour Silver \ Medals. antrthe sanctiOn i the 'M highest ercantile Authorities in Abe , country. .• so, Duffs • • • • ,StEA3I.IIOAT ROOK-HIM' PING, " A perfect system for such books andUcconnts," I. Duffs new system of • • - RAIL-ROAD BOOK-HRPPL.ND, After the terms' of the Penrisylvinla Ratio:tad: Also: Dun new system of PRIVATE BARIE - BOOK , KEEPING, ' The only one in rte in•the city. The aho.ve gyetems of aecounte are taught under the daily snpervielon of the hnthor and, it is believed, to a degree or perfection nev er attained. elsewhere. ' .• • •• ' - TWEIIVE. FIRST PREMIUMS, 1 . fdr,bett Business and Ornabiental Penmanehip awarded ; I . -• ourpreaent Penman by the • ' - --.-- Vnited State* Fair at Cincinnati in '' 18110. Penna. State icaleat Wyoraiug - - - IMO, Western Penna:-Fair at Prttoburnit •--...,.15tin. Western Virgi nia•Fairat Wheeling • 18410. and the Ohio SMte,Yrtir tit. Cleveland - ' ...ital. • . All of which. are exhibited at our ofdee. ~, Duff'. New Engraved School Popp. lienks.. Fine cap, 2! pagei4ach, 90 bents per•dozen—the cheap - • • • - eatFopy Book in use. ' Business and ornamental Penmanshipovithnewplates and scales by'4'sf. _purr, illustrating all the elements of the Penman's Art, the most complete fnstruotor known. Elegantly' bound. Crown quarto. Price $5, postpaid. iiarper's EnktrAsi Edition - tif Duff' 0' Batik-keeping. Price $1.50. Sold by l3bokselters generally, - ' ' For full particulars and for elegant new Circular. pp. ti,aiad samples our Penman's Business and Crnamental riting,'enclosing 2.5 dents, to• •• P. DUFF a, SON, Principals. • —Strangers will please inquire our reputation in the city, where ,we are best known. • Jan . .l, 18a 6in* • • , . iaP~ • p: -- d - jZCA: r— UNIIIII.- DEL, & WESTERN R. R. . The Passenger 'Trains of this Company now run to . ' and from Binghamton as follows f • • • L E EAVE BINGHAMTON-at 0:45 a. in.; connecting at SCRANTON -with the Lackawanna .& Bloomsburg Ran Itoad for Pitthlos, Wyoming Valley, Kingston and Wilkes-Barre ;• at • 1101 - 01 T. with the Belvidere Delawate Railroad for PLh ll ilpsburg, Trenton and l'hiladelphilf; and at" - FUNCTION, with trains on-the Central Railroad 4 1 'N. - -:drarsor;.for Elizabeth, Newark; and lies;v:Yorki for Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Idinich Chunk, Readingand Harrisburg.; Striving at • - • IVEW York 5:30, Phllad'a 8:00, and Rairlaburgi3;os p.m..l„A L . , , . . , EM T;SEW-YORK;foot of Corirtland•mi, at 8:00 a.m.; Philad'y. foot of Walnutst, at 6 a.m.,connectlng at „ . . . .., Q CBANT . C.N. 'with Lackawanna &Bloomsburg B. B.for O. Pi ttaton, Wyoming Valley, Kingatrinniad Wilketbarre and arrive at Binghamton 7:2_11p. ru..c.caini?ctlnk with . Night Express U est on the Erie Railway. and trains leaving Binghamton next morning for Cortland, Bo nier. and B.yracuse. - . - . lnS t; " Thialßoad paelies thro' the Lackawanna CoalTlard, and the.celebrated.pehtware Water Gap! ' . AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN tearca Scranton for. Great liend'at ft:ho a. M.:ronnuTting • at that place trith Day Expresu West on the ERIN • Railway. and thus forming a direet , conneetion with Trains on the Binghamton it Syracuse Railroad; Returning iCaVtif great Bend at *lUandarrirea at • Serantyn +AO ni. , • . • • ' , • 4011iN RRISBIN, Suieriiitendent. R.A. HENRY; Gen; Ticket Agt. (Scranton, _ WALL AND WINDOW PAPER. zivv; etritply . 44 I.Tutritestionaloly the befs;, sustaittettmfirk _ of kin* in. the. lIIEW :VlONtatir IirAGAM;OI.E... N_ - trig r eciihro4 F ik'thipre* .r , - - has acquired le merite, . Each number eimiaine fhlle 144 pages of reading Matter, appropriately 4 _llltetrateil With hood wood.cute ; And it coMbines In - itself the racy incilfirle and the amore philosophic' quirterly. blended withtlfebeet features of the daily journal. It lute great power in the dissemination of a Wye of pure literature.- Thunutit's Guide - to American Literature. London. No 3tagazine In Europe or Amerlea is so well known ; Wine has'half as many readers; and we may safely - say. none line received enlarge a tribute of admiration from the cultivated ,classes, that delight - Mt a healthy. diversi fied elevating periodical literature. It le the foremost Magazine of the day. The4reelde never had a more de lightful companion. - nor the million a more enterprising friend, than Ilatpet a Magakine.--lifithedist Polestant, 'Ealtftore.) The papers ot permanent inlet:, which havesheen pub lished in tihnesti very number, render a complete set of Harper's „Magazine a desirable acquisition to any publit .or prirteilbrary. The Publishers calf supply complete sets, or any number from the •ccitronencement. - For Twenty-five - Cents they Will send any number, by mail, post-paid. Any Volume. containing , six Numburs, bound in Muslin, wit! he Mailed, post Paid, to any place within 150 Q miles of New York. for TiroDoliarsitno Fifty cents, ConTlete'sets now compri, , ing Twenty-live Volnnies, will he sentity'Express. the freight at the expenon of the purchaser, for One Dt)ilar and Eighty-eight' cats - per \Winne.' • One Copy for one year, <3 00; Two Copies for one war, $.? 00 ; "Ibtrper's Magazine" and Harper's Weekly, ' one year. $5 00. And an extra Copy, gratis. for every Club of Ten Subscribers, at $2-30 each; or. 11 copies for $25. . Clergymen And Teachers supplied at $1 50 a year,— The Semi-Annual Volumes hound in Cloth. f 4 ,2 50 per vol ume. Muslin Covers; 25 cents each. nett Vt'iten ordered to he sent by until, - eight cents additional Mast - he re mitted for portage. The postage upon -Harper"; :11uga . Mae - must be paid at the .oiliceWhere it In received. The Postage , Thirty•siiCents a yetir, or ,Nine Cents for three "Month.. HARPER 111tOTIIETIS. Ap. 213. 3w Watches; Jewelry, 'and Silver Ware._ TRH, undersigned would respectfully invite your attention to his' O ell selected of Fine el*.; Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWEL RY. of every kind and variety of styles—com prising all of the newest and most beautiful designs. . Also. Solid Silver Ware, equal to coin—and the best make of Silver Plated Ware. Eacir article is warranted tote ar represented. :Fr Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired mid satis faction guaranteed. • JACOR HARLEY,. • ‘• (Successor 4olitauffer & Hurley.) No. fii.2 Market Street, Philadelphia. March 4th, 1563. 3tni&antf. ' PEACE AND PEE PRICES! PEACE APPROACHING. I ,Large Lines of PRIMA Conquered and Reduced! - MX: 131:31EUELX9Cur. NEW MILORD, PA., reetlivinr,•, for 4tiog supplies, new and large stocUs o f - CHOICE . DRY, GOODS, GROCERIES, • CROCKERY, - HARDWARE, . STOVES, IRON, STEEL; NAILS, • PAINTS, LAMP AND • LINSEED OILS, BEN ZOLE, ' CARPETIN GS, FLOOR OHOCLOTHS, . • . WALL Paper, Window SHADES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOCKS, &C., &C. - Includin,g,as usual; full varieties of the mostirpOpular stylSs of • LADIES' DRESS GOODS,, . • SHAWLS, . BONNETS, RIBONS, FLOWERS, . &C., &N t whteh ho will *elf on the most favorable terms, for CASH, PRODUCE, - .or to :s • PROMPT TIME BUYERS. .. . Flour &Salt, Constantly on hand SIISQUI. COUNTY CLASSICAL: & NORMAL Mal:Local S. S. HARTWELL, B.A. Principal, ASSISTED BY Experienced i& Competent Instructors. The Whiter TerM commences .on Mon - day, 31.grch 2ml, 186., . TUITION PER TERM OF WEEIC9. Ent lA, from Latin, Greek and German, melt French'' - Efriglii‘h;; with one lan:nage • • T. 50 —No bill for the 'Owen Ftndies shat: exceed ' 000 Mimic on the Piano - 8 op Übe of Instrument - ' • • 1 :1 00 dednction for absence except, iii cares of protracted or by special agreement. Board cantle obtained from. $2,00-to 11,2,50.. per week. ' Papita wiphing to board themsels'es din -And - good rooms at moderate chargea.- 'For further particulara ad drear. the Principal, at. Montrose.. Pa... ' W. TESSUP., r.' READ; Seery. Teb.l7, 1862..• tf • ERIE -RAILWAY. C TIANGE.mf hOllll4. COMMeriCill'i ltimiday, 'Apr. `: oth. 1861 Trains wiltleave Greia Bend, ra., at about the foll Owing hours, viz:_ ' ',' - - WESTIVAIIO- 110,1 1 N11. • I EA4TAVA.RD DO I LTNIX 1; Buffalo Express,2:lBp.m 1 2; N.Y. Express, 1:1%16 p.m 3, -'Night Express, 1:07 a.m 4, Night Expres, 2:14 a.m 5. Nuil.tit - • 6:53 'p.m .6; SteambMit ••• 8:33 p.m. 17. Woy-Frtfighi• 72 : 5 0P•r 3 Ji. - • 4 - . . - - 9 : 51 P•IT I 21, Accoicoclation, 2:5f4a.m 16, 20 way rr,aight , , , it 6 ,1 0.1 1 1.: lay.. No. 16 rulisSundays.but 3 of Saturdays runs thro' to Dunkirk. . ' . WS -MINOT, Gen. Supt. Nos. 8, 4 and 8 run every does tint inn Mondays. f..To to Buffalo, but doeanot run 'IVO. 37 PARK' ROW.. New York. and 6 State Street, •11 Boston, arekiniakents for thillfentross Ikmorra,tin those cities, and are authorized to take advertisements an/subscriptions for us at oariowest rates.: LIIBitICATINO on. , , •:. . FOIL All Kinds of Machinery, for dale trON" " A:. GOODSi A generak asaertment. of GOODS, arriiltr , _at . - • • I'S , GRASS:, SEEDS. • LARGE 1 3 g t*PX I O II .. .0- Tit 1111YE11 - -::- . =-:S EED Fall SALE BY stk. ircrxv.xt.mileszi; New Milford, March 17,1643.'d‘e* - TURUELL'S irsort.3wis. FRANKLIN kITARE, NEW YORK. S. 4.,,Pettengilllc.po.,, -•TitE • 1., Tho Grilit ericanitentedies," . .'lE,nci n t t siteltittni*Adtti - GENUINE P PEA RATIONs,Viz: .IIELIIDOLD:8 EXTRACT •‘ •,•• SARSAPARILLA, " IMPROVED nosz \VASIL liEratßOilleS" • myna PitnaltATlON, • "Ilighly.Coneentrated" Compound • X173.1.11..i.ci1. • Mac.' tx-szcet„' 3Etiatooks...u., positive.find tipecitic Iti nicely toidiseasea of lite liidueyq Gravel ilia - Dropsical This lliedicine increases , the power of diitestion. nnd, excites the absorbents into healthy action: by which the watery or CaietTolll4 'dil , j)mitions; and all-nunat twat en largements are red iced. as ns pain and indamation, and In good for men, women or children. • r ~ , HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Pon - NyEAKlqgssgs - . . Ar'isbti , from, 14:xcesses • ITabits of Dissipa tioa, Early Iptbseretion,,or Abuse, - Attended with the felltmins - symptoms : Indisponition to Exertion. Loss of Folier. • hoes of Ilienfory, DiMenity of Breathing, • Weak Nerves, • Trembling . , • • Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Blinn IMS of Vision: Pain in the Back. Universal lassitude of the Flushing of the Body, 'Busch tar System, 'Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, 1 1 Pallid Countenance, .- Dryners.of the Skin. • These symptoinS, it &lel:veil to goon, which this med icine invariably temovils, soon follow ‘. IMPPTENCY, FATUITY, 'EPELEeTIe FITS In one of , which the patient may expire. Who con saY that they are nut frequently roliowed by those ”,direfol diet:twee," . . _ • , .. . Insanity and Consumption. -_ :Many are aware or the cause of their entitling: hut none will confers. The records of the insane arylutus and the inciancholly• deaths by Consumption, bear arn nle.witness to.the truth of the assertion. . - • TIM Uonsttfution, • once affected :wait ot • , , .• - mranie weakness, ' - - ; , • Reryiltrea the nid of medicine to, atretiohen•and-invigoi ate thc.sy.tem, .which 11E1.11130LW$ EXTItACT elliT invariably dote. A trial will convinee the . tito.4 skeptical .;[ Females, 'Females, Females, Old'Or young, single, narrietl; or Coideni "- plaiing marriage, In many affectioho peculiar to Females the Extract chu is unequalled by any other remedy. at. in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity.. Pahtfultn*s, or Suppres!.ion of the Customary Evacations. Ulcerated or Sehirronsl state . ot the Uterus. Leuchorrhea or Whites. Sterility. . • nd for all complaititsincitlont to the sex. whether arcs," ronl-Wilinrotion, Habits 'of Diewittat ion, or in the , • DECLINE OF.• C RANGE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY sgori.n B} WITTICiET IT . • • Take uo Balsam, Mercury. or uPpledgant: medietne for uniilea!taut aua dangetow , direps.Fo.. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT - BUCHU CURES SECIIET DISEASES In alltheir stages : at little expenite ; ilttic or no change irdiet, no 1111X)11VCCIICIICe, , I, • . . AND NO EXPOSURE. • It causes frequent deSire. - and gives strength to-Urin ate. thereby romOving obstructions. preventing and cu ring Strictures of the allaying pain and inflam mation, sn frequent in WI; class 111 diseases. and expell ing Poisonous. diSeased, andtvorit-out matter. Thousands opon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN. THE VUTUK (Zit:l'49.oSM . • And who have paid HEAVY FEESio he elated Ina ohort time. have found they were dkeived.. and thafthe •• Pot •on .7 has, by, the me of" Powerful 4atringenta. - been dried np in the tyttcm, to break out in an agoavatel form; and PERHAPS AFTER DIARRIAGE., HELMBOLD'a EXI I RACT BUCHU For allkffutkonit and Dileases of . 'The Itrinary Organs, Whether existing in XI ALE Olt Flollll 4 E.froni %AM ever capPke origipating. knd no matter. ; . • OP HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs 'require the aid of a_ Dluietie HELMBOLD'S , EXTRYCT BUCHU P - DIVItETIC: .• • • And ilt Is, certain to have the desired effect In all Vs. en eP, for which It. its Tel:ow/landed BLOOD !' 'l-00.D,1',:8-L44A.1 Ile)ritbolfyis Highly . futicentrnted Comp9tind - Fluid. Extract ,- Sarsaparilla'. . 1 • . • • . . . . This is an uffeetion of the Blood, and attacks the Sex ual organs, Linings of the -Nose; Kars, Throat, Wind pipe. and other. Mucus Surfaces. making !di 4pearan'ce' in the form of Ulcers.- Belinhold's'Extract - Sa rtutparril hi purities the Blood 4 and *moves all Scaly '.lgruptiOnsOf the Skin giving, tothe Complexly') a Ulear and .Healthy Color. It beingprepared expressly for this class of com plaints: itsillooc-Purifying Properties ara.preservid to welder extent than any other preparation of - Sart:4,a._ cilia. $2 to 6.00 00 .. 00 - . lielmbold'cßose Was h . • A n excelidut Lotion for Ditteases of a Svphilitie Nature. and as an injection in liiticattes "of tha 'Urinary Organs, arising from habits ordisipation. used In connection, with the Extracts Buchuatild Sarsaparilla, in such dis eases as recommended: • . ' I.:sideticeot.th - e - mostrespottsibleandrelliddethartiefCr will accompany. the medicines— . CERTIFICATES- 01 4 CORES. nom eight -to twenty yearn standing, with. flames ••knoWn Acience and • For Medical Propertkes orDUCHE,see Dispensatory of thellnited Stites. See'ProfeKoirDEWEES' valuable wort; on the Pram Bee of Physid. • • • See remarks made by the lite celebrated Dr, tnrsic of Philadelphia.- • • ' • - - See reinaiks made by ,Dr. - EP1111.4131 McDO WELL; a celebrated Physician, and meintair attic Royal 'College of surgehni, Ireland, grid published in the T`nuusactions, of the King auddtlicen's Jhurnal. • See edico-Cirurgical Review, published by Benjamin Trauma; Fellow of theßoyal College of Surgeon*, • See most ottlie, late Standard works on ETERAM DUCAL ; 00 PER ROTTLB 011 Eiti*or $5 00 " Sansamtmu./t,l 00" • 500 Ihroyuh,Rosu Wasu;• 50 " •,* 2 56 Or Halfdortrtorlitch for $l2 . 00 ; which • will tie ,anffi clout to cure the motitobstinate cases, if dlrections are atlikered to._ ' " • `M - Detteribe symptoths In all comintudrations. Curbs -fitaranteed. AdVice gratis. • - ' ;• AFFIDAVIT. •• - • Personally appear before mean Alderman :of. the city of Philidelpfirspli. P. liehribold. who, being.daly sworn dotty sap; his preparations contain no narcotic, no. mer cary, prother , InJarous drugs lnit axe purely vegetable. H. Tr.IIELMBOLD. Nov.%Worn and sobscrihedbeforn an this tradav - of o 1854. , ,' WU. r. 1111113 A Lam, Alderman, Ninth:street, above Ttace, Address Letters for.infOrination'to conlidence; . .1 e" „ "IL TIEI.MBOI.II, Chemist. • Pepot 1O South' Tenth.street, below Chestnut, Phlla aRE or cniirrinetrrs mom • • " — AND UNPAlrcunasti DZALEItt, . = Vim e.iideavot dlapose.‘v:of th e ir pin "and - other ltrtielea o 0 the reputation iittato,e,Oy Ilehrth.old'a Genuine Preparationit/.: • • • • Extmet Ikteha. • -Sarsaparilla- - • . " 6 6 IntiirOveglltindiWaeb:' , • 'Sold by all Dragglata'everywborp. , „ • ; ALME7O,IMELIKBO,LIVB—TAKS*4 OTAER. 'cut opt theadvenb:onent, and Pend for It, and avoid linpoz Rion and exputure, • March 20th,10:1--17.. SEE sIMPTOMS ABOVE S E DR. SWEET'S INFALLII3LE E . 1.71.' I '4lPi-X , M T. . .. ' -:- '... ... ~. .T.tai • . -, - * ....- -. , :• - 1241,EAT' REMEDY. .• Faii . In11:11I4 rr5ii....`NE1P8.41.67.1.. - 1.r.111t.1 GO, 'li 0 UT.. STLVF NECK . ..CND JOINTs,i, . . . , ..:81Z11.4.4 ,1;1'.; N 1A?7,7 , 81. 1 '6 , - .0177:6', ' PI ES; '— . . ... 11E41).4 CBE. . - . - • • .4 ND A LL . • nrworAne: AND 41-EDvous . D.lB - ORDER& For all of which it inn speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Linsment in preparec from the recipe 011)r, Stephen Sweet, Of eonnectleutt, the famous lame setter, and h 4$ been tired In his practice for mull; than ve years with" the'rnost astonishing; success./ . ttii PAIL it IF unrivalled AS AN ALLEVIATO ROP by any preparation 'before e - publc, of which . the moot skeptical may be couvi ed by a single , trial. _ . , I This Liniment • will cii e rapidly and'radically radiall y ; ; nrUstie Disorders or every kind, and in thousands of ses where•it bas been ustd It had never' . been known to , FOR NEDRActuk, t will afford immediate - relief in , every ease, however distressing:- - It will relieVe the Vorst.cascaof HEADACHE, in three minutes and is warranted to do it. • TOOTHACHE also it wiliturel..stantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY ANN GENERAL LASSITUDE, arising from imprudence or excess. Shia Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Amine directly Upon the - nervous tissues. it strengthens and . revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vikoor, • FOR PlLES.—As s an,extenial remedy, wedeln) thatit is the best known, and we citalltmre the world to pmdare an: equal. Every victim of .this distressing complaint should gi v e it a trial.tor it will not fail to afford aterelicf, aad in a majority of cases Will effect it radical Cure. • QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes kremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely applies tion.ofthis liniment will never fail to cure. - - SPRAINS are sbmetimes very obstinate. and enbr2e, meta of the joints - 101011e to occur if neglectSd. worst vise may be conquered by this liniment Jo tWo or three-days. BRUISES, :OUTS. WOUNDS, SOkEZ, UtCEES, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wontferial healing properties of DR. SWEETS ?LINIMENT. when tised ttFording to direction". Alpo, - plinsr.,Anis, -FROST= FEET, AND INSECT BITES A ND STINGS. • Dr, ftephen Sweet of Con'eticut, I bee Great Natural Bone Setter. Si l ephen Sweet of Connecticut, •to known all over the tnitel - Stater: Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, • 1n the author of !. Dr. Sweet s TufaDible Liniment." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rhetunatietu mid never tatter _Dr. Suieetss„lnfallible:•Liniment • Is a certain retpetly : • Dr. Sweets infallible• Liniment Cnicr Dll.rns and. ticaldn ititmedintcic " . . Dr... Sweet's Infallible 'Linitient Is the best hnoWn reined; for sprains and bruh4s. Dr.-Sweet's Infallible 'Liniment: vnres #6ll4.tcliti immediately and was never VAL 4 att to Mil. , 'll Di... Sweet's Infallible Liniment AffOrds immediate .relict for Piles, and seldom tails to care. • - DR.-SIV,EET'S Ipealfible LINIMENT. Cuieu toothache iu one c minute. SWEET'SDII. Infallible LINIMENT 'Cures ents,w4nino immediately and leaves no scar Dl. SWEET'S : Infalliblo . LlNlM ENT DR.the best remedy for sores iw j t: t he known xorld ; DR. SNiri.'ET'S LINI3IENT Has been used by more.thana million people, and all praise At. I)it. § \YEW'S 'nthllible 'LLNJ.3IE3IT Taken internally cum colic, cholera _Thorhus and cholera .SWEETS - 1.4N131 ENT . 7n truly a "friend lanced," and every, flintily Mama. have it at hand. • . . • • DR. SWEEPS Lifttiiblc LINI3I le,for :ale by all Draggl:ta. Trice .:15and 50 mute • A Ftiend . in Need. Try it. .• • • Dn. Sweet's Infallible Lutunent, As an external remedy, la without a rival, and will alle viate pain more speedily than any other preparation. t:et all Rheumatic and 'Nervous Disorders It is.truly infalllhle and as a curative for sores, wounds, sprains. bruises, ,1:e. its soothing. healing' and powerful atrengthening prep eities,axeits the Just wonder and astonishment .0311 wholtave ever giveitit a trial." Over onc.thousand certif• cares of remarkable cures performed by it within the lart two years, attest the fact. • • TO HORSE OWNERS Dr. Sweet's Alpl li ble Lirtiment for Hories is unrivalled by any, and in aU casessit lameness arieln iron sprains, or wrenching„its effect is ma. &J ,l hnd Certain. !farness or.saddle galls, scratches: snag!, ete.,Jt. wilt also cure speedily. Ringbone and -seam may easily be prevented and cured in their incipient es* gee. bat confirmed caries are beyond* the possibility of e radieolcure. . No case of theltindi however.:is so iteflte• rate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Halmos, and - its fait hfnl application 'Will always remove .the ittne• ACES and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. ' Eve.ry . -gorse Ownisr. _ ,• !Wield have this remedy at hand. for its timely toe at the tht appearance of lameness will etletnally prevent lbw formidable diseases, - terithich all homes 'are liable. and nitich render ad many,otkerwise vluable horses near!, worthless. - • •, _ . - DP.. %WERT'S NFALIBLE‘ LINIMENT SOLDIER'S FRIEND And thorkkinda huec fon4d it truly. A FRIEND IN NEED 11,. • ie hartik.ollA . , TotivOld imposition, observe the Si nature Like! of Dr. Stephen Swett onevet,rlabel,andalso ."iSteP l Sweet's Infallible Liniment" -blown in the glass dr: bottle, without which tunic+ are gendipti. • • itiCl - .IAIIDSON & CO.. soleinwprietors,or with, Cl. .2110#OAN &ALLEN'. Alitnenil Agents. :decdypt,Myr .; 93 Cliffetteat, New Tort- Q3l' ytd by dealers:everywhere.