The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 26, 1863, Image 3

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MAY 9: 7 —MajOr-qpneral Huriburt yes
terday informed the general-in-chief of the
capture of Jackson, Miss.,
by Gen . Grant.
The news hails froth rebel. sources.
the 12th inst. General Grant is reported
to have defeated Gregg's brigade at RaY
mond, the enemy_ losing about 700' men.
The next diy,Vdnesday, Gregg was re
inforced by Gen. Walker, of Georgia. He
vas then attacked at Mississippi Springs
and driven toward Jackson on Thursday.
A telegram from Canton gave informa
tion of the fae c t that Jacksou'was taken by
our forces on the 14th inst. The Chattan
ooga Rebel `of the 16th stated that the
town was 'captured after a hard day's
- . A dispatch from 'Cincinnati states that
die rebels are - collecting a large cavalry
f r orce south of-the Cumberland river, and
a large infantry force in East Tennessee,
and intend to..advance into Kentucky this
month undpi General Breckinridge.. A
letter, from Itusselville, Ky.; says_ that on
Wednesday a party of sixty guerillas fired
on a train near South Union. The guard
on the train returned the fire mid reil
the rebels with the loss of one killea‘'' - nl
one wounded.
A report has been received in Memphis
from Arkansas that about ten 'days hgo
General Marmaduko had a fight with the
federal . force on CroWley's 'Ridge, near
Francis river, Arkansas, forty miles west
.of Meinphis., Rebel reports claim a victo
ry for Marmadtike.,
MAY.2O.-A Cincinnati report says that
the defeat of the rebels at Raymo*Miss.
is thought to have been highly (fiasti-ous
to them. After taking Jackson on the
14th, General Grant burned the statocap
itol. The rebels - ii ere being reinforced
heavily at last accounts, twelve milei cast
of Jackson,. and a great battle . was consid ,
efed imminent.
On the 14th General Grant telegraphed
again from Raymond; that McPherson
, took that town on the 12th inst., after. a
brisk fight of more than-two hours. Our
loss was 51 killed and' 180 wounded. ,The
enemy's loss was 75 (buried by us)
and 186 prisoners captured, besides
A telegrarn'from General linrlburt, at
Memphis, - was . received in: Washington
yesterday, corrobrating previous informa
tion concerning - the rapture of Jackson
and burning of the capitol..
Affairs on the RappaltannOck remain
unchanged. An exchanged Union prison-,
cr, an, o fficer,-reports that. new and exten
kive.earthworks have been erected on the
turnpike - road between Richmond - and
Fredericlisburg, /heretofore unknown td,.. 1
us. • !,
Ale 'ter from Richmond, says the
rebels lave cry.;-sed the Cumberland, and
are advancing on, that place. There is no .
question but that another invasion of Ken
'tticky is contemplated with a view to
flank Rosencrans, and compel him to leave
his strong position It Murfreesboro'.
Dispatches from Somerset say that The
rebel forges in Wayne and Clinton coun.
ties is increasing. They are said'to have
17,000 men, with epieces of artillery.
MAY 21.—A' D
Cincinnati dispatch says,
that, according to g,
,intellience• received
there,General Grant, after destroying
:the tate House and rebel stoma - in Jack
•son evacuated the place. -
• Major-General - 3lilroy reports 'from
Winchester that his cavalry had a skiiin
ish on the 19th inst. with the reLel caval
\l-37- six miles trom that place: The enen3 -
.10st six - killed - and seven taker4risoners,
including a captain and lieutenaqt. Thpre:
were no
~ casualties on our side; — and igtr
force was still in pursuit when the dispatch
was sent
An official dispatch from" Admiral Por
ter, dated May 14, states that-on the &c
-uing of the Gth inst., he took possession
of Alexandria, La., Without resistance.—
,General Banks arrived- there the day fol
lowing, and - the city was forthwith hand
,ed-Over to l i n.
The United States bark Roeback Cap
tured, on the 3d inst., while attempting
'to rim the blockade at St. Andriw's Bay,
Florida, the British schooner Etnma Atnel-•
is, of eighq-five tons, loaded with wine,
MAY 22.-A letter from suffolk, Va.,.
states that. the Eleventh Rhode Island.
And the One. Hundred and Fifty-second
New York Regiments on TtieS'Elay morn
ing were advancing to a given point by
-different roads, when mistaking each oth
•er for rebels, a brisk fight Was commenced
:and continnutd -with spirit‘ until the fatal'
-blunder was :discovered. A ;number of
each regiment are said to have-been killed
.and wounded.
On Monday-two companies of the New
York Mounted. Rifles were suddEnly at
tacked by the, rebels, and before 'they
-could be reinforced were badly cut up.
The Navy Department has`been official
ly informed that the United States steam
- Octorara, on the 22d tilt., captured the
4glish schooner Handy.
The g'unboat Pembina captured - , the
pop . Eliza Beltkworth, from' Ravatia„;
Ale trying to run the blockade atMo
ile„ with an.assorted cargo.. ,! -
On the 24th the same vessel cap
tred the schooner Joe Plannenwhile try
;g: to-run tli‘ bloekadnat Mobile.- She
id 'an assorted cargo.
The U, S. steamer Monticello on the
6th ult., captured on the 16th ult., 'off
-ale River Inlet, N. C., the schooner
;Odd ,•Fellow,- •joaded' with rosin, turpen
tine, 47e. • -• •
igrlleirick Allen's Gold Medal.Saler
atus is cleaned of all impurities, and con
tains the largest funount of all nocersary,
and wholesome
which can he,
concentrated in same weight; is guar
anteed to give the most perfect satisfac
tion, or the money refunded. It will curer
dyspeptic persons, and save the health of
all who use it. Grocers and Druggists sell
it.. Depot 112 Liberty Street, New York.
`Not -John
Since the adjournment Ofthe Legisla
ture Mr: Cessna,: .who ably filled the:
Speaker's chair;; ha's, .made two -speeches,
one at - Hut the Pemocracy :
there • aisenibled; an d• the -- tither 4- a mass
meeting the 'f!town of Somerset. , Mr.
Cessna is a prominent
_candidate for the
nomination for Governor, and would make,
a most able and ffi cietit Executive Officer.
We clip the foll owing notice of his - speech
at Somerset from the Somerset Democrat:
Hon. John Cessnt :was nett introduced
and made a capital speech. Hereviewed
the.policy edits administration in a•most,
masterly manner.. He convicted it upon
its own testimony of the greatest incon
sistencies, treeliervnndimbecility. •
He thowed•thatras long as the war was
prosecuted for a :constitutional purpose,
that the Democracy r.filthOugh. doubting
the war policy, rallied around the Malin,
istration—ready to give it their tindividedl
support: But since the War has been di - 7
vetted froth its'originaT' purpose, .and: the
powers' that behave lost sight of all
stitutionsl obligations, :the South
come united and - the North hOpelessly".di
vided, just as Mr. Lincoln• had declared it
i•ould•do, but nine shorn days before - he
determined on , the emancipation policy
-the policy whielthe declared would work
disaster 'and ruin to the country. He said"
as soon as-the administration would return
to its original policy; repudiate its aboli
lion schemes and „respect- the provisions of
the Constitution that the., Democracy
would again suitain•it earnestly and -heart
ily. He paid a beautiful compliment to the
Democratic party, whose great heart, al
ways beats:in unison. with the great inter=.
eats of the nation and which for three-four
ths of a century moulded and directed the
.affairs of this government. - His .specch
-was applauded throughout.
Thanks.—At a meeting of the Soldiers'
Aid Society, May 14th, a special vote of
thanks was -tendered to Mr. Samuel C..
Morton for his generous gift of 025.
Notice.—The Mite Society win meet
at Mrs., Albert C4ambCrlin's, May 19th,
and at the house of Mrs. 'C. D. Lathrop,
May 26th.
- K. E: S/1 - 4tRLE, Sec).
ffiencai Society.
The semi-normal meeting of the Susg'a
Goirmy 3ledicakSociety will be held at the
house of Dr.-E.!N. Smith in .Sttsqueltanna
'Dept at 10 o'cick. at'' tn., on Wednesday
the 3d day Jone d ,t4o3., All regular prac
-tioners Are cordially. invited' to attend.
2 • C. C: HALSEY, Sec. "
Sabbath School Convention.
. _
'e 1:).‘L.•& W. Railroad "carry
_delegates to the-meetingof-the Sun. Co.
Sabbath School Association at Sasquelian
na Depot, ii 4 ext Month; for. their full tare
and free' returning, from rlopbot
:tom, Montrose ,- and New Milford to Grreat
Bend,_ ob their presenting proper:creden
tials that -.they tire such, to the agents at
those stations.' HAtsirr, -
May 150. -Cor. Secretary.,
Sabbath *hod Coiiention.
Thee Susquehanna County Sabbath
Sehooi Association will :bold its second
annual.meeting,• at the Borough Of Susq'a
Depot,-,on Wednesday and Thursday, the
3d and•4th days °Unite next. Comtnen
meneing.on 17trednesday ell a. tit: Del
egates "film the Sehbols, and , alt friends
of the cause, --throughout the, eotlity; are
earnestly invited .to attendand give their
influence in promotingthe object.
Mr. Fobte, of Syr:tense, will be ,present.
S. E. CHASE, President
CHAMBERLD7, gee.. See.
May 9th; 18cp.
'Nptlce. -
A meeting of the young men of Stisq:a
County, held at die Franklin ; Hotel, in
Montrose, May 4th, 1563; *designated
New Milford Borough asi.'the place of
holding their. , •first Literary 4nstitilte on
k J Way—lnd:Saturday, August,th Pnd Bth,.
l 80; the object or said;lnAtitute being
to discuss questions on the Vonstitution
of ille'lThited States, as well as other na
tional and 'scientific 'Subjects. A pro
zr ,ramrae - of fUll particulars. of the session
will be completed at. the next Teachers'
Association, and pnblrshed in the county
M. L. IliwratT, '
• M. J. consz, Qom.'
• - J. Limn • •
Borough OrilinAnpe L as Amexided Bla
11th, 1863.
Secriox 1. , Be it ordained hy the Town
'Council of the Boroughof Montrose, and
it is hereby ordained '4 , __tbe 'authority of
the same t 'That it shall ',not be lawful for
horses, neat cattle, swine, sheep, geese, or
other domesticated animals,of a mischiev
outnature, Lego at lar& in the said born;
and if any such animal _shall be found at
largb within the said Borough, it shall be
,fie d,ity of the High Constable forthwith
.to take up and impound the same; or if
any of the said anitnals shall be — found in
any lot or close, l it shall be the duty of
•liioh Constable at tberequest of the own
er it occupant of said close- to take up
and impound the same; Provided, That
between the 15th day of April and the 15th
day:Of Novemberin each year, it shall be
lawful for cows to rtin at- large in said
Borough during
_the day-time, from six
o'clock a. m.,-to seven o'clock, R. m.
SEcnoN•s.,. And be it further ordained
by the authority aforesaid, That 'Warty clog,
turkey, duck, hen or fowl, -shall be found
in any cellar, barn outhouse, garden, or
i Close in said Borough, it shall be lawfu l
the, owner or occupant thereof to kill, take
I and 'carry away such dog, turkey, duck,
hen or other fowl.
By order of the Council: --
gay 11, 1863. T. A. INONK, See-.
R 0 I
WE have made arrangements for some of these Mowers, and can-supply those who
intend to buy. Our Contry l being so uneven and roUgh;but few machines are
adapted to it. We - inihesitatufgly 'Say that after severely contested trials_with other
machines and thorough use' on all kinds oriand and in all kinds of grass, we 'Min!
become satisfied that we have the. best machine in Use at the present day. In proof
of which we refer' io-a few ofthose who have tried them
• • •
Mil bourn. Qak l ley,
G. B. Howard,-
F. Itandriek,,
J. Hosford,.. .
WilHain Bartlett,
James Giddings,
John Lee,
A. M. Coon
D.,. E. Snyder,
:11. C. Conklin,
Lafayette Lyon,.
MOntrose, May 25th, 1863.
- TO Consiimptives.
The sliertiger having been restored to health in•a few
weeks. by a very simple .reihedy. after having suffered
several years with a severe lungaffection. and that dread
disease, Consumption—is anxious to: rake known to his
fellow-sufferersthemeans of core.
- „
To all who it. he will send a copy of theigesrtp
tion used (free of charge,) with the directions for prepar
ing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cunt.
for coxsuiprtos. Bttoiccnrris-4c. The only
Object of the advertiser in sending the PrescriPtio'n is to
benefit_ the afflicted, and spread information which he
conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every suffer will
try his remedy. as it will cost them nothin,„„ and may
prove a blessing. _ Itev. EDWARD A. WILSON.
Ap. 6-3 m Williamsburg, Kings county,
Preserve your beauty,:aymmetry, ofform, your health,
and mental p_owirs, by using that Safe, :Pleasant, Pils
ular and Spedific Remedy known as lielmbold'a Extract
Bachu. Read the Advertisement in another column,an
profit by it—diseases and symptoms enumerated. Cut it
ont, and preserve it. You may not now require it, - but
may at some future day. - " It gives health and vigor to
the frame, and bloom to the_palkd emelt."' It saves
long snffering . and exposure. Beware - of counterfeits
;Cures guarnteed. March 10-2 m.
INVALlD.—Published for the benefit:aid as a warning
And a caution to young men who suffer from. nervous De
bility. premature decay of Manhood, etc.: supplying at
the same time. the means of self-cure. 1.3 y one who has
bured himself after being - put to:great Injury and ex.
-pease through medical humbug and quackery.
By enclbsing a poof-paid addressed envelope, single
copies may be had of the author.
~ keit:.
may2S-171c • Bedford. Kings County, Y.
LEAR Sin—With your permission_ Iwish to say to
-the rearlers of your paper that I will send byleturn mail
tg all who wish it, (free.) a.itecipe, with full directions
fur making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will
.effectually reniove, in 10 days. Pimples, Blotches. Tan,
Freckles, and all Impurtiesof the Skin, leaving the
mime soft, clear,- smooth and licantiful.
13011 also Mall free to those having Bald Heads or
Ban; Faces, simple directions Anil information-that will
enable them to start a full' growth, uf. ,Luxtirient Halt,
Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All ap
plications answered by retur; mail ivilliout charge.
-1 Respeat.fally yours.
24_3 . m THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist.
Feb. •
No. 83111 roadway, New York.
. .
SI N - G
- E
-R dr. CO.
Ift she best anttcheapest and most beatitiful of-all Sewing
Machines. This machine Will Sew anything, from the
running ors : luck iu•Tarletan to t& , naaking of en Over
coat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the
softest Gauze or GossamerTiesue,and is ever ready to do
its work-to perfection. It can fellhem. blniLgather,tuck.
quilt,and has a-capacity for a great variety of ornamental
work.- - This is not the only machine that can fell. hem.
bind, andso forth,-but it will do so better than any other
achine, The Letter "A" Family Sewing Machine may,
be had In a great variety of cabinet cases. , The Folding
Case.' which is nowlecoming so popular, is as ita name
implies, one that can be folded into a box or case. which
when opened.makeea beantifni,eftbstantiaLand spacious
table fur the work4o rest upon. The cases are of every
imaginable design—plain as the wood-grew in its. native
forest, fir &A elaborately finished as art can make them.
The branch ofllceeram all well'supplied with silk, twist,
thread. needles, oil. etc.. of the very best quality.
Seed for a coppof "Sixorit . &Co.'s Gazrr*k:'!
r I. It. SINGER & CO-., 458.1iroadwife,N. Y.
Vir - Philadelphia Office. 810 Chestnut street.'
ugAD,WATROUS & FOSTER:Agents in Montrose.
Suitable for Grapes, Peaches. Pears,. Raspberries,
Strawbeiries, Blackberries , Currants, ac., of 1. 23‘, 5,
10 or 20 acres each, at the following prices for the pres
ent, viz: acres for $,200, . 10 acres - for $llO, 5 acres for
$5O, 235 agree for $4O, 1. acre for .$5O. Payable by one
dollar a week.
Also:gond Cranberry lands; and village 101 l in Chet
wood, 25 by 100 feet, at.slo each, payable by one dollar a
week; The above land and farins,-are situated at Chet
wood, Washingthn tosnshi; Burlington county, New
dersey.For Anther infornistion.. apply. with a P. c)
stamp, foia circular, to • 11. FRAIiILIN CLARK,
'Feb. 3. '68.-1y - Nu. 90 Cedar Street, New York.
larVn and after' July Ist. 1863.- theprivilege of con
verting,the present. issue of LEGAL T4NDER NOTF 4 /1
inonly,ealled " Five-Twenties") will cease.
All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan must
therefore apply before the first of JULY next. •
- . JAY COOKE. Subscript' .n Agent. , p•
No. -114 South Third St. Philadelphia.'
Ap. 14-4 m.
In-Bridgewater, on the 30th ult, Sam
uel Chambetlin, aged 77 •ears.
'-•In Montrose, on the 21st, Duane B.
'rurrell, aged 35 years. •
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the distribution of the fund arising from '
the Sheriffs sale of the real estate of Lathan Gardner.
MHZ undersigned having been appointed by the Court•
. .1 ofgommon Picador the county of Susq's, - an auditor
to distributesaidlund. will meet the parties interested in
the same, at his office in Montrose on Saturday the 27th
day of June. 1863, at' 1 o'clock p.: m.; at , which time
and place ill persons haring claims upon said Yuba will
present them or be forcing debarred.
]47 25,1868., J. B. McCOLLIM, Auditor.
. .
A PTW C'ORDS arutted"at die
t -:~..-n
flarford, •
South Auburn,: I
Middletown, 1,
lierriolc )
Abington, Luz,.. I
Truman Tingley, Harford, .
Sam'l TeWksbury,• South ,A Aura,
Geo. B. Johnson, Middletown,
Jonathan - Gibson,. •
Seth Abel,
J. C. Morgan, . Brooklyn,
James Kasson, Springville,
E. G.. Babcock, Bridgeivater, .
S. A. Pettis, Montrose,
William Jessup, . 66
Cadwell ArMieken,Auburn.
13Alatadc. 338013; Agents.3l
Administrator's Notice..
1 OTICE is hereby given td all persons having de-
Mends against the estate of STEPUEN MISAp
iste of Brldgewater township. deceased, that the same
must he presented to the undersigned for arrangement,
and all persona indebted to said estate are requested to
makcimmedlate paymen.t.
Montrose, May 43,1863. J. B. McCOLLUM, Adm'r.
, &c., for
sale by • ABEL LI,
Montrose, )I* 18,1863.
- FIAT ,
N. ■
On Tuesday, the 19th inst., at hit NEW
STORE,- a tem door's Wow Sem.le's
Hotel, a Choice Stock of
Togetitei with a variety of useful Notions.
Congress & Empire tpringUrater€
from Sitratoga l &c. &c,
Montrose, May 18, 1863. tf
Garden Seeds, -
Wheat, ClovekTimothy Flax Seed,
'Peasi-Lard, Candles,
'Pleb, Smoked Halibut,
Syrups, Molasses and
Cash Paid fbr Butter.
Montrose, April 14, 180.
, •
and a general assortment of Garden Seed,.
Flax.-1 Eioea. 7
During the monttvof Mirth.
Montrose, March 8,1868. 2m
The'. - Great .Clause of Unman.
Jug Publtihed, in a Sealed Envelop ; Price Six Cents.
st dcure of spermatorrhcea, Consumption; Mental
and physical Debility; Epilepsy, NerVousness, Impaired
Nutrition of the Body, Lassitude Weakness of the
Limbs and Back,, indisposition and incapacity for study
abd labor, dullness of apprehension, loss of memory. a
version to society, love of solitude, timidity, selklis
trust, dizziness, headache, affections of the eyes, pim
ples on the face, involuntary emissions and sexual inca
pacity, the consequences of youthful indiscretion,
- rdf7This admirable lecture clearly proves that the a
bove enumerated, often self-inflicted evils, may. be re
moved without medicine and' _without dangerous sure-.
cal operations. , and should be read by every youth and
'every man tn the bald. '
Sent under seal, to a plain envelope, to any address, on
the receipt Wei: cents. or two postage stamp*, by ad
dressing MAIL J. C. - -KLINE I CO.
novltilycqj 127 Bowery, N. Y., Post Mice 80x,4.586..
the Great Remedy, for Indigestion, Billions and
Scrofulous Complaints. and all diseases of the Blood. for
Ode, at wholesale and retail; by 717RRE14.
1 0s IVOlttips 0
414 2 ,
*Pion Ornery Lies, a seell-irumni merchant of Ozford ,
Maine. .
"I have KU Iturelnantities of yotir SARSAPARILLA.
butliever yet one bottle which failed of ilia desired effect
and full satisatction to those who took it As fast as out
people try it, they agree there has been go medicine like
it before in our commonity. l.
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules. liken:
Bores, and all Diseases of _the Olin. •
From Rev. I:oat.' Stratton. Bristol, England. ,
"I stated° my dutylo you and the public, when I add
my testimony to-that you publish Of the medicinal virtues
orvour SARSAPARILLA. My daughter, seed ten, had at,
afflicting humor in her ears,ii eyes. and_ hair. for years.
which we,wetc. unable to cure until we tried your Sas
eATAMIX.II. She has. been welk-for tome 'mouths: ,
Front .Vts..fane E. Rice. a,seen. known and muehtsterrned
lady rf Denniaoille. Cape May C0...N. J.
" hit daughter has su ff ered for a year rest with a rcrn't
.alone eruption, which was very troublesome. -Noiltine
afforded any relief until we tried your 'SARSAPARILLA.
which soon completely cured 'her.” I • • .
From Charles P. Gage, Eeg., of the widety•knoter oirm
Gagei Murray, g' Co. manyfacturers of enatnefied pa
pers 01 Nashua, N. IL • - -
I had for several , years every troublesome humor in
my face, which - grew - constantly sabre° until it disfigured
my features and became an intolerable affliction. 1 tried
'almost everything a man could' of both advice and medi
cine, but without any relief whatever. until I took your
SARSAPARILLA. It immediately made my face_ worre,
as you told Me it might for a time; but in a few necks
the new skin bipn, to form under the blotches, and con
tinued until dry lace is as. smooth as anybody's, cud I ant
without any symptonuiof, Mk disease that I know of. I
'enjoy perfbct health, and, without a doubt owe it to your
Emileles—Generel Debilityl-Purify the Bleed
Fiber Dr. -Robt. Sawin, Houston St.. N. Y.
-Dn. A Ha: I seldom fail. to remove Eruptions and
Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of }our SAR
SAPARILLA, and I have lust now cunt,d- an attack at
Malignant Erysipelas wit h it. ICo iltErative we possess
equals the SARSAPARILLA you have supplied to the pio
fesaion as 7,1 el 113 to the people.,"
Prom../. E. Johnston, ,Esq., Wakeman. Ohio; ,
"For twelve years 1 had 'the
_yellow Erysipelas on. my •
sight arm, daring which time I tried all celebrated
phyliciatis I could reach, and 'took hundreds of dollars'
worth pr medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the
cords Mame visible, and the doctors' decided that my
arm must be:amputated. I began takingyour SARSA
PARILLA Took two bottles, and some of your litte
Together they have cured me.. lam nerves well and toned
as an racy. Being in a public place, myease is knotrn to
everybody in tat - community', and excites the wonder of
Front Hon. Henry Mauro, MI P. P. of Neircastlei C. IV.,
a leading member qt . the t Panactian Parliament. ' -
"I hate used your SARSAPARILLA in_` ny family, for
genial debility, and for purifying the :blood. with vet,~
beneficial results, and feel conlideuce in commending It
to the afflicted."
81. Anthony's Ivire, Rose, Silt Rheum, ; gald f
Head, Sore -Eyes. -
Nom Harvey Sickter, Esq., the able edito7qf Me Tiinkl •
haanoek Democrat, Pennsylvania '
-Our only child,-about three years of age: was attacked
by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until
they formed a loathsome and n pulent Fore, which cov
ered hie face, and actually blind •his eyes for some days.
A skilful physician applied te of silver and other rem
edies, without any apparent effect.: For fifteen days we
guarded tis hands, lest with them, he should tear open the
festering and_ corrupt wound which covered his whole
ace.' Having tried every thing site we had any hope
from, we began living your SARSAPARILLA, end apply
ing the iodide a potash lotion as you direct. The sore
began to heal when weltad gi ven the first bottle. and
was well when we had flnishethe second.' The child's
eyettihes which had come out, grew again, and he is
now-as-healthy and fair as any other. The whole neigh
borhood predicted 'that the child must die."
Syphilis andlifermirisl Disease
From Dr. Hiram Stoat. of St, Louis, Missouri.
"I find your SARSAPARILLA more effectual remedy
.for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, and for syphilitic,
disease than 'any other we possess. The profession are in
debted to vou for some of the best medicines weltive,"
-From A. J.-French. 411. D., an eminent 'physician of jaw
rence,..llcess., who is a prominent member of the Legis•
,/ature of Massachusetts. •
" Aria—My dqar Sir: I have found your SAR
ea PA IIILLA; an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the
primary and secondary, type, and effectual in some cases,
that were too-obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido
not 'know what we can employ' with snore certainty of
success, where &powerful alterative 111 required." • „
, Mr. C7sas. S. Van Limo. of New Brunswick, had
dreadful ulcers en-111;$ legs,.caueed by fhe abuse of mer
cury, or mercurial disease, "which grew more and more
aggravated for years, in- spite of every remedy or treat
ment that could •be applied, until,the persevering use of
Aren't" SARSAPARILLA, relieved him. Few pees can'be
foundinore inveterate and distressing than thie and it
took several doyen bottles to cure him.
Lettoorrhteis. Whites, Female WeaknesS,
are generally produced by internal Scrofulous f://ecration,
and are very .oflen cured by the lterative , eifeet of this
SAnseeentita... SCUMS eases DV. however ' in aid
of the SARSAPARILLA, the - skiff application of local
From the tee/I-bunens trneU,,widelpre ebraled Dr. Jacob
411 eine/tined:
I have found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent alter
afire in diseases of females Idtury,.cases of Irregularity,
Leucomtcest, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, NU'
Up' from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded - to IL and
there are few that do not, when its effect is properly..
aided by local treatment: o l >-
A lady, dnicilling to alhste' the publication of her name,
"My daughter and myself hare Men cured of a very
debilitating Leueorrhcea of long standing, by tvio bottles
of your SARSAPARILLA." ,t•
Rheumatism Gout. Liver Complaint, Dystep
aia Heart Disease Neursigis,
when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured
possess so many advantages Over, the - other purgae
tires in the market, and their superior virtues are so
universally known, that we. need • not do ITI9III- than
to assure the public their quality is maintained : equal
to Alm ,best itever has been and that. they May bo
depended on to do all that they havo 'ever done.
Prepared, by C. AYER, 141.-11-„,t, Lowell,
Mtias., , antlfloid by
A. TURRELL . Montrose,.K
, .
and by tone in . every_ town' in the
.. • ,
mayl9 ewly. . •
- • - • EARLY JUNES,
_ Montrose, May Ist 1863.
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of 'Montrose
and vicinity that they earrk on the Blackemithing
hued nese in all its breeches at the Shop lately occupied
by Henry Clemons, on the plank road,. nekrAhe steam
. . _
glir'We will guarantee to make as good work, at aii
reason ble prices as any shop in town:
- Montyose, 0. G. PITCHER,
April 28th, 1863,—tt ALBERT WICKWIRE.
• •
cortnnorsis a:
Harvey; Collins ik Brace,
Government Agents and •At.ornies, Vl'ashington, D, C. •
, Branch for Susquehanna CountY, conducted by
L. F. FITCH, Montrose. -
Claixne presen'ted and prosecuted before Congress, Court
of . Claims and the. Department*. PATENTS, PEN.
The nademigned, being now LICENSED by the GOV
ERNMENT (and associated ith this agency :at Wash
ington for the purpose of expediting business,); will at
tend promptly tont( calls to thisline of business.. •Inior
mation razz. and ro manor. unless sticcetisful.
Montrose, Welt 12,10631:--3m . I:: F. FITCH.
Adininistrator's Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Silas 1+; 3fiBnlie.
late of Harmony, dee'd; are hereby, requested to
make immediate payment,end all persons baying claims
against said estate will present Orm forthwith to
O. L. BROWN, Administrator.
Montrose, April 6. 1863.-6 w
ffillxiacoth3r jEleecl.
TinutEL" Pare Timothy Seed •
jasliaT ......
. Warms. titri
''..GOOD. .. NEWS.:I;;
- •
T . I=L.AtIL.3:')EL
TO Pprchase
Where pin are moot gsttlagsthe worth of your mon
ey, is at,the . •
elettibergt Igestnbsaum, to;
, • .
. . . THE CERTAIN. RISE_ IN . , ,
has pot ne on Our gnaw , , and we hairelitelyinidin a laist
stock, which enables us to to our customers , gooZ,,
on equally as good, terms as formerly,considering theist'
03nittuverg, ogitbaut\ to.,
AT - n •
Montrose, Susq'a County, Pa,
Elmira, stew-VOrk,
I .susquehanna:Depot, ?a.
e 42332.. letCp
We are determined not to be outdone, either in prices or
qualfties.and we will endeavor to give our customers:
all possible satisfaction: • •
In this branch our stock is complete, and will be sold
lower:midi-more tastefully finished than any one-horse
establishment. or au,yfour - -hurse concern th is side of N.
yin*. City, is able to offer or produce. We can assure the
public that we Constantly employ the best cutters and
workmentv make up onr stock. - • .
Or Garments made to order •
. Vlrpn the shortest notice.
larA Good Fit warranted or no sale.
In order to eloie out our stock or.
.11Miat . CMOVEISZ0
we wasell at a small advance aboye . cost. -
A OresiStock \contantly kept, and sold lower than Ike_
lowest at - ,
bititentir,g; sgostubauni & aott
Montrose, Jannary 144; 1 4863. , • -
WE have made arrangements to send Butter to New
lie York on Consignment of Contract, daring the
season. We will furnish pails free to all who are desi
rous of doing either. . To those who want to send we
willgaaradtee the highest market price and . prompt rs;
turns. they paying freight and commission.
fafrWe will advance money on consignments if
wanted, and bold ourselves responsible for all-Rutter
and Pails owned . hy dairymen and sent by as.
Montrose, AprillOth, 1863. • • •
Examining Surgeon !
MIRE Subicrlber bast* been appointed<by- the Com
: I. tnissloner of Pensions, a MEDICAL EXAMINER at.
Pen:icktonsexwallignattaennll f o ive a f l e a tt , Ar a t t r i t or t i o s algartmltlaeyd be
presented .o him, at Montros4%. Rooma'at.J. S. Tat.
bell's Hotel. , - E. PATRICX.
Montrose, April 0, 1803.—tf • - - . • , ,
• _ • CARRY .ON THE ,
wz g ri.catepit e ruit h general ass i Vn e ynt6 t l
terns; Builders' Hardware of all ends?! app Pa
. !armors' 'Pools of 411 Kinds( •
Brass Were, Porcelain Ware, Japanned and Plain Tin
Ware of the beat material. • • •
Paints, Oils,. Glass; Putty,- and Bash,
Paritps, Lead Pipe, Lamps, Bird Cages, etc:. &c.
'Tennsright. IteMember tke plaee. Call and see us
vitt. a. Berri, 1, BOYDBc.wOonitursr.
..A.wo9Dßurs.- Mdritroie, July no,
Wilt open - in Nontro,§e; ; A - prit 13,1860 s
• F. ty. D. HUNT, Prhitipai t . •
Nq pains will be spared . to make the 4cbool worthsOf
patronage. it will be conducted upon the. Normal Sys
tem, No bettor opportunity for those qualifying-thew
selves for tenabing can be offered. ,
Primary Deprtment ' $l,OO ,to
Common Branches , • -, „ 4,00
Matuml Sciences, or Higher Mathematics. • • ' 5,00
• F. D. twitt,..prinaipar,.
March tit, 113611—tt '
. .
it) Alf away item the subscriber on thelith of Mareh
as posT o pEt GARYAn indentured ap prentice , to UM
taruitag business. Whoever will return Min to t tbe on
derslgned will receive the above retard. AU persona'
are forbidden to harbor or trust him on my set:oust, as I
willpay po debts of his contracting after aboS
MT ve date.
Jteeup. MA? 110418 w
-. 1 '