The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 26, 1863, Image 1

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A. J. GERRITSON, Publisher.
DEALER in'Flour. Peed. and Meal, 'Batmen andliniry
Snit. Timothy and Clover Seed. Groceries„:"Provis-
L-ions, Fruit.„ Petroleum Oil, Wooden and Stone
Ware, Yankee Notions, .t.e. &er. at - Opposite Railroad
Depot, NMF Milford, Pa. !deb i 4, 1569.—1 y.
A. LATEIROk', if. C: TYLER, , .T. v.v. RILEY.
LAT - 11110P, TILER '
BALERS in Dry Goods. ' Groceries, Hardware, Ready
Made Boots & Shoes. lints & Caps,
Wood .t, W1114)14' Ware. Iron, Nails. Sole Leath
-er, Fish,-Fiour and Salt, all of which they otter at the
rW r iaiaoo - 171743fi1it
Lat hrups Brick Building. Muntro-e, Pa.
April 6, ISii4. y.
Licoaamcd :EL"ukstictxxciei-,
(Pottt Office addre*s. Dundatt or South GiNion,..Susq'a
County, Penn -m]
• By the 59th section 4 1 f the act of Congress of July 1,
13fej:•it is provided. That any person exerelf"ing• the
hit-illtl•A of anetioneegwithont taking out a licenselor
.hat page's,. as required by ,aid act.fshall tor each anti
every sti t ch offence. forfeit a penalty equal to three times
the ammto of such license., one half to the United States
and the other half to the person giving information ut
the Net. whigelmsfild forfeiture was imurred.'
• • •
WM. 11. COOPEIt (.t - CO.,-
iNKF.llS.—ldnntmse. Pa. Successors to Pot ,!nnef.
_LPS Cu. Office, Lathruptenew building. Tdrupike-t,t,,
\ 3. IL
i rTORNEY:z Anil Counsellors ip Law,—Siontrose, Pa
°ince in Liitlironste e w littildOig, over the Bank. •
• - -
I)1:,'11. SMITH .0 SON,
I ~.ivRGEGN . DEN - TlsTs.—Niontro , e. Pa.
In Lathrops' nee• building. over
upermiuua will be -
the Ilatik_All Dental operantms eaaa .
performed In good style and warranted.
,1 011 X s.AuTTER, •
• •
1 • over I. N. Millard's . Grocery. on Main-street. •
Thmkrul for past favors. he solicits u continuance
—pledging Itints•elf to (10 all work r•at,istactorily. Cul
t inz-tione on short notice. and warrnnted to tit. ' -
Montrose. Pa.. July ..2th, Is6o.—tf.
pASTITONATIT.T. TATT,fIR.-11ontro.e. Pn. shop riornix Mei:. over store of Rend. Watrons
ra-ter. All work warranted. as to fit and titait-h.
(lone on short notice, in lte,t. style. Jan TO
li. ASHTON. A M.F.: 11
eTAlLo,— . Njontrth.e , Pa. Shop
near the Thiptio , T,Meeting !loupe, on Turnpike
t rt•et. All orders prtnuptiv. in tlr.4-rate stele.
Cat tint: done on ,11911 notice, and WilTlllllll.ll to lit.
1;. ISBELL, "
13•ErAtits Clock., 'Watches. and Jewelry at the •
ll edowtegt not ire - . and ort reasonable terms. All 0
work warranted. Shop in Chatidler and devour's
pure. NIONTI:O24F., P. oc-25
f `1111INF:T AND CHAIR ai.k.
, of Main i.tro,t, Ikfontrose, , Pa. • aug if
ANUFACTURF.T. of 7100Tg (E, -SHOES.,
01 Pa. Shop over Dewitt's store. All kind+ of work
made to Order, and repairing 'done neatly. je2 y
EA LER in Drug.. .I%Tecticines. Chemicals, - Dye
If-Stuffs. Glass Rare, Paints, Oils. Varnish. Win
dow (tia.s. Groreries, Fthcy tiporloc. Jewelry Perfu
mery, 3:e.—Agent for all the iuriet poptilar_PATENT
Ei It 'IN F.S.—Munt rose, Pa.' au. , if
- - DAVID C. ANEY, M. D.,.
IFT %V ING located'permanently at New :Milford. Pa.
11 - I.yrillatteild prutnptict'alltalle with which he mhy
he favored. Oilier. at Todd= notel. -
New Milford. Ju1y.,17,1911
.1../ OF.YA LE COLLEGE, have formed a copartnership
for the practice of Medicine and Snrgcrv,and arc prepared
to attend t..) all but , ittemt faithfally anil punctnally,find
mac he intruAcd to 'their care, on terms commeneurate .
with the tinte ,, .
Dit4easer and deformities of the ETE, Rurgical opera
ttonot. and all surgical diseases, particularly attended to,
:-Tr'iltlicc over Webb's Store. Office hours from Sa.
- tn. tet 9p. nu All sorts. of country produce taken in pay
- meat. at Mho hi r; and CA Ii NOT ra:rt9r,D.
Montrose. l'a., May 7th, 1% --
4 -tpf
. — .
. '_ .TAKE NOTIC E !
1 -1 amts. Paid for 13.1c1.0
suem PotA. Fox. Mink, 3luelaat. lind: all kin& of
Fare,. A good am.ortineut of Leathze -- Tnd, Bootf , and
Snoeg constantly on hand.- Office, 'lnnery, it,.Shop on
Main Street.
Mont ro, , e, Feb.ath
Has Established ariAgency in lifontrose.
The Oldest Insurance Co. in the Union.
ASSETS OVE,R„ ......- •
TVIE rates are asiolf as those or env good company in
'New York. or elsewhere, nod its Directors are among
the first tor honor and integrit.y.
CIILICI.E” PLATT, Seey. ARTHUR G. corm. Pres.
nl3 - 15. BILLINGS STIIOUD, Ag.t.
- I-1 O WI. M
Of Now-York..
AS6SITB Ist July' 1860, . $1,481,819.27.
LIABILITIES, "- " , ' 43,06§e68.
Ikliitem Smith. Seey, Chas. J. Martin; President'
33ehre ItcGcc, Aeot A. F. Wilmarth. Vice "
. ToliciesiFoned and reamed. by the findersig,ne at
eta walla'. lu LW . ; Brick Block, liontrot.e . ,
novll9 y BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. ,"
-Cl96itir CMS •
4 16 England, Ireland-and. geotlatid..
A BRARAIR RUG'S SON'S DRAFTS. hi sumtrof one
pound and upwards, payable in all the .principal
Towne of England. Ireland and Suotland,lor rale by - I
Montrose, Pa. 1
-Ambrotype and Photographic
- Artist, Elontspse; pa.
cirPictOree tal o n 1p all litnatistruTSer:fo the. bee
style of the Art. • 9410-
A. P. L. C. KE:F;LER
. 4500,000.
.. .
A NEW W A Y- TO tuusp ZONEY. .
- • . 5 - ,
Jones.and_Smith ;_Were ,RC lmelfelloWs,'
they were linkediogether by the bands
of InendshiP, they were never sundered.
Fate seemed to have ordered it so: ...They.
both entered the: merchant service; they
sailed together, and in the seine vessel.
The . wish of one was the wish of the oth
er. They thade_seVeral voyages; atleigth,
they beaame tired of a iehliaring life, and
resolved to settle oirshore. .. . '
•- They commenced business. : "Jones
'mid Smith". figured in large Jetterii Over.
their. shop window. , Jones had had a
small lt%acy left him; Which enabled them'
o- start pretty thir. . All went on smooth
ly for a time: At length, SMith began, to
lire,. business 'was .too . slow. Jones, of.
:course, was tired, and thought the busi
ness particularly slow. •• .. - -
1 jonessfancied hinisella "knowing one,"
and. he was sure, to win money
. on the ra-.
-ces---if hebacked the right horse.. Smith
thought he '.Could .do the same. They
backed the
.same horie- '
but -by - spine
mostimfortimate want of foresight, they
'did not back the right horse. • Smith neg
lected-the. shot), Jones could do no other
than follow ' his _partner'.s exaniple ; • the
result was, the names. of , the firmones
and Smith-s-appeared in the Gc.iette. They
were ruined.
~ .14
- •,..;' . .
- 'Wh at was to be . done'? 2 --the ../'•,-.4la.'d bat
a few pounds left between them. Jones
remembered that he had an uncle living
in Scotland. They had an uncle who .re
sided in. London,who !fad 'occasionally sup
plied .their -immediate Wa ti l i t:, and Who al
so, at such times, kindly k. care of por
tions of their wardrobes or. jewelry. This
uncle thek 'always found interested—they
looped to find the Scottish uncle enteres6hg.
Jones knew that he was rich, and that
his:coat of arms Was - not.l i .ombar diatii He
feared a refitsal of assistnnee were- he to
write, but, felt asinted a personal .applica
tion would be sure to prove successful.
So to Scotland they determined at once
to wend . their way. .-
.. -
Let it be remenibereil there were no
railroadi when Omit...journey Was tesolved
upon, no cheap trips, and that the,fare by
coach froM• London to Edinburgh was
very expensive, besith's the expected fees
to coachmen and guards. They started,
however -trustiwi;, to clan rie and their in
dotnitahlt.A.liumor, (or.. it,must lic,re.,.
__-_,....:....., .....„..-: a.. . •0•••••• ,-, 0r.v0.,..- -Arivtts-•• 4^. ',lssaw , er.
bad any angry words. .
They bad progressed about fifty miles
on their. road—about an eighth portion of
their journey
,only—when they diScovered
that their funds were exhausted.• There
Was no getting trust from - coachmen .or
book-keepers, a promissory note was not.
• negotiable at the booking office. What
was to be done? • There they were- en- .
niless among ' strangers;, all their avail*
file property had already been Converted
into cash..- Smith began to speculate as
to . whether
-he could find vi uncle in the
town 'thewere in, who would take charge
i .of his coat; for, as the weather was Very
l• warp, he would be glad •to get of that
garment as lip could • call for it on his re
(.turn. Jones agreed with- him—it was
warm, anChe would alio he Ord to be .
relieved fr4im the incumbrance obis _ 'coat.
The not being familiarly known to
Smith,"no doitbt, would let then have a
little money as security for the safe. keep
ing of their
,garments; but after making
strict inquiry, they found no such relative
resided there. • There, were no. "gin pala
ces" in that town, therefore - it would not
answer the pUrposeof any pawnbroker -to
establish himself there.:, Seeing no chance -
, of raising the necessary eiipply, they re;
solved 'to walk; Soon they started, whil
ing the • time by singing' as,they . went a
long.- • When conversation sagged, they
could,nOt it they Tviould, be miserable—
they•were Merry ' fellows and made sport
of their, predicament. , -
. IN they , walked, and, judging from the
time they had occupied, they must have
advanqed - on their road about ten miles ;
not baying.
the their watches with them, hav
ing, for satc4 2 ,.plaaed - them in e Care of
their uncle r'in - London; they: calculated
,time by'the sun—they took a solar obser
vation-- - [' ''.
'Feeling - a little fatigue 'they.paused to
'rest themselves, aid-partook of: aleggat
meal,ior they' had'proyided them,selyes
i With's- small loaf and 'a
.snialler'pieee of
cheese; and . ' near' at • hand ran a_ small
stream, from which they' could slake their
I thirst.
.. -.. , . ''''•
- "Jones,. what shall we dor,..inqnired
"pon't know," replied .Tones ; ";we are
in .a precious fir, as the yankees.
All of a sudden, SMith started Jones by
exclaiming— •
"Jones, look there; all tight, my boy,
Ilaife it." •
" Well," said Jones"; ." what am Ito
look - at ? What hai - e' ,got, and -what
isall right ?" -
" W-e shall get to Scothuid, 'my Ilay,
and you shall" embrace your natural, born
uncle.; but ,We must, take our time over
the journeyr ;
" What are n
yotalking 'about, Smith--'-:
- do elucidate ? " • - •
Look there 1" replied the now delight
ed Smith, his eyes: beaming . With joy.;
, look- there!" pointing to a :sign -board,
on whicblvas painted, in bold and legible,
chiracters, and. which Stood =on the other
side of the ‘r94(l
4 ' . Will be given to ling person giving infor
mation of any party or' parties
these fences, or trespassing on these grounds.
.Theabove givin upon con
vietion of the afenders Ly
'• • As.tos - irsoN-, Esq., • .
• • • " The Lodge."—
". Well 41 said SOnes.
"Well!" ..said \lon% you see?
trespaSs—you inform I" ,
"Nonsense !" said_
Jones. •
Smith contiiitied • -
"I'tell you what we will do—s-it can't
be a transportable ofience. We Willanake
some :affectionate - inquiries as .to -the
length. of the imprisonment the, .cidprit is ; 'perhaps it- may only turn out
to be-n couple of hours in • the ; stocks. I
, feel. rather tired, and •ghOuld not object to
!a rest, provided we got the - reward,' arid
they gave me a soft seat." - • -.
While' they Were" Ohs' spOuilating,'
country lad came. up; whom Smith ad ,
drnOe s d.. ,• • -
"4 say, my man, who lives:in that house
,yonder?" pointing to'a, very splendid old
mansion,. the prOprietorof which, doubt
less; was enabled to ei4oy the lii,xury.of.
lump sugar in tea, and a glass otwine on
'Sulidays. •• •
"Squire .Tyson do lii2e thar, zur; all
this land belongS to he."
"Indeed," said Siniih7; "I should like
'very much to go thrOugh this, plantation;
it seems veryteautiful.",
I'd advise thee 'not, to try it; be be
very partieular,, he be. - DOnik'ee see the
'hoard ?"
"Oh," said tones; "he won't refuse a
crentleman." .
" Wail% tho'. 'Only last week's
ever was, our Bill Somers, the cobbler,
was caught. Squire catcled 'un hisself;
he took '''un 'afore -our parson, who lives
at; that big white-'hoMie- - -he be a magis
trate, zur, and Ire giv'd Inn - three hours in •
the stocks... We had ajolly lark, for lie
sot there, and.didn't enjoy hisself—not a
boVe a bit, 'he did. He smoked't.en pipes
-and drank two. quarts- of yak, so that,'
whenbeadle cnm'd to let him ont,he war
jolly.. - Then beadle push'il to Wake
'uh np, , when-Bill up fist and guy beadlea
facer. He didn't want to' be waked out
of hiS sleep.; he said; and so parsongnv'd
'un•liilftb- hours , isaisreOhat ~ so jiirdia;, , :64-Abrus ,
-- 73 #W 1.1. r . 73 1 4. 11 PnC.M40.
let Out 'when time wur u p— 'ee telt • stir
Smith, turning• to_JOnes; ,remarked ; if
the stocks was the only, punishment, he
thought the five Pointds would be easily
earned' Then; addressiagthelad, he ask
ed ifanybody ever informed, and whether
the reward was always paid. He w4stold
that the squire was so very particular in
,preserving :his grounds,• that he was al
ways.rcady to give the money, for he was
determined to put a stop 'to peopfe get
'ting ovdr his fences; and for the first•Of
fence, the chap who did get over, -and was
fool enough 'to get cotclied, had. three
hours in-the -stocks;, for` the second -of
fence, he was sent to goal .for - three
' After:thanking the lad„ • they bade him .
good-morning. The boy looked as it he.
ekpected a, drink,' Smith pointed to the
'stream-of water.
"Now," said Smith, "'the five-pounds
are onrs, - I'll get oveP the .-febee„ yoii go.
„to the squire's and giVe him the Wilma
. tion. He'll start-off with the constables'.-
I shall be ‘.cotc,hed in. ihe fact;' Tli sur
render quietly.. They'll march before
-the parson, .I shall be committed.. 'Three
-hours in. thestocks will Soon pass away,
for— -• . - • • •
.‘ I'll whistle awhile, then I'll sleep
You'll get the; five pounds, then on we
go for Scotland.. If we fall short,' perha'ps
we shall meet another reward. Then you
shall take:a' turn in the stocks,: I'll inform
—that will be all; thir, 'you know."
All.turned out as they desired and ex
pected: 'Jones - went to the , house, .saw
the squire, who raved" and Swore, -There
was 'no magistrate by to.fine bhp, so he
indidged'inlhat - disgusting, to some, .lux-
ury. A constable was immediately_ -Sent
•fbr ;- they caught Smith-in:tile' aet of treS
pasSing. He was seized and taken before
the parson,' who., thought there- was no
crime so great as that of entering a pre
serve.. He, Was a.sp_orting parson and no
thinf"*- would have given hiMiso'-much
- pleasure as hanging all poachers.. He ex
patiated on the liberty of the subject with
much warmth and energy,' and sent Smith
to the stocks, to remain . there three hours.,
:Jim& :claimed the,reward,'which was
paid, and - away thQparty went—Smith to
the stocks; and Rules to the public house,
where he purchased "baccy,..,pipes - and
yale,''- which he teok-' to Si,nith, for in the
hurry' , topuniSh so- great a criminili ;the . ,
parson forgot to prohibit refreshnients,
Smith bore his punishment most • stoic
ally. :He- w4B.lkot arinoyed :by the.peasant=
,ry, for the_sight of . a man in . the stooks .
t rWas almost, a - apily„oceurrence—there Was
Ino nOvelty it,c 'The tinie'op;, - thO,
,releaeHed none the worse; 'oh the
coutrark hp :hid - 4,6,4 ,rest; but oat,
swo none thcsofteat - ,'
; The two •Viejuis . ,
adjourned 'to the riblic.iioitse, re ;aced
themselves with With a: giSh ; of beans and`
. con, discussed sundry:pipes'and „other po- - ,
tations.„ they_cotild .
affOidfie:.,iitlii,_ so ott - tbey, stalled. '
, ,
arrived.sately iu Limburg. Jones' watt
. .
his 'tinele, who rec?ivl hi most
He laughed most he Lily, when be heard
the story of thcirio. ney, and applauded
their ingenuity. Obi , , big riponp new way
to raise money.. :C. P..
DANDIES.7--TheY' mere walking sticks
for female flirts; amented with brass,
heads and barelyy. Co lied with the varnish
of etiquette .` _ leads- did say ? N0.,1
thir caputs are'idil :half-'ripe mtislquelons
Monstro * us'thick s, all hvllow , auf,lide,
containing the Se -offoolishneSi,•''swiin 7
ming about with a ..ast quantity of sap.
Their moral gov: nment are a double
breasted coat of v ity,. padded With the .
silk of self-coini, Their' apparel
is - all in keeping, dis imported 'fresh
from .the devil's - 3
iolesale- and retail clo
thing establiSlini t. Tinkered _tip with
- broadcloth,linger• rigs, safety chains;soft
ioddcred vanity d impudence,:they arc
no more . gentlem , than a plated spoon is
silver. I detest, dandy as- a cat does-a
wet floor.' Ther re sole fools in. `this
I world who, after. long incubation . will
hot-bed of pride a, sick-
eas, and then go along
with all the- seal
• ckeled hen with a . black
• deep antipathy to such
hatch out froth di
ly brood of ftl74 I
in the iYath!'af ppn
iin porton ce. ofc =ll
chicken. I haii I
people. ' ' .1'
Ms FlusT. Pitzp.—Some time since, a
gliperanuated o_ Pointnadore 'was placed
in charge of on 4 our navy
j yards. One
day a poor littl tallow bad just filled his
basket with chip4as the gouty old Com
modore " hove i)ttight"_and'grOwled out,
"Drop that irciod, you young rascal
Drop it, Isayi."i I,- .
• • A chase ensueLl • The boy was. small
li p
'and Woad heal-, and ; resently the old
- commiitio're, pufitig a . ," browhtg, siezed
the boy by the soar. . umpingtaWay and
dumping the' 4s at his feet, the'boy
- exclaimed, . . ~
" Take it, youthirned old Skintlit ; it's
the first prize yorrer took in your lifer"
.1 . EFT E liSON'S IADDLE.—The writer of the
Declaration of I dependence was passion
atelyl find of MI Dig. and is. said to, hive
e . reelledin OM ng ou that instrument.—
In 17701iis faiiily ituinsion Wits . bullied.
Mr.-Jefferson , ised to tell -in after'years,
with great - .glee, ,aii'.anecdote connected .
with the fire„ lle : was.absent from home
iwciwineft.boauciggaiiiina;*.4l4.:iiii.s.,r4.4..ia, ; ;Amt o
`or xi:lrv:MN Atoollisi , a laik 434'. - -.1..-., - alaAilt, az
After learning_ the, general destruction he
inquired:. ' But were none of thelbook
'saved?" "No, massa, , but we silved'the
._ .
Here's a chance for i somebody.: A
Miss Katie AltOn, of Corning, N.Y.,- gives
a - Ilotice in the Corninglourual, that she
walle to marry some young man possess: .
e 4 of an ordinary share of common
qie describes herself as admirably fitted
El render - home. agreeable. Katie Alton
nds very pretty ; it is a romantic name,
al-the young woman may have a 'roman
li e
ti turn of mind. Young men possessed
cr; 4
n ordinary share of cc - hum!' sense, ad
, ~ ss Katie at.oncd_, if you Want such a
:- r. creature to make home agreeable.
. .
Rey. Ephraim Johnson, of Pittsfield.
-- 0.; heard that one of his, two sons in Abe
.41y „was sick in a,,Ncw York - hospital',
that the other, had lost . a leg, atYred
. - sburg. • Starting/ jinn:A:lately to:find
iel, m, he met the. dead body of4ne,- and
li, : rying on to assist the living' Son, .was
bed of his scanty:purse by the way, and
.. ched
. Washington 'only- to learn that
seCOndboy was dead ant buried. A
i ar.
' .." il f s ri: c : n d e p s r 4 o: 4 l :ll se e d o ,:o::s w e o n r d e tli i e k b il o lg dy: f t:
home. -The coffin . came, but by a anis
the body was a stranger's l . ..'
ii.; g:Cleraynian whose ' preaching, they
lir heard that dik, The sermon was,like
is i
a ::
r` lain Man mentioned in a e,eitain biog :
; "very poor andvery pious.". What
~. .. .. -
6. ontinulc of bam, asked Broin.' Well
I .. k,rsaid Jones, he did much. better
1 1 /0 - ;years ago. , : . AVlty lie didn't - preaeb at
attiten, said Brown. . Titte,repliedlOnes,
htiitAat's what I mean.' r . .:,
. .
dandy, having entered amena(Terie
• 4,
sn'olan a 0 a cigar, the_ manager - requested -
bid,* take .the 'weed front his mouth lest
II:41161dd' teach • tile other monkeys bad
. '
40, The GlnerafAssonb ly of Kentucky
Mil late, scission' enacted a law ; which
that it shall not belaWful forany
se oo or irgiatto ouretending
to lAiiffe unAer or by virtue of the Proe
braoOn of tie President . , of the United
datedithe Ist - of Sanna6r, 1863 de r ,
elating free slangs in certain States and
ptirts'of Statis or apsitiilar proeleination
or offer ofte government of the United
s t ate - 4 Or a. , officer :or-agent thereof, -to.
An igisite. to reinain in that State.
tions are thrtiwn out, that - our
~drafted men are soon to
General planed over them,
efP . r.rarke! Gloucester, of
ilia 'case. is urged by the
Otters of - Fre!,men, a. Ulnion ,
(*roes "Potrhkeepsie.—
1 131 . 9 A-1:leg,
in tilitPer4 1
Ne York.
sonsAll 4 A.
L e . e Of .
contemporary, in 'coin-
Loae 30 . -.' . the Know
s' it iii the's4T.o-441 Skunk
I. 26„ 1863.
. The Woman's Loyal League— ,
(A Female Loyal League has been got
up as an ally to male, affair. : The lady
league; while adopting the same principles
as their loyal - brethren,' are.: 'Midi More
honest-in exOnning• What their loyalty
consists of: The appendea report of one
'of their meetings, held in Dr. Cheever's
church,. shows that " loyalty" only means
Suiport•Of Lincoln. hi making . this a ,war •
for abolition,.aud a preferene for negroeii.
'Read tile proceedings - and show their; to
your nelghbors.) •
Miss Susaniß. Anthony took the chair:
Miss Willard, of Pennsylvania, said if
Vallandighlmi or any such man was 14ade
President,oshe did .not knoW What:she
then mig.4 not d0..1n
r such an event it
would be` the duty of-
,women to form an
other kind of league. She had great con
fidence in Lincoln.. Ile - was the Moses
who Would bring them from Egypt to the
Promised - Land. (Applause.)
A gentleman was very anxious •to
speak, but was superseded:bra ladrdress
ed in widow's weedS, - spppoSed•to be:Con
siderably over eighty; years Of ageOvho
tu,ade a speech saying that' the President,
was not to be trusted in: the cause of free
dom, and that hername 'was Maginley.
Mr. Madison the man anxious to speaki,
then spoke. • lie thought the war shoal
be-for freedom.' - .- •
Mrs. White wanted to know if we could
be loyal-to a government •in 'which we
•no confidence?
The following resolution was then read:-
Re.tyved, That we the loyal .*omen of
the nation, assembled in •N,ew' York this.
.14th,day May,.1:363, organize a Wom
an's ;National Loyal League in support of
the government, in so far as the war IM.
freedom. - • ,
• A lady so aged that she had difficulty
in hearing requested that the resolution
might Le read again.
It was then adopted. without a dissent
ing vote, by.tbe loyal wouien of the na
tion.. . -.- '
The loyal women then 'went. into ton
siderationlof this resolution
• Resolved, That we. rejoice t in: theloeal
loyal .women's leagues already formed,
and enrnestly,recomMend organiiation
throughout the country, and we urge wo
men everywhere• to take'. the ground of
loyalty to: our country right, not.wrong. -
- - e 7 '''l l / 9 040.441101144g,Aitke the
teague and of - itaarlllaiieir
W , the loyal women of do ,here
by,pledge ournclyes justice and
huinanity, and the government, in so-, fir
as it makes the' war for freedom.
Miss Anthony said this -pledge differed
from Others - , placing a - bound to their
loyalty. - There has been Ohne when the
policy of the government was to-prosecute
the, War Wiihaut hutting, slavery, but it
was now turned
.toward - feeedam. If the
government should go back, , or tack about
as they say, to
,its first policy, she could
not be-loyal..
Mrs. SpeneC.-Lls the 'government now
pursuing.a paliey'of 'universal emaneipa
tiim ? r•
Miss Anthony—Only partially. , •
Mrs. Spence—How can you be loyal 'to
it then ? „ .
Mr. Madison—They are enslaving men
in Kentucky. by hundreds. _
Mrs. Elizatieth . .Cady Stanton—lt seems
to me the government has its face in the
direction of freedom.
• Mrs. SpenceEnough.'- - _ • "
-.Mrs. ;Willard,. of Pa.l don't think we'
poor human beings Ought: to .eximet. our
.President, to accomplish wonders in a min
ute-4or it will lie a - Wonder when all the
.slates in this land . are free.. When a man
sets . out .to. Walk a mile he does not go
one leap, he goes step by step.-
. • .41IrS. Maguiley. n..octogenarian)—We'
should'have confidence in the Presidentif
he were not constantly undoing the work
that , has been- but partially_ done: 'lle
keep si:secesSionists . abetithini; and keeps
good men idle.. - . - '
On. the Vote for, the pledge two voted]
against it, many voted :limit.
resolution proposed Was :
Rejoiced, Tliat we hail the conscription
act . as necessary and Just for - the salvation
"of our country, arid that . we cheerlidly :ref
! sign to it our,husbands, brother4loyers
and sons. -.
An absent minded 'gentleman,.-at the
mention of the word lovers ; ,Was - obserVed
to.glane,e at some of the leading ladies,
Who were not ideals of physical lovelincgs,
l and to smile incredulously.
I MrS:Spenee-4f yOur husbandi, sons or
loVers" have 5300;-these is aqnestion.. You
see, now, what I want .. to get is thiS - ;
Suppose the - draft milli I :enforced ; would
you, have the ghlethe 's3oo; or would
you:.say to'them, be loyal: and go; and
not pay. your 55304?
- MiSs see.the point,
Mrs. Stanton—NO, urge Ahem into it as .
the path' 'Of glory... (Applanse froni the 1
female' f;Ortioii of the audience.)
- A: lady-,asked if. truly loyal men` woul -1
not go*itbout; being conscripted, and - if.
Cianscription .lAII4. not inconsistent - with
lOyalty, and_ -Wrong ?. , . •
311.8. f. Willaid thought it *as- good
thing, because it Would snake copperheads
go if they bad not $3OO, -
voice-=-I . ;What . kind of a soldier , would
. coPperheid make.?.. -
,Mrs. LOveland- good . one.: Depend
, ,
upon it, a mint' who-could brave the .re-
proach- and contemp t i. connimnity,
you 'get a mu - sket in his' hand and mus
e behind him will make a good soldier.
. A young, able-bodied 'man, whe was not
dressed in soldier's'nniform,. stated to be"
named Charles Stebbins, corrected the
mistake that - the priee-of substitutes was
fixed at t 300. - The law merely i3aid - that
it should not exceed that, and the price
Might be Mitch less. Several , Other able-•
younc , men lOoked .comforteditt
• Angelinivdriinke Weld, Wing put On
her ip.eetaeles, then read an address to the
s.oldiers,. in a solemn but inaudible tone.
It 'appeared to hive some. - :referenee to
. .. . .
. .
slavery... ,
~ .. - . .
Ws: Loveland,--I am a Sailoi'i wife and
fish our sailors. rnicthebe mentioned.' In
a storm they • -will climb the masts at' the
same time with - a black man. (Applanie.)
There are many companies,
who are colored men;
A resolution was diaii propbsed, - 'as kiss
Anthony said, 'to give' -s.ome practical la
bor-to the league, which't, last whi.pass
edillifthe following form':.
Resolved, That is to edimite
the nation in the true idea ofa•Christian
_republic. .
-- One lady wanted it in the idea of free
. •
Another in the idea of ebriatianitY, •
Mrs. Maninly7-I Want • the.nieeting* to
understand-that we•are to .. educate the .
blaCka, - and not apply the'resortition atOne
-to the whites.' Nine-tenths Of the whites' -
can Oducate themselves, sa we take
care Of the blaCks and let the *bites_ take
care of themselves. .(Applause.) * •
. • Another lady said as 4o educating the
blacks -she thought we found.a good ma
more heathen among the Whites than
among the blacks, and ihey_needed educa
tion. - Where we tind there -imp. so many
whites •afraid - . of slavery and to
have amnion with slavery, they iieeemis*-
:sionaries; we should try !to od such some
good , : • We. .Should try save the swo- -
.mefivtost,for the most pitiful - tllo
world - was. a.woman in favor of slavery.
.Stanton—l desire very mtich_to
keep the word republie. -••-- •
Lady —I can't see. that there's any
thing to_ 'be-afraid of in putting Christian
. • • •
Mrs. Spence—MY idea on that. point: s
this : As I understand your 'inovemeneit
..44nfaver of tlieWari to save the reptib-'
VACl(lr 2 laiWirrlVOttviinseiger..
. . .
example froth yoUr Jesus tells yob to !Wit
your swordl' into plowshares.. If airian
takes your coat you are to let bird:have'
your cloak also, and you are to love:lQ:Ur
'enemies. 'You • are educated ,as.
Cans, that if you ;are smitten on one
cheek to turn the other to lie smitten.;—,
This is the sentitnent:you •Call Christiani- •
t = •
Consequently if yOu are . goingrto aid
in a war you must leave Christianity b out
of the question. (Applause.) • '
Mrs. Stanton-7-13iit Jesus also. *says !mit)
your neighbor as yeurSelf., -VI 'see a
'strong man heating a child.cruelly;itis-
Cristian dutylolirotect it. ; ) • .
SpencA—But what was Jesus:iik
-thod"Of subduing that strong Mari?' Was -
it by the sitord • or by the influence Of, -
. _ •
~ .-
A lady in 'a Quaker bonneti-econtrast;
followed. She' did not like the word
. 4 ,.‘
league,". and wished - - soine other. Word
h-ad been - chosen
3lrs. Lovelimdled
ec in . to act as treas...
urer, saying that her husintud refused"
her permission some yeariaga to handle
other people's money : - • .
. Many ladies then sinned their names as
members, after ,whkth an - adjournment
was' efft f cted.
Cara is stated that a large'number of
the soldiers 'kit , to Connecticut to save
thoßepublicaiis - froin i defeat, did .not re
turn to „their. regiments. - . After- voting -
the Republican ticket they : Pc - 11'ot 'Cana
da! has been ati - certatned 'that full •
3500 soldiers - wcie sent home
. to vote for
the Abolitionists, every one,plede:ed . to do
so. In addition to these; more'illanlooo
were sent to this State; and ninny. thotui ,
ands to other Stqtes. :In view 'ot this, it,
is no wonder that Gen.- Foster was sur
rounded, our 'camp at 'Suffolk invested,
and our: forceS everywhere on , the defen
- siVe. :When Lincoln 'parched th,Otroops
upon - Connecticut and - New Main shire, .
he, gave the signal .for • the Confederates
to march theirs upon our.weakeried forces.
Thus at every turn has the -cOuntry been
sacrificed • for _ politics. New Hampshire
Patriot. • • . .
TtliSTt+. the draft Af instructions far
the delegatds to the firstßevolu
tionary congreSS,dranin up lty Thoatrias -
Jefferson, we find fiuc hi his detail of guidance
his indignation / thus vigorously exp . :cased:
- "The " fetched criminal if ho happens
to havri4ffended on, the American - side,
strippCd of hispri - vilege of - trial by peers
of his vicuiage removed from
where alone full evidence could be obtain
ed. ' without money, -withent corinsel,
• without friends, witliout.exculpatory evi--•
dence„ is ttiod - before judges 'predetermin
ed to condemn. The who would
suffer it eountrymau to be tort front their
society, in order to be thus:offered A 1"440.
race to rarliamentarir . -4314.nn3V.- would
merit - that everlasting infamy now fixed
on the author of the act." -